Institute of Aeronautical Engineering: Hall Ticket No. Question Paper Code: ACE005

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Hall Ticket No.

Question Paper Code: ACE005


Dundigal, Hyderabad - 500 043


B.Tech IV Semester End Examinations (Regular), April – 2018
Regulations: IARE-R16
(Civil Engineering)

Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70

Answer ONE Question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks
All parts of the question must be answered in one place only

1. (a) State Newton’s l a w viscosity and explain how viscosity varies with temperature for [7M]
liquids and gases.
(b) A plate of certain oil weighs 40 KN. Calculate the specific weight, mass density and
specific gravity of this oil. [7M]

2. (a) What is surface tension? Derive the expression for surface tension on a liquid jet. [7M]
(b) A rectangular plane surface 3 m wide and 4 m deep lies in water in such a way that its [7M]
plane making an angle of 300 with the surface of water. Determine the total pressure
force and position of centre of pressure, when upper edge is 2 m below the free surface.

3. (a) Give the condition for ir-rotational flow. Prove that for potential flow, both the stream [7M]
function and velocity potential function must satisfy Laplace equation.

(b) If the cylindrical vessel of dia 15 cm and length 100 cm contains water at a height of [7M]
80 cm is rotated at 950 r.p.m. about its vertical axis, find the Area uncovered at the base
of the tank.

4. (a) Discuss the continuity equation? Obtain the continuity equations for multi/ three [7 M]
dimensional flows.

(b) The stream line function for a two dimensional flow is given by 2xy, the velocity at a point [7 M]
(2.0, 2.0) is? The velocity of a fluid particle is given as (in meters) V= 4x 2ti-5y2j+6ztk
(where i, j and k are unit vectors in x, y and z directions). The resultant local acceleration at
the point (2,3,2) is
5. (a) Define the momentum of momentum equation. What is the difference between momentum [7M]
equation and impulse momentum equation

(b) A pipe of dia 400 mm carries water at a velocity of 25 m/s. The pressures at a point are
given as 29.43 N/cm2 and 22.563N/cm2 .while the datum head at A and B are 28 m and [7M]
30 m. Find the loss of head between A and B.

6. (a) Describe with the help of sketch the construction, operation, and use of pitot- static tube. [7M]
(b) A horizontal venturimeter with inlet and throat and diameters 30 cm and 15 cm is used [7M]
to measure the flow of water. The reading of differential manometer connected to the
inlet and the throat is 20 cm of mercury. Determine the rate of flow. Take C d = 0.98.

7 (a) Derive an expression for displacement thickness due to formation of boundary layer. [7M]
(b) A thin plate is moving in still atmospheric air at a velocity of 4 m/s. The length of plate [7M]
is 0.5 m and width is 0.4 m, calculate the thickness of boundary layer at the end of the
plate and the drag force on one side of the plate. Take density of air is 1.25 kg/m3 and
kinematic viscosity 0.15 stokes.

8 (a) Obtain Von karman momentum integral equation. [7M]

(b) A smooth flat plate of size 30 cm X 60 cm is placed in a stream of water of uniform [7M]
velocity 60 cm/sec. Flow takes parallel to the 30 cm length of the plate. If the kinematic
viscosity of water is 0.011 stoke, is the boundary layer formed on the plate laminar or
turbulent? Determine the shear stress at the trailing edge, maximum boundary layer
thickness, mean drag coefficient and the work done by the fluid on one side of the plate per
unit time in Joules.

9 (a) Develop the equation for head loss in pipes due to friction Darcy-Weisbach equation. [7M]
(b) A 0.3 m diameter pipe 2340 m long is connected with a reservoir whose surface is 72 m [7M]
above the discharging end of the pipe. If for the last 1170 m, a second pipe of the same
diameter be laid beside the first and connected to it. What would be the increase in the
discharge? Take f=0.02

10 (a) Explain minor and major losses in pipes. Obtain general formulae for loss [7M]
(b) For turbulent flow in a pipe diameter 300 mm, find the discharge when the centre line [7M]
velocity is 2 m/s and the velocity at a point 100 mm from the centre as measured by pitot
tube is 1.6 m/s.
Dundigal, Hyderabad - 500 043


The course should enable the students to:

I Understand and study the effect of fluid properties on a flow system

II Apply the concept of fluid pressure, its measurements and applications.
III Explore the static, kinematic and dynamic behavior of fluids.
IV Assess the fluid flow and flow parameters using measuring devices.


Students, who complete the course, will have demonstrated the ability to do the following:
CACE005.01 Define fluid and its properties. Describe effect of temperature on viscosity.
CACE005.02 Explain Newton’s law of viscosity. Classify fluids based on Newton’s law of viscosity
and solve problems on Viscosity.
CACE005.03 Employ capillary principle to calculate capillary rise/fall in a given tube.
CACE005.04 Interpret different forms of pressure measurement.
CACE005.05 Employ principle of manometry to measure gauge and differential pressure.
CACE005.06 Calculate Hydrostatic Force and its Location for a given geometry and orientation of
plane surface
CACE005.07 Examine the possibility of a flow using continuity equation
CACE005.08 Employ Archimedes principle to solve numerical examples on Buoyancy
CACE005.09 Identify and interpret different flows with relevant equations
CACE005.10 Distinguish velocity potential function and stream function and solve for velocity and
acceleration of a fluid at a given location in a fluid flow
CACE005.11 Examine stability of a floating body by determining its metacentric height
CACE005.12 Establish Euler’s theorem and deduce Bernoulli’s equation for a ideal fluid and comment
on validation assumption made.
CACE005.13 Examine Bernoulli’s equation for ideal and real fluids and evaluate the direction of flow
CACE005.14 Distinguish between major loss and minor loss.
CACE005.15 Employ Darcy-Weichbach and Chezy’s equation to calculate friction losses
CACE005.16 Interpret different pipe fittings and evaluate the fluid velocity considering major and
minor losses
CACE005.17 Sketch HGL and TEL for a given pipe setting.
CACE005.18 Distinguish between Drag force and lift force and Examine drag and lift force for a given
set of dimension and variables
CACE005.19 Write the boundary layer concept.
CACE005.20 Distinguish displacement, momentum, and energy thickness
CACE005.21 Explain the concept of prandtl contribution.
CACE005.22 Evaluate the Vonkarmen momentum integral equation.
CACE005.23 Analyze the closed conduit flows using Renold’s experiment.
CACE005.24 Possess the knowledge and skills for employability and to succeed in national and
international level competitive examinations.
Mapping of Semester End Examination to Course Learning Outcomes
SEE Bloom’s
Question Course Learning Outcomes Taxonomy
No. Level
a CACE001.1 Define fluid and its properties. Describe effect of temperature on viscosity. Understand
Explain Newton’s law of viscosity. Classify fluids based on Newton’s law of
b CACE001.2 Understand
viscosity and solve problems on Viscosity.
a CACE001.3 Employ capillary principle to calculate capillary rise/fall in a given tube. Understand
2 Interpret different forms of pressure measurement.
b CACE001.4 Understand

a CACE001.7 Identify and interpret different flows with relevant equations Remember
b CACE001.9 Examine the possibility of a flow using continuity equation Understand
CACE001.10 Distinguish velocity potential function and stream function and solve for
a Understand
4 velocity and acceleration of a fluid at a given location in a fluid flow
b CACE001.9 Examine the possibility of a flow using continuity equation Understand
Establish Euler’s theorem and deduce Bernoulli’s equation for an ideal fluid and
a CACE001.12 Understand
comment on validation assumption made.
Examine Bernoulli’s equation for ideal and real fluids and evaluate the direction
CACE001.13 Understand
of flow
Establish Euler’s theorem and deduce Bernoulli’s equation for a ideal fluid and
a CACE001.12 Understand
comment on validation assumption made.
Examine Bernoulli’s equation for ideal and real fluids and evaluate the direction
b CACE001.13 Understand
of flow
Distinguish between Drag force and lift force and Examine drag and lift force
a CACE001.18 Understand
7 for a given set of dimension and variables
b CACE001.19 Write the boundary layer concept. Understand
a CACE001.20 Distinguish displacement, momentum, and energy thickness Remember
b CACE001.21 Explain the concept of prandtl contribution. Understand
Interpret different pipe fittings and evaluate the fluid velocity considering major
a CACE001.16 Remember
9 and minor losses
b CACE001.17 Sketch HGL and TEL for a given pipe setting. Remember

a CACE001.15 Employ Darcy-Weichbach and Chezy’s equation to calculate friction losses Remember
b CACE001.23 Analyze the closed conduit flows using Renold’s experiment. Remember

Signature of Coordinator


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