Autobus Vs Bautista
Autobus Vs Bautista
Autobus Vs Bautista
The Labor Arbiter dismissed the complaint but ordered Autobus to pay his 13th month pay from the
date of his hiring to the date of his dismissal, as well as his service incentive leave pay for all the
years he had been in service. Autobus appealed to the NLRC which deleted the award of 13 th month
pay based on the Rules and Regulations Implementing Presidential Decree No. 851, particularly Sec.
3 which exempts employers of those who are paid on purely commission, boundary, or task basis.
Records showed that Bautista, in his position paper, admitted that he was paid on a commission
basis. The award of service incentive leave pay was maintained. Thus, Autobus sought a
reconsideration which was denied by NLRC. CA affirmed the decision of the NLRC.
HELD: The contention of Autobus that Bautista is not entitled to the grant of service incentive leave
just because he was paid on purely commission basis is misplaced. What must be ascertained in
order to resolve the issue of propriety of the grant of service incentive leave to respondent is whether
or not he is a field personnel.
Along the routes that are plied by these bus companies, there are its inspectors assigned at strategic
places who board the bus and inspect the passengers, the punched tickets, and the conductor’s
reports. There is also the mandatory once-a-week car barn or shop day, where the bus is regularly
checked as to its mechanical, electrical, and hydraulic aspects, whether or not there are problems
thereon as reported by the driver and/or conductor. They too, must be at a specific place at a
specified time, as they generally observe prompt departure and arrival from their point of origin to
their point of destination. In each and every depot, there is always the Dispatcher whose function is
precisely to see to it that the bus and its crew leave the premises at specific times and arrive at the
estimated proper time. These, are present in the case at bar. The driver, the complainant herein,
was therefore under constant supervision while in the performance of this work. He cannot be
considered a field personnel.
Therefore, Bautista is not a field personnel but a regular employee who performs tasks usually
necessary and desirable to the usual trade of business of Autobus. Accordingly, Bautista is entitled
to the grant of service incentive leave.