Cheryl Clarke - Narrative
Cheryl Clarke - Narrative
Cheryl Clarke - Narrative
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an honorable route for poets. Walt Whitman.” I began
to meet women who could help me produce the “book.”
Gay Belknap, a graphic artist in New Brunswick to
make the drawings. A printer—Iowa City Women’s
Press. A distributor—Kitchen Table Women of Color
Press. But back to the blackness angle: Yes, so, I cast
myself into the sorority of black women writers writing
black women’s stories, i.e., poems in the tradition of
black women. I took on the language of that tradition. I
retained the lower case letters as a critique of black
nationalism and its arguments over how many capital
letters should distinguish a black subject.
Cheryl Clarke
June 15, 2014
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Benefit for the publication of Home Girls: A Black Feminist
Anthology, c. 1983.