Dilg Bneo 2014
Dilg Bneo 2014
Dilg Bneo 2014
No. 20]-4-18
The barangay being the basic political unit has always been at the forefront of local
development undertakings in the country. Collectively, the barangays are partners of the national
government to respond to development challenges because of their strategic situation at the
grcssroots level especially in the effective and efficient service delivery to the community. The
synergy created by the barangays in service delivery reflects the state of governance of the city
or the municipality.
With the 2013 barangay elections just concluded, a large number of newly-elected
barangay offrcials would assume office with a fresh mandate from the people. Given the
magnitude of the new set of barangay officials to include the re-elected and those who served in
previous terms, the DILG through the Local Government Academy (LGA) the National
Barangay Operations Office (NBOO) and the different DILG Regional and Field offices in
partnership with the Liga ng mga Barangay and other stakeholders have come up with a BNEO
Program that will assist these newly elected local officials in the performance of their functions
as national government's partner in nation building.
Flexibility is a vital feature of the BNEO Program considering the diverse profile of
participants (level of technical know-how), their location and also in terms of how content can be
accessed and personalized to meet individual participant's need. Thus, the program offers a
variety of delivery mode such as Face-to-Face classroom sessions, Distance Leaming through
Radyo Aralan, Peer Leaming, Coaching and Mentoring.
These guidelines provide a systematic and coordinated implementation of the BNEO
program and to ensure delineation of tasks and responsibilities of the various stakeholders in the
Generally, the program aims to capacitate the newly-elected barangay officials to enable
them to perform their mandated tasks and responsibilities and build a continuum of capacity
development framework for actions anchored on the basic tenets of good governance such as
fansparency, accountability and integnfy and participatory governance.
1. Ensure the smooth transition of powers and authorities from the old to the incoming
barangay ofhcials;
2. Enhance the competencies of barangay officials in performing their mandated tasks
and responsibilities;
3. Harness the participation of citizens as major partners in local development;
4. Facilitate compliance to performance management policies and audits; and;
5. Establish linkage to awards and incentives programs that recognize good barangay
The BNEO Program consists of four (4) components: Component 1- Reinventing Public
Service: A Guide to Action; Component 2 - Looking Forward to Better Governance; Component
3 - Competency Enhancement and; Component 4 - Enhancing Barangay Performance.
This program will be implemented in parfnership with the Liga ng mga Barangay (LnB),
National Government Agencies, Local Resource Institutions (LRIs), and other stakeholders.
This aims to facilitate a smooth transition of powers and authorities from outgoing to
the incoming Barangay Officials. The outgoing local officials must provide transition
documents to the incoming local officials. All Punong Barangays are directed to
conduct an inventory of all properties, finances and documents of their barangay and
to effect the smooth turn-over of the same to the incoming officials headed by the
newly elected Punong Barangay.
The outgoing barangay officials with the help of the local DILG offrcer shall facilitate
this leadership turnover.
This part of the program is consistent with DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2013-
I 15 dated October t7,2013 and other related laws and issuances.
The major outputs of this activity will be the creation of a fransition teams,
documents/reports and schedule
This part will enable the newly minted officials to understand the basics of barangay
govemance and administration. Barangay officials will be oriented on their duties,
powers and functions as mandated by law. It will also focus on the immediate
programs, projects and activities for the first 100 days upon assumption into office
especially the organization of barangay-based institutions @BIs). Utilizing the results
of the Barangay Governance Performance Management System (BGPMS), the
Community Based Management System (CBMS) and other assessment tools, the
barangay officials will look at the state of barangay governance that will serve as
basis in the identification and implementation of programs in the barangay leading to
the development of their Barangay Agenda for Governance and Development
(Barangay AGAD!).
This will delve on integrating the Barangay AGaD! in the BDP to incorporate the
program of actions of the newly elected barangay oflicials to be prioritized for
budgeting. CCA-DRRM, gender and peace lenses (for conflict-affected areas) should
be mandatory elements in the BDP.
This component will aim to strengthen the barangay based institutions by capacitating
the members on its mandates, functions, and awareness on related national policies
and programs, identification of issues and concerns on the particular sector including
formulation of the BBI's action plan.
On the other hand, enhancing the volunteering spirit at the barangay level will be
linked to the volunteer and citizenship desk and programs of the citylmunicipality.
The Department through the LGA, the NBOO and the DILG Regional and Field Offices
shall implement this progfirm. It shall be implemented in partnership with the Liga ng mga
Barangay (LnB), Local Resource Institutions, National Government Agencies and the Local
Government Units. It shall also coordinate with other training and resource institutions for better
facilitate the conduct of the training at the local level.
Market the program and forge partnership with LGUs, various leagues and other
stakeholders in the implementation of the program
In coordination with the local chapter of the Liga ng mga Barangay, manage the
implementation of the program
Through the LGRC, prepare local calendar of program offerings offered by NGAs, LRIs
and Private Institutions that can be accessed or made available to barangays
a Provide assistance in designing the program and funds for the conduct of the program
a Organize regionaVprovincial team of coaches/mentors based on the criteria set by the
Provide funds for the program
Ensure that all training and other capacity building activities shall be done strictly-on site
Monitor the conduct of the program and submit report to the DILG Secretary through the
Local Government Academv
a Prepare standard program design in consultation with partners and other stakeholders
a Develop/update and provide standard knowledge products/materials for the program
a Market the program and forge partnership with the Liga ng mga Barangay for the
implementation of the program
a Formulate criteria for the selection coaches/mentors
a OrienVtrain coaches/mentors and program managers
a Conduct spot monitoring whenever necessary
a Prepare monitoring and evaluation design of the program in consultation with the
regional and field oflices
Prepare a national report to the DILG Secretary based on the reports submitted by the
DILG Regional/Field Offices relative to the conduct of the program
4. Liga ng mga Barangay
Further, the M and E is expected to provide constant feedback on the extent to which the
program is achieving its objectives and monitor the efficiency with which the different
components of the program are being implemented and suggest further improvements. It will
also provide guidelines for the planning of future programs and influence sector assistance
strategy where relevant analysis from program and policy evaluation can highlight the outcome
of previous interventions, and the strength and weaknesses of program implementation
All Concemed are enjoined to observe strict compliance to this circular and shall take
effect immediatelv.
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