Statcon - Chap 5

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Gatchalian v. COMELEC, G.R. No. 32560, 22 October 1970 maintain a mental or moral power upon or over; to effect or sway by capital of which is owned by such citizens, subject to any existing right, grant,
(General words construed generally) modifications, feelings or conduct. lease, or concession at the time of the inauguration of the Government
established under this Constitution. This means to say that, under the provisions
Facts: There is nothing in the Revised Election Code which impliedly or expressly of the Constitutions, aliens are not allowed to acquire the ownership of urban or
Pursuant to the request of the advertising firms and associations of the prescribes a different meaning to the aforementioned terms. Hence, they should residential lands in the Philippines and, as consequence, all acquisitions made in
Philippines, COMELEC promulgated Resolution No. RR 707 which states that be understood in their general sense. There was likewise no manifest or contravention of the prohibitions since the fundamental law became effective
“donations of billboards to the Commission by foreigners or companies or expressed intention that the meaning of the words were to be restricted or are null and void per se and ab initio.
corporations owned and controlled partially or wholly by foreigners are not limited.Where general terms are used, the terms are to be understood in their
covered by Section 56 of the Revised Election Code.” The body also issued general meaning, unless it is expressed that they have acquired a special and 2. Prior to the Constitution, there were in the Public Land Act No. 2874 sections
Resolution RR-731 which states that the ban in Section 46 of the Revised Election restricted meaning. Hence, in this case, 120 and 121 which granted aliens the right to acquire private only by way of
Code, as amended, does not cover campaign funds and other contributions by “generaliaverbasuntgeneraliterintelligenda” applies. reciprocity. It is to be observed that the pharase "no land" used in this section
the Advertising Council of the Philippines and other contributions by the refers to all private lands, whether strictly agricultural, residential or otherwise,
Advertising Council of the Philippines and others similarly situated, during the The billboard contributions may not specifically favor a single candidate, but the there being practically no private land which had not been acquired by any of the
120 days immediately preceding a regular or special election. effect that all candidates benefit from the contribution amounts to an assistance means provided in said two sections. Therefore, the prohibition contained in
greater than the aid that may be given to one candidate. Allowing such these two provisions was, in effect, that no private land could be transferred to
Petitioner, as a candidate in the election for delegates to the Constitutional undesirable alien influence will inevitably lead to a circumvention of the laws aliens except "upon express authorization by the Philippine Legislature, to
Convention, filed a complaint with the COMELEC assailing the validity of the both protecting our national interest. The practice allegedly condoned by the citizens of Philippine Islands the same right to acquire, hold, lease, encumber,
resolutions, alleging that both are violative of Section 56 of the Revised Election COMELEC in the subject resolutions, therefore, constitute a violation of the dispose of, or alienate land." In other words, aliens were granted the right to
Code, as amended, which provides that: Revised Election Code.The law penalizing corrupt election practices should be acquire private land merely by way of reciprocity.
given a reasonable construction in the interests of the purity of the elections. The
No foreigner shall aid any candidate, directly or indirectly, or to take part in or to resolutions of the Commission on Elections Nos. RR-707 and 731 promulgated
influence in any manner any elections. respectively on August 13, 1970 and September 17, 1970 are therefore declared Krivenko v. Register of Deeds
illegal and null and void. STATUTE: In Sec.1 , Art. XIII of 1935 Constitution - “public agricultural lands shall
The prohibited active intervention of foreigners thereunder may consist of: not be alienated” except in favor of Filipinos, SAME as Sec. 5 “no private
(1) aiding any candidate, directly or indirectly, in any election; Gatchalian v. COMELEC agricultural land shall be transferred or assigned.”
(2) taking part in any election; and · “foreigner”- in Election Code, prohibiting any foreigner from contributing Both have same meaning being based on same policy of nationalization and
(3) influencing in any manner any election. campaign funds includes juridical person having same subject.
· “person”- comprehends private juridical person
The COMELEC, however, denied the petitioner’s motion, declaring "that · “person”- in penal statute, must be a “person in law,” an artificial or natural Krivenko v. Register of Deeds
contributions by foreigners to the COMELEC Billboards Committee for the person STATUTE: lands were classified into timber, mineral and agricultural
purpose of financing costs of COMELEC billboards are not made in aid or support Word “agricultural” – used in broad sense to include all lands that are neither
of any particular candidate in a particular district and that the allocation of space Gatchalian v. COMELEC timber, nor mineral, such being the context in which the term is used.
for its candidate is allowed by lottery, nor would it in any way influence the result · “any election” - not only the election provided by law at that time, but also to
of the election, ... .He then filed an appeal with the Court, contending that said future elections including election of delegates to Constitutional Convention
order of the COMELEC is null and void as contrary to law or having been issued in Malanyaon v. Lising
excess of the powers of the Commission on Elections or in grave abuse of its
discretion, and praying for a writ of preliminary as well as permanent
G.R. No. L-360 November 15, 1947 Mayor Pontanal was charged with violation of RA 3019 (Anti-Graft and Corrupt
injunction.No restraining order was issued as COMELEC itself did not implement
ALEXANDER A. KRIVENKO, petitioner-appelant, vs. THE REGISTER OF DEEDS, Practices Act). He was suspended from office but he died during his incumbency,
the said resolution. CITY OF MANILA, respondent and appellee. and while the case was pending. The case was dismissed due to his death.
Petitioner sought the payment of the Mayor's salary during his period of
FACTS: suspension pursuant to Section 13 of RA 3019 which provides - should a public
Whether or not the term “any elections,” “foreigner,” and “any candidate;” as
Alexander Krivenko, an alien, bought a residential lot in December of 1941. The officer be convicted by final judgement he shall lose all retirement or gravity
well as the terms “aid,” “take part,” and “influence,” as contemplated In Section
registration was interrupted by war. In 1945, he sought to accomplish the benefits under any law, but if he is acquitted he shall b entitled to reinstatement
56 of the Revised Election Code, had other meanings registration but was denied by the register of deed on ground that, being an and to the salaries and benefits to which he failed to receive during his
alien, he cannot acquire land within the jurisdiction. Krivenko appealed to the suspension. Malanyaon was a member of the Sangguniang Bayan of Bula,
Court. Camarines Sur. He filed an action to declare illegal the disbursement made by
The term “any elections” definitely comprehends or applies to election of
Goleta as Municipal Treasurer to the widow of Mayor Pontanal a portion of the
delegates Constitutional Convention. “Foreigner,” on the other hand, refers to
ISSUES: salary of the late Mayor as such Mayor of such municipality during the period of
both natural and juridical persons or associations or organized groups, as
1. Whether or not an alien under our Constitution may acquire residential land? his suspension from August 16, 1977 up to November 28, 1979. However, Judge
provided by Section 39 of Article 3 of the Revised Election Code, broadening the 2. Whether or not the prohibitions of the rights to acquire residential lot that was Lising dismissed the action on the ground that the criminal case against Mayor
application of the term and not limiting the prohibition to natural persons only.
already of private ownership prior to the approval of this Constitutions is Pontanal due to his death amounted to acquittal.
“Any candidate” likewise comprehends ‘some candidates’ or ‘all candidates.’ The applicable at the case at bar?
terms “aid,” “to take part,” and “influence,” were also construed in their general
sense- with “aid” referring to to support, to help, to assist or to strengthen or to
RULING: Whether or not the dismissal of the case due to the death of the accused
act in cooperation with; "to take part" means to participate or to engage in; and 1. NO. Under the Article XIII, Section 1, of the Constitution states that: All constitutes acquittal.
"influence" means to use the party's endeavors, though he may not be able to
agricultural, timber, and mineral lands of the public domain, water, minerals,
carry his point, or to exert or have an effect on the nature or behaviour of, or coal, petroleum, and other mineral oils, all forces of potential energy, and other Held:
affect the action or thought of, or modify; or to sway; to persuade; to affect; to
natural resources of the Philippines belong to the State, and their disposition, No. It is obvious that the statute speaks of the suspended officer being
have an effect on the condition or development of; to modify or act upon
exploitation, development, or utilization shall be limited to citizens of the "acquitted". It means that after due hearing and consideration of the evidence
physically, especially in some gentle, subtle, or gradual way; or to exert or
Philippines, or to corporations or associations at least sixty per centum of the against him the court is of the opinion that his guilt has not been proved beyond
reasonable doubt. Dismissal of the case against the suspended officer will not
suffice because dismissal does not amount to acquittal.

Mustang Lumber, Inc. v CA

STATUTE: Sec. 68 PD 705 - penalizes the cutting, gathering & or collecting timber
or other forest products without a license.

ISSUE: WN “lumber” included in “timber”

HELD: Reversing first ruling, SC says lumber is included in timber.

“The Revised Forestry Code contains no definition of timber or lumber. Timber is
included in definition of forestry products par (q) Sec.3. Lumber - same definitions
as “processing plants”
Processing plant is any mechanical set-up, machine or combination of machine
used for processing of logs & other forest raw materials into lumber veneer,
plywood etc… p. 183.
Simply means, lumber is a processed log or forest raw material. The Code uses
lumber in ordinary common usage. In 1993 ed. of Webster’s International
Dictionary, lumber is defined as timber or logs after being prepared for the
market. Therefore, lumber is a processed log or timber. Sec 68 of PD 705 makes
no distinction between raw & processed timber.
Claudio v. COMELEC
STATUTE (LGC): “No recall shall take place within 1 yr from the date of the
official’s assumption of office or 1 year immediately preceding a regular election”

ISSUE: Does the 1st limitation embraces the entire recall proceedings (e.g.
preparatory recall assemblies) or only the recall election?

HELD: the Court construed “recall” in relation to Sec.69 which states that, “the
power of recall… shall be exercised by the registered voters of an LGU to which
the local elective official belongs.”
· Hence, not apply to all recall proceedings since power vested in electorate is
power to elect an official to office and not power to initiate recall proceedings.

· Word or provision should not be construed in isolation form but should be

interpreted in relation to other provisions of a statute, or other statutes dealing
on same subject in order to effectuate what has been intended.

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