1 Simple Curve
1 Simple Curve
1 Simple Curve
Engr. Voncy
Route Surveying
What is curve?
A vertical curve is provided at the point where the two straight lines at different
gradients intersect in the vertical plane. In such a case, a parabolic curved path is
provided in the vertical plane in order to connect the gradients for easy movement of
the vehicles. Vertical curves are usually parabolic and are classified as summit and sag
vertical curve.
Horizontal Vertical
Curve Curve
A simple curve has a central angle of 36o and a degree of curve of 6o.
a. Find the nearest distance from the midpoint of the curve to the
point of intersection of the tangents.
b. Compute the distance from the midpoint of the curve to the long
chord joining the point of curvature and point of tangency.
A simple curve connects two tangents AB and BC with bearings N 85o 30’ E
and S 68o 30’ E respectively. If the stationing of the vertex is 4 + 360.2
and the stationing at PC is 4 + 288.4, determine the following:
b. External distance
c. Middle ordinate
d. Chord distance
e. Length of curve
a. Compute the radius of the simple curve that connects these tangents.