Seismic Interpretation Analysis
Seismic Interpretation Analysis
Seismic Interpretation Analysis
Vibrator maximum theoretical force at low frequencies Hydraulic pump flow and supply pressure
At low frequencies (< 10 Hz), the ground force output from In theory, the hydraulic power supply pressure maintains an
a vibrator is dominated by the reaction-mass force and can approximate constant pressure of 3000 psi where the
be expressed as system high pressure is 3200 psi and the system return
pressure is 220 psi respectively. The supply pressure is
F = Mrm Arm (1) equal to the system high pressure minus the system return
pressure. To maintain this constant supply pressure, the
where F is the ground force, Mrm is the mass of the hydraulic pump needs to provide sufficient flow.
reaction mass, and Arm is the acceleration of the reaction Unfortunately, for most vibrators in use today, hydraulic
mass. Because the sinusoidal sweep is frequently used to pumps are incapable of delivering adequate flow at low
operate the vibrator, the vibrator ground force at a single frequencies (< 8 Hz). Insufficient pump flow causes the
frequency, f, can be expressed as supply pressure to drop that leads to the reduction of the
vibrator force output at low frequencies. Additionally,
F = −4Mrm Xrm f 2 sin(2πft) (2) within a cycle at low frequencies, peak flow demand
generally changes dramatically ranging from 0 to 250
where Xrm is the amplitude of the reaction-mass gallon/minute. These large changes in flow demand
displacement and t is time. Taking the absolute value of throughout a sweep cycle are generated as the proportional
equation (2), the maximum theoretical force can be servo-valve meters and redirects flow into the vibrator
obtained. actuator. Eventually, these cyclical changes in flow demand
can create huge supply pressure ripple dominated by the 2nd
Fmax = 4π2 Mrm Xrm f 2 (3) harmonics.
If the vibrator is a perfect machine, equation (3) shows that Figure 3 shows two comparisons of pump flows and supply
the maximum theoretical force from a vibrator at low pressures on two vibrators performing a linear sweep from
frequencies is determined by two factors, the mass and the 1 Hz to 11 Hz in 20 seconds at 70% force level (42,000
displacement of the reaction mass. Figure 2 is plotted using lbs). The top graph shows the pump flow comparison and
equation (3). It shows a comparison of maximum the bottom shows the supply pressure comparison. The red
theoretical forces between the new low frequency vibrator and blue traces correspond respectively to the new low
and an AHV-IV model 364 vibrator. It can be seen that frequency vibrator and the AHV-IV 364 vibrator. It can be
theoretically, below 3 Hz the new low frequency vibrator seen that the new low frequency vibrator provides a clean
can produce twice more force than the AHV-IV model 364 supply pressure at 3000 psi (Figure 3b). The supply
vibrator. Figure 2 is also used to determine the lowest pressure ripples are completely eliminated. This
frequency for a vibrator to achieve a full drive force. For elimination is due to sufficient pump flow offered by the
example, the lowest frequency for the new low frequency new design of the actuator of the low frequency vibrator
vibrator is approximately 3.5 Hz while it is 5.2 Hz for the (Figure 3a). Because of low sweep rate (0.5 Hz/s) is used to
AHV-IV model 364 vibrator. At these frequencies, pump run both vibrators, at 3.5 Hz and 5 Hz both vibrator reach
flow limits are possibly reached if the dwelling time (low their pump limits for very shot frequency duration.
sweep rate) is longer.
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