Warcraft Rules Conversion
Warcraft Rules Conversion
Warcraft Rules Conversion
Version: 2.4
"The sands of time have run out."
-Medivh, the last Guardian
Section 1 Moon Priesthood 65
Shadow Priesthood 65
Chapter 1: Introduction 1 Rogue (RGE) 67
Chapter 2: Races
34 Assassination 69
Dark Dwarf (Dark Iron) 5 Outlaw 69
Hill Dwarf (Wildhammer) 5 Subtlety 70
Mountain Dwarf (Bronzebeard) 5 Shaman (SHM) 72
Elf 6 Elemental 75
Blood Elf (Sin’Dorei) 7 Enhancement 75
High Elf (Quel’Dorei) 8 Restoration 76
Night Elf (Kal’Dorei) 8
Draenei 9 Tinker (TNK) 77
Gnome 11 Bomber 79
Goblin 12 Gunner 79
Forsaken 13 Gadgeteer 80
Human 15 Warlock (WKR) 81
Orc 17 Affliction 83
Pandaren 19 Demonology 83
Tauren 21 Destruction 84
Troll 23
Forest Troll (Revantusk) 24 Warrior (WAR) 85
Jungle Troll (Darkspear) 24 Arms 88
Ice Troll (Drakkari) 24 Fury 88
Worgen 25 Protection 88
Half-breed Races 26
Mixed Traits 26 Part 2
Chapter 3: Classes
Alchemist (ALC)
28 Chapter 4: Skills and Professions 84
Gathering Skills 94
Death Knight (DKN) 32 Production Skills 96
Path of Blood 35 Skills and tools 96
Path of Frost 36
Path of Unholiness 36 Chapter 5: Feats 103
Druid (DRD) 38 Chapter 6: Spellcasting
Balance 40
Feral 41 Spell Lists 108
Restoration 41 Spell Descriptions 124
Hunter (HTR)
Beast Master
Chapter 7: Equipment
Adventuring Gear
Marksman 46 Weapons and Armors 152
Survival 46 Magic Items 153
Mage (MGE) 47 Alchemical Items 160
Arcane 49 Engineered Items 162
Fire 49
Frost 50 Part 3
Monk (MKN) 51 Chapter 8: Classes in Warcraft 167
Brewmaster 53 Changelog 175
Mistweaver 54
Windwalker 54
Paladin (PLD) 56
Oath of Holiness 59
Oath of Protection 59
Oath of Retribution 60
Priest (PRS) 61
Death Priesthood 63
Discipline Priesthood 64
Holy Light Priesthood 64
Chapter 1: Introduction
he world of Warcraft has many special traits Classes
when converted to tabletop format. It has
special naming conventions, languages, and As detailed below, some classes gain different abilities to
an extensive lore. better synergize with the mana system, while others are
renamed as above.
Energy Types
Abilitie Scores Besides the normal damage descriptors in 5e D&D, the
Old Name New Name Warcraft universe has an additional damage type: Fel,
which is channeled by demonic power and is inherently
Dexterity (Dex) Agility (Agi) destructive and corruptive.
Wisdom (Wis) Spirit (Spi) It also differs in naming existing descriptors.
Constitution (Con) Stamina (Stm) Energy Types
Old New
Classes Name Name Source
Old Name New Name Force Arcane Pure magic damage/spell backlash
Cleric Priest Radiant Holy Divine powers/radiance/abjuration and
Fighter Warrior evocation spells
Spells Languages
Old Name New Name Elemental damage includes acid, cold, fire, and lightning.
Magic damage includes arcane, holy, shadow, thunder, and
Aganazzar’s Scorcher Dragon Breath fel.
Cure Wounds (modified) Holy Light
Delayed B’ Fireball (modified) Pyroblast
Effects that deal holy damage and can heal the living give
Healing Word (modified) Flash of Light (modified) the option for the spellcaster to either heal or deal damage.
Inflict Wounds (modified) Death Coil The same goes for effects that deal shadow damage and
heal (though it can only heal the undead or demons). These
Conjure (any) Conjure spells have the [Healing] descriptor, or otherwise only
Charm Person/Monster Charm harm.
Dominate P’/M’ Dominate
For example, the Holy Light spell is a [healing] spell that
can deal holy damage. If targeting a living being, the caster
Magic Missile Arcane Missile can choose to make it heal them instead. Death Coil is also
Magic Jar Possession a [healing], though it can only heal the undead and demons,
while dealing shadow damage at the will of the caster to
Mass Cure Wounds Hope of Healing other creatures.
Mordenkainen’s Sword Arcane Sword
Melf’s Acid Arrow Shadow Strike (modified)
Aura Effects
Certain effects grant bonuses to AC, attack, or saving
Ray of Frost Frost Bolt throws that are based off morale-based sources. A bear’s
Sacred Flame Smite primal roar, a paladin’s confident presence, or an
archmage’s proximity. These are known as aura bonuses,
Thunderwave Thunderstorm and do not stack with one another.
Spells not included in the above list that include their Languages
inventor’s name (Bigby’s Hand, Evard’s Black Tentacles) Spoken languages in Azeroth are the following:
excises the inventor (Hand, Black Tentacles, etc.) Common: Spoken by humans, and most other races.
Draconic: Spoken by dragons.
Magic and Mana Dwarven: Spoken by dwarves.
Some spells are changed in function or name. All such Eredun: Cursed; spoken by demons.
spells are referred to with their new names, rather than Gnomish: Spoken by gnomes.
their old names. Elven: Spoken by elves, with two main dialects:
Mana and set spells is also used as a core magic system, • Darnassian, spoken by Night Elves
not spell slots. Mana restores over time, while resting, by • Thalassian, spoken by Highborne, high elves, and blood
drinking certain potions, and with certain abilities that elves
restore mana instantaneously at the cost of future • Nazja (spoken by naga)
regeneration. A character can only benefit from a non-rest Goblin: Spoken by goblins.
based mana restorative effect per hour, unless otherwise
Kalimag: Spoken by elementals, with four distinct dialects • Chilled: Usually inflicted by cold spells, the chilled
for the prime elementals, such as Aquan for water condition reduces the target’s primary movement speed by
elementals, Auran for air elementals, Ignan for fire 10 feet. This condition can stack if applied from different
elementals, and Terran for earth elementals. spells or abilities. If the target’s speed is reduced to 0, they
Low Common: Spoken by furbolgs, gnolls, kobolds, are restrained until their speed is no longer 0.
ogres, and most humanoids or giants with low Intelligence. • Choking: When a creature that needs to breathe barred
Orcish: Spoken by orcs. from doing so by an attack (such as a grapple check to
Taur-ahe: Spoken by tauren. choke or the strangulate spell), a creature is choking. While
Titan: Spoken by titans. choking, the creature is silenced, and must succeed on a
Draenei: Spoken by draenei, broken and lost ones. Stamina saving throw against the choker’s DC
Languages must also be learned from a source. (8 + proficiency bonus + Strength modifier) or instantly
lose their remaining rounds of breath. When a creature
Eredun Curse runs out of breath, it can survive for an additional number
Demons of the Burning Legion speak the tongue of their of rounds equal to its Constitution modifier (minimum 1
kind, Eredun, which is a perversion of Titan. round). At the start of its next turn, it drops to 0 hit points
Any non-demonic creature that deliberately speaks and is dying or knocked unconscious for one hour.
Eredun without being also bound to demons (such as a Normally, a creature can hold their breath for number of
Warlock), must make a Spirit save every year (DC 15) or rounds equal to their Stamina score. A To choke a creature
lose 1 point of Spirit, and shift one step towards Lawful already grappled, the grappler must spend all their
Evil. movement to tighten their grip, thereby forcing the Stamina
If the character is Evil, the save must still be done, and saving throw. This can be done multiple times so long as
the spirit loss remains until the character serves the the target is still grappled.
Burning Legion in a substantial way (according to its • Distracted: When a creature cannot concentrate on
capabilities), in which case the attribute is restored once spellcasting (such as by being damaged, affected by specific
the character proves themselves. After doing so, the lords spells, or abilities), they must succeed on a Stamina saving
of the Legion may remove this curse. This is a Curse effect. throw or lose the spell they are about to cast, channel, or
concentrate on. The DC of the saving throw is equal to 10
Corporeality and Etherealness or one-half damage dealt. If the condition was brought on
The Warcraft universe does not transit into the ethereal by an ability, it is instead the ability DC (or 8 + proficiency +
plane present in other settings, and thus all ethereal the relevant attribute modifier), and if inflicted by a spell, it
movement is incorporeal movement instead. is the spell DC.
Incorporeal creatures gain damage resistance to all non- • Scorched: Usually inflicted by fire spells, the scorched
magical weapons, and resistance to all energy types except condition reduces the target’s weapon damage by a number
arcane, holy, shadow, and fel. They may also go through of points equal to 2 (or if brought on by a hostile creature, a
solid objects such as walls (treating movement as difficult number of damage points equal to their proficiency bonus).
terrain), but take 5 (1d10) Arcane damage if ending their
turn within one. Lore
They are also naturally invisible, but are not naturally Resurrection: Resurrection in the Warcraft universe’s lore
silent. They cannot attack non incorporeal creatures or cast is a contentious subject; player characters can be revived,
spells, but may handle force effects as normal (such as by but important NPCs usually die permanently.
pushing, casting force spells, or attacking with force Resurrection is possible and expensive, although several
weapons). Force walls prevent incorporeal creatures to factors make it easier, and some make it impossible.
pass through them. • Intact Corpse: An intact corpse is required for
Should the Lich King’s telepathic control of his undead
• Willing Target: The target must be willing to return. Some minions waver (either by suffering damage to himself of the
characters, upon a fulfilled life, find that they cannot (or are Frozen Throne), there is a chance that these free-willed
unwilling) to be revived. This cancels the spell without undead will summon back their spirits to their bodies,
consuming any material components.
• Material Components: Spells that raise the dead becoming intelligent undead—in many cases, joining the
require expensive material components, such as diamonds ranks of the Forsaken. Intelligent undead usually appear in
(or their dust), alchemical reagents, or anything that can traumatic events that would cause their spirit to linger and
stand in for the price. For example, a cherished wedding return (executed unjustly, betrayed and killed by a loved
band can pay the price of the spell if it has a comparable one, died with broken oaths or severe regrets, slain on
price (even if not exact), as well as a magical item with an unholy ground, etc., as determined by the DM). Spellcasters
infusion cost comparable to the spell’s cost. may attempt to replicate these circumstances with the Bind
Resurrection Sickness. Spells that revive inflict Undead spell.
resurrection sickness. The target takes a -4 penalty to Casting the bind spell on a corpse in an area that was
attack rolls, saving throws, and ability checks. Whenever significant to the person while alive may summon his spirit
they take a long rest, the penalty decreases by 1 point until to be bound as an undead. Animating and then binding a
it is eliminated entirely. human farmer in the ruins of a market he used to sell his
wares in, an elven farstrider in her archery range, or an orc
Immortals and Undead in his hut are all likely to return a sliver of the creature’s
Immortals such as celestials and fiends (sometimes known spirit, returning their mental attributes to normal. These
as outsiders), undead, and fey have different natures than undead, if released from the binding, join the ranks of the
mortals such as humanoids, beasts, etc. and do not age or Forsaken.
die of aging. Fey slain reform in the Emerald Dream, but do not
Additionally, outsiders cannot be destroyed unless killed regain physical bodies, such as the elder fey Cenarius.
under any of these conditions: Constructs are considered functionally immortal, and can
• They must be killed on their native plane (the Twisting be fixed and recrafted by a character with a sufficiently high
Nether for demons, and the native realm for celestials), or a proficiency in engineering, although they cannot be
plane heavily influenced by it. restored if missing critical components (subject to joint
• They must be gated in physically (via a gate or plane DM-player adjudication).
shift, or similar effects) such as when the lich Kel’Thuzad
invited the archdemonic Archimonde via a gate to Azeroth Resurrection Altars
during the Third War. Altars of resurrections are known center points of power,
Few spellcasters know that outsiders do not die unless usually built in intersections of lay energies or in hallowed
under these conditions (most of those who do know are areas. It is these sites, once erected, that heroes may be
warlocks who share this information sparingly). If a resurrected to do battle once again (for an offering of gold).
creature is bonded without being invited or gated in, they To be restored via an Altar of Resurrection, a character
reform as normal. must be at least of 5th level or higher and attune
Due to the difficulties of killing demons under these themselves with one altar (which takes a day of being less
conditions, they are usually banished, trapped (either in than 30 feet from it, and costs nothing).
gems, or spell focuses such as by the Capture Essence The offering may be paid with coin, or with the sacrifice
spell, or by spells such as Imprisonment), or imprisoned of any similarly-valued object (such as breaking an
instead of destroyed. In the case of the Capture Essence ancestral blade, or the sacrifice of a being within two levels
spell, ambitious spellcasters might even use the creature’s from the target). If a creature dies on a plane different from
spirit to fuel infusions or to power engineering devices, where its altar is located, it cannot be revived by the altar.
though they run the risk the creature escapes. The Altar takes one hour to revive a creature whose spirit
Forsaken and other intelligent undead is another special is called out to, and besides the offering and a sure way to
case. So long as an undead is intelligent, it can be raised or identify the target, the target’s corpse is not required.
revived by the normal raising spells (Revivify, Raise Dead, The resurrected creature appears unarmed, unarmored,
and Resurrection). Unintelligent undead are usually and unclothed, and has no starting possessions. If the
‘revived’ by repeated animation. Some undead often have character died while affected by a curse, they retain the
special conditions to destroy beyond resurrection. For curse, but their bodies are free from any nonmagical
example, liches can only be killed if their phylacteries are diseases or poisons. The character is also at full hit points
destroyed. and mana, and retains any prepared and set spells, and
Although undead also require their body parts to be takes a penalty of -4 on all d20 checks. Each long rest
available to be raised through these spells, it is easy to removes -1 from this penalty until the penalty is wholly
simply stitch body parts together with a sewing kit (or use removed.
body parts from other corpses), although the undead’s head
is a vital and irreplaceable part. The Resurrection spell can,
however, revert an undead creature to living, so long as its
soul is free, but only if it is heightened to 9th level (also
known as True Resurrection).
Creating intelligent undead requires more than just
animating them; the Plague of Undeath was an unholy
concoction suffused with necromantic and soul magics,
and animated by semi-sentient will. Created by the Lich
King before the beginning of the Third War, the Plague of
Undeath is the strongest and most reliable tool to create
intelligent undead (see equipment).
a character’s spirit this way costs 100 gold per level of the
target. Altars of Resurrection are in every Alliance, Horde,
and Independent (see Scourge) city of populace 1,000 or
higher, or any fort or citadel (but not every small military
outpost), and is also attuned to its military and civil leaders.
Access to the Altar is usually restricted--as those who
sabotage it undermine a great weapon.
The altar cannot resurrect a creature that is not dead, or
one not willing to return, or a creature that has already
underwent a transformation that changed what it was
(living being into an undead, or a demon), or a creature
whose soul is stolen or trapped.
Altar of Kings: Made by materials provided by Kirin Tor
to serve the Alliance and her people, the Altar of Kings,
acts as a harness for the derelict life forces of fallen human
champions (including their allies the dwarves and high
elves). The specifics of this building's magical properties
are among the most guarded secrets in all human realms.
Altar of Storms: Used by the Orcish Horde and created
by utilized elven runestones corrupted by fel magic, the
altars of storms were used to create Ogre Magi during the
Second War (and to a lesser extent, the Third War). After
the war ended, they became reinfused with shamanistic
magic to recall the lingering spirits of heroes back to life.
Altar of Darkness: Built with dark magics in blighted
grounds, this structure serves as a channeling nexus for the
Scourge's dark restorative powers. When a hero falls in
battle, his essence may be recalled to this site, where it is
given new, unholy life. Altars of darkness are utilized by the
Forsaken and the Scourge.
Altar of Elders: So powerful is the Night Elven bond with
the Ancients, that even upon their death and the death of
their ancient allies, their life energies may be recalled, and
their spirit made tangible in the waking world once again.
For this to occur, a nexus must be constructed, a
channeling place to collect and restore life energies. This
place is the altar of elders.
Chapter 2: Races
he races of Warcraft are diverse and
rich. Each race has a role in the world,
and their deeds resonate through the
ages. Members of each race view each
other with assumptions formed by past
conflicts and alliances. Warcraft’s
history is troubled, epic and every
aspect influences the races, their beliefs and their
roles. This chapter describes Ironforge, Wildhammer
and Dark Iron Dwarves, High and Night Elves,
Gnomes, Goblins, Humans, Orcs, Tauren, Jungle
and Forest Trolls, and the Forsaken. These races are not
the only races in the Warcraft world, but they are the
most dominant, influential, and prone to adventuring.
Proud and noble, courageous and wise, these races work
together to preserve order in Azeroth. The Alliance is
driven by honor and tradition. Its rulers are champions of
justice, hope, knowledge, and faith. In a time when chaos
and uncertainty reign, the Alliance remains steadfast in its
determination to bring light to the darkest corners of the
Misunderstood and cast aside, these diverse and powerful
races strive to overcome their differences and unite as one
in order to win freedom for their people and prosper in a
land that has come to hate them. In the Horde, action and
strength are valued above diplomacy, and its leaders earn
respect by the blade, wasting no time with politics. The
brutality of the Horde's champions is focused, giving a
voice to those who fight for survival.
warves are short and stout creatures mostly
inhabiting Khaz Modan in the Eastern
Kingdoms. They are shorter than Humans but
taller than Gnomes, taking advantage of their
size when possible and relying on their
robustness and strength when not. The
average Dwarf is steady, observant and
composed both during work and combat, yet able to rage
with fierce zeal and persistence when the situation calls for
it. While a Dwarf prefers to plan forward to overcome
challenges, many of them easily lose their temperament
and self-restraint when exposed to conditions stirring their
feelings and concerns.
In past ages, the Dwarves rarely left the safety of their
mountain fortresses, spending their time on refining metal
and stone into powerful weapons and beautiful jewelry. Dwarf Traits
However, when the call to battle sounded, they rose up to Your Dwarf character has an assortment of inborn abilities,
defend their friends and allies with unmatched courage and part and parcel of Dwarven nature.
valor. Ability Score Increase. Your Stamina score increases
Culture by 2.
Age. Dwarves mature at the same rate as humans, but
Dwarves love gold and Dwarves love drinking, so gaming they’re considered young until they reach the age of 40. On
seemed like a natural fit for both. They are also famous average, they live to be 450 years old.
metalsmiths. While they produce many implements of war, Size. Dwarves stand between 4 and 5 feet tall and
they are adept at working with softer metals as well. average about 150 pounds. Your size is Medium.
The legendary ram Toothgnasher was a wonder of Khaz Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet. Your speed is
Modan and the subject of many tales of Dwarven folklore. not reduced by wearing heavy armor.
Darkvision. Accustomed to life underground, you have
Customs superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in
Some Dwarves sealed their deceased in tombs. Those dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and
with a concern about the undead might have been more in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in
apt to cremate remains. darkness, only shades of gray.
An old ascension ceremony for Dwarven kings involved Stoneform. You can activate Stoneform as a reaction. If
drinking from the Chalice of the Mountain Kings and a you do, you remove all bleeding effects, gain advantage on
"sword dance" done by female Dwarven warriors. This saving throws against poison, diseases, curses, resistance
performance, part ritual and part mock battle, against poison damage, resistance versus all non-magical
apparently evolved from bloody duels fought during less weapon (bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing) damage, and
sophisticated times in Dwarven history. +2 to your AC. This bonus remains until the beginning of
The Bronzebeard kings of the High Seat have gone your next turn. You must declare use of this ability before
through many scepters during their reigns. By tradition, any attack or damage roll is made. This can be used once
the king would let certain of his top advisors and allies per proficiency bonus, regained after a long rest
bear the scepter for a single day. These were rough days Alternatively, you may use this as a bonus action, where the
for the scepters, which saw the insides of taverns, were benefits remain for 1d4 rounds, but consume 2 of your
dropped off mountaintops, were used to smite Troggs uses.
and so on. Dwarven Combat Training. You have proficiency with
Saying: "If ye want to topple a wall, start with the the Battleaxe, Handaxe, Light Hammer, and Warhammer.
foundation." Tool Proficiency. You gain proficiency with one artisan’s
tool of your choice: Smith’s Tools, Brewer’s Supplies, or
Faith Mason’s Tools.
Stonecunning. Whenever you make an Intelligence
While many Ironforge Dwarves follow the Church of the (History) check or Mining checks related to stonework and
Holy Light, there are some who worship the Pantheon. The minerals, you are considered both proficient and as if
Dwarf Durgan One-God is notable for having disavowed having Expertise in either History or Mining (choose one).
most of the titans and believing that Eonar is the one true Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and
god who created everything. By Durgan's own admission, Dwarvish. Dwarvish is full of hard consonants and guttural
no one else shares this faith with him. sounds, and those characteristics spill over into whatever
The Wildhammer Dwarves practice Shamanism. other language a Dwarf might speak.
Whether they also have Light followers is unknown. Subrace. Three main subraces of Dwarves populate the
worlds of Azeroth: Dark Dwarves, Hill Dwarves and
Mountain Dwarves. Choose one of these subraces.
Dark Dwarf (Dark Iron) Wildhammers string beads and feathers into their hair
"You shall serve." and beards as good luck charms, and paint tattoos on their
-Moira Thaurissan bodies in homage to the totems, ideas and creatures they
As a Dark Dwarf, you probably hail from the Dark Iron Affiliation. Neutral, technically. The Wildhammer clan is
clans, led by the Sorcerer-thane Thaurissan. Reviled as not a member of the Alliance, but Wildhammer Dwarves
betrayers of their fellow Dwarves, and living in the are allies of the Alliance and would certainly help it in a
mountain-halls of Blackrock Mountain, Dark Iron Dwarves war (and have done so in the past).
are slaves to the great elemental Firelord Ragnaros, and They are distant with Humans and Ironforge Dwarves,
serve him in the latent volcanic mountain. but have formed a kinship with High Elves. Wildhammers
Dark Dwarves seem identical to Ironforge Dwarves, and High Elves shared much in common in the past,
except that their skin tones are ashen and gray, and their including a love of nature and hatred of evil.
eyes are golden-red. Hoarse of voice and prone to Many High Elves have grown introverted and brooding of
undertone muttering, Dark Dwarves do not inspire trust late, which concerns the Wildhammers. The Dwarves are
easily. appalled at the defection of the Blood Elves, an event which
Affiliation. Independent. Hatred comes to Dark Dwarves has caused them to see their High Elf allies with new eyes.
against all races, and in their service to Ragnaros, they see Wildhammers also get along well with Night Elves, as the
only rivals, potential thralls, and enemies. two races share much in common.
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score Ability Score Increase. Your Spirit score increases by 1.
increases by 1. Bravery. You have advantage versus all saves against
Dwarven Combat Training. You have proficiency with fear.
firearms and explosives of all types, even if you do not have Natural Handler You have proficiency with Animal
proficiency in engineering, and gain proficiency in light Handling, or expertise if you already are proficient.
Firelord’s Favor. You have resistance to fire damage. Male Names: Kazdin, Hagrim, Dondar, Soldrin.
Female Names: Kella, Lorim, Ar-ya, Senica.
Male Names: Beld, Franclorn, Lokhtos, Grall. Family Names: Beastclaw, Greatbeard, Thundertamer.
Female Names: Aster, Channis, Mogran, Wellia.
Family Names: Angerforge, Darkbargainer, Firesmite, Mountain Dwarf (Bronzebeard)
Forgewright. "For Khaz Modan! "
-Magni Bronzebeard
As a mountain dwarf, you probably hail from the
Bronzebeard clan and its allies, and live in Khaz Modan.
Ironforge dwarves are stout and powerful, with short
muscular bodies, and prefer tying their hair (male or
female) in ornate braids.
Affiliation. Alliance. While the dwarves of Ironforge
appreciate the fighting skill of the Horde, it is with grim
eyes that they look upon the Orcs and their allies, the Trolls
and the Forsaken.
Although the Dwarves have held dealings of commerce
and diplomacy with the High Elves, they keep the people of
Quel’Thalas at an arm’s distance. Humans, however, are the
staunch and constant allies of the Dwarven people and find
welcome, favor and kindness when in Dwarven lands.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases
by 1.
Dwarven Combat Training You have proficiency with
firearms and explosives of all types, even if you do not have
proficiency in engineering, and gain proficiency with light
Resilience You have advantage and resistance against
natural and manufactured poisons and poison damage.
Hill Dwarf (Wildhammer) Male Names: Barab, Aradun, Thorin, Magni, Garrim,
"To the skies! " Wendel, Thurimar.
-Falstad Wildhammer Female Names: Chise, Helge, Ferya, Furga, Krona, Imli.
Family Names: Thunderforge, Bronzebeard, Hammergrim,
As a Hill Dwarf, you probably hail from the Wildhammer Thornsteel, Chunderstout.
clan and its allies, and live in the Aerie Peak. Wildhammer
dwarves are similar in appearance to their Ironforge kin,
though many shave their heads and they are slightly taller
and leaner. Exposure to sun and high winds darkens and
toughens their skin.
n Elf is a member of one of the longest lived The Night Elves worship the Ancients, who are nature
species on Azeroth known for keen deities attuned to the forest and the hunt. Elune the moon
perception, grace, and great spellwork. Elves goddess and Malorne the Waywatcher are the most
were once believed to be the first race to prominent figures of worship. While Cenarius has died, and
awaken on Azeroth, but some ancient the Night Elves will never forgive the Orcs for this, his
histories believe that Elves were originally children live on and gain power each passing year. The
Trolls that were transformed by the Well of Night Elves venerate the children of Cenarius as he was
Eternity. venerated, and perhaps one day these children of the slain
demigod will aid the Night Elves in repaying the Orcs for
Anatomy & Physiology the transgressions of the past.
The Well of Eternity's arcane energies are the primary Elf Traits
reason for the existence of the Elves, so it makes sense that
they would be magical in nature. All Elves are exceptionally Your Elf character has a variety of natural abilities, the
long lived and, at one point, were immortal, though most of result of thousands of years of Elven refinement.
the races have lost their immortality. Further, all elves Ability Score Increase. Your Agility score increases by
possess glowing eyes. 2.
Elves have several characteristics in common. All have Age. Although Elves reach physical maturity at about the
unusually acute senses and are able to see clearly even in same age as Humans, the Elven understanding of
low-light conditions. As a general rule, Elves are also slim, adulthood goes beyond physical growth to encompass
athletic, and graceful. Furthermore, they all have large worldly experience.
pointed ears that tend to be greeted with admiration or Both High and Blood Elves typically claims adulthood
mockery by other races. Typically, Night Elves have longer around the age of 60 and can live to be 750 years old. A
ears than High and Blood Elves, whereas the latter's point Night Elf on the other hand, claim adulthood much later
upward rather than backward. and live up to five times than the other Elves (adulthood at
A characteristic of Elves on Azeroth are their unusual 300 and live up to 3,750 years old). Before the destruction
eyebrows, which extend beyond their faces, resembling of the World Tree, the Night Elves were immune to aging
either whiskers or antennae. It may only be speculated that effects.
this is due to the Elves extreme longevity. Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. Accustomed to twilit forests and the night
The Schism sky, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions.
The ancient origin of the Elves is a legacy of tragedy and You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were
conflict, a series of events that has profoundly affected the bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t
development of the Quel'Dorei. The High Elves are a stark discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
contrast to their nocturnal cousins, the Night Elves. Mystic Senses. Whenever you make any check related
Embracing the light of the sun and forsaking the night, the to magical items, lore, or spells, apply double your
High Elves are the descendants of the very Elves who proficiency bonus to the check.
served Queen Azshara in the time of the Well of Eternity. Keen Senses. You are proficient with the Perception
The Night Elves regard the High Elven penchant for using skill.
arcane magic as careless, akin to a foolish child playing Elven Combat Training. You have proficiency with the
with fire. Longsword, Longbow, Rapier, and Shortbow.
The schism that separates the Highborne Elves and the Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and
Night Elves is rather ancient, one so ancient that no Elven (either Darnassian or Thalassian). Elvish is fluid, with
amount of diplomacy or offerings of peace can soothe the subtle intonations and intricate grammar. Elven literature
scars of history. The High Elves, however, have had is rich and varied, and their songs and poems are famous
generations separating them from the Night Elves, and no among other races. Many musicians learn Elven so they
longer care for the past. Problems between the races are can add Elvish ballads to their repertoires.
usually clashes of personality, as neither tries overly hard to Subrace. Ancient divides among the Elven people
interact. The arrogance of the Highborne Elves led to the resulted in three main sub-races: Blood Elves, High Elves,
War of the Ancients and ultimately to the downfall of the and Night Elves, Choose one of these subraces.
golden age of Elven civilization. Through the reckless use
of arcane magic, the Highborne Elves allowed darkness to
seep into the world and corrupt Azeroth. They use the
genetic phenomenon that modern Elves face as testament
to their views.
High elves who embrace the path of religion take on the
mantle of the Holy Light, sharing in the same faith as
Dwarves and Humans.
While this philosophy does not penetrate deeply into
High Elven society, those who do follow the path of the
Holy Light are much more approachable than most.
Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for these spells,
and you use your mana pool for these abilities (even if you
are not normally a spellcaster). While you use such abilities
(and after using them for one hour), your eyes glow a Fel
If you can already cast such spells (and have a sufficiently
high caster level), they are always prepared for free.
Arcane Legacy. The Blood Elves are uniquely
attuned to magic. If you have levels in a spellcasting class,
you suffer no reductions to your number of prepared spells,
and have two additional points of mana (+2 MP) above your
normal maximum. If you do not cast spells, you know an
additional Cantrip, chosen from the wizard spell list.
Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for this purpose.
Extra Language. You can speak, read, and write one
extra language of your choice.
Male Names: Mariel, Athaniar, Anandor, Tharama,
Viridiel, Malanior.
Female Names: Anarial, Freja, Driana, Coria,
Alanassori, Azshara.
Family Names: Boughstrider, Dawnblade,
Lightbringer, Morningray, Suntreader.
Optional Rule
Blood Elves are identical to High Elves in racial
bonuses and names. However, their culture is
more warped due to their insatiable thirst for
vengeance. Most have abandoned worship of the
Light, and their allegiances have also changed,
and most suffer psychologically from extensive
use of mana vampirism, due to the Sunwell’s
corruption and subsequent destruction.
A GM is advised to consider applying the
Arcane Withdrawal optional rule with Blood Elves
(see Chapter 6: Powers and Magic).
High Elf (Quel’Dorei) Night Elf (Kal’Dorei)
"For Quel’Thalas! " "The horn has sounded, and I have come as promised. I
-Sylvanas Windrunner smell the stench of decay and corruption in our land. That
angers me greatly. " -Malfurion Stormrage
As a High Elf, you hail from Silvermoon in Quel’Thalas or
Dalaran. The Elves are slim, with sharp symmetrical As a night elf, you hail from Darnassus in Kalimdor. The
features, often an exaggeration of perfect beauty. The High race’s prominent eyebrows, long pointed ears and natural
Elves are uniformly fair in complexion, with white to flaxen aspects imply a feral grace. Skin tones range from pale
colored hair. Their eyes are incredibly intense in color, white to blue or even ruddy red and their hair ranges in
seeming to glow with an inner light. While many High color from bright white to woodland green to lustrous
Elves have blue or green eyes, violet and red are not black.
unheard of. Affiliation. Alliance. The Night Elves are members of the
Affiliation. Alliance. Most of the High Elves have placed Alliance, but they are not the most trusted or highly
themselves under a self-imposed exile, ashamed of the regarded members of this group of races. Although
damage that they have wrought upon the world of honorable and just, the Night Elves' natural distrust has
Lordaeron with their abuse of Arcane Magic. While tainted their relations somewhat. Combined with their
Humans still accept the High Elves because of the aid mystical appearances and mysterious natures, interactions
that both races provided each other during the most with other races become uncomfortable at times. There is a
recent attacks of the Burning Legion, many of the strong streak of isolationism in the Kal'Dorei, for they
other races will only deal with the High Elves if are uncomfortable leaving the verdant mists of
absolutely necessary. This is especially true after Teldrassil.
the acts of Kael’thas Sunstrider. Size. Night Elves are imposing in stature, males being
The Night Elves in particular, do not care for on average 7 feet tall. Male Kal'Dorei are very
the company of High Elves and in some muscular, with broad chests and shoulders,
cases, can be openly hostile toward their indicative of the strength that lies within both
sun-blessed brethren. The passing of their minds and bodies. Female Night Elves
time may heal these wounds, but the are lithe and curvaceous, yet still
use of arcane magic will always draw a muscular and strong.
rift between these two breeds of Elves. Ability Score Increase. Your Spirit score
Ability Score Increase. Your increases by 1.
Intelligence score increases Nature Resistance. You have advantage
by 1. against natural poisons,
Size. A High Elf is usually and have resistance against
a little over 6 feet in height electricity damage.
and weighs between 100 to Mask of the Wild. You can
175 pounds, depending on attempt to hide even when you
gender. Your size is Medium. are only lightly obscured by
High Magic. You know the foliage, heavy rain, falling snow,
Prestidigitation Cantrip and mist, and other natural
can cast it normally with a caster phenomena.
level equal to your character level). When Shadowmeld. When you are in dim or dark light,
you reach 3rd level, you can also cast Detect Magic you gain advantage on Stealth checks, and can hide
as a spell. When you reach 5th level, you can also cast as a bonus action.
the Mute spell.
Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for these spells, Male Names: Ilthilior, Mellitharn, Khardona, Andissiel,
and you use your mana pool for these abilities (even if you Mardant, Tanavar.
are not normally a Spellcaster). While you use such Female Names: Keina, Deliantha, Meridia, Freja,
abilities (and after using them for one hour), your eyes glow Alannaria, Nevarial.
a pale blue. If you can already cast such spells (and have a Family Names: Moonblade, Glaivestorm, Proudstrider,
sufficiently high caster level), they are always prepared for Oakwalker, Nightwing, Staghorn.
Arcane Legacy. The High Elves are uniquely attuned to
magic. You can choose one of the below abilities.
• You suffer no reduction to the number of spells you can
prepare (to your maximum spell level), and gain +2 mana
points above the normal maximum.
• You gain an additional cantrip chosen from the mage
spell list, using Intelligence as your spellcasting ability for
this purpose.
Extra Language. You can speak, read, and write one
extra language of your choice.
raenei (meaning Exiled Ones in uncorrupted Government
Eredun) are a faction of pure Eredar who fled
their home world of Argus to escape the Though the Draenei rely on the Prophet Velen's leadership
corruption of the demonic Burning Legion. and guidance, the administration of the Exiled Ones society
Led by Prophet Velen, they traveled on Draenor was run by the Council of Exarchs. This body,
throughout the cosmos in search of a safe called the Hand of the Prophet and was formed by the
world to settle on, eventually landing on a heads of various fields of Draenei society and they voted on
planet they would come to call Draenor (Exile's Refuge). bureaucratic matters.
For centuries, the Draenei lived in relative peace with
Draenor's native Orcs, until the Burning Legion found
them. As the Orcs were corrupted by the Legion and
formed the original Horde, the Draenei were slaughtered
en masse and driven into hiding. Eventually, they managed
to escape Draenor on the Exodar, a vessel of the Naaru
fortress of Tempest Keep, crash-landing on Azeroth.
Anatomy & Physiology
Draenei are 7–8 feet tall. They are physically different from
the Eredar of the Burning Legion. Their skin appears in
most shades of color between very pinkish-white to light
blue up to dark violet. They have fangs and their blood is
also blue. Draenei males have tendrils coming out of their
chin and a fan-like forehead plate which rises and overlaps
other forehead plates behind it. They have large tails which
are held erect by developed muscle structure. The female
of the species exhibits marked differences, rather than the
forehead plates featured on the male, they have vaguely
horn-shaped cranial extensions that extend over the upper
cranium and end on either side of the crown. Female
cranial tendrils sprout behind the ear and are typically long
enough to reach the shoulders. Their tendrils are thinner
than the male's. Female Draenei tails are shorter and have
a lower muscle density. In both genders, the hooves are
relatively large, in contrast to the more compacted hooves
of their demonic counterparts.
While most Draenei have a glowing blue eye color, there
are some that have been seen with a glowing purple hue.
Since these examples are either Paladins or Shaman,
there doesn't seem to be anything that causes this
color difference that's out of the ordinary (such as
practicing Void magic or the like) . When draenei die,
the glow will fade away.
The Draenei have learned to shape crystals for all
kinds of purposes ranging from power containment to
data storage. The purple crystals often associated with
Draenei that decorate their buildings, weapons, and
armor are known as Arkonite crystals and are used to
power everyday Draenei society. On Draenor, Arkonite
Pylons were used to generate power for the tombs,
though they were sometimes repurposed to power small
towns in emergencies. Arkonite is a powerful source of
arcane energy.
The engineers of the Draenei are known as the
Artificers. The Artificiers excelled in working with
Arkonite crystals, however, the technology available now is
only a shadow of what the Draenei had on Argus.
Contrary to popular belief, the dimensional ships used by
the Draenei, such as Tempest Keep and its satellites, were
not created by the Draenei themselves. They are actually an
example of Naaru technology.
he Gnomes are a race of diminutive and Gnomes are in many ways commensurate organizers. A
highly intelligent humanoids, known for their Gnome can spend as much time organizing and planning a
mastery of technology. They were originally project as they do actually working on it. If the design fails,
descended from Mechagnomes, metallic they try to learn why and fix it if they can. If they meet with
Titan creations, who were affected by the success, they will continue to tinker with it and improve the
Curse of Flesh. The early Gnomes eventually design, often for years afterward.
found their way to Khaz Modan, where they Gnomes are innovative thinkers and are responsible for a
founded the capital of Gnomeregan and became allies with vast variety of inventions, including more than a few that
their nearby Dwarven cousins. For years the Gnomes were are commonly attributed to Dwarves. Although a
based in Gnomeregan, providing technological support to diminutive people, Gnomes think big, often producing
the Alliance during the Second War, until a Trogg invasion designs far too complex to ever be realized. To Gnomes,
and treachery from within irradiated Gnomeregan and technology is a way of life. Even Gnomes who take on other
killed as much as eighty percent of the Gnomish trades often tinker in their spare time. Because of their
population. The Gnomes were forced into exile in Tinker innate curiosity, they produce a wide variety of devices that
Town in the Dwarven capital of Ironforge. are interesting or amusing but otherwise useless or
Anatomy & Physiology While others might shake their heads at such folly, the
Gnomes are small, slight and nifty. They somewhat Gnomes value all invention, no matter how unimportant it
resemble Dwarves, but are even shorter, not as stocky, and might seem.
have large heads in proportion to their bodies. They have Gnomish Traits
large noses and ruddy skin, their ears are large and
rounded, and their hair color varies wildly, some even Your Gnome character has a variety of natural abilities, the
having pink or green hair. They have four fingers, three result of thousands of years of Gnomish refinement.
fingers, one thumb on each hand, and five-toed feet. They Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score
are often seen with goggles, tool belts and other items increases by 2, and your Stamina increases by 1.
related to their technological inclinations. Age. Adulthood at 40, can live up to be 500.
Affiliation. Alliance. Gnomes are great friends of the
Faith Ironforge Dwarves and have fought and died alongside
Gnomes place their loyalty in themselves, in their friends, Human soldiers. They are wary of the High Elves, but so is
and in their inventions. A few follow a loftier path and pay everyone else, so they don’t feel too bad about that. They
their respects to the Holy Light. Since the Ironforge battled the Horde in the Second War and have a bit of a
Dwarves recent discovery of their titanic origins, the grudge against Orcs, but Gnomes are a kindly and forgiving
Gnomes think that they too may be products of the Titans, lot and are willing to give the Orcs a second chance.
a theory confirmed by the accidental discovery of the Size. Gnomes range from between 3 to 4 feet tall and
Mechagnomes. Some female Gnomes have been known as average around 40 pounds. Your size is Small.
members of the Sisters of Steel that have shown abilities to Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
turn their flesh to stone or steel. Darkvision. You have superior vision in dark and dim
conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as
if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light.
You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Artificer’s Lore. Whenever you make an Intelligence
(History) check related to magic items, alchemical objects,
or technological devices, you have expertise instead of just
Escape Artist. You have advantage on all saving throws
to escape grapples, bonds, or other movement-restricting
abilities or effects that hamper your freedom of movement.
Extra Language. You can speak, read, and write one
extra language of your choice.
Tinker. You have proficiency with the Engineering skill.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and
Gnomish. The Gnomish language, which uses the
Dwarvish the script, is renowned for its technical treatises
and its catalogs of knowledge about the natural world.
Male Names: Kiggle, Grobnick, Kazbo, Hagin, Snoonose.
Female Names: Beggra, Nefti, Sorassa, Gamash.
Technology Family Names: Spinpistol, Airslicer, Bombtosser,
Gnomes tend to design fairly complicated devices that are Greatgear, Mekkatorque.
relatively safe.
he cunning Goblins are small green Trade
creatures from the isle of Kezan. Their love
of money, explosives, and technology leaves The Goblins have taken to the role of merchant with a
them to be a very dangerous race, both to vengeance, and now it's hard to travel for more than a day
their enemies and themselves. Most Goblins or two without stumbling across a Goblin shop of some
have a neutral standpoint, preferring to sell size. Goblin zeppelins fly across the continent, delivering
their contraptions, knowledge and services goods, supplies, messages and passengers from one shop
to other races. to another. Rumors say that if someone want to buy
A number of trade princes rule over the various Goblin something from a Goblin and he doesn't have it in his shop,
holdings around the world. Though the trade princes all live he can have it on the shelves within a week.
in the Goblin city of Undermine on the Isle of Kezan, they Goblin shops can be found nearly anywhere on Azeroth,
each control their own private armies and trade fleets. In seemingly regardless of whether or not there are towns
turn, each controls rings of trade, mining, deforestation, nearby and heedless of dangers such as the Scourge. The
slave rings, and poaching. A notable trade prince is the goblins will sell anything to anyone, at only slightly inflated
ruthless Trade Prince Jastor Gallywix who rules the prices.
Bilgewater Cartel under his iron fist.
Goblinoid Traits
Your Goblin character has a variety of natural abilities, the
result of thousands of years of Goblinoid refinement.
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score
increases by 2, and your Charisma increases by 1.
Age. Goblins typically reach adulthood around 20 years
old, and live to be 100 years old.
Affiliation. Independent or Horde. Goblins hired
themselves out to the Horde in the Second War, but now
they belong only to themselves and whoever pays the most.
Constantly building and inventing requires massive
resources, both for creating the machines themselves and
maintaining those that actually work.
Gnomes and Goblins have always been rivals — though
whether this rivalry is a friendly or brutal one depends on
Anatomy & Physiology the individuals involved.
Goblins are slight and wiry, averaging 4 feet in height. They Size. Goblins range from between 3 to 4 feet tall and
have three fingers and one thumb on their hands and four average around 40 pounds. Your size is Small.
toes on their feet. Goblin noses grow larger as they age and Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
apparently they have green blood. Trader’s Lore. Whenever you make an Intelligence
Goblins that have hair often have it as mohawks, (History) check related to magic items, alchemical objects,
ponytails, or spiky. or technological devices, you can add twice your
proficiency bonus, instead of any proficiency bonus you
Technology normally apply.
Though once nothing but fodder for more taproom banter, Best Deals Anywhere. Anything you purchase costs
Goblin inventions have shown their worth in recent years. 10% less, and anything you sell grants you 10% more of its
They're particularly fond of tinkering with mechanical value. You gain proficiency with the Charisma (Persuasion)
things, alchemy, and explosives. Their love of mechanics skill.
often places them into direct competition with Gnomes Living Better. You have proficiency with the Alchemy
who enjoy similar devices. skill. You can create alchemical mixtures as if you had one
Even with the malfunctions and explosions that occur level in any spellcasting class you choose. If you later gain
(not as frequent as tavern chatter suggests, but far from levels in a spellcasting class, you may reference said
rare), Goblin technology is proving to be of a quality that spellcasting spell list for alchemical recipes. This level does
rivals the Dwarves and their firearms. not actually allow you to cast spells, only to know them
While other races often try to build reliable machines enough to create alchemical mixtures of such spells.
that would stay for grandchildren, Goblin aims for device of Tinker. You have proficiency with the Engineering skill.
the marginally bearable reliability that should only last Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and
enough to make its construction reasonable. Weird as it is, Goblin.
this approach allows to build more machines, or to build a Male Names: Zautso, Beedle, Chizbolt, Nuzak, Jastor,
more complex and powerful machine using the same time Jareth.
and resources. Female Names: Lystis, Mefeero, Sazai, Rossa.
Family Names: Steamgear, Boltnose, Manclamp,
Leafgrinder, Gringott, Gallywix
ndead humans and elves freed from the Forsaken undead have a hungering for living flesh. If they
Lich King’s control during the second stage do not Cannibalize regularly, they begin to suffer wracking
of the Third War, the Forsaken are a strange pains that could drive them into a mindless, blood-seeking
and dark force. Hailing from the twisted, hysteria.
skittering darkness of Undercity, the
Forsaken are nominally allied with the Faith
Horde but serve only themselves. Their Even as they believe they have been abandoned by their
objectives are twofold: eliminate the Scourge, and establish faith, so have the Forsaken abandoned the faiths of their
a place for themselves on Azeroth. Four years ago, the high living days. Many no longer cling to any religion, placing
elven Ranger General Sylvanas Windrunner fell in combat their faith in their queen and their dark science. Most,
against the Scourge. Prince Arthas raised her as a banshee however, have embraced new philosophies of their own
and compelled her to follow his command. creation: the Forgotten Shadow, the Echo of Life, or the
When the Lich King’s power waned in the incidents simple value of knowledge.
surrounding the Frozen Throne, Sylvanas harnessed her Priests of the Forgotten Shadow believe that the faiths
fury and tore herself free from his skeletal grasp. She freed they held in life have failed them, and so they instead rely
many other undead as well, and recruited powerful allies on the power and teachings of the Shadow. The members
from the Burning Legion and the surrounding ogre clans. of the Cult vary between lawful and chaotic, evil and
Sylvanas dubbed her new force the Forsaken, and the neutral and are taught to eradicate anything having to do
undead established their capital in the labyrinthine crypts with the Holy Light and life in general. It is also a
beneath Lordaeron’s capital city. Their sprawling, philosophy of divine humanism.
subterranean realm is called Undercity. As a forsaken The Forgotten Shadow Cult teaches that there must be a
undead, your alliance with the Horde started out as balance between Light and Shadow, and while they should
necessity and convenience, and your previous life bears never forget that they are from the Shadow, members of the
witness to the many tragedies of Azeroth’s reality. Needing cult must learn the Light as well. Being intelligent undead,
both time and help to fight against their former Scourge the Forsaken fully understand the limitations and
masters, the Forsaken have a reputation of utter vulnerabilities associated with unlife. One of these
ruthlessness, human experimentation, and moral disadvantages is that they can be turned, rebuked or even
ambiguity. commanded by powerful positive or negative energy forces.
Anatomy & Physiology Naturally, the Forsaken are always on the lookout for ways
to limit or negate this vulnerability.
Forsaken, unsurprisingly, look like dead people. Their skin
is gray and rotting, showing bone and flesh in places. Their
pupil-less eyes glow with dim, white ghostlight. Their
muscles are withered, making them scrawny. Their
movements are slow but jagged. Forsaken hardly ever smile
(unless their lips have rotted away - in which case they
can appear to be smiling all the time). Necromantic
magic keeps them somewhat preserved, but natural decay
still proceeds, just slower than normal.
Forsaken cannot naturally sleep or dream. However they
require resting. Forsaken do feel the need to breathe,
though they can last at least a dozen days without taking a
fresh breath of air. As they are undead, they don't need air
to live. This also means it is impossible for them to drown.
Some Forsaken can speak through magical means despite
having harmed jaws.
Forsaken, have Ichor of Undeath running through their
bodies. They bleed this green liquid when wounded, though
some Forsaken have no blood or liquid running through
their bodies at all.
Given enough time, Forsaken may slowly lose their
consciousness and devolve into a mindless state. This
appears in the form of a chilling sensation, making the
Forsaken feel physically cold. However, if a Forsaken's body
is kept intact, they could potentially avoid this altogether
and live forever.
Aside from their affliction, undead also suffer from an
addiction to terrible vices that the Lich King instilled in
them in order to produce vile and inhumane monstrosities.
Forsaken Traits Will of the Forsaken. You are immune to charm, fear, and
Note: You count as undead for the purposes of healing sleep effects, and have advantage on all mind-affecting
spells and effects that target undead. Thus, you cannot be spells of descriptors other than the above.
healed by the Holy Light spell, but are healed with the Cannibalize. You can consume the corpse of any natural
Death Coil spell, and can be targeted by the Death Pact and creature as part of spending a hit dice to heal yourself.
Protection from Good and Evil spells, although you are Eating a creature takes a minute, and allows you to gain
unaffected by Charm Person (but Charm Undead instead). 50% increased benefit from spending a hit dice. A natural
You may declare whether or not you are of elven or creature may be cannibalized once before their corpse
human origin before you rose, and are counted as being becomes unusable.
elven or human much for all intents and purposes that Forsaken Alchemy. You have proficiency with the
specify race (such as gaining use of elf and human-specific Alchemy skill. You can create alchemical mixtures as if you
weapons). had one level in any spellcasting class you choose. If you
Ability Score Increase. Two different ability scores later gain levels in a spellcasting class, you may reference
increase by 1. said spellcasting spell list for alchemical recipes. This level
Age. Forsaken are Undead, and thus do not age and only does not actually allow you to cast spells, only to know
die of violence, poisons and diseases that can affect the them enough to create alchemical mixtures of such spells.
Undead. Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Affiliation. Horde or independent. Though the Forsaken Languages You can speak, read, and write Common and
do not trust anyone and no one trusts them, they are one extra language of your choice, typically based upon the
members of the Horde and, for now, do their best to help language you spoke before being turned into a Forsaken.
their allies and placate their ambassadors. Forsaken have Male Names: Roderick, Magan, Danforth, Lansire.
even less love for the Alliance, particularly because Female Names: Yellen, Limmy, Sarias, Mierelle.
they clash constantly with the Human organization Family Names: Dartfall, Blacksling, Ghoulhunter,
called the Scarlet Crusade. Some have thrown Blastlich.
their lot with the Burning Legion, believing that
only it is potent enough to defeat the Lich King.
Size. Forsaken vary based on their original form before
death, those who were medium before death are medium Special Rule
as Forsaken. You count as Undead for the purposes of healing
Shadow Resistance. You have resistance to Fel spells and effects that target Undead, or Living,
damage and bleed effects. whichever is most disadvantageous. For this
purpose, you cannot be healed by the Holy Light
spell, but you are healed by the Death Coil spell,
and can be targeted by the Death Pact and
Protection from Good and Evil.
umans are a resilient species native to the Humans have also regularly displayed noble and
world of Azeroth. Recent discoveries have altruistic attitudes and actions. These qualities have led to
shown that Humans are descended from human society producing notable heroic and villainous
the barbaric Vrykul, Half-Giant warriors figures in recent history.
who live in Northrend. Early Humans were Humans prefer to live in villages, towns, and cities. Few
primarily a scattered and tribal people for humans understand the reverence of nature the night elves
several millennia, until the rising strength and tauren possess, and the most rural or rugged lifestyle a
of the Troll Empire forced their strategic unification. human has shown to possess is that of a farmer, bandit, or
After several centuries of peace, disaster struck when the soldier. Human cities are extremely large, bustling, and
Orcish Horde appeared on Azeroth, reducing Stormwind to lively. Outside city walls, in the countryside, the human
ruins during the First War between Orcs and Humans. The peasantry provides basic resources to the rest of the
city’s survivors, fled to Lordaeron, where the leaders of the kingdom; the peasant farms, mines, and chops wood. In the
seven kingdoms resolved to unify once again in the city, merchants trade goods while craftsmen practice and
Alliance. Joined together, they succeeded in defeating the perform their trades and businessmen provide services. At
Horde during the Second War. the top of the social hierarchy are the nobility, who sit
When the Burning Legion struck, Humans accepted within their castles, making important political decisions
other races into the Alliance and secured a costly victory on the running of the kingdom.
during the Third War.
Though humans are among the younger races on Human traits
Azeroth, they have faced many challenges with fortitude It's hard to make generalizations about Humans, but your
and resilience. Their continued ability to adapt and rebuild Human character has these traits.
has made them a vital force in an ever-changing world. Ability Score Increase. Two different ability scores
Anatomy & Physiology increase by 1.
Age. Humans reach adulthood at the age of 15. and live
Humans come from many backgrounds and show great up to be 80.
physical variety among all the races. Humans skin ranges Affiliation. Humans tend toward no particular
from dark to light and may have tones of other colors. Their alignment. The best and the worst are found among them.
eyes are blue, brown, green, gray, or hazel. Human hair is Most are loyal to the Grand Alliance, but there are pockets
brown, black, blond, or red. Men often grow short beards of independents, horde-allied, or even those tied to the
and women commonly wear their hair long. Humans are 5– Burning Legion or Scourge as demon-worshipping
6,5 feet tall and weigh about 180 pounds, with men Warlocks and Scourge-following Necromancers,
noticeably taller and heavier than women. respectively.
The physique of Humans is more muscular and sturdy Size. Humans vary widely in height and build, from
than of Elves, but much more slender than that of Dwarves. barely 5 feet to well over 6 feet tall. Regardless of your
The color and hue of Human skin is varied, ranging from a position in that range, your size is Medium.
fair pink, to tanned, to a very dark brown. Hair becomes Skillful. You gain proficiency with one skill or tool of
gray or white with sickness or age. Human eyes have been your choice.
known to glow like those of the naturally magical Elves if Feat. You gain one feat of your choice.
he or she is wielding powerful magic. Every Man for Himself. You have advantage on any
saving throw versus effects that hinder movement or
Faith control over your body, mind, or actions (such as charms,
Humans follow the Holy Light. Cathedrals and churches paralyzing effects, slowing effects, and fear effects).
stand in their cities, and their priests preside over Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
followers, heal the wounded, soothe the weary, and crusade Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and
against what they consider evil. Humans have an order of one extra language of your choice. Humans typically learn
holy warriors, Paladins, who follow the Holy Light and the languages of other peoples they deal with, including
crush evil and chaotic beings in its name. obscure dialects. They are fond of sprinkling their speech
Before Arathor and the rise of the Holy Light, the ancient with words borrowed from other tongues: Orc curses,
Human tribes had primitive nature-based religions with Elvish musical expressions, Dwarvish military phrases, and
some common ties to Druids, though they were not Druids so on.
themselves. Today, only the harvest-witches of Gilneas Male Names: Merander, Gyram, Derrick, Hebry.
remain of this old religion, as Gilneas's relative isolation Female Names: Lilla, Merian, Richelle, Ammi.
from the other kingdoms has kept it going. Family Names: Renn, Townguard, Silversmith, Runetouch.
Humans seem to be a naturally proud and ambitious race.
The humans of Azeroth have a very strong sense of
triumphalism and have been known to be arrogant,
overzealous, or vainglorious.
he Orcs are one of the most prolific races on Through certain rituals this state is reversible, not only
Azeroth. Originally hailing from the harsh, restoring the Orc’s sanity but their previous green tone as
alien world of Draenor, the Orcs were once a well. No green-skinned Orc has ever managed to return to a
noble shamanistic people cultivating a completely uncorrupted state.
mighty tribal society that was centered
around survival, regulating themselves Spirituality
through ritualized combat and personal The origin of shamanism among the Orcs remains a
honor. Tragically betrayed by one of their spiritual leaders mystery. As far back as Orcish history has been recorded,
and delivered into the handsof the Burning Legion, the Orc Shaman have been mentioned. Learning to speak with the
clans fell deep into demonic enslavement and were led into elemental spirits of Draenor was a pivotal achievement in
Azeroth as an unholy vanguard of the Legion meant to destiny the Orc clans. Many clans claim the mythical "First
destroy everything in their path. Shaman" arose from their ranks, but the truth is that no
Yet, the shamanistic tradition of the Orcs managed to one is sure of his or her allegiance.
rekindle because of the young shaman, Thrall who arose to Orcs instinctively revere the rugged forces of the natural
become a living symbol of his people's true identity in their elements, and as such, Shaman are held in high regard.
darkest hour, causing many of the Orcs to rise up against They generally have a close relationship with the nature
their demon masters and break free from their control. elements and angering them is considered a grave offense.
Several of the Orcish clans that had existed on Draenor Over the ages, Shamans like Thrall have communed with
since ancient times reemerged and were united under these spirits and, through patience and dedication, learned
Thrall's guidance, and the Shaman Warchief led the Orcs to soothe roaring infernos, bring rain to sun-scorched
out of the Eastern Kingdoms they had been forced to lands, and control the wind and sea.
invade and into the continent of Kalimdor, in order to begin In Orcish culture, any Shaman that has been spoken to
a new existence for themselves and their newfound allies. by the spirits is given equal respect and honor regardless of
There, they founded the nation of Durotar and the great age or experience.
city of Orgrimmar.
Today, the Orcs of the Horde are a redeemed people who
have reclaimed their destiny from dark influences, fighting Culture
no longer for the sake of destruction but for their very right Orcish society has always been characterized by hardy and
of survival in their adopted world. rugged living. As a result they are staunch pragmatists, and
never shy from killing if it will protect the future of the Orc
Anatomy & Physiology or his or her clan. All Orcs, regardless of gender or station,
An Orc's face would be described by some races of Azeroth are expected to pull their own weight as weakness is
as monstrous, their hideousness comparable to that of considered a grave liability. The lack of strength of one
Trolls. Orcs have large heavy jaws from which protrude contaminates the strength of all, and it is punishable by the
sharp, tusk-like teeth, heavy brows, a broad and flat snout- greatest humiliation an Orc can receive, Exile.
like nose, and pointed ears. The number, size and position Yet regardless of their clan affiliations, Orcs prize honor
of Orcish tusks and teeth are particularly variable, much over all other things in life, first to bring honor to their clan
like their Troll allies. (and by extension, the Horde) and secondly bringing honor
The average male Orc height is 7 feet tall, while the to the self and to their sense of self-worth as an individual.
females stand at an average of 6 to 6.5. Males, particularly Likewise, hospitality is considered one of the greatest
warriors, are often hunched to variable degrees, though honors that can be bestowed. The Orcs and Tauren have
others stand straight and tall. A fair amount of sexual become fast and unswerving allies because the tauren
dimorphism exists between the Orc sexes, with male Orcs gladly offered the Orcs shelter in a strange new land as well
possessing more extreme orcish physical characteristics, as their assistance regardless of the cost to themselves.
most noticeably broader shoulders and larger tusks. Yet all
the Orcs are large, powerfully built creatures when Mak'Gora
compared to their Human counterparts regardless of The Mak'Gora means "Duel of Honor" and is an Orcish
gender. custom whereby someone may challenge a superior for
leadership. This ritual is commonly associated with the
Skin position of Horde Warchief, but it can apply to a group of
Originally, all Orcs were brown-skinned, ranging from a any size.
bark-like brown to reddish-brown. However, their bodies Rules
reacted to their exposure to Warlock magic once it was Each participant is allowed one weapon.
introduced by Gul'dan. All Orcs with Warlocks in their clan Body armor is forbidden.
found their skin slowly turning green before they were ever Each participant must have at least one witness.
offered the blood of the demon Mannoroth. Traditionally, it is to the death.
Further drinking the blood, or possibly the blood of any
demon, will change their skin again from green to scarlet,
transforming them into Fel Orcs. Orcs that drink
Mannoroth's blood obtained gray marks in their green skin.
If both participants refuse to fight one another, they are
banished from the clan or their respective clans.
Orcish Traits
Your Orc character has certain traits deriving from your
Orcish ancestry.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases
by 2, and your Stamina increases by 1.
Age. Orcs mature and age a little faster than Humans,
reaching adulthood around the age of 20 and rarely live up
to be 100 years old.
Affiliation. Horde. Thrall formed the Horde with
determination and sheer will, and created
an alliance of races that has shaken the
foundations of the world to its core.
Having destroyed the legacy of Grom
Hellscream by bringing the Orcs out of
the depths of demon worship and
servitude to unseen powers, Thrall rules
the Horde in Kalimdor with wisdom and
temperance. The Orcs are as much a part
of the Horde as the Horde is part of what
the Orcs have become.
Size. Orcs are somewhat larger and bulkier
than Humans, and they range from 5 to well over
6 feet tall. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You have superior vision in
dark and dim conditions. You can see in
dim light within 60 feet of you as if it
were bright light, and in darkness as if
it were dim light. You can’t discern
color in darkness, only shades of
Menacing. You gain proficiency in
the Intimidation skill.
Battle Rage. You can rage as a
level 1 Barbarian. If you gain levels
in Barbarian, you increase the total
times per long rest you can rage by 1.
Relentless Endurance. When you
are reduced to 0 hit points but not
killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point
instead. You can’t use this feature again
until you finish a long rest.
Orcish Combat Training. You have
proficiency with all Axes, Orc Attack Claws, and
the Shortbow.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write
Common and Orcish. Orcish is a harsh, grating
language with hard consonants.
Male Names: Grom, Thrum, Drog, Gorrum,
Harg, Thurg, Karg.
Female Names: Groma, Hargu, Igrim, Agra, Dragga,
Family Names: Doomhammer, Deadeye,
Foebinder, Elfkiller, Skullsplitter, Axeripper,
Tearshorn, Fistcrusher.
he enigmatic Pandaren are one of the most Anatomy & Physiology
elusive races of Azeroth. Long ago, the
Pandaren were the slaves of a cruel race Pandaren are humanoidbears, generally between 5 and 6
known as the Mogu, until they successfully feet tall, covered in fur from head to toe. Every Pandaren
staged a revolution, establishing their own has two colors of fur, one is always white but the other
empire in the process. During the Great color ranges from black to brown to red. They have paws
Sundering, the last Pandaren emperor for hands and feet, with three fingers, a thumb and three
sealed their homeland away behind a veil of mist, hiding toes. Each is tipped with a black claw. They refer to their
Pandaria from the outside world and leaving their culture hands directly as paws. While the species has a tail, there
to flourish free of influences from the outside world. are two distinct forms. The common form is a round stub
A second civilization of Pandaren dwell on the back of of fur, but the second form, which is long and thickens out
the giant turtle known as Shen-zin Su, who travels around by the end, is exclusive to red-and-white females.
Azeroth's seas. Millennia after the Sundering, a Pandaren Pandaren are usually very rotund, which tend to be a
by the name of Liu Lang set out to explore the world on point of pride in their society.
Shen-zin Su, returning each year to Pandaria to pick up
more adventurers to join him on the back of his ever- Culture
growing companion. Eventually, the turtle grew large If a single trait could sum up the Pandaren culture, it’s that
enough for entire buildings and towns to be constructed they live in the moment. They embrace life with gusto. A
upon his back, and the Pandaren began referring to him as Pandaren does everything with vigor, focus, and intensity.
the "Wandering Isle". Every meal is an event. Every moment with the family is
Shortly after the Cataclysm ravaged Azeroth, the cherished. Every project or work of art demands their full
protective mists surrounding Pandaria dissipated, and attention. Every nap is treated as if it will be the last! The
before long, Alliance and Horde warships arrived on the Pandaren work hard, play hard, fight like animals, love with
continent, causing the native Pandaren to become involved all their soul, tell impossibly tall tales, drink like they mean
in the conflict between the two factions. it, and sleep like the dead.
On the whole, Pandaren are slow to anger and prefer
measured solutions to problems. But underneath all of that
practiced civility, there is a bear to contend with. When a
Pandaren focuses on combat, each blow rings with the
weight of his or her entire body. Living “in the
moment” also means getting lost in the fury of
However, it takes a great deal to get a Pandaren
wound up. On mainland
Pandaria, negative emotions
such as fear, anger, or despair
can literally take on a physical
form and stir up trouble. For this
reason, Pandaren emphasize
and cultivate a quiet life of inner
harmony and focus. Conflicts, no
matter how bitter, are quickly
forgotten over cold drinks once the
matter is resolved. The Pandaren sense
of inner peace and love of life is infectious.
Spend any significant time with a Pandaren and you
too, can’t help but get lost in the moment.
Faith Pandaren Traits
Pandaren have a fierce and deep belief in the connection of Your Pandaren character has an assortment of inborn
the material and spiritual worlds. In many ways their faith abilities, part and parcel of Pandaren nature.
mirrors the ancient beliefs of the Night Elves and the tribal Ability Score Increase. Your Stamina score increases
beliefs of the Tauren, Troll, and Orc races. by 2, and your Spirit by 1.
However, Pandaren veil their beliefs in the trappings of a Age. Pandaren reach adulthood on about the age of 80,
mystical and ancient method called Geomancy. Geomancy and can live up to be 350.
teaches that the land is a reflection of the spirits, but that Affiliation. Independent, Horde, or Alliance. Pandaren
spirits are also a reflection of the land. The pandaren follow drift across affiliations, doing whatever they wish and
a shamanistic faith, worshiping the Earth Mother. They are making friends in either sides.
true Geomancers, drawing their holy power directly from Size. Your size is medium. Pandaren average 5 1/2 feet
the Earth Mother. They also follow a new philosophy (new in height, and make assured and precise movements,
to the other residents of Kalimdor, of course), they are a despite them often reaching the weight of 400 pounds.
society that reacts, instead of acting first. They claim to be Speed. You have a base walking speed of 30 feet.
the water that flows around a rock. The water does not Inner Peace. You are proficiency with the Insight and
push the rock out of the way, it merely goes around it. They Perception skills. In addition, while you are wearing light
use this uncomplicated way of thinking in their everyday or no armor, you gain +1 to Armor Class.
life. Bouncy. You can use your reaction when you fall to
If they set their minds to a task, and they fail, then they reduce any falling damage you take by an amount equal to
believe they went about it the wrong way and try again. five times your Stamina modifier.
They do not mourn for failures, believing that they simply Tavern-Brawler. You are proficient with improvised
have mapped out improper ways to do things and they will weapons such as kegs and chairs, and can deal 1d4 plus
know better next time. This philosophy seems simple, but your Strength with unarmed strikes. Whenever you make
the Pandaren apply it to every aspect of their lives, from an unarmed attack, you can use a bonus action to make an
brewing beer to adventuring. They are calm, affable types attempt to grapple them. If you gain the ability to improve
who will extend the hand of friendship to a stranger on the your damage dice with unarmed strikes, the dice improves
road, but if the stranger is hostile, the hand of friendship to d6.
can quickly turn into an excruciating joint lock. Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and
Male Names: Huojin, Aiguo, Dac Kien.
Female Names: Jinjing, Xueyou, Ling, Vuong.
Note For the GM. Family Names: Stoneclaw, Firespear, Silentrunner,
Pandaren are a very unusual race to encounter,
Winterwalker, Rainsword, Brewscroll, Whitebrow.
generally. Before the Shattering took place (An
event during the Cataclysm era, that make the
mist abruptly vanished) in the year 28 after the
first war, Chen Stormstout was the only known
Pandaren in Azeroth.
If the GM and player want to introduce this
race earlier, it is surely possible (with some
explanation to how the character ventured so far
from their homeland). This Pandaren must come
from the Wandering Isle, a massive island on the
back of a giant turtle, known to the Pandaren as
Shen-zin Su. The residents of Isle have lost
contact with their mist-shrouded homeland.
he Tauren (Shu'Halo in their native Anatomy & Physiology
language) are a race of large, bovine
humanoids who dwell on the great plains of Tauren are described as half-oxen beings and are known to
Central Kalimdor. For countless generations, have a very large bulk and weight, long tails, bipedal
they were constantly harassed by the violent hooves, and only three fingers per hand. Both males and
Centaurs, who forced the Tauren into a females have horns of varying size and shape.
nomadic lifestyle in the harsh Barrens. Tauren are large, muscular humanoids with large hooves
However, during the Third War and the Horde's invasion of and horns. They weigh anywhere from 400 to 800 pounds.
Kalimdor, the Tauren and the invading Horde became Their immense bodies are covered with fine, short fur that
allies, and the Horde aided the Tauren in driving off the ranges in color from black to gray to white to red to brown
Centaurs from the sacred lands of Mulgore. High Chieftain to tan and any mottled combinations or variations thereof.
Cairne Bloodhoof established the capital city of Thunder When Tauren grow old, their pelts start to become dotted
Bluff, and to this day the Tauren remain one of the most with gray.
stalwart allies of the Horde. Tauren are much larger than other races. females are 9
The Tauren are a peaceful and honorable people, that feet and males are 10 feet tall on average.
nonetheless are fierce fighters when roused. Hunting and
shamanism are held in high regard in their culture, as is
their worship of the Earth Mother and respect for the land.
Culture Gore. You can use an attack action to make a gore attack
with your horns. It is a melee unarmed attack that deals
The Tauren are a noble race that embrace the natural 1d8 piercing damage plus your Strength modifier. When
world. They have shed their nomadic roots and united in benefitting from your plainswalker bonus to speed, your
their ancestral lands. Their race may be one of spirituality, first attack with a gore can knock an enemy prone (as a
reverence for nature, and respect for elders, but it also push). The DC is equal to your Warstomp DC.
possesses powerful Warriors that willingly fight when the Self-Mastery. You have proficiency in either Spirit
situation demands it. The Shu'Halo people strive to live (Nature) or Spirit (Perception), and proficiency with the
honorable and dignified lives filled with respect for nature Herbalism skill.
and the Earth Mother. Although strong and capable Plainswalker. You have advantage when making any
Warriors when roused in battle, most Tauren reserve check to recall a path you have traveled, or to guide yourself
combat for when all other options are exhausted. They and others through any terrain to find food, natural foes (or
prefer course of wise discussion and careful rumination avoiding them), or shelter. Also, if using the Dash action
before embarking on any great endeavor, and they have three times in a row, you gain a +20 bonus to your base
great respect for the wise, spiritual and elderly among their speed until you stop dashing.
people. The Tauren are not wrathful by nature, but War Stomp. You can stomp the ground with your hooves
sometimes a thirst for justice causes them to take up arms as a bonus action, creating a shockwave. All creatures
in anger. within five feet from you must perform an Agility saving
throw, (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + Strength) or be
Faith knocked prone, and take 2 (1d4) points of bludgeoning
The Tauren worship the Earth Mother as their Creator. damage.
According to the Tauren myth when the Earth Mother saw This can be done once per Proficiency bonus, and you
her children falling to the corrupting whispers of the Old regain all uses after a short rest. The damage increases by
Gods, she tore out her eyes and set them spinning 1d4 for every two points of Proficiency bonus (maximum
endlessly across the sky. Her left eye became Mu'Sha, the 3d4 at Proficiency +6).
Moon, and her right eye became An'She, the Sun. Neither Languages. Common, Taur-ahe. The language of the
of both is better than the other and together they see with tauren is often harsh and low sounding, which is reflected
balanced vision - they are the Tauren's own "Light". in the names of their children.
rolls (aka Trollkind) are a diverse sapient The Shadowtooth tribe also assisted in defense of the
race that can be found in every part of World Tree.
Azeroth. They are one of the earliest non-
Titanforged races of Azeroth. The Trolls are Faith
separated in Tribes, each tribe has deference The Troll belief system is complex, full of dark spirits and
characteristics, both in appearance and in primal, often animalistic gods known as loa. Countless loa
ideology. exist, most weak, but some very powerful. Most are
Anatomy & Physiology shapeless, whereas others have animal or creature forms.
Troll families often worship their own family loas, cities
Trolls average approximately 8.3 feet for males and 7.2 feet usually have their own civic deities, and the greatest loa are
for females. They are one of the tallest mortal races on worshiped by the nation as a whole. The Zandalar tribe for
Azeroth. Trolls are often lanky, and muscular. They have example believe that powerful, enlightened Zandalari can
both Elven and Orc-like characteristics with their fierce become loas upon their death.
fangs and long ears. Their long arms, strong legs and quick
reflexes make them adept hunters. Trolls have only two Trollish Traits
fingers and a thumb on their hands, and they have only two Your Troll character has an assortment of inborn abilities,
toes on each foot. Like the Tauren, Trolls do not wear part and parcel of Troll nature.
standard shoes or boots, although while Tauren are unable Ability Score Increase. Your Agility score increases by
to do so because of the shape of their hooves, Trolls are 1, and your Stamina increases by 1.
simply more comfortable barefoot. Age. Trolls reach adulthood at the age of 18, and live up
Culture to be 80 years old.
Size. Trolls are larger and bulkier than Humans, and
Trolls in general are very isolated beings. Most Trolls, they average around 7 feet tall and 200 pounds, although
excluding a few tribes (one such being the Darkspear), don't their lanky build and slouched pose undermines their
speak any of the common languages. Wild Jungle Trolls and height. Your size is Medium.
Coastal Trolls are territorial and hostile toward Trolls of Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
other tribes. They are highly tribally spiritual. The center of Darkvision. You have superior vision in dark and dim
a tribe's spirit is the tribe's priest or superior hunter. conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as
Uncivilized trolls live all across Kalimdor and the if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light.
Eastern Kingdoms. The jungle near Booty Bay in the You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Eastern Kingdoms is infamous for its many aggressive
Jungle Troll inhabitants.
However Trolls willing to fight and work for travelers and
armies in exchange for gold are not unknown. Arthas and
the Alliance used Troll Mercenaries on a mission in
Dark Promises. You have proficiency with the Alchemy
skill. You can create alchemical mixtures as if you had one
level in any spellcasting class you choose. If you later gain
levels in a spellcasting class, you may reference said
spellcasting spell list for alchemical recipes. This level does
not actually allow you to cast spells, only to know them
enough to create alchemical mixtures of such spells.
Alternatively, you may gain proficiency with Intimidation
and Stealth.
Ice Troll (Drakkari)
"You got it...heh heh eh…"
As an Ice Troll, you belong to the tribes in Northrend or
high mountains in Azeroth, commonly the Drakkari or
Frostmane tribe, respectively. Ice Trolls average one foot
higher than other Trolls.
Affiliation. Independent. Ice trolls are steadfastly loyal to
themselves above all others, and typically show loyalty to
their tribes and kings, although they often also see the uses
Rapid Regeneration. Whenever you rest, you gain of allying with the Horde (especially those who might share
double the hit point recovery benefit from expending hit their ancestral hate to the Alliance’s Dwarves, Elves and
dice, and can regrow a lost limb after a week of losing Humans).
them, unless the limb was lost through your own will or Ability Score Increase. Your Stamina score increases
through magic. by 1.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Cold Resistance. You have resistance to Cold damage. If
Zandali. you ever gain cold resistance later, you gain immunity to
Troll Combat Training. You have proficiency with the cold instead.
Battleaxe, Handaxe, and all weapons that have the thrown Hostile Homeland. You treat arctic terrain as favored
or ammunition properties, except firearms (unless terrain, as a 1st level Hunter. If you ever become a Hunter
proficient otherwise). or gain a favored terrain, you may choose another while
retaining the benefits of Hostile Homeland.
Male Names: Drak, Gul, Zol, Vol, Ros, Mig, Gal, Doth, Mag,
Ran, Vis.
Female Names: Moor, Mesk, Dan, Mel, Shi, Mith, Hai, So,
Lith, Arn, Din, Mak.
Family Names: Trolls usually employ titles rather than
family names, but commonly take their tribe name as a
family name.
Subrace. Ancient divides among the troll-folk resulted in
two main subraces: forest and jungle trolls, and ice trolls.
Choose one of these subraces.
Forest / Jungle Troll (Darkspear /
"What’cha want me do?"
As a Forest Troll, you belong to the Darkspear tribe or its
Affiliation. Horde or Independent. Darkspear Jungle
Trolls are steadfastly loyal to the Orcs. Though they
practice Voodoo and many retain their savage natures,
Thrall lets them live in his borders and generally do what
they want.
They feel a great debt to the Orcs, and their time fighting
alongside the Tauren has made them friends of these
creatures as well. They are suspicious of the Forsaken, but
so is everyone else.
The Darkspear tribe doesn’t really hate the Alliance
races, but their loyalty to the Horde and their
bloodthirstiness make the Alliance a great target.
Ability Score Increase. Your Agility score increases by
Berserking. You can rage as a level 1 Barbarian. If you
gain levels in Barbarian, you increase the total times per
day you can rage by 1.
orgen are large, lupine humanoids Your Worgen character has an assortment of abilities, part
reminiscent of werewolves that walk and parcel of Worgen Curse.
upright, but lope on all fours to run. They Ability Score Increase. Your Agility score increases by 2
primarily inhabit forests and are skilled and your Strength score increases by 1.
hunters. Being bitten by or drinking the Affiliation. Independent or Alliance. The Worgen of
blood of worgen causes humans and night Gilneas re-joined their brethren of the Alliance once the
elves to be transformed into one. After the Worgen Curse spread through their people, but in most
transformation, worgen are overcome by rage and guilt, cases, Worgen prefer to cater to their own hungers and
gradually losing all vestiges of their former lives and ambitions.
turning feral. By controlling their emotions, worgen may Size. Worgens are about the same size as Humans when
resist being overcome by their feral instincts. in humanoid and Worgen form. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Anatomy & Physiology Darkvision. Your curse grants you the ability to see in
Worgen average approximately 8.1 feet for males and 7.3 dark conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of
feet for females. Due to the dreaded Worgen Curse, they you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were
can easily tower over thier curse-free counterparts. Worgen dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades
derive most of thier physiology from the typical winter wolf, of gray.
they are covered in fur, bear terrifying claws and teeth, can Worgen Curse. On your turn, you can shift to your
leap long distances and have a strong appetite for flesh if Worgen form as a bonus action. Shifting lasts until you end
not controlled. They share many characteristics with trolls it on your turn as a bonus action. While shifting, you gain
in regards to thier skills in the wild such as thier rapid temporary hit points equal to your level + your Stamina
reflexes and thier natural darkvision. bonus (minimum of 1). While you are in Worgen form you
have access to the Shifting Features described below.
You must finish a long rest before you can gain
Culture temporary hit points again, though you can transform
Worgen generally tend to prefer more natural habitats like whenever you wish.
forests; they are natural hunters and have a propensity to Aberration. You have advantage to saves against poison,
hunt. What can be inferred from the Gilnean worgens' and resistance against poison and fel damage.
hunting behavior is that respect can be earned within the Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common.
pack by the number of prey hunted or by hunting an Male Names: Merander, Gyram, Derrick, Hebry.
incredibly elusive or dangerous prey. Once bitten, worgen Female Names: Lilla, Merian, Richelle, Ammi.
go through stages of the mindless state, eventually gaining Family Names: Renn, Townguard, Silversmith,
a full feral mentality; which is an irreversible Runetouch.
Worgen must always control their emotions lest they lose Shifting Features
themselves to their form's feral instincts. Rage and guilt are Darkflight. You can use the Dash action as a bonus
two known emotions that evoke a worgen's transformation. action.
One way worgen can temporarily keep their sanity is by Flayer. You can make a bite or claw attack as an action.
injecting themselves with a serum created by the Gilnean This is a melee weapon attack that uses Strength for its
chemist, Krennan Aranas. attack roll and damage bonus and deals 1d6 piercing
Another method is undertaking a night elven ritual that damage. If this attack hits a target that is your size or
makes peace with traumatic events, thus bringing balance smaller, the target is also grappled.
between the human and worgen sides. This ritual involves Viciousness. You can make an unarmed strike as a
eating a piece of Moonleaf and drinking holy water from bonus action with your claws.
moon wells that recalls traumatic and peaceful events so
that a person may gain understanding and balance one's
Worgen are naturally drawn to and revere the wolf Ancient,
Goldrinn, who in a way, is the progenitor of their race.
Some worgen, having had a natural connection to nature,
have also taken up druidism. Typically, those whose minds
have been brought back from wildness will continue to
revere the same concepts they did prior to their turning
into a worgen (such as the Gilneans, many of whom still
believe in the Light and the night elves). It is seen though
that some of those who have been turned also embrace and
revere the nature-related spirits that resulted in the worgen
concurrently with their former beliefs.
Worgen Traits
Half-breed Races
he Warcraft universe also has its share of
mixed-origin characters (or half races). One
of the more famous examples are, Garona
Halforcen and the Half Elven Alodi, the first
Guardian. Mixed races are treated as both
races with spells, magic effects, and
mechanical purposes, but may be looked
down upon by their parent races.
Mixed Traits
Attributes. The creature chooses one of either parents'
racial attributes.
Affiliation. The creature usually either falls to either
parents affiliation or is independent.
Size. The creature is the average in size of both parents
(if they are not both Medium sized).
Speed. The creature moves at an average of both parents
(if they are not both 30 ft.)
Racial Traits. The creature chooses one of either
parents racial traits.
Racial Penalties. The creature takes all racial penalties
of both parents if present (such as the Blood Elves
Languages. The creature gains the languages of both
Names. Follows the naming conventions of both parents
or may be wholly original. Usually mixed creatures are
titled by their ancestry, such as 'Halforcen,' 'Half Elven', or
even 'Half Human' depending on their actions and history.
For example, John wants to play a Half-Breed Race. He
creates Drann Halforcen, (Orc father, Draenei mother) a
level 1 Warrior.
At that point he chooses to take his character's father
racial attribute bonuses (+2 to Str, +1 to Sta) instead of his
mother's (+2 to Str, +1 to Spi).
Drann's Size and Speed is Medium and 30 ft, because
both of the parents have the same features.
For his next step John decides that Drann's mother side
is dominant biologically regarding Racial Traits. He gains
Draenai Traits (Darkvision, Heroic Presence, Gift of the
Naaru, Shadow Resistance, and Gemcutting).
Lastly Drann can speak and write Common, Orcish, and
uncorrupted Eredun.
Chapter 3: Classes
class is the primary adventuring style of a player Devout followers of the Holy Light, Priests are traditional
character. A character's class determines the masters of healing. The Priest's knowledge of the Light also
abilities, powers, skills, and spells they will gain grants them control of the darker powers of the Shadow.
throughout their adventures, and consequently They can mitigate damage by using a range of powerful
the styles of play available to the character. It shields to magically protect their allies.
determines the types of weapons and armor Priest specializations include: Death Priesthood, Discipline
they can use, which attributes they will value Priesthood, Holy Light Priesthood, Moon Priesthood, Shadow
the most, as well as what combat roles the character is Priesthood
suitable for.
The following are the character classes offered in World of Rogue (RGE)
Warcraft 5e: Sinister masters of the night, Rogues are a lightly-armored
class which uses stealth, poisons and sharp blades to
Death Knight (DKN) dispatch enemies without a sound.
The Death Knight combines martial prowess with dark, Rogue specializations include: Assassination, Combat,
necromantic energies to reign death and misery on the Subtlety
battlefield as the polar opposite to the Paladin.
Death Knights specializations include: Path of Blood, Path of Shaman (SHM)
Frost, Path of Unholiness Shamans are spiritual leaders and masters of the elements
who use spells and totems to heal and enhance thier allies.
Druid (DRD) These powerful practitioners of the elements commune with
The Druid uses the power of nature to shape-shift into the ancestors and seek to balance and utilize the raging
different forms of creatures and perform different roles elemental forces if needed.
within their party. They can create powerful wild magics to Shaman specializations include: Elemental, Enhancement,
aid thier cause as the defenders of nature. Restoration
Druids specializations include: Balance, Feral, Restoration
Tinker (TNK)
Hunter (HTR) The creators of incredible inventions, the Tinker can use
Distance is the Hunter's game as they strive to deliver ranged thier own made inventions to overcome nearly any situation
attacks as thier primary source of damage. Hunters tame — and if they don't have the device they need, they just might
many varieties of beasts to serve as combat pets while having be able to design and create a new one on the spot.
minor druidlike magics. Tinker specializations include: Bomber, Gunner, Gadgeteer
Hunter specializations include: Beastmaster, Marksman,
Survival Warlock (WKR)
Enslaving demons and calling upon dark magic and curses to
Mage (MGE) dominate and destroy their foes, Warlocks are a powerfully
Mages are ranged magic damage dealers with the ability to wicked caster class, known for their wide range of debuffs
infkict direct and area effect damage spells with thier variety and damage over time effects.
of utility spells drawn from various arcane Lay Lines Warlock specializations include: Affliction, Demonology,
throughout Azeroth. Destruction
Mage specializations include: Arcane, Fire, Frost
Warrior (WAR)
Monk (MNK) Warriors are plate-clad close-combat fighters able to fill the
Students of ancient pandaren martial arts techniques, Monks role of tank or melee bruiser, they have innate martial
embody the skill, focus, meditativeness and deadly prowess from the years of training and use shouts in combat
effectiveness of a skilled Kung Fu master. They can use their to rally their allies or demoralize their enemies.
inner connection to the universe to heal their allies with the Warrior specializations include: Arms, Fury, Protection
power of mists.
Monk specializations include: Brewmaster, Mistweaver, Special and Racial Specializations
Windwalker Apothecary (Tinker), Demon Hunter (Rogue), Lightslayer
Paladin (PLD) (Rogue), Mountain King (Warrior), Shadow Hunter (Hunter),
Paladins are plate-wearing holy knights. With the soul of a Spell Breaker (Warrior)
priest and the brawn of a warrior, Paladins combine Holy
magic with powerful weapons and stout armor as they smite
enemies with divine wrath and bringing allies back from the
brink of death with the power of the Holy Light.
Paladin specializations include: Oath of Holiness, Oath of
Protection, Oath of Retribution
Priest (PRS)
CHAPTER 3 | Classes 27
lchemists are students, researchers, and Weapons: Simple weapons, hand crossbows, maces,
scientists of the mysterious science of alchemy. explosives, and short swords.
To choose to alchemist class is to be more than Tools: Alchemist's Tools, Engineering
a dabbler in the art of alchemy—they are Tools (for explosives only), and
utilizers of strange techniques that would Poisoner’s Kit
empower themselves and their allies, Saving Throws: Agility, Intelligence
experienced craftspeople who can make potions Skills: Choose four from
for fractions of the normal time and cost, and some have even Acrobatics, Athletics, Insight,
modified their bodies to make full use of their skills. Intimidation, Investigation,
Creating poisons, potions, special explosives, and Perception, Performance,
empowering substances, alchemists are either curiosities, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, and
prized members of society, or reclusive, feared experts in Stealth.
unstable weird sciences. Alchemy itself is does not fall strictly QUICK BUILD
in one end between science and magic, but is a potent force You can make an alchemist quickly
nonetheless. by following these suggestions. First,
Alchemists support soldiers and adventurers, and could Intelligence should be your highest ability score.
easily take to the field themselves, brewing and concoct Make Agility your next-highest if you want to use ranged or
potions, poisons, and poultices to support (or create) allies on finesse weapons, or focus on throwing potions and
the field. explosives. Use Strength instead if you wish to empower
yourself in battle and engage in combat via the mutate spell.
CREATING A ALCHEMIST Second, choose the guild artisan or scholar backgrounds.
Class Features: As an alchemist, you have the following EQUIPMENT
class features. You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
Hit Points: equipment granted by your background:
• (a) A Club or (b) a Shortsword
Hit Dice: 1d8 per alchemist level Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + • (a) A Sling or (b) a Hand Crossbow with 20 bolts
your Stamina modifier Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) • (a) A Dungeoneer’s pack, or (b) an Explorer’s pack
+ your Stamina modifier per alchemist level after 1st • Leather armor, Alchemist's tools
Proficiencies: • A Formula Book
Armor: Light armor
Cursed Carrier Channel Divinity: Blood Ward. You can use your Channel
Starting at 6th level, you can carry diseases in your body, and Divinity to protect yourself from the effects of good magic. As
spread them by touch (if contact), scratch (if injury), breath (if a reaction, you can grant yourself and everyone within range
inhaled), or spit (if ingested). of any active aura Advantage on saving throws versus any
You can carry up to three diseases of your choice with this magical effect that you wish to ward for 1 minute (choose one
ability, above the normal three added by Corrupting Touch. magic school).
Blood Strike [Strike]: Beginning when you choose this
Improved Runic Strike archetype at 3rd level, whenever you hit a living creature with
a melee weapon attack, you may use a bonus action to spend
By 11th level, you are so suffused with the might of the Lich one of your hit dice to regain health. You can benefit from this
King that all your melee weapon strikes carry his unholy feature only once per round.
power with them. Blood Tap: Starting at 7th level, you may expend a hit dice
Whenever you hit a creature with a melee weapon, the to restore mana equal to 2 per hit dice expended as a bonus
creature takes an extra 1d8 fel damage. If you also use your action. This may be used so long as you have unused hit dice.
Runic Strike with an attack, you add this damage to the extra Bloodforge: Starting at 15th level, whenever you slay a
damage of your Runic Strike. creature with your Death Pact spell, you may opt to regain hit
dice equal to the creature’s CR instead of healing yourself.
Dispelling Touch Death Pact is always prepared for you.
Beginning at 14th level, you can use your action to end one Life Stealer: Starting at 20th level, whenever you are
spell on yourself or on one willing creature that you touch. dropped to 0 hit points, you may use your Death Pact spell on
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your any dying creature as well as undead and fiends.
Charisma modifier (a minimum of once). You regain You may also instead tear the life from living targets within
expended uses when you finish a long rest. 30 ft., stealing a number of hit points equal to ¼ their current
hit points, and restoring your hit points by the same amount.
Aura Improvement
Beginning on 18th level, you have advantage to concentrate
on auras, and the range increases to 30 feet.
CHAPTER 3 | Classes: Death Knight 35
The target may resist with an opposed Stamina saving throw. Channel Divinity: Bolster Undead. You can use your
This may be used once per Charisma modifier (minimum 1) Channel Divinity to guard undead against being turned, as
before requiring a rest. well as empowering them. All and any undead under your
command within 30 ft. of you may add your Proficiency
Path of Frost bonus to attack rolls, skill checks, damage rolls, and saving
A frost path death knight is a harbinger of doom, channeling throws for one minute, and may ignore one Turn Undead
runic power and delivering vicious weapon strikes. attempt. You cannot benefit from the numeric bonus, but can
ignore one Turn Undead attempt on use. This bonus remains
Frost Death Knights Spells
for one hour.
Death Knight Level Spells
Undead Companion: At 3rd level, you may raise an
undead ghoul to accompany you on your adventures. Choose
3rd Icy Touch, Rune Array (Frozen Wastes) an undead (preferably a ghoul) that is no larger than Medium
5th Unhallow, Hold Person and that has a challenge rating of 1/4 or lower (appendix D
presents statistics for the zombie or skeleton as examples).
9th Blizzard, Curse of the Elements Add your proficiency bonus to the undead’s AC, attack rolls,
13th Blight, Ice Storm and damage rolls, as well as to any saving throws and skills it
17th Cone of Cold (Howling Blast), Cripple
is proficient in. Its hit point maximum equals its normal
maximum or four times your death knight level, whichever is
Channel Divinity: Freeze. You can use your Channel Your undead companion improves in CR the higher your
Divinity to cause enemies within a 20 foot radius to be level becomes, for a CR parameter of 1 CR per every 4 levels
wracked with unbearable pain as you freeze their blood. The of death knight (improving to 1 CR at level 4, 2 CR at level 8,
targets must succeed a Charisma save or suffer Disadvantage 3 at level 12, 4 CR at level 16, and 5 at level 20).
to all attack rolls and skill checks, and move at half When reaching 8th level, you can choose a Large creature.
movement while in the affected area. This lasts for a number The undead obeys your commands as best as it can. It
of rounds equal to your Death Knight level. takes its turn on your initiative, though it doesn’t take an
Frost Presence: Starting when you gain this archetype at action unless you command it to. On your turn, you can
3rd level, whenever you deal cold damage through a spell or verbally command the undead where to move (no action
ability, you deal an extra cold damage equal to your required by you). You can use your action to verbally
proficiency bonus. You also gain resistance to cold damage. command it to take the Attack, Dash, Disengage, Dodge, or
Might of the Wastes [Strike]: Starting at 7th level, your Help action. Once you have the Extra Attack feature, you can
frost-sharpened blade deals a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20. make one weapon attack yourself when you command the
You also deal an additional 1d4 points of cold damage beast to take the Attack action. You may split the allotted CR
whenever you strike an enemy with this. For the purposes of between several undead.
the Frost Presence ability, this also slows the enemy. Bonding with an undead requires spending one hour
Frozen Soul: Starting at 15th level, you gain a free use of animating it, and the next hour drawing from any superficial
Unholy Strike whenever you reduce a creature to 0 hit points memories before its death. You may raise your enemies to
from a cold spell. A creature defeated this way turns into an serve as undead companions, so long as their CR are within
ice statue. You may deal half of your Unholy Strike damage in the above guidelines. Most death knights take low-level
Cold damage. ghouls, before being able to bond with greater targets.
Pillar of Frost: Starting at 20th level, you can cause ice to Grave March: Beginning at 7th level, your Unholy Aura
hang heavy on your body. This increases your strength score can be used in conjunction with any other aura. Targets that
by 4 to a max of 24 and your Stamina by 2 to a max of 22 due benefit from your Unholy Aura also have advantage to all
to the weight of the ice. saves that hinder or arrest movement, or effects that hinder
or remove control over their actions.
Army of the Dead: Starting at 15th level, your Animate
Path of Unholiness Undead (Conjure Undead) spell is inherently stronger than
An unholy path death knight is a horseman of death, leading others. Whenever you cast Animate Undead, a number of
undead troops to battle, fueled with hatred of the living. zombies arise (up to 2 per spell level) to fight for you for up to
1 minute, and collapse at the end.
Unholy Death Knights Spells These temporary undead followers are friendly to you and
Death Knight your allies, and are controlled as normal summons (but do
Level Spells not count against your limit of summoned undead). You may
3rd Death Coil, Charm Undead channel this effect with an action, extending their presence
for up to 10 minutes.
5th Capture Essence, Earth Shield (Bone This does not require corpses to be present--undead sprout
Shield) from the very ground. However, this cannot be used on
9th Bind Undead (3rd level), Bestow Curse hallowed ground, and the undead must be able to dig out of
13th Confusion, Rune Array (Worm) the earth.
17th Antilife Shell, Death and Decay
You know Druidic, the secret language of You may also acquire new spells research, tutelage,
druids, fey, and spirits of the wild. You can speak the language or from the spellbooks and scrolls of spellcasters who have
and use it to leave hidden messages. You and others who spells you can cast. Your idol is effectively your spellbook, and
know this language automatically spot such a message. you may add spells by meditating with it and inhaling herbal
Others spot the message’s presence with a successful DC 15 vapors.
Spirit (Perception) check but can’t decipher it without magic. Spellcasting Focus: You can use a druidic idol as a
If you can speak druidic, you can communicate with all other spellcasting focus for your druid spells.
druids and all fey creatures, even if you don’t otherwise share Wild Shape
a language.
Starting at 2nd level, you may choose a land-bound beast to
Spellcasting morph into as an action. You can use this ability a number of
Drawing on the divine essence of nature itself, you can cast times equal to your proficiency bonus before requiring a long
spells to shape that essence to your will. You cast Druid rest. The creature selected can be any beast that cannot fly or
spells. swim naturally, such as a wolf, lion, bear, tiger, etc. You
Cantrips: At 1st level, you know a number of cantrips equal remain in this form a number of hours equal to half your
to the number of 1st level spells you can cast. druid level (round down).
Conjuring and Binding: A Druid can conjure animals, You then revert to your normal form unless you expend
elementals, fey, and plants, and bind elementals and plants. another use of this feature. You can revert to your normal
Preparing and Casting Spells: Each druid level provides form earlier by using a bonus action on your turn. You
you with 1 caster level in the Druid class. You follow the automatically revert if you fall unconscious, drop to 0 hit
normal progression to unlock spell levels (see the table under points, or die. While you are transformed, the following rules
the Mana section). You prepare the list of Druid spells that apply:
• Your game statistics are replaced by the statistics of the
are available for you to cast, choosing from the Druid spell beast, but you retain your alignment, personality, and
list. You can also change your list of prepared spells when you Intelligence, Spirit, and Charisma scores. You also retain all
finish a long rest by meditating in nature and studying your of your skill and saving throw proficiencies, in addition to
druidic idol (treat as a spellbook). Preparing a new list of gaining those of the creature.
druid spells requires time spent in prayer and meditation: at • If the creature has the same proficiency as you and the
least 1 minute per spell level for each spell on your list. bonus in its stat block is higher than yours, use the creature’s
Spellcasting Ability: Spirit is your spellcasting ability for bonus instead of yours. If the creature has any legendary or
your Druid spells, since your magic draws upon your devotion lair actions, you can't use them.
and attunement to nature. You use your Spirit whenever a • When you transform, you assume the beast’s hit points
spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use and Hit Dice. When you revert to your normal form, you
your Spirit modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a retain the percentage of hit points your old form ended with
Druid spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one. (for example, ending the spell at half hit points would leave
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Spirit you with half your normal hit points). If the spell ended from
modifier your hit points being reduced to 0 or below, you revert back
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Spirit with 1 hit point.
modifier • You can’t cast spells unless those noted by other abilities,
Spellbook – Idol: At 1st level, your idol contains six 1st- and your ability to speak or take any action that requires
level Druid spells of your choice. When you level up, you gain hands is limited to the capabilities of your beast form.
2 additional Druid spells of your choice.
40 Beast Spells
CHAPTER 3 | Classes: Druid
Solar Eclipse (Day only). The sun’s light is covered by a • Furious beast: You gain the barbarian’s Rage ability as a
shadow which blankets the earth in a 5-mile radius centered 1st level barbarian. This can be taken again to improve the
on the druid for one hour. The area becomes dim light or level up to half your druid level.
normal light (your choice), and creatures sensitive to sunlight Grand Beast: Starting at 14th level, your weapon attacks
do not take penalties from sunlight. All your spells that deal while in wild shape deal an additional die of damage. Also,
Arcane damage do so as if your Eclipse pool was full. You also while under a wild shape, you gain 5 temporary hit points at
gain one Eclipse Point per minute. the beginning of each round when in a wild shape. These
Lunar Eclipse (Night only): The moon’s light is bright and temporary hit points do not carry over to your round.
cloaked in the shadow which blankets the earth in a 5-mile
radius centered on the druid for one hour. The area becomes Restoration:
either dim or normal light (your choice), and creatures The Restoration archetype improves on your ability to heal
sensitive to moonlight or sunlight take penalties (depending the wilderness and its many creatures.
on your wish) when in the area. All your spells that deal Holy
damage do so as if your Eclipse pool is full. You also gain one Restoration Druid Spells
Eclipse Point per minute. Druid Level Spells
Feral 3rd Rejuvenation, Pass without Trace
The Feral archetype improves your wildform choices, and 5th Daylight, Lesser Restoration
augments your strength in each of them by choosing an 7th Divination, Conjure Plant (level 3)
animal focus. 9th Dream, Tranquility
Fortitude of the Wilds: When you choose this archetype at
2nd level, you gain the ability to use Wild Shape on your turn
as a bonus action or a reaction, rather than as an action. Healing Lore: When you choose this archetype at 2nd
Additionally, while you are transformed by Wild Shape, you level, you may alter the target of an invigorate spell effect as a
can use a bonus action to expend one spell to regain 1d8 hit bonus action, targeting any eligible target within a range
points per level of the spell expended. equal to the spell’s original range. The spell’s effects take
Fury of the Wilds: Also when gaining this archetype, when place at the new target’s turn as usual.
determining your maximum allowable CR to transform to, Extended Growth: Also starting at 2nd level, the
you divide your level by four, and not eight, therefore (½ at maximum duration of invigorate spells for you is 10 minutes,
level 2, 1 at level 4, 2 at level 8, and 3 at level 12, 4 at level 16, not 1 minute, and you gain 50% more uses from any
and 5 at level 20). invigorate spell effect.
Primal Strike: Starting at 6th level, your attacks in beast Seed of Life: Starting at 6th level, you may touch
form count as magical for the purpose of overcoming any creature as an action, and cast any druidic spell,
resistance and immunity to non-magical attacks and damage. which remains latent until you discharge it with
Blessed Beast: Starting at 10th level, you may gain a a mental command. Until the spell is discharged, you can
special ability depending on your favored form of a wild sense the well-being of the creature and their relative health,
shape. Choose any of your forms, and you may assign one of but cannot perceive through their senses or realize what they
the following abilities to it, but only when in that form. Upon are facing. When they are hit, you receive a mental jolt that
reaching 15th level, you may choose another option for each notifies you of their peril, and you may discharge the spell you
form: cast. A creature cannot benefit from this more than once
• Raking beast: You gain the rogue’s Sneak Attack ability as every 24 hours, and cannot have more than one seed active at
a 1st level rogue. This can be taken again to improve the level any given time. This spell is considered active, and can be
up to half your druid level. dispelled if targeted.
• Roaring beast: You can empower your allies with a primal Ironbark: Starting at 10th level, whenever you heal a
roar. This acts exactly as the Death Knight’s Abandonment creature, you may choose to imbue their skin to be imbued
Aura. with the strength of nature. If you do, they gain resistance to
• Defending beast: You can gain resistance to all all non-magical weapon damage for 1 minute.
nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage by Improved Seed of Life: Starting at 14th level, you may
expending a reaction. This remains for one minute, and may imbue up to five seeds of life at once, and you can use an
be used once before a short rest. action see through the location in which you touched your
• Magical beast: You may choose any two spells from your ally. You may not communicate with them, however.
druid spell list and cast them in this form. This does not
require somatic or verbal components.
• Inspiring beast: You gain the bard’s Inspiration ability as a
1st level bard. This can be taken again to improve the level up
to half your druid level.
• Prowling beast: Whenever you and an ally both threaten a
creature, your ally gains advantage to attack rolls against it.
• Holy beast: You gain the priest’s Turn Undead ability as a
1st level priest. This can be taken again to improve the level
up to half your druid level. This can also act against fiends as
if they were undead.
Fighting Style
At 2nd level, you adopt a particular style of fighting as your
specialty. Choose one of the following options. You can’t take
a Fighting Style option more than once, even if you later get
to choose again.
Archery: You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with
ranged weapons.
Defense: While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1
bonus to AC.
Dueling: When you are wielding a melee weapon in one
hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage
rolls with that weapon.
Two-Weapon Fighting: When you engage in two-weapon
fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the
damage of the second attack.
Spellcasting or
Drawing on the divine essence of nature
itself, you can cast spells to shape that
essence to your will. You cast Hunter spells
and add Shot spells to your spell list.
Conjuring and Binding: A hunter can
conjure animals, elementals, fey, and plants,
and may bind elementals and plants. Beast
master hunters often take bound animals as
their animal companions to honor them.
44 Foe Slayer
CHAPTER 3 | Classes: Hunter
• Natural Explorer: You are particularly familiar
with one type of natural environment and are adept at
traveling and surviving in such regions. Choose
one type of favored terrain: arctic, coast, desert, forest,
grassland, mountain, swamp, or caves and underground.
When you make an Intelligence or Spirit check related to
your favored terrain, your proficiency bonus is doubled if you
are using a skill that you’re proficient in, and works on any
plane so long as it has a terrain of comparable nature (desert
in Outland’s Hellfire Peninsula).
While traveling for an hour or more in your
favored terrain, you gain the following benefits:
o Difficult terrain doesn’t slow your group’s travel. Magics of such type also
o Your group can’t become lost except by magical means. cannot be used to put you to sleep or to read
o Even when you are engaged in another activity while your mind.
traveling (such as foraging, navigating, or tracking), you • Slayer’s Counter (requires proficiency +6 or above, and
remain alert to danger, and have advantage to checks to avoid Slayer’s Prey): You gain the ability to counterattack when
being surprised in your favored terrain. your prey tries to sabotage you. If the target of your Slayer’s
o You have advantage to saving throws against natural Prey forces you to make a saving throw, you can use your
hazards in your favored terrain. reaction to make one weapon attack against the quarry. You
o You can move stealthily at your normal pace without make this attack immediately before making the saving
slowing down. throw. If your attack hits, your save automatically succeeds, in
o When you forage or gather, you find twice as much food addition to the attack’s normal effects.
as you normally would. • Slayer’s Prey: You can focus
o While tracking other creatures, you also learn their exact your ire on one foe, increasing the
number, their sizes, and how long ago they passed through harm you inflict on it. As a bonus action, you
the area. This talent can be taken multiple times, each time designate one creature you can see within 60 feet of you as
adding one favored terrain. the target of this feature. The first time each turn that you hit
• Primeval Alertness: Whenever you are subjected to an that target with a weapon attack, it takes an extra 1d6
effect that attempts to detect or identify you (such as a Scry damage from the weapon. Only hunters may take this talent.
spell), you gain advantage to all saves versus such effects. If • Stalker’s Flurry (requires proficiency +4 or above): You
you succeed on an opposed Spirit check, you can also reverse learn to attack with such unexpected speed that you can turn
the spell (if possible, gaining a momentary glimpse of who is a miss into another attack. When you miss with a weapon
attempting to scry on you). attack, you can make another weapon attack as part of the
• Primeval Awareness: You gain awareness of your same action. This can be done a number of times equal to
environment on a local scale. So long as you can cast at least your Strength or Agility modifier before requiring a short
a level 1 spell, you can use your action and expend mana rest. Only hunters may take this talent.
equal to any spell to gain primeval awareness. For 1 minute • Suffused Arrows: You master the art of spell-casting
per level of the spell you expended, you can sense whether through arrows or infusing them. You may choose to gain the
the following types of creatures are present within 1 mile of Infusion skill (but can only infuse ranged weapons), or the
you (or within up to 6 miles if you are in your favored terrain Spell Strike feat (but only for ranged weapons). Only hunters
or if the target is a favored enemy): aberrations, celestials, may take this talent.
dragons, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead. This feature • Terrifying Tracker (requires proficiency +3 or above):
doesn’t reveal the creatures’ location or number, but does hint Whenever you succeed on tracking a creature and have them
at their strength in rough terms (weaker, equal to you, or within line of sight, you gain advantage to any check to
stronger than you), general direction, and can be used surprise them. You may also intimidate the target without
whenever you have the mana to spend. You must have the revealing yourself (usually to steer the target into one place or
ability to cast the Detect Magic spell to gain this talent. another).
• Primeval Disruption (requires the Primeval Awareness • Umbral Sight: You gain darkvision out to a range of 60
talent, and one of the two: proficiency of +3 or the ability to feet. If you already have darkvision from your race, its range
cast Detect Magic): You can sense if a favored enemy is increases by 30 feet. While in darkness, you can hide in plain
casting a divine or arcane spell (choose one upon gaining this sight against any creature that relies on darkvision to see you
talent) within 3 miles. You are also aware of their general in that darkness.
direction. If the target is within 1 mile, you can spend a • Vanish (requires proficiency +4 or above): You can use the
reaction to force them to roll a Spirit saving throw against Hide action as a bonus action on your turn. Also, you can’t be
being distracted. This ability can be used a number of times tracked by nonmagical means, unless you choose to leave a
equal to your proficiency bonus before replenishing after a trail, even outside your favored terrain (if you have one). You
long rest. may also choose to gain a rogue or warrior talent you qualify
• Tempered Hunter: You have advantage versus divine or for.
arcane spells (choose one upon gaining this talent) cast by
your favored enemies and advantage to all checks to avoid
being subject to the Scry spell, or being detected, or identified Hunter Archetype
by similar magic.
CHAPTER 3 | Classes: Hunter 45
An Azerothian hunter may choose one of the three below As long as you and your animal companion are within one
archetypes: mile or less of one another, you may also see through your
companion’s eyes and give commands through it, though you
Beast Master are blind to your own surroundings if you do so.
Your bond with the land is stronger than that of other Marksman
hunters, a bonded beast appropriate to your terrain has
chosen to fight alongside you. Beast master hunters are the Marksmen hunters are often favored allies in battle, as
most common adventuring hunters to fight without aid. chosen shot spells and the ability to focus their fire on an
Hunter’s Companion: At 3rd level, you gain a bound enemy can turn the tide of battle.
companion that accompanies you on your adventures and is Careful Aim: Once you gain this archetype at 3rd level, you
trained to fight alongside you. This acts as a normal bonded may use a bonus action as part of shooting to grant yourself
companion. The companion must be a beast that is no larger advantage your ranged weapon attack. You cannot use this if
than Medium and that has a challenge rating of 1/2 or lower you already moved in the previous round.
(for example, a hawk, mastiff, or panther). See Bound Hawk Eye: Starting at 7th level, you double your range
Companion for more details. The hunter is able to cast the with all ranged weapon attacks. Also, any ranged attack you
Bind Animal spell, even if the spell is not prepared or score on a creature that is surprised is a critical hit. The
spellcasting was removed due to the Sharpshooter ability. automatic critical hit can be triggered once per round.
Bond: Due to your bond with the beast, you can add your Multi-Shot Strike: Starting at 11th level, whenever you
proficiency bonus to the beast’s AC, attack rolls, and damage successfully strike an enemy with a ranged attack, you may
rolls, as well as to any saving throws and skills it is proficient use a bonus action to attack any other target within 5 feet of
in. The beast also gains proficiency in two skills of your the original target. You may also instead designate five-foot-
choice, and to all saving throws. Due to your bond, however, square within the range of your ranged weapon, and bombard
the companion loses the Multiattack feature (if it possesses any number of enemies within 10 feet of said point, one
it). Its hit point maximum equals its normal maximum or four attack each.
times your hunter level, whichever is higher. Whenever you Chimera Shot [Shot]: Beginning at 15th level, you gain
gain Extra Attack, you can use the extra attack action to have the ability to use Chimera Shot once per Spirit modifier,
the animal companion make an attack as its reaction. regained at the end of a long rest. You may declare the use of
Leveling up: Your beast companion improves in CR the Chimera Shot, which allows you to combine the effects of up
higher your level becomes, CR equal to 1 per every 8 levels of to three different shot spells, with the mana cost of only the
Hunter (improving to 1 CR at level 4, 2 CR at level 8, and 3 highest-level shot.
CR at level 16). This either takes the form of choosing a
higher-level companion, or adding hit dice to the companion Survival
until its CR increases. You are a rugged tracker who uses animal venom, explosives,
When reaching 8th level, you can choose a Large creature. and traps as deadly weapons. Survival hunters usually walk
The companion also gains an Ability Score Improvement alone, but make excellent advanced scouts and explorers who
once you do (this acts as the normal feature). can handle nearly any terrain.
Special: While traveling through your favored terrain with Survival Knowledge: Starting at 3rd level, you gain
your beast, you can move stealthily at a normal pace. Bonding proficiency in Engineering (though only to make traps and
with a beast requires spending one hour communicating with explosives) and the Poisoner’s Kit. If you already have
the creature by nonverbal cues, and spending the next seven proficiency in Engineering, you gain expertise in checks with
hours in bonding activities (hunting, etc.). it. You also gain +10 feet to your speed when wearing
Spirit Bond: Beginning at 7th level, on any of your turns medium armor or less, and when not using a shield.
when your beast companion doesn’t attack, you can use a Trap Expert: Starting at 7th level, any creature subjected
bonus action to command the beast to take the Dash, to traps set by you have disadvantage to their saves, or the
Disengage, Dodge, or Help action on its turn. The beast also trap has advantage to any attack against them, and you may
has advantage with any saving throw to resist spells that add your Proficiency bonus to all saving throw DCs or attack
control it (such as charm spells) or those that make it rolls made by traps you set or poisons you create.
abandon you (such as fear spells). The trap needs only to be set by you, and not necessarily
Frenzy: Starting at 11th level, whenever you command it to built by you.
attack, it makes two attacks instead. This applies when you Poison Science: Starting at 11th level, you can harvest
sacrifice the second attack from the Extra Attack feature, as triple the normal quantity of poisons from dead creatures.
well as the first time you order it to attack. You also gain resistance to all poison damage. Gaining
Your animal companion’s weapon attacks score a critical acquired immunity to poisons or diseases requires only one-
hit on a roll of 19 and 20. It also gains one extra attack, as if it quarter the normal time.
gained the Extra Attack feature. Mettle: Starting at 15th level, you automatically succeed
Empowered Bond: Beginning at 15th level, you and your against all death saving throws after a minute of being
animal companion may share the damage both of you take by reduced to 0 hit points, and only suffer a loss when attacked
dividing it by two so long as you are within 30 feet of one while dying. You may also apply poisons on your weapon as a
another. If under the effects of Spirit Link, you count as two bonus action. You always count yourself as within your
separate creatures. favored terrain for the purposes of travel, and whenever one
of your traps harm a creature, you always treat it as if it is
surprised against you, unless combat hasn’t already started.
EQUIPMENT: Mage Tradition
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
equipment granted by your background: When you reach 2nd level, you choose a mage tradition,
• (a) a quarterstaff or (b) a dagger shaping your practice of magic through one of eight schools,
• (a) a component pouch or (b) an arcane focus or through the disciplines of Arcane, Fire, or Frost, detailed
• (a) a scholar’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you
• A spellbook features at 2nd level and again at 6th, 10th, and 14th level.
Azerothian magi also often specialize in Necromancy or
Invocation Illusion, though other traditions are relatively rare.
The most common traditions in Azeroth are the three
You have learned to regain some of your mana by invoking below: Arcane, Fire, and Frost. Arcane and Frost are
mana. With a 3-turn action, you can regain mana equal to 4 + preferred by the students and people of Dalaran, but the
double your Mage level. When used, you do not regenerate grand power of Fire is nothing to be ignored. Other than the
mana by rest or time for the next four hours. Unlike most above specializations, necromancers and conjurers are
mana-restoring abilities, you can use this after restoring common in Azeroth.
mana from a different source.
Ability Score Improvement
Spellcasting When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and
As a student of arcane magic, you have a spellbook 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice
containing spells that show the first glimmerings of your true by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by
power. 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20
Cantrips: At 1st level, you know a number of cantrips equal using this feature.
to the number of 1st level spells you can cast.
Conjuring and Binding: A mage can conjure and bind Spell Mastery
constructs, elementals, fiends, and undead.
Spellbook: At 1st level, you have a spellbook containing six At 18th level, you have achieved such mastery over certain
1st-level mage spells of your choice. When you level up, you spells that you can cast them at will with no mana cost.
gain 2 additional mage spells of your choice. You may also Choose a 1st-level mage spell and a 2nd-level mage spell that
acquire new spells by research, tutelage, or from the are in your spellbook. You can cast those spells at their lowest
spellbooks and scrolls of spellcasters who have spells you can level without expending mana when you have them prepared.
cast. If you want to cast either spell at a higher level (or if the spell
Preparing and Casting Spells: Each mage level provides consumes mana in its description), you must expend mana as
you with 1 caster level in the mage class. You follow the normal. By spending 8 hours in study, you can exchange one
normal progression to unlock spell levels (see the table under or both of the spells you chose for different spells of the same
the Mana section). You prepare the list of mage spells that are levels.
available for you to cast, choosing from the mage spell list.
You can also change your list of prepared spells by consulting
your spellbook. Preparing a new list of mage spells requires
time spent in study: at least 1 minute per spell level for each
spell on your list.
Spellcasting Ability: Intelligence is your spellcasting ability
for your mage spells, since you learn your spells through
dedicated study and memorization. You use your Intelligence
whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In
addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the
saving throw DC for a mage spell you cast and when making
an attack roll with one.
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
Intelligence modifier Spell attack modifier = your proficiency
bonus + your Intelligence modifier
Ritual Casting: You can cast a mage spell as a ritual if that
spell has the ritual tag and you have the spell in your
spellbook. You don't need to have the spell prepared.
Spellcasting Focus: You can use an arcane focus as a
spellcasting focus for your mage spells.
Learning Spells of 1st Level and Higher: On your
adventures, you might find other spells that you can add to
your spellbook.
You do not gain spells by default, and typically scribe spells
from scrolls into your own spellbook, or purchase (or steal)
the spellbooks of others, or research them yourself.
48 Mage Tradition
CHAPTER 3 | Classes: Mage
Signature Spell You may also sacrifice Arcane Spheres to reduce mana
cost of one spell cast.
When you reach 20th level, you gain mastery over two The reduction in mana cost is one point per Arcane Sphere
powerful spells and can cast them with little effort. Choose removed (minimum mana 1). This may be used once per
two 3rd-level mage spells in your spellbook as your signature hour.
spells. You always have these spells prepared, they don’t Rune of Power: Starting at 14th level, you may use an
count against the number of spells you have prepared, and action to create a rune of power up to 30 feet away that
you can cast each of them once at 3rd level without focuses the ley lines of the realm you are in. The rune
expending mana. When you do so, you can’t do so again until occupies a 5-feet square. Any creature standing on this rune
you finish a short or long rest. If you want to cast either spell casts their spells with one less point of mana (minimum 1).
at a higher level, you must expend mana as normal. This rune can be treated as a fountain of mana, but for one
creature only. You may dispel this rune with a reaction. The
Mage Tradition rune remains for one hour. You may create three runes before
Mages may choose from one of the below three traditions: requiring a long rest.
Arcane Fire
You manipulate focused mysterious arcane and raw mana A fire mage ignites enemies with bolts of fire and exploding
powers more adeptly than others, destroying enemies with flames.
overwhelming raw magic force. Arcane mages adopt a more Controlled Destruction: Beginning at 2nd level, you can
scholarly persona than other mages. create pockets of relative safety within the effects of your fire
Arcane Spheres: Starting at 2nd level, whenever you evocation spells. When you cast a fire evocation spell that
successfully deal arcane damage to an enemy through a spell affects other creatures that you can see, you can choose a
or ability, you gain one Arcane Sphere. You cannot gain more number of them equal to 1 + your intelligence modifier. The
than one per round. Arcane spheres may be used to empower chosen creatures automatically succeed on their saving
your abilities. For every Arcane Sphere you have, you may throws against the spell, and they take no damage if they
deal an additional 1 point of arcane damage with spells and would normally take half damage on a successful save. Also,
abilities that deal direct arcane damage. You may have a whenever you set a target on fire with your fire spells, they
maximum number of spheres equal to 2 plus your are considered to be poisoned (disadvantage to attack rolls
Proficiency bonus, and they remain for one hour after being and ability checks) so long as they are aflame.
acquired. Student of Flame: Also beginning at 2nd level, you may
Arcane Blast: Also at 2nd level, you gain the ability to scribe evocation spells with other energy types as fire spells
unleash blasts of arcane force as an action. You gain the in your spellbook. The spells act the same way, unless the DM
Mystic Blast feat, but must choose to deal arcane damage. rules it is unreasonable (such as a slippery effect on a fire
Transmutation Mastery: Transfusion: Starting at 6th sleet spell). You also gain resistance to fire damage.
level, any hostile target of a transmutation spell you cast takes Scorch: Starting at 6th level, you may cast Fire Bolt as a
2d6 arcane damage per spell level after successfully saving bonus action. Also, you may critically hit with any ranged fire
against your spell, or at the end of the spell’s duration. The spell attack on a 19 and a 20, dealing double damage. If the
range of Arcane Blast increases by 20 feet. spell sets the target on fire, the saving throw to resist being
Abjuration Mastery: Spell-Flare: At 10th level, you may caught on flame is made at a disadvantage.
twist a spell when it is dispelled by your abjuration spells. Pyromaniac: At 10th level, you add the Pyroblast spell to
Whenever you dispel an ongoing magical effect on a target, your spellbook if it isn’t already within it. Whenever you
you may opt to deal 1d4 arcane damage per spell level critically hit with a ranged fire spell, you may spend a bonus
dispelled to the target. This damage cannot be resisted, and action to gain one round of concentration on the Pyroblast
applies only once per round. Whenever you cast spell with spell. The pyromaniac bonus remains for one minute or until
‘mana’ in the name (such as mana burn, mana shield, etc.), it you cast Pyroblast, and stacks with itself. It cannot exceed the
costs you one less point of mana. maximum damage you can deal with Pyroblast, however. For
this purpose, you count as if you critically hit if one of the
targets of your fire spells fails by a natural 1 on a saving
throw, or on a natural 19-20 on a ranged attack with a fire
Black Fire: Starting at 14th level, you may spend a bonus
action when targeting a creature that is immune or resistant
to fire damage, reducing its resistance to damage. If it is
immune, it becomes resistant instead. If resistant, it takes
damage normally. If it takes normal damage, it is instead
vulnerable. This remains for one hour, and one creature
cannot be subjected to this effect more than once for 24
Ability Score Improvement Channel Divinity: When you take this oath at 3rd level, you
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and gain the below Channel Divinity option:
19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice Light of Dawn: As an action, you present your holy symbol,
by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by and release an outburst of the Holy Light of Creation,
1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 allowing any friendly creature within 30 feet to use a hit dice
using this feature. as if they rested. The ally also gains temporary hit points
equal to double your Charisma modifier.
Holy Vision: At 3rd level, you gain the ability to critically hit
Extra Attack with healing spells. When you touch or target an ally with a
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, touch or ranged healing spell (such as Holy Light), you may
whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. roll a d20. On a natural 19 and 20 (or 10% chance on a d%),
your spell has double effectiveness. This applies when
Divine Health dealing damage to undead as well.
Holy Auras: At 7th level, your auras increase in strength.
Starting at 6th level, the divine magics flowing within you Your auras range increase to 30 feet, and can apply two auras
grant you immunity to diseases and advantage against at once. When gaining Aura Improvement, your auras
poison, as well as resistance against poison damage. increase to 45 feet.
Latent Prayer: Starting at 15th level, you may cast a
Improved Crusader Strike healing spell on a creature that only activates whenever the
By 11th level, you are so suffused with the might of the Light creature wishes. This does not require concentration on your
that all your melee weapon strikes carry its divine power with end, and the creature (or you) may declare use of the spell as
it. Whenever you hit a creature with a melee weapon, the a reaction. This effect remains for one day or until used, and
creature takes an extra 1d8 holy damage. If you also use your leaves a holy mark that can be detected as the healing spell. A
Crusader Strike with an attack, you add this damage to the creature can only benefit from one latent prayer until they
extra damage of your Crusader Strike. take a long rest. This may also be applied to undead.
Illuminated Healer: By 20th level, whenever a creature
Cleansing Touch that benefits from a healing effect (such as Light of Dawn, or
healing spell) originating from you manifest a holy shield.
Beginning at 14th level, you can use your action to end one This holy shield grants them temporary hit points equal to
spell on yourself or on one willing creature that you touch. the amount they were healed by you. The holy shield does not
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your increase the amount shielded if the healing spell was a
Charisma modifier (a minimum of once). You regain critical hit. This shield remains until the hit points are
expended uses when you finish a long rest. reduced to 0, or until ten minutes have passed. This effect
does not stack with itself, and a creature can benefit from a
Aura Improvement single holy shield only once every hour. Your healing spells
Beginning on 18th level, you have advantage to concentrate critically hit on a natural 18.
on auras, and the range increases to 30 feet.
Oath of Protection
Sacred Oaths A Paladin of the Oath of Protection uses Holy magic to shield
him/herself and defend allies against attackers.
An Azerothian Paladin chooses from one of the below three
sacred oaths: Protection Paladin Spells
Paladin Level Spells
Oath of Holiness 3rd Shield, Sanctuary
A Paladin of the Oath of Holiness invokes the power of the 5th Lesser Restoration, Warding Bond
Light to protect and heal.
9th Beacon of Hope, Revivify
Holy Paladin Spells 13th Aura of Life, Death Ward
17th Prayer of Healing, Wall of Force
Choose one priesthood or domain related to your deity: Death
(Lich King), Discipline (Balance), Holy (Holy Light), Moon
(Elune), or Shadow (Forgotten Shadow). Each priesthood is
detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice
grants you domain spells and other features when you choose
it at 1st level. It also grants you additional ways to use
Channel Divinity when you gain that feature at 2nd level, and
additional benefits at 6th, 8th, and 17th levels.
Unarmored Defense
Beginning at 1st level, while you are wearing no armor and
not wielding a shield, your AC equals 10 + your Agility
modifier + your Spirit modifier.
Channel Divinity
At 2nd level, you gain the ability to channel divine energy
directly from your deity, using that energy to fuel magical
effects. You start with two such effects: Turn Undead and an
effect determined by your priesthood. Some domains grant
you additional effects as you advance in levels, as noted in
the domain description. When you use your Channel Divinity,
you choose which effect to create. You must then finish a
short or long rest to use your Channel Divinity again.
When used, you do not regenerate mana by rest or time for Priesthood
the next four hours. This ability can be used after restoring A Priest can be under any of the following Priesthoods:
mana from a different source.
Death Priesthood
Ability Score Improvement The Death Priesthood is granted by the Lich King, and is
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and primarily used by acolytes and death priests.
19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice Channel Divinity: Death priests exchange the ability to
by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by Turn Undead with Turn Living.
1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 Turn Living: You may turn any living creature instead of
using this feature. turning undead. This has no effect on constructs. This is a
fear-based effect.
Destroy Undead Destroy Living: Starting at 5th level, when a living
Starting at 5th level, when an undead fails its saving throw creature fails its saving throw against your Channel Divinity
against your Turn Undead feature, the creature is instantly feature, the creature is instantly destroyed if its challenge
destroyed if its challenge rating is at or below a certain rating is at or below a certain threshold, as shown in the
threshold, as shown in the Destroy Undead table. Destroy Living table. It disintegrates, leaving only a pile of
dust, so says the Lich King.
Divine Intervention CHAPTER 3 | Classes: Priest 63
Spell Level Domain spells
Destroy Living Table
Cleric Level Destroys Living of CR 1st Power Word: Fortitude, Sanctuary
5th 1/2 or lower 3rd Power Word: Shield, Levitate
8th 1 or lower 5th Remove Curse, Warding Bond
11th 2 or lower 7th Death Ward, Stoneskin
14th 3 or lower 9th Hold Monster, Telekinesis (level 5)
17th 4 or lower
Chakra Ward: Beginning at 1st level, while you are
Death Priesthood Spells
wearing no armor and not wielding a shield, you take 3 less
Spell Level Domain spells
damage from all nonmagical slashing, piercing, and
bludgeoning damage.
1st Bane, Sleep Extended Wards: Also beginning at 1st level, you double
3rd Gentle Repose, See Invisibility the duration of any active spell that grants temporary hit
points and all Power Word spells.
5th Animate Dead, Speak with Dead **Channel Divinity. Damage Ward. Starting at level 2, you
7th Blight, Phantasmal Killer may use a channel divinity attempt to grant any ally within 30
9th Finger of Death, Power Word: Stun
ft. resistance against any type of damage they specify. This
resistance remains for one round.
Death Can Wait: At first level, you gain advantage against Channel Divinity: When you partake in the priesthood of
all Death Saving Throws, attempts to stabilize, and saves Discipline, you gain the following channel divinity option:
against necromancy spell effects. You may also sacrifice Reflecting Ward: Starting at 6th level, whenever a creature
yourself ritually to become a shade, gaining incorporeality benefitting from your Damage Ward ability is damaged, you
(see Introduction), but becoming unable to cast spells. You may use a channel divinity attempt and a reaction to reflect
gain telepathy with who sacrificed you, and may half the damage dealt back to the creature who dealt it. Make
communicate with them and share what you see as an action a ranged spell attack, and on a success, the creature
from their part. This remains so long as you and your lord are damaging your ally is damaged themselves by half their own
in the same plane. The connection may be willingly damage. This does not alter the type of damage dealt.
transferred to another creature. The transformation is Chakra Cleansing: Starting at 8th level, whenever you cast
complete after one day of death, and cannot be reversed short a shielding spell, you may perform one of the two abilities
of a miracle or wish spell. with a bonus action. • You may dispel any magical effect the
Lich King’s Favor: Starting at 2nd level, you add all target suffers from. This acts as dispel magic with a spell
necromancy spells to your spell list. level equal to the level of the shielding spell you cast. • You
Cultist of the Damned: Starting at 6th level, you can cast may grant additional temporary hit points equal to double the
any Necromancy spell as a ritual even if it doesn't have the spell level.
ritual tag. Infused Shield: Starting at 17th level, whenever you cast a
Death's Touch: At 8th level, you may use an action to target healing or shielding spell, you may freely convert temporary
any dying creature within 90 feet with a ranged spell attack. hit points from your spells to actual hit points, or vice versa. A
The creature fails one death saving throw instantly. You also healing spell that grants temporary hit points is counted as a
have Resistance to Fel damage. shielding spell, and benefits from the Chakra Cleansing,
Avatar of Death: At 17th level you have the “Command Extended Wards, and Shielding Power abilities.
Undead” ability as if you were a Necromancer equal to your
priest level. Also when using your Death's Touch ability any Holy Light Priesthood
target that dies while you are touching them cannot be The light priesthood follows the Cult of the Holy Light, a
resurrected or reincarnated. They can however be raised as major faith in Azeroth. The holy priest is a versatile healer
Undead. who can reverse damage on individuals or groups and even
heal from beyond the grave.
Discipline Priesthood Holy Priesthood Spells
A discipline priest follows the tenets of balance and self- Spell Level Domain spells
improvement through chakra training. The discipline priest 1st Bless, Holy Light
uses magic to shield allies from taking damage as well as
heal their wounds. 3rd Lesser Restoration, Spiritual weapon
5th Beacon of Hope, Revivify
Discipline Priesthood Spells 7th Death Ward, Guardian of Faith
9th Prayer of Healing, Raise Dead
Tinker Path
At 3rd level, you choose a path that you emulate in the
exercise of your tinker abilities: Bomber who focuses on
creating explosives, the Gunner who focuses on creating and
shooting with firearms, and Gadgeteer who focuses on
creating wondrous gadgets, all detailed at the end of the class
EQUIPMENT Your path choice grants you features at 3rd level and then
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the again at 6th, 10th, and 14th levels.
equipment granted by your background:
• (a) a Mace or (b) a Shortsword Ability Score Improvement
• (a) 2 ER 2 Bombs or (b) 2 ER 2 Rockets
• (a) a Dungeoneer's pack or (b) an Explorer’s pack
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and
• Leather armor, engineering tools, two vials of liquid
19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice
phlogiston, and two blueprints of any technological device the by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by
tinker can create. 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20
using this feature
Engineering Superfunction.
You are proficient with the Engineering skill. If you are
already proficient, you gain expertise to your checks. Starting at 5th level, whenever you use a device, there is a
Notebook: At 1st level, your notebook contains four chance it performs unexpectedly well. The chance for a
blueprints of your choice that detail the specifications of any superfunction is equal to the chance for a malfunction, with
device you can create. When you level up, you gain 2 the determining dice result range equal to the malfunction
additional blueprints spells of your choice. You may also range (for instance, an explosive that malfunctions on a 1-3
acquire new blueprints by research, tutelage, or from the can superfunction on a 18-20). When a device superfunctions,
notebooks and blueprints of tinkers who have devices you can it does not roll for a malfunction for the duration of the effect
create. (see below, affected by energy source).
• Mechanical/Electricity/Necromancy/Elemental: When the
Packrat device superfunctions, the next 1d4 uses consume no
charges (but do consume bullets if possible). This does not
For the purposes of calculating encumbrance, you are apply if the device has one use only.
counted as a large creature. • Steam/Combustion: When the device superfunctions, it
either gains a 25% increase in movement speed (if a
Cobble construct or vehicle), or deals maximum damage (no need to
Also starting at 1st level, you may create a 1-use firearm, roll) with any damage rolls it makes (if an explosive, firearm,
gadget, or bomb with a 3-turn action. You may petition the or damaging gadget). If the device neither moves or deals
DM on what spell effect the gadget replicates, and the DM damage, it negates the next malfunction it recieves for one
decides the most fitting gadget. You can expend a number of minute instead.
Engineering Points equal to your maximum -1 points (1 point Coolness under Fire
at 1st level). You may spend 1/5th the cost of materials to
create this device, though the device disintegrates after a Starting at 7th level, you may take 10 on any attack roll or
single use (whether it be successful or not). There is a 5% skill check. This can be done a number of times equal to your
chance that the tinker memorize the blueprint for the cobbled proficiency bonus, and may be replenished with a long rest.
device for one day (usually long enough to write down the The take-ten on attack rolls can only be performed on an
formula). This can be used once before a long rest, then an engineered device.
additional time per day per 4 levels.
Knack for It
CHAPTER 3 | Classes: Tinker
Also starting at 15th level, you may alter the invested
Scavenge properties of any device you handle (even those not used by
Starting at 10th level, when you gather raw materials for use you). This takes 3 turns of handling the device. For example,
with engineering, you gain triple the total value in silver. this allows you to increase the damage or range of a firearm,
reduce the hit dice of a construct or vehicle (negatively only),
or triple the malfunction rate of any device you handle.
Starting at 11thlevel, you lower the malfunction rate of all Shutdown
devices you use by one point per half your Proficiency bonus Starting at 17th level, you may expend a use of Coolness
(minimum 1). under Fire to re-roll a malfunction or inactive check result, or
force the malfunction rate of any device within 30 feet of you
to increase to by 5 points. This penalty remains for one hour.
Personal Expertise
Starting at 18th level, whenever you activate a device you
created and are using, you lower the malfunction rate by two
points (minimum 1 malfunction rating).
Engineering Mastery
Starting at 20th level, you may identify the weaknesses and
command triggers for any device you see, and can operate
and recreate it from memory, even if you don’t have the
blueprints, and you gain resistance to all effects stemming
from your own devices (such as firearm shots, explosions,
Tinker Path
An Azerothian Tinker can choose from the three following
A bomber is a tinker who focuses on bombs, mines, and
Evasion rockets the utility of such explosive weaponry, and often also
Also starting at 11th level, you can nimbly dodge out of the makes use of mortars, rocket launchers, and mine launchers
way of certain area effects, such as a red dragon’s fiery breath to control the terrain and deal massive damage to their
or an ice storm spell. When you are subjected to an effect that enemies. Bombers are also known as grenadiers.
allows you to make an Agility saving throw to take only half Expanded Effect: Starting when you choose this
damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the archetype at 3rd level, you increase the base range of your
saving throw, and only half damage if you fail. If you make a thrown bombs, mines, and rockets by 15 feet.
saving throw versus an effect made by you, you can either Blasting Effect [Strike]: Starting at 6th level, you may deal
take half damage automatically or make a saving throw. two additional dice of damage with any explosive effect in an
If you choose to make a saving throw, you take no damage explosive area of effect. This is a [Strike] effect that can target
on a successful save, but take normal (full) damage on a only one creature within the blast.
failed save. Quick Bomber: Starting at 10th level, you may use a
rocket, bomb, or mine as a reaction instead of an action. This
Improved Cobble may be used one time per proficiency bonus. These uses
replenish after a rest.
Starting at 13th level, you may use a cobbled device twice Precise Effects: Starting at 14th level, whenever you use a
before it disintegrates. The chance you can discover a new rocket, mine, or bomb, you may exclude a number of 5-foot
blueprint increases to 10% per cobble attempt. The cobbled squares (creatures included) from its effects equal to 1 + your
device also costs 15% less than normal (this stacks with tech Intelligence modifier.
know-how and improved tech know-how).
Improved Tech Know-How Also known as a gunsmith or shooter, a gunner tinker is not
Starting at 15th level, you decrease the total cost of only a practiced gunsmith, but is also an excellent marksman.
engineering devices by afurther 15% (for a total of 25% less Quick Reload: Starting when you choose this archetype at
cost), and the time by 25% (for a total of 50% less time). 3rd level, you may use a bonus action to reload a firearm.
Quick Tech
CHAPTER 3 | Classes: Tinker 79
Special Bullets: Starting at 6th level, you gain the
spellcasting capabilities of a hunter whose level is equal to
your own (based on Intelligence, not Spirit). You may only
cast Strike and Shot spells, however. These effects are
considered extraordinary and not spell-based, which means
they ignore spell resistances and may be used without being
disrupted by anti-magic.
Point-Blank Shot: Starting at 10th level, you do not take
disadvantage to your ranged attack roll while being within 5
feet of a hostile creature. If using a firearm while adjacent to
an enemy, you have advantage to the attack roll.
Cartridge Improvement: Starting at 14th level, you may
count your Engineering Point investment as if it were four
points higher for the purposes of calculating cartridge
capacity for firearms you create.
Also known as a general tinkerers, Mecha-users, and drivers,
gadgeteers replicate many effects through their gadgets, and
are very versatile.
Quick Cooldown: Starting when you choose this
archetype at 3rd level, you reduce the cooldown of your
gadgets and activation of your constructs and Mecha are 2d4
rounds instead of a minute. If the gadget is also a quick-use
gadget, its cooldown is one full round instead.
Extensive Designing: Starting at 6th level, you may
increase the spell levels replicated by your gadgets to
becoming 1 spell level per Engineering Point invested
(maximum 6th level). You may also command gadgets from
within a vehicle or Mecha.
Efficient Engineering: Starting at 10th level, your devices
do not lose charges when they are harmed, and all your
devices (Except bombs and firearms) gain 1 additional fuel or
energy for every point invested.
Protective Shell: Starting at 14th level, whenever you are
wearing a gadget harness, or are within a vehicle or Mecha,
you have resistance to all damage. This applies after sharing
damage with the vehicle or mecha (possibly taking only 25%
of all damage), but this ability is inactive if you are no longer
protected, such if the harness itself is destroyed.
Spells Prepared: Each spell breaker level provides you with You may also cast Dispel Magic (as per Abjuring Knight) as
0.5 levels in a spellcasting class (or level 1 at 3rd level). You a strike effect (costing a bonus action after a successful attack
follow the normal progression to unlock spell levels (see the roll), as if you possessed the Spell Strike feat (if you don’t
table under the Mana section). You prepare spells from the already have it).
mage spell list, but only spells from the abjuration, Steal Magic: At 15th level, you may transfer a dispelled
transmutation, or evocation schools. When you reach 7th, magical effect to another eligible creature within 30 ft. as a
8th, 14, and 20 level in this class, you can alter one existing free action. The new target is entitled a saving throw, or you
spell to be a spell from any other magic school. must succeed on an attack roll to affect them (as if you cast
Your spellcasting otherwise follows the same rules as the the initial spell). This may be applied to sigil effects Control
mage class with regards to spellbooks, conjuring and binding, Summons. At 18th level, you may force a summoned creature
and other concerns. Your spellcasting ability is Intelligence. to serve you and count you as an ally instead of sending it
Spell Resistance: When you choose this archetype at 3rd back to where it came from when you successfully dispel the
level, you gain the ability to be exceptionally resistant to spells magics summoning it. This does not count versus creatures
and spell-like abilities, gaining advantage versus all spells that that are not summoned by spells.
allow for spell resistance as you wish.
If you succeed in saving against a spell with both saving
throws (the one granted by advantage as well as your normal
one), you may use a reaction to absorb residual mana, gaining
mana points equal to the spell’s level.
CHAPTER 3 | Classes: Special Racial
Specializations 93
Chapter 4: Skills and Professions
o better facilitate and replicate the ability to These raw materials have a value that may be declared
craft, mine, and refine materials into weapons, after the check is finished. Any resource-rich area may be
there are a few changes to the skill system, by considered a resource node that may be used to harvest raw
including Gathering and Refining skills. materials from harvesting nodes, from on the field, or from
special monsters.
Gathering skills provides crafting points (CP), useable for
alchemy (AP), engineering (EP), Infusion (IP), or other skills.
Formula Discovery Crafting potions consumes alchemy points (usually in the
form of herbs, creature body parts, etc.), while engineering
Making new spells, alchemical formulae, and blueprints for consumes minerals, wires, etc.
engineering are all highly complicated tasks. It takes 2 weeks
to study a new spell, formula, or blueprint, and requires an
amount of gold pieces dedicated for research equal to 50 x Example Ability
spell level (if a spell or alchemical formula), or 75 x Skill Score Collected Materials
Engineering Points invested (if a blueprint). The DM may Alchemy Int Collects alchemical reagents, vials,
impose additional requirements, such as requiring an formulae, etc.
elemental crystal for a firethrower (elemental engine) or a Engineering Int Collects pipes, gears, spanners, and
blueprint of a normal vehicle to make a similar design. nuts and bolts.
Herbalism Spirit Collects herbs, cultivates and
Item Creation Costs (CP) identifies plants, general horticulture.
Items have cost to create in Crafting Points, scaling with its Mining Spirit Collects metals, identifies metals and
quality or rarity. 1 crafting point roughly corresponds to 25 minerals, and general mining.
Skinning Spirit Collects hides, skins, and identifies
Cost quality of leather.
Item Crafting Spell Max.
Quality Cost Proficiency Level EP CR Harvesting Nodes
Common 20 +0 0 1 1/2 A DM is recommended to place minor and major nodes on
(Cantrip) the game map or reference it to important areas. As nodes,
Uncommon 80 +2/Apprentice 1-2 2 2 they usually attract attention of other characters and
Rare 320 +3/Journey 3-4 3 3
creatures, such as golems and spellcasters in places where
infusion points are, and fey and druids where alchemical
Very Rare 1,280 +4/Expert 5-6 4 4 points are. Engineering points (or appropriate base
Legendary 5,120 +5/Artisan 7-8 5 5 materials) can be drawn from mines or mining nodes, where
kobolds, miners, and dwarves live, or are generated
Artifact 20,480 +6/Master 9+ 6 6 workshops. Nodes can be rewards for quests, and can be
referenced in-character.
The cost of larger objects increases the cost by x2 per size
category. Node Size
• Consumables (scrolls, explosives, potions, etc.) cost 1/4th
the cost of an item of their rarity (or one quality grade lower There are three types of node sizes that are available:
than their current quality). • Minor Node: Gain 20 crafting points Minor nodes are
• Caster level is equal to the crafting class level (or hit dice, minor one-use harvesting deposits. These are usually
depending on proficiency's source). expended and replenish slowly over time or with DM
• EP is Engineering Points spent. discretion, but also include minor pools of mana, minor lay
• Legendary and above items usually also requires a quest lines (for ID), a small to medium busy engineering workshop
to attune it to some magical source, such as the High Elven or junkyard (for ED), or a copse or forest grove filled with
Sunwell, the Scourge's Frozen Throne, an elemental plane's alchemical plants (for AP). Most nodes take a day to harvest
lord, or the Night Elves' World Tree. This is subject to the materials from.
DM's discretion. Artifacts also usually require a lengthy quest • Moderate Node: Gain 80 crafting points (replenish every
that might alter the setting as a whole, and are usually month)
infused by creatures of great power. Moderate nodes include centers of power such as mana
fountains or a lay line intersection (for ID), a large
Gathering Skills engineering workshop or junkyard (for ED), and an
alchemical ingredient farm or a grove. Moderate nodes
Any skill that reasonably allows for the identification, attract great attention, and in most settings, are limited to a
collection, and preservation of raw materials may be used to total of ten nodes.
gather raw materials.
CHAPTER 4 Skills
• Major Node: Gain 320 crafting points (replenish every Willing Harvest
month) A creature may choose to donate their blood or replaceable
Major nodes are usually sparse, rarely appearing more body parts for the purposes of harvesting crafting points, but
than five known instances. This includes the literal center of can only donate up to 1/20th their normal maximum every
ley lines on a planet, a major mine system that accesses month, or their CP value once every two years. Doing this on
extremely rare metals, or the center of an ancient, magical extended durations causes exhaustion (even if the creature is
forest blessed by the fey and gods. normally immune to the condition).
Major nodes are either seats of powers for major
organizations, or are a battlefield for major powers to contest Harvester Level
over. If the harvester’s proficiency is less than the target monster’s,
Examples are Tower of Karazan, the Sunwell, the Tree of this requires a DC 20 skill check, or half the materials are
Eternity, Blackrock Spire, and the Maelstrom for Infusion lost, and the character can make another attempt (each time
Points. halving, until it can provide only 1 CP).
For example, a 1st level warrior proficient in mining tools, Creatures with a CR less than 1/2 do not count towards
for example, can spend a day in a minor node (an iron mine), harvesting, unless they are especially valuable (as adjudicated
harvesting 20 CP after working. If not rich enough to qualify by the DM).
as a node, this acts instead as harvesting on the field (such as
scraping poor-quality iron, see below).
Monster's Very
Gathering Raw Materials on the Proficiency CP Common Uncommon Rare Rare Legendary
Field +2 5 1/4 - - - -
This use allows the user to gather materials over time. This is +3 20 1 1/4 - - -
markedly less efficient than extracting from a node. The user
can spend one day in gathering. The results of a gathering +4 80 4 1 1/4 - -
raw materials effort are judged jointly by the DM and the +5 160 8 4 1 1/4 -
harvester, who decide upon what kind of general materials +6 320 16 8 4 1 1/4
you acquired, judging by the environment, resources, and skill
used. Dragons: Dragon CP can create Armor (from leather or
bone), weapons (for bone weapons), alchemy mixtures
Proficiency CP/day CP/week (enchanted dragon blood), and fire-based infusions
Constructs. Constructs CP can create armor (from plating),
+2 - 1/4 weapons, engineering devices (any), and infusion matrixes (if
+3 1/3 2 the construct had magical ability or a magical engine)
+4 1 6
Fey/Fiend/Celestial. Fey CP can create alchemy mixtures
(enchanted blood or tears), and infusions
+5 4 25 For example, a 15th level dragon, when slain, provides 160
+6 15 100 CP worth of materials. An alchemist drawing from its corpse
can create 8 common, 4 uncommon, 1 rare, or materials
For example, a 5th level druid proficient in herbalism tools, enough for 1/4 the cost of a very rare item (or four times that
for example, can spend a week on harvesting minerals from in potions). Should the same dragon decide to donate some of
assorted herb locations or from small gardens, gaining 2 CP their blood, they could donate up to 8 CP (enough for a
after working. This allows the druid to make a Common common potion or two common poisons) instantly, or 96
potion (costs 5 CP) every three weeks, but a material of Rare points over the year (for a rare item).
quality (or appropriate for the druid’s level) every nearly 4
years (or 1 rare potion every year). If in an enchanted grove, Scavenging Materials
this acts as a node (see above), and has much better yield A crafter can also harvest the materials from an item they
(although field gathering is not restricted). destroy. The crafter gains 1/2 the crafting cost of broken-
down items. This is called diffusion dust (for Infusion points),
Monster Nodes dismantled materials (for Engineering points), or
Some monsters act as nodes. A monster that is harvested for deconstructed reagents (for Alchemy points). This process is
a particular body part has the rest of its body parts damaged a simple complexity task (1 hour). At the end of the duration,
in the attempts to extract value. If harvesting a consumable the item is destroyed, and the crafter gains half the CP
(such as a poison), one dose can be created per hit dice with invested to create it. In the case of legendary objects and
no cost. A monster that can be harvested usually shows signs artifacts, normal diffusion does not work, and the item must
of it, and are listed as below (although a DM can add more). A be destroyed as per the normal listed process for that item.
single monster of the below proficiency can provide CP for a
number of items of the below listed quality.
95 Willing
CHAPTER 4 |Harvest
Infusion Drain Item Time DC
Upon the destruction of a legendary item or artifact, it has a Very simple item (stick) 10 minutes 5
50% chance of dropping infusion dust relevant, even if not Simple item (simple weapon) 1 hour 10
intentionally diffused. Attuned items cannot be diffused Moderate item (martial weapon, light 1 day 15
unless their attuned character is slain, or when the armor)
attunement is willingly surrendered (a mental non-action),
unless the infusionist can succeed on 3 opposed Spirit saving Complex item (medium armor, lock) 1 week 20
throws against the owner. This check can be done once per Highly complex item (heavy armor) 2 weeks 25
year against a single character. Disenchanting legendary or
artifact items also usually requires a quest or a journey to Per stage above highly complex (or Highly Complex II,
where the item was created, subject to DM discretion. etc.), the time doubles per increment (1 month, 2 months, 3
months, etc.), although the DC does not increase.
Production Skills Crafting takes the specified time, cut down to the nearest
Any skill that can create a product out of materials is ten minutes. In the above example, the first-level rogue (if
classified as a production skill. The time it takes to make a proficient with smith’s tools), can begin to forge a dagger
product and the raw materials it takes depends on the cost of (simple weapon) if she has access to all the tools she needs
the item and its complexity. (the DM may possibly require a forge to smelt raw iron into
Most production skills require proficiency in the tools used ingots). As a simple complexity item, it would take her one
(such as blacksmith’s tools), but some are given to or day if she has all the required materials and succeeds on a
restricted by race or class only (such as Engineering or DC 10 Crafting check.
Alchemy). Proficiency in a skill infers proficiency with its
tools. Skills and Tools
Example Ability
Ability Skill Score Task Performed
Example Skill Score Task Performed
Alchemy Intelligence Creates potions, elixirs, and
Blacksmithing Intelligence Creates weapons, armor, and concoctions.
metallic trinkets.
Engineering Intelligence Creates constructs, gadgets,
Herbalism Spirit Can create minor potions firearms, and bombs.
from herbalism.
Infusion Intelligence Creates potions, elixirs, and
Alchemy Intelligence Creates potions, elixirs, and concoctions.
Infusion Intelligence Creates infusion matrixes that are
Infusion Intelligence Can infusion matrixes that are applied on weapons, etc.
applied on weapons, etc.
Poisoner’s Intelligence Creates poisons and plagues.
Jewelcrafting Spirit Creates jewelry. Kit
Leatherworking Spirit Creates leather-based items
and armors. Alchemy Kit: Alchemy allows for one to create potions.
Tailoring Spirit Creates cloth-based items Potions are magical items that are created by the Alchemy
(such as clothes, boots, and skill, and they are brews that contain the power of a spell
hats. within them. The alchemist can infuse any spell they can cast
into a potion as a Crafting check if they possess Alchemy.
Crafting Rules: Crafting takes four components: This requires the ability to cast the spell in question, such as
by knowing and preparing it. This consumes the mana
1. Time roughly equivalent to the complexity of the end required as normal. A spell with the ritual tag must be cast
product. normally to be made into a potion. If you do not normally
2. Raw materials equal to one-third that of the end product. have access to magic spells, but have an effective spellcaster’s
3. Proficiency with the tools (or skill) relevant. level due to an ability or feat, you may choose which spell list
4. Success on the Crafting check. to access for your alchemical potions.
At the end of the allotted crafting time, and if the check is Prerequisites: Alchemy requires at least 1 level in a
successful, the user crafts the item in question. spellcasting class or an Intelligence of 15 or higher, and
proficiency in the skill. The Alchemist class is always
proficient in alchemy.
Activation: Drinking a potion, coating it on the user, etc. is a
Use Object action on the behalf of the user that provokes a
reaction. If a spell, it has the same targeting requirements,
although the trigger of activation is usually drinking the
potion or throwing it as an improvised weapon (20/60).
CHAPTER 4 | Skills 96
As an improvised weapon, a character cannot add their Special: A death knight's runeblade rarity automatically
proficiency bonus to the attack roll unless they are trained in increases with his level. Upon reaching 5th level, the blade
alchemy (or herbalism). If the potion’s effect is single-target becomes uncommon in quality, rare at level 10, etc. Upon
damaging spell, and the potion thrown on an area, it becomes reaching 20th level, the runeblade may reach Legendary
an area of effect spell (successful Agility save halves the quality if the Lich King allows it. Typically, the Lich King will
damage) for one target. elevate only one runeblade to legendary quality until it is
For Example, an Alchemist’s Fire potion contains the Fire destroyed.
Bolt cantrip; it deals 1d10 fire damage to a creature that is Engineering Kit: Engineering allows for one to create
splashed with, drinks, or is targeted by throwing the alchemy technological devices. Such devices are non-magical items
vial. If the Alchemist’s Fire potion is instead thrown on an that are created with the Engineering skill, and are classified
area where a creature stands (instead of being targeted with into five groups, according to general type, which are Bombs,
an attack roll), it is entitled an Agility save to half damage. Firearms, Gadgets, Constructs, and Mecha. Most engineering
Note. If the spell the potion replicates has a longer casting items deal concussive damage. Concussive damage is half
time than 1 minute, then it takes time for the mixture to bludgeoning, half thunder. Divide the damage before applying
activate equal to half the casting time. resistances.
Creation: See the Item Creation table under Skills. Prerequisites: Engineering requires at least 1 tinker level
Concentration Spells: The duration of a potion with a or an Intelligence of 15 or higher to become proficient with
duration of concentration depends on its final concentration the skill. A character that creates an engineering device is
duration. always proficient with it so long as they pass the Intelligence
Creating a Technological Device: When designing an
Original Concentration Duration Potion Duration engineered item, the final cost, DC, and effects of the item
depend entirely on the amount of Engineering Points
Up to 1 minute 2d4 rounds invested, which have a maximum equal to the user’s
Up to 10 minutes 2d4 x 10 rounds Proficiency bonus. A character may willingly spend less than
their maximum engineering points to lower the cost and
Up to 1 hour 2d4 x 10 minutes activation DC of the device.
Malfunction Rate: The malfunction rate is a dice result
Imbibed potions do not require concentration (even if they (without modifiers) from 1 to the number of EP invested in
originally required it), but one creature cannot benefit from the device. A natural 1 is the minimum malfunction rate.
more than one such demanding potion. In effect, ingesting a Effectively, the more advanced the device, the higher the
potion is treated as concentrating on it, and if drinking chance for a malfunction. Tinkers can lower this by spending
another potion that demands concentration, the newer one points, or with certain abilities.
takes precedence and dispels the effects of the old one that When a device first malfunctions, it gains the broken
required concentration. condition and does not function. The item can still be used
Infusion Kit: The infusion skill allows again, but its malfunction rate doubles. If a broken device
for the infusion, diffusion, and malfunction again, it has a serious drawback, either breaking
manipulation of magical items via entirely (becoming useless), backfiring, or losing all its
infusion dust. A magical item, when charges. This is detailed further under each device descriptor.
created, requires investing crafting: For Example: A tinker shoots with an Uncommon quality
Infusion Dust (ID) to reach a level rifle (EP 3), dealing 3d8 damage. If his attack roll is
of rarity (from Common, Uncommon, between 1 and 3, the device malfunctions,
Rare, Very Rare, Legendary, or Artifact). becoming broken. If the tinker uses the device
Prerequisites: Infusion requires at least again (either out of desperation or confidence
5 levels in a spellcasting class and an Intelligence of 15 of a good roll) and results in a 1-6 on a d20,
or higher to become proficient with. You can use the it either backfires or jams. Devices have an
Infusionist feat to gain access to the Infusion Skill. effective rarity equal to the number of
Engineering Points invested into them (see
Infusion Complexity
the Item Creation Cost table above). Expertise
does not increase the amount of engineering points derived
Common Very Simple from the skill.
Uncommon Simple Saving Throw: The saving throw for technological devices
(if one is called for) is equal to 8 + proficiency bonus invested
Rare Moderate + Intelligence (of user, or +2 if generic).
Very Rare Complex Using Technological Devices: Devices can be used
Legendary and Artifact Highly Complex
automatically if one knows how to use them (point and shoot,
press a button, etc.) as a Use Object action unless the device
An infusionist requires the formula for an infusion matrix, describes otherwise. All devices also have a have a chance to
which can be discovered, rewarded, or found. Infusing an item malfunction when activating. Using a bomb or firearm is
costs the CP for an item of its complexity. If it is a treated like using weapons of the same type.
consumable (such as a scroll), its cost is divided by 10 as
97 CHAPTER 4 | Skills
Using Explosives: Explosives are engineered devices, and
require an attack to use. Depending on the fuse of a bomb,
Device Complexity Cost they can explode on various times.
Bombs/Rockets/Mine Simple As a consumable of the • Instantaneous fuse: The grenade explodes at the end of
same rarity its user’s turn
• Delayed fuse: The grenade explodes after 1d4 rounds,
Firearm Moderate As an item of the same
rarity starting at the end of the user’s turn.
• Long fuse: The grenade explodes after one minute,
Gadget As potions As potions starting at the end of the user’s turn.
Construct/Mecha Very As per CR (see Item A character may also make fuses that are predesigned to
Complex Creation Costs) explode after a specific number of rounds (determined at the
time of crafting). Changing a fuse costs a bonus action.
Charges: Charges depend on energy sources. By default, Plant Explosives: Explosives can be planted on targets
the energy source is mechanical (clockwork, springs, etc.). (with Sleight of Hand opposed to Perception) and activated
See Energy Sources below for reference. normally (usually employing fuses to provide time enough to
Technological Modifications: An Engineering Point may be escape). Saves made against explosives successfully planted
spent (deducting from the total amount invested) to add a on a creature have disadvantage to the target’s saving throw if
different effect. Alternatively, an Engineering Point may be they were not seen.
gained in exchange for a penalty on the item (usually to offset Malfunction: On a malfunction with the activation of a
a bonus to a particular area). With technological bomb or mine (or attack roll with a rocket), there is a chance
modifications, a character can decrease the radius of an for each (roll 1d6).
explosive but increase its damage (or vice versa). These are
listed under each technological device.
Bombs: Roll Effect
Examples: The Big One, hand grenades, goblin land mines, 1, 2 The explosive does not explode
siege rockets and siege breaching charge. 3, 4 Delayed explosion (1d4 rounds)
Also known as explosives by default, these are light thrown
weapons that have a range of 30/90 ft. Explosives call for a 5, 6 Explosive splashes in the wrong direction
saving throw at the point of impact, and require a successful
activation check (to check for malfunction). They affect a 10-ft Splash: Roll a 1d8. Clockwise, each number represents a
square radius, and call for an Agility saving throw to halve the direction (1 represents forward, 5, backwards, 3 on the right,
damage dealt. A bomb can be heard clearly up to 100 feet 7 on the left). The explosive flies off to that direction instead
away. of its original direction.
Bombs deal 1d6 concussive damage per proficiency bonus Modifications:
invested to craft (minimum 1 point). Bombs may be thrown • Careful Explosion (1 EP): The explosive’s (any type)
indirectly, or placed as a mine, or crafted into a rocket. A damage can be controlled. It can exclude a number of 5-foot
bomb weighs 1 pound per proficiency bonus it was crafted of. squares equal to 2 + your intelligence modifier, and can be
A bomb may be designed to send shrapnel, in which case it designated by the user before the damage is rolled.
deals half slashing damage instead of half bludgeoning • Water (1 EP): The explosive is waterproofed, and does not
damage. extinguish in water, and can be used underwater normally.
If a bomb explodes near another bomb, they both set off, This is usually joined with the Focused Explosive
and the damage stacks (up to triple damage and range). modification to retain damage at the expense of range.
Bomb Forms • Grenade Form: A thrown bomb is treated as • Firework (1 EP): The explosive (any type) releases a sharp
a thrown improvised weapon for all intents and purposes. whistle and a ringing blast. Suffering damage from this
This choice is made during crafting, and does not have a cost. explosive and failing the saving throw to halve damage has a
Depending on the fuse, they can explode on later dates. By chance to either blind or deafen the targets (50% chance for
default, an instantaneous fuse has the grenade explode at the both) for 1 minute. A successful saving throw negates the
end of the user’s current turn. If launched from a gadget, the additional effect.
range of the bomb increase by the gadget’s own modifier or • Sapper (1 EP): The explosive (any type) deals double
spell. This is called a Grenade Launcher or a Mortar. damage to structures, but half to creatures (constructs are
• Mine Form: In mine form, it takes an action to prime, and creatures for this purpose).
triggers on any creature that moves into its 5-foot square, • Special Effect (1 EP): The explosive (any type) may
exploding at its same radius. A mine can be seen with a manifest a 0-level spell (or half a spell level per engineering
Perception check equal to the saving throw DC. A mine is point spent). If this is an area of effect, it takes place in its
counted as a trap for all mechanical purposes. original spell area or in the area of effect of the bomb
• Rocket Form: In rocket form, using a rocket takes an (whichever is shorter). If it is a direct effect, it targets the
action and a ranged weapon attack roll (using Intelligence as space the bomb was tossed only.
normal). The rocket’s range is 60/120 feet, and is otherwise • Widened Explosion (1 EP): The explosive (any type)
treated as a thrown weapon, not a projectile weapon. Its explosive radius increases by 10 meters per engineering
other properties (such as explosion radius, Agility save, and point spent. Focused Explosive (-1 EP). The explosive (bomb
weight) does not otherwise change. When a rocket reaches or mine) area of effect is reduced to a single 5 foot-square.
its maximum range, it explodes regardless of whether it
reached its target or not.
CHAPTER 4 | Skills 98
• Automatic Fire (1 EP): The firearm deals damage in a line
Firearms: instead of a direct attack (and therefore does not suffer from
Examples: Heavy and medium rifles, boomstick, siege disadvantage when used in melee, and does not require
cannons, and sniper rifles. proficiency). The damage is in a 5-foot wide line with length
These are ranged ammunition weapons with a range of equal to the firearm’s initial range. This uses three bullets or
(200/800) if medium or heavy, and (150/600) if light. They pellets. A shot calls for an Agility saving throw (DC 8 +
come in light, medium, and heavy varieties. They require Proficiency + Intelligence) for half damage. After dealing
bullets for ammunition, which act as normal ammunition. damage to a maximum of six targets (or two per bullet spent),
A firearm has a capacity of 1 bullet per Proficiency bonus it the rest suffer no additional damage.
was crafted with, before having to be reloaded with the use of • Repeating/Revolving (1 EP): The firearm gains +4 to its
one action per bullet. A firearm gives as much sound as an capacity. This modification does not decrease its initial
explosive when it is used. capacity, but does decrease damage as normal.
Firearms deal 1d6 piercing damage per proficiency bonus • Silent (1 EP): The firearm’s sound is muffled, and imposes
if medium. If light, they deal 1d4 piercing damage. If heavy, no penalty to the user’s Stealth check when used.
they deal 1d8 piercing damage. If the gun uses pellets instead • Sniper (1 EP): The firearm’s range doubles.
of bullets, it deals bludgeoning damage. • Water (1 EP): The firearm is waterproofed, and does not
Firearms require reloading with gunpowder and extinguish in water, and can be used underwater normally.
ammunition (cost of each is detailed under equipment). A This reduces the firearm’s range by half, however.
firearm weighs 5 pounds if a light weapon, 10 if medium, and Gadgets:
15 if heavy. Examples: Gnomish mind-control helmet, goblin rocket
Special: Crossbows are similar to firearms, using boots, grappling hook shooter, and rocket launchers.
mechanical (clockwork) engines. The reload property counts These technological devices act like items that replicate
as a charge. By default, crossbows do not have malfunction spells. Gadgets have (upon creation) eight charges of said
chances, however, but can be upgraded as firearms (gaining spell that can be discharged by the same action it takes to
malfunction chances as normal). Crossbows start with 1 discharge the spell. Each discharge consumes one charge.
capacity. Casting a spell through a gadget is not counted as a real
Using Firearms: Firearms are treated as normal ranged spell, and thus is not subject to effects dependent on magic
ammunition weapons, and require an action to use (or a type, schools, and can be used against creatures immune to
bonus action if light). A character using a firearm can also magic. A gadget may store one spell level every two
take a special action called a Touch-Blast Strike. Engineering Points invested (maximum 3rd level spells), and
Touch Blast Strike: When making a melee attack with a requires one minute of cool down between uses.
firearm ready (such as fighting with a saber and then A gadget’s properties and charges depend on its energy
shooting, or stabbing with a bayonet and then firing), the source, which must be chosen during creation (such as
character may declare a touch-blast strike. In this case, electricity, gas/oil, mechanic, etc.
shooting is a bonus action instead of an action, and the Special: If the spell replicated by the gadget has a range or
firearm attack ignores disadvantage from shooting in melee. target of self or personal, or grants or affects movement
In addition, if the melee attack hit, the firearm attack is made speed (such as fly or feather fall), the gadget must also be
with advantage. worn as a harness, which is treated as leather armor. One
Malfunction: On a malfunction with an attack roll with a cannot wear both a harness and armor heavier than light, but
firearm, it malfunctions, performing one of the two effects, can wear multiple gadgets on one harness.
with a chance for each (roll 1d6). If a spell is a touch spell that may also target other
creatures, creating it as a harness increases the spell’s
Roll Effect duration by 25%.
Malfunction: On a malfunction with the activation roll with
1-3 The firearm jams, requiring a minute to clean it out. a gadget, it is either drained or overheated. There is a chance
4-6 The gunpowder inside explodes, dealing the firearm’s for each (roll 1d6).
normal damage in a 10-foot-sphere, centered on the
firearm itself. The user and any affected creature may
perform an Agility check against the device DC for Roll Effect
half damage. The damage dealt is half fire, half
bludgeoning, and the firearm takes the same damage 1-3 The device loses 1d4 charges. If this reduction takes
(and does not apply resistance of any type). it to -1 charge, the gadget cannot be used until it
regains full charges.
4-6 The device’s cool down is one hour (or short rest).
• Scattershot (1 EP): The firearm deals damage in a cone
instead of a direct attack (and therefore does not suffer from Modifications: • Quick Use (1 EP): The gadget may be used
disadvantage when used while in melee, and does not require again within 1d4 rounds instead of an entire minute.
proficiency). The damage is in a 15’ Cone per Proficiency • Long Cooldown (-1 EP): The gadget requires a day to cool
bonus spent on this ability. This uses two bullets or pellets down. This cannot be used with quick use.
per shot. A shot calls for an Agility saving throw (DC 8 + • Low Charge (-1 EP): The gadget can contain only one
Proficiency + Intelligence) for half damage. The user may charge.
spend another proficiency bonus to double the cone’s range
instead of increasing damage.
99 CHAPTER 4 | Skills
Roll Effect
Examples: Golems, Robots, Mecha and Vehicles. 1 Construct remains inactive, and locks down until one
Constructs activate for one hour per charge. Constructs hour passes.
require an action to activate (and 1 minute of the construct 2 Construct activates normally, but is hostile to
warming up), or be programmed to begin activation with a anything in sight (until restarted), or cannot target any
contingency (such as when an enemy enters a laboratory, if a creature (if a mecha).
remote control button is clicked, etc.) 3 The construct is active, but burns fuel at double
These act like creatures of the construct type. They obey normal rate (until restarted).
those who hold control over them (or who drive them for 4 The construct is active, but be slowed (as the spell)
mecha and vehicles). Constructs have eight charges, each (until restarted).
used for one hour. The construct may have one CR per
Engineering Point spent, and may be custom-built from any Constructs consume one charge per hour of activation.
construct in the monster manual. Constructs take orders Constructs may behave independently, or when controlled by
when the user communicates it to them via touching and/or the user (in the latter case, it is treated as a mount).
manipulating knobs/controls on them, or otherwise issuing a Modifications:
spoken command when adjacent to them. • Quick Startup (1 EP): The construct takes one round to
The DC of any ability used by a construct is equal to 8 + activate.
Proficiency + Intelligence. • Special Movement (1 EP): The construct can swim, climb,
A construct’s properties and charges also depend on its or fly (minimum Proficiency +4). See below the speeds
energy source (see Energy Sources below). Healing and granted.
fixing a construct is a moderate task, and heals 1d8 hit points
+ engineering proficiency per CP invested in it.
Proficiency Speed
Constructs and Drivers +2 -
Mecha, Suits, and vehicles require drivers. It takes a bonus +3 15
action and 5 ft. of movement to enter or leave a mecha
(besides the action to start and the warming up time). A driver +4 30
can control a mecha, suit, or vehicle directly instead of their +5 60
own character. When the user performs an action from within +6 90
the mecha or moves, the action is performed instead by the
mecha (using the mecha’s proficiency bonus, Strength score, Special: The engineer may reduce the existing land speed
movement speed, and abilities) instead of that of the pilot’s by 5 feet to add it to special movement, up to a minimum land
own, except with ranged attacks, spellcasting, and skill speed of 0 feet.
checks (which use the driver’s bonuses). Constructs: Mecha: A user within a mecha or suit gains ¾
Vehicles and Mecha can deal melee damage (slam or ram) cover versus any attack from outside, but takes 1/4 the
equal to 1d8 per Proficiency of creation (plus its Strength as damage suffered by the mecha. If the damage cannot harm
normal). This is treated as a longsword of the same size (1d6 the mecha and bypasses it (such as psychic damage), it deals
for small, 2d6 for large, etc.). full damage to the user if it has line of sight and effect.
A construct can be deactivated with the same action to The mecha cannot be smaller than its user. A mecha’s
activate it. For example, a Dwarven siege engine driver can properties and charges depend on its energy source. The
use his bonus action to use the engine’s ability to shoot anti- user does not benefit from any damage or condition
air rockets, or use his own action to either shoot the siege resistances or immunities the mecha has, and may be
engine’s cannons or peer out of the siege engine and shoot targeted (though the user still benefits from 1/4 damage
their personal rifle. shield).
Note: A vehicle with no inborn engineering mechanisms Constructs: Vehicles:
that warrant a challenge rating, such as ships or carts, are not Some siege weapons can’t normally move (and are
considered constructs, but are considered items instead. designated by Push), and others require fuel as mecha.
Special. Constructs have their own air supply if designed for Vehicles may deal siege damage or normal damage (declared
air or underwater (or if specified so). This increases the cost during creation). Siege damage falls under normal categories
of construction by 25%, but allows enough air for four hours if of nonmagical slashing/bludgeoning, etc., but if designated as
at full capacity. siege attacks, it deals double damage to structures, and half
For example, a large submarine can hold enough air for to creatures. Vehicles may mount rockets, firearms, and
four hours to two medium creatures or one large creature offensive and defensive gadgets, but they are all external (and
(which treats it as a suit). If only one medium creature drives thus have a chance to be stolen or targeted). The user (or any
the submarine (or two small creatures), the air supply is fellow riders) may make use of these resources as their
double as long, and remains for eight hours. If one small actions as if the item is within reach (such as mounting
creature, they exhaust the air supply in sixteen hours. firearms for an ally to use).
Malfunction: On a malfunction with an activation roll with A mech/vehicle still requires actions to reload, but if the
a construct (regardless of type), it either shuts down, is vehicle has other occupants, they may instead use their
haywire, burns fuel, or runs slowly (roll a d4). actions to reload, leaving the shooter free to use the firearm
constantly the next round.
trike feats These are effects that modify a You may brew and imbue as much drinks as your Ki
successful attack roll and cost a bonus action. If allows, though the ki dissipates naturally over the course of
a strike effect calls for a saving throw, the DC is three days. This is considered a ki feature, and has the
equal to 8 + proficiency bonus + Strength (or same DC to resist.
Agility if using a finesse or light weapon).
Prerequisite: Four or more caster levels, Intelligence 15 or
Brew Mastery higher
Prerequisites: At least 1 level in the monk class. You gain You gain proficiency with the infusion skill and can make
proficiency in brewer supplies. infused items.
Also, if you have the Ki feature, you can imbue a pint of
drink (alcohol, tea, or any other brew) with a measure of Magical Suffusion
your Ki, reducing your current and maximum Ki pool by Prerequisite: Ability to cast arcane or divine spells, access
the amount of points you use. to cantrips
The drink is suffused with your power, and confers a You gain increased proficiency with the minor spells
benefit to whoever drinks it. Drinking a brew is a bonus called cantrips. Your cantrips count as if you are 4 levels
action, and grants one of the below benefits for eight hours, higher to determine the damage dealt with them.
until they take a long rest, or until they make use of three Cantrips also do not cost any mana for you.
uses of the effect (whichever comes first). After the drink is
consumed, your Ki maximum is restored to normal (and Mystic Blast
can rest to regain the lost Ki). A creature cannot benefit
from more than one brew at any given time, and cannot Prerequisite: Ability to cast arcane or divine spells You can
benefit if they do not require drink or food to stay alive, or if make a ranged spell attack as an action, dealing 1d6
they cannot reasonably process drinks. The brew can also damage per maximum spell level you can access. This
be force-consumed with a melee unarmed attack or as part damage can be dealt to creatures within 30 ft.
of a grapple check. This does not cost mana, and can be done at will as a
You gain one brew recipe per proficiency bonus: supernatural ability, so long as you have at least 1 mana per
• Fortifying Brew (1 Ki point). All creatures who drink d6 of damage. If you are exhausted from low mana, you
this brew increase their maximum hit points by 1 per monk cannot make use of this ability unless you are no longer
level (max is equal to double the imbiber’s original hit exhausted. The damage’s type is chosen by you upon
points). If the character later suffers from a reduction to gaining this feat, and can be Acid, Cold, Electricity, or Fire.
maximum hit points, it is reduced from the benefit of This may be used with the Spell Strike feat.
Fortifying Brew first. This benefit ends if the creature is Special: You may instead deal fel, thunder, unholy, or holy
reduced to 0 hit points. This does not stack with Aid spell. damage with your Mystic Blast, but it deals 1d4 damage
• Elusive Brew (1 Ki point). All creatures who drink this instead per spell level, and you must be able to cast a spell
brew can use a reaction to perform the Dodge action. with the aforementioned descriptors.
• Dizzying Haze (1 Ki point). All creatures who drink this
brew suffer from light obstruction to perception, and lose Improved Regeneration
10 feet of speed for one minute. The creature can make a Prerequisite: Troll, Stamina of 13 or higher
Stamina saving throw to negate the obstruction to vision • Increase your stamina value of 1 to a maximum of 20.
and negate the reduction to speed. If targeted with a fire • You can regenerate 1 hit point per minute. This ability
spell or effect, the creature is set on fire, taking 1d4 fire allows you to stabilize alone, in case you fall unconscious
damage on the start of each of its turns until they use an • You regenerate lost limbs in three days instead of one
action to set it out. This requires an Agility saving throw week, unless they were taken willingly (such as to escape
against your ki DC. Unlike most brews, the benefit of this bonds), or if they are cauterized.
brew can be used once.
• Mana Tea (2 Ki). All creatures who drink this brew can
regain 2 Ki, or 2 points of mana. As normal mana Spell Strike [Strike]
regeneration effects, this effect has a cooldown of an hour When you make a melee or ranged attack, you may use the
(even if used for Ki). Unlike most brews, the benefits of this strike’s bonus action to apply the effects of a direct-target
brew can be used once. spell to the struck creature. The spell targets the creature
• Thunder Focus Tea (2 Ki). All creatures who drink this struck, and cannot target anyone else, such as you, an area,
brew reduce the mana or Ki cost for area-of-effect and or an adjacent creature.
multi-target spells by 1 point. The creature is still entitled a saving throw if the spell
• Tigereye Brew (1 Ki). All creatures who drink this brew allows it, but if the spell targets AC, the effect does not call
can add their Spirit bonus to melee weapon damage rolls. for another roll. This is declared before the strike is made,
• Ki Guard Brew (2 Ki). All creatures who drink this brew and a spell that is designated to discharge is lost
take 2 less points of damage from weapon attack rolls. This harmlessly if the attack fails. This cannot be applied to a
does not stack with the Paladin’s Devotion Aura and similar strike spell.
hether it comes in the form of a healer’s Caster Level Spell Level Accessed
gentle touch or the wrath of a warlock’s fiery 1 1 (and cantrips if specified by class)
rain, magic is a way of life in Azeroth. For
good or evil, magic has infiltrated the world 3 2
and shows no sign of leaving. The dark siren 5 3
call of the arcane and the gentle but firm 7 4
tapping of divine energies both color the
world and affect its inhabitants. The way of magic is often a 9 5
dangerous road to travel, yet most set out confidently on a 11 6
journey that they do not expect to end in doom.
The path of the arcane magic user is dark and 13 7
questionable. Arcane power is undeniably the strongest 15 8
magic branch; arcanists can command elements, monsters 17 9
and even undead with their power. It was the use of these
powers, however, that attracted the most destructive forces
to Azeroth — not once, but many times in the past ten For example, a mage (level 10) and a paladin (level 10)
thousand years. Even with history proving time and again have caster levels of 10 and 5, respectively, allowing the
that arcane use leads to damnation, there is no lack of mage to prepare 5th level spells, and the paladin to prepare
arrogant new arcanists on Azeroth who believe that they 3rd level spells.
can control the forces at work. Arcane magic users are Merely having a high enough caster level is not enough to
usually high elves and humans. Demons are the masters of begin casting, however; a character must also prepare and
the arcane, and the Lich King and his Scourge spellcasters access the relevant spell.
are also talented.
The path of the divine is less fraught with paradox and Accessing Spells from 1st level or
doom. Arcane casters call it the weaker path, while divine Higher
casters calmly state that it is the subtler of the two. A spellcaster may ready any spell they can access (and have
Focused on support magic and healing, adherents of the the required minimum caster level). This requires being
divine can also call down the destructive forces of nature. tutored, praying for a spell, studying one, or finding spells in
Divine practitioners are usually orcs, tauren or night elves. scrolls or spellbooks. A spellcaster may always use a
Ironforge dwarves and humans also have their divine spellbook they find, or scribe the spell from a spellbook they
magic users. This chapter introduces the mana system, and don’t own to a spellbook they do own.
the mechanics that facilitate its function. There are several ways to gain access to and ready
Spellcasting Ability • 1st level: The first level of any spellcasting class
Depending on the character’s class or race, they may gain instantaneously grants a number of readied spells, such as
spellcasting abilities. Spellcasting can either be arcane by gaining a grimoire, spellbook, libram (holy spellbook)
(drawn from studying esoterica, complex ley patterns, and etc.
ancient tomes and runes) or divine (drawn from revering • Higher levels: When leveling up, the spellcaster gains 2
and being granted powers from powerful entities, such as spells of any spell level they can cast. They are treated as if
the Elven goddess Elune, the Holy Light, the Unholy they have spent their pastime performing research (see
Shadow, or the Lich King). Regardless of source, merely below or Discovery on chapter 4).
gaining spellcasting capabilities grants the character the • Scribing a Spell: Drawing new runes with rare inks,
ability to cast spells and maintain a mana pool to fuel their carving a dedication on a shaman totem, or reproducing a
powers. The spellcaster needs to have spells readied and spell in a mage’s spellbook or scroll into another one all
prepared, and also requires the mana necessary to fuel require acute understanding of spellcasting, time, and
them. materials. A character may add new spells into their
The character’s caster level is separate from their spellbook (or class equivalents) by spending 2 hours and 50
character level or hit dice, and determines access to new gold per spell level they scribe.
spell levels (representing mastery of magic), while the • Research: A character can research and create their
spellcaster’s proficiency bonus determines the cost of own spell (effectively preparing a spell in their spell lists
magic spells and mana pool size (which represents their they could not find yet) by spending two weeks in research
practical training). and the cost of scribing the spell. This works exactly as the
skill discovery ability (see chapter 4).
Accessing and Preparing Spells • Tutelage: Spellcasters may gain spells directly from
other spellcasters or magical beings such as celestials, fey,
The caster level of the spellcaster is determined by the demons, undead, or monstrosities. Tutelage costs the same
ability that grants spellcasting. Mages gain 1 caster level for as scribing a new spell, or may be done for free in return for
every level in the mage class, while paladins gain half the a service or fulfilling a quest. Druids, shamans, and
normal rate. A spellcaster can only prepare spells if their warlocks usually resort to being tutored by powerful beings
caster level is 1 or higher. The below table shows the spell (such as Cenarius taught Malfurion Stormrage, the
level accessed by caster level. elementals taught Thrall, and demonic cults teach
warlocks) in exchange for services (usually related to
defeating their enemies or reducing their influence.
CHAPTER 6 | Powers and Magic 105
A conjured creature cannot tutor their conjurer, but a Mana Fountains: Mana fountains are areas where ley
bound creature can. lines intersect and react with pure waters found in the wild
Spells of special power (such as all conjure spells), and or sometimes within temples and arcane studies (which
iconic class spells (Holy Light, Divine Shield, and Revivify are built around it). Those who drink it regain mana (which
for Paladins; Conjure Food and Water and Teleport for requires an action), and those who remain around it gain
Mages; Elemental Shock, Conjure Elemental, Spirit Animal increased clarity (+25% mana regeneration per hour when
(Polymorph), and Astral Recall (Teleportation Circle) for within 30 feet).
Shamans, etc.) might also be granted for free after a side An example of a mana fountain is the high elves’ Sunwell
quest (as determined by the DM). in Quel’Thalas (which, unlike normal mana fountains,
grants the benefits within the city of Silvermoon, and not
just when in proximity), and the night elves’ Moonwells.
Preparing Spells Note. Demons always have mana pools for the purposes of
A character can prepare a base number of spells for every mana-destructive effects such as Mana Burn and Detonate
spell level equal to 2 + double their spellcasting attribute Mana. Creatures that do not have mana (or do not use
modifier. For their highest-level spell, however, they can them) are normally immune to the effects of such spells.
only prepare half the base number, and for their second-
highest, they can only prepare three-fourths the value. Regaining Mana
For example, a 10th level paladin with 16 (+3) Spirit can Depleted mana may be regained by various abilities,
prepare 8 base spells (2 + 3 x 2), and can access up to 3rd resting, drinking potions, or even by certain spells.
level spells. He may only prepare 4 3rd-level spells (since Active Regeneration can fall under several types: using
3rd level is his highest spell level), and 6 2nd level, and he abilities and spells, potions, magical nexi, or magical
may prepare 8 1st level spells normally. vampirism (see below):
Magical Vampirism: One may also feed on a dead or
helpless creature’s mana. By so, the feeding creature can
Mana regain mana equal to one-half the mana the creature has. If
When gaining spellcasting ability, the character also gains a the creature is helpless but not dead, they may roll an
pool of mana points equal to their spellcasting ability score opposed Stamina saving throw--and if they succeed, the
(Intelligence for mages, charisma for paladins, etc.) plus vampirism fails, and cannot be used again for one hour
their proficiency bonus. Mana is spent on casting spells, from the same creature.
and spells fail when the mana pool doesn’t have enough This act is usually seen as an evil (or at least, chaotic)
mana for the spell (unless the spell itself costs 0 mana). act, as drawing mana could have a corruptive influence on
the feeding creature. This also usually has unforeseen
Mana Cost of Spells psychological or physiological aftereffects, such as
The higher the spellcaster’s proficiency bonus, the lower addiction to the act or arcane withdrawal.
the cost of magic spells in terms of mana points. By default,
every magic spell costs 6 mana + 1 mana per spell level – Repeat-casting a Spell
the caster’s proficiency bonus. If the spell cast is 3 levels Repeating the same spell causes a link in ether, halving the
below the caster’s maximum (or is a level 0 spell), the cost mana cost of the same spell if cast twice in a row. This
is halved. reduction stacks with reductions from a different type, but
Strike (and Shot), Stance, and Sigil spells all cost half the cannot lower the cost below 1 mana point. For example A
normal mana cost for a spell of their level. 1st level warlock spends 5 mana to cast Chaos Bolt (level
A character regains mana through the following ways: 1), and 2 mana on Firebolt (level 0). If casting Chaos Bolt
Rest: A character regains a number of mana points equal twice in a row, it will cost 5 mana the first time, and 2 mana
to their proficiency bonus per hour of not casting spells or the second time.
per short rest, and regains all mana points after a full
night’s rest. Spellcasting and Distraction
Mana Restorative Abilities: Abilities such as Invocation,
Ancient Power, and Desperate Prayer all restore mana, as Spellcasting may be interrupted if the spellcaster is
well as certain spells (Life Tap), items (Mana potions), and harmed while casting or channeling the spell (such as
locations (Mana fountains). Unless otherwise stated, a channeling or stance spells, or when struck with a held
character can only use mana restorative abilities 1/hour action). This is called a distraction. When hit this way, the
(such as a drink from a mana potion or mana fountain). spellcaster must succeed on a concentration check
Mana Vampirism: An obscure and often frowned-upon (Stamina saving throw), DC 10 or half the damage dealt
practice, a character may regain mana by feeding on (whichever is higher) or the spell fails (and the mana is
another who has mana remaining as an action by touching spent uselessly). This acts similarly to casting spells in
them and draining out their mana. situations that are difficult to cast spells in (such as while
This drains mana points from a helpless, willing, or dead on being a storm-tossed ship or while being distracted by
creature (up to one-half the target’s remaining mana pool). wind and rain). Auras are also subject to disruption while
If the creature is helpless and not dead or willing, it is active.
entitled a Stamina saving throw (opposed to the drinker’s Heightening Spells: A caster may cast a lower-level
Stamina) to resist. When drained once, a creature cannot spell with additional mana as if it were a few spell levels
be drained again for 24 hours. If done to an unwilling or higher. This is termed heightening. Spells that can be
dead target, this is usually seen as an evil act, which could heightened gain various effects when they are heightened
have corruptive influences on the feeder. at specific spell levels. This can only be done if the caster
level of the spellcaster is high enough to heighten the spell
to said level.
Consecration Guidance
Denounce Light
Exorcism Resistance
124 Amplify
CHAPTER 6 Magic [level 5]
| Powers and Magic
Heightened: When cast as a level 6 spell, you gain One fiend or celestial you target must make a Charisma
resistance to the damage type or advantage versus the saving throw. On a failure, you shunt them with abjuration
school chosen without gaining vulnerability or magic to a transitionary state, causing them to become
disadvantage to the opposite type or school. ethereally unstable (gaining resistance to nonmagical
damage and reducing their movement speed by half). At the
end of the duration (if you were able to concentrate for an
Arcane Barrage [level 4] entire minute), they are banished to their original plane of
Evocation existence.
Casting Time: 1 action Heightened: If heightened to level 4, you can target other
Range: 120 feet, (10-foot-radius sphere) creatures as well as fiends and celestials. When banished,
Components: V, S you can instead banish their transformed forms to another
Duration: Instantaneous dimension, where they disappear (are shunted into another
You create two large glowing bursts of violet force, dimension), where they remain in a harmless dimension
sending them to a single enemy within the range. The two until the end of the spell's duration (or until you fail to
intertwine, striking the enemy and creating an explosion of concentrate on the spell).
force, dealing 6d4+6 damage to the target, and to all In this dimension, the creature can still move (at their
creatures and unattended objects within a 10-foot radius normal rate), but cannot attack or interact with those one
sphere of him. Said creatures are also pushed back 5 feet the original dimension, although they can return if it
outwards from the center of the blast. Targeted creatures possesses the ability to plane shift back (in which case it
are entitled an Agility saving throw to negate the push returns in the space it was banished from), but is otherwise
effect, but cannot reduce the damage taken. unharmed. At the end of the duration, it appears in the
Heightened: The spell deals an extra 1d4+1 damage per place it moved.
every level above level 4.
Banshee’s Curse [level 3]
Arcane Explosion [level 2] Necromancy [Sigil] [Curse]
Evocation Casting Time: 1 action
Casting Time: 1 bonus action Range: 60 feet
Components: V Components: V, S
Range: Self (10-foot-radius sphere) Duration: Up to 1 minute
:Duration Instantaneous You suffuse the regretful curse of the banshee on a target
You create a tremendous burst of arcane energy that within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target.
explodes from you, dealing 2d4+2 arcane damage to all On a hit, the target takes 3d4 damage. The damage is half
creatures and unattended objects in the area, except you. shadow, and half thunder. At the beginning of every round,
Said creatures are also pushed back 5 feet. Targeted they must succeed on a Spirit saving throw to end the spell,
creatures are entitled an Agility saving throw to negate the or take the damage again. So long as the spell is active, the
push effect, but cannot reduce the damage taken. target must roll a d6 whenever they declare an action. On a
Heightened: The spell deals an extra 1d4+1 damage per result of a 2 or lower, the action fails. On a result of 3 or
every level above level 2. higher, the action takes place as normal. This effect cannot
trigger more than once per round. If the ranged spell attack
Arcane Orb [level 5] misses, the spell deals half the initial damage and has no
other effect.
Evocation [Totem] Heightened: The damage increases by one dice per
Casting Time: 1 action every spell level above 3rd.
Components: V, S
Range: 30 feet Berserker Rage [level 2]
Duration: 1 minute
You create a swirling orb of magical force. When you cast Transmutation
this orb, you may use a reaction for it to emit an Arcane Casting Time: 1 action
Explosion centered on the orb itself, as the spell Arcane Range: 30 feet (one creature)
Explosion. This totem otherwise functions as all other Components: V, S, M (a red napkin)
totem spells. Special. Unlike most Totem spells, this can be Duration: Special, up to 1 minute
only cast by the Mage class. You cause one creature to go into a murderous rampage.
The target must succeed on a Stamina saving throw or else
Banishment [level 2] gains the following benefits. A willing creature can choose
to fail on the saving throw.
Abjuration • They have advantage on Strength Checks and Strength
Casting Time: 1 action saving throws.
Range: 60 feet • When they make a melee weapon Attack using
Components: V, S Strength, they gain a bonus to the damage roll equal to
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute their proficiency bonus.
• They have Resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing damage.
• The target is treated as if distracted for the purposes of
spellcasting (DC is equal to your spell DC).
Curse of Weakness [level 3] Heightened: You may target another creature in your
Necromancy [Curse] cyclone effect and increase the midair height by 5 feet per
Casting Time: 1 action every two spell levels above 3rd. All creatures must be at
Range: 60 feet least 10 feet within reach of one another to be affected in
Component: V, S an ongoing cyclone effect.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
Upon casting this spell, you must succeed on a ranged Death and Decay [level 5]
touch attack to affect a target. On a successful hit, you may Necromancy [Channel]
curse them with weakness. The target deals only half Casting Time: 1 action
damage with weapon and spells attacks (indirect damage Range: 60 feet
such as sigils, bleeding effects, and other abilities are Components: V, S, M (a dead rose)
unaffected). Duration: Channeling, up to 1 minutes
Negative energy infuses a cylinder 15 feet side 60 feet
Cyclone [level 3] high. Living creatures age rapidly, as skin sags and flesh
Evocation sloughs off bones. Structures wither and collapse, suffering
Casting Time: 1 action the effects of decades within few seconds.
Range: 60 feet, in a 10-feet-wide, 30-foot-high cylinder.
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
ue to natural affinities, historic inclinations, and Human alchemists usually share the perception of power
cultural reasons, each race in Azeroth has and mystery with mages. Isolated hermits may follow the
certain ways to approach each class, archetype, path of the mutant, while more studious ones take the path of
and talent choice. Here are a few examples the transmutor. Orc traditions of alchemy are rare, but an
drawn from the increasing amount of orcs studied troll alchemy from witch
doctors. Orcs often take the path of the mutant.
Pandaren traditions of alchemical discovery are well-
ALC: Alchemists entrenched, and almost always follow the path of the
transmutor. Such potions often have tasty twist, or touch of
Draenei alchemists are often support-based, and although alcohol in them, as the tradition of alchemy with pandaren
they are few in number and influence, are appreciated for originates from the culture’s appreciation to fine drink.
what they could lend to war efforts, especially healing or Tauren traditions of alchemy are very rare, but a few are
exorcism potions. Draenei often take the construct exploring this new art, and usually take the path of the
homunculi, crafting constructs that appear as Elekk, the transmutor.
draenei racial mount. Troll: • Forest Trolls and Ice Trolls have ancient traditions
Dwarves: of mixing shamanistic powers and alchemy as shamanistic
• Ironforge dwarves appreciate the flexibility potions serve. witch doctors. Taking the voodoo out of the potion is hard, but
Ironforge dwarf alchemists often use potions to support their possible. Forest troll alchemists usually take the transmutor
allies and scatter their foes, such as the explosion and mold or mutant paths, and they soon develop their own aura of
earth potions. Ironforge dwarves often take the explosive mystery and ‘get-out-of-de-way-I’m-brewin’.
weird science. Worgen history of alchemy is still new, but is rapidly
• Wildhammer dwarves have always relied more on the developing as Wargen alchemists attempt to find a way to lift
shaman’s magic than the alchemist’s potions, and are rare their curse. Worgens’ sporadic inclinations often lead them to
among Wildhammers. take the mutant path, however.
• Dark Iron dwarves are excellent alchemists, and usually
focus on fire-based offensive and support potions. Their DKN: Death Knights
volcanic homeland (Blackrock Mountain and the surrounding
areas) provide many nodes for alchemy. The first death knights were made by the orc warlock
Elves: Gul’dan, creating them by bonding the dead knights of
• Night Elves of Kalimdor do not have a strong tradition of Stormwind with the spirits of his Shadow Council warlocks.
alchemy, preferring to instead rely on divine magics for Mounted on skeletal steeds and bearing scepters of power,
support. they served as terrible foes who scattered the Grand Alliance
• High Elves and Blood Elves of Quel’Thalas often treat with their horrific powers. Second and third generation of
alchemy as an inferior art to arcane magic, but would be death knights in lore were introduced during the Second War
foolish to discount its flexibility, and are thus rare. Whether and during the War of the Lich King—these are undead who
they be mana, healing, or revivifying potions, High and Blood were trained and cursed by the dark blade Frostmourne to
Elves learn to respect alchemy—at least as a tool. carry out the Lich King’s will. Humans, especially former
Forsaken alchemy is more than an economic commodity or paladins, make up the most of Death Knight orders.
a frivolity—it is the origin of their suffering. As most Forsaken Draenei Death Knights are new, as per the War of the Lich
were created after succumbing to the Lich King’s dreaded King, being third-generation Death Knights. Their previously-
Undead Plague, most see alchemy as a tool that could make holy powers become tainted and lost, gaining a necromantic
or break them. Being undead, Forsaken alchemists find twist instead.
surviving failed experiments easier, should they explode into Elves:
poisonous fumes (only so long as the poisons or diseases are • Night Elves that were forced into servitude often eschew
not magical in nature). Forsaken alchemists are always in heavy armor and rely on stealth, or choose to be battle-
demand, as healing does not come easily to the dead. Most archers, drawing shortsword runeblades only to end
choose to join the apothecary path, joining the secretive wounded enemies.
Grand Apothecary Society of Undercity, and few choose to • High Elves and Blood Elves forced into servitude to the
take the path of the mutant, becoming undead monstrosities. Lich King are usually the embittered remnants of the citizens
Gnomes compete for dominance with goblins over of Quel’Thalas slain in Arthas’s march to conquer Silvermoon
alchemy. Gnome alchemists primarily choose to support their during the Third War (making most of them second or third-
allies with healing and battlefield support potions. To generation death knights). Such elves are usually thought to
gnomes, alchemy is a long game that emphasizes preparation be dead by their surviving families.
for every contingency, survivability, and sustainability. Forsaken Death Knights personify tragedy and spiritual
Gnomes usually take the path of the transmutor. Goblins find misfortune; slain and raised to the service of the Lich King
themselves the kings of the alchemical profession. A goblin once, and then bonded to the Frozen Throne once more,
alchemist takes advantage of explosion potions to scatter Forsaken death knights are bitter, cynical individuals whose
their enemies and destroy their fortifications, and mutation lifetime of suffering caused them to make and break more
potions to empower homunculi and their allies. Goblins often oaths and bonds than one could normally do with one
take the path of the mutant or the transmutor. lifetime.
CHAPTER 8 | Classes in Lore 167
Those who do not adopt such an outlook are usually intensely • High Elf tradition of druids is hidden and often confused
spiritual, seeing their constant brushes with the afterlife as a for esoteric arcane techniques. Finding spiritual connection
message to them. with their distant night elven brethren after the high elves’
Humans were the original and first Death Knights. Arthas exile, high elf druids aided in crafting and raising the
Menethil, the once crown prince of Lordaeron and Lich King Runestones that protected the forests of Quel’Thalas against
was the first human Death Knight to adopt the mantle by the sight of the Burning Legion. Circles of high elf druidism
choice. Many paladins traveled to Northrend to possibly hunt are most likely faded or dead following the conquest and
down the mystery of the undead plague after it devastated the razing of Silvermoon by the Scourge, though should these
Eastern Kingdoms, though few managed to survive the exceptional elves survive, their knowledge and touch with
journey, and many succumbed to the same dark path Arthas nature will surely help heal the land from the unholy blight
followed, choosing to serve their once crown-prince and the Scourge left.
breaking their holy oaths. Forsaken and Humans traditions in druidism are primitive
Orc tradition in being Death Knights is shrouded in and mostly faded, usually reserved for village wise-folk in
mystery and myth. Originally, the wicked warlock Gul’dan Tirisfal Glades before the Third War devastated Lordaeron.
bound the souls of the Shadow Council (warlocks that once Should these mysterious druids survive both Arthas’s
served him) into the corpses of the strongest knights of undoing of their homeland and the following Forsaken
Stormwind during the beginnings of the Second War, conquest of the land, they might have many things to share
granting the undead creatures scepters of power, first among with the world. Those who have survived to become Forsaken
which was Teron Gorefiend. These orc spirits bound in are often known as blight druids—mysterious figures who
human bodies have a stronger tradition of warlock and fel eschew shapeshifting and focus on alchemical remedies to
magic than most Death Knights, and it shows in their list of ailments that affect the dead.
chosen spells; taking spells that intersect and cross over from Tauren druids have a complex history. It is believed that
the Warlock and Death Knight spell lists. Tauren learned druidism from Cenarius the same way Night
Troll: Elves did, with Cenarius appearing to them in a different
• Ice Trolls death knights are the only type of Troll familiar form, with the tauren Xarantaur possibly being an earlier
with the art. Due to powerful ice troll witch doctor magics student than Malfurion Stormrage. However, due to tauren
and potions (which conferred protection against the undead nomadic lifestyles, several calamities that decimated their
plague) and a strong Ice Troll state of Zul’Drak in Northrend numbers in Kalimdor, and a propensity for adopting
(which protected against repeated Scourge incursions and shamanistic traditions and ancestor-worship, druidism faded
starvation tactics), the Scourge was unable to fully conquer over the millennia. Tauren druids are adept shapeshifters to
them until the War of the Lich King took place. However, the large creatures, and often cast druid spells that deal
Lich King crippled their numbers, suffusing many trolls with elemental damage.
necromantic magic. A few ice troll death knights emerged Troll:
from this, often wandering the wastes half-mad. • Forest Troll and Ice Troll druids are connected with the
Loa in a way different than Witch Doctors or Shadow
DRD: Druids Hunters. Whereas the two channel their semi-divine powers,
Dwarves: druids (or shapeshifters) channel their animal forms.
• Wildhammer Dwarves have a minor tradition in druidism,
Worgen traditions in druidism are new, taught by Night
but they usually lean to shamanism instead. Those who do Elves once the Worgen chose to join the Alliance to temper
take this path often choose to adopt a gryphon as a flying their natural shapeshifting tendencies with distinct druidic
form, and a wolverine for a ground form. traditions thousands of years old.
Elves: HTR: Hunters
• Night Elves were the first druids, learning from Cenarius,
the demigod son of Elune (the goddess of the moon) and Dwarf:
Malorne (the Ancient stag-god, bound to earth). The first of • Ironforge Dwarf traditions are usually sharpshooting,
such students is the archdruid Malfurion Stormrage (and his eschewing magical talents and substituting them with
twin brother, the wayward Illidan). It was through Malfurion precision dwarven engineering. Animal companions of
Stormrage was druidism introduced into night elves as a dwarves are usually those found in the high altitudes of Khaz
cultural and religious movement, and it was druidism which Modan, such as bears or boars.
was a strong weapon that was ultimately instrumental in • Wildhammer Dwarves who take the path of the hunter
stopping the Burning Legion from conquering Azeroth in the often join the gryphon riders—adopting a gryphon as an
War of the Ancients ten-thousand years before the First War animal companion once they acquire an egg and are powerful
even started. Night elf druids draw from a powerful and enough to assert control over the fiercely independent
ancient tradition, as druids have been awakened from creatures. Wielding stormhammers (see magic items) or
enchanted slumber during the Third War to fight once more taking the Heroic Throw talent, these hunters clear the skies
against the Legion and its demon pawns. of any threat to the Alliance, be they ground forces, troll bat
Night elven druids fall into distinct orders, depending on riders, or even dragons.
which wildshape form they prefer: the Druids of the Claw
(bears), Talon (stormcrows), Fang (snakes), Antler (stags), and
the Pack (or Scythe, wolves).