In every school setting, students are perpetually in search of academic success, the
expressed in the form of good scores and prizes as a result of hard work and
well as in the learning process. It is considered as a key criterion to judge one’s total
The higher education performance will depend upon the academic performance of
Durden and Ellis, who observed that “the measurement of students previous
educational outcomes are the most important indicators of student’s future achievement:
this refers that the higher the previous appearance, the better will the student’s
Nwegbu, asserted that habit saves time and saves effort. It is through the help of
techniques that we carry out daily routines. Therefore, good study techniques are
Bad or poor study habits make the process tedious (Swift 2007). Furthermore,
whenever a student develops effective study technique, his learning skills, memory
processing strategies and his general test and his examination performances
academic performance will improve their performance inside the classroom and improve
their grades.
This study delves on the habits of Senior High School students affecting their academic
1. What is the level of academic performance of Senior High School students when
taken as a whole group and when categorized according to the variables of year
2. Are there significant differences in the common study habits of Senior High
School students when categorized according to the variables of year level, sex,
High School students when categorized according to the variables of year level,
4. Is there a significant relationship between the study habits and the academic
1. There are no significant difference in the common study habits of CPU Senior
High School students when categorized according to the variables of year level,
2. CPU Senior High School students have moderate to very high level of academic
Senior High school students when categorized according to the variables of year
4. There is no significant relationship between the common study habits and the
Study Habits
Year Level
School of Origin Performance
Theoretical Framework
and interest in subject matter. Ignoring these perceptions and experiences in favor of
traditional goals measured by test scores will decrease motivation and ultimately lower
educational achievement. Wang, Haertel, and Walberg (1997) analyzed the content of
179 handbook chapters and reviews and 91 research syntheses and surveyed
effective attributes, the peer group, school culture, and classroom climate (Greenberg et
al., 2003). Distant background influences were less influential. Wang et al. (1997)
The purpose of this quantitative study is to distinguish the different study habits of the
students, specifically the Senior High School students in Central Philippine University,
and to perceive their academic performance. The findings which this study will reveal,
may benefit certain groups and the benefits they may be able to gain are as follows:
Students- the outcome of this study will help students in understanding the effect
on study habit and study environment on their academic performance and helps in
Parents- the parents would be able to know how to encourage their children to do
well in their classes. And it will help them understand how their children study.
Teachers- they would also learn something through experiencing their students
comes to the students study habits and their academic performance. The results of the
study will help them encourage more students to do well in their academic performance.
It would encourage them to set up programs that would help students who have poor
Future Researchers- this research will also serve as a resource base to other
scholars and researchers interested in carrying out further research in this field
Definition of terms
For clarity and precision, the following conceptual and operational definition of terms are
Sex- The state of being male or female. The term sex refers to a person’s
biological characteristics.
School of Origin- the school that the child or youth attended when permanently
housed or the school which the child or youth was last enrolled.
- covers the last two years of the K to 12 program and includes Grades 11 and
12. In SHS, students will go through a core curriculum and subjects under a track of their
choice; A secondary school that students attend in the three or four highest grades
before college.
Senior High School- In this study, it is defined as the samples of the researchers
Study Habits- behaviours used when preparing for tests or learning academic
Year level- is a term used to describe the grade level or year of attendance of
someone who is in school. It is also used to describe the term of any type of enrolment.
This study focused on the study habits and the academic performance of senior high
school students at Central Philippine University. The scope of the study is for the NMPL
(nursing, medical technology, pharmacy and lifestyle) and STEM (Science and
Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) students of the said campus. The research
will include 200 selected NMPL and STEM both grade 11 or 12 students from central
Philippine university and their study habits and academic performances, nothing more,
nothing less. The study will take place between the months of July-September 2017. The
researchers limited this research to 200 NMPL grade 11 or 12 student, anyone younger
or older will not be included in this research, moreover anyone in a different strand and
in a different school besides Central Philippine University will not be included also, but in
The purpose of this chapter is to review relevant literature and studies on the
study habits and academic performances of students. This will provide additional
information to reinforce the presence of this study. The chapter will begin with a
discussion of the possible related literatures. Following these literatures, the review will
focus on two components in each subject a.) Factors affecting the students study habits
b.) Factors affecting their academic performances. The last part is the summary of
related studies.
Study habits is a well-planned and deliberate pattern of study, which has attained
students. Globally researches revealed that a relationship exists between study habits
and academic performance (Bashir and Mattoo, 2012; Kurshid, Tanveer and nas
Quasmi, 2012). Study habits are students' ways of studying whether systematic, efficient
According to Crow and Crow, (2007), the chief purposes of study are: to acquire
knowledge and habits which will be useful in meeting new situations, interpreting ideas,
upon study, interpretation and application. Everyone has different study habits. All often,
students perform poorly in school simply because they lack good study habits. In many
Those students in high school who succeed especially well usually study alone
and follow a study technique that has been worked out by them and that incorporates
desirable procedures.
Good health, sufficient sleep, appropriate exercise and nutritious diet are essential to
achievement of good study results. Study conditions that are unfavorable include
physical conditions and emotional disturbance. Although habits differ from person to
Miguel A. Cerna & Ksenia Pavliushchenko, (2015) The present study estimates the
global validity of existing constructs and serves as the basis for the development of the
Self-Reported Study Habits for International Students (SR-SHI) used to identify at-risk
study habits though interviews with high performing students show that they are mainly
from low-context and individualistic countries while most low performing students come
from high-context and collectivistic countries. Among other aspects, high performing
students give opinions based on reading material and class content, use the expression
“I think”, ask questions in class, are on time, ask for feedback regarding assignments,
take notes in class and while studying, look for the professor after class, seat at the front
of the classroom and attend every class, study in silence and alone at regular times
along the whole semester, read the material about two weeks before the exam, review
notes before the exam, talk about the content with other students. On the other hand,
low performing students remind quite the whole semester, miss at least three classes
per semester, are normally late, sit at the back of the classroom, don’t take notes in
class and never look for the professor after class-hours. It seems that specific training
programs at the start and during the semester as well as training on cultural intelligence
academic performance. However not bounded by country of origin, it seems that some
cultural aspects may affect determine habits and hence negatively or positively affect
academic performance. It becomes apparent that there exist study habits of universal
value that could be taught, monitor and tested along the study process. In order to
ensure that all students, from any country, perform well when enrolling in international
This chapter will provide additional understandings and will discuss the topic
under the methodology for instance the research design, sampling plan, respondents of
the study, data collection and instrumentation, statistical tool, and treatment of data.
Research Design
This study will use a Quantitative research design and the type of quantitative
between two variables and to establish what the effect of one on the other might be and
how that affects the relationship. This will also identify the different effects of study habits
on the students’ academic performance. Once the information gathering is done, we will
soon draw a conclusion on what is the effect of the dependent variable to the
independent variable.
The respondents of the study will be the STEM and NMPL both grade 11 and 12
Senior High School students of Central Philippine University. Made questionnaires will
origin and year level. The researchers will use the Slovin’s formula in order to determine
the sample size in which stated by Ellen (2017) Slovin's formula will enable the
researcher to sample the population with correct accuracy to reach its desired results.
Table 1
Distribution Sample
Category f
NMPL 114
Year Level
Grade 11 93
Grade 12 107
School of Origin
Public 114
Private 86
Table 1 shows the distribution of the survey questionnaire to the Senior High School
students STEM and NMPLR. They are classified according to the variables such as sex,
there were 114 male and 86 female. When classified according to grade level 93 were in
grade 11 and 107 were in grade12. When classified according to their school of origin
Sampling Plan
The researchers will use convinient sampling which will involve individuals for a
sample because they are easy to include. The participants of the study will be the STEM
and NMPLR of both grade levels, 93 grade 11 students both NMPLR and STEM, and
The data that will be needed for this study will be gathered with the use of a
personal data. The made questionnaire consisting of survey checklist in students study
habits and academic performance. The draft of the questionnaire will be submitted to the
adviser and to the fellow faculty and staff of the senior high school department. Before
the distribution of the questionnaire, the researchers will make a letter of consent and
face validity that will be given to the director of the Senior High School. After the
questionnaire has been validated, it will be distributed to the respondents of the study.
The data collected will be classified by answers in a way that offers a description of what
it is about. All of the categories will be examined if each of the data match or relevant
and also the data will be checked for errors to make sure that errors will be eliminated.
This chapter presents the data and the analysis and interpretation of data
gathered by the researchers. The charts will show how the independent variable
will have an effect in our dependent variable. The charts will also show the
When categorize according to the variables, our table showed that there
were 46.5% grade 11 both NMPL and STEM students who were our
respondents. 53.5% were grade 12 students both NMPL and STEM. There were
45.5% male respondents and 54.5% female respondents. 57.0% came from
In terms of their study habits 33.0% out of 200 respondents have a poor
study habits, 36.5% have a good study habit, and 30.5% had an excellent study
Study Habits
NMPL 25 43.8 37 56.9 37 47.43 99 100
STEM 32 56.1 28 43.1 41 52.5 101 100
Total 57 28.5 65 32.5 78 39 200 100
Chi-square= 0.500 significant p=0.256
Year Level
Grade 11 32 48.5 30 41.1 31 50.8 93 100
Grade 12 34 51.5 43 58.9 30 49.2 107 100
Total 66 33 73 36.5 61 30.5 200 100
Chi-square= 0.500 Not Significant p=0.492
there is a significant relationship between the study habits and the school of origin of a
student. 72.1% of the students coming from private school has an excellent study habit,
while 53.4% of the students coming from public school has a good study habit
there is no significant relationship between the year level and the study habits of the
Academic Performance
NMPL 25 43.8 37 56.9 37 47.43 99 100
STEM 32 56.1 28 43.1 41 52.5 101 100
Total 57 28.5 65 32.5 78 39 200 100
Chi-square= 0.500 significant p=0.256
Grade 11 21 42.0 33 50.8 39 45.9 93 100
Grade 12 29 58.0 32 49.2 46 54.1 107 100
Total 50 25 65 32.5 85 42.5 200 100
Chi-square= 0.500 Not Significant p=0.639
Study Habits
Poor 20 40.0 28 43.1 18 21.2 66 100
Good 20 40.0 22 33.8 31 36.5 73 100
The purpose of this study was to assess the correlation of the level of the study
habits and academic performance of senior high school students at Central Philippine
University SY 2017-2018.
In line with the statement of the problem and the research paradigm of this study,
the research hypothesis that there is no significant relationship between the study habits
The study assessed the common study habits of the students and the level of
their academic performance. The students that where included was the Grade 11 and 12
STEM and NMPL students of Central Philippine University Senior High School.
The profile of Central Philippine University Senior High School Students were
considered like sex, year level, common study habits, and level of academic
Based on the results of the statistical analysis of the data, the findings on academic
performance, students coming from private schools have better academic performance
compared with students coming from public school. This is obtained by summing up all
the good performing student and the excellent performing students, which brought up
the percentage of 59.35 % in private schools, while students from public schools only
the good performing students and the excellent performing students from grade 12 were
added, while the grade 11 students only managed to sum up 48.35%. On the other hand
students coming from private schools, which summed up 59.35%, still have better study
habits than those of the students coming from public schools, which summed up to only
40.65%. In year level, grade 12 students have better study habits for they summed up
Based on the findings of our research study, the following conclusions were
The year level and the study habit of a student do not affect each other.
But there is a significant relationship between the genders and the study habit of
The year level and the academic performance do not affect each other.
relationship. Students with poor study habits will only have a satisfactory grade,
but with good study habits can lead to an excellent academic performance inside
the classroom.
Our data shows that poor study habits will lead to a poor academic performance.
The student should know how to maintain their academic performance by having a good
study habit. Parents should always support their children when it comes to their studies.
Encourage them and motivate them to strive hard. Students have different study habits
that can help them excel in their academic performance. Some are aiming to pass and
some are competitive. Furthermore with the above-mentioned conclusion, since the
should give equal attention to their study habits to realize or adapt to a more repetitive
also strongly recommended the school/s should adhere with talks and symposiums
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