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Guru Gyan Career Institute: RD TH

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1. Longitudinal channel of Bone called:- (c) Deposition of Bony matter by

(a) Haversian canal osteoblasts & Reabsorption by
(b) Volkmann’s canals chondrioblast
(c) Narrow cavity (d) None of above
(d) Lacunae
8. Tssue connecting the Bones:-
2. Glass like cartilage is:- (a) Tendons
(a) Hyaline cartiliage (b) Ligaments
(b) Fibro cartiliage (c) Areolar
(c) Calcified cartiliage (d) Adipose
(d) Elastic cartiliage
9. Major Inorganic components of Bone:-
3. Volkmann’s canal inter connect:- (a) Calcium phosphate
(a) Bone marrow (b) Calcium carbonate
(b) 3rd & 4th ventricle of Brain (c) Sodium hydroxide
(c) Central canals & 4th ventricle (d) Potassium hydroxide
(d) Haversian canals
10. Supportive connective tissue means:-
4. Mammalian Pinna is supported by:- (a) Tendon
(a) Hyaline cartilage (b) Cartilage & Bone
(b) Calcified cartilage (c) Ligaments
(c) Elastic cartilage (d) Blood & Lymph
(d) White fibro cartilage
11. Inter vertebral disc are composed of:-
5. Muscles are connected to Bone contain:- (a) Hyalin cartilage
(a) Cartilage (b) Elastic cartiliage
(b) Ligaments (c) White fibrous cartilage
(c) Tendon (d) None of above
(d) Adipose tissue
12. Hyaline cartilage found in:-
6. Beside calcium phosphate to bone (a) Santorini of larynx
contain:- (b) Tracheal Rings
(a) CaCl2 (c) Epiglottis
(b) MgCo3 (d) Eustachian tubes
(c) NaCI
(d) K/ Mg phosphate 13. Strongest cartilageis :-
(a) White fibrous cartilage
7. Formation of cartilaginous Bone (b) Hyaline cartilage
involves:- (c) Elastic cartilage
(a) Deposition of Bony matter by (d) None
osteoblasts & Reabsorption by
chondrioclasts 14. Epiglottis is composed of:-
(b) Deposition of Bony matter by (a) Hyaline cartilage
osteoblasts only (b) Calcified cartilage
(c) Both
(d) Elastic cartilage

15. Calcified cartilage found in:- (b) Shaft & end of long bone respectively
(a) Pubis of frog (c) Head & neck of long bone
(b) Diaphysis (shaft of long Bone) (d) Spongy bone only
(c) Articular surface of long Bone
(d) None 23. Clavicle is:-
(a) Membrane bone
16. Eustachian tube is supported by:- (b) Cartilage bone
(a) Elastic cartilage (c) Visceral bone
(b) White fibros cartilage (d) Sesamoid bone
(c) Calcified cartilage
(d) Hyaline cartilage 24. Haversian system is feature of:-
(a) Amphibian Bones
17. Cartilage of inter vertebral disc & Pubic
(b) Reptiles Bone
(c) Pneumatic Bone
(a) Elastic
(d) Mammalian Bone
(b) White fibrous cartilage
(c) Hyaline cartilage
25. Haemopoiesis in adult occurs in:-
(d) Cacified cartilage
(a) Liver
18. Decalcified Bone is:- (b) Spleen
(a) Bone with organic matter (c) Red bone marrow
(b) Bone with inorganic matter (d) Matrix of connective tissue
(c) Bone without living cells
(d) Bone without peristomium 26. Bone desolving :-
(a) Osteoblast
19. Dried bone possesses (After burn):- (b) Osteocyte
(a) Matrix lacunae, canaliculi, canals & (c) Osteoclast
marrow cavity (d) Fibroblast
(b) Living Cells osteocytes
(c) Only minerals 27. Haversian canal contain:-
(d) Only osteocyte & matrix (a) Blood vessels & Nerves
(b) Blood vessels only
20. Femur & Humerus are:- (c) Lymphatic only
(a) Membranous Bone (d) Connective tissue only
(b) Investing Bone
(c) Cartilllagenous Bone 28. All the following cells produces collagen
(d) Sesamoid Bone except:-
(a) Osteoblast
21. Pattela is largest:- (b) Chondroblast
(a) Membranous Bone (Develop in (c) Fibro blast
dermis) (d) Mast cells
(b) Cartilage Bone (Replacing Bone)
(c) Heterotypic Bone (Visceral Bone) 29. Perichondrium is:-
(d) Sesamoid Bone (Develop in Tendon) (a) Adipose tissue
(b) White fibrous connective tissue
22. Epiphysis & Diaphysis of bone is:-
(c) Yellow elastic tissue
(a) End and shaft of long bone
(d) Areolar connective tissue
30. Alveoli has:-
(a) Yellow fibrous connective tissue 38. Plasma cell is:-
(b) White fibrous connective tissue (a) Modified B- lymphocytes of blood
(c) Areolar connective tissue (b) Produces antigen
(d) Adipose connective tissue (c) Produce Heparin, Histamine,
31. Tendon connect:- (d) Produces matrix & Fibres
(a) Bone to bone
(b) Bone to ligament 39. Mast cell secret:-
(c) Muscle to skin (a) Anticoagulant : Heparin
(d) Muscle to bone (b) Vasodilator : Histamine
32. Wharton jelly in umbilical cord is:- (c) Vaso constrictor : Serotonin
(a) mucoid connective tissue (d) All of the above
(b) Reticular connective tissue
(c) Areolar connective tissue 40. Cells of connective tissue produces by:-
(d) Adipose connective tissue (a) Fibroblast
(b) Mast cell
33. vitreous humour is:- (c) Plasma cell
(a) Reticular (d) Mesenchymal cells
(b) Areolar
(c) Adipose 41. Neuroglia is:-
(d) mucoid connective tissue (a) Connecitive tissue of liver
(b) Connective tissue of spleen
34. Brown Adipose cells contain:- (c) Connective tissue of brain
(a) Only one fat globule (d) Connective tissue of Thyroid
(b) More than one fat globules
(c) Whithout fat-globules 42. Yellow, white & Reticular fibres made up
(d) Central nucleus with Peripheral fat of protein:-
globules (a) Elastin, Reticulin, Collagen,
35. Fibro blast secretes:-
(b) Reticulin, Elastin, Collegen,
(a) Matrix
(b) Fibres
(c) Collogen, Elastin, Reticulin protein
(c) Both
(d) Elastin, Collagen, Reticulin protein
(d) Cells

36. Histeocytes destroy bacteria by:- 43. Yellows & White fibres occurs as :-
(a) Phagocytosis (a) Singly & Bundles respectively
(b) Produces Antitoxins (b) Single only
(c) Produces antibodies (c) Bundles only
(d) Produces antigen (d) Network forms

37. Scavanger cells of alveoli called:- 44. Matrix of cartilage produced by:-
(a) Melanophage (a) Chondrocytes
(b) Monocytes / Macrophage (b) Chondro clasts
(c) Dust cell (c) Osteocytes
(d) Microglial cell (d) Histiocytes

45. Which of the following is lack of blood (d) Hartwig
(a) Bone 53. Tessleted epithelium is present in:-
(b) Cartilage (a) Ependymal membrane
(c) Connective tissue (b) Endothelium
(d) None (c) Shnederian membrane
(d) Alveoli of lungs
46. In Hyaline cartilage matrix is:-
(a) Granular 54. Basel membrane of epithelium tissue is
(b) Transparent composed of:-
(c) Agranular (a) Lypoprotein
(d) Semi – transparent (b) Polypeptide
(c) Mucopolysaccharide
47. Pigmented connective tissue present in:-
(d) Mucoplysaccharide and glycoprotein
(a) Iris
(b) Choroid
55. Epithelium tissue is originated from which
(c) Frog’s Skin (Dermis)
germinal layer:-
(d) All of above
(a) Ectoderm
48. Sprain of body is due to pulling of :- (b) Mesoderm
(a) Muscles (c) Endoderm
(b) Ligaments (d) All the above
(c) Tendon
(d) Nerves 56. Germinal epithelium is composed of:-
(a) Cubodial epithelium
49. Haversian canal occur in:- (b) Columner epithelium
(a) Humerus (c) Squamous epithelium
(b) Pubis (d) Glandular epithelium
(c) Scapula
(d) Clavicles 57. Inner line of vegina is composed of:-
(a) Stratified ciliated columner epithelium
50. Protein present in cartilage & bone:- (b) Cubodial epithelium
(a) Chondrin & ossein respectively (c) Simple squamous epithelium
(b) Chondrotin sulphate (d) Stratified squamous epithelium
(c) Cartilagein
(d) None 58. Secretory part of sweat gland is composed
51. Characteristic of simple epithelium is:- (a) Cubodial epithelium
(a) They are arranged in discrminately (b) Columner epithelium
(b) They make a definite layer (c) Pseudostratified epithelium
(c) Continue to devide and help in organ (d) Squaamous epithelium
(d) None 59. Ependymal epithelium is composed of :-
(a) Glandular epithelium
52. Who is father of microscopic anatomy:-
(b) Ciliated epithelium
(a) Bichat
(c) Pseudostratified
(b) Reyush
(d) Brush bordered cubodial epithelium
(c) Malpighi
60. Glands of vertibrates are originated from:- (c) Goblet cell
(a) Ectodermal (d) Parotid gland
(b) Endodermal
(c) Mesodermal 68. Inner lining of Stomach, Rectum and
(d) All the above Colon is made of:-
(a) Simple squamous emi
61. In human being coelom is covered of:- (b) Simple cuboidal epi
(a) Ectoderm (c) Simple columner epi
(b) Mesoderm (d) Pseudostratified epi
(c) Endoderm
(d) Ectomesoderm 69. The term ‘Histology’ was coined by:-
(a) Malpighi
62. Inner lining of urinary bladder is compose (b) Bayer
of:- (c) Hartwig
(a) Columner epithelium (d) Mayer
(b) Squamous epithelium
70. Desecending limb of loop of Henlay is
(c) Transitional epithelium
made up of:-
(d) Pseudostratified epithelium
(a) Cuboidal epi.
63. Cutaneous gland of frog are:- (b) Columner epi.
(a) Tubular (c) Squamous epi.
(b) Simple Alveolar (d) Glandular epi.
(c) Compound alveolar
71. Gametes producing epithelium is:-
(d) Compound tubula
(a) Squamous
64. Inner lining of blood vessel is composed (b) Cuboidal
of:- (c) Columner
(a) Pseudostratified Epi. (d) Stereociliated columner
(b) Simple cubodial epi.
72. Which epithelium present in the
(c) Simple squamous epi.
conjunctiva of eye:-
(d) Ciliated columnar epi.
(a) Simple columner
(b) Stratified squamous
65. Gall bladder lined by:-
(c) Stratified cuboidal
(a) Simple columner epi.
(d) Stratified columner
(b) Stratified columner epi.
(c) Brush border columner epi. 73. Inner lining of female urethra is made up
(d) Brush border cuboidal epi. of:-
(a) St. Squamous epi.
66. Secretory duct of sweat gland is composed
(b) St. Cuboidal epi.
(c) St. columner epi.
(a) Simple squamous epi.
(d) Transitional epi.
(b) Stratified cuboidal epi.
(c) Stratified squamous ep.i 74. Ciliated epithelium in our body may be
(d) Ciliated epithelium found in :-
(a) Trachea
67. Which one is a apocrine gland:-
(b) Ureter
(a) Sebaceous gland
(c) Bile duct
(b) Mammary gland
(d) Urethra
75. Epidermis is originated from:- 82. Compound tubule alveolar gland is:-
(a) Ectoderm (a) Parotid gland
(b) Endoderm (b) Brunar’s gland
(c) Mesoderm (c) Submandibular gland
(d) All the above (d) Oil gland

76. Secretory duct of mammary gland is 83. Which glan d secretes chemical by simple
composed of:- difusion:-
(a) St. cuboidal epithelium (a) Apocrine gland
(b) St. columnar epithelium (b) Holocrine gland
(c) St. squamous epithelium (c) Merocrine gland
(d) Pseudostratified epithelium (d) None

77. Distal part of male urethra is composed 84. Compound squamous epitheloium occurs
of:- in
(a) Straqtified columnar epithelium (a) Stomach
(b) Stratified cuboidal epithelium (b) Pharynx
(c) Pseudostratified epithelium (c) Intestine
(d) Transitional epithelium (d) Trachea.

78. Sweat gland of human being are 85. Epitheli:-

originated from:- (a) Protective covering
(a) Ectoderm (b) Reproductive structure
(b) Mesoderm (c) Nerve cells
(c) Endoderm (d) Corpuscles.
(d) All the above
86. Epithelium of bronchioles is:-
79. Stratified squamous epithelium is found (a) Simple cuboidal
in:- (b) Simple squamous
(a) Stomach (c) Pseudostratified columnar
(b) Loop of henle (d) Pseudostretified sensory
(c) Bile duct
(d) Oesophagus 87. Stratified and nonkeratinised squamous
epithelium occurs in:-
80. Visceral pleura is originated from:- (a) Epidermis of skin
(a) Ectoderm (b) Vagina and cervix
(b) Endoderm (c) Buccal cavity
(c) Ectomesoderm (d) Both 2 and 3.
(d) Mesoderm
88. Basement membrane is formed of :-
81. Vesicles or acini of thyroid from:- (a) Epidermal cells
(a) Simple squamous epi. (b) Endodermal cells
(b) Simple cuboidal epi. (c) Both 1 and2
(c) St. squamous epi. (d) None of the above but present below
(d) St. cuboidal epi. epithelial cells.

89. Inner lining of gut, stomach and liver is 96. Goblet cells are:-
made of:- (a) Unicellular glands
(a) Simplesquamous epithelium (b) Multicellular glands
(b) Simple columnar epithelium (c) Stratified epithelium
(c) Simple cuboidal epithelium (d) Dead Keratinised cells.
(d) All the above.
97. Sebaceous glands are:-
90. Gastric glands are:- (a) Apocrine
(a) Simple Nervous tissue (b) Holocrine
(b) Skin epidermis (c) Mesocrine
(c) Tendon (d) Eccrine.
(d) Smooth muscles.
98. Squamous glands are:-
91. Regeneration after injury is absent in :-
(a) Kidney
(a) Simple Nervous tissue (b) Pancreatic dict
(b) Skin epidermis
(c) Lung alveoli
(c) Tendon
(d) Liver.
(d) Smooth muscles.
99. Branched tubular gland is:-
92. Brush border epithelium occurs in:-
(a) Salivary
(a) Trachea
(b) Gastric
(b) Stomach (c) Sebaceous
(c) Small intestine (d) Sweat.
(d) Fallopian tube.
100. Characteristic of epithelial tissue is :-
93. Adjacent epithelial cells are held together (a) Never produce glands
by means of:- (b) Cells can undergo rapid division
(a) Liposomes (c) Abundant vasularisation
(b) Glyoxisomes/glyoxysomes (d) Large intercellular spaces.
(c) Desmosomes
(d) Microsomes.

94. Vertebrate salivary glands and exocrine

part of pancreas are:-
(a) Apocrine
(b) Holocrine
(c) Epicrine
(d) Merocrine.

95. Simple epithelium is made of:-

(a) Noncellular layer of hyaluronic acid
(b) Actively dividing cells
(c) Loosely arranged cells
(d) Compactly packed single layer of

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