Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point: Health Practices On Cruise Ships: Training For Employees Transcript
Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point: Health Practices On Cruise Ships: Training For Employees Transcript
Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point: Health Practices On Cruise Ships: Training For Employees Transcript
National Center for Environmental Health
Vessel Sanitation Program
Health Practices on Cruise Ships: Training for Employees
Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Vessel Sanitation Program is proud to
bring to you the following session: HACCP. While this presentation is primarily intended
for cruise vessels under the jurisdiction of the Vessel Sanitation Program, it may also be
used by anyone who is interested in this topic. This session should not be used as a
replacement for existing interactive training, but should be used as an adjunct to a
comprehensive training program.
HACCP. Learning objectives. At the end of this presentation, you will be able to list the
seven HACCP principles and describe how they apply to food safety, list the challenges
of implementing a HACCP plan on a cruise vessel, list the ways in which HACCP can be
implemented, and list the areas on the vessel where HACCP can be used.
HACCP: what is it? HACCP stands for Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point. HACCP
was developed in conjunction with NASA and the Pillsbury company, and this system of
providing safe food has been incorporated worldwide.
HACCP principles include principle one: hazard analysis; principle two: critical control
points; principle three: critical limits; principle four: monitor; principle five: corrective
action, principle six: records; principle seven: verify or verification. Each one of these
principles will be discussed in detail during this presentation.
Hazard Analysis: Principle Number One. Analyzing the hazard of food is very important.
Many individuals consider the food as the problem. For example, raw chicken. Raw
chicken does not make people ill. It is the pathogenic bacteria on the raw chicken that
makes you ill. Therefore, it's very important to look at each food that's coming on to the
vessel when you're developing a HACCP plan and to analyze a hazard, whether it's a
microbiological hazard, a chemical hazard, or a physical hazard. We will predominantly
be discussing microbiological hazards, and specifically in microbiological hazards, we
have bacterial, parasitic, and viral hazards. We will be discussing bacterial hazards for
this demonstration. In considering the hazard associated with the food, we must assess
the risk of occurrence: high, medium, or low. We will use bacteria and raw chicken as an
example. The risk of this hazard occurring in raw chicken is considered to be high. So
therefore we will follow the flow of chicken considering the hazard of bacteria.
Additionally, during the hazard analysis step, we must consider the flow of the food
through a recipe. Hazards may be associated with a preparation step. For example,
hazards can occur during preparation if crosscontamination is a problem.
Critical control point, principle number two. A critical control point is a point, step, or
procedure where the hazard that's associated with the food can be prevented, eliminated,
or reduced to acceptable levels. Some critical control points can include cooking. For
example, raw poultry is associated with bacteria. The bacteria can be eliminated, reduced,
or prevented by cooking raw poultry to 165 degrees Fahrenheit for 15 seconds. As
another example, reheating can be a critical control point. If we take a stew for
example, a beef stew if we reheat that beef stew to 165 degrees for 15 seconds, we can
eliminate any bacteria that might have grown during the cooling and the cold holding
steps. Holding can also be considered a critical control point. Cold holding, hot holding,
or using time control during holding can prevent bacterial growth. It is important to
consider, whether using cooking, cooling, holding, or reheating, time is a factor in any
one of these critical control points.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Center for Environmental Health
Vessel Sanitation Program
Critical limits, principle number three. We've identified the hazard associated with raw
poultry as being bacteria. We have identified some critical control points for example,
cooking. Now we must identify critical limits. Critical limits can be found in the Vessel
Sanitation Program operations manual. These critical limits were obtained from the 1999
FDA model food code. If we are considering raw poultry again, the critical limit that we
must achieve for pathogen destruction is a temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit for a
time of 15 seconds minimum. There are other food industries that might use pH,
moisture, preservatives, or water activity to control bacterial growth. As an example, beef
can be taken and dehydrated, which results in beef jerky. Beef jerky has a water activity
below .85 and is no longer considered to be a potentially hazardous food. In this example,
the critical limit is .85 water activity level.
Corrective action, principle number five. Things happened. Things do not always go as
planned, and predetermined courses of action should be in place prior to these things
happening. The cause of deviation should be fixed and records should be maintained for
an affective batch. As an example, temperature control is used on a hot buffet line in the
galley. A temperature is taken of beef chili, which is found to be at 128 degrees
Fahrenheit. Not only does the cause of the deviation need to be corrected; a determination
needs to be made on the disposition of the food. Is the food going to be reheated to 165
for 15 seconds and placed back on the line? Is the food going to be discarded because it's
a leftover and has already been reheated? Or perhaps the food wasn't cooked properly to
begin with. A lot of questions would need to be asked to not only decide what is to be
done with the food, but also to find out why was the food at 120 degrees Fahrenheit to
begin with. This may also involve fixing the hot line where the food was placed. It could
be equipment failure that caused the temperature deficiency.
Records, principle number six. Records include the HACCP plan, flow diagrams,
operational records, and these should all be simple and meaningful. Operational records
includes things as simple as ensuring that equipment is washed, rinsed, and sanitized,
taking temperatures of warewashing units and manual compartments, a three
compartment sink basically the things that are done day to day on a normal basis.
Verify, principle number seven. Critical limits are acceptable. Critical limits can be
verified by viewing the Vessel Sanitation Program's operational guidelines. Critical limits
for pathogen destruction can be found there. Want to verify that the HACCP plan is
functioning effectively, and this means that what is going on in the galley corresponds
with what the plan describes. HACCP plans need to be revalidated. This can occur
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Center for Environmental Health
Vessel Sanitation Program
through independent audits, and this can be as simple as having an executive chef from
one ship visit another and take a new approach or new look to ensure that things are
going on effectively. Or a HACCP plan can be verified through government oversight,
and this would be by the Vessel Sanitation Program reviewing the HACCP plan.
We will go through the HACCP principles one more time. Principle number one, hazard
analysis. Principle number two, critical control point. Principle number three, critical
limit. Principle number four, monitor. Principle number five, corrective action. Principle
number six, records. Principle number seven, verification.
HACCP implementation. There are numerous challenges to implementing HACCP plans
on cruise vessels, and these can include a variety and changing menus. Menus on cruise
vessels change for various reasons, either because of itinerary changes, either because
passenger ethnicity or nationalities change, or food sources are not available at the time
they are needed and the menu has to change subsequent to that inavailability.
Additionally, challenges to HACCP implementation can include turnover rate. Each time
employees turn over, this requires additional training. And HACCP plan implementation
can also be difficult due to economic and human resources, lack thereof.
HACCP implementation. HACCP can be implemented using the classical approach. In
this approach, each potentially hazardous food is taken through the seven HACCP
principles: hazard analysis, critical control points, critical limits, on and on. This can be
very cumbersome and time consuming and for cruise vessels can be very difficult,
because by the time this HACCP plan has been developed, an itinerary change can occur,
requiring the HACCP plan to begin all over again.
HACCP implementation. HACCP implementation using the categorical approach, while
simpler and easier to follow than the classical approach, is also time consuming and
cumbersome. Each food is placed into a category, and then the seven HACCP principles
are followed through for each category.
HACCP implementation using the process approach is the easiest approach to use on a
cruise vessel, and this is the approach we will discuss from here on. Using the process
approach, each food is reviewed, and it's decided how many times the food goes through
the danger zone. If the food goes through the danger zone, which is 41 degrees
Fahrenheit to 140 degrees Fahrenheit, less than one time, that is considered to be process
one. If the food goes through the danger zone one time, that is considered to be process
two. If the food goes through the danger zone two or more times, that is to be considered
process three. An example of a food that falls into the process one would be tuna salad.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Center for Environmental Health
Vessel Sanitation Program
Tuna salad is not a food that is cooked or heated, therefore it does not go through the
danger zone. An example of a process two food would be hamburgers or hot dogs or
steaks cooked to order. These foods go through the danger zone, but they only go through
the danger zone once. They can be cooked and served. Foods that are cooked and hot
held additionally are considered process two foods. So for example, scrambled eggs in
the morning that are cooked and hotheld only go through the danger zone one time and
are considered process two foods. Examples of process three foods, foods that are cooked
and cooled and served cold, can be many of the items in the pastry area of the vessel
including cheese cakes, creme brulee, and various other items. They can also be foods
that are cooked, cooled, and reheated for service, such as gravies, stocks, soups, and
HACCP implementation using the process approach. All foods follow specific common
steps, and we will consider that all foods go through receiving, storing, preparation. It is
after this that we must determine whether the food is a process one, process two, or
process three. Again, to review, process one, the foods are received, stored, prepared,
coldheld, and served. They may also be received, stored, prepared, and served. Again,
the food does not go through the danger zone. Process two foods can be received, stored,
prepared, cooked, and served, for cookedtoorder foods, or they can be received, stored,
prepared, cooked, and hotheld and served. This, again, is a process two food. For process
three foods, the foods are received, stored, prepared, cooked, cooled, and served cold, or
received, stored, prepared, cooked, cooled, reheated and served or reheated and hotheld
prior to service. Again, this is a process three.
HACCP challenge. At this point in time, we will take a brief pause from the lecture
portion of the presentation to go into an activity section. During this activity, recipes
should be distributed to attendees. Please ensure that recipes are included that involved
each process approach: a process one recipe, a process two recipe, and a process three
recipe. For this exercise, we will be using HACCP principles, the first six, to design a
HACCP plan for each food item selected. Each food item should be analyzed for hazards.
Critical control points should be identified from the flow of the food. For each critical
control point identified, critical limits must be set. Monitoring methods must be planned.
And standard operating procedure should be mapped in a HACCP plan. The culmination
of this activity should be a flow diagram that has been designed following the flow of the
food, identifying critical control points, and setting critical limits. Please pause the
presentation now while recipes are distributed.
At this point, we will now distribute the water throughout the vessel. And here again we
will find a critical control point. Prior to water being distributed throughout the vessel, a
test needs to be made to determine the chlorine...or the freechlorine residual that is
present in the water. If the freechlorine residual is below a certain level, additional
chlorine must be added prior to distribution. This again, this halogenation step or
chlorination, is considered a critical control point a point, step, or procedure where the
hazard, bacteria, can be eliminated, prevented, or reduced to acceptable levels. Because
we have a critical control point, we must also have a critical limit. For this critical control
point, the critical limit is 0.2 to 5.0 parts per million or milligrams per liter. This water is
then distributed throughout the vessel. Again, considering HACCP, there are certain
monitoring procedures that must be performed. For production or bunkering, manual
monitoring can occur as is discussed in the potable water session. At the far point, there is
monitoring and record keeping as well. The far point analyzer chart recorder can both be
considered the monitoring method and the recording method, because a chart recorder is
part of this piece of equipment.
Additionally, HACCP can be used in the recreational water systems on the vessel. Again,
we would analyze the hazard which would typically be microbiological parasites,
viruses, and bacteria and we would decide, "What do we do to this recreational water,
"which can be found in swimming pools or whirlpools, "to eliminate the hazard, reduce it
to acceptable levels, or prevent it?" We would either halogenate that water, which
includes bromine or chlorine. Additionally, we might filter the water, which does
minimal to reduce pathogens, but does take care of some larger organisms.
HACCP can be also used in the housekeeping section of the vessel. Predominantly during
housekeeping, we are concerned about Norovirus. Norovirus can be eliminated or
prevented or reduced to acceptable levels by using disinfection procedures. This would
make disinfection the critical control point. Now that we have identified disinfection as
the critical control point, we must also determine critical limits. The critical limits for this
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Center for Environmental Health
Vessel Sanitation Program
critical control point would be based on the manufacturer's recommendations for the
disinfectant chosen. There are other areas of the vessel where HACCP can be used.
This concludes the HACCP session. Resources and reference. For further information on
HACCP or food safety, please visit www.cdc.gov For further information on the Vessel
Sanitation Program, please visit www.cdc.gov/nceh/vsp. For further information on the
Food and Drug Administration, please visit www.fda.gov or visit www.cfsan.fda.gov.
For information on the United States Department of Agriculture, please visit
www.usda.gov or www.fsis.usda.gov.