Demmand Letter Noemi Estrellado
Demmand Letter Noemi Estrellado
Demmand Letter Noemi Estrellado
That the Parties herein are the registered co owners of the parcel of land described in
the Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-458089 of the Registry of Deeds of Calamba City,
more particularly described as follows:
That the said Parties have caused the subdivision of the aforesaid parcel of land
into four (4) lots, each having an area of ___________( ) SQUARE METERS, more
particularly described as Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 in the subdivision plan (___) PSD - _______
whish was duly approved by the Land Registration Authority, to wit:
“A parcel of land Lot 1 of the subdivision plan (LRA) Psd -- ___________ being a
portion of the parcel of land described on ____________,
“A parcel of land Lot 2 of the subdivision plan (LRA) Psd -- ___________ being a
portion of the parcel of land described on ____________,
“A parcel of land Lot 3 of the subdivision plan (LRA) Psd -- ___________ being a
portion of the parcel of land described on ____________,
Lot4 (LRA( Psd) ________
“A parcel of land Lot 4 of the subdivision plan (LRA) Psd -- ___________ being a
portion of the parcel of land described on ____________,
NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the above agreement, the Parties
herein shall have the Transfer Certificate Title No. T-458089 CANCELLED by the
Register of Deeds of Calamba City, in lieu thereof to ISSUE THREE (3) new certificates
of title for the two lots in favor of the three owners, respectively
_____________________ _________________________
BEFORE ME, a Notary Public for and in the Province of Laguna, this-__ day of
_______________, 2010, personally came and appeared between:
known to me to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument and they
acknowledged before me that the same are their free and voluntary act and deed. This
instrument / document consist of two (2) pages including this page.
Doc. No._________
Page No.________
Book No.________
Series of 2010