Kevin Garnett v. Welenken CPAs
Kevin Garnett v. Welenken CPAs
Kevin Garnett v. Welenken CPAs
Kevin Garnett, Case Type: Professional Malpractice
Other Civil
Court File No.:
Welenken CPAs and
Michael A. Wertheim,
Plaintiff Kevin Garnett, for his Complaint against Defendants Welenken CP As and
Michael A. Wertheim, alleges as follows:
certified public accountant and is a partner in Welenken, at all material times acting on behalf
and for the benefit of Welenken.
4. This Court has jurisdiction over Defendants pursuant to Minn. Stat. §543.19.
suffered by Garnett at the hands of his long-term trusted wealth manager, confidant and personal
friend Charles A. Banks, IV ("Banks"). In June of 201 7, Banks was sentenced to federal prison
for admittedly defrauding another client, former basketball great Tim Duncan. In or about
August of 20 I 7, Garnett, through counsel, gained access to the records of Welenken and
Wertheim, who had provided accounting services to Barucs, Garnett, and virtually all the
businesses Garnett shared with Banks. Up until that point, Banks controlled all access to the
Defendants, which in large part was due to Garnett's trust in and loyalty to Banks.
7. What became clear, after gaining access to Welenken's records, is that Banks
intentionally and continuously looted Garnett of his earnings and assets for many years,
including the many years that Welenken and Wertheim provided accounting services to Garnett
and his business interests.
8. One of the primary investment vehicles that Banks used to "manage" Garnett's
assets was a California Limited Liability Company by the name of Hammer Holdings, LLC
entities selected by Banks. At the outset, Banks and Garnett each held a 50% interest in
Hammer. Garnett was advised throughout the years by Banks that each was always a 50%
owner and that all contributions made by Garnett were to be matched dollar for dollar by Banks.
9. While he was Hammer's managing member, Banks had sole control over
Hammer's bank accounts. After Banks was incarcerated, Garnett gained access to some of
Hammer's ·financial records and discovered that, over the years, Banks had helped himself to
millions of dollars of Hammer's funds, even though Banks contributed a mere fraction of what
Garnett (at Banks' direction) contributed into Hammer.
his wife Ali, Garnett and his wife Brandi, and various Garnett entities, including Hammer.
While Wertheim represented Garnett, he took direction from Banks and for some reason chose to
have virtually no direct contact with Garnett.
11. Wertheim's engagement letter with Garnett stated that the scope of his retention
was to file income tax returns. However, in reality, Wertheim undertook a significantly broader
role with respect to Garnett's finances and business interests.
12. Wertheim took direction and interacted with Banks in respect of all matters
involving not only Banks, but also Garnett and all businesses in which Garnett had an interest.
He prepared financial statements at Banks' direction. He became the registered agent for
companies in which Garnett had an interest. He became the addressee for bank accounts which
directly or indirectly were holding Garnett's money.
13. Wertheim also worked in concert with Banks in setting spending limits and
budgets that Garnett was advised to follow. At the same time, Wertheim possessed actual
knowledge that Banks was helping himself to millions of dollars of Garnett's money and did
nothing about it.
14. By way of example, in August of 2013, Garnett asked Banks to wire him
$40,000.00 of Garnett's own money. Banks responded that Wertheim had prepared a budget for
Garnett and that Garnett was exceeding it. Banlcs wrote to Garnett as follows:
15. At the same time he was fashioning budgets to curtail Garnett's use of his own
money, Wertheim was fully aware that three days before Garnett requested the $40,000.00,
Banks had taken for himself $500,000.00 and eight days later took for himself $1,516,691.85,
plus an additional $60,000.00 in management fees. Indeed, while continuing to work with Banks
to limit Garnett's access to his own contributions, Wertheim was fully aware that Banks
which Banks then "borrowed" $7,870,000.00, placed $2,700,000.00 into his own Hammer
capital account, and collected an annual management fee of at least $300,000.00 for the next
three years.
17. Wertheim has conceded that while purporting to serve Garnett, Wertheim
answered only to Banks. Indeed, under a sworn affidavit dated April 3, 2018, Wertheim admits:
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18. Banks regularly caused Garnett to contribute millions of dollars into Hammer,
either by requesting wires from him or by simply taking funds out of Garnett's bank accounts to
which Banks had access. Upon information and belief, at all relevant times, Wertheim was
aware that Garnett's expectation was that Banks was matching equally Garnett's contributions
into Hammer.
] 9. Wertheim conceded that he was aware of all these transactions but did not advise
Garnett about them.
20. Together, Garnett and · Banks contributed approximately $60 million into
Hammer. Of that sum. Garnett contributed in excess of $57 million, while Banks contributed
approximately $2.5 million.
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Wertheim-as he has conceded under oath-did not alert Garnett of the disparity.
22. Banks invested some of Hammer's funds into entities such as: Terroir Capital
LLC; Matteis Tavern; Our Towne LLC; Terroir Winery Fund; Terroir Hotel Fund; Mayacamas
Vineyards; Coastal Luxury Management; Fine Wine Magazine; Applied One Holdings; IES
Investors; Le Metier Beauty; Oakville Producers; Billy Dean Music; Trade Wind Fund; Tengram
Capital LP; Zico, LLC; Puce Brands LLC; Lippman hocamps holdings; Columbia Care;
Delegate Advisers; and other entities that may be further discovered and identified.
23. While Banks possessed a personal financial interest in some of these entities,
most (if not all) of these investments are currently illiquid and valueless.
24. Wertheim possessed actual knowledge that Banks was investing funds contributed
by Garnett, but not matched by Banks, into failed or failing businesses, yet he did not alert or
advise Garnett.
25. Banks routinely used significant sums of Hammer's funds for his own purposes
including, without limitation: to pay credit cards; to pay his mortgages; to make personal
investments in which Hammer had no interest; to hire private jets; to take his family on lavish
vacations; and to make other personal expenditures.
26. Over the years, Banks transferred millions of dollars of Garnett's money to
himself, to his wife Ali Banks, to Danish fine wine collecto, Kristoffu, Meir Axel, and to various
unidentified parties in Hong Kong and Nmway. None of these transfecs bcnefaed Garnett in any
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Wertheim not only failed to inform Garnett that millions upon milJions of his
dollars were being looted by Banks, but he actually worked in complicity with Banks to conceal
this activity.
30. The facts of this case have been rev;ewed by P!aintiifu• attorneys w;th experts
whose quaJ;ficafons pcov;de a ceasonab!e expectatfon that the expert's op;n;ons could be
admiss;b]e at trial and that, in the opinion of this expert, the Defendants dev;aterl from the
appHcablc standru-d of care and by that action caused injury to Garnett. An affidav;t as requ;ced
under Minn, Stat. §544.42, subd, 3(a), ;, secved upon Defendants ,;multaneou.sly with this
31. PJa;nt;ff repeats and ceallege, the allegat;ons set forth in pru-ag,aphs 1-30 ofth;s
Complaint as if fully set forth herein.
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Garnett was a client cf Wertheim and Welenken ("Defendants") and as such,
33. Defendants deviated from the applicable standard of care and failed to use that
degree of skill and learning normally possessed and used by public accountants in good standing
in a similar practice and under like circumstances.
34. Garnett suffered damage as a direct result of the Defendants' breach of duty.
Defendants' breach of their duty of care was the proximate cause of pecuniary
harm suffered by Garnett.
determined by the trfut of fact but bcJ;eved to exceed $77 mHfon, togethe,- with prnjudgmcnt
interest at the statutory rate.
3 7. P Iaint iff rnpeats and <ealieges the allegatfons set forth in patagcaphs 1- 36 of this
Complaint as if fully set forth herein.
38. By virtue of the ttust Garnett placed in them, Defendants owed Garnett fiduciary
duties including, w;thout lintitation, duties of loyalty, of cru-e, and to avok! self-dealing.
Defendants we,e mandated to honor obligations of good fa;th and fafr dealing to Gatnett.
40. DeJendants' breach of fiduciary duUes was the prnximate cause of enonnous
pecuniary harm suffered by Garnett.
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Plaintiff repeats and realleges the allegations set forth in paragraphs 1- 41 of this
Complaint as if fully set forth herein.
As a result of his professional position of trust with Garnett and his unfettered
access to Garnett's funds, Banks owed Garnett a fiduciary duty to act with the utmost good faith
and loyalty towards Garnett, and to take actions in the honest belief that his actions were in the
best interest of Garnett.
45. Defendants knew, at all relevant times, that Banks owed Garnett fiduciary duties.
46. Defendants possessed actual knowledge of Banks' wrongful acts toward Garnett.
47. Defendants aided, abetted, parhdpated in, and therefore became a party to the
wrongful acts of Banks.
detennined by the trier of fact but believed to exceed $77 million, together with prejudgment
interest at the statutory rate.
WHEREFORE, Plaintiff Kevin Garnett ,espectfully rnquests that this Court enter
judgment against Defendants as follows:
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4. For attorney's fees and costs incurred in prosecuting this action according to proof
5. In a subsequent pleading, Plaintiff will move the Court for punitive damages m
accordance with Minnesota Statutes sections 549.191 and 549.20; and
6. For such other and further relief as this Court deems just and proper.
disbursements and reasonable attorney and witness fees may be awarded to the opposing party or
parties under Minnesota St:itutes 549.21 J, Subd, :2.
Dated: August I 4, 20 I 8
Mark F. Gaughan (320729)