Success Beginner Student 'S Book
Success Beginner Student 'S Book
Success Beginner Student 'S Book
Stuart McKinlay
Jennifer Parsons
Ft \\-:..t:0
What's your
My name's ... aro
-r-- -r-
' :" 'Vnq\ag . ,^
rr' Fmrrr€€
-- r ^n 1(
IIt ! '
Londonls Lon0ut' '*
ffi$ w
$oEffiffi rc
. t- :...: $
B-9 to be: l/gou (all forms)
lo-ir--, - - -
l s
--i1r-:n1 he's/shek., ht;/n;;:r/*" *
I Numbers 1-100 s
2 Jobs -- J"b. s
- -'--1---------
3 Family life m
4 Places n
32-33 Think Eack Revision 2 | r.::rr
5 Likes and dislikes r 34-35
i 38-39 r trood and drink q
6 Routines %ib. for;"ut-es q
46-47 Think Saclt Revision 3 | irir:,1
TTalent W;Carrfoi'
il"sjeLq@_es.!/!_@llJerrnL LJ
) -^ Fl
50-51 1
|\ nADe
tO/nAS to
tO R
8 Free time e+_FS
pt"rg$ qo4 (affirmat-iLe)*___ ft
.s J:9! srsl enl Q.g_@d _que$iqry)r 3q o.n! ?$,l1111{ur-e, Li
58-59 i j Verbs for free-time activities $
60-61 Think Back Revision 4 | ;:,i:,i i' ..-ri
I Ghanges oi_ss =
i 9 be :ig s/ W/
(au_ qqrlli) u
o4-b5 m
oo-o / Months; Ordinal numbers q
10 Travel 68-69 Past Si r verbs fr
7o*n Past Simple: affirmative (regular and m
irregular verbs-) q
I A-tO u
74-75 &iqllmqe sgy$lqfi s | **ilr, {i"-'t;i,
11 Ghildhood 76-77 Past Simple: negative and short answers fr
and ir
School subjects; School things u
12 Shopping 82-83 j Questions : I4\tere/Whg /Who/What/lTherl q
Hou/Hou much?
t hi,s/th at/t he se /tho s e fr
86-87 i
I Clothes
88-89 Think Back Bevision 6 |
Culture Shocks p.90 Tapescript p.94 Word List p.104 Student Activities p. 109
llistglglg; $l_cF gs-rtf igffq! ----_-_- -__j__ _____-:_ -=
Reading: Article (Mg poreton!) i
lLis!911919.,P-ggplg_qq\:lgulUeg-e-p+,t!l19!l_9s151!1%-!-epk_ *
Speaking: Asking and answering questions anout p6ae; Asking fofana Ei"i"S directio-ns
[qqd! ns: Ar lNLg-@yslqryq - 9!r aJ lgopl-", Terri.ble Coffee!) I
Jstenins m) "
tatt<s aUout his div at sChool SmaII talk
Speaking: Talking about shopping habits
: :nival trnglish p.114 Check it out p.116 Irregular Verbs p.126 Promrnciation Table n.127
\ TT' I
l s-
fr**d, |ir:l*;r ;:*.d txt{l nb*xt countries and nationalities.
Fraoti':;*my/your; to be: I/you.
fi**r:* ** numbers 1-100; introductions and greetings.
fi $q&r'fi &{rin f*,si g} spgeK{ ruffi cor.z l-islsp again. Then practise in pairs.
:- cor.z Read and listen.
{l}l**k !t **t
i.\ A Hi!
i;=-- B Hello! I'm Kai. What's your name? l'ff = l*{n
A My name's Luis. My name'x = My name *x
B Nice to meet you, Luis! what,s = what i*
A Nice to meet you too!
cn.3 Complete the conversation. Then listen
and check.
A Hi. 1l'nr Darek. What's name? '-
B Hello. '- name's Lucio. Nice to
meet you!
A a_ too!
cor.a [!13{sll countries 1-10 with nationalities a-j. Complete the sentences with the nationalities from
Then listen and repeat. Exercise 5.
Country Nationality 1 I'm from Spain. I'm Spanlsh
2 I'm from F rance. I'm
1Italy d a T[rrkish
3 I'm from England. I'm
2 Thrkey n b English
4 I'm from Argentina. I'm
3 France n c Argentinian
4 England f, d Italian
Complete the sentenceswilh I'm/l'm from.
5 Spain f, e Polish
6 Germany I f Mexican 1 l'm English. 6 _ P,rlanci.
7 Mexico I g German 2_Paris. 7 _Canada.
8 Poland I h Canadian 3 _IzabeIla. B _\Ielcan.
9 Argentina I i French 4 _German. g _-\'gentna.
10 Canada I j Spanish 5_ John. 10 _ Spanish.
Practise in pairs.
: l*€&xx* d;&ae *waagpS
!'nr fr*r:n Poland. I'm from Cracor.r-.
l'ce Polish. NOT I'm f#s*:i-Ps*{**.
j :
Where are you fi'om?
j,i,fiitil;&{t fa$*ffi *ipil&f.f ii*fi r'},{*;k i'1 *x1
cor.s Read and listen. Look at the underlined words in Exercise 1. Complete
gaps 1-6 in the table. Then check on page 116.
A Helio!
Kirsten Helio. Are you John Smith?
A Yes, I am. John Smith from Montreal!
to be: I/you
Kirsten Oh, you aren't English ... you're + | 1'm {am} from London.
Canadian. You '_ {;rrn} Canadian.
B Ilello! I'm John Smith too!
| '_ {an* **1} from Manchester.
You 4_
Kirsten Oh! Where are you from? Manchester?
B No, I'm not from Manchester. I'm {xr* xoii English.
from London! ? &n; I in Frankfurt? Yes, you nr*./
Kirsten Oh! No, you -i:rag:'t.
you John Smith? Yes, I 6_/
No,l'= r:erl.
Complete the sentences. Listen and repeat the dialogues in Exercis: l
Practise in pairs.
1I _ Spanish - I'm ltalian!
2A _you English? Practise in pairs. Answer with Ies, I am./No, l'm noi
B Yes, I
3A_ you from Germany? 1 Are you from London?
BNo, I 2 Are you German?
4A-IinOxfordStreet? 3 Are you a student?
B Yes, you A Are ycu fromLondcn?
B No i'm nof.l'mfrornDudapeet. Qsrnplste the conversations. Then listen
and check. Complete the conversation for you. Then practise
in pairs.
a teacher?
eight five four nine one seven six ten three two
ane ,'
|| tl
LJ LJ tJ t", tl ti-*i*J*
U ell
EIEVETT twelve thirteen fourteen flfteen
-{|f..A 6,'-tl'
U \Y/
L-] U flE f,g /Z\'.,, I
t- t\_-r
sixteen seventeen oi ohtaan nineteen twenty
Say numbers 1-20 around the class. Listen to the numbers your teacher says. Say the
.1.2.3... number next to it.
r in twos: 2. 4. 6 ... Hear say Hear say Hear say
I Qemplste the gaps. Then listen and repeat. B 11 48 19 30 4
t0 I 23 33 24 50
20 tt 29 14 39 22
LI twenty-one 40 forty 40 tc 43 IJ 44 16
22 twenty-two 42 forty-two bl B3 95 47 100 BO
23 twentythree 44 78 59 55 90 B3 6B
t+ 50 fifty
25 59
28 cor.r+ Listen and repeat.
60 sixty
thifty 6B A 13/30 B 14/40 C 15/50 D 16/60
thirty-one 70 seventy
32 thirty-two 75 lislsp and write how old the people are.
36 80 eigh$
37 90 ninety
lSimon- 2Tlish_ 3Ricky_
39 100 a hundred Practise in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.
Say the numbers around the class. How old are you? g
$rL*s s#T I
,"" ".'"s How are you? S===
Formal/polite Informal/friendlv
Good morning! Morning!
.:rry" Good afternoon! Afternoon!
Good evening! Evening!
ffi Hi!iHellol
€ A How are you? A How are you?
B I'm very well, B I'm fine, thanksl
you. And you? And you?
Afternoon, Anna. g
_::::::_r.":5 J
Good afternoon. \h's Ii'a
How are 5-ou?
:rri--::r-r+:rj:-r: : -r:: -- i _
)': l.;1;ii .,r l, tll":, 1 pgOple and jObS.
'.': r.:.,:, i,t:-il :;:l:l .l;
:r'l :r:i,iirr: to be: he/she/i,t; a/a,n; h'is,4ter'.
f r:,:r.r!r, :u,..r the alphabet; spelling; social English.
- .'..'4i,.:..:..::.,._,,:,,..-
- ,: .::' --.' - -
"':'+ ',t .id'
-.,O.-1r..1. -::1
l;'5-, i
. .:-':
:. :, :,:,:, :,,.,,,,.1,,
.::,;lili r,tti]i; ll.lli:i,,ti.,i;,,iii'; fts4fl and listen, Match people A-E with texts 1-5.
He's Boris from Russia. His name's Ardv and he's a mechanic.
He's 24 and he's an actor. tr He's 19 and he's trngJish.
::r:r:. - rif+ ;:r L_ . . ..-r:iil.j-.! i; -: .:r ri--.
.i-:.:, "i.;-!_.:r::l::i r r , . ::::
-r +r
hislher . ';pi-'..=
. : r...!
He's Andy. name's (is) Andy. -:i,'
* Soctor 1
a* rctor
x nnechanic 2 5
a xecretary 3 6
x police officer 4
c0i.25 Answer the questions. Use short answers. Read the table in Exercise 6. Write questions about
Then listen and check. Pablo and Maria.
cor.zo Listen and find Pablo, Sandy and Maria in No, he isn't. S
the picture. He's Spanish F'- '
cor.zo Look at the table. Then listen again and
complete. Write six sentences (three true and three false) about
Pablo and Maria.
Pablo Maria Maria's married.
nalionalily Spanish
married/single Read your sentences to a paftner.
T T '*-=
trg fr &_#
..tL:&ffiwtu&ffiY cor.eo $psll the names. Then listen and check.
Jane n Anthony I
cor.zz lis{s1 and repeat the alphabet. William tr Stuart n
Emma I Marianna tr
cor.zo $s6plste gaps 1-8. Then listen and check' Brian I Charles I
leil a h j'- li5ls5 and complete the form.
litl b c t- e g t- t v
lel f I m t- s u- z ?.,
lail u- y
tot o
lu,l q t- L,'
latl o-
4 i{-0-q-U-14r-I-r-r.
' .v'Q-u_w_r_i
' r: ^
6 a-0-t-t-u-Q-i'-O_rl_1,
1 What's your first , Please?
- 2 What your surname?
'-1'x-q-r-t-h-u t lrom?
4 How old you?
st$ffiw8w&e_ ffiruffir9$ffi
Look at Jimmy in photos A-C. What's his job?
$pf&K *s?' I
Excuse me.
Sorry,/l'm sorry.
Thank you very much.
You're welcome.
I don't understand,
I don't know
1I zn 3I
cor.r+ f,smplgte the conversations with the words
from litruk iji:i.
Then listen and check.
1 A Excuse t_ . Is this your bag?
B Yes, it is! Thank you 2_ much.
A You're
3A8 e
Are you Hugh Grant?
A Are you Hugh Grant?
B No, tt_. My name's Jimmy White.
2 She and
I receptionist. i
2Age 21
3 Nationality Canadian
4 Job musician
tu&sYKru8ru& &rum WKXYX&&&
c0135 Listen and repeat the words in cor.ez liglgJl and circle the correct answers.
each group.
F,.,-'Jl +
.L ls /
ls from French!
i: I
He's nineteen and he's
o I on student at
Greenwich University
in London. ln the o
I . c- n
evenings he'ss o I on
*.,,-_r,-€- waiter in a bar:
6 Hs I Her name's Aga ae
and she 7 's from I 's
Poland. In the mornings -
she's a student at
; North London
Universit;z In the no
afternoons she's a
secretary ing o I on
offlce in central
Londonl =
--=:=--=<.n$_JrE:-r::::-r: --.-,=€i-rs:r€rE-.-i-s-*-a!-,-:,_.:-.:.+s---,::r:-,i:-.e:-+!,.1-,.:itras.-j_€-:..:+_ffer
ffi F
i::,-l'rl,l i:.ti!.ri,',,!-l.rl
''.1cF fffi"* ffiffi
Family life
X&fork !t **t
Find the sentences in the text and complete the gaps.
to be: welyoulthey
,,F *E
and listen. Complete gaps 1-4 in the photos with the words
*ffiewweffi &rum cor.+o Read
from Exercise 1.
Julie Oh, Rick! Photos of your sister's wedding!
Tlrini,. &a*klTick (/) the words Rick Oh, no! They're boring!
you know. Julie No, they aren't. Look at thls photo. Are they Wal'ne's aunts?
Rick No, they're his grandmothers.
grandmother I son I Julie Ohl Their hats are very pretty ...
mother ! father ! Rick No, they aren't - they're ugiY!
parents ! sister I Julie And this photo? Are they Wa;me's aunt and uncle?
brother f husband I Rick No, they're our parents.
wife I uncie f Julie Oh, the-v're very tall!
daughter f, aunt ! Rick \-es, $'e're a tall family.
Julie But look at you and your brother ln this photo.
Rick It's a good photo!
Julie Yes, but vour friends are tall, and you and your brother
are short.
Rick No, we aren't!
L,^r1-. .
r aJ,Ir _
i,,j*r'k lt *** Tick (/) the correct sentence. Listen and
repeat the answers.
Match the sentences with the same meaning.
Then check on page 118. 1 a They're from Russia V
b Russia
Their from n
1 They're Wagne's Igrandmothers.
2 a He's Japanese.
2 They're Sharon's brothers. n I
b His Japanese. I
a They're herbrothers.
b They're hzs grandmothers. 3 a Your our friends. n
b You're our friends. I
Replace the words in italics with hr.s or her.
4 a We're they're parents. n
1 Sharon is Wayne's wlfe. b We're their parents. I
Sharan ie hrE wife.
2 Rick is Sharon's brother. cor.+z lssft at the photo and listen. Correct the false
3 Wayne's grandmothers are happy. sentences.
4 Ri,ck's friends aren't short.
1 It's a photo of Jack's brothers and sisters.
5 Shcr,ron's parents are ta\l. \Ns a phoLo ol )ack'E lr\ende.
2 Adam is Jessica's brother.
tV*r* !t **";'[ 3 Richard's sister is very pretty.
4 Jessica and Richard's father is a doctor.
Complete the box with the underlined words in the 5 Suzie isn't Jack's girlfriend.
dialogue in Exercise 2. Then check on page 118.
Write five pairs of names. Then ask and answer
questions in pairs.
Who are MarLa ano -:'.:,. - ' . .
Whoore-lor--. :
S* t,:'
tr#se,ffi *}g"&ffiv e$*ffi #ffieww&ffi
l"r;;l ii;::kl Look at the pictures, Complete the
gaps with the words from the box.
*t*irk rt *xt
Complete the table with the words from
the pictures. Then check on page 118.
Singular Plural
s man
i*r iJU#tfiBi"f
* child 3
i' person 4
Ther-'re women
1-i**;# 6#;"*xex
She's .i :,grrtri ','rirrr;+"i.
, l;
-S- F.,'
. a:l
i:,i l liii;r i;,tl,l f ir: i:,i r ii i,; Work in pairs. Write a dialogue about the photo,
Read it to the class, Use phrases from
R€ad ::i.,,,,,:., :,rr. TiCk (,/) the SentenCeS from
the photo.
See you. n
See you later! T
See you tornorrow! I
See you soon.
Take care.
lT f,spplste the conversations with words from
r.;.;r. LiSten and check, Then practise in pairs.
1 A Bye Karl,
B t_Mandy. t_ you later.
A \es. see ''_
2Al Mum.
B Goodby", George. Take'
A And you, Mum.
3 A Goodnight, Granddad.
B o-, dear. Sleep rvell.
A Thanks. And you.'__you tomorror,ri Say goodbye to your classmates/teacher,
Places ':.::.'.,:;::l
',",,,:ti rrl;pi ,t'.:1,,- t.::, t:1., tOWnS; plaCeS, ShOpS and SefViCgS.
:,:".:i:,.,. there is/there are; a,/some/any; prepositions of place.
'':r:,.' :: : positive and negative adjectives; asking for and giving directions.
)?:t!, i)i|i i:it:, i::,.it: 7;r'i';'{,';': il I rti i ,: i lll i.,
cor.+q Listen and repeat, Tick (/l the things you find on the map. In your opinion, is Boreton an interesting town?
F-- C
Grand Hotel
&1ffi ' r.r.1ss
ZabaSupermarket' u"'h Antonio's Caf6
Tourist Information S& ^
Victoria Hotel
Lavender Caf6 6a .i
Saint Mark's
;.:_& Albert Hotel
. ',1: l.l
Spart Supermarket
Wendy, 70
Boreton is small but it's great! There's a nice
park and there's zvery interesting
museum. Boreton church is very pretty - it's seven hundred years oldl
There are also some nice caf6s in the town centre and three supermarketsl
Oh, and the new hospital is fantastic - the doctors are very good!
Jon, 16
Boreton is a sad place!There are a lot of hotels and that's it!There arenr a:-r'
good shops. There isrit a cinema or a theatre. And there isnt even a librml.
There is only one club in town - Testosterons.It's terrible! Oh, and there aren'l
any buses in the evening! Boring Boreton!
&V*rk it *xt
Look at the underlined phrases in the texts in
Exercise 2. Complete the box with is/isn'Uare/aren't.
Then check on page 119.
6 There ar',- r l, - -:
7 Thele al'e L, .Ll '- - :: ,
Circle the correct answers. ffi ffi&wffi &re,&r*m wffiffieK&$L&mw
1 There'slO / some park in the city centre.
cor.rz lislsp and repeat the words. Then look al
2 There i,s / are some shops but there aren't
some / anA sttpetmarkets. the plan and complete the sentences with
3 There ts / ctre a iot of churches in my tov,n. is/isn'Uare/aren't,
4 There i"s / are a good restaurant in the park. bookshop burger bar cinema
5 There 'i,sn't / aren't any hotels. clothesshop internet caf6 post office
6 There are a / some people here. shoe shop sports shop supermarket
7 There isn't a / some caf6. toilets record shop telephones
B There is / are a lot of students in my tov'n.
1 There is a post office.
Make negative sentences using the words in 2 There a cinema.
brackets. 3 There two telephones.
1 There's a restaurant. (ctub) 4 There any record shops.
There isn'I a club. lislsl to people at the Information Desk.
2 There are some shops. (supermarkets)
Which things from Exercise 1 do they ask about?
3 There's a library. (museum)
4 There's a theatre. (cinema) Cath Good morningl
5 There are some hotels. (caf6s) Shopper 1 Hellol Is there a bookshop here?
Practise in pairs. Ask and answer questions about
Cath Yes, there is. Dy\anb. Hete's a plan
of the shopping centre.
your town.
Cath Good afternoon!
----.. Shopper 2 Afternoon! Are there any toilets?
/ cmemas \ Cath Yes, there are. They're over there!
churches \
Jf srrnermarkcrs 3 Hello.
Shopper Is there a cinema here?
\ are Lhere in
.^.""\-" Cath A cinema? No, there isn't. Sorryr
How many- clubs your torm?
caf6s Wsrk !t *axt
cor.+s lgsft at underlined words in the conversations
lu lFl
q&{d/ \r1,7
Ff-**-{. .-. :-_^_- * *_-_ **.:*
, *q,S.*
Complete the sentences with the words trom the
opposite next to in on the lgft
ffi Listen and rePeat.
It's on It's on
tu left. the right.
achurch I bcinema tr ccaf6 X dtheatre L
practise the conversation in pairs. studentA, look at page 110.
Student B, look at Page 112'
Excuse me. \\'-here's
'ry, the muserurL?
"' Li:'
*;ffirxw&w&*_ ffiruffi$."esM
Look at pictures A-C. In which picture can the man
not help the tourist?
$Pii:,{ *l,i? |
Asking for directions I
Excuse me. tr l
A Thank you.
Practise the conversations in Exercise 4 in pairs. Work in pairs, Say where these things are in your
town. Use the phrases from $p*ak ilul.
Work in pairs. Look at the map 0n page 26. You are
next to the Tourist lnformation 0ffice on Nodh Street. an interesting museum a good cinema
Give directions to these places. Use the phrases a nice park a good club a nice caf6
from 5;:;;:la ll1. an interesting bookshop
Gossips Caf6 Spart Supermarket a good sports shop an internet caf6
a good, but cheap clothes shop
Victoria Hotel the hosnital
Circle the correct answer in the sentences.
wffi*effiwmffiY &ruffi ffiffiewffieffi
1 Thei,r / They're grandparents are American.
Circle the wrong word in the group. 2 My classmates are / our great.
1 brother parents father uncle 3 Thei,r / They're our children.
2 inlerest ing nice lerrible great 4 He's my ctunt's / aunts husband.
3 caf6 burger bar library restaurant 5 Our daughter's / daughters are at
4 club theatre post office cinema university.
6 Is there a / some bank near here?
Complete the sentences with one word in each gap. 7 Is / Are there any bookshops on
You can see the first letter of each word. London Road?
1 There's a bank o_
the cinema. 8 There are solne / any good shops on
Market Street.
2 She's ninety-five- she's very o_ !
3 There are a lot of shops in the shopping Match questions 1-5 with answers a-e.
4 She's only eleven years old but she's very 1 Are you happy? I
t_. 2 Is French interesting? I
5 The caf6 is next t_
the theatre. 3 Are there any clubs in your tov,n? I
6 The museum isn't interesting - it's very 4 Is there a bank near here? tr
b! 5 Are they rich? I
a Yes, there are. TWo!
Look at the family tree and complete the sentences.
b Yes, we are.
- :i.i-:- - c Yes, they are. Very!
d Yes, there is. It's over there!
e No, it isn't - it's boring!
Change the sentences into questions. F
1 They're teachers.
2 There's a school on King Street.
3 They are your children.
4 Tom and Ben are happy.
5 There are some musicians in the caf6.
l, lislsp and repeat the words in each group.
1 children, him, six, sister, rich, big, prelty
2 me, speak, peeple, three, she, teacher, we
from the box.
- a.
parents sisters libraries toilets :::
husbands cooks cinemas
sunermarkets clubs
i.r Kitty's bro+.her
encl Anne Kitty's /s/ tzt lizl
:r iit'entS.
aunf,9 uncles counNries
- sister.
.r - : .,-,i'ckr-
-l--- are T^ ^t-r^
-..^ Jack's
Krttl"s mother
- Jackr"s children
i${:tt{3$,N{;i ib{,,{ * {* ffi ,i,&q el}&K
What d*r you I'm a footballer: I play football for I live with my sister in London.
do in England? Manchester City, We're models.We work in the centre
of London,
Do you like Yes. I do. lt's a very interesting country It's OK.The clubs in London are good
England? unC th" p"ople ale great, * we don't have any interesting clubs
In )an Kalael,
What are the English people don't speak any It'svery expensive and very cold
bad things about languages -
only Englishl I speak - there isn't any sunl And English
life in England? Swedish, English and German! people speak very fast!
Do you like The food isn't badl But English people No, I don't - it's terrible! | don't eat a
lot, Also, I don't like the coffee here,
English food? don't eat English food - only ltalian,
Indian or Chlnese foodl \
Make the sentences negative.
1 We play tennis. Read and listen, Who is very happy in England: \,'','3 ltci t Vti3'; ig1"^';5.
Per or lzabela? 2 I drink coffee.
3 They speak Spanish.
,': ,'.,, 4 I live in Tlrrkey.
5 We work in London.
Look at the underlined words in the text. Complete 6 They llke pizza.
the table with do/don'f. Then check on page 119.
Tick (,2) the correct sentences.
t 1 Ilove lazz.
sO 2I really like jazz.
3 t like jazz.
e 4 I quite like iazz.
@ 5 I don't like jazz.
@t 6lhate 1azz.
I love baekeLball. I qu\Le like fooLball.
Match subjects 1-4 with opinions a-d from 1 She's a lovell,' person - I really like her
Exercise 3.
2 They're my friends I really like _ .
I 1or-e it.
*.? #
s - ",*.Gil... *_+.,.,.F,r!. jii:s!,!.!
'?' T it -*"{: --. .".-
.,i l;'. . "* #F.rk
Ex 1 Ex2
G' ",utci
,, 'rl
"".,,*."!;-:r .
'' ''ir' '
f},. '*u
Do you like fast food? What things do you like? Tell your paftner.
really like
quite like
don't like
Customer A coffee.
4 99p T d twenty-five pence/'p' Man Sure.ljK t_
5 53.55 f e fifty-four pence/'p' Customer No, t_ e s":t
. \:: : =a;= I -----:;
6 58.99 f f three pounds fifty-five sandwich.
7 526.89 T g ninety-nine pence/'p' Man Here you are.
Gustomer How o_ is that?
1 pound 10 poundxi
cot.zr Qgpplste the conversation, Use
1 pence 10 l:t?{ia NOT pei****; I
__t help you. Then listen and check.
cor.og Look at the menu. Listen and complete Work in pairs, Roleplay the conversation. Student A,
prices 1-4. look at page 1 1 0. Student B, look at page 1 1 2.
In"t"" sandwich e2'
coffee e1'5O chicken sandwich
@a f.1'25 L2'8o
lgg ="nO*lcr' --
orange juice'.
chocolate caKe
A nnffoo nle:qe
tt: t:::,::':.a,,t :a':..,.. .,, r,..ii t i]l ll:,:;,t tl,::ll f OUtineS.
the Present Simple: he/she/it; adverbs of frequency.
i' f::1.,,:::. t::: days of the week; prepositions of time; telling the time.
{1 ?? r'$ }?1,&, x fi {i! li iii,r i,i I ri I il,, {lfltY coz.r lislsp and repeat the words in Exercise 3.
Match phrases 1-2 with definitions a-b, Circle the correct verb.
M lE.';';
^ He usu?llYlie! home at 6'
He wake:_; up at
a$gk :i:;i.',1.:i j:.r!
W*li{ ii, *lli lnterview your partner, Tick (,2) usually (U),
sometimes (S), neuer(N) in the table,
Look at the underlined words in the sentences in
the photos. Complete gaps 1 and 2, Then check on Do you ,,.? US N
page 120,
have tea for breakfast
sometimes 2
; '4..
_,_ i
dinner at 8.
1e some[lmes
-& I
-,nish*:,' work at 5
He never
it,,r,,,. breakfast.
:;'5t,::i;Wffi$&:.Sry,t -,r;W:1....e:i"
t*b ,**
'x*" €
coz.z fts3fl and listen. Then answer the questions. Present Simple: he/she
1 Who's Maggie? 2 \\l:rat's Rob's job? He/She *vc&*'$ a very smafi suit.
Anne How's your son, N{aggie? He/She t_ {*o*x a*xt} w*riq in the bank.
Maggie Rob? He's fine.
Anne Does he like his job in the bank?
Maggie He doesn't work in the bank nor,r'.
Yes, he/she 3
vs*ar a uniform?
I ,:l
Write the questions in the correct order, coz.s Ssrnplsle gaps 1-6 with the correct forms of
1 play does tennis she? the verbs in brackets. Then listen and check.
Daee she play tennie?
2 in do iive you London?
3 he what speak languages does?
4 do food like they Italian?
5 your in a father does work bank?
6 your where friend does live?
No, he doesn't.
Complete the sentences wllh do, don't,
does, doesn't.
9-66 A-$,.' 8.0a A-.w\. - '1.A0 A-:l.w. - il.aO A-.W\ ' 8.aa 7-.y.v\. '
1-[,a?h\. u- o-'/v., 3ao?w\ ^____-__PiK 3oo?v^
3.Q0 D'/.v.
sc,l.tout sehoot lrp,vtch sehoot
w&&eKtxx-&mY &r1xm spK&Kxru& r iffi# Listen and circle the time you hear.
wake up on Sunclay
$#$qv$1fAfi- SfldfiL;$l*
coz.rz l-islsl to conversations 1-3 and match them
with photos A-C.
$rreK **? |
8.15 - 8.45
Saturday 8.15 .,l0 p,m.
A What time does ... (Super Agent) starUfinislf? -
the (cafe) open/closd?
the (Harlow trainl leave/arrivdl
B lt starts/finrshes at ...
It opens/closes at ...
It arrives/leaves at ...
Match verbs 1-5 with nouns a-e. Then write three
,. i-t*31* l",&lit'f &f1$ $3 {}ffi,&f* &ryeffi
sentences with the phrases.
Look at the clocks and write the correct times. 1go I a lunch
1.. -t
2 start
3 have
4 meet
5 speak
b French
c home
d friends
e work/school
- q?
Complete the sentences with the prepositions.
1 nine o'clock 4 _ at (x 2) in (x 2) to (2) on (x 2) with
/f ll r( | \ 1 I usually meet my friends
\ \, /e5.J
U 't
Srtrrrrlrrr nioht
2 Steve isn't here - he's _
3 He lives
toum centre.
his parents _
school now.
' 4 I usually get home quarter
_ four.
- 5 They never drink tea _ the evening.
6 She sometimes goes bed late
Write questions 1-7 in the correct order, Then match
them with answers a-9.
1 like Mark does French lessons? T
2 like you do milk? I
3 does like her Kay job? I
Write the days of the week. Then put them in order. 4 oranges you do like? T
5 do you Susan love? T
a atudesy Tuesday l 6 food they Mexican like do? I
b oydanm n 7 girlfriend like your does your dad? T
c yartsdau tr a Yes, I love her very much.
d dwseeydna T b Yes, they love it.
e dusyan T c No, he hates her.
f uadryhst n d No, we don't like them.
g rdfyai T e Yes, I love itl
Write items 1-12 from the pictures in the f No, he hates them.
correct column. g Yes, she likes it very much.
Food Drinks
1 - nrilk
Talent . , t.,.;.,:': abilities and obligations.
cctrt/ccnt't, haue to/ltcr,s ro.
adjectives and adverbs; requests.
coz.rz lisfsp and read the conversation. Does Julia get the job?
Richard Hi, I'm Richard and this is Megan. And you are .....
Julia I'm Julia ... Julia Price.
coz,ro [113{6h js[5 1-6 with Richard OK, Julia. Can you play tt-re guitar or the prano?
photos A-F. Then listen and Julia No, sorry, I can't. Btit I can dance very rvel1.
repeat. Richard Great. Go aireacl.
1 r qin oor I Megan Ver5r goocl, Julia. And can you act?
2 a dancer I Well ... yes . . a bit.
3 a pianrst I Megan OK, r,r,.hat can you do?
Julia I can clo Shakespeare - Romeo and Juliet.
4 an actor I Megan Goocl. Please stalt.
5 a guitarist T
6 a violinist n Richard OK, OKI Thank you, Julia. A-rd fina11y, can you sing'l
Julia Yes, I canl I can silLg well.
Richard Great. Please sing to us.
Richard Vei'y good, Julia - thank 5's11. That's all for nor,rr.
Julia Thank you. Bye.
,-, ','
coz.zo lislsp and tick (/) the things Matt and Jane
can d0.
No, I can i:
Check the meaning of the phrases in the box. Put
GRAMffiem &ruffi ffiK&ffieruffi them in the correct column in the table.
Work in pairs. Look at the photos and answer the do homework get home by 12 p.m.
questions. take exams help in the house
1 Are there any famous chefs, racing drivers or play with your brother/sister
comedians in your country? wear a uniform go food shopping
2 Do you know any famous foreign chefs, racing walk the dog
drivers or comedians? Who are they?
school rules home rules
coz.zr Readthe article and match the words with the
jobs. Write A for a chef, B for a racing driver and C do hornework
for a comedian.
CAIS cook f dish I drive I
food go-karts !
f, jokes !
laugh at f sense of humour I
Write a list of things you have to/don't have fo do at
school/home. Use Exercise 6 and your own ideas,
Ydx:lrk $t *sxt I have ta lake exams aL schocL1 don'l; have to help
Complete the table wilh have t0, don't have to. Work in pairs. Find three things you have to do but
Then check on page 1 21. your partner doesn't. Tell the class.
'irql- nn fnlif I'
* Many famous racing drivers learn
to drive go-karts when they are
In very young - but you don't have
to do this!
2 To be a racing driver. you have to
do sports and be very fit,
, S You have to know a lot about cars.
F Learn all you can about it.
4 You have to practise driving a loti
\i 0 [$1 * s LF.F.E' &ruffi KpffieKgruffi
tl $oN^;
- -
Match adjectives 1-6 with adverbs a-f. coz.zr ffislsfl questions 1-4 with answers a-d. Then
listen and check,
1slow n aloudly
2bad l-'l b fast 1 Can your friends speak trnglish? T
3quiet - cwell 2 Is your brother a good tennis player? tr
4loud n dquietiy 3 Can you sing? tr
5fast I eslowly 4 Do you play the violin? I
6good I f badly a No, I can't. I sing very badly.
Look at pictures 1-6 and complete the sentences b Yes, he plays it well.
with an adverb from Exercise 1, c Yes, but I don't play it very well.
d Yes, but they speak rt slowly.
Complete the sentences with the words from
Write the sentences in the correct order.
Exercise 1,
a She can play the 1 slowly speak please
1 She is Qood musician. ?leaee speak slowly.
piano very well.
2 Her children play. They are 2 fast very my always sister eats!
3 speaks very friend slowly Spanish his.
very quiet.
3 The waltz is a slow dance. You have to dance 4 i violin the very play badly.
it_. 5 iike but English very I can't speak I it well
4 That band plays loud music. They play it Ask and answer the questions in pairs.
5 He plays the guitar very slowly. His muslc ts What things can you do
very .
. very well?
6 The samba is a dance. You have to . well?
dance it fast. . badly?
se3&wsw&$_. sru&ffis$€
c02.24 Listen to dialogues 1-3 and match them to
photos A-C.
1I 2n 3J
coz.z+ $fgfly fip*ak *r:t and complete the
conversations with the correct phrases. Then
listen again and check.
spfl&K *t.3. I
Requests Responses
Can you help me, please? Yes, no problem.
Can you give her a message, please? Yes, sure.
Can you repeat that, please? Yes, of course.
Can you speak slowly, please?
Can I have (a top-up card), please?
Can I speak to (Emma), please?
1 Mark trtwnrrco mo l 2
Girl Yes, sure.
Mark \tr-here can I buy a top-up card for coz.zs [Jss the phrases from $peak {]ui and complete
my mobiie? the conversations. Listen and check. Then oractise
Girl I'm not sure but I think you can buy the conversation in pairs.
one in'Cheapos'.
Mark Sorry, where? 2 1A Excuse me. 1
rF r.F
Free time
free time, houses and furniture.
the Present Continuous.
verb collocations; making arrangements.
I %..
, ],:. iil.:r
?ltr r
":' ,
tiTl ,_
Look at the photo and read the postcard. Circle the l Ueat l'n- ea-,.-: 4 he cook
correct answers. 2 we/sing 5 she srud1-
3 they/drink 6 1-ou work
1 The Green family is Engti,sh / Spani;h.
2 The couple's holiday is ni,ce / terri,ble. Look at the photo in Exercise 1. Tick (/) the tue
sentences and correct fie false ones.
9 Tit" couple's children are in England, / Spai,n.
4 Tim and Jacky go to work / ari stud,enti.
1 Mr and Mrs Green are eatirg.
Falee.\Ar and Mrs Green a:= - .,
Work it sa$ 2 Mr Green is talking on his telephone.
3 Mrs Green is writing a post"-d.
Match sentences 1-2 with time expressions a_b. 4 Mrs Green is wearing a hat.
1 I drink a lot of water. n coz,zr lislgp and make sentences
2 I'm drinking water - it,s hot! - with the verbs from the box.
for each sihrdion =
,* "ro^st"
Wn rtext we-ey_!
tu\d Dai.
Change the sentences into questions.
'i*rk i? **t
Look at the underlined sentences in Exercise 3. Are you working hard?
Complete the table. Then check on page 122.
Yes, I ;:llt.
you/we/they -{i:; Yes, youiwe/they
i/ilil&fiiji.$ftY l-i5{91 tO the COnverSatiOn.
What are Justin's friends doing?
Fp Complete gaps A-lwith the correct verbs from the box. Use the verbs from Exercise 1.
Then listen and check. Paul ?aul ie walkinq, Lhe doq.
-ii have listen phone play read surf visit n'ateh Mark
a newspaper Scott
basketball computer
to music
very boring
your your
girlfriend relatives Think of four of the people below
to the radio What do you think they are doing
now? Make sentences in the
Present Continuous.
o parents/grandparents
homework thernternet r brother/sister/friend
@ @ r favourite sports star/pop/
film star
Write a sentence for each picture in the Present Continuous. Use the
phrases from Exercise 1, I think my brother'e sleeping and
ry favottrir,e pop sfar.Seyonce.
ie buying clof,hesl
o. ou^
,e t
f g-*
€-F :-:
Write questions 1-6 in the correct order. Then match
them to answers a-f.
Circle eight more furniture words down (9) and
1 you play can guitar the?
four rooms across ()).
2 learn school do to have French you at?
(= n
S o F LD A T -i R o M
3 she well tennis can play?
l T'l
T n E K B R r) n R 4 wake up does early he to have up?
A r\ S L M 5 brother can cook your?
K T a E N D L C
6 have your now do homework you to do?
L R a) l\ M K u E E - T
S E B A E R T A a Yes, she can. Very well!
b Yes, he does. At 6!
S E B E T'\ R
^ M c Yes. he can. And he really enjoys il.
d No, I don't. Not today!
F D E R n K T R
e No, we don't.
A L N R - M f Yes, but very badlyl
Complete gaps 1-B in the phone call. Use the
Write the correct jobs. words in brackets and the correct form of the
Present Continuous.
1 to act- an acf,or
2tosing-a Brian Hi Andy! What 1_ (youido)?
3 to dance - a Are'- (you/study) for the test
4apiano-a tomorrow?
5aviolin-a Andy Hi, Brian. No, I3_ . I *_
6acomedy-a (practise) the guitar now. And you?
Brian i'm in the car with Rob and we 5
Which word is differentr (drive) to a party ... Andy, is your sister
'l football / basketball /fsJ.-aciiuml at home?
2TV lvideo i D\Ds Andy Yes, she is. Why?
3 funny / slowly / badly Brian o_ (she/s1eep)?
4 chef / stamp i postcard Andy No, she'- . She *_ (sing)
5 lired / loudly / important in the showerl it's terrible! $rhy?
Brian Well, I want to invite her to the party ...
Match the verbs in the box with phrases 1-8.
ffiffi&ffi*ruffi er*ffi *ffi&wffi&& i ;::;'=;i i i; i; ,* i'* tl 'i i: '. : , ,. , ,
1I 2Z
#b l-rv I
1 a am sitting b sit
2 ahave b have to 9$pK&K&ruffi
3 a is coming b comes
4 a good b well Complete the conversation with phrases a-j.
5 a slow b slowly -
6 a good b well
Paul Are I youbuey this evening, Tess? *
7 a doesn't have to
b don't have to
b badly
Tess No, I'm not.
Paul Do you
3_ '_? see a film? a
Tess , Paul. There's a great neu- m
Read the email again. Tick true (/) and cross film on at five. qs
false (X) sentences. Paul Oh, I can't go then. I have 5
l.cnniq nr:ctinp
1 Judy's a new student. f Tess OK. 6- give me lhe ne,'.-.1 ', -,' t &*{
2 Judy lives with five students. Paul Yes, t_
I . Here you at'e.
3 She can't speak Italian very well. I Tess Look! The *_ at B.3t-t. .,
4 She can cook very wel1. I Paul Great. o_ here at 8.ll r**
Tess OK, see 10 f1
e let's meet
i --^,, t-r. ,.
J .\ VU 14Lgr
,;;:{. }::i{:l *rd i*fit *boxf changes.
l,rx:tls* uas/ttasn't; tuere/tueren't.
fst** slr technology; colours; seasons and months; talking about dates.
€. ,
's'i'i' .r,.::ifl;!,i.
1 i;:i:i}
- -', '-:..
cD2.3s Read, listen and repeat the words in the box. W*r{q ${ su€
Then write them in photos 1-6.
Look at the underlined words in Exercise 3,
a cassette player D\Ds a CD player ete the table wilh was/was n' Uw e re/w e r e n'
Co m pf t,
a video LPs (an LP) a portable radio Then check on page 123.
to be= was/were
+ l/HelShe/lt wrax popular,
liHelShe/lt'_ {vwas n*t} big.
, 2 llhe/she/it small?
yesJfrysne/it was.lNo, l/he/she/it 3
+ Weffou/They a- proud.
Weffou/They u- {w*re ete*} expensive.
? &Ser* we/youithey popular?
Yes, we/you/they wrere./
No, we/you/they 6_.
Circle the correct answer about Exercise 3.
Grandpa What are you listening to, Millie? 1 When I was ten, I l utas / wasn't at scho,- 1 "-.
Millie It's my new MP4 player. It was a Manchester.
birthday present from Uncle Sam. 2 My dad was from Manchester but m1
I can listen to al1my music on it grandparents 2 Luasn't / weren't. Thel- -' -1.
- 1500 songsl And I can put 500 3
from / inLondon.
photos on it - and watch videos, too! 3 My primary school was grea,t / b',,'
Grandpa That's amazing. I remember my flrst best friend was Michelie. She : tt r.
radiogram when I was your age ... English, she was 6 French / Ati,,. ''
Millie Radiogram? Was it a radio? 4 On Saturday 7 afternoon / tt igl, . - '' ...,
Grandpa Yes, but it wasn't jusl a radio. it was a o
home / tt'ork.l was at a l,;il- --'
record player, too. I was very Proud friends.
of it. 5 Last night, I was in bed at ui.: - :
- .. :
Millie Was it
small like my MP4? morning, I wasn't tired bul l rl
Grandpa No, it wasn't. It was very big! It was in late for school!
the living room, next to the table.
Records, or LPs, weren't like CDs Work in pairs. Ask and answer the oJ:st :-s -
today. They were very big, too - with Exercise 6 about Rick,
about 10 songs on them. - ': a :'. "
Where was Rick rvhr i. -.
Millie Were radiograms popular?
Grandpa Oh yes, they were. But they were In pairs, ask and answer the questions in Exercise 6 - about 5100. It was a lot of aboul you. Then tell the class about your partner.
money then!
READING ANM &f&ffi&MUL&MY Circle the correct word in the sentences.
Read the article. Correct the false sentences,
5 What's the colour of luxury in your country?
a _ piano
a _ fridge
ffi cha 1r
:ri s-F
12345 12 234 5674 6 7 8 910 1'1 12
a789101112 94 5 6 719 910 11 12 13 14 15 13141516fi1A19
'3 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 12 13 14 15 '16
11 ro@ra 19 20 21 22 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
2A 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 2s 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 27 2A 29 30
27 2A 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 2A 29 30 31
@ oi'.il;;;
Sepmanern Ocroeen
1 123456
12 3 4 5 6 123 4
2g 4 5 6 7 8 7a910111213
7a910 11 12',13 5 6 7 a 910'11 9101112131415 141516fi1A1920
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 29 30 31
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 26 27 28 29 30 31 30 lislsl
and repeat the numbers in the box. lislsp and circle the dates on the calendar.
Then match them with a-1. 1 Lhe sevenl;eenth of l./tarch
lsr@ 2ndf 3rd[ 4tht]
5 rL! 6th fl 7rh E 8rh n Circle four dates on the calendar. In pairs, take it in
turns to say them to your paftner. Circle the dates
e ,! 10th n zfth fl 21st !
you hear.
a sl\.ir e first i third Work in groups. Decide on four important dates in
b nnri: f fourth j fifth your townicountry.
c :ighih g twenty-first k tenth
d :n-entrelh h secoird I seventh 4th July - lndependence Oay in Xhe UOA.
*o Write the numbers. Then say, listen and check.
a --:l d 15th g 27th
b -i -r- e 23rd h 30rh
: : fl1th i 12th
a'l.r rn ooc
1 Hor', , . -,r'- -
2\\lrpt..;-'t. :
a In Ireland.
b On the 21st o[-\u..-
c 24.
d I rvas 18.
e In 1938.
fu *b*'
't ffi
sails the
- with a guitar and his
Maths homework
YESTERDAY morning, By Terry Bleater
Michael Perham finished
his solo trip across the the weather was terrible
Atlantic and sailed into - it was cold at night
the Guinness Book Of and the winds were
Records. He arrived in very strong, sometimes
Antigua after six weeks eighty kilometres an
on his boat. Michael is hour. His satellite phone
only fourteen. stopped working ... and
He started his trip the problems with his
on November 18th in boat started. A bad time
Gibraltar and sailed five for Michael?
thousand kilometres across 'No, I loved it. I wasn't
the Atlantic. Sometimes lonelv - even on Christmas
ffiffi,&wffi&ffi &rum ffiK&ffisru* What letters do lre add to the end of regular verbs
to make the Past Simple? lVhat happens lvhen the
cD2.56 Check the words. Listen and repeat, verb ends in -e?
are true.
ldl live Iister-t
1 Michael started his trip in Antigua. T stay phone
2 His journey was very easy. I ltdl hate
3 He plays the guitar. T decide
4 He was often sad. I want visit
5 He is a university student. I
6 Michael comes from England. I Write the sentences in the Past Simple.
1 I talk to my parents on the phone on Sr.mdal-
W$*rk'. i? m**t I f,alked No my parenls on Ihe phone on gunday.
2 He sometimes waiks in the park.
Look at the sentences. Are they about the present or
3 We watch TV in the afternoon.
the past?
4 They visit France very often.
He started his trip on November 18th. 5 She arrives in London at half past eight.
Sometimes doiphins played next to my boat. 6 He finishes school at four o'clock.
+ l?*!k ed to my family.
He xrrlvc_ in Antigua on January 3rd. ligfsp and circle the correct answers.
They p**y_ next to his boat. 't Yesterday morning Dan and Kate arcit;ed in /
started thezr joutneg to Sydney.
2 Yesterday afternoon they watched a
concer[ at / uistted the Opera House.
3 Yesterday evening they arriued / relaned at
the hotel.
4 Last night they walked / cooked d'inner e,,ii.
the beach.
Tick the things you did yesterday. Tell your partner,
coz.or f,srnplste the table with the irregular verbs in
the Past Simple from the pictures. Listen and repeat.
c82,60 Read and listen to the story. Was the Farmers'
holiday a success? Past Simple: atfirmative (irregular verbs)
{ 'it,ii
Write the verbs in brackets in the Underline the irregular verbs. What are their forms? Look at page 126 t0
Past Simple. help you.
1 They (leave) do homework go to bed late go to the town centre/church
Spain on Saturday.. have a shower have breakfastAunch sleep a lot
2 I (buy) a ticket to stay at home surf the Internet meet a friend
T,nndnn rrpqtprdrrr
3 She (go) _ to Write what you did at these times in the table. Use the verbs in
Scotland last year. Exercise 6 or your own ideas, Tell your partner about your week.
4 We (have) a lovely
holiday rn the mounlains. Last night i Last Sunday Last;,'
5 I'm tired I (sleep)
badl5r last night' i I
t\aA, a, :;l.cvier : pl^onel- a- lrtud
6 It r'vas hot in Spain - u''e f we.Yt.L Lo btA trtte
(wear) T-shlrts
every day!
your lorm?
A (student) single/return to
,,. , please.
Jane has to meet her Dad at six o'clock in the 0K. When do you want to travel?
evening in Glasgow, Look at the train timetable and
2Today/tomorroMon Saturday.l'm coming back
answer the questions. on ,, ,
,it" .
rj; ,\
''ffifEfr, STN6LE
LoNDoNr KrN6,s cRoss
\ dUtEN,S STRrrr
Match the adjectives in the box with nouns 1-6.
besi digital Iong mobile
l G Write the dates in full, Then listen and check, raijway return
1 1st Jan Ihefirst of January
1a_ phone
2 2nd Sep
2 my _ friend
3 3rd Aug
3a_ ticket
4 9th Feb
5 12th Dec
5a_ camera
6 25th Apr
6 the _ station
Write the Past Simple of these verbs in the
Complete the sentences with the prepositions from
the box.
ACROSS DOWN 9 on (x 2) oI wilh to aL in (x 2) by
3 eat ' 1 drink
4 see 2 make 1 The beach was very near so we went
5go 4 sieep _ foot.
7 know 6 think 2 Her parents are very proud _ her.
8 buy t have 3 My birthday is _ July 7th.
11 leave 10 wear 4 We went Spain last summer and
stayed friends.
5 I was tired on Saturday evening - I stayed
home and I was bed at
half past nine!
6 They went to F rance train - they
arrived Paris last night.
- the weather's
ffi Can you hear the underlined letters in these
words? Listen and repeat.
3 It's often hot in surnmer in Warsaw but it's whole autumn frlend answer clothes
sometimes very cold in w_ .
4 I m tired this morning - I was at a party iffi# Underline the stressed syllable in each word.
l_ night. Listen and check.
5 It rras autumn and the trees were o amazing expensive journey July
and broxn. perfect surprise video yesterday
6 Radio uzs popular in the twentieth timetable remember return denart
Write the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple.
t'-.-- - : l:...-- -: -
4 U-*r'-' I L : ll:: :-'' .-'
5 Lold Prlce -ir':,-''- I- -:- ' - r- jj:
Hard to be
By Sylvia King
Think about your life when you were ten years old.
Make sentences about what is different now, Use
the ideas in the box to help you, Tell your paftner
about the changes.
-rE l:,6 *
C.r' !- ,dJ is-
tI- re g'f:
*ilffi ffi r@
E ryTtranstormer
=.8 Teletubbies
Ke&, "A#
'_ l/you/he/she/iVwe/they to music?
'_ l/you/he/she/iVwe/th ey
the Spice Girls?
Shod answers
Yes, l/you/he/she/iVwe/they 3
I loved t}ne Teletubbies. I had Teletubbies
No, l/you/he/she/iVwe/they 4
books, Telettftbies magazines and
lff - questions Teletubbies pyjamas!
\'/hat programmes you ?
l'1hen he school?
'r'/here you to school? Probably My Little Pony.I even took her to
nursery school with me every day. Alt my
friends had them too.
I : ,:u
caftoons? j
,{ I loved them. When I was seven I wanted to
^ -: +. n|i.scrv snhOOl? J
be a Spice Girt!
', -- I : ra te nursery seheel? J
* Yes. I did! It was a niee time to be a kid!
Teenage l\{utant Ninja Ttrrtles Childhood
tR!dh{,€ frt ll*f,r t€I #Jt
1- r
-- . ::: -: l ----: -.'=StefdaV?
2 *,, . ..- : :: - ,sn resi iast rveek?
3_ , .. - _--r _ -t:'.aiasiu-eekend?
. ,- io'r''
c_ .
- -,::: : . : : -.. l',_.,::-'
\A/'*a+tr^ a',-^+l^^-
vvrr9 rr8 queslj0ns -^ :rr
1t 1I
-\1_- _ .:
_. -..
4 (you'?) En.-
primary school?
Ask your panner the questions n Exerctse 9 Tell the
class hisiher answers,
Anir:.r ilir::,i
Match the sentences with a word from Exercise 3.
1 You can take textbooks to
Work in pairs and answer the questions. school in this. ruCKsaCK
. \\hen did you start your secondary school? 2 You write tests with this.
. How old were you? 3 A good thing to have for
. In which months do you take exams? difficult Maths homeworkl
r When do the school holidays begin? 4 A room where you have lessons.
5 A place where teachers
cos.o Listen and repeat. Match teachers 1-9 with relax after lessonsl
the subjects they teach 6 There are sometimes hundreds
of t.hesc vrnconlc in !schools.
Art Biology Chemistry English vyrL ur
l){t{:iai. r,i,i I
&es{,, listcn a$d ta*k about shopping and clothes.
Fraetige Wh- questions: present and past tenses; this/that/these/those.
Felgus olt clothes; buyrng clothes.
: Retenr rione
Do you like
Write to us!
-6? * :SF ?
4Fi tr
,!-++:.s{$esffi+1€E+sE=..:F,,= r€@e*jn+gryie+.r#ria.:::
0n the bus one day ,,.
ffiw e*&wfr tr,ii; tat*{i3 \g w* &w|f]L&ffi y Qsrnplste the sentences with this, that, these,
those.Ihen listen and check,
cor.rz [llsfsf the words in the box with a-j in the
pictures. Then listen, repeat and check,
coe.ra fisasl and listen to the story. Answer the d Thig shirt shlrt
questions, is red. bh.k-
1 What did Gary have to buy?
2 Why did he have to look smart? w
3 Did he like the trousers in the shon?
4 Did Susie like them?
5 How much were the trousers?
6 Did Gary buy them? WhyAVhy not?
\N*rk !? *l.*t
Look at the underlined words in the text, Complete
the box with these/those. Then check on page 12b. a _ trousers b _ trousers
are great. are ugly.
Singular Plural
is blue.
llrlx cap is blue. caps are nice.
$s w t'T- #
are old
'rir r 63p is expensive. caps are smaft.
1 glasses
2 a hat
3 o lnrreq
4 watch
5 ti ohtq
6 boots
7 a tie
B socks
swffiw$ws-e_ rruffitu$sffi
Answer the questions in pairs.
1 Are sales popular in your country?
2 Do you like them? WhyAVhy not?
spr&K *t{Y I
Can I try on that dress, please?
Where are the changing rooms, please?
Do you have it rn blue/a small?
Does it look good?
l' m a smal l/medi um/large.
It's loo b i g/l o n g/s h o rt.
It looks greaUawfull
Shop assistani
What size are you?
Does it fit?
3 What bought you?
@Y@YDW 4 How much they costed?
5 Where was it the sale?
a I w'ent shopping.
b In the shopping centre.
1 English
Fred, you're
number 10 ffin
:a*r ! dfrn
ldr u &n
Write a description of two classmates. What are
you're 28. they wearing?
school, ] hated the uniform! The shirts and B Yes. Can I'_ those boots, please?
A Of course.
ties were awful So I designed a new uniform - you have them
B Do 3
jeans and a T-shjrt with the name of the school
A Yes, here a
on it. The school Liked it - and the students B Thanks.
loved it! ADo5
B Yes, they do.
T-l u_
BLJ A They on you.
Not bad. I djdn't like school but I always B Thanks. '_ are they?
A They're Sl00 8_
B Oh! How much are n_
passed my exams! Maths and Art were my best
over thelel
a help you f try on
CU T----L
b in red g look very nice {0
Yes, I did. I studied Fashion Design. My teachers
were great and I met a lot of funtastic people.
c in the sale
d how much
e those boots
h you are
i the;'flt z
I didn't have any money and they helped me E
when I first started my own company. Choose the correct response a-c, cn
f-L 1 Terrible $'eaihe| thi: rl."t : - i -
DU a No. it isn't. b \-es. i::
-:.-,.,,---. c l:,:'":.-..s1 UJ
I opened my 2Lst shop last week - jn 2 How are 5-ou? #
Shanghai! I have L0 shops in Britain and i.0 in a Not bad. tliarr,ks. b 'i=..
c I'm John.
_ -,: ..
the USA, Europe and Asia. But I seLL most of my Fq
clothes on the Internet. Thafs where people do
3 Did r-ou lrar-' a rl + -'.'-: " l b#
a \-es. it's lor-eii. b i i-;as r.l.:_i. rE#
their shopping nowadays! f;A
c \-es. thanks. Faliiasiicl I#
r----l 4 Did i ou see tl-Lat hln'L or-r T\- lasr r-Lighr.'
EIJ a \-es. it \\-as great. b \o. I l-Late T\-. M
I'm not! I'm having a holidayl C \-es. lf;s
5 I like J-oul rucksackt
d \Ie, too. b lt's expensrve. 6&
c Thanks. I got it in the sale. k
0) c
* z
c .F
o c
J 9c
ts- o
E 9,Y
o o.F
iiux 0. oz
rcw -o
o-o z
!z'la fr
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Tapescript Trish A-fternoon Rob!
Rob Oh, hi Ttish. How are you?
Trish I'm fine thanks. And you?
ulilT 1
Rob Yes, I'm fine, thanks.
Grammar and Speaking
Exercise 4
Exercise 3
A Hi. I'm Darek. What's your name? Mr Blick Good afternoon, Robert!
B Hello. My name's Lucio. Nice to meet you! Rob Oh, good afternoon, Mr Blick. How are you?
A Nice to meet you too! Mr Blick I'm very well, thank you. And you?
Rob Yes, I'm very well, thank you.
Grammar and Vocabulary
Exercise 2 Rob Evening, Jill!
a Hello! My name's Daniel. I'm from France. JillEvening, Rob! How are you?
b Hi! I'm Edmondo. I'm from Italy. Rob Yes, I'm fine, thanks.
c Hi! My name's Helen. I'm from England.
d Hello! I'm Aziz.I'm from Thrkey.
e Hi! I'm Pablo. I'm from Spain. ulilT 2
Grammar and Uocahulary
Exercise 4
A Hi. My name's Mark. Exercise 3
B Hi Mark! I'm Diego. Where are you from? 1 Andy's 19 and he's a mechanic.
A I'm from London. And where are you from? 2 Daniel's Irish and he's 28.
B I'm from Mexico. 3 She's a doctor and her name's Sadie.
4 His name's Boris and he's an actor.
Grarnmar and $peaking 5 Olivia's Scottish and she's 20.
lxercise 4
Exercise 4
1 She's Sadie and she's 26.
A Are you Tim Brown? 2 His name's Daniel and he's from Ireland.
B No, I'm not. I'm TmGreen. 3 Her name's Olivia and she's a secretary.
4 He's Boris and he's Russian.
Two 5 He's English and his name's Andy.
A Where are you from? France?
Exercise 5
B No, I'm lrom Naples.
A Oh sorry. You aren't French - you're Italian! A name? B Her name's Sadie.
What's her
A job?
What's her B She's a doctor.
Three A from? B She's from Canada.
Where's she
A Are you Spanish? A How old is she? B She's 26.
B Yes, I am. I'm from Madrid.
A Oh!Are you at university? Exercise I
B Sorry? Oh, am I a student? Yes, I am. aan
a doctor an actor
Uocahulary a mechanic an artist
a secretary an engmeer
Exercise E a police officer
0ne a waiter
Presenter How old are you, Simon? a singer
Simon I'm 14. a teacher
a receptionist
Presenter How old are you, T?ish?
Trish I'm 30. Grammar and Listening
Three Exercise 4
Presenter How old are you, Ricky? A Is Mr Kelly an artist? B No, he isn't.
B,icky i'm 16. A Is he a doctor? B Yes, he is.
A Is he married? B Yes, he is.
Survival English A Is Mrs Kelly an actor? B No, she isn't.
A Is her name Helen? B Yes, it is.
Exercise 3 A Is she Canadian? B No, she isn't.
Exercise 5
Itrs Berger Good morning, Robert.
Rd Er, good morning, Mrs Berger. How are you? Sandy Hi, I'm Sandy and this is Bob.
lffs Berger I'm very well, thank you. And you? Pablo Hello, Sandy. Nice to meet you. My name's
Rd \-es. I'm very wel1, thank you! Pablo.
Sandy Are you from Italy, Pablo?
Pablo No, I'm Spanish - from Barceiona, in Spain. Exercise 4
And who's that? 0ne
Sandy Uuh, Maria? Jimmy Ercuse me. ]s -f:s r-,-,111'f2gl
Pablo Maria, yes. Is she English? Woman guest \-es. it isl Thauk \ riJ . .i-:, rruch.
Sandy No, she's Argentinian - from Buenos Aires. Jimmy \bu re n elcoile.
Pablo Oh. What's her job?
Sandy She's a singer. Two
Pablo Mm ... Woman guest Excuse me. \\here s i':!= a t1,:, . !-,r:.1s: .1
Sandy And what's your job? Jimmy I'm sorry', l dor L r -u , i-t : .n' l.
Pablo An engineer. I'm an engineer ... and ... is Woman guest Oh... the bankl \\l'reles r:.; iar-,...'
she married? Jimmy Sorry, I don't knon-.
Sandy Who? Three
Pablo Marial Teenage girl Excuse me. Are you Hugh Gt'at ".
Sandy Yes, she is. Jimmy Pardon?
Pablo Oh, no ... Teenage girl Are you Hugh Grant?
Sandy Are you married? Jimmy No, sorry. My name's Jimm;. \\hte.
Pablo No, I'm not!
&*&*xY e ffiffiw$s$*ru x
*rarxmar mtid $*cadixag L*st***xg
ex*rc!s* S €xcr*l*c 1
1 There's a park. There is one park. Emma What a great photo, Keith. Where is it?
2 There isn't a cilrema. Keith It's my hometovrn - I'ortrose, in Scotland.
3 There are some caf6s. There are three caf6s. Emma Really! Is it nice?
4 There are a 1ot of hotels. There are eight hotels. Keith Well, a 1ot of my friends and family are from
5 There aren't any buses. there, so yes, it's OK!
Emma Is 1t a bi,g town?
Grsr*mmr effi * trf*frefu et**ry Keith No - in fact, it's very very small! There's just
one hotel and a post office!
Ex*r*i** f;
Emma Oh. So there aren't even any shops?
Voice '1 Is there a bookshop? Keith Well, there's one llttle shop. But there aren't
Voice 2 Yes, there is. any supermarkets or clubs or thlngs like that.
Voice 2 No, there isn't . And it's far from any big tovms or cities.
Voice 1 Are there any toilets? Emma Oh - that's terrible ...
Voice 2 Y-es, there are. Keith Wel1, for me that's good, you know. But I'm
Voice 2 \o. there aren't. also very happy here in London.
wru&Y s
&r*mnxxr xmei &e**e**rxg
ili:r -:sire the museum, there's a theatre. Opposite the
irre.rr- there's a cinema. Next to the library, on the €xsr***s ?
riglL:. rhele s a cafe. Next to the library and opposite 1 I speak English and French.
rhe horel there's a church. 2 I don't Like bananas.
3 Do they eat Italian food?
4 Do you have a computer?
5 They don't live in France.
6 Do you speak English?
7 Where do you live?
Gramrnar and Speaking B Here 1-ou arel
Exercise A Hori- much is that.'
B Er. that's foru' pc,un,is ter,. L.:ast. Tl-,ar.r
Damon Is your pizza good?
Kelly Yes, it is. I really like pizzas. 2 A HelJo..M oratrge juirc I., :-.
Damon I love them too! And do you like B OK. Anlahing else?
London? A No thanks.
Kelly I love itl B Here you are. That's one Lr,-,rn,l I-,r-.t-.:-,-:l
" =.
Damon Yes, London's fantastic. Kelly ... do you please.
like me? [xarcise 5
Kelly Yes, Damon, I really like youl
Damon Oh, greatl Er, this is for you.
Customer A mineral water, please.
Kelly Flowers! I'or me? Thank you! Sure. Any'thing else?
Customer Yes, please. TWo coffees, please.
Damon/Kelly To us!
Man OK. Here you are.
Customer How much is that?
Vocabulary Man That's three pounds eighty, please.
lxercise 3
Becky Mummy! Chocolate! I love chocolate!
Mum No, Becky. Not today! UrulT S
Becky Why? Grammar end ltsoahulary
Becky Mummyl Orange juice! I really like Exercise 3
orange juice! get - gets finish finishes
Mum No, Becky. Not today. staft- starts go - goes
Becky Why? wake up - wakes up have - has
Mum There's mineral water here. Water is very leave - leaves
good for you.
HNerclse 6
Becky But I hate water.
A Does Rob wake up at7?
Becky Mummy! Mummy! Pizzal I Iove pizzat B Yes, he does.
Mum No, Becky. Not today. A Does he leave home at 9?
Becky Why? B No, he doesn't.
Mum Tonight there's lovely fish and nice vegetables
for us to eat.
Becky But I hate fish and I don't like vegetables
Srammar *rld l"ixtening
[xerelse &
Becky Mummy! Mummyl
Mum NO! Maggie Hello, Rob. How are you?
Rob Fine thanks, Mum.
Maggie Are you sure? You're not very happy today
Suruiual [ngli*h Rob No, I'm OK, Mum - really.
Exereise 2 Maggie Is there a problem at work?
1 fifty-five pence/frfty-five 'p' Rob No, Mum - there aren't any problems.
2 two pounds Maggie Do you like your job?
3 two pounds sevenly-nine Rob Yes, I love it.
4 six pounds tr,renly-five Maggie Do you wear a uniform?
5 thirty-two pounds fifty Rob No, Mum - I wear a suit ...
6 eighty pence/elghty 'p' Maggie What exactly do you do. Rob?
7 nineteen pounds ninety-nine Rob Oh, a iot of things ...
8 three pounds thirty Maggie You never talk about ir. Is ,: u-:.
Rob Yes. I go to differeni p,le.r:=: :-. .
Exerolse 3 Oh tr'Ium. ]-ou re rigr r- . - :t . i. -, :.-' t-.a! !. .
Gustomer 1 An orange juice please. Horv much is that? \I1-3ob's not utltris_tj= -r'. -.--1. I :'g
Man That's one pound tr,venty-five, please. I hate itl I n ear a :i_:.,tr- , _::'*lt-.: a:-.,i ',r-alk
ut lht -t t' --. .: . . =tri _=.
Customer 2 A Cola, please,
Man That's ninety-five pence. then. Exercise I
Customer 3 A chicken sandwich, please. Maggie f{i \ure. .his rs \laggie
Man That's two pounds seventl--fii-e. please. Anne Oh. hi -\Iaggte. Ale 1-ou all nghr
Maggie i knori- about Rob. ,\inel He doesr-L r har-e
Customer 4 A chocolate cake, please. a good jobl
Man That's one pound thirty. Anne Oh. \laggi". I .. .
[xereise 4 Maggie And he doesn't wear a smart suitl He n ear.s a
chicken costume ...
1 B Yes?
Anne But does he like his job?
A A coffee, please!
Maggie No, he hates it! He thinks it's borlrLg.
B Sure. An;,'thing else?
Anne Don't worry, Maggie. He's young and there
A Er, yes please. A cheese sandwich.
are a lot of other jobs!
UacabuNar-v nnd $p*akimg a$rsgY ?
Excrcis* 4
&rammar *vtd t-i$t*asisxW
{-.t k
Surviw** ffi;tglis* W**a&***ary
Xxer*i**'l Xxsr*!s* :3
0ne Justin Hi, it's me, Justin.
Mark Excuse me, can you help me, please? Paul Hi Justln.
Man Yes, sure. Justin Hi Paul. What are you doing?
Mark Where can I buy a top-up card for my mobile? Paul I'm walking the dog.
Man I'm not sure but I think you can buy one in Justin Oh. Er, do you play football this afternoon
'Cheapos'. - T'm thinkins about ... .
Mark Sorry where? Can you speak slowly, please? Paul Chocho! Stop that, now! Sorry, Justin. I have
Man Oh, sorry. In the supermarket, 'Cheapos'. It's to finish ...
over there. Justin Oh, OK. Bye.
Mark Thanks a lot.
Justin Hi, Markl It's Justin. What are you doing?
Two Mark Hi Justin. I'm doing my English homeworkl
Girl Can I help you? Juslin Oh! Are 1'su I'ery busy?
Mark Yes. Can I have a top-up card, please? Mark Yes - sorry.
Girl Yeah. That's 55. Justin OK. See you soon.
Mark Sorry? Can you repeat that, please?
Fiona Yes?l
Girl It's 55. Justin Oh, hi, I'iona. It's JustLn. Hot-are 1-ou? \\hat
Mark Oh, right. Here you are.
are you doing?
Three Fiona I'm having a shower!
Mark Hello, this is Mark. Can I speak to Emma, Justin Oh! I'm really sorry, Fiona. I ... .
Jade Let's meet at twenty past one next to the \iccabrllary amd !-i*tening
cirema. OK?
Megan OK. See you tomorrow! Bye!
Jade Bye!
u4r ru@r .y
nIJr July October
February May August November
March June September December
REUr$'&ru e Kxereise 4.
Listen!rxg amd Wnitimg a twenty-second f eleventh
Exer*ise { b thirteenth g twenty-seventh
c fifth h thirtieth
\,Iy room's small but it's great. My bed's on the right d fifteenth i twelfth
e twenty-third
and there's a TV next to it, on the left. There aren't
any chairs but there's a sofa opposite the bed, on the Xxereiss 5
left. I sit on it to watch TV! 1 The twentieth of April.
Two 2 The twenty-fourth of March.
My bedroom's not very big but it's nice. My bed's on 3 The eighteenth of December.
the right and there's a TV next to it. I have a table and 4 The thirty-first of May.
chair, too, but I don't have a sofa. I watch TV in bed! 5 The twenty-second of June.
6 The third of I'ebruary.
Three 7 The twelfth of July.
My bedroom's great. There's a sofa on the right and 8 The twentieth of September.
my bed's on the 1eft. My table is next to my bed, on
the right. I can do my homework there. Oh, and I &xcr*isc 6
have a shower in my bedroom. I don't have to use the 1 The seventeenth of March.
family bathroom! 2 The second of April.
3 The seventh of January.
4 The eleventh of October.
wruxY s 5 The fourth of November.
&rxmr*t*r e,?* !fs&eher*arit 6 The thirtieth of August.
7 The ninth of February.
Sx*nslse ?
B The fifteenth of May.
1 Where were you when you were ten? 9 The twelfth of June.
When I was ten I was at school in Manchester. 10 The thirteenth of August.
2 Where were your grandparents from? 11 The twenty-sixth of September.
My dad was from Manchester but my grandparents 12 The third of July.
weren't. They were from London.
3 Who was your best friend at primary school?
S*rvitral Kng!isk
My primary school was great. My best friend was
Michelle. She wasn't English, she was French. Kx*r*isr? 2
4 Where were you on Saturday night? Jane When's your birthday, Alice?
On Saturday night, I wasn't at home. I was at a Alice On the 22nd of August.
party with my friends. Jane Really? When were you born?
5 Were you tired this morning? Alice In 1990.
Last night, I was in bed at nine o'clock! This Jane Amazing. And uthere were you born?
morning, I wasn't tired but I was late for school! Alice In Liverpool.
Jane Me, too! We were born inthe same place on the
H*aelixlg effid 1f8**bffXary same dayt
Exer*lse X Xxcrcise S
1 nineteen eighty four 4 two thousand and one Alice Your dad's pizzeria is great, Jane.
2 sixteen fifty 5 nineteen sixty nine Jane Thanks. I like it too, the pizzas are delicious.
3 eighteen eighteen 6 seventeen forly eight Alice Was your father born in Italy?
Jane Yes, in Romel And you know what? It's his
birthday today, too!
Vo ca bu!arg
Alice No! When was he born?
irercise 2 Jane On the twenty-second of August 1960!
1 :1 xtute plano 7 a green chair Afice We have to sing Happy Bi'rthdcty to him!
I ; llel fridoo
< 8 a pink car
3 a q,,id nedal 9 a blue T-shirt
4 r=-i i-egetables 10 an orange ball &5ruXY 1&
5 -.'=,1',,-,r flon ers 11 a brornm guitar &rammar amd S*ading
L:.:k clog 12 a grey telephone
Xxerc*ss &
talked cooked stayed decided
watched lived phoned wanted
walked listened hated visited
l ll{i
fxsrcise 10 Tim A stuclent retuln to Cirester. please.
Mum Hello? Ticket seller OK. -\'rcl uhen clo l-{:)u \',-ar,i to
Dan Hi, Mum. It's mel Tim Tomorron. I'm c,,,r,-,il-Lg i,ark c,n Thr-trscla1.
Mum Danl Where are you phoning from? Ticket seller That's thu'il'-fir-t ;,,_,-i:-. is. r1:as: Tfrank
Dan We're in Sydney! you.
Mum Oh!Are you OK?
Dan Yeah I'm fine. Kate's fine too. She says hello.
Mum Oh, that's nice! msl,t$,0tu s
Dan Yeah - w-e arrived yesterday - at eleven o'clock Socabulary and &remrnar
in the morning.
Exereise X
Mum Oh right. What's Sydney like?
Dan It's fantastic. Yesterday afternoon we visited the 1 the first of January
Opera House and then, er, in the evening we 2 the second of September
just relaxed at the hotel. 3 the third of August
Mum Right! 4 the ninth of February
Ard then at night we walked on the beach 5 the twelfth of December
Dan - 6 the twenty-fifth of April
there are a lot of caf6s and bars, it was really nice
Mum Grealt 56 whal are your plans for loday?
Dan Well, we want to go on a boat to ... !-isteming
fixereise 1
Sramrnar and $peaking
Excreise 3 ... the new technology. The BBC started its first TV
Leave. Left. Have. Had. Rnv Rnrroht progranunes in 1936. And back then in 1936 there
Go. Went. Take. Took Thlnk. Thought were just 4B televisions in the whole of London!
fxeneise 4 Two
Frve Sue Yes, I did, thanks. Martin and I went to Oxford
B 22 Sheep Street, Abingdon. for the day!
A OK. -\nd your date of birth please, Mrs Jones? Fay Oh ... nice!
B \bs. it's. The twenty-second of March, nineteen fifty. Sue And what about you, Fay? Did you have a
A ... the ... twenty-second ... of ... March. good weekend?
\ineteen fifteen? Xxens!*e 4
B Certainly notl NineteenJi,Jtyl
Tina Ohl I like your T-shirt Kate!
Kate Thanks! I bought it in Spain last year.
UruIY "'X
Gramsmar m;xd Sgxeakimg Two
Exer*ls* ?
Man Nice weaLher this morning!
Woman Yes, it's lovely.
1 Dad Did Mel meet her friends at the weekend?
Mum Yes, she did. She went to the cinema with Three
them. Girl 1 Did you have a nice evening?
Girl 2 Yes, I did, thanks. I went to the cinema
2 Teenage girl Did you have a good lime at with Justin.
Tim's party?
Teenage boy No, I didn't. It was a really Four
borrng party! Woman How are you, Rob?
Man Oh, I'm tired this morning. I didn't sieep well.
3 Mum Did they do their homework last night?
Dad No, they didn't. They watched TV! Five
Boy 1 Did you see the Poland-England game last night?
4 Teenage boy Did you phone Paul yesterday. Boy 2 Yes, I did. It was fantastic.
Teenage girl Yes, I did. But he wasn't at home ...
Soeahrnlaryr &8$$XY {X
Kxersise $ &r*mmar clld $g:*ak*mg
Dad Did you have a good day at school, Wayne? Fxeneise 4
Wayne No, I didn't. We had a French lest in the 1 Where do you usually do your shopping?
morning - it was really difficult. And then in 2 Why do you do it there?
the afternoon I had all the lessons I don't like 3 Who does he usually go with?
- Maths, Chemistry and Biology. It was a killer! 4 Where is your local supermarket?
I hate Thursdaysl 5 What are you doing here?
Mum Do you have a lot of homework to do this 6 When was your last shopping [rip?
evenhg? 7 How much were they?
Wayne Yes, I do. I have to do my Geography 8 What did you have to buy?
homework for tomorrow and I have to finish 9 How did she pay?
mv Hist nrv homework too.
Dad Well, you have important exams in June ... Grarxll*ar and Wceafuulary
it's very important that you work hard every
evening and study at the weekends. €xereise &
Wayne Yeah, yeah! This cap is red.
Mum When are the results of your French test, tlthoco nenc qra nino
wa;,ne? That cap is expensive.
Those caps are smart.
Surwivx* KllgXXsh €Nsr*ise 6
Exer*ixe 1 1 I Iike that shirt!
0ne 2 Do you like these shoes?
Guy Lovely weather this morningl 3 How much are those trainers, please?
Girl \-es, 1t'suery n'ice ,.. . 4 That skirt's arvful!
5 Did you buy this jacket yesterday?
6 What do you think of those sweaters, Gary?
l\{ark Morning, guys!
Sieve/Paul Hi Mark! Xxereiss 7
ark Hey - did you see 60 Mi,nutes
l\f on TV 1 a This shirt is red.
last night? b That slurt is black.
Paul No, I didn't 2 a Those trousers are great.
Steve I did! Did you? b These trousers are ugly.
ark \-eah. it was great!
hf 3 That sweater is blue.
Steve \-eah. brilliant! 4 These jeans are old.
5 Those shoes are new
.< D^--t 6 This suit is expensive.
F: j"
JJ S:-: Dld r-ou have a nice weekend?
lfeeabulany and i-istmrxil'lg CIJLTI.IRE SHOCK 1
€xerciss 3 Exercise 3
Richard Hi Judy, where are you?! 0ne
Judy Oh hi, Richard. I'm ir my bedroom. Kate 1I1- narr.e's Kar= ai. l I:.:r ::-. a -.aI-!- fan-iilus
Richard What? it's late! We have to go to Julian's party lo\-\l1 I'l .:L= f-. 1-:. --:::-::.j r t-- - --,
at 8 - and it's quarter to eight now! - - -,
m€wx$x&ru s
1 This person's wearing trousers, glasses, a shirt,
a cap and boots.
2 This person's wearing a cap, jeans, trainers, and
a jacket.
3 This person's wearing trousers, shoes, glasses,
a sweater and a hat.
Word List big /brg/
boring I'bcrrql
brother ft:.rt6el
uHtT 1 - t{i! but lbr.rl,l
child /tJarld/
r countries chjldren l'tJl/'dranl
. nationalities classmates /'klol smelt s/
cook /kuk/
Argentina /,old3an'tilna/
Argentinian /, ol dSen' t rnien/ daughter I'dcftel
Canada /'kenede/
father l'fs:^6el
friend lfrend/
Canadian /ke'nerdien/
girlfriend /' g s llfrend/
England /'rrjglend/
good igudl
English /'rqghJ/ grandparent /' grandpeerent/
France /frqlns/ great lgreftl
French lfrentfl
from /from/
happy l'hnpil
hat lhatl
German l'd3stmanl
housewife /'hauswafi
Germany /'d3slmenii
Italian lftr.lienl husband I'httzbandl
Ttaly l'fielil mother /'mt6el
musician lmjv^'zt[anl
Mexican /'meksrken/
new injurl
Mexico /'meksrkeu/
Poland /'peulend/
old /euld/
photo /'feuteu/
Polish I'peult]./ poor /pJr/
Spain /spern/
Spanish /'spanr/
pretty l'prfiil
student /'stjuldent/
fich hftfl
sad /sed/
teacher l'Iitt[el
Ttrrkey i 'tsrki/ short {crtl
Tlrrkish I'tstkt| sister /'srste/
small /smclV
university /, j u:nr'vslsrti/
son /s^n/
tall ltctU
UMIT 2 * -fobs ugly /',tgli/
uncle /',rpkel/
o jobs wedding /'wedrq/
actor i'aktel wife iwarfl
alphabet I'a.lfebell
artist /'ortrst/ I,NIT 4 - Places
bag lbngl
bank ibre4kl . shops and services
doctor I'doktel o prepositions ofplace
engineer l,end3t'ntel
job ld3obl bookshop /'bukJnp/
married /'mrerid/
burger bar /'bs:ge bcl/
eaf6 l'knfetl
mechanic /mr'kaenrk/
occupation /,okju'perJan/
church lt[sttJl
police officer /pe'lils ,oflsa/ cinema /'srnema/
clothes shop /'kleudz [opl
receptionist /n' sepJenrst/
club /'klnb/
secretary /'sekretri/
even /'ilven/
singer i 'srga/
fantastic /fren'tastrk/
surgle /'s14gel/
favourite l'fewent"l
spell /speV
here/over there ,ihre. ,auva 'dee/
srJITIame /'ss:nerm,/
teacher I'titt[el hospital /'hosprtl/
raiter hotel /heu'tel/
information desk /,rnfe'merJen desk/
interesting /' rntrestr4/
UltlT 3 - Family internet caf6 /,rntenet 'kafer/
library /'larbreri, -brii
. family museum lmju'^'zieml
. adjectir-es next to /'nekst tel
: i-xass 'aktrrs/ nice /nars/
j--:.: O:nt on /Dn/
b,ad bad on the left /on de 'left/
:'":-t ttend on the right ion 6e'rattl
only /'eunli/
opposite I'opezttl music i 'mjurzrk/
park ipork/ orange juice /'orandS dSuls
place iplers/ pizza I'pittsel
plan /plrn/ play /pler/
post office /'peust ,ofrs/ pop/rock /pnp, rok/
pub ip,tb/ quite /kwart/
restaurant /'resternnt/ really /'rreli/
shoe shop /'Jur Jop/ sandwiches /'senwldSrz
shopping centre / Joplr3 ,sente/ school /skurl/
sports shop /'spcrts Jop/ snacks /sneks/
square iskwee/ spaghetti /spe'geti/
street /strirt/ speak /spirk/
supermarket /' sulpe,molkrt/ sport /spcrti
telephones I' telefeunzl tea ltill
terrible I'terabell tennis /'tenrs/
theatre l'9rctel the Internet /di 'rntenet/
toilets /'tcrlets/ vegetables I' v ed3tebelzl
towr.t /taun/ want /wont/
town centre /,taun 'senta/ work /wslk/
with /wr6, wrO/
&,ruXY & * ffissstirles
Uf\|XY S * Likes anld di*llkes . routines
o food and drink r tellin$ the time
. verbs
(at) night inartl
bad for you /'bad fe ju/ (at) weekends /,wilk'endz/
basketball /'bor skrtbcrl/ a.m./p.m, /,eI 'em, ,pir 'em/
buy lbatl advertising I' r,dv et avtq I
car lkstl after I'a.'^ftel
cheese lt[itzl (in the) afternoon /,clfte'nulru
chicken i 'tJrken/ busy /'brzil
Chinese/Indian (food) l,t I al nitz,' rndieni close /kleuzl
chips /tJrps/ closed lkleuzdl
chocolate /'tJoklrt/ Come on! /k,Lm'on/
chocolate cake /'tJnklrt kerki different I'dfierentl
classical music /,klasrkel'mjurzrk/ dinner I'dtnel
coffee I'kofil early /':rli/
cola i 'kaule/ (in the) evening /'ilvnrg/
customer /'k.,t steme/ every day i,evri 'der/
do /dur/ finish school /,frnrJ 'skull/
dog /dng/ Friday I'fratdil
eat littl half past /,horf 'porst/
egg tegt get home /get 'haum/
eggs legzt get up lget'tpl
fish /frJi go to bed /,geu te 'bed/
flowers l'flauezl go shopping /,geu 'Jopr4/
food /furd/ have breaMast ihav 'brekfast
football lTutbctll hot ihotl
footballer /'futbcrle/ late /lert/
free time l,fri'^' tarrnl leave home /,lirv 'heum/
fruit /fru:t/ Monday /'m,tndi/
good for you i 'gud fa ju/ (in the) rnorning /'mcrniqr'
hamburger /'hambs:gel never I'nevel
hate /hert/ next /nekst/
have /hev/ offlce /'ofrs/
hip-hop / hrp hop/ open /'eupen/
jazz ld3nzl o'clock /e'klok/
language l'lnqgwtd3l problem /'problam/
live /ltv/ quarter past /,kwcrta 'po:st
love /l,rv/ quarter to /,kwcrte 'tur/
me/you,/h im,&rer/itlus/them l ml II jut l lhrml lh:. l I tt I relax /rr'lrks/
l,tsll6aml Saturday /'sretedii
menu /'menjur/ sign /sarn/
milk /mrlk/ sleep islirp/
mineral water /'mrnerei ,wcrte/ smart /smqrt/
model /'mndli sometimes /'srrmtarmz/
start , stort/ sense of humour /,sens ev 'hjurme/
study I'st,tdi/ sing /srp/
suit /sult/ singer /'srgei
Sunday /'s.tndii slow /sleu/
take exams l,tetk rg' znmzl slowly /'sleulii
talk about /'tcrk e,bauti stamp /stemp/
Thursday l'9s'^zdil study /'stndii
too (late) /tur/ teach lti,^tI
trair /trern/ That's all. /,6rets 'c:V
T\resday l'Ijutzdil think (about) /0r4k/
usually I' juryell violin /.vara'lrn/
wake up /,werk'np/ violinist /.vare'hnrst/
wear (a uniform) /wee/ walk the dog /,wcrk 6e 'dog/
Wednesday l'wenzdil well /weV
work hard /,ws:k 'hord/
* Ta&exxt unil6-rreelilne
t}fUgYS 7 . rooms and furniture
. verbs o free-time activities
. a4iectives and adverbs
armchair /'olmtJee/
act lrkll bathroom /'bolOrulm/
bad /bed/ bed /bed/
badly l'ba,dltl bedroom /'bedrulm/
become /br'k,rm/ chair /tJee/
be fit /bi 'frt/ cooker /'kukei
can /kan/ couple /'k,rpeV
can't /kornt/ drink /drr4ki
chef fefl enjoy /m'd3cri
college l'kohd3l flne (=011171utn7
comedian /ke'mi:dien/ football match /'futbc:l mrtI
cook /kuk/ fridge lfnd3l
dance /do:nsi have a bath /hrev e 'borO/
dancer /'dornsa/ have fun /hev 'f,tn/
dictionary /' drkJeneri/ have a shower lhrev e'[aual
dish /drJ/ have an exam /,hev en tg'za;lrtl
do (sportsAromework) /dur/ Just a minute. /,d5,rst e 'mrnrt/
drive /drarv/ kitchen /'krtJrn/
(racing) driver i 'drarve/ listen to music /,hsen te 'mjurzrk/
easy l'itzl listen to CDs /,hsen te ,sil 'dilzl
famous /'fermesi listen to the radio /.hsan te 6e 'rerdieu/
fast /forst/ Iiving room /'hvrq rulm/
find /famdi make /merk/
funny l'ftynil meet /mirt/
Go ahead! /,geu e'hed/ phone friends /,feun 'frendz/
go-karts /'geu ko:ts/ phone your relatives /,feun ja'reletwzl
good /gud/ play basketball /,pler'borskltbcrl/
guitar /gr'to:/ play computer games /,pler kem'p jute getmzl
guitarist /gr'to:rrsti play football /,pler 'futbcrl/
help (in the house) ihelpl play the guitar i,plel de gr'tor/
important I tm' pc'^tent I postcard /'peustkord/
in front of /rn 'fr,r.nt evl read a book /,rild a 'buki
jokes /dSeuks/ read a magazine /,rird e mnge'zitnl
laugh at l'htf etl read a newspaper i,rild e 'njurs,perpe/
learn /lstr/ romantic /reu'maentrk/
loud,'laud/ room /rurnv
loudly l'laudlil sit /sft/
r. f agazine l,mrege' zt'^nl sofa /'seufe/
:ljrjons la'pnjenzl surf (the Internet) /s:rfl
;rrform lpe'ft'^rrl table /'terbeV
!t:lne card /'faun kord/ talk on the phone /,tcrk nn 6e 'feun/
-:*ricr'nir:nrqt/ tired itaredl
-';r-, ni rpn:ir/ toilet l'tciletl
';,la1 (u-ith 1'our
brother/sister) iplerl T-shirt l'tit lsttl
;,rartise'preektrsi TV /,tir 'vi:/
quiet ku'arat/ use a computer /,julz a kam'pjulte/
quietly ku'aratli,r isit Lvtzttl
watch DVDs /,wotJ dir vil 'dirzl perfect p:rf rkt
watch a film i,wntJ e 'frlm/ pizzeria ,pi;tsa rie
watch a video i,wotJ a 'vrdiau/ popular'popjula
write hattl present prezent
pnnatl sch,-,,,- prarmari sku:1
* proud (of) praud
*,8xx&8 S*8':xxrgxs radiogram rerdiauqr:em
r technology record 'rekr;d
r a(iectives record player reklld pier:
red /red,''
age lerd3l remember rr'memba
also /'crlseu/ sadness /'saednas
amazing le'metzttjl same /serm/
April /'erpreV second /'sekend/
August /'c:gest/ September /sep'temba/
autumn I'cftam/ serious /'sreries/
ball /bcrV seventh /'sevenO/
best friend /,best 'frend/ silver /'srlve/
birthday /'bsrOde/ sixth /srks0i
black ft:lnU sky /skar/
blue /blur/ songs /sn1z/
brown lbraunl spring /sprr4i
cassette player /ka'set ,plera/ street /strirt/
CD player/,sir 'dir ,plere/ surruner /'snme/
century /'sentJeri/ tenth /tenO/
change lt[emd3l then (= at that time) /den/
cheap lt[itpl third /0s:d/
clothes lkleudzl thousand l'Oauzendl
cloud /klaud/ tree ltrll
colour I'k':.Jel twentieth /'twentieO/
date ldefil white lwafil
December /dr'sembe/ whole world /,heul 'wslld/
decide /dr'sard/ winter /'wrnte/
digital camera /,drd3rtl 'krmere/ year ljrcl
DVD /,dr: vir 'dir/ yellow I' jelaul
eighth /ert0/ yesterday /'jestedi/
expensive /rk'spensrv/
fashion l'fa-.[anl
February /'februeri/ tfxx$t "$& * ?rssr*t
fifth /frfO/ . holidays
flrst /fs:st/ and travel
o time expressions
flower I'flauel
fourth /fcrO/ across /a'kros/
glossy /'glnsi/ after I'o;ftel
green lgri:nl arrive la'rall
grey tgrerl beach lbittll
happiness /'haeprnes/ before lblfctl
January /'d3anjueri/ boat /beut/
July /dgu'la/ change train /,tJern d3' tretnl
June /dgurn/ cycle /'sarkel/
Iast (night, week, year) /lorsti depart /dr'port/
Iater l'lefiel fly lflat/
Iook (around) llukl go by bus /,geu bal 'brrs/
LP (Longplay) l,el'pitl go by train i,geu bal 'trern/
luxury /'lnkJeri/ go by tram /,geu bar'trreml
March lmttJl go on foot /,geu on 'fut/
May lmetl journey l'd3snil
medal l'medll kilometre s lkt' lomrt" azl
mobile phone /,maubarl'feun/ Ionely i 'leunli/
modern /'modn/ mountain /'maunten/
month /mnn0/ next (Sunday) /neksti
MP4 player /,em pi: 'fc: ,plere/ often /'nfen/
ninth /narnO/ (railway) station /'sterJen/
November /neu'vemba/ return ticket /rr,tsrn 'trkrt/
October /ok'teube/ sail /serl/
orange l'wand3l seaside /'silsard/
party /'pcrti/ single ticket /,srrjgel 'trklt/
: lr-it SaUO/ pupil / pjurpel/
-.!.':ial ,' 'speJel/ pyjamas lpe'd3ttmezl
sial- stel/ rucksack /'r,rksak/
"-rrong /stro4/ school holidays /,skurl 'holediz/
sr[prise lsa'pratzl secondary school i 'sekenderi ,skurl/
this morning /drs 'mcrnrqi staff room /'storf rurm/
ticket I'trkrtl start school /,stort 'sku:l/
ticket office /'trkrt .nfls/ take a bus /,terk e 'b.l,s/
timetatrle /'tarm,terbel/ teach lIittfl
tomorrow lle'mnreul teacher l'ti'^tJel
tourist /'tuerlsti teenager I'tinerd3al
travel I'trnvall test /test/
trip ltrryl textbook /'tekstbuk/
weather /'we6e/ the same age /de ,serm'erd5/
wind /wrnd/ toy ltctl
yesterday morning/afternoon/evening /, j estedi TV programme /,til 'vir ,preugrem/
'mcr nlp, o:fte'nurn, 'irvnr4/ unusual /nn'jur5uel, -5eV
young /j^f/
XixxXt $X * Shi,dhmmcl
r school lif'e Unit 12 - $hopping
. clothes and accessories
(coffee) mug /
(school) subject / s.r.bdgrkt/ alone /e'leun/
Art ls'^tl aw{ul /'crfel/
best friend /,best 'frend/ because blkozl
Biology lbat'nled3il boot /burt/
blackboard /'blrkbcrd/ cap lknpl
calculator /'krelkj uleft e/ cost /kosti
cartoon /kor'tuln/ Don't worry. /,deunt 'w,nri/
Chemistry i 'kemrstrii do your shopping /,dur je 'Joprrj/
childhood / tJarldhud/ dress /dres/
class /klqrs/ extra smalllarge /,ekstre 'smc:I, 'lo:d5l
classroom i' klorsrurm/ glasses l'glt'^stzl
cool /kurl/ glove /gl.r,v/
desk /desk/ go out (u.rth) lgeu'autl
dictionary /' dtkJeneri/ go shopping /,gau 'Jopr4/
difflcult / ddrkelt/ hat lhnll
email /'irmeIV jacket I'd3rkrtl
English I't4gh| jeans ld3inzl
finish university /,frnrJ jurnr'vsrsrti/ large /lord3/
Ge ography l' d3oggr efrl local (shops) /'leukel/
girl /gsrl/ look good/smart /,luk 'gud, 'smort/
go to school i,geu ta 'skurl/ medium /'mi:diem/
History /'hrsteri/ need /nird/
Information Technology (IT) /Infe'meIJen pay lperl
tek,nole d5i, ,or 'tiri sale/sales /serl, serlz/
keys /kirzl shirt /Jsrt/
kid /krd/ shoes iJurzl
laptop /'laptop/ shopping trip i'Joprq trrp/
learn /lsln/ skirt /sksrt/
--r:tle /'htV small /smcrl/
lI a thernatics/Maths /,mre0e'matrks, mre0si socks /soksi
: , rnal /'ncrmal/ suit isurt/
nrlri erl- school /'nsrseri,sku:li sweater /'swete/
!"iii ex&rls l,po'^s tg' znmzl this/that/these/those /drs, dat, 6i;2, 6eazl
!re Il perl' tie ltatl
;'"rncil'penseV tights ltattsl
P h ls ic al E clucation (PE ) /,f rzrkel edj u'ketJen, trainers I'tretnezl
pu il trousers I'traazezl
!,r"uriarl' school /'prarmeri, sku:l/ watch lwot!
?--=; ria,-'-+'.': .,
S*w#wrx& &**Xae&€&ws i-::a!:,iE;ii ::, ".
i: t i:,::.\:
tSrlit *,$xrv!va! K*glisk, Sxsrsise &, SaS* 1?. -,il; .,:. .i'1t',,t.,1,i .
Write a dialogue. Then read it to the class. Use the phrases from Sp*;:! t!r:
on page 17. Student A
Ask Student B quesiions lrcrn
me. :. Exercise 7 and comclet: ihe f ii-m.
on,, i:' Then answer StuCent B s cr:siions
Nrrs Nlartrtna i Tellthe class aboul i,!Jr:ai"i^er
liiFtls:=:i:1:1:=: No, :
- =:--=++i
I'm not.
,***-*" F=,
-.."--,;--tr:,.....:+g-.-.,.gs*=r+.*::-.F-{j IOU
doctors, they're musicians. Gianni
a doctor or a musician he's a
student. We t_ at an English school
in Oxford. It o_ a very good school
and we're happy here.
coz.o+ lssft
at the words of the song and underline the verbs in the Past Simple.
Listen and sing!
In the town First n:-r-=
Where I was born Surna-= 5.y r-f,
Lived a man Nationa r_. Ar,^3r,aLn
Who sailed to sea
And he told us of his life Age: ?(
In the land of submarines .JOO: Actc'.
So we sailed up to the sun -
fill we found the sea of green -
And we lived beneath the waves
In our yellow submarine
We all live in a yellow submarine
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
We all live in a yellow submarine
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
And our friends are all on board
Many more of them live next door
And the band begins to play
We all live in a yellow submarine
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
We all live in a yellow submarine
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine xws
Unil 4, Grammar and Listening, Exercise 6o page 28. lfnil 5, $uruival English, Exeroise 6, page 3&,
StudentA Student A
Praclise the conversation in pairs. Use the shopping centre Practice the conversation in pairs. Use Speak Out on
plan on page 00 to help you. page 39 to help you.
1 You're a shopper. Are the things in the 1 You're the customer. You want a coffee and a
shopping centre? cheese sandwich.
o telephones 2 You work in the caf6. Serve the customer.
. a sports shop
o a shoe shop
tlnit 6, Grammar and !-!$tening, €xercise'l{1, page 43.
2 You're the person on the Information Desk in the
Shopoing Centre. Student A
Tell Student B aboutAndy. Then listen to Student B and
complete the information about Kate.
work hard
a*-*---*-- "'---"---- -" .'" " - ':
Yes, there are. / E ! wake up early ',
map. Then answer Student B's questions. Andy works very hard. He doesn'x ,, ,
HridilY (What time ...?) she usually goes shopping with her
*iJmnr*'s *Ti?rgT
friends. On Friday, she has a French class at 3.20 in
the afternoon. At the weekend, she relaxes. On
rre (IA4ren . . .?), she usually goes to the
llni*'13, Wocafuulary arid l"lstemir:gu €xereise $, pagc &fi.
Sta;d**t * A*?:tu'.gl*:*
Student A
You and Student B have a photo ofthe same boy but Llxit 2" Volabulary and.*i:i;lr.ri-i1, !iti,:iia rr, i:-{r i:j
there are five differences. Take turns to ask and
Student B
answer questions to find them. Don't show Student B
Answer StudentAs questions. Then ask Student A
your photo!
questions from Exercise 7 and complete the form.
Tell the class about your partner.
Student A
Jnrt 4, Vocabulary, Exercisc 4, page 3{}, llnit S, Vocabulary and $peaking, Excrci$e 7, page 44.
Student B Student B
Answer Student's A questions. Then ask StudentA where Answer Student B's questions, Then ask StudentA
trese things are. Write them on your map. questions 1-6 and complete the text. Use the question
words in brackets.
Lookshop holel burger bar ciub
Al.ison has a very busy life. Her school usually
,','.ere'ethe ...? finishes at 3.00 and on 1- (When ...?) she
:e on Queens equare.l|'s opposilelnexLto ,. .
goes to her Book Club at 4.15. On Ti-resday, school
finishes at2- (What time ...?). She usually
goes to bed early because she has a French class at
seven o'clock on Wednesday mornhg! It finishes at
"- (14/hat time . . .?) and then she goes to
school. On Thursday, she starts school at 4-
(lMhat time ...?) and at 3.45, she usually goes
shopping with her friends. On u- (When ...?),
she has a French ciass at 3.20 in the afternoon. At
the weekend, she relaxes. On Saturday, she usually
goes to the cinema at 6- fli\4rat time ...?).
On Sunday, she has lunch with her grandparents
HfFJfiY at 12.30.
t.::, if:;:::tr*'hl .3:'fii:r:
!.,,.i;ilii:: When doeE Altson go Lo her Sook Club?
thegoee No her Dook Club on Monday.
Student B
1 You live in Smalltoum. It's 9 a.m. on Saturday.
Answer Student As ouestions. Use the
information below.
10 - 5.30
.Wednesdav 10 - 1.15 !_..1 EF|
:rY / (N\r- ,^t
L!n*t $, $glrv*va! Xngllsh, €xcrelse S, pa$c 39"
</' | \
Student B g.ts -6,15 ((\'
Practice the conversation in pairs, Use Speak Out on
page 39 to helP You. Sat - Sun
-\+ 9a.m.-gn.m'
-&-. ,, 5
1 You work in the caf6. Serye the customer.
2 You're the customer. You want a cola and a : $,,
chicken sandwich.
page 43'
: -UI-T-,IFE CLUB - {fN\}
'Jnit $, &rammar ;*nd Liste$i*!q, €xereise lS, MONDAY - SATURDAY
Student B
8.50 - 1.30 P.M.
Listen to Student A and complete the information about
Andy. Then tell Student A about Kate.
Andy Kate
'-,--,rk hard
'"',-ake up early
,, _r-r $ith peopie x
2 You are a tourist in Newtou'n. It's 9 a.m. on
:'-r at n-eekends x Saturday. Ask Student A questrons wrth
'''::l a l-rnifOrm What ti,me ... ? Use the prompts below.
the Library/open? the supermarkel /close?
the post offi.celciose? the sports shop/open?
r Il
llnlt I, Survival Fnglisk, €xereise $, pag* 5S, lJnit 1?, Ueca*uiar-v ;11.; ,.;5i:::;11i-:, E::rl,-ri:fr t, pag* &6,
Student B Student B
Practice the conversation in pairs. Use Speak 0ut on
page 59 to help you. You and Studeut _\ fiar-e a photo of the same boy
but there are five dlfferences. Take rur.ns to ask and
1 Student A is phoning you. You're free and agree answer questions to fl-Lcl thent. D(,)n I shon- Stuclent A
to go. your photo!
2 You are phoning Student A. You want to go
shopping with him/ her on Saturday. Ask if he/she
can go and suggest a time.
Student B
Practice the conversation in pairs. Use Speak 0*t on
page 00 to help you.
Student B
Answer Student As ;,,,,.,',',:
questions. Then ask him/her #i,rg
your questions and , ...."7:
See you later.
Surrviual Eng$*s&x
See you tomorrow.
UtllT 1 - l*tr*dex*tlens axxd gre*tings
See you soon.
Take care.
\\trat's your name?
And you.
\lv name's ...
And you?
iJ#*Y $ * *x.d*r**g arla$ !*aqgia'ng fa;*ei
A (coffee), please.
l}fdg?X*Sc*&x{ Xxlg$*sk
Excuse me. Sure./OK. An;,'thing else?
, r -:r't ]anow
L5I!*X? S * ?a*&a*mg *bsxt ?l:e *ims
j'i!T r: * .:*y!rg gs*Sbyg What time does (Super Agent) start/finish?
It starts/finishes at ...
It opens/closes at ... Ut{lT g : Taiking absut dates
When rvere you born?
It arrives/leaves at ...
\VtLere \\?s 1-our father'mother bornt)
Yes, no probiem.
B OK. When do you want to travel?
Yes, sure.
A Today/ tomorrodon Saturday
Yes, of course.
B ['m coming back on ...
Yes, I am.No, I'm not. Why? Did you have a nice weekend/evening?
Do you have any plans for Saturday? Did you see ... (on T\| Iast night?
[ngffi.f -*:'r
Ui.,IiT i
Uiili i. ;..g:*{: *
to be= I/you
L$rugY X
iSx;i? X, pag* 33
to be= he'slshe's
alan + iobs
a + consonant an + vowel
{b, c, d, etc) (a, e, i, o, u)
:: waiter ** actor
: singer *s artist
: teacher nn engineer
to be: he/shelit
ts he/she/it Canadian?
Yes, he/she/it rs.
No; he/shelit isll!t.
[$ruffi 3
Unit 3, pese A1
$ingular Plural
a husband grandparents
a mother brothers
a father sisters
& son
a daughter
to be= welyoulthey
He's Jane's
Possessive 's bnothen
They're ., :;'1'1:,igfandmOtherS.
They're ::,r grandmothers.
They're l:',,: t5{ i;'*' tt brOthefS.
They're 1*l'brothers, l:mrhen'
Wayne's trl;* ;'{ll.l' ri; husband. mothen
Wayne is !;*i' husband.
Their names
are Sa,m a,nd Nicole.
,'i ',:i.
*:ir,t* T.'ti
ff*d*? ;;
i"{$i* E, iiir!::: .:;
ffirugY s
#grit .9, pag* .?-5 f llvetn
Present Simplel l/youlwe/they
H ?\
+ lffouiWelThey !!v* in London.
ffi 8 $$ .-..+L
urilT s
Unit 6, pagc &&
start stafts
get gets
wake wake*
like likes
leave leave*
play playx
Adverbs of frequency
t3n!€ S, pe** 4X
'lirl"ant ,
? Ganl/you/heishe/iVwe/theysing?
Yes, l/you/he/she/iVwe/they can .
No, l/you/he/she/iVweithey can't .
What can you/he/she/iUwe/they do?
Does he
think hers
What do you have to do?
r-! f'i l:' :,
i.r:i:: i.. .;t** 5$
*ai{ S, pxg* SS
to be= was/were
+ l/He/She/lt rvas popular.
l/He/She/lt walsx't {xva* n*t} big.
*Vas l/he/she/it small?
Yes, l/he/she/it wa*./
No, l/he/she/it wes*'t.
+ Weffou/They x**r* proud.
We/You/They uverss't {vr*rx r**f} expensive.
&S*r* we/youithey popular?
Yes, we/you/they w*r*./
No, we/you/they w*ren't.
L$ruXY X *
{Jm$* 1*, p**s S*
+ l/you/he/she/iUwe/youlthey playe*.
They talked.
* *?.?
ln &r.&
Unit 1*u pxg* S{}
Spelling rules 1.
Exceptionsiother soellings:
+ marry - marrie*l
-*F *a
study - studied
stop - stopp*e*
travel - travellss{
Did l/you/he/she/iVwe/they listen to music?
Sid l/you/he/she/iVwe/they like The Spice Girls?
Short answers
Yes, liyoulhe/she/iVwe/they elki.
No, l/youlhe/she/iVwe/they*idgl't.
lllfi- questions
What programmes xlixi you wateh?
When elid he stnrt school?
Where dld you g* to school?
i s"f
43ru$Y X r
{.3sti* 3?, pi{* ;i.:i
Wh e re/Wh yAttlh oM h aW h en /H ow/H ow m uc h
-1 %
Where d* you usually del shopping?
Why s** you d* it there?
Who dscs he usually S* with?
Where !* your local supermarket?
What srs you elc*xg here?
When wa* your last shopping trip?
How much xv*r* they?
What *lid you h*v* 9* buy? *€
How S** she p*g:? Where do you do your shopping?
On the lnternet. lt's very easy and cheap
Do You
like these
/ / /
?h*s cap is blue. tt*** caps are nice.
,/ ,/
Th-tt cap is expensive. ?'ha** caps are smart.
lrregular uerhs
* Listen and repeat.
read /red/
Prwxxaxsx***€**xx &abXm
cos.zz Listen and repeat.
The songs in the book are not by the original artists. MCpS.
Every effort has been made to trace the copyright holders and we
apoiogise in advance for any unhtentional omissions. We would be
pleased to insert the appropriate acknor,r,.leclgements in arry
subsequent edition of this publication.
Beginner Students' Book
All students want tc succeed.
ALi teachers want to create great lessons.
Success give* thern the *ppnrtunity"
# ISBN 978-0-58?-85299-0
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