1 Sow
1 Sow
1 Sow
Timeline Topic Trend Learning outcomes Key vocabulary Success criteria
“I can”
Week 1 1:1 Allah , my Islamic belief § To find out that • Allah § I can say Bismillah
lord Allah is the lord of • Al-Khaliq before doing
this universe. • Subhaan Allah anything.
§ To discover that • Alhamdulillah` § I can say
Allah is the • Bismillah Alhamdullah at the
organizer and the • Lord of the end of every action.
Creator of worlds § I can infer that Allah
everything. takes care of
§ To appreciate the creatures and guides
creatures of Allah them to their
and not hurt them. welfare.
§ I can explain that
Allah is the
organizer of
• I can enlist some of
Allah’s favors upon
• I can suggest some
ideas to preserve
Allah’s blessings and
not wasting them.
Timeline Topic Trend Learning outcomes Key vocabulary Success criteria
“I can”
Week 2 1:2 Surat Al Divine Ø To recite Surat Al o Bismillah § I can recite Surat-ul-
Fatihah Revelation – Fatihah correctly. o Al-Hamdulillah Fatihah properly.
Holy Qur’an Ø To explain that Allah is o Ar-Rahmaan § I can explain the
the Beneficent, the o Ar-Raheem general meaning and
Merciful, our lord and o Yawm Ad-deen key vocabulary of the
the owner of this world o As-sirat- Surah.
and other life. Almustaqeem § I can mention
Ø To conclude the way o Allah’s favors different names for
leading to Allah’s o Thanks to Allah Surat Al Fatihah.
pleasure and the o Jannah § I can conclude who
straight path. o Allah is my Lord the lord of this world
Ø To examine the and the other life (the
importance of hereafter) is.
worshiping Allah and § I can suggest some
seeking His help in every ideas that help me to
action. stay on the right
§ I can recite Surat-ul-
Fatihah by heart.
Timeline Topic Trend Learning outcomes Key vocabulary Success criteria
“I can”
Week 3 1:3 Truthfulness Islamic values § To explain the § Truthfulness ( § I can explain the
is the way to and manners concept of As- sidq) concept of As-Sidq.
Paradise truthfulness and § Telling lies ( Al § I can tell what the
falsehood “Lying”. Kadhib)- nickname of
§ To recognize the § Paradise- prophet
harms of telling lies. § As- Sadiq Al Muhammed in
§ To compare the Ameen Makkah was.
reward of the § I can analyze the
truthfulness and the harms of telling lies.
end of liars. § I can compare
§ To prove that I between the result
always tell the truth of truthfulness and
through some daily telling lies.
life actions. § I can assess the
value of
through daily life
Timeline Topic Trend Learning outcomes Key vocabulary Success criteria
“I can”
Weeks 4 and 1:4 Pillars of Divine § To identify the five Arkaan Al Islam- § I can enlist the five
Week 5 Islam Revelations- pillars of Islam. Shahadah – pillars of Islam.
Hadith Sharif § To explain the Salah – Zakah- § I can explain each of
honorable Hadeeth. Sawm Ramadan the pillars of Islam.
§ To be inspired to - Hajj – Al Ka’bah § I can apply some
practice the five pillars of Islam.
pillars of Islam. § I can value the
§ To summarize the benefits of each of
benefit of each of the the pillars of Islam.
pillars of Islam.
Timeline Topic Trend Learning outcomes Key Success criteria
vocabulary “I can”
Week 6 1:6 The birth of The Prophet’s § To identify the story Muhammed- § I can name the city and
prophet PBUH Biography and events of the year of Makkah- Aam tribe in which prophet
personalities the elephant. Al Feel – Muhammed lived.
§ To discover the story Abrahah- § I can design members
of birth and nursing Abdul Mutalib- of prophet
of prophet Aminah – Muhammed’s family
Muhammed. Abdullah- tree.
§ To recite Suratul Feel Halimah- § I can conclude that
properly. Barakah, Um prophet Muhammed is
§ To explain the Ayman- the last prophet.
meaning of the Quraysh § I can explain the story
Surah. of the year of the
§ To list the names of elephant.
Prophet § I can summarize the
Muhammed’s family story of birth and
members. nursing of prophet
§ To conclude that the Muhammed.
prophet must be
loved more than
anyone else.
Timeline Topic Trend Learning outcomes Key vocabulary Success criteria
“I can”
Week 7 and 2:5 Wudu Islamic rulings § To define what Niyyah – Wudu’ § I can define what
Week 8 & purposes Wudu’ is. – Taharah – Wudu’ is.
§ To demonstrate the Salah – Qur’an § I can apply Wudou’
steps of Wudu’ from properly.
Niyyah to Shahadah. § I mention the Du’aa
§ To discover the we should say when
states in which we finishing Wudu’.
Wudu’ is required. § I can demonstrate
§ To apply the Du’aa the states in which
we should say when Wudu’ is required.
finishing Wudu’.
§ To evaluate the
importance of
Timeline Topic Trend Learning outcomes Key vocabulary Success criteria
“I can”
Week 9 3:1 Surat Al Divine § To recite Surat Al Ahad – As- § I can recite Surat-ul-
Ikhlas revelations Ikhlas correctly Samad – kufwan Iklas correctly and
according to Tajweed – Ikhlas- properly.
rules. Shahadah § I can explain the
§ To find out the general meaning of
importance of Surat Surat Al- Ikhlas.
Al Ikhlas. § I can value the
§ To understand the importance of Surat
general meaning of Al Ikhlas.
Surat Al Ikhlas. § I can recognize that
§ To recognize that Allah is one with no
Allah is one with no partner.
Timeline Topic Trend Learning outcomes Key vocabulary Success criteria
“I can”
Term 2
Week 10 2:2 Surat Al Divine § To recite Surat Al Al Falaq – Ghasiq § I can recite Surat Al-
Falaq revelations – Falaq correctly – Al Uqad – An- Falaq correctly
Holy Qur’an according to Tajweed Nafathaat Hasad according to rules of
rules. – Haasid – Al Tajweed.
§ To explain the Ma’wdhaat § I can explain the
general meaning and general meaning of
key vocabularies. Surat Al- Falaq.
§ To value the § I can value the
importance of Surat importance of Surat
Al Falaq. Al Falaq.
§ To explain the § I can explain the
general meaning of concept of Hasad.
Surat Al Falaq. § I can suggest some
§ To apply saying the ways to protect
morning and evening myself from Hasad.
§ To recognize that
Muslims resorts to
Allah to protect him
from evils.
Timeline Topic Trend Learning outcomes Key vocabulary Success criteria
“I can”
Week 11 and 3:2 Pillars of Divine § To identify the six Arkaan Al Iman- § I can list the six pillars
12 Islamic belief revelations pillars of Islamic Al Malaekah – of faith.
belief. Ar-Rusul– Al § I can name some of
§ To explain that Allah Kutub – Al Yawm Allah’s books.
is the creator of Al Akhar- Al § I can name some of
everything. Qadar the main prophets.
§ To analyse the § I can analyse the six
importance of the pillars of faith.
pillars of faith. § I can compare and
§ To compare and discriminate between
discriminate between pillars of Islam and
pillars of Islam and pillars of faith.
pillars of faith. § I can suggest some
§ To innovate some ways to make my
ways to make my Iman stronger.
Iman stronger.
Timeline Topic Trend Learning outcomes Key vocabulary Success criteria
“I can”
Week 13 3:3 Etiquette of Islamic values § To explore the Taharah – § I can define the
cleanliness & manners etiquettes of Najasah – water concept of Taharah
cleanliness in Islam. waste and Najasah.
§ To link between § I can list some ways
cleanliness and Iman. to be in the state of
§ To apply the Islamic Taharah.
etiquette of § I can apply the
cleanliness at etiquette of
bedtime. cleanliness.
§ To be inspired to § I can explain the
keep ourselves clean importance of
and on a state of cleanliness.
Taharah and avoid § I can link between
Najasah all the time. Taharah and things
§ that may break your
Timeline Topic Trend Learning outcomes Key vocabulary Success criteria
“I can”
Week 14 3:5 I love my Identity & § To identify the duties Family – my § I can explain the
family contemporary of family members. parents – importance of
issues § To recognize the brother – sister- obeying my parents.
rights of family grandfather-
members. grandmother- § I can explain my
§ To explain some relatives duties and rights
cases of cooperation towards my family
among family members.
members. § I can describe my
§ To give evidence of love for my family.
my kindness to my § I can list ways to
relatives. show my respect to
all members of my
Timeline Topic Trend Learning outcomes Key Success criteria
vocabulary “I can”
Weeks 15 3:6 Prophet The Prophet’s § To explain the story Abd Al § I can tell how prophet
PBUH nurtured Biography and of guardianship of Mutalib- Abu Muhammed’s mother
by uncle & personalities prophet Muhammed. Talib- Barakah died.
grandpa § To identify the first ( um Ayman)- § I can state how old
job that prophet Bani Uday Ibn prophet Muhammed
Muhammed had An-najjar – was when his mother
during his lifetime Fatimah Bint died.
§ To describe the Asad § I can value the
qualities of the characteristics of
prophet and his prophet Muhammed
kindness to his and his kindness to his
family. family.
§ To recognize that it § I can explain the story
took great patience of guardianship of
and strength from prophet Muhammed.
the prophet to
handle the death of
his family members.