A CMOS Bandgap Reference

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1 , JANUARY 1991 41

A CMOS Bandgap Reference for

Differential Signal Processing
German0 Nicollini and Daniel Senderowicz, Member, IEEE

Abstract -A switched-capacitor fully differential bandgap reference is BJT’s forces the sensing of the emitter instead of the collec-
presented that employs a standard double-poly CMOS process. It gener- tor currents, which in turn leads to errors caused by the
ates a differential reference voltage of 6.2 V with a standard deviation of
about 24 mV and a typical temperature stability of 15.2 ppm/”C over an finite current gains. The combination of these effects pre-
extended temperature range from - 40 to + 85°C. These performance vents the achievement of references with good accuracy and
results are obtained without using any trimming in mass production. temperature stability.
The bandgap reference only occupies 730 mil’ and dissipates 4.8 mW at An approach [ I l l that overcomes most of the limiting
k 5-V power supplies. A measured power supply rejection of about 90 dB factor of the CMOS bandgap implementation uses offset
until 500 k H z is the best ever reported at high frequency.
cancellation techniques, base current and base resistance
cancellation, and curvature compensation. Drawbacks of this
solution are the required double trimming (one for the value
I. INTRODUCTION of the absolute voltage of the uncompensated reference and
the other for tailoring the value of the curvature-compensa-
A KEY ELEMENT of analog-to-digital (A/D) and digi-
tal-to-analog (D/A) converters is a precise voltage ref-
erence with good temperature stability.
tion term), and the need for a complex circuit to generate all
the bias currents, thus consuming a large quantity of area
In bipolar technologies one of the most popular imple- and power.
mentations uses the extrapolated energy bandgap voltage of Other approaches utilize MOS transistors in weak inver-
silicon [11, [2]. Bandgap references using trimming techniques sion to produce a bipolar-like behavior and CMOS-compati-
and curvature compensation achieving high performance have ble lateral bipolar transistors, respectively [12]-[14]. Al-
been reported [3]-[6]. though these techniques avoid the limitation of the substrate
In MOS technologies, early implementations of voltage BJT regarding the access to the collector, the resulting
references were based on the difference between the thresh- references have poor power supply rejection (PSR) at audio
old voltages of enhancement- and depletion-mode MOS and above-audio frequencies, that is, from a few kilohertz to
transistors [7]. Although this technique leads to a low tem- 100 kHz; thus it is better to find other solutions for applica-
perature coefficient, as a solution it suffers in that the output tions where good PSRR is of great importance, such as
voltage is poorly controlled because of its direct dependence telephony or audioprocessing systems.
on the dose of ion-implantation steps. Another solution Fully differential circuits are a solution for many of the
exploits the gate voltage difference of two MOS transistors problems presented by the coexistence of massive portions of
of the same type but having polysilicon gates with opposite digital circuitry and high-performance analog interfaces.
doping and biased at identical drain currents [8]. The result- Power supply coupling, substrate coupling, single supply op-
ing voltage turns out to be close to the silicon bandgap. The eration, and high dynamic range are just a few of the
shortcomings of this solution are the need for an extra mask challenges encountered in the VLSI design arena. O p amps,
for selective doping of the polysilicon and a resulting voltage comparators, filters, and A / D and D / A converters are
with poor temperature stability. typical examples of circuits that can be implemented using
The trend of higher system integration coupled with the differential techniques [151-[171.
constant development efforts to reduce device dimensions This paper describes the design of a fully differential
have made CMOS the clear choice for VLSI implementa- CMOS bandgap reference having a very good PSRR with a
tions. Analog and digital subsystems are required to coexist range of u p to a few hundred kilohertz. The design demon-
on the same die sharing the same device resources. In order strates that it is possible to implement both high-precision
to take advantage of the bandgap technique in mixed-mode and temperature-stable bandgap voltage references without
systems 191, [lo], the presence of the parasitic bipolar struc- the use of any trimming in the mass production phase of the
ture in every CMOS process has been exploited. Unless integrated circuit. As will be seen, it is sufficient to deter-
certain precautions are taken, these circuits suffer from the mine the correct value of the output voltage using a “trim-
weaknesses encountered in CMOS circuits, e.g., high op-amp ming” procedure only during the design or the preproduc-
offset. Furthermore, the lack of access to the collector of the tion phases, for example, by exploiting the results of a test
pattern. Although the lack of trimming for curvature com-
pensation prevents the circuit in question from achieving
Manuscript received January 17, 1990; revised July 25, 1990. ultimate performance levels [Ill, the savings in area and
G. Nicollini is with the MOS Telecom Group, ST Microelectronics
SPA, 20041 Agrate Brianza, Italy. power coupled with the reduction of the production testing
D. Senderowicz is with SynchroDesign Inc., Berkeley, CA 94704-1210. time result in a favorable trade-off in large production envi-
IEEE L o g Number 9040724. ronments.

0018-9200/91/0100-0041$01.00 0 1991 IEEE


In Section I1 a conventional CMOS bandgap reference

implementation with a brief review of its limitations is pre-

sented and the proposed switched-capacitor bandgap refer- 1

ence is introduced. A previously ignored limiting factor is
also discussed. Section I11 contains a process sensitivity anal- I I
1 I
ysis of the output voltage. In Section IV PSRR degradation
in fully differential voltage references is explained. Finally, in
Section V, experimental results measured from more than
10000 PCM codec chips (where this reference is used) are

The operation of the bandgap voltage reference is based
n- substrate


on the addition of two voltages: one with negative and the

other with positive temperature coefficients (TC's), in order
to obtain an ideally zero TC. The negative T C voltage is the
emitter-base voltage of a bipolar transistor (BJT), and the

positive T C voltage is the difference of two emitter-base
voltages biased at different current densities. In a conven-
tional CMOS process it is possible to use the parasitic n-wal I
substrate n-p-n or p-n-p transistors in the case of p-well and
n-well, respectively (Fig. 1). These transistors, unlike conven-
tional BJT's, have intrinsic limitations that can pose some p- substrate
problems in the development of high-performance voltage
references. One example of a typical bandgap realization in (b)[
c ksl

a p-well process is shown in Fig. 2 . In the same figure the

various nonidealities are also shown. T h e effects of these Fig. 1. (a) Substrate n-p-n transistor in a CMOS p-well process.
nonidealities on the output voltage of the reference have (b) Substrate p-n-p transistor in a CMOS n-well process.
been extensively analyzed in [ l l ] and are reported here only
as a quick reference:

1I L, -
AVBE= V, In A + V, 12
In - + V, In -
I1 1+-

where VBE is the emitter-base voltage of Ql,AVBE is the

difference between the emitter-base voltages of Q2 and
Q l , Vos is the op-amp input offset voltage, V , is the thermal
voltage k T / q , I , and I, are the emitter currents of Ql and
Q2, respectively, I,, is the saturation current, P , and P 2 are
R2 i
the dc current gains of Q l and Q2, respectively, rb is the
base resistance, and A is the area factor between Q1
and Q2. Fig. 2. Example of a conventional CMOS bandgap reference with
The offset voltage is the main error source because it is associated nonidealities.
amplified by 1 R 2 / R , , leading to a large variation in the
output reference voltage and consequently to a very large
degradation of its temperature stability. The output voltage [ll]). This error term must be cancelled to ensure good
of a bandgap reference is generally trimmed to a predeter- reproducibility in the output TC.
mined value in order to give an ideally zero variation of the Fig. 3 depicts the solution utilized to remove the offset
output with respect to temperature. Therefore after the from the output voltage. In Fig. 3(a) the switched-capacitor
trimming operation, the resulting op-amp offset yields an bandgap reference is in the offset storage d1 phase while in
erroneous value, which further triggers a T C error that can Fig. 3(b) it is in the amplification and useful d2 phase. The
be very large (for example, with a typical amplification factor charge injected by switches SW1 and SW2 into the summing
of 10 this error is about 26 ppm/"C per millivolt of offset node ideally results in a common-mode signal, thus the

VDD * SWl-



+s w- 2 -




Fig. 3. Switched-capacitor bandgap reference. (a) Offset storage phase. (b) Amplification @ 2 phase.

differential output voltage is not affected by this clock- and cannot be eliminated by using any offset cancellation
related error term. A very small differential error may be techniques. This term has always been neglected in previous
present due to the mismatches of the switches, but as will be bandgap reference implementations (where it arised from
shown in the next section, this error is acceptable for our op-amp offset Vas, shown in Fig. 2 for example) because it
purposes. represents a fairly low error of about 1.3 ppm/"C per milli-
A second error term comes from the different current volt of offset on the TC of the output voltage, but assuming a
values I , and I,. In Fig. 3 this effect comes into play in 4a value of 25 mV for the offset, it is better to find a
conjunction with the offset between transistors M1 and M 2 solution in order to eliminate this error source.

Fig. 4 shows the relatively simple method utilized to elimi- VDO

nate this error source. The currents I , and I,, which are
mirrored from a PTAT biasing circuit, can of course be
different because of the offset Vos, between the transistors
M1 and M 2 , but the “cross-coupled’’ switching formed by 0 2
M 3 - M 6 assures that VBEland V,,, are biased by the same
current even at different phases. This along with the switch- 1
ing scheme of Fig. 3 allows the upper and the lower halves of
the bandgap reference to only ‘‘see’’ the currents I , and I , ,
respectively. 0
The complete circuit operation and the effect of offsets “EEa

Vos and Vos, on reference voltage can be explained in a $,

better way by using charge balancing equations and consider-
ing separately the upper and lower halves of the scheme for
reasons of symmetry. During 4 ,

VR, =-

$L$j$ vEl

v ss

+ ( C , +C,) -vi,, + -
where VB)EI(V&A)and VE;IE1(VgrEA)
2 i
are the values of
1 Fig. 4. Offset independent V,, biasing circuit.

Note that in these V,, expressions we consider infinite dc

during 4, and 42,respectively, that is:
,, current gain and zero base resistance for simplicity. The
“os, effects of finite /3 and rb on reference voltage will be
I - gm1,22 considered later in this section.
Vi,, = V , In Solving for V&, and V i E F :

Cl I c2
= -VT In - + -V, In A
c3 Is, c

Cl I c 2
= - -VT In - - -V , In A
3 Is, c

= VT In -

The differential output results in 111. PROCESSSENSITIVITY

A brief analysis of the sensitivity of the differential bandgap
output to the main processing parameters is presented in this
section starting with the reference voltage expression derived
from Fig. 3:
V,,, = ViEF - = 2(al/,, + bAVBE) (4)
where a = C, !C3 and b = C, /e3.Given an area factor of
A = 10, an optimum amplification factor of 9.765 was experi-
mentally determined. Thus, to accommodate for a differen-
tial reference requirement of 6.2 V, the a and b terms
resulted in equaling 2.56 and 25.0, respectively.
*VBEcan be expressed as
Consequently, only a very small error E ( V , ~ ,on ) the absolute
value of the reference output will be present and the error -
VBE VT In ( (YIN,) (5)
on the T C can be neglected (see Section 111). where I is the emitter biasing current, N, the p-well doping,
A third error source is given by the finite T C of the and (Y a constant keeping the expression dimensionally cor-
resistor that originates non-PTAT biasing currents I , and I,. rect. The change of VBE due to current and p-well ion-
This represents a PTAT error term, which must be compen- implantation errors can be expressed as
sated for by choosing a slightly higher amplification factor,
and a PTAT2 error term which can be cancelled only by a
curvature compensation circuit [ll].
Curvature compensation requires a complex scheme for
dVBE=VT -+-
(:I) :
generating the various biasing currents needed [ l l ] and a Moreover, considering the PTAT nature of emitter current,
trimming circuit to precisely cancel the PTAT’ term. We that is I = AVBE/R, results in the following:
deliberately decided to accept this small error in order to dl dR
- E - -
save area and power. Moreover, by avoiding fuses or trim- (7)
ming techniques, it is possible to save part of the testing time
in the mass-production phase for IC devices in which the Therefore, using (6) and (7) the following can be derived:
reference is inserted.
With this in mind, we decided to determine the correct
value of the output voltage, that is, the value leading to the
lowest T C taking into account at the same time the PTAT The doping of the p-well can be controlled to f 10% and the
error due to the resistor. This was done by using a “trim- error in poly-resistor value should be f30%.
ming” procedure only during the design phase in order to In reality, this large resistor spread is typical for a process
eliminate the need for costly trimming during mass produc- under development, while when a process is fixed or in mass
tion. Thus we exploited the results of a test pattern to find production, the poly variation can be guaranteed to f 10%.
the optimum voltage value, which led to the determination of The error in output voltage due to p-well dose and poly
the required amplification factor. spreads is
Other error sources are the nonzero base resistance cou-
pled with the base current and p mismatches of the sub- dVKEF =2 a d v =
~ 26
~ mv. (9)
strate BJT’s together with their temperature variations. These *A second process uncertainty is given by VBE mismatch.
are very small error terms, and although very simple replica- The maximum mismatch, measured on devices biased with
tion techniques [ l l ] can be used to reduce them even more, the same current in different chip sites of several wafers,
obviously these circuits require additional die area to be resulted in less than 0.2 mV. Thus the output voltage varia-
implemented (for example, the duplication of both the bipo- tion due to VBEmismatch is
lar transistors). Thus we decided instead to only include a
lumped p-well resistor in series with the base of Q l of value dVKE,= 2( a + b)dVBE= 11 mV. (10)
((1 + p l ) / ( l + p 2 ) ) - l / A ) r b in order to compensate for the *A third error contributor comes from the offset between
effect of the intrinsic base resistance, as shown in Fig. 4, and transistors M 1 and M 2 in Fig. 4,which leads the upper and
to exploit the fact that the p is practically constant over two the lower halves of the reference to “see” a difference A I
decades of current so that the AVBE error term due to the into BJT biasing currents, as explained in Section 11:
finite dc current gain can be neglected. Furthermore, the
minimum p value of our process (i.e., 50), the p tempera-
ture coefficient, and the rb value result in less than 1.5
ppm/”C for V,, error terms given by V , l n ( l / ( l + l / p l ) )
and rhIl / A P , in (2).This is acceptable for our purposes. (11)
Finally, the fact that the bandgap of silicon varies with T 2 Therefore the error in output voltage results in
as well as linearly with T leads to a further curvature term
= 2adVB,
dVKEF = 0.43 mV (12)
[18] which can only be compensated for by curvature-com-
pensation techniques. For reasons already discussed, this supposing I = 25 PA, s,,,,~
= 100 p A / V , and a maximum
bandgap reference does not utilize any of these techniques. offset of 20 mV.


(;I )

Fig. 5. Op-nnip 5chematic: ( a ) core. (Continued on p. 47.)

*Another potential error factor is due to the charge mis- dummy-plate guard ring, etc.) and choosing geometries of
match between switches SW1 and SW2 of Fig. 3 in the 40 x 40 p m ' for unit capacitor size, the mismatch is less than
amplification phase. If we consider that half the switch 0 1% [20]. These combined effect\ are reflected in a refer-
charge is injected into the op-amp inputs and model this ence output change of about 0.17%.
effect by a capacitor C , , (that is, a very simple model of The total relative error on the voltage value of the bandgap
charge sharing), it can be shown that reference can be obtained from the last result and from (9),
(10). (12), and (13):
1 LC,,.
dV,,, =- ~ Vc,,rk = 1.5 mV ( 13)
1 + C, C.SW

if W = 4 p m and L = 4 p m for the reset switches, C, = 1 pF, which means an accuracy of about f0.07 dB in the worst
and considering a maximum mismatch of S%. case.
*Finally, the precision of the output voltage is directly The degradation of TC due to process variations, assuming
related to the op-amp open-loop gain value and to the that (13) is independent from temperature in the first order,
mismatch of capacitor ratio C , to C2. becomes approximately
A simulated minimum open-loop gain of 40 000 leads to a
0.07% error on the output accuracy. By exploiting known
techniques [191 to minimize systematic errors on capacitor for a temperature range of -40 to +85"C. Therefore, con-
ratios (array design with constant area-to-perimeter ratio. sidering that the absence of curvature correction leads to a


vs s
Fig. 5. Op-amp schematic: (b) CMFB circuit, and (c) biasing circuit for CMFB inputs.

TC of about 17 ppm/"C in the above temperature range, the where V z and V< are the power supply noise superimposed
worst possible T C of the proposed bandgap reference is: to V,, and Vss, respectively, g m p l is the BJT transconduc-
TC,,, = 37 ppm/"C tance, and go(,, and goMl are the output conductances of
C, and C, and the cascoded pair M , and M , , respectively.
for a temperature range of -40 to +85"C. To analyze the VE,,effect on the reference output during
These calculated results are quite Satisfactory for PCM
codec filter chips, where this reference is used, and for most
the useful phase +,,
we can use charge balancing equations:
high-performance audioprocessing IC's. c, c2 c2
V&F,,( t, = -VE,,( t, +- - -VE,,(t 1)
3 c3 c3
The biasing currents I , and I , present a very large PSR
due to the choice of the poly resistor for determining the
PTAT current. In addition, VEEland VEE,,of the parasitics
BJT's are referred to ground producing a high decoupling of where V E J t l )is the sampled value of VE,,at the end of the
the power supply variations and noise. In fact, for frequen- + I phase and VE,$t)are the "continuous" values of VE,
cies much less than the f , of the BJT's, the power supply
during the 4, phase.
noise coupling VE,,is approximately given by Other power supply noise couplings at the bandgap output
can only arise from switch and op-amp mismatches since the
common-mode noise is rejected by the differential nature of
the reference voltage processing.

The same charge-sharing model used in Section 111 can be

exploited to estimate the contribution of the switches SWl
and SW2 to the power supply degradation during the ampli-
fication phase b2.Using (13) the PSR yields approximately
90 dB for a typical mismatch of 1% betwcen the switches.
Supply noise coupling due to the o p amp can arise from the
internal and common-mode feedback (CMFB) paths.
Fig. 5(a) shows the op-amp configuration used in the
switched-capacitor bandgap reference. IN +_ and INCM +_
are the op-amp differential- and common-mode inputs, re-
spectively. VB3, VB3. and VB, are derived from the PTAT
biasing circuit already mentioned in Section 11.
Internal common-mode couplings can be eliminated or
greatly reduced by employing supply-independent current
sources, placing the input devices in an isolated well. and
using a cascode or folded-cascode configuration in order to Fig. 6. Bandgap microphotograph
buffer the drain of the input transistors from power supply
variations [21]. Another important advantage of cascode ar-
chitecture is that it does not suffer from the degradation of
the PSR at high frequencies because its compensation capac-
itors are connected to signal ground [22].
Thus the op-amp PSR is determined primarily by CMFB
implementation. A dynamic CMFB circuit (Fig. 5(b)) was
chosen because of its simplicity. higher degree of linearity.
smaller area, and lower power consumption compared to its
continuous counterparts. The two nonoverlapping phases are
the same ones used for the differential reference generation
shown in Fig. 3.
The amount of power supply noise coupled to the op-amp
differential output can be analyzed as the combination of
coupling from the power supplies to the common-mode Fig. 7. Output waveform
output (that is, each output referred to ground) and the
transformation of this into a differential signal by mismatch Fig. 8 shows a statistical plot of absolute accuracy reflect-
effects. To avoid common-mode noise on the outputs, the ing a Gaussian distribution type with a standard deviation of
biasing voltage V,, for INCM is referred to signal ground about 0.034 dB. Aging variations (long-term stability) of
by exploiting the simple circuit shown in Fig. 5(c). Moreover. absolute accuracy can be neglected (less than 0.006 dB after
the duplication of the CMFB input allows for a considerable 1800 h).
reduction in common-mode clock feedthrough or charge Typical power supply rejections (defined as the ratio be-
sharing due to the CMFB switches with superimposed power tween noise signal coupled on the differential output and the
supply noise. lOO-mV,,,, noise signal injected on each supply) versus fre-
quency for both positive and negative supplies are shown in
RESULTS Fig. 9. Note that these PSR values are the best ever reported
at high frcqucncics since they remain extremely high (i.e.,
A test chip containing the switched-capacitor fully differ- greater than YO dB) until 500 kHz.
ential bandgap reference was realized and a trimming proce- T h e experimental setup used to measure the PSR of this
dure was applied to it in order to determine the correct switched-capacitor bandgap reference is described in the
value of the amplification factor leading to a minimum TC. Appendix.
Afterwards this chip was integrated as reference voltage for Table I1 summarizes the overall performance of the inte-
a complete PCM codec chip without the use of any further grated bandgap reference.
trimming. A self-aligned, double-poly, single-metal. 3.5-pm.
Si-gate, p-well CMOS fabrication process was used.
A microphotograph of the bandgap circuit is shown in Fig.
6. The active area is about 730 mil' and power dissipation is VI. CONCLUSIONS

typically 4.8 mW with +5-V power supplies. The switched-capacitor fully differential CMOS bandgap
Fig. 7 shows the output waveform of the switched-capaci- reference described in this paper was realized without the
tor bandgap reference. A clock period of 125 ps was used. use of any trimming during mass production. In a tempera-
which gives to the dl and +2 phases a logical '.high" period ture range of -40 to +85"C and with power supplies of
of 7.8125 and 117.1875 p s , respectively. once the disoverlap- k 5 V f 5%. it is capable of achieving a worst-case absolute
ping time is subtracted. accuracy and temperature drift of 0.1 1 dB and 40.3 ppm/"C,
In Table I. statistical data from more than 10000 PCM respectively .
codec chips are presented. Temperature coefficients are Smaller area and lower power dissipation in comparison to
given for an extended temperature range from - 40 to + 85°C previous solutions. combined with a very good power supply
and for k 5-V k 5% power supplies. rejection even at high frequency, makc this handgap suitable

I Mean I St. Deviation 1 Minimum Maximum

~~ ~~

Absolute accuracy (dB)

TemDerature coefficients (mm)/"C

1 +0.002
1 0.034 1 -0.11

- 3.320

> CJ.:CO

Fig. 8. Statistical plot of absolute accuracy.

1 "& 7
!;71 1




Fig. 10. Experimental setup for PSR measurements.

for high-precision mixed-mode integrated circuits using the

fully differential approach.
e.= 1.m 1.50 2.013 2.50 3.88 3.50 4.w 4.50 s.w
FlaouEm *1%*5.
Fig. 9. PSR of the reference versus frequency for positive (uppeI PSR MEASUREMENTS
trace) and negative (lower trace) supplies. BANDGAPREFERENCE
The measurement of the PSR, for frequencies less than
the Nyquist rate, was achieved by exploiting the scheme
shown in Fig. 10. That is, a S/H circuit [23] was integrated in
SUMMARY the same test chip with separated and noise-free power
supplies in order to avoid deteriorating the PSR results.
VREF 6.2-V differential at 27°C and f5 V Sample and hold phases of the S/H are logically coincident
TC see Table I
Active area 730 mil2 with the d2 and 4, phases of the bandgap reference genera-
Power dissipation 4.8 mW at k 5 V tion, respectively.
PSR + > 90 dB until 500 kHz Typical PSR's of about 90 dB were obtained for both
PSR - > 86 dB until 500 kHz positive and negative supplies. These values are caused by
Output noise 320 gVr,, (500 kHd switch mismatches and BJT output conductance since the
op-amp PSR is much higher than 90 dB at frequencies less [18] Y. P. Tsividis, “Accurate analysis of temperature effects in
than 4 kHz. At high frequencies, the PSR performance is I , - V characteristics with application to bandgap reference
s o u r c p IEEE J . Solid-state Circuits, vol. SC-15, pp. 1076-1084,
expected to be degraded by internal op-amp mismatches. Dec. 1980.
The same scheme of Fig. 10 was also used to measure the [19] J. L. McCreary, “Matching properties, and voltage and temper-
PSR for frequencies higher than the Nyquist rate. This was ature dependence of MOS capacitors,” IEEE J . Solid-state
done by injecting high-frequency sine waves into the power Circuits, vol. SC-16, pp. 608-616, Dec. 1981.
[20] J. B. Shyu, G. C. Temes, and F. Krummenacher, “Random
supplies and measuring the various aliased components in error effect in matched MOS capacitors and current sources,”
the Nyquist band. The positive PSR is about 90 dB while the IEEE J . Solid-state Circuits, vol. SC-19, pp. 948-955, Dec.
negative PSR varies from 90 to 86 dB for frequencies less 1984.
than 500 kHz. [21] D. J. Allstot and W. C. Black, “Technological design considera-
tions for monolithic MOS switched capacitor filtering systems,”
Proc. IEEE, vol. 71, pp. 967-986, Aug. 1983.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT [22] P. R. Gray and R. G. Meyer, “MOS operational amplifier
The authors wish to thank C. Crippa and C. Dallavalle for design-A tutorial overview,” IEEE J . Solid-state Circuits, vol.
SC-17, pp. 969-982, Dec. 1982.
their cooperation during the design and mass-production [23] G. Nicollini, P. Confalonieri, and D. Senderowicz, “A fully
phases, and A. Calloni for the careful layout. differential sample-and-hold circuit for high speed
applications,” IEEE J . Solid-State Circuits, vol. 24, pp.
REFERENCES 1461-1465, Oct. 1989.

[l] P. R. Gray and R. G. Meyer, Analysis and Design of Analog

Integrated Circuits. New York: Wiley, 1977, pp. 254-258.
[2] R. J. Widlar, “New developments in IC voltage regulators,”
IEEE J . Solid-State Circuits. vol. SC-6. -
I . 2-7. Feb. 1971.
DD. Germano Nicolliniwas born in Piacenza. Italy,
K. E. Kujik, “A precision reference voltage source,” IEEE J . in 1956 He received the degree of Electronic
Solid-State Circuits, vol. SC-8, pp. 222-226, June 1973. Engineer from the University of Pavia in 1981.
A. P. Brokaw, “A simple three terminal bandgap reference,” Since 1982 he has been with ST Microelec-
IEEE J . Solid-state Circuits, vol. SC-9, pp. 288-393, Dec. 1974. tronics, Milano, Italy, where he is involved in
C. R. Palmer and R. C. Dobkin, “A curvature-corrected mi- the design of analog and mixed integrated
cropower voltage reference,” in ISSCC Dig. Tech. Papers, Feb. circuits for telecommunications. He participated
1981, pp. 58-59. in the design of the M5913/14/16/17 ST
G. C. M. Meijer, P. C. Schmale, and K. van Zalinge, “A new COMBO’S as an analog designer and then as
curvature-corrected bandgap reference,” IEEE J . Solid-state Project Leader. He also holds several pending
Circuits, vol. SC-17, pp. 1139-1143, Dec. 1982. patents as well as five international patents
R. A. Blauschild, P. A. Tucci, R. S. Muller, and R. G. Meyer, which have already been granted.
“A new NMOS temperature stable voltage reference,” IEEE J .
Solid-State Circuits, vol. SC-13, pp. 767-774, Dec. 1978.
H. J. Oguey and B. Gerber, “MOS voltage reference based on
polysilicon gate work function difference,” IEEE J . Solid-State
Circuits, vol. SC-15, pp. 264-268, June 1980. Daniel Senderowicz (S’76-M’82) received the
R. Gregorian, G. A. Wegner, and W. E. Nicholson, Jr., “An degrees of Telecommunications Engineer and
integrated single-chip PCM voice codec with filters,” IEEE J . Mechanical and Electrical Engineer from the
Solid-state Circuits, vol. SC-16, pp. 322-333, Aug. 1981. National University of La Plata, Argentina, in
B. K. Ahuja, P. R. Gray, W. M. Baxter, and G. T. Uehara, “A 1970 and 1973, respectively, and the M.S. and
programmable CMOS dual channel interface processor,” IEEE Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering and
J . Solid-State Circuits, vol. SC-19, pp. 892-899, Dec. 1984. computer sciences from the University of Cali-
B. S. Song and P. R. Gray, “A precision curvature compen- fornia, Berkeley, in 1978 and 1982, respectively
sated CMOS bandgap reference,” IEEE J . Solid-state Circuits, From 1972 to 1974 he was with the Institute
vol. SC-18, pp. 634-643, Dec. 1983. of Biomedical Engineering at the University of
E. Vittoz and 0. Neyrund, “A low voltage CMOS bandgap Buenos Aires, Argentina, where he was engaged
reference,” IEEE J . Solid-state Circuits, vol. SC-14, pp. i n the development of electronic instrumentation for medical applica-
573-577, June 1979. tions From 1975 to 1982 he was a Research Assistant at the Electronics
E. Vittoz, “MOS transistors operated in the lateral bipolar Research Laboratory of the University of California, Berkeley, where he
mode and their application in CMOS technology,” IEEE J . pioneered circuit techniques for the implementation of analog functions
Solid-State Circuits, vol. SC-18, pp. 273-279, June 1983. using MOS integrated technology From 1977 to 1982 he was a consul-
M. G. R. Degrauwe, 0. N. Leuthold, E. A. Vittoz, H. J. Oguey, tant with Intel Corporation on the design of integrated circuits for
and A. Descombes, “CMOS voltage references using lateral telecommunications In this capacity he contributed to the development
bipolar transistors,” IEEE J . Solid-state Circuits, vol. SC-20, of the first commercial pulse-code-modulation (PCM) integrated filter
pp. 1151-1157, Dec. 1985. and fully differential filter/codec IC From 1982 to 1985 he was with
D. Senderowicz, S. F. Dreyer, J. M. Huggins, C. F. Rahim, and SGS Microelettronica in Italy where he worked as Senior Design Engi-
C. A. Laber, “A family of differential NMOS analog circuits neer in the area of analog integrated circuits From 1985 to 1989 he
for a PCM codec filter chip,” IEEE J . Solid-State Circuits, vol. acted as a consultant on integrated circuit design for various companies
SC-17, pp. 1014-1023, Dec. 1982. such as Exar Corporation, Advanced Micro Devices, Altera Corpora-
A. De La Plaza and P. Morlon, “Power-supply rejection in tion, Teknekron Corporation, Xerox Corporation, and Hughes Corpora-
differential switched capacitor filters,” IEEE J . Solid-State Cir- tion. Currently, he is with SynchroDesign Inc , Berkeley, CA, where he
cuits, vol. SC-19, pp. 912-918, Dec. 1984. works on the design of mured analog/digital integrated circuits, includ-
C. C. Shah, K. K. Lam, K. Lee, and R. W. Schalk, “A CMOS ing data conversion systems and frequency filters. He has published over
5V analog front end for 9600 bit/sec facsimile modem,” IEEE 20 technical papers and holds several patents in the area of analog
J . Solid-State Circuits, vol. SC-22, pp. 990-995, Dec. 1987. integrated circuits

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