SIMATIC HMI. WinCC V7.2 WinCC - Communication. Process Communication 1. Allen Bradley - Ethernet IP 2. Mitsubishi Ethernet 3.
SIMATIC HMI. WinCC V7.2 WinCC - Communication. Process Communication 1. Allen Bradley - Ethernet IP 2. Mitsubishi Ethernet 3.
SIMATIC HMI. WinCC V7.2 WinCC - Communication. Process Communication 1. Allen Bradley - Ethernet IP 2. Mitsubishi Ethernet 3.
Mitsubishi Ethernet 3
Modbus TCPIP 4
WinCC V7.2
WinCC: Communication OPC Channel 5
System Manual
S5 Ethernet Layer 4 7
S5 Serial 3964R 10
SIMATIC TI Serial 14
System Info 16
Communication - Diagnostics 17
Legal information
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This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent
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1 Process communication..............................................................................................................................13
1.1 Communication Basics................................................................................................................13
1.2 Basic Rules for Configuring Connections....................................................................................14
1.3 WinCC process communication..................................................................................................15
1.3.1 WinCC process communication..................................................................................................15
1.3.2 Principle of WinCC communication.............................................................................................15
1.3.3 External tags................................................................................................................................17 External tags................................................................................................................................17 How to Create a New Connection...............................................................................................19 An external tag is configured as follows......................................................................................20 Format adaptation sorted by WinCC data type...........................................................................22 Format adaptation sorted by AS data type..................................................................................28 Principle of the BinWrite-Mechanism...........................................................................................36 How to Configure a Tag with "BinWrite"......................................................................................38
1.3.4 Port Addresses for Coupling via Ethernet...................................................................................40
2 Allen Bradley - Ethernet IP.........................................................................................................................41
2.1 WinCC Channel "Allen Bradley - Ethernet IP".............................................................................41
2.2 Channel Unit Assignment............................................................................................................42
2.3 Supported Data Types.................................................................................................................43
2.4 Configuring the Channel..............................................................................................................44
2.4.1 Configuring the Channel "Allen Bradley - Ethernet IP"................................................................44
2.4.2 How to configure a "Allen Bradley E/IP PLC5" channel unit connection.....................................45
2.4.3 How to configure an "Allen Bradley E/IP SLC50x" channel unit connection...............................46
2.4.4 How to configure an "Allen Bradley E/IP ControlLogix" channel unit connection........................47
2.4.5 Examples: Communication path .................................................................................................47
2.4.6 Configuring the tags....................................................................................................................48 Configuring the tags....................................................................................................................48 Addressing...................................................................................................................................49 Addressing syntax.......................................................................................................................51 Addressing Types........................................................................................................................51 Examples for Addressing.............................................................................................................52 How to configure a tag for the Allen Bradley E/IP ControlLogix channel unit..............................53 How to configure a tag with bit by bit access for Allen Bradley E/IP PLC5 or SLC50x...............54 How to configure a tag with byte by byte access for Allen Bradley E/IP PLC5 or SLC50x.........55 How to configure a tag with word by word access for Allen Bradley E/IP PLC5 or SLC50x.......56 How to configure a text tag for Allen Bradley E/IP PLC5 or SLC50x...........................................57
3 Mitsubishi Ethernet.....................................................................................................................................59
3.1 WinCC channel "Mitsubishi Ethernet".........................................................................................59
3.2 Supported data types..................................................................................................................60
3.3 Configuring the Channel..............................................................................................................61
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Table of contents
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Table of contents How to configure access to a tag using the OPC Item Manager...............................................113
5.6.3 Error handling in event of disturbed communication.................................................................117 WinCC as OPC UA server.........................................................................................................118 WinCC as OPC UA client..........................................................................................................120
6 PROFIBUS FMS.......................................................................................................................................123
6.1 WinCC channel "PROFIBUS FMS"...........................................................................................123
6.2 Data type of the tags.................................................................................................................124
6.3 Configuring the Channel............................................................................................................125
6.3.1 Configuring a connection ..........................................................................................................125 Configuring a connection...........................................................................................................125 Configuring the connection in configuration mode....................................................................126 How to configure the connection in Runtime.............................................................................128
6.3.2 Configuring the tags..................................................................................................................129 Configuring the tags..................................................................................................................129 Configuring the address of the tags in configuration mode.......................................................129 How to configure the address of the tags in runtime.................................................................130
7 S5 Ethernet Layer 4..................................................................................................................................133
7.1 WinCC Channel "SIMATIC S5 Ethernet Layer 4"......................................................................133
7.2 Data type of the tags.................................................................................................................134
7.3 Configuring the Channel............................................................................................................135
7.3.1 Configuring the channel "SIMATIC S5 Ethernet Layer 4".........................................................135
7.3.2 How to configure the connection...............................................................................................135
7.3.3 Configuring the tags..................................................................................................................137 Configuring the tags..................................................................................................................137 Addresses of tags......................................................................................................................137 How to Configure a Tag with Bit by Bit Access.........................................................................138 How to Configure a Tag with Byte by Byte Access...................................................................140 How to Configure a Tag with Word by Word Access.................................................................141 How to configure a raw data tag................................................................................................143
7.3.4 System parameters...................................................................................................................144 System parameters of the channel unit.....................................................................................144 How to Change the Device Name.............................................................................................145 How to change the transport parameter....................................................................................146
7.4 Appendix....................................................................................................................................148
7.4.1 Appendix....................................................................................................................................148
7.4.2 Internal error codes and constants............................................................................................148 Internal error codes and constants............................................................................................148 Error codes during connection disturbances.............................................................................148 iNA960 messages.....................................................................................................................151 SCI messages...........................................................................................................................152
8 S5 PROFIBUS FDL..................................................................................................................................155
8.1 WinCC channel "SIMATIC S5 Profibus FDL"............................................................................155
8.2 Supported data types and data ranges.....................................................................................157
8.3 Features of the WinCC channel "SIMATIC S5 Profibus FDL"...................................................158
8.4 Configuring the Channel............................................................................................................160
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Table of contents
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Table of contents
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Table of contents
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Table of contents
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Table of contents
WinCC: Communication
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Table of contents
WinCC: Communication
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Process communication 1
1.1 Communication Basics
Communication is defined as the exchange of data between two communication partners.
Communication partners can be any component of a network that is in a position to
communication with others and to exchange data. In the WinCC, these can be central and
communication modules in the automation system (AS) as well as communication processors
in the PC.
The transferred data between communication partners can serve many different purposes. In
the case of WinCC, these may be:
● Controlling a process
● Calling data from a process
● Indicating unexpected states in the process
● Process data archiving
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Process communication
1.2 Basic Rules for Configuring Connections
The refresh rate of screens is determined by the type and volume of data to be visualized.
In the interest of short update times, ensure that you only configure short acquisition times for
objects that require fast updates.
When using bit-triggered curves, if the group bit is set in the "Curve transfer area", all curves
for which the bit is set in this area are updated on the WinCC station. It resets the bits in the
next cycle.
Only after all bits have been reset in the WinCC station may the group bit be set again in the
PLC program.
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Process communication
1.3 WinCC process communication
You can access process tags (external tags) in an automation system from WinCC. Before
you configure the process link in WinCC however, you should use a checklist to check whether
the following prerequisites have been met:
● The automation system must be equipped with a communication interface supported by a
communication driver in WinCC.
● This interface must be configured in the automation system so that the controller program
can access the interface with the communication calls. The configuration parameters for
the communication hardware must be known.
● The addresses of the tags that WinCC should access must be known. Note that the
addresses depend on the automation system.
● The respective communication hardware (communication processor, standard I/O port
COMx, ...) must be installed in the WinCC system. In order to install this hardware, the
supplied operating system driver (hardware driver) must also have been installed
previously. The settings for the hardware and software of the communication processor
must be known.
● Depending on the communication processor used in the WinCC system, more settings may
have to be made. When using industrial Ethernet or PROFIBUS for example, a local
database must be created. This connection parameter also has to be known.
For operation in runtime, a physical connection must also exist between WinCC and the AS,
so that you can access the external tags.
WinCC manages its tags centrally using so-called tag management. All of data and tags
created in the project and stored in the project database are captured and management in
runtime by WinCC.
All applications, such as e.g. Graphics Runtime, Alarm Logging Runtime or Tag Logging
Runtime (Global Script), must request the data in the for of WinCC tags from tag management.
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Process communication
1.3 WinCC process communication
A physical connection must then exist between WinCC and the AS. The properties of this
connection, such as e.g. transfer medium and communication network, define the conditions
for communication and are required for configuring the communication in WinCC.
Communication driver
A communication driver is a software component that establishes a connection between an
AS and the tag management of WinCC, which enables the supply of WinCC tags with process
values. In WinCC, there is a number of communication drivers for connecting various AS with
different bus systems.
Every communication driver can only be bound into a WinCC project one time.
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Process communication
1.3 WinCC process communication
Communication drivers under WinCC are also called "Channels" and have the file extension
"*.chn". All of the communication drivers installed on the computer are located in subdirectory
"\bin" in the WinCC installation directory.
A communication driver has different channel units for different communication networks.
Channel Unit
Every channel unit serves as an interface with exactly one underlying hardware driver and
therefore to exactly one communication processor in the PC. Every channel unit used must
therefore be allocated with the respective communication processor.
For some channel units, an additional configuration is performed in the so-called system
parameters. For channel units that work on the transport layer (Layer 4) of the OSI model, the
transport parameters are also defined.
Connection (logical)
If WinCC and the AS are correctly connected, physically, then a communication driver and a
corresponding channel unit are required in WinCC in order to create or configure a (logical)
connection with the AS. The data exchange will take place via this connection in Runtime.
In WinCC, there is a connection of a configured, logical allocation of two communication
partners for executing a certain communication service. Every connection has two end points
that also contain necessary information for addressing the communication partner and other
attributes for establishing the connection.
A connection is configured under a channel unit with your specific connection parameters. A
number of connections can also be created under one channel unit, depending on the
communication driver.
In order to obtain certain data of an AS, WinCC tags are required. These tags that affect the
connection to an AS are designated as external tags. Other tags that have no process
connection are designated as internal tags.
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Process communication
1.3 WinCC process communication
● In the AS: e.g. for certain functions (such as timer values / BCD displays) or with the
information to be addressed (e.g. byte, word addresses in data block or I/O area).
● In WinCC: e.g. for analog value processing or calculations.
In practice, normally the AS data format is normally defined. The following possibilities are
available for selecting the WinCC format:
● The WinCC data format can match the AS format. This is done by selecting a type
conversion that uses the same formats on both sides and considers the leading sign
independent of the WinCC data type, e.g. "WordToSignedWord". If this cannot be achieved
with the selected data type, it must be changed in WinCC.
● The WinCC format is set up in accordance of the value processing in WinCC.
When selecting the data type and the type conversion, if required, the following points are
● Leading sign: Should it be considered for the adaptation? Can negative tag values also
occur during operation? (such as e.g. with control differences as percentage)
● Value Range: Are tag values that occur during operation in the value range of both formats
or can a possible overflow of the value be expected in WinCC or the AS ? If an overflow
occurs, a value cannot be displayed on the other side or it can lead to faults in subsequent
● Different type conversions with the same value range: It is possible that different type
conversions of a data type have the same value range. E.g. "ByteToUnsignedDword" and
"ByteToUnsignedWord" with value range [0...127]. In this case, check which format is
defined for the data from the AS and whether this format wastes resources unnecessarily
because of over-dimensioning. (E.g. DWord instead of Word).
If the value range required in the AS is not covered by the selected type conversion, you must
change the data type in WinCC.
Communication to the automation system can be disrupted when a process tag is configured
incorrectly, for example, due to an address error.
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Process communication
1.3 WinCC process communication
Not that with a type conversion, the data sent by AS can be interpreted by WinCC within the
selected format adaptation. If the data cannot be interpreted by WinCC, a fault entry occurs
in the file "WinCC_sys_0x.log" in directory "..\Siemens\WinCC\Diagnose".
External tags can only be created on the basis of a connection to an AS. If the required
connection does not exist, it must be created first.
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Process communication
1.3 WinCC process communication
● The required communication processor and the respective hardware driver are installed.
● The desired communication driver is also installed, e.g. "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite".
1. Expand the view of the communication drivers in "Tag management".
2. Select the desired channel unit, e.g. "PROFIBUS".
3. Select the entry "New Connection..." in the pop-up menu of the channel unit.
4. Give the connection a unique name within the project in the field "Name" on the General
5. Click the "Properties" button to open the "Connection Parameters" dialog. Define the
required parameter for this connection. More information can be found under Help /
Documentation for the respective channel.
6. Close all dialogs using the "OK" button.
The procedures for creating a tag is similar for almost all data types.
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Process communication
1.3 WinCC process communication
For some data types however, special settings are required (steps 5 - 7).
● The required communication processor and the hardware driver are installed.
● The desired communication driver is installed, e.g. "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite".
● A connection is already created based on a channel unit (e.g. "PROFIBUS").
1. Choose the "New Tag..." option from the shortcut menu for the desired connection. The
"Tag Properties" dialog opens.
2. Define a variable name that is unique in the WinCC project, e.g. WinCCTag_01", in field
"Name" on the General tab.
3. Define the data type for the tag in the "Data type" field, e.g. "Floating Point Number 64 bit
IEEE 754".
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Process communication
1.3 WinCC process communication
4. Click on the "Select" button to open dialog "Tag properties" for defining the address range
of the tags in the AS.
With channels that do not support bit-/byte-access with binary or 8 bit tags, first the dialog
"Bit-/Byte-Tag" and then dialog "Tag properties" will also be shown.
More information is located under "Principle of the BinWrite-Mechanism".
Close the dialog "Bit-/Byte-Variable" or "Tag properties" with the "OK" button.
5. With numerical tags, WinCC suggests a format adaptation in the "Format adaptation" field.
Select another format adaptation if necessary. The display is in sequence "X to Y", whereby
X = WinCC format and Y = AS format, e.g. "DoubleToDouble".
6. Activate the checkbox "Linear scaling" to scale a numerical tag linearly. Enter the upper
and lower limits for the "Process value range" (in AS) and "Tag value range" (in WinCC).
7. The "Length" field is activated for a text tag. Enter the length of the text tag in characters
8. Close all dialogs using the "OK" button.
When configuring external tags, another format adaptation must be done for all numeric data
The data type determines the data format on the WinCC side. The format adaptation also
defines the conversion from WinCC format to the AS format. The definition applies for both
transfer directions.
Choose the required WinCC data type in the following selection box. You are then provided
with a list of the respective possible format adaptations and value ranges in the table below.
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1.3 WinCC process communication
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1.3 WinCC process communication
WinCC: Communication
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Process communication
1.3 WinCC process communication
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Process communication
1.3 WinCC process communication
WinCC: Communication
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Process communication
1.3 WinCC process communication
WinCC: Communication
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Process communication
1.3 WinCC process communication
When configuring external tags, another format adaptation must be done for all numeric data
The data type determines the data format on the WinCC side. The format adaptation also
defines the conversion from WinCC format to the AS format. The definition applies for both
transfer directions.
Choose the required AS data type in the following selection box. You are then provided with
a list of the respective possible format adaptations and respective value ranges in the table
AS data type
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1.3 WinCC process communication
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Process communication
1.3 WinCC process communication
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1.3 WinCC process communication
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Process communication
1.3 WinCC process communication
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Process communication
1.3 WinCC process communication
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Process communication
1.3 WinCC process communication
WinCC: Communication
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Process communication
1.3 WinCC process communication
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Process communication
1.3 WinCC process communication
In WinCC, not all communication drivers and their channel units support the direct bit-wise or
byte-wise access (short: Bit-/Byte-access) to address ranges in a connected automation
system. Instead, they use the BinWrite mechanism.
With channel units of communication drivers with bit-/byte-access, the desired bit or byte can
be read and written directly.
In the following figure, a bit x is allocated the value = 1 via direct bit-/byte-access.
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Process communication
1.3 WinCC process communication
BinWrite Mechanism
The following communication drivers do not support bit-/byte-access and instead use the
BinWrite mechanism for the respective channel units:
● Modbus Serial
● SIMATIC S5 Ethernet Layer 4
● SIMATIC S5 Programmers Port AS511
● SIMATIC S5 Serial 3964R
● SIMATIC TI Ethernet Layer 4
To write a bit or byte, the channel unit first reads the entire data word with the BinWrite
mechanism. The data to be addressed is then changed in the word that is read. Then, instead
of just the changed bit or byte, the entire (!) word is written back.
In the following figure, a bit x is allocated the value = 1 via the BinWrite mechanism.
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Process communication
1.3 WinCC process communication
If a data word changes in an AS at the same time as this data word was read via the BinWrite
mechanism in the WinCC (see figure "Problem case"), then the change is lost in the AS, as
soon as WinCC writes the data word back.
If you want to configure a "Binary tag" for the channel unit of a communication driver, which
does not support bit-/byte-access, you have to activate and configure the BinWrite mechanism
using a dialog, which otherwise does not exist.
● The required communication processor and the hardware driver are installed.
● The desired communication driver, which does not support bit-/byte-access however, is
installed, e.g. "SIMATIC S5 Ethernet Layer 4".
● A connection has already been created based on its channel units.
1. Select entry "New tag..." in the context menu of the connection that you want to create a
new tag for. The "Create new tag" dialog is displayed.
2. Enter a tag name that is unique within the project in the "Name" field on the General tab.
Select "Binary tag", "Unsigned 8 bit value" or "Signed 8 bit value" as data type.
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Process communication
1.3 WinCC process communication
3. Click the "Select" button to open dialog "Bit-/Byte tag". (Setting the address range in the
AS is done with this button for channels with bit-/byte access.)
4. Activate the checkbox "Access to one bit" or "Access to one byte" and make the normal
settings. The display in this dialog depends on the data type selected in step 2.
5. Close the dialog by clicking "OK".
The dialog is also opened if you neglect to activate the BinWrite mechanism for a new "Binary
tag" or 8 bit tag. If you want to close the "Create new tag" window again immediately with
"OK", you will get error message "The address parameter is invalid". Acknowledge the dialog
with "YES". This opens the dialog "Bit-/Byte tag" and you can repeat the settings this way.
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Process communication
1.3 WinCC process communication
Port Addresses
Ethernet communication
When using Ethernet-based communication, the end users is responsible for the security of
his/her own data network. If targeted attacks lead to an overload of the device for instance,
the functionality is no longer guaranteed.
When connected via Ethernet, you may require information on the port addresses. This
information is required for configuring a firewall or a router. The port addresses that WinCC
applications use as defaults are shown in the table.
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Allen Bradley - Ethernet IP 2
2.1 WinCC Channel "Allen Bradley - Ethernet IP"
The channel "Allen Bradley - Ethernet IP" is used for linking to Allen-Bradley automation
systems. The communication is handled with the Ethernet IP protocol.
Depending on the communication hardware used, the system supports connections via the
following channel units:
● Allen Bradley E/IP PLC5
● Allen Bradley E/IP SLC50x
● Allen Bradley E/IP ControlLogix
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Allen Bradley - Ethernet IP
2.2 Channel Unit Assignment
The channel unit must be selected for the channel in order to create a connection from WinCC
to an existing or planned network.
WinCC: Communication
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Allen Bradley - Ethernet IP
2.3 Supported Data Types
Define the required tags for a logical connection. The following data types are supported by
the "Allen Bradley - Ethernet IP" channel:
● Binary Tag
● Signed 8-bit value
● Unsigned 8-bit value
● Signed 16-bit value
● Unsigned 16-bit value
● Signed 32-bit value
● Unsigned 32-bit value
● Floating-point number 32-bit IEEE 754
● Floating-point number 64-bit IEEE 754
● Text tag 8-bit character set
● Text tag 16-bit character set
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Allen Bradley - Ethernet IP
2.4 Configuring the Channel
WinCC needs a logical connection for communication of WinCC with the automation system
(AS). This section shows how the "Allen Bradley - Ethernet IP" channel is configured.
When implementing the TCP/IP protocol, you must define the IP address of the AS for the
logic connection. The IP address consists of four numerical values, separated by dots. The
numerical values must be within the range of 0-255.
Timeout Behavior
Interrupted connections are not detected immediately when using the TCP/IP protocol. The
check-back message can take up to a minute.
Connectable controllers
Connections can be implemented for the following Allen-Bradley PLCs:
● Allen-Bradley ControlLogix 5500
● Allen-Bradley CompactLogix 5300
● PLC-5 with Ethernet Port
● SLC 500 with Ethernet Port, e.g. SLC 5/05
● MicroLogix
Online Configuration
The online configuration of the "Allen Bradley - Ethernet IP" channel is not supported.
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Allen Bradley - Ethernet IP
2.4 Configuring the Channel
2.4.2 How to configure a "Allen Bradley E/IP PLC5" channel unit connection
The following steps are required for configuring a connection of the "Allen Bradley E/IP PLC5"
channel unit:
1. Configuring a connection
2. Configuring Tags
● The communication driver for channel "Allen Bradley - Ethernet IP" is installed and
integrated into the project.
1. Select the entry "New Connection" in the pop-up menu of the "Allen Bradley E/IP PLC5"
channel unit. The "Connection Properties" dialog is opened.
2. Enter a connection name in the "General" tab.
3. Click on the "Properties" button to open the "Allen Bradley E/IP Connection Parameters"
4. Enter the IP address of the Ethernet/IP module of the controller. Port 44818 is permanently
set by default for Ethernet/IP devices.
5. Define the CIP path from the Ethernet module to the controller in the "Communication path"
field. This setting creates a logical interconnection of the Ethernet module with the PLC,
irrespective of their location in different CIP networks.
6. Close both of the dialogs by clicking the "OK" button.
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Allen Bradley - Ethernet IP
2.4 Configuring the Channel
2.4.3 How to configure an "Allen Bradley E/IP SLC50x" channel unit connection
The following steps are required for configuring a connection of the "Allen Bradley E/IP
SLC50x" channel unit:
1. Configuring a connection
2. Configuring Tags
● The communication driver for channel "Allen Bradley - Ethernet IP" is installed and
integrated into the project.
1. Select the entry "New Connection" in the pop-up menu of the "Allen Bradley E/IP SLC50x"
channel unit. The "Connection Properties" dialog is opened.
2. Enter a connection name in the "General" tab.
3. Click on the "Properties" button to open the "Allen Bradley E/IP Connection Parameters"
4. Enter the IP address of the Ethernet/IP module of the controller. Port 44818 is permanently
set by default for Ethernet/IP devices.
5. Define the CIP path from the Ethernet module to the controller in the "Communication path"
field. This setting creates a logical interconnection of the Ethernet module with the PLC,
irrespective of their location in different CIP networks.
6. Close both of the dialogs by clicking the "OK" button.
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Allen Bradley - Ethernet IP
2.4 Configuring the Channel
2.4.4 How to configure an "Allen Bradley E/IP ControlLogix" channel unit connection
The following steps are required for configuring a connection of the "Allen Bradley E/IP
ControlLogix" channel unit:
1. Configuring a connection
2. Configuring Tags
● The communication driver for channel "Allen Bradley - Ethernet IP" is installed and
integrated into the project.
1. Select the entry "New Connection" in the pop-up menu of the "Allen Bradley E/IP
ControlLogix" channel unit. The "Connection Properties" dialog is opened.
2. Enter a connection name in the "General" tab.
3. Click on the "Properties" button to open the "Allen Bradley E/IP Connection Parameters"
4. Enter the IP address of the Ethernet/IP module of the controller. Port 44818 is permanently
set by default for Ethernet/IP devices.
5. Define the CIP path from the Ethernet module to the controller in the "Communication path"
field. This setting creates a logical interconnection of the Ethernet module with the PLC,
irrespective of their location in different CIP networks.
6. Close both of the dialogs by clicking the "OK" button.
Example 1:
Connection with a PLC in the same Allen-Bradley rack.
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Allen Bradley - Ethernet IP
2.4 Configuring the Channel
Number Meaning
1 Stands for a backplane connection.
0 Stands for a CPU slot number.
Example 2:
Connection with a PLC in remote Allen-Bradley racks. Two Allen-Bradley racks are networked
on Ethernet.
Number Meaning
1 Backplane connection
2 Stands for the CPU slot number of the second Ethernet module.
2 Stands for an Ethernet connection. IP address of a remote AB rack on the network – in particular the third Ethernet
1 Backplane connection
5 Slot number of the CPU
For a connection between WinCC and the automation system (AS) via channel "Allen Bradley
- Ethernet IP", tags of different data types can be created in WinCC. The permitted data types
are listed in this section.
Tag Updating
If the tags are retrieved simultaneously in a picture from a PLC, the "Allen Bradley - Ethernet
IP" channel attempts to optimize the update. This can only be accomplished under the following
conditions however:
● - the tags are in the same address range.
● - the tags are as close to one another as possible within the address range.
If you do not observe these recommendations, it can lead to noticeable differences in the
picture refresh with large amounts of tags. The acquisition cycles may not be maintained under
certain circumstances.
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48 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
Allen Bradley - Ethernet IP
2.4 Configuring the Channel
The best performance for the connection is achieved if you observe the following rules when
configuring the tags:
● Update of maximum 2000 tags simultaneously.
● Combine the tags in the least possible space, best in only one address range.
Arrays Addressing
A tag is uniquely referenced in WinCC by means of an address in the controller. The address
must correspond with the tag name in the PLC. The tag address is defined by a string with a
length of up to 128 characters.
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Allen Bradley - Ethernet IP
2.4 Configuring the Channel
The tag address consists of tag name and other character strings used to specify the tag in
the PLC.
Tag name properties:
● The tag name may begin but not end with an underscore character.
● Strings with successive underscore and space characters are invalid.
● The address may not exceed a length of 128 characters.
The characters reserved for tag addressing may not be used in program/tag names or at
any other address instance.
Addressing errors
Addressing errors are generated when the tag name and data type are inconsistent.
The tag name defined in the address field in WinCC must correspond with the tag name in
the controller. The data type of tags in WinCC and in the controller must correspond.
You cannot address module-specific Tags, such as data at input and output modules, directly.
Use an Alias tag in the controller instead.
Example: cannot be addressed in WinCC
If, for Local:3:O in the controller, the alias "MyOut" is defined, you can address with WinCC
via MyOut.Data.
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50 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
Allen Bradley - Ethernet IP
2.4 Configuring the Channel
Notation of addresses
The following tables define the possibilities for writing individual addressing.
Table 2-1 Access to arrays, basic data types and structure elements
Bit addressing with the data types Bool, Real and String is not permitted and will cause an
addressing fault.
Array elements
Elements of one-dimensional, two-dimensional and three-dimensional arrays in the PLC are
indexed by setting an index and the corresponding notation in the tag editor. Array addressing
starts at element "0", with arrays of all basic types being valid for element addressing. Read/
write operations are only carried out at the addressed element, and not for the entire array.
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Allen Bradley - Ethernet IP
2.4 Configuring the Channel
With the "Bool" data type in the data types SInt, Int and DInt, after changing the specified bit
the complete tag is then written in the PLC again. In the meantime, no check is made as to
whether other bits in the tag have since changed. Therefore, the PLC may have only read
access to the specified tag.
User-defined data types are created by means of structures. These structures group tags of
different data types. Structures may consist of basic types, arrays and of other structures. In
WinCC, only basic data types are addressed as structure elements and not entire structures.
Structure elements
Structure elements are addressed by means of the name of the structure and of the required
structure element. This addressing is separated by point. In addition to basic data types, the
structure elements may represent arrays or other structures. Only one-dimensional arrays may
be used as a structure element.
The nesting depth of structures is only limited by the maximum length of 128 characters for
the address.
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52 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
Allen Bradley - Ethernet IP
2.4 Configuring the Channel
Program tags are addressed by leading the address with the program name derived from the
PLC with colon delimiter.
Example: Programname:arraytag[Dim1,Dim2]
Type Address
PLC tag Arraytag[Dim1]
Program tag Programname:arraytag[Dim1]
Programname:arraytag[Dim1,Dim2,Dim3] How to configure a tag for the Allen Bradley E/IP ControlLogix channel unit
This section shows how you configure a tag for channel unit "Allen Bradley E/IP ControlLogix"
in the automation system (AS) address range.
● The channel "Allen Bradley - Ethernet IP" must be integrated in the project.
● A connection must be created in the "Allen Bradley E/IP ControlLogix" channel unit.
1. Select "New Tag" from the shortcut menu of the Ethernet IP connection. The "Tag
properties" dialog box opens.
2. Enter the name of the tag in the "Name" field. Select the desired data type in the "Data
type" field.
WinCC: Communication
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Allen Bradley - Ethernet IP
2.4 Configuring the Channel
3. The "Select" button opens the dialog "Allen Bradley ControlLogix Variable".
Addressing errors
Addressing errors are generated when the tag name and data type are inconsistent.
The tag name defined in the address field in WinCC must correspond with the tag name
in the controller. The data type of tags in WinCC must correspond with the data types in
the controller. How to configure a tag with bit by bit access for Allen Bradley E/IP PLC5 or SLC50x
This section shows you how to configure a tag for bit by bit access for the address area in the
automation system (AS).
● The channel "Allen Bradley - Ethernet IP" must be integrated in the project.
● A connection must be created in the "Allen Bradley E/IP PLC5" or "Allen Bradley E/IP
SLC50x" channel unit.
1. Select "New Tag" from the shortcut menu of the Ethernet IP connection. The "Tag
properties" dialog box opens.
2. Enter the name of the tag in the "Name" field. Select the desired data type in the "Data
type" field.
WinCC: Communication
54 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
Allen Bradley - Ethernet IP
2.4 Configuring the Channel
3. The "Select" button opens the dialog "Allen Bradley PLC/SLC Tag". How to configure a tag with byte by byte access for Allen Bradley E/IP PLC5 or SLC50x
This section shows you how to configure a tag for byte by byte access for the address area in
the automation system (AS).
● The channel "Allen Bradley - Ethernet IP" must be integrated in the project.
● A connection must be created in the "Allen Bradley E/IP PLC5" or "Allen Bradley E/IP
SLC50x" channel unit.
1. Select "New Tag" from the shortcut menu of the Ethernet IP connection. The "Tag
properties" dialog box opens.
2. Enter the name of the tag in the "Name" field. Select the desired data type in the "Data
type" field.
WinCC: Communication
System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA 55
Allen Bradley - Ethernet IP
2.4 Configuring the Channel
3. The "Select" button opens the dialog "Allen Bradley PLC/SLC Tag". How to configure a tag with word by word access for Allen Bradley E/IP PLC5 or SLC50x
This section shows you how to configure a tag for word by word access for the address area
in the automation system (AS).
● The channel "Allen Bradley - Ethernet IP" must be integrated in the project.
● A connection must be created in the "Allen Bradley E/IP PLC5" or "Allen Bradley E/IP
SLC50x" channel unit.
1. Select "New Tag" from the shortcut menu of the Ethernet IP connection. The "Tag
properties" dialog box opens.
2. Enter the name of the tag in the "Name" field. Select the desired data type in the "Data
type" field.
WinCC: Communication
56 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
Allen Bradley - Ethernet IP
2.4 Configuring the Channel
3. The "Select" button opens the dialog "Allen Bradley PLC/SLC Tag".
4. Select the address range in the "File" field. Entries N, R, C, T, B, S, I, O, D, A and ST are
5. Enter the "File Number" if it is different from the suggested file number. The File number
cannot be changed for the setting "S".
6. Enter the "Element".
7. Select one of the values for the "Sub" field if it is displayed. This depends on the setting
made in the "File field.
8. Close both of the dialogs by clicking the "OK" button. How to configure a text tag for Allen Bradley E/IP PLC5 or SLC50x
This section shows you how to configure a tag for word by word access for the address area
in the automation system (AS).
● The channel "Allen Bradley - Ethernet IP" must be integrated in the project.
● A connection must be created in the "Allen Bradley E/IP PLC5" or "Allen Bradley E/IP
SLC50x" channel unit.
1. Select "New Tag" from the shortcut menu of the Ethernet IP connection. The "Tag
properties" dialog box opens.
2. Enter the name of the tag in the "Name" field. Select the desired data type in the "Data
type" field.
WinCC: Communication
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Allen Bradley - Ethernet IP
2.4 Configuring the Channel
3. The "Select" button opens the dialog "Allen Bradley PLC/SLC Tag".
WinCC: Communication
58 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
Mitsubishi Ethernet 3
3.1 WinCC channel "Mitsubishi Ethernet"
The "Mitsubishi Ethernet" channel is intended for communication between a WinCC station
and Mitsubishi controllers of the FX3U and Q series. The communication takes place via the
MELSEC communication protocol (MC protocol).
Channel units
The "Mitsubishi Ethernet" channel comes equipped with the "Mitsubishi FX3U Series" and
"Mitsubishi Q Series" channel units.
WinCC: Communication
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Mitsubishi Ethernet
3.2 Supported data types
Define the required tags for a logical connection between WinCC and a connected controller.
The following data types are supported by the "Mitsubishi Ethernet" channel:
● Binary Tag
● Signed 16-bit value
● Unsigned 16-bit value
● Signed 32-bit value
● Unsigned 32-bit value
● Floating-point number 32-bit IEEE 754
● Floating-point number 64-bit IEEE 754
● Text tag 8-bit character set
● Text tag 16-bit character set
● Raw Data Tag
WinCC: Communication
60 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
Mitsubishi Ethernet
3.3 Configuring the Channel
WinCC needs a logical connection for communication of WinCC with the automation system
(AS). This section illustrates how to configure the "Mitsubishi Ethernet" channel.
You can establish a connection to an AS with either TCP/IP or UDP/IP protocol. Therefore,
you have to enter the IP address and IP port number for the AS when configuring a logical
connection for the channel "Mitsubishi Ethernet" and select either the UDP or TCP/IP protocol.
The IP address consists of four numerical values, separated by dots. The numerical values
must be within the range 0 to 255.
Timeout Behavior
Interrupted connections are not detected immediately when using the TCP/IP protocol. The
feedback can take longer and is dependent on the operating system.
Online Configuration
The "Mitsubishi Ethernet channel supports the online configuration of tags and connections.
The following steps are required for configuring the "Mitsubishi Ethernet" channel.
1. Configuring a connection
2. Configuring tags
WinCC: Communication
System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA 61
Mitsubishi Ethernet
3.3 Configuring the Channel
This section shows you how to configure the connection for the "Mitsubishi FX3U Series"
channel unit.
● The communication driver for the "Mitsubishi Ethernet" channel is installed and integrated
into the project.
When you use Mitsubishi controllers, you will also have to configure the connections in
the controller. To do this, follow the operating instructions provided by the manufacturer.
1. Open the menu structure for the "Mitsubishi Ethernet" communication driver in the "Tag
Management" editor of the WinCC Explorer.
2. Select the entry "New Connection" in the shortcut menu of the "Mitsubishi FX3U Series"
channel unit. The "Connection Properties" dialog is opened.
3. Enter the name of the connection.
4. Click the "Properties" button to open the "Connection properties" dialog.
We recommend that you use the default protocol "UDP". The timeout behavior is better
with this protocol. Only use TCP if you are not able to use UDP.
WinCC: Communication
62 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
Mitsubishi Ethernet
3.3 Configuring the Channel
The following steps are required for configuring the "Mitsubishi Ethernet" channel.
1. Configuring a connection.
2. Configuring tags.
This section shows you how to configure the connection for the "Mitsubishi Q Series" channel
● The communication driver for the "Mitsubishi Ethernet" channel is installed and integrated
into the project.
When you use Mitsubishi controllers, you will also have to configure the connections in
the controller. To do this, follow the operating instructions provided by the manufacturer.
1. Open the menu structure for the "Mitsubishi Ethernet" communication driver in the "Tag
Management" editor of the WinCC Explorer.
2. Select the entry "New Connection" in the shortcut menu of the "Mitsubishi Q Series" channel
unit. The "Connection Properties" dialog is opened.
3. Enter the name of the connection.
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Mitsubishi Ethernet
3.3 Configuring the Channel
We recommend that you use the default protocol "UDP". The timeout behavior is better
with this protocol. Only use TCP if you are not able to use UDP.
Tags of different data types can be created in WinCC for a connection between WinCC and
the automation system via the "Mitsubishi Ethernet" channel.
The following sections describe how to configure the tags.
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64 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
Mitsubishi Ethernet
3.3 Configuring the Channel
If you want to use a specific WinCC data type, you have to consider the selected address
type; for example, address type "D" does not support the WinCC data type "Binary".
Address type Code Address range Display Data type AS that are
Input relays X 000000...001FFF Hex. (FX:Octal) Bit FX, Q
Output relays Y 000000...001FFF Hex. (FX: Octal) Bit FX, Q
Bit memories M 0...8191 Decimal Bit FX, Q
Latch relay L 0...8191 Decimal Bit Q
Error bit memory F 0...2047 Decimal Bit Q
Edge relay V 0...2047 Decimal Bit Q
Link relay B 000000...001FFF Hex. Bit Q
Data register D 0...12287 Decimal Word FX, Q
Link register W 000000...001FFF Hex. Word Q
Timer (contact) TS 0...2047 Decimal Bit FX, Q
Timer (OUT coil) TC 0...2047 Decimal Bit Q
Timer (current value) TN 0...2047 Decimal Word FX, Q
Retentive timer SS 0...2047 Decimal Bit Q
Retentive timer (coil) SC 0...2047 Decimal Bit Q
Retentive timer (value) SN 0...2047 Decimal Word Q
Counter / Contact CS 0...1023 Decimal Bit FX, Q
Counter / Coil CC 0...1023 Decimal Bit Q
Counter / current value CN 0...1023 Decimal Word FX, Q
Expansion register R 0...65535 Decimal 16-bit FX, Q
Special link relay SB 000000...0007FF Hex. Bit Q
Special link register SW 000000...0007FF Hex. Word Q
Step flags S 0...8191 Decimal Bit Q
Input relay (direct) DX 000000...001FFF Hex. Bit Q
Output relay (direct) DY 000000...001FFF Hex. Bit Q
Index register Z 0...15 Decimal Word Q
Diagnostic bit memory SM 0...2047 Decimal Bit Q
Diagnostic register SD 0...2047 Decimal Word Q
WinCC: Communication
System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA 65
Mitsubishi Ethernet
3.3 Configuring the Channel
This section shows you how to configure a tag access for the address range in the automation
system (AS).
● The "Mitsubishi Ethernet" channel is integrated in the project.
● A connection is established in the "Mitsubishi FX3U Series" or "Mitsubishi Q Series" channel
1. Select the "New Tag" entry in the shortcut menu of the Mitsubishi Ethernet connection.
The "Tag properties" dialog box opens.
2. Enter the tag name.
3. Set the required data type.
4. Click the "Select" button to open the "Address properties" dialog.
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66 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
Mitsubishi Ethernet
3.3 Configuring the Channel
WinCC: Communication
System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA 67
Modbus TCPIP 4
4.1 "Modbus TCP/IP" channel
The "Modbus TCPIP" channel is for communication between a WinCC station and PLCs that
support Modbus via Ethernet. The communication is handled with the Modbus TCP/IP protocol.
Channel units
The "Modbus TCPIP" channel comes with the "Modbus TCP/IP Unit #1" channel unit.
WinCC: Communication
System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA 69
Modbus TCPIP
4.2 Supported Data Types
Define the required tags for a logical connection with a connected controller. The following
data types are supported by the "Modbus TCPIP" channel:
● Binary tag
● Signed 16-bit value
● Unsigned 16-bit value
● Signed 32-bit value
● Unsigned 32-bit value
● Floating-point number 32-bit IEEE 754
● Text tag 8-bit character set
● Text tag 16-bit character set
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70 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
Modbus TCPIP
4.3 Configuring the Channel
WinCC needs a logical connection for communication of WinCC with the automation system
(AS). This section describes the communication with the "Modbus TCP/IP Unit #1" channel
unit. All connection-specific parameters are defined during the setup.
When implementing the TCP/IP protocol, you must define the IP address of the AS for the
logic connection. The IP address consists of four numerical values, separated by dots. The
numerical values must be within the range of 0-255.
Timeout Behavior
Interrupted connections are not detected immediately when using the TCP/IP protocol. The
check-back message can take up to a minute.
Integrating the WinCC station via a bridge in a Modbus network is not possible because
the WinCC station works as a Modbus Master.
Online Configuration
The Online configuration is not supported.
The following steps are required for configuring the channel "Modbus TCPIP":
1. Configuring a connection
2. Configuring Tags
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Modbus TCPIP
4.3 Configuring the Channel
● The communication driver for channel "Modbus TCPIP" is installed and integrated into the
1. Open the menu structure for the "Modbus TCPIP" communication driver in the "Tag
Management" editor of the WinCC Explorer.
2. Select the entry "New Connection" in the pop-up menu of the "Modbus TCP/IP Unit #1"
channel unit. The "Connection Properties" dialog is opened.
3. Enter the name of the connection.
4. Click on the "Properties" button to open the "Modbus TCPIP Properties" dialog.
5. Select the connected Modicon controller under "CPU Type". The following CPUs are
available for selection:
– 984
Use this CPU type for the CPU 984 (except for CPU 984A, 984B and 984X).
– Modicon Compact, Modicon Quantum, Modicon Momentum
– Modicon Premium, Modicon Micro
6. Enter the IP address of the controller in the "Server" field.
7. Enter the port to be used for the TCP/IP connection in the "Port" field. The default port for
Modbus TCP/IP connections is 502.
8. If you are using a bridge, enter the slave address of the remote controller in the "Address
of remote slave" field.
If no bridge is used, you must enter the default value of 255 or 0 as the address.
Integrating the WinCC station via a bridge in a Modbus network is not possible because
the WinCC station works as a Modbus Master.
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72 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
Modbus TCPIP
4.3 Configuring the Channel
9. To swap the order of the 16-bit register in 32-bit process values, select "Swap words in 32-
bit values".
10.Close both of the dialogs by clicking the "OK" button.
For a connection between WinCC and the automation system (AS) via channel "Modbus
TCPIP", tags of different data types can be created in WinCC.
The following sections describe how to configure the tags. The addressing of the data range
in the AS and the data type of the WinCC tags are different.
WinCC: Communication
System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA 73
Modbus TCPIP
4.3 Configuring the Channel
The standard bit counting method (16 LSB - 1 MSB) used with controllers of the 984, Compact,
Quantum and Momentum series will only be used for these CPUs in the "Tags" editor for the
data type "bit". Bit positions have the following allocations:
When entering bit numbers in other locations in WinCC, the bit allocation of WinCC applies
(0 LSB - 15 MSB):
This bit counting method also applies to Modicon Premium and Modicon Micro controllers
See also
How to Configure a Tag with Bit by Bit Access (Page 75)
How to Configure a Tag with Word by Word Access (Page 76)
How to Configure a Text Tag (Page 77)
WinCC: Communication
74 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
Modbus TCPIP
4.3 Configuring the Channel
This section shows you how to configure a tag for bit by bit access for the address area in the
automation system (AS).
● The channel "Modbus TCPIP" must be integrated in the project.
● A connection must be created in the "Modbus TCP/IP Unit #1" channel unit.
1. Select "New Tag" from the shortcut menu of the Modbus TCP/IP connection. The "Tag
properties" dialog box opens.
2. Enter the name of the tag in the "Name" field. Select "Binary tag" in the "Data Type" field.
3. Click on the "Select" button to open the "Modbus TCP/IP Tag Properties" dialog. Define
the data area in the AS that holds the data in the "Area" field. You can select from areas
0x, 1x, 3x, 4x and 6x.
4. Enter the address of the tags in the respective address field, "4x" for instance. The value
depends on the configuration of the controller.
5. Enter the address of the bit in the "Bit" field if necessary. Whether an entry is possible
depends on your selection in the "Area from" field.
6. Select a value for "File" if you have set the value "6x Extended Memory" in the "Area" field.
7. Close both of the dialogs by clicking the "OK" button.
After closing the "Modbus TCP/IP Tag Properties" dialog, the internal address of the tags
in the controller is shown in field "Address" of the "Tag Properties" dialog. This address
can differ from the entered address because it is adapted to the AS data format.
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Modbus TCPIP
4.3 Configuring the Channel
See also
How to Configure a Text Tag (Page 77)
This section shows you how to configure a tag for word by word access for the address area
in the automation system (AS).
● The channel "Modbus TCPIP" must be integrated in the project.
● A connection must be created in the "Modbus TCP/IP Unit #1" channel unit.
1. Select "New Tag" from the shortcut menu of the Modbus TCP/IP connection. The "Tag
properties" dialog box opens.
2. Enter the name of the tag in the "Name" field. Set the data type to "Unsigned 16-bit value"
in the "Data Type" field.
3. Click on the "Select" button to open the "Modbus TCP/IP Tag Properties" dialog. Define
the data area in the AS that holds the data in the "Area" field. You can select from the three
areas 3x, 4x and 6x.
4. Enter the address of the tags in the respective address field, "4x" for instance. The value
depends on the configuration of the controller.
5. Close both of the dialogs by clicking the "OK" button.
After closing the "Modbus TCP/IP Tag Properties" dialog, the internal address of the tags
in the controller is shown in field "Address" of the "Tag Properties" dialog. This address
can differ from the entered address because it is adapted to the AS data format.
WinCC: Communication
76 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
Modbus TCPIP
4.3 Configuring the Channel
This section shows you how to configure a tag for word by word access for the address area
in the automation system (AS).
● The channel "Modbus TCPIP" must be integrated in the project.
● A connection must be created in the "Modbus TCP/IP Unit #1" channel unit.
1. Select "New Tag" from the shortcut menu of the Modbus TCP/IP connection. The "Tag
properties" dialog box opens.
2. Enter the name of the tag in the "Name" field. In the "Data Type" field, set "Text tag 8-bit
character set" as the data type.
3. Click on the "Select" button to open the "Modbus TCP/IP Tag Properties" dialog.
4. Enter the address of the tags in address field "4x". The value depends on the configuration
of the controller.
5. Close both of the dialogs by clicking the "OK" button.
WinCC: Communication
System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA 77
OPC Channel 5
5.1 WinCC OPC Channel
WinCC can be used as both an OPC server and as an OPC client. The OPC channel is the
OPC client application of WinCC.
The OPC communication driver can be used as OPC DA client, OPC XML client, and OPC
UA client.
The following OPC components are installed automatically:
● OPC communication driver
● OPC Item Manager
Possible Applications
WinCC: Communication
System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA 79
OPC Channel
5.1 WinCC OPC Channel
The WinCC OPC channel establishes connections only to OPC servers which have the status
"OPC" channel
Unicode is not supported for connection names. Make sure that you name all connections in
the project in the same language. Open the Control Panel of your computer to set the code
page of this language for use in programs that do not support Unicode.
WinCC: Communication
80 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
OPC Channel
5.2 OPC Item Manager
A connection and a WinCC tag are configured in the WinCC project of the WinCC OPC client
to enable access to tags of an OPC server. The OPC Item Manager simplifies this process for
you. The OPC Item Manager is automatically installed with WinCC.
"OPC" channel
Unicode is not supported for connection names. Make sure that you name all connections in
the project in the same language. Open the Control Panel of your computer to set the code
page of this language for use in programs that do not support Unicode.
The following requirements must be met in order to use the OPC Item Manager for
● The OPC server is an OPC DA server, an OPC XML server, or an OPC UA server
● A tag is already configured on the OPC server.
● If WinCC is to be used as the OPC server the WinCC project of the WinCC OPC server
must be enabled. If this is not the case, the OPC Item Manager cannot access the WinCC
OPC server.
● It must be possible to access the computer of the OPC servers via the IP address or HTTP.
● The OPC server must support the browser functionality. If that is not the case, access to
the tag of the OPC server must be configured manually.
If you change language in the WinCC Explorer while the OPC Item Manager is open, no
tags are displayed when you click the "Browse Server" button. Exit the OPC Item Manager
before changing language.
WinCC: Communication
System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA 81
OPC Channel
5.2 OPC Item Manager
OPC DA server
The OPC Item Manager can be used to determine the name of the OPC DA server in the
network. These OPC DA servers can run on the same computer or on different computers in
the connected network environment. For further details, refer to "WinCC OPC DA client ".
OPC UA Server
The OPC Item Manager cannot be used to determine the name the OPC UA server. The OPC
UA server can be added using the "OPC UA Server" button. For further details, refer to "WinCC
OPC UA client ".
The computer was not found in the network or the computer could not be accessed.
A networked computer contains the OPC DA server designated with the OPC symbol.
The number indicates which OPC DA specification of the WinCC OPC DA client is used.
\\<LOCAL> Refers to the computer running the OPC Item Manager.
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OPC Channel
5.2 OPC Item Manager
Creating a connection
The OPC Item Manager configures all required settings when creating a connection. If a
connection to the OPC server has already been created, this function is not available.
Tag selection
You may use the tag selection dialog to select one or more tags on the OPC server which the
WinCC OPC client is to access. Filter criteria can be used to limit the choices in the tag selection
Adding a tag
The names of the WinCC tags that access the tags of the OPC server can be set in the "Add
Tags" dialog.
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OPC Channel
5.2 OPC Item Manager
The WinCC tag name consists of the "prefix", "name" and "suffix". The "Name" field is
preconfigured with the "ExampleTag" text. "ExampleTag" stands for the WinCC tag name of
the WinCC OPC server.
You can assign a prefix or suffix to distinguish the WinCC tag name on the WinCC OPC client
from the WinCC tag name on the WinCC OPC server. When configuring project monitoring, a
prefix or suffix must be assigned.
The tag name may be assigned only once in a given WinCC project.
The WinCC tag name on the WinCC OPC DA server is called "OPC_Server_Tag". The "Client_"
value is entered in the prefix field and "_xyz" in the suffix field. In the WinCC project of the
WinCC OPC DA client, the WinCC tag "Client_OPC_Server_Tag_xyz" is created.
If the tag name on the OPC server contains special characters, they are replaced by an
underscore ( "_" ), because not all special characters occurring in tag names are supported
by the OPC Item Manager.
Click "Finish" to add the WinCC tags to the WinCC project of the WinCC OPC DA client. The
OPC Item Manager automatically sets the data type, the name and the address parameters
for the WinCC tag.
See also
How to Access a WinCC Tag with the OPC Item Manager (Page 103)
How to Access a WinCC Tag with the OPC Item Manager (Page 87)
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OPC Channel
5.3 Overview of the Supported WinCC Data Types
The list below shows the data types that are supported by the WinCC OPC DA client and WinCC OPC
DA server:
● Binary tags
● Signed 8-bit value
● Unsigned 8-bit value
● Signed 16-bit value
● Unsigned 16-bit value
● Signed 32-bit value
● Unsigned 32-bit value
● Floating-point number 32-bit IEEE 754
● Floating-point number 64-bit IEEE 754
● Text tag, 8-bit character set
● Text tag, 16-bit character set
● Raw data type
● Structure types
● Text reference
For structure types, only the structure elements are supported, not the structure itself.
However, the structure can be configured later. For more information, refer to the topic "Using
structures on the WinCC OPC DA client."
If a text tag is created with the OPC Item Manager, it is assigned a length of 160 characters.
This length can be changed to any length.
See also
How to Use Structures on the WinCC OPC DA Client (Page 94)
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OPC Channel
5.4 WinCC OPC DA Client
The OPC channel does not require a separate communication module. The OPC channel is
an application which employs the OPC software interface to use an OPC DA server to access
process data.
If WinCC is to be used as an OPC DA client, the OPC channel must be added to the WinCC
If a communication is established to a WinCC OPC DA server, the values of the WinCC tags
are exchanged. To do this, a connection is set up in the WinCC project of the WinCC OPC DA
client; it is used to handle access to the WinCC OPC DA server.
For the WinCC OPC DA client to access multiple OPC DA servers, a connection for each of
the OPC DA servers must be set up in the WinCC project. For more information about
troubleshooting channels and tags, refer to "Troubleshooting".
The WinCC OPC channel establishes connections only to OPC servers which have the status
"OPC" channel
Unicode is not supported for connection names. Make sure that you name all connections in
the project in the same language. Open the Control Panel of your computer to set the code
page of this language for use in programs that do not support Unicode.
Connection Monitoring
Three mechanisms are integrated for connection monitoring in the WinCC OPC-DA client. It
is thus possible to take the best possible measures in the event of a network error or
malfunction of an OPC DA server.
1. If the processing period for a DCOM activation exceeds warning value of 5 seconds, the
tag is assigned the value "Addressing Error". If the processing period exceeds the
cancellation value of 10 seconds, the connection to the OPC DA server is interrupted. This
is displayed in the "Connection Status" dialog of the WinCC Explorers.
The OPC DA specification 3.00 is provided with the "Keep-Alive" feature. If the OPC DA server
supports the OPC DA specifications 3.00, this feature is used. The feature causes the OPC
DA server to automatically trigger cyclic updating (call OnDataChange) even if the tag values
have not changed. If this regular updating is disabled, the WinCC OPC DA client terminates
the connection.
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5.4 WinCC OPC DA Client
The same behavior applies in the case of an OPC DA server which supports the OPC DA
specifications 2.05a. In order to check the connection to the OPC DA server, the WinCC OPC
DA client requests the status cyclically every 10 seconds. If this regular updating is disabled,
the WinCC OPC DA client terminates the connection.
Generally, the WinCC OPC DA client terminates the connection to the OPC DA server when
the connection is not capable of functioning. The WinCC OPC DA client attempts to re-establish
the connection again, automatically, every 10 seconds.
See also
How to Use Structures on the WinCC OPC DA Client (Page 94)
Accessing a WinCC Tag without the OPC Item Manager (Page 92)
Configuring Access with the OPC Item Manager (Page 88)
Overview of the Supported WinCC Data Types (Page 85)
OPC Item Manager (Page 81)
Diagnosis of Channels and Tags (Page 369)
5.4.2 How to Access a WinCC Tag with the OPC Item Manager How to Access a WinCC Tag with the OPC Item Manager
When an OPC connection is made between WinCC and WinCC, data exchange occurs using
WinCC tags. The WinCC OPC DA client uses an OPC connection to read the WinCC tag
"OPC_Server_Tag" on the WinCC OPC DA server. To simplify the process, the OPC Item
Manager is used.
● Two computers with WinCC projects.
● Both computers must be accessible via their IP addresses.
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OPC Channel
5.4 WinCC OPC DA Client
Configuration Steps
The following configurations are required in the WinCC project of the WinCC OPC DA client:
See also
Configuring Access with the OPC Item Manager (Page 88)
Configuring the OPC Channel on the WinCC OPC DA Client (Page 88)
Configuring Access with the OPC Item Manager (Page 103)
To use OPC for data exchange, the OPC channel must be set up in the WinCC project.
1. Click the "Tag Management" icon in the navigation window of the WinCC Explorer on the
WinCC OPC DA client.
2. Select "Add New Driver" from the "Tag Management" shortcut menu. The "Add New Driver"
dialog is opened.
3. Select the "OPC.chn" driver and click the "Open" button. The channel is created and the
communication driver is displayed in the tag management.
See also
Configuring Access with the OPC Item Manager (Page 88)
This section explains how to use the OPC Item Manager to configure access to the WinCC
tag "OPC_Server_Tag" of the WinCC OPC DA server.
● Configure an internal tag named "OPC_Server_Tag" of the data type "signed 16-bit value"
in the WinCC project of the WinCC OPC DA server.
● Enable the WinCC project of the WinCC OPC DA server.
● Add the "OPC" channel to the WinCC project of the WinCC OPC DA client.
WinCC: Communication
88 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
OPC Channel
5.4 WinCC OPC DA Client
"OPC" channel
Unicode is not supported for connection names. Make sure that you name all connections in
the project in the same language. Open the Control Panel of your computer to set the code
page of this language for use in programs that do not support Unicode.
1. In the shortcut menu of the channel unit "OPC Groups(OPCHN Unit#1)" on the WinCC
OPC DA client, select "System Parameters". The "OPC Item Manager" opens.
2. Choose the name of the computer to be used as the WinCC OPC DA server from the
selection dialog.
Select "OPCServer.WinCC" from the list displayed.
3. Click the "Browse Server" button.
The "Filter criteria" dialog is opened.
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OPC Channel
5.4 WinCC OPC DA Client
4. Click "Next".
The "OPCServer.WinCC ..." dialog is opened.
WinCC: Communication
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OPC Channel
5.4 WinCC OPC DA Client
8. Enter the text "Client_" in the prefix field and the text "_xyz" in the suffix field.
9. Select connection "OPCServer_WinCC".
Click "Finish".
10.Click the "Back" button in the "OPCServer.WinCC ..." dialog.
Click "Exit" to close the OPC Item Manager.
See also
Configuring the OPC Channel on the WinCC OPC DA Client (Page 88)
WinCC: Communication
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OPC Channel
5.4 WinCC OPC DA Client
OPC servers that do not support browser functionality require access to be configured
manually. Configuration of WinCC tags on the WinCC OPC DA client is shown using an
example of a WinCC-WinCC OPC connection.
To access a WinCC tag without the OPC Item Manager, the ItemID must be set manually.
When addressing WinCC tags, the symbolic computer name (server prefix) can also be
specified. The ItemID has the following syntax: Server prefix::WinCC tag. If the WinCC tag
of the local WinCC project is addressed, the server prefix is omitted.
The following configurations are required in the WinCC project of the WinCC OPC DA client:
1. Selection of the "OPC_Var1" WinCC tag to be accessed.
2. Creation of a connection.
3. Configuration of the "Client_OPC_Var1_xyz" WinCC tag that accesses the WinCC tag of
the WinCC OPC DA server.
● Two computers with WinCC projects.
● Both computers must be accessible via their IP addresses.
● Configure an internal tag named "OPC_Var1" with data type "signed 16-bit value" in the
WinCC project of the WinCC OPC DA server.
● Enable the WinCC project of the WinCC OPC DA server.
● Add the OPC channel to the WinCC project of the WinCC OPC DA client.
WinCC: Communication
92 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
OPC Channel
5.4 WinCC OPC DA Client
"OPC" channel
Unicode is not supported for connection names. Make sure that you name all connections in
the project in the same language. Open the Control Panel of your computer to set the code
page of this language for use in programs that do not support Unicode.
1. Select "New Connection" from the shortcut menu of the channel unit "OPC Groups(OPCHN
Unit#1)" on the WinCC OPC DA client. The "Connection Properties" dialog is opened. Enter
a name for the connection in the corresponding field.
2. Click the "Properties" button. A dialog with the connection name in its title is displayed.
For connections to WinCC V 6, the entry in the "OPC Server Name" field must be
3. Enter the name of the computer to be used as the OPC DA server in the "Start Server on
this Computer" field. Click "Test Server", to check the connection to the WinCC OPC DA
4. Select "New Tag" from the shortcut menu of the connection. The "Tag Properties" dialog
5. Enter the name "Client_OPC_Var1_xyz" in the "Tag" field. Set the data type to "signed 16-
WinCC: Communication
System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA 93
OPC Channel
5.4 WinCC OPC DA Client
6. In the "Tag Properties" dialog, click the "Select" button. The "Address Properties" dialog
Enter the name of the WinCC tag of the WinCC OPC DA server in the "Item Name" field.
Leave the entry in the "Access Path" field unchanged. Set the data type to "signed 16-bit".
7. Click "OK" to close all open dialogs.
Structures are used to organize tags and tag types that form a logical unit. This allows them
to be referenced using a single logical name.
Structures are not supported by the OPC DA specification. As a result, structures cannot be
set up using the OPC Item Manager, only the individual tags in a structure. If you wish to use
structures on the WinCC OPC DA client nonetheless, the data structure must be configured
subsequently in the WinCC project of the WinCC OPC DA client in order to supply it with the
relevant item names of the server tags.
● Two computers with WinCC projects.
● Both computers must be accessible via their IP addresses.
Configuration steps
The following configuration steps are necessary to use structures on the WinCC OPC DA client:
● Configuring structures and structure tags on the WinCC OPC DA server
● Using structures on the WinCC OPC DA client in the WinCC project
WinCC: Communication
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OPC Channel
5.4 WinCC OPC DA Client
See also
How to Configure Structures on the WinCC OPC DA Client (Page 96)
Configuring Structures and Structure Tags on the WinCC OPC DA Server (Page 95) Configuring Structures and Structure Tags on the WinCC OPC DA Server
In this section a structure and a structure tag is created in the WinCC project of the OPC DA
server. This configuration is required for the OPC DA client to access the structure tag.
1. Select "New Structure Type" from the structure types shortcut menu on the WinCC OPC
DA server. The "Structure Properties" dialog is displayed.
2. Click "New Element" and create the internal tag "OPCServer_Struct" of data type SHORT.
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OPC Channel
5.4 WinCC OPC DA Client
See also
How to Configure Structures on the WinCC OPC DA Client (Page 96)
Structures are not supported by the OPC DA specification. As a result, structures cannot be
set up using the OPC Item Manager. In this section, the structure already present in the WinCC
project of the WinCC OPC DA server is configured for the WinCC project of the WinCC OPC
DA client. A WinCC tag that accesses the existing structure tag on the WinCC OPC DA server
is configured on the WinCC OPC DA client.
● Create a structure and a structure tag named "Var.OPCServer_Struct" in the WinCC project
of the WinCC OPC DA server.
● Enable the WinCC project of the WinCC OPC DA server.
● Add the OPC channel to the WinCC project of the WinCC OPC DA client.
"OPC" channel
Unicode is not supported for connection names. Make sure that you name all connections in
the project in the same language. Open the Control Panel of your computer to set the code
page of this language for use in programs that do not support Unicode.
1. Select "New Structure Type" from the structure types shortcut menu on the WinCC OPC
DA client. The "Structure Properties" dialog is displayed.
2. Click the "New Element" button and set up an external tag. Name the element exactly as
it is in the WinCC project of the OPC-DA server. Click "OK" to close the "Structure
Properties" dialog.
3. If a connection to the OPC DA server already exists, continue with step 6.
If no connection has been created, select "New Connection" from the shortcut menu of the
channel unit "OPC". The "Connection Properties" dialog is opened. Enter a name for the
connection in the corresponding field.
4. Click the "Properties" button. A dialog with the connection name in its title is displayed. For
connections to WinCC V 6, the entry in the field "OPC Server Name" must be
5. Enter the name of the computer to be used as the WinCC OPC DA server in the field "Start
Server on this Computer". Click "Test Server", to check the connection to the WinCC OPC
DA server. Click "OK" to close the dialog.
WinCC: Communication
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OPC Channel
5.4 WinCC OPC DA Client
6. Select "New Tag" from the shortcut menu of the connection. The "Tag Properties" dialog
opens. Select the newly created structure type as the data type.
7. In the "Tag Properties" dialog, click the "Select" button. The "Address properties" dialog
In the "Item Name" field, enter the name "Var.OPCServer_Struct" for the structure tag of
the WinCC OPC DA server. Leave the entry in the "Access Path" field unchanged.
8. Click "OK" to close all open dialogs.
See also
Configuring the OPC Channel on the WinCC OPC DA Client (Page 88)
Configuring Structures and Structure Tags on the WinCC OPC DA Server (Page 95)
The procedure for communication testing is independent of how WinCC is used.
See also
WinCC is used as the OPC DA client, and the connection is not established. (Page 101)
WinCC is used as the OPC DA client, and the connection is established. (Page 100)
WinCC is used as the OPC DA server, and the connection is not established. (Page 99)
WinCC is used as the OPC DA server, and the connection is established successfully.
(Page 98)
Possibilities for Diagnosing the "OPC" Channel (Page 404)
WinCC: Communication
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OPC Channel
5.4 WinCC OPC DA Client
WinCC is used as the OPC DA server, and the connection is established successfully.
WinCC: Communication
98 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
OPC Channel
5.4 WinCC OPC DA Client
WinCC is used as the OPC DA server, and the connection is not established.
WinCC: Communication
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OPC Channel
5.4 WinCC OPC DA Client
<HV 1R
WinCC: Communication
100 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
OPC Channel
5.4 WinCC OPC DA Client
WinCC is used as the OPC DA client, and the connection is not established.
1R 1R
WinCC: Communication
System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA 101
OPC Channel
5.5 WinCC OPC XML Client
The OPC channel does not require a separate communication module. The OPC
communication driver can be implemented as the OPC XML client.
In order to use WinCC as the WinCC OPC XML client, the OPC channel must be added to the
WinCC project.
The WinCC OPC XML client provides the OPC XML server with the OPC process data as a
web page. Access can be made to the web page via the Internet / Intranet using HTTP. When
a WinCC OPC XML client requests data, the web service is automatically started by the web
In order that the WinCC OPC XML client can access several OPC XML servers, a connection
must be made to each OPC XML server in the WinCC project.
If a communication is established to a WinCC OPC XML server, the values of the WinCC tags
are exchanged. A connection is set up in the WinCC project of the WinCC OPC XML client via
which access to the WinCC OPC XML server can be processed. The connection monitoring
is not activated in the case of a WinCC OPC XML client.
The WinCC OPC channel establishes connections only to OPC servers which have the status
"OPC" channel
Unicode is not supported for connection names. Make sure that you name all connections in
the project in the same language. Open the Control Panel of your computer to set the code
page of this language for use in programs that do not support Unicode.
See also
Overview of the Supported WinCC Data Types (Page 85)
OPC Item Manager (Page 81)
WinCC: Communication
102 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
OPC Channel
5.5 WinCC OPC XML Client
5.5.2 How to Access a WinCC Tag with the OPC Item Manager How to Access a WinCC Tag with the OPC Item Manager
When an OPC connection is made between WinCC and WinCC, the data is exchanged by
means of WinCC tags. The WinCC OPC DA client uses an OPC connection to read the WinCC
tag "OPC_Server_Tag" on the WinCC OPC XML server. To simplify the process, the OPC
Item Manager is used.
● Two computers with WinCC projects.
● It must be possible to access both computers using HTTP.
Configuration Steps
The following configurations are required in the WinCC project of the WinCC OPC XML client:
See also
Configuring the OPC Channel on the WinCC OPC DA Client (Page 88)
Configuring Access with the OPC Item Manager (Page 103)
This section explains how to use the OPC Item Manager to configure access to the
"OPC_XMLServer_Tag" WinCC tag of the WinCC OPC XML server.
WinCC: Communication
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OPC Channel
5.5 WinCC OPC XML Client
● Configure an internal tag named "OPC_XMLServer_Tag" of data type "signed 16-bit value"
in the WinCC project of the WinCC OPC XML server.
● Activate the WinCC project of the WinCC OPC XML server.
● The OPC channel must be added to the WinCC project of the WinCC OPC XML client.
"OPC" channel
Unicode is not supported for connection names. Make sure that you name all connections in
the project in the same language. Open the Control Panel of your computer to set the code
page of this language for use in programs that do not support Unicode.
WinCC: Communication
104 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
OPC Channel
5.5 WinCC OPC XML Client
1. Select "System Parameters" from the shortcut menu of the channel unit "OPC
Groups(OPCHN Unit#1)" on the WinCC OPC XML client. The "OPC Item Manager" opens.
2. Click the "OPC Web Server" button. The "Add OPC Web Server" dialog is opened. Enter
the URL of the WinCC OPC XML server in the "URL" field in following format: <http://<xxx>/
WinCC-OPC-XML/DAWebservice.asmx>. Replace xxx with either the IP address or the
computer name on which the OPC XML web service is running.
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OPC Channel
5.5 WinCC OPC XML Client
4. Click the "Next->" button in the "Filter Criteria" dialog. The "http:// ..." dialog is opened.
5. In the "http:// ..." dialog, select the WinCC tag "XMLOPC_Server_Tag". Click the "Add Items"
6. If a connection to the WinCC OPC XML server already exists, continue with step 7. If no
connection has been configured, a corresponding message is output.
Click "Yes". The "New Connection" dialog is opened.
WinCC: Communication
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OPC Channel
5.5 WinCC OPC XML Client
8. In the "http:// ..." dialog, click "<- Back". Click "Exit" to close the OPC Item Manager.
See also
Configuring the OPC Channel on the WinCC OPC DA Client (Page 88)
OPC servers that do not support browser functionality require access to be configured
manually. Configuration of WinCC tags on the WinCC OPC XML client is shown using an
example of a WinCC - WinCC OPC connection.
To access a WinCC tag without the OPC Item Manager, the ItemID must be set manually.
When addressing WinCC tags, the symbolic computer name (server prefix) can also be
specified. The ItemID has the following syntax: server_prefix::<@>WinCC tag. If the WinCC
tag of the local WinCC project is addressed, the ItemID has the following syntax: <@>WinCC
WinCC: Communication
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OPC Channel
5.5 WinCC OPC XML Client
Configuration Steps
The following configurations are required in the WinCC project of the WinCC OPC XML client:
1. Creation of a connection.
2. Configuring the "XMLClient_OPC_Var1_xyz" WinCC tag on the WinCC OPC XML client
which accesses the WinCC tag of the WinCC OPC DA server.
● Two computers with WinCC projects.
● It must be possible to access the computers using HTTP.
● Configure an internal tag named "XMLOPC_Server_Tag" with data type "signed 16-bit
value" in the WinCC project of the WinCC OPC XML server.
● Enable the WinCC project of the WinCC OPC XML server.
● The OPC channel must be added to the WinCC project of the WinCC OPC XML client.
When configuring external tags in the OPC channel, the preset values from WinCC in the
type conversion field of the "Tag Properties" dialog must not be altered. The data type of
the tag in the process is set in the data type field of the "Address Properties" dialog.
1. Select "New Connection" from the shortcut menu of the channel unit "OPC Groups(OPCHN
Unit#1)" on the WinCC OPC XML client. The "Connection Properties" dialog is opened.
Enter a name for the connection in the corresponding field.
2. Click the "Properties" button. A dialog with the connection name in its title is displayed.
Select the "XML DA Server" check box. In the case of a connection to the WinCC OPC
XML server, the "OPC Server Name" field must contain the URL of the WinCC OPC XML
server. The URL has the following syntax: "http://<xxx>/WinCC-OPC-XML/
DAWebservice.asmx". Replace xxx with either the IP address or the computer name on
which the OPC-XML web service is running.
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5.5 WinCC OPC XML Client
3. Select "New Tag" from the shortcut menu of the connection. The "Tag Properties" dialog
is opened.
4. Enter the name "XMLClient_OPC_Var1_xyz" in the "Tag" field. Set the data type to "signed
5. In the "Tag Properties" dialog, click the "Select" button. A dialog with the tag name in its
title is displayed.
Enter the symbol "<@>" and the name of the WinCC tag of the WinCC OPC XML server
in the "Item Name" field. Leave the entry in the "Access Path" field unchanged. Set the data
type to "signed 16-bit".
6. Click "OK" to close all open dialogs.
WinCC: Communication
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OPC Channel
5.6 WinCC OPC UA client
The WinCC OPC UA client enables data access to any OPC UA server in accordance with
the OPC Unified Architecture specification. OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA) also provides
additional mechanisms such as authentication and encryption for secure communication
between participating partners.
To use WinCC as WinCC OPC UA client, add the OPC communication driver (OPC channel)
to the WinCC project. A separate communication module is not required.
To enable access to the OPC process data of different OPC UA servers, configure a connection
to each server in the WinCC project. Use the WinCC OPC Item Manager to configure the
Connection monitoring is not activated if the OPC channel is used as OPC UA client.
Connections are only established to servers which signal the status "RUNNING".
If there is an OPC link from WinCC to an OPC UA server, OPC UA server data is mapped to
a WinCC tag. In this process, the WinCC OPC UA client uses a secure connection to access
the "OPC_UAServer_Tag" of the WinCC OPC UA server. Use OPC Item Manager for your
You can only access servers that offer browse support during the configuration.
Distinguish between client and server certificates when configuring. Secure communication
is only possible when client and server recognize each other's certificates.
Certificates are linked to the respective computers. After having moved, copied, or duplicated
the WinCC project to a different computer, repeat this procedure so that each computer can
verify the other's certificates.
WinCC: Communication
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OPC Channel
5.6 WinCC OPC UA client
● Client computers with a WinCC project.
● Both computers must be accessible via TCP connection.
● The Firewall allows two-way communication with the UA server.
Configuration Steps
Complete the following configuration tasks in the WinCC project of the WinCC OPC UA client:
● Configuration of the OPC channel on the WinCC OPC UA client.
● Setup of a valid server certificate.
● Configuration of access with the OPC Item Manager.
This section explains how to set up an OPC UA server certificate for the WinCC OPC UA client.
● The OPC UA server is activated.
● The Firewall allows two-way communication with the UA server.
● The "OPC" channel has been added to the WinCC project of the WinCC OPC UA client.
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OPC Channel
5.6 WinCC OPC UA client
1. On the WinCC OPC UA client, select the "System parameters" command from the shortcut
menu of the "OPC Groups(OPCHN Unit#1)" channel unit. The "OPC Item Manager" opens.
2. Click "OPC UA server". The "Add OPC UA server" dialog opens. Enter the URL of the
WinCC OPC UA server in the "Server URL" field in the following format:
<opc.tcp://OPC UA server address>
Make the required security settings. If necessary, enter authentication data.
WinCC: Communication
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OPC Channel
5.6 WinCC OPC UA client
6. Open Windows Explorer and change to the "OPC" folder in the WinCC installation path.
7. Open the "PKI/CA/" folder.
The "rejected" folder containing the rejected server certificate has been added.
8. Move the server certificate from the "rejected" folder to the "certs" folder.
The server certificate has been validated. It is now possible to activate a secure connection
to the OPC UA server. How to configure access to a tag using the OPC Item Manager
This section explains how to use OPC Item Manager to configure access to the
"OPC_UAServer_Tag" WinCC tag of the WinCC OPC UA server.
You can only access servers that offer browse support during the configuration.
● The OPC UA server is activated.
● The Firewall allows two-way communication with the UA server.
● The server certificate has been set up.
● The "OPC" channel has been added to the WinCC project of the WinCC OPC UA client.
"OPC" channel
Unicode is not supported for connection names. Make sure that you name all connections in
the project in the same language. Open the Control Panel of your computer to set the code
page of this language for use in programs that do not support Unicode.
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OPC Channel
5.6 WinCC OPC UA client
1. On the WinCC OPC UA client, select "System parameters" from the shortcut menu of the
channel unit "OPC Groups(OPCHN Unit#1)". The "OPC Item Manager" opens.
2. Click "OPC UA server". The "Add OPC UA server" dialog opens. Enter the URL of the
WinCC OPC UA server in the "Server URL" field in the following format:
<opc.tcp://OPC UA server address>
Make the required security settings. If necessary, enter authentication data.
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OPC Channel
5.6 WinCC OPC UA client
3. Select the "<opc.tcp://OPC UA server address>" entry from the list displayed. Click "Browse
Server". The "Filter criteria" dialog is opened.
5. Select the tag to be mapped in the "opc.tcp:// ..." dialog, e.g. "OPC_UA_Server_Tag". Click
"Add items".
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OPC Channel
5.6 WinCC OPC UA client
6. Continue with step 7 if you have already set up a connection to the WinCC OPC UA server.
A message will be output if this connection is not available.
Click "Yes". The "New Connection" dialog is opened.
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116 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
OPC Channel
5.6 WinCC OPC UA client
The procedure for communication testing is independent of how WinCC is used.
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OPC Channel
5.6 WinCC OPC UA client
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118 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
OPC Channel
5.6 WinCC OPC UA client
WinCC is used as the OPC UA server, and the connection is not set up.
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OPC Channel
5.6 WinCC OPC UA client
WinCC is used as the OPC UA client, and the connection is set up.
<HV 1R
WinCC: Communication
120 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
OPC Channel
5.6 WinCC OPC UA client
WinCC is used as OPC UA client, and the connection is not set up.
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6.1 WinCC channel "PROFIBUS FMS"
The "PROFIBUS FMS" communication driver makes the connection between a WinCC station
and automation systems such as S5 or S7.
This chapter describes
● how to configure data transfer with the "PROFIBUS FMS" channel
● how to configure a connection and a tag.
Channel Unit
The communication driver has a channel unit. This provides the following capability:
● Channel unit PROFIBUS FMS for SIMATIC NET PROFIBUS (communication module DP
The configuration of the logical connection can take place in configuration mode as well
as in runtime. Both methods are explained.
Only WinCC can request data from the connected AS with the "PROFIBUS FMS" channel.
Sending from the AS is not possible.
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6.2 Data type of the tags
Define the required tags for a logical connection. From the WinCC viewpoint, you can access
the following data types:
● Binary tag
● Unsigned 8-bit value
● Signed 8-bit value
● Unsigned 16-bit value
● Signed 16-bit value
● Unsigned 32-bit value
● Signed 32-bit value
● Floating-point number 32-bit IEEE 754
● Text tag, 8-bit character set.
● Raw data type
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6.3 Configuring the Channel
The automation system must be connected to PROFIBUS with a suitable communication
processor. The PROFIBUS FMS protocol must be supported by the hardware / software.
In automation systems S5-115U, S5-135U and S5-155U, communication processor CP 5431
FMS is used for instance.
in WinCC system, the communication module CP 5613 and software SIMATIC NET must be
When configuring the connection, the following situations are handled differently:
● Configuring in configuration mode
● Configuring in Runtime
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6.3 Configuring the Channel
1. Select the connection and open the "Connection properties" dialog window with menu point
"Properties" in the context menu.
2. Click the "Properties" button. A dialog with the connection name in its title is displayed.
3. Enter the name or the index of the logical connection in the "Name/Index" field.
The Name / Index of the logical connection must be configured in the local communication
relationship list (CRL).
4. If access authorization has been assigned for the logical connection, please select the "With
Authorization" field.
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6.3 Configuring the Channel
6. Now you can enter the password for the logical connection. Close the dialog by clicking on
the "OK" button.
7. Define the required parameter in the "Tag addressing" area. Close the dialog by clicking
on the "OK" button.
To configure the Name or Index of the connection, you must access the communication
relationship list, which can be created with SIMATIC NCM PC or STEP 7.
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6.3 Configuring the Channel
1. Select the connection and open the "Connection properties" dialog window with menu point
"Properties" in the context menu.
2. Click the "Properties" button. A dialog with the connection name in its title is displayed.
3. The configured connections from the communication relationship list (CRL) are shown in
the "List of connections (communication relationship list)" area. Select whether the
connection should be used with the respective index or name in the "Name/Index" field in
the "Connection" area.
4. If access authorization has been assigned for the logical connection, please select the "With
Authorization" field.
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6.3 Configuring the Channel
6. Now you can enter the password for the logical connection. Close the dialog by clicking on
the "OK" button.
7. Define the required parameter in the "Tag addressing" area. Close the dialog by clicking
on the "OK" button.
The tag address is entered according to the address structure of the PROFIBUS FMS protocol.
When configuring addresses, a distinction is made between the following situations:
● in configuration mode
● in runtime
1. Select the tag and open the "Edit tag" dialog window with menu point "Properties" in the
context menu.
2. Select the desired data type for the tags (e.g. Signed 16 bit value) from the "General" tab.
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6.3 Configuring the Channel
3. Click the "Select" button. A dialog with the tag name as its title is displayed.
4. Enter the name or index of the tag from the remote automation system in the "Name/Index"
5. If the tag is a structured tag (structure or array), you must also enter - in the field "Subindex"
- which part of the tag (structure component or array element) should be read or written.
The name or index and the Subindex must match the name or index in the Object List for the
logical connection of the external automation system. Otherwise it will not be possible to
access the tag in runtime.
1. Select the tag and open the "Edit tag" dialog window with menu point "Properties" in the
context menu.
2. Select the desired data type for the tags (e.g. Signed 16 bit value) from the "General" tab.
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6.3 Configuring the Channel
3. Click the "Select" button. A dialog with the tag name as its title is displayed.
4. The tags that can be accessed through the selected connection are listed in the "List of
Remote Tags" area. Select whether the tag should be chosen using its index or its name
in the "Remote tag" area.
5. In the "List of the Remote Tags", double click on the desired tag to select it.
6. The selected tag will be displayed in the "Name/Index" field in the "Remote Tag" area.
7. If the tag is a structured tag (structure or array), you must also enter - in the field "Subindex"
- which part of the tag (structure component or array element) should be read or written.
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S5 Ethernet Layer 4 7
7.1 WinCC Channel "SIMATIC S5 Ethernet Layer 4"
The communication driver is used e.g. to connect automation systems SIMATIC S5-115U/H,
SIMATIC S5-135U and SIMATIC S5-155U/H with the ISO transport protocol or the TCP/IP
Depending on the communication protocol that is used, the following communication partners
will be used.
Channel units
The communication driver has two channel units "CP1413-x" which can operate a maximum
of two CP 1612, CP1613 or CP1623. The functionality of the channel unit is identical. They
differ only in the logical device names of the two CPs. CP1623 is identical to CP1613, but is
operated via PCI Express.
Communication can be established via the TCP/IP protocol with a CP1612, CP1613 or CP1623
using the third channel unit "TCP/IP".
The logical device name can be changed in the system parameters of a channel unit. Here, it
is also possible to set the parameters for the protocol used.
The following application capabilities exist:
● Channel unit "S5-Transport (CP 1413-1)" for the communication modules for SIMATIC
Industrial Ethernet (CP 1612/1613/1623).
● Channel unit "S5-Transport (CP 1413-2)" for the communication modules for SIMATIC
Industrial Ethernet (CP 1612/1613/1623).
● Channel unit "S5-Transport (TCP/IP)" for the communication modules for SIMATIC
Industrial Ethernet (CP 1612/1613/1623).
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S5 Ethernet Layer 4
7.2 Data type of the tags
Define the required tags for a logical connection. From the WinCC viewpoint, you can access
the following data types:
● Binary tag
● Unsigned 8-bit value
● Signed 8-bit value
● Unsigned 16-bit value
● Signed 16-bit value
● Unsigned 32-bit value
● Signed 32-bit value
● Floating-point number 32-bit IEEE 754
● Text tag, 8-bit character set
● Raw data type
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S5 Ethernet Layer 4
7.3 Configuring the Channel
The following steps are required for configuring the channel "SIMATIC S5 Ethernet Layer 4".
1. Configuring the connection
2. Configuring the tags
3. System parameter configuration
The connection parameters are almost identical for all protocols used. In the following example,
communication is described using the ISO transport protocol with a channel unit "CP1413-x".
When implementing the TCP/IP protocol, the IP address of the AS is entered instead of the
Ethernet address. The IP address consists of four numerical values, separated by dots. The
numerical values must be within the range of 0-255.
For a logical connection, WinCC establishes one connection in the transport layer for reading
("READ function" area) and one for writing ("WRITE function" area). The address parameters
for both functions are defined in the dialog. Only if both connections are established is the
logical connection also indicated as being "established".
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7.3 Configuring the Channel
It is not possible to write binary or byte variables in the data area of the AS, if the data from
the AS is sent active, i.e. the READ function is set to "FETCH Passive" in the connections
A FETCH Passive connections is only assigned the "OK" status if at least one telegram has
been sent from AS to WinCC.
1. Select the connection and open dialog window "Properties" with the context menu.
2. Actuate the "Properties" button on the "General" tab and open the "Connection Parameters"
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S5 Ethernet Layer 4
7.3 Configuring the Channel
3. Enter the station address of the SIMATIC S5 on the industrial Ethernet bus in the field
"Ethernet Address AG". When the TCP/IP protocol is being implemented, the IP address
is entered here in the IP address AG" field.
4. Define the parameters for the READ function in the WinCC system. These are independent
of the request used in the SIMATIC S5.
5. Then, enter the value in the allocated field "Own TSAP" that was configured in the "Remote
parameter" as "TSAP" while configuring the CP1430 TF.
6. Now, enter the value in the allocated field "Remote TSAP" that was configured in the "Local
parameter" as "TSAP" while configuring the CP1430 TF.
7. Define the parameters "Own TSAP" and "Remote TSAP" for the WRITE function
In the entries for "TSAP", you must not use any spaces.
For a connection between WinCC and the AS via channel "SIMATIC S5 Ethernet Layer 4",
tags of different data types can be created in WinCC. The following describes how to configure
a tag of these data types.
● Addresses of tags
● Configuring a tag with bit by bit access
● Configuring a tag with byte by byte access
● Configuring a tag with word by word access
● Configuring a raw data tag
The tag address is entered according to the address structure of the SIMATIC S5.
Depending on the tag type, the access to memory areas in the AS is bit by bit, byte by byte or
word by word. For this purpose, the addressed memory area is read from the AS for every
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S5 Ethernet Layer 4
7.3 Configuring the Channel
single write request and the corresponding bits and/or bytes are modified. Afterwards, the data
is written back to the AS's memory.
Changes that have been made by the AS in a read data area are overwritten when writing
back into the data area.
It is not possible to write binary or byte variables in the data area of the AS, if the data from
the AS is sent active, i.e. the READ function is set to "FETCH Passive" in the connections
1. Select the tag and open dialog window "Properties" with the context menu.
2. Select data type "binary tag" on the "General" tab.
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S5 Ethernet Layer 4
7.3 Configuring the Channel
4. Use the checkbox to define whether access should be enabled for reading and writing
certain bits in the memory area.
5. Select the addressing methods for the AS memory in the selection field e.g. "Word" or "Byte".
6. Select the number of bits to be changed in the selection field.
7. Use the "Selection" button to open the "Address properties" dialog for defining the tag
address in AS.
With the S5, flags, inputs and outputs can be addressed by byte, data blocks (DB, DX) are
addressed by word.
Activating the checkbox "Access a bit" affects the display of the fields of the "Address
properties" dialog.
For word-oriented tags, the described "Bit-/Byte-tag" is not opened because the address of
the tags and therefore the access to PLC memory is by word.
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S5 Ethernet Layer 4
7.3 Configuring the Channel
1. Select the tag and open dialog window "Properties" with the context menu.
2. Select data type "Unsigned 8 bit value" or "Signed 8 bit value" in the "General" tab.
3. Click the "Select" button. The "Bit-/Byte-tag" dialog is opened.
4. Use the checkbox to define whether access should be enabled for reading and writing
certain bytes in the memory area.
5. Only "Word" is shown as the AS memory addressing type in the selection field.
6. Select the number of bytes to be changed in the selection field.
7. Use the "Selection" button to open the "Address properties" dialog for defining the tag
address in AS.
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S5 Ethernet Layer 4
7.3 Configuring the Channel
With the S5, flags, inputs and outputs can be addressed by byte, data blocks (DB, DX) are
addressed by word.
Activating the checkbox "Access a byte" affects the display of the fields of the "Address
properties" dialog.
For word-oriented tags, the described "Bit-/Byte-tag" is not opened because the address of
the tags and therefore the access to PLC memory is by word.
The addresses of tags in AS are defined with the dialog that is described here.
● With tags of type "binary" or 8 bit value", first the "Bits-/Bytes-tag" dialog is opened, in which
the bitwise or byte-wise access to the memory area of the AS is defined.
● For word-oriented tags, the "Bit-/Byte-tag" dialog is not opened because the address of the
tags and therefore the access to AS memory is by word.
1. Select the tag and open dialog window "Properties" with the context menu.
2. Select the desired data type for the tags (e.g. Signed 16 bit value) from the "General" tab.
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7.3 Configuring the Channel
4. Choose whether the tag is located in a data block, the flag area, an input area or an output
area in the "Data Area" field of the "Address" tab.
5. If the tag is in a data block, the "DB No." field is also shown. Here, you enter the number
of the data block.
6. The type of addressing is entered in the "Addressing" field. Normally, you can use the
default definition.
7. Enter the address in the respective field (e.g. "DW ").
For tags of type "binary" or "8 bit value", displaying the fields of this dialog depends on the
selection made for "Access to bits/bytes" in the "Bits-/Bytes-tag" dialog.
If the tag of a word-oriented data area is to be written, the start address must be in the left
byte and the length of the tags must be an even number.
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S5 Ethernet Layer 4
7.3 Configuring the Channel
The following is a description of how the address of a raw data tag is defined.
If the tag of a word-oriented data area is to be written, the start address must be in the left
byte and the length of the tags must be an even number.
1. Select the tag and open dialog window "`Tag properties" with the "Properties" context menu.
2. Select the entry "Raw data type" on the "General" tab.
3. Click the "Select" button to open the "Address properties" dialog.
4. Choose whether the tag is located in a data block, a flag, an input area or an output area
in the "Data Area" field.
5. If the tag is in a data block, the "DB No." field is also shown. Here, you enter the number
of the data block.
6. The type of addressing is entered in the "Addressing" field. Normally, the default definition
can be used.
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S5 Ethernet Layer 4
7.3 Configuring the Channel
7. Enter the data address in the field underneath. The label on the field depends on the entry
in the "Addressing" field, e.g. "DBW" for Word addressing.
8. Enter the length of the raw data block in bytes in the Length field.
9. Define which type of raw data tag is concerned in the "Raw data type" area.
If you require a configuration that deviates from the standard WinCC settings, you can make
all the required changes using the "System Parameter" dialog of the channel unit.
The system parameters are almost identical for all protocols used. When implementing the
TCP/IP protocol, only the device name given during the installation is different.
The following individual points can be changed:
● the device name
● the transport parameter
The system parameters apply for all CPs in the AS.
Device Name
Communication between WinCC and the automation system takes place via logical device
names. These names are assigned during the installation of the communication module and
are unit-specific. The device name represents the logical device name. The logical device
name is given the name "/CP_H1_1:/ SCP" with the ISO transport protocol and "/TCP_IP:/SCP"
with the TCP/IP protocol as a default definition.
When using the TCP/IP protocol, you must check whether the device name in WinCC
matches the "Access point of the application" in the "Set PG/PC interface" dialog. The device
name must also be changed in "Set PG/PC interface".
Transport Parameter
Specific settings for the channel unit are made in the transport parameters, e.g. PDU size,
setup attempts, etc.
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S5 Ethernet Layer 4
7.3 Configuring the Channel
Parameters of the channel unit are set with the system parameters, e.g. the logical device
name or the transport parameters.
The system parameters are almost identical for all protocols used.
In the following example, communication is described using the ISO transport protocol with a
channel unit "CP1413-x".
When implementing the TCP/IP protocol, only the device name given during the installation is
1. Select the channel unit and open dialog window "System parameters" with the context
2. Select the "Device Name" Tab.
3. Now, you can select the device name shown in bold print with the mouse and change it
with a mouse click in the name field for the device name.
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S5 Ethernet Layer 4
7.3 Configuring the Channel
The device name is defined during the installation of the hardware driver. Only if you have
defined another name there, which is not recommended, will you have to change the device
name here as well.
1. Select the channel unit and open dialog window "System parameters" with the context
2. Select the "Transport parameter" tab.
3. Set the value for "PDU size" to the value that was configured on the communication module
CP 1430.
4. Define how often a connection establishment should be attempted in the "Setup attempt"
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S5 Ethernet Layer 4
7.3 Configuring the Channel
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S5 Ethernet Layer 4
7.4 Appendix
7.4 Appendix
7.4.1 Appendix
Added information on the channel "SIMATIC S5 Ethernet Layer 4" is provided in the appendix.
The following tables contain the most important error codes and constants. The information is
intended for "insiders". Therefore, we have not gone into more detail on the meanings of the
codes and constants.
● Error codes during connection disturbances
● iNA960 messages
● SCI messages
The most important error codes are listed in this section. If an error with an error code that is
not in the table occurs, please call the WinCC hotline.
Faulty request block.
No resources free in CP.
Incorrect OPEN reference defined.
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S5 Ethernet Layer 4
7.4 Appendix
User buffer too short.
User buffer too long.
Incorrect "negot_options" defined.
Connection aborted by remote station.
Unknown connection class.
Connection already established.
Connection request rejected by remote.
Connection abort faulty "negot-option".
Faulty transport address.
Bus or CP disrupted.
Protocol error.
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S5 Ethernet Layer 4
7.4 Appendix
Incorrect request block length.
No communication hardware found.
● Communication module defective.
● Communication module not installed correctly.
● Wrong port address defined.
Driver configured incorrectly or invalid parameter in the registry.
Incorrect baudrate or incorrect interrupt vector defined.
Incorrect HSA (Highest Station Address) defined.
The defined local participant number (TS_ADR) is already assigned.
The defined interrupt vector (IRQ) is not available on the communication module.
The defined interrupt vector (IRQ) is already occupied on the communication module.
The selected communication driver cannot be loaded; the file was not found.
● Communication driver not installed correctly.
The logical device is not defined in the registry.
● Communication driver not installed correctly.
● Entry damaged or deleted in the registry.
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S5 Ethernet Layer 4
7.4 Appendix
● Check the setting of the logical device name with the "Set PG/PC interface" program.
● Check the setting for the logical device name in the "System parameter - Device" mask.
The entry "L2DRIVER" is missing in the registry.
● Module error or module installed incorrectly.
The entry "L4DRIVER" is missing in the registry.
● Module error or module installed incorrectly.
Watchdog error.
PDU not expected.
Fault loading the S7-Online-DLL.
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S5 Ethernet Layer 4
7.4 Appendix
SCI messages
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S5 Ethernet Layer 4
7.4 Appendix
SCI messages
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S5 Ethernet Layer 4
7.4 Appendix
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154 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
8.1 WinCC channel "SIMATIC S5 Profibus FDL"
The channel "SIMATIC S5 Profibus FDL" is used for communication between WinCC Station
and a SIMATIC S5 automation system. The PROFIBUS (Process Field Bus) network type and
protocol FDL (Field Data Link) are used in this case.
PROFIBUS is the network for small to medium sized data quantities. A broad spectrum of
automation tasks can be completed with a maximum of 127 possible participants.
Reading/writing tags via PROFIBUS, using the FDL protocol, is done using request and
response telegrams. The request telegram is sent to the automation device from WinCC. The
AS answers with the response telegram.
An FDL connection is specified with the local and remote connection end point (Service Access
This chapter describes
● how to configure the data transfer with the "SIMATIC S5 Profibus FDL" channel.
● how to create a sample project
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8.1 WinCC channel "SIMATIC S5 Profibus FDL"
up to a maximum of 24 connections. In order for the channel to function, a channel unit and a
connection must be set up.
Active connection
An active connection is also called a Fetch connection. This is a connection, with which an
active partner retrieves data with a communication partner. The communication partner that
the data is retrieved from is designated as a passive partner.
Passive connection
A passive connection exists if the active AS sends data to the passive WinCC partner
asynchronously without a request telegram.
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156 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
8.2 Supported data types and data ranges
Only certain data types and data ranges are supported for communication from SIMATIC S5
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8.3 Features of the WinCC channel "SIMATIC S5 Profibus FDL"
The capabilities of communication, from WinCC via the communication driver for PROFIBUS,
are listed in the following section. All supported data types and the respective capabilities for
format adaptation are also listed.
Features for writing tags:
When configuring in WinCC, make sure that every tag is transferred individually when writing
more than one tag into data areas of the automation system.
This behavior is especially important when writing more than one tag to a script with function
"SetTagMultiWait". Since this function is only executed at the end of a transfer of all the tags
sent to it, noticeable waiting times can occur with a greater number of tags.
Check for whether the utilization of the "Wait" function is required for a larger amount of tags.
In this case, the use of a raw data tag may also be a good idea, especially if the data is
sequential in the AS data area.
Type conversion
A format adaptation is then required if a certain value range or a conversion e.g. of decimal to
BCD ("Unsigned 8 bit value" converted to "ByteToBCDWord") if necessary. No format
adaptation is performed as standard procedure.
The following table lists the supported WinCC data types and the respective format adaptation
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8.3 Features of the WinCC channel "SIMATIC S5 Profibus FDL"
WinCC side
The communication driver SIMATIC S5 Profibus FDL supports the communication with the
following communication processors:
AS side
Automation devices can generally be connected to the PROFIBUS network in two different
ways. The connection can be done via the integrated interface on the central module or with
special communication modules.
System Modules
S5-90U, S5-95U, S5-100U CPU95U
S5-115U, S5-135U, S5-155U CP5431 FMS/DP
With connection to S5-95U with L2-SS, no Fetch connections are possible since WinCC can
only be a passive partner.
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8.4 Configuring the Channel
The steps in configuring the channel "SIMATIC S5 Profibus FDL" are described in this and the
following chapters.
This section shows how the channel "SIMATIC S5 Profibus FDL" is configured.
1. Select the entry "Add New Driver" in the shortcut menu of Tag Management. The "Add New
Driver" dialog is opened.
2. Select the "SIMATIC S5 Profibus FDL.CHN" driver and click the "Open" button. The channel
is created and the communication driver is displayed in the tag management.
The communication driver "SIMATIC S5 Profibus FDL" only contains the channel unit "FDL
The communication between the WinCC and the SIMATIC S5 automation device occurs via
the channel unit "FDL (CP5412/A2-1)". A maximum of 24 connections can be created within
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8.4 Configuring the Channel
a channel unit. Special connection parameters are to be defined for every configured
connection. Every configured tag must be defined with tag parameters.
The name of the channel unit "FDL (CP5412/A2-1)" is bound to the communication driver,
"SIMATIC S5 Profibus FDL.CHN", and is independent of the communication processor used.
As communication processors, e.g. CP5613 and CP5614 can be used.
Tag parameter
The following tag parameters must be defined for every configured tag:
● Data area (e.g DB)
● Data block number
● Addressing (e.g. "left byte")
● Start address (e.g. DL 0, if "left byte" has been selected for addressing)
Connection parameters
The following connection parameters must be defined for every configured connection:
● The station address of the AS
● The priority
● Own and foreign SAPs (Service Access Point) must be defined for the read and write
For the read function, configuring whether it should be an active or a passive connection is
also necessary. For an active read connection, the values are requested from the WinCC
station. For a passive connection, the transfer of the values to the WinCC station is initiated
by the AS.
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8.4 Configuring the Channel
● The channel "SIMATIC S5 Profibus FDL" must be integrated in the project.
1. Open the context menu of channel unit "FDL (CP5412/A2-1)". In this shortcut menu, select
"New Connection".
2. In the "Connection Properties" dialog, enter the connection name.
3. In the "Connection Properties" dialog, click the "Properties" button. The "Connection
Parameters" dialog opens. You can configure the connection in this dialog.
4. Enter the unique address of the AS in the "PLC Station Address" field.
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8.4 Configuring the Channel
5. The "Priority" option button must always be set to "Low" for an FDL connection.
6. The function of the WinCC station is defined with fields "OS active, WinCC is the active
partner" or "OS passive, WinCC is the passive partner". Activate the required option button.
7. Enter the SAP addresses configured for the reading and writing access in the fields "Own
SAP" and "Foreign SAP". The SAPs value range is between 2 and 54.
8. Click "OK" to close all open dialogs.
9. Choose the "New Tag" option from the shortcut menu for the connection. The "Tag
Properties" dialog opens. Configure the tag.
10.Click "OK" to close all open dialogs.
For a connection between WinCC and the AS via channel "SIMATIC S5 Profibus FDL", data
types binary, byte and word can be defined within WinCC. The following describes how to
configure a tag of these data types.
This section shows you how to configure a tag for bit by bit access for the address area in the
The bit by bit access to a tag is only read access.
1. The channel "SIMATIC S5 Profibus FDL" must be integrated in the project.
2. A connection must be defined in the channel unit "FDL (CP5412/A2-1)".
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8.4 Configuring the Channel
1. Choose the "New Tag" option from the shortcut menu for the connection. The "Tag
Properties" dialog opens.
2. Enter the name of the tag in the "Name" field of the "General" tab, e.g. "binVar1". Define
data type "Binary tag" in the "Data type" field.
3. Click the "Select" button to open the "Address properties" dialog. In the "Data area" set the
data area of the PCL where the data is located. If you select "DB" as data area, enter the
data component in the enabled "DB-No." field.
4. Enter the byte address in field "D" and the bit address in field "Bit". The label on the left
field depends on the entry in the Data Area field, for e.g. "D" for data area "DB" and binary
tag as the data type of the tag.
5. Click "OK" to close all open dialogs.
You cannot change the "Bit" entry in the Addressing field because it is defined by the Binary
tag data type of the WinCC tag.
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8.4 Configuring the Channel
This section shows you how to configure a tag for byte by byte access for the address area in
the AS.
The byte-wise access to a tag is only read access.
1. The channel "SIMATIC S5 Profibus FDL" must be integrated in the project.
2. A connection must be defined in the channel unit "FDL (CP5412/A2-1)".
1. Choose the "New Tag" option from the shortcut menu for the connection. The "Tag
Properties" dialog opens.
2. Enter the name of the tag in the "Name" field of the "General" tab, e.g. "byteVar1". Define
data type "Unsigned 8 bit value" in the "Data type" field.
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8.4 Configuring the Channel
3. Click the "Select" button to open the "Address properties" dialog. Define the data area of
the AS in the "Data" field. The communication driver "SIMATIC S5 Profibus FDL" only
supports data areas DB and DX. If you select "DB" as data area, enter the data component
in the enabled "DB-No." field.
4. You can choose between "Left byte" and "Right byte" in the "Addressing" field.
5. Enter the byte address in the "DL" field. The label on the field depends on the entry in the
"Addressing" field, e.g. "DL" for "Left byte" addressing.
6. Click "OK" to close all open dialogs.
This section shows you how to configure a tag for word-wise access for the address area in
the AS.
The word by word access to a tag is read and/or write access.
1. The channel "SIMATIC S5 Profibus FDL" must be integrated in the project.
2. A connection must be defined in the channel unit "FDL (CP5412/A2-1)".
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8.4 Configuring the Channel
1. Choose the "New Tag" option from the shortcut menu for the connection. The "Tag
Properties" dialog opens.
2. Enter the name of the tag in the "Name" field of the "General" tab, e.g. "wordVar1". Set the
data type to "unsigned 16-bit".
3. Click the "Select" button to open the "Address properties" dialog. In the "Data area" set the
data area of the PCL where the data is located. If you select "DB" as data area, enter the
data component in the enabled "DB-No." field.
4. Enter the word address in the field below. The label on the field depends on the entry in
the "Addressing" field, e.g. "DW" for "Word" addressing.
5. Click "OK" to close all open dialogs.
You cannot change the "Word" entry in the "Addressing" field because it is defined by the
"Unsigned 16-bit" data type of the WinCC tag.
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8.4 Configuring the Channel
If you require a configuration that deviates from the standard WinCC settings, you can make
all the required changes using the "System Parameter" dialog of the channel unit.
The following individual points can be changed:
● the device name
● the Write/Read monitoring time
Device Name
Communication between WinCC and the automation system takes place via logical device
names. These names are assigned during the installation of the communication module and
are unit-specific. The device name represents the logical device name. This field is defined
with the entry "/CP_L2_1:/SCP" as default.
The system parameters apply for all CPs in the AS.
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8.4 Configuring the Channel
● The channel "SIMATIC S5 Profibus FDL" must be integrated in the project.
1. In the channel unit shortcut menu, select "System parameters". The "System Parameters"
dialog opens.
2. Enter the name of the access point in the "Device name" field. This name must match the
setting that you have made under Windows via "Start" "Settings" "Control panel"
"Set PG/PC interface".
3. Close the dialog by clicking the "OK" button.
The changes only take effect after WinCC is restarted.
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8.4 Configuring the Channel
● The channel "SIMATIC S5 Profibus FDL" must be integrated in the project.
1. In the channel unit shortcut menu, select "System parameters". The "System Parameters"
dialog opens.
2. Enter the required value in seconds in the "Maximum waiting time" field. You can define a
value between 1 and 3600 seconds. This field is assigned with a default value of 30 seconds.
3. Close the dialog by clicking the "OK" button.
The changes only take effect after WinCC is restarted.
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8.5 Special Functions
The "SIMATIC S5 Profibus FDL" channel has some special functions, the functionality of which
is described in this chapter.
A tag of the type "raw data type" is a data telegram.
Raw data tags are required for transferring user data blocks from/to the AS
A raw data tag used by SIMATIC S5 Profibus FDL can be a maximum of 220 bytes in length.
1. The channel "SIMATIC S5 Profibus FDL" must be integrated in the project.
2. A connection must be defined in the channel unit "FDL (CP5412/A2-1)".
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8.5 Special Functions
1. Choose the "New Tag" option from the shortcut menu for the connection. The "Tag
Properties" dialog opens.
2. Enter the name of the tag in the "Name" field of the "General" tab, e.g. "Var1_raw_byte".
Select "Raw Data Type" in the "Data type" field.
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8.5 Special Functions
An FDL connection can be configured so that WinCC runs as an active or passive partner.
If WinCC is configured as an active partner, the values are requested by the WinCC station.
If WinCC is configured as a passive partner, the transfer of values to the WinCC station is
initiated by the AS.
This section shows you how to configure an active data transfer to the address area in the AS.
If more than one connection is configured, note that an SAP can only be assigned one time.
1. The channel "SIMATIC S5 Profibus FDL" must be integrated in the project.
2. A connection must be defined in the channel unit "FDL (CP5412/A2-1)".
3. You must know the SAP address defined by the AS.
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8.5 Special Functions
1. Choose the "Properties" option from the context menu of the connection. The "Connection
Properties" dialog is opened.
3. Enter the station address of the AS in the "PLC Station Address" field on the "Connection"
4. The following settings must be made in the "READ - Function" area:
5. Activate the option "OS active, WinCC is the active partner".
6. Enter the SAP-ID of the WinCC station in the "Own SAP" field.
7. Enter the SAP-ID of the AS in the "Foreign SAP" field.
8. The following settings must be made in the "WRITE - Function" area:
9. Enter the SAP-ID of the WinCC station in the "Own SAP" field.
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8.5 Special Functions
This section shows you how to configure a passive data transfer to the address area in the AS.
If more than one connection is configured, note that an SAP can only be assigned one time.
1. The channel "SIMATIC S5 Profibus FDL" must be integrated in the project.
2. A connection must be defined in the channel unit "FDL (CP5412/A2-1)".
3. You must know the SAP address defined by the AS.
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8.5 Special Functions
1. Choose the "Properties" option from the context menu of the connection. The "Connection
Properties" dialog is opened.
3. Enter the station address of the AS in the "PLC Station Address" field on the "Connection"
4. The following settings must be made in the "READ - Function" area:
5. Activate the option "OS passive, WinCC is the passive partner".
6. Enter the SAP-ID of the WinCC station in the "Own SAP" field.
7. Enter the SAP-ID of the AS in the "Foreign SAP" field.
8. The following settings must be made in the "WRITE - Function" area:
9. Enter the SAP-ID of the WinCC station in the "Own SAP" field.
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8.5 Special Functions
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8.6 Example of configuring the "SIMATIC S5 Profibus FDL" channel
In this example, you will configure an I/O Field in the Graphics Designer and assign the
necessary values to the data handling blocks in the AS.
In this section, you will configure the standard function blocks OB 21 (L2ANLAUF) and OB 1
(L2SNDRCV) in the AS.
By default, the data traffic for the SIMATIC S5 connection by means of PROFIBUS FDL is
handled by means of the following blocks.
Within the example, the following SAP numbers are used:
Function Block
For the startup OB 20, 21, 22 FB-L2ANLAUF (FB 9)
For cyclic operation OB 1 FB-L2SNDRCV (FB 10)
As internal work DBs for both FBs DB-L2DBVC3 (DB 10)
DB-L2DBVC4 (DB 11)
DB-L2DBVC5 (DB 12)
Startup blocks
The communication parameters are defined in the startup blocks, the work DBs are logged in
and the communication processor is synchronized. These work steps are executed by calling
function block FB9 L2ANLAUF, for example.
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8.6 Example of configuring the "SIMATIC S5 Profibus FDL" channel
Cyclic block
The telegram traffic is handled in the cyclic FB. Received telegrams are entered in the
destination data blocks. Should an error occur while this is being done, the telegram is rejected
and an error message is issued. Telegrams that have to be sent will be specified by the user
in a similar manner to the standard data handling blocks. An acknowledgement is sent when
the transfer has been completed.
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8.6 Example of configuring the "SIMATIC S5 Profibus FDL" channel
● The data handling blocks SYNCHRON, CONTROL, SEND and RECEIVE must be available
on the automation system.
1. The startup block (OB 20, 21, 22) is created in STEP5 by choosing the menu option "Editor"
"STEP5 Block" "in the program file". The program block is called "L2ANLAUF"
in the example.
2. The following parameters must be preassigned:
– Interface number (SSNR) of the CP (e.g. the CP5431)
– The PROFIBUS address (RADR) of communication processor CP 5613 on the WinCC
computer. This number must be unique in the network.
– The connection parameters of the request types being used, for example, are the
parameters RVC4 (for write) and RVC5 (for read), which specify the SAPs of the WinCC
station. These SAPs are created when the connection is being set up in WinCC.
– The request numbers (ANR4 and ANR5), which are set when the FDL connections are
being configured for the communication processor are
– numbers of the work data blocks, DBX4 (for write) and DBX5 (for read)
3. An OB 1(cyclic operation) is created in the STEP5 software by choosing the menu option
"Editor" "STEP5 Block" "in the program file". The program block is called
"L2SNDRCV" in the example.
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8.6 Example of configuring the "SIMATIC S5 Profibus FDL" channel
You will configure an I/O Field in this section.
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8.6 Example of configuring the "SIMATIC S5 Profibus FDL" channel
● The channel "SIMATIC S5 Profibus FDL" must be integrated in the project.
1. Choose the "New Connection" option from the pop-up menu of the channel unit "FDL
(CP5412/A2-1)" and set up a connection called "TestFDL".
2. By clicking the "Properties" button you can configure the connection parameters.
Enter the station address of the automation system in the " PLC station address" field.
You can configure a FDL connection so that WinCC is either the active or the passive peer.
If WinCC is configured as an active partner, the values are requested by the WinCC station.
If WinCC is configured as a passive partner, the transfer of values to the WinCC station is
initiated by the AS.
Click "OK" to close all open dialogs
3. Choose the "New Tag" option from the shortcut menu for the connection. The "Tag
Properties" dialog opens.
4. Enter tag name "FDLWord1_Test" in the "Name" field. Set the data type to "unsigned 16-
5. Click the "Select" button to open the "Address properties" dialog. In the "Data area" set the
data area of the PLC where the data is located. If you select "DB" as data area, enter the
data component in the enabled "DB-No." field. Enter the byte address in the "DW" field.
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8.6 Example of configuring the "SIMATIC S5 Profibus FDL" channel
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S5 Programmers Port AS511 9
9.1 WinCC channel "SIMATIC S5 Programmers Port AS511"
The communication driver "SIMATIC S5 Programmers Port AS511" is utilized for the serial
connection through a TTY interface to the SIMATIC S5 automation system.
This chapter describes
● how to configure the data transfer with the "SIMATIC S5 Programmers Port AS511" channel.
● how to configure a connection and a tag.
Channel Unit
The communication driver has one channel unit for controlling a COM port for the serial
The following capability is available:
● Channel unit S5-AS511 for serial communication via a "Siemens-specific" protocol.
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S5 Programmers Port AS511
9.2 Data type of the tags
Define the required tags for a logical connection. From the WinCC viewpoint, you can access
the following data types:
● Binary tag
● Unsigned 8-bit value
● Signed 8-bit value
● Unsigned 16-bit value
● Signed 16-bit value
● Unsigned 32-bit value
● Signed 32-bit value
● Floating-point number 32-bit IEEE 754
● Text tag, 8-bit character set
● Raw data type
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S5 Programmers Port AS511
9.3 Configuring the Channel
The following steps are required for configuring the channel "SIMATIC S5 Programmers Port
● Configuring the connection
● Configuring the tags
The process connection using a serial connection is possible with the SIMATIC S5 automation
system. The AS 511 communication processor is used in the automation system.
No additional communication module is required in WinCC. Communication is set up via either
the TTY port on a PG 760 or a COM Port that is part of the system's standard equipment. In
the later case, an additional port converter is required V.24/V.28 <---> TTY.
This serial link supports transmission rates of up to 19200 baud.
The following procedure can be used to assign one of the PC's serial ports to the AS511-NT
During communication between WinCC and a S5 automation system via the "AS511"
channel, data blocks may not be transferred, created or deleted in the AS. The memory in
the S5 may also not be compressed. This last restriction is the result of the absolute
addressing of memory in the S5. If changes are necessary, the link to WinCC must be
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S5 Programmers Port AS511
9.3 Configuring the Channel
1. Select the connection under channel unit "S5-AS511" and open the "Connection properties"
dialog window with menu point "Properties" in the context menu.
2. Click on the "Properties" button. The "Connection parameters" dialog is opened.
3. In the "Port" field, select the port to be used for the serial link.
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S5 Programmers Port AS511
9.3 Configuring the Channel
For a connection between WinCC and the AS via channel "SIMATIC S5 Programmers Port
AS511", tags of different data types can be created within WinCC. This is described in the
following section.
Addresses of the tags are not checked for plausibility in WinCC. If an address is used, which
is not available in the AS, the status "Addressing error" will be set.
In DB and DX data blocks, reads and writes can only be made up to address 255.
Times cannot be written.
The tag address is entered according to the address structure of the SIMATIC S5.
1. Select the tag and open dialog window "Properties" with the context menu.
2. Select the desired data type (e.g. Signed 8 bit value) from the "General" tab.
3. Click the "Select" button. The "Address properties" dialog is opened.
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S5 Programmers Port AS511
9.3 Configuring the Channel
5. Click on the selection field to choose whether the tag should transfer the "PLC Type", the
current status ("PLC Status") or other data ("PLC Data").
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S5 Programmers Port AS511
9.3 Configuring the Channel
6. Only if you have selected "PLC data" will you have to click on the "Address" tab to define
the S5 address of the tag.
7. Choose whether the tag is located in a data block, in an extended data block, in a flag area,
an input range or an output range in the "Data Area" field.
8. If the tag is in a data block, the "DB No." field is also shown. Here, you enter the number
of the data block.
9. The type of addressing is entered in the "Addressing" field. Normally, the default definition
can be used.
10.Enter the address in the respective field (e.g. "DW ").
Frequently, the memory in the PLC can only be accessed by byte or word. When using binary
and "8 Bit" tags, dialog "Bit-Byte-tag" is opened in addition to dialog "Address properties" and
this can be used to change individual bits in the memory of the PLC as well. For this purpose,
the addressed memory area is read from the PLC for every single write request and the
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S5 Programmers Port AS511
9.3 Configuring the Channel
corresponding bits and/or bytes are modified. Afterwards, the data is written back to the PLC's
Changes that have been made by the PLC in a read data area are overwritten when writing
back into the data area.
Depending on the type of tag, you can access the automation system's memory bit-wise or
Addresses of the tags are not checked for plausibility in WinCC. If an address is used, which
is not available in the AS, the status "Addressing error" will be set.
In DB and DX data blocks, reads and writes can only be made up to address 255.
Times cannot be written.
1. Select the tag and open dialog window "Properties" with the context menu.
2. Select data type "binary tag" on the "General" tab.
3. Click the "Select" button. The "Bit-/Byte-tag" dialog is opened.
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S5 Programmers Port AS511
9.3 Configuring the Channel
4. Check the "Access to a bit" checkbox and define the addressing for the bit.
1. Select the tag and open dialog window "Properties" with the context menu.
2. Select data type "Unsigned 8 bit value" or "Signed 8 bit value" in the "General" tab.
3. Click the "Select" button. The "Bit-/Byte-tag" dialog is opened.
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S5 Programmers Port AS511
9.3 Configuring the Channel
4. Check the "Access to a byte" checkbox and define the addressing for the byte.
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S5 Serial 3964R 10
10.1 WinCC channel "SIMATIC S5 Serial 3964R"
The communication driver "SIMATIC S5 Serial 3964R" is implemented for the serial link
between a WinCC station and a SIMATIC S5 automation system.
This chapter describes
● how to configure the data transfer with the "SIMATIC S5 Serial 3964R" channel.
● how to configure a connection and a tag.
Channel Unit
The communication driver has one channel unit for controlling a COM port for the serial link.
The following capability is available:
● Channel unit S5-RK512 (3964R) for serial communication via the 3964R or 3964 protocol.
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S5 Serial 3964R
10.2 Data type of the tags
Define the required tags for a logical connection. From the WinCC viewpoint, you can access
the following data types:
● Binary tag
● Unsigned 8-bit value
● Signed 8-bit value
● Unsigned 16-bit value
● Signed 16-bit value
● Unsigned 32-bit value
● Signed 32-bit value
● Floating-point number 32-bit IEEE 754
● Text tag, 8-bit character set
● Raw data type
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S5 Serial 3964R
10.3 Configuring the Channel
The following steps are required for configuring the channel "SIMATIC S5 Serial 3964R".
The process connection using a serial connection is possible with the SIMATIC S5 automation
system. On the automation system, the communication processor CP 544 or a second, plug-
in serial port is used on the CPU module (module receptacle SI2).
No additional communication module is required in WinCC. Communication takes place by
means of the default COM ports available on the system.
This serial link supports transmission rates of up to 19200 baud.
When the SIMATIC S5 is actively sending with job type "Pseudowrite", the message length
must not exceed 64 words.
1. Select the connection and open the "Connection properties" dialog window with menu point
"Properties" in the context menu.
2. Click on the "Properties" button. The "Connection parameters" dialog is opened.
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S5 Serial 3964R
10.3 Configuring the Channel
4. Select the communications port (COM1 or COM2) for the connection in the "Port" field.
5. Set the data transfer speed to the value used in the "Baud rate" field of the "Procedure
parameters" area. The priority in the case of an initiation conflict (simultaneous line bid by
WinCC and the automation system) is set in the "Priority" field.
The priority has to be set differently from the SIMATIC S5.
6. In the "Procedure data" area, select either the "3964" or "3964R" line protocol. You should
only change the default values for the procedure data (such as acknowledgement time,
character delay time, etc.) in exceptional cases. Make sure that they match the parameters
on the automation system.
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S5 Serial 3964R
10.3 Configuring the Channel
8. You can disable cyclic life beat monitoring and disable the automatic reconnection on the
"Options" tab.
For a connection between WinCC and the AS via channel "SIMATIC S5 3964R", data types
binary and byte can be defined within WinCC. The following describes how to configure a tag
of these data types.
The tag address is entered according to the address structure of the SIMATIC S5.
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S5 Serial 3964R
10.3 Configuring the Channel
1. Select the tag and open dialog window "Properties" with the context menu.
2. Select the desired data type (e.g. Signed 8 bit value) from the "General" tab.
3. Click the "Select" button. The "Address properties" dialog is opened.
4. Choose whether the tag is located in a data block, in an extended data block, in a flag area,
an input range or an output range in the "Data Area" field.
5. If the tag is in a data block, the "DB No." field is also shown. Here, you enter the number
of the data block.
6. The type of addressing is entered in the "Addressing" field. Normally, the default definition
can be used.
7. Enter the address in the respective field (e.g. "DL ").
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S5 Serial 3964R
10.3 Configuring the Channel
Only read access is possible to the Inputs, Outputs, Timers and Counters address areas.
Read and write access are possible to data blocks (DB, DX).
Do not use data word addresses which are greater than 255. Due a system characteristic of
the RK 512, only the data word addresses 0 to 255 are permissible.
Higher addresses can be configured but lead to data violation on all tags configured in the
Frequently, the memory in the PLC can only be accessed by byte or word. When using binary
and "8 Bit" tags, dialog "Bit-Byte-tag" is opened in addition to dialog "Address properties" and
this can be used to change individual bits in the memory of the PLC as well. For this purpose,
the addressed memory area is read from the PLC for every single write request and the
corresponding bits and/or bytes are modified. Afterwards, the data is written back to the PLC's
Changes that have been made by the PLC in a read data area are overwritten when writing
back into the data area.
Depending on the type of tag, you can access the automation system's memory bit-wise or
1. Select the tag and open dialog window "Properties" with the context menu.
2. Select data type "binary tag" on the "General" tab.
3. Click the "Select" button. The "Bit-/Byte-tag" dialog is opened.
WinCC: Communication
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S5 Serial 3964R
10.3 Configuring the Channel
4. Check the "Access to a bit" checkbox and define the addressing for the bit.
With the S5, flags, inputs and outputs can be addressed by byte, data blocks (DB, DX) are
addressed by word.
Only read access is possible to the Inputs, Outputs, Timers and Counters address areas.
Read and write access are possible to data blocks (DB, DX).
1. Select the tag and open dialog window "Properties" with the context menu.
2. Select data type "Unsigned 8 bit value" or "Signed 8 bit value" in the "General" tab.
3. Click the "Select" button. The "Bit-/Byte-tag" dialog is opened.
WinCC: Communication
202 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
S5 Serial 3964R
10.3 Configuring the Channel
4. Check the "Access to a byte" checkbox and define the addressing for the byte.
With the S5, flags, inputs and outputs can be addressed by byte, data blocks (DB, DX) are
addressed by word.
Only read access is possible to the Inputs, Outputs, Timers and Counters address areas.
Read and write access are possible to data blocks (DB, DX).
WinCC: Communication
System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA 203
SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite 11
11.1 "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" Channel
The "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" channel supports communication between a WinCC station
and the SIMATIC S7 automation systems. The suite supports a variety of protocols and types
of networks.
This section shows you
● how to configure various connections and tags for the channel
● how to create a sample project
● how to use the channel's special functions such as the AR_SEND function, raw data tags
and software redundancy
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System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA 205
SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.2 WinCC Channel "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite"
Function principle
The Channel "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" is used to link SIMATIC S7-300 and SIMATIC
S7-400 automation systems.
Depending on the communication hardware used, the system supports connections via the
following channel units:
● Industrial Ethernet and Industrial Ethernet (II): For communication via a communication
processor (such as CP 1612; CP1613) with SIMATIC NET Industrial Ethernet.
● MPI: For communication via the external MPI port of a programming device (e.g. PG 760/
PC RI45), via an MPI communications processor or a communications module (e.g. CP
5511, CP 5613).
● Named Connections: to communicate with STEP 7 via a symbolic connection. These
symbolic connections are configured using STEP 7 and are needed e.g. to provide high-
availability communication with the PLC S7-400 in conjunction with the redundancy in H/F
● PROFIBUS and PROFIBUS (II): For communication via a communication processor (such
● Slot-PLC: to communicate with a Slot PLC (e.g. WinAC Pro) that is installed as a PC card
in the WinCC computer.
● Soft-PLC: to communicate with a Software PLC (e.g. WinAC Basis), that is installed as an
application on the WinCC computer.
● TCP/IP: to communicate with networks using the TCP/IP protocol.
For more information regarding the diagnosis of channels and tags, refer to "Communication
Detailed procedures
Communication Manual: The communication manual contains additional information and
extensive examples for the channel configuration. You can download this manual at
In the field in the top right corner, enter the order number "6AV6392-1CA06-0AA0" for the
Communication Manual. Click on "Search" to start searching for the manual.
See also
Software Redundancy - Connection-specific internal tags (Page 285)
"SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" Channel - Configuration (Page 212)
Overview of the supported data types (Page 211)
Channel unit selection (Page 207)
Diagnosis of Channels and Tags (Page 369)
WinCC: Communication
206 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.3 Channel unit selection
To setup a communication link to an existing or planned network, a selection must be made
● one of the channel's channel units
● a suitable communication processor for the WinCC station
● a suitable communication module for a specific automation system
This section provides an overview of the various options.
There are two different types of communication processors for WinCC:
● Communication processors for the so-called Hardnet. They have their own
microprocessors and reduce the load on the system's CPU. It is possible to use two different
protocols at the same time (multi-protocol operation).
● Communication processors for the so-called Softnet. They do not have their own
microprocessors. Only one protocol can be used at a time (mono-protocol operation).
For communication with the S7-300 and S7-400 PLCs via MPI, Channel "SIMATIC S7 Protocol
Suite" includes the "MPI" channel unit.
The MPI network corresponds in largest part to the PROFIBUS network with preset parameters
and limitations with regard to the number of subscribers and the transfer rate. The same
communication processors and modules are used for communication via MPI as for the
PROFIBUS network. The same communication protocols are also used.
WinCC: Communication
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SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.3 Channel unit selection
For communication with the S7-300 and S7-400 PLCs via PROFIBUS, Channel "SIMATIC S7
Protocol Suite" includes the "PROFIBUS" and "PROFIBUS II" channel units.
The channel units support communication via the Hardnet and Softnet modules.
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208 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.3 Channel unit selection
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SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.3 Channel unit selection
WinCC: Communication
210 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.4 Overview of the supported data types
For configuring a tag, you need to define data type and type conversion according to the data
format in AS.
The table shows the data types supported by the channel and the use of type conversions.
You will find additional information about type conversion in the "Communication" section.
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SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.5 Configuring the Channel
This section will show you how to configure the "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" channel.
1. Installing the Channel
2. Channel unit selection
3. Configuring a connection
4. Tag configuration
System parameter configuration
Further information regarding the diagnosis of the channel, connection and tags can be found
under "Communication Diagnosis".
See also
System Parameters of the Channel Unit (Page 236)
Configuring the tags (Page 230)
Channel units of the "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" channel (Page 213)
Diagnosis of Channels and Tags (Page 369)
This section will show you how to install the "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" channel.
1. Installing the Channel
2. Channel unit selection
3. Creating a connection
4. Inserting a tag
5. Configuring the system parameters in a customized WinCC installation
● The communication module is built in.
● The hardware driver has been installed.
● Cable connection to AS exists.
WinCC: Communication
212 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.5 Configuring the Channel
1. Select the entry "Add New Driver" in the shortcut menu of Tag Management. A selection
dialog is opened.
2. Select "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite.chn" and close the dialog by clicking OK. The channel
is set up and the channel driver is displayed in Tag Management along with the channel
3. Select the desired channel unit and select the "New Connection" entry in the pop-up menu.
4. In the "Connection Properties" dialog, enter the connection name. Close the dialog with the
"OK" button.
5. Choose the "New Tag" option from the shortcut menu for the connection. The "Tag
Properties" dialog opens.
6. Define the name and data type of the tags in the General tab.
Alternately, you can define a start value and a substitute value for the tags in the Limits/
Reporting tab.
For a detailed description about configuring the tags for connecting a specific channel unit,
close the dialog and continue with the topic "Configuring tags" within the respective channel
7. Click the "Select" button to open the "Address properties" dialog. Set up the address area
of the desired data.
8. Close both of the dialogs by clicking the "OK" button.
9. If your WinCC system and the communication hardware is non-standard, you also need to
set the system parameters to the non-standard values. Additional information on this topic
may be found under "System parameters".
The following chapters describe how to configure the channel units and a corresponding
connection. There can be multiple connections in the same channel unit.
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SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.5 Configuring the Channel
See also
"TCP/IP" channel unit (Page 227)
"Soft PLC" channel unit (Page 226)
"Slot PLC" channel unit (Page 224)
Channel Units "PROFIBUS (I + II)" (Page 222)
"Named Connections" channel unit (Page 219)
"MPI" channel unit (Page 217)
Channel Units "Industrial Ethernet" + "Industrial Ethernet (II)" (Page 214)
Principle of Operation
The channel unit "Industrial Ethernet" is used to connect WinCC to the S7 automation systems
via the Industrial Ethernet. Communication is possible via the communications modules (CP),
e.g. in the case of automation system S7-300 via CP 343-1 and in the case of S7-400 via CP
In WinCC different communications processors can be used, e.g. CP 1613. Via the channel
unit "Industrial Ethernet (II)" a second communications processor can be addressed. Because
communication takes place via the "ISO" transport protocol, it is not necessary to configure
the logical connection in the local database.
The function and configurations regarding these channel units are identical.
Communications processor
A communications processor (CP) is a module that supports communication between the
WinCC computer and a specific network.
Industrial Ethernet
The Industrial Ethernet is the most efficient subnet in the industrial environment. It is suitable
for the factory and cell levels and facilitates the exchange of large data volumes over large
distances between a large number of participants.
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214 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.5 Configuring the Channel
See also
Configuring the tags (Page 230)
How to configure a "Industrial Ethernet" channel unit connection (Page 215)
In addition to the channel unit, WinCC also requires a logical connection to communicate with
the PLC. All the specific parameters are defined while establishing a logical connection.
For S7 automation systems, a communications module, e.g. a CP 343-1 in the S7-300 or a
CP 443-1 in the S7-400, is used for the communication.
A communications processor, for example CP 1613, is used in WinCC. A second
communications processor can be addressed/increased via the "Industrial Ethernet II" channel
Further information regarding the diagnosis of the channel, connection and tags can be found
under "Communication Diagnosis".
● The Channel "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" must be integrated into the project.
1. Select the entry "New Connection" in the pop-up menu of the channel unit "Industrial
Ethernet". The "Connection Properties" dialog is opened.
2. Enter a connection name, for example "Test_Ind_Eth", in the General tab.
WinCC: Communication
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SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.5 Configuring the Channel
3. Click the "Properties" button to open the "Connection Parameters - Industrial Ethernet"
4. Enter the station address of the automation system on the bus in the field "Ethernet
5. Enter the number of the rack in which the CPU that is to be addressed is located in the
"Rack Number" field.
6. The CPU's slot number in the specified rack must be entered in the corresponding field
"Slot Number".
7. Activate the check box "Send/Receive Raw Data Block" if you wish to transfer BSEND/
BRCV data blocks via the connection. If the check box is active, the field "Connection
Resource" can be edited. Enter the hexadecimal value for the connection resource. This
connection resource will be assigned by STEP7 when the connection is configured in the
8. Close both of the dialogs by clicking the "OK" button.
When using an S7-300 or S7-400 with an external communications module, you must enter
the Rack/Slot number of the CPU.
If the wrong Rack or Slot Number is entered, the communications link will not be established!
See also
Configuring the tags (Page 230)
How to configure the "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" channel (Page 212)
Diagnosis of Channels and Tags (Page 369)
WinCC: Communication
216 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.5 Configuring the Channel
Principle of Operation
The MPI channel unit is used to connect WinCC to the SIMATIC S7-300 and S7-400
automation systems via MPI.
This can be done in WinCC via
● the internal MPI interface of the programming devices such as PG 760/PC RI45
● a communication processor such as CP 5613 (PCI card)
The so-called MPI module (ISA card) is also suitable - it exists but is hard to get. It was replaced
by the communication processors.
In PLC, linking is done via the MPI interface of the CPU or a corresponding communication
MPI means Multi Point Interface and is a communication link where there can be multiple
participants. The connection to the communication network takes place as follows:
● In PLC via the MPI interface of the CPU or a communication module,
● In WinCC via the built-in MPI interface, for e.g., of a programming device or a
communication processor (network card).
Communications processor
A communications processor (CP) is a module that supports communication between the
WinCC computer and a specific network.
See also
Configuring the tags (Page 230)
How to configure a "MPI" channel unit connection (Page 217)
In addition to the channel unit, WinCC also requires a logical connection to communicate with
the PLC. All the specific parameters are defined while establishing a logical connection.
S7-300 and S7-400 PLCs either use the internal MPI interface or a communication module
such as CP 342-5 (SIMATIC S7-300) or CP 443-5 (SIMATIC S7-400).
WinCC: Communication
System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA 217
SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.5 Configuring the Channel
If WinCC is installed on a PG 760/PC RI45, the internal MPI interface can be used; otherwise,
you need to have a built-in MPI module. Alternately, you can also use a communication module
such as CP 5511 (PCMCIA card).
Further information regarding the diagnosis of the channel, connection and tags can be found
under "Communication Diagnosis".
● The "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" (communication) driver must be integrated into the
1. Select the entry "New Connection" in the pop-up menu of the channel unit "MPI". The
"Connection Properties" dialog is opened.
2. Enter a connection name, for example "Test_MPI", in the General tab.
3. Click the "Properties" button to open the "Connection Parameters - MPI" dialog.
4. Enter the station address in the Station Address field of the automation system on the bus
in the appropriate field.
5. The field "Segment ID" is currently not supported. The value must remain at "0".
6. Enter the number of the rack in which the CPU that is to be addressed is located in the
"Rack Number" field.
7. Enter the "Slot Number" of the CPU in the specified rack.
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SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.5 Configuring the Channel
8. Activate the check box "Send/Receive Raw Data Block" if you wish to transfer BSEND/
BRCV data blocks via the connection. If the check box is flagged, the field "Connection
Resource" will also be active. Enter the hexadecimal value for the connection resource.
This connection resource will be assigned by STEP7 when the connection is configured in
the PLC.
9. Close both of the dialogs by clicking the "OK" button.
When using an S7-300 or S7-400 with an external communications processor, you must enter
the Rack/Slot number of the CPU.
If the wrong Rack or Slot Number is entered, the communications link will not be established!
While using a S7-300, for the link via the internal MPI interface of the CPU, the rack/ slot
number = 0 must be given.
See also
Configuring the tags (Page 230)
How to configure the "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" channel (Page 212)
Principle of Operation
This channel unit is used for setting up a symbolic connection configured using STEP 7. WinCC
can thus access redundant and non-redundant connection via a symbolic connection name.
The symbolic connections are required, for e.g., for high availability communication using
S7-400 PLC in connection with redundancy in H/F systems.
The symbolic connection names are configured in STEP 7 using the NETPRO application.
The connection names, connection parameters and the application names are stored in a
database (*.XDB). This databased is automatically stored by the PLC/OS Engineering Tool
"Mapper" in the corresponding WinCC project directory; however, it can also be copied outside
this directory, for e.g. if you are not using the "Mapper".
There should only be one XDB file per communication participant in the WinCC system.
Hence, a XDB file should not be copied and used on multiple WinCC computers.
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SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.5 Configuring the Channel
● If the XDB file is located outside the project directory (for e.g. because the Mapper tool is
not used), you need to enter the path and name of the XDB file in the "Set PG/PC interface"
(Control Panel) in the STEP 7 Configuration tab before starting WinCC.
On starting WinCC, this XDB file is read from this external directory provided no file exists
within the project directory. This procedure is helpful when multiple projects have to use the
same centrally stored database.
● If the Mapper tool is used, it automatically copies the XDB file to the WinCC project directory.
On starting WinCC and opening the project, the data is read from the S7 channel and
entered in the registration database of Windows.
Thereafter, a connection can be configured in WinCC by assigning one of the symbolic
connection names to the selected application name.
The application and connection name can also be entered manually, for e.g. if an XDB file
does not exist for the symbolic connection name or if the project is to be transferred to another
computer. It is necessary to check the correct writing of the name in STEP 7 because there
is no name validation in the CS mode.
Communications processor
A communications processor (CP) is a module that supports communication between the PLC
and a specific network.
See also
Configuring the tags (Page 230)
How to configure a "Named Connections" channel unit connection (Page 220)
In addition to the channel unit, WinCC also requires a logical connection to communicate with
the S7-400 PLC via a symbolic connection.
For setting up a logical connection, one of the symbolic connection names listed in the
"Connection name" field is assigned to a selected application name.
The symbolic connection names and application names are configured in STEP 7.
Further information regarding the diagnosis of the channel, connection and tags can be found
under "Communication Diagnosis".
WinCC: Communication
220 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.5 Configuring the Channel
● The Channel "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" must be integrated into the project.
1. Select the entry "New Connection" in the pop-up menu of the channel unit "Named
Connections". The "Connection Properties" dialog is opened.
2. Enter a connection name, for example "Test_NC", in the General tab.
3. Click the "Properties" button to open the "Connection Parameters - Named Connections"
4. In the Application name field, enter the application name that has been configured in STEP
7. Default value is WinCC.
5. In the Connection name field, enter the symbolic connection name that has been configured
in STEP 7.
6. Close both of the dialogs by clicking the "OK" button.
The application and connection name can also be entered manually, for e.g. if an XDB file
does not exist for the symbolic connection name or if the project is to be transferred to another
computer. It is necessary to check the correct writing of the name in STEP 7 because there
is no name validation in the CS mode.
See also
Configuring the tags (Page 230)
How to configure the "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" channel (Page 212)
WinCC: Communication
System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA 221
SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.5 Configuring the Channel
Principle of Operation
The channel unit is used to connect WinCC to the SIMATIC S7-300 and S7-400 automation
systems via a PROFIBUS network.
For the S7 automation systems, a communications module is used, e.g. a CP 342-5 in a S7-300
or a CP 443-5 in a S7-400.
A communications processor, for example CP 5613, is used in WinCC.
A second communications processor can be addressed via the "PROFIBUS II" channel unit.
In this manner, the maximum number of connections is increased.
The PROFIBUS is an open, nonproprietary communications system for the cell and field levels
and has been designed for a maximum of 127 participants. The PROFIBUS is based on the
European Standard EN 50170, Volume 2, PROFIBUS. PROFIBUS uses token passing with
an underlying master/slave access procedure.
Communications processor
A communications processor (CP) is a module that supports communication between the
WinCC computer and a specific network.
See also
Configuring the tags (Page 230)
How to configure a "PROFIBUS" channel unit connection (Page 222)
In addition to the channel unit, WinCC must also have a logical connection to communicate
with the PLC. All the specific parameters are defined while establishing a logical connection.
For S7 automation systems, a communications module is used, e.g. a CP 342-5 in a S7-300
or a CP 443-5 in a S7-400.
A communications processor, for example CP 5613, is used in WinCC. A second
communications processor can be addressed via the "PROFIBUS II" channel unit.
Further information regarding the diagnosis of the channel, connection and tags can be found
under "Communication Diagnosis".
WinCC: Communication
222 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.5 Configuring the Channel
● The Channel "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" must be integrated into the project.
1. Select the entry "New Connection" in the pop-up menu of the channel unit "PROFIBUS".
The "Connection Properties" dialog is opened.
2. Enter a connection name, for example "Test_PROFIBUS", in the General Tab.
3. Click the "Properties" button to open the "Connection Parameters - PROFIBUS" dialog.
4. Enter the "Station Address" of the automation system on the bus in the appropriate field.
5. The field "Segment ID" is currently not supported. The value must remain at "0".
6. Enter the "rack number" in which the CPU that is to be addressed is located.
7. Enter the "Slot Number" of the CPU in the specified rack.
8. Activate the check box "Send/Receive Raw Data Block" if you wish to transfer BSEND/
BRCV data blocks via the connection. If the check box is flagged, the field "Connection
Resource" will also be active. Enter the hexadecimal value for the connection resource.
This connection resource will be assigned by STEP7 when the connection is configured in
the PLC.
9. Close both of the dialogs by clicking the "OK" button.
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SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.5 Configuring the Channel
When starting up the PROFIBUS communication, PROFIBUS errors can occur if the
communication processor was connected to the PROFIBUS while the WinCC computer was
ON. Therefore, it is recommended that the computer be switched OFF before connecting it
to the PROFIBUS. Otherwise, (in accordance with the PROFIBUS standard) multiple tokens
may be generated on the bus, which will cause a bus error.
When using an S7-300 or S7-400 with an external communications module, you must enter
the Rack/Slot number of the CPU.
If the wrong Rack or Slot Number is entered, the communications link will not be established!
See also
Configuring the tags (Page 230)
How to configure the "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" channel (Page 212)
Principle of Operation
Channel unit "Slot PLC" serves the communication between WinCC and up to four Slot PLC
(WinAC Pro) installed in the WinCC computer. Since the Slot PLC has an integrated interface,
no additional communication hardware is required for the connection between WinCC and Slot
See also
Configuring the tags (Page 230)
How to Configure a "Slot PLC" Channel Unit Connection (Page 224)
In order to communicate with the installed SPS cards, WinCC requires a logical connection in
addition to the channel unit. All the specific parameters are defined while establishing a logical
WinCC: Communication
224 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.5 Configuring the Channel
Further information regarding the diagnosis of the channel, connection and tags can be found
under "Communication Diagnosis".
● The Channel "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" must be integrated into the project.
● If several Slot PLC are to be configured, Slot PLC Version 3.4 is required.
1. Select the entry "New connection" in the pop-up menu of the channel unit "Slot PLC". The
"Connection Properties" dialog is opened.
2. Enter a connection name, for example "Test_SPLC", in the General tab.
3. Click on the "Properties" button to open the "Connection parameters - Slot PLC" dialog.
4. In the field "Station address", enter the station address of the Slot PLC on the Soft K-Bus.
5. In the field "Slot No.", enter the number of the slot in which the Slot PLC is installed.
6. Activate the check box "Send/Receive Raw Data Block" if you wish to transfer BSEND/
BRCV data blocks via the connection.
7. If the check box is flagged, the field "Connection Resource" will also be active. Enter the
hexadecimal value for the connection resource. This connection resource will be assigned
by STEP 7 when the connection is configured within the PLC.
8. Close both of the dialogs by clicking the "OK" button.
Connection parameters "Station Address" and "Slot No." must be identical for several
installed Slot PLCs and must start with "Slot No." "3".
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System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA 225
SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.5 Configuring the Channel
See also
Configuring the tags (Page 230)
How to configure the "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" channel (Page 212)
Principle of Operation
Channel unit "Slot PLC" serves the communication between WinCC and a Soft PLC (WinAC
Basic) installed in the WinCC computer. No other communication hardware is required for
connecting WinCC to the Soft PLC.
See also
Configuring the tags (Page 230)
How to configure a connection on the "Soft PLC" channel unit (Page 226)
In addition to the channel unit, WinCC must also have a logical connection to communicate
with the Soft PLC. All the specific parameters are defined while establishing a logical
Further information regarding the diagnosis of the channel, connection and tags can be found
under "Communication Diagnosis".
● The Channel "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" must be integrated into the project.
1. Select the entry "New connection" in the pop-up menu of the channel unit "Soft PLC". The
"Connection Properties" dialog is opened.
2. Enter a connection name, for example "Test_SOFTPLC", in the General tab.
WinCC: Communication
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SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.5 Configuring the Channel
3. Click on the "Properties" button to open the "Connection parameters - Soft PLC" dialog.
4. In the field "Station address", enter the station address of the Soft PLC on the Soft K-Bus.
5. In the field "Slot No.", enter the number of the slot. The slot number is configured in the
hardware configuration of Soft PLC and is required when you want to use multiple Soft PLC
in the same WinCC computer.
6. Activate the check box "Send/Receive Raw Data Block" if you wish to transfer BSEND/
BRCV data blocks via the connection.
7. If the check box is flagged, the field "Connection Resource" will also be active. Enter the
hexadecimal value for the connection resource. This connection resource will be assigned
by STEP 7 when the connection is configured within the PLC.
8. Close both of the dialogs by clicking the "OK" button.
See also
Configuring the tags (Page 230)
How to configure the "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" channel (Page 212)
Principle of Operation
The channel unit "TCP/IP" is used to connect WinCC to the automation systems SIMATIC
S7-300 and S7-400 via an Industrial Ethernet with protocol "ISO-on-TCP Transport".
The protocol corresponds to the standard TCP/IP with the extension RFC 1006. This extension
is necessary, since TCP/IP uses communication where there is no blocking of data.
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SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.5 Configuring the Channel
In the case of the automation system S7-300, communication takes place via a
communications module, e.g. CP 343-1 TCP, and via CP 443-1 TCP or CP 443-1 IT in the
case of S7-400.
In WinCC a communications processor such as CP 1613 is used.
Because communication takes place via the ISO-on-TCP transport protocol, it is not necessary
to configure the logical connection in the local database.
Communications processor
A communications processor (CP) is a module that supports communication between the
WinCC computer and a specific network.
Industrial Ethernet
The Industrial Ethernet is the most efficient subnet in the industrial environment. It is suitable
for the factory and cell levels and facilitates the exchange of large data volumes over large
distances between a large number of participants.
The Industrial Ethernet is an open communications network and is standardized in accordance
with IEEE 802.3. Its prime advantages are its speed, simple extendibility and openness as well
as high availability and worldwide utilization. The configuration process requires a minimum
of effort.
See also
Configuring the tags (Page 230)
How to configure a "TCP/IP" channel unit connection (Page 228)
In addition to the channel unit, WinCC also requires a logical connection to communicate with
the PLC. All the specific parameters are defined while establishing a logical connection.
In the case of the S7-300 automation system, communication takes place via a
communications module, e.g. CP 343-1 TCP, and via CP 443-1 TCP or CP 443-1 IT in the
case of S7-400.
In WinCC a communications processor such as CP 1613 is used.
WinCC: Communication
228 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.5 Configuring the Channel
Further information regarding the diagnosis of the channel, connection and tags can be found
under "Communication Diagnosis".
● The Channel "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" must be integrated into the project.
1. Select the entry "New Connection" in the pop-up menu of the "TCP/IP" channel unit. The
"Connection Properties" dialog is opened.
2. Enter a connection name, for example "Test_TCP", in the General Tab.
3. Click on the "Properties" button to open the "Connection Parameters - TCP/IP" dialog.
4. Enter the Internet protocol address of the automation system on the bus in the field "IP
5. Enter the number of the rack in which the CPU that is to be addressed is located in the
"Rack Number" field.
6. The CPU's slot number in the specified rack must be entered in the corresponding field
"Slot Number".
7. Activate the check box "Send/Receive Raw Data Block" if you wish to transfer BSEND/
BRCV data blocks via the connection. If the check box is flagged, the field "Connection
Resource" will also be active. Enter the hexadecimal value for the connection resource.
This connection resource will be assigned by STEP7 when the connection is configured in
the PLC.
8. Close both of the dialogs by clicking the "OK" button.
WinCC: Communication
System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA 229
SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.5 Configuring the Channel
When using an S7-300 or S7-400 with an external communications module, you must enter
the Rack/Slot number of the CPU.
If the wrong Rack or Slot Number is entered, the communications link will not be established!
See also
Configuring the tags (Page 230)
How to configure the "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" channel (Page 212)
The following sections describe how to configure the tags. It is different in the way the data
area in the PLC is accessed and the data type of the WinCC tags.
Further information regarding the diagnosis of the channel, connection and tags can be found
under "Communication Diagnosis".
See also
How to Configure a Text Tag (Page 234)
How to Configure a Tag with Word by Word Access (Page 233)
How to Configure a Tag with Byte by Byte Access (Page 232)
How to Configure a Tag with Bit by Bit Access (Page 230)
This section shows you how to configure a tag for bit by bit access for the address area in PLC.
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230 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.5 Configuring the Channel
● The Channel "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" must be integrated into the project.
● A connection e.g. "Test_Ind_Eth" must be created in a channel unit, e.g. "Industrial
1. Choose the "New Tag" option from the shortcut menu for the "Test_Ind_Eth" connection.
The "Tag Properties" dialog opens.
2. Enter "ETH_Var1_bit" as the name of the tag in the "Name" field. Select "Binary tag" in the
"Data Type" field.
3. Click the "Select" button to open the "Address properties" dialog. In the "Data area" set the
data area of the PCL where the data is located. If you select "DB" as data area, enter the
data component in the enabled "DB-No." field.
4. You cannot change the "Bit" entry in the Addressing field because it is defined by the Binary
Variable data type of the WinCC tag.
5. Enter the byte and bit address in the two fields below it. The label on the left field depends
on the entry in the Data Area field, for e.g. "D" for data area "DB" and Binary Variable as
6. Check the Quality Code check-box if the tag is with Quality Code that is to be used in
WinCC. For this, the code must also exist in the PLC. The check-box is enables only if the
data area is selected as "DB".
7. Close both of the dialogs by clicking the "OK" button.
See also
How to configure the "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" channel (Page 212)
WinCC: Communication
System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA 231
SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.5 Configuring the Channel
This section shows you how to configure a tag for byte by byte access for the address area in
● The Channel "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" must be integrated into the project.
● A connection e.g. "Test_Ind_Eth" must be created in a channel unit, e.g. "Industrial
1. Choose the "New Tag" option from the shortcut menu for the "Test_Ind_Eth" connection.
The "Tag Properties" dialog opens.
2. Enter "ETH_Var2_byte" as the name of the tag in the "Name" field. Set the data type to
"unsigned 8-bit".
3. Click the "Select" button to open the "Address properties" dialog. In the "Data area" set the
data area of the PCL where the data is located. If you select "DB" as data area, enter the
data component in the enabled "DB-No." field.
4. You cannot change the "Bit" entry in the Addressing field because it is defined by the
"Unsigned 8-bit" data type of the WinCC tag.
5. Enter the byte addresss in the field below. The label on the left field depends on the entry
in the Data Area field, for e.g. "D" for data area "DB" and Unsigned 8-bit as type.
6. Check the Quality Code check-box if the tag is with Quality Code that is to be used in
WinCC. For this, the code must also exist in the PLC. The check-box is enables only if the
data area is selected as "DB".
7. Close both of the dialogs by clicking the "OK" button.
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232 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.5 Configuring the Channel
See also
How to configure the "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" channel (Page 212)
This section shows you how to configure a tag for word by word access for the address area
in PLC.
This procedure is also applicable for tags with length of 4 byte ("double word") and more.
● The Channel "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" must be integrated into the project.
● A connection e.g. "Test_Ind_Eth" must be created in a channel unit, e.g. "Industrial
1. Choose the "New Tag" option from the shortcut menu for the "Test_Ind_Eth" connection.
The "Tag Properties" dialog opens.
2. Enter "ETH_Var3_word" as the name of the tag in the "Name" field. Set the data type to
"unsigned 16-bit".
3. Click the "Select" button to open the "Address properties" dialog. In the "Data area" set the
data area of the PCL where the data is located. If you select "DB" as data area, enter the
data component in the enabled "DB-No." field.
4. You cannot change the "Word" entry in the Addressing field because it is defined by the
"Unsigned 16-bit" data type of the WinCC tag.
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SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.5 Configuring the Channel
5. Enter the numeric value of the address in the Addressing field. The label on the left field
depends on the entry in the Data Area field, for e.g. "DBW" for Unsigned 16-bit as type.
6. Check the Quality Code check-box if the tag is with Quality Code that is to be used in
WinCC. For this, the code must also exist in the PLC. The check-box is enables only if the
data area is selected as "DB".
7. Click "OK" to close all open dialogs.
See also
How to configure the "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" channel (Page 212)
This section show you how to configure a text tag.
For a text tag in the SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite channel, WinCC only supports S7 string type
consisting of a control word and the actual user data of the string:
● To configure a text tag in WinCC, enter the address of the control word that exists in the
PLC memory before the user data. The first byte of the control word contains the customized
maximum length of the string, the second byte the actual length.
● To insert the data structure in the PLC memory, you must note that the length of the text
tag configured in WinCC is extended by 2 bytes of the control word. If the data structures
of the text tag are inserted in the memory directly one after the other, then the subsequent
data will get overwritten.
● New mapping is required for switching the PCS-7 version from V4.01 to V5.0 SP1 because
in the versions before V5.0 the address of the user data was also mentioned while
configuring the text tags; from version V5.0 onwards the address of the control word is to
be given.
● While reading, the control word is read along with the user data and the current length is
evaluated in the second byte. Only the user data according to the current length included
in the second control byte is trasferred at the text tags of WinCC.
● While writing, the actual length of the string is ascertained ("0" character) and the control
byte with the current length is sent to the PLC along with the user data.
● The Channel "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" must be integrated into the project.
● A connection e.g. "Test_Ind_Eth" must be created in a channel unit, e.g. "Industrial
WinCC: Communication
234 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.5 Configuring the Channel
1. Choose the "New Tag" option from the shortcut menu for the "Test_Ind_Eth" connection.
The "Tag Properties" dialog opens.
2. Enter "ETH_Var3_Text" as the name of the tag in the "Name" field. In the Data Type field,
set "Text tag, 8-bit font" as the data type. Enter the tag length in bytes in the Length field.
3. Click the "Select" button to open the "Address properties" dialog. In the "Data area" set the
data area of the PCL where the data is located. If you select "DB" as data area, enter the
data component in the enabled "DB-No." field.
4. The entry in the Addressing field can only be changed to Byte or Word because it is defined
by the "Text tag, 8-bit font" data type of the WinCC tag.
5. Enter the numeric value of the address in the Addressing field. Mention the address of the
control word. The label on the left field depends on the entry in the Data Area field, for e.g.
"DBW" for Word as type.
6. Check the Quality Code check-box if the tag is with Quality Code that is to be used in
WinCC. For this, the code must also exist in the PLC. The check-box is enables only if the
data area is selected as "DB".
7. Click "OK" to close all open dialogs.
See also
How to configure the "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" channel (Page 212)
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SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.5 Configuring the Channel
If you require a configuration that deviates from the WinCC standard settings, you will therefore
be able to make all the required changes using the "System Parameter" dialog of the channel
The following can be modified:
● the logical device name
● the use of the cyclic read service in the AS
The system parameters on the SIMATIC S7 and Unit tabs are unit-specific and can thus be
set separately for each channel unit of the channel.
See also
How to Change the Logical Device Name (Page 240)
How to Configure the System Parameters (Page 238)
Cyclic read services in PLC (Page 237)
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236 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.5 Configuring the Channel
In the system parameters of the "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" channel, it is also possible to
specify whether or not the cyclic read services of the S7-AS(also referred to as cyclic tag
services) should be used. These cyclic read services group the tags that are to be read
cyclically into individual request and transfer these to the PLC. The PLC will transfer the
required data immediately on receipt of the request and will also transfer the data each time
the cycle time elapses. When the requested data is no longer required, e.g. in the case of a
screen change, WinCC will delete the cyclic read service in the PLC.
In normal cases, use should be made of the cyclic read services in the PLC. For this reason,
the corresponding check box is already activated (default setting) in the system parameters
of the channel unit. This setting should only be changed if you do not wish to use the cyclic
Modification transfers can only be used when the cyclic read services are activated. The data
will then only transferred from the AS when a value has changed and only once per AS cycle.
The function must be supported by the PLC.
The use of the cyclic read services and modification transfers relieves both the AS and AS-OS
communication, since read requests need not be continually sent to the AS and processed
In the case of acyclic read services, the tags that are to be read are combined in an individual
request and transferred to the PLC. The PLC only sends the required data once. The formation
of the cycle for the request is carried out by WinCC.
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SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.5 Configuring the Channel
In this section, we will show you how to configure the system parameters of the Channel
"SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite".
The "System Parameters" dialog comprises two tabs:
● SIMATIC S7 tab
● Unit tab
The system parameters on the SIMATIC S7 and Unit tabs are unit-specific and can thus be
set separately for each channel unit of the channel.
These tabs are identical for all channel units of the S7 channel. Consequently, the dialog for
the channel unit "MPI" is used in all examples.
Any changes that are made to the parameter values will only take effect after WinCC has been
When copying the project to another computer, the settings on the Unit tab will be retained,
the settings on the SIMATIC S7 tab, however, will not.
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SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.5 Configuring the Channel
● The Channel "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" must be integrated into the project.
1. Select the Channel "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" in Tag Management. Open the dialog
"System Parameters" using the pop-up menu of the desired channel unit.
2. Select the SIMATIC S7 tab. Place a tick in the check boxes "by AS" and "with modification
transfer", if you want to activate cyclic reading of tags by the channel and the use of
modification transfers. If available, the cyclic services in the PLC will be used here. Further
information can be found under "PLC Cyclic Read Services".
3. Activate the check box "Enable" in the "Lifebeat Monitoring" area if you wish to use this
function. In the Interval field enter the time interval in seconds for transferring the lifebeat
In the Monitoring Time field enter the seconds value for monitoring the response to a lifebeat
4. If WinCC should indicate that communication is faulty when the S7-CPU is in the Stop
status, activate the check box "Enable" in the "CPU Stop Monitoring" area.
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SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.5 Configuring the Channel
5. Select the Unit tab. A name, which will depend on the communications processor installed,
will be displayed in the field "Logical Device Name". You should only change this name if
you have selected a different name when installing the communications processor. Further
information can be found under "Changing Logical Device Names".
6. If only one communications processor has been installed for this communication type,
activate the check box "Set Automatically", if the device name should be set automatically
when Runtime is started.
7. Activate the check box "Write with Priority", if the processing of write requests should take
priority over the processing of read requests.
8. Close the dialog with the "OK" button.
See also
How to Change the Logical Device Name (Page 240)
Cyclic read services in PLC (Page 237)
Communication with the S7 takes place via logical device names. These names are assigned
during the installation of the communications processor and are unit-specific.
Certain presettings have now been established for the device names depending on the
communications processor that has been installed. These are listed in the table "Default Device
Names" below.
The tabs for all units of the S7 channel are identical and, for this reason, the dialog for the
channel unit "MPI" is shown in the description.
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240 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.5 Configuring the Channel
● The Channel "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" must be integrated into the project.
● A connection must be created to a channel unit e.g. "MPI".
1. Select the desired channel unit in Tag Management.
2. Open the dialog window "System Parameters" using the pop-up menu.
3. Select the Unit tab.
4. Specify a device name in the field "Logical Device Name". You can either select an entry
from the selection list or enter a new name manually.
All possible names will be determined by the "Configure PG/PC Interface" (Control Panel)
tool. If this has not been installed, only the device name that is currently set will be displayed.
If you specify a different logical device name, a message will be displayed.
Manual entries should only be made if the target station uses a communications card which
is not installed on the configuring station.
5. Close the dialog by clicking the "OK" button.
Logical devices names must be exactly the same - to the letter - as in the device settings.
This being the case, the default logical device names for the "Industrial Ethernet"and
"PROFIBUS" have, for example, a colon at the end of the name.
Any changes that are made to the parameter values will only take effect after WinCC has
been restarted.
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SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.6 Special functions
The SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite contains some special functions; their functionality is
described in this chapter.
See also
Software Redundancy (Page 283)
Raw data tags of the Channel "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" (Page 275)
Data exchange with the S7 function block AR_SEND (Page 242)
The S7 function block AR_SEND in the S7-400 AS is used to transfer process values to the
process value archives.
Principle of Operation
To transfer PLC process values to a process value archive in WinCC, the S7-400 PLC has an
integrated function component called SFB 37 "AR_SEND".
The basic function of AR_SEND component can supply data to archive tag. Data can be
supplied to multiple tags if the AR_ID-Subnumber is used. If AR_SEND component is used,
the process values are not sent individually to the archive; they are first collect in PLC and
transferred as a package. This reduces the load on the used network.
In a PLC, you can use a CPI-dependent number of AR_SEND components (for e.g. CPU 416
max. 32 AR_SEND). A AR_ID can in turn be assigned to aach AR_SEND component. The sub-
number is used to increase the amount of transferable process data because up to 4095 sub-
numbers are possible for each AR_ID.
In reality, the number of archive tags per AR_SEND component is limited by the maximum
length of the data area to be transferred. For more information about "The Structure and
Parameters of Data Block Structures", please see the description of the "Number of Process
Values" parameter.
AR_ID and AR_ID-Subnumber establish the assignment between data in the PLC and the
archive tags and are defined using other parameters while configuring the data structure in
WinCC: Communication
242 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.6 Special functions
See also
AR_SEND variant for multiple archive tags (Page 255)
How to configure the AR _SEND variant for multiple archive tags (Page 272)
How to configure the AR _SEND variant for an archive tag (Page 269)
AR_SEND variant for multiple archive tags (optimized) (Page 267)
AR_SEND variant for an archive tag (Page 250)
Before data is transferred from a PLC with the "AR_SEND" function block, it is first organized
as one or more data blocks. The structure of a data block depends on various parameters,
e.g. whether a time stamp or the process value's data type is appended to the AR_SEND
variant used.
The parameters used in data blocks are described below. The individual parameter values are
set in the data block in the AS and in the "AR_SEND" function block parameters.
The parameters are checked when the data block is evaluated in WinCC. If WinCC detects an
error in the structure of the data block or if the archive tag configuration does not match the
received data, an entry with the following structure will be recorded in the WinCC Diagnosis
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System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA 243
SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.6 Special functions
"Date, Time, 1003080 ,4 ,user name, computer name, NRMS7PMC, PdeReceive: Unknown
parameter AR_SEND from connection connectionname ...+ additional information for error
If the message system has been configured with the WinCC System Messages, this diagnosis
entry will also trigger the OS process control message numbered 1003080. The text of the
logbook entry will be found in this message's comment.
In the data blocks, each line represents two bytes. Process values can be one or more bytes
long, depending on their data type. Further information can be found in the description of the
"Number of Process Values" parameter.
Description of parameters
Header Type
The Header Type defines the type of information that is contained in the header.
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244 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.6 Special functions
In the case of the header types 0 and 8, the bytes for the time stamp will not be included in
the header. Since these bytes are also not reserved in the data block, the header will be
shortened accordingly by 8 bytes.
AR_ID Subnumber
Establishes the assignment between the AS user data and the WinCC archive tags and is
configured at two positions:
● In WinCC, when configuring the process controlled archive tags
● In the PLC, when setting up the user data area to be transferred
The Subnumber is only relevant for the header types 8 or 9. Valid values for the Subnumber
are in the range from 1 to 4095. The parameter is entered in WinCC as a hexadecimal value
(1 - 0FFF).
Time stamp
The time stamp contains the date and the time in SIMATIC S7 BCD format. The weekday entry
is not utilized by WinCC.
The automation system S7 does not recognize the Summer/Wintertime switching. In the AS
the local Winter time must be set as the system time. The time stamp on Summer or Winter
time is corrected in WinCC by the standardization DLL. The corrected time and Summer/
Winter time ID are then available in the WinCC applications. The corrected time and ID are
then added to the archive e.g. in Tag Logging.
The cycle in which the process values are to be read. This parameter is a factor for the units
of time specified under Unit (Range). Data length: Double word.
"Cycle" = 10 ; "Unit(area)" = 4 means: Reading cycle for process values = 10 seconds
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SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.6 Special functions
Unit (Type)
Specifies the type of time information and modifies the parameter "Number of Process Values".
No. Meaning
1 The process values are read at equal intervals.
Start time is mentioned in the timestamp of the header and is mandatory. The time interval
between the process values is defined by the time units in the "Units (Range)" and the factor
2 Each process value has a timestamp
A time stamp given perhaps in the header will not be evaluated. The format corresponds to
the time stamp in the header with a length of 8 bytes.
3 Each process value has a relative time difference in units of time with a data length of 2 words.
The absolute time is the sum of the time stamp in the header (= start time) and the relative
time difference in the time unit set in "Unit(Range)". A time stamp entry in the header is
4 Each process value contains the AR_ID-Subnumber.
The time stamp given in the header applies for the process value. A time stamp entry in the
header is mandatory.
Units (Range)
Specifies the units of time used for Unit (Type) = 1 or 3.
No. Meaning
1 Reserved
2 Reserved
3 Milliseconds
4 Seconds
5 Minutes
6 Hours
7 Days
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246 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.6 Special functions
In the case of the AR_SEND variant "Multiple Archive Tags", the following limitation applies
for this parameter:
The data blocks for the various archive tags must always begin on a word boundary.
Therefore, in the case of the combination "Data Type Process Value" = 0 (BYTE) and "Unit
(Type)" = 1 (Process value with equally spaced time intervals) an even number of process
values (=Bytes) must be entered for the parameter "Number of Process Values". This
restriction only applies for this AR_SEND variant and this combination of data type and "Unit
1x BSEND with a max. of 16 Kbytes
or 1x AR_SEND with 8 Kbytes + 1x BSEND with 8 Kbytes
or 1x AR_SEND with 10 Kbytes + 1x AR_SEND with 2 Kbytes + 1x BSEND with 4 Kbytes
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SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.6 Special functions
The AR_ID Subnumbers given in the data blocks must all be configured in WinCC. WinCC
will stop interpreting the user data, if a not-configured subnumber is found.
The data blocks for the various archive tags must always begin on a word boundary.
Therefore, with the data type BYTE and "Unit (Type)" = 1 (Process value with equally spaced
time intervals), an even number of process values (=Bytes) must be entered for the parameter
"Number of Process Values". This restriction only applies for this AR_SEND variant and this
combination of data type and "Unit (Type)".
See also
How to configure the AR _SEND variant for multiple archive tags (Page 272)
How to configure the AR _SEND variant for an archive tag (Page 269)
AR_SEND variant for multiple archive tags (optimized) (Page 267)
AR_SEND variant for multiple archive tags (Page 255)
AR_SEND variant for an archive tag (Page 250)
On the basis of examples, the tables show the properties and possible parameter values for
different AR_SEND variants.
The tables do not display all of the possible combinations.
The columns "Header Type" to "Process Value Data Type" are presented in the order that they
appear in the header.
The values for AR_ID and AR_ID Subnumber are set together with those of the other
parameters while configuring the function block "AR_SEND" and the data structure in the
data block in the AS.
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248 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.6 Special functions
Example / E.g.- Header Date / Time Cycle Unit Units AR_ID- Data type max. Process
Property No. type (Timestamp factor (Type) (range) Subno. of number value
t in header) process of structure
val. proc.val. in the e.g.
Each 1 0 does not 0 2 0 0 0 3200 8 byte time
process exist 1; 2 1600 stamp
value (byte) 3; 4; 5 1333 + 1 Byte
with its own process
time stamp value
Process 2 1 Relevant >=1 1 3 to 7 0 0 16000 1 word
value with 1; 2 8000 process
equally 3; 4; 5 4000 value
time stamp
Each 3 1 not 0 2 0 0 0 3200 8 byte time
process relevant 1; 2 1600 stamp + 1
value 3; 4; 5 1333 word
(word) with process
its own time value
Each 4 1 Relevant >=1 3 3 to 7 0 0 5332 8 byte time
process 1; 2 2666 stamp
value with 3; 4; 5 2000 + 1 Byte
time process
difference value
Example / E.g.- Header Date / Time Cycle Unit Units AR_ID- Data type max. Process
Property No. type (Timestamp factor (Type) (range) Subno. of number Value
t in header) process of structure in
val. proc.val. the e.g.
Each 5 8 does not 0 2 0 1 to 0 3200 8 byte time
process exist 4095 1; 2 1600 stamp
value (byte) 3; 4; 5 1333 + 1 Byte
with its own process
time stamp value
Process 6 9 Relevant >=1 1 3 to 7 1 to 0 16000 1 word
value with 4095 1; 2 8000 process
equally 3; 4; 5 4000 value
time stamp
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System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA 249
SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.6 Special functions
Example / E.g.- Header Date / Time Cycle Unit Units AR_ID- Data type max. Process
Property No. type (Timestamp factor (Type) (range) Subno. of number Value
t in header) process of structure in
val. proc.val. the e.g.
Each 7 9 not 0 2 0 1 to 0 3200 8 byte time
process relevant 4095 1; 2 1600 stamp
value 3; 4; 5 1333 + 1 word
(word) with process
its own time value
Each 8 9 Relevant 0 3 3 to 7 1 to 0 5332 8 byte time
process 4095 1; 2 2666 stamp
value with 3; 4; 5 2000 + 1 Byte
time process
difference value
Example / E.g.- Header Date / Time Cycle Unit Units AR_ID- Data type max. Process
Property No. type (Timestamp factor (Type) (range) Subno. of number value
t in header) process of structure
val. proc.val. in the e.g.
Each 9 1 Relevant 0 4 0 0 1; 2 3992 1 Word
process 3; 4; 5 2660 Subnumber
value with + 1 Word
an AR_ID process
Subnumbe value
See also
AR_SEND variant for multiple archive tags (optimized) (Page 267)
AR_SEND variant for multiple archive tags (Page 255)
AR_SEND variant for an archive tag (Page 250)
This variant can be used to supply an archive tag with process values. It can also be used with
older versions of WinCC (prior to V5.0).
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250 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.6 Special functions
See also
Example 4 for data block structure: An archive tag; each process value with relative time stamp
(time difference) (Page 254)
Example 3 for data block structure: An archive tag; each process value has its own time
stamp (Page 253)
Example 2 for data block structure: One archive tag; equally spaced time stamp (Page 252)
Example 1 for data block structure: An archive tag; each process value has a time stamp
(Page 252)
Overview of the properties of the AR_SEND variants (Page 248)
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SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.6 Special functions Example 1 for data block structure: An archive tag; each process value has a time stamp
In this example, the process values are transferred for one archive tag only. There is no time
stamp in the header and the corresponding number of bytes are also not reserved. Hence,
each process value (1byte) is preceded by a time stamp (8byte).
Data type of the process values is BYTE.
See also
Data Block - Structure and Parameters (Page 243) Example 2 for data block structure: One archive tag; equally spaced time stamp
In this example, the process values are transferred for one archive tag.
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11.6 Special functions
The equally spaced time stamp of one second is formed using the parameters "Cycle" = 1 and
"Unit (Range)" = 4 (= seconds).
Data type of the process values is WORD.
See also
Data Block - Structure and Parameters (Page 243) Example 3 for data block structure: An archive tag; each process value has its own time
In this example, the process values are transferred for one archive tag only. The time stamp
in the header is not important. Hence, each process value (1Word) is preceded by a time stamp
Data type of the process values is SWORD.
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SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.6 Special functions
See also
Data Block - Structure and Parameters (Page 243) Example 4 for data block structure: An archive tag; each process value with relative time
stamp (time difference)
In this example, the process values are transferred for one archive tag with time stamp.
The parameter "Unit(Type)" = 3 gives each process value a time difference (4Byte) for the time
stamp in the header. The unit of time difference is set by the parameter "Unit(range)" = 4 in
Data type of the process values is DWORD.
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See also
Data Block - Structure and Parameters (Page 243)
With this variant, you can supply process values to one or more archive tags. For each archive
tag, an AR_ID Subnumber will be assigned and a data block will be created in the data area
to be transferred.
"x" process values can be transferred for each AR_ID Subnumber. For more information about
"The Structure and Parameters of Data Block Structures", please see the description of the
"Number of Process Values" parameter.
The time stamp for the value of an archive tag is taken or derived from the data area to be
transferred in accordance with the given "Unit (Type)" and "Unit (Range)". It is then sent on to
the WinCC process value archive.
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11.6 Special functions
The AR_ID Subnumbers given in the data blocks must all be configured in WinCC. WinCC
will stop interpreting the user data, if a not-configured subnumber is found.
The data blocks for the various archive tags must always begin on a word boundary.
Therefore, in the case of the combination "Data Type Process Value" = 0 (BYTE) and "Unit
(Type)" = 1 (Process values with equally spaced time intervals) an even number of process
values (=Bytes) must be entered for the "Number of Process Values" parameter. This
restriction only applies for this AR_SEND variant and this combination of data type and "Unit
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11.6 Special functions
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SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.6 Special functions
WinCC: Communication
258 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
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11.6 Special functions
See also
Example 8 for data block structure: Multiple archive tags; process values with relative time
stamp (time difference) (Page 265)
Example 7 for data block structure: Multiple archive tags; each process value has its own time
stamp (Page 263)
Example 6 for data block structure: Multiple archive tags; equally spaced time stamp
(Page 261)
Example 5 for data block structure: Multiple archive tags; each process value has its own time
stamp (Page 259)
Overview of the properties of the AR_SEND variants (Page 248) Example 5 for data block structure: Multiple archive tags; each process value has its own
time stamp
In this example, process values are transferred for multiple archive tags.
The data blocks for the different archive tags are located one after the other in the data
component. A different AR_ID-Subnumber is entered in each data block.
There is no time stamp in the header and the corresponding number of bytes for it are also
not reserved. Hence, each process value (1byte) is preceded by a time stamp (8byte).
Data type of the process values is BYTE.
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SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.6 Special functions
See also
Data Block - Structure and Parameters (Page 243)
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260 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.6 Special functions Example 6 for data block structure: Multiple archive tags; equally spaced time stamp
In this example, process values are transferred for multiple archive tags. The data blocks for
the different archive tags are located one after the other in the data component. A different
AR_ID-Subnumber is entered in the header in each data block.
The equally spaced time stamp of one second is formed using the parameters "Cycle" = 1 and
"Unit (Range)" = 4 (= seconds).
Data type of the process values is WORD.
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SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.6 Special functions
See also
Data Block - Structure and Parameters (Page 243)
WinCC: Communication
262 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.6 Special functions Example 7 for data block structure: Multiple archive tags; each process value has its own
time stamp
In this example, process values are transferred for multiple archive tags. The data blocks for
the different archive tags are located one after the other in the data component. A different
AR_ID-Subnumber is entered in each data block.
The time stamp in the header is not important. Hence, each process value (1Word) is preceded
by a time stamp (8byte).
Data type of the process values is SWORD.
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SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.6 Special functions
WinCC: Communication
264 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
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11.6 Special functions
See also
Data Block - Structure and Parameters (Page 243) Example 8 for data block structure: Multiple archive tags; process values with relative time
stamp (time difference)
In this example, the process values are transferred for one archive tag with time stamp.
The data blocks for the different archive tags are located one after the other in the data
component. A different AR_ID-Subnumber is entered in each data block.
The parameter "Unit(Type)" = 3 gives each process value a time difference (4Byte) for the time
stamp in the header. The unit of time difference is individually defined by the "Unit(Range)"
parameter for each archive tag and hence for each data block.
Data type of the process values is DWORD.
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System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA 265
SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.6 Special functions
See also
Data Block - Structure and Parameters (Page 243)
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11.6 Special functions
This variant is to be used when the maximum number of archive tags should each be supplied
a process value at one time. In this case, the data area to be transferred consists of just one
data block and each process value has just its AR_ID Subnumber and its associated value.
The data type is the same for the process values of all of the archive tags in this data block.
If a process value has an AR_ID Subnumber for which no WinCC archive tag is found, this
will result in an entry in the WinCC Diagnosis Log. The remaining process values will then
continue to be processed.
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System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA 267
SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.6 Special functions
See also
Overview of the properties of the AR_SEND variants (Page 248)
Example 9 for data block structure: multiple archive tags;optimized (Page 268)
In this example, the process values are transferred for one archive tag with time stamp. The
time stamp is applicable to all archive tags.
The corresponding AR_ID-Subnumber is placed before each process value.
Data type of the process values is WORD.
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11.6 Special functions
See also
Data Block - Structure and Parameters (Page 243)
There are a number of variants for using the AR_SEND function to exchange data. For the
"One Archive Tag" variant, only the AR_ID is used. The AR_ID Subnumber is not used.
The AR_ID is used to establish the assignment of the data in the AS to the archive tags and
is configured together with other parameters while configuring the data blocks and the SFB
37 "AR_SEND" function block in the AS.
In WinCC, this allocation is performed in the properties for the process controlled tag. This
assignment is the only configuration that is necessary in WinCC and will be described in this
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11.6 Special functions
The other parameters in WinCC need not be configured, since they are evaluated
To use this variant with just the AR_ID, the Header Type must be configure as 0 or 1. The
AR_ID Subnumber must be set to zero.
Since they do not have an AR_ID Subnumber, all of the archive tags, which were configured
before WinCC Version V5.0, can be used with this variant.
Since WinCC Version 5.1 Hotfix 4 it has been possible to specify an alias for the archive tag
name with process-controlled tags or to use the internal names generated by the system.
The name generated by the system contains the name of the assigned raw data tag instead
of the raw data ID from Version V5.1 HF4. In projects migrated to a version from V5.1 HF4,
the archive tag names can be used in their original format or can be converted. The names
are converted by once opening and closing the properties dialog box of the process-controlled
archive tags. An alias does not have to be assigned.
If in a project all external tags are remapped using the "AS-OS-Transfer" function, the archive
tag name must therefore be converted once to the new structure! The new structure is then
● The "AR_SEND" function block and the data block structure must first be configured in the
AS and this configuration information must be available during the following procedure.
● The Channel "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" must be integrated into the project.
● A connection e.g. "Test_Ind_Eth" must be created in a channel unit, e.g. "Industrial
● A process value archive must be configured in the "Tag Logging" editor.
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1. In Channel "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite", select the connection which should be used for
the data transfer. Choose the "New Tag" option from the shortcut menu for the connection.
The "Tag Properties" dialog opens.
2. Enter "Var_raw_arsend" as the name of the tag in the "Name" field. The name can be no
longer than 24 characters. While configuring the process-controlled tags, the raw data tag
name becomes part of the archive tag name and is therefore limited to the length of the
archive tag name.
In the Data Type field, set the type to Raw Data Type. Click the "Select" button to open the
"Address properties" dialog.
3. Mark the "Raw Data" check box. In the "Raw Data Type" area select the type "Archive Data
Link". Click "OK" to close all open dialogs.
4. Open the "Tag Logging" editor and in the pop-up menu of a process value archive select
"New Process Controlled Tag". The "Properties of process controlled tag" dialog will open.
5. Click on "Select" to open a selection dialog and then select the raw data tag that should be
used to supply the archive tags. In this example that is "VAR_raw_arsend". Close the dialog
with the "OK" button.
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11.6 Special functions
6. In the "Conversion DLL" field set the entry "nrms7pmc.nll". Click on "Options". The input
dialog will open.
7. Enter the AR_ID as a hexadecimal value. The value is defined through the configuration in
Uncheck the checkbox "Subnumber" because there is no subnumber used in this
AR_SEND variant.
Close the dialog by clicking "OK".
8. The "Internal Archive Tag Name" field shows the internal archive tag name generated by
the system. It contains the name of the assigned raw data tag and the AR_ID. In the "Archive
Tag Name" field, if required, you can define an alias for this archive tag. If no alias is entered,
the internal archive tag name is used for management in the process value archive and for
addressing the archive tag in WinCC.
9. Close the dialog with the "OK" button.
10.Save your changes and close Tag Logging. How to configure the AR _SEND variant for multiple archive tags
There are a number of variants for using the AR_SEND function to transfer data for multiple
archive tags.
● Use the "Multiple Archive Tags" variant to supply multiple values to multiple archive tags
at various times.
● Use the "Multiple Archive Tags - optimized" variant to supply one value each to the
maximum number of archive tags at one time.
The AR_ID and AR_ID Subnumber are used in both of these variants.
AR_ID and AR_ID-Subnumber establish the assignment between the data in the AS and the
archive tag. They are defined in the AS with other parameters when configuring the data blocks
and the function modue SFB 37 "AR_SEND".
In WinCC, this allocation is performed in the properties for the process controlled tag. This
assignment is the only configuration that is necessary in WinCC and will be described in this
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11.6 Special functions
The other parameters in WinCC need not be configured, since they are evaluated
To use the AR_ID Subnumber, the Header Type must be configured as 8 or 9.
Archive tags configured in WinCC Version V5.0 have no AR_ID Subnumber and can therefore
only be used in the "One Tag" variant.
Since WinCC Version 5.1 Hotfix 4 it has been possible to specify an alias for the archive tag
name with process-controlled tags or to use the internal names generated by the system.
The name generated by the system contains the name of the assigned raw data tag instead
of the raw data ID from Version V5.1 HF4. In projects migrated to a version from V5.1 HF4,
the archive tag names can be used in their original format or can be converted. The names
are converted by once opening and closing the properties dialog box of the process-controlled
archive tags. An alias does not have to be assigned.
If in a project all external tags are remapped using the "AS-OS-Transfer" function, the archive
tag name must therefore be converted once to the new structure! The new structure is then
● The "AR_SEND" function block and the data block structure must first be configured in the
AS and this configuration information must be available during the following procedure.
● The Channel "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" must be integrated into the project.
● A connection e.g. "Test_Ind_Eth" must be created in a channel unit, e.g. "Industrial
● A process value archive must be configured in the "Tag Logging" editor.
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11.6 Special functions
1. In Channel "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite", select the connection which should be used for
the data transfer. Choose the "New Tag" option from the shortcut menu for the connection.
The "Tag Properties" dialog opens.
2. Enter "Var_raw_arsend" as the name of the tag in the "Name" field. The name can be no
longer than 24 characters. While configuring the process-controlled tags, the raw data tag
name becomes part of the archive tag name and is therefore limited to the length of the
archive tag name.
In the Data Type field, set the type to Raw Data Type. Click the "Select" button to open the
"Address properties" dialog.
3. Mark the "Raw Data" check box. In the "Raw Data Type" area select the type "Archive Data
Link". Click "OK" to close all open dialogs.
4. Open the "Tag Logging" editor and in the pop-up menu of a process value archive select
"New Process Controlled Tag". The "Properties of process controlled tag" dialog will open.
5. Click on "Select" to open a selection dialog and then select the raw data tag that should be
used to supply the archive tags. In this example that is "VAR_raw_arsend". Close the dialog
with the "OK" button.
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6. In the "Conversion DLL" field set the entry "nrms7pmc.nll". Click on "Options". The input
dialog will open.
7. Enter the AR_ID as a hexadecimal value. The value is defined through the configuration in
Activate the "Subnumber" checkbox. Enter the AR_ID Subnumber as a hexadecimal value.
The value is also specified by the configuration in AS.
Close the dialog by clicking "OK".
8. The "Internal Archive Tag Name" field shows the internal archive tag name generated by
the system. It contains the name of the assigned raw data tag, the AR_ID and the AR_ID
Subnumber. In the "Archive Tag Name" field, if required, you can define an alias for this
archive tag. If no alias is entered, the internal archive tag name is used for management in
the process value archive and for addressing the archive tag in WinCC.
9. Close the dialog with the "OK" button.
10.Save your changes and close Tag Logging.
● A tag of the type raw data type is a data telegram on a transport level. The contents of the
raw data tag are not fixed and therefore only the sender and the receiver can interpret the
transmitted data. There are no format changes in WinCC for this data type. Maximum length
is 65535 Byte.
● WinCC distinguishes between two types of raw data tags: Raw data tag for free application
use and raw data tag for handling S7 functions.
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System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA 275
SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.6 Special functions
See also
Raw data tag for BSEND/BRCV functions of S7 communication (Page 279)
Raw data tag as byte array (Page 276)
Raw data tags as byte array are used for transferring user data blocks between WinCC and
PLC and handle only user data.
A raw data tag as byte array is handled in the channel like a normal process tag that is
addressed via the address and length of the data area (for e.g. DB 100, DW 20, length 40
The raw data length is limited to one transferable data block and must be fully transferable
uisng a PDU (Protocol Data Unit). The maximum length of the data blocks that can be
transferred using the communication driver depends on the PDU length negotiated while
establishing the connection minus the header and additional information. The PDU lengths
normally used in SIMATIC S7 thus result in the following maximum lengths:
● S7-300: PDU length 240 Byte, max. data block length 208 Byte
● S7-400: PDU length 480 Byte, max. data block length 448 Byte
Data must be blocked if larger data blocks are to be transferred. In PLC, the S7 software forms
the blocks; in WinCC through scripts.
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276 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.6 Special functions
See also
How to Configure a Raw Data Tag as Byte Array (Page 277)
This section will show you how to configure as byte array a raw data tag of the "SIMATIC S7
Protocol Suite" channel.
The configuration is identical for all channel units of the channel. The "MPI channel unit and
its connection is used in the example.
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SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.6 Special functions
● The Channel "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" must be integrated into the project.
● A connection must be created to a channel unit e.g. "MPI".
1. Choose the "New Tag" option from the shortcut menu for the connection. The "Tag
Properties" dialog opens.
2. Enter "Var1_raw_byte" as the name of the tag in the "Name" field. Select "Raw Data Type"
in the "Data Type" field.
3. Click the "Select" button to open the "Address properties" dialog.
4. Mark the "Raw Data" check box. In the "Raw Data Type" area select the type "Send/receive
block". The display of the fields in the "Address description" area and the field next to the
checkbox "Raw data" depend on this setting.
5. Enter the length of the raw data block (in bytes) in the Length field.
6. In the "Data area" set the data area of the PCL where the data is located. If data area is
selected as "DB" enter the number of the data component in the enabled "DB-No." field.
The "Cpu" field is disabled for a connection of the "MPI" channel unit.
7. Set up the addressing type in the "Addressing" field. The entries "Byte", "Word" or
"Doubleword" are possible for data type "Raw data type" of the WinCC tag.
8. Enter the value of the start address in the underlying field. The label on the left field depends
on the entry in the Data Area and Addressing field, for e.g. "DBB" for data area "DB" "Byte"
for addressing type.
9. Click "OK" to close all open dialogs.
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SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.6 Special functions
The raw data length is limited to one transferable data block and must be fully transferable
uisng a PDU (Protocol Data Unit). The maximum length of the data block that can be
transferred using the communication driver depends on the PDU length negotiated while
establishing the connection minus the header and additional information. The PDU lengths
normally used in SIMATIC S7 thus result in the following maximum lengths:
● S7-300: PDU length 240 Byte, max. data block length 208 Byte
● S7-400: PDU length 480 Byte, max. data block length 448 Byte
Wrong length will cause the read/write job to be rejected with a display.
Raw data tags for "BSEND/BRCV" functions are used for transferring user data blocks between
WinCC and AS and handle only user data.
This raw data type can be used to access the "BSEND/BRCV" functions of S7 communication.
The functions are available for the following automation systems:
● S7-400
● S7-300
– CPU319-3 PN/DP as of V2.5
– CPU317-2 PN/DP as of V2.6
– CPU315-2 PN/DP as of V3.1
Firmware version V3.x or higher is recommended for S7-300 controllers.
● WinAC RTX 2010
The initiative of data transfer always lies with the sending partner; hence "BSEND/BRCV"
functions can also be used to implement event-controlled or sporadic data block transfers.
For resource reasons, it is advisable to keep the number of BSEND/BRCV raw data tags low.
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11.6 Special functions
If the data block of a write job is transferred to AS and has not yet been deleted or fully
deleted from the receiving buffer, then the next write job will be rejected with an error
message. During such an error display, write jobs with R_ID > 0x8000 0000 are written
to a connection-specific queue and the system tries to repeat the write job for 6 seconds.
The responsibility for time co-ordination for transfer rests with the user and needs to be
noted as shorter time intervals for write jobs.
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11.6 Special functions
"R_ID" Parameter
For the "BSEND/BRCV" functionality, you must specify a 32-bit long R_ID as hexadecimal
number. The R_ID is assigned at the time of configuration in AS and is used for distinguishing
multiple data block transfers over one connection. The send and receive calls are always
notified with reference to this R_ID in the underlying communication sub-system (SIMATIC
Device Drivers). A raw data tag is thus assigned to one unique R_ID.
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11.6 Special functions
on the receiver side. Hence, the user has to take care of the synchronization and, for e.g.,
release the sending direction on the AS by setting a flag with a data word.
See also
How to Configure a Raw Data Tag for ""BSEND/BRCV" functions (Page 282)
This section will show you how to configure a raw data tag of the "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite"
channel for "BSEND/BRCV" functions.
The configuration is identical for all channel units of the channel. The "MPI channel unit and
its connection is used in the example.
● The Channel "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" must be integrated into the project.
● A connection must be created to a channel unit e.g. "MPI".
1. Choose the "New Tag" option from the shortcut menu for the connection. The "Tag
Properties" dialog opens.
2. Enter "Var2_raw_bsend" as the name of the tag in the "Name" field. Select "Raw Data Type"
in the "Data Type" field.
3. Click the "Select" button to open the "Address properties" dialog.
4. Mark the "Raw Data" check box. In the "Raw Data Type" area select the type "BSEND/
BRCV". The display of the fields of the "Address description" area is now deactivated.
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11.6 Special functions
5. Enter the hexadecimal value of the ID in the "R_ID" field. The R_ID is assigned in AS at the
time of configuration
The software redundancy offers a cost-effective option for monitoring the safety-related parts
of the system that do not have time criticality through a redundant connection of two automation
systems S7-300 or S7-400.
The software redundancy of this channel does not have the same functions as the H Layer
Redundancy of SIMATIC S7-400 H.
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11.6 Special functions
If a redundant connection exists between two automation systems, then in the event of failure
of one AS the other one can take over the monitoring. Monitoring can cover the entire process
or just parts thereof.
Apart from the application program, the software redundancy package is installed on both the
automation systems. This program package is not included in the scope of WinCC delivery.
For matching data, you need a redundancy connection via MPI, PROFIBUS-DP or Industrial
Ethernet between the two automation systems whereby even the existing communication links
can be used.
The redundancy connection can also be configured amongst the connection of the same
channel unit. At the time of configuration, only one connection, the so-called main connection
is configured. The reserve connection is only inserted via the Dynamic Wizard "Set up
redundant connection".
The Wizard also inserts the connection-specific internal tags and a script. This controls the
switching between connections during runtime and also the corresponding messages.
During runtime, it is possible to use the script to automatically switch between the connections
when there is an error. However, it is possible to also switch manually without the script by
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11.6 Special functions
See also
How to Clear a Software Redundancy in WinCC (Page 292)
How To Configure a Software Redundancy (Page 289)
Software Redundancy - Connection-specific internal tags (Page 285)
Connection-specific internal tags are used to control the redundant connections. These tags
are setup using the Dynamic Wizard "Redundant Connection Configuration" and are gathered
in a Tag Group called "@<connectionname>" in the associated connection.
These tags can be used to determine the connection status and to control the establishment
of a connection. Thus, they can also be used to implement other applications, e.g. the
addressing of multiple PLCs via a single connection. However, if these tags are to be used
without the Software Redundancy package, they must be created manually.
Name Format
The name of a connection-specific internal tag is composed of the name of the associated
connection and an identifier.
The connection name is prefixed by a "@" to identify it as a system tag. The identifier is placed
as a separator before the connection name.
Example: "@CPU_3@ConnectionState"
<connectionname> = CPU_3
<identifier> = ConnectionState
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11.6 Special functions
Connection-specific internal tags are counted as external tags (eight external tags per
WinCC's data manager only permits access to external tags when the associated connection
is ready. The connection-specific internal tags can, however, be written and read regardless
of the connection status.
In Runtime, the current values of some of the connection-specific internal tags may be called
using the "WinCC Channel Diagnosis" tool. When the main connection is selected, the tags
will be displayed in the "Counters" column. In addition, in WinCC Explorers' Tag Management,
it is possible to display the tag's current value as a tooltip.
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SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.6 Special functions
WinCC: Communication
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SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.6 Special functions
WinCC: Communication
288 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.6 Special functions
This section describes how to configure the software redundancy for connections of the
Channel "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" in WinCC. The PLC must also be configured to use this
function, but this will not be described in this document.
1. The Channel "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" must be integrated into the project.
2. A connection must be created in one of this channel's channel-units to which a redundant
connection should be configured.
1. In the computer's startup parameters, activate the "Global Script Runtime", "Alarm Logging
Runtime" and "Graphics Runtime" modules.
For further information, please see "Checking startup parameters".
2. Load WinCC's system messages into Alarm Logging. These system messages include
messages about software redundancy.
You can find additional information about the topic under "Read WinCC system messages
in Alarm Logging".
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SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.6 Special functions
3. Open a picture in Graphics Designer. In the "Dynamic Wizard" window select the "System
Functions" tab. Double-click to start the Dynamic Wizard "Setup Redundant Connection".
4. The procedure for using the wizard is described briefly in the "Welcome". Click "Next" to
open the "Set Options" dialog.
5. Select the connection that should be used as the main connection and then click on "Next".
The wizard will now create the connection-specific internal tags and will save them in a tag
group "@" under the main connection.
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SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.6 Special functions
6. Enter the address of the PLC to which the reserve connection should be established in the
"Parameter" field.
Mark the "Automatic Switching" check box to have the wizard generate a script for
automatically switching connections.
Click "Next"
A graphic of the redundancy - showing a MPI connection to two PLCs - will appear in the
7. All of the settings made will be displayed once more in the "Finished!" dialog. If you want
to make any corrections, simply click on "Back". Click "Finish".
The Wizard will now generate a script and save it under "@<connectionname>.pas" in the
directory "C-Editor \ Actions \ Actions : <computername> of the Global Script Editor.
In the following procedure, the "Setup redundant connection" wizard will be used. This wizard
generates - when Step 6 is completed - the connection-specific internal variables. If the wizard
is canceled at this point or the procedure is not completed by clicking on "Finish", these tags
will remain unchanged.
See also
How To Load WinCC's system messages into Alarm Logging (Page 293)
How to Check the WinCC Startup Parameters (Page 292)
WinCC: Communication
System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA 291
SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.6 Special functions
This section describes how to delete the software redundancy for connections of the Channel
"SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" in WinCC. The PLC must also be configured to use this function
to return to non-redundant connections, but this is not described in this document.
● The WinCC project must be deactivated.
A software redundancy is deleted in two steps:
● Delete the tag group "@<computername" including its tags in "Tag Management".
● Delete the script "@<connectionname>.pas" in "Global Script".
1. In the Tag Management, select the connection that should be configured as the main
connection for the software redundancy. It contains a tag group "@<connectionname" with
the software redundancy's connection-specific internal tags. Delete this tag group.
2. Delete the script for the Action "@<connectionname>.pas". To do this, open the C-Editor
in "Global Script". Several subdirectories will be displayed.
3. Select the "Actions \ Action : " directory. <computername>". In the data window, delete the
script "@<connectionsname>.pas" for the "Actions" type.
4. Close the "Global Script" editor.
1. In WinCC Explorer, select "Computer".
2. Open the shortcut menu and select "Properties".
3. The "Computer List Properties" dialog is opened. Click the "Properties" button.
4. The "Computer Properties" dialog is opened.
5. Click the "Startup" tab and check the entries. If necessary, activate or deactivate Runtime
modules or add other applications to the startup list.
6. Close the open dialogs.
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SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite
11.6 Special functions
In this section you will see how you can load the WinCC system messages into the project.
1. Open Alarm Logging.
2. In "Tools" mneu, use "WinCC System Messages" item to open the "WinCC System
Messages" dialog.
3. In the Create System Messages area, click the "Create only New System Messages" option
4. Click "Create" and close the dialog after completing the transaction.
5. Save your changes and close Alarm Logging.
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System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA 293
SIMATIC S7-1200, S7-1500 Channel 12
12.1 "SIMATIC S7-1200, S7-1500 Channel" channel
The "SIMATIC S7-1200, S7-1500 Channel" channel is used for communication between a
WinCC station and an automation system S7 1200 or S7 1500. Communication takes place
using the TCP/IP protocol.
Data blocks in the TIA Portal must not be configured with "Optimized block access". This
could lead to errors during reading from the database.
Modification of the configuration of the automation system can only be done in the TIA Portal.
Channel unit
The "SIMATIC S7-1200, S7-1500 Channel" channel comes with the "TCP/IP" channel unit.
WinCC: Communication
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SIMATIC S7-1200, S7-1500 Channel
12.2 Overview of the supported data types
The data type and the format adaptation to the data format in the automation system (AS) are
specified when the tag is configured.
The table shows the data types supported by the channel and the use of type conversions.
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SIMATIC S7-1200, S7-1500 Channel
12.3 Configuring the channel
WinCC needs a logical connection for communication of WinCC with the automation system
(AS). This section describes how to configure the "SIMATIC S7-1200, S7-1500 Channel"
When implementing the TCP/IP protocol, you must define the IP address of the AS for the
logic connection. The IP address consists of four numerical values, separated by dots. The
numerical values must be within the range of 0-255.
Timeout Behavior
Interrupted connections are not detected immediately when using the TCP/IP protocol. The
check-back message can take up to a minute.
Online Configuration
The Online configuration is not supported.
The following steps are required for configuring the "SIMATIC S7-1200, S7-1500 Channel"
1. Configuring a connection
2. Configuring Tags
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SIMATIC S7-1200, S7-1500 Channel
12.3 Configuring the channel
● The communication driver for "SIMATIC S7-1200, S7-1500 Channel" channel is installed
and integrated into the project.
● The SIMATIC project is configured and is available in the automation system (AS).
1. Open the menu structure for the "SIMATIC S7-1200, S7-1500 Channel" communication
driver in the "Tag Management" editor of the WinCC Explorer.
2. Select the entry "New Connection" in the pop-up menu of the "TCP/IP" channel unit. The
"Connection Properties" dialog is opened.
3. Enter the name of the connection.
4. Click the "Properties" button to open the "New connection" dialog.
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298 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
SIMATIC S7-1200, S7-1500 Channel
12.3 Configuring the channel
Access protection is only possible on the S7 1500 automation system.
For a connection between WinCC and the automation system (AS) via "SIMATIC S7-1200,
S7-1500 Channel" channel, tags of different data types can be created in WinCC.
The following sections describe how to configure the tags. The addressing of the data range
in the AS and the data type of the WinCC tags are different.
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System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA 299
SIMATIC S7-1200, S7-1500 Channel
12.3 Configuring the channel
This section shows you how to configure a tag for bit by bit access for the address area in the
automation system (AS).
● The "SIMATIC S7-1200, S7-1500 Channel" channel must be integrated into the project.
● A connection must be created in the "TCP/IP" channel unit.
1. Choose the "New Tag" option from the shortcut menu for the connection. The "Tag
Properties" dialog opens.
2. Enter the name of the tag. Select "Binary tag" in the "Data Type" field.
3. Click the "Select" button to open the "Address properties" dialog. Define the data area in
which the AS data are stored. If you select "DB" as data area, enter the data component
in the enabled "DB-No." field.
4. You cannot change the "Bit" entry in the Addressing field because it is defined by the Binary
Variable data type of the WinCC tag.
5. Enter the byte and bit address in the two fields below it. The label on the left field depends
on the entry in the Data Area field, for e.g. "D" for data area "DB" and Binary Variable as
6. Check the Quality Code check-box if the tag is with Quality Code that is to be used in
WinCC. For this, the code must also exist in the AS. The check-box is enables only if the
data area is selected as "DB".
7. Close both of the dialogs by clicking the "OK" button.
WinCC: Communication
300 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
SIMATIC S7-1200, S7-1500 Channel
12.3 Configuring the channel
This section shows you how to configure a tag for byte by byte access for the address area in
the automation system (AS).
● The "SIMATIC S7-1200, S7-1500 Channel" channel must be integrated into the project.
● A connection must be created in the "TCP/IP" channel unit.
1. Choose the "New Tag" option from the shortcut menu for the connection. The "Tag
Properties" dialog opens.
2. Enter name of the tag. Set the data type to "unsigned 8-bit".
3. Click the "Select" button to open the "Address properties" dialog. Define the data area in
which the AS data are stored. If you select "DB" as data area, enter the data component
in the enabled "DB-No." field.
4. You cannot change the "Bit" entry in the Addressing field because it is defined by the
"Unsigned 8-bit" data type of the WinCC tag.
5. Enter the byte addresss in the field below. The label on the left field depends on the entry
in the Data Area field, for e.g. "D" for data area "DB" and Unsigned 8-bit as type.
6. Check the Quality Code check-box if the tag is with Quality Code that is to be used in
WinCC. For this, the code must also exist in the AS. The check-box is enables only if the
data area is selected as "DB".
7. Close both of the dialogs by clicking the "OK" button.
WinCC: Communication
System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA 301
SIMATIC S7-1200, S7-1500 Channel
12.3 Configuring the channel
This section shows you how to configure a tag for word by word access for the address area
in the automation system (AS).
This procedure is also applicable for tags with length of 4 byte ("double word") and more.
● The "SIMATIC S7-1200, S7-1500 Channel" channel must be integrated into the project.
● A connection must be created in the "TCP/IP" channel unit.
1. Choose the "New Tag" option from the shortcut menu for the connection. The "Tag
Properties" dialog opens.
2. Enter the name of the tag. Set the data type to "unsigned 16-bit".
3. Click the "Select" button to open the "Address properties" dialog. Define the data area in
which the AS data are stored. If you select "DB" as data area, enter the data component
in the enabled "DB-No." field.
4. You cannot change the "Word" entry in the Addressing field because it is defined by the
"Unsigned 16-bit" data type of the WinCC tag.
5. Enter the numeric value of the address in the Addressing field. The label on the left field
depends on the entry in the Data Area field, for e.g. "DBW" for Unsigned 16-bit as type.
6. Check the Quality Code check-box if the tag is with Quality Code that is to be used in
WinCC. For this, the code must also exist in the AS. The check-box is enables only if the
data area is selected as "DB".
7. Close both of the dialogs by clicking the "OK" button.
WinCC: Communication
302 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
SIMATIC S7-1200, S7-1500 Channel
12.3 Configuring the channel
This section show you how to configure a text tag.
For a text tag in the "SIMATIC S7-1200, S7-1500 Channel" channel, WinCC only supports S7
string type consisting of a control word and the actual user data of the string:
● To configure a text tag in WinCC, enter the address of the control word that exists in the
automation system memory before the user data. The first byte of the control word contains
the customized maximum length of the string, the second byte the actual length.
● To insert the data structure in the PLC memory, you must note that the length of the text
tag configured in WinCC is extended by 2 bytes of the control word. If the data structures
of the text tag are inserted in the memory directly one after the other, then the subsequent
data will get overwritten.
● While reading, the control word is read along with the user data and the current length is
evaluated in the second byte. Only the user data according to the current length included
in the second control byte is trasferred at the text tags of WinCC.
● While writing, the actual length of the string is ascertained ("0" character) and the control
byte with the current length is sent to the PLC along with the user data.
● The "SIMATIC S7-1200, S7-1500 Channel" channel must be integrated into the project.
● A connection must be created in the "TCP/IP" channel unit.
1. Choose the "New Tag" option from the shortcut menu for the connection. The "Tag
Properties" dialog opens.
2. Enter the name of the tag. In the Data Type field, set "Text tag, 8-bit font" as the data type.
Enter the tag length in bytes in the Length field.
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SIMATIC S7-1200, S7-1500 Channel
12.3 Configuring the channel
3. Click the "Select" button to open the "Address properties" dialog. Define the data area in
which the AS data are stored. If you select "DB" as data area, enter the data component
in the enabled "DB-No." field.
4. The entry in the Addressing field can only be changed to Byte or Word because it is defined
by the "Text tag, 8-bit font" data type of the WinCC tag.
5. Enter the numeric value of the address in the Addressing field. Mention the address of the
control word. The label on the left field depends on the entry in the Data Area field, for e.g.
"DBW" for Word as type.
6. Check the Quality Code check-box if the tag is with Quality Code that is to be used in
WinCC. For this, the code must also exist in the AS. The check-box is enables only if the
data area is selected as "DB".
7. Close both of the dialogs by clicking the "OK" button.
WinCC: Communication
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SIMATIC TI Ethernet Layer 4 13
13.1 WinCC channel "SIMATIC TI Ethernet Layer 4"
The communication driver "SIMATIC TI Ethernet Layer 4" handles the link between a WinCC
station and a SIMATIC TI505 automation system via Industrial Ethernet. The communication
is handled with the ISO transport protocol.
This chapter describes
● how to configure the data transfer with the "SIMATIC TI Ethernet Layer 4" channel.
● how to configure a connection and a tag.
Channel units
IT has two channel units to run a maximum of two CP 1613. The functionality of the channel
unit is identical. They differ only in the logical device names of the two CP 1613.
The logical device name can be changed via the system parameters of the channel unit. Here,
it is also possible to set the parameters for the ISO transport protocol.
The following application capabilities exist:
● Channel unit 505 Ethernet (CP 1413-1) for the communication modules for SIMATIC
Industrial Ethernet (e.g. CP 1613).
● Channel unit 505 Ethernet (CP 1413-2) for the communication modules for SIMATIC
Industrial Ethernet (e.g. CP 1613).
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SIMATIC TI Ethernet Layer 4
13.2 Data type of the tags
Define the required tags for a logical connection. From the WinCC viewpoint, you can access
the following data types:
● Binary tag
● Unsigned 8 bit value (is only supported by VMS addressing)
● Signed 8 bit value (is only supported by VMS addressing)
● Unsigned 16-bit value
● Signed 16-bit value
● Unsigned 32-bit value
● Signed 32-bit value
● Floating-point number 32-bit IEEE 754
● Raw data type
WinCC: Communication
306 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
SIMATIC TI Ethernet Layer 4
13.3 Configuring the Channel
The following steps are required for configuring the channel "SIMATIC TI Ethernet Layer 4".
The process connection via Industrial Ethernet is possible with the SIMATIC TI505 automation
system. Communication module CP 1434 TF is used in the automation system. The
communication is handled with the ISO transport protocol.
The communication module CP 1613 is used in the WinCC system. Because communication
takes place via the ISO transport protocol, it is not necessary to configure the logical connection
in the local database.
For a logical connection, WinCC establishes one connection in the transport layer for reading
(READ) and one for writing (WRITE). Only if both connections are established is the logical
connection also indicated as being established.
Parameters "Own TSAP-ID" and "External TSAP-ID" for the WRITE function
WinCC: Communication
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SIMATIC TI Ethernet Layer 4
13.3 Configuring the Channel
1. Select the connection and open the "Connection properties" dialog window with menu point
"Properties" in the context menu.
2. Click on the "Properties" button. The "Connection properties" dialog is opened.
3. Enter the station address of the SIMATIC TI on the industrial Ethernet bus in the field
"Ethernet Address".
4. Now, define the parameters for the READ function in the WinCC system. These are
independent of the request used in the SIMATIC TI.
5. Then, enter the value in the allocated field "Own TSAP-ID" that was configured in the
"Remote parameter" area as "TSAP" while configuring the CP 1434 TF.
6. Now, enter the value in the allocated field "External TSAP-ID" that was configured in the
"Local parameter" as "TSAP" while configuring the CP1434 TF.
7. Define the parameters "Own TSAP-ID" and "External TSAP-ID" for the WRITE function
WinCC: Communication
308 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
SIMATIC TI Ethernet Layer 4
13.3 Configuring the Channel
For a connection between WinCC and the AS via channel "SIMATIC TI Ethernet Layer 4", tags
of different data types can be created in WinCC. The following describes how to configure a
tag of these data types.
The tag address is entered according to the address structure of the SIMATIC TI505.
1. Select the tag and open dialog window "Properties" with the context menu.
2. Select the desired data type for the tags (e.g. Signed 16 bit value) from the "General" tab.
3. Click the "Select" button. If it is a "Binary" or "8-Bit" tag, the "Bit/Byte tag" dialog will now
open. Tick the corresponding check box "Access a Bit/Byte", if data should be written to
the AS memory.
4. Click the "Select" button. The "Address properties" dialog is opened.
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SIMATIC TI Ethernet Layer 4
13.3 Configuring the Channel
5. Select the location of the tag in the automation system in the "Address type" field.
Depending the selected address type, more definitions have to be made (e.g. "V-tag
memory" for address type in the "Data element" field).
6. In the field "Read-Only Tag", you can specify that the tag cannot be written by WinCC.
Structure tags are not supported.
A description of address types may be found in the SIMATIC TI505 Technical
Write access to memory areas in the AS can only performed bit-wise or byte-wise in channel
"TI Ethernet Layer 4". When using binary and "8 Bit" tags, dialog "Bit-Byte-tag" is opened in
addition to dialog "Address properties" and this can be used to define write access to individual
bits or bytes. For this purpose, the addressed memory area is read from the AS for every single
write request and the corresponding bits and/or bytes are modified. Afterwards, the data is
written back to the AS's memory.
Changes that have been made by the AS in a read data area are overwritten when writing
back into the data area.
Depending on the type of tag, you can access the memory in the AS bit-wise or byte-wise.
Write access to memory areas in the AS can only performed bit-wise or byte-wise in channel
"TI Ethernet Layer 4". When using binary and "8 Bit" tags, dialog "Bit-Byte-tag" is opened in
addition to dialog "Address properties" and this can be used to define write access to individual
bits or bytes. For this purpose, the addressed memory area is read from the AS for every single
write request and the corresponding bits and/or bytes are modified. Afterwards, the data is
written back to the AS's memory.
Changes that have been made by the AS in a read data area are overwritten when writing
back into the data area.
1. Select the tag and open dialog window "Properties" with the context menu.
2. Select data type "binary tag" on the "General" tab.
3. Click the "Select" button. The "Bit-/Byte-tag" dialog is opened.
WinCC: Communication
310 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
SIMATIC TI Ethernet Layer 4
13.3 Configuring the Channel
4. Check the "Access to a bit" checkbox and define the addressing for the bit.
A description of address types may be found in the SIMATIC TI505 Technical Documentation.
Write access to memory areas in the AS can only performed bit-wise or byte-wise in channel
"TI Ethernet Layer 4". When using binary and "8 Bit" tags, dialog "Bit-Byte-tag" is opened in
addition to dialog "Address properties" and this can be used to define write access to individual
bits or bytes. For this purpose, the addressed memory area is read from the AS for every single
WinCC: Communication
System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA 311
SIMATIC TI Ethernet Layer 4
13.3 Configuring the Channel
write request and the corresponding bits and/or bytes are modified. Afterwards, the data is
written back to the AS's memory.
Changes that have been made by the AS in a read data area are overwritten when writing
back into the data area.
1. Select the tag and open dialog window "Properties" with the context menu.
2. Select data type "Unsigned 8 bit value" or "Signed 8 bit value" in the "General" tab.
3. Click the "Select" button. The "Bit-/Byte-tag" dialog is opened.
4. Check the "Access to a byte" checkbox and define the addressing for the byte.
WinCC: Communication
312 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
SIMATIC TI Ethernet Layer 4
13.3 Configuring the Channel
A description of address types may be found in the SIMATIC TI505 Technical Documentation.
If you require a configuration that deviates from the standard WinCC settings, you can make
all the required changes using the "System parameters" dialog of the channel unit.
The following individual points can be changed:
● the device name
● the transport parameter
Device Name
Communication between WinCC and the automation system takes place via logical device
names. These names are assigned during the installation of the communication module and
are unit-specific. The device name represents the logical device name. The logical device
name is initially defined as "/CP_H1_1:/SCP" as default.
Transport Parameter
Specific settings for the channel unit are made in the transport parameters, e.g. PDU size,
setup attempts, etc.
The system parameters apply for all CPs in the AS.
The process connection via Industrial Ethernet is possible with the SIMATIC TI505 automation
system. Communication module CP 1434 TF is used in the automation system. The
communication is handled with the ISO transport protocol.
WinCC: Communication
System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA 313
SIMATIC TI Ethernet Layer 4
13.3 Configuring the Channel
The communication module CP 1613 is used in the WinCC system. Because communication
takes place via the ISO transport protocol, it is not necessary to configure the logical connection
in the local database.
● The channel "SIMATIC TI Ethernet Layer 4" must be integrated in the project.
1. Select the channel unit and open dialog window "System parameters" with the context
2. Select the "Device Name" Tab.
3. Now, you can select the logical device name shown in bold print with the mouse and change
it with a mouse click in the name field.
The logical device name is defined as "/CP_H1_1:/SCP" as default during the hardware
driver installation. Only if you have defined another name there, which is not recommended,
will you have to change the device name here as well.
WinCC: Communication
314 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
SIMATIC TI Ethernet Layer 4
13.3 Configuring the Channel
The process connection via Industrial Ethernet is possible with the SIMATIC TI505 automation
system. Communication module CP 1434 TF is used in the automation system. The
communication is handled with the ISO transport protocol.
The communication module CP 1613 is used in the WinCC system. Because communication
takes place via the ISO transport protocol, it is not necessary to configure the logical connection
in the local database.
● The channel "SIMATIC TI Ethernet Layer 4" must be integrated in the project.
1. Select the channel unit and open dialog window "System parameters" with the context
2. Select the "Transport parameter" tab.
3. Set the value for "PDU size" to the value that was configured on the CP 1434 TF.
4. Define how often a connection establishment should be attempted in the "Setup attempt"
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SIMATIC TI Ethernet Layer 4
13.3 Configuring the Channel
WinCC: Communication
316 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
SIMATIC TI Serial 14
14.1 WinCC channel "SIMATIC TI Serial"
The communication driver "SIMATIC TI Serial" is used for establishing a serial link between
WinCC station and an SIMATIC TI505 automation device.
This chapter describes
● how to configure the data transfer with the "SIMATIC TI Serial" channel.
● how to configure a connection and a tag.
Channel units
The communication driver has one channel unit for controlling a COM port for the serial
The following capability is available:
● Channel unit "505 Serial Unit #1" for serial communication, either via the TBP protocol or
the NITP protocol.
It is possible to run more than one logical connections (with different COM ports) through
one channel unit.
WinCC: Communication
System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA 317
14.2 Data type of the tags
Define the required tags for a logical connection. From the WinCC viewpoint, you can access
the following data types:
● Binary tag
● Unsigned 8 bit value (is only supported by VMS addressing)
● Signed 8 bit value (is only supported by VMS addressing)
● Unsigned 16-bit value
● Signed 16-bit value
● Unsigned 32-bit value
● Signed 32-bit value
● Floating-point number 32-bit IEEE 754
● Raw data type
WinCC: Communication
318 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
14.3 Configuring the Channel
The following steps are required for configuring the channel "SIMATIC TI Serial".
The process connection using a serial connection is possible with the SIMATIC TI505
automation system. The serial interface on the CPU module is used in the automation system.
No additional communication module is required in WinCC. Communication can take place by
means of the default COM ports available on the system.
WinCC: Communication
System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA 319
14.3 Configuring the Channel
1. Select the connection and open the "Connection properties" dialog window with menu point
"Properties" in the context menu.
2. Click on the "Properties" button. The "Connection properties" dialog is opened.
3. Select the communications interface (e.g. COM1, COM2 or a configured port) for the serial
link in the "Serial port" field.
4. Select the field "Detect automatically" when the data transfer speed and the protocol used
by the PLC are required to be detected automatically by the channel unit.
5. Set the data transfer rate and the protocol being used in the fields "Baudrate" and "Protocol".
6. By selecting the field "Optimized Requests," you can optimize data transfer to transfer
several tags with one request.
7. If you select the "Deactivate connection" field, the logical connection is deactivated. This
is often a good idea during commissioning to temporarily deactivate the connection.
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14.3 Configuring the Channel
For a connection between WinCC and the PLC via channel "SIMATIC TI Serial", tags of
different data types can be created within WinCC. This is described in the following section.
The tag address is entered according to the address structure of the SIMATIC TI505.
1. Select the tag and open dialog window "Properties" with the context menu.
2. Select the desired data type (e.g. Signed 16 bit value) from the "General" tab.
3. Click the "Select" button. If it is a "Binary" or "8-Bit" tag, the "Bit/Byte tag" dialog will now
open. Tick the corresponding check box "Access a Bit/Byte", if data should be written to
the AS memory.
4. Click the "Select" button. The "Address properties" dialog is opened.
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14.3 Configuring the Channel
5. Select the location of the tag in the automation system in the "Address type" field.
Depending the selected address type, more definitions have to be made (e.g. "V-tag
memory" for address type in the "Data Element Number" field).
6. In the field "Read-Only Tag", you can specify that the tag cannot be written by WinCC.
Structure tags are supported in address areas V, K, X, Y and C.
A description of address types may be found in the SIMATIC TI505 Technical Documentation.
Write access to memory areas in the AS can only performed bit-wise or word-wise in channel
"TI Serial". When using binary and "8 Bit" tags, dialog "Bit-Byte-tag" is opened in addition to
dialog "Address properties" and this can be used to define write access to individual bits or
bytes. For this purpose, the addressed memory area is read from the AS for every single write
request and the corresponding bits and/or bytes are modified. Afterwards, the data is written
back to the AS's memory.
Depending on the type of tag, you can access the memory in the AS bit-wise or byte-wise.
Write access to memory areas in the AS can only performed bit-wise or byte-wise in channel
"SIMATIC TI Serial". When using binary and "8 Bit" tags, dialog "Bit-Byte-tag" is opened in
addition to dialog "Address properties" and this can be used to define write access to individual
bits or bytes. For this purpose, the addressed memory area is read from the AS for every single
write request and the corresponding bits and/or bytes are modified. Afterwards, the data is
written back to the AS's memory.
Changes that have been made by the AS in a read data area are overwritten when writing
back into the data area.
1. Select the tag and open dialog window "Properties" with the context menu.
2. Select data type "binary tag" on the "General" tab.
3. Click the "Select" button. The "Bit-/Byte-tag" dialog is opened.
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14.3 Configuring the Channel
4. Check the "Access to a bit" checkbox and define the addressing for the bit.
With the S5, flags, inputs and outputs can be addressed by byte, data blocks (DB, DX) are
addressed by word.
Write access to memory areas in the AS can only performed bit-wise or byte-wise in channel
"SIMATIC TI Serial". When using binary and "8 Bit" tags, dialog "Bit-Byte-tag" is opened in
addition to dialog "Address properties" and this can be used to define write access to individual
bits or bytes. For this purpose, the addressed memory area is read from the AS for every single
WinCC: Communication
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14.3 Configuring the Channel
write request and the corresponding bits and/or bytes are modified. Afterwards, the data is
written back to the AS's memory.
Changes that have been made by the AS in a read data area are overwritten when writing
back into the data area.
1. Select the tag and open dialog window "Properties" with the context menu.
2. Select data type "Unsigned 8 bit value" or "Signed 8 bit value" in the "General" tab.
3. Click the "Select" button. The "Bit-/Byte-tag" dialog is opened.
4. Check the "Access to a byte" checkbox and define the addressing for the byte.
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15.1 WinCC channel "SIMOTION"
The "SIMOTION" channel connects a WinCC station with a SIMOTION automation system.
The connection is established via Industrial Ethernet using the TCP/IP protocol.
SIMOTION is a system platform for automation and drive solutions with an emphasis on motion
control applications and technology tasks.
The SIMOTION modular system consists of the SIMOTION SCOUT Engineering System and
a common runtime system for various hardware platforms.
Export the project from SIMOTION SCOUT to access the data of a SIMOTION SCOUT project..
Then create a WinCC project from the exported files with the Simotion Mapper.
You can configure certain changes to the configuration of the SIMOTION automation system,
e.g. change an IP address, later in WinCC. Further changes must be configured in
SIMOTION SCOUT, exported again and transferred with the Simotion Mapper.
You must be familiar with the SIMOTION SCOUT Engineering System and the configuration
of WinCC to configure the "SIMOTION" channel in WinCC.
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15.2 Overview of the supported data types
The data type and the format adaptation to the data format in the automation system are
determined in the configuration of a tag.
The table shows the data types supported by the channel and the application of format
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15.3 Configuring the channel
This chapter describes how to configure the "SIMOTION" channel.
You must be familiar with the SIMOTION SCOUT Engineering System and the configuration
of WinCC to configure the "SIMOTION" channel.
This section describes how to export tags and message definitions from SIMOTION SCOUT.
● You are familiar with the SIMOTION SCOUT Engineering System.
● You have access to the SIMOTION SCOUT project to be exported.
1. Open the SIMOTION SCOUT project to be exported in SIMOTION SCOUT.
2. Select "Export OPC Data" under "Tools."
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15.3 Configuring the channel
3. Select version "SIMATIC NET V6.4", the desired scope and at least the "OPC-Alarm/Event"
option for the export.
Simotion Mapper does not process other export versions than "SIMATIC NET V6.4".
This section describes how to create a WinCC project from the exported SIMOTION SCOUT
project with the Simotion Mapper.
If a WinCC project was already created for an older version of the SIMOTION SCOUT project,
only the SIMOTION parameters are changed in a transmission. All other configuration
settings in the WinCC project (such as archiving) remain the same.
● You have access to the export files "OPC_Data.sti" and "OPC_AE.xml" of the
● You have access rights to the WinCC installation directory.
In the SIMOTION SCOUT programming environment, the tags to be exported can be
filtered using the watch tables. Use the watch tables to keep the number of tags in the
WinCC project low. More information on the watch tables can be found in the SIMOTION
SCOUT online help.
1. Launch the "SimotionMapper.exe" program in the WinCC installation directory.
2. Click "Open". Navigate to the directory with the files "OPC_Data.sti" and "OPC_AE.xml".
The data is read and displayed in Simotion Mapper.
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15.3 Configuring the channel
3. In the Simotion Mapper Explorer, select the groups and tags you need in your WinCC
4. Select "Create new WinCC project".
5. If you want to change the "WinCC connection name", click on the name displayed and enter
the new name.
6. Specify the "First TA message number" for the technological alarm. The value must be
selected in such a way that it does not lead to collisions with messages of other
communication channels. The default value is 100.
The Simotion Mapper creates one message and a total of six template messages for each
Simotion connection starting from the number specified.
7. Click "Start mapping". Select the destination folder for the WinCC project.
The WinCC project is created. The progress bar indicates the progress of the procedure.
8. Close Simotion Mapper.
The WinCC project is created and can now be opened and edited in WinCC.
You may have to set the system parameters of the "SIMOTION" channel in WinCC to use
the created WinCC project.
This section describes how to add an exported SIMOTION SCOUT project to an existing
WinCC project with the Simotion Mapper. In this way, you can use the same Simotion project
several times in one WinCC project, for example.
If a WinCC project was already created for an older version of the SIMOTION SCOUT project,
only the SIMOTION parameters are changed in a transmission. All other configuration
settings in the WinCC project (such as archiving) remain the same.
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15.3 Configuring the channel
● You have access to the export files "OPC_Data.sti" and "OPC_AE.xml" of the
● You have access rights to the WinCC installation directory.
In the SIMOTION SCOUT programming environment, the tags to be exported can be
filtered using the watch tables. Use the watch tables to limit the number of tags in the
WinCC project. More information on the watch tables can be found in the SIMOTION
SCOUT online help.
1. Open the WinCC project to be edited.
2. Launch the "SimotionMapper.exe" program in the WinCC installation directory.
3. Click "Open". Navigate to the directory with the files "OPC_Data.sti" and "OPC_AE.xml".
The data is read and displayed in Simotion Mapper.
4. In the Simotion Mapper Explorer, select the groups and tags you need in your WinCC
5. Select "Add to the open project".
6. If you want to re-add a group or tag that has already been created, you must change the
"WinCC connection name" by clicking on the name displayed.
7. If you do not want to transfer any messages, groups or tags for a connection, unselect
"WinCC connection name".
8. Specify whether tags should be overwritten.
9. Specify the "First TA message number" for the technological alarm. The value must be
selected in such a way that it does not lead to collisions with messages of other
communication channels. The default value is 100.
The Simotion Mapper creates one message and a total of six template messages for each
Simotion connection starting from the number specified.
Please do change any "First TA message number" that has already been mapped. If you
do, you may experience unpredictable message behavior.
10.Click "Start mapping". Select the destination folder for the WinCC project.
The SIMOTION SCOUT project is added to the open WinCC project. The progress bar
indicates the progress of the procedure.
11.Close Simotion Mapper.
The WinCC project was expanded by the SIMOTION SCOUT project and saved with your
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15.3 Configuring the channel
In this section, you will learn how to change the connection parameters of the SIMOTION
network address.
Change only the connection parameters listed here. Do not create new connection for the
"SIMOTION" channel. Incorrectly set connections may result in control errors in the PLC.
Configure new connections according to the description in the chapter "Configuration of the
"SIMOTION" channel (Page 327)".
● The SIMOTION communication driver is integrated in the WinCC project.
1. Open the directory structure for the "SIMOTION" communication driver in the "Tag
Management" editor.
2. Select "Properties" in the shortcut menu of the channel unit.
3. Click "Properties" in the open dialog box.
The "Connection Properties - SIMOTION" dialog box opens.
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15.3 Configuring the channel
4. Change the connection parameters for the SIMOTION network address in the respective
5. Close each open dialog box by clicking "OK."
This chapter describes how to change a tag address in the "SIMOTION" channel.
You must have very good knowledge of the use of ANY pointers to change the tag address
in the "SIMOTION" channel. No communication connection may be established if the tag
address is entered incorrectly.
● The "SIMOTION" channel in integrated into the WinCC project.
● A connection with tags has been created in the "SIMOTION" channel unit.
1. Click "Addressing" in the shortcut menu of the tag to be changed.
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15.3 Configuring the channel
If you require a different configuration than the WinCC default settings, make these settings
in the "System Parameters" dialog box.
You can change the following system parameters:
● Logical device name
● The channel uses cyclic read services in the AS
This section shows how to configure the system parameters of the "SIMOTION" channel.
The "System Parameters" dialog comprises two tabs:
● "SIMOTION" tab
● "Unit" tab
When the project is copied to another computer, the settings in the "Unit" tab are retained.
The settings on the "SIMOTION" tab are deleted on the other hand.
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15.3 Configuring the channel
● The "SIMOTION" channel in integrated into the WinCC project.
1. Select the "SIMOTION" channel in the variable management. Open the "System
Parameters" dialog box in the shortcut menu of the "Simotion" channel unit.
2. Select the "SIMOTION" tab.
3. To enable cyclic reading of tags and change-driven transfer, select "by PLC" and "Change-
driven transfer."
The "cycle management", "lifebeat monitoring" and "stop monitoring" functions are not
supported by the integrated SINAMICS servo control. The "SIMOTION" channel therefore
ignores corresponding settings for connections to SINAMICS servo controls. The channel
determines whether the AS supports the respective function when establishing the
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15.3 Configuring the channel
7. To set the device name automatically at the start of runtime, select "Set automatically."
8. To give write jobs higher priority than read jobs during processing, select "Write with priority."
9. Close the dialog by clicking "OK."
Setting changes only take effect after WinCC is restarted.
WinCC and SIMOTION communicate through logical device names. These logical device
names are assigned when the communications processor is installed.
● The "SIMOTION" channel in integrated into the project.
● A connection has been created in the "SIMOTION" channel unit.
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15.3 Configuring the channel
1. Select the SIMOTION channel in Tag Management.
2. Open the "System Parameters" dialog box in the shortcut menu.
3. Select the "Unit" tab.
4. Enter the device name in the "Logical device name" field. You can select an entry from the
list or enter a new name.
The device names are determined by the "Set PG/PC interface" tool. You call the tool in
the system control. Only the currently set device name is displayed if it is not installed.
If you specify a different logical device name, a message is displayed.
Only enter a name if the communications processor being used on the target station is not
installed on the configuring system.
5. Close the dialog by clicking "OK."
Setting changes only take effect after WinCC is restarted.
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15.4 Diagnosis "SIMOTION" channel
The channel enters important status changes and errors in the logfile. The entries support the
analysis of communication faults.
Every entry in the file contains a date and time stamp with the following flag names and
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15.4 Diagnosis "SIMOTION" channel
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15.4 Diagnosis "SIMOTION" channel
The error codes of the "SIMOTION" channel correspond to those of the "SIMATIC S7 Protocol
Suite" channel. You will find the description of the error code in the "Error codes for connection
fault" chapter in the help for the "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" channel.
In addition, SIMOTION reports the error code 0x000 7301 if the consistency check failed.
The reason for the error message is that the data exported from SIMOTION SCOUT for the
AS entered checksum do not match the checksum in the connected device.
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System Info 16
16.1 "System Info" Channel
The "System Info" channel is used to evaluate system information such as the time, date, disk
capacity and provides functions such as timers and counters.
This chapter will show you
● configure the channel, connection and tags
● display system information in a process picture
● use system information to trigger and display a message
● display system information graphically
● display the system information from several servers in a multi-user system
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System Info
16.2 WinCC System Info Channel
The System Info channel is used to evaluate system information such as the time, date, disk
capacity and provides functions such as timers and counters.
Possible applications are:
● Display of the time, date and day of the week in process pictures
● Triggering of events through evaluation of system information in scripts
● Display of the CPU load in a trend
● Display and monitoring of the available drive space on different servers of a client system
● Monitoring of the available disk capacity and triggering of a message
The channel requires no hardware, since it directly accesses the system information of the
computer on which it has been installed. In order for the channel to function, a connection must
be set up. Additional connections are possible, but not required for the proper operation.
For more information regarding the diagnosis of channels and tags, refer to "Communication
The process tags required for the System Info channel need no licenses. Thus, the tags are
not entered in the license count.
If you have no administrator rights under Windows 2003 Server, you must be a member of
the superusers of the "System Monitor User" group in order to use the System Info channel.
Communication Manual
The communication manual contains additional information and extensive examples for the
channel configuration. This manual is available for download on the Internet:
Search by order number:
WinCC: Communication
342 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
System Info
16.2 WinCC System Info Channel
● A5E00391327
See also
Use in Multi-User and Client Systems (Page 363)
How To Call Up and Evaluate System Information (Page 351)
How to Configure the System Info Channel (Page 350)
Differences to Other Software Components (Page 349)
Overview of the Supported System Information (Page 344)
Diagnosis of Channels and Tags (Page 369)
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System Info
16.3 Overview of the Supported System Information
In the "Function" field in the "System Info" dialog, you can specify the system information to
be assigned to a WinCC tag. The display format is set in the "Format" field.
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System Info
16.3 Overview of the Supported System Information
This function is useable for test purposes in scripts.
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System Info
16.3 Overview of the Supported System Information
When this function is selected, the "System Info" dialog is extended with fields "Limits from"
and "to".
After every second, the timer is incremented or decremented. The direction in which the
changes are made is determined by the starting and ending values in the fields "Limits from"
and "to". If the start value is smaller than the end value, the timer is incremented. If the start
value is greater than the end value, the timer is decremented.
If in Runtime, a value is entered in the I/O field linked to the timer, the start and current timer
values is set to this value. Example: timer configured from 0 to 60. If "0" is written in Runtime,
the timer is reset.
After the deactivation, the original start value is reapplied.
CPU load
For the formats "Total load in %" and "Idle load in %" in connection with multiprocessor PCs
enter the CPU number beginning with "0".
For the format "Process load in %" enter the instance number, if there are several instances
of a process.
Printer monitoring
With the "Printer status" and "Job status" formats the server name must be entered in the
"Printer" field. The printers in use must support this status information to be able to use this
system information.
In order to analyze the printer status, please observe the following:
● The port monitor is responsible for the transmission of the printer status to the spooler.
Depending on the selected printer port, different port monitor DLLs are installed. From the
port monitors supplied with Windows, only "TCPMON.DLL" is capable of transmitting the
printer status using the TCP/IP port. "LOCALMON.DLL" using the LPT port does not
communicate the printer status.
● The printer status is assessed only after a print job has been submitted, but not during
polling of the status at the port.
In the case of the "Free PRT_OUT drive space" and "PRT_OUT Directory Size" formats, the
channel automatically determines the path for the "Directory" field.
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System Info
16.3 Overview of the Supported System Information
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System Info
16.3 Overview of the Supported System Information
The error codes of the "Printer status" and "Job status" formats corresponds to the values in
the Visual C-referenced file "Winspool.h" .
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System Info
16.4 Differences to Other Software Components
Some of the System Info channel system information can also be evaluated or displayed by
WinCC using ActiveX controls.
Once fundamental difference to ActiveX controls can be seen in the fact that the System Info
channel system information is assigned to a WinCC tag. The continued evaluation (e.g. of
messages, limit values) can be carried out repeatedly and is then configured individually. The
ActiveX controls are intended for use in the specified applications and may also be used for
multi-user or client systems.
For the following system information, differences between the ActiveX control and the channel
The ActiveX control "WinCC Digital/Analog Clock Control" is used to display the time in WinCC.
This control also supports an analog display of the time. The control does not require the
System Info channel even when if it is used in the process control system options. Using the
control, it is possible to display a WinCC client's time in its process picture. This is not possible
with the System Info channel, since this always displays the server's system time.
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System Info
16.5 Configuring the Channel
This section illustrates how to configure the System Info channel.
1. Select the entry "Add New Driver" in the shortcut menu of Tag Management. A selection
dialog is opened.
2. Select the "System Info.chn" channel and close the dialog. The channel is set up and the
channel driver is displayed in Tag Management.
3. Select the associated System Info channel unit and call up the shortcut menu. In this
shortcut menu, select "New Connection".
4. In the "Connection Properties" dialog, enter the connection name. Close the dialog.
5. Choose the "New Tag" option from the shortcut menu for the connection. A dialog is opened.
6. Enter the tag name and set its data type.
If you want to use the example for this channel, close the dialog and continue with the topic
"How to Configure a Tag".
7. Click the "Select" button to open the "System Info" dialog. Select the desired function and
format. The associated type of the WinCC tag is displayed in the "Data Type" field.
8. Close the open dialogs.
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System Info
16.6 Examples of Evaluating and Displaying System Information
See also
How to Display the Printer Status in a Status Display (Page 359)
How to Configure a Message Regarding Free Disk Capacity (Page 356)
How to Display the CPU Load in a Trend Window (Page 355)
How to Display the Free Disk Capacity in a Bar Graph (Page 354)
How to Display the Time in an I/O Field (Page 352)
How to Configure a Tag in the System Info Channel (Page 351)
This section illustrates how to configure tags in the System Info channel. These tags are used
in the examples.
Install the "SystemInfo.chn" channel.
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System Info
16.6 Examples of Evaluating and Displaying System Information
1. In the shortcut menu of the associated System Info channel unit, select the entry "New
Connection" and create a connection named "Testinfo".
2. Choose the "New Tag" option from the shortcut menu for the connection.
3. In the "Tag Properties" dialog, enter the tag name. For the example, take the appropriate
tag name from the table of data types used and enter it in the "Name" field. In the "Data
Type" field, set the tag's data type in accordance with the table.
4. Click the "Select" button to open the "System Info" dialog. Set the system information and
display format in accordance with the information in the table.
5. Close all open dialogs.
See also
How to Configure a Message Regarding Free Disk Capacity (Page 356)
How to Configure the System Info Channel (Page 350)
How to Display the Printer Status in a Status Display (Page 359)
How to Display the CPU Load in a Trend Window (Page 355)
How to Display the Free Disk Capacity in a Bar Graph (Page 354)
How to Display the Time in an I/O Field (Page 352)
Configure a "Sysinfo_Time" tag with data type "Text tag 8-bit character set". This tag must be
assigned the "Time" system information with display format "HH:MM:SS".
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System Info
16.6 Examples of Evaluating and Displaying System Information
1. Start Graphics Designer and open a picture.
2. Add an I/O field to the picture. Select the "I/O field" object from the object list under "Smart
Objects". The "I/O Field Configuration" dialog is opened.
The update cycle should be chosen with careful consideration, as it affects the load on the
computer. Therefore, updating a time display every 250 ms is detrimental to the system
See also
How to Start Runtime (Page 362)
How to Insert an I/O Field (Page 362)
How to Configure a Tag in the System Info Channel (Page 351)
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System Info
16.6 Examples of Evaluating and Displaying System Information
Configure a tag "Sysinfo_Drive_C" with data type "Floating-point number 32-bit IEEE754". This
tag must be assigned the "Free Disk Space" system information for drive "C" with display
format "Free capacity in %".
1. Start Graphics Designer and open a picture.
2. Insert a bar graph into the picture. For this purpose, select the object "Bar" from "Smart
Objects" in the object palette. The "Bar Configuration" dialog is opened.
The update cycle should be chosen with careful consideration, as it affects the load on the
computer. Therefore, updating an available drive space display every second is detrimental
to the system performance.
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354 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
System Info
16.6 Examples of Evaluating and Displaying System Information
See also
How to Start Runtime (Page 362)
How to Insert a Bar Graph (Page 361)
How to Configure a Tag in the System Info Channel (Page 351)
Configure a tag named "Sysinfo_CPU" with data type "Floating-point number 32-bit IEEE754".
This tag must be assigned the "CPU Load" system information with display format "Total load
in %".
1. Start Graphics Designer and open a picture.
2. Insert a trend display into the picture. You can accomplish this by selecting the "WinCC
Online Trend Control" object from the "Controls" object palette. The "Properties of WinCC
Online Trend Control" dialog is opened.
3. On the "General" tab, enter the name "Trend1" in the "Window Title" field.
4. In the "Data Source" field, select "Online Tags".
5. Click the "Trends" tab and then the "Selection" button to open the "Tag Configuration" dialog.
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System Info
16.6 Examples of Evaluating and Displaying System Information
6. Enter "Sysinfo_CPU" as the name of the tag and then select a cycle time of "2 s". Close
the dialog.
7. Close the "Properties of WinCC Online Trend Control" dialog and save the picture.
8. Click the appropriate button in the Graphics Designer toolbar to activate Runtime.
The update cycle should be chosen with careful consideration, as it affects the load on the
computer. Therefore, updating a CPU load display every 500 ms is detrimental to the system
See also
How to Start Runtime (Page 362)
How to Configure a Tag in the System Info Channel (Page 351)
Configure a tag "Sysinfo_Drive_C" with data type "Floating-point number 32-bit IEEE754". This
tag must be assigned the "Free Disk Space" system information for drive "C" with display
format "Free capacity in %".
1. Start Alarm Logging and create a new message by adding a new line in the table window
2. Open the "Single Message" dialog by clicking on "Properties" in the shortcut menu for the
new message.
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System Info
16.6 Examples of Evaluating and Displaying System Information
3. Click the "Text" tab and then enter the text "Memory Space" in the "Message Text" field,
and the text "Hard Disk" in the "Point of Error" field. Close the dialog.
4. Select the "Extras / Add Ins" menu item to open the "Add Ins" dialog. If necessary, select
the "Analog Alarm" check box. Close the dialog.
5. Select "Analog Alarm" in the navigation window for Alarm Logging and then click on "New"
in the shortcut menu to open the "Properties" dialog. In the "Tag to be Monitored" field,
enter the name "Sysinfo_Drive_C".
6. Select the "One message for all limit values" check box. In the "Message Number" field,
enter the number of the newly created message. Close the dialog.
7. Select "Analog Alarm" in the navigation window. Select the entry "Sysinfo_Drive_C" in the
data window. Click "New" in the shortcut menu to open the "Properties" dialog. Click the
radio button "Lower Limit" and enter the value "30" in the "Limit value or tag" field.
8. Close the dialog. Save and exit Alarm Logging.
See also
How to Configure a Tag in the System Info Channel (Page 351)
How to Display a Message regarding the Available Disk Capacity (Page 358)
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System Info
16.6 Examples of Evaluating and Displaying System Information
● A tag "Sysinfo_Drive_C" with data type "Floating-point number 32-bit IEEE754". The tag
must be assigned the "Free Disk Space" system information for drive "C" with the display
format "Free mem in %".
● A message text and the lower limit value for the limit value monitoring of this tag.
● "Alarm Logging Runtime" must be set in the computer's startup parameters.
1. Start Graphics Designer and open a picture.
2. Insert a message window into the picture. Select the "WinCC Alarm Control" object from
the "Controls" object palette and place it in the picture.
Close the quick configuration dialog without making any further changes.
3. Double-click the inserted control to open the "WinCC Alarm Control Properties" dialog.
4. Select the "User Text Blocks" entry from the "Type" field on the "Message Blocks" tab.
Under "Selection", select the check boxes "Message Text" and "Point of Error".
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System Info
16.6 Examples of Evaluating and Displaying System Information
5. Click the "Message Line" tab. In the "Available Message Blocks" field, mark the entries
"Message Text" and "Point of Error" and then click the "Right Arrow" button to transfer them
to the "Elements of message line" field. Close the dialog.
See also
How to Check the WinCC Startup Parameters (Page 361)
How to Start Runtime (Page 362)
How to Configure a Tag in the System Info Channel (Page 351)
This example shows a possible evaluation of the "Printer monitoring" system information based
on the "Printer status" display format. The printer or job status could also be evaluated by
configuring messages that are triggered by single bits in the printer or job status.
● Configure a "Sysinfo_Printerstate" tag with data type "Unsigned 32-bit value". This tag must
be assigned to the "Printer monitoring" system information with the "Printer status" display
● The printers in use must support these status displays to be able to use this system
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System Info
16.6 Examples of Evaluating and Displaying System Information
1. Start Graphics Designer and open a picture.
2. Insert a status display into the picture. Select the "Status display" object from the object
palette under "Smart Objects". The "Status Display Configuration" dialog is opened.
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360 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
System Info
16.6 Examples of Evaluating and Displaying System Information
In Runtime, a printer ready for use is displayed with the icon assigned the status "0" in step 5.
No picture is shown if there is an error in the printer or if you have not run step 6. If you assigned
icons to the other bit positions in step 6, they are shown accordingly.
The update cycle should be chosen with careful consideration, as it affects the load on the
computer. Therefore, updating a time display every 250 ms is detrimental to the system
See also
How to Configure a Tag in the System Info Channel (Page 351)
How to Start Runtime (Page 362)
1. In WinCC Explorer, select "Computer".
2. Open the shortcut menu and select "Properties".
3. The "Computer List Properties" dialog is opened. Click the "Properties" button.
4. The "Computer Properties" dialog is opened.
5. Click the "Startup" tab and check the entries. If necessary, activate or deactivate Runtime
modules or add other applications to the startup list.
6. Close the open dialogs.
1. Start Graphics Designer and open a picture.
2. In the "Standard" object palette under "Smart Objects", select the object "Bar".
3. Insert a bar graph into the picture. To do this, point the mouse on the location in the working
area where you want the bar graph to be placed. While keeping the mouse button pressed,
drag the object to the desired size.
4. After you release the mouse button, the "Bar Configuration" dialog is opened. In this dialog,
enter the name of a WinCC tag and set the update specifications and limit. Additionally,
you can use the "Bar Direction" to set the orientation of the displayed bar.
5. Close the dialog.
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System Info
16.6 Examples of Evaluating and Displaying System Information
1. Start Graphics Designer and open a picture.
2. In the "Standard" object palette under "Smart Objects", select the object "I/O Field".
3. Insert the I/O field into the picture. To do this, position the mouse on the location in the
working area where you want the I/O field to be placed. While keeping the mouse button
pressed, drag the object to the desired size.
4. After you release the mouse button, the "I/O Field Configuration" dialog is opened. In this
dialog, enter the name of a WinCC tag and set the update and field type settings.
Additionally, you can also select the "Font" to be used to display the value.
5. Close the dialog.
A startup picture must be defined before Runtime is activated.
1. Save and close all files that may be open in an editor.
2. Select WinCC Explorer.
3. Activate the project by clicking the "Activate" button in the toolbar or by selecting "Activate"
in the "File" menu.
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System Info
16.7 Special Functions
In multi-user and client systems, the System Info channel can be used to process the system
information from a server on a client system. In a client system, it is thus possible for a single
WinCC client to monitor several servers.
See also
Monitoring the system information of several servers on a WinCC client (Page 363)
In this example, two servers are monitored by a single WinCC client. The monitored system
information such as available disk space and CPU load is displayed in a process picture on
the WinCC client.
This requires the following configurations:
Configuration of first server
Configuration of second server
Import of tags on the WinCC client
Configuration of the process picture on the WinCC client
Activation of the project
The server and the WinCC client must be connected through a Windows network.
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16.7 Special Functions
See also
How to Activate the Project (Page 368)
How to Configure the Process Picture on the WinCC Client (Page 367)
How to Import the Tags to the WinCC Client (Page 366)
How to Configure the Second Server (Page 365)
How to Configure the First Server (Page 364)
This section presents the configuration of the first server, which is necessary for this example.
1. Configure the tags of the System Info channel to display available disk space and CPU
2. Generation of a package
1. Create a multi-user project named "Testinfo_1" on the first server. Install the driver "System
Info.chn" in the project.
2. In the shortcut menu of the associated "System Info" channel unit, select the entry "New
Connection" and create a connection named "Connection1".
3. In the connection's shortcut menu, select "New Tag".
4. In the "Tag Properties" dialog, enter "Sysvar_1_Drive_C" as the name of the tag. Set the
"Data Type" to "Floating-point number 32-bit IEEE 754".
5. Click the "Select" button to open the "System Info" dialog. Set the "Function" field to "Free
Disk Space", the "Drive" to "C" and "Format" to "Free capacity in %". Close all open dialogs.
6. In the connection's shortcut menu, select "New Tag".
7. In the "Tag Properties" dialog, enter "Sysvar_1_CPU" as the name of the tag. Set the "Data
Type" to "Floating-point number 32-bit IEEE 754".
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16.7 Special Functions
8. Click the "Select" button to open the "System Info" dialog. Set the value in the "Function"
field to "CPU Load" and the value in "Format" to "Total load in %". Close all open dialogs.
9. Create a package. Proceed by selecting "Server data" in the navigation window and
opening the shortcut menu. Select the menu item "Create". Acknowledge the message
stating that the package was created.
See also
How to Configure the Second Server (Page 365)
This section presents the configuration of the second server, which is necessary for this
1. Configure the tags of the System Info channel to display available disk space and CPU
2. Generation of a package.
1. Create a multi-user project named "Testinfo_2" on the second server. Install the driver
"System Info.chn" in the project.
2. In the shortcut menu for the associated "System Info" channel unit, select the entry "New
Connection" and create a connection named "Connection2".
3. In the connection's shortcut menu, select "New Tag".
4. In the "Tag Properties" dialog, enter "Sysvar_2_Drive_C" as the name of the tag. Set the
"Data Type" to "Floating-point number 32-bit IEEE 754".
5. Click the "Select" button to open the "System Info" dialog. Set the "Function" field to "Free
Disk Space", the "Drive" to "C" and "Format" to "Free capacity in %". Close all open dialogs.
6. In the connection shortcut menu, select "New Tag".
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System Info
16.7 Special Functions
7. In the "Tag Properties" dialog, enter "Sysvar_2_CPU" as the name of the tag. Set the "Data
Type" to "Floating-point number 32-bit IEEE 754".
8. Click the "Select" button to open the "System Info" dialog. Set the value in the "Function"
field to "CPU Load" and the value in "Format" to "Total load in %". Close all open dialogs.
9. Create a package. Proceed by selecting "Server data" in the navigation window and
opening the shortcut menu. Select the menu item "Create". Acknowledge the message
stating that the package was created.
See also
How to Import the Tags to the WinCC Client (Page 366)
This section presents the configuration of the WinCC client, which is necessary for this
1. Loading the package of the first sever project.
2. Loading the package of the second sever project.
This example requires the use of two server project packages.
1. Create a client project named "mc_info" on the WinCC client.
2. In the server data shortcut menu, select "Load". The "Open" dialog is opened.
3. Select the computer on which the first server project "Testinfo_1" is located.
4. Select the package "Testinfo_1_<computer_name>.pck" in the "<project_name> \
<computer_name> \ Packages" directory.
5. Click the "Open" button and acknowledge the message after the package has opened.
6. Load the package "Testinfo_2_<computer_name>.pck" on the second server. For this
purpose, repeat steps 2 to 5 with the appropriate settings and names for the second project
from the "Requirements" table.
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16.7 Special Functions
See also
How to Configure the Process Picture on the WinCC Client (Page 367)
This section illustrates the configuration of the WinCC client, which is required in this example
to display the server system information in a process picture on a WinCC client.
1. Configuration of the system information display of the first server
2. Configuration of the system information display of the second server
This example requires that the server project packages are loaded in the client project.
1. On the WinCC client, start Graphics Designer and create a picture named "p_serverinfo".
2. Add an I/O field to the picture. Select the "I/O field" object from the object list under "Smart
Objects". The "I/O Field Configuration" dialog is opened.
3. Click the button for tag selection. The "Tags" dialog is opened.
4. Select the tag "Sysvar_1_Drive_C" of the first server project "Testinfo_1". For this purpose,
open the directory structure under the package "Testinfo_1_<computer_name>". Close the
5. In the "I/O Field Configuration" dialog, set the update to "5 s".
6. Set the field type to "Output". Close the dialog.
7. Insert a second I/O field into the picture and configure it for the tag "Sysvar_1_CPU" of the
same project. For this purpose, repeat the steps 2 to 6 with the appropriate settings taken
from the "Requirements" table.
8. Repeat steps 2 to 7 to configure the tags of the second server project "Testinfo_2".
9. Close the dialogs and save the picture.
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16.7 Special Functions
The update cycle should be chosen with careful consideration, as it affects the load on the
computer. Therefore, updating a date display every second is detrimental to the system
See also
How to Activate the Project (Page 368)
This section shows how to activate the projects on the servers and the WinCC client.
1. Create a startup picture in the server project "Testinfo_1" and activate the project.
2. Create a startup picture in the server project "Testinfo_2" and activate the project.
3. Define the startup picture in the project "mc_info" on the WinCC client and activate the
1. In the navigation window in the project "Testinfo_1" on server 1, select Graphics Designer
and use the shortcut menu to create a new picture.
2. Set this picture as the startup picture. To do this, select "Set as startup picture" from the
shortcut menu.
3. Click the "Activate" button in the toolbar to activate the project.
4. In the navigation window in the project "Testinfo_2" on server 2, select Graphics Designer
and use the shortcut menu to create a new picture.
5. Set this picture as the startup picture. To do this, select "Set as startup picture" from the
shortcut menu.
6. Click the "Activate" button in the toolbar to activate the project.
7. On the WinCC client in the navigation window in the project "mc_info", select Graphics
Designer. The process picture "p_serverinfo" is displayed in the data window.
8. Set this picture as the startup picture. To do this, select "Set as startup screen" from the
shortcut menu.
9. Click the "Activate" button in the toolbar to activate the project.
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Communication - Diagnostics 17
17.1 Diagnosis of Channels and Tags
This section describes the diagnosis of channels and their tags, as well as of internal tags.
This diagnosis can be used for example in the event of communication problems or unexpected
tag values.
See also
Diagnostic Options for the "SIMATIC S5 PROFIBUS FDL" Channel (Page 395)
Quality Codes of Tags (Page 414)
Monitoring Tag Status Using Global Actions (Page 421)
Using the Tag Status to Monitor Connection Status (Page 420)
How to Check an Internal Tag (Page 422)
Channel diagnosis (Page 371)
General Information about Error Detection (Page 370)
Possibilities for Diagnosing the "OPC" Channel (Page 404)
"SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" Channel - Diagnostic Options (Page 384)
"System Info" Channel - Diagnostic Options (Page 379)
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Communication - Diagnostics
17.2 General Information about Error Detection
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Communication - Diagnostics
17.3 Channel Diagnosis
See also
How to Use the "Status - Logical Connections" Function to Check a Channel (Page 371)
"Status - Logical Connections" Function (Page 371)
Principle of Channel Diagnosis (Page 373)
Detailed data regarding the connection status can be obtained with "WinCC Channel
17.3.3 How to Use the "Status - Logical Connections" Function to Check a Channel
This section describes how to use the "Status - Logical Connections" function to display the
current status of all configured connections.
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17.3 Channel Diagnosis
● Configure a channel and create a tag in this channel.
1. Click the appropriate button in the WinCC Explorer toolbar to activate Runtime.
2. In the WinCC Explorer "Tools", select option "Status of Driver Connections". The "Status -
Logical Connections" dialog opens.
3. In the "Update" area, you can specify that an update is to be done cyclically. Otherwise,
you can start an update of the display manually by clicking the "Update" button.
4. The configured connections are displayed in the "Name" column. The "Status" column
displays the status of the respective connection.
5. Check the entries in the "Status" column. The "Disconnected" status indicates either a
configuration or hardware error.
Further information can be found under "Channel Diagnosis" for the associated channel.
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Communication - Diagnostics
17.3 Channel Diagnosis
The WinCC Channel Diagnosis enables WinCC users to gain a quick overview of the status
of the active connections in Runtime. On the one hand, "Channel Diagnosis" provides status
and diagnostic information regarding channel units and, on the other hand, it serves as a user
interface for the configuration of the diagnostic output:
● The output of statistics or information on the status of the communication e.g. in a process
● Text output in a logbook file for fault analysis and correction by Service.
● Text output in a trace file to assist the Hotline in pinpointing the cause of communication
The Diagnostic module can be inserted into a process picture as an ActiveX control or be
started as an independent application from the Windows Start menu. The module only displays
status information for channels that support diagnosis.
The diagnosis of a channel's tag can be found in the description of the channel-specific
Logbook file
Channel Diagnosis creates a logbook file named <Channel_name.log> for every configured
WinCC channel. The system records important information and errors in these. The exact text
content depends on the channel.
The creation of the file and the output text cannot be configured.
The logbook files contain information such as the start and end messages, version information
and information regarding communication errors.
Each entry in the file consists of a data and time stamp, the flag name and a description. The
file is always saved immediately after an entry to ensure that e.g., in the event of a voltage
drop, all of the information possible is available.
Trace File
A trace file named <Channel_name.trc> can be created to hold error messages and any
additional information for every configured WinCC channel. You can select in Runtime whether
to use a trace file. When the trace function is activated, a message will be displayed warning
that the link's propagation time is affected.
Each entry in a trace file has a time stamp followed by a flag name and description.
When the trace function is enabled all information recorded in the logbook is also written to
the trace file.
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17.3 Channel Diagnosis
The information recorded in a trace file is intended to assist the Hotline in pinpointing the cause
of communication problems.
The trace and logbook file entries are only recorded in English.
Both files are saved in the "Diagnostics" directory in the WinCC directory structure.
The current counter values are not recorded in these files.
See also
Channel Diagnosis with ActiveX Control (Page 374)
How to Check a Channel with Channel Diagnosis as an ActiveX Control (Page 374)
Diagnosing a Channel with "Channel Diagnosis" (Page 375)
How to Check a Channel with Channel Diagnosis (Page 376)
How to Configure the Trace Function of a Channel (Page 377)
How to Start Runtime (Page 378)
The status information for a channel can also be displayed in a process picture by the "WinCC
Channel Diagnosis Control" ActiveX control.
The ActiveX control is found in the "Controls" object palette in Graphics Designer and is simply
inserted in a picture. The user can thus create e.g. a diagnostics process picture, in which he
can view the status of the communication and other information in Runtime, without needing
to reconfigure this arrangement every time.
This section shows how to configure the diagnosis of a channel using the "WinCC Channel
Diagnosis Control" ActiveX control.
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Communication - Diagnostics
17.3 Channel Diagnosis
● Configure a channel and create a tag in this channel.
1. Start Graphics Designer and open a picture.
2. Insert the "WinCC Channel Diagnosis Control" ActiveX control into the picture. This is
accomplished by selecting the ActiveX control from the "Controls" object palette, inserting
it into the picture and dragging it to the desired size.
3. Save the picture.
4. Click the appropriate button in the Graphics Designer toolbar to activate Runtime.
5. Select the picture into which you have inserted the ActiveX control. The status information
for the channels appears in the "Channel Diagnosis" application window on the "Channels/
Connection" tab.
6. Click the "Configuration" tab. Select one of the displayed channels and configure which
error messages are to be recorded in the associated log file.
7. More information about the activation of the Trace function can be found under "Configuring
a Channel's Trace Function".
Channel Diagnosis only displays status information for channels that support channel
See also
How to Configure the Trace Function of a Channel (Page 377)
Independent of WinCC, Channel Diagnosis can also be started as an application from the
Windows Start menu.
Channel Diagnosis is thus always available and not dependent on the selection of a process
picture, as is the case with WinCC Channel Diagnosis Control. The status information is only
displayed by Channel Diagnosis when WinCC is in Runtime.
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Communication - Diagnostics
17.3 Channel Diagnosis
This section describes how to start Channel Diagnosis as an application from the Windows
Start menu.
● Configure a channel and create a tag in this channel.
1. In the Windows Start menu, select the entry "Channel Diagnosis" in the "Simatic/WinCC/
Tools" group.
2. The Channel Diagnosis application window opens. If no WinCC project is currently in
Runtime, message "No connection to WinCC" is displayed.
3. Click the appropriate button in the WinCC Explorer toolbar to activate Runtime.
4. Select the picture into which you have inserted the ActiveX control. The status information
for the channels appears in the Channel Diagnosis application window on the "Channels/
Connection" tab.
5. Click the "Configuration" tab. Select one of the displayed channels and configure which
error messages are to be recorded in the associated log file.
6. More information about the activation of the Trace function can be found under "Configuring
a Channel's Trace Function".
Channel Diagnosis only displays status information for channels that support channel
See also
How to Configure the Trace Function of a Channel (Page 377)
How to Start Runtime (Page 378)
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17.3 Channel Diagnosis
This section describes how to configure and activate a Trace function of a channel in Runtime.
Additional information regarding errors and the status of the communication is recorded in the
Trace file.
The information recorded in a trace file is intended to assist the Hotline in pinpointing the
cause of communication problems. For this reason, the evaluation of the data in the file is
not further described here.
● Configure a channel plus a connection and a tag.
● Activate the WinCC project.
Flag Description
Fatal Error Serious error (requires user action)
Error Error (frame error, etc.)
Warning Warning (checksum error, etc.)
Information Information (function call, etc.)
Success Successful execution (completion of function call, etc.)
Check User Flags Enables the "User Flags" check boxes
1. Start the WinCC Channel Diagnosis from the Start menu.
2. On the "Configuration" tab, select the desired channel.
3. Under "Flags", activate the status and error messages to be recorded in the Trace file. A
description of the standard flags can be found in the "Default Flags - Overview" table.
4. Select the "Check User Flags" check box, if the "User Flags" are to be recorded in the Trace
file. The number and significance of the "User Flags" is depending on the channel.
5. Select the check boxes of the desired "User Flags". By clicking the "Set" or "Reset" buttons,
you can set or reset all "User Flags".
6. In the "Trace File" section, select the "Enable" check box. This activates the other fields in
this area.
7. In the "max. Files" field, enter the maximum number of Trace files.
8. In the "max. Size" field, set the size of the individual Trace files.
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17.3 Channel Diagnosis
9. Activate the "Overwrite" field, if the channel's existing Trace files are to be overwritten -
beginning with the oldest - after the maximum number of files and file size has been reached.
10.Click "Save" to save the settings and activate the changes.
A startup picture must be defined before Runtime is activated.
1. Save and close all files that may be open in an editor.
2. Select WinCC Explorer.
3. Activate the project by clicking the "Activate" button in the toolbar or by selecting "Activate"
in the "File" menu.
See also
How to Check a Channel with Channel Diagnosis (Page 376)
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Communication - Diagnostics
17.4 Diagnosis of "System Info" Channel
See also
How to Check a Tag (Page 382)
How to Check the Channel and the Connection (Page 380)
The channel records errors and important status changes in the log file. These entries can be
used to analyze a communication problem.
Each entry in the file has a date and time stamp followed by a flag name and description.
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Communication - Diagnostics
17.4 Diagnosis of "System Info" Channel
See also
How to Check a Tag (Page 382)
How to Check the Channel and the Connection (Page 380)
This section describes how to check the "System Info" channel and its connection in Runtime.
● Configure a connection and tag for the "System Info" channel.
● Activate the WinCC project.
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Communication - Diagnostics
17.4 Diagnosis of "System Info" Channel
Icon Description
Channel / connection unconditionally ready
Channel / connection ready with some restrictions
Channel / no statement possible regarding connection status
Channel / connection failed
1. Start the WinCC Channel Diagnosis from the Start menu.
2. The Channel Diagnosis application window opens. The status information for all installed
channels and their connections is displayed on the left on the "Channels/Connections" tab.
3. Check the icons in front of the channel named "System Info" and its connection. If the status
of the channel and connection are OK, a green check mark is displayed in front of each
respective entry. For information on the significance of the individual icons refer to the
"Overview of Status Messages" table.
4. If there is no green check mark in front of the channel's name and the connection, select
the connection in the window on the left. In the window on the right, check the counter
values for "Address Error", Size Error" and "Type Error". These values indicate the errors
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Communication - Diagnostics
17.4 Diagnosis of "System Info" Channel
5. Check the channel-specific log file. To do this, use a text editor to open the file in the
directory "Siemens\WinCC\Diagnose". Check the latest entries with the "ERROR" flag. For
more information on this topic, refer to "Description of Log File Entries".
6. If you are still unable to pinpoint the error after checking the log file, please activate the
Trace function and contact Customer Support.
For more information on this topic, refer to "Configuring a Trace Function of a Channel".
See also
How to Configure the Trace Function of a Channel (Page 377)
Description of Log File Entries (Page 379)
How to Check a Tag (Page 382)
If an external tag does not have the expected value in Runtime, you can use the following
procedure to check the tag.
● Configure a connection and tag for the "System Info" channel.
● Activate the WinCC project.
1. In WinCC Explorer in the tag management, select the "System Info" channel.
2. In the data window, select the external tag that you wish to check. To do this, open the
directory structure until the tag is displayed in the data window.
3. Move the mouse pointer over the tag to be checked. A tooltip window opens showing the
current tag value, the quality code and the last time that the value changed.
4. Check the quality code. If value "80" is displayed, the tag value is OK. A description of the
other values can be found under "Tag Quality Codes".
5. If the quality code is not equal to "80", select the tag in the tag management and click
"Properties" in the shortcut menu to open the "Tag Properties" dialog.
6. Check whether values have been configured for the upper or lower limits, the start or
substitute values on the "Limits/Reporting" tab. These values can affect the display.
7. If the tag value is affected by one of the configured values, deactivate the project and
change the limit or substitute value.
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Communication - Diagnostics
17.4 Diagnosis of "System Info" Channel
Tag values, quality codes etc. are only displayed in Runtime.
See also
Quality Codes of Tags (Page 414)
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Communication - Diagnostics
17.5 Diagnosis of the "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" Channel
See also
How to Check a Tag (Page 393)
How to Check the Channel and the Connection (Page 391)
How to Check the Configuration of the Connection and Tags (Page 390)
Checking the Communication Processor under SIMATIC NET (Page 389)
How to Check the Configuration of the Communication Processor (Page 387)
The channel records errors and important status changes in the log file. These entries can be
used to analyze a communication problem.
Each entry in the file has a date and time stamp followed by a flag name and description.
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Communication - Diagnostics
17.5 Diagnosis of the "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" Channel
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Communication - Diagnostics
17.5 Diagnosis of the "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" Channel
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Communication - Diagnostics
17.5 Diagnosis of the "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" Channel
See also
How to Check a Tag (Page 393)
How to Check the Channel and the Connection (Page 391)
How to Check the Configuration of the Connection and Tags (Page 390)
Checking the Communication Processor under SIMATIC NET (Page 389)
How to Check the Configuration of the Communication Processor (Page 387)
This section describes how to use the "PG/PC Port" program to check a communication
processor. In this example, a "CP 5613" type processor is used for the PROFIBUS
● Install the CP 5613.
● Install the associated communication driver.
● Configure the CP 5613.
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Communication - Diagnostics
17.5 Diagnosis of the "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" Channel
1. On the Control Panel, click the "Set PG/PC Port" icon. The "Set PG/PC Port" dialog is
2. Check the entry for the access point. The access point "CP_L2_1:" for Profibus connection
is automatically added when a CP 5613 is installed. Select the entry for this access point.
Click "Properties" to open the "Properties - CP5613_5614(PROFIBUS)" dialog.
See also
How to Check the Configuration of the Connection and Tags (Page 390)
Checking the Communication Processor under SIMATIC NET (Page 389)
WinCC: Communication
388 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
Communication - Diagnostics
17.5 Diagnosis of the "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" Channel
This section explains how to check a communication processor using the "Set PC Station"
program in the SIMATIC NET software.
In this example, the "CP 5613" for the PROFIBUS communication is used to the "SIMATIC S7
Protocol Suite" channel.
● Install the CP 5613.
● Install the SIMATIC NET software. For Windows 2000, a version from V6.0 SP5 is required,
with Windows XP a version from V6.1 must be installed.
● Configure the CP 5613 under SIMATIC NET.
1. Activate the Windows Start menu, open "SIMATIC / SIMATIC NET / Settings" and select
menu item "Set PC Station". The "Configurations Console PC Station" dialog opens.
2. Check the entry for the access point. Select the "Access Point" directory in the navigation
window. The existing access points are listed in the data window. Upon installation of the
CP 5613, access point "CP_L2_1:" for PROFIBUS communication is added automatically.
Select this access point in the data window. Use the "Properties" menu item from the
shortcut menu to open the "Properties of CP_L2_1:" dialog.
3. Check the entry in the "Assigned Interface Parameters" field. In the case of a CP5613 in a
PROFIBUS network, select entry "CP5613_5614(PROFIBUS)".
4. Open the navigation window, select the "Components" directory and then the "CP5613/
CP5614" subdirectory.
5. Select the "Network Diagnosis" directory. Click the "Test" button to execute a function test
on the CP 5613. The result is displayed in the output window. Depending on the test results,
click the "Restart" button in the "General" directory to perform a reset and then a complete
restart of the CP 5613.
6. Check the list of participants connected to PROFIBUS in the list in the "Bus Participants"
directory. Based on the display, it is possible to determine the function and status of your
own station as well as other participants which are connected.
7. Close the dialog.
8. If a fault is detected in the configuration of the communication processor, modifications can
only be made to the configuration using SIMATIC NET tools. Further information is available
See also
How to Check the Configuration of the Connection and Tags (Page 390)
WinCC: Communication
System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA 389
Communication - Diagnostics
17.5 Diagnosis of the "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" Channel
This section describes how to check the system parameters and the configuration of the
connection and tags. In this example, a "CP 5613" communication processor is used for the
PROFIBUS communication.
● Install the CP 5613.
● Install the associated communication driver.
● Configure the CP 5613.
● Configure a connection and tag for the "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" channel.
● Activate the WinCC project.
1. In WinCC Explorer in the tag management, select the "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" channel.
In the data window, select the "PROFIBUS" channel unit. In the channel unit shortcut menu,
click "System Parameters". The "System Parameters - PROFIBUS" dialog opens.
2. On the "Unit" tab, check the entry in the "Logical Device Name" field. By default, this is set
to the access point "CP_L2_1:" . The access point is assigned during installation of the
communication processor in the CP 5613 system. Close the dialog.
3. In the tag management navigation window, select the "PROFIBUS" channel unit. In the
data window, select the connection to be checked. In the shortcut menu, click "Properties"
to open the "Connection Properties" dialog.
4. Click the "Properties" button to open the "Connection Parameters - PROFIBUS" dialog.
5. Check the settings on the "Connection" tab. Close the open dialogs.
WinCC: Communication
390 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
Communication - Diagnostics
17.5 Diagnosis of the "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" Channel
6. In the navigation window, select the checked connection. In the data window, select the
tag to be checked. In the shortcut menu, click "Properties" to open the "Tag Properties"
dialog. Check the values in the "Type Conversion" and "Data Type" fields.
7. Click the "Select" button to open the "Address properties" dialog. Check the settings for
addressing the tag in the AS.
8. Click "OK" to close all open dialogs.
See also
How to Check the Channel and the Connection (Page 391)
This section describes how to check the "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" channel and its
connection in Runtime.
● Install a communication processor in a WinCC computer, for example the CP 5613 for
PROFIBUS communication.
● Install the associated communication driver.
● Configure the CP 5613.
● Create a STEP7 project.
● Configure a connection and tag for the "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" channel.
● Activate the WinCC project.
Icon Description
Channel / connection unconditionally ready
Channel / connection ready with some restrictions
Channel / no statement possible regarding connection status
Channel / connection failed
WinCC: Communication
System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA 391
Communication - Diagnostics
17.5 Diagnosis of the "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" Channel
1. Start the WinCC Channel Diagnosis from the Start menu.
2. The Channel Diagnosis application window opens. The status information for all installed
channels and their connections is displayed on the left on the "Channels/Connections" tab.
3. Check the icon in front of the channel named "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" and the
connection. If the channel and connection are OK, a green check mark is displayed in front
of each respective entry. For information on the significance of the individual icons refer to
the "Overview of Status Messages" table.
4. If there is no green check mark in front of the channel's name and the connection, select
the connection in the window on the left. In the window on the right, check the entries for
the counters "First Error Code" and "Last Error Code". These values indicate the errors
detected. You can access Direct Help by clicking the shortcut menu of the value display.
5. On the "Configuration" tab, select the status and error messages, which are to be output
to the log file. This is done by selecting "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" and configuring the
error display. For more information, please refer to "Configuring the Log File of a Channel".
6. Check the channel-specific log file. To do this, use a text editor to open the file in the
directory "Siemens\WinCC\Diagnose". Check the latest entries with the "ERROR" flag. For
more information on this topic, please see "Description of Log File Entries".
7. If you are still unable to pinpoint the error after checking the log file, please activate the
Trace function and contact Customer Support.
For more information on this topic, refer to "Configuring a Trace Function of a Channel".
WinCC: Communication
392 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
Communication - Diagnostics
17.5 Diagnosis of the "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" Channel
See also
How to Configure the Trace Function of a Channel (Page 377)
Description of Log File Entries (Page 384)
How to Check a Tag (Page 393)
If an external tag does not have the expected value in Runtime, you can use the following
procedure to check the tag.
In a "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" channel, you can also use connection-specific internal tags.
This procedure can also be used to check these tags.
● Install a communication module on a WinCC computer, for example the CP 5613 for MPI
● Install the associated communication driver.
● Configure the CP 5613.
● Create a STEP7 project.
● Configure a connection and tag for the "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" channel.
● Activate the WinCC project.
1. In WinCC Explorer in the tag management, select the "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" channel.
2. In the data window, select the external tag that you wish to check. To do this, open the
directory structure until the tag is displayed in the data window.
3. Move the mouse pointer over the tag to be checked. A tooltip window opens showing the
current tag value, the quality code and the last time that the value changed.
4. Check the quality code. If value "80" is displayed, the tag value is OK. A description of the
other values can be found under "Tag Quality Codes".
5. If the quality code is not equal to "80", select the tag in the tag management and click
"Properties" in the shortcut menu to open the "Tag Properties" dialog.
6. Check whether values have been configured for the upper or lower limits, the start or
substitute values on the "Limits/Reporting" tab. These values can affect the display.
7. If the tag value is affected by one of the configured values, deactivate the project and
change the limit or substitute value.
WinCC: Communication
System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA 393
Communication - Diagnostics
17.5 Diagnosis of the "SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite" Channel
In Runtime, the current values of the connection-specific internal tags can be viewed in detail
with "WinCC Channel Diagnosis". When the main connection is selected, the tags is shown
in the "Counter" column.
Tag values, quality codes etc. are only displayed in Runtime.
See also
Quality Codes of Tags (Page 414)
WinCC: Communication
394 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
Communication - Diagnostics
17.6 Diagnosis of the "SIMATIC S5 Profibus FDL" Channel
See also
How to Check a Tag (Page 403)
How to Check the Channel and the Connection (Page 401)
How to Check the Configuration of the Connection and Tags (Page 399)
Checking the Communication Processor under SIMATIC NET (Page 398)
How to Check the Configuration of the Communication Processor (Page 397)
The channel records errors and important status changes in the log file. These entries can be
used to analyze a communications problem.
Each entry in the file has a date and time stamp followed by a flag name and description.
WinCC: Communication
System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA 395
Communication - Diagnostics
17.6 Diagnosis of the "SIMATIC S5 Profibus FDL" Channel
See also
How to Check the Configuration of the Connection and Tags (Page 399)
How to Check a Tag (Page 403)
How to Check the Channel and the Connection (Page 401)
Checking the Communication Processor under SIMATIC NET (Page 398)
How to Check the Configuration of the Communication Processor (Page 397)
WinCC: Communication
396 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
Communication - Diagnostics
17.6 Diagnosis of the "SIMATIC S5 Profibus FDL" Channel
This section describes how to use the "PG/PC Port" program to check a communication
processor. In this example, a "CP 5613" type processor is used for the PROFIBUS
● Install the CP 5613.
● Install the associated communication driver.
● Configure the CP 5613.
1. On the Control Panel, click the "Set PG/PC Port" icon. The "Set PG/PC Port" dialog is
2. Check the entry for the access point. The access point "CP_L2_1:/SCP" is automatically
added for the PROFIBUS connection when a CP 5613 is installed. Select the entry for this
access point. Click "Properties" to open the "Properties - CP5613_5614(PROFIBUS)"
WinCC: Communication
System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA 397
Communication - Diagnostics
17.6 Diagnosis of the "SIMATIC S5 Profibus FDL" Channel
See also
How to Check the Configuration of the Connection and Tags (Page 399)
Checking the Communication Processor under SIMATIC NET (Page 398)
This section explains how to check a communication processor using the "Set PC Station"
program in the SIMATIC NET software.
In this example, the "CP 5613" type is used for the PROFIBUS communication to channel
● Install the CP 5613.
● Install the SIMATIC NET software. For Windows 2000, a version from V6.0 SP5 is required,
with Windows XP a version from V6.1 must be installed.
● Configure the CP 5613 under SIMATIC NET.
1. Activate the Windows Start menu, open "SIMATIC / SIMATIC NET / Settings" and select
menu item "Set PC Station". The "Configurations Console PC Station" dialog opens.
2. Check the entry for the access point. Select the "Access Point" directory in the navigation
window. The existing access points are listed in the data window. Upon installation of the
CP 5613, access point "CP_L2_1:" for PROFIBUS communication is added automatically.
Select this access point in the data window. Use the "Properties" menu item from the
shortcut menu to open the "Properties of CP_L2_1:" dialog.
3. Check the entry in the "Assigned Interface Parameters" field. In the case of a CP5613 in a
PROFIBUS network, select entry "CP5613_5614(PROFIBUS)".
4. Open the navigation window, select the "Components" directory and then the "CP5613/
CP5614" subdirectory.
5. Select the "Network Diagnosis" directory. Click the "Test" button to execute a function test
on the CP 5613. The result is displayed in the output window. Depending on the test results,
click the "Restart" button in the "General" directory to perform a reset and then a complete
restart of the CP 5613.
WinCC: Communication
398 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
Communication - Diagnostics
17.6 Diagnosis of the "SIMATIC S5 Profibus FDL" Channel
6. Check the list of participants connected to PROFIBUS in the list in the "Bus Participants"
directory. Based on the display, it is possible to determine the function and status of your
own station as well as other participants which are connected.
7. Close the dialog.
8. If a fault is detected in the configuration of the communication processor, modifications can
only be made to the configuration using SIMATIC NET tools. Further information is available
See also
How to Check the Configuration of the Connection and Tags (Page 399)
This section describes how to check the system parameters and the configuration of the
connection and tags.
● Install the CP 5613.
● Install the communication driver.
● Configure the CP 5613.
● Configure a connection and tag for the "SIMATIC S5 PROFIBUS FDL" channel.
● Activate the WinCC project.
WinCC: Communication
System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA 399
Communication - Diagnostics
17.6 Diagnosis of the "SIMATIC S5 Profibus FDL" Channel
1. Click the plus sign in front of the "SIMATIC S5 PROFIBUS FDL" icon in WinCC Explorer
navigation window. In the context menu of the "FDL(CP5412/A2-1)" icon, click "System
Parameters". The "System Parameters" dialog opens.
2. Check the entry in the "Device Name" field. By default, this is set to access point "CP_L2_1:/
SCP". The access point is assigned during installation of the communication processor in
the CP 5613 system. Close the dialog.
3. Click the plus sign in front of the FDL(CP5412/A2-1)" icon. In the context menu of the tag
to be tested, select the "Properties" entry. The "Connection Properties" dialog is opened.
4. In the "Connection Properties" dialog, click the "Properties" button. The "Connection
Parameters" dialog opens.
WinCC: Communication
400 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
Communication - Diagnostics
17.6 Diagnosis of the "SIMATIC S5 Profibus FDL" Channel
5. Check the settings on the "Connection" tab. Close the open dialogs.
6. Click the plus sign in front of the icon of the connection. In the context menu of the tag to
be tested, click the "Properties" entry. The "Tag Properties" dialog opens. Check the entries
in the "Type Conversion" and "Data Type" fields.
7. In the "Tag Properties" dialog, click the "Select" button. The "Address Properties" dialog
opens. Check the settings.
8. Click "OK" to close all open dialogs.
See also
How to Check the Channel and the Connection (Page 401)
This section describes how to check the "SIMATIC S5 PROFIBUS FDL" channel and its
connection in Runtime.
● Install the CP 5613.
● Install the communication driver.
● Configure the CP 5613.
● Create a STEP5 project.
● Configure a connection and tag for the "SIMATIC S5 PROFIBUS FDL" channel.
● Activate the WinCC project.
Icon Description
Channel / connection unconditionally ready
Channel / connection ready with some restrictions
Channel / no statement possible regarding connection status
Channel / connection failed
WinCC: Communication
System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA 401
Communication - Diagnostics
17.6 Diagnosis of the "SIMATIC S5 Profibus FDL" Channel
1. Start the WinCC Channel Diagnosis from the Start menu.
2. The Channel Diagnosis application window opens. The status information for all installed
channels and their connections is displayed on the left on the "Channels/Connections" tab.
3. Check the icon in front of the channel name "SIMATIC S5 PROFIBUS FDL" and the
connection. If the status of the channel and connection are OK, a green check mark is
displayed in front of each respective entry. For information on the significance of the
individual icons refer to the "Overview of Status Messages" table.
4. If there is no green check mark in front of the channel's name and the connection, select
the connection in the window on the left. In the window on the right, check the entries for
the counters "State", "Error Count", "Error Reason", "Send" and "Receive". These values
indicate the errors detected.
5. Check the channel-specific log file. To do this, use a text editor to open the file in the
directory "Siemens\WinCC\Diagnose". Check the latest entries with the "ERROR" flag. For
more information on this topic, please see "Description of Log File Entries".
6. If you are still unable to pinpoint the error after checking the log file, please activate the
Trace function and contact Customer Support.
For more information on this topic, refer to "Configuring a Trace Function of a Channel".
See also
How to Configure the Trace Function of a Channel (Page 377)
Description of Log File Entries (Page 395)
How to Check a Tag (Page 403)
WinCC: Communication
402 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
Communication - Diagnostics
17.6 Diagnosis of the "SIMATIC S5 Profibus FDL" Channel
If an external tag does not have the expected value in Runtime, you can use the following
procedure to check the tag.
● Install the CP 5613.
● Install the communication driver.
● Configure the CP 5613.
● Create a STEP5 project.
● Configure a connection and tag for the "SIMATIC S5 PROFIBUS FDL" channel.
● Activate the WinCC project.
1. In WinCC Explorer in tag management, select the "SIMATIC S5 PROFIBUS FDL" channel.
2. In the data window, select the external tag that you wish to check. To do this, open the
directory structure until the tag is displayed in the data window.
3. Move the mouse pointer over the tag to be checked. A tooltip window opens showing the
current tag value, the quality code and the last time that the value changed.
4. Check the quality code. If value "80" is displayed, the tag value is OK. A description of the
other values can be found under "Tag Quality Codes".
5. If the quality code is not equal to "80", select the tag in the tag management and click
"Properties" in the shortcut menu to open the "Tag Properties" dialog.
6. Check whether values have been configured for the upper or lower limits, the start or
substitute values on the "Limits/Reporting" tab. These values can affect the display.
7. If the tag value is affected by one of the configured values, deactivate the project and
change the limit or substitute value.
Tag values, quality codes etc. are only displayed in Runtime.
See also
Quality Codes of Tags (Page 414)
WinCC: Communication
System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA 403
Communication - Diagnostics
17.7 Diagnosis of the "OPC" Channel
See also
How to Check a Tag (Page 411)
How to Check the Channel and the Connection (Page 409)
How to Check the Configuration Data (Page 408)
The channel records errors and important status changes in the log file. The following sections
cover only the most important entries. These entries can be used to analyze a communications
A distinction must be made between two types of entries:
WinCC: Communication
404 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
Communication - Diagnostics
17.7 Diagnosis of the "OPC" Channel
Structure of an Entry
See also
Entries for "ERROR" Flag (Page 406)
Entries for "INFO" Flag (Page 405)
Each entry in the file has a date and time stamp followed by a flag name and description.
WinCC: Communication
System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA 405
Communication - Diagnostics
17.7 Diagnosis of the "OPC" Channel
Each entry in the file has a date and time stamp followed by a flag name and description. In
the case of the "Error" flag, the description consists of a message text, error code and the text
of the error message. Some error codes do not have text for an error message.
WinCC: Communication
406 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
Communication - Diagnostics
17.7 Diagnosis of the "OPC" Channel
See also
How to Check a Tag (Page 411)
How to Check the Channel and the Connection (Page 409)
How to Check the Configuration Data (Page 408)
WinCC: Communication
System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA 407
Communication - Diagnostics
17.7 Diagnosis of the "OPC" Channel
● A computer as WinCC OPC Client with a WinCC Project.
● The "OPC" channel must be integrated in the OPC client's WinCC project.
● Configure a WinCC tag in the OPC server's WinCC project.
● On the OPC client configure a connection and a WinCC tag, which communicates with the
created server tags.
● Activate the WinCC project on the OPC Server and Client.
1. Click the plus sign in front of the "OPC" icon in WinCC Explorer navigation window on the
OPC client. Click the "plus sign in front of the icon "OPC Groups (OPCHN Unit#1)".
2. In the shortcut menu of the tag to be tested, select the "Properties" entry. The "Connection
Properties" dialog is opened. Click the "OPC Group" tab.
3. In the field "OPC Server Name", check the ProgID of the OPC server.
In the case of a connection to a server with WinCC V 5.0 or higher, you must enter
In the case of a server running WinCC V4.x, you must enter "OE.Groups".
4. Enter the name of the computer to serve as the OPC Server in the "Start the server on this
computer" field. Click the "Test Server" button to test the connection to the OPC Server.
Close the dialog.
5. Click the plus sign in front of the icon of the connection. In the context menu of the tag to
be tested, click the "Properties" entry. The "Tag Properties" dialog opens.
6. The same "Data Type" must be entered for this tag as for the tag on the OPC Server.
7. In the "Tag Properties" dialog, click the "Select" button. The "Address Properties" dialog
8. Check the entries in the fields "Item Name" and "Data Type". The "Item Name" must match
the tag name on the OPC Server. The "Data Type" must match the data type of the tag on
the OPC Server.
9. Check the channel-specific log file. To do this, use a text editor to open the file in the
directory "Siemens\WinCC\Diagnose". Check the latest entries with the "ERROR" flag. For
more information on this topic, refer to "Description of Log File Entries".
10.If you are still unable to pinpoint the error after checking the log file, please activate the
Trace function and contact Customer Support.
For more information on this topic, refer to "Configuring a Trace Function of a Channel".
WinCC: Communication
408 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
Communication - Diagnostics
17.7 Diagnosis of the "OPC" Channel
See also
How to Configure the Trace Function of a Channel (Page 377)
Description of Log File Entries (Page 404)
How to Check the Channel and the Connection (Page 409)
This section describes how to check the "OPC" channel and its connection in Runtime.
● A computer as WinCC OPC Client with a WinCC Project.
● The "OPC" channel must be integrated in the OPC client's WinCC project.
● Configure a WinCC tag in the OPC server's WinCC project.
● On the OPC client configure a connection and a WinCC tag, which communicates with the
created server tags.
● Activate the WinCC project on the OPC Server and Client.
Icon Description
Channel / connection unconditionally ready
Channel / connection ready with some restrictions
Channel / no statement possible regarding connection status
Channel / connection failed
WinCC: Communication
System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA 409
Communication - Diagnostics
17.7 Diagnosis of the "OPC" Channel
1. Start the WinCC Channel Diagnosis from the Start menu.
2. The Channel Diagnosis application window opens. The status information for all installed
channels and their connections is displayed on the left on the "Channels/Connections" tab.
3. Check the icons in front of the OPC connection. If the status of the connection is OK, a
green check mark is displayed in front of the respective entry. For information on the
significance of the individual icons refer to the "Overview of Status Messages" table.
4. If there is no green check mark in front of the name of the connection, select the connection
in the window on the left. In the window on the right, check the entries for the counters
"AddItemFailures", "Server Status", "Last Error" and "Last Error Name". These values
indicate the errors detected.
5. Check the channel-specific log file. To do this, use a text editor to open the file in the
directory "Siemens\WinCC\Diagnose". Check the latest entries with the "ERROR" flag. For
more information on this topic, refer to "Description of Log File Entries".
6. If you are still unable to pinpoint the error after checking the log file, please activate the
Trace function and contact Customer Support.
For more information on this topic, refer to "Configuring a Trace Function of a Channel".
See also
How to Configure the Trace Function of a Channel (Page 377)
Description of Log File Entries (Page 404)
How to Check a Tag (Page 411)
WinCC: Communication
410 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
Communication - Diagnostics
17.7 Diagnosis of the "OPC" Channel
If an external tag does not have the expected value in Runtime, you can use the following
procedure to check the tag.
● A computer as WinCC OPC Client with a WinCC Project.
● The "OPC" channel must be integrated in the OPC client's WinCC project.
● Configure a WinCC tag in the OPC server's WinCC project.
● On the OPC client configure a connection and a WinCC tag, which communicates with the
created server tags.
● Activate the WinCC project on the OPC Server and Client.
1. In WinCC Explorer in tag management, select the "OPC" channel.
2. In the data window, select the external tag that you wish to check. To do this, open the
directory structure until the tag is displayed in the data window.
3. Move the mouse pointer over the tag to be checked. A tooltip window opens with the current
tag value, the quality value and the time of the most recent change.
4. Check the quality code. If the value "C0" is displayed, the tag value is OK. A description of
the other values can be found under "Tag Quality Codes".
5. If the quality code is not equal to "C0", select the tag in tag management and click
"Properties" in the shortcut menu to open the "Tag Properties" dialog.
6. Check whether values have been configured for the upper or lower limits, the start or
substitute values on the "Limits/Reporting" tab. These values can affect the display.
7. If the tag value is affected by one of the configured values, deactivate the project and
change the limit or substitute value.
Tag values, quality codes etc. are only displayed in Runtime.
See also
Quality Codes of Tags (Page 414)
WinCC: Communication
System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA 411
Communication - Diagnostics
17.8 Quality of Tags
In WinCC, there are two quality indicators that allow you to evaluate the quality of tags. These
two indicators are tag status and quality code.
The tag status is formed in WinCC and informs of the quality of configuration settings within
the OS. The tag status informs additionally of the connection status to the WinCC
communication partner. This may be an automated system or the server computer.
The quality code contains the same information as the tag status. In addition to this information,
the quality status contains quality statements on partners which assess or process tags.
Possible partners are:
● Automation systems
● Automation systems with field devices
● OPC server
● OPC server with subordinate automation systems
Therein the quality code is forwarded within the processing chain. If at one point in the
processing chain several quality codes are pending for a tag, the worst code is forwarded.
The quality code informs of the quality of a tag independent of where this code was formed.
WinCC: Communication
412 System Manual, 02/2013, A5E32318638-AA
Communication - Diagnostics
17.8 Quality of Tags
Using one of the communication drivers, WinCC reads the tags from the automation device in
Runtime, including the associated quality codes. For each tag, the tag status is formed in the
data manager. It contains, for example, violations of configured measurement range limits as
well as the status of linkage between WinCC and the automation device.
Using the analysis logic in the data manager, the quality code is generated from the tag status
of the data manager and the quality code of the automation device. Here too, the code with
the worst status is passed on and saved as quality code by WinCC. For tags that do not have
a quality code in the automation system, the quality code is always identical with the tag status.
WinCC: Communication
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Communication - Diagnostics
17.8 Quality of Tags
The quality code is needed to check status and quality of a tag. The displayed quality code
summarizes the quality of the entire value transmission and value processing for the respective
tag. Thus with the quality code you can for example see whether the current value is a start
value or a substitute value.
The quality codes are prioritized. If several codes occur at the same time, the code with the
worst status is displayed.
In order to include the entire value transfer and value processing in the quality code for a
process tag, the connected automation system must support the quality code. When
configuring the tags in the AS, make sure there is enough memory space for the quality code.
In an AS from the S7 family, for example, the quality code needs an additional byte that is
appended to the process value. To prevent errors, this byte must be taken into account when
configuring a tag, for instance at the end of a data block.
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17.8 Quality of Tags
addition, a yellow warning triangle is displayed for the following objects depending on the set
WinCC design:
● I/O field
● Bar, 3D bar
● Check box, radio box
● Group display, status display
● Slider object
The quality code has the following binary structure:
Q: Quality
S: Substatus of the quality
L: Limits. This value is optional.
The quality codes shown in the "Quality" table are basic values of the quality stages. Making
use of the substatus and limit elements gives rise to intermediate values over and above the
quality stage concerned.
The first two digits specify the quality of the tag.
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
The quality alone is not enough. Individual qualities are divided into substatuses. The quality
code is binary coded. In order to analyze quality codes their values must be converted into
their hexadecimal representation.
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17.8 Quality of Tags
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17.8 Quality of Tags
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17.8 Quality of Tags
Quality codes can be further subdivided by limits. Limits are optional.
O.K. - The value is free to move. - - - - - - 0 0
Low limited - The value has acceded its low limits. - - - - - - 0 1
High limited - The value has acceded its high limits. - - - - - - 1 0
Constant (high and low limited) - The value cannot move, no matter what the - - - - - - 1 1
process does.
The tag status of individual WinCC tags can be monitored in Runtime. The tag status contains,
among other information, data regarding violations of the configured measurement range limits
as well as the status of linkage between WinCC and automation device.
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17.8 Quality of Tags
The quality code informs of the quality of a tag independent of where this code was formed.
Thereby, the status of the entire value transfer and value processing are taken into
For example, if a violation occurs of the measurement range at the lower limit, quality code
"0x55" is communicated. This violation of the measurement range might have occurred in the
WinCC data manager or in the field device. The tag status allows you to find out if this
measurement range violation occurred in WinCC or prior to passing the value to WinCC.
For example, if the tag status reports a limit violation with code 0x0010, it indicates that the
values remained below the lower range limit configured in WinCC. If the tag status does not
report any limit violation, the quality code passed on to WinCC already contained the limit
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17.8 Quality of Tags
The status of individual WinCC tags can be monitored in Runtime, providing information about
the status of the associated connection.
The monitoring is configured in Graphics Designer as an object property. One possibility for
monitoring would be to use the "Text" property of a static text.
In the shortcut menu of the "Dynamic" dialog for the desired property, select "Dynamic Dialog"
to open the "Dynamic value ranges" dialog.
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17.8 Quality of Tags
One way to monitor the status of a tag is to make use the internal functions "GetTagState" and
"GetTagStateWait" in the Global Script editor. In contrast to the "GetTag" and "GetTagWait"
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17.8 Quality of Tags
functions, these not only return the tag's value but also its status. This status value can be
evaluated and then used to trigger various events. It can also be used to assess the status of
the associated connection.
In the global action, the status value of the monitored tag is determined using the "GetTagState"
function for this tag type. There is such a function for each tag type. The status value "0"
indicates a good connection with no errors. This status can now be evaluated as desired.
This example illustrates the monitoring of a WinCC tag of the type "Signed 16-Bit Value". The
"GetTagSWordState" function is used to determine the status of this tag. The first function
parameter is the name of the WinCC tag to be monitored. The second parameter gives where
the returned status value is to be written.
The tag status is output in the internal tag BINi_E_CONNECTION. In the event of an error, the
value of this tag is set to TRUE. In the error handling, the tag can, for example, be used to
trigger an alarm or display an error message.
If an internal tag does not have the expected value in Runtime, you can use the following
procedure to check the tag.
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17.8 Quality of Tags
● Configure an internal tag.
● Activate the WinCC project.
1. In WinCC Explorer in tag management, select the entry "Internal Tags".
2. In the data window, select the tag that you wish to check. To do this, open the directory
structure until the tag is displayed in the data window.
3. Move the mouse pointer over the tag to be checked. A tooltip window opens showing the
current tag value, the quality code and the last time that the value changed.
4. Check the quality code. If value "80" is displayed, the tag value is OK. A description of the
other values can be found under "Tag Quality Codes".
5. If the quality code is not equal to "80", select the tag in the tag management and click
"Properties" in the shortcut menu to open the "Tag Properties" dialog.
6. Check whether values have been configured for the upper or lower limits, or start he value
on the "Limits/Reporting" tab. These values can affect the display.
7. If the tag value is affected by one of the configured values, deactivate the project and
change the limit or substitute value.
Tag values, quality codes etc. are only displayed in Runtime.
See also
Quality Codes of Tags (Page 414)
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as ActiveX Control, 374 Bar
Testing, 371 Example of System Info, 354
BinWrite Mechanism, 36
General Procedure, 36
" Bit by bit access, 36, 138, 230
CCS7PlusChannel, 300
"MPI" channel unit, 217
S5 AS511, 192
Configuring the connection, 217
S5 Ethernet Layer 4, 138
"Slot PLC" channel unit, 224
S5 Profibus FDL, 163
Configuring the connection, 224
S5 Serial 3964R, 201
"System Info" channel, 379
S7 Protocol Suite, 230
Diagnostic option, 379
TI Ethernet Layer 4, 310
TI Serial, 322
Bit/Byte access, 36
5 Bit-/Byte-tag, 38
505-Ethernet (CP 1413-x) Block, 178
Channel Unit, 305 Cyclic block, 178
Byte array, 171
Byte by byte access, 36, 140, 230
A S5 AS511, 193
S5 Ethernet Layer 4, 140
Adding a tag, 81, 88
S5 Profibus FDL, 165
Adding new drivers, 160
S5 Serial 3964R, 202
Address properties, 92, 107, 163, 165, 166, 171
S7 Protocol Suite, 232
Example for S5 Profibus FDL, 181
SIMATIC S7-1200, S7-1500 Channel, 301
Address type
TI Ethernet Layer 4, 311
Mitsubishi Ethernet, 64
TI Serial, 323
Addresses of tags, 309
TI Ethernet Layer 4, 309
AR_SENDAR_SEND-FunctioninWinCC , 242
AR_SEND-Function in WinCC
Configuring Variants for an Archive Tag, 269 CCS7PlusChannel
Configuring Variants for Multiple Archive Tags, Configuring a tag with bit by bit access, 300
272 Channel, 15, 133, 195, 206, 409
Data Block,Structure and Parameters, 243 check, 380, 391, 401
Example for Data Block Structure, 252, 253, 254, Configuring SIMATIC S5 PROFIBUS FDL, 160
259, 261, 263, 265, 268 Diagnosis of channels, 371
Overview of the properties of the variants, 248 Example for S5 PROFIBUS FDL, 178
Variants for an Archive Tag, 250 Mitsubishi Ethernet, (See Mitsubishi Ethernet)
Variants for Multiple Archive Tags, 255 PROFIBUS FMS, 123
Variants for Multiple Archive Tags (optimized), SIMATIC S5 Ethernet Layer 4, 133
267 SIMATIC S5 Programmers Port AS511, 185
AS data type, 17 SIMATIC S5 Serial 3964R, 195
Type conversion, 28 SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite, 206
AS511, 185 SIMATIC TI Ethernet Layer 4, 305
Automation device, 158 Status - Logical Connections function , 371
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Raw data tag as byte array, 171 Error codes during connection disturbances, 293
Service Access Point, 155 Example for Data Block Structure AR_SEND, 252,
Special function, 171 253, 254, 259, 261, 263, 265, 268
Startup block, 178 Overview of the properties of the AR_SEND
supported data type, 157 variants, 248
System parameters, 169, 170 Raw Data Tag, 275
System parameters of the channel unit, 168 Raw data tag as byte array, 276
Tag parameter, 160 Raw data tag for BSEND/BRCV functions, 279
Tag Properties, 163, 165, 166, 171 Software Redundancy, 283
Type conversion, 158 Software Redundancy - Connection-specific
Write/Read monitoring time, 168 internal tags, 285
S5 Serial 3964R, 195 Structure and Parameter of Data Block in
Configuring, 197 AR_SEND Function, 243
Configuring a tag, 199 supported data type, 211
Configuring a tag with bit by bit access, 201 System parameters, 236
Configuring a tag with byte by byte access, 202 Service Access Point, 155
Data type of the tags, 196 SIMATIC S5 Profibus FDL, 155
S5 tag, 157 Raw Data Tag, 171
Access to a S5 tag of data type ARRAY OF BYTE, S5 Profibus FDL, 155
157 Special function, 171
Access to a S5 tag of data type BIT, 157 SIMATIC S5 PROFIBUS FDL channel, 395
Access to a tag of data type byte, 157 Diagnostic option, 384
Access to S5 tags, 157 SIMATIC S5 Programmers Port AS511, 185
S7 Protocol Suite, 206 SIMATIC S5 Serial 3964R, 195
AR_SEND variant for an archive tag, 250 SIMATIC S5 Serial 3964R , 197
AR_SEND variant for multiple archive tags, 255 SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite, 206
AR_SEND variant for multiple archive tags SIMATIC S7 Protocol Suite channel, 384
(optimized), 267 Diagnostic option, 384
Changing logical device names, 240 SIMATIC S7-1200, S7-1500 Channel
Channel diagnosis, 384 Configuration, 297
Channel Unit, 207, 213 Configuring a tag with byte by byte access, 301
Configuring, 212 Configuring a tag with word by word access, 302
Configuring a raw data tag as a byte array, 277 Configuring a text tag, 303
Configuring a tag with bit by bit access, 230 Configuring the connection, 297
Configuring a tag with byte by byte access, 232 Data type, 296
Configuring a tag with word by word access, 233 SIMATIC TI Ethernet Layer 4, 305
Configuring a text tag, 234 Channel, 305
Configuring an AR_SEND variant for an archive Transport Parameter, 313
tag, 269 SIMOTION channel, 325
Configuring an AR_SEND variant for multiple Configuring, 327, 328, 329, 331, 332
archive tags, 272 Data types, 326
Configuring software redundancy, 289 Diagnosis, 337
Configuring system parameters, 238 System parameters, 333, 335
Configuring the connection, 215, 217, 220, 222, Soft PLC channel unit, 226
224, 226, 228 Configuring the connection, 226
Configuring the raw data tag for the BSEND/BRCV Software Redundancy, 283
functions, 282 configure in WinCC, 289
Cyclic Read Services, 237 Connection-specific internal tags, 285
Data exchange with FB delete in WinCC, 292
S7ProtocolSuite:AR_SEND variants , 242 Special function, 171
Data type, 211 Standard flag, 377
Delete Software Redundancy in WinCC, 292 Startup block, 178
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Value range, 28
Variable, 230
Configure bit by bit access, 230
Configure byte by byte access, 232
Configuring word by word access, 233
WinAC Basis, 226
WinAC Pro, 224
as OPC DA client, 79, 97
as OPC UA client, 117
as OPC XML client, 79
OPC in WinCC, 79, 97, 117
WinCC channel diagnosis, 380, 391, 401, 409
WinCC Communication, 15
General Procedure, 15
WinCC Data type, 17, 22
Type conversion, 22, 28
WinCC Data type, 22
WinCC process communication, 15
WinCC Type Conversion, 17
Word by word access, 230
S7 Protocol Suite, 233
SIMATIC S7-1200, S7-1500 Channel, 302
Write/Read monitoring time, 168, 170
change, 170
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