Physiotherapy For Functional Motor Disorders: A Consensus Recommendation
Physiotherapy For Functional Motor Disorders: A Consensus Recommendation
Physiotherapy For Functional Motor Disorders: A Consensus Recommendation
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp-2014-309255 on 28 November 2014. Downloaded from on 2 September 2018 by guest. Protected by
attention and abnormal habitual movement patterns structures were commonly identified barriers to
through a process of education, movement retraining treatment. In addition, they rated their knowledge
and self-management strategies within a positive and as low compared to other commonly seen condi-
non-judgemental context. We provide specific examples tions. This is not surprising, given the lack of evi-
of these strategies for different symptoms. dence and descriptions of treatment techniques. In a
Conclusions Physiotherapy has a key role in the recent systematic review of physiotherapy for
multidisciplinary management of patients with FMD. FMD,3 only 29 studies were identified with a com-
There appear to be specific physiotherapy techniques bined total of 373 patients (only seven studies had
which are useful in FMD and which are amenable to more than 10 participants). Despite their limita-
and require prospective evaluation. The processes tions, these studies show promising results for
involved in referral, treatment and discharge from physiotherapy (and physical rehabilitation), with
physiotherapy should be considered carefully as a part of improvement in 60–70% of patients. In addition, a
a treatment package. recently published randomised trial of 60 patients
showed highly encouraging results from a 3-week
inpatient physical rehabilitation intervention in
patients with functional gait disorder (7 point
INTRODUCTION improvement on a 15 point scale).1 However, the
Many regard physiotherapy for functional motor literature contains little practical advice about how
disorders (FMD) as a useful part of treatment and best to carry out physiotherapy in an individual with
Open Access there is increasing evidence for its use including a FMD. There are no existing published recommen-
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randomised controlled trial.1–3 There is, however, dations. We attempt to address this issue by provid-
very little description, even in these studies, of ing recommendations for physiotherapy practice.
what physiotherapy should actually consist of. A We introduce a pathophysiological model for
common view of physiotherapy for FMD is that FMDs, on which we base our treatment strategies
when it helps, it does so only by providing a ‘face and provide practical suggestions for the patient
saving way-out’ for patients (another way of saying journey from referral to treatment and discharge.
that the precise elements of treatment are unim-
portant as recovery is entirely under the control of
the patient). On the contrary, evidence is emerging DEVELOPMENT OF RECOMMENDATIONS
that the composition of physiotherapy does matter In 2013, an occupational therapist, physiothera-
To cite: Nielsen G, Stone J, and that targeted physiotherapy based on an under- pists, neurologists and neuropsychiatrists, all with
Matthews A, et al. J Neurol pinning scientific rationale and embedded in trans- extensive experience in treating patients with
Neurosurg Psychiatry parent communication can address mechanisms FMD, met in Edinburgh, UK to produce a set of
2015;86:1113–1119. that produce and maintain FMD. We therefore met recommendations for physiotherapy treatment.
Nielsen G, et al. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2015;86:1113–1119. doi:10.1136/jnnp-2014-309255 1113
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp-2014-309255 on 28 November 2014. Downloaded from on 2 September 2018 by guest. Protected by
This is explicitly not a guideline because of the lack of evidence informed by awareness of the complexities of FMD should take
available. Instead, the recommendations seek to combine the a primary role in treatment in many patients. We also suggest
existing evidence in the literature1 3 with experience from that when psychological treatment is indicated, in some cases it
health professionals into a document that can form the basis of may be more effectively delivered after or alongside successful
further studies and can be developed further as new evidence physiotherapy:
emerges. We propose that physiotherapy has an important role in normal-
This published document is shortened from a longer version ising illness beliefs, reducing abnormal self-directed attention and
available as an online supplementary file, which contains more breaking down learnt patterns of abnormal movement through.
examples of ways to discuss certain scenarios and also case 1. Education
examples. 2. Demonstration that normal movement can occur
3. Retraining movement with diverted attention
SYMPTOM MODEL AND RATIONALE FOR PHYSIOTHERAPY 4. Changing maladaptive behaviours related to symptoms.
Our aetiological framework is a biopsychosocial framework in
which heterogeneous mixtures of predisposing, precipitating DIAGNOSIS, PHYSICIAN EXPLANATION AND REFERRAL TO
and perpetuating factors need to be considered and formulated PHYSIOTHERAPY
with the acceptance that relevant factors differ between different Recommendations for assessment and correct diagnosis of FMD
patients (table 1). are available elsewhere.14 15 There is a consensus among
More specifically, for FMD we base some of our recommenda- health professionals regarding the importance of a clear phys-
tions on a model for the mechanism of symptoms which may be ician explanation to the patient and their carers regarding the
more homogeneous between patients. In this model, FMD is diagnosis16 17 (detailed further below). The critical outcomes of
conceived as an involuntary but learnt habitual movement the explanation which appear to facilitate physiotherapy are:
pattern driven by abnormal self-directed attention. We emphasise 1. An understanding by the patient that their treating health
that this is commonly triggered by physical or psychophysiological professionals accept that they have a genuine problem (ie,
events such as injury, illness, pain and dissociation with panic and not ‘imagined’ or ‘made up’);
is mediated by illness beliefs and expectation.9–11 Life events, emo- 2. An understanding by the patient that they have a problem
tional disorder and personality traits are relevant in understanding which has the potential for reversibility (ie, a problem with
and treating some patients with FMD, especially in cases where a function of the nervous system, not damage to the nervous
clear link exists between mood/anxiety and symptom exacerbation. system) and thus is amenable to physiotherapy.
However, our recommendations, in keeping with revised criteria A physician referral to physiotherapy for FMD should ideally
in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders fifth contain a description of what the patient has been told and
edition (in DSM-5),12 move away from an assumption that ‘recent should be shared with the patient. Awareness of other relevant
stress’ and a purely psychological model are essential to under- symptoms that may be present such as pain, fatigue, memory and
stand and treat patients with FMD. concentration problems, anxiety and depression is important.
Not all patients with FMD are suitable for physiotherapy. We
PHYSIOTHERAPY WITHIN A MULTIDISCIPLINARY recommend that the following criteria should usually be met:
APPROACH TO FMD 1. Patients should have received an unambiguous diagnosis of
Physiotherapy is one of many interventions that may help FMD. FMD by a physician, preferably using the recommendations
Others may include simple education, psychological treatment, above.
occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, hypnosis, 2. The patient should have some confidence in or openness to
medication and vocational rehabilitation. We recommend, the diagnosis of FMD. Physiotherapy is unlikely to be
however, for patients with physical disability that physiotherapy helpful to someone who believes the diagnosis is wrong.
Table 1 A range of potential mechanisms and aetiological factors in patients with functional motor disorders
Factors Biological Psychological Social
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp-2014-309255 on 28 November 2014. Downloaded from on 2 September 2018 by guest. Protected by
3. The patient desires improvement and can identify treatment
goals. Box 1 General treatment principles for physiotherapy
Patients who do not fulfil all of these criteria may still benefit for functional motor disorder (FMD)
from physiotherapy. For example, to help them understand the
diagnosis or for disability management where rehabilitation has
▸ Build trust before challenging/pushing the patient.
explicitly failed. Not all patients with an acute onset of FMD
▸ Project confidence making it clear that the physiotherapist
will require additional specific treatment. A proportion will
knows about FMD.
experience spontaneous remission, but follow-up studies have
▸ Create an expectation of improvement.
shown that the majority of patients remain symptomatic in the
▸ Open and consistent communication between the
long term.6 18 Since chronicity of symptoms is associated with
multidisciplinary team and patient.
poor outcome, we would still recommend early referral of
▸ Involve family and carers in treatment.
appropriate patients to physiotherapy. The question of how
▸ Limited ‘hands-on’ treatment. When handling the patient,
much spontaneous improvement might account for the benefit
facilitate rather than support.
seen from physiotherapy (or indeed any other treatment) is one
▸ Encourage early weight bearing. ‘On the bed strength’ will
that needs to be answered via randomised clinical trials.
not usually correlate with ability to stand in functional
▸ Foster independence and self-management.
This is discussed in detail in the online supplementary material.
▸ Goal directed rehabilitation focusing on function and
The key elements are: to gain a detailed understanding of the
automatic movement (eg, walking) rather than the
range of symptoms experienced; the effect on day-to-day func-
impairment (eg, weakness) and controlled (‘attention-full’)
tion; the patient’s understanding of and level of confidence in
movement (eg, strengthening exercises).
the diagnosis already given; setting goals for physiotherapy
▸ Minimise reinforcement of maladaptive movement patterns
treatment and gaining rapport. If it is clear at this stage that the
and postures.
patient has very fixed views about an alternative diagnosis or
▸ Avoid use of adaptive equipment and mobility aids (though
has no wish to have physiotherapy, then it may not be appropri-
these are not always contra-indicated).
ate to proceed. The use of a treatment contract, as in other dis-
▸ Avoid use of splints and devices that immobilise joints.
orders, may have benefits in providing impetus for change and
▸ Recognise and challenge unhelpful thoughts and behaviours.
assisting discharge of patients not benefiting from treatment.
▸ Develop a self-management and relapse prevention plan.
Broad principles which apply to treatment of most patients with
FMD are shown in box 1. whom doubts about the diagnosis remain, these often improve
if therapy progresses successfully.
The physiotherapist, like the physician, is in an excellent pos-
Positive signs of FMD which demonstrate the potential for
ition to improve the patient’s understanding of their disorder
normal movement
throughout treatment. The explanation given should build on a
Demonstration that normal movement can occur (or that abnor-
thorough explanation from the referring physician.15 Useful
mal movement can stop) alters expectations about movement
ingredients include:
abnormalities, and can be a powerful way of convincing a scep-
1. Use of the term functional movement disorder/limb weak-
tical patient (and their family) that their diagnosis of FMD is
ness/paralysis/tremor/dystonia/myoclonus to describe the dis-
correct and the problem is potentially reversible.20 Several clin-
order. The rationale for this in preference to ‘psychogenic’ or
ical signs to elicit normal movement and differentiate functional
conversion disorder or other terms is explained elsewhere.19
symptoms from neurological disease have been described. These
2. Acknowledgement that such symptoms are real, and are not
are used as part of the diagnosis to positively identify FMDs,
imagined or ‘put on’ (ie, you believe them).
rather than it being just a diagnosis of exclusion. Some of these
3. Acknowledgement that such symptoms are common and
signs are listed in table 2.
that they are commonly seen by the treating physiotherapist.
4. Explanation that symptoms can get better, that the problem
is to do with nervous system functioning, not irreversible Retraining movement with diverted attention
damage to the nervous system. The challenge for the physiotherapist is to demonstrate normal
5. Explanation of how FMD is diagnosed using the demonstra- movement in the context of meaningful activity such as walking.
tion of positive clinical signs which demonstrate normal The key is to minimise self-focused attention by distracting or
movement (see below). preventing the patient from cognitively controlling movement
6. Explanation that a wide variety of factors may be involved and to stimulate automatically generated movement. This can be
in triggering symptoms, including physical illness and injury, achieved by altering the focus of motor attention, such as think-
and that psychological factors such as anxiety, depression or ing about a different part of the movement or trying fast, rhyth-
trauma may also be important. mical, unfamiliar or unpredictable movement.
7. Introducing the role of physiotherapy in ‘retraining’ the Distraction can occur on a cognitive level, for example,
nervous system to help regain control over movement. engaging attention away from the affected limb(s) with conver-
8. It may be important to discuss other terms used for FMD sation, music or mental tasks such as arithmetic. However,
and the fact that many health professionals have ambivalent task-orientated exercises (table 3) are preferred as they are often
or negative attitudes to FMD. more effective, translate directly into improved function and
This information should be backed up with written or online encourage implicit motor control. Meaningful automatic move-
information (eg, In patients in ment and muscle activity can be generated by weight bearing or
Nielsen G, et al. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2015;86:1113–1119. doi:10.1136/jnnp-2014-309255 1115
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Table 2 Clinical signs which can be shown to a patient with functional motor disorder to demonstrate the diagnosis and potential for
reversibility and examples of how to discuss it with patients
Hoover’s sign “I can see that when you try to push that leg down on the floor its weak, In fact the
Weakness of hip extension which returns to normal with contralateral hip flexion harder you try the weaker it becomes. But when you are lifting up your other leg, can
against resistance you feel that the movement in your bad leg comes back to normal? Your affected leg
is working much better when you move your good leg. What this tells me is that your
brain is having difficulty sending messages to the leg but that problem improves
when you are distracted and trying to move your other leg. This also shows us that
the weakness must be reversible/cannot be due to damage”
Hip abductor sign Similar to Hoover’s sign
Weakness of hip abduction which returns to normal with contralateral hip abduction
against resistance
Distraction or entrainment of a tremor “When you are trying to copy the movement in your good hand can you see that the
Abolishing tremor by asking the patient to copy rhythmical movements or generate tremor in your affected hand improves? That is typical of functional tremor”
ballistic movements with the contralateral limb (ie, index to thumb tapping at
different speeds)
The words used when asking the patient to move may also be compliance with treatment, and encourage self-management.
important. Language may help trigger automatic movement, for
example, “allow your leg to come forward” may produce move- Pain and fatigue management
ment in a better way than “step/move your leg forward.” Persistent or chronic pain and fatigue are common in patients
During physiotherapy sessions, you may pick up on cues or with FMD and often have a role in precipitating and maintain-
prompts that are more useful for individual patients. ing symptoms. Preferably, the patient should have an under-
standing that these symptoms are all linked together as one
Exercise—non-specific and graded problem (with many symptoms) rather than multiple separate
illnesses. The core of evidence based treatments for pain and
Non-specific graded exercise should be considered as part of all
fatigue involve, as suggested for FMD, (1) a change in illness
general rehabilitation programmes to address reduced exercise
beliefs from perceiving symptoms as due to damage as poten-
tolerance and symptoms of chronic pain and fatigue. There is
tially reversible; (2) recognising that chronic pain is not corre-
some evidence for this in FMD.21 Success here is dependent on
lated with harm and (3) changing maladaptive behaviours, such
getting the intensity right to prevent exacerbation of symptoms
as breaking cycles of over-activity and under-activity with
and promote adherence/compliance with the programme.
graded exercise. It may be helpful to reformulate pain as
Graded exercise has been shown in large randomised trials to
moderately improve outcomes in patients with chronic fatigue another example of the nervous system sending out incorrect
syndrome22—a common accompaniment to FMD (see below)— signals which, like FMD, can be helped by ‘re-training’ (ie,
and is likely to be beneficial to many patients. establishing more normal motor-sensory feedback). A number
of good quality evidence based guides to pain management edu-
cation and helpful patient resources exist.24 25
Some patients may find visualisation techniques helpful during Provision of equipment, adaptive aids, splints and plaster casts
movement. This may work as a form of distraction whereby the We recommend avoiding adaptive aids where possible, especially
patient imagines a more fluid motor task or pleasant scenario in acute presentations. Provision of equipment and adaptive aids
while being engaged in tasks. Visualisation may be unhelpful if can lead to adaptive ways of functioning and behaviours that
it encourages self-focus during movement. prevent the return of normal movement and result in secondary
changes such as weakness and pain.
Mirrors and video In some cases, use of equipment may be necessary for prag-
Mirrors and the use of video can be helpful in providing feed- matic reasons (eg, to ensure safety after proven injuries), in which
back to patients about their movements, posture or gait pattern case it should be considered as temporary and provided with a
which are often significantly different from how they imagine plan to wean its use. We recommend ensuring that the patient
them to be.23 Moving in front of a mirror may also help distract understands the potential harmful effects of equipment and a plan
attention from monitoring body sensations. should be in place to minimise this (eg, ensuring that the patient
1116 Nielsen G, et al. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2015;86:1113–1119. doi:10.1136/jnnp-2014-309255
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp-2014-309255 on 28 November 2014. Downloaded from on 2 September 2018 by guest. Protected by
Table 3 Examples of techniques for specific symptoms to normalise movement
Symptom Movement Strategy
Leg weakness Early weight bearing with progressively less upper limb support, eg, ‘finger-tip’ support, preventing the patient from taking weight through
walking aids/supporting surfaces
Standing in a safe environment with side to side weight shift
Crawling in 4 point then 2 point kneeling
Increase walking speed
Treadmill walking (with or without a body weight support harness and feedback from a mirror)
Ankle weakness Elicit ankle dorsiflexion activity by asking the patient to walk backwards, with anterior/posterior weight shift while standing or by asking the
patient to walk by sliding their feet, keeping the plantar surface of each foot in contact with the floor
Use of electrical muscle stimulation
Upper limb weakness Elicit upper limb muscle activity by asking the patient to bear weight through their hands (eg, 4 point kneeling or standing with hands resting on
a table) weight bearing with weight shift or crawling
Minimise habitual non-use by using the weak upper limb functionally to stabilise objects during tasks, for example, stabilise paper when writing,
a plate when eating
Practise tasks that are very familiar or important to the individual, that may not be associated with symptoms eg, use of mobile phone, computer
and tablet
Stimulate automatic upper limb postural response by sitting on an unstable surface such as a therapy ball, resting upper limbs on a supporting
Gait disturbance Speed up walking (in some cases, this may worsen the walking pattern)
Slow down walking speed
Walk by sliding feet forward, keeping plantar surface of foot in contact with the ground (ie, like wearing skis). Progress towards normal walking in
graded steps
Build up a normal gait pattern from simple achievable components that progressively approximate normal walking. For example—side to side
weight shift, continue weight shift allowing feet to ‘automatically’ advance forward by small amounts; progressively increase this step length with
the focus on maintaining rhythmical weight shift rather than the action of stepping
Walk carrying small weights/dumbbells in each hand
Walking backwards or sideways
Walk to a set rhythm (eg, in time to music, counting: 1, 2, 1, 2…)
Exaggerated movement (eg, walking with high steps)
Walking up or down the stairs (this is often easier that walking on flat ground)
Upper limb tremor Make the movement ‘voluntary’ by actively doing the tremor, change the movement to a larger amplitude and slower frequency, then slow the
movement to stillness
Teach the patient how to relax their muscles by actively contracting their muscles for a few seconds, then relaxing
Changing habitual postures and movement relevant to symptom production
Perform a competing movement, for example, clapping to a rhythm or a large flowing movement of the symptomatic arm as if conducting an
Focus on another body part, for example, tapping the other hand or a foot
Muscle relaxation exercises. For example, progressive muscle relaxation techniques, EMG biofeedback from upper trapezius muscle or using mirror
Lower limb tremor Side to side or anterior-posterior weight shift. When the tremor has reduced slow weight, shift to stillness
Competing movements such as toe-tapping.
Ensure even weight distribution when standing. This can be helped by using weighing scales and/or a mirror for feedback
Changing habitual postures relevant to symptom production. For example, reduce forefoot weight bearing
Fixed dystonia Change habitual sitting and standing postures to prevent prolonged periods in end of range joint positions and promote postures with good
Normalise movement patterns (eg, sit to stand, transfers, walking) with an external or altered focus of attention (ie, not the dystonic limb)
Discourage unhelpful protective avoidance behaviours and encourage normal sensory experiences (eg, wearing shoes and socks, weight bearing as
tolerated, not having the arm in a ‘protected’ posture
Prevent or address hypersensitivity and hypervigilance
Teach strategies to turn overactive muscles off in sitting and lying (eg, by allowing the supporting surface to take the weight of a limb. Cushions
or folded towels may be needed to bring the supporting surface up to the limb where contractures are present)
The patient may need to be taught to be aware of maladaptive postures and overactive muscles in order to use strategies
Consider examination under sedation, especially if completely fixed or concerned about contractures
Consider a trial of electrical muscle stimulation or functional electrical stimulation to normalise limb posture and movement
Functional Jerks/ Movement retraining may be less useful for intermittent or sudden jerky movements. Instead, look for self-focused attention or premonitory
Myoclonus symptoms prior to a jerk that can be addressed with distraction or redirected attention
When present, address pain, muscle over-activity or altered patterns of movement that may precede a jerk
EMG, electromyography.
with a wheelchair has the opportunity to stand and mobilise as Electrotherapies—functional electrical stimulation,
much as is safe and possible). For patients with FMD who have electromyography feedback, transcranial magnetic stimulation and
not responded to treatment, adaptive equipment may improve TENS
independence and quality of life and should be considered. The use of electricity has a long history in the treatment of
We strongly advise against immobilising a patient in splints, FMD and can be traced back to the 19th century.27 28 We
plaster casts or similar devices. In one study of fixed (functional) would not recommend any of these electrotherapies as isolated
dystonia (n=103), 15% developed their problem or deteriorated treatments. Functional electrical stimulation (FES) may be a
markedly during or after immobilisation in a plaster cast. In no useful adjunct to treatment, particularly in patients with a func-
case did immobilisation in a plaster cast result in lasting tional gait disturbance.29 Ideally, FES should be used as a thera-
improvement.26 peutic modality and not as a permanent mobility aid. Electrical
Nielsen G, et al. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2015;86:1113–1119. doi:10.1136/jnnp-2014-309255 1117
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp-2014-309255 on 28 November 2014. Downloaded from on 2 September 2018 by guest. Protected by
muscle stimulation (not necessarily FES) can be used to demon- problems that the patient will face on discharge, which may
strate normal movement and help change illness beliefs. It may result in symptom relapse. Outpatient settings have the advantage
also work at the level of motor relearning. of service provision over a longer period of time. A ‘stepped care’
Electromyography (EMG) biofeedback can be used to address approach to treatment is the ideal situation, where treatment
illness beliefs and may be useful to retrain movement in functional complexity can be escalated according to patient need.39
weakness30 or muscle relaxation for tremor and fixed postures.
Recent studies of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) OUTCOME MEASURES
also offer some promise.31 None of the published studies were This is an unresolved issue in studies of FMD. Changes in disabil-
controlled and none involved exposure to protocols of TMS ity (eg, using the Functional Independence Measure),40–43 quality
that could be considered neuromodulatory. It is most likely that of life (eg, the SF-36), clinical global impression (5 point scale)2 44
placebo and suggestion play a large role in patients where this is and cost benefit have been used. Objective research measures for
successful, although TMS may have a specific role, like hypnosis FMD, such as the Psychogenic Movement Disorders Rating
or therapeutic sedation,32 33 in being able to demonstrate move- Scale,45 have questionable value in clinical practice and also for
ment in limbs that cannot be seen to move any other way.34 research because FMD symptoms are so variable.
TMS, like FES, may therefore be a useful additional tool for
some patients, and one that specialised physiotherapists could DISCHARGE AND FOLLOW-UP/CONCLUDING TREATMENT
incorporate into their practice. A set discharge process agreed at the start of treatment
TENS, which produces a tingling sensation without pain or a (Treatment Contract/Agreement) is beneficial as it helps both
muscle twitch, has been described as a treatment for patients parties plan for the conclusion of treatment and limit potential
with FMD.35 For patients with functional anaesthesia or marked associated problems. A self-management plan should be in place
sensory loss, we have used a TENS machine with the stimulus that may include strategies and exercises that have been helpful,
setting increased to a high level to improve sensory awareness. future goals with realistic time frames and strategies to prevent a
return to unhelpful behaviours (eg, pacing, graded activity and
Falls and self-harming behaviour exercise plans to prevent boom-bust activity cycles). Setbacks
Falls in patients with FMD are often considered to have a low and symptom relapses following treatment are common and it is
risk of injury, in particular the common pattern of ‘controlled important for the patient to be prepared to manage this.
descents’. Where this is the case, staff should be made aware of A follow-up appointment several months after discharge can be
this possibility and it may be appropriate for the patient to take helpful to review and reset goals and to ‘troubleshoot’ issues
greater (apparent) risk. The situation is more complex where that may have arisen.
there is a history of self-harm which may sometimes manifest as A discharge summary letter to the patient, general practitioner
a fall. The risk of injury during therapy sessions is likely to be and relevant clinicians can have therapeutic value if it is used as
higher. In this case, clinical decisions should be made with an opportunity to reinforce information given to the patient
support from a multidisciplinary team (MDT). The physiother- and to educate others about the diagnosis and treatment.
apist can help manage this situation by being upfront about falls
injury risk, document discussions and clinical decisions in the FMD AND PSYCHIATRIC COMORBIDITY
medical notes and encourage the patient to be involved in Patients with psychiatric comorbidity are generally more highly
decision-making. represented in a group of patients with FMD compared to the
general population. For some patients, psychiatric comorbidity
TECHNIQUES WE DO NOT RECOMMEND may be present, relevant to the onset of FMD and require spe-
There are a number of rehabilitation approaches described in cialist psychiatric treatment. This may need to be before (eg,
the literature that we advise against using as first-line treatment. where an individual is at risk of self-harm or reluctant to engage
These are: in physical rehabilitation), during or after physiotherapy. Our
1. Deception of the patient through any form. For example, telling experience is that psychotherapy (in particular, treatment for
the patient that lack of recovery means the symptoms are all in anxiety and depression) is often more successful after some
the mind,36 including the use of deceptive placebo treatments. improvement has occurred during physiotherapy.
2. Confining the patient to a wheelchair outside of therapy ses-
sions while their gait pattern remained affected by functional LIMITATIONS
symptoms.37 This document aims to address the problem of a lack of infor-
3. Managing functional symptoms with surgery. Surgical proce- mation and evidence for physiotherapists treating patients with
dures are a commonly reported precipitant of FMD.10 26 FMD. We recognise that there are a number of limitations to
Some patients with fixed functional dystonia seek amputa- our recommendations. Most significant is that they are based on
tions which usually result in a worsening of symptoms.38 limited evidence. Our aim is only to provide advice for phy-
There may be a role for tendon lengthening surgeries in siotherapists. We recognise that physiotherapy is only one part
cases with fixed contractures confirmed by evaluation under of the MDT, and other disciplines such as occupational therapy
anaesthesia; however, this comes with a risk of exacerbating and psychological therapies may have an equal or greater role in
functional symptoms and chronic pain. particular patients. Patients with FMD are a heterogeneous
group and each patient will have unique factors contributing to
The optimum treatment setting, duration and intensity are
unknown and are likely to vary with symptom severity, chronicity CONCLUSIONS/SUMMARY
and possibly presentation/phenotype. Inpatient settings allow for FMDs are complex and the aetiology is multifactorial. Patients
the reduction of social and environmental factors that may be with this diagnosis are therefore heterogeneous. Treatment needs
working to trigger or maintain symptoms and for higher intensity to reflect this. Physiotherapy aimed at restoring movement and
of treatment. Domiciliary treatment can target real world function has face validity, is becoming evidence based and is
1118 Nielsen G, et al. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2015;86:1113–1119. doi:10.1136/jnnp-2014-309255
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp-2014-309255 on 28 November 2014. Downloaded from on 2 September 2018 by guest. Protected by
acceptable to patients. Physiotherapy resources are currently 13 Stone J, Carson A. Functional and dissociative ( psychogenic) neurological
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not exist and there is a lack of information for physiotherapists to 14 Edwards MJ, Bhatia KP. Functional (psychogenic) movement disorders: merging
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mendations that we present are aimed at helping physiotherapists 15 Stone J. The bare essentials: functional symptoms in neurology. Pract Neurol
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17 Espay AJ, Goldenhar LM, Voon V, et al. Opinions and clinical practices related to
Author affiliations diagnosing and managing patients with psychogenic movement disorders:
Sobell Department of Motor Neuroscience and Movement Disorders, UCL Institute an international survey of movement disorder society members. Mov Disord
of Neurology, London, UK 2009;24:1366–74.
Therapy Services, The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, 18 McKenzie P, Oto M, Russell A, et al. Early outcomes and predictors in 260 patients
London, UK with psychogenic nonepileptic attacks. Neurology 2010;74:64–9.
Department Clinical Neurosciences, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh, UK 19 Edwards MJ, Stone J, Lang AE. From psychogenic movement disorder to functional
Institute of Neurological Sciences, Southern General Hospital, Glasgow, UK movement disorder: it’s time to change the name. Mov Disord 2013;29:849–52.
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