Saturn Jews 1
Saturn Jews 1
Saturn Jews 1 Page 1 of 9
The Worship of Saturn 10/12/2007 09:43 AM Page 2 of 9
The Worship of Saturn 10/12/2007 09:43 AM
The worship of the sun and the planets was decried by Jeremiah, a
contemporary of Ezekiel. But what was this weeping for
Tammuz? Page 3 of 9
The Worship of Saturn 10/12/2007 09:43 AM
“The flood has taken Tammuz, the raging storm has brought him
low.” (15)
The Osirian mysteries, the wailing for Tammuz, all refer to the
transformation of Saturn during and following the Deluge. Osiris
was not a king but the planet Saturn, Kronos of the Greeks,
Tammuz of the Babylonians. The Babylonians called Saturn “the
Star of Tammuz.” (17) After the Deluge Saturn was invisible (the
sky was covered for a long time by clouds of volcanic dust) and
the Egyptians cried for Osiris, and the Babylonians cried for
Tammuz. Isis (Jupiter at that time) went in search of her husband,
and Ishtar (also Jupiter at that early time) went to the netherworld
to find her husband Tammuz. For a time Saturn disappeared,
driven away by Jupiter, and when it reappeared it was no longer
the same planet: it moved very slowly. The disappearance of the
planet Saturn in the “nether world” became the theme of many
religious observances, comprising liturgies, mystery plays,
lamentations, and fasts. When Osiris was seen again in the sky,
though greatly diminished, the people were frenzied by the return
of Osiris from death; nevertheless he became king of the
netherworld. In the Egyptian way of seeing the celestial drama,
Isis (Jupiter), the spouse of Osiris (Saturn) wrapped him in
swathings. Osiris was known as “the swathed"—the way the dead
came to be dressed for their journey to the world of the dead, over
which Osiris reigns. Similar rites were celebrated in honor of
Adonis, who died and was resurrected after a stay in the
netherland(18), in the mysteries of Orpheus.(19) Page 4 of 9
The Worship of Saturn 10/12/2007 09:43 AM
The different names for God in the Bible reflect the process of
going through the many ages in which one planet superseded
another and was again superseded by the next one in the celestial
war. El was the name of Saturn; Adonis of the Syrians, the
bewailed deity, was also, like Osiris, the planet Saturn; but in the
period of the contest between the two major planets, Jupiter and
Saturn, the apellative of the dual gods became Adonai, which
means “my lords” ; then, with the victory of Jupiter, it came to be
applied to him alone.(27)
1. Naturales Quaestiones VII. 4. 2. [An astrological treatise
ascribed to Manetho states that “In the beginning Kronos the
Titan ruled the entire ether; his star the far-seeing gods
called ‘the shining one.’” Manethonis Apotelesmaticorum
libri sex, ed. C. A. M. Axtius and Fr. A. Rigler (Cologne,
1832), p. 64 (Bk. IV, lines 14-15). Cf. Proclus, In Timaeo
(ed. E. Diehl, Leipzig, 1904), vol. III, p. 169.] Page 5 of 9
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15. Langdon, Tammuz and Ishtar, p. 15. Langdon adds that “As
Damu he [Tammuz] is called bel girsu (ummun mersi), ‘lord
of the flood.’” (Ibid., p. 6 n.) Page 7 of 9
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