(Mechanics of Elastic Stability 9) D. Bushnell (Auth.) - Computerized Buckling Analysis of Shells (1985, Springer Netherlands) PDF

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Computerized buckling analysis of shells


Editors: H.H.E. Leipholz and G.lE. Oravas

H.H.E. Leipholz, Theory of elasticity. 1974.

ISBN 90-286-0193-7
L. Librescu, Elastostatics and kinetics of anisotropic and heterogeneous
shell-type structures. 1975.
ISBN 90-286-0035-3
C.L. Dym, Stability theory and its application to structural mechanics.
ISBN 90-286-0094-9
K. Huseyin, Nonlinear theory of elastic stability. 1975.
ISBN 90-286-0344-1
H.H.E. Leipholz, Direct variational methods and eigenvalue problems in
engineering. 1977.
ISBN 90-286-0106-6
K. Huseyin, Vibrations and stability of multiple parameter systems. 1978.
ISBN 90-286-0136-8
H.H.E. Leipholz, Stability of elastic systems. 1980.
ISBN 90-286-0050-7
V.V. Bolotin, Random vibrations of elastic systems. 1984.
ISBN 90-247-2981-5
D. Bushnell, Computerized buckling analysis of shells. 1985.
ISBN 90-247-3099-6
Computerized buckling analysis
of shells

D. Bushnell
Lockheed Palo Alto Research Laboratory
3251 Hannover St.
Palo Alto, California 94304


Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data

Bushnell, D, (David), 1938-

Computerized buckling analysis of shells.

(Mechanics of elastic stability ; 9)

Bibliography: p.
1. Shells (Engineering)--Data processing. 2. Buckling
(Mechanics)--Data processing. I. Title. II. Series.
TA660.S5B87 1985 624.1'7762 84-27376

ISBN 90-247-3099-6 (this volume)

ISBN 90-247-2743-X (series)

Published by Kluwer Academic Publishers,

P.O. Box 17, 3300 AA Dordrecht, The Netherlands.

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ISBN-13:978-94-010-8741-4 e-ISBN-13:978-94-009-5063-4
DOl: 10.1007/978-94-009-5063-4

Reprinted 1989

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To my wife, Kay


Foreword xiii

1. Descriptions of types of instability and classical buckling problems 1

Introduction 1
Summary of the volume 1
Purpose 7
Why do shells buckle? 7
What is buckling? 8
Various types of bifurcation buckling 10
Capsule of recent progress in buckling analysis 12
Asymptotic analysis 12
General nonlinear analysis 12
Axisymmetric structures 13
Simple examples to illustrate various types of buckling 13
Column buckling 13
Pre buckling solution or fundamental equilibrium path 15
Bifurcation buckling 15
Post-bifurcation stability 17
Loss of stability and imperfections 18
Buckling of plates 18
"Classical" buckling of cylindrical and spherical shells 20
Cylindrical shells under axial compression 20
A caution for novice users of computer programs for buckling 23
Stiffened cylinders under axial compression 24
Cylinders under uniform external pressure or torsion 26
Spherical shells under uniform external pressure 27
Spherical caps 28

2. Nonlinear collapse 30
Summary 30
Elastic-plastic-creep collapse of axially compressed monocoque cylinders 30
No-creep 30
Creep included 33
Creep collapse of ring-stiffened cylinder under external hydrostatic pressure 34
Snap-through of very shallow spherical caps 36

Straight and curved tubes under bending and external pressure 38

Introduction 38
Long tubes and elbows: A survey of work done 39
Elastic models 39
Bending tests on long elastic-plastic straight pipes and elbows 40
Elastic-plastic piping analysis 40
Axisymmetric model of long pipe or elbow-bending problem 42
Simulation of the pipe-bending problem by thermal loading of a torus 42
Collapse and bifurcation buckling moment of a long straight pipe 43
Collapse of a 90° elastic plastic elbow 45
Collapse and bifurcation buckling due to bending of straight elastic pipes of
fmite length 47
Collapse of cylindrical panels and shells with concentrated loads and cutouts 49
Introduction 49
Cylindrical panels and shells with concentrated nOTmalloads 50
Panels 51
Complete cylindrical shells 51
Collapse of axially compressed cylindrical shells with cutouts 53
Rectangular cutouts 53
Circular cutouts 55
Collapse of axially compressed non circular cylinders 57
Axially compressed elliptical cylinder 57
Axially compressed "Pear-shaped" cylinder 59
Axially compressed cylindrical shell with local load path eccentricity 62

3. Bifurcation buckling in which nonuniformity or nonlinearity of the prebuckling state

is important 64
Introduction 64
Summary 64
Bifurcation buckling due to edge effects and localized circumferential compression 66
Bifurcation buckling due to edge effects 66
Cylindrical shell under axial compression 66
Externally pressurized spherical caps with edge rings 67
Buckling of shallow and deep spherical caps 71
Buckling due to localized hoop compression 73
Thermal buckling of cylindrical shells 74
Introduction 74
Buckling of cylinder heated halfway along length 75
Buckling of axisymmetric ally heated clamped cylinder 78
Buckling of an internally pressurized rocket fuel tank 83
Local buckling at a field joint in a large rocket payload shroud 84
Bifurcation buckling of spherical shells under meridional tension combined with
hoop compression 86
Axial load applied uniformly over latitude with finite radius r I 86
Axial load applied at a point 90
Buckling of internally pressurized vessel heads 92
Introduction 92
Cause and characteristics of nonsymmetric bifurcation buckling 94
Difference in elastic behavior of ellipsoidal and tori spherical heads 95
Elastic bifurcation buckling 96
Elastic-plastic bifurcation buckling 99
Conclusions about bifurcation buckling of internally pressurized heads 107
Bifurcation buckling near the axisymmetric collapse load 109
A summary of examples already described 109
Failure of a water tank 110

An attempt to predict elastic-plastic buckling of the large steel water tower

including fabrication effects 114
Tank configuration and discretized model 114
Welding 115
Mismatch 119
Cold bending 119
Conclusions 121

4. Effect of boundary conditions and eccentric loading 123

Introduction 123
Summary 126
Effect of boundary conditions on buckling of monocoque shells 127
Cylinders subjected to uniform external hydrostatic pressure 127
Cylinders subjected to uniform axial compression 130
Inextensional buckling 131
Simulation of effects of local plastic flow by appropriate constraint conditions 134
Effect of boundary conditions and loading eccentricity on buckling of axially com-
pressed stiffened cylindrical shells 13 8
Boundary conditions 138
Load eccentricity 146

5. Instability of shells of revolution subjected to combined loads and nonsymmetric loads 151
Summary 151
Combined loading 151
Nonsymmetric loading 152
Monocoque cylindrical shells under combined loading 152
Axial compression or bending and internal pressure 152
Torsion and internal pressure 154
Stiffened cylindrical shells under combined loading 157
Buckling of composite cylindrical shells under combined loading 159
Definitions 159
Previous work done 160
Buckling under combined loads 163
Buckling of nonaxisymmetrically loaded shells of revolution 166
Modeling considerations 166
Examples of buckling of nonsymmetrically loaded shells of revolution 167
Thermal buckling of nonsymmetrically heated shells 168
Introduction 168
Anderson and Card tests 170
Simply-supported cylinder heated on an axial strip 173
Parameter study - cylinders heated on axial strips 175
Buckling of conical shells heated on axial strips 176
Conclusions 177
Buckling of nuclear reactor containment vessel due to ground motion during an
earthquake 180

6. Buckling of ring-stiffened shells of revolution 182

Introduction 182
Summary 183
Elastic buckling of ring-stiffened cylinders under external hydrostatic pressure 184
Elastic-plastic buckling of ring-stiffened cylinders under external hydrostatic
pressure 188
Effects of residual stresses and deformations on plastic buckling of ring-stiffened
shells of revolution 192
Review of previous work 192

Cold bending 192

Welding 193
Bending and welding 193
Effect of welding on the plastic buckling pressure of an ellipsoid ring-stiffened shell 194
Residual deformations from welding internal v. external rings 196
Effect of cold bending and welding on buckling of ring-stiffened cylinders 198
Cold bending of a flat sheet into a cylindrical shell of infinite length 199
Initial elastic loading 200
Elastic-plastic loading 201
Relaxation 201
Obtaining a value of Ro 202
Simulation of cold bending in BOSOR5 203
Procedure for using BOSOR5 to calculate buckling loads including residual
effects due to cold bending and welding 203
Comparisons with tests on cold-bent sheet 204
Buckling of cold bent and welded ring-stiffened cylinder: comparison of
test and theory 205
Possible causes of the remaining discrepancy between test and theory 207
Effect on buckling of deformations of the ring cross sections 208
General and local instability 208
Modal interaction 209
Comparisons with tests in which local ring deformations are important 215
Crippling of ring web 215
Wide column ring web "buckling" 215
General instability of ring-stiffened shallow conical shell 219

7. Buckling of prismatic shells and panels 220

Summary 220
Use of a computer code for shells of revolution to predict buckling loads of pris-
matic structures 220
Introduction 220
Analysis technique 223
Convergence studies 226
Numerical results 228
Nonuniformly loaded circular cylindrical shells 229
Stress and buckling of elliptic cylinders 229
Cylinders of noncircular cross section under axial compression 232
Bifurcation buckling of axially compressed panels 235
Introduction 235
Numerical results 239
Buckling of axially compressed corrugated and beaded panels 239
Effect of manufacturing method on general and local buckling of a semi-
sandwich corrugated panel 242
Modal interaction and imperfection sensitivity of axially compressed prismatic
structures 245
Introduction 245
Two types of modal interaction 245
Previous work done 246
Summary of this section 249
Modal interaction in an axially compressed two-flange column 250
The perfect column 250
Buckling with imperfect flanges but straight column.axis 253
Stability of eqUilibrium at the bifurcation load, K b 254
Buckling of columns with imperfect flanges and imperfect axes 256
Modal interaction in axially compressed, eccentrically stiffened panels 256

Optimization of imperfect columns and panels in which modal interaction occurs 259
Columns 259
Panels 262
Axially stiffened cylindrical shells 265
Transverse shear deformation effects 270
Laminated composite materials 270

8. Imperfection sensitivity 272

Introduction 272
Summary 272
Asymptotic post-buckling theory - a summary 273
Elastic post-bifurcation analysis 274
Elastic-plastic post-bifurcation analysis 276
Perfect elastic-plastic structures 277
Imperfect elastic-plastic structures 277
Qualitative guidelines for imperfection sensitivity 280
Axially compressed cylindrical shells and panels 282
Brief survey of work done 282
Nonlinear post-buckling behavior of perfect shells 283
Various boundary conditions and nonuniform or nonlinear pre-buckling
effects 283
Empirically derived design formulas for monocoque cylinders 284
Design rules for stiffened cylinders 284
Effect of geometric imperfections 285
Governing equations for asymptotic post-buckling approach 287
Karman-Donnell equations 287
Prebuckling analysis 287
Asymptotic analysis 289
Initial post-bifurcation load-deflection curve 291
Imperfection sensitivity 291
Numerical methods used to solve the various boundary-value problems and
evaluate b, 5, and ex 292
Governing equations for the nonlinear approach 292
Hutchinson's formulation [340] 293
Arbocz and Babcock's formulation [341] 294
Behavior of perfect cylinders 295
Behavior of imperfect cylinders 296
Axially compressed monocoque cylindrical shells: numerical results 297
Cylinders with sinusoidal axisymmetric imperfections 297
Cylinders with localized imperfections 299
Cylinders with random imperfections (axial compression or external pressure) 300
Cylinders with internal pressure 301
Axially compressed cylindrical panels 304
Axially compressed oval cylinders 306
Axially compressed stiffened and composite cylindrical shells: numerical results 307
Asymptotic post-buckling analysis of axially stiffened cylinders 307
Laminated cylindrical shells made of composite material 314
Calculation of load-carrying capability based on measurements of imperfections 318
Design method for axially compressed cylinders 319
Critical load from wide-column theory 321
Critical load from extended version of Koiter's special theory 321
Design philosophy 322
Numerical results 322
Conclusions 323
Imperfection sensitivity of cylinders under uniform hydrostatic pressure and torsion 326

Uniform hydrostatic pressure 326

Monocoque cylinders 326
Axially-stiffened cylinders 327
Ring-stiffened cylinders 328
General conclusions 328
Cylinders under torsion 329
Imperfection sensitivity of spherical shells 329
Introduction 329
Governing equations for the asymptotic post-buckling analysis 331
Application to a shallow spherical segment 334
Classical buckling analysis 334
Post-buckling equilibrium paths 335
Special theory vs. general theory 337
Difficulties encountered in the asymptotic analysis of complete spherical shells 338
Nonlinear numerical studies 339
Other asymptotic imperfection sensitivity analyses for doubly-curved shells of
revolution 341
Spherical caps with axisymmetric loading over part of the surface 341
Results of Fitch and Budiansky [391] 341
Questions raised by the results shown in Fig. 304 344
Nonsymmetrically loaded spherical shell 347
Initial post-buckling behavior of toroidal segments 349
Limitations of asymptotic imperfection sensitivity theory 350
Bifurcation buckling with stable post-buckling behavior 352
Spherical shell with an inward-directed point load 352
Stable post-buckling shearing deformations 354
Wagner beam 354
Computerized analysis of a complex stiffened curved panel under shear 355
Wrinkling of an antenna membrane 355
The Southwell method for determination of buckling loads from non-destructive
tests 357
Definition of the method 357
Examples of application of the Southwell method 360
Limitations of the Southwell method 361

9. Buckling of hybrid bodies of revolution 368

Introduction 368
Summary 369
Ring-stiffened cylindrical shells under uniform hydrostatic pressure 369
Spherical shells embedded in structural foam 372
Elastic-plastic instability of axially compressed shells of revolution with axisym-
metric frangible joints 373
Comparison of test and theory for a frangible joint embedded in a simple cylin-
drical shell 375
Test configuration and BOSOR6 model 375
Discretization 376
Pads 378
Material properties 378
Junction and contact conditions between the primacord tube and the cavity
provided for it 378
Numerical results 380
Frangible joint embedded in a complex shell structure 383
Structural configuration and segmented model 384
Substitution of uniform axial compression for the actual loads 385
Axisymmetric collapse of the rocket interstage 386

Effect of a minor design change 387

Effect of a steel primacord tube 392

References 393

Author index 413

Subject index 416


This report describes the work performed by Lockheed Palo Alto Research Labora-
tory, Palo Alto, California 94304. The work was sponsored by Air Force Office of
Scientific Research, Bolling AFB, Washington, D.C. under Grant F49620-77-C-0l22
and by the Flight Dynamics Laboratory, Air Force Wright Aeronautical Laboratories,
Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio under Contract F3361S-76-C-31OS.
The work was completed under Task 2307Nl, "Basic Research in Behavior of
Metallic and Composite Components of Airframe Structures". The work was admini-
stered by Lt. Col. J.D. Morgan (AFOSR) and Dr. N.S. Khot (AFWAL/FIBRA).
The contract work was performed between October 1977 and December 1980.
The technical report was released by the Author in December 1981.

Many structures are assembled from parts which are thin. For example, a stiffened
plate or cylindrical panel is composed of a sheet the thickness of which is small com-
pared to its length, breadth, and stiffener- spacing, and stiffeners the thickness of
which is small compared to their _heights and lengths. These assembled structures,
loaded in compression, can buckle overall, that is sheet and stiffeners can collapse
together in a general instability mode; the sheet can buckle locally between stiffeners;
the stiffeners can cripple; and a variety of complex buckling interactions can occur
involving local and overall deformations of both sheet and stiffeners. More complex,
built-up structures can buckle in more complex and subtle ways.
The designer of any structure susceptible to buckling must have a certain intuition
about buckling behavior. The objective of this book is to convey to the designer a
"feel" for shell buckling, whether the buckling be due to nonlinear collapse, bifur-
cation, or a combination of these modes. An intuitive understanding of instability
can be developed by study of a large number of examples involving practical shell
structures. These shell structures may be stiffened, segmented, or branched; they
may have complex wall constructions; they may have distributed or concentrated,
uniform or-nonuniform loads.
With enhanced intuitive knowledge about shell buckling, the designer should have
an improved ability to foresee situations in which buckling might occur and thus
modify a design to avoid it. He or she will be able to set up more appropriate models
for analytical predictions and for tests. In the first chapter of the book are several
illustrations of large, expensive shell structures that failed because of unexpected
buckling. Most of the failures did not occur because of a lack of analysis capability.
There were plenty of computer programs that, given appropriate input, would yield
accurate predictions. These structures failed because nobody set up and ran the
cases that should have been run. Nobody had sufficient familiarity with buckling
phenomena to identify proper numerical tests that would warn of impending disaster.
The main purpose of this book is to help provide this familiarity.
Emphasis is given here to nonlinear behavior caused by combinations of large de-
flections and elastic-plastic material behavior. Illustrated are stress redistribution
effects, stiffener and load-path eccentricity effects, local vs general instability, im-
perfection sensitivity, residual effects due to fabrication processes such as cold bending

and welding, and modal interaction in optimized structures. Scattered throughout

are tips on modeling for computerized numerical analysis. Most of the examples
involve shells of revolution, in particular, cylindrical shells.
The book is divided into nine chapters which describe: (1) types of instability,
examples of catastrophic failure of several large, expensive structures, and classical
buckling problems involving the axially compressed cylindrical shell and the externally
pressurized spherical shell; (2) nonlinear collapse and its relationship to bifurcation
buckling models; (3) bifurcation buckling in which nonuniformity or nonlinearity
of the pre buckling state is important; (4) effect of boundary conditions and eccentric
loading; (5) buckling of shells of revolution subjected to combined uniform loads and
nonsymmetric loads; (6) buckling of ring-stiffened shells of revolution; (7) buckling
of prismatic shells and panels; (8) Imperfection sensitivity; and (9) buckling of hybrid
bodies of revolution, that is shells that contain combinations of one and two-dimen-
sionally discretized domains.
The work first appeared in December, 1980, in the form of a report to the Flight
Dynamics Laboratory of the Air Force Wright Aeronautical Laboratories at Wright-
Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio (Report No. AFWAL-TR-81-3049, entitled COM-
partly by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) under Grant F49620-
n-C-0122, Lt. Col. J.D. Morgan, contract monitor, and partly by the Air Force
Flight Dynamics Laboratory (AFFDL) under Contract F33615-76-C-3105, Dr. N.S.
Khot, contract monitor. For these sponsorships I am grateful. In September, 1981
a summary of the book appeared as a long survey article in the AIAA Journal (pub-
lished by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics) under the title,
"Buckling of Shells, Pitfall for Designers" (AIAA Journal, Vol. 19, No.9, September
1981, pp 1183-1226). The preparation of that summary was sponsored by the
1979 and 1980 Lockheed Independent Research and Development (IR & D) Programs.
Also sponsored by AFOSR, AFFDL, and Lockheed IR & D was the production
of a paper entitled "Computerized Buckling Analysis of Shells-Governing Equations",
which appeared in the journal COMPUTERS & STRUCTURES, Vol. 18, No.3, pp.
471-536 (1984), published by Pergamon Press. The paper is referred to many times
in the text of this book. It should be used in conjunction with the book because it
provides much of the mathematical detail from which the results in the book are
This book is aimed at engineers in government, industry, and universities who
have complex structural problems to solve and who have available to them computer
programs that solve shell buckling problems. The work does not focus on the mathe-
matics of shell buckling. It focuses on the phenomena associated with shell buckling:
nonlinear collapse and when this mode of instability is likely to occur, bifurcation
buckling and when this mode of instability is likely to occur, etc. The book will
assist the user of a computer program for shell buckling to set up models that will
yield accurate predictions of natural events.
Much of the book represents a distillation of my experience working on shell
buckling problems and writing computer programs for the analysis of shells and
hybrid bodies of revolution. Twenty years of this activity have produced a sort of
compost of intuition about shell buckling out of which solutions grow. During these
years I have been most fortunate to have the opportunity to work with colleagues
who have deep understanding of structural engineering in general and of the rather
arcane phenomenon of shell buckling in particular. Digging deep into the compost, I
realize that the intuitive foundations were laid with the help of Professor Nicholas J.
Hoff, who as my PhD advisor, taught me to apply liberal doses of intuition and com-
mon sense in solving engineering problems. Nicholas Hoff, as an engineer and educator
of rare quality, made engineering fun. The late Bo Almroth, a former colleague in the
Applied Mechanics Laboratory at Lockheed, also influenced the way I approach shell
buckling problems. His intuitive grasp of the subject and commonsense solution of
very difficult problems were of great value. Another colleague, Jorgen Skogh, and
I exchange ideas on a daily basis concerning how we expect some complex shell
structure to withstand the rigors of its environment. He reinforces my own view
that common sense and intuition are important and perhaps, in this day of powerful
computers, vanishing ingredients of our expertise. His encouragement was a significant
factor leading to this book.
I have indeed been lucky to work in the Applied Mechanics Laboratory at the
Lockheed Palo Alto Research Laboratories, in which independent and basic research
is encouraged. I am particularly grateful for the long-term sponsorship of the Lock-
heed Independent Development programs managed by Mr. William W. Sable. This
sponsorship has enabled me to explore a wide variety of shell buckling methods and
problems unhindered by numerous requirements often imposed on researchers work-
ing in large organizations.
In writing the book, I made extensive use of the works of B.O. Almroth, D.O.
Brush, B. Budiansky, N.J. Hoff, W.H. Horton, J.W. Hutchinson, W.T. Koiter, J. Singer,
V. Tvergaard, and A. van der Neut. I also borrowed material from the papers of many
other authors, too numerous to list here. I express my thanks to these authors and
their publishers for permissions to reproduce many figures, tables, and phrases.
I also very much appreciate the help of Jessie Vosti and Colleen Miller, who drew
many of the figures, Edna Timbrook, who typed the manuscript, and Louise Roche:
who proofread the page proofs.
David Bushnell
Palo Alto, California
June 8,1985

Descriptions of types of instability and

classical buckling problems


To the layman, buckling is a mysterious, perhaps even awe-inspiring phenomenon

that transforms objects originally imbued with symmetrical beauty into junk (Fig.
1). Occasionally unaware of the possibility of buckling, engineers have designed
structures (Fig. 2(a)) with inadequate safety margins (Fig. 2(b)). The large cylindrical
tower on the left in Fig. 3(a) failed in 1956 [1] because of buckling of a torispherical
end closure at its lower end. The 38-meter-tall water tower sketched in Fig. 4(c)
collapsed in 1972 [2] when it was being filled for the first time. The collapse of the
entire tower (Fig. 4(a)) was triggered by local instability in the conical section at
the deepest water level (Fig. 4(b )). A large, expensive shroud for a payload to be
orbited around the earth (Fig. 5(a)) failed during proof testing because of local
buckling near a field joint (Fig. 5(b, c, d)) [3] .
The purpose of this volume is to remove some of the mystery associated with
buckling of thin shells by showing many examples of its occurrence and explaining
its cause. Perhaps the material presented here will help to prevent future disasters of
the type just illustrated.

Summary of the volume

This chapter contains a brief description of two kinds of buckling, collapse and
bifurcation, followed by a simple mathematical example involving a shallow truss,
which displays most of the phenomena to be illustrated later with thin shells. Many
examples of classical buckling of uniformly loaded cylindrical and spherical shells
are then shown, with comparisons between test and theory to emphasize imperfections.
Chapter 2 concerns shell structures in which the cause o( failure is nonlinear
collapse due to either large deflections or to both large deflections and nonlinear
material behavior. In certain of the cases the predicted nonlinear load is compared to
a critical load calculated from a linearized bifurcation buckling model. Included in
Chapter 2 are descriptions of elastic-plastic collapse of cylindrical shells subjected to

Figure 1. Buckling is a somewhat mystifying phenomenon (courtesy St. Regis Paper Co.).

uniform axial compression or external pressure, elastic-plastic collapse of straight

and curved pipes subjected to external pressure and bending, elastic collapse of shallow
spherical caps under external pressure and elastic collapse of cylindrical panels and
shells under combined axial compression and concentrated loads. Chapter 2 closes
with descriptions of collapse failure of axially compressed cylinders with cutouts,
noncircular cylinders, and cylinders with local axisymmetric load path eccentricity.
Chapter 3 gives examples of axisymmetric shells in which failure is due to bifurcation
buckling. In all of the examples nonuniformity or nonlinearity of the pre buckling
behavior is important. Several illustrations are provided of bifuraction buckling due
to local edge effects and local hoop compression. These are followed by numerous
examples in which the pre buckled state is characterized by meridional tension com-
bined with hoop compression. Bifurcation buckling of internally pressurized
torispherical shells, both in the elastic and in the plastic range of material behavior,
is described in detail. The section closes with an example in which bifurcation buckling
and axisymmetric collapse occur almost simultaneously.
Chapter 4 provides examples that illustrate the effects of boundary conditiom
and eccentric loading on bifurcation buckling of shells of revolution. The emphasi!
is on buckling of monocoque and stiffened cylindrical shells under external pressun
and axial compression. Examples are also given of inextensional buckling modes

Figure 2(a). Structures have been built with Figure 2(b). . .. insufficient margins of safety
... (courtesy New Yorker Magazine, April 29, (courtesy New Yorker Magazine, April 29,
1974). 1974).

Figure 3(b). Fragments of the bottom

Figure 3(a). Failure of a large (15 m dia.) torispherical end (from Harding, A.G. and
vessel due to buckling of the bottom tori- Ehmke, R.F., Proc. Am. Petrol. [nst., Vol.
spherical end under internal pressure. 42, Sect. 3, p. 107, 1962).

(a) (b)


1130 m3


~ 1~ 37.91 m

D 17

(e) ~

Figure 4. Collapse of a large steel watertower upon being filled for the first time. Failure was
caused by local buckling near the deepest water level in the conical portion of the tank (from
Baltus and Massonet [2]). (a) Photograph of collapsed structure. (b) The weak zone interior
view after collapse shows a weld along the actual deformed meridian. (c) Dimensions of the
damaged water tower.

which are associated with very low critical loads; of change in effective "boundary"
condition due to development of a plastic region in the prebuckling phase; and
dependence of the buckling load on small inward and outward axisymmetric imper-
fections of an axially compressed stringer-stiffened short cylindrical shell.
Chapter S is devoted to combined loading of cylindrical shells and nonsymmetric
loading of shells of revolution. Interaction curves are given for monocoque cylinders
under combined axial compression and internal or external pressure corresponding
to various boundary conditions. Post-buckling configurations are shown for either
axial compression or torsion combined with internal pressure. Interaction curves are
also presented for ring or stringer-stiffened cylinders and angle-ply laminated cylinders.
Examples of nonsymmetrically loaded shells of revolution include buckling of a
payload shroud such as that shown in Fig. Sea) due to nonsymmetric and nonuniform



o.or cor_
0032 Skin

~ , c., 0,040 Skin
0.020 CorruQatlon

, --+-1--
I 0040 Skin

~_~ __ 1___ ;e~!25 CorruQOflon

JOInt --,-' ..,

' 0050 Skin

I 0025 Corruoalion

I '-<
- I
0063 Skin

~ ~~:-=i=~:= ~~


llA 468



Figure 5. Local failure of a large payload shroud under axial compression and bending. Buckling
is caused by the narrow band of circumferential compression arising from the inward excursion
of the axial load path near the field joint at station 468 (from Bushnell [3]). (a) Typical ring-
stiffened rocket payload shroud configuration. (b) Corrugated wall construction. (cl Interior
view of portion of complete shroud buckled locally next to field joint at station 468 [see (a)].
Three waves are visible. (d) Field joint geometry and buckle configuration.

heating, buckling of cylindrical and conical shells heated along narrow axial strips,
and buckling of a steel containment vessel due to compressive stresses generated by
vertical and horizontal components of ground acceleration during an earthquake.

Chapter 6 is on bifurcation buckling and collapse of ring-stiffened shells with

emphasis given to cylindrical shells. The chapter begins with an illustration of the
effect of discrete rings on the prebuckling state and general instability bifurcation
buckling mode. Comparisons between test and theory are given for elastic buckling
of machined specimens in a study in which the effect of axial restraint at the
boundaries is investigated. Elastic-plastic buckling of a series of steel specimens is then
described, followed by an example of a titanium shell which is predicted to fail by
nonsymmetric bifurcation buckling when creep is neglected and by axisymmetric
collapse when creep is included in the analysis. The effect on predicted buckling loads
of initial imperfections and residual stresses due to weld shrinkage at stations where
discrete rings are attached to a shell is illustrated for an ellipsoidal shell subjected to
hydrostatic compression. The combined effects on failure of cold bending an initially
flat sheet into a cylindrical shell and subsequently welding ring stiffeners to it are
described. The chapter closes with a number of examples showing the importance
in certain cases of treating discrete ring webs as flexible shell branches in analytical
models for prediction of axisymmetric collapse and nonsymmetric bifurcation
Chapter 7 contains several illustrations of buckling of prismatic shells and panels,
that is, structures that have a cross section that is constant in one of the coordinate
directions. Included are descriptions of modal interaction in panels built up of thin
sections and demonstrations of local cross section deformation in the bifurcation
buckling modes of initially perfect panels. Predicted bifurcation buckling modes are
shown for noncircular cylinders under axial compression and comparisons between
test and theory are given for oval cylinders under external pressure. The chapter
closes with brief discussions of the effect of transverse shear deformation on the
buckling of composite plates and on the usefulness of the Southwell plot for
prediction of instability failure.
Chapter 8 focuses on the sensitivity of predicted buckling loads to initial
geometrical imperfections. The chapter opens with a chart of empirical knockdown
factors for monocoque cylinders subjected to axial compression and a review of
various types of pre- and post-buckling load deflection curves. The Koiter theory is
briefly summarized and imperfection sensitivity factors for various systems are plotted.
A design method for other than monocoque shells is outlined and illustrated for
cylinders with combined axial compression and internal pressure. Charts are given
that show typical measured imperfections in small laboratory models and a large
industrial ring and stringer stiffened shell. Buckling interaction curves for a laminated
cylindrical shell are plotted and compared to test results on an imperfect specimen.
The chapter closes with several examples in which bifurcation buckling is stable and
the structures carry increasing loads far into the post-buckling regime.
Chapter 9 demonstrates axisymmetric collapse and bifurcation buckling of bodies
of revolution that consist of combinations of thin shell segments and solid segments
to which shell theory cannot be applied with sufficient accuracy. An example is given
of buckling of a hydrostatically compressed ring-stiffened cylinder in which the rings
and portions of shell to which the rings are attached are modeled as solid regions with
use of isoparametric quadrilaterals of revolution and the rest of the cylinder is modeled
as a series of thin shell segments. Other examples include buckling of a spherical
shell embedded in a softer elastic material and collapse of a complex cylinder-cone
combination containing a frangible joint. The regions in the immediate neighborhoods
of notches in the frangible joint are modeled with the use of solid elements.


The purpose of the many examples presented here is to give the reader a physical
"feel" for shell buckling. With such knowledge the engineer will have an enhanced
ability to foresee situations in which buckling might occur and to modify a design
to avoid it. He wil~ be able to set up more appropriate models for tests and analytical
predictions, including failure due to buckling. The emphasis in this chapter is not on
the development of equations for prediction of instability. For such material the
reader is referred to the book by Brush and Almroth [4] and the material in Ref.
Throughout the text numerals in square brackets [] refer to references listed at
the end of the text.

Why do shells buckle?

The property of thinness of a shell wall has a consequence that has been pointed out
in Ref. [430] : The membrane stiffne'ss is in general several orders of magnitude greater
than the bending stiffness. A thin shell can absorb a great deal of membrane strain
energy without deforming too much. It must deform much more in order to absorb
an equivalent amount of bending strain energy. If the shell is loaded in such a way
that most of its strain energy is in the form of membrane compression, and if there is
a way that this stored-up membrane energy can be converted into bending energy,
the shell may fail rather dramatically in a process called "buckling", as it exchanges
its membrane energy for bending energy. Very large deflections are generally required
to convert a given amount of membrane energy into bending energy.
The way in which buckling occurs depends on how the shell is loaded and on its
geometrical and material properties. The pre buckling process is often nonlinear if
there is a reasonably large percentage of bending energy' being stored in the shell
throughout the loading history. Two types of buckling exist: nonlinear collapse
and bifurcation buckling. Nonlinear collapse is predicted by means of a nonlinear
stress analysis. The stiffness of the structure, or the slope of the load-deflection curve,
decreases with increasing load. At the collapse load the load-deflection curve has zero
slope and, if the load is maintained as the structure deforms, failure of the structure
is usually dramatic and almost instantaneous. This type of instability failure is often
called "snap-through", a nomenclature derived from the many early tests and
theoretical models of shallow arches and spherical caps under uniformly distributed
loads. These very nonlinear systems initially deform slowly with increasing load. As
the load approaches the maximum value, the rate of deformation increases until,
reaching a status of neutral equilibrium in which the average curvature is almost zero,
the shallow arches and caps subsequently "snap through" to a post-buckled state
which resembles the original structure in an inverted form.


" .... c
/ .... --0

Figure 6. Load-end shortening curve with limit point A, bifurcation point B, and post-bifurcation
equilibrium path BD (photographs courtesy Sobel and Newman [42]).

The term "bifurcation buckling" refers to a different kind of failure, the onset
of which is predicted by means of an eigenvalue analysis. At the buckling load, or
bifurcation point on the load-deflection path, the deformations begin to grow in
a new pattern which is quite different from the prebuckling pattern. Failure, or
unbounded growth of this new deflection mode, occurs if the postbifurcation load-
deflection curve has a negative slope and the applied load is independent of the
deformation amplitude.

What is buckling?

To most laymen the word "buckling" evokes an image of failure of a structure which
has been compressed in some way. Pictures and perhaps sounds come to mind of
sudden, catastrophic collapse involving very large deformations. From a scientific
and engineering point of view, however, the interesting phases of buckling phenomena
generally occur before the deformations are very large when, to the unaided eye, the
structure appears to be undeformed or only slightly deformed.
To reiterate and enlarge upon what was written above, in the static analysis of

Limit Load of

A~ Bifurcation
point Post-Buckling of
AC ~______---A-B Bifurca- B / Perfect Shell
- tion E

AS 1------+-"""*,. Post- C AS ---t---,j!-
'<~:~=-~ Buckling ,/' \ " \ . D

/ 'F~D " ~ Limit Load of Imperfect

: Shell (Asymptotic
/ ~~i~r~~~ ~~ell 4
/ (Computer Analysis) I

OL---------------------~~ OL-----------------------~
(a) (b)

Figure 7. Load-deflection curves showing limit and bifurcation points. (a) general nonlinear
analysis, (b) asymptotic analysis.

perfect structures, the two phenomena loosely termed "buckling" are collapse at
the maximum point in a load vs. deflection curve and bifurcation buckling. These two
types of instability failure are illustrated in Figs. 6 and 7. The axially compressed
cylinder shown in Fig. 6 deforms approximately axisymmetric ally along the
equilibrium path OA until a maximum or limit load AL is reached at point A. If the
axial load A is not sufficiently relieved by the reduction in axial stiffness, the perfect
cylinder will fail at this limit load, following either the path ABC along which it con-
tinues to deform axisymmetrically, or some other path ABD along which it first
deforms axisymmetrically from A to B and then nonaxisymmetrically from B to D.
Limit point buckling, or "snap-through" occurs at point A and bifurcation buckling
at point B. The equilibrium path OABC, corresponding to the axisymmetrical mode
of deformation, is called the fundamental or primary or pre buckling path; the post-
bifurcation equilibrium path BD, corresponding to the nonaxisymmetrical mode of
deformation is called the secondary or post-buckling path. Buckling of either collapse
or bifurcation type may occur at loads for which some or all the structural material
has been stressed beyond its proportional limit. The example in Fig. 6 is somewhat
unusual in that the bifurcation point B is shown to occur after the collapse point has
been reached. In this particular case, therefore, bifurcation buckling is of less
engineering significance than axisymmetric collapse.
A commonly occurring situation is illustrated in Fig. 7(a). The bifurcation point
B is between 0 and A. If the fundamental path OAC corresponds to axisymmetrical
deformation and BD to nonaxisymmetrical deformation, then initial failure of the
structure would generally be characterized by rapidly growing nonaxisymmetrical
deformations. In this case the collapse load of the perfect structure AL is of less
engineering Significance than the bifurcation point AC.
In the case of real structures which contain unavoidable imperfections there is no
such thing as true bifuwition buckling. The actual structure will follow a fundamental
path OEF, with the failure corresponding to "snap-through" at point E at the collapse
load AS' If point B in Fig. 7(a) corresponds to bifurcation into a nonsymmetric
buckling mode, the collapse at E will involve significant non symmetric displacement
components. Although true bifurcation buckling is fictitious, the bifurcation buckling
analytical model is valid in that it is convenient and often leads to a good
approximation of the actual failure load and mode.

Various types of bifurcation buckling

In Fig. 7(b) the load is plotted as a function of amplitude of the bifurcation buckling
mode. Since the bifurcation buckling mode is orthogonal to the prebuckling dis-
placement pattern of the perfect shell, its amplitude remains zero until the bifurcation
point B is reached. The curve BD in Fig. 7(b) implies that the post-buckling state is
unstable: the load carrying capability A decreases with increasing amplitude of the
bifurcation buckling mode.
All real structures are imperfect. The imperfection shape is, in general, not
orthogonal to the bifurcation buckling mode. If one expressed the deformation of
the imperfect structure as a sum of two components, the fundamental prebuckling
equilibrium state of the perfect structure plus the bifurcation buckling mode of the
perfect structure (presumed here to be unique), then one would obtain the curve
OEF in Fig. 7(b) if one plotted the amplitude of the bifurcation modal component
vs. load for the imperfect structure. The amplitude of the bifurcation modal com-
ponent would increase at an increasing rate until instability via nonlinear "snap-
through" or collapse would occur at the reduced load AS' The difference between the
critical bifurcation load AC of the perfect structure and the collapse load AS of the
imperfect structure depends on the amplitude of the initial imperfection Wbo' A chart
of AS/AC vs. Wbo would characterize the sensitivity of the maximum load AS to initial
geometrical imperfections. According to the jargon that has become accepted over the
years, the structure to which the curves in Fig. 7(b) correspond is called "imperfection
sensitive" because imperfections reduce its maximum load carrying capability. (Of
course, it is not the structure that is sensitive to imperfections, but the maximum
load it can safely support!)
Neither all structures nor mathematical models of them behave as shown in Fig.
7(b). Figure 8 shows various types of post-buckling behavior. A linearized model of
elastic stability, that is an eigenvalue formulation of the buckling problem, implies
load-deflection behavior shown in Fig. 8(a): The amplitude of the eigenvector, the
bifurcation buckling mode, is indeterminate, which implies that the load A remains
constant A = AC with increasing deflections Wb' The equilibrium path for the slightly
imperfect structure follows the rectangular hyperbolic path,


shown dotted in Fig. 8(a).


------~----_~-~-:-.. AC
,. ,






Figure 8. Different types of load-displacement relations. A is the load; wb is the buckling modal

If nonlinear post-buckling effects are accounted for, equlibrium paths for most
structures have the forms shown in Fig. 8(b, c, d). The asymmetric nature of the
curves in Fig. 8(b) indicates that the structure continues to carry loads above the
bifurcation load AC if it is forced to buckle one way, but collapses if allowed to buckle
the other. An example of this type of behavior is a structure with parts that move
relative to each other as buckling proceeds in such a way that these parts come in
contact and support each other for positive deflections but move away from each
other forming gaps for similar negative deflections. Specifically, a built-up panel
consisting of a flat sheet riveted to a corrugated sheet is such a structure. Roorda
[5] has demonstrated this asymmetric post-buckling behavior for perfect and
imperfect frames with eccentric loads. His results are presented in [4]. The symmetric
stable post-buckling behavior displayed in Fig. 8(c) is typical of axially compressed
isotropic flat plates. The perfect plate loaded precisely in its neutral surface buckles
either way with equal ease and the post-buckled equilibrium state is stable. The
symmetric unstable post-buckling behavior shown in Fig. 8(d) is typical of the early
post-bifurcation regimes of axially compressed thin cylindrical shells and externally
pressurized thin spherical shells.
Capsule of recent progress in buckling analysis

Recent progress in our capability to predict buckling failure can be categorized into
three main areas:
(1) development of asymptotic post-buckling theories and applications of these
theories to specific classes of structures, such as simple plates, shells, and panels
[6-8] ;
(2) development of general-purpose computer programs for calculation of static
and dynamic behavior of structures including large deflections, large strains, and non-
linear material effects [8-10] ;
(3) development of special-purpose computer programs for limit point axisym-
metrical buckling and nonaxisymmetrical bifurcation buckling of axisymmetric
structures [11-14, 171].

Asymptotic analysis: The asymptotic post-buckling analyses surveyed in [6-8] rest

on theoretical foundations established by Koiter [15], whose general elastic post-
bifurcation theory leads to an expansion for the load parameter A in terms of the
buckling modal amplitude Wb which is valid in the neighborhood of the critical
bifurcation point in (A, Wb) space. The primary aims of the asymptotic analyses are
to calculate limit loads for perfect and imperfect structures. These analyses have con-
tributed vital physical insights into the buckling process and the effect of structural
or loading imperfections on this process.

General nonlinear analysis: The general-purpose computer programs in widespread

use since the early 1970's and presently being written are based on principles of con-
tinuum mechanics established for the most part by the late 1950's and set forth in
several texts [16-21]. The structural continuum is discretized into finite elements
as described in the texts [22-25] and various strategies are employed to solve the
resulting nonlinear problem [8]. The nonlinearity is due to moderately large or very
large deflections and nonlinear material behavior. Various plasticity models are
described in texts, conference proceedings, and survey articles identified in Ref. [8].
Additional papers on the formulation, discretization, and solution of nonlinear
structural problems appear in many symposia proceedings, also identified in Ref.
[8]. The primary aim of this vast body of work, most of which was done in the
1970's, has been to produce reliable analysis methods and computer programs for
use by engineers and designers. Thus, the emphasis in the literature just cited is not
primarily on the acquisition of new physical insight into buckling and post-bifurcation
phenomena, but on the creation of tools that can be used to determine the equilibrium
path OEF in Fig. 7(a) for an arbitrary structure and on proof that these tools work
by use of demonstration problems, the solution of which is known. In most cases,
no formal distinction is made between prebifurcation and post-bifurcation regimes;
in fact, simple structures are modeled with imperfections so that potential bifurcation
points (such as B in Fig. 7(a» are converted into limit points such as E. The buckling
problem loses its special qualities as illuminated so skillfully in the asymptotic treat-
ments and becomes just another nonlinear analYSiS, usually requiring special physical
insight on the part of the computer program user because of potential numerical
traps such as bifurcation points and limit points.
Figures 7(a) and (b) illustrate the two very different approaches to the buckling
problem described in the last two paragraphs. In the general nonlinear approach the
computations involve essentially a "pre buckling" analysis, or a determination of the
unique equilibrium states along the fundamental path OEP in Fig. 7 (a). In the
asymptotic approach, Fig. 7(b), the pre buckling state is often known a priori. The
secondary path BD of the perfect structure and (in the elastic case) the limit point
E on the fundamental path of the imperfect structure are determined by expansion of
the solution in a power series of the bifurcation modal amplitude which is asymptoti-
cally exact at the bifurcation point B.

Axisymmetric structures: The third approach to the buckling problem, development

of special-purpose programs for the analysis of axisymmetric structures, forms a sort
of middle ground between the asymptotic analysis and the general-purpose nonlinear
analysis. The approach is similar to the asymptotic treatment because in applications it
is restricted to a special class of structures and the distinction between prebuckling
equilibrium and bifurcation buckling is retained. It is similar to the general nonlinear
approach in that the continuum is discretized and the nonlinear pre buckling equilbrium
problem is solved by "brute force" . The emphasis is on the calculation of the pre-
buckling fundamental path, OB or OA in Fig. 7(a), and determination of the bifurcation
point B and its associated buckling mode, not so much on calculation of post-
bifurcation behavior BD or of the load-deflection path OEP of the imperfect structure.
The goals of this third approach are to create an analysis tool for use by engineers and
designers and to use this tool in extensive comparisons with tests both to verify it
and to obtain physical insight into the buckling process.

Simple examples to illustrate various types of buckling

Column buckling

In order to make the discussion of the basic concepts introduced in connection with
Figs. 7 and 8 less abstract, we will relate it to a simple two-column structure that
exhibits the types of behavior displayed in Fig. 9. This example is from Ref. [4].
The behavior of a column under an axial load is governed by the equation (see,
for instance Ref. [26]):
a2 e = - P sin e
EI - (2)
as 2
where sand e are defined in Fig. 9. For all values of P this equation has the
solution = 0, corresponding to unbuckled equilibrium. However, for values of
P > PCR = EI(rr/L)2 a solution with e 0 also exists. This solution corresponds to
equilbrium forms with a bent column and is illustrated in Fig. 9. In the plot, 1]
represents the part of the column shortening that is caused by the bending of the
column. Hence, the equilibrium path corresponding to the first solution (straight
column) is represented by the vertical axis. The Euler load PCR is the value of the
axial load at which the vertical axis is intersected by the post-buckling curve
corresponding to the bent equilibrium form.


.... 1.2

o· 1.0

r1 ti
::: 0.8
5 P
-' ,"
~ 0.4
1 '/I
' - ' - Symmetry

-0.05 0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25

Figure 9. Post-buckling load-deflection curve for a column.

Figure 10. Two-column structure (from Brush and Almroth [4]).

Figure 10 shows a structure consisting of two flexible bars or columns subjected

to a load P. Denoting the length of the deformed column by L' we have
N 1 ,
- = - (L - L) = 1 - cos B/cos (3 (3)
where B = arc sin (b/L) and N is the axial load in the columns, i.e., N = P/(2 sin (3).
A = EI (7T/L)2 , p = I/A (7T/L)2 ( 4)
we introduce
p* = PIA and N* = N/A (5)
The relation between deformation 8/L and 10adP* is readily obtained in the parametric
8/ L = sin B - sin {3
p* = - sin {3 (1 - cos B/ cos (3). (6)

N-....J -4
N""; p·2xlO
!:::! 0.15

9 0.10
z ~--~ _ _ _ _L -_ _- L____L -_ _~
0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10

Figure 11. Load-displacement diagrams for two-column structure with hlL = 0.1. The quantity
p = II [A (1TIL )2] (adapted from Brush and Almroth [4]).

Prebuckling solution or fundamental equilibrium path: Numerical solutions of Eq. (6)

are shown in Fig. 11 for two different structures, both with h/L = 0.1, one with
p = 2 X 10-4 and one with p = 4 X 10-4 . With increasing load the stiffness ap* /ao
decreases, and at a deformation corresponding to o/L = 0.04 (o/h = 0.4) a maximum
occurs in each of the two load displacement curves. Consider the case in which P is a
dead weight load. Then as the maximum is reached and the structure cannot carry
additional load, it snaps into an inverted position such that the two columns are
subjected to tension. The curves in Fig. 11 labeled p = 2 X 10- 4 and p = 4 X 10-4
are analogous to the curve OA C in Fig. 7(a).

Bifurcation buckling: We notice, however, that if N* > 1, i.e., N> E1(71/L)2 then
the columns will buckle. From the post-buckled load-deflection curve for the column
(Fig. 9) we see that for reasonably small buckling deflection the column deforms
under constant load N* = 1. For all practical purposes, then, we can assume that the
axial load for the buckled column is independent of the shortening and given by
N* = 1. A secondary or post-buckled equilibrium form with slightly bent bars is
represented by

* tan B - o/b
p = (7)
[1 -(tanB-o/b)2] li2

This equilibrium form corresponds to N* = 1 and exists only for values of 0 larger
than that for which buckling occurs.
At the point of intersection between the fundamental equilibrium path Eq. (6) and
the secondary solution represented by Eq. (7), the columns will begin to buckle. This
occurs for the more slender columns, p = 2 X 10-4 , at p* = 0.155. The load cannot be
Q 0.5
..( Symmetric
H Snap Through
H 0.3
p:: Bifurcation
U with Linear
0.2 ;,
Q Pre- "'" '"
r:zl buckling / '
~ .- with Nonlinear
H 0.1
",'" '"
'" Prebuckling

'" '" 0.10 0.15
Figure 12. Critical load of two-column structures as function of h / L (adapted from Brush
and Almroth [4]).

Figure 13. Two-column structure with spring (from Brush and Almroth [4]).

increased beyond this value: The structure fails by bifurcation buckling with the
columns temporarily bending during the process. For the structure with p = 4 X 10-4 ,
the point of intersection (bifurcation) occurs beyond the maximum in the primary
load displacement curve, indicating that the columns are straight at the inception of
snap-through. The behavior represented by the curve OA'B'D in Fig. 11 is analogous
to that represented by the curve OABD in Fig. 6; the behavior represented by the
curve OBD in Fig. 11 is analogous to that represented by the curve OBD in Fig. 7(a).
In bifurcation buckling analysis it is often assumed that nonlinearities and
geometrical changes in the pre buckling range can be omitted. As the columns buckle
at N* = 1, the critical load of the structure in such a model is
p* = 2 sin B = 2h1L. (8)
Figure 12 shows how the critical load of the two-column structure varies with the
parameter hiL. With hlL less than about 0.075 the structure will collapse at the
maximum in the load displacement curve-the columns are straight as snap-through
begins. With higher values of hlL the critical load is represented by the curve marked
"Bifurcation with Nonlinear Prebuckling". For comparison, the critical load is also
shown corresponding to the simplified analysis in which precritical deformations are
omitted (Eq. (8». For larger values of hlL this represents a good approximation. At
hlL = 1 it is a rigorous solution.

A / C ~ 1.S

, D
<3 0• 2

~ 0.1
Imperfect Structure

oa ..
i.. 01 Ih Ult O. 06 I. t I)
Figure 14. Load-displacement diagram for two-column structure with spring (h/L = 0.1) (adapted
from Brush and Almroth [4]).

Post-bifurcation stability: Consider now a structure that has been slightly modified as
shown in Fig. 13 by addition of a linear spring which carries a part of the load.
Figure 14 shows load displacement curves for two structures with h/ L = 0.1 and
p = 2 X 10-4 . One is without a spring (c = 0) and the other includes a spring with
spring constant c = 2.5. The load displacement diagrams with spring, primary and
secondary, are obtained by addition of p* SPRING = c(o / L) to the value of p* corre-
sponding to c = O.
With a spring, buckling occurs, of course, at the same value of oil. However, if
the spring constant is sufficiently large the slope of the line for the secondary solution
becomes positive. The increase of the load in the spring is more than sufficient to com-
pensate for the decrease in the load carried by the columns.
The two-column structure discussed here illustrates the behavior of structures of
a more general nature. For example, the curve in Fig. 11 labeled OA'B'D is typical of
failure of axially compressed cylindrical shells which buckle plastically and develop
nonsymmetric folds after the load has reached its maximum value, as shown in Fig.
6. The curve in Fig. 11 labeled OBD is typical of shallow spherical caps under uniform
external pressure in which nonlinear prebuckling effects are important but failure is
by nonsymmetric bifurcation buckling. A rather thick cylindrical shell under axial
compression deforms axisymmetrically throughout the collapse process. This would
be indicated in Fig. 11 by a primary equilibrium path similar in shape to the curve
OA 'B'C but lying under it and not intersecting the column bifurcation line at all. A
very thin complete spherical shell under uniform external pressure would have
a primary equilibrium path that is linear in the prebifurcation range OB. Similarly,
very thin cylindrical shells supported in such a way as to prevent early buckling
at the ends would display essentially linear prebifurcation behavior. Heavily stiffened
shells display behavior similar to that represented by the curve OBD in Fig. 14. After
the skin buckles at B, much of the load that was originally carried by it is gradually
transferred to the stiffeners as the depths of the buckles grow in the post-bifurcation

Loss of stability and imperfections: It is important to notice that in the passing of

a maximum in the primary path the structure loses stability. Under a load
exceeding this maximum there exists no equilibrium configuration in the immediate
neighborhood. The structure is set in motion and the process of buckling is violent.
On the other hand, the existence of a bifurcation point indicates only that the
equilibrium on the primary path loses its stability. The consequences of this loss
of stability on the primary path are not immediately clear. As the equilibrium on
the primary path loses its stability at the bifurcation point, the structural behavior
is governed by the conditions on the secondary path. Thus a bifurcation point signifies
only a load level at which a new deformation pattern begins to develop. It does not
necessarily indicate loss of structural stability in a physical sense. The equilibrium on
the secondary path may be unstable. This is the case in our example of a two-column
structure without the spring. In this case the loss of stability on the primary path
results in the loss of stability of the structure. Buckling is violent and in addition the
critical load is more or less sensitive to imperfections. With some initial crookedness
the columns begin to bend in the pre buckling regime. There is no real bifurcation but
the primary path approaches gradually the secondary path for a perfect structure. The
behavior of imperfect structures is indicated by the broken lines in Fig. 14.
On the other hand, if equilibrium on the secondary path is stable, as in the case
with c = 2.5 in Fig. 14, the structure can take additional load beyond the bifurcation
point. However, a new deformation pattern, in some sense orthogonal to the pre-
buckling configuration, begins to develop and the stiffness. of the structure may
be considerably reduced.

Buckling of plates

Fig. 15(a) shows a plate simply supported on all four edges and subjected to axial
compression. It is assumed that the axial load Px is applied by means of a rigid
block that enforces uniformity in the y-direction of axial edge displacement u o '
Figures 15 (b) and (c) show load-deflection curves for perfect and imperfect plates. In
tests of actual plates, which of course contain unavoidable imperfections, it is difficult
to detect the onset of buckling because it happens gradually, as one might expect from
Fig. 15 (b). The bifurcation point on the load-deflection curve for the perfect plate
does not correspond to failure of the structure, but indicates a load at which the
perfect plate starts to bow laterally. With further increase in uniform end shortening
above the bifurcation value, the axial compressive stress resultant N x begins to
redistribute, becoming.. more and more concentrated near the edge supports, as
depicted in Fig. 16 (b).
The stress resultant distributions across the width of the plate at a certain axial
station x are shown for four values of axial compression by the curves 1-1,2-2,3-3,
and 4-4 in Fig. 16 (b). At bifurcation the stress resultant is uniform and equal to Ncr.
Near the edges the axial fibers are straighter than they are near the middle. Therefore,
x x

Perfect plates
Imperfect plates

o o +

(al (b) (c)

Figure 15. Equilibrium paths for initially perfect plates subjected to uniform end shortening
(adapted from Brush and Almroth [4).

,1--------- a -------v

(a) x

r Ncr1


L~ I 2 3 4

p =U
x xmax
b I

Figure 16. Stress distribution in plate before and after buckling (adapted from Brush and
Almroth [4)).

the end shortening is accomplished primarily by membrane compression, resulting

,in a large N x ' Near the midwidth the same end shortening is accomplished primarily
by bending, resulting in a small N x . The behavior would be qualitatively similar if
the plate were compressed by uniform axial load rather than uniform end shortening:

Figure 17. Cylinder with completely developed elastic buckle pattern (from Horton et al.

The regions in the neighborhood of the ends x = 0 and x = a remain fairly straight
because of the restraint against lateral displacement w there. As the post-bifurcation
lateral displacement in the central region increases the edge regions at x = 0, a act as
webs which, through shear, transfer the load away from the central region of the plate
to similar effective axially oriented beams near the edges at y = ± b /2. These effective
axial beams carry most of the compressive load.
Approximate maximum loads for axially compressed stiffened plates are derived
for design purposes from the so-called von Karman effective width formula [27] :
in which beff is an effective width shown in Fig. 16(c) over which one can assume that
the load in the plate is carried, and N max is the maximum stress resultant that can be
carried because of yielding or some other stress failure criterion. In the past 'the
effective width formula (9) was used to calculate maximum bending moments carried
by airplane fuselages and wings.
Similar design procedures have been developed for plates subjected to inplane
bending or shear loading. A comprehensive discussion of the ultimate strength of
plates in bending, shear, and combined bending and shear is given in Chapter 5 of Ref.

"Classical" buckling of cylindrical and spherical shells

Cylindrical shells under axial compression

The problem of buckling of thin cylindrical shells under axial compression has received
far more attention than most problems in structural mechanics because of the extra-
ordinary discrepancy between test and theory which remained unexplained for so
many years. Hoff [29] gives a meticulous and very readable survey of work done
up to 1966. Brush and Almroth devote a major portion of a chapter of their book [4]
to the subject.



gJ 0.8


8 0

0.2 §

\0 00 o
A desIgn recomlMndlitlen
O~__~~~~~~~__- L__~~~~____~
o 500 1,.000 1,501 ::1,000 2,500 3,001 J,500

Figure 18. Distribution of test data for cylinders subjected to axial compression (from Brush
and Almroth [4 J).

~ b~
r.< 100

1 10 too 1,000 10.000

L2 V 2 )1/2
Z (1 -

Figure 19. Comparison of theoretical and experimental values for cylinders subjected to axial
compression (D = flexural rigidity) (from Brush and Almroth [4]).
.c ___ .L
o. --C - - - - --
b l/.!.!II
, /

u ~

"- Eo<

~ 0.3
H / V-

---- ~
::; 0.2
0 V
x rz:I
H ~
[:j ..:I 0.1 CASE (4) -



0 0 0.0
z Z 0 2 3 4


Figure 20(a). Effect of imperfections on Figure 20(b). Postbuckling curves for axially
load-deflection curve for axially compressed compressed monocoque cylinders calculated
monocoque cylinder (from Donnell and Wan with use of various trigonometric series to
[30) ). express the post-buckling deflection pattern
(from Hoff [29)).

The post-buckled state of an axially compressed cylinder is illustrated in Fig. 17.

During a test of even a very carefully made cylinder an isolated buckle initially appears
at an average stress considerably below the predicted bifurcation value of
This buckle is generally followed by a cluster of buckles in the same neighborhood
which very rapidly deepen, change shape, and spread over a considerable portion of
the surface. The post-buckled pattern shown in Fig. 17 was obtained by axial com-
pression of the cylinder with a close fitting mandrel inside to prevent excessive growth
of the buckles and consequent formation of plastic hinges at their boundaries. Thus
the buckle pattern spread over the entire surface. Figures 18 and 19 demonstrate the
dramatic discrepancy between test and theory over a wide range of radius-to-thickness
and length.
The most Significant trend of these data is the increasing discrepancy between test
and theory with increasing radius-to-thickness ratio a/h. It is this trend that provides
the clue that the discrepancy arises from the extreme sensitivity of the critical load
to initial imperfections: A reasonable measure of geometrical quality is the ratio of
initial deviation wo(x, 0) from the perfect cylindrical shape to thickness h. It is clear
that for a given fabrication method, this ratio will increase with increasing radius·to-
thickness ratio.
One of the first studies of the sensitivity of the critical load to initial geometric
imperfections was carried out by Donnell and Wan [30]. Figure 20(a) shows load-
deflection curves obtained from their analysis. The Koiter theory [6] , to be described
later, provides rigorous proof of the extreme sensitivity of the critical load to initial
geometric imperfections.

For many years several researchers attempted to obtain safe design loads for thin
axially compressed cylinders by using numerical methods to calculate the post-
buckling load deflection curve from nonlinear theory. It was thought that the
minimum post-buckling load would provide a lower bound to the load-carrying
capability of the shell. These attempts are very carefully documented by Hoff [29] ,
from which Fig. 20(b) is taken. The post-buckled curves labeled "CASE(I)", ...
"CASE(7)" indicate results of calculations on the digital computer with use of various
trigonometric series expansions to express the post-buckling deflection pattern. A con-
verged solution for the problem was never found. This approach was dropped because
the extensive experimental evidence in Fig. 18 shows that the predicted post-buckling
minimum load (CASE (7)) is unrealistically low to be useful as a guide to designers
for all but the very thinnest shells. Hence, the current approach is to use Koiter theory
combined with empirical results to provide a confidence index, as will be described
more fully later.
There was also an attempt to explain the discrepancy between test and theory
by consideration of various boundary conditions. These studies are surveyed by Hoff
[29]. The lowest critical load obtained for any set of edge conditions reported in Ref.
[29] is acr/acl == 0.38. This load requires the tangential displacement v to be free at
the boundaries. Several sets of edge conditions yield acr/acl = 0.5. However, they all
required that either the normal deflection w or tangential displacement v be free at
the edge. In view of measurements of deflections actually occurring during tests, it
appears that sufficient friction is present to prevent significant displacements v and w
at the edges. The critical mode for the cases in which v is free corresponds to 2
circumferential waves, which does not resemble observed buckling modes.
The cylinder under axial compression is very sensitive to small initial imperfections
because the critical buckling load corresponds to a mode the axial and circumferential
wavelengths of which are quite small compared to the radius. Also the critical load is
insensitive to wavelength. Note that the classical formula, originally derived for
axisymmetric buckling by Lorenz in 1908 [31] and for nonsymmetric buckling by
Timoshenko in 1914 [32], does not contain any reference to n or m, the number of
waves in the buckling pattern in the circumferential or axial directions, respectively.
Thus, a great variety of small initial imperfections occurring anywhere on the entire
shell surface would contain significant components of critical or almost critical
bifurcation buckling mode shapes, modes of deformation that would grow as the load
is increased, eventually causing snap-through at a load far below that predicted for
bifurcation buckling of the perfect shell, as shown in Fig. 20(a).

A caution for novice users of computer programs for buckling: It is worth emphasizing
that the problem of the axially compressed cylinder, which appears superficially to be
an excellent, simple test case for a person learning to use a computer program that he
has acquired elsewhere, is really quite demanding. The simplicity of the geometry
tempts one to use a discretization with fewer degrees of freedom than are needed to
obtain a converged solution corresponding to a buckling pattern with short axial
waves. The result obtained from the computer program will probably be compared
with the Timoshenko formula, Eq. (10), which is based on the assumption of a
uniform membrane prebuckling state. Depending on the edge conditions, the

Figure 21. Typical post-buckling pattern ofaxial1y compressed stiffened cylindrical shel1 (from
Singer and Abramovich [158]).

!! r 'l ~ ...
I.. VI
o '0" e "
III' ' l
"L. :.:
C ~ .!: "11 "-
E S I..
... 1:1

o » -»-» U ii:0'
.c »

20 22?3 24P5i26 27
2 3 [28 2 29 30 2 7
, ..
ReI. 33
. ..-.~" ;;~ :\.. .......

-' 1.0 .,
v..",:- ;-; ~'.-;.'\, ......

n.'"'" '"..-'

Q5 ~" . ';.": /'

. ...'
oil 010
~:" .~ \
Q.u .. I>" .. •
~ •• I
. , 'I

Figure 22. Comparison of test and theory for buckling of axially compressed cylindrical shells
with various wall constructions (from Almroth et al. [34]).

nonuniformity and nonlinearity of the pre buckling state near the edges lowers the
predicted critical load from 8% to 20%, as seen from the case described in detail in
the discussion in Ref. [430] associated with Figs. 29 to 32 in [430]. If nonlinear
prebuckling analysis is used, the problem is further complicated by the fact that the
nonsymmetric bifurcation buckling load is fairly close to the axisymmetric collapse
load. A final difficulty is that several eigenvalues for the bifurcation loads are clustered
near the critical load, especially in models for which edge effects in the prebuckling
phase are not present or are ignored by the computer program. All of these difficulties
are discussed in the example of the axially compressed monocoque cylinder presented
in Ref. [430]. The reader is urged to study that material before dismissing a computer
program because it "can't even predict the classical buckling load for an axially com-
pressed monocoque cylindrical shell".

Stiffened cylinders under axial compression: The post-buckling state of an axially

stiffened cylinder is shown in Fig. 21. Notice that the buckling mode has much longer
characteristic wavelengths than does that for the monocoque cylinder pictured in Fig.
17. This is due to the increased axial bending stiffness and results in milder sensitivity
of the buckling load to initial imperfections. Figure 22 shows ratios of experimental to

Figure 23. Typical post-buckled pattern Figure 24. Typical post-buckled pattern for
for long cylindrical shell under external medium-length cylindrical shell under external
hydrostatic pressure (from Ekstrom et al. hydrostatic pressure (from Harris et al. [36]).

0 D..
til 0
gJ N
p., ~
0 N
iii ....:l
t-:I ~


~0 ID..

Figure 25. Comparison of theoretical and experimental values for cylinders subjected to external
hydrostatic pressure (D = flexural rigidity) (from Brush and Almroth [4]).

theoretical buckling loads for a variety of cases, among them stringer stiffened shells.
Comparison of the ratio Ptest/Pel for stringer stiffened shells with that for monocoque
short cylinders and that for the other monocoque cylinders illustrated in Fig. 18
reveals the milder nature of the imperfection sensitivity of the stringer stiffened

Figure 26. Typical post-buckled pattern for unpressurized cylinder in torsion (from Harris
eta!. [36]).

r.. CJ
0 Cl

0 ~
..:l ..:l
P 10
~ ..I<:

I 10 100 1.000 10.000

_ L2
Z - ah (1 _ 1/ 2 ) 1/2

Figure 27. Comparison of theoretical and experimental buckling loads for cylinders subjected
to torsion (from Brush and Almroth [4]).

Cylinders under uniform external pressure or torsion: Figures 23-27 show post-
buckling states of cylinders subjected to hydrostatic pressure or torsion and com-
parisons between test and theory. As with the stringer stiffened axially compressed
cylinders, the buckling modes are characterized by long axial wavelengths and
relatively few circumferential waves which results in a milder sensitivity of buckling
loads to initial geometric imperfections. The most sensitive are short cylinders
(10";;;; Z";;;; 100) under hydrostatic compression, cases for which the bifurcation
buckling phenomenon resembles that for cylinders under a-xial compression (see Fig.

Figure 28. Post-buckled state of a thin-walled spherical shell under uniform external pressure.
Buckling motion is restrained by an interior mandrel (from Carlson et al. [39]).

lai / (bi lei
A 0
" 0 < ,1.<>.5

- - - - - . Unear Prebudling o • Complete Spher;,,1 Shell
Bifurcation Buckling Pressure
- - .. Nonlinear Prebuckling • ~ Spherical Cap Bifurcation


A> 20

Figure 29. Load-deflection curves and bifurcation buckling of caps with various values of the
shallowness parameter f.. = 2 [3 (1- VO)li4 (H/h)112].

Spherical shells under uniform external pressure: Kaplan [37] gives a thorough survey
of buckling of spherical shells subjected to uniform external pressure. Early tests
revealed that buckling initiates at some spot at which a small dimple forms. To the
writer's knowledge the formation of multiple buckles in a complete spherical shell,
as observed in axially compressed cylindrical shells, has not been observed for shells
without an interior mandrel. Figure 28 shows a post-buckled state in a shell with a
closely fitting interior mandrel. Each buckle sub tends a small solid angle, just as in
the case of an axially compressed monocoque cylinder in which each buckle covers
a very small fraction of the surface. As might be expected from this behavior, the
critical load of a spherical shell subjected to uniform external hydrostatic pressure
is highly sensitive to initial geometric imperfections.

Spherical caps: The fact that an initial buckle subtends a small solid angle stimulated
those initially interested in complete spherical shells to model the problem of buckling
of a complete spherical shell with use of a shallow spherical cap clamped at its edge.
Over the years the shallow cap configuration evolved into a "classical" problem
in its own right, studied with almost the same intensity and frequency as the axially
compressed cylinder. However, as demonstrated in Fig. 29, the shallow cap problem
has certain characteristics not present in the case of a complete spherical shell. These
arise from the presence of the edge.
In Fig. 29 load-deflection curves are shown corresponding to linear and nonlinear
theories for prebuckling axisymmetric deformations of caps clamped at the boundary.
The open circles on the linear load-deflection lines indicate bifurcation buckling at
the "classical" pressure for the complete spherical shell with the same radius-to-
thickness ratio as the spherical cap. The classical buckling stress is given by the same
formula as that for the cylindrical shell subjected to axial compression, Eq. (10).
A is a cap shallowness parameter given by
where H is the rise of the cap above the plane in which the edge lies, and h is the
For A less than about 7 or 8 the behavior of the shallow cap little resembles that of
the complete spherical shell. With A = 0 (flat circular plate) there is no similarity at
all: The load-deflection curve exhibits a stiffening characteristic which results from
the build-up of in-plane tension as the plate deforms (Fig. 29(a)). With A less than
about 3.5 the load-deflection curve has no horizontal tangent and no bifurcation point
so that there is no loss of stability on the primary equilibrium path(b). For A less than
about 6 there is axisymmetric snap-through, but no bifurcation buckling(c). For
A > 6 bifurcation buckling into a nonsymmetric mode occurs at a lower load than
either axisymmetric snap-through of the cap or classical buckling of a complete
spherical shell (d, e, f). Notice that as A increases above 7 the prebuckling behavior
becomes more and more linear. Figure 29(f) corresponds to a configuration in which
the cap is no longer "shallow" if that word may be used as a means of classifying
structural behavior: The nonuniformity of pre buckling behavior occurs in a relatively
narrow band or "boundary layer" near the edge. Any further increase in A results
in no further alteration in the curves or locations of the bifurcation points presented
in Fig. 29(f). No matter how high A is, the behavior of the incomplete spherical
shell clamped at its boundary will never be the same as that of the complete spherical
shell because the presence of the boundary gives rise to edge buckling at a pressure
from 80% to 90% of the classical value Pel.

ymmetric: Theory
::J 0.' ~~~~~------0---
til 0.1
~ 0.5
I'xl 0.4
• • •
I'xl 0.3
I'xl 0.2

0 10 II 10 10

).. = 2[3(1_1I 2 )]1/4(H/h)1/2

Figure 30. Early experimental results for clamped spherical caps under external pressure (fr.qm
Kaplan [37]). H is the rise of the apex of the cap above its base plane.

For actual spherical shells and shallow caps random imperfections playa major
role in the loss of stability under uniform external pressure. Figure 30 demonstrates
that the effect of initial imperfections is just as severe as in the case of cylindrical
shells subjected to axial compression.

Nonlinear collapse


As has been emphasized already in the discussion of the two-column shallow truss
(Figs. 10-14), loss of stability of a shell structure may be due to nonlinear collapse
("snap-through") or to bifurcation buckling. The purpose of this section is to present
many examples in which the failure mode is nonlinear collapse. Examples are given
of axisymmetric collapse of elastic-plastic-creeping monocoque cylinders under axial
compression and ring-stiffened cylinders under external hydrostatic pressure, of
general collapse of curved and straight pipes under uniform bending, of cylindrical
shells and panels with concentrated loads and cutouts, and of noncircular cylinders
under axial compression. The chapter closes with an example of axisymmetric collapse
of an axially compressed complex rocket interstage. The collapse is caused by a local
load path eccentricity that gives rise to concentrated bending and local plastic flow.

Elastic-plastic-creep collapse of axially compressed monocoque cylinders

No creep: Tests have been conducted on cylinders by Lee [40], Batterman [41],
Sobel and Newman [42], and others referenced in Sewell's survey [43]. Tests on
truncated cylinder-like (steep) conical shells have recently been conducted by Ramsey
[44]. In all the tests, end displacement was controlled. Local end effects such as
bulging due to Poisson's effect, so obvious in Fig. 6, are ignored in early analyses of
plastic buckling of axially compressed cylinders. Batterman [41] used flow theory
and Gerard [45] used deformation theory. Murphy and Lee [46] were the first to
include the effect of radial end restraint on plastic buckling load predictions. Their
predictions are shown in Figs. 31 and 32 with the results of Batterman [41], Gerard
[45], and Bushnell [47] superposed in Fig. 32. End effects are accounted for in the
analyses of Bushnell [47], who used the BOSOR5 computer program, and Sobel
and Newman [42], who used STAGSC [48]. All of the studies in which end effects
are included are based on incremental flow theory and all predict that the collapse
load corresponding to axisymmetrical deformation occurs before bifurcation, as
shown in Fig. 6. The comparisons between BOSOR5 predictions and Lee's tests [47]
'"IS 12

Z 8
-' 4

0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0


Figure 31. Radial deflection profiles for cylinder under increasing axial load (from Murphy and
Lee [46]).

Vl X TESTS (LEE. 1962)
o MURPHY & LEE (1971)
Iii'" 14 ...... -BOSORS (1976)

::.::: 0 12
< 10
8~ __~__~__~~__- L__~____~__~
o 10 20 30 40 70

Figure 32. Comparison of test and theory for plastic buckling of axially compressed cylinders
(adapted from Murphy and Lee [46]).

are listed in Table 1 and between BOSOR5 predictions and Batterman's tests [47] are
listed in Table 2. The far post-buckled collapse mode for cylinders with R/t less than
about 30 is shown in Fig. 33.
Two important conclusions can be drawn from the results presented in Figs. 31 and
32 and Tables 1 and 2:
(1) The inclusion of end radial restraint in theoretical models essentially eliminates
the discrepancy between test and theory, and reveals that in the case of plastic
buckling of axially compressed cylinders tested in the usual way it is not necessary to
resort to the use of bifurcation buckling analysis with deformation theory or flow
theory with a singularity in the loading surface in order to bring test and theory
into agreement.
(2) Fairly thick metallic cylinders (R/t < 90) are not very sensitive to initial
random imperfections if they buckle at stresses above the material proportional limit.
The axisymmetric bulge which develops near an end, so evident in Fig. 6 and in
Murphy and Lee's prediction shown in Fig. 31, represents a predictable "imperfection"

Table 1. Comparison of test and theory for axially compressed cylinders.

Model R/t Test (Lee BOSOR5 Highest Lowest
[1962] Prediction test/ test/
Load (lb) BOSOR5 BOSOR5
A300 46.1 5400 5202 1.038
A110 9090 8923 1.019 0.884
A210 29.2 8680
A310 7890
A120 14500
A220 19.4 14840 14328 1.036 1.005
A320 14400
A130 35000
A230 9.4 36100 33200 1.087 1.054
A330 36000

aAxisymmetric collapse predicted in all cases.

Table 2. Comparison of test and theory for axially compressed cylinders tested by Batterman
Model R/t Test stress BOSOR5 Test/
(psi) Predictiona BOSOR5
(clamped edges)
9 116.61 31770 44643 0.712
8 114.56 33030
10 113.60 35600 43478 0.820
17 89.33 43950
26 85.95 43690 45063 0.970
16 56.52 51380 52282 0.983
25 54.93 50640
15 44.69 55490
24 44.19 53380 55663 0.959
4 26.61 58200
3 26.56 58200
2 26.44 57100
1 26.18 58600
5 25.94 59570
6 25.88 58760 57422 1.023
14 19.71 61580 59175 1.041
23 19.66 61480
13 14.02 64110
22 13.93 63790 62886 1.014
18 9.76 70000
19 9.76 69320
20 9.76 69840 71225 0.980
12 9.70 69630
27 9.70 69230

aAxisymmetric collapse predicted in all cases.


Figure 33. Symmetric ultimate collapse pattern in plastic buckling of axially compressed cylin-
drical shells (from Horton et al. [38]).

that grows with load and is much more significant than any unknown imperfections
due to fabrication or handling errors, providing the cylinder is machined.
Gellin [49] shows that collapse loads of axially compressed cylinders buckling
in the plastic range are not as sensitive to initial axisymmetric imperfections as are
collapse loads of elastic cylinders. Hutchinson [SO] demonstrates the same result for
externally pressurized elastic-plastic spherical shells. This fact, the fact that the tangent
modulus of most metals decreases by more than an order of magnitude within a stress
range of 20% of the 0.2% yield stress, the fact that high quality cylinders with the
relatively low radius-to-thickness ratios required for plastic buckling are easier to
fabricate than those with high R/t, and the fact that significant predictable axi-
symmetric bulges due to radial end restraints grow as the load is increased, combine
to reduce dramatically the deleterious effect of random unknown imperfections.
We can therefore make fairly accurate predictions of collapse loads of axially com-
pressed cylinders tested in the usual way. Note that this conclusion may not apply to
cylinders in which the ends are locally tapered and other devices are introduced into
a test to prevent failure due to bulging as shown in Figs. 6 and 31. It also may not
apply to cylinders which have been fabricated by cold bending and welding rather than
by machining.

Creep included: Figure 34 shows the normal deflection (axisymmetric) near the
clamped end of an axially compressed cylindrical shell which creeps according to the
power law

in which €c is the effective creep strain. The material is stressed locally beyond the
proportional limit. The BOSOR5 computer program [47] was used to obtain the
results, which agree well with those from a test conducted by Samuelson [5 I]. The


0.16 "1025 !-ours (Collopse)

'4 8kg/mm
Plone- 1
0.14 j46.7mm 50mm
04mm I
_ 0.12

t 0.18
0 0 .16
~ 0.14 t = 0 to 0.1 hours

~ ~ W ~ ~ 35 40 45 50

Figure 34. Axisymmetric creep buckling of axially compressed cylindrical shell (from Bushnell
[ 47]).

small plots inserted within the frame of the large plot show peak normal displacement
near the edge and applied loading as functions of time.
Axisymmetric creep collapse is caused by the increasingly rapid growth of the edge
bulge caused by the Poisson effect coupled with radial restraint at the end of the
cylindrical shell. In addition to creep, local plastic flow occurs due to bending in the
waves near the clamped end.

Creep collapse of ring-stiffened cylinder under external hydrostatic pressure

Figures 35(a) and 36(a) show a titanium ring-stiffened cylinder and axisymmetric
collapse mode due to uniform external hydrostatic pressure applied in steps as shown
in Fig. 35(b). The creep law for the titanium is
in which m = 13.89 and n = 0.189 and €c is the effective creep strain. The dots along
the middle surface of the cylindrical shell shown in Fig. 35(a) indicate nodal points
in the axisymmetric discretized model [47]. Symmetry conditions were applied at
the symmetry plane, as is evident in the deflected shapes plotted in Fig. 36(a).
Solutions were obtained for each time indicated by a dot in the loading schedule
plotted in Fig. 35(b).
Figure 36(b) gives load-deflection curves for computer runs in which the creep is
neglected and included. If creep is neglected the predicted failure mode is nonaxi-
symmetric bifurcation buckling with 12 circumferential waves at a pressure of about
1810 psi. The pre buckling deflected shape (exaggerated) and the bifurcation buckling

+ -----.L..
- -
Symmetry Plane

, 1.8785-j~=====


1.2425 ------j~======::::J


Figure 35(a). Ring-stiffened titanium cylinder under external hydrostatic pressure with nodal
points used in the BOSORS analysis indicated (from Bushnell [47]).


1880 psi
1680 psi
e -- /1500 pSI 1640 pSI /

~-/~~'6~JO~P_Sl______-J1-----r----r1 10 (T,p,)


t C " (liegoo )1389 ,0.183

o I 2 3 4 10 40 99 100 105 125 170 270


Figure 35(b). Loading schedule for titanium ring-stiffened cylinder (from Bushnell [47]).

, ;----- ------
1___________ _
I (b)



, 1------ -----

1 ______ - - - - - -
Figure 36(0). Axisymmetric collapse of ring-stiffened cylinder with creep included in the analysis
(from Bushnell [47] ).

axisymmetric collapse at a pressure of about 1700 psi. The presence of creep causes
the axisymmetric inward deflection between the second and third ring (Fig. 36(a)) to
be bigger than it would be with creep neglected in the analysis, leading to a lower
axisymmetric collapse load.

Snap-through a/very shallow spherical caps

From Fig. 29 we saw that for small "shallowness" parameter A. spherical caps clamped
at the edge collapse axisymmetrically rather than exhibit nonsymmetric bifurcation
buckling. Figure 29(c) shows a load-deflection curve for such a case. In a test in which
the pressure is held constant rather than the displacement, the cap would snap through
to its inverted state at the pressure for which the load-deflection curve has a horizontal
tangent. Figure 37 shows instability pressure vs. shallowness parameter and com-
parisons between test and theory for very carefully fabricated specimens. This figure





.' , n= 12 Woves

= 1150

A",I mmetric
1700 . Collopse

~ f-n-hr hold-/
;t 16ea
72-hr hold
UJ 1600
t' "(1/:000)'3.89 ,0.183

0.020 0.024 0.02B


Figure 36(b). Load-deflection curves for externally pressurized ring-stiffened cylinder with and
without primary creep included in the analysis (from Bushnell [47]).

Figure 36(c). Prebuckling deflected shape at the bifurcation pressure and the bifurcation buckling
mode for ring-stiffened cylinder with creep neglected in the analysis (from Bushnell [47]).

should be compared to Fig. 30, on which many early test points corresponding to less
well made specimens are included. The predicted transition at about A = 6 from
axisymmetric collapse to nonsymmetric bifurcation buckling is qualitatively supported
by the newer test results displayed in Fig. 37.

~O.8 o Bifurcation (asymmetric)
I.U(".)' 0
0°000 0
o 0
o 0
o 0
o Test data

4 12 16
A - 2[3(1-.')]"4(H/h)l/l

Figure 37. Comparison of more recent tests with theory for clamped spherical caps under
uniform external pressure (from Brush and Almroth [4]).

Straight and curved tubes under bending and external pressure


One of the earliest efforts in nonlinear structural analysis was presented in 1926 by
Brazier [52]. His paper is concerned with the problem of the stability of cylindrical
shells under bending. If a long tube is subjected to bending, its cross section flattens.
Consequently, its bending stiffness deteriorates with increasing load. The primary
path, a graph showing the bending moment as a function of applied curvature, exhibits
a maximum. Brazier performed a somewhat approximate analysis and found that the
limit of stability is given by
2y'2 Errah2
M = -9- ~ (14)

If the maximum stress caused by this moment is computed with use of the undistorted
cross section properties we find (with v = 0.3)
UCR = 0.33E(h/a). (15)
The problem of stability of circular cylindrical shells under bending was solved as a
bifurcation buckling problem by Seide and Weingarten in 1961 [53]. Assuming that
the pre buckling behavior can be defined with sufficient accuracy by a linear membrane
solution, they found that the critical buckling stress is only 1.5 percent higher than the
critical uniform compression stress for a shell with a/h = 100. For thinner shells the
difference is even smaller. Thus for all practical purposes, the critical stress corre-
sponding to the Seide-Weingarten model with v = 0.3 is
UCR = 0.605 E(h/a). (16)
This value is well above the critical stress found by Brazier for infinitely long cylinders.
B undary conditions usually restrict deformations so that at the shell edges the cross
section remains circular. This restrains the cross section flattening at all axial stations.
Finite length shells therefore collapse at load levels that are higher than are predicted by

Brazier's analysis. For sufficiently short shells the pre buckling behavior is well
approximated by the linear membrane solution. With neglect of the effect of initial
imperfections Eq. (16) represents a satisfactory solution.
For longer shells there is a coupling between the flattening of the cross section
and the formation of a short axial wavelength or wrinkling buckle pattern. The
flattening of the cross section increases the local radius as well as the actual bending
stress. Consequently, it reduces the load level at which the wrinkling pattern appears.
For the infinitely long shell we must consider the possibility that the critical load
corresponds to bifurcation from a nonlinear prebuckling state. For a cylinder of
finite length, the wrinkling pattern is not orthogonal to the smooth prebuckling
flattening mode and therefore we do not have a situation of pure bifurcation.
However, the wrinkling mode as a component of the prebuckling displacement is
extremely small until a load level is reached at which it begins to grow rapidly. The
structural behavior is therefore approximately the same as if a bifurcation point
did exist.

Long tubes and elbows: A survey of work done

The elastic'plastic collapse and bifurcation buckling analysis of straight and curved
tubes subjected to bending is needed for design and evaluation of nuclear power
plant piping components, offshore pipelines, and other structures involving tubular
members. Most of the recent work on piping has been motivated by a desire to be able
to predict stress, stiffness, and limit moments of piping systems in nuclear reactors.
Since the most flexible and highly stressed piping components are elbows, a significant
portion of the total effort has been focused on test and analysis of various elbows
under in·plane and out.of·plane moments. In the offshore oil industry the laying of
underwater oil pipelines involves bending of rather large diameter straight pipes in
the presence of external hydrostatic pressure. The degree of ovalization of the pipe
cross section under bending is very much affected by the external pressure, as will
be seen later.

Elastic models: The bending of elastic piping components is explored in Refs. [52]-
[62]. Brazier [52] was the first to calculate collapse moments, including in his theory
the important effect of increasing ovalization (flattening) of the pipe cross section as
the bending moment is increased. Clark and Reissner [54] used an asymptotic
formulation in which ovalization of initially curved tubes under bending is assumed
to be symmetric about a tube diameter normal to its plane of curvature. Wood [55]
expanded Brazier's treatment to include pressure, and Reissner [56] further improved
the theory by including higher order nonlinear terms and introducing the effect of
pressure on the bending of slightly curved tubes. Aksel'rad [57] was the first to
predict bifurcation buckling of straight pipes under bending, including the effect of
flattening of the cross section in the prebuckling analysis. In all of the analyses just
cited, end effects are ignored; the pipes are assumed to be infinitely long. Stephens
et a1. [58] used the STAGS computer program [48] to calculate collapse and
bifurcation buckling of initially straight tubes of finite length. For tubes with radius-
to-thickness R/t = 100 they carried out a parameter study, predicting limit and

bifurcation bending moments for length-to-radius ratios 3.4 ~ L/R ~ 20. They
included internal and external pressure in their analysis.
Elastic analyses of piping elbows have been performed by Dodge and Moore [59]
who wrote a computer program, ELBOW, based on a model similar to Clark and
Reissnefs [54] and Hibbitt et al. [60], introduced a curved piping finite element into
the MARC computer program [63]. This element, called # 17 in the MARC element
library, is based on neglect of elbow end effects. Discretization is in the circum-
ferential coordinate only. Sobel [61] used the MARC # 17 element in a convergence
study with mesh size. He referred to Clark and Reisnner's asymptotic formulas to
establish optimal finite element nodal point density in the hoop direction as a function
of elbow geometry. Rodabaugh et al. [62] performed a study of 45 0 , 90 0 , and 1800
elbows, determining the stiffening effects of straight pipes attached to the ends of the
elbows. They used the EPACA computer program [64] for their al1alysis in which end
effects are included. Although EPACA includes the capability to treat structures
made of elastic-plastic material, the work described in Ref. [62] is restricted to
elastic behavior.

Bending tests on long elastic-plastic straight pipes and elbows: Several test programs
on bending of elastic-plastic straight pipes and elbows have been carried out in the
past 15 years. Bolt and Greenstreet [65] give load-deflection curves for 14 commercial
6-in. diameter carbon steel elbows and one 6-in. diameter stainless steel elbow with
and without internal pressure. Vrillon et al. [66] compare test and theory for the
in-plane bending of a 180 0 elbow subjected to both opening and closing moments.
They used the TRICO program [67] for their analysis. Sherman [68] tested several
straight pipes, noting formation of relatively short axial wavelength buckles just
before collapse. A comparison between one of Sherman's experiments and theoretical
results obtained with a modified version of the BOSOR5 computer program [47],
[69] is given later. Sobel and Newman [70] describe a test on a 90 0 elbow carried out
on themultiload test facility (MLTF) at the Westinghouse Advanced Reactors Division.
Bung, et al. [71] ran tests at elevated and room temperature on stainless steel

Elastic-plastic piping analysis: There are basically three types of elastic-plastic piping
analysis for the prediction of stress, stiffness, and buckling failure of straight and
curved tubes and combinations thereof:
(1) a "brute force" method in which the tubes are divided into a two-dimensional
field of finite elements;
(2) a simplified model in which tube end effects are ignored and discretization is
in the circumferential coordinate only;
(3) a further simplified model in which resultant forces and moments integrated
over the tube cross section are related to strains and changes in curvature of the tube
axis (beam model).
The STAGSC computer program [48], the EPACA code [64], and the TRICO
code [67] have been used for the "brute force" analysis of elastic-plastic elbows
attached to straight pipes. Vrillon et al. [66], Roche and Hoffman [72] and Skogh
and Brogan [73] used these general-purpose shell analysis computer programs to



Assume that:
RdY " bde

k = lIR - lib


dY /

Figure 38. In-plane bending of curved pipe: (a) initial confirguration (b) uniformly bent con-
figura tion.

calculate moment-deflection curves for combinations of straight pipes and elbows,

including elastic-plastic material behavior and moderately large deflections. Remseth
et al. [74] calculated elastic-plastic collapse of straight tubes subjected to combined
bending and external pressure in a ty;o-dimensionally discretized model in which
arbitrarily large rotations are permitted. These nonlinear analyses require large
amounts of computer time. The more economical but less rigorous one-dimensionally
discretized model has been employed by Mello and Griffin [75] and Sobel and
Newman [76] who used the MARC computer program [63] element # 17 [60],
and by Bushnell [69], who modified BOSOR5 [47] to obtain predictions for the
bending and buckling of straight pipes and elbows. The most economical and more
approximate beam-type models have been used by Roche et al. [77], Spence and
Findlay [78,79] and Calladine [80]. Popov et al. [81] used a beam bending model
combined with a rigorous axisymmetric large deflection elastic-plastic analysis to
predict axial wrinkling of pipes under combined internal pressure, axial loading and

flexure. However, they neglect the important effect of ovalization of the pipe cross
section during bending.

Axisymmetric model of long pipe or elbow-bending problem

In the following section results from an approximate analysis of the second type
(one-dimensional discretization) are given for a straight pipe and an elbow. The
theoretical results were obtained with a modified version of BOSOR5 [47, 69].
In [69] a uniformly curved pipe is treated as if it were part of a toroidal shell. The
model is similar to that described in Ref. [82]. Bending in the plane of the curvature
of the pipe centerline is applied by means of an appropriate temperature distribution
over the pipe cross section, as is described in [69] and summarized here. Every cross
section of the uniformly curved pipe is assumed to deform identically. Therefore,
the structure can be treated as a shell of revolution, a torus. Figure 38(a) shows the
undeformed curved pipe reference surface with centerline radius of curvature, b,
and meridional radius of curvature, a. The centerline radius of curvature of the
deformed pipe reference surface (Fig. 38(b)) is R and the cross section has ovalized
such that a generator that was originally at a radius r = b + a cos <P is now at a radius
R + z, where Z is given by
z = (a+w)cos</>-usin</>. (17)
If we assume that the centerline remains inextensional, the reference surface axial
strain is
(R +z)"R-(b +a cos</»
e = (18)
b + a cos </>
Rearrangement of Eq. (18) and use of the relationships
cos </> = r1R2; sin </> = -r' == - dr/ds (19)
leads to the expression

b ,R
(1 I)
a - - - cos</>
e = -(wIR 2 + ur Ir) +----- (20)
R a
1+ - cos </>
in which R2 is the normal circumferential radius of curvature of the reference surface
of the undeformed torus, r is the radius to a point on the torus reference surface, and
r' is the derivative of r with respect to meridional arc length s. These quantities are
indicated in Fig. 38(c).

Simulation of the pipe bending problem by thermal loading of a torus: In order to use
BOSOR5 to treat the problem of elastic-plastic bending and bifurcation buckling of
a curved pipe, it is necessary to write the axial strain given by Eq. (20) as a stress-
producing prebuckling hoop strain for the shell-of-revolution (torus) analysis. This is


___ Axis of Revolution

(Node Point 37) (Node Point 1)

I~ b

Figure 38(c). Discretization of pipe modeled as toroidal segment.

easily done by definition of the pre buckling stress-producing hoop strain as

e = e2-0i2AT (21)
in which, from Eq. (20) it is seen that

e2 = ~(W/R2 + ur'/r) (22)

AT = -a('!' _.!.)
R b
cos I/>
1 +Z; cos I/>
In this way, the problem of bending of a curved pipe is simulated by a problem of a
nonuniformly heated torus. Further details of the analysis are given in [69] .

Collapse and bifurcation buckling moment of a long straight pipe: Figures 39 and
40 pertain to the elastic-plastic bending, collapse, and bifurcation buckling of a
straight pipe tested by Sherman [68]. (In Sherman's tests there was no pressure,
Figure 39 shows test results and the results of two BOSOR5 runs, one in which
the pressure is zero and the other in which the pressure is one-half the external

'er 114 mmj OF THE PIPE CROSS SECTION 0.07
1.5 IBOSOR5)
.-0'" _ __ .1-----0 - ____ -0
~ 0.06
/~~~-- --- b.I p ,lp • Et31D3 p, 0
",0""'''''' 1 2 er 0.05
'" 1.0 ~
ISherman. 1976) "i
,'/~6DID '"
IBOSOR5) 0.03
0.5 ",



0.025 0.05 0.075 0.1 0


Figure 39. Bending of straight pipe with and without external pressure .

.,.,.,.,----- ...........
;.-- '~

(a) p =0

Symmetry Plane

k = 0.0432 m- 1

//- ---- ....... ,
/ / (b) P = lp = Et 3'D 3 ""
/ 2 cr \
/ \
/ Symmetry Plane \

1 \ \
-+-'- __
13.67--/ 2.934 --j
267.87 m m - - - - - l

Figure 40. Ovalization of straight pipe with and without external pressure under imposed
curvaturek = O.0432m-'.

xl0Sr - - - - - - - - -___________--,


E 1.0
-l ~ 396.6 mm

O.S '- M
10.41 mm

o L - _ - L_ _ ~_~ __ ~_~ __ ~_~ __ ~

0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 O.OS 0.06 0.07


Figure 41. Comparison of test and theory for elastic-plastic bending of 90 0 elbow.

pressure Per that would cause buckling in the absence of an applied bending moment,
M. The pipe material is elastic perfectly plastic with a yield strength of 421 N/mm 2 •
The quantity k is the curvature change of the pipe axis (Fig. 38(b )). With zero external
pressure, bifurcation buckling is predicted to occur at an applied moment slightly
below that corresponding to nonlinear collapse due to flattening of the cross section.
Thus, in a test of such a pipe one would expect to see relatively short axial-wavelength
wrinkles or a single wrinkle appear just before failure. Indeed Sherman observed the
formation of such buckles in his tests.
With external pressure, ovalization or flattening of the pipe cross section is pre-
dicted to occur more precipitously with increasing applied curvature change
k = (l/R - lib). Note, however, that the maximum moment-carrying capability of
the pipe is not much less than that of the pipe without external pressure. In the case
treated here bifurcation buckling occurs with a somewhat shorter axial wavelength
at a value of k slightly greater than that corresponding to collapse due to flattening
of the cross section. Hence, if the moment M is applied rather than the curvature
change k, axial wrinkles would not appear before failure. Figure 40 shows the pre-
dicted deformations of the pipe cross sections with and without external pressure at
k = 0.0432 m -1. The deformations are exaggerated but plotted to the same scale in
Figs. 40(a) and 40(b).

Collapse of a 90 0 elastic plastic elbow: Figure 41 shows a moment-deflection curve

from a test on a 304 stainless steel elbow by Sobel and Newman [70] compared with

0.6 t/r rlt c 100

1.0 3.11

u 6
:E 0.8
..... ..... ---- ---
0 0.16 BRAZIER]


o 2 II 6 8 10 12 1 II 16 18 20 22 211

Figure 42(a). Load-deflection curves and maximum moment for bending of unpressurized
straight cylindrical shells with various L/r. The ends are constrained to ramain circular (from
Stephens et al. [58]).

2 0 r t Cylinders




'"t:; 0,3
..J UJ
<i :::::::
x '-
: bU
5 0.2 STAGS Results
f-- o Collapse
U v Incipient Buckling (Bifurcation)


o~ ____ ______ ____ ______ ______

~ ~ ~ ~

o 15 20 25

Figure 42(b). Collapse due to cross section ovalization and short-qxial-wavelength bifurcation of
cylindrical shells subjected to bending. The ends are constrained to remain circular (from Stephens
et al. [58]).
results from the BOSOR5 analysis just summarized. The BOSOR5 results under-
estimate the true strength because straight pipe sections to which the elbow was
attached in the test as well as attachment flanges prevented the ends of the test elbow
from flattening as the moment was increased. In the BOSOR5 analysis the degree of
ovalization is assumed to be constant along the curved axis of the elbow. Unlike the
case of the straight pipe, there is no bifurcation involving short axial waves or wrinkles
before the maximum moment is reached. Other results for both opening and closing
moments and 180 0 elbows are presented in [69].

Collapse and bifurcation buckling due to bending of straight elastic pipes of finite
length: Stephens et al. [58] investigated the effect of length on instability of straight
elastic tubes. Figures 42( a) and (b) demonstrate this effect. The ends of the pipes are
constrained to remain circular. Figure 42( a) gives load-deflection curves (dashed)
and maximum moments (solid) for pipes of various length-to-radius Llr with radius-
to-thickness rlt = 100. The normalization factor Mer is
which, for !J = 0.3, corresponds closely to the critical moment originally calculated
by Seide and Weingarten in 1961 for bending of simply supported cylindrical shells
[53]. This formula results when one assumes that the moment Mer is generated by
an axial resultant N x that varies around the circumference as
Nx = Ncrcos fJ (25)
so that
For short cylinders under bending, buckling is of the bifurcation type and occurs
approximately for Ncr equal to the critical value corresponding to uniform axial
compression, that is
Ncr = 0.605Et 2 1r (27)

Use of the right-hand-side of Eq. (27) in Eq. (26) yields the result for Mer given in
Eq. (24).
As shown in Fig. 42(b), straight unpressurized cylinders of any length subjected
to bending become unstable by bifurcation buckling, not by snap-through at a limit
point on the load-deflection curve. However, the bifurcation point lies just below the
limit point throughout the range of Llr. Furthermore, for long cylinders bifurcation
occurs only after considerable flattening of the cylinder cross section, as can be seen
from Fig. 42(a). The results of the analysis of Stephens et al. [58] are included in this
major section on nonlinear collapse rather than in the next on bifurcation buckling
because they obtained them via a collapse or limit load analysis with use of the STAGS
computer program [48]. They did this by introduction of a very small initial
imperfection with a short axial wavelength
wi! t = (10- 3 ) cos (rr(LI2 - x )/11.) cos nO (28)

Llr = 10
r It = 100
~ -0.3 piPer = -0. 5 0.636

~ -0,2 0.634
:; -0.1
o i 0.632

0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
(aJ (bJ

Figure 43, Determination of collapse load for the axial shortwave wrinkling mode of failure
in cylindrical shell in bending: a) axial distribution of displacement; b) moment-deflection curve
for wrinkling component "a" of total displacement, w (from Stephens et al. [58]).

in which
"AIL = 0.017 and
n = { 3 for 6 ~ Llr ~ 15
2 for Llr = 20
Thus, Stephens et al. [58] converted a bifurcation point such as Point B in Fig. 7(a)
into a "snap-through" point such as Point E. Because the initial imperfection given by
Eq. (28) is so small, this limit point for all practical purposes coincides with the
bifurcation point.
The nonlinear collapse is defined in [58] as that load for which the curve relating
the applied bending moment to the growth of an axial wrinkle of the form given in
Eq. (28) has a horizontal tangent. Generally, this axial wrinkle does not begin to grow
until a considerable amount of bending moment has been applied. The procedure for
determining buckling loads is illustrated in Fig. 43 for a cylinder with geometric
properties of Llr = 10 and rlt = 100, and an external pressure equal to -0.5Per'
where Per is defined in [58] as
Per = 0.926 EtS/2/(r3/2L). (30)
Usually, the growth of the wrinkling mode is not easily detected since its amplitude
is small in comparison to other shell deformations, in particular, to the Brazier type
flattening of the pipe cross section. To detect the growth of the wrinkling mode it is
convenient to take a displacement state at a load level near where this gorwth is
suspected to initiate and use it as a datum state. This datum state is subtracted from all
subsequent displacement fields at higher load levels. The difference ow in the normal
displacements is calculated at the meridian of maximum compression and is plotted as
a function of axial distance in Fig. 43(a), where an axial wave of amplitude "a" is
shown to be developing near the midlength of the cylinder. The applied bending
moment is then plotted as a function of the amplitude of the wave as shown in Fig.
43(b). If this moment versus amplitude curve approaches a horizontal tangent, then a
mode of collapse has occurred which is called the short-wave axial buckling mode in
[58] .
After wrinkling starts to develop, the wrinkle amplitude increases rapidly with small

increases in load. The rapid growth, although not a true bifurcation, may be considered
to indicate that bifurcation based on a nonlinear prebuckling state would have
occurred near this load if no imperfections had been present. In [58] collapse is
assumed to occur when relatively large increases in wrinkle amplitude occur for
increases of moment of the order of 0.01%. Buckling and, therefore, collapse for this
particular example occurs at approximately a value of M equal to 0.636Mcr.
Other results, including the effect of internal and external pressure, are given in
[58] .

Collapse of cylindrical panels and shells with concentrated loads and



Most of the examples of nonlinear collapse shown so far can be analyzed with
mathematical models in which the discretization is one-dimensional. An exception is
the collapse of finite length tubes in bending just described. The problems described
in this section must be treated with two-dimensional discretization. The distinction
between one- and two-dimensional discretization is important because of the great
difference in computer cost for cases with equivalent nodal point density. With one-
dimensionally discretized models, convergence with increasing nodal point density
is not too important because one can generally afford to provide more than enough
nodes to be on the safe side. With two-dimensionally discretized models, however,
limitations of budget for computer runs and limitations of computer core and
auxiliary mass storage capacity often dictate the use of models with rather sparse
nodal point distributions. The quality of the solutions is questionable because the
sparsely discretized models behave differently from the actual continuum and the size
or even the sign of the error is rarely known.
Prediction of nonlinear collapse of structures that require two-dimensional
discretization is expensive because large systems of equations must be set up and
solved iteratively for many load increments. These systems of equations have fairly
large bandwidths. The great expense of solving such systems has been a motivating
factor in the search for efficient and accurate numerical strategies. Many of these are
described in Ref. [8]. One of the strategies is to treat the two-dimensional problem
as a linear bifurcation problem, a modeling technique that is usually more appropriately
applied in cases involving shells of more general geometry. (In the linear bifurcation
model the lowest bifurcation point on the linear pre buckling load-deflection line is
calculated. The point shown in Fig. 23 of [430] corresponding to the pressure Plb is an
example.) This shortcut is cheaper because it involves solution of only one linear
equilibrium problem plus one eigenvalue problem, which is usually equivalent to
solution at about two to four load steps of a nonlinear equilibrium analysis. We shall
see several cases in this section, however, for which the linear bifurcation model is
The question arises, of what use would a nonlinear bifurcation model be? There are
two reasons why such a model is not usually advantageous. In the first place, bifurcation
central load
P(krN~) ____________________________- ,

- - Sabir and Lock (1973)

0.7 - - ..... - - Bergan et a'1.

06 -" ,

03 ,,
R .. 2540 mm
02 ,, l • 254
h· 635
8: 01 rod
01 E- 310275 N/mm2 I
, • 03

- 0.1

- 0.2 I


- 0.4

Figure 44. Load-deflection curves for hinged cylindrical panel (from Bergan et a!. [84]).

from the nonlinear fundamental state in perfect two-dimensional nonlinear shell

problems is much more rare than for axisymmetric shells simply because there is
less symmetry in the two-dimensional case. Therefore, bifurcation modes that are
orthogonal to the prebuckled state determined from nonlinear analysis are less likely
to exist. In the second place, it is generally just as expensive to calculate the non-
linear prebuckling state for the perfect system as it is to calculate the nonlinear pre-
collapsed state for the same system in which a small general imperfection has been
introduced in order to convert any bifurcation points, such as Point B in Fig. 7(a),
into limit points, such as Point E.
The only way in which a nonlinear bifurcation model might be used to advantage
would be to provide intermittent estimates of the collapse load such that the total
number of load increments required to find this critical load is reduced. Also, it may
turn out that collapse corresponds to rapid development of a short wave mode super-
posed on a smooth precollapsed state, as is seen in the example of <he finite length
tube in bending. In such cases one might set up two discretized models, a fairly crude
one to capture the smooth nonlinear precritical deformation and a locally fine one in
order to calculate accurately the short wave bifurcation from the smooth precritical
deformed state. The generally expensive pre bifurcation nonlinear iterative solution
would be carried out with the sparsely discretized model and the far less frequently
performed eigenvalue analysis would be carried out with the more finely discretized



...<w II =: 0.3
R=2.5in •

E = 10 7 psi



Figure 45. Load-deflection curves for a cylindrical panel with bifurcation buckling loads pre-
dicted from linear theory. These results demonstrate the inadequacy of a linear bifurcation model
(from Aim roth and Brogan [85]).

Cylindrical panels and shells with concentrated normal loads

Panels: Figure 44 shows a panel simply supported on all four edges. This panel
collapses and snaps through to an inverted position. The strategy used to follow the
load-deflection curve over the maximum is described in [84] and summarized in [8] .
Bergan et al. calculated the entire dashed curve with load incrementation and
decrementation. A similar configuration is shown in Fig. 45. In this example the
cylindrical panel has free longitudinal edges. The simply supported panel collapses
because distortion (flattening) of the cylindrical cross section reduces the axial
bending stiffness, an effect similar to the Brazier flattening of a long complete
cylindrical shell due to bending. If the curves edges are restrained from axial motion
(clamped), axial tension develops as the panel deflects, preventing collapse.
Note that linear bifurcation buckling predictions for this case bear little relationship
to the true behavior. In the simply supported case the linear bifurcation load greatly
overestimates the load at which the panel collapses because the bifurcation analysis
does not account for the flattening of the cross section. In the clamped case bifurcation
is predicted when no collapse occurs because the linear analysis does not account for
the stabilizing axial tension that develops in the panel as it deflects vertically.

Complete cylindrical shells: Okubo, et al. [86] investigated the instability of

cylindrical shells under combined internal pressure, bending, and inward-directed


.1000 _-a-_._-....
:!fi! )T
c: t L
Q 1
~ 600
General Instab . • 12/7/67
Local Instability 0 1217167
General Instab. A 2/14/68
200 Local Instability t::. 2/14/68

o ~___;:_'~--;;-L~___;;_l;;;___;;_I_;;;;_~~~~+.....__+._;__~.
o 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 .18
Figure 46. Experimental critical bending moment vs. radial concentrated load for cylindrical
shell with L/r = 2.33, R/t := 371, t:= 0.014 in., E:= 625,000psi (from Okubo et al. [86]).

concentrated normal loads. For small concentrated loads the cylinders failed in
a general instability mode that resembles the buckling mode of a cylinder under
uniform axial compression: A cluster of buckles, centered on the site of the con-
centrated load, develops on the compression side of the cylinder. In these cases the
contribution of the concentrated load is to produce an effective imperfection that
triggers general instability. The shell cannot sustain higher bending moments after
buckling. For large concentrated loads there are two failure modes: Initially the
moment-deflection curve displays a local maximum which corresponds to a local
snapping phenomenon involving development of a single dimple at the site of the
concentrated load. At this maximum the overall compressive stress from the bending
moment is small enough so that the buckle pattern does not spread to regions remote
from the location of the concentrated load. The shell sustains moments in excess of
this local maximum, eventually failing as before in general instability.
Figure 46 is one of the interaction curves experimentally determined by Okubo
et al. [86] for the case of no internal pressure. The solid lines represent a curve-
fitting of the experimental data. Essentially the same failure loads were found for the
same specimen tested on two different dates. For concentrated loads Q less than about
0.03Ib, the critical moment is unaffected: The concentrated load simply produces
an imperfection that is less than or equally severe to those already present in the
unloaded shell. For large concentrated loads, local instability or snapping precedes
general instability. The moment-deflection curve has a local peak analogous to that
shown for the axially compressed oval cylinder in Fig. 4 of Ref. [430]. The critical
moment corresponding to general instability exceeds that corresponding to local
snapping and is independent of the value of the concentrated load Q. In this range of
Q the imperfection created by the concentrated load acts essentially as a cutout,
as shall be seen from results presented next. For the intermediate range of Q the
critical moment depends on Q and the load deflection curve monotonically increases
until failure of the shell occurs in a general instability mode.

JIll' •

Figure 47. Initial buckling of axially com- Figure 48. Post-buckled state of axially
pressed aluminum cylinder with rectangular compressed cylinder with rectangular cutout
cutout (from Almroth and Holmes [87]). (from Almroth and Holmes [87]).



Figure 49. Equilibrium paths for axially compressed cylindrical shell with two diametrically
opposed cutouts (from Brush and Almroth [4]).

Co/lapse ofaxially compressed cylindrical shells with cutouts

Rectangular cutouts: Figures 47-53 pertain to this section. Figures 47 and 48 show a
buckled cylinder which has two diametrically opposed rectangular cutouts. A plot
of load vs. normal deflection at a point on the edge of the cutout is given in Fig. 49,
along with a prediction of failure from linear bifurcation buckling theory. In this
case the bifurcation analysis underestimates collapse by more than a factor of two.
The bifurcation model predicts the load at which the vertical edge of the cutout
buckles. It is clear why this load does not correspond to failure of the structure:

1- -w-----;-----
\---12. 12--------\

- I --- I Shell
Critical load, Ib

'.0 -? 3.0 I-
t =- O.OlQ
E s: 10 7
in. degrees Computed Measured

~.oD v ~ 0.3
0.014 30 2,900 2,740
2,250 2,000

Figure 50. Comparison of test and theory for buckling of axially compressed cylinder with two
diametrically opposed rectangular cutouts.

As bending occurs near the vertical edges of the cutouts the compressive stresses are
redistributed away from these regions and the load is carried by the remaining portions
of the shell. Thus, the shell shown in Figs. 47 and 48 collapses after significant stress
redistribution has taken place. In the post-bifurcation range the deformations in the
neighborhoods of the cutouts have the effect of making these cutouts appear bigger
structurally than they do visually.
Note that in this case the relationship of the bifurcation buckling load estimate
to the actual collapse load is opposite to that for the case in Fig. 45. This is because
the consequences of the nonlinearity are different for the two situations. The
geometry change in the cylindrical panel with the concentrated load weakens the panel
globally and does not result in any alternative means for the storage of strain energy.
Similarly, the geometry change in the cylinder with the cutout weakens the structure.
However, the weakening, local in this case, has a different result: Strain energy is
transferred from the rapidly deforming regions to other regions which are capable
of accepting more axial compression before becoming unstable.
In general, one can assume that if the bifurcation buckling mode is fairly local and
if alternate post-bifurcation load paths are available, then a linear bifurcation buckling
model will yield a conservative estimate of the collapse load. On the other hand, if
the bifurcation buckling mode is global and if precollapse deformation is significant,
global, and of an unfavorable nature (e.g., curvatures decreasing), and if no alternative
load paths are available in the post-buckled state, then the linear bifurcation buckling
model will generally yield an unconservative estimate of the collapse load.
Figures 50-52 show comparisons between test and theory for buckling of cylinders
with two diametrically opposed rectangular cutouts [87]. The STAGS computer
program [48] was used for the analysis. Figure 51 shows how the axial stress is
redistributed away from the cutout edge as local bending occurs there. Figures 50 and
52 show that the agreement between test and theory is very good even though these
axially compressed cylinders are very thin (R/t = 437). The cutout is large enough
that it represents a predictable imperfection that is much more significant than the
unavoidable, random, unmeasured imperfections in middle surface geometry, thickness,
material properties, and boundary conditions.
Figure 53 gives load-deflection behavior and a linear bifurcation buckling load for
an axially compressed cylinder of the same geometry as that shown in Fig. 50 with
the rectangular cutout reinforced. Collapse initiates in the neighborhood of Point B.
The effect of the axial stiffeners is to absorb the axial load that would otherwise pass
through the shell near the vertical edge of the cutout, as seen in Fig. 51, and to prevent


Ul ~

'" '.000 1
'.000 I >0001
, 'co

0,>: I
'.000 i 4000 1
"'E-< HOD ~
:0 "00
0 '.000


o ~ ~ ~ IW 100 I~


Figure 51. Outer fiber axial stress at mid- Figure 52. Critical load vs. cutout angle for
length of axially compressed cylindrical shell axially compressed cylindrical shell with two
with rectangular cutouts (from Brush and diametrically opposed rectangular cu tou ts
Almroth [4]). (from Almroth and Holmes [87]).


4000 ------
<;9JL~p_5_e__ j ___

'" 3000
--I jo- t "9 /
oXo~ ~0.020R 2000

...LL=.:i -'
r.O.250~ 'Tt x
0_ 0001
o 11001 0002

Figure 53. Collapse of axially compressed cylindrical shell with diametrically opposed reinforced
cutouts (from Almroth and Holmes [87]).

bending of this edge. Thus, the bifurcation load is increased substantially. In fact,
the bifurcation load is no longer a conservative estimate of collapse because random
imperfections begin to playa significant role. The stiffeners along the cutout edge
drastically reduce the precollapse deformations near the cutout and thus make th-
cutout appear to be a smaller imperfection than formerly. Consequently, because
of the relative increase in significance of random imperfections, comparisons between
test and theory for shells with reinforced cutouts show less agreement than do those
with unreinforced cutouts_

Circular cutouts: The STAGS computer program [48] has aLo been used for collapse
analysis of axially compressed cylinders with circular cutouts [88]. Figure 54 shows

Figure 54. Finite element grid for cylinder with circular cutout (from Brush and Almroth

o Tnt r ..uIt ••/~ - 400

(Circular cutout)

• Analytical result
(Rectangular cutout)

Analytical result
• (Circular cutout)



10 12 14 16


Figure 55. Comparison of test and theory for critical axial loads of cylinders with cutouts
(from Brush and Almroth [4]).

a discretized model. In [89] Starnes reports the results from a large number of tests
on cylinders with circular cutouts. He finds from the experimental results that a
parameter a = rViih determines the shell behavior where r is the radius of the circular
cutout. For cylinders with relatively small cutouts, this conclusion is verified by the
analysis reported in [88]. However, for cylinders with sufficiently large cutouts, the
value of a cannot alone determine the behavior of the shell. With two cutouts, for
example, the critical load must be zero when r/a = n/2. This will occur for a/h = 100
at a = 5n, and for a/h = 500 at a = IOn. Therefore, for cylinders with relatively large
cutouts, there must be separate curve branches for different a/h values in the Pcr
versus a diagram. This was found to be the case when the critical loads were com-
pared for two cylinders with a = 6. The cylinder with r/a = 0.3 and a/h = 400 carries
a significantly larger axial load than one with r/a = 0.6 and a/h = 100.
Results obtained from the analysis with uniform shortening are shown in Fig. 55,
together with a curve fitted to these computed data and the obvious locations of the
end points of the curves. Test data for a cylinder with two cutouts were provided by
Starnes. These are also plotted in the figure, and it appears that experimental and
theoretical results are in very close agreement.




Figure 56. Equilibrium paths for cylinders with cutouts, 0< = 1.5, w is the outward displacement
at the midlength of the cylinder at the edge of the cutout (from Brush and Alrnroth [4]).

It may be noticed also that virtually the same critical load is obtained whether the
cutout is circular or square. Figure 56 shows the outward displacement at the cutout
edge (midlength) as a function of the applied axial load for two cylinders with a = 1.5,
one with a circular and one with a square cutout. Because of the difference in
amplitude of the normal displacement at the edge of the cutout, the result that a
cylinder wIth a square cutout can carry as high a load as a cylinder with a circular
cutout is somewhat unexpected. The reason seems to be that larger displacements
at the edge of the square cutout allow a more Significant stress redistribution to occur.

Collapse of axially compressed noncircular cylinders

Axially compressed elliptical cylinder

Load vs. end shortening curves for perfect and imperfect elliptical cylinders are shown
in Fig. 57. The cylinder has a length of 1.0 in., a thickness ofO.0144in., and semiaxes
of lengths l.75 in. and 1.0 in. Young's modulus is 10 7 psi and Poisson's ratio is 0.3.
It is submitted to a uniform end shortening with the edges free to rotate but restrained
from moving in the radial and circumferential directions. The load-end-shortening
curve for the perfect shell is that indicated by OABC. The other curves correspond
to imperfect shells with the imperfection shape given by
Whup/t = - ~ sin (rrx/L) cos (68). (31)
In a test on this shell, sudden changes in the deflection pattern (buckling) would be
noticed at A, B, and C. Notice that the shell may carry more load than the initial
peak A indicates. While the primary buckling load A is rather sensitive to imperfections,
it appears that the second maximum B is relatively insensitive to imperfections. Hence,
it may be suitable as a design limit.
~ 4,800

4,000 t~ 1.0

2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 S.S 6.0




zct5 ~2'.2

. I

Figure 57, (a) Load-defJection curves for axially compressed perfect and imperfect cylinders
with elliptical cross sections. (b) fastest growing component of normal displacement at A, B, C
(From Brush and Almroth [4]).

The curves ~w vs, S at the bottom of Fig. 57 are buckling modes calculated by
subtraction of displacement vectors obtained in two sequential steps in end shortening
and normalization of the result. Such a subtraction yields the shape of the fastest
growing displacement component, which might be interpreted as a buckling mode,
As one traces one's way along the load-deflection curve OABe, the axial stress in
the shell is constantly being redistributed by the local growth of normal displacement,
For example, early in the load history the most rapid growth of normal displacement
occurs at the point labeled S = 2,2, the area of minimum curvature, This growth
relieves the axial stress there and permits loading above the initial peak A, At point B
the most rapid growth of normal displacement is about halfway between the ends of
the minor and major axes, This growth relieves the axial stress in the corresponding
area and thus permits loading to an even higher peak,.c, where the rapid growth of
normal displacement occurs near the end of the major axis in an area of relatively

...,., ..., .,
Botb End.

R -"0 inch
Llneth· C>8 incht.
t ·0-01 inch ••
E _to 7 p.i

LoadinG: Uniform End


( 0)


Z "
<:; -
~i 1000 "'w
~! 500 ..J-'
~Q. ~u
g Oil2 Oil~


w II......'

Figure 58. "Pear-shaped" cylinder under uniform end shortening. (a) Cylinder geometry. (b)
Load-deflection curves. (c) Normal displacement at midlength at collapse. (d) Axial line load
at midlength at collapse. (Total axial load refers to load on half of the cylinder shown.) (From
Bushnell et al. (90).)

large curvature. The results shown in Fig. 57 were obtained with use of the STAGS
computer program [48] .

Axially compressed "pear-shaped" cylinder

A similar stress redistribution phenomenon occurs in the case of the noncircular

cylinder, half of which is depicted in Fig. 58(a). The behavior of this shell subjected
to uniform end shortening was also investigated with the STAGS code [48]. The
theoretical results given in Figs. 58(b-d) are based on a two-dimensionally discretized
model with 45 circumferential nodes and 9 axial nodes covering one-half of the
circumference and one-half of the length.
As seen from Fig. 58(b) the linear range in this case represents less than 1/30 of
the total load history of the shell. The rapid change in slope of the load-deflection
curves at about P = 100 lb corresponds to rapid growth in normal deflection (buckling)
of the flat portions of the shell. Associated with this rapid growth in w is a
redistribution of the axial stress so that the curved portions begin to take up a larger
percentage of the total axmlload P. As more and more of the axial load is borne by
the curved portions, the slope of the load-end-shortening curve increases until just
before collapse, at which load the entire structure fails. Figures 58(c) and 58(d) show
the circumferential distributions of normal outward displacement wand axial com-
pression/length N x at the shell midlength for P = 1164Ib. At this load both wand
N x are growing very rapidly with P in the curved portions 0";; 0 ..;; 45 0 and
90°";;0";; 157.5°.
The rather complex behavior in this case indicates the need for a flexible strategy
for calculation of collapse loads of shells. Small load steps and frequent refactoring
of the equation system matrix are required in the load region between 100 and 2001b,


M.S. 170.000
Clamped H.S. 170.560
GRIEP, 9 Plies Cloth
(IsotropJc )


1 0.07 Aluminum M.S. 175.416

M.S. 176.174 M.S. 175.899

Primacord Backup Ring II. S. 177. 000

M.S. 177.622

1-------- 36" -----------ti


u. S. 181. 050

Simple Support ---;.-1I~·----M. S.182.800

Figure 59. Complex rocket interstage subjected to an axial compression during launch.
Stability problems arise from the load path eccentricity at Missile Station 175.9.

Segment CD
continues to
Z'" 12.875, where it is

= 7.8
9 plies GrIEp (Isotropic)

Segment (2)
Aluminum - - - - - I



z = 7.325
O. 114 ------+-iot

I (4,18),(7,1)'

Segment @ z = 6.875
(I, 70), (4,7)
).,__0------...---- { (4,7), (5,1)
(5,1). (6,1)
, z
{ (1,67), (4,1)
.>-------- O. 7 5 5 - - - - -......~ .....~...-+----.._-- (3,11), (4,1) (hinge)"


(4,1), (5,5)


Actual Primacord
Backup Ring Z = 6.45

Simulated Primacord Backup

Ring (Segment CD)
Segment <D Segment <D

1 1-++----,,--- 0,53), (3,1)

* Wseg m = Wseg (Z) only z = 5.2

in pr~ckling phase
** (u,v,w) at (3,11) slaved to (u,v,w)
at (4,1); relative rotation between
(3,11) and (4,1) permitted

Figure 60. Enlarged view of the rocket inter stage surrounding the area where the load path
eccentricity occurs.

700 800

! 1140

Figure 61. Deformed profiles of the axially compressed rocket interstage with increasing axial
compression V.

even though the displacements are relatively small in this range. Farther out on the
load-end-shortening curve, where the displacements are larger, rather large load steps
can be used and few refactorings are necessary. Just before collapse many small load
steps and frequent refactorings of the stiffness matrix are again required. Efficient
use of the STAGS code, or any code for predicting nonlinear behavior of shells,
requires sophisticated iteration strategy built into it and a well-trained user to take
advantage of this strategy.

Axially compressed cylindrical shell with local load path eccentricity

Practical shell structures are often built up of s~veral parts fabricated at different
places. These parts must be assembled to create the finished product. The mating of
the various parts often gives rise to instability problems which do not exist for the
separate pieces, the design of which may not have included consideration of these
"global" problems. Figure 59 represents such an assembled shell structure. It is a
missile interstage with two sections, a forward adaptor made of composite material
from missile station (M.S.) 170.0 to M.S. 175.4, and an equipment section made of
aluminum from M.S. 175.4 to M.S. 182.8. There is an aluminum primacord backup
ring with a cavity for primacord at a notched separation joint at M.S. 177.0. This
complex cylindrical shell structure must withstand axial compression during launch.
The most severe problem of instability arises from inward excursion of the axial
load path in the region between M.S. 175.4 and M.S. 177.6, shown enlarged in Fig.
60. This axisymmetric inward excursion causes axisymmetric deflections shown
in Fig. 61, which was obtained with use of the BOSOR5 computer program [47].
Failure of the complex structure is due to elastic-plastic collapse in the short, thin
(t = 0.07 in.) aluminum section located at M.S. 175.9 and denoted Segment 4 in
Fig. 60. In a test of this structure failure occurred at a load within one percent of
that predicted in the analysis.

Bifurcation buckling in which nonuniformity

or nonlinearity oj the prebuckling state
is important


All of the examples in this chapter involve axisymmetric shells. The feature that
unifies these examples, that makes it logical to include them all in this particular
chapter, is the major influence of certain nontrivial aspects of the pre buckling solution
on predictions of bifurcation buckling loads. Whereas the emphasis in the last chapter
was on nonlinear collapse rather than bifurcation buckling, the emphasis here is on
bifurcation buckling with nontrivial prebuckling behavior. As was pointed out before,
bifurcation from a nonlinear pre buckling state is of practical interest only in con·
figurations with a great deal of symmetry. That is why the applications here all involve
axisymmetrically loaded shells of revolution.
There are two principal kinds of influences that the prebuckling state has on the
bifurcation buckling load: (1) The prebuckled loaded shell has a different shape from
the unloaded shell; given a membrane prestress distribution this new shape may be
more likely or less likely to lose its stability than the original undeformed shape. (2)
The pre buckling membrane stress distribution is an important factor; given a pre·
buckled shape of the shell, the membrane stress distributions calculated from linear
or nonlinear analysis and membrane or bending shell theory may drastically affect
the predicted bifurcation buckling load and mode shape.
In this chapter many examples will be given in which the combination of these
two influences is present.


The chapter opens with several examples of nonsymmetric bifurcation buckling in the
neighborhood of an edge. It is shown that this edge buckling is due primarily to local
circumferential (hoop) compression which is greater near the edge where local
meridional bending is significant than remote from the edge where a membrane
pre buckled state prevails. Many figures follow which involve a closely related
situation-nonsymmetric bifurcation buckling due to localized hoop compression
sometimes near an edge and sometimes not. One of the most important effects

Figure 62 (a). Edge buckling mode in thin monocoque circular cylindrical shell under uniform
axial compression (from Horton et al. [38)).

'" · 0

Buckling Mode


Figure 62(b). Prediction of edge buckling in axially compressed monocoque cylindrical shell
(from Bushnell [14)).

demonstrated is the great influence of prebuckling axisymmetric shape change on pre-

dicted bifurcation buckling loads. Next, several examples are given of nonsymmetric
bifurcation buckling of shells of revolution in which meridional tension is combined
with circumferential compression. Particular emphasis is given to elastic-plastic
bifurcation buckling of internally pressurized torispherical shells, a complex problem
for which both pre buckling shape change and nonlinear material properties greatly
affect the prediction of the critical load. The chapter closes with an example in which
the nonsymmetric bifurcation buckling load is near the axisymmetric collapse load.
The results of experimental and theoretical investigations of an elastic idealized model
of a water tank are compared with a more complex elastic-plastic model in which
certain fabrication processes such as cold bending and welding are included in the
simulation of failure of the large steel water tower illustrated in Fig. 3.

ct' 161fl 15
17~ li8
Q 8 <:> <:> <:> 138
n =/8EJ
~ <:>
a:: 0.4 <:> <:> <:>
0 0
a:: 0
a.. 0.2
~ E= 465000 psi
~ 11=0.38
0 -0:4

Figure 63. Comparison between test and theory for ring-supported spherical caps with external
pressure and applied edge moment Mo (from Bushnell [91]).

Bifurcation buckling due to edge effects and localized circumferential


Bifurcation buckling due to edge effects

Cylindrical shell under axial compression: Figure 62(a) shows the postbuckled state
of an axially compressed cylindrical shell. In Fig. 62(b) the predicted axisymmetric
prebuckling state and nonsymmetric bifurcation buckling mode corresponding to 18
circumferential waves are shown on either side of a discretized generator. The
generator of the lower half of the cylinder is divided into two segments. Nodal points
have been concentrated in the relatively short edge segment in order to obtain
converged solutions for the pre buckling state and the bifurcation buckling load and
mode. The solution was obtained with the BOSOR4 program [14]. Further details
on this case are given in Figs. 29 to 32 and associated discussion in Ref. [430].
In near-perfect shells edge buckling occurs before general instability remote from the
edge and before axisymmetric collapse near the edge because of the narrow band of
hoop compression combined with the axial compression that occurs only in the edge
"boundary layer". This hoop compression as well as nonlinear behavior due to
moderately large axisymmetric prebuckling meridional rotation cause an approximately
20% reduction in the bifurcation buckling load below the classical value of Ncr = 0.605
Et 2 /R.
Such edge buckling is often not observed in axially compressed very thin elastic
cylindrical shells because of the presence of initial random imperfections which act
as triggers for buckling at isolated locations anywhere in the shell. Th~ axial load
corresponding to the edge buckling mode is not especially sensitive to initial
el = e2 = 0.125"


.;:;: CASE 2
~ e l = e2 = 0

Per =0.357 psi, Case 2
iii ,. ,.

It: ~;=-0~6i9P;;.--C~;e-IT-----
::E -10
0 Per (test) = 0.556 psi
Q. Radius = 18" t =0.028"
:J: E = 465 ksi 11=0.38

o 2 4 6 10
ARC LENGTH, s (in.)
Figure 64. Effect of edge ring eccentricity on predicted buckling pressures of cap (from Bushnell
[91] ).

imperfections. However, the axial load corresponding to the classical buckling formula,
Ncr = 0.6 Et 2 /R, is extremely sensitive to initial imperfections. Therefore, a small
imperfection located at some point remote from the edge will trigger buckling at a
lower axial load than will a larger imperfection located within the bending "boundary
layer" near the edge.
Thicker metallic cylindrical shells that buckle in the plastic range exhibit
axisymmetric collapse which initiates at the edges as shown in two of the photographs
inserted in Fig. 6. Bifurcation buckling does not occur before axisymmetric collapse
in these cases because the axisymmetric pre buckling hoop forces that resist changes in
diameter are diminished due to yielding; the amplitude of the edge bulge increases
faster in the plastic region due to the increase in Poisson's ratio to 0.5 for incom-
pressible flow; and the doubly curved bulge that develops near the edge resists non-
symmetric buckling.
The load at which these thicker shells collapse can be fairly accurately predicted
because the shells, being thicker, are easier to make more perfectly; because the
material softens so drastically within a fairly small range of stress; and because the
critical mode of failure-axisymmetric collapse near the edges-resembles a built-in
non-random predictable, pre buckling imperfection: local axisymmetric bulges that
grow near each end of the cylinder.

Externally pressurized spherical caps with edge rings: Figures 63-68 and Table 3
pertain to this section. Bifurcation buckling is due to the narrow band of circumferential
compression that develops near the edge. Figure 63 gives comparisons between
theoretical results obtained with use of the BOSOR4 computer program [14] and


z O.S -
M, : -0 s- -

w : f-- - -
-' 0.6 - ~ -,-
is M, -os --
0.4 n 1A -
z 0.2 r-
-' I J
:; a
o 2 4 6 B 10

Figure 65. Modal normal displacement w for ring-supported spherical caps with external pressure
and applied edge momentsMo (from Bushnell [91]).

experiments performed by Wang [93]. The normalizing factor Pel is the classical
buckling pressure of the complete spherical shell. Figure 64 shows the pre buckling
distributions of circumferential compression for two models of Wang's test specimen,
and Fig. 65 gives predicted nonsymmetric bifurcation buckling modes corresponding
to two values of edge moment Mo , which was applied in the tests by hanging weights
from a small projection attached to the edge ring.
There are two factors other than external pressure that influence the amplitude of
the local axisymmetric pre buckling circumferential compression: the eccentricity
(el' e2) of the edge ring and the fixed edge moment Mo. The influence of ring
eccentricity is indicated in Fig. 64. The test, described in [93] , most resembled case 1.
In case 2, the shell is considered to penetrate the ring and terminate at the ring
centroid. In the two cases shown, the external pressure is assumed to be reacted by an
axial load acting through the ring centroid. Buckling occurs at the pressures Per
indicated, and the predicted buckling pattern with 18 circumferential waves is con-
centrated in the area near the edge, where the hoop stress resultants are maximum
compressive. In this case, the predicted buckling pressure is most sensitive to the
axial component e2 of the stiffener eccentricity. Because of this component, the
meridional resultant NlO produces a clockwise moment about the ring centroid, which
acts to reduce the destabilizing hoop compression near the edge of the cap. Notice that
the local hoop compression distributions corresponding to the two very different
values of critical pressure, Pcr (Case 1) = 0.619, Per (Case 2) = 0.357, are very similar,
providing a clue that it is this quantity that has the greatest influence on the bifurcation
buckling load and not the meridional compression or the pre buckling shape change of
the spherical cap.
For cases such as this in which bifurcation buckling is due to a localized effect,
the predicted buckling load is often very sensitive to seemingly insignificant changes
,,= l1 2(H)2)]1/4(a/t)1/2"
o a/t=100
a/to 500

U .0,
'0:- 0.6 o a/t=2000
• a/t=667, "=24.4, e B =1/S"
0:: • eB=O

~ o.2i:~;;;:::::::::::~::::!-

0.1 10 100
RING AREA PARAME TER, (A/at)(a/tl 1/ 2

Figure 66. Buckling pressure vs. edge ring size for spherical caps. A is the shallowness parameter
(from Bushnell [92]).

in the structure or in the analytical model of it. The results in Fig. 64 provide an
example. If the analyst perceives that such a buckling phenomenon may occur, for
instance, if he performs a stress analysis and notices local regions of destabilizing
compressive membrane forces, he should take great care with the modeling. Local
load path eccentricities, meridional discontinuities, prebuckling shape change effects,
and prebuckling geometric and material nonlinear behavior should be faithfully
modeled and included in the stability analysis. If a stress analysis reveals a local band
of circumferential compression, then a bifurcation buckling analysis should be per-
formed. The minimum buckling load will generally correspond to a rather high number
of circumferential waves, as shown in Fig. 65. A reasonably accurate estimate, at least
to within an order of magnitude, of the critical circumferential wave number can be
calculated from the assumption that the axial and circumferential wavelengths of the
buckles will be of approximately the same lengths. If the analytical model of the
structure is reasonably good, the predicted buckling load should be fairly close to test
loads. Sensitivity to imperfections is much less important in such cases because the
structure has a built-in local imperfection that is generally large compared to any
random manufacturing errors. Note that the local stress concentrations implied in
this discussion may cause some plastic yielding of the material. Bifurcation buckling
loads will be overestimated if this material nonlinearity is neglected.
Figures 66-68 and Table 3 reveal the effect of ring size on predicted bifurcation
buckling pressures of spherical caps of various depths. The theoretical results were
obtained with an early version of BOSOR. The ring has a square cross section and its

0.8 ~= 0
-l+' :4
o :i- 0.6
« t
n:: I-
l') z 0.4
z W 1.6
::::12 (c)
(a) vW
U U 0.2
:::)« 6.4
m ---.l
W 0... 0 ~ 25.6
0:: If)
0...0 ~ T =
0 10 20 30 40 50
o 20 40 60 80 100
111 .012 If)
111 +-'
/'"'K'\ n =6
n: r>r
1 -SIt A=0114 0
\9 :n ~ .008 I //16
;; -0 I (b) l')
-' 0J
'" -' Z
z+' n =lU (d)
<S:3 .004 \ /I \\
en f- 21' 0.4
~ i5 ~ b 111,64 U
Il. 5 « 0 :::)
LL f- A=O
2: :5 m 0
::> 111
it' i:! -.004 __ 0 20 40 60 80 100
Figure 67(a, b). Prebuckling axial displacement and circumferential Figure 67(c, d). Pre buckling radial displacement and buckling mode
stress for ring-supported spherical shells with A = 16, aft = 100 (from shape for the same geometry, the results of which are shown in Figure
Bushnell (921). {"7(<;l h) (ful.TY'I "Un"'h,....,,,11 rQ'")l\

centroid is assumed to coincide with the edge of the spherical cap. In Fig. 66 the
normalized critical pressure is plotted versus a rather complicated ring area parameter
A * = (A/at) (a/t)1i2 through which the dependence of the normalized buckling
pressure Per/PelOn radius-to-thickness ratio alt is almost eliminated for a given value
of shell shallowness parameter A = [12(1-V 2)]1/4 (a/t)1/2 ex. The dependence of
Per/PelOn A is weak even though the predicted meridional bifurcation mode shape and
critical circumferential wave number vary a great deal. There is a strong dependence
of the Per/Pel on the degree of edge fixity A *. The critical pressures for A * -+ 00 agree
with those calculated by Weinitschke [94] and Huang [95] for clamped caps. The
degree of reduction exhibited by Wang's tests below the theoretical critical pressures
for perfect shells is reasonable for spherical shells with similar shallowness parameter A
as seen in Figs. 30 and 37.
Figure 67, which corresponds to a cap with alt = 100, A = 16, shows the pre-
buckling state at the critical pressure ratio P = Per/Pel for various values of edge ring
parameter A * and bifurcation buckling mode for two extremes, A * = 0 (free) and
A * -+ 00 (clamped). The mode shapes have peaks that coincide with the peaks in the
circumferential compression.

Buckling of shallow and deep spherical caps: Figures 63-67 apply to shallow caps in
which the edge angle ex is less than about one radian. The most important factors
influencing the bifurcation buckling pressure for such configurations are the pre-
buckling hoop compression just in from the edge and the stiffness of the shell wall.
The buckling mode is an edge mode of the type shown in Fig. 65 for a rather high
value of A (A = 25) and in Fig. 67(d) for a lower value of A (A = 16). The buckling
modal displacement is small at the edge. For shallow caps supported as shown in Fig.
67 there are two reasons why the buckling displacement almost vanishes at the edge
for ex ~ 0.88 radians: (a) with small edge rings a band of stabilizing hoop tension
develops with increasing pressure as shown in Fig. 67(b); (2) with large edge rings the
area moment of inertia of the ring prevents nonsymmetric buckling.
A different kind of buckling occurs if the edge ring is reasonably small and if ex
is greater than about 1.2 radians. With ex;;;' 1.2 radians and A * ~ 16, the nonsymmetric
buckle pattern of a spherical shell is almost inextensional with n = 2 circumferential
waves. The maximum buckling displacement occurs at the edge where the ring ovalizes.
The buckling load can be very small compared to the classical load, a phenomenon
that is pointed out by Cohen [96] in the case of axially compressed cylindrical shells
with ring-supported edges. As seen from the results listed in Table 3, for A * = 6.4 the
inextensional mode occurs only for 1.57 ~ ex ~ 2.26. With ex = 2.65 and 2.92,
"classical" type buckling occurs and the buckling load is almost independent of 11.
For these cases the ring is of such a size that the prebuckling equilibrium state is
almost exactly a uniform membrane contraction. When A * ;;;. 25.6 or when the very
deep shell is hinged at the edge, buckling is again an edge phenomenon.
Figure 68 shows buckling modes of spherical shells with aft = 100, ex = 2.65 radians,
and A * = 0.4, 6.4, and 25.6. The figure illustrates the different types of buckling
reviewed next in connection with Table 3.
Table 3 lists dimensionless buckling loads Per and corresponding circumferential
wave numbers n for shells with aft = 100 and 0.22 ~ ex ~ 2.92 radians. The shells are
Table 3. Calculated buckling loads Per = P/Pcl for ring-supported spherical shells; radius-to-thickness ratio, aft = 100a --J

0 0.4 l.6 6.4 25.6 = Hinged

0.22 0.139(0) 0.222(0) 0.399(0) 0.499(0) 0.545 (0) 0.568 (0) Jb
0.33 0.171(0) 0.265 (0) I 0.511 (2) 0.675 (2) 0.740(2) 0.770(2) 0.660(2)
0.495 0.190(3) 0.278 (3) 0.490(4) 0.668(4) 0.740(4) 0.772(4) 0.665 (5)
0.88 0.206 (6) 0.302(7) 0.488 (9) 0.690(10) 0.760(10) 0.795(10) 0.695 (10)
1.20 0.0253 (2) 0.0340(2) 0.128(2) I 0.755 (13) 0.766(13) 0.798 (13) 0.699(13)
1.57 0.0069(2) 0.0085 (2) 0.0293(2) 0.328(2) 0.805 (15) 0.810(15) 0.705 (15)
1.91 0.0052(2) 0.0067 (2) 0.0259(2) 0.261 (2) 0.839(15) 0.810(15) 0.710(14)
2.26 0.0064(2) 0.0093 (2) 0.0418(2) 0.364(2) 0.860(14) 0.816(14) 0.715(12)
2.65 0.0147(2) 0.0294(2) 0.140(2) 1.000( -) 0.865 (10) 0.838(10) 0.738 (8)
2.92 0.0590(2) 0.181(2) 0.600(2) l.000( -) 0.875 (6) 0.863 (6) 0.775 (5)

aNumbers in parentheses are numbers of circumferential waves in the buckle pattern.

bThese dividing lines separate the various classes of buckling discussed in the text.
0< is the angle in radians from the apex of the cap to the edge.

A * is the edge ring area parameter A * = (A/at) (a/f)!!2.

0.8 -CLA5SK:AL ,< .. ,s, n.2
t,,;6A, ",,2


...:::. 0.2

~ p ....
t a ~.0.2

iI a
0·0.6 9XKLiH3,
,(.. 256. ",,10


0 .6
o 0.4 as 1.2 \6 2J) 211 2.8

Figure 68. Buckling modes for ring-supported spherical shells with Ci = 2.65 rad, a = 100, and
t = 1.0 (from Bushnell [92)).

supported as shown in Fig. 67 and A * = 0, 0.4, 1.6, 6.4, 25.6, and 00. The value
A * = 00 corresponds to clamping at the edge. Buckling loads are also shown for shells
hinged at the edge.
Inspection of Table 3 reveals that, in the range of parameters investigated, four
types of buckling occur: axisymmetric collapse, n = 0; edge buckling n ;;;;. 2; inexten-
sional buckling, n = 2; and "classical" buckling (Per almost independent of n)_ Table 3
is divided into regions according to the type of buckling behavior exhibited. When the
shell is very shallow (a = 0.22) it collapses axisymmetric ally for all edge conditions.
There are values of a, such as a = 0.33, for which the type of buckling depends on the
degree of edge fixity.
When A * ;;;;. 1.6 and a = 0.33 the shell buckles into two waves. The buckle pattern,
while not confined to a narrow region near the edge, does involve considerable
stretching of the middle surface, and the buckling of these shallow shells might be
classified as an edge phenomenon. The buckling of shells with a = 0.495 and 0.88
(A = 9 and 16) is an edge phenomenon for all types of edge conditions. Prebuckling
and buckling displacements are shown for the A = 16 case in Fig. 67, which was
discussed previously. It is seen that the buckling loads associated with edge buckling
are not strongly dependent on the edge angle a. Buckling loads calculated for
a = 0.495 and a = 0.88 with A * ~ 00 agree with the loads for clamped caps calculated
by Huang in Ref. [95] .

Buckling due to localized hoop compression

The examples in this section are similar to those of the last, the differences being that
buckling is not necessarily at an edge and in several of the cases the pre buckling change
in shape of the shell has a major influence on the bifurcation buckling load. First,
thermal buckling of cylindrical shells will be described. The buckling of an internally
pressurized ellipsoidal rocket motor dome will be discussed. In both of these problems
prebuckling shape change has a significant influence on the predictions of bifurcation
An example will follow which is similar to that shown in Figs. 59-61; the localized
hoop compression is caused by an axisymmetric inward excursion of the load path.
The difference here is that failure is due to nonsymmetric bifurcation buckling rather
than axisymmetric collapse

Thermal buckling of cylindrical shells

Introduction: In the problems examined in this section the most important single
influence on bifurcation buckling is the axisymmetric change in shape of the cylinder
in the prebuckling phase. This shape change is most pronounced just where the
localized destabilizing axisymmetric hoop compression is maximum and is a stabilizing
influence, since its effect is to transform a developable surface into a more stable
doubly curved surface, as will be seen. The discussion here comes from Ref. [97].
Two problems are treated: an "infinite" cylinder heated uniformly over half its
length and a clamped cylinder with an axial thermal gradient near the edge. In both
cases the cylinders are free to expand axially. The cylinder heated along half of its
length does not buckle at any temperature because the destabilizing effect of the
circumferential band of hoop compression near the thermal discontinuity is more than
counteracted by the stabilizing effect of the shape change of the cylinder as it is
heated. Predicted buckling temperatures of clamped cylinders are strongly dependent
on details of the thermal gradient very close to the clamped edge. Agreement with
test results is obtained only if prebuckling meridional rotations are included in the
stability analysis.
Thermal discontinuities, or rather high thermal gradients, arise at "hard points"
or heat sinks such as ring stiffeners and bulkheads. Junctures between dissimilar
materials or boundaries of an environment, such as the surface of a cryogenic fluid,
also give rise to thermal stresses which vary rapidly in the axial direction. Several
authors [98-103] have treated problems of this sort. Hoff [98] calculated buckling
loads for uniformly heated simply-supported cylinders; Johns [99] did the same
for uniformly heated clamped cylinders; and Anderson [100] and Chang and Card
[10 1] calculated buckling loads for cylinders under combined axial compression and
nonuniform heating. In the work of Hoff and Johns, it is assumed that the temperature
distribution is axisymmetric and that no axial restraint exists. The predicted buckling
is caused by hoop compression near the simply-supported or clamped edges, which
decays rapidly with increasing distance from the edge. In the work by Anderson
[100] and by others at Stanford University [104-106] the temperature either varies
around the circumference or the cylinder is assumed to be rigidly fixed at the
boundaries. Buckling in these cases arises because of axial thermal stresses, not from
hoop stresses. This section is not concerned with this latter class of problems, examples
of which will be described later.
The purpose of this section is to describe the effect of pre buckling deformations
on the predicted buckling temperature of axisymmetric ally heated cylinders which
are not axially restrained. Two problems are treated: buckling of a cylinder with a

r-: 2 0= 200'~ 7500 = + i EtaT

Zero Stress

--"'--.L~~l.r Uniform Heating 4000
E • 30.,06 psi Temperature Distribution, To
II = 0.3 1 - - - -........--------~50oF
a = 10-5/"!:" 2000

-30 -20
+20 +30
Deformed Meridian: N8 = - 2"I EtaTe -k,l. cos( kXta)

w= t aaToe+k,l·cos(k,/a) 2 02
for ,s 0 -4000
k = 3(1-11 )?
w= aaTo[ 1- t e-k,l·cos(h/a»)
for x'" 0 -6000

-7500= -iEtaT

Figure 69. Hoop stress resultant in cylindrical shell with thermal discontinuity (from Bushnell

sudden change in temperature along its length, and buckling of a cylinder clamped
at its edges and heated along its length with steep gradients near the end supports.
In both cases the cylinder is free to expand in the axial direction.

Buckling of cylinder heated halfway along length: Figure 69 gives the geometry,
material properties, temperature distribution, and prebuckling solution. The cylinder
is shown to be 2000 in. long and 200 in. in diameter. The cylinder length is immaterial,
however, provided that it is large compared to twice the axisymmetric boundary-layer
length (about 60 in. in this example) and large compared to the longest buckling
wavelength (about 50 in., as seen in Fig. 72(a)). In the computerized analysis
"symmetry" conditions are applied at the ends of the cylinder in order to simulate
infinite length. The pre buckling solution shown in Fig. 69 is given by Flugge [107].
If the cylinder is to buckle, such behavior would be caused by the narrow band of
hoop compressive stresses occurring adjacent to the temperature discontinuity on the
hot side. The pre buckling solution for a uniformly heated cylinder simply-supported
at the location of the temperature discontinuity is similar: the amplitude of the hoop
stress is doubled, no solution exists, of course, for x < 0, and the! in the expression
for w in Fig. 69 becomes unity.
In Ref. [102] it is mentioned that the uniformly heated Simply-supported cylinder
analyzed by Hoff [98] apparently does not buckle at any temperature. This rather
odd prediction results only if the pre buckling deformations of the shell are accounted
for in a consistent manner in the stability analysis. In Ref. [102] it is suggested that
perhaps the moderately large rotation limitation used in the shell theory is responsible
76 28

n =14 Circumferential Waves

20 h + T.K2+ To2K 3]{X} =0

E =30. 106 psi
<t 16 ,,= 0.3
z a = 10-5fF
I- 12
:J 8

0 1000 6000 7000 8000

Figure 70. Stability determinant vs. temperature amplitude with prebuckling rotation f30 included
(from Bushnell [97]).


Tcr = 5000 A



z 1.2
~ To= 0

0.8 Hoop Prestress = N20 = ~ EtaTe-k'/ocos(kx/ol!2

Positive for x 50
0.4 Negative for x~0
With T = 5000 for ell To

OL-~ __~~__~__~____~____L -__~

12 16 20 24 28 32 36

Figure 71. Buckling temperatures for three amplitudes of fixed "imperfection". Imperfection
shape given by the expressions for w in Figure 69 (from Bushnell [97]).




Ter =4850°F 4 ~ Ter = 9010°F
n = 14 Waves 1= n = 26 Woves
Un deformed
Cylinder w
aTo =0
12 ~

16 ~
20 "- '"

24 (/)


aTo =0.025 I aTo = 0.05

b) cl

Figure 72. Buckling modes for three amplitudes of fixed "imperfections" (from Bushnell

for tlte peculiar result. Because of the investigation described here, it is now felt that
the prediction of no buckling is physically realistic. As the shell is heated the com-
pressive hoop stresses grow, it is true. However, the generators become curved in the
neighborhood of the compressive stresses and this curvature "stabilizes" the shell.
Apparently, as the temperature increases further, the further increase in curvature
more than makes up for the increase in hoop stress, so that the shell becomes more,
not less, stable. Mathematically this behavior is reflected in the growth of the stability
determinant with increasing temperature for any circumferential wave number, n.
The case shown in Fig. 69 behaves in a manner analogous to the simply-supported
uniformly heated cylinder. Figure 70 shows the stability determinant as a function
of increasing temperature rise for n = 14 circumferential waves. (This is the critical
wave number if pre buckling rotations ~o are neglected in the stability analysis.)
These results are calculated with the BOSOR4 computer program [14]. The stability
determinant is the determinant of the coefficient matrix of the equation shown in
Fig. 70. This equation is discussed in Ref. [430]. (See Eq. 76 in Ref. [430].)
The stability determinant exhibits the monotonically increasing behavior only if
the pre buckling deformations are accounted for. In order to check the correctness
of the theory in which the shape change of the shell is accounted for in the stability
analysis, a model was constructed which treats the pre buckling shape change as
independent of the temperature, a sort of given, fIxed imperfection. Buckling analyses
of several distorted cylinders were performed, where the prestress hoop compression
is given by the distribution shown in Fig. 69 and the initial distortions or imperfections
represent the pre buckling shapes corresponding to various amplitudes To of
temperature rise. Figure 71 shows results for three "imperfect" cylinders, the pro-
perties of which are given in Fig. 69. The imperfection shape is given by the expression
for w in Fig. 69 with To = 0 0 , 2500 0 , and 5000 0 • The eigenvalues were determined
from an analysis in which further prebuckling meridional rotations from the initial
imperfect state are neglected. The critical circumferential wave number n increases
as the pre buckling meridional curvature increases, and the curves never cross,
indicating that at any wave number the stability determinant will never vanish as
temperature is increased, provided that the shape change of the cylinder is included
in the equations governing stability. Note that it has not been proven beyond any
doubt whatsoever that such is the case. The results obtained herein give a strong
indication that buckling will not occur. Furthermore, the physically realistic
explanation given previously supports this hypothesis.
Figure 72 shows the prebuckled shapes of the shells and the buckling mode shapes.
Both the axial and circumferential wavelengths of the buckle pattern become shorter
as the degree of pre buckling distortion increases. These results apply to a shell with
radius-to-thickness ratio of 100. Similar results (with higher wave numbers nand
shorter axial wavelengths) were obtained for aft = 500. It seems probable that no
buckling will occur for any simply supported cylinder heated as shown in Fig. 69 It
has not been shown that buckling will not occur independent of the axial distribution
of temperature. Such a proof is beyond the scope of this section.

Buckling of axisymmetrically heated clamped cylinder: Johns [99, 108] performed

tests and obtained theoretical results. The effect of prebuckling deformations is not
included in the analysis of Ref. [99]. Figure 73 shows a clamped cylinder with the
same aft as that tested by Johns et al. [l08]. Symmetry conditions are applied at 500
in. from the clamped end, a distance approximately equal to 10 (at)1!2. Nodal points
are concentrated in the edge zone 100 in. in length where prebuckling and buckling
displacements vary rapidly. Two buckling modes and critical temperatures are given
in Fig. 73: the one with 140 circumferential waves corresponds to a case in which
the pre buckling rotations (30 are retained in the stability analysis, and the one with
100 circumferential waves corresponds to (30 being set to zero in the stability analysis.
This latter solution is about half of that computed by Johns. The solution including
prebuckling rotations is only half of the experimental buckling temperature obtained
by Johns.
The large discrepancy between the test and the theoretical results given in Fig. 73
for uniform heating can be explained by the presence of thermal gradients near the
boundaries of the cylinder. Figure 74 shows several gra(Hents, including the gradient
measured by Johns, Houghton, and Webber [108] and another measured by Ross,

I t=l.d' ~ed
0=2540" ~ 5bo"
L._..L Symmetry Plone

E = 30.,06 psi
v = 0.3
a = 11.9.,0-4/·C

Test Critical Temperature Rise = 300·C

Test n = about 60 to 140
Prebuckling Rotation, fl. 0
Critical Temperature Rise, Tcr = 150·C
Circumferential Waves, n = 140

fl. =0
Tcr = 112.S·C
n = 100

100 200 300 400 500


Figure 73. Prestress state and buckling modes with and without prebuckling rotation effect
for clamped uniformly heated cylinder (from Bushnell [97]).

z Johns' Gradient ® o
Q o
0: 0.8 0.0025 < ,< 0.0030
(f) E = 27 • 106 psi
Ci v = 0.287
w a = 11.5. 10- 6/°c
!ia: 298°C 0=7"

:E 0.4
w IJOHNS' a '
a 294°C "'- 290°C
w 0.00275
:J (Shell) CIRC.
a:: \? Thermocouples 2700C 01 ST.
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Figure 74. Edge thermal gradients for clamped cylinder (from Bushnell [97]).

Johns' Gradient

O~. ____~~____~____~~__~~__~
o 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0



} fJo= 0
w 240
(f) )J
a: .............
w a·····
~ G d· t #2 ...- .8
w '(.:'~"~~O.~.. <~"d;~. ~
~ 160
w . No Gradient

...J . Gradient "I ~ _-.8 .
u 120 " , -,---- : ---.- -..&----. . fJo=O
80L-~ ____L __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _L __ _ _ _ _ __ L_ _
~ ~ ~ ~

60 80 100 120 140 160 180


Figure 75. Critical temperatures for various edge gradients with and without prebuckling
rotation effect (from Bushnell [97)).

Hoff, and Horton in tests reported in Ref. [104]. These gradients arise because of the
relatively large heat sinks present at the clamping supports. Also shown in Fig. 74 are
the test configuration, material properties, and circumferential temperature
distribution for the Johns test [108, 109].
Figure 75 shows buckling temperatures calculated for the Johns cylinder (a = 7.0
in., t=0.00275, E=27 x 10 6 psi, v=0.287, 0:=11.5 x 1O- 6 tc) with the various
gradients and with and without the effect of pre buckling rotation ~o. The "best"
solution shown in Fig. 75, in the sense that the most accurate analytical model is used,
is represented by the curve labeled "Johns' Gradient", ~o =1= O. The critical temperature
2800 C is still somewhat below the test result, a disturbing finding since one suspects
that although this edge buckling phenomenon is not very sensitive to initial imperfec-
tions any imperfections in the shell should cause the opposite situation to occur.
In order that this discrepancy be explained, a further inquiry into the shape of the
edge gradient was made [109]. It was found that the temperature at x = 0 was not
measured, but was extrapolated from the readings labeled(!l@G)in Fig. 74. Further-
more, the two thermocouples on the bulkhead, labeledCDand<2>in Fig. 74, measured
temperature rises of 9, 16, and 8.7 °c (mean values for 7 tests). Therefore, it was felt
600,-------- 1.Or-----=:---==":II"'I®0::----.
T 0.8
Measured Points

........ Various Assumed Gradients
0.2 at Edge

2 4 6 8 10

l.IJ 400 a=7
en "f-~
~ 350
:::;; (130) .
l.IJ (80)'
I- 300
--------- ----- T~~e{Test)
U (130) .
u 250 ~Circumferential
/ Waves
200~_~ _ _~_~~_~_ _~__~~______~
o 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
T(x=O) = T(x=O) h(x/{Cf' -10.0)

Figure 76. Sensitivity study of critical temperature vs. temperature at edge with and without
prebuckling rotation effect (from Bushnell [97]).

that the temperature at x = 0 might have been somewhat less than 47% of the
maximum, as indicated in Fig. 74. A sensitivity study was performed in which the
temperature at the edge was varied from 20% to 47% of the maximum value. The trial
gradients and analytical results are shown in Fig. 76. Circumferential waves corre-
sponding to the critical temperature are shown in parentheses. The effect of pre-
buckling rotations becomes increasingly significant as the steepness of the gradient
increases. The lowest values on the curves are the same as the minima of the curves
labeled Johns' Gradient in Fig. 75. Test and theory are brought into agreement by a
small and physically reasonable adjustment of the edge temperature.
In Webber's letter [109] other reasons were given for possible discrepancy between
text and theory: buckling was measured by dial gages located along the generator
labeled "290°C" in Fig. 74, not along the generator where the gradient was obtained.
The critical temperature was recorded when these gages indicated large out-of-plane
deflections. This happened a short time after the onset of buckling. Also, the shell
thickness varied from 0.0025 to 0.0030 in., whereas a nominal value of 0.00275 has
been used in this analysis.
Results corresponding to gradient 1 and gradient 2 are included in Fig. 75 in order

2500 Symmetry Plane

I Internal
Pressure, p C

L ..
0 En larged
u I on the
« Next
x Figure
<t I

o 1500

Figure 77. Bottom part of rocket fuel tank as modeled for input to the BOSOR4 computer


{n: 90 eire. waves)



~ ~~~

-800 '2


-)200 !j' Linear Theor
p - 1.0 Nlmm


Figure 78. Nonsymmetric buckling mode (top) and hoop resultants (bottom) for the part of
the internally pressurized rocket motor indicated in Figure 77.




.§ 1500
N Internal
Pressure, p ncr = 90 Circ. Waves
o I I
o Pcr = 0.546 N/mm
-' 500 (linear theory)
x I .. I

o o

(a) Prebuckling (linear theory) (b) Linear Bifurcation Buckling Mode

Figure 79. Pre buckling deflection and linear bifurcation buckling mode.

to provide more data on the sensitivity of thermal buckling loads to details in the
shape of the edge gradient. The Ross edge gradient is given in Fig. 74 to demonstrate
the possibility of rather large nonuniformities in experimental temperature distribu-
tions. In order that good correlation between tests and analytical predictions be
obtained, it is clear that temperature distributions have to be carefully controlled and
measured in tests and variations accounted for in analysis.

Buckling of an internally pressurized rocket fuel tank

Figures 77-79 pertain to this section. The geometry of the problem is shown in Figs.
77 and 78. Under small internal pressure the portion of the rocket fuel tank depicted
in Fig. 78 is drawn radially inward as shown greatly exaggerated in Fig. 79(a), resulting
in development of a narrow band of hoop compression that might lead to bifurcation
buckling. Figure 79(b) shows a bifurcation buckling mode predicted with use of
BOSOR4 [14]. The modal normal displacement component Wb (s, 8) varies around
the circumference as wb (s) cos 908. The prediction shown in Fig. 79(b) corresponds
to bifurcation from the linear prebuckled state with prebuckling meridional rotation
f30 neglected in the stability analysis. At the top of Fig. 78 is shown a bifurcation
buckling mode predicted with use of linear theory. The modal normal displacement
component Wb (s, 8) varies around the circumference as Wb (s) cos 908.
This is a problem for which use of linear theory in the pre buckling phase of the
analysis is inadequate. As the internal pressure is increased the ellipsoidal dome
changes shape. The hoop stresses are redistributed and grow more slowly than linearly


> "'1".""'00
CCO' r1iO'lt!OO


~~": >T""""'~ (e)

: I ~ gg~ :~~t"m

·1 ~- I -- 006~ S~I"

~~~~=t:==: ~~
I-- '20·-1



Figure 80. Local failure ofa large payload shroud under axial compression and bending. Buckling
is caused by the narrow band of circumferential compression arising from the inward excursion of
the axial load path near the field joint at station 468 (from Bushnell [3]). (a) Typical ring"stiffened
rocket payload shroud configuration. (b) Corrugated wall construction. (c) Interior view of portion
of complete shroud buckled locally next to field joint at station 468 [see· (a)]. Three waves are
visible. (d) Field joint geometry and buckle configuration.

with pressure, as indicated in the bottom part of Fig. 78. As the internal pressure p is
increased, the hoop resultant becomes tensile in the region where linear theory predicts
bifurcation buckling to occur, and the peak hoop compression initially increases more
slowly than predicted by linear theory, eventually reaching a maximum value of about
- 800 N/mm at a pressure of 1.4 N/mm 2 , after which it decreases with further increase
in internal pressure. Thus, the prediction with nonlinear pre buckling effects included is
that bifurcation buckling will not occur at all. More will be written in a later section
on buckling of internally pressurized torispherical shells, which exhibit similar behavior.

Local buckling at a field joint in a large rocket payload shroud

In Fig. 80 is illustrated a local failure of a large corrugated payload shroud which was
subjected to axial compression and bending. The nature of the problem is similar
to the complex missile inter stage shown in Figs. 59-61: The failure is triggered by
the axisymmetric inward excursion of the axial load path at Station 468. In this case.
however, buckling initiated in the elastic range of material behavior, and the failure
was due to nonsymmetric bifurcation rather than axisymmetric collapse.

1----00 ±
r'Oj"'i'5--r'. "'j'5--r
e -t- le
I ,
f ]I j I ~ ENO.
-I 1--0"

(T".) ~ O,Ole 0.60



Figure 81. Model of the portion of the payload shroud shown in Figure 80(a) in the neighbor-
hood of the field joint at Station 468 .

N1= 1.0 Ib/in

-.00002'---____'---_---'_ _---'_ _--'-_ _--'-_ _--'

~ Ncr = 1520 Ibs/in

...J -0.5 ncr· 35

::IE -1.0
0 80 100 120

Figure 82. Axially compressed payload shroud: (a) predicted axisymmetric prebuckling normal
displacement distribution corresponding to N, = 1.0Ib/in. compression; (b) nonsymmetric
bifurcation buckling mode (from Bushnell [3] ).

Figure 80( d) shows why buckling occurs. Under the axially compressive test load
the field joint ring at Station 468 rolled over a small amount because the doubler
above it was slightly thinner than the doubler below it. Figure 81 displays the model
analyzed with use of the BOSOR4 program [14]. Figure 82(a) shows the distribution
of axisymmetric prebuckling radial displacement w for 60 inches on either side of the
field joint at Sta. 468. Most of the cylindrical shell moves radially outward due to the
Poisson effect. However, in short regions on either side of the field joint, where the

Figure 83. Buckling pattern for a thin-walled spherical shell with a solid bottom half and tension
applied by means of an internal rigid spherical mandrel extending approximately 45 0 from the top
pole (from Horton et al. [38]).

external corrugations are cut away, the axial load path is deflected inward from the
neutral axis of the cross section of combined corrugations and skin to the middle
surface of the skin and doubler. This inward deflection of the load path creates the
localized hoop compression that causes nonsymmetric bifurcation buckling in a mode
shown in the photograph in Fig. 80(c) and plotted in Fig. 82(b). Because of the
short axial length of the circumferentially compressed region, the critical mode has
a rather large number of circumferential waves (n = 35). Further details on this
problem are given in Ref. [3].

Bifurcation buckling of spherical shells under meridional tension combined

with hoop compression

Axial load applied uniformly over latitude with finite radius rl

Figure 83 demonstrates the buckling phenomenon. Tension is applied through the

vertical rods which are attached to rigid spherical mandrels inside the shell. The lower
hemisphere is completely supported by an interior mandrel and a little less than 45 0
of the top part of the upper hemisphere is so supported. A single buckle (a) initially
forms at some axial load, which can be further increased until a multi-lobed buckle
pattern (b) develops around the entire circumference. Bifurcation buckling is due to
the band of hoop compression that develops between the supported regions. The
buckles are elongated in the axial direction because of the meridional tension. Yao
[110] studied this phenomenon both experimentally and analytically and Bushnell
[111] performed a computerized nonlinear analysis. One of Yao's post-buckled
specimens is shown in Fig. 84.
Table 4 shows critical loads rl Vcr (1 - v2 ) Et 2 for 0.05';;; 001 .;;; 1.16 rad and
rlt = 100, 455, and 1600. (rI' 001, C\!2, V are identified in Fig. 85.) Values for 002 are
given in the footnote. Spherical segments of this geometry buckle near the edge at
001 when C\!I is less than about 0.9 rad. The buckling loads are independent of 002
Table 4. Critical loads r , Vcr (1- .,2)/Et 2 for spherical segments in tension.

R/T= 10.0. R/T= 455 R/T= 160.0.

C/ a n Eq. (32) Linear Non- n Eq. (32) Linear Non- n Eq. (32) Linear Nan-
linear linear linear

1.16 38 0..580. 0..574 0..578 71 0..552 0..532 0..539

1.0. 37 0..518 0..513 0..522
0..9 18 0..543 0..540. 35 0..469 0..468 0..480. 63 0..426 0..423 0..430.
0..8 33 0..40.5 0..414 0..430.
0..7 16 0..448 0..442 0..488 30. 0..348 0..353 0..371 53 0..30.5 0..30.8 0..315
0..6 27 0..285 0..289 0..310.
0..5 13 0..326 0..30.9 0..381 24 0..224 0..226 0..250. 41 0..183 0..188 0..197
0..4 21 0..167 0..166 0..191
0..3 10. 0.20.5 0..170. 0..269 17 0..115 0..110. 0..137 28 0..0.849 0..0.853 0..0.940.
0..25 15 0..0.910. 0..0.856 0..112
0..20 8 0..149 0..10.7 0..225 13 0..0.698 0..0632 0.0903 20 0..0.467 0..0.457 0..0.545
0..20. 9 0..149 0.112 0..222
0..15 10. 0..0.518 0..0.432 0..0.728
0..15 11 0..0.518 0..0.434 0..0.714
0..15 12 0..0.518 0..0.723
0..10. 4 0..0.990. 0..0.638 7 0..0.360. 0..0.273 0..0.682 11 0..0.193 0..0.173
0..10. 5 0..0.990. 0..0526 8 0..0.360. 0..0.262 0..0592 12 0..0.193 0..0.169 0..0.254
0..10. 6 0..0.990. 0..0.539 9 0..0.360. 0..0.269 0..0.567 13 0..0.193 0..0.171 0..0.253
0..10. 7 0..0.990. 0..0.60.5 0..196 10. 0..0.360. 0..0.572 14 0.0.193 0..0.176 0..0.258
0..10. 8 0..0.990. 0..0.70.3 0..193
0..10. 9 0..0.990. 0..199
0..0.5 3 0.0.775 0..0.377 5 0..0.230. 0..0.127 7 0..0.100. 0..0.0.74
0..0.5 4 0..0.775 0..0.297 6 0..0.230. 0..0.126 0..0.580. 8 0..0.100. 0..0.0.72 0..0.169
0..0.5 5 0..0.775 0..0.331 7 0..0.230. 0..0.139 0..0.496 9 0..0.100. 0..0.0.75 0..0.162
0..0.5 6 0..0.775 0..0.40.6 8 0..0.230. 0..0.479 10. 0..0.164
0..0.5 7 0..0.775 0..0.510. 0.188 9 0..0.230. 0..0.489
0..0.5 8 0..0.775 0..188
0. 8 0..0.580 0..185 8 0..0.128 0..0.456 8 0..0.0.33 0..0.133

"With c/ , = 1.16, C/ , = 1.57. These cases were treated experimentally and analytically by Yao (1963). For all other c/" withR/t = 10.0.: C/ 2 = C/ , + 1.0. rad. 00
With R/t = 455 and 160.0. C/ 2 = C/ , + 0..5 rad. The nonlinear results were obtained with an early version of BOSOR (see AIAA J, 5, pp. 1455-1462, 1967). -..l


Figure 84. (a) Truncated hemisphere buckled by axial tension. (b) Shell geometry and load
(from Yao [110]).





-06 ~o ~~_-~,~~~~~--~~--
£ ----.. ---~_c. MEMBRANE THEORY:
-os .. --- /' L R/t~100
// R/t~1600

Figure 85. Normalized prebuckling axial displacements and circumferential stress resultants and
normalized modal displacements for spherical segments in axial tension, 0<, = 0.7 rad (from
Bushnell [111]).

when it is greater than the values specified in the footnote of the table. The critical
loads in the column headed "linear" are calculated from stability equations in which
the prebuckling stress resultants NIO and N 20 are given by membrane theory values
NIO = - N 20 = rVR/r 2 and the prebuckling meridional rotation ~o is set equal to zero.
The critical loads in the column headed "nonlinear" are obtained from the same stability
equations, except that N IO , N 20 , and {3o are calculated from the nonlinear equations
presented in Ref. [430]. The values of n when a1 ;;;;. 0.25 correspond to the minimum

'I Vcr (n). The minimum is included in the calculations for 0:1 ~ 0.20. Columns are
also included in which Vcr is calculated from a "semiempirical" equation to be given.
The following facts emerge from an inspection of Table 4:
(1) The critical load Pcr = 211"1 Vcr increases as increases.
(2) The linear theory can be applied over a larger range of 0:1 for shells with greater
R/t. The values of Vcr for the nonlinear theory are always greater than those for the
linear theory.
(3) When 0:1 ~ 0.2, the nonlinear theory predicts buckling into a greater number of
circumferential waves than does the linear theory. This discrepancy increases with
increasing thickness.
(4) The value of Vcr and the corresponding value of n approach appropriate limits
as 0:1 -+ 0, as shall be seen.
In addition, the solutions for R/t = 455 and 1600 with 0:1 = 1.16 and 0:2 = 1.57
rad are quite close to the theoretical results of Ref. [110]. Yao obtained buckling
loads Vcr (1- v2 )/Et 2 = 0.591 and 0.553, respectively, for these cases.
Figure 85 shows the axial prebuckling displacement uvo/t, the normalized stress
resultant N 20 (1- v2) (R/t)/Et, and the modal normal displacement wit plotted vs.
s/(Rt)1!2 for 0:1 = 0.7 and R/t = 100 and 1600. The maximum displacement in the
buckling mode occurs where N 20 is maximum compressive. It is seen that this
maximum compressive hoop stress is fairly close to the local value predicted by
membrane theory; this is also shown in the figure.
It is possible to derive simple approximate forumulas for the buckling load' Vcr
and the corresponding wave number n. These formulas are derived with the help of
physical reasoning and experimental or computer-generated data. Such a formula
for the buckling load is
The number of circumferential waves in the buckle pattern can be predicted accurately
by means of the equation
n = 1.84(R/t)1/2 sin [0:1 + 4.2/(R/t)1!2]. (33)
Equation (32) is derived through the following assumptions: (1) Buckling occurs when
the maximum negative value of N 20 (R/t) (1 - v2 )/Et = 0.622, independent of shell
geometry. (2) The point at which N 20 is maximum compressive is located a distance
3.l (Rt)1!2 from the edge at 0:1, and its value at that point can be determined accu-
rately from membrane shell theory.
Equation (33) is derived through the following assumptions: (1) The maximum
normal displacement w in the buckling pattern occurs where N 20 is a maximum com-
pressive. (2) The circumferential wavelength is proportional to (Rt)1I2.
There is a current important engineering problem to which this type of buckling of
spherical shells applies. Very large spherical tanks for transporting liquid natural
gas (Fig. 86(a)) are supported on short cylindrical shells as illustrated in Fig. 86(b).
When the tank is less than half filled the weight of the liquid natural gas creates
axial tension that might cause buckling of the type shown in Figs. 83 or 84.
Pedersen and Jensen [112] have studied this problem. Fig. 87 shows results from
their analysis.

(a) Liquid natural gas (LNG) carrier with spherical

cargo tanks.

Sphtr ical tank

Un stiffened spherical shell

Equator profile Supporting cylindrical shell

Stiffened cylindrical shell

Supporting ship hull

(b) Spherical tank design for LNG. (c) Supporting cylindrical skirt.

Figure 86. Very large spherical tanks for transportation of liquid natural gas (from Pederson
and Jensen [112]).

~ 6
39 Clrcumferenlial
~ .2
~ o~------------~------~
~ Present nOn-linear

Pure membrane

Liquid joiling
(b) ratio V:: .35
Prescribed me(,d onal
displacement wo= 0
E .. ternal pressure
De =0
Radius 10 th,ekr)eS5 E .. Iernal pressure
LIQutd Ifiling
rallO ~ = 500 ratio V:: .35 De:: 0

Prescribed ",er.dlonal Radius 10 thick-ness

,;. 1.0 , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " ' , rallo ~ :: 500
displacement u o :: 0

39 Circumferential wl~es

~ ,2
~ .•'-~~--~.

Figure 87. (a) Prebucklingmembrane stresses, (b) prebuckling deflection, (c) buckling deflection,
and (d) buckling pattern for a partially filled tank (from Pederson and Jensen [112]).

Axial load applied at a point

Figure 88 shows the post-buckled state of a very thin spherical shell with axial tension
applied at a point rather than over a finite radius rl. Table 4 lists critical loads for small

Figure 88. Buckling pattern for a thin spherical shell subjected to axial tension. Buckling
motion is restrained by an interior mandrel (from Horton [38]).

Table 5. Buckling loads PRIEt 3 for spherical shells with outward-directed concentrated loads.

Rlt n pRIEt 3
3040 8 148
1600 8 147
455 8 144
100 8 129
50 8 113

al and al = O. As might be expected, nonlinear pre buckling effects are very important
in this case. From Table 4 it is seen that for al :s;;; 0.05 rad the critical loads in the
column headed "nonlinear" are much higher than those in the column headed
"linear" .
Table 5 gives dimensionless loads PR/Et 3 and wave number n as functions of R/t.
For practical purposes, PR/Et 3 is independent of R/t when R/t is greater than about
500. In the entire range R/t ~ 50 the buckle pattern has 8 circumferential waves.
Figure 89(a) shows the dimensionless vertical pre buckling displacements uvo/t and
the dimensionless circumferential stress N 20 (1 - v2) (R/t)/Et for the loads at which
bifurcation occurs in 8 circumferential waves. The values of R/t used in the calculations
are 50, 100, 455, 1600, and 3040. Displacements and stresses are plotted vs. a
dimensionless arc length S/(Rt)I!2. As might be expected, the maximum displacement
occurs at the point of load application. The maximum compressive hoop stress occurs
at S/(Rt)1I2 = 4.25 and N 20 (1 - v2) (R/t)/Et = 0.667. The values of N 20 calculated
from membrane shell theory are also shown in Fig. 89(a).
Figure 89(b) shows the modal displacements wit, (v/t) (R/t)l!2, and (UH/t) (R/t)1I2
corresponding to bifurcation in an 8-wave pattern. The maximum displacements occur
near the point where the maximum prebuckling compressive hoop stress N 20 occurs.
For R/t ~ 50, wit, (v/t) (R/t) 112 , and (UH/t) (R/t)l!2 are almost independent of R/t
when these quantities are plotted vs. s/(Rt)l!2. The displacements are confined to
fairly shallow portions of the spherical shells.



7 6
0,4 ?--

·1.2 ':.
-1.6 ~

-w :~ 2 3 4 ~ 6 B 9

-,. ARC LE~GTH _ S/(R t1tf2

(a) (b)

Figure 89. (a) Normalized prebuckling axial displacement and circumferential stress resultant
for spherical shells with outward-directed concentrated loads, (b) normalized mode shapes corre-
sponding to bifurcation into 8 circumferential waves for spherical shells with outward-directed
concentrated loads (from Bushnell [111]).

Figure 90. Simple rig to demonstrate nonsymmetric buckling under internal pressure (from
Galletly [139]).

Buckling of internally pressurized vessel heads


The examples presented here fall into the same class as those of the previous section:
buckling under meridional tension combined with hoop compression. However, the
shells described here are not spherical. The problem is of special significance to
designers of pressure vessels, many of which have torispherical or ellipsoidal heads. An
example of a typical post-buckled pattern for an elastic sltell is shown in Fig. 90.
This class of problems is particularly interesting because in the range of practical
design parameters predicted behavior is found to be sensitive to pre buckling geometric
nonlinearity as well as material nonlinearity, the former effect increasing the critical
pressure' and the latter decreasing it. Therefore, the problem serves as an excellent
demonstration of the kinds of nonlinear phenomena an engineer should be aware of
when he undertakes a stability analysis. The description here applies to both
torispherical and ellipsoidal vessel heads, although most of the applications shown in
Figs. 90-104 and Table 6 are to tOrispherical heads.
Interest in internally pressurized tOrispherical heads was stimulated by the failure
of a large fluid coker undergoing a hydrostatic proof test at Avon, California in 1956.
The failed vessel is shown in Fig. 3. Galletly [113, 1] determined from an elastic,
small-deflection analysis that the stresses exceeded the yield point of the material
by considerable margins over substantial portions of the vessel. Galletly's work [113]
stimulated Drucker and Shield [114, 115] to perform limit analyses of shells of
revolution using Simplified yield surfaces for a Tresca material. Other elastic-plastic
analyses of torispherical shells were published by Gerdeen and Hutula [116], Crisp
and Townley [117], and Simonen and Hunter [118]. Calladine [119] presented a
noval analysis of the limit pressure of torispherical heads which gives results similar
to those obtained by Shield and Drucker [115]. Save [120] conducted a series of
tests on torispherical, toriconical, and flat heads. Several papers on the elastic-plastic
analysis of pressure vessel heads may be found in Ref. [121], including contributions
by Gerdeen [122], Mescall [123], and Marcal [124]. Other references to work in
this area are given by Esztergar [125] .
The possibility of nonaxisymmetric buckling of internally pressurized torispherical
heads was first predicted by Galletly [1]. Fino and Schneider [126] reported such
buckling in a head designed according to the ASME code, but at a pressure slightly
below the design pressure. It is likely that the unexpectedly low buckling pressure
resulted from nonaxisymmetric imperfections generated when spherical and toroidal
gores were welded together to form the very large head. Mescall [127] was the first
to present a solution of the nonaxisymmetric stability analysis. He used elastic small-
deflection theory. Adachi and Benicek [128] conducted a series of buckling tests
on torispherical heads made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), chosen primarily because
of the high ratio of yield stress to Young's modulus, which ensures that buckling
occurs before large-scale yielding. The correlation of elastic analysis with these tests
was much improved by inclusion of nonlinear geometric effects. Thurston and Holston
[129] were the first to account for moderately large axisymmetric prebuckling
meridional rotations in the stability analysis of these heads. Since publication of Ref.
[129] many computer programs have been written which calculate nonsymmetric
buckling loads of arbitrary elastic shells of revolution including geometric nonlinearity
in the pre buckling analysis and pre buckling shape changes in the stability analysis
[11-14] .
Recently, several papers have appeared on nonsymmetric buckling of elastic-plastic
pressure vessel heads: Brown and Kraus [l30] calculated critical pressures for
internally pressurized ellipsoidal heads with use of small-deflection theory. Bushnell
and Galletly [l31] found buckling loads for externally pressurized torispherical heads
pierced by nozzles and for conical heads with use of large-deflection theory in the

; 'r
g I


W 2r Rs =5.395"
z Acfual Thickness
Cl Varies (See Table)

o I

Figure 91. Aluminum or mild steel torpispherical head tested under internal pressure by Galletiy
at the University of Liverpool: (a) BOSOR5 discrete model, (b) exaggerated view of prebuckling
deflected shape at the bifurcation buckling pressure (from Bushnell and Galletly [132]).

pre buckling analysis. Bushnell and Galletly [132], Lagae and Bushnell [133], and
Galletly [134, 135] used the BOSOR5 computer program to compare theoretical
predictions with tests by Kirk and Gill [136], Patel and Gill [137], and Galletly [134,
135] for buckling of internally pressurized torispherical and ellipsoidal heads.

Cause and characteristics of nonsymmetric bifurcation buckling

Figure 91 (a) shows a discretized model used for the BOSOR5 analysis of a
torispherical head. Finite difference nodal points are concentrated in the region where
buckles are expected to appear. Figure 91 (b) is a schematic of the meridian as
deformed axisymmetrically by internal pressure. Circumferential (hoop) compression
develops wherever the radius r is diminished from the undeformed state. It is this
hoop compression that causes nonsymmetric bifurcation buckling. The value of the
buckling pressure Per depends most strongly on the value and meridional distribution
of the hoop stress resultant N20, on the curvature of the deformed meridian in the
region where N 20 is compressive, on the material properties, and of course on the
thickness of the shell. The circumferential bending rigidity Css (Eq. (84) of Ref.
[430]) is probably the most important component of stiffness in the calculation of
the stability determinant because the critical circumferential wave number ncr is
usually very high for such a geometry and the strain energy associated with the buckling
mode thus varies approximately as Cssncr4. Figure 94(b) shows typical buckling modes
corresponding to an elastic analytical model. The buckles are shown outward although
of course they vary as cos 508 and cos 908 in the circumferential direction.
The development of visible buckles such as shown in Fig. 90 is a process and not

2" ELLIPSE/"', I

+:::. m~,/ I
z I ~-. ,I
~~ 0
0.2 0.4 0.6
~ -6 rr~ Ff
= 0.3455
z --1= 1.809
·2 -12


Figure 92. Hoop stress resultant at piE = 2.86 X 10- 6 for elastic 2: 1 torispherical and ellipsoidal
heads (from Bushnell (138)).

the single event predicted by a bifurcation ( eigenvalue) buckling analysis. As the

pressure in a test specimen is increased above some critical value a very localized
isolated incipient buckle forms in the knuckle region, invisible to the naked eye but
detectable by a sensitive probe or a strain gage. The buckle grows slowly at first and
then more rapidly, and suddenly becomes visible. This visible buckle generally covers
most of the knuckle region in the meridional direction but has a very short circum-
ferential wavelength. After formation of the first buckle the pressure can be further
increased substantially, causing the formation of other visible buckles in the knuckle
region, each one isolated circumferentially from its neighbors, as shown in Fig. 90.
An isolated buckle, generated by circumferential compression in the knuckle region,
apparently causes the relief of this compression within a sector surrounding the
buckle, thereby preventing the fonnation of the uniform buckle pattern typical of
buckled axially compressed cylindrical or externally pressurized spherical shells.
The theoretical results shown here are derived from an analysis which is founded
on the assumption that we are especially interested in the pressure at which the first
incipient buckle forms. Therefore, buckling is treated as a single event, predicted by
means of the eigenvalue formulation summarized in Ref. [430] .

Difference in elastic behavior of ellipsoidal and torispherical heads

Figure 92 shows the hoop stress resultant distribution in an elastic 2: 1 ellipsoidal

head compared to that in a similar torispherical head with geometry as shown in the
figure. Dimensions of the ellipSOidal shell are shown in Fig. 93(a). The buckling mode

(a) Discretized model of 2:1 ellip-

soidal head.

/ (d) Prebuckling hoop resultants in region
/ of buckle predicted from elastic small
deflection theory and elastic large
deflec tion theory.


(b) Ellipsoidal head as deformed axisym-

metrically under internal pressure.


(e) Buckling modes predicted from elastic

(c) NonsYlIllTletric buckling mode from small deflection theory and elastic
linear elastic analysis. large deflection theory.

Figure 93. Linear and nonlinear prebuckling behavior and bifurcation buckling of elastic
internally pressurized ellipsoidal vessel head (from Bushnell [138]).

in the torispherical head has a maximum at a location nearer to the axis of revolution
than does that in the ellipsoidal head, corresponding to the different locations of the
peak compressive hoop resultant at the critical pressure.

Elastic bifurcation buckling

Accurate prediction of bifurcation buckling loads in the elastic range of material pro-
perties requires an accounting for nonlinear geometric effects in the axisymmetric
pre buckling analysis and inclusion in the nonsymmetric stability (eigenvalue) analysis
of the fact that the prebuckled head has a new axisymmetric shape.
Figure 93(a) shows a discretized model of an ellipsoidal head analyzed with
BOSOR5 [47]. The axisymmetric prebuckling deflected shape is shown in Fig. 93(b)
and a nonsymmetric bifurcation buckling mode with critical pressures from linear
and nonlinear theories is given in Fig. 93(c).
What causes the difference between the buckling pressures calculated for elastic
material with small-deflection theory and with large-deflection theory? Fig. 93(d)

/ - - - - - - - 5.26"!-'------~ 1.0"

E = 0.48. 106 psi
v =0.37


10 pc,lE = 23.35
ncr = 50



Figure 94. Discretized model of tori spherical vessel head and predicted critical internal pressure
and nonsymmetric buckling modes for two of Adachi and Benicek's elastic specimens (from
Bushnell [138]).

helps to explain. The predicted bifurcation pressure depends on the distribution of

the meridional and hoop stress resultants and on the wall curvature in the area where
the first buckles appear. The values of these quantities depend on whether or not
moderately large deflection effects are included in the analysis.
Assuming that the wall material remains elastic, the most Significant determinant
of the buckling pressure for a shell of given properties is the hoop stress resultant
N 20 in the area of the knuckle where buckling occurs. Fig. 93(d) shows that in this
region N 20 does not grow linearly with pressure but quite a bit more slowly. The
slower-than-linear growth of compressive N 20 in the axisymmetric prebuckling regime
is due to two factors: As the pressure is increased the ellipsoidal shape "tries" to
become more spherical. For small internal pressures, a given increment in pressure
causes a relatively large shape change because the meridional curvature varies steeply
in the region where N 20 is compressive. For higher internal pressures the variation
of meridional curvature has become more gradual and the given pressure increment




- - ADACHI and
006'V BOSOR5

Figure 95. Comparison of test and theory for nonsymmetric buckling of elastic torispherical
vessel heads (from Bushnell and Galletly [132]).

therefore causes less of a further change in shape. The second and smaller factor
causing slower-than-linear growth of N 20 is the pressure-rotation effect. The non-
linear growth of N 20 explains why the buckling pressures from nonlinear elastic
theory are higher than those from linear theory.
There is another nonlinear phenomenon which has the opposite effect on the
buckling load: As the pressure is increased, the meridional curvature diminishes
in the region where buckling occurs, as can be seen from Fig. 93(b). This axisymmetric
decrease in meridional curvature in the prebuckling regime has the effect of reducing
the circumferential stress resultant required to cause buckling. The middle curve in
Fig. 93(d) gives the critical hoop resultant distribution predicted with use of small-
deflection theory-a theory which neglects the reduction in meridional curvature due
to the axisymmetric prebuckling change in shape of the ellipsoidal head. Notice that
this critical hoop resultant distribution is generally larger in absolute value than is
the critical distribution of N 20 predicted with use of large-deflection theory.
Figure 93( e) shows the buckling modes from the large- and small-deflection analyses.
The peaks in the buckling modes follow the same trend as the peaks in the distribution
of compressive N 20 .
Similar nonlinear geometric effects are present in the case of torispherical pressure


Figure 96. Examples of elastic-plastic circumferential buckling due to internal pressure: (a)
0.137 m diameter machined aluminum torispherical model (from Galletly [139]); (b) 3 m diameter
'as manufactured' stainless steel pressure vessel with torispherical ends (courtesy P. Stanley,
University of Nottingham, England).

vessel heads. Figure 94(a) shows a discretized model of a torispherical head of the type
tested by Adachi and Benicek [128]. Analytical and experimental results for elastic
torispherical heads of various geometries are given in Figs. 94(b) and 95. The nonlinear
theory always leads to prediction of higher buckling loads and these predictions are
generally in much better agreement with the test results than are the predictions
obtained with use of linear theory. The nonlinear results from BOSOR5 are in
reasonably good agreement with the critical pressures predicted by Thurston and
Holston [129] . Typical buckling modes are shown in Fig. 94(b).

Elastic-plastic bifurcation buckling

Figures 96(a) and (b) show post-buckled states of a small machined tOrispherical
head made of aluminum and a large torispherical head fabricated by forming. Buckling
for these heads occurred in the plastic range of material behavior. The buckles are
isolated from each other and have short circumferential wavelengths, as observed for
the elastically buckled model shown in Fig. 90, but they protrude from rather than
indent the shells. The protruding mode was observed in the post-buckled specimens
tested by Galletly [l34, 135], Kirk and Gill [136], and Patel and Gill [137].
The two biggest effects of plastic flow on the predicted bifurcation buckling
pressure are the following:
l. The rate change of the compressive hoop stress resultant with increasing pressure is
strongly dependent on the rate at which the material strain hardens;
2. The integrated constitutive coefficients [D TO ] (See Eq. 255 of Ref. [430]) are
reduced from their elastic values.

.....LIJ -12

z -10 if Mild

f-" -8
0:: -6
Iii -4
:<: -2

0 2 4 6


Figure 97. Nonlinear relationship of peak compressive hoop resultant in torispherical head
to internal pressure: (a) material with considerable strain hardening; (b) elastic perfectly plastic

'"a:a. -2


"" -6


Figure 97(c). Predicted buckling mode and hoop stress resultant distributions as functions of
internal pressure for Galletly's mild steel specimen MS3 (Table 6) (from Bushnell and Galletly
Theoretical { - Linear
BOO (BOSOR5) - - _ Non-linear
Experirnentol •••
600 (Adachi)

I. 00 1--r-0....2.:7
d'- 200
OT1-"-5-'---' "\; "' '115
71)0 Meridional distone; frorn aPiex (ern)
_s~~pric(]~.c:(]LJ. torusj
(a) Meridional stresses Oil outside surface, p '" 414 kPa,

0- lIi-T--r-r-ri ~r-l "-:--] 1

5 ~O
200 Merld,oml dlslance 1\
o. frorn apex (ern ) ~
600 I
800 I
_sph_efl~O~c~p-.l t()fUS

(b) Circumferential stresses on outside surface, p = 414 kPa.

Figure 98. Experimental and theoretical results for an elastic machined aluminum torispherical
head subjected to internal pressure (from Galletly [139]).

Figures 97(a) and (b) show the peak hoop resultant as a function of internal pressure
for two values of post-yield hardening modulus ET . A typical behavior of mild steel
torispherical shells is that they buckle nonsymmetrically at pressures for which the
hoop compression is diminishing in the knuckle region, as shown in Fig. 97 ( c).
(Yielding initiates in this shell at 10 6 piE = 1.33.) Figure 98 shows the very large
difference between predictions of prebuckling stress from linear and nonlinear
analysis. The nonlinear results were obtained by application of BOSOR5 [47] to a
specimen tested by Adachi [128], and they agree with the measurements.
Table 6 lists test and predicted incipient buckling pressures for many of the
internally pressurized torispherical machined specimens analyzed with BOSOR5. The
nominal dimensions of the specimens are given in Table 6. The quantities t, Rc, RtJ
Rs, and Le are the nominal thickness, radius of the cylinder to which the head is
attached, radius of the toroidal knuckle, radius of the sph'erical closure, and length of
the cylindrical portion to which the head is attached, respectively.
The thicknesses of the test specimens varied in both the circumferential and
meridional directions. Typical circumferential variations of thickness in the toroidal
knuckle where buckling occurs are shown in Fig. 99. BOSOR5 runs were made using
the minimum thicknesses measured at each meridional station. In the BOSOR5 models
as well as in the actual specimens the thickness varied in the meridional direction by
as much as 30%. The differences in the BOSOR5 predictions for specimens with the
Table 6. Internally pressurized torispherical heads. 0
Buckling BOSOR5 buckling predictions
Geometry results Elastic-plastic Elastic
Specimen Tested by Material tn (mm) Rc/tn (PcrlE) X 106 Flow theory Deformation Linear Nonlinear
Rt/tn RJtn Lc/Rc
Al Galletly Alumium 0.127 540 220 1080 0.6 8.25 8.93 (45)a 8.93 (45) 5.7 (50) 13.7 (50)
A2 Galletly Aluminum 0.254 270 110 540 0.6 20.87 21.36 (21) 20.90 (25)
A3 Galletly Aluminum 0.254 270 110 540 0.6 21.84 22.91 (25) 21.34 (29) 24.0 (37) No buckling
MS1 Galletly Mild Steel 0.127 540 220 1080 0.6 4.23 1.47 (30-40) 4.0 (55) 6.9 (55)
MS2 Galletly Mild Steel 0.127 540 220 1080 0.6 2.60 1.17 (30-40) 1.67 (65) 4.3 (55)
MS3 Galletly Mild Steel 0.127 540 220 1080 0.6 2.73 2.00 (27) 1.73 (27) 5.01 (50) 10.77 (50)
MS4 Galletly Mild Steel 0.127 540 220 1080 0.6 2.50 1.77 (28) 3.4 (55) 8.3 (50)

4A Kirk & Gill Aluminum 0.254 266 40 531 1.0 3.44 (75) 5.13 (40) 4.28 (35) 11.4 (75) 15.3 (65)
4B Kirk & Gill Aluminum 0.254 266 60 531 1.0 5.40 (62) 6.85 (40) 5.70 (35) 12.8 (60) 19.7 (50)
4C Kirk & Gill Aluminum 0.254 266 90 531 1.0 10.81 (49) 10.48 (28) 9.41 (40) 14.3 (45) 34.8 (45)

1 Patel & Gill Aluminum 0.254 266 30 531 1.0 4.20 4.17 (45) 3.70 (80)
2 Patel & Gill Aluminum 0.254 266 40 531 1.0 6.20 (54) 7.56 (35) 6.01 (60)
3 Patel & Gill Aluminum 0.254 266 50 531 1.0 6.87 6.48 (45) 5.71 (55)
4 Patel & Gill Aluminum 0.254 266 60 531 1.0 6.34 6.94 (45) 6.48 (50)
5 Patel & Gill Aluminum 0.254 266 70 531 1.0 9.49 9.26 (35) 8.95 (40)
6 Patel & Gill Aluminum 0.254 266 80 531 1.0 11.06 12.65 (30) 12.04 (35)
7 Patel & Gill Aluminum 0.254 266 90 531 1.0 12.5 11.88 (35) 11.42 (35)
8 Patel & Gill Aluminum 0.254 266 100 531 1.0 10.56 10.03 (35) 9.72 (35)
9 Patel & Gill Aluminum 0.254 266 110 531 1.0 No buckling 17.75 (20) 16.98 (25)
10 Patel & Gill Aluminum 0.254 266 120 531 1.0 No buckling No buckling No buckling

aNumbers in parentheses indicate circumferential waves, ncr.


I SPECIMEN 3C x........ --'- /x
I.OO~ ~ ~ "e:
~ __ +-_. •___ + -
""_ /SPECIMEN 38

b·...,... ---+-_.-+

1.30 ":--

Figure 99. Measured thickness around the circumferences of the tori spherical heads at the
latitudes where the maximum normal buckling modal displacement is predicted to occur (from
Bushnell and Galletly [13 2] ).

Ga lietly (] 976)
A3 A2

~ L--r'-\.I--;:\~----.l>----_+-_ _ _--tf'i
0 0.4
en 0.2 Kir1< and Gill (1975)
..... MS2 MS4
e..> MSI MS3
LL. Galietly (1976)
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4

Figure 100. Maximum effective strain at buckling for Kirk and Gill's, Patel and Gill's, and
Galletly's specimens (adapted from Bushnell and Galletly [132]).


w p3.33
u /
~ -0.05

'" -0.75


Yield Surface For

O'yp =00012
E .

Figure 101. Comparisons of paths in stress space for a point at siR = 1.106 with use of two
different stress-strain curves (from Bushnell [138 J).

same nominal geometry arise from different meridionally varying thickness distribu-
tions used in the discretized models.
Plastic flow prior to bifurcation buckling occurs in a fairly broad axisymmetric
band near the junction between the spherical and toroidal portions. Stress-strain curves
for the specimens and maximum effective strains at buckling are shown in Fig. 100.
There is reasonably good agreement between test and theory for the aluminum
specimens. Discrepancies may be due to the fact that the actual specimens were
nonsymmetric because of circumferentially varying thickness and meridian profile,
whereas the BOSOR5 models are axisymmetric. Also, the material flow law (associated
with von Mises yield surface) and hardening law (isotropic) may not be adequate to
describe the actual plastic behavior. Figure 10 I shows that with a small amount of
strain hardening the path followed by a material point in stress space as the pressure
is increased monotonically is sharply curved. We do not yet understand metal
plasticity well enough to be able to predict with certainty the state of a structure that
has undergone nonproportional biaxial loading.
In general the BOSOR5 computer program [47] seems to predict bifurcation
buckling at a location nearer to the sphere-torus junction than observed in the tests,
and the critical circumferential wave number obtained from the theories in which
plasticity is included are somewhat lower than the values observed from the post-
buckled states of the specimens.
From Table 6 it is seen that the buckling pressures predicted with use of deformation
theorY' are somewhat less than those obtained with use of flow theory. The primary
reason for the lower values associated with deformation theory is that the constitutive
law coefficient DTSSO (Eq. (225) in [430]) including elastic-plastic effects, is con-
siderably smaller in the region where buckling occurs if deformation theory is used.
This coefficient relates the change in circumferential curvature during buckling to the
change in circumferential buckling moment resultant, and is especially important
because the circumferential wavelength of a buckle is small. Therefore the circum-
ferential bending energy required to form a buckle is perhaps the most significant
part of the total strain energy balance associated with buckling.
The test and theoretical results for the four mild steel specimens are not in close
agreement, as seen in Table 6. A detailed explanation is suggested in Ref. [132]. To
summarize here, it is possible that the buckling mode associated with the lowest
predicted eigenvalue grows very little in the post-buckling regime and so this
mode was not observed in the tests. This explanation seems likely in view of the
characteristic shown in Figs. 97(b) and (c) that the compressive hoop resultant in the
knuckle region decreases steeply after yielding of the elastic-perfectly plastic material.
Also likely is the fact that because circumferential nonuniformities in the thickness
of test specimens cause relatively large circumferential prebifurcation bending strains
to develop as the pressure is increased, the compressive destabilizing circumferential
stress resultant grows more slowly with increasing pressure than predicted by the
axisymmetric BOSOR5 model. A more detailed explanation is offered in Ref. [132].
From Table 6 it is seen that use of linear elastic theory always leads to a lower
prediction of bifurcation buckling pressure than use of nonlinear elastic theory. The
reasons for the different predictions are given in the discussion associated with Fig.
Figures 102-104 pertain to aluminum torispherical specimens tested by Patel and
Gill [137]. Figure 103 gives comparisons of predicted and measured incipient buckling
pressures for the heads shown in Figs. 102(a) and (b). The ranges of pressures over
which the buckling patterns were observed to develop are also indicated in Fig. 103.
In Fig. 103:
PACT = pressure at which the first buckle was fully developed,
PCLEAR = pressure at which the first buckle could be felt by touching the surface
of the specimen,
PINCIPIENT = pressure at which the first buckle was detected by a sensitive probe
revolved around the circumference at a station in the toroidal knuckle.
Figure 104 shows the growth of a minute incipient buckle pattern in one of Patel and
Gill's specimens over a pressure range 0.402";; P";; 0.612 MN/m 2 . Again, we see that
in actual specimens what we are characterizing as a single event called "bifurcation
buckling" is actually a process that occurs over a finite range of internal pressure.
Results given by Lagae and Bushnell [133] indicate that reasonably accurate
predictions of incipient buckling can be obtained with models in which constant
thickness is assumed, the model thickness being taken as the average measured thickness

t = O· 254




(Dimensions in mm)

Figure 102(a). Test specimen nominal geometry (from Patel and Gill [137]).


t SPEC. NO.1

r· .... ····· ............' ..9..


Figure 102(b). Discretized models for the BOSOR5 analysis (from Lagae and Bushnell [133 D.


0 I.L.
N 0
~ 0.9 • (!)
z 0 0 z
::E ::J
¢ ::..::
~ 0.8
• u
::> 0 • t:. 0 m
• • •
CI) z

~ 0.6
¢ 0

::> 0
m 0.5 0
• ••
0.4 !

0.3 r-
• I I I
4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32

Figure 103. Variation in buckling pressure with radius of toroidal knuckle: comparisons of
test results of [137] with BOSOR5 predictions for incipient buckling (from Lagae and Bushnell
[133 J).

along the toroidal knuckle meridian for which this average is minimum. The quality
of the theoretical predictions of incipient buckling as well as the behavior of the test
specimens as the pressure is increased above the incipient buckling pressure indicate
that these types of vessels are not particularly sensitive to initial imperfections.

Conclusions about bifurcation buckling of internally pressurized heads

1. The major effect of moderately large axisymmetric pre buckling deformation is to

cause the band of circumferential compression which occurs in the knuckle to increase
more slowly than in proportion to the pressure, as shown in Figs. 93(d) and 97. Thus,
buckling pressures predicted with use of geometrically nonlinear pre buckling theory
are higher than those predicted with use of linear pre buckling theory (Table 6).
2. A smaller counteracting influence of moderately large deflections is due to the
effect of the increase in meridional radius of curvature of the knuckle region during

~r·o~~ __~__~__~__~__-n2'O
E 0'05 r---------<c~~-

0·2' '------''--_ _' - -_ _'--'-_ _' - - _ ' - - _ w


g 0"


0 2·0

2·' '--_'--__'--__' - - _ ' - - _ - ' - - - _ L J

Figure 104. Development of buckles of sphere/torus junction in specimen 2D (from Patel

and Gill [137]).

prebuckling deformations on the nonaxisymmetric stability analysis: This curvature

change causes a reduction of the predicted buckling pressure from a value that would
result if terms related to it were dropped from the equations governing the stability
analysis, as demonstrated by the middle curve in Fig. 93( d).
3. For monotonically increasing pressure above that causing initial yielding, the
circumferential and meridional stresses in the knuckle do not increase proportionally.
The curvature of a path in stress space followed by a given point depends very strongly
on the amount of post-yield strain hardening exhibited by the material from which the
vessel head is fabricated: The less the strain hardening, the more this path is curved,
as shown in Fig. 101.
4. As might be expected, the predicted buckling pressure obtained with elastic-
plastic analysis is less than that obtained with elastic analysis (Table 6).
5. Use of deformation theory rather than flow theory in the stability analysis leads
to lower predicted buckling pressures (Table 6).
6. The distribution and magnitude of the hoop compression in the knuckle regions
depends very strongly on the degree of strain hardening exhibited by the material.
The peak compressive hoop resultant in a vessel head fabricated from mild steel or
other material with negligible strain hardening increases initially with increasing
pressure, but very soon starts to decrease as the knuckle is stressed into the plastic
range, as seen in Figs. 97(b) and (c). In contrast, if the material exhibits a moderate
amount of strain hardening, the peak compressive hoop resultant continues to increase
to higher pressures before it reaches a maximum value, as disclosed by Fig. 97(a).

This difference in behavior of the destabilizing hoop resultant affects the strategy to
be used for calculation of bifurcation buckling eigenvalues, as pointed out in Ref.
[133] .
7. Buckling occurs only for very thin specimens. For example, with 2: 1 heads
nonsymmetric buckling occurs only if the diameter-to-thickness ratio is greater than
about 500. It is not presently within the state of the art to fabricate by machining
specimens of reasonable size for testing in the laboratory with thickness variations
around the circumference less than five to ten percent. These small nonaxisymmetric
variations cause the growth of circumferential waves in the knuckle at pressures well
below the buckling pressure. It is felt that the circumferential nonuniformity is
responsible for rather large discrepancies between measured and predicted strains in
the knuckle region of torispherical shells for pressures exceeding the proportional
limit of the material.
8. The observed buckling pressure depends on how buckling is defined. In the
test on torispherical shells performed by Galletly [134], the first buckling pressure
is defined at that pressure at which the first buckle becomes visible to the unaided
eye. In the tests by Kirk and Gill [136], the buckling pressure is defined as that
pressure at which a short-wavelength disturbance is first detected by a sensitive dis-
placement transducer rotated around the circumference at the midpoint of the
knuckle. In one of Kirk and Gill's specimens there was more than a 50 percent increase
in the pressure from that at which the transducer detected a small wave to that at
which the wave grew to such a size that it became visible.
9. Finally it is concluded that in order to obtain a fuller understanding of the
elastic-plastic behavior of thin vessel heads under internal pressure, a better under-
standing of the biaxial flow of metals subject to nonproportionalloading is needed,
as well as the capability to manufacture very thin test specimens in which the
tolerance on axisymmetry of thickness is about an order of magnitude smaller than
is possible with state-of-the-art fabrication techniques.

Bifurcation buckling near the axisymmetric collapse load

A summary of examples already described

We have already seen many examples in which nonsymmetric bifurcation buckling of

shells of revolution occurs near the axisymmetric collapse load. The classical equation
for buckling of a monocoque cylindrical shell under uniform axial compression con-
tains no reference to the number of circumferential waves. Indeed, it is disclosed
in Fig. 29 of Ref. [430] that for very thin cylinders, use of nonlinear theory leads
to a prediction of axisymmetric elastic collapse due to bending near the edge at an
axial load only 20% higher than that corresponding to nonsymmetric bifurcation
buckling with ncr = 18 circumferential waves. The thicker axially compressed cylinder
shown in Fig. 6 fails initially in an axisymmetric collapse mode, but just after the
peak in the load-deflection curve has been passed a nonsymmetric deformation pattern
begins to develop, indicating the presence of a bifurcation point near the maximum

The two-column shallow truss shown in Fig. 10 displays simultaneous symmetric

collapse and bifurcation buckling for a certain value of the shallowness parameter
h/L, as demonstrated in Fig. 12. The shallow spherical cap under uniform external
pressure exhibits analogous behavior. Shallow spherical caps clamped at the edge
fail by axisymmetric collapse and bifurcation buckling at the same pressure for a value
of the shallowness parameter A of about 6, as seen in Fig. 37. Caps with edge rings act
in a similar fashion, as revealed by the predictions listed in Table 3 for small edge
The axisymmetric collapse and bifurcation buckling loads of fairly thick ring-
stiffened cylinders under external hydrostatic pressure are often close. Figures 35
and 36 indicate that inclusion of room temperature creep leads to a prediction of
axisymmetric collapse at a slightly lower load than that corresponding to nonsymmetric
bifurcation buckling predicted for the same model with creep neglected. Similar
differences in buckling behavior might be expected to result from application of
hydrostatic pressure to two similar ring-stiffened cylinders, one made of a material
that displays less strain hardening than the other. The specimen made of the milder
material is more likely to collapse axisymmetrically whereas the other might buckle
nonsymmetrically, depending on geometry.
Finally, infinite and finite length long straight pipes under bending fail by collapse
due to smooth flattening of the cross section combined with a short axial wavelength
wrinkle or bifurcation buckling mode that develops just before the peak moment is
reached, as shown in Figs. 39 and 43. With a high enough external pressure applied in
addition to the bending moment, the wrinkling mode develops just after the maximum
in the moment-curvature-change path has been attained. Figure 42(b) indicates that
collapse <lnd bifurcation buckling occur at almost the same critical moment for
cylinders of any length. Certainly this is true for very short cylinders because these
behave, at the circumferential location where axial compression is maximum, in a
way similar to cylinders under uniform axial compression. We have already seen from
Fig. 29 of Ref. [430] that axisymmetric collapse and nonsymmetric bifurcation
buckling for uniformly axially compressed cylindrical shells occur at loads that are
fairly close.

Failure of a water tank

In 1972 in Belgium a steel water tower of 1500 m 3 capacity collapsed as it was being
filled for the first time. This accident and analyses of the structure are described in
[2] and [140]. Figure 4 shows the tower after failure and its overall dimensions.
The collapse occurred when the water was almost at the maximum level for which the
tank was designed. It is felt that collapse probably initiated in the conical section
near the deepest water level. Figure 4(b) shows a wrinkled meridian at this location
which gives credence to this hypothesis.
As might be expected the catastrophic failure of such a large, expensive, and
fairly complex shell structure motivated engineers to seek an explanation. Professor
Vandepitte, Dr. Lagae, and their coworkers at the University of Ghent in Belgium
tested models made of mylar [141]. Figure 105 shows a specimen before and after
collapse, which occurred when the model was filled to a level 38 em above the clamped

(a) (e)

I (b) (d)

Figure 105. Elastic buckling of conical water tank: (a) before buckling; (b) tank geometry and
water level; (c) postbuckled model; and (d) predicted bifurcation buckling mode from linear theory
(photographs courtesy of Dr. Guy Lagae, Univ. of Ghent, Belgium).

base. With linear prebuckling analysis the BOSOR4 computer program [14] yields a
prediction of a critical load factor p = 1.12 corresponding to nonsymmetric bifurcation
buckling with 14 circumferential waves. In other words, if a prebuckling stress state is
calculated from linear theory corresponding to a water level of 38 em, and a solution is
obtained of an eigenvalue problem of the type in Eq. (123) in Ref. [430], in which
Kl is the stiffness matrix of the unloaded shell and K2 is the load-geometric matrix
corresponding to the membrane stress resultants in the wall of the tank when it is
filled to a level of 38 em, the lowest eigenvalue A corresponds to n = 14 circumferential
waves and its value is A = p = 1.12. The predicted buckling mode is shown in Fig.
105(d). Buckling is caused by meridional compression which is maximum at the
clamped base. This compression is combined with a circumferential stress resultant
distributed as shown in Fig. 106. The phenomenon is analogous to buckling of an
axially compressed cylinder with internal pressure.
Figure 107 shows a plot of maximum pre buckling normal deflection w vs load
factor p corresponding to the tank with internal hydrostatic pressure linearly varying
over the constant axial distance of 38 em above the clamped base. The problem is
solved here in a slightly unrealistic way: The level of the fluid is held constant at


ii?E.u 0.5 Circumferential Stress Resultant



Pressure Multiplier, p' 1.0

Linear Theory


Figure 106. Stress resultants from linear theory at a load factor p = 1.0 (NCL = 0.6 Et 2/Rnormal:
Rnormal = 13/cos 40° - see next figure).

38 cm, which corresponds to the level at which failure occurred in the test. The
amplitude P of the linearly varying normal pressure is increased in increments,
indicated by points on the pre buckling load-deflection curve shown in Fig. 107. Thus
the load paths in stress space seen by theoretical material points in the BOSOR4 model
are different from those actually experienced by the corresponding points in the shell
wall during the test. As long as the predicted load multiplier is fairly close to unity
this path difference is immaterial, since no path-dependent plastic flow occurred in
the test specimen. Even if plastic flow does occur before predicted failure, which as
shall be seen is the case for the BOSOR5 model of the large steel water tower shown
in Fig. 3, the path difference is very small in the critical region if buckling occurs over
a relatively short meridional distance near the bottom of the tank, as it does in the
elastic model (Fig. 105( c, d)).
In Figure 107 bifurcation buckling points Plb and Pnb corresponding to the critical
number of circumferential waves, ncr = 14, are shown on the linear and nonlinear
prebuckling load-deflection paths. The buckling modes in both cases are almost
identical (Fig. 105( d)).
Figure 108 shows the axisymmetric prebuckling displacement distributions pre-
dicted from linear bending theory at P = 1.0 and nonlinear theory for two load levels
near axisymmetric collapse. The meridional variation of w at the load multiplier
P = 0.993 corresponding to collaspe resembles the nonsymmetric bifurcation buckling
mode displayed in Fig. 105(d).
The theoretical and experimental results are very close, indicating that the test
model was well made and the critical load is not as sensitive to inital imperfections as
one might expect for a very thin conical shell in which the destabilizing prestress
component is axial compression. There are two reasons for the apparent milder
sensitivity to initial imperfections displayed by this problem than that for axially
compressed thin cylindrical shells which it resembles. The highest axial compression


Pl b = 1. 12

P nb = 0.9Q3




I --
-----T --- -- B.O
:J f - - - - - 38.173 ----11
..J E = 502B50.N/em 2 _ _-

0.3 30.0



0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06


Figure 107. Load-maximum normal deflection curve with bifurcation points from linear and
nonlinear prebuckling theory and axisymmetric collapse load factor.

occurs in a fairly local region near the clamped base and, more significant, a stabilizing
circumferential tension exists. It has been found that critical loads for axially com-
pressed cylindrical shells with internal pressure are less sensitive to initial imperfections
than are those without internal pressure [34]. One reason for this decreased sensitivity
is that the internal pressure increases the amplitude of the local axisymmetric bulges
near the edges, creating a rather large predictable imperfection that grows as the axial
load is applied. Without the internal pressure, a similar bulge of much smaller ampli-
tude is created only by the Poisson effect.
The numerical solution of this problem has many pitfalls. These arise from:
(1) the close proximity of loads corresponding to axisymmetric collapse and non-
symmetric bifurcation buckling;
(2) the sensitivity of the results to nodal point distribution in the critical area where
buckling occurs;


I Nonlinear Analysis
E 0.05
I P" 0.993 (Axisymmetric Collapse)

zu.J 0.04
::sa. 0.03
Linear Analysis
p" 1.0
0:: 0.02
..... , /

-- '"
:::> \,
0 "-
....J 0.01
<..? 0
Z 5.0 10.0
:::> -{J.OI

-{J.02 I w

Figure 108. Growth of axisymmetric wrinkles near clamped base of conical water tank model.

(3) the numerical difficulty caused by the fact that the shell can buckle under external
pressure as well as internal pressure, leading to the possibility that the smallest
eigenvalue A of the system represented by Eq. (123) of Ref. [430] might
correspond to solution of the wrong physical problem.

An attempt to predict elastic-plastic buckling of the large steel water tower including
fabrication effects

In this section an attempt is made to explain the unexpected collapse of the steel
water tower shown in Fig. 3 by accounting separately for residual stresses and defor-
mations caused by axisymmetric cold bending or welding or mismatch between struc-
tural segments. The analysis shows that axisymmetric models of these effects do not
explain the discrepancy between the predicted collapse under hydrostatic pressure and
the actual collapse in 1972 of the 1500 cubic-meter tower. However, the modeling
techniques and results are included here to demonstrate how such effects might be
accounted for in an approximate manner and the influence they have on predicted
collapse loads. More is written on this subject in the section on ring-stiffened cylinders.
The results described here were obtained with use of the BOSOR5 computer program

Tank configuration and discretized model: Figures 109(a) and (b) depict the water
tank geometry and discretized, segmented model for use with BOSOR5. Material

II f.--mL-.j
.. " II
II :: II
II 17'"

F'igure 109(a). Geometry of large steel water tower that failed in Belgium in 1972 (from Vande-
pitte [140]).









Figure 109(bJ. Segment numbering and discretization for BOSOR5 analysis of large steel water

properties, locations of discrete rings, and locations of circumferential welds are

indicated in Fig. 109(c).

Welding: Girth welds are located as indicated in Fig. 109(c). These locations correspond
to the junctions between Segments (9) and (10), Segments (10) and (11), and Segments


12 Water Level I

a~ :oii~i~e~ _ .71 1

:§ 10

B E = 2.1 x 10 5 N/nun 2 I

v = 0.3

Gyp = 236 N/nun 2

I '-::c~-- We lds

t>- Discrete Rings



Figure l09(c). BOSORS model of water tank showing locations of axisymmetric welds and
discrete rings.

(11) and (12) (Fig. 109(b)). The water tower had other girth welds, of course, but they
were in locations which were less critical for stability and therefore not included in
the BOSOR5 model. Longitudinal welds could not be included in the model because
they produce a nonsymmetric residual stress and displacement pattern.
The welding process introduces destabilizing stresses and deformations because
of shrinkage of the weld material during cooling. The effects of weld shrinkage are
simulated in [8] and [142] by introduction of an initial thermal loading phase in
which it is assumed that a certain amount of material in the local neighborhoods of
each girth weld is cooled below ambient temperature to a difference approximately
equal to the annealing temperature. The amount of cooling is also determined such
that weld shrinkage amplitudes typical of those observed in tests are generated.
Faulkner [143] has observed radial girth weld shrinkages of approximately 10% of
the shell wall thickness. The residual stress distribution thus generated is characterized
by local tensile circumferential yielding in the immediate neighborhoods of the girth
welds and elastic circumferential compression over broader bands of width pro-
portional to the "boundary layer" (Rt)1I2, in which R is the normal circumferential
curvature and t is the shell wall thickness. In addition to this residual stress pattern,
-the girth welds introduce axisymmetric geometrical imperfections - local shrinkages
that are amplified by the meridional compression generated when the tower is filled
with water.
Figure 11 O(a) shows the assumed temperature distribution along the conical portion
of the water tower in which three girth welds are being simulated. In the BOSOR5
analysis this thermal loading is applied first and the shell thus prestressed is subsequently
8 mm

[a 12 x10- 6 r

j 8nm

15 nm

.... ~

~ ...
(bl Mismatch il2

Figure 110(a). Effect of welding is simulated by local cooling around Figure 1l0(b). -l
Two BOSOR5 models of possible axisymmetric mis- -
welds to produce axisymmetric weld sinkage of the approximate amplitude. match between Segments 9 and 10.

14 ---------------""

12 """', ..,.,







Figure 111. Local axisymmetric shrinkage due to cooling down of welds.

~cr 1. 8



(a) (b)

Figure 112. Predicted axisymmetrically deformed tank at load factor h = 1.8: (a) with internal
hydrostatic pressure only; (b) internal hydrostatic pressure plus welding effects. Influence of
circumferential welds on predicted collapse load factor is small.

~ Outside
Bending SP';O'''''H S""". +To ~
w to Die T -To
-' Radius, Ro
1.0 Inside T
::> B Surface C
LLI ,,
c.. ,,
to =1. 0 trelax 2.0 5.0


::> 1.0
0 1.0 2.0 5.0
Segment T
0 trelax
I 1094 1.136
2 1045 1.142
4 739 1.201
7,8 558 1.265
9 642 1.225
10 199 1.663
II 191 1.700
12 180 1.731

Figure 113. Cold bending model: time variations of thermal and pressure loading.

further loaded by the hydrostatic pressure. Figure 111 shows the weld shrinkages
generated by welding. The deformed meridians near collapse, neglecting and including
intial effects due to girth welding, are shown in Figures I 12(a) and (b), respectively.
The quantity A is a load factor such that a factor Acr = 1.0 would indicate perfect
agreement between the numerical prediction and the actual collapse condition.

Mismatch: When the water tower is assembled, the middle surfaces of the various
sections are imperfectly aligned. In the BOSOR5 model it is necessary to restrict the
mismatch to be axisymmetric. The two mismatch conditions investgated here are
shown in Fig. llO(b).

Cold bending: The tower was fabricated from steel sheet which was initially flat.
The various sections were cold formed to the appropriate radii of curvature. This

cold forming operation is simulated by initial thermal loading cycles in the developable
Segments (1), (2), (4), and (7) through (12).
The procedure is described in detail in [142]. In each segment the amplitude of
the temperature, which varies linearly through the thickness as shown in Figure 113,
is initially increased in time to simulate cold bending to a die radius Ro. Subsequently,'
the temperature amplitude is decreased to simulate springback to the final design
radius of curvature R. The maximum temperature amplitude To is assumed to be
constant along the meridian in each segment and is derived for each segment from
the formula
in which t is the shell wall thickness, and R o , the average normal circumferential
radius of curvature to which the segment is bent before springback, is given by
for elastic-perfectly plastic material. In Eq. (34) 0::2 is the coefficient of thermal
expansion in the circumferential direction. The coefficient of thermal expansion in
the meridional direction is assumed to be zero. In Eq. (35) M is the maximum cold
bending moment and R is the average normal circumferential curvature in the segment
after springback (given by the water tower geometry). In Eq. (36) Oy is the material
yield stress (236 N/mm 2 ). Eq. (34) is derived from Eq. (35) of Ref. [142] and Eq.
(35) is derived from Eq. (17) of Ref. [142]. Eq. (36) appears as Eq. (17a) in Ref.
[142] . The quantity ve is the effective Poisson's ratio, taken as 0.5 here.
The time to complete relaxation of the cold bending moment is given by
which appears as Eq. (15) in [142]. Rather than using Eq. (36) for M in calculating
trelax,we use BOSOR5 to calculate the circumferential momentM2 (BOSOR5) corre-
sponding to time t = 1.0 in Figure 113 and then set M = M2 (BOSOR5) in Eq. (37).
This is done because the residual stresses are quite sensitive to trelax and M, as given
by Eq. (36) with Ve = 0.5, is only an approximation. The temperature amplitudes To
and the relaxation times for the various segments are given in Figure 113. After the
thermal loading cycle is completed at time t = 2.0, the hydrostatic pressure loading is
Figure 114 shows the deformed meridian at time t = 1.0 (before springback),
t = 2.0 (after springback), and at four hydrostatic pressure amplitudes, A = 0.5, 1.0,
1.4, and 1.7. A = 1.0 corresponds to the hydrostatic pressure amplitude at which the
tower actually failed. The BOSOR5 computer program predicts axisymmetric collapse
at lower hydrostatic pressures than nonaxisymmetric bifurcation buckling in all the
cases treated here.
Table 7 lists predicted failure factors for all the cases'investigated. The water tower
is considered to be fIlled to the level indicated in Figure 109(c) and the factors Aer
listed in Table 7 correspond therefore to factors on the density of water, as was the

A = 0

~57 mm
>: 3.0 mm
4.9 mm

f= 1.7

8.5 mm
10.5 mm



Figure 114. Deformation of water tank during cold bending and application of hydrostatic

Table 7. Predicted failure of steel water tower.

Model Critical hydrostatic pressure factor"

Hydrostatic pressure only 1.9 < A. cr < 2.0
Welding + pressure 1.8 < A. cr < 1.9
Cold bending + pressure 1. 7 < A. cr < 1. 75
Mismatch # 1 + pressure 2.0 < A. cr < 2.1
Mismatch #2 + pressure 1.8 < A. cr

aFailure mode is axisymmetric collapse in all cases.

case in the previous section on the tests of mylar models. It is seen from the results
in Table 7 that introduction of residual stresses and deformations due to cold bending
flat sheets into curved parts of the water tower has the largest effect on the predicted
failure load, but that none of the axisymmetric models studied here explains the
discrepancy between the predicted collapse load and the disastrous failure that occurred
as the reservoir was being filled in 1972.

Conclusions: It is concluded from this study that the early failure of the water tower
was not due to the axisymmetric effects included here. Figure 3(b) shows a meridional
wrinkle similar to those depicted in Figures 112 and 114 occurring in the neighborhood
of a meridional weld. Such a weld causes nonaxisymmetric compressive meridional
prestresses that reduce the hydrostatic pressure required to cause yielding in a more
direct way than does the axisymmetric membrane circumferential compression typical
ioo--- 16 . 70 m ----+j

A 10

B 11 :;l
C 26
o 20
E 22

(a) (b)

Figure 115. (a) New design of the water tower; (b) deformations under increasing loads (from
Baltus and Massonnet [2]).

of a girth weld or the complex circumferential residual stress pattern through the
thickness generated by cold bending. Also not included in the present analysis are
the effects of nonaxisymmetric geometrical imperfections and the effect of initial
residual stresses in the flat steel plates from which the tower was subsequently cold
"bent. These residual stresses arise from fabrication (rolling) of the sheet and cutting
of it to size. Also, due to certain input limitations in BOSOR5, the simultaneous
effects of welding, cold bending, and mismatch were not studied. Of all the effects not
included in this investigation, the largest are probably due to nonaxisymmetric;
geometrical imperfections and residual stresses from meridional welds.
As a result of the study reported in Ref. [2], however, the tower was redesigned
as shown in Fig. 115(a). The predicted collapse of the new design occurs at a much
higher load factor, A = 2.65, as indicated in Fig. 115(b).

Effect of boundary conditions and

eccentric loading


This chapter is devoted mostly to cylindrical shells. Practically all of the investigations
of the effect of boundary conditions on stability have been specialized to this most
important geometry. The study of the effect of eccentric loading is concentrated even
more specifically on axially stiffened cylinders under axial compression.
Practical shell structures are very often built in parts with different organizations
and even different compapies being responsible for the design of "their" part. Very
often buckling loads for each part are calculated with the sometimes unjustified
assumption of simple support or clamping at the boundaries of that part. The main
purpose of the discussion and examples presented here is to give the reader a physical
feeling for the influence of various boundary conditions and load eccentricity on
buckling loads and thereby to sound a note of warning not to take these factors for
granted, especially in the final analysis stage of a project.
Figures l16(a) and (b) show a photograph of a specimen tested by Singer et al.
[33] and a schematic of a rather complex boundary clamp in the specimen that
might simulate an edge condition between two sections of a rocket. Figure 21 shows
the post-buckled state of one such stiffened cylinder subjected to uniform axial
compression. One might analyze this cylinder by including all the parts A through
G plus the stiffened cylinder itself and assume that the loading is applied by uniformly
moving the end plates "A" toward each other. In such a model it would not be
necessary to worry about boundary conditions or eccentricity of load application
at the end of the stiffened cylinder. These factors would emerge as results of the
analYllis; they would not play the role of the assumptions. Often this is the best
approach to the buckling problem, especially if the structure is axisymmetric and a
one.dimensionally discretized model is sufficient. The general rule here would be to
include in the model all parts of the structure that are defined, or all parts between
stations at which there is no doubt as to what boundary conditions and loading should
be assumed.
However, because of limitations in computer budget or lack of definition of the
adjacent structural parts, it may be necessary to establish a boundary at which there is
some doubt as to what the support conditions are and where the load path is. For

(a) (b)

Figure 116. Stiffened cylindrical shell and simulation of practical end condition used in experiments by Singer et al. (from Singer and Abramovich [33]).
(a) Stringer-stiffened shell with ends simulating a practical aerospace joint. (b) Details of "practical" boundary conditions for axially compressed cylindrical

example, if one assumes that the end of the cylinder coincides with the location of
the lowest row of rivets shown in Fig. 116(b), one must then decide which of the
displacement components u, v, W, {3 are to be restrained and at what radius the axial
load is to be applied. The purpose of this section is to reveal the sensitivity of predicted
bifurcation buckling loads to these assumptions.
It should be emphasized now that boundary conditions and eccentric loading
influence the stability, in particular the bifurcation buckling load, in two ways:
(1) The prebuckling membrane stress resultants at a given load depend on these
factors; therefore the load-geometric matrix K2 in Eq. (123) of Ref. [430]
depends on them.
(2) The prebuckling deformations and the structural stiffness at the boundary depend
on these factors; therefore the stiffness matrix K 1 in Eq. (123) of Ref. [430]
depends on them.
We have already seen examples in which boundary conditions and edge load
eccentricity affect bifurcation buckling loads. Figures 29-31 of Ref. [430] and Fig.
62 herein show how restraint of the radial displacement w at the edge gives rise to
local edge buckling in a monocoque axially compressed cylindrical shell at a load
approximately 20% less than the classical load, Ncr ~ 0.6 Et 2 /R. Figures 64 and 65
demonstrate, for an externally pressurized spherical cap, the influence of edge support
eccentricity on the destabilizing pre buckling hoop compression and therefore on the
bifurcation buckling pressure. Figure 68 and Table 3 show the effect of the stiffness
of the edge support on bifurcation buckling. The emphasis in those examples is on the
nonuniform pre buckling behavior and how it influences the bifurcation buckling load
and mode.
Although not strictly true, it might be said for the sake of simplicity that in general
the boundary conditions affect the bifurcation buckling load and mode most strongly
through their influence on the stability stiffness matrix K 1, whereas the load eccen-
tricity affects the bifurcation buckling load and mode most strongly through its
influence on the pre buckling state and hence on the load-geometric matrix K 2 • This
statement is probably more valid when applied to cylindrical shells than to shells of
other geometries.
For example, the prebuckling state of a uniformly axially compressed fairly long
monocoque cylindrical shell loaded at its middle surface depends on the boundary
conditions only within a "boundary layer" or a distance of approximately two or
three times (Rt)1!2 of the edge. The pre buckling conditions at the edge have only a
mild influence on the predicted bifurcation buckling load, as seen in Figs. 29-31 of
Ref. [430]. However, there are several different sets of boundary conditions for
which the pre buckling behavior and hence the load-geometric matrix K2 are the
same, but the bifurcation buckling load and mode shape change radically. For instance,
any change in the boundary condition having to do with the circumferential tangential
displacement v, which does not appear in the prebuckling problem at all, drastically
affects the bifurcation buckling load through changes in the stability stiffness matrix
Kl only. A dramatic example is an axially compressed cylindrical shell with free edges.
The axisymmetric prebuckling solution is still characterized essentially by the uniform
compressive axial resultant NIO = -P/27rR, but the bifurcation buckling load Pa' is

several orders of magnitude smaller than the classical value because the possibility of
inextensional buckling exists. A specific example of this type of buckling is shown
later, both for an axially compressed cylindrical shell and an externally pressurized
spherical shell.
On the other hand, the major effect of load eccentricity on cylindrical shells under
axial compression is to produce bands of prebuckling hoop compression or tension as
well as meridional curvature change. The load eccentricity effect is especially significant
in cylinders with axial stiffening because the boundary layers near the supported edges
are longer than they are in the case of monocoque cylinders. Therefore, the circum-
ferential tension or compression generated in these boundary layers has an important
effect on the load-geometric matrix K2 and hence on the buckling load.


Buckling pressures for hydrostatically compressed monocoque cylinders will first be

discussed. The results tabulated here are derived from an analysis in which the pre-
buckling state is given by membrane theory: axial resultant NIO = pal2, circumferential
resultant N 20 = pa, no prebuckling deformation. Therefore, the differences in critical
pressures Pcr and circumferential wave numbers ncr are entirely due to the effect of
the various boundary conditions on the stability stiffness matrix K 1 in Eq. (123) of
Ref. [430]. (Note that when we relate boundary conditions to the stability matrix Kl
we are tacitly assuming that the Lagrange multiplier method is being used as shown in
Fig. 24 of Ref. [430] or that certain rows and columns of Kl have been modified to
account for the boundary constraint conditions).
Following is a discussion of the effect of boundary conditions on the buckling of
monocoque axially compressed cylinders. Most of the results correspond to a rigorous
nonlinear pre buckling analysis including edge effects, although a comparison is given
for one set of boundary conditions in which membrane theory and exact bending
theory are used in the pre buckling analysis. Again, the differences in the critical loads
corresponding to the various boundary conditions arise primarily from the changes in
the stability stiffness matrix K 1 and not from changes in the prebuckling state leading
to modification of a load-geometric matrix K 2 •
Examples of inextensional buckling of a stiffened cylindrical shell under axial
compression and part of a monocoque spherical shell under external pressure are
shown next. It is demonstrated that the critical loads can be several orders of
magnitude less than the classical values because very little strain energy is required
to deform these shells in their near-inextensional buckling modes.
An example of bifurcation buckling of a complex shell in the plastic range is then
given. Because of the local nature of the plastic flow near a stress concentration of a
structural junction, an elastic model can be set up in which the development of the
plastic hinge is simulated in the stability analysis by modification of one of the com-
patibility conditions at the structural junction where plastic flow occurs.
Some examples are then given of the effect of boundary conditions on the buckling
of stiffened cylindrical shells under axial compression. It is shown that the effect of
the boundary conditions has a significant influence over a larger range of length-to-
radius L/R than is the case for monocoque shells.
The chapter closes with examples of the effect of load eccentricity on bifurcation
buckling of axially stiffened cylindrical shells under uniform axial compression. In
particular the dependence of the critical load on eccentricity of the load, length of
the shell; use of membrane vs. bending prebuckling analysis, and external or internal
location of the stringers are explored for a particular case.

Effect of boundary conditions on buckling of monocoque shells

Much of the early work on the effect of boundary conditions on the buckling of
cylindrical shells is reviewed by Hoff [29]. Von Mises [144], Nash [145], Galletly
and Bart [146] ,Singer [147] , and Sobel [148] studied cylindrical shells under uniform
hydrostatic external pressure. Nachbar and Hoff [149], Stein [150], Fischer [151],
Almroth [152], and others identified in Ref. [29] treated cylindrical shells under
uniform axial compression. The most definitive investigations were carried out by
Sobel [148] and Almroth [152]. They assumed that buckling would be symmetrical
about the midlength of the cylinder generator (not necessarily true in the case of
axially compressed cylindrical shells), and they calculated buckling loads for eight
boundary conditions as listed in Table 8.

Cylinders subjected to uniform external hydrostatic pressure

Sobel [148] assumed a membrane prebuckled state. His results are listed in Table 9
for different values of length-to-radius L/a with radius-to-thickness a/h fixed at 100
. and Poisson's ratio equal to 0.3. The set of boundary conditions represented by 8 2
(w =Mx =Nx = v= 0) is the same as that used in von Mises' solution [144] for a
simply supported cylinder. The results of Sobel for the set 8 2 agree with von Mises'
results to four significant figures, the degree of accuracy used in Sobel's analysis. Table
9 also gives the results obtained by Nash [145] and by Galletly and Bart [146] for
clamped cylinders. The combination of boundary conditions used in Refs. [145-146]
is here represented by the set C1 (w = W x = U = v = 0).
From a comparison of results for C4 and 8 4 we see that restraint of meridional

Table 8. Nomenclature for boundary conditions on cylindrical shells under axial compression
or uniform external hydrostatic pressurea .

CaseS. whenMx = 0 u=O v=O

Case S. when Mx = 0 Nx = 0 v=O
CaseS. whenMx = 0 u=O N XY = 0
Case S4 whenMx = 0 Nx =0 Nxy=O
Case C. when w'x = 0 u=O v=O
Case C. when w'x = 0 Nx =0 v=O
Case C. when w'x = 0 u=O N xy = 0
Case C. when w'x = 0 Nx=O N xy = 0

aw = 0 at the boundary in all eight cases.

In the work of Singer et al. [33] SS3 = S. and SS4 = S •.

Table 9. Critical hydrostatic pressures (Pcra/Eh) X 10 3,a/h = 100a .

Analysis of Sobel Galletly

N x =O,w=O u = 0, w = 0 Bart Nash

CD (2) 0) CD CD ® CD ® @ @ @
L/a S2 C2 S. C. S3 C, S, C,
Mx=O w,x= 0 Mx=O w,x= 0 Mx=O w,x= 0 Mx=O w,x= 0 w,x= 0 w,x= 0
v=O v=O N XY = 0 N xy = 0 N xy = 0 N XY = 0 v=O v=O v=O v=O
0.5 2.106 (ll)b 2.652 (12) 1.930 (10) 2.632 (11) 2.078 (10) 2.798 (12) 2.366 (11) 2.851 (12) 2.912 (12) 2.930 (12)
0.6 1.715 (10) 2.068 (11) 1.599 (9) 2.065 (11) 1.771(10) 2.239 (11) 1.976 (11) 2.282 (11) 2.349 (11) 2.366 (11)
0.75 1.344 (9) 1.557 (10) 1.268 (9) 1.557 (10) 1.455 (9) 1.743 (10) 1.599 (10) 1.774 (10) 1.846 (10) 1.862 (10)
1.0 0.9838 (8) 1.104 (8) 0.9416 (8) 1.103 (8) 1.146 (8) 1.289 (9) 1.224 (9) 1.306 (9) 1.372 (9) 1.388 (9)
1.5 0.6417 (7) 0.6981 (7) 0.6290 (7) 0.6889 (7) 0.8094 (7) 0.8636 (8) 0.8446 (8) 0.8688 (8) 0.9075 (8) 0.9213 (8)
2.0 0.4 744 (6) 0.5023 (6) 0.4657 (6) 0.5020 (6) 0.6250 (7) 0.6520 (7) 0.6441 (7) 0.6552 (7) 0.6833 (7) 0.6971 (7)
3.0 0.3132 (5) 0.3255 (5) 0.3097 (5) 0.3251 (5) 0.4342 (6) 0.4434 (6) 0.4412 (6) 0.4444 (6) 0.4580 (6) 0.4708 (6)
4.0 0.2395 (4) 0.2479 (4) 0.2350 (4) 0.2478 (4) 0.3273 (5) 0.3340 (5) 0.3333 (5) 0.3351 (5) 0.3466 (5) 0.3608 (5)
5.0 0.1878 (4) 0.1920 (4) 0.1867 (4) 0.1917 (4) 0.2764 (5) 0.2783 (5) 0.2779 (5) 0.2785 (5) 0.2830 (5) 0.2946 (5)
6.0 0.1679 (4) 0.1703 (4) 0.1676 (4) 0.1700(4) 0.2246 (4) 0.2281 (4) 0.2281 (4) 0.2288 (4) 0.2364 (4) 0.2520 (4)
7.0 0.1378 (3) 0.1407 (3) 0.1361 (3) 0.1407 (3) 0.1923 (4) 0.1938(4) 0.1936 (4) 0.1940 (4) 0.1978 (4) 0.2109 (4)
8.0 0.1158 (3) 0.1177 (3) 0.1151 (3) 0.1176 (3) 0.1751 (4) 0.1757 (4) 0.1756 (4) 0.1758 (4) 0.1779 (4) 0.1897 (4)
9.0 0.1038 (3) 0.1051 (3) 0.1035 (3) 0.1050 (3) 0.1653 (4) 0.1656 (4) 0.1655 (4) 0.1656 (4) 0.1669 (4) 0.1780 (4)
10.0 0.09678 (3) 0.09776 (3) 0.09662 (3) 0.09762 (3) 0.1423 (3) 0.1440 (3) 0.1442 (3) 0.1445 (3) 0.1492 (3) 0.1677 (3)

aResults taken from Sobel [148).

bNumbers in parentheses indicate the number of circumferential waves.
Table 10. Critical values of normalized axial compression Ner/Nel for monocoque cylindrical shellsa .

Ner/Nel and (number of waves)

rlt L/r S, S2 S3 S. C, C2 C3 C.
10' 0.07 0.872 (85) 0.805 (79) 0.507 (2) 0.499 (2) 0.908 (83) 0.862 (82) 0.908 (83) 0.862 (82)
0.16 0.864 (86) 0.846 (84) 0.504 (2) 0.501 (2) 0.926 (88) 0.914 (86) 0.926 (88) 0.913 (86)
r 0.24 0.868 (86) 0.843 (79) 0.503 (2) 0.501 (2) 0.927 (87) 0.908 (78) 0.927 (87) 0.906 (78)
10' 0.32 0.867 (84) 0.844 (82) 0.503 (2) 0.501 (2) 0.926 (86) 0.910 (82) 0.926 (86) 0.908 (82)
103 0.222 0.874 (27) 0.807 (25) 0.507 (2) 0.500 (2) 0.907 (27) 0.863 (25) 0.907 (27) 0.861 (26)
0.506 0.863 (27) 0.846 (27) 0.505 (2) 0.501 (2) 0.927 (27) 0.914 (27) 0.927 (27) 0.913 (27)
~ 0.760 0.867 (27) 0.842 (25) 0.503 (2) 0.502 (2) 0.930 (28) 0.908 (25) 0.930 (28) 0.906 (25)
10 3 1.014 0.867 (27) 0.844 (26) 0.503 (2) 0.502 (2) 0.926 (27) 0.910 (26) 0.926 (27) 0.908 (26)
10' 0.7 0.876 (9) 0.806 (8) 0.513 (2) 0.508 (2) 0.910 (9) 0.863 (8) 0.910 (9) 0.862 (8)
1.6 0.858 (8) 0.849 (8) 0.512 (2) 0.511 (2) 0.929 (9) 0.917 (9) 0.929 (9) 0.916 (9)
~ 2.4 0.868 (9) 0.843 (8) 0.511 (2) 0.511 (2) 0.930 (9) 0.908 (8) 0.930 (9) 0.903 (8)
10' 3.2 0.868 (9) 0.844 (8) 0.510 (2) 0.510 (2) 0.928 (9) 0.911 (8) 0.928 (9) 0.909 (8)

aNer/Nel = N er/(2,"(Et). with '"( == (t/r)/[12(1- v.)] "' .

1. 0 r - - , - - - - - - - - - - ,


r It :::: 100, n = 8 -': 0.5
bU '"
0.45 r It = 100. n :J: 2

0.4 0L --0'"'".4--0'"'".8--1'"'".2--1-'.6

Figure 117. Normalized critical stress of axially compressed monocoque cylinders as function of
length-to-radius ratio L/r (from Almroth [152]).

rotation w,x does not significantly increase the critical hydrostatic pressures unless
the cylinders are quite short. Moreover, this same result is always obtained whenever
critical pressures for cylinders with w,x = 0 are compared with those for cylinders
with Mx = 0 (edge moment = 0), all other conditions being equal.
The most significant result of Sobel's analysis is the revelation of the important
effect of axial restraint u = 0 on buckling pressures even for moderately long cylinders.
Table 9 is organized to emphasize this effect, the first four columns of results
corresponding to u from (Nx = 0) at the edge and the next four to u fixed.

Cylinders subjected to uniform axial compression

Almroth [152] accounted for prebuckling bending in his analysis, which includes
buckling under combined axial compression and internal or external lateral pressure.
Computed critical values of the axial load for the case of zero lateral pressure are
shown in Table 10. For comparison corresponding results were also obtained by
Almroth with use of the membrane pre buckling solution. With boundary conditions
corresponding to cases S3 and S4, (Mx = 0, N xy = 0) these results differ very little
from those listed in Table 10. In the other six cases the critical load with the membrane
pre buckling solution, within the parameter range considered, is equal to or insignifi-
cantly higher than the classical buckling load for simply supported cylinders
(NcriNel = 1.0).
It appears from Table 10 that, with the exception of very short shells, the critical
load is practically independent of the parameters rlt and Llr in all of the cases. In
contrast to expectations, lower values of the critical load are in some cases found for
the very short shells. Therefore, the influence of the shell length on the critical load
was studied in more detail. The critical load vs. the parameter Llr, for a cylinder with
rlt = 100 and with boundary conditions corresponding to case C2 , is shown in Fig.
117(a). Here the number of circumferential waves is held constant (n = 8). For long

shells the critical load is independent of shell length, and for very short shells the
critical load is, as expected, monotonically increasing with decreasing shell length.
In the intermediate range an oscillatory behavior is displayed.
A similar variation of the critical load with Llr occurs for the cases 8 3 and 8 4 •
In Fig. 117(b) the critical load is shown vs. Llr for case 8 3 . It is seen in this case
that the general behavior does not change when the influence of lateral restraint in
the prebuckling analysis is neglected. For relatively long cylinders the curve with the
membrane prebuckling solution is slightly below the rigorous solution. However, for
very short cylinders this difference increases, as may be expected.
The most significant results obtained by Almroth are those corresponding to
8 3 and 8 4 , for which the circumferential tangential displacement v is free (Nxy = 0).
This result, first calculated by Stein [150], is similar to that obtained by Nachbar
and Hoff [149] for axisymmetric buckling of an axially compressed cylinder with a
completely free edge. However, neither type of free-edge buckling is likely to occur in
practice because friction at the ends of the axially compressed cylindrical shell is
sufficient to prevent the buckling modes from developing.

Inextensional buckling

Even lower buckling loads for axially compressed cylindrical shells than those calculated
by Almroth [152] are possible if one assumes that the edges are completely free.
Cohen [96] was the first to point this out. The critical buckling mode is antisymmetric
about the midlength of the cylinder and involves no change in curvature of the
generators. This mode is of course prevented if the buckling modal displacement
pattern is assumed to be symmetrical at the symmetry plane at the cylinder mid-
length. The buckling mode is inextensional; that is, the middle surface undergoes no
stretching. Therefore, the membrane component of buckling modal strain energy is
zero. Again, this mode is unlikely to occur in tests of axially compressed cylindrical
shells because of friction.
Buckling loads associated with inextensional mode shapes can be very low indeed,
as shown in Figs. 118 and 119. Figure 118 gives buckling loads of an axially com-
pressed 50 cone (almost a cylinder), supported at its edges by rings of square cross
section. The buckling mode with n = 2 circumferential waves is inextensional if the
edges are free and very close to being inextensional for all ring sizes. Figure 119 shows
buckling pressures of incomplete spherical shells with edge rings of various areas.
Again, unless the ring is fairly large, buckling loads may be many orders of magnitude
smaller than the buckling load for a clamped or simply supported shell of the same
A physical appreciation of inextensional behavior can be gained by cutting a ping-
pong ball in half and squeezing one of the halves between your fingers. Large
deflections occur with very small applied force. A coffee cup dispensed from a vending
machine is made with a reinforcing ring at the top to limit the amplitude of
inextensional deformations caused by the squeezing pressure of your fingers required
to keep the full cup from dropping to the floor. A conical planetary reentry vehicle,
such as the Viking shell (Figure 190), is designed on a similar principle: potentially

~r-f 10-1


~ 10- 2 '"


50 Cone, Internal
~ Stiffeners
~ 10-3

10 12

Figure 118. Critical axial load as a function of ring thickness for cones supported at the edges
by rings of square cross section «(\1 is given in Eq. (85) of Ref. [430]) (from Almroth and
Bushnell [153]).





':! 1
40 80 120 160

Figure 119. Buckling loads for spherical shells with edge rings of square cross section:
0 = BOSOR 4; - - = inextensional [AIAA J., 6, 361-364, 1968] ; __ 6 __ = Donnell theory

[92] (from Bushnell [91]).


Figure 120(a). Cone-cylinder specimens tested under external pressure by Galletly [131].

Figure 120(b). Post-buckled state of specimen with 75 0

conical end (courtesy G. D. Galletly

large inextensional deformations caused by nonsymmetric reentry pressures are pre-

vented by a large edge ring.
Because of the small amount of energy required to deform shells inextensionally,
designers should avoid configurations in which inextensional deformations of the wall
are free to occur in systems subjected to destabilizing loads. Analysts investigating
buckling of shells should avoid the use of boundary conditions that might permit
inextensional buckling unless these conditions represent the actual support. It is the
writer's experience that users of BOSOR4 [14] have had difficulty when leaving some
branch of the structure free at the end because "it's not the part I'm really interested
in". Often the lowest eigenvalue corresponds to large buckling modal displacements
at the end left dangling. The user is not able to obtain buckling in the region of his
concern without restraining this troublesome end.


"f- Seg. No. of Materiat ®
'No. Points Type
I -1- 23 Elastic
,2 I3 Etastic - Plastic

I 3 7 Elastic - Plost ic ® 3
4 12 Elastic ,.~O.042
I /

~ 45./////


Figure 120 (c). Discrete model of the 45 a cone-cylinder specimen and exaggerated view of the
prebuckling deflected shape at the buckling pressure (from Bushnell and Galletly [131]).

PREDICTED, p. 553 psi

6 Waves

TEST Pcr • 559 psi PREDICTEo, p' 397 psi

n =3 Waves

TEST Per = 410 psi

PREDICTED, p' 184 psi

n'" 2 Waves

TEST Pcr' 185 psi

l -----------

Figure 120(d). Bifurcation buckling modes and comparison with test results (from Bushnell and
Galletly [131 J).

Simulation of effects of local plastic flow by appropriate constraint conditions

There are two reasons for including this discussion here. The first is stated in the sub-
title: to describe a certain application of constraint conditions as a modeling technique

Table 11. Experimental and theoretical buckling pressures of cone-cylinder vessels tested under
external pressure by Galletly [131] .

Buckling pressures (psi)

Case Description of model Cone
angle .... 45 0 60° 75 0

l. Experimental results 559 410 185

2. Elastic-plastic model [Fig. 120(c)] 553 (6)a 397 (3) 184 (2)
3. Elastic model with no hinge between 598 (6) 473 (4) 213 (2)
Scgm en ts Q) andQ)
4. Elastic with hinge between Segments 509 (6) 327 (4) 113 (2)
Q) and Q) in both prebuckling and
instability analyses
5. Elastic with hinge between Segments 564 (6) 434 (4) 185 (2)
Q) and Q) in stability analysis only
aNumbers in parentheses are the number of circumferential waves corresponding to the lowest
predicted bifurcation buckling pressure.

to simulate a condition in which plastic flow has occurred without actually accounting
for this flow explicitly. The other reason is to demonstrate the appropriateness of
sometimes using different constraint conditions in the pre buckling and bifurcation
buckling phases of an analysis. The phrase "constraint conditions" is used rather than
"boundary conditions" because the pheomenon described here has to do with con-
ditions at a junction between two structural segments rather than at an edge.
Figure l20(a) shows the geometry of three specimens tested by Galletly [154]
and analyzed by Bushnell and Galletly [131]. These specimens were subjected to
external pressure. One of the buckled specimens is shown in Fig. 120(b). A discretized
BOSOR5 model [47] is shown with the axisymmetric prebuckling deformed shape in
Fig. 120(c). Plastic flow occurs before bifurcation buckling in a very narrow
circumferential band surrounding the meridional slope discontinuity between the
conical and cylindrical segments. Figure 120( d) shows predicted bifurcation buckling
modes and pressures for models in which the elastic-plastic flow is explicitly accounted
for and compatibility of meridional rotation at the junction between segments (2) and
(3) is enforced in both the prcbuckling phase and bifurcation buckling phase of the
Table 11 lists the test results, the BOSOR5 results with use of elastic-plastic analysis,
and predictions in which plasticity is ignored but an attempt is made to simulate its
effect by modification of the compatibility conditions at the junction between
segments (2) and (3). It is seen that for the configurations investigated a good elastic
model is one in which meridional moment compatibility at the cone-cylinder junction
is enforced in the prebuckling analysis but relaxed in the stability analysis (Case 5).
That the predicted buckling loads are close to the test values for this simplified elastic
model apparently is the result of two counteracting errors: The prebuckling model
is too stiff and therefore at a given pressure the stress resultants, which appear in the
stability equations, are too small. Counteracting this effect is the underestimation of
the meridional bending rigidity at the junction in the stability analysis. Clearly both
effects are important, since introduction of the hinge in the prebuckling analysis

Figure 121 (a). Aluminum torispherical head with axisymmetric nozzle tested under external
pressure by Galletly at the University of Liverpool (from Bushnell and Galletly [131]).


1-_ _ 2.7R--j,
v • 0.32

Figure 121 (b). Discrete model of one of the torispherical specimens with exaggera ted view of the
prebuckling deflected shape at the buckling pressure (adapted from Bushnell and Galletly [131 J).

lowers the predicted buckling pressure considerably, and enforcement of elastic

meridional moment compatibility in the stability analysis raises it considerably.
A similar result is obtained for the case of externally pressurized tori spherical
heads pierced by cylindrical nozzles as shown in Figs. 121 (a-d). Plastic flow occurs
in the immediate neighborhood of the nozzle-head junction. Comparisons of pre-
dicted and test buckling loads are shown in Figs. 121 (c) and (d) and listed in Table
12. The same modeling "trick" yields good results for this geometry. Further details
on geometry, material properties, and discretization are given in Ref. [131].

Figure 121 (c). Galletly's buckled specimens (courtesy G.D. Galletly (155)).

IPcr ' Pu!dicled IPer ' Z05psi

Test {Pcr'l11PS! ]'" IP" .. ,.,
In., In.,

Specimer, A3 Specimen A4

Predicted I n·,
p • 160p,j
Predicte(! I n·'

Test I n·'

S~etimen .'.6
SttKimin AS

Figure 121 (d). Bifurcation buckling modes and comparison with Galletly's test results (adapted
from Bushnell and Galletly [131)).

Table 12. Experimental and theoretical buckling pressures for the torispherical heads with
axisymmetric nozzles tested under external pressure by Galletly [131].

Buckling pressures (psi)

Case Description of model Specimen
designation --> A3 A4 A5 A6
1. Experimental results 177 208 168 215
2. Elastic-plastic model [Fig. 121(b)] 182 205 160 206
3. Elastic model with no hinge between 217 221 228 269
Segments 2 and 3
4. Same as Case 3, except with hinge at 128 123 115 112
nozzle-head junction in both pre buck-
ling and stability analyses
5. Same as Case 3, except with hinge at 181 184 174 197
nozzle-head junction in the stability
analysis only

Effect of boundary conditions and loading eccentricity on buckling of

axially compressed stiffened cylindrical shells

Boundary conditions

We have seen from Table 10 and Figures 117(a) and (b) that the influence of shell
length on the buckling of axially compressed monocoque cylindrical shells is very
small unless the shell is extremely short. This is not true for cylinders stiffened in
the axial direction, as seen from the example in Fig. l22(a). Buckling loads are given
there for clamped axially compressed cylinders of various lengths with a wall con-
struction consisting of a longitudinally corrugated sheet welded to an inside smooth
sheet (Fig. 122 (b». The internal Z-shaped ring stiffeners are heavy enough to cause
local buckling as shown. The asymptote represents the predicted buckling load of
a simply supported bay 15 inches long. Intuitively, it is surprising that the clamping
condition at the edge significantly affects the critical load for cylinders with many
bays. Since buckling occurs between rings, one might think that the critical load would
approach the asymptote much more rapidly as the number of bays is increased. How-
ever, the theoretical results shown in Fig. 122(a) have been confirmed by tests, as will
be described.
Figure 122(c) helps to explain the slow convergence. The nonsymmetric moment
applied at the simply supported edge simulates the effect of clamping there during
the transition from an axisymmetric prestressed state to a postbuckling state with 16
circumferential waves. Our intuition of what length of cylinder is required before the
buckling load becomes independent of length is based on the more familiar but much
shorter axisymmetric boundary layer length, ~ 3yRteff' also illustrated in Fig. 122 ( c)
in the frame labeled "n = 0". (teff is the effective thickness of a monocoque wall
with the same axial flexural rigidity as the axially stiffened wall.)
The length effect demonstrated in Fig. 122(a) has been confirmed by tests. The
panel photographed in Fig. 123(a) failed at 2550Ib/in. axial compression in a mode
predicted by the BOSOR4 computer program to occur at 2800Ib/in. with 13

C 2600


..z 2400

-1 '5 "r-
typo 60"R
-' 2000
<t 1800
U Asymptote
i= 1600 L = 00
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210
LENGTH OF PANEL, L ( inches)

Figure 122 (a). Theoretical buckling loads obtained with the BOSOR4 computer program for
clamped corrugated cylinders of various lengths with discrete rings on IS-in. centers [t = 0.020 in.,
t. = 0.32in. (see Fig:-122(b))] (from Bushnell [3]).

Inner Surface

Figure 122 (b). Geometry of semisandwich, corrugated wall and internal discrete rings (from
Bushnell [3 J).

circumferential waves. The theoretical buckling mode is shown in Fig. 123(b). A much
longer panel (116 in. instead of 52 in.) with t = 0.02 in., t. = 0.032 in. and with rings
on IS-in. centers buckled at 1580Ib!in. compression, compared to a predicted buckling
load of 1680 lb!in. in a mode with 16 circumferential waves.
Ignorance of the length effect might result in deSigns which are not optimum
with respect to weight. For example, the dimensions of the corrugated semisandwich
wall construction shown in Fig. 122(b) may be arrived at by an assumption that local

0.0002 n=O -

~ 0.0001 -
w 0
::t: ~

<X 0.002
a. n = 16
...J 0.001
z 0
0 40 160 200

Figure 122 (c). Decay of normal displacement for corrugated cylinder with harmonically varying
edge moment (from Bushnell [3 J).

crippling, such as illustrated in Fig. 124, is to occur at the same axial load as inter-ring
buckling, such as shown in Fig. 122(a). If the critical load level for inter-ring buckling
is calculated with the assumption that the panel is of length equal to the ring spacing
and is simply supported at its ends, then the local dimensions of the wall cross section
will be established based on a critical load equal to that indicated by the asymptote
in Fig. 122(a). However, actual panels used in a practical structure contain a finite
number of bays and may be effectively clamped at certain bolted connections, as
shown in Fig. 125 (a). Because of the significant length effect displayed in Fig. 122 (a),
these structures will cripple in a mode such as that photographed in Fig. 124 before
buckling in general instability modes involving both skin and corrugations such as
those shown in Figs. 122(a) and 123.
The fact that the critical load plotted in Fig. 122(a) approaches the asymptote
rather slowly makes it very difficult to design test specimens properly. Cost usually
dictates the use of rather short specimens. Figure 125 gives an example of the problem.
An actual shround is pictured in Fig. 125 (a). It was desired to determine experimentally
the effect of the field joint depicted in Fig. 125 (b) on the buckling load corresponding
to the type of general buckling indicated in Fig. 123. Figure 125 (c) shows the sad
results: the test panel failed in a crippling mode at N~ = 1620Ib/in., far below the
predicted critical load of N~ = 3450 corresponding to general instability, and well
below the predicted load Ncr = 2287Ib/in. for a similar specimen without a field joint.
Figure 125( d) shows pre buckling behavior of the specimens with (A) and without (B)
the field joint. Early crippling near the edge at Ncr = 1620Ib/in., which occurred in

Figure 123 (aj. 60-in. radius X52-in. long curved, ring-stiffened panel with t = 0.25 in.,
t s = 0.040 in. buckled at N xcr = 2550 lb/in. in a general instability mode (from Bushnell [3] ).

• I

8-1L-__~__~JL____L -_ _~_ _ _ _~
~ 0 10 20 30 40 50
Figure 123 (bj. Theoretical buckling mode for specimen photographed in previous figure
corresponding to ncr = 13 circumferential waves at Ncr (BOSOR4) = 2800Ib/in. (from Bushnell

both tests of panels with and without the field joint, is due to the local biaxially
compressive stress field there, as proven in Ref. [3], where other details are given.
In general, engineers interested in designing a particular segment of a larger
structure should make every effort to determine as accurately as possible the actual
boundary conditions at the ends of "their" segment. Portions of the adjoining

Symmetry __~~-~-~


Figure 124. Local crippling instability. The buckling mode is associated with very short axial
wavelengths. Ca) Cripping observed in a test of a riveted panel under axial compression. Cb) Pre-
dicted crippling deformations for axially compressed riveted semisandwich flat corrugated panel.

segments should be included in the model, possibly with a cruder mesh. If little is
known about the adjoining structures, sensitivity studies should be performed in which
both upper and lower bounds on the degree of boundary constraint are assumed.
Before expensive test specimens are fabricated, analytical simulations of the test should
be performed, with proper representation of the boundary conditions to be applied
and accounting for the possibility of local buckling. The effort in building and testing
the rather expensive panel shown in Fig. 125 (c) was largely wasted because the
question, "What effect does the field joint have on general instability?", was not
answered due to early failure in an unexpected mode.
Singer and his coworkers have been contributing for several years to our knowledge
of the buckling and vibration behavior of stiffened cylinders under axial compression
[156-158]. They have been focusing their efforts on the effects of boundary con-
ditions and load eccentricity. Tables 13 and 14 show comparisons between test and
theory for cylinders of the type shown in Fig. 21 supported at the edges as illustrated
in Fig. 116. The theoretical results were obtained with the BOSOR4 computer
program [14]. A typical buckling mode is shown in Fig. 21. It appears that the actual
support condition pictured in Fig. 116 can most accurately be simulated by SS3
(classical simple support) rather than by the other postulated end conditions, although
as Singer points out [158] the picture is complicated by the presence of load
Table 13. Dimensions and properties of AB cylindrical shells tested under axial compression
by Singer et al. [33].

Sheila h,mm L,mm R/h L/R Zb d,mm c b/h c

ABI 0.257 110 467 0.92 377 1.779 34.63
AB2 0.253 110 475 0.92 384 1.758 35.18
AB3 0.253 154 475 1.28 742 1.748 35.18
AB4 0.253 154 475 1.28 742 1.742 35.18
AB5 0.252 130 477 1.08 531 1.700 35.32
AB6 0.254 130 473 1.08 526 1.485 35.04

R = 120.1 (mm), b = 8.9 (mm), ts = 0.9 (mm), except ShellAB5 where ts = 0.8 (mm)
E = 7500 (kg/mm'), v = 0.3
Material: Aluminum alloy 7075-T6

a All shells are stiffened by integral stringers; h = thickness, L = length, R = radius.

bZ = (1 - V')l!2 (L/R) , (R/h).
cd = stringer height, t. = stringer thickness, b = stringer spacing.

Table 14. Theoretical and experimental.buckling loads and (modes).

Experiment SS3 a SS4 Clamped

Shell Pexp,kg Ppost,kgb Per, kg Per, kg Pen kg

ABI 4700 (9) 4150 4996 (12) 6554 (12) 9300 (12)
AB2 4900 (9) 4040 4828 (12) 6358 (12) 8990 (12)
AB3 3400 (8) 2970 3967 (10) 5942 (11) 7230 (12)
AB4 3615 (8) 3038 3955 (10) 5929 (11) 7204 (12)
AB5 3580 (8) 3000 3833 (11) 5574 (12) 7044 (12)
AB6 4025 (9) 2250 3687 (11) 5425 (12) 6489 (12)

aSS3 denotes v = w = N x = Mx = 0 at the edges;

SS4 denotes v = w = u = Mx = 0 at the edges.
bppost = postbuckling load-carrying capability.

Figure 126, which is analogous to Fig. 122(a), demonstrates the effect of cylinder
length on the critical axial load. The figure shows results from analyses in which the
prebuckled state is predicted from membrane theory (labeled linear) and from
BOSOR4 [14] and a treatment by Block [159] in which the prebuckled state is
derived from a rigorous analysis. As with all of the examples in this section, the axial
stiffeners are "smeared out" over th~ circumference in the manner described in the
classical paper by Baruch and Singer [160]. Two important points might be made
with regard to the results shown in Fig. 126:
(1) For long shells nonuniform effects are unimportant; and
(2) The effect of constraint of axial displacement u in the bifurcation buckling
analysis is rather significant even for long shells.
This behavior may be contrasted to that of monocoque axially compressed cylinders.
The columns headed "S 1" and "S2" in Table 10 correspond to what Singer calls
"SS4" and "SS3", respectively. In the case of monocoque cylinders the normalized
critical load predicted with a model in which nonuniform pre buckling effects are





Figure 125. (a) Typical ring-stiffened shroud configuration. (b) Actual typical field joint
geometry and simplified computer model. (c) 60-in.-radius X 52-in.-long panel with field joint and
t = 0.020 in., ts = 0.032 in. crippled near the bottom under uniform axial compression. Ncr = 1620

~;.:: 0


u -100
2; ~ -200
0 NI • 1500 Ib/in
:r: -300
0 10 20 30 40 50

Figure 125. (d) Theoretical prebuckling behavior of 60-in.-radius X 52-in.-long curved panels
with and without a field joint.

Stiffened Cylinder Dimensions,

Boundary Cond~ t~ons, Materl.al

h 0.235 rnm (shell wall


R/h 513

~ e1/h 3.76 (stringer

~ {k~~~mIIO
~ Al/bh 0.779 (stringer area
;5 parameter)
oo 553 v = N
= M

554 v = w = u = Mx = 0

A1 7075-T6

E 0.75 x 10 4 kg/rrnn 2
b stringer spacing

Figure 126. Effect of length on buckling of axially compressed stringer stiffened cylindrical
shell (from Weller, Singer and Batterman (156)).





m ::: 1
SHEll AB-5

4200 n = 11
m ::: 1

10 20 30 40 50 60

Figure 127. Influence of elastic axial restraint k 1 on the buckling load of shell AB5 (from
Singer and Abramovich [33]).

included is reduced from 1.0 to approximately 0.85 even for infinitely long shells
because the buckling modal displacements occur in and near the "boundary layer"
near the edge as shown in Fig. 62. Buckling with such a short axial wavelength is not
possible for axially stiffened cylinders because of the bending stiffness of the stiffeners.
Therefore, stiffened cylinders buckle as shown in Fig. 21 in the region where the pre-
buckling state is pure axial compression. Inclusion of prebuckling bending is important
only if this nonuniformity occurs over most of the shell length. Comparison of the
columns headed "S 1" and "S2" in Table 10 reveals that the axial component of edge
restraint has a much smaller influence on the critical load for the monocoque shell
than for the stiffened shell to which Fig. 126(b) applies.
Figure 127 demonstrates the effect of elastic axial restraint on predicted buckling
for one of Singer's specimens. Further details are given in Ref. [33].

Load eccentricity

One of the first studies of the effect of eccentricity of axial load on the buckling of
axially compressed cylinders is reported in Ref. [161]. Singer and his colleagues
have published several papers on this topic [156-158]. The examples exhibited here
are taken from Ref. [153].
The definition of axial load eccentricity is somewhat arbitrary. Singer [156]
defines any axial load that is not applied at the middle surface of the skin as eccentric.
Almroth and Bushnell [153] use the neutral surface of the skin and stringer com-
bination as a reference for load eccentricity. Figure 128 ( a-c) shows how load
eccentricity might be deliberately introduced and varied in test specimens and how
most axially stiffened cylindrical shells are actually tested (d).
The remainder of the discussion in this section is based on axially compressed
axially stiffened cylindrical shells with geometry shown in Fig. 129. (Note that the
stringers may also be external.)
Results for cylindrical shells of length 95 in. are listed in Table 15. Critical axial
loads were computed for the cases in which the shells were simply supported (S2)
at the mid surface of the skin, at the neutral surface of the cross section, and at the

(a) (b) (e) (d)

Figure 128. How eccentric loading of axially compressed, stringer-stiffened cylindrical shells
is induced in tests: (a) load applied through midskin; (b) load applied through intermediate point;
(c) load applied through stringer tips; (d) typical test specimen end (adapted from Singer and
Rosen [157] and Stuhlman et al. [161]).

E 10 7 psi

tl '" 1. 687 in.


Length: 95 in. unless other-

wise specified

Boundary Conditions: 52 (Table

8) unless otherwise
specif ied.

Figure 129. Geometry of cylindrical shell wall.

Table 15. Buckling loads (millions of Ibs) for axially compressed eccentrically stiffened
aluminum cylindrical shells.

Boundary condition code no.a Internal External

stiffening stiffening
Nonlinear prebuckling analysis 1 1.670 (18)b 3.770 (19)
2 1.250 (20) 4.350 (17)
3 3.580 (14) 1.235 (26)
4 4.540 (20) 9.620 (15)
Membrane prebuckling analysis 1,2,3 1.520 (18) 2.700 (21)
4 3.670 (21) 6.060 (22)

aBoundary condition code: Axial load applied at (1) neutral surface, (2) shear center, (3) centroid
of stiffener, (4) shell clamped.
bNumbers in parentheses indicate number of circumferential waves in buckle pattern.

0 . 22

::::I 0.20 1. 0 ~
i:'i 0.18 f-<
r.l 0.16
0.8 );!
j 0.14 C)

"- j
[@ 0.12 0.6 ~
~ 0.10 H
:<: 0.08 ~
§l 0.06

Il: 0.04 ---~~-- 0.2




Figure 130. Pre buckling and buckling displacements of an internally-stiffened, simply-supported,

axially-compressed cylinder.

midpoint of the rectangular stiffeners, respectively. Clamped shells were also con-
sidered and, for each type of loading, critical loads were obtained for shells with both
external and internal stiffening.
For comparison critical loads are shown also as computed by use of the membrane
pre buckling analysis. For the buckling analysis classical simple support conditions
were assumed (S2 or SS3). Hence, there is no axial restraint, and with a membrane
pre buckling analysis there is no loading eccentricity effect. The results from the
first three loading cases are therefore identical.
It may be seen from Table 15 that changes in the loading eccentricity have drastic
effects on the critical load. For the case in which the shell is loaded through its neutral
surface, for example, it is interesting to compare results obtained with membrane
prebuckling analysis with those obtained with nonlinear pre buckling analysis. The
difference is due to the Poisson expansion in connection with radial restraint at the
edges. This effect is large for shells with such a small LjR (LjR = 0.5) particularly
for shells with outside stiffening. .
For shells with end moments it is easy to see that the presence of a moment which
tends to bend the cylinder into a barrel shape greatly increases the critical load. A
moment in the opposite direction, developing pre buckling compressive hoop stresses,
has the opposite effect. In Fig. 130 prebuckling radial displacements (UHo) and
buckling modes (w) are shown for cylinders with inside stiffening. Curves are shown
for loading through the neutral surface as well as for loading through the center of the
For cylindrical shells the effects ofload eccentricity were studied also for the case in
which the buckling displacements in the axial direction are restrained (u = 0). The
results are shown in Fig. 131. It can be seen that the critical load varies sharply with
the position of the point of load application. For both large positive and large negative
eccentricities the critical load calculated with membrane pre buckling theory approaches
the critical load with clamped edges. This is because any rotation in the buckling mode


>->- 4000
>-> d
E=:~ 3000
(9) --- (12)

____ !!2) .... ...!~41

(65) " .... '
.... ,
, -
1000 Numbers in Parentheses '-
Indicate Critical Wave Number

-0.02 -0.01 0.01


Figure 131. Critical loads for axially-<:ompressed, stiffened cylinders with eccentrically-applied
load and 8 , (884) boundary conditions (dotted curves for membrane prebuckling theory).


~ 2000


Loading Through
Neutral Surface
- - - - - Loading Through
Stiffeners' Centroid
o 100 200 300 400

Figure 132. Critical load vs. length for axially-compressed stiffened cylinders with 8 2 boundary


i2 B.OOO
H Q' 6,000
~ 2,000

-2 -1 o I 2

Figure 133. Critical axial load for shallow toroidal shell segments as a function of shell rise H.
about the eccentrically located end points forces the shell wall to deform in a mode
with significant membrane strain energy due to axial stretching and compression of
the neutral surface.
For cylinders with external stiffening and small positive values of the eccentricity
parameter, the buckling mode is antisymmetric about the midpoint of the shell. In
all other cases it is symmetric.
The cylinders for which results have been given previously are quite short, the
decay-length for the edge moment being about half the shell length. It appears that the
influence of edge moments disappears as the shell length increases. This effect is
demonstrated in Fig. 132, which shows critical loads as functions of shell length for
cylinders loaded through the neutral sufrace and for cylinders loaded through the
centroids of the stiffeners.
For very shallow toroidal segments a study was undertaken of the influence on the
critical axial load of the shell rise H (difference between radius at equator and radius
at edge). The analysis includes shells with positive shell rise (positive Gaussian curvature)
as well as shells with negative shell rise, and the results are shown in Fig. 133. As
expected, the critical load increases with the value of the Gaussian curvature. At zero
shell rise, the curve for shells with outside stiffeners is much steeper than the curve
corresponding to inside stiffeners. This result indicates that shells with outside
stiffeners should be more sensitive to initial imperfections, which has been shown by
Budiansky and Hutchinson [162] to be the case.

Instability of shells of revolution subjected to

combined loads and nonsymmetric loads


The emphasis in this chapter is on monocoque and stiffened cylindrical shells.

Combined loading

We have already seen examples of buckling behavior under combined internal pressure
and axial compression. Figures 105-108 display the buckling phenomenon of a
conical water tank. Bifurcation buckling behavior of the conical water tank is similar
to that of a cylindrical shell with internal pressure subjected to axial compression:
The buckles are elongated in the circumferential direction and the critical axial load
is less sensitive to initial geometric imperfections than that for the shell with no
internal pressure. The diminished sensitivity to initial imperfections is revealed by the
results in Fig. 22 for pressurized cylindrical shells, as well as by the excellent agree-
ment between test and theory for buckling of the mylar model of the water tank
shown in Figs. 105-108.
This chapter first gives illustrations of post-buckled states of monocoque cylindrical
shells under combined axial compression and internal pressure. Next several inter-
action curves are presented for monocoque cylinders subjected to axial compression
combined with internal or external pressure. These curves cover a wide range of
boundary conditions, radius-to-thickness ratior/t, and length parameter z = (I _V 2 )1!2
(L 2 /rt). Post-buckled states of monocoque cylinders under combined torsion and
internal pressure are then depicted with an interaction curve including test points .
.This is followed by a comparison of theoretical and experimental buckling loads for
elastic buckling of stringer-stiffened and ring-stiffened cylindrical shells made of
epoxy and subjected to axial compression and external pressure. The chapter closes
with computed interaction curves for laminated composite cylinders under axial
compression, external pressure, and torsion.

Nonsymmetric loading

Nonsymmetric loading on axisymmetric shells may originate from many sources,

commonly occurring ones being wind or water loads, thermal loads, and inertial
loads arising from ground acceleration during an earthquake. The section opens with
two examples of buckling of shells of revolution under nonsymmetric pressure and
axial compression caused by launching a rocket and by its passage at an angle of
attack through the atmosphere. A closely related problem is buckling due to non-
symmetric thermal loading from aerodynamic heating. Comparisons between test
and theory are given for a nonsymmetrically heated ring-stiffened cylindrical shell
with applied bending moments and for a monocoque conical shell heated along a
narrow axial strip. The section closes with prediction of a buckling load factor for
a typical steel containment vessel for a nuclear reactor under combined vertical and
horizontal components of ground acceleration experienced during an earthquake.

Monocoque cylindrical shells under combined loading

Axial compression or bending and internal pressure

Interest in this problem was stimulated primarily by concern for the proper design
of pressurized aircraft fuselages. Lo et al. [163] and Harris et al. [164, 36] obtained
design curves by testing cylinders and by collecting experimental data from previous
tests and performing statistical analyses to obtain buckling loads vs. radius-to-thickness
ratio rlt for best fit, 90% probability of survival, and 99% probability of survival. Suer
et al. [164] did the same for cylinders under combined bending and internal pressure.
Figures 134 (a-e) illustrate post-buckled patterns for cylinders under axial com-
pression or bending with various amounts of internal pressure. As the internal pressure
is increased the buckles become smaller and more elongated in the circumferential
direction. If the pressure is high enough, buckling under uniform axial compression
occurs in an axisymmetric mode, as seen in Fig. 134 (e). Recall that in the case of the
water tank shown in Fig. 105 nonsymmetric bifurcation buckling occurs at a load
factor only one percent below axisymmetric collapse (Fig. 107). The water tank
problem shares many of the characteristics of the buckling of a uniformly axially
compressed cylindrical shell with internal pressure.
Figures 135 (a-d) show coefficients Cb , Cbp , and !::.Cbp from Suer et al. [165] for
buckling of cylinders under bending. Figures 135 (a, b) demonstrate the scatter of test
results plotted vs. radius-to-thickness ratio rlt for unpressurized cylinders, and Figs. 135
(c, d) demonstrate the stabilizing influence of internal pressure. The straight horizontal
line at Cb = 0.78 in Figs. 135 (a, b) corresponds to the theoretical result for buckling
of cylinders under bending found by Fliigge [166]. The straight inclined lines labeled
"acr = prl2t" in Figs. 135 (c, d) represent the axially compressive stress required to
cancel the tensile stress ax = prl2t caused by internal pressure. The shape of the region
of compression test data indicated in Fig. 135 (c) by a dashed closed curve shows in a
rough way that critical axial loads for cylinders with higher internal pressure are some-
what less sensitive to initial imperfections than are those with lower internal pressure.

(a) (b)

(e) (d)i
Figure 134(a-d). Post-buckled states of axially compressed cylinders with (a) no, (b) low, (c)
moderate, and (d) higher internal pressure ((a, b, d) from Suer et al. [165], (c) from Harris et al.

Almroth [152] calculated interaction curves for buckling under combined axial
compression and external or internal pressure. He accounted for edge effects in the
prebuckled state. Predicted criticallo~d combinations are shown in Figs. 136-139 for
the various boundary conditions S1-84 and Cc-C4 listed in Table 8. In cases S1 and
S2 (Fig. 136) the value of rlt has practically no influence on critical combinations of
the axial stress and external pressure parameters, within the range of geometrical
parameters under consideration.
The analysis with the membrane prebuckling solution indicates that the difference
in critical loads for cases S3 and S4 is negligible for all values of the pressure parameter.
However, in the presence of internal pressure the use of a rigorous prebuckling
solution leads to different results. This is shown by the interaction curves in Fig. 138.
With S3 or S4 boundary conditions the number of circumferential waves corresponding
to the minimum critical load generally is two. For higher values of the pressure in case
S3 this minimum occasionally occurs at a larger number of waves.

Figure 134(e). Post-buckled state of axially compressed cylinder with very high internal pressure.
Unlike examples a-d, buckling in this case is elastic-plastic, which results in a protruding rather than
an indenting buckle. [Compare with Fig. 134(d). Also, compare Figs. 90 and 96 for differences
between elastic and elastic-plastic buckling.]

In case S3 the curves show that for most combinations of geometrical parameters
there exists a range of the pressure parameter within which three solutions are
obtained. Of course, when the axial load on the shell is increased under constant
internal pressure, only the lowest of these solutions is meaningful.
For clamped cylinders, it was found again that the parameter rlt has no influence
on critical combinations of the axial stress and pressure parameters. It was found also
that circumferential tangential (v) restraint at the edge does not affect the critical load.
Interaction curves for clamped cylinders are shown in Fig. 139.

Torsion and internal pressure

The effect of internal pressure on the torsional buckling stress was first considered by
Crate, Batdorf, and Baab [167] , who developed a semi-empirical interaction formula
for combined pressure and torsion based on a limited series of tests. In Eq. (38) Rs
denotes the ratio of critical shear stress with internal pressure to critical shear stress
under torsion alone, Rs = Tc,/-rocr' and Rp is the ratio of internal pressure to critical
external pressure, Rp = plPocr
Hopkins and Brown [168] derived a small deflection theoretical analysis by
modifying Donnell's original analysis for unpressurized cylinders. Their theoretical
calculations generally agree well with the experimental results of Ref. [167] and
substantiate the semi-empirical interaction curve. Harris et al. [36] performed
additional tests in order to extend the data to the range of internal pressures and
radius-to-thickness ratios of interest in missile and aircraft design. They tested a total
of 5 unpressurized and 15 pressurized model circular cylinders in torsion. For the
internally pressurized specimens, the longitudinal tensile stresses induced by pressure


T T !'-l-- L3· 8OCK~NG,

C"j"'FIC£NT ,
• 00IHll
- ......


I oD<l'N':ll.
,I W-
, t;tl"
... ~ _.L:::ft3'~~~_

'~ ~'
l.L.. 6 .I~RIAL .1- -l- I

~:! ~ ~
0 f-." -- ~

, - --
Vl .-:; "', • PETERSON , --- --- --- ----- -
w I--~~
+ +- I
- I '1------:=
~WM'l'I- I------'\---'
I--~- a __
0:: C,,·
f- ,
i I'ril-
··;r If -
....J E • , I
::s>< 1'''1111

o 8
3 I I I

•• -r-
i I oro
« 0
0, ~ I------;- -
~ -~-

:D I
..... 2
o 0
.-• - - f-~
~ I~
0, ~ f-'- -
:::> I
:0 (b)

I- -j
J!!()() 2000
I --
3()(Yl 3500
I 4000



: : : =:;, ~2~

· .
.JW ~"",,~/2I
t ...... 'r--

< ...... 10
I'.... /

............ 8IUOCID

90% f!mAfIJTY oA£
,01 L-f-'""7,",.",.:ll--f-7,...,.,.,.,L--..,.-.,.....,. . . .L_-.-•....J.,O,

.. . ...
raa.:. prl2

~ ~ ~ ~
_01 .. "10 ID 10

(c) (d)

Figure 135, Test results and buckling probability curves for monocoque cylindrical shells under
combined bending and internal pressure: (a) unpressurized bending buckling stress coefficients
as a function of rlt; (b) unpressurized bending buckling stress coefficients as a function of rlt
with buckling probability curves; (c) bending buckling stress coefficients for pressurized circular
cylinders; and (d) increase in bending buckling stress coefficients liCbp due to internal pressure
(from Suer et al. [165 J ),

Z " 50

r/t " 10 2 - 10 4




z" 1, 000
r/t '" 10 2 - 10 4

-0.2 0.2 1.0


Figure 136. Interaction curves for simply supported (v = 0) monocoque cylindrical shells with
combined axial compression and lateral pressure (S, and S, boundary conditions; see Table 8)
(from Almroth [152]).

were balanced by a compressive load. A photograph of a typical buckle pattern for an

unpressurized cylinder is shown in Fig. 140( a) and for a pressurized cylinder in Fig.
140(b). As expected, the angle which the buckles make with the axis of the cylinder
increases as the ratio of the internal pressure to the torque increases.
In Fig. 141, the test data are compared to the interaction curve of Ref. [167].
In ci1lculation of the values of Rs, the buckling stress aoer for torsion alone was defined
in [36] as the average of the experimental values. In calculation of the values of Rp ,
the buckling stress for external lateral pressure alone was calculated from Ref. [169].
It may be seen in Fig. 141 that the interaction curve adequately describes the behavior
of circular cylinders in torsion with internal lateral pressure. Based on their data,
Harris et al. [36] recommended for design the interaction curve of Fig. 141.
It should be noted that the experimental data of Fig. 141 are for cylinders under
lateral pressure only and therefore the data indicate the direct benefit of internal
lateral pressure on the torsional buckling stress. If, in addition, the cylinder is axially
pretensioned to a stress of prl2t by the internal pressure on the cylinder heads, an
additional benefit would result. It can easily be shown by a Mohr's circle construction
that a torsional stress of 0.707 pr/t is required before compression is induced in the

z '" 50


z " 100



Figure 137(a). Interaction curves for simply supported (u = 0, v = free) monocoque cylindrical
shells with combined axial compression and lateral pressure (S, boundary conditions) (from
Almroth [152]).

skin of a hydrostatically pressurized cylinder. At low values of prjt, the benefit of the
axial tension is relatively small. At large values or prjt the effect of the axial stress
induced by internal pressure can be expected to predominate.

Stiffened cylindrical shells under combined loading

Tennyson [170] and his coworkers have performed tests on buckling of unstiffened
and stiffened cylindrical shells made of epoxy plastic by a spin casting technique that
produces specimens of very high quality. In Ref. [170] they give comparisons between
test and theory for elastic buckling of perfect and imperfect clamped shells under
combinations of internal or external hydrostatic pressure and axial compression.
Figures 142 and 143 show Tennyson's results for stiffened cylindrical shells under
axial compression and external pressure. The solid lines in Figs. 142(b, c) and 143(b,
c) represent theoretical predictions for perfect shells from Ref. [170], with labels
"outside" and "inside" in Fig. 142(b, d) referring to the rings. There is little inter-
action effect below Pcr/Pcro = 0.8 for the ring-stiffened specimens because the critical
buckling mode for pure axial compression (short axial wavelength) does not at all

z ~ 200

2 LO

Z - 51)0

11"2 Et 2


Figure J37(b). Interaction curves for simply supported (u = 0, v = free) monocoque cylindrical
shells with combined axial compression and lateral pressure (S3 boundary conditions) (from
Almroth [152]).
resemble that for pure external pressure (single half wave along the cylinder generator).
On the other hand, there is a strong interaction effect for the stringer-stiffened
specimens because the critical buckling mode for pure axial compression has a much
longer axial wavelength than that for the ring-stiffened specimen, this mode resembling
that corresponding to buckling under pure external pressure.
Inspection of Figs. 142(b, c) and 143(b, c) reveals that for many of the
specimens the theory of Ref. [170] underestimates the actual buckling loads. This
discrepancy is probably caused by the representation of stiffeners as if they were
attached along single lines; that is, in the theoretical model the stiffness is under-
estimated because the rings do not contribute to the axial bending stiffness of the shell
wall and the stringers do not contribute to the circumferential bending stiffness.
Actually, the stiffeners probably add considerably to the bending rigidity because they
are integral with the skin along finite arc lengths bf2 (Fig. 142(a)) and bs (Fig. 143(a))
of the shell wall. Bushnell [171] has found this effect to influence predicted plastic
buckling pressure by as much as 13%. A larger effect would be expected for elastic
buckling than for buckling beyond the proportional limit of the material because the
softening nature of a yielding material generally renders predictions insensitive to
minor changes in the model.

- - Rigorous Prebucklmg AnalysIs

- - Membrane PrcbucklLng Analysis

Z " 50

-0.2 1.0


z " 1,000

-0.2 1.0


Figure 138. Interaction curves for simply supported (u = free, v = free) monocoque cylindrical
shells with combined axial compression and lateral pressure (S. boundary conditions) (from
Almroth [152 J).

Also worthy of note in Figs. 142 and 143 is the differing influence of initial
imperfections in the ring-stiffened as opposed to stringer-stiffened specimens. In the
range Pcr/Pcro < 0.8, where short-axial-wavelength buckling occurs in the case of ring-
stiffened cylinders, axisymmetric short-wavelength imperfections clearly weaken the
shells. Similar axisymmetric imperfections actually strengthen the stringer-stiffened
specimens, however. Presumably this is because the imperfections induce a prebuckling
axial waviness, a sort of circumferential corrugation that stabilizes the shells, much as
the axisymmetric pre buckling shape change in the heated cylinder shown in Fig. 69
postpones nonsymmetric buckling as demonstrated in Figs. 70-75.

Buckling of composite cylindrical shells under combined loading


By "composite" is meant a shell with a wall construction for which the most general
integrated constitutive law is given by Eq. (205) of Ref [430]. Typically, the shell
wall is made up of layers or laminae of orthotropic material. Each lamina has principal
.-----1. 0r - - - - - - - - ,

1. 0 ~-----c;:,---------..,

Z = 50

0.8 z '" 50

0,2 0.3

0.7 0L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " 1 . 0


Cl, C3
C2, C4
0.9 -
1. 0 rciJ~;;~==::::::======---;;;;;;;;1
Cl. C3



O- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " 1 . 0
0.2 0,1 0 0,1 0.2 0.3

lZJl"7 ~
lr 2 E~2


Figure 139(a). Interaction curves for clamped Figure J39(b). Interaction curves for clamped
monocoque cylinders with combined axial com- monocoque cylinders with combined axial
pression and external lateral pressure. Radius-to- compression and internal lateral pressure.
thickness 10'.;; rlt .;; 10 4 (from Almroth Radius-to-thickness 10 2 .;; rlt .;; 10 4 (from
[152]). Almroth [152]).

material axes oriented at some angle 8 with respect to the coordinate axes for the
shell. An important subclass of such composite shell walls is that for which the con-
stitutive law is given by Eq. (84) of Ref. [430]. This class contains shells of revolution
with isotropic skin and rings and stringers that follow principal lines of curvature that
are "smeared out" in the mathematical model as described by Baruch and Singer in
[160] . Laminated shells of revolution, the plies of which are all oriented parallel to
meridians (8 = 0°) and normal to meridians (8 = 90°) also belong to this class. If
the wall construction is symmetric with respect to a middle surface the "B" terms in
Eq. (205) of Ref. [430] vanish. Such laminates are termed "balanced" and the wall is
called "orthotropic." The more general constitutive matrices given in Eqs. (205) and
(84) of Ref. [430] are associated with wall constructions that are called "anisotropic".

Previous work done

Tennyson [172] gives a survey of work done up to 1975 on the buckling of com-
posite cylinders. The earliest analyses were based on or tho tropic theory (B-terms in

Figure 140. Post-buckled patterns for cylinders under torsion: (a) no internal pressure; (b)
with internal pressure (from Harris et al. [36]).

~ 60
'0" 40
< 20

III 80
Z o-r/I=2734
A -rlt == 1006


10 20 40 60 100 200 400 10000


Figure 141. Interaction curve for monocoque cylinders in torsion with lateral internal pressure
(from Harris et al. [36]).

Eq. (205) of [430] are zero) with membrane prebuckling theory. The motivation for
much of this early work was to calculate buckling loads of ring and stringer stiffened
aircraft fuselages and rocket boosters. One of the first studies was performed by March
et al. in 1945 [173], who calculated torsional buckling loads of plywood cylinders.
Frequently referenced works, primarily from the 1960's, on buckling of orthotropic
and anisotropic cylindrical shells include Refs. [173-190] and [10 1]. During the
late 1960's and early 1970's several computer programs were developed [11-14]
that can be used to calculate buckling of composite shells of revolution, including
nonuniform prebuckling states predicted with use of nonlinear theory. Jones and
Hennemann [191] performed parameter studies to determine the influence of non-
uniform pre buckling edge effects on bifurcation loads of composite axially com-
pressed cylinders. They found an effect similar to that observed for isotropic
cylindrical shells [152]. (See Fig. 117(b )).

~r'~:'- \
~-l~'------'_ l-

(a) Details of ring geometry.

0 .2
s.. ' I ~
u o I 0 0 0 0 0 0 u
CL 0

0 0\
........ o " ; , 1.0
1.0 " 0

10 " 0 0 !lO~L_
u 9
I u
c.. 'V'J 'Q
a.. 0.8 ___0

;z: ;z:
I I o
I 1___ ......
I./') I./') 0.6 ----
I./') 0.6 Ouislde Inside I./')
w w
0:: I y, >01 I y, <01 0::
:E: l--"--- :E:
O. ~ I--- Expe'riment

0 o
Perfect u
y <0
0.2 I------- 'Q y; > 0 I- ;;i
>< ><
d: ~
112 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.1 0.2 0.8 1.0 1.2


o o
(b) "Perfect" specimens (P cro and (c) Axisymetrically imperfect
PcrO represent respectively crit- specimens.
ical axial load with no pressure
and critical pressure with no
axial load).

Figure 142. Comparison of test and theory for elastic buckling of "perfect" and axisymmetrically
imperfect ring-stiffened, clamped cylindrical shells under combined axial compression and external
hydrostatic pressure (from Tennyson [130]).

Details of stringer geoaetry.

o 's..u
0... 0...
U z
0... o
ft V) 0.6 --
z: V)
o...... w
i .. Iv .. 0...

0,4 '--Exp[>(irnenl ,1~:Q
~' ~ ~ Shell nos,
cr: U
Q.. I .0 o 121... 127
0,4 - - ----t - -
, I
::l:: ....J
o o c:C 0,2 - . 161", 164 ' -
U Experiment • '0 ...... "Perlect shell "/
Shell nos, v 1heorY(Ys>OI >< lhe~ryIY,>O)i
....J o 10Z,10J,1O( c:C
c:C 0,2 • J __ "

...... o 11J, 115, 116, 118, 119 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1.0 1.2
>< • 151,153,154
0,20,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1.2 cr crO
EXTERNAL PRESSURE, Pcr/PcrO (c) Imperfect specimens (open
circles represent axisymmet-
(b) "Perfect" specimens. rically imperfect specimens).

Figure 143. Comparison of test and theory for elastic buckling of "perfect" and imperfect stringer'
stiffened, clamped cylindrical shells under combined axial compression and external hydrostatic
pressure (from Tennyson [170].

Buckling under combined loads

Recently Booton and Tennyson [192] calculated interaction curves for buckling of
anisotropic cylindrical shells under axial compression, external pressure, and torsion.
Their results are summarized in Figs. 144-147. Pre buckling edge effects are accounted
for in the analysis. All results correspond to a laminated shell with three layers (8, 0,
-8), which is a very unbalanced laminate and ordinarily does not represent a realistic
design. The axisymmetric imperfection assumed for generation of Figs. 144(b) and
14S(b) has an amplitude of a tenth the wall thickness (Il = 0.1) and an axial wave-
length corresponding to that of the axisymmetric buckling mode calculated from
classical theory (membrane prebuckling state). Note from Fig. 144(b) that, as in the
case of the ring-stiffened cylindrical shell under combined axial compression and
pressure (Fig. 142(c)), the axisymmetric imperfection causes a reduction in the

« i=
'"w 0.8 ~ 0.8


Vl 0 Vl
W ..
u 0.6 60 deg ~ bO o. 6
...J ..
~ a.u
...J b
« c.
~ Q. 0, RS " 0 GLASS-EPOXY "a. 0.4 R s "0
...J'" «",
Z" 200 " L 2 /rl ...J
« ...J Z" 200
z « ~ " 0, I, K " t
0:: 0.2 ~ 0.2
f- W
~ x
O.O~ ____ ~ ____-L____--'______ ~ ____ ~
O.O~ ____ ~ ____ -L~ __--'~~~
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6


1. 0'"""'=-------,
SHELL C6, ~"O. 026
\ 0.4 Rs = 0


0.00.2 0.4 0.6 0.6 1.0 Rx = Per IPero ' IN WHICH THE BARS INDICATE CRITICAL LOADS

Figure 144. Interaction curves for 3-layered (Ii, 0, -Ii) composite glass-epoxy cylindrical shells
under combined external pressure and axial compression (from Booton and Tennyson [192]).

Rp = 0 R "0 R ~ 0
P p
GLASS-EPOXY (e, 0, -e) GLASS-EPOXY (e, 0, -8)
z " 200
" " 0, I, K " t 0.6

0.6 0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4 0.4

e 0.2 0,2 30deg 0.2

.tf- U
0.0 0.0 0.0~------------D-~--

-0.2 -0.2 -0.2

-0.4 -0.4 -0.4

« o
"z -0.6 -0.6 -0.6
~ -0.6
0 -1.0
- - - THEORY
~"0.026 (45,0,-45)
-1. 4
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.6 1.0 1.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.6 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.40.6 0.6 1.0 1.2



Figure 145. Interaction curves for 3-layered (Ii, 0, -Ii) composite glass-epoxy cylindrical shells
under combined torsion and axial compression (from Booton and Tennyson [192]).
1.0 Rx "0 GLASS-EPOXY (0, 0, -8)

Z " 200 0,4 -THEORY
0,2 SHELLC6,
a:. tfI 0.0
"= 0,028
(45, 0, -45)
",- o,of-----------\-----
o -0,2
~ -0.2 iii
o'f-" -0,4

60 deg
-1.0 o

-1. 2


0. ° 0,2 0,4 0,6 0.8 1. °

1. 2

Figure 146, Interaction curves for 3-layered (II, 0, -II) composite glass-epoxy cylindrical shells
under torsion and external pressure (from Booton and Tennyson [192]), Rp = Per/P ero ' where the
bars indicate critical pressures ofimper/eet cylinders,

capability of the shell to carry the axial component of the load but little or no
reduction in its capability to carry the circumferential (pressure) component. A similar
result is evident in Fig, 145(b) for the case of torsion with axial compression,
The curves in Figs. 144(c), 145(c), and 146(b) in which theory and test are com-
pared and plotted in coordinate frames with Rp , Rx , and Rs ' These quantities are
respectively the ratios Per/P~ro, Per/P;ro, and 'Ter/'T~ro in which all quantities refer to
the imperfect shell, and the starred quantities are predicted buckling loads for an
axisymmetrically imperfect shell with no other load components acting on it. The
amplitude of the imperfection J1 is given by J1 = ..j2onns/t, where onns is the largest
root-mean-squared value of the imperfection determined from profile measurements
along several generators, The axial wavelength of the imperfection is equal to that of
the classical axisymmetric buckling mode. The correlation with test results is reasonably
good, although the actual measured imperfection was not axisymmetric, Had the non-
symmetric nature of the imperfection been accounted for in the analysis, test and
theory would doubtless have been brought into closer agreement, especially in cases
for which the combined loading involves relatively large components of external
Figure 147 shows the buckling interaction curve for axial compression and external
pressure in the range of small Z = L 2 Irt, Tennyson et aL [193] earlier demonstrated
for isotropic shells the transition from concave to convex interaction curves (as viewed
from the origin) as Z decreases, The convex curves for Z <, 20 cannot be predicted
without use of a rigorous pre buckling analysis,


0.2 O.~ 0.6 0.81.0


Figure 147. Effect of Z = L 2/rt on interactive buckling behavior for 3-layered laminated cylinder
[glass/epoxy (45 deg, 0 deg, - 45 deg), R/t ~ 100] (from Booton and Tennyson [192]).

Buckling of nonaxisymmetrically loaded shells of revolution

Modeling considerations

In many practical applications, shells of revolution are submitted to nonaxisymmetric

dynamic loads. Computer programs for the nonlinear dynamic analysis of non-
symmetrically loaded shells of revolution and parts of shells of revolution sub tending
less than 360 0 of circumference have been written by Stricklin et al. [194], Klein
[195], Ball [196], Underwood [197], Huffington [198], and Hubka [199].
Stricklin's, Klein's, and Ball's programs perform both static and dynamic analyses with
expansion of the circumferential variations in trigonometric series. Underwood's,
Huffington's, and Hubka's perform dynamic analyses with division of the shell into
two-dimensional finite difference grids. All of these programs require the same order
of magnitude of computer time as any two-dimensional numerical analysis of a shell of
general shape, such as that performed by STAGSC [48].
The analyst may wish to embark on a parameter study of buckling of non-
symmetrically loaded shells of revolution but may have a limited budget for computer
costs. The following questions arise: When can the problem be treated as static? When
can the nonlinearities be neglected? When can the nonsymmetries be neglected? As
with the axisymmetrically loaded shells discussed previously, static stability phenomena
fall into two classes, nonlinear collapse and bifurcation ( eigenvalue) buckling. If
the structure or loading is such that the shell collapses in a manner similar to that
shown in Fig. 45, for example, then one of the computer programs described in
[194-199] or a general shell analyzer such as STAGSC [48] must be used for the
analysis. If the shell fails by bifurcation buckling, more questions must be asked: Is
the behavior prior to bifurcation linear? Does buckling occur locally in some area
where the stress field is maximum compressive in some biaxial sense? If the behavior
prior to bifurcation is nonlinear, as is true for bending of long cylinders discussed in
connection with Figs. 39 and 42, can the nonaxisymmetric nature of the problem
be neglected? If the answer to the first two or the last question is affirmative, then a
one-dimensional numerical analysis such as performed by any of the computer pro-
grams described in [47] or [11-14] can be used. If the prebuckling behavior is
linear the nonaxisymmetrical prestress can be determined by superposition of stresses

caused by each Fourier harmonic of the nonaxisymmetric load. The program user can
then select the meridian where he thinks buckling will start and, assuming that the
stress field. along that meridian is axisymmetric, calculate bifurcation loads from the
same stability equations used for the treatment of axisymmetric ally loaded shells. The
pre buckling behavior may be nonlinear, but rotation of the shell wall about a meridian
(l/I in Fig. 17 of Ref. [430]) may be small. If the analyst feels that this nonlinearity
cannot be neglected but that the nonsymmetry can, then the bifurcation buckling
analysis can be performed with a one-dimensional numerical analysis as described in
Ref. [430]. This type of modeling simplification was used to generate the predictions
of local failure of the rocket payload shroud shown in Fig. S. The results are discussed
in connection with Figs. 81 and 82.
Whether or not the pre bifurcation behavior is linear depends, of course, on the case.
As for bifurcation buckling, it is generally true that if the maximum compressive
stresses do not vary much in the circumferential direction within one-half of a
buckling wave, then the eigenvalue will not be sensitive to the nonsymmetry of the
prebuckling stresses. Bushnell and Smith [200] present a limited study on the
sensitivity of predicted thermal buckling loads to the circumferential variation of pre-
buckling compression. The critical loads are surprisingly insensitive to this variation
in the cases studied, as will be seen.

Examples of buckling of non symmetrically loaded shells ofrevolution

Figures 148 and 149 show two examples in which buckling under nonsymmetric
loading can be estimated by a one-dimensional numerical analysis. The short cylinder
depicted in Fig. 148 represents a portion of a rocket subjected during launch to a
nonsymmetric combination of axial compression V and external pressure p. The
buckling load factor of 1.8 and the buckling mode were predicted from a model in
which the one-dimensional discretization is around the circumference of the cylinder
rather than along its generator. The short, simply supported (S2 in Table 8) cylinder
is modeled as a toroidal segment with a very large radius b from its axis of revolution
to its center of meridional curvature. The prebuckled state is calculated from mem-
brane theory. This modeling technique, conversion of a simply supported prismatic
shell or panel into a toroidal segment, is described in detail in [82] and in a later
section here.
Figure 149 shows nonsymmetric pressure loading on the rocket payload shroud
depicted in Fig. Sea). The pressure distribution, measured in a wind tunnel, corresponds
to a small angle of attack. The payload shroud, attached to a heavy motor stage at its
aft end, bends as a beam, and the side under maximum axial compression, the leeward
side, buckles between discrete rings. (Buckling does not occur at the root of the beam
because the shell wall is made of thicker gage material there, as indicated in Fig. S(a).)
Here the one-dimensionality of the model is preserved as follows: The non symmetric
prebuckling state, including bending, is calculated from linear theory; the buckling
load and mode are then obtained from an analysis in which it is assumed that the
prebuckling stress distribution along the meridian on the leeward side of the shroud
is axisymmetric.

-217h 1



ii! 20
I!!' r· pl ,,)
;i- 10
1;'i 0 ~
o 45 90 135 160

~. 0 -

~ 20 40 60 80 (e)
ARC LENGTH,. (incheI)

Figure 148. Buckling mode of nonuniformly Figure 149. (a) Nonsymmetric pressure
loaded, simply supported, circular cylinder. distribution on a payload shroud; (b) pre-
Critical load -~ 1.8 times the load distribution buckling beam-type deflection; (c) non-
shown. Cylinder analyzed as very slender symmetric buckling mode (ncr = 13 circum-
toroidal segment (from Bushnell [82]). ferential waves) (from Bushnell [14]).

The two very different models described in connection with Figs. 148 and 149
lead to preservation in the stability analysis of different aspects of the nonuniform,
nonsymmetric loading: the torus model (Fig. 148) leads to preservation of the effect
of the circumferential nonuniformity of the pre buckling membrane stress in the
stability analysis but neglect of its variation along the meridian; the shroud model
(Fig. 149) leads to preservation of the meridional variation of the prebuckling memo
brane stress but neglect of its circumferential nonuniformity in the stability analysis.
The torus model is inadequate for the analysis of the payload shroud because of the
axial variation of wall properties, the discrete rings, and the fact that the critical
buckling mode corresponds to buckling between the rings, rendering invalid the option
of smearing them out. A measure of the error induced by treatment in the stability
phase of the problem of the pre buckling stress state along the leeward meridian as if
it were axisymmetric can be obtained by setting up a torus model of a short segment
between two adjacent rings and comparing critical loads corresponding to two pre-
buckling stress states, one in which the prestress varies around the shroud circum-
ference as cos e and the other in which it is axisymmetric. Because of boundary effects
which propagate along the shroud meridian as emphaSized in the discussion associated
with Fig. 122, the absolute values of the two buckling load factors may be inaccurate.
However, their relative difference should yield a good qualitative estimate of the error
induced by neglect in the stability phase of the problem of the circumferential variation
of prestress.

Thermal buckling of nonsymmetrically heated shells

Introduction: Interest in thermal buckling of thin shells was originally motivated by

design requirements for high-speed aerospace vehicles. More recently important

applications include thermal buckling of nuclear reactor components and storage

tanks for liquid natural gas. Several investigations in this field were made in the late
1950's and early 1960's. Hoff [201] very clearly discussed various aspects of thermal
buckling from the points of view of the effect of temperature on material properties,
creep, and the effect of nonuniformity of temperature distribution in a structure.
We have already seen several examples of buckling due to axisymmetric heating
(Figs. 69-76). This section is concerned with buckling under nonaxisymmetric
temperature distributions.
The early work on thermal buckling of shells deals with monocoque and ring-
stiffened cylinders. Anderson [100] gives a brief survey of the work done prior to
1962. He established two classes of problems: buckling of cylinders due to circum-
ferential stresses that vary in the axial direction and buckling due to axial stresses
that vary in the circumferential direction. Solution of the first class of problems is
motivated by supersonic and hypersonic airframe design involving frame-reinforced
fuselages in which the thin skin heats up rapidly while the more massive frames
remain relatively cold. Radial expansion of the skin is thus prevented in the neighbor-
hood of the frames, giving rise to hoop compressive stresses that vary rapidly in the
axial direction. These local compressive stresses can cause buckling, as we have already
seen in the case of the uniformly heated clamped cylinder (Figs. 73-75). Solution
of the second class of problems is also motivated by high-speed airframe design, with
the emphasis in this case on the fact that because the aircraft is at some angle of
attack, the skin heats up nonuniformly around the circumference. The circumferential
gradient gives rise to axial stresses which if compressive can cause buckling.
A number of papers has been written on the thermal buckling of axisymmetric ally
heated ring-stiffened cylinders. Hoff [98] calculated buckling loads for cylinders with
hoop stresses which vary in the axial direction. Johns [99] obtained buckling loads
for cylinders with compressive line loads, simulating the effect of a cold ring attached
to a hot shell. The analyses of Hoff and Johns include the effect of rings as either
clamping or simple support or as compressive line loads. Anderson [202] included
the flexibility of the rings in an analysis of buckling of ring-stiffened cylinders under
combined axial compression and heating. Buckling charts are given in Ref. [202]
which cover a wide range of cylinder proportions with boundaries either clamped or
simply supported. Chang and Card [101] calculated buckling loads of ring and
stringer-stiffened cylinders under combined axisymmetric axial compression and
heating. The rings are treated as discrete elastic structures. Bushnell [102] used a
finite-difference energy method to calculate stress and buckling of ring-stiffened
shells of revolution subjected to combined axisymmetric pressure, axial load, and
nonuniform heating.
There also exists a rather large body of work on buckling of cylinders heated non-
uniformly around the circumference. Abir and Nardo [203] concluded that the axial
buckling stress under circumferentially variable thermal stress conditions is close to
the critical stress of the uniformly compressed cylinder if the variation of the intensity
of the thermal stress is not large within a half wavelength of the buckling pattern.
Hill [105] performed tests and analyzed aluminum and steel cylinders heated
on very narrow axial strips of a given width. The pre buckling stress in the shell is
calculated assuming that the cylinder is infinite. Hill tested his shells with boundary
conditions intending to simulate simple support and clamping. However, only the
simple support case represents a valid test since his "clamping" support rig was far too
flexible to prevent end motions of his 48-in. long specimens. Ross, Mayers, and
Jaworski [106] extended the experimental work of Hill, studying buckling of clamped
cylinders heated uniformly along axial strips of various widths. As might be expected,
the analytical and experimental results of Hill and Ross et al. indicate that uniform
circumferential heating (with restraint against axial expansion) leads to lower buckling
temperatures than does heating along a rather narrow axial strip.
Some work has been done on the more complex problem of determination of
thermal stress and buckling of ring-stiffened cylinders in which the temperature varies
in both the axial and circumferential directions and in which the shell and rings are at
different temperatures. Anderson and Card [204] studied thermal stress and buckling
of stainless steel ring-stiffened cylinders subjected to a combination of bending and
nonuniform heating. They obtained the thermal hoop prestress in the cylinder from
the analysis of Ref. [202]. The thermal axial prestress was calculated from an analysis
in which the cylinder is divided into a number of bays, the axial stress being assumed
independent of the axial distance within each bay and variable from bay to bay.
Reasonably good correlation was obtained between test and theory. Holmes per-
formed tests for thermal stress [205] and buckling [206] of ring-stiffened cylinders
subjected to nonuniform heating and axial compression.
Less work has been done on the problem of predicting thermal stress and buckling
of conical shells. Lu and Chang [207] calculated thermal prestress distributions and
bifurcation buckling loads of axisymmetric ally heated clamped cones and non-
symmetrically heated simply supported cones. They performed several parameter
studies in a range of geometry for which the conical shell behaves essentially as would
an equivalent cylindrical shell. In further work Chang and Lu [208] analyzed thermal
buckling using nonlinear equations to determine early postbuckling behavior of
axisymmetrically heated shells. Bendavid and Singer [209] performed an analysis of
conical shells heated nonuniformly along an axial strip. They applied the Ritz method
with Hill's technique [105] of using a shape factor to increase rate of convergence of
the series expansion of the buckling modal displacements in the circumferential
Most of the work just cited predates the development of rather general computer
codes for the analysis of shells of revolution. Thermal expansion effects are included
in computer programs written by Cohen [11], Kalnins [12], Svalbonas [13] and
Bushnell [14, 47]. The analytical results of this section were obtained with BOSOR
[14]. In the following text the phrases "critical temperature" and "buckling
temperature" mean the same thing: the smallest eigenvalue or bifurcation point.
"Temperature" denotes the temperature rise above the ambient or zero-stress value.
Convergence checks were made in all cases by calculation with increasing numbers
of nodal points and Fourier harmonics. The solutions given in the following sections
would change by no more than one or two percent if the given numbers of harmonics
and mesh points were doubled.

Anderson and Card tests [204J: One of the tests in the Anderson and Card series was
simulated with the BOSOR code. Cylinder 9 in the test series was choseri for

I' ~ 0.3
(a) E· 251106 PSI
I a· 9.5110- 6 rF
200 ---- BOSOR lft9Ut
t 0)
I o Tnt Data
~ ~~-+--*-~.-~~


~ 800,--,---'---,--,----- " ~~-,



(b) 400 -
Ref. 12

8 (degr... J

Figure 150, Critical temperature distributions for one of Anderson and Card's tests [204] on
ring-stiffened cylinders under combined bending and nonuniform heating: (a) axial distribution at
e == 0; (b) circumferential distribution halfway between rings 4 and 5 (adapted from Bushnell
and Smith [200]),

comparison, since Ref. [204] contains alI the input data required for this particular
specimen. The cylinder which was rigidly clamped at one end and supported by a
very heavy ring at the other was subjected to pure bending and then heated rapidly
over a portion of its surface until buckling occurred. Figure ISO shows the input data
for the determination of thermal stress. The outer (faying) flanges of the z rings were
considered to be at the same temperature as the shelI skin at the ring attachment
points, and the ring webs and inner flanges were assumed to be at room temperature.
The very large ring at the end of the shelI was assumed to be rigid but free to translate
and rotate as a rigid body. Temperature distributions along the shell length and around
the circumference was supplied to the BOSOR program directly from Ref [204].
The circumferential Fourier series expansion of the temperature is calculated in
BOSOR, and the result of a 20-term expansion is shown as a dotted line passing
through the data input points in Fig. IS0(b). Thermal stresses were obtained for this
distribution. The rings were treated as discrete elastic structures with all components
of moment and product of inertia accounted for. The shell was analyzed in two seg-
ments, with 91 nodal points in the segment between rings 3 and Sand 43 nodal points
in the segment between rings 0 and 3.
Figure 151 shows circumferential distributions of axial thermal stress at the middle
of the bay between rings 1 and 2 (x = 16.S) and at the middle of the bay between
rings 4 and 5 (x = 2.224). Unfortunately, no test results are presented in Ref. [204]
corresponding to the heated part of the cylinder.
To compute the buckling load factor the following procedure was used: the axial
stress given in Table I of Ref. [204] (- 19.1 cos 8) was added to the thermal stress
distribution derived by BOSOR. The generators with the highest compressive axial
stress resultant correspond to 0 = ± 40 0 • The distribution of axial and hoop stress

800 $,8,," Measured

x = 2.224
- BOSOR3 with
400 Meas u red T(6)
,e 200
z 0


30 60 90 120 150 180

Figure 151. Axial stress resultant at (a) x = 2.224 and (b) x = 16.52in. from symmetry plane,
corresponding to cylinder and ring geometry and T(x, e) given in Figure 150 (adapted from
Bushnell and Smith [200]).

Symmetry PkJM I
... ® Stg CD------i


...J -0,5 n·16

-1.0 o'----....L----"2------!-._ _---'--JJ-_--!


Figure 152. Bifurcation buckling mode with ncr = 16 circumferential waves for ring-stiffened
cylinder under combined bending and nonuniform heating. The predicted critical load com-
bination is A = 1.41 times that measured in a test by Anderson and Card [204). In the BOSOR
analysis the prebuckling membrane stress state at circumferential station e = 40 ° was used in
the stability phase of the problem. The total prebuckling axial compression N x on this meridian
was N x = -19.1 cos 40 ° + N x (thermal at e = 40°) (from Bushnell and Smith [200)).

resultants along these generators is therefore used in the stability equations. Buckling
loads for various circumferential wave numbers are calculated with the assumption
that the axial load and temperature vary proportionally. Because of the rather stiff
ring there, stability boundary conditions are introduced to permit antisymmetric
buckling at the symmetry plane shown in Fig. 150(a). The minimum theoretical
buckling load corresponds to n = 16 circumferential waves and an axial load-
temperature combination factor A equal to 1.41 times that obtained experimentally.
Buckling is predicted to begin in the bay between rings 4 and 5 at the generators
located ± 40 0 from the generator at f) = 0 corresponding to maximum heating.
Maximum compressive stress resultants occur at f) = 40 because of the large thermal


__ -1.2
I Ring 2 Ring.

e- O.4

~ 0 --

.. I

. 0 10 20
-40 0 40 10 120
x (inct..) 8 ('-tre•• )

Figure 153. Theoretical axial and circumferential distributions of normal outward displace-
ment and axial stress resultant for cylinders heated on a narrow axial strip with one and two
diaphragms ("rings") at each end. To = 1 of (from Bushnell and Smith [200]).

gradient between 50° and 70° apparent in Fig. 150(b). Figure 152 shows the pre-
dicted buckling mode. Agreement between test and theory would doubtless be
improved by treatment of the ring webs as flexible shell branches, a technique which
will be discussed later (Figs. 182-185).

Simply supported cylinder heated on an axial strip: Hill's test [105] on simply
supported steel cylinders heated uniformly on a very narrow axial strip afford a
good check case for the BOSOR computer program, since the boundary conditions
are easily modeled and the problem of finite flexibility of supposedly clamped
boundaries does not arise. Hill tested 48-in.-long cylinders with diaphragms in the
ends. Some cylinders were tested with one diaphragm at each end and some with two
diaphragms at each end located 4 in. apart as shown in Fig. 153. The cylinders were
otherwise unsupported during the tests. Hill records that the specimens with one
diaphragm at each end did not buckle as expected. Instead a ridge formed directly
under the heat lamps with subsequent plastic flow. To prevent this nonlinear behavior
Hill introduced an additional diaphragm four inches from each end of the cylinder.
Figure 153 gives the shell geometry and heating distribution with plots of normal
displacement wand axial stress resultant N x corresponding to To = l.0 of. These
results were obtained with the BOSOR code with 40 Fourier harmonics being used
for the expansion in the circumferential direction and 134 nodal points in the axial
direction. The diaphragms were modeled as discrete rings rigid in their planes and of
zero stiffness for bending normal to their planes. The results are in agreement with
those obtained by Hill [I 05]. It is seen that Hill's assumption of an infinite cylinder
,2' 0
i w

1.0 2OPOO----'=!::::~~
CIAC~RENTIAL. ARC L.ENGTH, 5.187, (inc"".)

Figure J54(a)_ Circumferential variation of buckling mode corresponding to critical temperature

rise To == 194 0 F _ Axial half wavelength of buckles is 0.34 in. Cylinder analyzed as slender torus
with radius of 20,000 in. (from Bushnell and Smith [200]).

E 230

~G 220 1/ 8 0.3
E. 2S.10 6 PSI
a. 9,G.IO-S/oF
!oJ 210

li Hoot;""
•• -. •
~ 200

S 190


, 0.015S"
5 I--- .8"-----1

Figure J54(b). Theoretical critical temperature rise vs. width of uniformly heated strip for
clamped cylinders (from Bushnell and Smith [200]).

is valid for the specimens with two diaphragms at each end of the 48-in. specimen. The
formation in the one-diaphragm case of an axial ridge directly under the heating lamps
is also predicted by the BOSOR theory. As seen in Fig. 153, this ridge occurs over a
range of 8 of - 40 ° < 8 < 40 ° and is about 10- 3 in. from trough to peak for each
degree F temperature rise. No such ridge is predicted to occur for the two-diaphragm
The straightforward way to use BOSOR to calculate buckling loads for the cylinder
heated on a strip would be to assume the axial stress N x (x, 8) at 8 = 0 is axisymmetric
and to use this distribution in the stability equations for the cylinder. However, the
compressed region is very narrow and the prestress varies a great deal within a half
wavelength of the buckle pattern for the axisymmetrically loaded cylinder. The
assumption ofaxisymmetry of prestress would therefore lead to a somewhat con-
servative estimate of the buckling load.
The circumferential nonuniformity of axial prestress can be accounted for through
the technique in connection with Fig. 148: the cylinder is treated as a portion of a
very slender torus. Figure 154(a) shows the geometry and temperature distribution.
A cylinder with an axially uniform prestress is transformed into a torus with a
circumferentially uniform prestress. The buckling load is minimized with respect to
the toroidal circumferential wave number n, which is inversely proportional to the
wavelength of the buckle pattern along the axis of the cylinder. Figure 154(a) shows
the buckling mode shape corresponding to the minimum predicted critical temperature
rise, tlTcr = 194°F. In the analysis the region O~¢~ 180° is divided into three
segments, with 81 nodal points in the range of 0 ~ ¢ ~ 12 ° , 56 nodal points in the


Figure J55(a). Schematic of conical shell in test rig, analyzed with the BOSOR4 program as
a six-segment structure. In tests by Smith [210) the conical shell was heated along a narrow
axial strip (from Bushnell and Smith [200).

TIB) •• -'2.88 2

10' '" 0.3

\-' E " 26.9 x 106 psi
~ 100
a '" 11.9.IO~6/QC

UJ 40
6" I
'"';II 20 T
O~ __L-~~~~~__~~-J__~__l--L~L-~_
o 4 12 16 20 24
x, DISTANCE FROM SMALL END (Inches) 8 (Radions)

Figure J55(b). Axial and circumferential temperature distributions at buckling for one of
Smith's tests (from Bushnell and Smith [200)).

range 12 0 ..;; cf>";; 45 0, and 35 nodal ~oints in the range 45 0 ..;; cf>";; 180 0 • The toroidal
circumferential wave number n assoicated with !lTcr = 194 OF is 160,000, which
corresponds to an axial half wavelength of 0.34 in., a result in agreement with Hill's
analysis [105]. Hill tested two steel cylinders with two diaphragms in both ends of
each. One buckled at!lT = 143 OF and the other at 169 OF.

Parameter study - cylinders heated on axial strips: Ross, Mayers, and Jaworski [106]
tested several steel cylinders heated on axial strips of various widths. The cylinder
geometry and approximate temperature distribution are shown in Fig. 154(b).
Buckling temperatures were calculated with BOSOR for strips of various widths. The
analyses were made as just described, by treatment of the cylinders as toroidal shells
heated on circumferential strips. The point k = 0 corresponds to the classical solution
:-~ : 1

~ -400

i~-500 ~~Ckling
o 4 8 12 16 20 24 28

~ Prebuckling

Probuckling ~
z3; Or---'>c---="-~---<><I
?f----,2,';.o;---4-f,o~----,;6"'0--"i.80 Ci 0 2040 1
80 --60--


Figure 155(c). Buckling of thin conical shell heated along a narrow axial strip: (1) prebuckling
membrane resultants along the "worst" meridian (0 = 0); (2) circumferential variation of pre-
buckling state; (3) discretized model of generator and three bifurcation buckling modes corre-
sponding to ncr = 20 circumferential waves (from Bushnell [14]).

!:.Tcr = O.6t/(ra) = 188 of. The analytical results indicate that buckling temperatures
are not very sensitive to width of the heated portion, even if very narrow regions are

Buckling of conical shells heated on axial strips: Smith [210] tested a series of conical
shells heated on axial strips of various widths such that k in Fig. 154(b) lay in the
range 5 ..;; k";; 35.
Because his colleagues at Stanford had encountered difficulties with support
systems of unknown stiffness [105-106], Smith took particular care to provide
maximum rigidity of his test rig, a schematic of which is shown in Fig. 155(a). The
support system consisted of two thick steel end plates connected by a thick central
steel tube. This assembly was made more rigid by the introduction of 8 half-inch-
thick steel webs welded at equal circumferential intervals to the larger diameter
plate and central tube. Further details on the test method and specimens are given
in Ref. [200].
Figure 155(b) shows the temperature distribution at buckling in a typical case.
'In the BOSOR analysis the conical shell was divided into three segments, as shown
in Fig. 155(a). Nodal points were concentrated near the ends, 29 points being taken
in the segment labeled 2 in Fig. 155(a), 39 in 3, and 31 in 4.
In the stability analysis of the cone, the "worst" meridional prebuckling membrane
stress distribution is identified (8 = 0) and assumed to be axisymmetric. Figure 155( c)
shows the prebuckling membrane stress state at 8 = 0, the circumferential variation
of pre buckling quantities, and buckling modal displacements w for the three lowest
eigenvalues and eigenvectors corresponding to ncr = 20 circumferential waves. The
difference between the lowest eigenvalue A and unity represents the discrepancy
between test and theory, since the prebuckling stress distribution corresponds to that
at the experimental ~Tcr' Critical temperature factors do not vary much with circum-
ferential wave number n.
The effect of circumferential nonuniformity of axial compression is very small in
these cases, since k (Fig. 154(b)) is 12.8. Inclusion of this effect would lead to an
5% increase in the predicted value of A.

Conclusions: The BOSOR computer program was used to calculate thermal stress
and buckling of nonuniformly heated monocoque cones and ring-stiffened cylinders.
Several comparisons between test and theory have been given which demonstrate the
applicability of the code to bifurcation buckling of a rather wide variety of non-
symmetrically loaded shells. Linear theory is used to calculate thermal stress and
buckling under heating that varies in both the axial and the circumferential directions.
Perfect cylinders or cones heated on narrow axial strips buckle theoretically at
approximately the same temperature as do uniformly heated shells, even if the half
wavelength of the buckle pattern is approximately the same as the circumferential
extent of the heated region.
The maximum pre buckling stress in an imperfect cylinder or cone heated on a
narrow axial strip is likely to exceed that of the uniformly heated shell simply because
the worst imperfections are not likely to occur in the heated region. The effect of
circumferential nonuniformity of temperature can often be accounted for by treat-
ment of the cylinder or cone as a very slender torus in which circumferential variations
are transformed into axial variations admissible within the shell-of-revolution stability
It is of interest to compare "knockdown factors" rp = ~Tcr (test)/~Tcr (theory)
obtained from the above analyses of the Anderson and Card [204] tests (rp =
1/'71. = 0.71), the Hill [105] tests (rpl = 143°/194° = 0.74, rp2 = 169°/194° = 0.87),
and the Smith [210] tests [(l/1.52)~rp2~(l/1.11) or 0.66~rp~0.89]. These
values of rp should be compared with the values determined empirically for uniformly
axially compressed cylinders with appropriate radius-to-thickness ratios. Table 16

Table 16. Comparison of "knockdown" factors for uniformly axially compressed cylinders with results of analysis.

Anderson and Card tests Smith tests Hill tests

[204] [210] [105]
Effective radius/thickness 320 450-650 640
Typical knockdown factors for 0.5-1.0 0.4-0.5 0.2-0.35
uniform axial compression [34]
Knockdown factors determined 0.71 0.66-0.89 0.74-0.87
by this analysis
Comments Short cylinder: effective Conical shells Very thin long
length/diameter = 0.25, heated on cylinders
because of ring-stiffeners. axial strips heated on
Heating on very wide axial of medium very narrow
strip. width ax ial strip s

_-.--_____--::=-+ ____ L~~SOR4 Nodal Point

'\ Discrete Ring
! / ' (typical)
I r
Nodal Points
Here for
Buckling !
Analysis L

Figure J56(a). Steel containment vessel for nuclear reactor.

Pv =Pgv' (axisymmetric)

, - V =Pg A (typ)

H = pghA coso
+ H
+ H

gh . . . -
ili) ~)

Figure 156(b. c). Body forces in containment shell due to (b) vertical and (c) horizontal com-
ponents of ground acceleration during an earthquake.

summarizes the results. The "typical knockdown factors for uniform axial com-
pression" are taken from Figs. 1 and 2 of Ref. [34]. Notice that the thinner the
heated strip, the higher the knockdown factor above the corresponding range for
unifOlm compression.

Buckling of nuclear reactor containment vessel due to ground motion during an


A rough idea of the buckling margin may be obtained from a quasi-static analysis in
which the loading on the shell consists of body forces due to the inertia of the shell
as it is accelerated as a rigid body during an earthquake. Figures 156(a)-(c) show the
geometry and inertial reactions due to vertical and horizontal components of ground
acceleration gu and gh, respectively The quantities Pu and Ph are vertical and
horizontal components of "pressure" proportional to the (mass/area), pt, of the shell
reference surface and to the acceleration components gu and gh; and V and Hare
"line loads" proportional to the discrete ring (mass/length), pA, and the acceleration
components. Under this system of inertial reactions the containment vessel deforms
as shown in Fig. 157. The membrane components of stress are plotted in Fig. 158.
Buckling is possible due to shear N 12 , which is maximum at e = ± 90 0 or due to
axial compression, which is maximum along the meridian at e = O. The critical buckling
load factor and mode are shown in Fig. 159.
Dynamic effects may be accounted for approximately by performance of a linear
transient analysis of the containment vessel followed by a series of static bifurcation
buckling analyses in which the pre buckling states are "snapshots" of the shell at
instants in time chosen by the analyst because they correspond to peak compressive
membrane stress fields. This method is conservative if the bifurcation buckling load
factors are modified by appropriate knockdown factors to account for initial geometric

,----- ----
(" I

: ~ II
"l I




~ I
to!I I




Figure 157. Steel containment vessel as deformed by body force~ due to 1 g vertical and 1 g
horizontal ground acceleration components.

2000 9' 180

z o
tii~ 9= 90
~ ~ -2000
- (/ = 0 is "Worst" Meridian


< -4000
Apex Clamped
V'll- (/ = 180
...... z
tnt::; 0
a..=> (/ = 90
::I: -1000

2000 (/ • 90
~~ 1000
a.. ......

Apex+ !
400 800

1200 1600
! I
,+ = 0 180

2400 Clamped Base



Figure 158. Pre buckling stress resultants in containment vessel under vertical and horizontal
ground acceleration: gv = gh = 1.0.

1 Meridian)

Figure 159. Buckling mode and load factor Acr for steel containment vessel under 1 g vertical
and 1 g horizontal ground acceleration. The membrane stress distribution along the meridian
at (J = 0 0 was assumed to be axisymmetric in the stability analysis.

Buckling of ring-stiffened shells of revolution


In previous chapters many examples have been given of buckling of shells of

revolution, especially cylinders, reinforced by equally spaced rings or by rings at the
edges. Figure 22, which reveals the sensitivity of critical axial load to initial imper-
fections in cylindrical shells of various wall constructions, seems to indicate that ring-
stiffened cylinders are less sensitive than the other types for which test results are
shown. In Figs. 35 and 36 buckling characteristics are illustrated for a ring-stiffened
titanium cylindrical shell which collapses at stresses exceeding the proportional limit
of the material. With creep neglected in the analysis the shell is predicted to buckle
nonaxisymmetrically in a bifurcation mode with 12 circumferential waves. With creep
included the predicted mode of failure is axisymmetric collapse.
Figures 64-68 reveal the complex behavior of buckling of externally pressurized
shallow and deep spherical caps with a ring reinforcement at the boundary. Table 3
shows that depending on the depth of the cap and the size of the edge ring, buckling
may be of the snap-through axisymmetric type (ncr = 0 circumferential waves), may
be inextensional nonsymmetric (ncr = 2 circ. waves), may be an edge phenomenon
(ncr is rather large), or may resemble classical buckling of a complete spherical shell
(Pcr is independent of n). Figure 64 demonstrates the sensitivity of buckling pressure
of a spherical cap to axisymmetric eccentricity of the edge ring. It is explained that
this sensitivity is caused by the strong influence of ring eccentricity on the axi-
symmetric prebuckling hoop compression near the edge of the cap.
Figures 81, 82, 122, and 123 illustrate various buckling phenomena for axially
stiffened (corrugated) cylindrical shells with equally spaced internal rings. In Figs.
81 and 82 the emphasis is on a local load path eccentricity which causes local buckling
and the effect of the rings is of secondary importance. In Figs. 122 and 123 nonaxi-
symmetric buckling is shown to be local between rings, that is the rings are large
enough to prevent buckling displacement of the shell at the circumferential lines of
attachment to the rings, with local maxima of the normal buckling modal displace-
ment field occurring midway between adjacent rings. The fact that the axial bending
stiffness is very large compared to the circumferential bending stiffeners in these
corrugated configurations causes the influence of the boundary conditions on the

buckling load to decay surprisingly slowly with increase in the length of the cylinder
and increase in the number of equally spaced rings. Figure 149 displays the buckling
mode for a corrugated, ring-stiffened rocket payload shroud under nonaxisymmetric
aerodynamic pressure.
Other examples already shown of buckling of ring-stiffened shells of revolution
include theoretical and experimental results of Tennyson [170] for perfect and
axisymmetrically imperfect integrally ring-stiffened cylindrical shells under com-
bined axial compression and external pressure (Fig. 142), buckling under combined
bending and nonaxisymmetric heating of a ring-stiffened cylinder tested by Anderson
and Card [204] (Figs. 150-152), and buckling of a typical ring-stiffened steel con-
tainment vessel due to vertical and horizontal acceleration of its base during an earth-
quake (Fig. 159).


The purpose of this chapter is to reveal additional physical phenomena of buckling of

ring-stiffened shells in order to acquaint the analyst with various effects and failure
modes, thereby providing guidance for the construction of appropriate experimental
and analytical models.
The chapter opens with comparisons of test and theory for elastic ring-stiffened
cylindrical shells under external hydrostatic pressure. Emphasis is given to the effect
of boundary conditions on bifurcation buckling pressures. Local and general instability
are demonstrated. Results from a rather extensive study of elastic-plastic buckling of
hydrostatically compressed internally ring-stiffened cylindrical shells are presented
next. The comparisons between test and theory include an investigation of the effect
of finite ring thickness on the shell wall axial bending rigidity and hence on the
buckling pressures of some of the specimens.
Following is a discussion of the influence on stability of residual stresses and
deformations due to welding and cold bending. After a brief review of the literature,
examples are provided of the effect on buckling pressure of the welding of rings to an
ellipsoidal shell. Residual deformation patterns are displayed for two cylindrical shells:
one with rings welded to the inside surface and the other with rings welded to the
outside surface. Comparisons between buckling pressures from test and theory are
then presented for two ring-stiffened cylinders of identical dimensions, one of which
was machined from a single billet and the other of which was fabricated by first cold
bending a flat sheet about a cylindrical die and then welding rings to it.
The chapter closes with several examples in which instability failure of a ring-
stiffened shell occurs in modes that involve local deformations of the ring cross
sections. These modes include circumferential crippling of the ring, axisymmetric
sidesway of the ring, local buckling of the shell between adjacent rings in which the
ring cross sections not only rotate but also deform, and general instability of shell
and rings together in a mode in which the ring cross sections deform.

Table 17. Comparison of test and theory for ring-stiffened aluminum cylinders shown in Figs.
160(a, b).
Model Test
number-frame results Theory
number Ib/in. 2
(Ref. [211]) Clamped Free ends with
ends large end rings
Group 1a ,b
1-1 240 (2)c 281 (2) 210 (2)
2-2 299 (2) 351 (2) 280 (2)
3-3 407 (2) 445 (2) 374 (2)
4-4 464 (2) 517 (2) 446 (2)
5-5 555 (2) 601 (2) 530 (2)
6-6 795 (2) 850 (2) 781 (2)
7-7 777 (2) 838 (2) 768 (2)
8-8 913 (2) 990 (2) 921 (2)
9-9 963 (2) 1058 (2) 989 (2)
10-10 1055 (4) 1120 (4) 1117(4)
11-11 1020 (4) 1133 (4)
Group 2
12-1 480 (3) 516 (3) 395 (2)
13-3 785 (3) 846 (3) 547 (2)
14-5 948 (3) 1037 (3) 695 (2)
15-6 1048 (4) 1100 (4) 933 (2)
Group 3
16-1 621 (3) 715 (3) 631 (3)
17-2 797 (3) 900 (3) 800 (3)
18-3 967 (3) 1085 (3) 967 (3)
19-4 1063 (3) 1198 (3) 1114 (3)
20-5 1075 (4) 1189 (4) 1152 (4)
Group 4
21-5 758 (2) 834 (2) 753 (2)
22-7 1115 (2) 1237 (2) 1160 (2)
23-9 1471 (2) 1611 (2) 1537 (2)
24-10 1704 (5) 1913 (2) 1924 (5)d 1843 (2)

"Group geometries shown in Fig. 160(a).

bprame (ring) geometries shown in Fig. 160 (b).
cNumbers in parentheses refer to circumferential waves.
dCorresponds to displacements antisymmetric with respect to symmetry plane.

Elastic buckling of ring-stiffened cylinders under external hydrostatic pressure

Table 17 gives a comparison between test and theory for the buckling of ring-stiffened
aluminum cylinders under hydrostatic pressure. Shell and ring geometries are shown in
Figs. 160(a) and 160(b). Cylinders of this geometry with various sizes of T rings
(called "Frames" in Fig. 160) were tested by Blumenberg at the Naval Ship Research
and Development Center in 1965 [211]. The shells were analyzed with BOSOR [14].
The heavy frames were treated as discrete elastic structures but the small rings were
"smeared out" according to the equations of Baruch and Singer [160]. Eccentricity
effects are retained for both small and large rings. The cylinders are "cut" at their

f ~520' 1
.._-.:~. . .,. €;
2.500'-4- 2,520" -:-+- 2.500' . 0.250"


• I I --1- ~


-i 1-0.375"

Figure 160(a). Axial sections of ring-stiffened cylinders with intermediate heavy frames (from
Blumenberg [211]).

planes of symmetry and buckling loads are calculated for both modal symmetry and
antisymmetry at these planes. Fig. 161 shows one of the cylinders, pre buckling normal
displacement Wo and meridional moment M IO , and buckling modal displacement com-
ponents u, v, w corresponding to general instability with ncr = 2 circumferential
waves. The nodal points are concentrated around the attachment points of the large
frames in the BOSOR model.
Two theoretical values are given in Table 17 for each cylinder. These values
correspond to clamped edges and to free edges with large end rings such as shown in


Ji--L ,l~
0.020"--1 f-t 0.040"-1 I-- T 0.040''--1 f- T
No.1 No.2 No. :3

0.040"--1 I-- T
0040'-j I---T
0.040''-1 r- T

LIt Lr
,,4 N,6


'I "
o. 120
0.040" 0.120
.. j .
0.060" 0.120 0.060", 0.120

0.040"--1 I-- T 0.040"-j I-- t 0.040"---1 I-- T

No.7 No' NO.9

11 I jj r-
0."0 0."0

0.0.0"---1 I--

, Jh


Figure J60(b). Heavy-frame sections for stiffened cylinders (see Table 17) (from Blumenberg

Fig. 160(a). Buckling with two or three circumferential waves always corresponds to
general instability (buckling. of shell and heavy frames together) as shown in Fig. 161,
and buckling with 4 or 5 waves always corresponds to local instability (buckling
between heavy rings).
Mode shapes corresponding to general (n = 2 circumferential waves) and local
(n = 4) instability are plotted in Fig. 162. "General instability" denotes buckling in a
mode in which both rings and shell deflect. The term "local instability" denotes
buckling in a mode in which the rings are at nodes,.as shown in Fig. 162 for n = 4. If
one plotted a curve of critical load vs. circumferential wave number n for a single
specimen there might be several minima: The general instability load may correspond
to a minimum Pcr (n) at a low value of n, and minima at higher values of n may occur
corresponding to buckling of each bay between adjacent rings. An example of non-
symmmetric buckling of an optimally designed conical shell in which there are multiple
minima in the curve Pcr (n) v. n is given in Fig. 33 of Ref. [430]. In calculating critical
buckling loads of shells of revolution, especially those which have been optimally
designed with respect to local and general instability, users of computer programs such
as those described in Refs. [11-14] and [47] should be certain that they have covered
all ranges of circumferential wave number n in which minima of Per (n) v. n may lie.
In many cases the theoretical critical pressures are rather strongly dependent on
the boundary conditions. This is especially true for the specimens in which the mode
of failure is general instability. In Blumenberg's tests [211] the cylinders were
supported at the edges by the heavy rings shown in Fig. 160(a). Additional support





(e) E


• 04


Arc I'"oth,

Figure 161. (a) Group 1 cylinder testedllnder uniform external hydrostatic pressure by Blumen-
berg [211]; (b) axisymmetric prebuckling normal deflection Wo and meridional moment M ,O ;
(c) bifurcation buckling mode corresponding to ncr = 2 circumferential waves. The dots are nodal
points in the discretized BOSOR model [14].

was provided by end plugs, which were furnished with O-rings for sealing. As is the
case in most experiments of this type, it is difficult to determine just how much
additional support was provided by the end plugs. Therefore, two sets of calculations
were made, one for clamped edges and one for free edges with large edge rings. It is
seen from Table 17 that the assumption of no additional support by the end plugs is
too conservative in Cases 1-1 through 7-7 and in all of the cases in Group 2.
It is likely that in the tests the end plugs provided some restraint for all of the dis-
placement components and that this restraint is dependent on the circumferential wave
...,. 1

~3;110 I


_0 -I

L----+---+----1 ~
I I I;

Figure 162. Local (n = 4) and general (n = 2) instability of four of the hydrostatically com-
pressed cylindrical shells in Group I Buckling pressures are given in Table 17 and cylinder and
frame (ring) geometries are displayed in Figure 160 (a, b).

Table 18. Effects of axial restraint on buckling loads of Blumenberg* cylinders 12-15.

Model Test Clamped Ends with large rings

number-frame results ends
Axial restraint No restraint
number Ib/in. 2
(Ref. [211]) u=O

12-1 480 (3) 516 (3) 698 (2) 512 (3) 395 (2) 499 (3)
13-3 785 (3) 846 (3) 856 (2) 842 (3) 547 (2) 832 (3)
14-5 948 (3) 1037 (3) 1006 (2) 1035 (3) 695 (2) 1027 (3)
15-6 1048 (4) 1100 (4) 1245 (2) 1096 (4) 933 (2) 1089 (4)

*See Figs. 160(a, b) for geometry of shell and frames (rings).

number of the buckling mode. Table 18 supports this hypothesis. Notice that in
Group 2 the difference between the loads for shells with clamped and free edge
with large end rings is small for n =3 but that restraint in the axial direction alone
has a large effect on the critical pressures for n = 2. It is clear from the experimental
results for Group 2 that enough axial restraint was present to cause these cylinders
to buckle into more than two circumferential waves. This discussion is included to
emphasize the need to control carefully the boundary conditions in experiments
and to specify them correctly in analyses.

Elastic-plastic buckling of ring-stiffened cylinders under external hydrostatic pressure

In 1965 Boichot and Reynolds [212] tested 69 integrally ring-stiffened aluminum

7075 T6 cylinders under external hydrostatic pressure. The cylinders failed in the
plastic range. In 1976 the BOSOR5 computer program [47] was used to obtain
theoretical buckling pressures [171]. Photographs of some of the failed specimens
are shown in Fig. 163. A schematic of geometry of all the Boichot and Reynolds
specimens is shown in Fig. 164, with the actual diemsnions given in Table 1 of Ref
[171]. The stress-strain data used in the analysis are listed in Table 2 of Ref [171].
Previous analyses applicable to some or all of these specimens have been performed

Figure 163. Some of the buckled ring-stiffened aluminum cylinders tested under hydrostatic
pressure by Boichot and Reynolds (1965). Top four specimens are without fillets and show
evidence of fracturing; bottom four specimens are of similar geometry but have fillets (from
Boichot and Reynolds [212]).


Figure 164. Aluminum ring-stiffened cylinder tested under external pressure by Boichot and
Reynolds in 1965 at the Naval Ship Research and Development Center, Maryland (from Bushnell

by Lunchick [213], Krenzke and Kiernan [214], Reynolds [215], Lee [216j, and
Gerard [217]. All of the analyses agree reasonably well with the test results, owing
largely to the fact that the tangent modulus of the material decreases by more than
an order of magnitude within a 20% stress range of the 0.2% yield stress.
Comparison of test and theory for bifurcation buckling and axisymmetric collapse
of the 69 specimens is given in Fig. 165. Of the 69 test specimens, 24 (designated "F"
in Fig. 164) had mlets near the boundaries and where the rings join the shell wall.

1.08 • OJ 25 -811.
.4":' 20-8)(
Y 7' 15 - Bx
1.04 • ~ to-81t
0.1 0.2 0.4


0.82 .,4,1',. NONSYMMETRICAL


1.04 Rile! 20

0.1 0.4

) 0.96 • ., 25- 5x
... ,\ 20-5x

'" 0.92
"'".' 15-5x
• fJ 10 - 5x



Figure 165. Comparison of test and theory (BOSOR5) for buckling of externally pressurized
ring-stiffened cylinders plotted as function of ring thickness parameter b/.J(Ri) (from Bushnell

From the photographs in Ref. [212], from which Fig. 163 is reproduced, it appears
that practically all of the specimens without fillets fractured during failure. However, it
is not possible to determine from the test data alone whether fracture caused the
failure or whether fracture occurred later as the shell was deforming in its buckling
mode. On the other hand, there is almost no evidence of fracture occurring in the
case of the 24 specimens with fillets. Therefore, it is reasonable to predict that better
agreement between test and theory will be obtained for the specimens with fillets than
for those without. Furthermore, analytical predictions that are too high for the
specimens without fillets would lead one to favor the hypothesis that failure was
caused by fracture rather than buckling in these tests, since the analytical model
(BOSOR5) is incapable of predicting fracture. This would be particularly true if the
too-high predictions correspond to the thicker specimens for which imperfections are
less Significant.
There are three different nominal radius/thickness ratios involved in the test series:
R/t ='" 12, 20, and 50. Buckling pressures for the R/t ='" 50 specimens are somewhat
sensitive to imperfections because buckling, especially of the models in this class with
small ring stiffeners, occurs at average stresses that are barely in the plastic range.
Indeed, the test results for the thinnest specimens exhibit the most scatter, as indicated
in Fig. 165.



For Each Ring.

'"a:0 1.04 //--1L.--
~3 = ~7
~ (f)
, ______ ./Model 2
cC -0--,__ ....

Figure 166. Comparison of test and theory for specimens lS-5XF neglecting and including
ring thickness effect (from Bushnell [171]).

The generally upward sloping trend with increasing b/VRt in Fig. 165 results
primarily from the fact that the analytical model becomes increasingly conservative
with increasing b/V(Rt): The discrete rings are assumed to be attached to the shell at a
single point with the shell free to bend in the axial direction in the immediate
neighborhood of this point. The neglected effect on the sheD meridional bending
stiffness of the finite thicknesses of the rings leads sometimes to predictions of
axisymmetric collapse with relatively short axial wavelengths when the test specimens
actually failed nonsymmetrically. The short-wavelength axisymmetric mode of failure
is hindered by the increased local meridional bending stiffness afforded by the finite
axial intersection lengths of shell and rings more than is the relatively long-wavelength
general instability mode of failure.
With use of BOSOR5 it is possible to investigate analytically the effect on predicted
critical pressures of including some additional axial bending stiffness due to the finite
axial length of the shell-ring intersection areas. This increase in axial bending rigidity
is modeled as shown in Fig. 166. Additional nodal points are provided in the neighbor-
hoods of the discrete rings with meridional rotation ~ constrained to be equal at nodal
points corresponding to the bottom and top surfaces of each discrete ring. The solid
line, labeled Modell, corresponds to the original analytical models of the test series
15-5XF in which the discrete ring is considered to be attached at one point and the
shell is free to bend under the ring. That is, the prebuckling meridional rotation ~o
and bifurcation buckling modal rotation ~b are free to change along the shell wall
within the shell-ring intersection area. With the extra constraint conditions (Model 2)
the analytical predictions are closer to the test results. The critical failure mode for the
specimen with the thickest rings, Specimen I5-5SF for which b/V(Rt) ~ 0.3, is pre-
dicted to be axisymmetric inter-ring collapse with use of Modell and nonaxisymmetric
general instability with use of Model 2. In the cases for which general nonaxisymmetric
instability is predicted with use of Modell, introduction of extra constraint con-
ditions as depicted in Fig. 166 does not change the prediction very much. Analytical
. Symm~t~

_____ Nodal
Col lapse


Figure 167. Predicted axisymmetric collapse model of Specimen 25 -88: (a) specimen geometry;
(b) neglecting ring thickness effect; and (c) including ring thickness effect (from Bushnell [171]).

results for all of the cases investigated with use of Model 2 are given in Table 7 of
[171] . Unfortunately, the budget for computer time did not permit analysis of the
entire series of tests with use of Model 2.
Figure 167 shows the predicted axisymmetric failure modes for Specimen 25-88
(b/V(Rt) = 0.431) with use of Modell and Model 2 analysis. It is clear from these
plots why introduction of the extra constraint conditions raises the predicted
axisymmetric collaspe load.

Effects of residual stresses and deformations on plastic buckling of ring-

stiffened shells of revolution
Review of previous work

In 1958 Ketter [218] identified four sources of residual stresses and deformations of
fabricated metal structures: differential cooling during and after rolling sheet metal,
cold bending, various erection procedures, and welding. He considered the effect of
differential cooling in the fabrication process on buckling loads of axially compressed

Cold bending: Several authors have investigated residual stresses due to cold bending.
Almen and Black [219] give the residual stress pattern through the thickness of a
bar which has been bent about a circular die. Queener and De Angelis [220] derive
approximate formulas for residual stresses and the ratio of die radius Ro to final radius
after springback Rt for materials with stress strain of the form a = Kf!'. They per-
formed tests for various materials and a wide range of Ro/Rt, obtaining good agree-
ment between test and theory. Their treatment is based on deformation theory.
Lunchick [221] determined the effect of cold bending on buckling loads of cylindrical
pressure vessels. He calculated effective stress-strain curves for the prestressed material
by averaging effective stresses and strains at twelve stations through the thickness of
the shell wall. Such curves depend on the service loads. Lunchick's model is based
on elastic-perfectly plastic material and deformation theory. It is determined in [221]
. that bending residual stresses have the greatest weakening effect for cylindrical shells

in which the effective stress in the wall is near the material proportional limit at the
buckling pressure calculated with neglect of these residual stresses. For such structures,
the reduction in buckling pressure due to cold bending can be as much as 30%.
Sham a [222] derived a simple method for calculating the magnitude and dis-
tribution of cold bending residual stresses for any beam cross section. The effects
of the shape of the stress-strain curve, section characteristics, and the degree of bend
are investigated. Tacey [223] has written a computer program for the calculation of
the residual stress distribution and the effective stress-strain curve of cold bent beams
for a wide range of practical cross section geometries. The Bauschinger effect and
possible inelastic behavior on springback are accounted for. The hardening rule used in
Tacey's program is a combination of isotropic and kinematic rules.

Welding: During the 1970's much work was done on the numerical modeling of
multipass welding. The ASME volume, Numerical Modeling of Manufacturing Processes
[224] , contains several papers on this subject [225-230]. Masubuchi [231] wrote a
survey of the field in 1975. Three frequently referenced papers are by Hibbitt and
Marcal [232], Nickel and Hibbitt [233], and Friedman [234]. The results presented
in these papers are generally obtained from sophisticated computer programs for
multidimensional analysis. Although the heat conduction and the thermal stress
problems are uncoupled, the models include nonlinear boundary conditions for solid
and liquid regions, temperature-dependent material effects, latent heat effects, and
convective and radiative heat transfer boundary conditions.
It is impractical to incorporate such elaborate models of the welding process into
an analysis of buckling of a ring-stiffened shell with many welds. A simple, com-
putationally efficient model is introduced in [47], in which buckling pressures are
calculated for a welded ring-stiffened ellipsoidal shell. The shell and rings are assumed
to be machined and stress relieved separately and then welded together. The effects
of weld shrinkage are simulated in [47] by means of the assumption that a certain
amount of material in the local neighborhoods of each weld is cooled below ambient
temperature to a difference approximately equal to the annealing temperature. The
residual stress distribution thus generated is characterized by local tensile circum-
ferential yielding near the welds and elastic circumferential compression over the rest
of the cross sections of the shell wall and ring stiffeners. The structure prestressed in
this way remains axisymmetric, of course, but the radial shrinkage varies in the
meridional direction, introducing an axisymmetric imperfection with a characteristic
wavelength equal to the ring spacing. The weld effect thus modeled reduces the pre-
dicted buckling pressure by about 10%. Similar calculations are described in [235]
for axisymmetric creep buckling of girth-welded titanium spherical vessels subjected
to external pressure.

Bending and welding: Few papers exist in which residual stresses are calculated for
more than one fabrication process. Chen and Ross [236] calculate residual stresses
from cold bending a flat sheet into a cylindrical shape and then welding the
longitudinal seam. They suggest that these residual stresses will cause early column
buckling of long cylinders under axial compression. In his computer program, Tacey
[223] permits introduction of arbitrary initial stresses and then calculates residual


f - - - - - - - - J5O - - - - - - ! - - - - - - - " o - - - - - - - - 1

Figure 168. Steel ellipsoidal shell with internal ring stiffeners welded to it. This structure is
submitted to external pressure (from Bushnell [47]).

stresses for a series of up to ten sequential bending processes. Faulkner [237] gives a
survey of work done on calculation of residual stresses due to welding ring stiffeners
to cylindrical shells and cold bending sheets into cylindrical shells and beams into
rings. He states that when ring stiffeners are welded to a cylindrical shell of thickness
t there is tensile yielding over a length of shell equal to 2'T/t and over a length of the
ring web equal to "It. These tensile regions are balanced by compressive residual
stresses distributed over the remainder of the shell and ring cross sections. Typical
values of "I obtained from measurements are in the range 1.5';:;; "I ,;:;; 4.5. The measured
radial shrinkage at the welds is approximately 10% of the shell thickness t.
Figures 109-115, Table 7, and the accompanying discussion describe an unsuccess-
ful attempt to explain the unexpected failure of a large steel water tank by accounting
for residual stresses and deformations due to cold bending flat sheets into a conical
form and then welding them circumferentially.

Effect of welding on the plastic buckling pressure of an ellipsoidal ring-stiffened shell

The geometry of an ellipsoidal shell with internal ring stiffeners is shown in Fig. 168.
The purpose of the analysis of this structure is to determine the effect on predicted
buckling pressure of axisymmetric distortions and residual stresses due to welding
the rings to the shell.
Figure 169 shows the BOSOR5 model which consists of 313 degrees of freedom
in the axisymmetric pre buckling analysis and 466 degrees of freedom in the non-
axisymmetric stability analysis. Symmetry conditions are imposed at the equator in
both the pre buckling and bifurcation buckling analyses. (It was determined in pre-
liminary runs on the computer that the lowest bifurcation buckling pressure
corresponds to a mode symmetric rather than antisymmetric about the symmetry
plane). The locations of the discrete ring attachment points and centroids are indicated
in Fig. 169(b).
35 35

30 30

25 25

20 20

Z 15 Z 15

10 10

5 5

0 0

-5 -5
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
(a) (b)

Figure 169. BOSOR5 model of the ring-stiffened ellipsoidal shell: (a) nodal points; (b) locations
of discrete ring attachment points and centroids (from Bushnell [47]).

The effect of the welds shown in Fig. 170(a) is introduced into the analytical model
by means of the temperature distribution shown in Fig. 170(b): a certain amount of
the material of ring web and shell wall in the neighborhood of the welds is considered
to be cooled down below room temperature. The value 1000 of corresponds
approximately to the anneal temperature of the steel from which the structure is
presumed to be fabricated. The anneal temperature is used as a reference value because
residual stresses are relieved for higher temperatures than this. The zero-stress
temperature distribution corresponds to the weld region being hot (above 1000 OF)
and the rest of the material being at room temperature. As the weld material cools
down from 1000 OF to room temperature, stresses build up in the shell and ring,
tensile in the region that was originally heated above 1000 OF and compressive else-
where. Thus, the non-zero stress state corresponds to a uniform ambient temperature
distribution. In BOSOR5 it is not possible to generate a non-zero initial thermal stress
state with a uniform temperature distribution. Therefore, one must simulate the
growth of residual stresses and deformations by treating the weld region as if it were
cooled down below ambient temperature.
Figure 171 shows the prebuckling axisymmetrically deformed shape with increasing
external pressure and a comparison with and without welding effects. The relatively
advanced scalloping of the meridian corresponding to p = 4100 psi with the weld effect
arises because of increased local plastic flow near the ring attachment points. The ring
at the plane of symmetry moves inward rapidly with pressure increasing above 3500

~J\ z

~ I
r - -1
: I

~ ______ R~n~ ~ _ Z
(in Shell)
ft ( z )

Distri but ion
In the Ring Web: f 2( r )
Temperature Constant
Through Th ickness of
Web. T(z,r)=T(r) : In the Shell Wall:
'\,J T(z,rl= ft(z) f 2 (r)


Figure 170. Weld locations and simulation of weld thermal effect by local cooling (from Bushnell

psi because the flange yields and flows plastically, having zero tangent modulus for
p > 3500 psi. (There is more welding required in the neighborhood of this ring than
the others because the ring must first be welded to one of the halves of the shell and
then the two halves of the shell must be welded together. Hence, in this area more of
the material is cooled down by an amount approximately equal to the anneal
Figure 172 shows predicted incipient buckling modes with and without the weld
thermal effect. The lowest predicted critical pressure corresponds in both cases to
nonaxisymmetric buckling with 5 circumferential waves. The buckle modes are quite
different in the two cases because of the increased amount of pre buckling plastic
flow in the ring at the plane of symmetry predicted with the model which includes
the weld effect.

Residual deformations from welding internal vs. external rings

In 1957 Krenzke [238] investigated experimentally the effect of welding residual

stresses and deformations on plastic buckling of ring-stiffened cylinders under external
hydrostatic pressure. Two of his specimens, designated "M 1" and "M2", were

With Weld
Thermal Effect


No Weld I

Effect I


J.- Undeformed
/ Structure

,1--- Discre1e Ring

-- p = 4100 psi

(a) (b)

Figure 171. Prebuckling deflections with increasing pressure and comparison with and without
the weld cool-down effect (from Bushnell (47)).



n = 5 Circum. n = 5 Circum.
Waves Waves

Per = 4000 psi Per = 4 450 psi

Figure 172. Predicted bifurcation buckling modes and pressures with and without the weld
cool-down effect included in the analysis (from Bushnell (47)).

nominally identical except that the rings of Specimen M 1 were internal and those of
Specimen M2 were external. Krenzke measured average welding distortions for
Specimen M1 approximately equal to those exhibited in Fig. 173(b), which are
predicted by BOSOR5 [47] to result from the imposed nonuniform temperature
distribution shown in DETAIL AA. An analogous temperature distribution
corresponding to externally welded rings yields a predicted residual deformation
shown in Fig. 173(c). These displacements have the distribution measured by Krenzke
for Specimen M2, but the amplitude of the predicted waves is about twice that

[ • 30 x 106 psi
u = 80 ksi

~p • 106 psi DETA IL

Symmetry Plane 1- - - -~-'--

( 1.846 in.
"- \ __ jSlA. 9.2 ~-Wo' -0.00959

3.692 in.


lal Ibl lei

Figure 173. Cylinder with welded internal and external rings: (a) dimensions and BOSORS
discretized reference surface; (b) predicted residual deformations after welding and before loading
of Specimen Ml (internal rings); (c) predicted residual deformations after welding and before
loading of Specimen M2 (external rings).

measured. It seems that, in this case at least, about half as much "cooldown" is
required to simulate the welding process with external rings as is required for the
simulation of welding internal rings.
In the tests the externally stiffened Specimen M2 collapsed at a pressure about 5%
higher when corrected for different material yield strengths than that for the internally
stiffened specimen. The same difference is predicted by BOSOR5. The collapse mode
is characterized by formation of an axisymmetric inward dimple, as shown in Fig.
36(a). The "hungry horse" residual welding deformation pattern displayed in Fig.
173(b) represents an initial imperfection that is more harmful than the "caterpillar"
mode exhibited in Fig. 173(c) because the former resembles the collapse mode
illustrated in Fig. 36(a) whereas the latter has a shape opposite to that of the collapse

Effect of cold bending and welding on buckling of ring-stiffened cylinders

The BOSOR5 computer program can be used for calculation of bifurcation buckling
of cold bent and welded ring-stiffened cylinders under external pressure. Residual
stresses and deformations from cold bending and welding can be included in the model
for buckling under service loads by introduction of these manufacturing processes as
functions of a time-like parameter, "time," which ensures that the material in the
analytical model experiences the proper sequence of loading prior to and during
application of the service loads. The cold bending process is first simulated by a
thermal loading cycle in which the temperature varies linearly through the shell wall


26,688 ID

I T, I I I ! I _ • I
'Tr ,98--t-- 7,11-r) , JJ---j--7 ,11-r- 7,11----j-'l, ~

(a) (b) RINGS




Figure 174. Buckling patterns in: (a) the cold-bent and welded specimen BR-4 (Per == 390 psi);
(b) the machined specimen BR-4A (Pcr== 540psi); (c) dimensions of specimens BR-4 and BR-4A
(from Bushnell [142]).

thickness, initially increasing in "time" to simulate cold bending around a die of

radius Ro and then decreasing in "time" to simulate springback to a final somewhat
larger design radiusR. The welding process is subsequently simulated by the assumption
that the material in the immediate neighborhood of the welds is cooled below the
ambient temperature by an amount that leads to weld shrinkage amplitudes typical
of those observed in tests. Buckling loads are calculated for a configuration including
and neglecting the cold bending and welding processes. These predictions are com-
pared to values obtained from tests by Kirstein and Slankard [239] and Slankard
[240] on two nominally identical specimens, shown in Figs. 174 (a-c). The specimen
designated BR-4 was fabricated by cold bending the shell and then welding machined
ring stiffeners to it, and the specimen designated BR-4A was carefully machined.
Cold bending of a flat sheet into a cylindrical shell of infinite length: During the cold
bending process the axial and circumferential strain components in a bent sheet of

thickness h are approximately

€I 0
(zIRo) f(tlt 0) - h/2 .;;; z .;;; + h/2 (39)
in which z is the coordinate normal to the middle surface and Ro - h/2 is the radius of
the die about which the sheet must be rolled so that when it springs back the final
radius of the bent sheet is the design radius of the cylindrical shell R. The quantity
t is a parameter (such as time) which determines how much of the bending process
has been completed; to is the value of t when the initially flat sheet has been bent
into a cylinder of radius Ro (before relaxation of the applied circumferential moment),
f(tlt o) tlto for 0';;; tlto .;;; 1.0
f(tlt o) 2 - tlto for 1.0 < tlto .;;; (trlt o) (40)
f(tlt o) 2 - trlto for (trlt o) < tlto
Equation (40a) gives the function of normalized "time" f(tlt 0) during which the
radius into which the initially flat sheet is being bent decreases until it reaches the
minimum value Ro. Equation (40b) gives the functionf(tlt o) during the interval when
the moment causing the bending is relaxed, so that at t = tr there are no resultant
forces or moments in the circumferential direction. Equation (40c) indicates that the
state of the bent sheet does not change for t> t r •
The following approximations form the basis for Eqs. (39):
1. Strains are small compared to unity.
2. The sheet is long enough so that end effects can be ignored.
3. The ratio tlR is negligible compared to unity.
4. Effects of strains normal to the sheet surface are negligible.
5. There is no average tension of compression during bending; the neutral axis
remains at the middle surface.
During the bending and relaxation process, each material point in the sheet passes
through three distinct regimes: an initial elastic loading regime, an intermediate
elastic-plastic regime, and a final elastic unloading regime.

Initial elastic loading: In the initial elastic regime, the axial and circumferential stresses
are given, respectively, by
--------2 (z/Ro)(t/to) ( 41)
(1 -v )

The von Mises yield criterion is

a == (oi + o~ - 0102)1/2 (42)
From Eqs. (41) and (42), the normalized time to yield can be computed as
tYield/tO = [oy(Ro/lzl)/E] [(1-v 2)/(1 + v2 _V)1!2]. (43)
Elastic-plastic loading: In the elastic-plastic regime, (tYield/to) ~ t/to ~ 1.0, the
calculation of the stress and plastic strain components must be performed incrementally
because the plastic flow "direction", according to the normality rule, depends on
the stress state. As set forth in [241], the total meridional and circumferential strain
increments, Ae I and Ae2, consist of the sums of elastic and plastic strain increments:
Ae 2 (A0 2 - vAoI)/E + Ae- p(ao/a0 2)
in which A<P is the effective plastic strain increment. It is known from Eqs. (39)
and from Eq. (42) that
(5+ AU) = Oy [(01 +Aod 2 +(02 + A0 2)2
-(01 + A0 1 )(02 + A0 2 )] 112 (46)


If we assume (in this section only!) that the material is elastic-perfectly plastic
(Oy = constant) and that the stress increments are small compared to the stresses,
Ao is zero and Eq. (46) leads to
The three equations (44a), (44b), and (48) can now be solved for the three unknowns
A0 1 , A0 2, and Ae-P for each time increment At between t = tYield and t = to. At the
end of each time increment, the new stress state is
and the plastic strain components are
ef(n+1) ef(n)+ A€p(n)(20~n) - oin»)/(20y)
ef(nu) = ef(n) + A€p(n)(20~n) - 0~n»)/(20y).

The state of the material at various points in space, Z = ± mAz, m = 1,2, .. . M, and
in time, t yield + nAt, n = 1,2, ... N, can thus be calculated recursively for an arbitrary
number of time increments N in the interval tYield ~ t ~ to.

Relaxation: If the relaxation process in the third regime to < t ~ t r is assumed to be

elastic, the stress components at the end of the interval, t = t r, are:


= a(to)
+ (1
_E__ 1'2) (z/R 0 )(1 - t It )
r 0

in which a~tr) and a~tr) denote, respectively, the axial and circumferential stresses
after the applied bending moment has been completely relaxed. The normalized
time to complete relaxation, trlto, can be calculated from the requirement that after
relaxation the circumferential moment resultant is


With use ofEq. (SIb), Eq (S2) yields

trlto = 1 + IMi t o>l12(1- v2 )Ro/(Eh 3 ). (S3)
in which ~to), the bending moment just before relaxation begins, is given by


The circumferential moment result ~tO> can be calculated by Simpson's rule inte-
gration of the stress through the wall thickness.

Obtaining a value of Ro: The given quantity in this problem is the final cylinder design
radius R after elastic springback. It is necessary to bend the initially flat sheet to a
somewhat smaller radius Ro such that after relaxation it springs back to the design
value R. The change in curvature due to elastic springback is
_1 _.!. _ ~to)(1- 1'2) ~to) 12(1- 1'2)
Ro R EI Eh 3
In general, ~to) depends in a complex way on the unknown R o , through Eq. (54)
and the recursive relations (49) and (SO). One might solve for Ro iteratively by trying
a value, computing M~to) from Eqs. (49) and (S4), and using Eq. (55) to derive an
updated value. For perfectly plastic materials, the moment Jtzto) is given approxi-
mately by
Mi t o) = ay h 2/[4(1- Ve + Ve)1!2) (S6)

in which Ve is an effective Poisson's ratio in the range v <!Ie < 0.5. Equation (S6) can
be used to obtain a starting value for Ro in the iterative process. Alternatively, one
could use the formula derived by Queener and De Angelis [220] for strain hardening
materials with stress-strain curves given by a = Ken:

R R _ 1_ 3K(1- 1'2) ( 2R o)1- n

01 - E(2+ n)(3/4)(1+n)/2 h
+ [(2~o)(~rl-n)r C

in which
c == 3(1 - v2 )3+n (1 - V 2 )3
(2 + n)(3/4)(J+n)f2(1 - v + v2 )(2+n)/2 (1- v + V2 )3/2 •

Equation (57) reduces to Eq. (55) with Eq. (56) if the last term on the right·hand
side of Eq. (57) is neglected, K is set equal to Oy, n = 0, and ve = 0.5.

Simulation of cold bending in BOSOR5: The cold bending process is simulated in

a BOSOR5 model by use of a thermal loading cycle. In the BOSOR5 analysis the
elastic stresses in the cylindrical shell are given by


-(--2) [V(E) -
Q) boT) + (E2 - Q2 bo7)]

in which Q) and Q2 are the meridional and circumferential coefficients of thermal

expansion. boT, a function of z, is the difference between the applied temperature
and the zero·stress or ambient temperature. Since the sheet in the BOSOR5 model
is already in its bent form, the temperature distribution T(z, t) should be such as
to cause the total strains E) (z, t) and E2(Z, t) to be zero. In addition, in the initial
elastic regime, we know that 0) and 02 are given by Eqs. (41). These facts and Eqs.
(59) lead to the equations
ll(z/Ro)(t/to) = - (Q) + V(2)boT

for which the solution is


The minimum bend radius is calculated from Eq. (55) or Eq. (57).

Procedure for using BOSOR5 to calculate buckling loads including residual effects
due to cold bending and welding: Residual stresses and deformations due to cold
bending are first calculated with BOSOR5 in two computer runs. The first run gives
the peak bending stresses at t = to = 1.0 and yields the circumferential bending
moment MYJ, which is needed in order to determine the relaxation time, tr , from Eq.
(53). The second run yields the residual state after complete relaxation of the bending
moments. Subsequent computer runs include application of welding, as described in
the discussion associated with Figs. 168-173, followed by application of the service
loads. The thermal loading and service loading are applied in the proper sequence by
means of specification of them as functions of pseudo·time such as shown in Fig. 175,
which applies to buckling predictions of Slankard's test specimen [240]. (See Figs.
174 (a, c).)

Figure 175. Loading functions of "time" for BOSORS analysis of Specimen BR-4.



6061 AL

K,n;opi 020 KSI

Cf) ~ +10 n 00,185
~ +5 E 010 7 PSI; v o O.33

g,! h 00.0253 IN.

t;; Ro = 0.7299 IN,
~ ~ -5 R '" 0,9771 IN.
~ ~ -10 tr = 1.250/t o
~ 1<HIMAx 0 2888'

1:~:-25 u....-'--'--'--'--'-~--'----'---'---'---'---...J
. -12 -10 -8 -6 -Q -2 0 +2 +Q +6 +8 +10 +12






Figure 176. Comparison of BOSORS results with test and theory of Queener and DeAngelis
for residual stresses in cold-bent 6061 aluminum specimen.

Comparisons with tests on cold-bent sheet: Figure 176 shows residual stresses through
the thickness of a specimen tested by Queener and DeAngelis [220]. The BOSOR5
results are practically indistinguishable from the theoretical results of [220] . Queener
and DeAngelis describe how they obtained the test points. The parameters of the
problem are given in the figure. The stress-strain curve used in the BOSOR5 analysis
is linear up to the proportional limit apl and follows the curve a = Ken in a piecewise
linear fashion for a> apl' In the BOSOR5 simulation the configuration is a cylinder
which is long compared to (Rt)1!2 with symmetry conditions applied at both ends.
The temperature varies linearly through the wall thickness h as shown in Fig. 176; and
varies with time as given by Eqs. (40) with to = l.0 and tr = l.25.

Buckling of cold-bent and welded ring-stiffened cylinder: comparison of test and

theory: Figure 174 shows two ring-stiffened cylinders buckled by external hydrostatic
pressure [239], [240]. Both test specimens are made of the same material and have
the same dimensions. The one on the left, designated "BR-4" in [240], was
fabricated by cold forming the cylindrical shell from a flat sheet and then welding on
rings which had been machined. The one on the right, designed "BR-4A" in [239],
was machined from a single thick tube.
Dimensions of the specimens are given in Fig. 17 4( c). The material is called "Alan
Wood Steel" in [239] and [240] , with a yield stress of 50,600 psi. An elastic perfectly
plastic property was assumed for the BOSOR5 models. The test specimens were sealed
at the ends in a way as to suggest the use of simple support boundary conditions in
the analysis.
In the tests the cold formed, welded specimen BR-4 buckled at 390 psi and the
machined specimen BR4A buckled at 540 psi. The BOSOR5 analysis of BR-4 yields
a predicted buckling pressure of 460 psi and the analysis of BR-4A yields a predicted
buckling pressure of 540 psi. Since the BOSOR5 models are identical except for the
simulation of cold bending and welding, it is the residual stresses and deformations
arising from these fabrication processes that cause the decrease in predicted buckling
pressure from 540 psi to 460 psi.
Two BOSOR5 models of the cold formed, welded specimen BR-4 were analyzed.
These are shown on the left-hand side of Fig. 177 (Figs. 177(a) and (f)). In the first
model, Fig. 177(a), the cylindrical shell was treated as a single segment and the
welding process was ignored. The cold bending process was simulated with a tempera-
ture gradient with a maximum temperature rise ATe = 1243 0 corresponding to a
coefficient of thermal expansion a = 6 x 10- 6 r. Figures I77(b )-( d) show the axi-
symmetrically deformed generator at certain stages of the analysis. The predicted
buckling mode depicted in Fig. 177(e) corresponds to twelve circumferential waves.
The predicted buckling pressure ignoring welding is 460 psi, the same as that in whi.ch
simulation of the welding is included, as described next.
Figure 177(f) shows the BOSOR5 model for the case in which both cold bending
and welding are simulated by thermal loading. This is a much more elaborate model
than that shown in Fig. 177(a): the cylinder generator is divided into fifteen segments
in order to be able to specify differ.ent spatial distributions of temperature for the cold
bending and the welding phases of the fabrication process. The welding process is
simulated in the short segments near the ring stiffeners and the cold bending process
is simulated in the rest of the cyliiMrical shell. (This segmentation with differerit
AT distributions in the long and short segments leads to the slightly wavy result in
Fig. 177(g).)
Figure 178 shows the two spatial temperature distributions used in the simulations.
A reasonable maximum welding shrinkage of approximately 8% of the shell thickness
is produced by the assumption that the material near and in part of each ring stiffener
is cooled to 700 0 below ambient temperature. The extent of the weld affected zone
shown in Fig. 178 corresponds to a value of Faulkner's 1/ between 2 and 3, well within
the range observed in tests [237].
Figure 175 shows the BOSOR5 time functions associated with the two fabrication
processes and the pressure loading. The predicted shapes of the axisymmetrically

. I
.- j~ING
(-----) = Res I DUAL COLO
Per = 540 PSI

( - ) '" RESIDUAL

Per = 460 PSI

f. (d) (e)
(a) -(b) (e)
SPRIN ACt< $PRi GBACK Per :: Ilea PS I

j(h) (i) (jl (k)

Figure 177. Two BOSOR5 models of Specimen BR·4 showing deformed generator at various
stages in the manufacturing process and at the buckling pressure: (a)-(e) Model in which the
welding process is ignored, (t)-(k) Model in which the welding process is included.



0.34 -1 I
0.95 -----j
.dT c = -1243° (COLD BENDING SIMULATlO~)
a = 6 X 10 6/ 0

Figure 178. Thermal simulation of cold bending and welding processes in Specimen BR-4.

deformed cylinder generator at various times are shown in Figs. 177(g) through 177G),
and the predicted buckling mode with welding simulation included is shown in Fig.
177(k). While inclusion of welding shrinkage does not change the predicted buckling

OUTER S~UR~fA~CE~=~~~~~E~§§F
j = 1. 0


INliER r--

j = 2,0




Figure 179. Stress distributions through BR-4 shell wall midway between rings.

pressure or mode in this case, it does considerably change the prebuckling displace-
ment distribution, as seen from a comparison of Figs. 177( d) and 177G). The radial
shrinkage due to welding is maximum at the ring stiffeners (equal to about 8% of the
shell thickness) and minimum midway between rings, a mode similar to that shown
in Fig. 173(c). The welding process apparently has little influence on the buckling
pressure because of two counteracting effects: the residual welding stresses weaken
the shell but the "caterpillar" type residual deformations strengthen it.
Figure 179 shows the predicted stresses through the wall thickness midway between
rings at various times of particular interest. The bands of plastic flow indicated in
Fig. 179( d) result from the residual compressive stresses due to cold bending located
in the corresponding regions of the wall thickness, as seen in Figs. 179(b, c). More
details are given in Ref. [142] .

Possible causes of the remaining discrepancy between test and theory: The BOSOR5
simulation of the fabrication process explains a little more than half of the experi-
mental difference between the buckling pressures of the machined model BR4A
and the cold-bent, welded model BR4_ The remaining discrepancy is probably caused
by some combination of the following effects not included in the BOSOR5 model:
1. There exist nonaxisymmetric initial imperfections which are greater for fabricated
models than for machined models. These include nonuniformity in shell thickness.
Measurements of the steel plate from which Specimen BRA was fabricated indicate
that the thickness varied by as much as 10% [240] .
2. The stress-strain curve of the "Alan Wood Steel" from which Specimen BRA
was made is unknown. The material proportional limit may have been less than the
yield stress quoted [240]. If so, inclusion of the Bauschinger effect in the BOSOR5
model would have generated yielding in compression at lower pressures than those
calculated with the present model, which is based on an isotropic hardening law.
Presumably, the critical pressure would then also have been lower.
3. The welding simulation is a heuristic model which is in qualitative agreement
with measurements on other specimens made of other material [47, 237, 23S]. A
rigorous treatment including welding sequence and nonaxisymmetric effects might
lead to a lower critical pressure.
4. The sheet from which Specimen BRA was fabricated may have contained initial
residual stresses due to differential cooling during and after it was rolled into its flat
form of thickness 0.132 in.

Effect on buckling of deformations of the ring cross sections

General and local instability

Most of the examples in this section involve cylindrical shells subjected to external
hydrostatic pressure. Such structures are sometimes designed through use of an
optimality criterion: Dimensions of the shell wall and ring spacing are determined
such that buckling in a general instability mode, such as shown in Fig. IS0(a), occurs
at the same value of Per as buckling of the skin between adjacent rings, such as shown
in Fig. IS0(b). The heights and thicknesses of the ring segments are established such
that local crippling of each of these parts as shown in Figs. 180(c, d), occurs at the
same critical compressive circumferential strain as that in the shell wall corresponding
to general and local instability (a, b). The design is arrived at by calculation of buckling
strains with the assumption that each part can be analyzed separately and can buckle
independently of the rest of the structure. Simple support edge conditions are imposed
at the boundaries of each part in order to permit use of simple expressions for the
assumed buckling mode, such as sin (rrx/L) sin n8.
Local ring stiffener buckling modes are characterized by buckling of individual
stiffener segments with no translation of the junctures between these segments.
Simple support conditions are imposed at segment junctures, as illustrated in Figs.
IS0(c, d). Each of the internal segments, that is a segment with both edges connected
to another segment, may buckle with a different number of circumferential waves n.
Each end segment has one free edge and does not deform but rotates about the
juncture with the neighboring internal segment. The number of circumferential waves
in the critical buckling pattern of each end segment is equal to the number of
circumferential waves in the critical buckling pattern of its neighboring internal seg-
ment. Behavior of a typical end segment is shown in Fig. IS0(d).
Figures ISO (e---:g) show another type of stiffener buckling, called "rolling". Three
kinds of stiffener rolling are depicted, one ( e) in which the panel skin participates
and two (f, g) in which it does not. In the first (e) the stiffener cross section does not
deform but simply rotates about its line of attachment to the skin. In the other two
rolling modes (f, g) the stiffener web deforms and the portion of the ring cross section
attached to this web translates and rotates. Buckling of type (f) occurs because of


101 Local Skin Buckling

Idl Local Flang, Crippling

Ring ~ External

I i

If} Ring Rolling Mode 11

IgI Ring Web Wide Column Buckling

Figure 180. General and local bifurcation buckling modes for a ring-stiffened cylindrical shell.

compression perpendicular to the plane of the paper. The buckling mode usually has
several circumferential waves. Buckling of type (g) occurs in the cases of internal rings
on externally pressurized cylindrical shells or external rings on internally pressurized
cylindrical shells. It is due to compression in the web in the plane of the paper, a com-
pression generated because the portion of the ring attached to the end of the web
resists radial displacement. The resulting radial compression in the web can lead to
axisymmetric "wide-column" buckling of the web.

Modal interaction

One might think at first that the design method just summarized should be con-
servative if the effect of geometrical imperfections is ignored. It is clear that local
buckling of the skin between two adjacent rings cannot occur as drawn in Fig. I80(b)
without forcing the rings to rotate. Similarly, local buckling of each ring cross section
segment cannot occur as exhibited in Figs. 180 (c, d) independently of the other
segments, because these segments are not hinged at their junctions. The model with
many hinges between its parts should yield lower bound estimates of buckling loads
and therefore thicker parts than required for the actual (perfect) structure, a designer
might well reason.
However, because of the interaction of local and general instability modes and the
interaction of various local instability modes, critical buckling loads calculated for an

assembled perfect structure are usually lower than are those calculated separately for
parts of this structure treated as if they were hinged at their boundaries. Figure 181
illustrates the effect of interaction between general and local buckling modes on pre-
dicted buckling pressures of a cylindrical shell with external T-shaped rings. This shell
was optimized with respect to weight through use of two interactive computer pro-
grams described in [242] and [243], which perform the optimization with use of
simple membrane theory pre buckling analysis and assumed one-term buckling mode
shapes such as expressed in Fig. 180. The results shown in Fig. 181 were obtained
with BOSOR4 [14], in which axially nonuniform prebuckling behavior is accounted
for and no assumptions are made about the shape of the buckling mode in the axial
coordinate direction.
Buckling pressure factors A. and mode shapes corresponding to two BOSOR4
models are displayed in Fig. 181, one in which the rings are smeared out (a, b) and the
other in which they are discrete (c-f). A value of A. = 1.0 would indicate perfect
agreement with the results of the optimization programs [242, 243] . It is seen that
the general instability mode and pressure from the model with smeared rings (b) and
the local instability mode and pressure from the model with discrete rings (f) agree
well with the corresponding modes and pressures from the simplified optimization
analysis, but that the general instability pressure from the model with discrete rings (e)
is more than 10% below that for the models with smeared rings (b). The general
instability mode corresponding to this model has a slight waviness which represents
a mild interaction with the local instability mode (f). This interaction effect becomes
stronger as the critical circumferential wave numbers ncr for general and local instability
approach each other.
Figure 182 reveals a similar reduction in predicted buckling pressure due to inter-
action of the ring rolling mode #2 [Fig. 180(f)] with the local skin buckling mode
[Fig. 180(b)]. The dashed line in Fig. 182 corresponds to a buckling analysis in which
the ring is treated as a discrete line structure with certain cross section area A
moments of inertia I y , Ix for in-plane bending stiffness and out-of-plane bending
stiffness, and torsional rigidity CJ. This line structure is located eccentrically with
respect to the shell reference surface: at the shear center of the ring, which is where
the flange and web intersect. In this discrete ring model the ring cross section is free
to translate and rotate but cannot deform. The buckling mode resembles that drawn in
Fig. 182 except the web cross section of the ring remains straight and the flange is
therefore forced to bend more in its own plane (axial direction). The solid line in Fig.
182 corresponds to a discretized model in which the web and flange of the ring are
treated as shell branches. During buckling in the mode indicated, the web cross section
of the ring bends as shown, allowing the shell wall to buckle locally between rings
without forcing the flange to bend in its plane as much as it has to in the discrete ring
Figures 183-185 demonstrate a more complex example of buckling of an internally
ring-stiffened cylindrical shell subjected to uniform external hydrostatic pressure.
Half of the cylinder length is shown in Fig. 183 with symmetry conditions imposed
at the plane of symmetry and simple support conditions (S2 in Table 8) imposed at
:the edge. The insert in Fig. 183 depicts the discretized branched shell model provided
as input to BOSOR4 [14].
20 ~

16 - I'




(a) (b) (e) (d) (e) (f)
-.L --'- --L---L-~ I.
10 10 12 10 10 10 12 14 6 10 1.2
SMEARED A-J.012 DISCRETf A- 0.8966 A. 1.OQ
RING n • 4 RING ncr = 4
MODEL er ncr. 5

Figure 181. BOSOR4 models and buckling modes of previously optimized ring-stiffened
cylindrical shell under external hydrostatic pressure .

.iii 1500

gs 1400
~ 1300
Shell .
. . . . ~IOO
~ 1200

f= 1100 , 0.7
<.J ~.4..j
1000L-_.....l-_---.L_~1l..__ _
8 12 16 20

Figure 182. Critical pressures corresponding to local buckling modes from two different
discretized models of ring-stiffened cylindrical shell (from Bushnell [247]).

3.5" t =0.5 E = 17 x 106 ps i

0.18" - - " 1 - U = 0.3


L/2 = 50"

~ r= 50" EXTERNAL





l), ...•.~
V = pr/2
2300 "''\'''-SMEARED RINGS
ll> (LINEAR)
\ '( .d::~ = General Instability
'" = Ring Rolling Mode #1
2100 ')( = Ring Web Wide Column




10 12 14

Figure 183. Predicted buckling pressures from various discretized models of ring-stiffened
cylinder which had been previously optimized with use of simple formulas.

The configuration with dimensions identified in Fig. 183 was arrived at in the
following way: Given that the structure must be an internally ring-stiffened cylinder.
with Young's modulus E = 17 x 106 psi, radius r = 50 in., and length L = 100 in., we
are asked to find the configuration corresponding to minimum weight subject to the
constraint condition that the perfect shell will not buckle under a uniform external
hydrostatic pressure of 1820 psi. Application of the optimization programs described
in Refs. [242] and [243] leads to a minimum weight configuration with very closely
spaced rings, as with the cylindrical shell generator depicted in Fig. 181(d). If one is
willing to accept a rather small penalty in weight (about 3%) one can impose a lower
bound on the ring spacing so that the final design is more amenable to analytical
treatment as a branched shell. (Actually, the ring stiffene'rs in submarine pressure
hulls, for example, are farther apart than a simple optimization scheme would dictate
because of the expense and practical spatial problems encountered in welding the rings

laJ noO IIJ) n·3 (el noS Ie) n-12 Ie) n'12
Pcr"Zl88psi Per" 1874 psi pcr'l'nlpsi Per' 2614 psi pcr"Z958psi

1 +J

(lJ noO Igi no3 (hi noS m nol2
Per' 2072 psi , Pcr'1736psi Per'1889psi Pcr'1739Psi

Figure. 184. Predicted buckling pressures of internally ring-stiffened cylindrical shell: (a-e)
T-shaped rings treated as discrete (cross sections cannot deform); (f-i) T-shaped rings treated
as flexible shell segments (cross sections are deformable).

to the shell.) The dimensions called out in Fig. lS3 correspond closely to the optimum
design with the lower bound on ring spacing set equal to 7.692 in. This optimum
design is generated from the simplified buckling models described in connection with
Fig. ISO.
The dashed line near the bottom of Fig. lS3 shows buckling pressures predicted
from Simplified theory corresponding to ring web wide column buckling (n = 0; Fig.
ISO(g)), general instability (n = 3; Fig. IS0(a)), ring rolling mode #1 (n = 6; Fig.
ISO(e)), and local skin buckling (n = 12; Fig. lSO(b)), all of which are active buckling
constraint conditions at the optimum design point.
The other curves in Fig. IS3 were all obtained with the BOSOR4 computer pro-
gram [14]. If the shell were perfect and if the material remained elastic, buckling
would occur with five circumferential waves at a pressure of 1646 psi, as indicated by
the minimum load on the curve labeled "Branched shell (nonlinear)". This curve
represents results of the most accurate analysis of the shell. Unlike the example
shown in Fig. lSI, for which there is significant modal interaction between general
and local skin instability, the modal interacticm here resembles that demonstrated in
Fig. IS2: the discrete ring model yields erroneous results for high n because the ring
web is not permitted to deform in that model, with the result that far too much strain
energy is predicted to be stored in the flange during buckling. Replacement of the

(al Axisymmetric (bl Nonsymmetric (cl Nonsymmetrlc

Prebuckling Buckling Mode Buckling Mode
Deformation at n • 13 cire. waves
Critical Pressure ncr' 5 eirc. waves
Per' 1646 psi Pcr • 1675 psi
Pcr ' 1646 psi

Figure 185. Bifurcation buckling of internally ring-stiffened cylindrical shell shown in Fig.
183 including nonlinear prebuckling effects.

ring by a simple support restraint (Vb = Wb = 0;" ub, ~b free), as is done in the crude
optimization analysis, leads to a far better estimate of the actual buckling pressure
corresponding to n = 12 circumferential waves, as seen from the location of the open
circle on the dashed line at n = 12.
Predicted buckling modes corresponding to bifurcation with linear pre buckling
analysis are exhibited in Fig. 184. Local instability, identified by circles or squares
in Fig. 183, corresponds to modes in which the attachment lines of the ring webs
to the cylindrical shell do not move radially or circumferentially, as illustrated in
Fig. 184 (a, d, e, f, and i). General instability, identified by triangles in Fig. 183,
corresponds to modes in which at least one of these attachment lines moves radially,
as illustrated in Fig. 184 (b, c, g, and h). Note that for n): 6 the two curves in Fig. 183
labeled "Discrete Rings" correspond to modes of the types (d) and (e) in Fig. 184.
From the branched shell model it is clear from Fig. 184(f-i) that the degree of
bending in the ring webs increases with increasing n. This is because the strain energy
stored in the flange increases with n 4 for a given amplitude of flange neutral axis
modal displacement in the axial direction. For n = 12 circumferential waves there is
a great deal less modal axial flange displacement in the branched shell model than
exists for n = 5, and for n = 5 there is less than for n = O.
Figure 185 shows the prebuckled state and buckling modes corresponding to the
lowest curve in Fig. 183. The critical buckling mode for n = 5 circumferential waves is
very different from that corresponding to the linear treatment.
. '" '" A~''''
Q.182,"" I-.



, SECTION A \ . 0) 11
00) 10


~1600 I~

5 800 ~"'''LlZATION'' q "g (N 2 - 1)

~ ijOO 1.:0:- ct r~


f······· .~ ~ ...





Figure 186. Buckling of ring treated as branched shell: (a) Dimensions and buckling pressures;
(b) Prebuckling and buckling deflection «a) is from Bushnell [14]).

Comparisons with tests in which local ring deformations are important

Crippling of ring web: Figure 186 shows the discretized model of a ring and buckling
loads predicted for a range of circumferential waves n. BOSOR4 gives two minima in
the range 2 ~ n ~ 16. The minimum at n = 2 corresponds to a mode in which the
cross section does not deform - i.e., the ring ovalization mode. Buckling pressures
calculated for this mode are very close to those computed from the well-known
formula qcr = EI(n 2 -l)/r~, in which qcr is the critical line load in lb/in. (pressure
integrated along segmenCI), EI is the bending rigidity of the ring, and rc is the radius
to the ring centroidal axis. The minimum at about n = 10 corresponds to buckling of
the web in a mode similar to that shown in Fig. 180(f). In a test [244] the web
crippled at about 1500 psi. The n = 2 mode was not observed because the ring was
held in a mandrel that prevented the unlimited growth of this mode.

Wide column ring web "buckling": This type of local instability of ring stiffeners
is described in the discussion associated with Fig. 180(g). An example of an externally
pressurized ring-stiffened cylindrical shell that failed in this axisymmetric mode [245]


20.42 R




~ ~ 4000
Linear Bifurcation Analysis
3000~--~---L _ _~_ _~
o 5 10 15 20


Figure 187. An externally pressurized ring-stiffened cylindrical shell that failed by axisymmetric
sidesway of the deep rings: (a) geometry; (b) results of a linear bifurcation analysis on a branched
shell model (from Bushnell [14]).

is shown in Fig. l87(a). In the BOSOR4 model of the shell the slender webs are
treated as flexible annuli and the flanges as discrete rings. The problem is a good
illustration of a typical sequence of computer runs that might be required for analysis
of a complex shell of revolution where several failure modes are possible.
As with the case shown in Fig. 183, the choice of a linear bifurcation buckling
treatment for a preliminary analysis is logical because one suspects that bifurcation
buckling may be the primary mode of failure, and approximate buckling pressures for
a wide range of circumferential wave numbers can be obtained without too large an
expenditure for computer time. It is likely that more than one minimum buckling
pressure exists in a plot of Pcr(n) vs. n. The shell may buckle nonsymmetrically in a
low-n general instability mode in which cylinder and rings move together; it may
buckle nonsymmetrically in a low-n general instability mode in which cylinder and
rings move together; it may buckle nonsymmetrically in a higher-n "panel" or "bay"
mode in which the rings are located at displacement nodes in the buckle pattern;
or the webs of the rings may buckle nonsymmetrically in a still higher n mode similar
to that shown in Fig. 186. The choice of a linear bifurcation buckling analysis with a
wide range of n will reveal all of these modes and cause to be calculated approximate
critical pressures corresponding to them. Figure 187(b) shows the results of such an
analysis. The lowest minimum corresponds to axisymmetric bifurcation buckling
("sidesway" of the webs). This is the wide column buckling mode described pre-
viously (Fig. 180(g»).



LLJ 2.5
"c 2.0
z 1.5
LLJ Theory
o 1.0
~ 0.5


Figure 188. Stability determinant corresponding to axisymmetric (n = 0) bifurcation as a

function of pressure. The determinant IK 1 (P. n = 0) I reaches a minimum at the pressure corre-
sponding to linear bifurcation buckling [Figure 187(b)] (from Bushnell [14]).

3400 Shell Effective StrHI

at Root of Frame f2
(a) (b)
ct: 3300
:;) Web Effective Stress
en at Root of
LLJ Frame ~2
Q. 3200
ffif- 3100 E = 31 x 106 psi
X ,,~ 0.3
3OO'UY~~ __ ~ ____--"______-"-____ --"~~ ____- L_ _ ~_ _-'-:-_ _~~_ _ _ _~

o 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0 50 100 150 200


Figure 189. Axisymmetric wide column post-buckling behavior of webs: (a) tip deflections; (b)
maximum effective stress (from Bushnell [14]).

Nonlinear axisymmetric analysis of this structure is analogous to a post-buckling

analysis of a wide column or rather a group of wide columns, one corresponding to
each ring web. Figure 188 gives the stability determinant IK 1 (p, n = 0) I as a function
of external pressure. At a pressure close to the bifurcation pressure obtained with use
of linear theory, the stability determinant changes direction rather abruptly, indicating
fairly large changes in pre buckling deformations for small changes in pressure. Since
the stability determinant does not change sign there is no axisymmetric bifurcation.
Performance of the nonlinear prebuckling analysis in this case is analogous to con-
version of the bifurcation buckling analysis of a perfect structure to a nonlinear
collapse or nonlinear post-buckling analysis of an imperfect structure, in which the
imperfection is the nonuniformity of the pre buckling state.




60 '

40 -


o 2 4 6 8



Figure 190, Lightweight ring-stiffened shallow conical shell designed by NASA for deceleratin,f
a payload in the Martian atmosphere: (a) inside the shell; (b) loading; (c) specimen buckled unde]
uniform external pressure; (c) comparison of test and predictions from two analytical model:
[11] ; and ( e) buckling mode from branched shell model (from Leonard et aL [246]).

Figure 189 contains plots of web tip deflections and effective stresses as functions
of external pressure in the pressure range corresponding to the rather abrupt change in
behavior of the stability determinant. Frames #2 and #3 display sudden changes in the
rate of sidesway because they are far enough from the clamped boundary so that their
webs behave like almost perfect. wide columns in axial compression. Being almost
perfect, their load-deflection curves develop high curvatures in the neighborhood of
the bifurcation point predicted from linear analysis. Frame #1 is in the edge bending
"boundary layer" so that the junction of its web and the shell wall undergoes con-
siderable meridional rotation. Thus, the axial deflection w of the flange of Frame #1
increases at a fairly uniform rate compared to those of Frames #2 and #3; The web of
Frame #1 behaves in a manner similar to a very imperfect wide column or to a column
with· considerable load eccentricity. The sidesway or wide column post-buckling
deflections of Frames #2 and #3 cause the radial compressive membrane stresses,
built up because of hoop compression in the flanges, to be relieved, thus producing
the abrupt change in behavior of the stability determinant.
In a test of this shell [245] the rings simply fell off at a pressure slightly above
3200 psi. The failure was due to high stresses at the junctions of webs and shell.

General instability of ring-stiffened shallow conical shell: Figure 190 shows a very
lightweight, shallow conical shell with internal Z-shaped ring stiffeners. This shell
was used as an aerodynamic foil to decelerate the landing module for the NASA
Viking mission to Mars [246]. Because of the stringent mass limitations and the
very small loadings which the shell was designed to support, the wall and rings were
fabricated with very thin gage material. Figure 190(c) shows a specimen buckled under
uniform external pressure: This pressure is reacted axisymmetrically at the large
payload support ring located midway along the cone generator. Comparisons between
test and theory [11] in Fig. 190(d) reveal that the local deformations of the rings
must be accounted for in order to obtain an accurate prediction of the critical pressure
corresponding to general instability. The buckling mode shape depicted in Fig. 190(e)
clearly demonstrates the significant deformation of the rings during buckling.

Buckling ofprismatic shells and panels


Figure 191 gives several examples of prismatic shells and panels. These are structures
the cross sections of which are thin and do not vary in one of the coordinate directions,
generally called the axial direction. In this chapter a method will be described in which
a computer program for the analysis of shells of revolution can be used to predict
buckling of prismatic shells and panels. Results will be given of convergence studies
applied to cylindrical shells subjected to external lateral pressure. These studies
demonstrate the validity of the technique. The method will then be applied to yield
predictions of bifurcation buckling loads of non circular cylindrical shells under axial
compression or external pressure and failure of corrugated and beaded panels under
axial compression. The effect of manufacturing processes on buckling and crippling of
corrugated semi-sandwich panels of the type from which the rocket payload shroud
shown in Fig. 5 is made will be shown.
A discussion of modal interaction in axially compressed columns and panels will
follow. One form of this phenomenon has already been illustrated in the case of bifur-
cation buckling of ring-stiffened cylindrical shells subjected to uniform external
hydrostatic pressure (Figs. 181-185). It will be shown that buckling loads for opti-
mally designed structures, that is structures configured such that local and general
instability occur at the same or almost the same load, are sensitive to initial
geometrical imperfections.
The chapter closes with brief discussions of the effect of transverse shear defor-
mations on buckling of panels made of laminated composite material.

Use of a computer code for shells of revolution to predict buckling loads

of prisma tic structures


The motivation behind much of the research activity in shell analysis is to reduce
computer time and core storage required to solve complex problems. It is advantageous

Figure 191. Some typical prismatic shell structures (from Bushnell [82] ).

Figure 192. Noncircular cylinder treated as portion of torus with large radius b and length
L = () ·b (from Bushnell [82]).

whenever possible to reduce the number of degrees of freedom required by separation

of variables and to optimize computer efficiency by setting up stiffness matrices with
as narrow bandwidths as possible. Currently, problems in complex shell analysis can
be classified into two groups: that which involves two-dimensional discretization and
that which involves one-dimensional discretization. The two-dimensional numerical
analysis generally requires one to several orders of magnitude more computer time to
solve than does the one-dimensional problem. The computer time increases quadrati-
cally with the bandwidth of the stiffness matrix and linearly with the number of
degrees of freedom. Matrix bandwidths for two-dimensional problems are much wider
than those for one-dimensional problems, and the number of degrees of freedom
required for convergence to a given accuracy is greater.
The establishment of the technique described here [82] was motivated by the need
for economical computer solutions to problems traditionally associated with two-
dimensional numerical analyses but amenable by means of an exchange of independent
variables to solution by separation of variables with consequent reduction to one-
dimensional numerical treatment. In this class are included linear stress, buckling, and
vibration problems for simply supported prismatic shells. Stress analysis can be per-
formed for prismatic shells with loads that vary in the two coordinate directions.
Buckling and vibration analyses are restricted to systems in which both the loads and
geometry are prismatic, that is, constant in the axial direction.
Figure 191 gives examples of prismatic shells: Fig. 191(a) shows an oval cylinder
which may be subjected to combinations of pressure and axial loading; (b) shows a
cylinder with a pressure or thermal load that varies only in the circumferential
direction; (c) and (d) represent typical advanced structural panels considered for
hypersonic vehicles, lightweight rocket payload shrouds, and space shuttles; and (e)
shows a general prismatic shell with stringers which can be treated as discrete elastic
structures. The oval cylinder under axial compression has been investigated by
Kempner and Chen [248], Hutchinson [249], and Almroth, Brogan and Marlowe
[250] . Elliptic cylinders under external pressure have been treated by Yao and Jenkins
[251]. Liaw [252] gives a survey of papers published before April 1969 on the
stability of cylindrical and conical shells of noncircular cross section. Buckling
allowables for nonuniformly loaded cylinders have been calculated by Almroth [253],
who investigated band-loaded cylinders in which the external pressure varies as Po +
PI cos () in the circumferential direction. Ross et al. [106] determined experi-
mentally critical temperatures of cylinders heated along an axial strip. Examples of
buckling under nonsymmetric loading in which the nonsymmetrical nature of the load-
ing is retained in the stability equations are given in Figs. 148 and 154.
Local buckling and crippling loads for axially compressed corrugated and beaded
sheets have been determined theoretically and experimentally by Plank, Sakata, Davis,
and Richie [254]. Buckling loads were determined experimentally by Shang, Marulic,
and Sturm [255] for axially compressed longitudinally stiffened cylinders. The
geometry of the specimens of Ref. [255] was such that the circumferential buckling
half wavelength and stringer spacing were approximately equal, indicating the need
for analytical treatment of the stringers as discrete. Egle and Sewell [256] and
McDonald [257] have calculated vibration frequencies for cylinders with stringers
included as discrete structures.

The structures shown in Fig. 191 and analyzed in Refs. [248-257] are all prismatic.
If they are simply supported at the generator ends they can be analyzed as portions of
shells of revolution in which the length of the prismatic shell is given by
L = 1Tb/n (62)
where b is the radius from an axis of revolution to some reference surface and n is the
number of complete circumferential waves. The results presented here were thus
obtained by means of the analysis and computer program described in [14].

Analysis technique

Buckling of oval cylinders or nonsymmetrically loaded cylinders can be treated by a

modeling of the cylinder as a portion of a torus with a very large radius b. Figure 192
illustrates the model. A cylinder of length L, small diameter d, and thickness t is
modeled as a small portion of a torus with radius b. As b~oo and L = constant the
short curved cylinder approaches a straight cylinder. The cross section need not be
circular, nor the thickness constant. The pressure can vary along the length as well as
over the circumference. A limitation of the model is that the cylinder must be simply
supported at the ends 0 . b = 0 and 0 . b = L.
Since the torus is a shell of revolution, the BOSOR4 code [14] can be used to
analyze it without any special alteration. What has been done here in effect is to
exchange the independent variables in the analysis of a cylinder: the axial variable s for
the cylinder becomes the circumferential variable 0 • b for the torus and vice versa. The
circumferential displacement distribution of the cylinder, conventionally expressed in
terms of sin nO or cos nO with n the input circumferential wave number, becomes the
meridional displacement distribution of the torus, now expressed in terms of the
displacement values at discrete nodal points in the finite difference or finite element
analysis. Similarly, the meridional displacement distributions of the cylinder, conven-
tionally expressed as discrete mesh point variables, are now expressed in terms of
sin nO or cos nO with n being the number of waves around the large-diameter torus.
Given the radius b, the length of the cylinder is determined by the wave number n,
which in the limit of very large b is a very large number (such as 10,000, for example).
The boundary conditions at O' b = 0 and O' b = L are simple support: No = Me =
v = w = O. The user has no choice of boundary conditions at 0 • b = 0 and O' b = L,
since the simple-support condition arises from the underlying assumption that the
dependent variables and their derivatives vary in this direction as sin nO and cos nO.
The loading on the cylinder in Fig. 192 is expressed as a Fourier expansion over the
interval -L";; O'b ";;L. For example, the pressure loading in Fig. 192 (uniform for
o ~ O' b ~ L and variable around the circumference s) is expressed as a Fourier sine
series, thus:
p (s, 0) = f(s)· g(O) (63)
in which
g(O) L sin (m1TO ·b)/L. (64)
1T m=l,3,S ...

Table 19. Convergence of critical lateral pressure parameter, a Per = Pc~/Et.

Lla = 0.6 Lla = 6.0
b, a = 5.236 in. a = 0.5236 in.
P (IO)b P (12)b P (4)b P (6)b
er er er cr

10 0.26141 0.38559
25 1.8467 1.9949 0.19387 0.33774
50 1.7790 1.9090 0.17486 0.33036
100 1.7415 1.8815 0.16668 0.32789
500 1.7129 1.8664 0.16085 0.32648
1,000 1.7095 1.8649 0.16017 0.32634
5,000 1.7068 1.8638 0.15964 0.32623
10,000 1.7065 1.8637 0.15957 0.32620
1.7024 (Fliigge) 0.15943 (Fliigge)

aWith increasing toroidal radius b for shells with alt = 100, E = 10' psi, v = 0.3
bSuperscripts in parentheses represent the total number of waves around the circumference of the
cylinder. From Bushnell [82].

Table 20. Mesh point convergence study for simply supported circular cylinder. a

aAnalyzed as portion of torus with radius b = 10,000, alt = 100, E = 10' psi, v =
0.3. Critical lateral pressure parameter Per = PeralEt. From Bushnell [82].

Table 21. Mesh point convergence study for simply supported circular
cylinder analyzed as a cylinder. a

Number of axial mesh points Critical lateral pressure, Per

5 1.7146
10 1.7063
20 1.7035
30 1.7029
50 1.7025
80 1.7024
97 1.7024
aPer =PeraIEt,alt = 100,E= 10' psi, v = 0.3,Lla = 0.6,a = 5.236in.
From Bushnell [82].

~ ::IV\!!bI00)10
" p O• 1.86~
~ 0 ____ "_, __ _ cr

o 2 4 6 8
ARC LENGTH (inchlll

Figure 193. Analysis of simply supported circular cylinder as portion of torus with radius b.
Convergence study with increasing b. Per = PcralEt, Lla = 0.6, alt = 100, a = 5.236 in. One
quarter of circumference covered (from Bushnell [82]).

o 2 4
ARC LENGTH (inclllol

Figure 194. Analysis of circular cylinder as torus. Nodal point convergence study (from
Bushnell [82 J).

The integer m is the number of half-waves in the interval 0 ~ b ~ L. Therefore, e.

the corresponding wave number n for the complete torus is n = mrrb/L. The question
arises, why not expand the load in a cosine series in the interval - L ~ b ~ L? This e.
is not possible because the m = 0 term corresponds to an infinite cylinder (L = 2rrb).

The longest half wavelength in the Fourier expansion of the load must be equal to L
or an integer fraction of L.
Thus, the finite-length, simply supported, oval cylinder under external pressure is
analyzed as a toroidal shell with very large radius b and subjected to loads which vary
rapidly around the circumference. In the section "Numerical Results" the behavior of
a simply supported externally pressurized elliptical cylinder is discussed.
There are additional advantages of being able to analyze cylinders in this manner.
Note in Fig. 191(e) that the wall properties (thickness, modulus) in the s-direction
need not be constant. Also, note that longitudinal stringers can be included in the
analysis as discrete elastic structures. With the cylinder analyzed as a portion of the
torus, the cylinder stringers are rings in this application of the BOSOR4 code. Also,
cylindrical or flat panels with stringers, corrugations, beads, or other geometrical
peculiarities and with arbitrary boundary conditions along generators can be treated,
since the generators are now meridional stations. Some of these cases are discussed
in the following sections.

Convergence studies: The application of BOSOR4 to the stability analysis of cylinders

of non circular cross section and nonsymmetricalloads was validated by convergence
studies for uniformly loaded circular cylinders analyzed as portions of toroidal shells
with various radii b and various numbers of meridional nodal points. Membrane
prebuckling analysis was used in the convergence studies. For given values of b, the
cylinder lengths were established as described above by selection of appropriate cir-
cumferential wave numbers n. This procedure is valid for simply supported cylinders
the buckling modes of which have an integral number of half-sine waves along the
Tables 19-21 and Figs. 193 and 194 give the results for hydrostatically compressed
circular cylinders. In Table 19 convergence with increasing toroidal radius b is given
for cylinders with L/a = 0.6 and L/a = 6.0, in which "a" is the radius of the cylinder.
The values of pa/Et for b = infinity are calculated from Eqs. (11) and (12), pp. 424-
425 of FlUgge [258]. The lowest two eigenvalues are obtained in each case. In the
limit of very large b these eigenvalues correspond to two wave numbers, n = 10 and
n = 12. Figure 193 shows the normalized buckling displacement w for the second
eigenvalue for increasing values of toroidal radius b. With large b the distribution over
1/4 of the circumference of the cylinder approaches a cosine wave with three full
waves. This mode corresponds to n = 12 for the complete cylinder. Symmetry con-
ditions are imposed at the ends of the toroidal meridian. All calculations were per-
formed in double precision on the Univac 1108. The data points in Fig. 193 indicate
nodal points. The discretization method is described in detail in the discussion and
equations associated with Fig. 20 of Ref. [430].
Table 20 and Fig. 194 represent the results of a convergence study in which the
number of mesh points is varied for a given (very large) value of b. The buckling
modes plotted in Fig. 194 correspond to n = 10 waves around the circumference of
the cylinder with L/a = 0.6. Table 21 gives the convergence of buckling loads with
increasing number of nodal points for the cylinder with L/a = 0.6 analyzed as a
cylinder, not as a portion of a large-radius torus. These convergence studies indicate
the degree of accuracy obtained with the BOSOR4 code and provide a guide to the

• -1.0
"0.002II 1.0 -
L ·2".
P "O.O[I+COI~]

E" 40.IO'pli o 0.5

f''' 0.3 ~


~ /i _. _. Input Load Oistriootion

<i. -0.5 -IO-Term fou,i~r

1L I
' ~i --,~-
~ 0 0.3 1.0 1.3
2.3 3.0

Figure 196. Pressure distribution on cylinder

for t::.L/L = 0.4. Cylinder modeled in BOSOR4
as portion of torus (see Figure 192) (from
Figure 195. Buckling mode for nonsym-
Bushnell [82 J).
metrically loaded cylinder with Pcra/Et X
10' = 2.292, I::.L/L = 1.0 (from Bushnell

AXIAL DISTANCE, B·b (inc,,")

" 1.3





... 0

-1.2 ~
i -\.0

! .1.51-..,....c.....~4,l.,5~---1O&---"i1".----,110""
-1.6L-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-=c_____

Figure 197. Axial distribu tion of stress resul- Figure 198. Circumferential distributions of
tants for cylinder under band pressure load stress resultants at cylinder midlength (). b = 1T
(I::.L/L = 0.4) (from Bushnell [82]). inches (from Bushnell [82]).

L. 2,4,6,8,10 m-
E • 410,000 pal
.. • 0.37
p • U"lorm lal.ral
p". . . urf

AlB· 2.0 AlB. 1.5

,. • 4 in. A. D.333 In.
a.2 III. e· 3.!H17 .".
I • 0.019, O.oZ9, I ·0.019, 0.02',
o.O~I, 0.091 Inchel 0.048, 0.090 Inch"
Figure 199. Simply supported elliptic cylinder configurations (from Bushnell [82] ) .

~ -0.02
C LU !
~.~ -0.04



-16 ~======'===:::;
o ~=========-:===


o 0.2 0.4 0.1 0.' LO

Figure 200. Displacement wand stress resul- Figure 201. Rotation and stress resultant
tants at s = 0 for 1 psi; external pressure on distributions at midlength of elliptic cylinder
elliptic cylinder with AlB = 2, t = 0.019 (from with AlB = 2, t = 0.019 (from Bushnell [82]).
Bushnell [82]).

user of STAGS [48] or other large-scale two-dimensional computer codes as to the

number of mesh points required for adequate accuracy.

Numen'cal results
In this section numerical results are presented for non uniformly loaded circular
cylinders, externally pressurized and axially compressed noncircular cylinders, and
axially compressed corrugated and beaded panels.

Nonuniformly loaded circular cylindrical shells: An analysis was made of a simply-

supported cylinder subjected to a band pressure load which varies around the circum-
ference as shown in Fig. 195. The cylinder was modeled as a portion of a torus with
b = 20,000 in. and n = 10,000. Comparisons were made with the theory of Almroth
[253] for a cylinder with a = 1.0 in., t = 0.0025 in., L = 21T in., and ~/L = 1.0
and 0.4. For the case ~/L = 1.0, Almroth obtains PCR a/(Et) x 10 5 = 2.253. The
BOSOR4 program yields a value 2.292 for this parameter. The buckling modal dis-
placement w is displayed at the bottom of Fig. 195.
Figure 196 shows the normal pressure loading at s = 0 on the cylinder with L =
21T, a/t = 400, and I:!.L/L = 0.4. The load is expanded in a lO-term Fourier sine
series iR the interval -L ~ (J·b ~ + L (see Fig. 192). Figure 197 gives the axial distri-
butions of stress resultants corresponding to the 10-term Fourier sine series expansion
of the banded pressure load shown in Fig. 196. Figure 198 shows the circumferential
distribution of stress resultants at the cylinder midlength (J •b = L/2 = 1T inches. These
values are used in the stability analysis, in which the assumption is made that they are
constant around the circumference of the equivalent torus (along the axis of the
cylinder) in a manner analogous to the treatment in the problems illustrated in Figs.
149, 150, and 155-159. Therefore, the buckling loads calculated in BOSOR4 are
independent of the bandwidth of the pressure for bandwidths that are long compared
to a boundary layer length (at)1!2 . Thus, PCR a/(Et) x 10 5 equals 2.292 compared to
the value of 3.0913 obtained with Almroth's more exact analysis [253].

Stress and buckling of elliptic cylinders: Figure 199 shows an elliptic cylinder and
gives various dimensions and material properties. The cylinders are subjected to uni-
form external pressure on the curved surface only. Yao and Jenkins [251] obtained
buckling pressures from tests on simply supported polyvinyl chloride shells. They
compared the test results with a theory in which the pre buckled state is calculated
from linear membrane theory and buckling pressures are obtained from an eigenvalue
problem based on the Galerkin method.
The BOSOR4 computer program was used to calculate stresses and buckling
pressures for elliptic cylinders of the geometries shown in Fig. 199. The oval cylinders
were analyzed as toroidal shells with very large band n as described above. The uni-
form external pressure was expanded in a 20-term Fourier sine series according to Eqs.
(63) and (64). Figure 200 displays the axial distributions of normal displacement and
in-plane stress resultants at s = 0 (end of minor axis B) for an external pressure of 1 psi
on an elliptic cylinder with AlB = 2, t = 0.019, and various values of L. The quantity
(J • b/L is the normalized distance along the circumference of the torus of radius b (see
Fig. 192). Figure 201 gives the circumferential distributions of rotation about a
generator and in-plane stress resultants at the midlength blL = 0.5 of the oval cylinder.
Plots cover 1/4 of the circumference. The stress distributions are very similar to those
predicted by membrane theory.
Three hundred degrees of freedom were used. The prestress state was checked by a
run with the linear version of the two-dimensional finite element program STAGS
[48]. Excellent agreement was obtained. Note that as the length L of the shell
increases the hoop stress resultant at L/2 approaches the values predicted from mem-
brane theory, pa = - 8.0 Ib/in. at the end of the minor axis (s = 0) and pa = -1.0 lb/in.

100 r---r----r-,---,-----,----,


\ ~ '~.,"
Si ..,.. " , _ t
AlB .2
E • 470,000 psi
20 20

~. 0.37
10 ! 10

t ,
• 1

~ . ~:.~


0.2 ~
1 0019
I .

~ ~IO.029
0.1 0~--:!:-2--4:----:!:-6--:8:---:'::IO:-------" 0.1 0!.--~2--c4l--~6--c8!.-----;".;IOc-----'

Figure 202. Buckling loads for elliptic cylin- Figure 203. Buckling loads for elliptic cylin-
ders with AlB = 2 (from Bushnell [82). ders with AlB = 1.5 (from Bushnell [82).


Pcr· O. 246

~ -IO~--+---~2,---3~--~4--~5

o 2 4 6 8 10
Me LENGTH, • (jncllft)

Figure 204. Buckling modes of elliptic cylinders with AlB = 2, t = 0.019 in., and L = 2, 4, 6,
and lOin. (from Bushnell [82)).

at the end of the major axis. However, from simple static equilibrium conditions for an
elliptical ring it is known that as L""*oo the hoop stress resultant must approach -2
1b/in. at S = 0 and - 4Ib/in. at S = Send for uniform external pressure of 1 psi. Clearly,
the elliptical cylinders of length 4 to 10 in. with cross sections as shown in Fig. 19Q

ARC LENGTH,. line,,"'

Figure 205. Buckling modes of elliptic cylinders with AlB = 2, t = 0.029 in., and L = 2, 4, 6,
and lOin. (from Bushnell [82]).

ED( ~ ~ ~: ~. I

:t:7~ 34
o I 2
4 5

Figure 206. Buckling modes of elliptic cylinders with AlB = 2, t = 0.091 in., and L = 2,4,6,
and lOin. (from Bushnell (82).

while long compared to bending boundary-layer lengths, are short compared to lengths
required for the effect of end cross-section fIxity to die out.

Buckling pressures were calculated for several cases with AlB = 2.0 and AlB = 1.5.
The results, compared with Yao and Jenkins' tests and theory, are presented in Figs.
202-206 and Tables 22-24. Predicted buckling pressures are always higher than the
test values and are rather inaccurate for the thicker shells. The thicker shells
apparently buckle by collapsing gradually rather than failing by a sudden change
(bifurcation) in the mode of deformation (Fig. 4 of Ref. [251]). It is probable, there-
fore, that the present theory is not valid for the shells with nominal thickness 0.050
and 0.090 in. A nonlinear, two-dimensional collapse analysis such as that of Ref.
[250] is required for these cases. This analysis has been performed by Marlowe and is
reported in Ref. [259] .
Figures 204-206 show the buckling modes for externally pressurized elliptical
cylinders with AlB = 2, lengthsL = 2, 4, 6, lOin., and thickness t = 0.019, 0.029, and
0.091 in. Note that the plot corresponding to L = 10 in Fig. 204 covers 0 ~ I/> ~ 1800
of arc length, whereas all other plots in Figs. 204-206 cover 0 ~ I/> ~ 90 0 • With the
exception of the case AlB = 2, L = 10, t = 0.019, the buckling loads given in Figs,
202-203 correspond to modes symmetrical about the ends of both the minor and
major axes. The lowest buckling pressure for the exceptional case corresponds to
displacements symmetrical about I/> = 0 0 and antisymmetrical about I/> = 90 0 • For all
cases modes antisymmetrical and symmetrical about I/> = 90 0 correspond to pressures
within a few percent of each other.
Tables 22 and 23 give buckling pressures in psi for the simply supported elliptical
cylinders with AlB = 2 and 1.5, respectively. Theoretical values are compared with
Yao and Jenkins' test results [251]. Three theoretical values, PCR I , PCR 2 , andpCR 3 ,
are listed for each geometry. The PCRI corresponds to BOSOR results with both
prebuckling in-plane stress resultants and pre buckling rotations XO about the
generators included in the stability analysis. The PCR 2 are calculated neglecting the
cross-section shape change (effect of Xo) in the stability analysis. Note that the XO
effect becomes larger as Land t increase. The PCR 3 are the analytical results from
Ref. [251].
Table 24 gives convergence properties of buckling pressures for the elliptical
cylinders AlB = 2, L = 10 in., and various values of t. The number of terms in the
Fourier sine series representation of the axial load distribution is varied. In this study
the value of the pressure at the midlength of the cylinder is maintained at unity, inde-
pendent of the number of terms taken in the series.

Cylinders of noncircular cross section under axial compression: Buckling loads and
post-buckling behavior have been determined for axially compressed cylinders of oval
cross section by Kempner and Chen [248] and Hutchinson [249]. Almroth, Brogan
and Marlowe [250] have studied the nonlinear behavior of axially compressed oval
conical shells through use of a two-dimensional finite-difference analysis. The
BOSOR4 program [14] can be used to determine bifurcation buckling loads from
linear theory for axially compressed, simply supported elliptic cylinders. Membrane
pre buckling theory is used in the analysis. The cylinder is treated as a portion of a
large-radius torus. Figure 207 shows the buckling modal displacements in the circum-
ferential direction for 0 ~ I/> ~ 180 0 • The axial distribution (normal to the plane of
the paper) is a half-sine wave. The lowest two eigenvalues are very close to each other

Table 22. Buckling pressures of elliptical cylinders with A/B = 2 and various lengths and
thicknesses. a
Buckling pressures, psi

Theory Test Test/


Thickness Length BOSOR with Yao and Yao and
t, in. L,in.
, Xc = 0 Jenkins Jenkins
Per • Per' PerT
0.029 2 0.730 0.797 0.714 0.613 0.84
4 0.368 0.381 0.331 0.324 0.88
6 0.246 0.259 0.217 0.239 0.97
8 0.189 0.203 0.166 0.189 1.00
10 0.150 0.170 0.133 0.140 0.93
0.029 2 2.16 2.47 2.23 1.88 0.87
4 1.11 1.16 1.00 0.877 0.79
6 0.739 0.788 0.661 0.665 0.90
8 0.567 0.621 0.499 0.533 0.94
10 0.437 0.502 0.390 0.411 0.94
0.051 2 10.0 11.5 10.12
4 4.71 5.13 4.33 3.10 0.66
6 3.20 3.53 2.82 2.21 0.69
8 2.26 2.64 2.03 1.54 0.68
10 1.63 2.15 1.63 1.14 0.70
0.091 2 57.2 57.6 50.5
4 20.5 24.4 20.1
6 13.4 15.9 12.5 7.77 0.58
8 9.23 12.2 9.42 5.81 0.63
10 5.87 10.6 8.23 4.46 0.76

aE = 470,000 psi, v = 0.37, A = 4.0 in., B = 2.0 in. From Bushnell [82] .

and the modes are symmetric and antisymmetric about ¢ = 90 0 • Note that bifurcation
buckling of axially compressed oval cylindrical shells does not necessarily signify
failure of the structure. Figure 57 shows that post-buckling load-carrying capability
exists in excess of the bifurcation load. However, nonlinear two-dimensionally dis-
cretized models must be used to predict this collapse load.
Figure 208 exhibits buckling modes for an axially compressed simply supported
cylinder with a pear-shaped cross section. Membrane theory was used in the prebuck-
ling analysis. The lowest two eigenvalues, Ncr = 24.02Ibjin. and 34.74Ibjin., cor-
respond to uniform loading over the entire perimeter of the cross section, and the
highest eigenvalue, N er = 586 1bjin., corresponds to loading over the curved portions
only. Symmetry conditions were imposed at points A and B. The axial displacement
variation is a half-sine wave. The lowest two eigenvalues correspond to buckling of the
flat sections. For axial loads higher than 35 1bjin. these flat sections are considered to
be buckled and thus carrying no load. The third buckling mode illustrated in Fig. 208
therefore corresponds to a model in which only the curved portions of the pear-shaped
Table 23. Buckling pressures of elliptical cylinders with A/B = 1.5 and various lengths and
thicknesses. a

Buckling pressures, psi

Theory Test Test/

with Yao & Yao &
Thickness Length BOSOR XO = 0 Jenkins Jenkins
t, in. L,in. Per
, Per
PerT PerT/Per'

0.019 2 0.706 0.768 0.683 0.600 0.85

4 0.345 0.349 0.316 0.300 0.87
6 0.228 0.231 0.207 0.214 0.94
8 0.172 0.176 0.155 0.167 0.97
10 0.138 0.143 0.125 0.131 0.95
0.029 2 2.08 2.36 2.15 1.60 0.77
4 1.04 1.05 0.952 0.874 0.84
6 0.678 0.691 0.621 0.610 0.90
8 0.511 0.525 0.466 0.496 0.97
10 0.408 0.424 0.371 0.403 0.99
0.049 2 8.60 9.76 9.45
4 3.99 4.14 3.96 3.07 0.77
6 2.64 2.71 2.54 2.22 0.84
8 1.97 2.04 1.89 1.69 0.86
10 1.60 1.69 1.51 1.38 0.86
0.090 2 50.7 52.7 49.7
4 18.6 20.8 19.1
6 12.7 13.4 12.0 9.52 0.75
8 9.66 10.3 8.88 7.63 0.79
10 7.51 8.21 7.01 5.86 0.78

aE= 470,000 psi, v = 0.37,A = 5.3333in.,B = 3.5777. From Bushnell [82].

cylinder are loaded. The buckling mode is similar to the displacement distribution
corresponding to collapse obtained with the STAGS program [48]. However, a much
lower collapse load is obtained with STAGS because the prebuckling deformations in
the flat plate segments propagate into the curved segments with increasing load,
thereby introducing imperfections into an imperfection-sensitive structure. The axial
load at collapse integrated over half of the cross-section perimeter is 11861b accord-
ing to the nonlinear collapse analysis with the use of STAGS, results of which are
displayed in Fig. 58. The axial load at bifurcation of the curved portions according to
the BOSOR4 prediction is 1880 lb over half of the pear-shaped cross section.
The reduction from 1880 to 11861b is due to inclusion in the STAGS analysis of
the pre buckling deformation which, with increasing imposed axial end shortening,
propagates from the flat portions into the curved portions, rendering imperfect these
imperfection-sensitive parts of the shell. The BOSOR4 analysis is performed by treat-
ment of the pear-shaped cylinder as a shell of four segments, as indicated in Fig. 208.

Table 24. Convergence of elliptical cylinder buckling pressures (psi).a

1 term 3 terms 5 terms 9 terms

0.019 0.152 0.151 0.150 0.150

0.029 0.449 0.442 0.438 0.437
0.051 l.73 1.65 l.63 1.63
0.091 6.97 6.32 6.05 5.87

aWith increasing numbers of terms in the Fourier sine series expansion of

uniform pressure: AlB == 2, L == 10 in.

t '0.0144

L .. 0.6 in.
E. 107 psi
10''' 0.3

LOAD: Altiol


i o~__~~~~~~~~----
-IO~_ _-!---~2!;----:3!;----:4;--'
ARC LENGTH, • (inches)

Figure 207. Buckling modes for elliptic cylinder under axial compression (from Bushnell [82]).

Nodal points in the discretized model are indicated by small circles.

Bifurcation buckling of axially compressed panels


As in the case of ring-stiffened cylinders, axially compressed longitudinally stiffened

panels are subject to several types of failure: long-wavelength general instability,
intermediate-wavelength (panel) instability between stiffeners, and local crippling.
These failure modes can often be analytically determined by separate analyses, as
described for ring-stiffened cylinders in connection with Fig. 180, because the wave-
lengths associated with them are often quite different in magnitude. However, modern

, ·0.01
~ -O.!
E ·10'

LOAD: Axial Compr...lon

Ncr 24.02 lb. lin

Ncr· 34.74 Ibi/in

Figure 208. Buckling modes for axially compressed pear-shaped cylinder (from Bushnell
[82] ).

-v cr

\J \J
(a) Symmetry



Figure 209. A semi sandwich corrugated panel which, under axial compression (normal to
the plane of paper), may (a) buckle or (b) cripple. Note that in the general instability mode (a)
local deformation of the cross section of the complex, built-up shell wall is evident (from
Bushnell [82]).

lightweight structures are frequently constructed of panels with deep, slender stif-
feners, the distance between the stiffeners being of the same magnitude as their depth.
For such cases the intermediate-wavelength and the crippling modes of buckling
couple and .a unified analysis becomes necessary. It has been shown in a previous
section that this is true for ring-stiffened cylinders in which the depth of the web is the

same order of magnitude as the distance between rings. Also, as will be demonstrated
in this section, the general instability predictions may be rather sensitive to local
deformation of the cross section of a complex panel. We have already seen an example
of this sensitivity in the case of buckling of a lightly stiffened shallow conical shell
used for deceleration of a payload entering the Martian atmosphere (Fig. 190).
Until about 10 years ago axially stiffened panels were analyzed as equivalent ortho-
tropic plates. A great deal of work of this type was done by Becker, Tsai, Block, Card-
Mikulas, Anderson, Jones, Peterson, and others at NASA in the '50s and '60s.
References to their work are given in Ref. [260]. In 1968 Wittrick [261] published an
analysis of prismatic structures composed of flat plates. Since 1971 a series of papers
[82, 260, 262-269] has appeared on the treatment of buckling and vibration of
prismatic shell structures. In most of the papers the buckling and vibration modes are
assumed to be sinusoidal in the axial direction, with the wavelength of deformation
the same in all of the segments of the complex structure. This assumption, which
limits the analysis to simply supported panels, permits separation of variables with
consequent reduction of the problem from two dimensional to one dimensional.
Wittrick's analysis [261] predicts the three types of instability identified in the first
paragraph - general, panel, and crippling; the treatment of Viswanathan et al. [260]
extends that of Wittrick to allow orthotropic wall properties and intermittent
elastic beam-type supports; Williams [263] extends Wittrick's analysis to include
vibration and to incorporate substructuring techniques; Wittrick and Williams [267]
formalized their treatment in a computer program called VIPASA; and Anderson and
Stroud combined VIPASA with an optimization routine by Vanderplaats and Moses
[270] to produce a computer program called PASCO for the optimization of layered,
stiffened composite panels [269] .
Figures 209(a) and (b) show parts ofa semisandwich corrugated panel undeformed,
buckled (a), and crippled (b) under an axial load (normal to the plane of the paper).
Classical analysis of buckling of such a panel treats it as an equivalent orthotropic
sheet with the wall cross section of course not permitted to deform locally. The pre-
sence of such local deformations makes it very difficult to assign a priori a torsional
stiffness per length, for example. This J-factor is particularly important in this case
because of the enclosed trapezoidal areas. Local distortions also affect the axial bend-
ing stiffness, another Significant determinant of the predicted buckling load. The
degree of local distortion is largely governed by the way in which the corrugated sheet
is fastened to the flat sheet. Figures 209(a) and (b) correspond to cases in which the
centers of the troughs of the corrugations are riveted to the sheet. Bonding along the
entire widths of the troughs markedly reduces the amount of distortion with cor-
responding increase in the stiffness and buckling load. This difference between bond-
ing and riveting would not be reflected in a classical orthotropic plate analYSis, except
through the empirical introduction of appropriate knockdown factors applied to the
constitutive law to bring test and theory into agreement.
Classical predictions of crippling loads of sections composed of thin flat sheets such
as shown in Fig. 209(b) are based on analyses of long thin axially compressed strips
simply supported or clamped along the "corners" or at rivet or bond lines. With regard
to Fig. 209(b), an assumption of clamping at the points labeled symmetry would
obviously lead to overestimation of the crippling load. If simple support were assumed

- Sellment *@ Sso.®

@) @

@ 0.0162
lilelerial: R,ne 41 0.0125 @
I[ • 19110' pil


(a) (b)
Figure 210. Variable thickness beaded and corrugated panel configurations (from Bushnell
[82] ).


3000 \ ,~

~ t E: 29,106 psi
« v • 0.3
R: 1.05 in .
0.0125$ t $ 0.0170 In.


n: 700,000

10 10 10 10 (n)
31.42 3.142 0.3142 0.03142 (L -In)

Figure 211. Buckling loads ys. length of beaded panel «(rom Bushnell [82]).

at these points it is not clear whether the crippling load prediction would be too high
or too low. The actual condition depicted in Fig. 209(b) appears to be clampin'g to an
elastic foundation with some unknown stiffness.
The simplifications of the various classical analyses lead to errors of unknown
magnitude. The errors frequently cancel, leading to fortuitous agreement between test
and theory or between predictions with crude and refined models. An analysis is
needed in which given structural configurations are modeled in various ways.

Numerical results

The results presented next were obtained with the BOSOR4 computer program [14],
in which the models are set up as described in the discussion associated with Fig. 192.
This analysis method can be used to determine general, panel, and crippling instability
of complex, built-up thin sections, to evaluate various types of fastening techniques,
to calculate the effect of local wall distortions on over-all stiffness and stability, and
to evaluate quantitatively various simpler analytical models of a given complex shell

Buckling of axially compressed corrugated and beaded panels: Figures 191(c) and (d)
show typical advanced structural panel designs proposed for hypersonic vehicles and
space vehicles. Reference 254 presents test and theoretical results for several panel
configurations subjected to axial compression and shear at room temperature and
elevated temperature. Panels were tested for general (panel) buckling and local crip-
pling loads. In Ref. [254] buckling predictions are based on wide-column theory.
Local crippling predictions are based on simple buckling formulas derived for constant-
thickness plate and cylindrical elements representative of individual components of the
complex panels.
Two configurations are analyzed here for critical axial loads: a trapezoidal cor-
rugation and a beaded corrugation. The geometry is shown in Fig. 210. The thickness
distributions and dimensions are taken from Ref. [254]. The thickness of the beaded
panel (Fig. 21O(a)) is assumed in the present analysis to vary linearly between stations
where it is called out. That of the trapezoidal corrugations is assumed constant in each
of the flat elements. The panels are treated in BOSOR4 as segmented shells of
revolution with very large radii b: for the beaded panel b = 10 5 in. and for the tra-
pezoidal corrugated panel b = 10 4 in. Figure 210 shows the division of the panels into
segments with symmetry planes at which either antisymmetry conditions or symmetry
conditions are imposed in the stability analysis.
Figure 211 shows critical axial load/length NCR for the beaded panel of Fig. 210(a)
as a function of wave number n or length L = rrb/n. The semilog plot covers lengths
from 50 to 0.3 in. Three types of buckling occur in this range of L, and their cor-
responding mode shapes are shown in Fig_ 211. The lowest critical load is associated
with a long-axial-wavelength panel buckling from bead-crest to bead-crest_ The inter-
mediate wavelength load corresponds to buckling of the beads as axially compressed
perfect cylinders, and the calculated NCR from n = 150,000 to 400,000 is very close
to the classical value 0.6Et2 /R. The shortest length crippling load corresponds to


1~ 2500
tOOl' ~~68 .
lfli~ . ,
"-(-' / /

ZU 2000 \"""'" 0.667 .......... _____________ i- . . . . . . . -.

~ ~ - I //

1500 /"~
~ 1000 "-. --.. -- ..• - =3 Of7 EN"
~ saSOR3 Result. ,,, L L ----.I
t; Corrugation en ppling r-- ---------"'1
~ 500 E" 29,106 psi SIMPLY SUPPORTED PLATE

V" 0.3
l • ..,/rt • M)4 iMhn

°2~------~4------~6~------~8------~IO~--~1~2~.~4 (nj
.. /Z ../4 ,./6 ,./8 ,./10 ,./12 (L,in.)

Figure 212. Crippling loads vs. length for a trapezoidal corrugated sheet (from Bushnell [82] .

. . . . 1'OIIfT

l-27~O.£ -----1

----,- ---~ lMITI~",,~
, 7.392

- - '- - - - - - -k~.METRY OR



I ..


® .........Tll'r0ll

Figure 213. Corrugated panel model: (a) cylinder with large radius; (b) segmented bonded
model; (e) detail of branches, bonded model; (d) segmented riveted model; and (e) branches,
riveted model.

buckling of the flat regions 0.5 56 in. wide between beads. The dotted curves represent
critical axial loads for simply supported and clamped plates calculated from the appro-
priate formulas in Ref. [271]. Two cases were run on BOSOR4, one with the angle
a: = 0 (Fig. 210) and one with a: = 12 0 , which represents the test configuration. In the
tests the long panel mode was first observed at a line load of about 4121b/in. and a
crippling mode involving both flats and beads was observed at 12501 b/in.
The BOSOR4 code is conservative in the prediction of the long panel mode, pro-
bably because the 30-in.-long test panel was not in fact simply supported at the ends


v '\5?'v
(ol f"'lnit. Oifftfence Model
V \J JeV \J
(,,) 11'11'111. DIfference Wooer

.. ~.~
~J ,,~," "',~,> ·V~ '.' '.' '.: '.....


1,1 L-

a irtCh..


BOND --------

l ' A.lICII ~lf-WovllM;ttI of 8udt~nt;1 Mode


L-e Inchel

Dd · t- ,F
H o O.421

Figure 214. Buckling modes and normalized loads of axially compressed semisandwich
corrugated riveted and bonded panels (from Bushnell [273]).

Figure 215. Aluminum corrugated semisandwich bonded panel crippled under axial compression
at a load/length of 2876 lb/in. (from Bushnell [3]).

and because it was stable in this mode in the initial post-bucklipg range. The BOSOR4
code is very unconservative in the prediction of crippling of the cylindrical beads
because this mode of failure is sensitive to imperfections and occurred in the test at
average stresses approaching the proportional limit of the material.
Figure 21O(b) shows the trapezoidal corrugated panel, analyzed as a shell with
seven segments. This many segments were taken to permit general instability across the
three flat segments labeled 3, 4, and 5. Such a mode would be analogous to the long
panel mode of the beaded sheet. In the BOSOR4 analysis this mode did not appear,
however. Nor was this type of buckling observed in the tests reported in Ref. [254].
Symmetry conditions imposed as shown in Fig. 21O(b) permit the wide-column
mode for long panels (low n). In this case the wide-column mode corresponds to the
lowest eigenvalue for given wave number n if n < 4000 or L > about 7.5 in. The wide-
column mode corresponds to the critical load if L > about 15 in. and the panel is free
at the unloaded edges.
Figure 212 shows the critical axial load versus length L or wave number n. The
dotted curves represent calculations based on formulas in Ref. [271]. Test values

reported in Ref. [254] correspond to a line load of about 1120 Ib/in. The good
agreement might be expected since the critical loads for configurations consisting of
flat plates are not very sensitive to initial imperfections, and the average stress at
failure in the tests was somewhat below the proportional limit of the material.

Effect of manufacturing method on general and local buckling of a semisandwich

corrugated panel: An example of a semisandwich corrugated shell wall construction
is illustrated in Fig. 5(b). The rocket payload shroud shown in Fig. 5(a) has such a wall
construction, which is further reinforced by Z-shaped rings spaced 16 inches apart.
Under nonuniform pressure loading during ascent through the atmosphere this shroud
is susceptible to buckling, as exhibited in Fig. 149(c).
Buckling pressures are calculated for the shroud in an approximate analysis in
which the corrugations shown in Fig. 5(b) are smeared out according to the method of
Baruch and Singer [160]. In such a model it is tacitly assumed that on a scale of order
of the dimensions of a single corrugation (the lengths d, c, and b in Fig. 5(b)), the
cross section of the built-up wall does not deform. However, in the actual structure
there may occur in the buckling mode considerable local deformation of the individual
flats of the corrugation and of the smooth sheet between adjacent troughs of the cor-
rugation, especially if the critical mode has many rather short axial waves, as shown in
Fig. 149(c). This local deformation, which is a modal interaction effect similar to
those observed in Figs. 181(e), 182, 184, and 190(e), can be accounted for in an
approximate way by application of appropriate reduction factors to the stiffness coef-
ficients Cij derived from the Baruch-Singer analysis. The reduction or "knockdown"
factors can be derived from detailed models such as shown in Figs. 213 and 214.
Figure 213 exhibits branched shell models of semisandwich corrugated panels cor-
responding to two types of fabrication, bonded and riveted. In the model of the
bonded panel the smooth skin and troughs of the corrugations are assumed to form a
single wall of thickness t + t s , in which t is the thickness of the corrugated sheet and
ts is the thickness of the smooth sheet. The branched shell model consists of 13 seg-
ments, as illustrated in Figs. 213(b, c). In the model of the riveted panel the troughs of
the corrugations form separate branches and are connected (clamped) to the smooth
sheet along discrete axial lines (normal to the plane of the paper) labeled "RIVET"
in Fig. 213( e). This branched shell model consists of 18 segments, as illustrated in
Fig. 213( d). In both bonded and riveted models the pitch of the corrugations is
1.848 in. and the thickness of the flat sheet and corrugated sheet are 0.032 and
0.02 in., respectively. The material is aluminum.
Figure 214 shows discretized models, normalized buckling loads N, and modes for
axially compressed simply supported panels of various lengths L. The compression is
normal to the plane of the paper and is considered to be applied in such a way that the
pre buckling axial strain is uniform over all segments in the branched shell models. The
normalized axial loads N are calculated by division of the eigenvalues computed from
the branched shell models by eigenvalues computed from a model in which the cor-
rugations are smeared out according to the Baruch-Singer theory with no reduction
factors [160]. The results displayed in Fig. 214 were obtained with the BOSOR4 com-
puter program from models in which flat corrugated panels are treated as giant annuli
with average radius from the axis of revolution equal to 2750 in.





- 2500

§ 1500

\, i 10)
1. Riveted


Figure 216. Crippling of axially compressed semisandwich corrugated panel as function of

degree of matching of displacements between skin and trough of corrugation (from Bushnell
[273 )).

Q 1.0
If) 0.9
~ O.B -lOA3/--
III 0.1
<I: 0.6
.... 0 10 20 30 40
Figure 217. Degradation of axial bending stiffness with decreasing axial wavelength of buckle
(from Bushnell [273)).

The normalized critical loads N decrease with decreasing axial wavelength because
of an increasing amount of local distortion of the wall cross section. Note that the
distortion is greater for the riveted panels, and as one rnightexpect, the critical general
instability loads are considerably smaller for these than for the bonded panels.
Crippling of bonded and riveted panels can be calculated with BOSOR4 in the same
way as general instability, the only difference being the axial wavelength of the



,606 0.032

~ 0.02
0.43 .7782
OL-____ ~ _____ L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _L __ _ ~

5 10 20 50 100 200
Figure 218. Degradation of torsional stiffness with decreasing axial wavelength of buckle (from
Bushnell [273]).

buckles, which is fixed by the circumferential wavenumber n, as shown in Figs. 211

and 212. Figure 215 shows a crippled aluminum panel, and Fig. 216 gives plots of the
critical axial load vs. buckle half-wavelength for models in which the extent of the
bonded region is varied. In the models symmetry conditions are imposed at the mid-
width of the trough and at the crown of the corrugation. The dimensions of a cor-
rugation are given in Fig. 217. In tests conducted at Lockheed [272] riveted panels
with the same cross-section properties assumed in these analytical models crippled at
approximately 1100Ib/in., and bonded panels crippled at approximately 2800 to
29001 b/in. The rivet heads were about 0.25 in. in diameter. Therefore, Model b in Fig.
216 represents a closer approximation to the riveted test specimens than does Model a.
For the analysis of large structures fabricated of semisandwich corrugated panels, or
any other type of complex panel, it is clearly impractical to find buckling loads by
division of the entire structure, or even a large section of it, into minute segments
such as done for the models shown in Fig. 214. However, as already mentioned, these
relatively small, accurate models can be used to calculate appropriate stiffness coef-
ficients as input to a theory in which the corrugations or other stiffeners are smeared
out. This has been done for the semi sandwich corrugations, and the results are shown
in Figs. 217 and 218. The factors kl and k3 are analytically determined knockdown
factors which depend on the axial half-wavelength of the buckling mode. Their
derivation is discussed in detail in Ref. [274]. Essentially, kl accounts for the local
distortion of the wall cross section due to axial bending and k3 for local distortion due

to twist. A third factor k2 is also introduced to adjust the circumferential bending

stiffness. This third factor is independent of the axial wavelength of the buckle
The analytically determined knockdown factors k 1, k 2 , and k3 have been used to
predict stresses, deformations, and buckling loads of ring-stiffened nonsymmetrically
loaded payload shrouds with riveted and bonded wall constructions. The shroud
geometry, loading, pre buckling deflection, and a buckling mode are shown schemati-
cally in Fig. 149. Rings are located on 16-in. centers in the cylindrical portion of the
shroud. These rings are stiff enough to cause nodes in the buckle pattern. From Figs.
217 and 218 it is seen that a 16-in. buckling half-wavelength corresponds approxi-
mately to knockdown factors kl = 0.94, k3 = 0.3 for the riveted construction and
k 1 = 0.98, k3 = 0.6 for the bonded construction. The circumferential bending stiffness
factor k2 is 1.17 for riveted and 1.30 for bonded construction. These analytically
derived coefficients were used in BOSOR4 in a subroutine for calculation of the con-
stitutive law relating reference surface stress and moment resultants to strains and
changes in curvature (Ref. [430]). Buckling stresses and deflections and bifurcation
buckling loads and mode shapes were calculated for both riveted and bonded wall
constructions. The lowest eigenvalues correspond to 16 circumferential waves in
both cases, with riveted construction yielding a load factor of 2.761 and bonded con-
struction a load factor of 3.362 times the nonsymmetric pressure distribution dis-
played in Fig. 149(a) which was measured in a wind tunnel test.
For axially compressed panels, variations in fastening techniques have just been
shown to have rather large effects on general instability loads and very large effects
on crippling loads. Also demonstrated is the use of a small, detailed branched shell
model to predict analytically stiffness properties needed for the analysis of a large
structure. While this study was performed specifically for semi sandwich corrugated
panels, it is obvious that similar models can be set up and explored for any com-
plex panels with curved sections and panels built up of composite materials.

Modal interaction and imperfection sensitivity of axially compressed

prismatic structures


Two types of modal interaction: We have already seen several examples of one type of
buckling modal interaction: bifurcation buckling in which the critical mode contains
characteristics of more than one kind of buckling, such as general and local instability.
In Fig. 181(e) is shown a general instability buckling mode of a ring-stiffened cylin-
drical shell subjected to uniform external hydrostatic pressure. The general instability
bifurcation buckling pressure predicted with the discrete ring model is about 10% less
than that predicted with the smeared ring model because the mode corresponding to
the discrete ring model is not a pure sinusoid with one-half wave in the axial direction,
but contains superposed on the half sine wave a small-amplitude short-axial-wavelength
waviness with period equal to the ring spacing. From Figs. 182 and 184 it is seen that

buckling pressures predicted with models in which the webs of ring stiffeners are
treated as flexible shell branches are considerably lower than are those predicted with
discrete ring models in which local deformation of the ring cross section is not per-
mitted in the bifurcation buckling mode. Similarly, in Fig. 214 the local cross-section
deformations of the buckled axially compressed semisandwich corrugated panel are
evident. They are superimposed on the half-sinusoidal spanwise "general" instability
In all of these examples, the shells are assumed to be initially perfect. The modal
interaction does not involve the pre buckling phase at all, but involves an apparent
combination, in the bifurcation buckling mode, of more than one kind of buckling.
In Fig. 181(e) modal interaction is a combination of general instability of rings and
shell with local ("panel") instability of the bays between adjacent rings; in Fig. 184 it
is a combination of "panel" instability of the bays between rings and local bending or
crippling of the webs of the rings; and in Fig. 214 it is a combination of general
instability of the corrugated panel and local crippling of the flat segments from which
the complex panel is built up.
The modal interaction effect to be discussed in this section is fundamentally
different from the examples just described. It is related primarily to local imper-
fections in the structure which have the effect of decreasing the stiffness of it in such
a way as to decrease the critical axial load corresponding to general instability.
Figure 219 shows several examples of prismatic structures often used in civil
engineering (a-c), aerospace (d-g), and shipbuilding (h) applications. Under uniform
axial compression buckling of these structures, which are built up of plates, may
occur in column-type modes or in local modes involving crippling of the individual seg-
ments. The design of such structures is often arrived at by optimization with respect
to weight. That is, the weight is minimized subject to the constraint conditions that
general and local buckling shall not occur below some design load or below the design
load multiplied by a factor greater than unity to allow for initial imperfections and
other unknowns. This design process usually results in configurations for which local
and general instability occur at the same axial load. As shall be seen, the modal
interaction effect to be described here, that is the reduction in load-carrying capability
due to small imperfections, is especially severe at the design point corresponding to
simultaneous general and local instability.

Previous work done: Tvergaard [275] presents an excellent survey of the work done
on modal interaction. Bijlaard and Fisher [276] established that local buckling of the
plate elements in a column reduces the critical load corresponding to Euler-type buck-
ling of the column. In 1962 Koiter and Skaloud [277] emphasized that the load-
carrying capability of structures with simultaneous local plate buckling and Euler-type
column buckling may be especially sensitive to initial imperfections. Van der Neut
[278] proved Koiter's conjecture correct in a very thorough analysis of a two-flanged
column with idealized webs. Although the axially compressed simply supported plates
from which the column shown in Fig. 220 is constructed exhibit stable post-buckling
behavior, van der Neut proved that a column built up of such plates will experience
sudden collapse usually associated with highly imperfection-sensitive shell structures if
the local plate buckling and general column loads are close. Details of van der Neut's
model and results will be presented later.

10) Ib)

[ [ [ [
Ie) (t)

0 0 0
.L.l._LL---L....L-LD.L T T T T T T T T T
(g) (hI

Figure 219. Cross-sect.ional shapes of various built-up plate structures. (a-c) thin-walled
columns, (d) truss-<:ore sandwich panel, (e-h) eccentrically stiffened panels (from Tvergaard
[275] ).

:z I.&J
U <!)
=> -
u.. ...J
co u


Figure 220. Column buckling load for two-flange model of given cross section as function of
column length and flange imperfection amplitude. This configuration was studied by van der Neut
[278] and Thompson and Lewis [279] (from Tvergaard [275]).

\ 2

V I( -
P 9 \
<.J \
:; \ 1:~ KE = 0.580 KE








Figure 221. Two..flange column buckling corresponding to initial and reduced stiffness of the
flanges. P = flange load; K = column load;Kb = bifurcation load (from van der Neut [278]).

Thompson and Lewis [279] determined optimum designs for van der Neut's two-
flange model, taking into account initial imperfections of the flanges but assuming that
the column axis remains straight. They found that with growing imperfections the
optimum load-carrying capacity decreases steeply from the value corresponding to
simultaneous local and general instability of the perfect column, and that for very
small imperfections the optimum design shifts away from that obtained from
imposition of the simultaneous buckling criterion to a design in which Euler-type
buckling of the column occurs at a lower load than local buckling of the flanges.
Crawford and Hedgepeth [280] calculated optimum designs for lattice columns and
truss-core sandwich panels with initially locally wavy members. They determined that
both structures are imperfection-sensitive, the lattice column more so than the truss-
core panel, and that the effect on optimum design obtained with the assumption of
small imperfections is opposite to that obtained with the assumption of larger imper-
fections. Their major conclusion is that in neither case is the penalty great for using
the conventional practice of arriving at an optimum design by equating local and
general instability of a perfect structure. (However, it is obvious that a load margin
has to be provided to account for initial unknown imperfections.) Maquoi and
Massonnet [281] discuss the optimum design of a square box column obtained from
an analysis in which the effective width concept is used and collapse is assumed to
occur if the maximum stress reaches the yield stress. Graves Smith [282] calculates
collapse loads of box columns including the effects of welding residual stresses,
"cylindrical" imperfections due to welding of the plates at the corners of the box
column, and initial local waviness.
Plates reinforced by axial stiffeners on one side (Fig. 219( e-h)) are common in
civil, marine, and aerospace structural designs. Tvergaard [283, 284] has used
Koiter's general theory of elastic stability [15] to obtain asymptotic estimates of the
imperfection-sensitivity of such structures. Panels such as depicted in Fig. 219(f) are
assumed to be infmitely wide with constant spacing b between the stiffeners, are
simply supported at the two edges on which the compressive load acts, and are free
on the unloaded edges. The eccentric stiffeners are represented as simple beams. A
panel designed so that local buckling coincides with buckling as a wide Euler column
displays a high sensitivity to initial imperfections due to modal interaction.
For the analysis of panels for which the local and general bifurcation buckling loads
are not coincident, Tvergaard uses the Galerkin method. The strong sensitivity to small
imperfections is revealed in a continuous manner for simultaneous and nearly simul-
taneous buckling. However, as the modal deflections increase, the post-buckling
equilibrium curves tend to flatten out so that the sensitivity to larger imperfections is
far less severe than that predicted by the asymptotic equations derived from Koiter's
theory. The solutions are used to study the optimum design of panels with various
combinations of column mode imperfections and local mode imperfections. For certain
prescribed stiffener spacings the local maxima near the design point corresponding to
simultaneous buckling vanishes for rather small imperfection amplitudes. The
maximum carrying capcity of the panel is attained above ~he critical stress for local
buckling. However, from the point of view of retaining high axial stiffness at the
highest possible load level, the optimum usually corresponds to a design with the Euler
load lower than the critical load associated with local buckling of the skin between the

A similar panel configuration has been considered by Koiter and Pignataro [285] ,
who found a panel with a single axial bay to be very sensitive to small initial imper-
fections at a design corresponding to simultaneous wide column and skin buckling but
relatively less sensitive to larger imperfections, a result in agreement with those of
Refs. [283] and [284]. In addition to the single-bay panel, Koiter and Pignataro treat
the important case of a panel continuous over several bays in the longitudinal
direction. For this multi-bay panel, the imperfection-sensitivity is found to be further
decreased because half of the bays buckle in the direction in which the skin is being
Van der Neut [286] analyzed modal interaction for a hat-stiffened panel (Fig.
2l9(g» with use of a two-flange model similar to that used for the box column in Ref.
[278] . The sensitivity of the critical load to initial local waviness of the plate and of
the top of the hat stiffeners is greatest for designs for which local and wide column
bifurcation buckling loads coincide.
Thompson, Tulk, and Walker [287] performed experiments on pin-ended eccentri-
cally stiffened panels of the type shown in Fig. 219(£) made of epoxy plastic. Local
imperfections of the skin between the stringers were "fabricated" by heating the
plastic, loading it, and then cooling it, thus "freezing" in an initial deformation
pattern with relatively low residual stresses. Imperfections in the form of the Euler
wide column mode were simulated by eccentric application of the end load. The sen-
sitivity of the critical load to initial imperfections in the form of the local as well as
the wide column buckling modes is observed to be maximum at designs for which local
and general buckling of perfect panels coincide.
Tvergaard and Needleman [288, 289] have investigated modal interaction of
elastic-plastic panels of the form shown in Fig. 219(f). They usedJ2 flow theory with
isotropic strain hardening. The panels are infinitely wide and the stringers are modeled
as simple beams. The effect of local and global imperfections for single-bay and multi-
bay panels (multiple bays in the axial direction) is investigated. They found that
modal interaction leads to imperfection-sensitivity in a single-bay panel with column
mode deflections such that the skin is being further compressed by bending. For
column mode deflections in which the skin is being stretched, the considerable
imperfection-sensitivity found by Tvergaard and Needleman is entirely due to the
material nonlinearity. This effect of material nonlinearity explains why the multi-bay
panel is not less imperfection-sensitive than the Single-bay panel, as is the case in the
elastic range [285] .

Summary of this section: In this section modal interaction will be illustrated by the
behavior of the two-flange column studied so carefully and described so clearly by
van der Neut [278]. This will be followed by an account of modal interaction in
eccentrically stiffened elastic plates, as studied experimentally by Thompson et al.
[287] and analytically by Tvergaard [283, 284]. The section will close with a dis-
cussion of the effect of modal interaction on optimum design in which results
obtained by Thompson and Lewis [279], Crawford and Hedgepeth [280] , Tvergaard
[248], and Byskov and Hutchinson [290] are presented.

Modal interaction in an axially compressed two-flange column

Van der Neut was the first to study in detail the behavior of the axially compressed
two-flange column shown in Fig. 220. The model consists of two load·carrying flanges
of width b and thickness h, connected at a distance 2c by webs which are rigid in shear
and laterally but which have no longitudinal stiffness. The webs offer simple support
to the flanges. In this way the flanges have boundary conditions that are easy to take
into account analytically.
Figure 220 gives a preview of the buckling behavior of such a model. Long perf)ct
columns buckle in an Euler mode (a cr = aE)' The behavior of short columns is more
complicated: Initially the simply supported flanges buckle locally at a stress acr = a/.
However, the post·buckling behavior of long rectangular plates is stable, so that the
column with crippled flanges continues to carry additional axial load until it buckles
in an Euler mode at a flange stress acr = T/aE, in which 71 is a factor (71 equals approxi·
mately 0.4083 for simply supported long plates) that accounts for the reduced incre·
mental axial stiffness of the crippled flanges. Perfect columns of such an intermediate
length that T/aE ~ acr ~ aE fail at acr = a/ because of modal interaction: the crippling
of the flanges causes a "sudden" reduction in their axial stiffness with consequent
reduction of the Euler stress from aE to T/aE'
It is reasonable to suspect that the critical loads of columns in the intermediate
range of lengths corresponding to the neighborhood of aE = a/ would be sensitive
to small initial imperfections, that is waviness, in the flanges. The amplitude of the
waves would grow as the axial load is increased, with the results that the axial stiffness
of the wavy flanges would decrease, precipitously approaching the limiting value 71 =
0.4083 times the stiffness of the perfectly straight flanges at a load well below aE or
a/ and leading to Euler buckling of the beam in the range T/aE < a < aE' Curves are
drawn in Fig. 220 corresponding to bifurcation buckling of columns with straight
axes but initially imperfect flanges. The quantity f is the ratio of the amplitude of the
initial flange waviness to the thickness h of the flange. It is seen that the greatest sen·
sitivity to initial flange imperfections occurs for column designs such that aE = a/.
Please note that even for the column with initially imperfect flanges, the failure
stresses plotted as solid curves in Fig. 220 correspond to bifurcation buckling in the
Euler mode, not to a limit load such as point E in Fig. 7(a). The bifurcation point is
converted to a limit point only if imperfections are introduced into the axis of the

The perfect column: Referring to Fig. 221, it is seen that for large slenderness of the
column the Euler load KE is less than the flange buckling load K/. The stiffness of the
flanges is Ebh, and the bending stiffness of the column is EI. With small slenderness,
KE exceeds K/. The flanges are in their postbuckled state, and their stiffness under
incremental compressive axial strain Lle is T/Ebh. Therefore, the bending stiffness under
axial load is T/EI and the column strength is Kb = T/KE .
Figure 221(b) gives two curves, KE and Kb versus L. Fig. 221(a) shows the flange
load P versus strain e. The slope for P> PI decreases slowly with increasing PIPI , but
for e/e/ < 3 its variation is very slight, almost equal to 0.4083 which is the slope at
P = Pl' With superimposition of prebuckling and bifurcation modal deflections at the


u ~
u. .c
iii'" EULER \
It;l~ 1 ~~gLlNG -l..--~->---''::or'~
::i-' : ."./"..
I ............... r
o ... --1........ :
.... I I
..".".,,, I I
I I 3
(1+") /2"= 1. 725 11" = 2.45

Figure 222. A convenient dimensionless summary of the response of the perfect two-flanged
column (from Thompson and Lewis [279]).

! YL
oClo_· _ _ _._

ThickneOJ "

z=a sin1f rib cos 1f y/b a=al"

W=i16 sin 1f :rIb co"t y/b
c:( t 1

>< ~

elel -
Figure 223. Load-strain curve of imperfect simply supported plate strip under axial compression
[(PI, €l) = flange compressive (load, strain) at bifurcation of the perfectly flat simply supported
flange] (from van der Neut [278]).

load K = Kz, the compressive strain in one flange is increased and the incremental
stiffness of this flange is 11Ebh. The other flange returns to the !lnbuckled condition,
offering the stiffness Ebh to its strain increment. Then the bending stiffness of the
column is [211/(1 + 11)] EI (the Engesser "double-modulus" formula). The column is in
neutral equilibrium at K when the column length is Lo = [(211/0 + 11»rr2 EI/Kz11!2. For
L2 < L < Lo the equilibrium at K z is stable. However for L 1 > L > Lo the equilibrium
is unstable; collapse occurs explosively.
The curve of Fig. 221(b) transforms into the one of Fig. 222 by replacement of the
abscissa L by L -2 or KE/K z• This graph is composed of three straight lines. It shows
that in the range 1 <KE/KI < 1.725, the perfect column collapses explosively at K =
K/. Within this KE/K/ range, imperfections reduce the buckling strength Kb to values
below K/.




t 45
... I
41 ------.-------~:<::;-~-~~~~""=
82 I
at I
10 tI
Figure 224. Reduction of the stiffness of the axially com pressed plate strip due to initial
waviness", (from van der Neut [278]).

Cl T


Z l5
~ H
r.r.. 1Z
t !O
001C?::::::;r" - - - - - - - -

N 00,___
..:l ----
~08 0.1_.,



u I
as: . to IS 1O 25 JO J5 .0 os so

Figure 225. Bifurcation buckling curves of columns with imperfect flanges (from van der Neut
[278] ).


zH I


H Bifurcation Points
for Columns with
Different ~jK2


Figure 226. pOE curves and tangents to the load-shortening curve at the bifurcation load K b of
columns with various K ElK, (from van der Neut [278)).

Buckling with imperfect flanges but straight column axis: The initial waviness z of the
middle surface of a flange can be developed into a series of functions corresponding to
the various buckling modes. The behavior of the flange is mainly governed by the term
which corresponds to the mode pertaining to the smallest buckling stress. Therefore
the waviness is assumed in van der Neut's formulation [278] to be given by:

z "'" a cos Jry/b sin Jrx/b (65)

in which the coordinates (x,y) are shown in Fig. 223. The normalized waviness para-
meter Q; is given by Q; = a/h.
The relatiollship between the axial flange load P and the compressive straiI: € for
this imperfect plate strip, simply supported at its edges, can be established by use of
the Ritz-Galerkin approximate solution of the nonlinear plate equation, taking the
deflection in the shape of the buckling mode (65). Since we are interested only in the
behavior at f in the vicinity of the perfect plate bifurcation strain fl' this approxi-
mation is sufficiently accurate. Some load-strain curves are given in Fig. 223.
The stiffness of the flange is

S = dP/d€. (66)

The reduction of stiffness with respect to the stiffness of the flat flange is given by the
reduclion factor

T) == d(p/pa/d(€/€a· (67)

Figure 224 shows T/ versus P/Pz (or K/K z) for various values of 0:. A continuous curve
replaces the broken line, which corresponds to the perfect flange.
The investigation is confined to the case in which the two flanges have equal 0:.
Then the column axis will remain straight under the load K until the buckling load K b
is reached. The bending stiffness resisting an infinitesimal deflection at the column
load K is T/EI. With this bending stiffness the deflected column is in neutral equili-
brium if K = T/K E . Therefore a load K is the buckling load Kb when

K/K z P/Pz = KE
T/(K/K z) T/(P/P z) Kz

KE is a measure of the column length. Then Eq. (68) gives the relation between
column length L and buckling load Kb as functions of 0: (T/ being a function of 0:).
Evaluation of Eq. (68) by means of the data contained in Fig. 224 yields the relation
between Kb/K z and KE/K z for various values of 0: (Fig. 225).
The broken line for 0: = a in Fig. 225 represents the degeneration of the smooth
curves for 0: =F O. It appears that Kb < K z when KE/Kz < 2. The reduction in strength
because of 0: is rather important in the vicinity of KEIK z = 1: for 0: = 0.0125 it is
10%; for 0: = 0.05 it is 17%; and for 0: = 0.2 it is 30%. This confirms the conjecture of
imperfection sensitivity on the unstable part of the perfect-column curve (Figs. 221
and 222). The significant imperfection sensitivity is a direct result of the very large
change in effective stiffness of the slightly imperfect flanges (small 0:) for loads below
K z (Fig. 224).

Stability of equilibrium at the bifurcation load K b: In Refs. [278] and [291] van der
Neut derives the slopes of the initial post-buckling load-deflection curves correspond-
ing to deflections of the column axis in the form shown in Fig. 226(a). The
formulation is based on Koiter's stability theory [15] . Figure 226(b) shows tangents
to post-buckling load-end-shortening curves at bifurcation points K b for columns with
various KEIK z and flange imperfections 0:. The dashed curves correspond to the
columns with perfect flanges, and the origins for each curve with 0: > 0.0 125 have
been shifted upward to permit display of all the data in one frame. The abrupt change
in slope of each of the dashed curves at E/EZ = 1.0 corresponds to K/K z = 1.0. Each
short line segment represents the tangent to the post-bifurcation equilibrium curves
corresponding to a column with a particular KE/K z . The value of KE/K z can be
determined by reading on the K/K z axis the point of intersection of the post-
bifurcation tangent with the approximately bilinear solid curve with which it is
associated, identifying K with the bifurcation load Kb in Fig. 225, and readingKE/K z
from Fig. 225.
It is seen that for small flange waviness 0: and 0.7 < E/EZ < 1.0, the post-bifurcation
curves have negative slopes, indicating that the bifurcation loads K b associated with
them are sensitive to initial imperfections eo in the axis of the column. Thus, the two
flange columns with KE/K z less than 2 will fail below the load Kb/K z = 1.0 because of
two effects: Unavoidable waviness 0: in the flanges of the form given by Eq. (65) will
reduce the bifurcation point Kb from the dashed curve as shown in Fig. 225, and
unavoidable waviness eo/c in the column axis will further reduce the load-carrying

Wlc (eo/e), '0 c"


Figure 227. Strength reduction with increasing initial column axis eccentricity eo/c (from
van der Neut [278]).

E-t Q1#

Ii< atz
E-t t G1

0 ~
r.l .,!.. 0.0

aua aUI QUI aUB 0111 all 01' all
Figure 228. Reduction of column strength because of eccentricity eo/c (from van der Neut

Figure 229. Part of plane, integrally stiffened panel (from Tvergaard [283]).

capability by conversion of the bifurcation point Kb to a somewhat lower limit point

Kr as shown in Fig. 227. Notice from Fig. 226 that the instability associated with
bifurcation in the column mode almost disappears for 0: > 0.2.
Buckling of columns with imperfect flanges and imperfect axes: van der Neut used the
Ritz-Galerkin method to calculate limit loads Kr of the two-flange columns with both
imperfect flanges and imperfect axes. Results of the numerical evaluation are shown in
Fig. 228, which gives the strength reduction 1 - (Kr/Kb) as a function of eo/c for two
values of KE/Kl. Curves for equal KE/Kl and different 0: almost coincide, so that one
single curve sufficiently represents the range 0 < 0: < O.l. It should be recalled,
however, that the effect of 0: on Kb/Kl is significant (see Fig. 225). The column axis
eccentricity associated with the maximum reduction in load-carrying capacity (eo/c)l
depends very strongly on 0: and increases with increasing 0:. The approximate positions
of (eo/c) 1 are indicated in Figs. 227 and 228.
The validity of the results depends on the condition that the Taylor series
expansion of the flange load P as a function of column end shortening e used by van
der Neut [278] represents sufficiently accurately the actual P - €-curve. This con-
dition appears not to be fulfilled when the flange loads Po and P u of the bent column
(see Fig. 226(a)) differ from! Kr by more than 15 to 20%. Therefore the validity of
the curves is restricted to small values of eo/c not exceeding 2%. However, the stiffness
dP/d€ corresponding to the Taylor expansion turns out to be smaller than the actual
stiffness. Therefore eo/c is smaller than that predicted by the computation. Below the
curves a hatched region has been indicated, representing the uncertainty.
Provided the stresses remain within the elastic region, imperfection of the column
axis appears to have a minor effect upon the load-carrying capacity; it will maximally
be of the order of 10%. The main reduction stems from initial waviness of the flanges.

Modal interaction in axially compressed, eccentrically stiffened panels

This problem, studied by Tvergaard [283,284], Koiter and Pignataro [285], van der
Neut [286], and Thompson, Tulk, and Walker [287] for elastic panels and Tvergaard
and Needleman [288, 289] for elastic-plastic panels, is analogous to the two-flange
column problem. The interaction effect studied by these researchers involves the Euler
wide column mode of the panel, the unloaded edges of which are unsupported, and
the local buckling of the sheet between two adjacent stringers. Figure 229 gives the
geometry and coordinate system of such a panel, which in the analysis of [283] is
considered to be infinitely wide.
The curves displayed in Fig. 230 are analogous to those in Fig. 220 for the two-
flange column. PL is the load corresponding to bifurcation buckling of the skin, and
Lcr is the length for which local and Euler wide-column buckling occur at the same
load. (In the work of Tvergaard and others it is tacitly assumed that the Euler wide-
column mode is the lowest general instability-type buckling mode.) It is seen from Fig.
230 that the maximum sensitivity of the failure load PM to initial imperfections QCcurs
for designs near the simultaneous buckling point, P E = PL. The curve labeled P~ is
analogous to that labeled rlUE in Fig. 220 and that labeled r}KE in Fig. 22l. It

..---fi.,P, Euler mode imperfections

1.25 ,
p,* O - - _ _ -<l Wo/h=O.O
~ PI
_~ __ WI)/h=O,l
,,-.. ........6Wo/h,2.0

~ 1.00
>:: 0.75
< ~

?3:::: ~

Figure 230. Maximum load PM versus length for eccentrically stiffened panels. The curves with
data points are from tests on epoxy plastic panels (from Thompson et al. [287]).

l e1+'2 L


Figure 231. Carrying capacity of imperfect panel (from Tvergaard [283]).


0.8 f-----"---+--

0.7 .

0.5 f--t----j---t--t----"---t--+-
OLI_~_~~L-~~~_-L __J -_ _~_ _L-~__~__~
-1.50 -1.15 -1.00 -0.75 -0.50 -0.25 0.15 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.15 1.50
Euler mode imperlection amplitude Wo/h

Figure 232. Experimental imperfection-sensitivity plot for a panel with thin stiffeners (from
Thompson et al. [287]).

corresponds to buckling of a wide eccentrically stiffened panel in which the effective

stiffness of the skin has been reduced by local buckles.
Figures 231 and 232 show how the carrying capacity of a particular eccentrically
stiffened panel is reduced by local and Euler-type imperfections of various amplitudes.

[I ,[1[
AC = I\C /-
__ [IIJ[I:~
"c -"c ,
, I

-1 0 1 2 3 4 I; I 6 ~ I -1 0 1 <1

, [11
~~ /-----

-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 <1 -1 0 1 "2

Ie I

Figure 233. Dependence on load of modal deflections of eccentrically stiffened panel. Solid
curves correspond to perfect panels. Dashed curves correspond to imperfect panels. Superscripts
and subscripts (1) refer to the Euler wide column mode and (2) refer to the local skin buckling
mode (from Tvergaard [284 J).

Fig. 234. Experimental load-deflection curves: load versus local and Euler mode amplitudes
(from Thompsonetal. [287J).

The results in Fig. 231, for which PE = P L , are obtained from an asymptotic
expansion in the neighborhood of the bifurcation point of the perfect panel, according
to Koiter's theory for simultaneous buckling modes [15]. The quantities ~1 and ~2
are initial ;mperfections in the forms of the wide column Euler buckling mode and
local skin buckling mode, respectively. The results shown in Fig. 231 indicate that
the panel is more sensitive to imperfections in the shape of the local buckling mode
than to imperfections in the shape of the Euler buckling mode.
Figure 232 shows test results for a stiffened panel with slender stringers that also
participate in the buckling mode when Wo/h < 0 (initial Euler wide-column

imperfection Wo such that bending induces tension in the skin, compression in the
stringers). The curves are not symmetrical about Wo/h = 0 because the panel configu-
ration is not symmetrical with respect to inward or outward buckling modal dis-
placemen ts.
Tvergaard [284] extended the analysis of [283] to study the nonlinear post-
buckling behavior of eccentrically stiffened panels corresponding to a range for which
the initial post-buckling asymptotic analysis method of Koiter is not valid. He used the
Galerkin method to calculate post-buckling stiffness and load-carrying capability of
panels such as depicted in Fig. 229.
Some examples of the relationship between load and modal deflections found by
Tvergaard are shown in Fig. 233. The solid curves give the behaviour of a perfect
panel, and the dashed curves show the behaviour of a panel with small initial imper-
fections. A is the axial load parameter, and ~l and ~2 are Euler mode and local mode
imperfection amplitudes, respectively. The panel corresponding to Fig. 233(a) has
coincident buckling loads, while EUler-type buckling is critical in Fig. 233(b) and local
buckling is critical in Fig. 233( c). In all three cases the initial post-buckling behaviour
predicted by the Galerkin method agrees with that calculated by application of
Koiter's general theory [15]. However, as the modal deflections increase, the
equilibrium curves tend to flatten out. For example, in the simultaneous buckling case
of Fig. 233(a), the sensitivity to very small imperfections predicted with the Galerkin
method is as strong as that predicted by the asymptotic solution, but for imperfections
so large that the limit point occurs under the flat part of the solid curve, a further
increase of the imperfections results in practically no additional reduction of the
limit load A*.
Figure 234 represents qualitative experimental confirmation of Tvergaard's results.
The asymptotes correspond to the general bifurcation buckling load PJ,; for the panel
with the reduced skin stiffness (see Fig. 230).

Optimization of imperfect columns and panels in which modal interaction occurs

The conventional criterion of optimization for thin elastic structures is that overall and
local buckling loads should coincide. The validity of this so-called "naive" approach
was originally questioned by Koiter and Skaloud [277] on the grounds that simul-
taneous buckling might give rise to severe imperfection sensitivity which could modify
or destroy the apparent optimum.

Columns: Figures 235-238 pertain to the optimum design of imperfect columns in

which simultaneous local and general instability might occur. Figures 235-237 pertain
to the two-flange column studied by van der Neut [278] and just discussed in detail.
All deSigns corresponding to various b in Fig. 235 and various x = KE/ Kl in Figs. 236
and 237 have the same weight. The point raised by Koiter and Skaloud [277] is
illustrated by Fig. 235: An optimum design arrived at by the bifurcation buckling
analysis of a perfect structure, dimensioned such that 0E = 0b corresponds to some
dimension b = b A' However, the imperfect structure has a maximum load-carrying
capability at a different design point, b < bA' Thompson and Lewis [279] found that


« 1.0
« --- --- ---
2 3
LOADS. x = KE'Kl

Figure 235. The degeneration of an optimum Figure 236. The optimum design for a per-
design because of imperfections (from fect two-flange column (from Thompson and
Thompson and Lewis [279]). Lewis [279]).



0 A


1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0

lin = 2. 45
X • KE/K f

Figure 237. TIle erosion of the optimum by initial flange imperfections (from Thompson and
Lewis [279]).




(a) (b)

Figure 238. (a) Lattice-column structure; (b) effect of local initial imperfections on optimum
design of lattice column (from Crawford and Hedgepeth [280] ).




Figure 239. (al Truss-core sandwich panel; (b) effect of local initial imperfections on design of
truss-core sandwich panels (from Crawford and Hedgepeth [2801).


«0~ f\

" ~-~

Z Kb
H !oJ '1;:"1 '
«uE-! 0..4 r---- K£ ___
~ 02
0.2 o..~ 0..6 0..8 1.0.

Figure 240. Strength vs. initial imperfection amplitudes for optimally and conventionally
designed lattice columns (from Crawford and Hedgepeth [280]).

for van der Neut's two-flange column the optimum design shifts to the left (Fig. 237)
for small flange imperfections and then back to the right for larger flange imperfec-
tions. The implication is that fairly well made box columns should have dimensions
such that the Euler load is a bit less than the local flange buckling load.
Crawford and Hedgepeth [280] came to similar conclusions for axially compressed
lattice columns and truss-core stiffened simply supported panels (Figs. 238, 239), but
in comparing the critical loads of the structures obtained from the "naive" approach
with those of the same weight obtained from the "sophisticated" approach, they
determined that very little strength penalty results from use of the "naive" aE = az
criterion for the perfect structures (Fig. 240). (However, they urge the designer to be
aware of the increased imperfection sensitivity resulting from optimization subject
to the constraint aE = az, and consequently to provide adequate load margins at the
"naive" optimum!)



0 55
til 50
H 45
~ 35

.50 ,55 .60 .65 .70 .75
Figure 241. Maximum carrying capacity f...*/f...o for a panel with alb = 4,elb = 0.05 andho/b =
0.0128, with imperfections fl = f,. (h o = h + As/b, that is thickness of monocoque panel of same
weight as stiffened panel of thickness h. f...o = wide column load of monocoque panel. ~l = Euler
mode imperfection, WJho: ~2 = local mode imperfection, W Jh 0) (from Tvergaard [284]).



J',Il 70

H 65

~ 55

.30 .35 .40 .45 .50 .55
Figure 242. Maximum carrying capacity f...*/f... o for a panel with alb = 8, elb = 0.1, and ho/b =
0.0256, with imperfections ~l = ~2 (from Tvergaard [284]).

Panels: Tvergaard [284] investigated the effect of modal interaction on the optimum
design of eccentrically stiffened panels of the type illustrated in Fig. 229 . Definition of
an optimally designed panel involves many parameters, such as the plate thickness,
eccentricity of the stiffeners, spacing between the stiffeners, and the shape of the stif-
feners. In Tvergaard's treatment the number of parameters is restricted because the
goal of his investigation is to determine whether a design corresponding to
simultaneous Euler wide-column and local skin buckling has the highest carrying
capacity. Thus, the distance "a" between the simple supports, the spacing b between

the stiffeners, the eccentricity e of the stiffeners, and the common material to be used
in the whole panel are prescribed. The stiffeners, attached to one side of the plate, are
assumed to have rectangular cross sections.
For a panel built of a given amount of material per unit width, i.e. a panel with a
given value of ho = h + As/b, where As is the stringer cross-section area, the maxi-
mum carrying capacity or limit load '11.* can be calculated as a function of the imper-
fection amplitudes ~1 and f2 in the Euler and local modes, respectively, and the
parameter h/h o which specifies the ratio of the amount of material in the skin to that
in the whole panel. In the following, '11.0 denotes the critical load parameter in the case
where the stiffeners disappear completely (h/h o = 1).
Tvergaard considers a panel with a given weight, the geometry of which is
specified by alb = 4, e/b = 0.05 and ho/b = 0.0128. In Fig. 241 the maximum carry-
ing capacities are plotted vs. h/h o for different amounts of imperfections in which the
wide-column modal imperfection fl equals f2. (Note that the imperfections are
normalized by ho, so that imperfections corresponding to different points on a curve
with constant f are equal relative to the constant measure ho, but not relative to the
current plate thickness.)
Figure 241 also shows the point N at which the initial post-buckling behaviour of
the perfect structure changes from stable to unstable according to the Koiter theory.
The '11.* -curve corresponding to very small imperfections intersects the ~2) curve just
below this point.
Figure 241 shows that if the panel is designed against the classical critical buckling
stress, the optimum (minimum weight for a given axial load or maximum critical load
for a given weight) is clearly the one corresponding to coincident buckling loads. How-
ever, Fig. 241 demonstrates that the carrying capacity in the vicinity of this design
diminishes rapidly as small imperfections are introduced. The local maximum of the
A* curves vanishes when the normalized imperfection amplitudes exceed a value of
about 0.03. It is also obvious from Fig. 241 that the highest carrying capacities of the
imperfect panels are predicted in the range where the buckling stress ;.!t) has been
exceeded. Here, the collapse load '11.* becomes even slightly larger than the critical
stress of the perfect structure at the design point corresponding to simultaneous buck-
ling. In this range, however, the limit load '11.* corresponds to quite large modal
deflections (Fig. 233(c)), so that in practice plastic deformations or brittle fracture
may often reduce the maximum load predicted by the elastic theory.
Tvergaard also treats an example in which the spacing b of the stiffeners is halved
without changes in the length "a" between the supports, the eccentricity e of the
stiffeners, or the amount of material per unit width. In this case, the panel is specified
by alb = 8, e/b = 0.1 and ho/b = 0.0256. Results are displayed in Fig. 242. For this
panel the design point corresponding to simultaneous buckling of the perfect panel
occurs at such a small value of h/h o that further enlargement of the stiffeners at the
expense of plate thickness is of practically no advantage with respect to ~1), as can
be seen from the data at the lowest values of h/h o in Fig. 242. Figure 242 demon-
strates that the larger the amplitude of the imperfections, the higher will be the value
of h/h o at which the maxima of the '11.* curves occur. Tvergaard proved that local mode
imperfections of a given amplitude are more serious than Euler-type imperfections of
the same amplitude. The carrying capacities '11.* predicted in the range where '11.*

.75 hlh max

Figure 243. Maximum support load (corresponding to zero axial stiffness, S = 0) and compres-
sive stiffness S for imperfect stiffened panel with alb = 4, elb = 0.05, hJb = 0.0128 (from
Tvergaard [275]).

exceeds t!c2 ) (to the left of the point N) are smaller than those in the remaining range.
If imperfections can be kept small, the optimum design will correspond to values of
~2)/~1) slightly higher than unity. For larger imperfections, this value increases to
about two, depending on the stiffness required.
Apart from a high limit load A*, the stiffness retained in the panel at a given load
level A may be of considerable interest. Tvergaard [284] defines a normalized stiffness
S = (dA/d!l.)/(dA/d!l.)o (69)
in which A is the applied load, !l. is the end shortening, and the denominator represents
the prebuckling stiffness of the perfect structure. For a perfect panel the stiffness S
defined by Eq. (69) is equal to unity in the entire range below the classical buckling
load. In Fig. 243 the stiffness S is plotted for two different imperfection magnitudes.
It is seen that even for small imperfections the stiffness decreases significantly at
relatively low loads in the range to the left of the figure where A* exceeds A~2), so that
this range is not advantageous from the point of view of stiffness. Also, for larger
imperfections a design with ~2)/~1) somewhat above unity is preferable with respect
to retention of a high stiffness in the panel.
Tvergaard [284] draws the following conclusions from his study of the optimum
design of axially compressed imperfect elastic, eccentrically stiffened panels: "An
analysis of stiffened panels made of a given amount of material per unit width shows
that in some cases the design with the highest carrying capacity is one in which the
limit load is attained beyond the critical stress for local buckling. However, the stiff-
ness properties are relatively poor for such designs. From the point of view of retaining
a high stiffness at the highest possible load level, the best design is usually one in which
the critical stress for Euler-type buckling is smaller than that for local buckling. In

some cases, the optimum design has a local buckling stress that is more than twice the
Euler buckling stress. Thus, the optimum design from the point of view of post-
buckling behavior often differs significantly from the design with two simultaneous
buckling stresses." [284]

Axially stiffened cylindrical shells: In all of the elastic modal interaction problems
involving columns and panels, each of the modes acting alone would result in behavior
that is not sensitive to initial imperfections. The modal interaction problem for axially
compressed, axially stiffened elastic cylindrical shells, studied by Byskov and
Hutchinson [290], differs significantly in that the buckling load corresponding to the
general instability mode is always sensitive to initial imperfections and that cor-
responding to local buckling of the skin between adjacent stringers mayor may not be
sensitive to local imperfections, depending on the stringer spacing. The effect of inter-
action between local and general instability is to increase the sensitivity of the critical
load to initial imperfections.
Byskov and Hutchinson [290] solve the problem with use of an asymptotic method
similar to Koiter's [I5] that provides uniformly valid results whether the modes are
simultaneous, nearly simultaneous, or well separated. For the perfect shell, the
optimum design has simultaneous overall and local buckling loads. Overall buckling
loads and mode shapes are calculated from a theory in which the stringers are
smeared out and the torsional rigidity of the stringers is neglected. Local buckling is
also calculated on the basis of neglect of the torsional stiffness of the stringers. The
stringers are considered to be stocky enough that they do not cripple. Initial imper-
fections have the form of a sum of i bifurcation buckling modes corresponding to the
lowest i eigenvalues of the perfect structure.
Results from Byskov and Hutchinson's analysis are presented in Figs. 244(a-e).
These figures are analogous to Figs. 241-243 in that all points on the abscissa of each
figure correspond to a given amount of material, and the ordinate represents the
normalized maximum axial load A = PIPe. The quantity Pe is the classical buckling
load of a long unstiffened cylindrical shell with the same radius R but with thickness
te corresponding to the same total cross-sectional area of the stiffened shell:

in which As is the cross-section area of a stringer and

b = 21TR/Ns (71)
where Ns is the number of stringers. As in Figs. 233 and 241-242, Al represents the
critical bifurcation load corresponding to general instability and A2 the critical bifur-
cation load corresponding to local instability of the perfect shell. The numbers in
parentheses represent amplitudes of the (general, local) initial imperfections norma-
lized by teo Figures 244(a-d) correspond to cylinders with rectangular stringers and
Fig. 244( e) to a cylinder with T-shaped stringers.
In each example, the total amount of material, the skin thickness t, the radius-
thickness ratio R/t, and the radius-length ratio R/L are held constant. The relative
amount of stiffener material,

... 1--
-- -------
t--- i ..---

1 "
-'01 011
/ II .11

-::-: - +t--
/// 1.5 .. 11
_/ 11. 1.1
~ locol """-
.toot. H.
eo 10 10 '00 110


(a) a 0.7, ts/t = 4.09, R/L = 1.0, R/t = 850 (Batdorf parameter Z 811)
Ou tside stiffeners

V "



Y -L. "
101, 01)

o.• ~ .-----
" II

,5 51
U +---- /7 II U
~ ~I -+--
t-- mod.
locol moo.
,lobi, N,
H 0
eo eo
~ 40 50 go


(b) as 0.05, ts/t = 5.15, R/L = 1.0, R/t = 525 (Batdorf parameter Z 50

Ou tside stiffeners

, 0



~ "
101 all

II 11
H --- {S 5)
H 11
U 0
~~?~bt:d' -t- ~f~~~ mode N.

'0 SO 50 10 00
0.5, ts/t = 4.12, R/L = 2.0, R/t = 420 (Batdorf parameter Z 10(
(e) as
Ou tside stiffeners

Fig. 244 (continued on next page)



Cd) as = 0.5, tslt = 4.12, R/L = 3.3, R/t = 420
(Batdorf parameter Z = 37). Inside stiffeners.



-4--===....... 101..011
_-!--",:::,,;;p.=---..J u .. 11
_..:l::,,::,-=,_.j,_::-:::_~_-_-j---11.5 .. 51
U 11..1.1


Ce) as = 0.2, hits = 16, R/L 2.0, Rlt =
480 (Batdorf parameter Z = 114). Out-
side stiffeners.

Figure 244. Buckling of perfect and imperfect axially compressed stringer-stiffened cylinders.
Dashed lines correspond to neglect of modal interaction. CA. j , A. z ) = (general, local) bifurcation of
perfect shell; (0.01, 0.01), etc. = (general, local) buckling modal imperfection amplitudes (from
Byskov and Hutchinson [2901).
F; ber
Di reet ; on


Figure 245. Directions of transverse shear stresses.






D o. I 0.2 0.3


Figure 246. Error due to omission of transverse shear effects in long isotropic plates (all edges
simply supported) (from Srinivas and Rao [294]).

is therefore fixed, so that As varies inversely as the number of stringers N s . In the case
of Figs. 244(a-d) the stiffener thickness ts is held constant, so that the stiffener height
h varies inversely with N s . In the case of Fig. 244( e) the height and thickness of the
web and flange are equal and vary in proportion.
From their results Byskov and Hutchinson conclude that "the feature common to
each example studied is relatively weak dependence of As (the maximum load-carrying
capacity) on Ns at realistic imperfection levels. As reported in studies of other struc-
tures, design for mode coincidence (AI = A2) of the perfect structure does not appear
to lead to a design that would be far from optimum. In fact, the examples studied here
suggest that the designer has considerable latitude in this regard, although Qne must
not lose sight of the fact that the imperfection sensitivity is greater for designs with



Symmetr; c Cross-Pl ies
with EI /E2 ~ 30


3 Layers

9 Layers




o 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20


Figure 247. Error due to omission of transverse shear effects in square laminated plates (all edges
simply supported) (from Srinivas and Rao [294 J).
Thin Shell

;;: 2 Transverse Shear
Strain Included
S 1

o '--_--'_ _--1_ _--'-_ _...J

o 4
(a) (b)

Figure 248. Collapse of a stiffened conical shell with sandwich wall construction: (a) defor-
mation at collapse; (b) load-deflection curves obtained with and without transverse shear defor-
mation effects in the core of the sandwich wall of the conical shell (from Sharifi [296 J).

coincident modes. In all cases, except that in Fig. 244( d), the optimum in the presence
of imperfections tends to shift toward a design with A2 > AI' Furthermore, when the
local mode of the perfect structure is unstable at the design of coincidence, the
presence of imperfections tends to shift the optimum toward the regime in which the
local mode is stable."

Transverse shear deformation effects

Plate and shell theories represent means to simplify the general analysis of structures
by the introduction of assumptions that make the displacements functions of two
rather than three spatial coordinates, as discussed in Ref. [430]. Usually this reduction
is achieved by use of the assumptions:
o Normals to the reference surface remain straight during deformation.
o Normals to the reference surface remain normal after deformation.
o The transverse normal stress is negligibly small.
The assumption that the normals remain normal to the deformed surface means that
transverse shear deformation can be neglected. Such an assumption is certainly
acceptable if the shell is sufficiently thin. In the following, such theories are referred
to as first-order theories. A second-order theory may, for example, be obtained if the
first of the three assumptions is retained but the second discarded. Such theories have
been presented by Reissner [292] and Mindlin [293]. Higher-order theories can be
obtained if also the first assumption is discarded, but it is questionable whether use of
such theories has any advantages in comparison to a complete three-dimensional

Laminated composite materials

The argument for retention of the effect of transverse shear deformations in analytical
models of plate and shell structures made of laminated composite materials is much
stronger for geometries typical of practical designs than it is for isotropic metals
because the transverse shear moduli G 13 and G 23 (Fig. 245) are usually one to two
orders of magnitude smaller than the longitudinal modulus E 1. (In keeping with
generally accepted nomenclature, we will refer to longitudinal and transverse elastic
moduli Eland E 2 as the moduli in the plane of the lamina parallel and normal to the
fibcr direction. The in-plane shear modulus G 12 is distinguished from the two trans-
verse shear moduli G13 and G23 • The modulus G 13" corresponding to shear along the
fibers (Fig. 245) is generally somewhat larger than G 23 .) Typical values for a lamina
may be of the order E I/E2 = 20, G13 = 0.6 E2 and G 23 = 0.4 E 2 . Since the transverse
shear moduli for a lamina are small in comparison to the longitudinal elastic modulus,
the transverse shear deformation must have a bigger effect on the buckling load of
composites than it has on metallic plates or shells. That is, the composite shells must
be thinner relative to in-plane dimensions or wavelengths before the transverse shear
deformation effect can be omitted.
Since many generally available computer programs presently do not include the
effects of transverse shear deformation, it is important to the designer to know the
limits of the first-order theory. For an isotropic plate, it can be seen from Fig. 246
that b/h for a simply supported plate may be close to 10 before the error exceeds 5%.
In order to obtain similar accuracy for composite material, we must restrict the first-
order theory to even thinner plates. Figure 247 indicates that for a material with
E IiE2 = 30, the transverse shear effects should be included if the width-to-thickness

ratio is less than about 20. It should be noted that results of Refs. [294] and [295]
apply to plates with simply supported edges. With respect to buckling of plates, the
effect of clamping the edges is essentially equivalent to reduction of the in-plane
dimensions by a factor of two. It might be surmised, therefore, that for clamped plates
the transverse shear effect should be accounted for if b/h < 40. Similarly, it appears
that the opposite argument applies for a flange with one free edge: the transverse shear
effect can probably be omitted if b/h > 10. More numerical comparisons are needed
for guidance in design. In particular, if composites are used at elevated hygrothermal
conditions, EdE2' EdG 13 , and EdG 23 may be very large, and the transverse shear
deformation effect increased.
Sandwich wall constructuion may be thought of as a class of laminated composite
shell wall which is weaker in transverse shear stiffness than ordinary isotropic or
orthotropic construction. Figure 248 shows a predicted collapse mode of an actual
part of a space vehicle. The cone is a ring-stiffened sandwich structure supported by a
monocoque cylindrical skirt. The sandwich construction is made of aluminum honey-
comb core with composite face sheets. The nonlinear collapse load of this structure
was investigated with the use of two finite-element models and the NEPSAP computer
program [297] : In model (a) the sandwich core and facings are represented as multi-
layered composite elements with the effect of transverse shear deformation of the
honeycomb core neglected. To study the extent of this effect, model (b) was con-
structed. In this model the sandwich construction was modeled "exactly" with use of
three-dimensional orthotropic solid elements for the core and composite shell elements
for the facings. The cone is subjected to axial and flexural loadings which were applied
as equivalent point loads around the top circumference. Because of planar symmetry,
only half the structure (180°) was considered for both models.
The results of this study are shown in Figs. 248(a) and (b). Figure 248(a) shows the
collapse mode, and Fig. 248(b) gives the load-deflection characteristics of the two
models. Collapse occurs at a load factor of 4.0 for model (a) and 2.8 for model (b),
indicating a 30% drop in the predicted value of collapse load as a result of shear
deformation in the core.

Impeifection sensitivity


The emphasis in previous chapters of this volume has been on buckling either as a
nonlinear collapse phenomenon or as a bifurcation phenomenon, as shown in Fig. 7.
It has been implied that the load at which collapse occurs, As in Fig. 7(a), is obtained
from a nonlinear analysis with use of a computer program for general shells such as
STAGS [48] or a computer program for shells of revolution such as BOSOR [47].
The bifurcation load, Ac in Fig. 7(a), has been identified, by implication at least, with
loss of stability of the structure. Many examples have been given involving com-
parisons between tests and predictions of bifurcation buckling loads and mode shapes
for elastic and elastic-plastic shells of revolution under uniform and nonuniform
loads, including and neglecting nonlinear pre buckling effects. The effect of imper-
fections in the structure has been to cause discrepancies between test and bifurcation
buckling theory, such as demonstrated in the extreme cases of the cylindrical shell
under axial compression (Fig. 19) and the spherical shell under external pressure
(Fig. 30). With the exception of the examples in the previous chapter involving modal
interaction in axially compressed columns and stiffened panels, the post-bifurcation
states of structures have not been considered here explicftly in determinations of their
load-carrying capacities.


This chapter opens with a very brief account of Koiter's asymptotic theory [15] for
the initial post-buckling behavior of perfect and imperfect structures. Formulas are
given for load-buckling-modal-deflection curves for the various types of post-buckling
behavior exhibited in Fig. 8, and a survey of work on imperfection sensitivity of
elastic-plastic shells is given. Following a short section on qualitative guidelines for the
engineer with regard to imperfection sensitivity, a rather detailed treatment and survey
of work done on axially compressed monocoque and stiffened cylindrical shells
appears. Details of a derivation of parameters governing imperfection sensitivity are
presented for a case in which stiffeners are present and nonlinear prebuckling effects


are included. Asymptotic and general nonlinear approaches to the problem are
discussed. This is followed by numerical results for cylindrical shells with sinusoida}
axisymmetric imperfections, localized imperfections, and random imperfections. Other
results from the literature are given for axially compressed cylinders with internal
pressure, cylindrical panels, oval cylindrical shells, and stiffened and laminated com-
posite cylindrical shells. The section on axially compressed cylinders closes with an
outline of a design method valid for a large class of designs which is based on a less
conservative approach than those commonly taken and which past experience
demonstrates is reasonably safe.
The section continues with a presentation of data relative to monocoque and
stiffened cylindrical shells under hydrostatic pressure and torsion and spherical shells
and shallow spherical caps under external pressure and concentrated loads. A
derivation of the asymptotic post-buckling theory is presented here for the case in
which there exist multiple bifurcation buckling modes at the critical load, "c' The
theory is applied to a shallow section of a complete spherical shell. The chapter closes
with discussions of limitations of the asymptotic imperfection sensitivity theory,
bifurcation buckling with stable post-buckling behavior, and the Southwell method.

Asymptotic post-buckling theory - a summary

Koiter [15, 298] was the first to develop a theory which provides the most rational
explanation of the large discrepancy between test and theory for the buckling of
axially compressed cylindrical shells and externally pressurized spherical shells: the
early collapse is due to small, unavoidable geometrical imperfections. Excellent reviews
of Koiter's theory and of the many applications of it to buckling of monocoque and
stiffened elastic and elastic-plastic shells are given by Hutchinson and Koiter [6],
Tvergaard [7], and Budiansky and Hutchinson [299]. The theory itself is reiterated
in some detail by Budiansky [300], Seide [301], and Masur [302] and extended
to dynamic buckling by Budiansky and Hutchinson [303] and Budiansky [304].
Many of the numerous applications of the theory of static buckling of shells of revo-
lution reviewed in Refs. [6] and [305] refer to the presentation of a simplified form
of the Koiter theory for static analysis given in Refs. [303] and [304] . Summaries of
t~~ main features of Koiter's theory appear in [4] and [7].
Essentially, the purposes of Koiter's theory are to:
(1) Determine the stability of equilibrium of the lowest bifurcation point on the
equilibrium path, and
(2) Ascertain the sensitivity of the maximum load-carrying capacity of the structure
to initial geometric imperfections.
In the classical stability analysis of conservative systems stable equilibrium is often
illustrated by a heavy ball resting at the lowest point on a wavy surface. Any small
displacement of the ball requires an input of energy to move it against the force of
gravity. Removal of the small force giving rise to this small displacement causes the
ball to return to its original position at the lowest point on the surface. Unstable
equilibrium is exemplified by the ball resting on a peak. The slightest disturbance will

cause it to roll to a new equilibrium position with less potential energy at some point
located a finite, perhaps a large, distance from this peak. Neutral equilibrium is illus-
trated by the ball at rest on a flat surface. The small disturbance will again cause the
ball to move to some new, nonadjacent equilibrium position, but with no change in its
potential energy.
A classical bifurcation buckling analysis represents a search for the load at which
the equilibrium of a structure ceases to be stable and becomes neutral; it does not
reveal information about the stability of the structure. Suppose that a structure is in
equilibrium at some load smaller than the lowest bifurcation load (and furthermore
suppose that we are only concerned here with bifurcation buckling, not nonlinear
collapse). Any small additional displacement field which satisfies the requirements of
continuity (compatibility) and geometric boundary conditions (kinematically admissible
displacement field), will cause the energy of the system (structure plus potential
energy of loads) to increase. Thus, the structure is in a state of stable eqUilibrium
analogous to the ball at the lowest point of the wavy surface. At a higher load corre-
sponding to the bifurcation point, the additional energy of the system due to the
small disturbance does not change: the structure is in a state of neutral equilibrium
analogous to the ball on the flat surface; the equilibrium state is not unique in a small
neighborhood of the prebuckling state. At loads above the lowest bifurcation point,
equilibrium on the fundamental (pre bifurcation) load-deflection path is unstable,
analogous to the ball on the peak.
In order to learn whether or not the structure is stable at the bifurcation point,
it is necessary to determine the characteristics of the post-bifurcation path in load-
generalized-modal-deflection space in the neighborhood of the bifurcation point.
Typical paths are displayed in Fig. 8. The stability of equilibrium at the bifurcation
point is governed by third and fourth order terms in the energy functional expressed
as a series expansion of the incremental displacement represented by the difference of
the displacement field corresponding to the fundamental state at the bifurcation point
and that corresponding to a state on the post-bifurcation equilibrium path close by.
The first-order terms of the energy thus expressed cancel because the fundamental state
at the bifurcation point is an equilibrium state; the second-order terms likewise cancel
because the bifurcation point represents a state of neutral equilibrium. The shape of
the post-bifurcation load-deflection curve in the neighborhood of the bifurcation point
is therefore governed by the third-order terms (Fig. 8b), or if these vanish, by the
fourth-order terms (Fig. 8(c,d)) in the expression for incremental energy.

Elastic post-bifurcation analysis

At a bifurcation load Ac where the buckling mode is unique, Koiter's general elastic
post-buckling theory [IS,;- 298] leads to an asymptotically exact expansion for the
load parameter A in terms of the normalized bifurcation buckling modal amplitude,
A/Ac = I + aWb + bW; + ... (73)
Three types of elastic initial post-buckling behavior are shown in Fig. 249. Solid curves

\ I
aJlO \,' a = 0
(a) b (b) "b
Figure 249. Initial post-buckling behavior in cases where the bifurcation mode is unique. Dashed
curves show effect of small initial imperfections (from Tvergaard [7]).

show the behavior of perfect structures and dotted curves the behavior of imperfect
structures with imperfections in the form of the unique critical bifurcation buckling
mode. The ultimate load-carrying capabilities of the structures represented by Figs.
249(a) and (b) are sensitive to initial imperfections while that represented by Fig.
249(c) is not. For the case 249(a), which is asymmetric with respect to the sign of the
buckling modal amplitude Wb (a =1= 0), a negative normalized imperfection amplitude
wimp converts bifurcation buckling into limit-point or "snap" buckling at a reduced
load As given by Koiter's general theory as
in which p is a constant that depends on the imperfection shape. For the symmetric
case 249(b) "a" in Eq. (73) is zero, b < 0, and the limit load of the imperfect structure
Many applications of Eq. (74) and especially Eq. (75) appear in the literature. Several
examples will be shown later in which the parameter b in Eq. (75) is plotted as a
function of shell geometrical parameters or loading. Figure 250 illustrates the relation-
ship of the coefficient b in Eqs. (73) and (75) to the imperfection sensitivity for a
system such as a shell of revolution, for which the lowest bifurcation buckling mode
is unique and the initial post-buckling behavior is symmetric with respect to the sign
of the post-buckling displacement field and unstable. The initial post-buckling load P
of the perfect structure follows the solid curve shown in Fig. 250(a). The quantity 6 is
the amplitude of the postbuckling displacement field, which is assumed to be in the
form of the unique buckling mode. The quantity t is the shell thickness. The dashed
curve pertains to an imperfect shell. The value of b depends on details of the geometry
and loading. Buckling loads are sensitive to imperfections if b is negative and insensitive
to imperfections if b is positive. As shown in Fig. 250(b), more negative values of b
are associated with greater sensitivity of the critical load Ps to initial geometric imper-
fections 8. Curves for the spherical shell under uniform external pressure and the
cylindrical shell under uniform axial compression are shown in order to emphasize
the extreme nature of imperfection sensitivity in these two cases. The curves are
dashed because they are not derived from Eq. (75) as explained next.
There are important examples in which the lowest bifurcation point is associated
with several buckling modes or in which there exists a cluster of bifurcation loads
just above the critical load. The cylindrical shell under axial compression is an example

,,- 0.6

I "
I 0.2

(al (b)

Figure 250. Imperfection sensitivity as a function of b. Although the dashed curves in (b) for the
spherical and cylindrical shells are not calculated from plPc = 1 + b (o/t)', they are included in
order to demonstrate the extreme imperfection sensitivity of these shells when loaded as indicated.

of the former, and the spherical shell under external pressure is an example of the
latter. Structures optimized such that local and general instability occur at the same
load provide another practical example. For the cases in which there exist several
simultaneous buckling modes Eq. (73) is replaced by N asymptotic equations for the
load parameter A in terms of the buckling modal parameters Wbl, Wb2, . . . , wbN of
the form

[~ -1] Wbi = AijkWbjWbk + BijklWbjWbkWbl + ... (76)

in which the summation convention (from one to N) is implied for repeated indices.
Koiter's general theory yields asymptotic estimates of the imperfection sensitivity
As/Ac in the case of elastic buckling. Due to modal interaction the effect of initial
geometric imperfections is usually severe, as demonstrated in the last chapter for
built-up axially compressed columns and panels and by the dashed curves in Fig.
If the bifurcation buckling modes are nearly coincident, as they are for uniformly
externally pressurized spherical shells, the imperfection sensitivity is also characterized
by modal interaction, even though the initial post-buckling behavior of the perfect
structure in the immediate neighborhood of the bifurcation point is governed by the
expression (73) for the single mode case [306] .

Elastic-plastic post-bifurcation analysis

Practically all of the development and application of asymptotic postbuckling theory


including the effect of plasticity has been done in the last decade by Hutchinson,
Tvergaard, Needleman, and their coworkers [7, 8, 299, 307-317]. Hutchinson pives
a summary in [307] and Tvergaard in [7]. The theory represents extensions to the
general theory of uniqueness and bifurcation in elastic-plastic solids derived by Hill in
1958-1959 [308, 309] and the general post-buckling theory developed by Koiter
for elastic structures in 1945 [15,298].
Figures 251(a) and (b) are analogous to Figs. 249(a) and (b). Note that bifurcation
in the plastic range occurs under increasing load, so that unlike the elastic cases, the
maximum load-carrying capability of perfect structures is slightly above the bifurcation
load. Ac and occurs at amplitudes Wb for which a finite amount of material has experi-
enced strain reversal.

Perfect elastic-plastic structures: For the plastic range an asymptotic theory of initial
post-bifurcation behavior of perfect structures was developed by Hutchinson [310],
[307] . An asymptotic expansion is obtained for the initial post-bifurcation load in
terms of the bifurcation modal amplitude Wb, as in Koiter's elastic post-buckling
theory. In the plastic range the treatment is complicated by the phenomenon of
elastic unloading, which starts at bifurcation and spreads into the material as the
buckling modal amplitude increases. When the buckling mode is unique the asymp-
totically exact expression for the load parameter A in terms of the normalized buck-
ling modal amplitude wb is
A/Ac = 1 + Al wb + A2 wb + i3 (77)
with 0 < [3 < 1. The value of [3 depends on the shape of the unloading regions [307] .
The constant Al is positive since bifurcation takes place under increasing load. Its
value is determined by the requirement that plastic loading takes place. The coefficient
A2 is negative, so that the truncated expansion (77) can be used to estimate the
maximum support load of the perfect structure, which is slightly above the critical
bifurcation load. An extension of the asymptotic expansion (77) to cases of several
coincident buckling modes has not been carried out. The asymptotic theory for
plastic post-bifurcation of perfect structures has been applied by Tvergaard and
Needleman to study the behavior of structures with symmetric [311] and asymmetric
post-bifurcation behavior [288, 289,312] .

Imperfect elastic-plastic structures: In 1972 Hutchinson [313] reported the results of

a numerical axisymmetric plastic buckling analysis of perfect and imperfect spherical

c c

--...... -~ ,1("-"--

(a) (b)

Figure 251. Initial post-buckling behavior in the plastic range in cases where the bifurcation
mode is unique. Dashed curves show effect of small initial imperfections (from Tvergaard [7]).

shells loaded by unifonn external pressure. The shell material is characterized by a

Ramberg-Osgood stress-strain relation
€/€y = a/ay + ex(a/ayt (78)
with ex = 0.1 and n = 6. The geometrical parameter of the sphere at bifurcation is
[3(1-v 2 wo 1!2 t/(€yR) = 3. (79)
From Fig. 252 it is seen that corresponding to this value 3 the bifurcation stress of the
perfect shell is about 1.5 times the effective yield stress ay and the flow theory predic-
tion is about 7% above the prediction obtained with use of J 2 deformation theory.
Figures 253 and 254 show the results of an analysis including imperfections of various
amplitudes taken in the shape of the bifurcation buckling mode. Figure 253(a) reveals
that even though the initial post-bifurcation slope is positive, the buckling load is
sensitive to initial imperfections. The onset of elastic unloading occurs at practically
the same load as the collapse load. Figure 253(b) shows that the difference in predicted
failure between the J 2 flow theory and J 2 deformation theory models disappear for
imperfection amplitudes greater than about one-tenth the wall thickness. Figure 254
demonstrates that for very small imperfections the plastic buckling load is not as
sensitive to imperfections as is the elastic buckling load. Also, as Hutchinson [313]
points out, imperfection sensitivity is not as severe a problem for plastic as it is for
elastic shells because plastic buckling requires relatively high thickness-to-radius
ratios for which it is much less difficult to manufacture "reasonably perfect" shells.
This conclusion is borne out by the comparisons between test and theory for a great
variety of axisymmetric shells shown in previous sections. (See Tables 1,2, 11, 12 and
Figs. 120, 121, 164, 165.)
Hutchinson further discusses the effect of small imperfections on plastiC buckling

f" ~ ~ + o.l{f)"
------ ---
1.8 7"
-?, 1.6
./ ---
/,(/ /' "\ ®
or 1.4
/ Theory Predictions
CT, -/ /, ® Flow Theory Predictions

For ® B ®: .g;c.
ys . .",."L., (-.L)


f,- or ./30'_V2) (€;R)

Figure 252. Tensile stress-strain curve and bifurcation stresses for a perfect spherical shell under
external pressure (from Hutchinson [313).
r;nitial Post-Bifurcation Slope

/)' "Perfect Shell"

1.0 r---t.~_ 1.0 J2 Flow Theory
_ _...-._ _-.:0.01 = wimp!t Predictions
0.8 0.8
P 0.6 0.15 pmax 0.6
~ 0.4
A Elastic un loading begins 0

0.2 • Limit load 0.2

°o~~~~~~~~~ 0
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
wpole!t Wimp!t
(a) (b)
Figure 253. (a) Plastic post-bifurcation behavior and imperfection sensitivity of a spherical
shell under external pressure. (b) Imperfection sensitivity of spherical shell showing difference
between flow and deformation theories only for small imperfection amplitudes (from Hutchinson
[313 ]).

loads in [314]. There he provides an asymptotic estimate of the load at which elastic
unloading begins. For many unstable structures this load is only slightly below the
limit load. An asymptotic expression for the limit load, such as given by Koiter's
general theory for elastic shells [Eqs. (74) and (75)] is not yet available. The main
problem is that the limit load of the structure with an infinitesimal imperfection in
the form of the critical bifurcation buckling mode is not infinitesimally close to
the bifurcation point, as is true in the elastic range, but lies a finite distance away.

I/ Elastic Buckling
(Koga and Hoff. 1969)
.... , ....
.... ....
.... ....


i.1i' B~~':--
o 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Figure 254. Buckling pressures for spherical shells with flat spot imperfections. For both curves,
pF is the maximum support pressure of the perfect shell as predicted by J 2 flow theory (from
Hutchinson [313)).

Consequently, elastic unloading usually occurs before the limit point is reached. An
asymptotic expansion of the initial part of the equilibrium solution for the imperfect
structure is valid only to the point at which elastic unloading begins. Representation of
the remaining part requires a second asymptotic expansion that accounts for the
growing elastic unloading region.
Hutchinson and Budiansky [315], Needleman and Tvergaard [316], and Tvergaard
[317] have devised asymptotic theories for the plastic limit loads As of imperfect
structures using hypoelastic theories (J2 flow theory without elastic unloading). Even
though these asymptotic analyses ignore elastic unloading, they yield accurate predic-
tions of the limit loads. Figures 255-257 apply to elastic-plastic imperfect cylindrical
panels under axial compression. A Ramberg-Osgood-type material stress-strain law was
used for the analysis:

€ = Oy r~ (~) n _ ~ + 1] . (80)
E [n Oy n

The figures show the effects of the circumferential angle e subtended by the panel and
the material hardening parameter n on the equilibrium paths and limit loads of imper-
fect panels. (In each case the imperfection is in the form of the critical bifurcation
mode of the perfect panel.) Figures 255 and 256 show the results of an elastic-plastic
finite-element analysis, and Fig. 257 shows a comparison between this numerical
approach and the more approximate hypoelastic asymptotic approach.

Qualitative guidelines for imperfection sensitivity

The question so often asked by the analyst is: given the idealized structure and loading,

c rc
"Perfect" "Perfect"

:z 0.8 0.8
= 1.0
0:: 0.6 0.6
Q. Ii -
---rw;- -::::-; ~ = Wimplt
x II Maximum
<: 0.2 0.2 II Maximum
o Initial Yield o Initial Yield
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
wilt wilt
(a) (b)

Figure 255. Load vs. modal deflection for cylindrical panel that bifurcates in the plastic range:
t/b = 0.025; n = 10; v = 0.3. (a) 9 = 0.5, uy/E = 0.002; (b) 9 = 0.75, uy/E = 0.0028 (9 given in
Fig. 256) (from Tvergaard [317]).
"'c \ "Perfect"
1.0 1.0
~ = 0.1

z 0.8 0.8

v> 0.6 0.6
u 0.4 0.4 .... R
::5 x Maximum • Maximum
<C 0.2 o Initial Yield 0.2 o Initial Yield

00 0
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Wl/t WIlt
(a) (b)

Figure 256. Load vs. modal deflection for cylindrical panel that bifurcates in the plastic range:
rib = 0.025;n = 3; v = 0.3. (a) 0 = 0.5, oy/E = 0.002;(b) 0 = 0.75, oy/E = 0.0028 (from Tvergaard

and given the means by which to determine the collapse of bifurcation buckling loads,
what "knockdown" factor should be applied to assure a reasonable factor of safety for
the actual imperfect structure?
We have seen examples (Figs. 57, 58, 84, 90, 96, 103) in which shells exhibit load-
carrying capability considerably greater than that corresponding to the lowest eigen-
value. Post buckling stability is also exhibited by simple columns and flat plates. On the
other hand, it is well known that the critical loads of axially compressed cylindrical
shells and externally pressurized spherical shells are extremely sensitive to imperfec-
tions less than one wall thickness in magnitude. Figure 258 gives empirically determined
knockdown factors for monocoque axially compressed cylinders as functions of the
radius-to-thickness ratio. Similar curves would exist for externally pressurized mono-
coque spherical shells were there enough test data on which to base them. These highly
symmetrical systems are very sensitive to imperfections because many different
buckling modes are associated with the same eigenvalue or closely spaced eigenvalues,

LO lil 1.0

)../).. ).. /).. ).. /)..

S C S C S c

0.8 0.8 0.8

i :: Wimp It
0.6 0.6 0.6
0 0.1 ~ 0.2 0 0.1 ~ 0.2 0 0.1 ~ 0.2
(a) (b) (c)

Figure 257. Comparison of numerical results with asymptotic hypoelastic predictions for the
imperfection sensitivity of elastic-plastic cylindrical panels. (a) 0 = 0.5, oy/E = 0.002, n = 10.
(b) 0 = 0.75, oy/E == 0.0028, n = 10. (c) 0 = 0.75, oy/E = 0.0028,n = 3 (from Tvergaard [317]).



0 0.2

o~ __ ~~-L-L~-WL- ____ ~ __ ~~~~-L~~ ____ ~ __ ~

2.0 5.0 100 200 500 1000 2000


Figure 258. Empirical knockdown factor cf> for cylinders subjected to axial compression.

the structure is unifonnly compressed in a membrane state, and the buckling modes
have many small waves. Very small local imperfections will tend to trigger premature
failure. The buckling loads of most practical shell structures are somewhat sensitive to
imperfections, but not this sensitive. How much so is a very important question.
Buckling loads associated with local failure due to some known peculiarity of the
structure which can be modeled a priori are generally less sensitive to unknown imper-
fections than are loads associated with buckle patterns covering a large percentage of
the surface area. Redistribution of the stresses occurs as the load is increased; a serious
unknown imperfection is less likely to appear in the local area of the failure, and
considerable local pre buckling deformations occur, tending to diminish the significance
of the initial unknown imperfections. Failure loads of structures that are subjected to
enforced displacements are likely to be less sensitive to initial imperfections than are
those for structures subjected to enforced loads. In the former case the growth of an
isolated buckle near the worst imperfection tends to cause reduction of the stress in
that area, shifting the load to the better parts of the structure. Buckling of cylinders
with cut outs (Figs. 47-56) and locally loaded shells (Figs. 150-155) are examples of
this. Thicker shells appear to be less sensitive to imperfections than thinner shells
simply because it is easier during fabrication to control the quality of the shell. Imper-
fection amplitude expressed in terms of wall thickness is therefore likely to be smaller
the thicker the shell. Cylinders subjected to external pressure are less sensitive to
imperfections than are cylinders subjected to axial compression because the axial
wavelengths of the buckles are longer in the former case and eigenvalues do not cluster
around the critical value. Hence, very small local imperfections do not affect the
critical pressure as much as they do the critical axial load.

Axially compressed cylindrical shells and panels

Brie/survey a/work done,

The discrepancy shown in Figs. 18 and 19 between tests and classical buckling theory

for axially compressed cylindrical shells has stimulated scientists and engineers to
produce many papers on this subject during the past 40 years. These works focused on
post-buckling load-deflection behavior of perfect shells, various boundary conditions,
nonuniform and nonlinear pre buckling behavior and its effect on bifurcation buckling,
empirically derived design formulas, and, most important, initial geometric imper-

Nonlinear post-buckling behavior of perfect shells: It was recognized early that the
discrepancy between test and theory and the scatter of critical experimental loads
shown in Figs. 18 and 19 are related to the existence of post-buckling equilibrium
configurations at loads well below the critical load, and that as a consequence the shell
is very sensitive to geometrical imperfections and other disturbances. The first effort
to analyze the shell behavior in the post-buckling range was Donnell's in 1934 [318].
His analysis was over-simplified, and more adequate post-buckling analyses were later
presented by von Karman and Tsien [319] and Tsien [320]. It was suggested at that
time that the minimum post-buckling load be used as a design load. This minimum was
about one third of the classical buckling load and thus reasonably close to the average
of available test results. The minimum post-buckling load was termed, somewhat
unfortunately - the "lower buckling load". The post-buckling analysis was successively
refined in Refs. [321-325] as described in the very thorough and readable survey by
Hoff [29] and displayed in Fig. 20(b). The results of Ref. [325] seem to indicate that
with increasing shortening of the cylinder the post-buckling load asymptotically
approaches zero or, if more accurate basic equations had been used, a value that is
dependent on the radius-to-thickness ratio of the shell but which for practical dimen-
sions is very small. As a result of these studies it has been determined that the mini-
mum post-buckling load is not suitable as a design load.

Various boundary conditions and nonuniform or nonlinear prebuckling effects: A

rather comprehensive review of the effect of edge conditions on buckling is given by
Hoff [29] . Some of the papers [326, 327] retain the assumption common to most
previous shell-buckling analyses that the pre buckling conditions can be sufficiently
accurately described by use of a linear membrane solution. In others [328, 329]
an accurate nonlinear prebuckling analysis is included. It was found in those analyses
that if the shell edge were free to move in the tangential direction, the critical load
would be reduced by a factor of2. Results from Ref. [152] are listed in Table 10, and
a comparison of the results of Hoff and Soong [330] and Almroth [152] for a cylinder
with rlt = 1000 and Llr = 1.014 are listed in Table 25. The conditions corresponding
to Acrit near 0.5 (half the classical load N el :::::: 0.6 Et 2 /r) are not likely to be realized in
practical applications. One could argue that it is possible that a considerable reduction
in the load-carrying capacity of the cylindrical shells might result from some kind of
"effective" elastic constraint at the edges. However, this argument has been addressed
by Almroth [331] and Cohen [96], who show that a very small amount of elastic
constraint is sufficient to make the critical load of the shell approximately equal to the
critical load of a shell with full constraint.
Almroth [331] also investigated the effect of the prebuckling deformations caused
by edge constraints by using a rigorous solution for the axisymmetric pre buckling
Table 25. Influence of boundary conditions and prebuckling behavior on the buckling load of
axially compressed cylindrical shells (from Arbocz and Babcock [341]).


Hoff and Soong [330] Almroth [152]

Boundary conditions (membrane prebuckling) (rigorous prebuckling)

W = w,xx = ax = Txy = 0 0.5 0.502

W = w,xx = U = Txy = 0 0.5 0.503
W = w,xx = ax = v = 0 1.0 0.844
w=w ,xx =u=v=O 1.0 0.867
w = w,x = ax = Txy = 0 1.0 0.908
w=W,x=U=TXY=O 1.0 0.926
W = w,x = ax = v = 0 1.0 0.910
W = w,x = U = v = 0 1.0 0.926

equilibrium state. In Table 25 his results are compared with those obtained by Hoff
and Soong [330] , who neglected the effects of prebuckling deformations. Inclusion of
the effect of the pre buckling deformations reduces the expected buckling loads by
only 15 percent at most. Therefore one must conclude that neither the influence of
the boundary conditions nor the effect of the prebuckling deformations caused by the
edge constraint account for the large reduction in the load-carrying capacity of perfect
cylindrical shells in axial compression nor do these factors explain the large amount of
scatter of experimental results.

Empirically derived design formulas for monocoque cylinders: As a consequence of

the lack of an adequate theoretical analysis, the designers of axially compressed
cylindrical shells have been forced to use empirical methods. In 1957, Harris et al.
[164] made the first attempt to devise a design limit by use of a statistical analysis
of available test results. For different probability levels, a reduction factor ¢ is given
as a function of the radius-to-thickness ratio. Figure 258 shows the design curves for
axially compressed monocoque cylindrical shells.
The disadvantage of this statistical analysis procedure is that some test results affect
the design although they are really irrelevant becaus'! of the manner of fabrication or
their size. There is no bonus for the manufacturer who can produce an almost perfect
For analyses such as that of Ref. [164], it appears that the number of available
tests constitutes a sufficient statistical background as long as the buckling coefficient
for a fixed probability is a function of only one variable, R/t. This is the case for
longer shells; however, for shorter shells the shell length becomes an additional param-
eter and the number of available tests is not really satisfactory.

Design rules for stiffened cylinders: For orthotropic shells or stiffened shells, the
number of influential parameters becomes so large that a purely empirical approach
is out of the question. More or less conservative design principles have therefore been
applied. For stringer-stiffened axially compressed cylinders, it has been quite generally
assumed that the effect of curvature is negligible and thus that the wide-column load
should be applicable as a design limit. This principle has been applied also in the

analysis of buckling between rings (panel buckling) for cylinders stiffened with rings
as well as stringers. An approximate method for determination of the ring size such
that general instability is avoided is given by Shanley [332]. The Shanley method,
being purely empirical and based on a very few test results, is not reliable and in
addition is restricted in application because it cannot be used for a case in which the
stringers are oversized.
In Ref. [333] it is recognized that use of the wide-column load as a design limit for
stringer-stiffened cylinders is unduly conservative. It is suggested that a term be added
to the wide column load which corresponds to the curvature effect. This term repre-
sents a reduction factor times the difference between the classical buckling load and
the wide-column load. After definition of an effective radius-to-thickness ratio, this
factor can be obtained from test data for monocoque shells, as shown in Fig. 258.
The same type of approach is used in Ref. [334], but here the wide-column load is
replaced by the minimum post-buckling load. It was found in the analyses of Refs.
[335] and [336] that the minimum post-buckling load is relatively high for the cases in
which the agreement between test and classical buckling theory is reasonably good, i.e.
for short stringer-stiffened shells, ring-stiffened shells, pressurized shells, and core-filled
shells. As a consequence, the method of Ref. [334] gives goods results for a very
general class of shells. However, it was shown later [325] that the minimum post-
buckling load, if it exists at all, may be much below the results of Refs. [335] and
[336]. Hence, one is reluctant to recommend this method as a design procedure.
In Ref. [337] a set of design rules is given for stiffened cylinders. The same basic
approach is used for the selection of a reduction factor as in Refs. [333] and [334],
but the importance of stiffener eccentricity is recognized and, in view of the results
of Ref. [325], the wide-column load is relatively high (short cylinders, core-filled
cylinders). More rational design criteria are needed, however, for pressurized cylinders
and ring-stiffened cylinders, for which the wide-column load does not take into
account the stabilizing effects of internal pressure and rings. Almroth, et al. [34]
formulated a semi-empirical design method that will be described in more detail

Effect of geometric imperfections: Koiter [15, 298] was the first to formulate a
general theory which in the special case of axially compressed cylindrical shells reveals
the extreme sensitivity of buckling loads to initial geometrical imperfections. The
principal elements of Koiter's theory are outlined in the previous section. In his
doctoral thesis published in 1945, Koiter shows that if certain conditions prevail
in the neighborhood of the bifurcation point, the buckling load of the structure is
sensitive to geometrical imperfections. The axially loaded cylinder was found by
Koiter to be an extreme example of such structures. In addition to the early post-
buckling analyses of perfect shells, which lead to qualitative judgment concerning the
imperfection sensitivity, Koiter presents asymptotic formulas [(74) and (75)] for
determination of the critical load in the presence of small-amplitude imperfections.
Numerical results are given for cases in which the imperfections are axially symmetrical.
Although a most important contribution in the field of thin shell stability, Koiter's
work received little attention until the early 1960's because the thesis was written in
the Dutch language. An English translation by Riks appears as Ref. [338]. Compact

and readable presentations of Koiter's theory are given by Budiansky and Hutchinson
[303] and Budiansky [304,300].
The number of papers on the effect of imperfections on buckling of axially com-
pressed cylinders is large. The reader is referred to the surveys by Hutchinson and
Koiter [6], Tvergaard [7], Budiansky and Hutchinson [299], and Arbocz [339]
for details. Only a few papers which demonstrate the scope of the field will be men-
tioned specifically here.
Donnell and Wan in 1950 [30] were the first in this country to recognize in a
formal theory that geometrical imperfections provide the major reason for the dis-
crepancy between test and theory. Results of their theory, which is described by
Arbocz in [339], are shown in Fig. 20(a). In order to simplify their analysis, Donnell
and Wan made certain assumptions which reduce the work to a qualitative rather than
quantitative demonstration of the importance of imperfections.
The ultimate aim of all imperfection sensitivity analyses is to determine the maxi-
mum load-carrying capability O\s in Figs. 7 and 249;Ps in Fig. 250(a)). The search for
As or Ps has been accomplished in the following ways:

(1) A general imperfection shape containing both axisymmetric and nonsymmetric

components has been assumed, and the nonlinear compatibility and equilibrium
equations of the Kfumfm-Donnell theory [339] have been used to trace the load-
deflection curve up to and perhaps past its maximum. This is the approach taken,
for example, by Donnell and Wan [30], HutchinsQn f3401 , Arbocz and Babcock
[341] , and A.rbocz and Sechler [342] .
(2) An axisymmetric imperfection shape has been assumed and As identified as the
lowest load at which either axisymmetric collapse of nonsymmetric bifurcation
occurs from the axisymmetricaIly deformed prebuckled state. This is the approach
taken by Koiter in his classic paper published in 1963 [343], by Almroth et aI.
[34] in their extension of Koiter's "special theory" [343] for derivation of a
design method for stiffened and internally pressurized cylindrical shells, and by
Tennyson and Muggeridge [344], who investigated the effect of local axisym-
metric imperfections.
(3) Koiter's "general theory" is used to obtain the factor bin Eq. (73). ("a" is zero in
this case because of the periodicity of the buckling mode in the circumferential
direction), and Eq. (75) or its equivalent for the multi-mode case is used to obtain
the peak load As. This approach is used by Hutchinson and Amazigo [345] and
Hutchinson and Frauenthal [346] in their studies of eccentrically stiffened and
barreled cylindrical shells, and by Amazigo and Budiansky [347] in their asymp-
totic treatment of buckling of axially compressed cylinders with localized or
random axisymmetric imperfections.
(4) A "brute-force" approach is used to obtain the peak load As as discussed in the
chapter on nonlinear collapse. For example, the STAGS computer program [48]
has been used for the analysis of axially compressed cylinders with cutouts, as
illustrated in Figs. 47-56, and the BOSOR5 program [47] has been applied to
determine axisymmetric collapse loads of a complex elastic-plastic rocket inter-
stage (Figs. 59-61) and elastic-plastic cylindrical shells (Tables 1 and 2).

Governing equations for asymptotic post-buckling approach

The purpose here is to demonstrate the derivation of the imperfection-sensitivity

parameter b in Eqs. (73) and (75) for an important case in which stiffeners and load-
eccentricity are present and for which it is necessary to account for nonlinear pre-
buckling behavior in the asymptotic analysis. The asymptotic formulation including
nonlinear pre buckling effects was first set forth almost simultaneously by Fitch
[348] and Cohen [349]. The derivation given here follows closely that provided
by Hutchinson and Frauenthal [346] for slightly barreled cylindrical shells.

Karmfm-Donnell equations: These equations can be derived from the nonlinear kine-
matic relations of the Donnell-Mushtari-Vlasov type (see Tables 5-9 of Ref. [430])
with use of the principle of virtual work. Such a derivation is given by Hutchinson and
Amazigo in [345]. Stiffener properties are "smeared out" in the manner of Baruch
and Singer [160] to arrive at effective bending and stretching stiffnesses for the
skin-stiffener combination. The governing equations can be reduced to an equation
for moment equilibrium and a compatibility equation written in terms of the
normal outward deflection of the shell Wand a stress function F:
Ln [W] + LQ [F] = F,xx w,yy + F,yy W,xx - 2F,xy W,Xy (81)
LH [F] - LQ [W] = W~y - W,xx W,yy (82)
in which x and yare the axial and circumferential coordinates in the shell middle
surface. The linear differential operators are defined by
Ln [ = Dxx [ ] ,xxxx + 2Dxy [ ] ,xxyy + Dyy [ ] ,yyyy
LH[ = Hxx [ ] ,xxxx + 2Hxy [ ] ,xxyy + Hyy [ ] ,yyyY' (83)
Formulas for the effective ~ending and stretching stiffnesses are listed in Table 26.
Consideration is restricted here to cylinders (and slightly barreled cylinders) with
an isotropic skin and axial stiffening. Three parameters are needed to characterize the
stiffening properties if the torsional rigidity of the stringers is ignored. These are the
area ratio As/dst, the bending stiffness ratio EIs/Dds and the eccentricity ratio es/t
where As and Is are the area and moment of inertia of the stringer, d s is the distance
between stringers, and es , the distance from the skin middle surface to the stringer
centroid, is taken to be positive when the stiffener is on the outer surface of the shell.
The resultant membrane stresses in the skin Nx,Ny, and N xy and the averaged resultant
membrane stress in the axial stringers Ns are related to the stress function and the
normal displacement by
= F,xx; N xy =
Ny -F,xy
Nx = AxxF,xx + AxyF,yy + Bxx w.xx
with Axx, Axy, and Bxx given in Table 26. In the brief outline of the initial post-
buckling analysis which follows, the general theory will not be repeated but results
from it will be translated directly into the W-F notation of Karmfm-Donnell theory.

Prebuckling analysis: The axisymmetric pre buckling deformation of the perfect shell
can be written as
Table 26. Coefficients for stiffened shells used in the derivation by Hutchinson and Frauenthal [346 J. N
Et 3 _ _ _ _ _ _

(Dxx,Dxy,Dyy) = 2\ CDxx,Dxy,Dyy); (Qxx,QXy,Qyy)=t(Qxx,QXy,Qyy)

1_ _ _ _ __ _
(Hxx,Hxy,Hyy) = - (Hxx , Hxy, Hyy); (Bxx,Bxy,BYX,Byy) = Et 2 (Bxx,Bxy,Byx,Byy)

Axx = VCis/cio Ayy = VCir/Ci o Axy = (1 + Cir)/Ci o Ayx = Cl + Cis)/Ci o

Bxx = Cis'YsCl· + Cir)/ci o Byy = Cir'YrCl + Cis)/Ci o Bxy = VCixCir'Yr/Cio Byx = VCirCis'Ys/Cio
jjxx = 1 + f3s + jjyy = 1 + f3 r + jjXY = 1 + jjyX = jjXY
+ [12 Cl - v 2 )CisCl + Cirh; l/Ci o + [12(1 - v 2 )cirCl + Cish~)/Cio + [12(1 - V2 )VCisCi r'Ys'Yr) /ci o

iixx = [1 + CisCl - v 2 )) /ci o iiyy = [1 + Ci r Cl-v 2 ))/Ci o iixy = (1 + v) - V/Ci o iiyx = iixy

Qxx = VCis'Ys/Ci o Qyy = VCir'Yr/Cio QXY = - [Cis'YsCl + Cl - v 2 )ci r ) + QyX = QXY

+ Ci r'Yr(1 + (1- v 2 ) cis) ) /2Ci o
ciS = As/dst, f3s=E1s/Dds, 'Ys=es/t
Cir = Ar/drf, f3 r Elr/Dd r , 'Yr er/t
= =
Ci o = (1 + Cis) (1 + ci r ) - v 2 CisCi r
S - stringers
r - rings
D = Et 3 /[12(1- v 2 ))

WO = WO(x,P)
FP =- ~ y2 2rrR + fO(x,P)

in which P is the total compressive load applied to the cylinder. Although the pre-
buckling behavior is nonlinear, the two fourth-order differential equations governing
WO and fO are linear in these quantities. These two equations can be reduced to a
single linear fourth-order equation for WO :

CAw o "" + (C B
p)" +Cew o =
+-- WO vA xy P + __
P _ (86)
2rrR 2rrEtHxxR2 2rrRRx

with an auxiliary equation for fO :


, d()
where ( ) = - - and

2Qxx 1
CB - - - ''
- RH
Ce = -2-' (88)
xx R Hxx

Asymptotic analysis: The classical buckling load of the perfect structure is denoted by
Pc. In all the cases examined by Hutchinson and Frauenthal [346] Pc is the load at
which a nonaxisymmetric bifurcation from the pre buckling state occurs. According to
the Koiter theory [15,298,338, 303] an asymptotic perturbation expansion of the
solution, valid in the neighborhood of this bifurcation point, can be obtained in the
- = 1 + a(8/t) + b(8/t)2 + ... (89)
W = WO + 8 W(l) + 8 2 W(2) + ... ; (90a)
F = FO + 8F(I) + 8 2W(2) + .. . (90b)
in which 8 is the amplitude of the buckling mode W(J). [Identify 8/t with Wb and
PIPe with A in Eq. (73).] The prebuckling solution is also expanded about the critical
load [348,349] so that
W ° -_ We + (P-Pc)W e + ,;(P-Pc)
0 '0 1
+ .. . 2 "0
FO = Fg + (P-Pc)Fg + !(p_pc)2Pg + .. .
° °
whereWe=W (x,Pc),W e = aap-
W .° O
I . P=Pe
0 aap2W

The expansions (90a,b) with (91) generate a sequence of linear boundary value prob-
lems corresponding to like powers of 8 and P-Pe . The problem for wg and ftg
follows directly from Eqs. (85-87).

vA xy
---==-- + - - - - -1- w0" (92)
2rrEtHxxR2 2 rrRR x 2rrR c

'0" Q . 0" 1. 0 vA xy
Hxxf c = xxwc + Rwc - 2rrEtR' (93)

The classical buckling problem is a linear eigenvalue problem arising from insertion of
the expansion (90a,b) into Eqs. (81) and (82) and collection of all terms linear in o.
The eigenvalue problem is thus given by

LD [W (1)] + L Q [FO)] + -2rrR

Pc W(l) " - WOc"F(J)
,xx -foc W(I)
,yy ,yy O. (94)

Separated solutions for the buckling mode have the form

W(I)(x, y) = w(l)(x) cos(ny/R)
F(J)(x,y) = f(l)(x) cos(ny/R)
in which n is the number of circumferential waves associated with the buckling mode.
Ordinary differential equations follow directly from insertion of Eqs. (95) into Eqs.
(94). Boundary conditions are listed in the Appendix of [346] .
Anticipating that the post-buckling behavior is symmetric with respect to the sign
of 0 ["a" = 0 in Eq. (89)] , we obtain [by insertion of the expansions (90a,b) with (91)
and (89) into Eqs. (81) and (82) and collection of all terms quadratic in 0] the second-
order linear boundary value problem,

L [W(2)]
+ L Q [F(2)] + 2rrR
Pc W(2) - fO" W(2)
,xx c ,yy

- w~'F,~~ = - !(n/R)2{U(J)w(J»)"
+ cos (2ny/R)(f(J)" w(l) + f(J)w o)" - 2f(l)' w(l)'} (96)
LH [F(2)] - LQ [W(2)] + w~' W,~~ = !(n/R)2{ !(W(1)2)"
+ cos (2ny/R)(w(I)" w(l) - w(J)'Z)}.

These equations can be reduced to two systems of ordinary differential equations with
separation of variables according to
W(2} = wn:(x) + w~(x) cos (2ny/R)
F(2) = fn:(x) + f~(x) cos (2ny/R).
Solutions of the above boundary value problems are sufficient to yield the most
important information about the initial post-buckling behavior and the associated
imperfection sensitivity. In every case considered here the first post-buckling coeffi-
cient, a, in Eq. (89) is zero because the buckling modal displacement WU) and stress
function F(J) are harmonic with respect to the circumferential coordinate y. Therefore,
the initial relationship between the load and the buckling displacement amplitude of
the perfect shell hinges on the sign and magnitude of b. If b is negative the load-
carrying capacity diminishes following buckling and the shell is imperfection-sensitive,
while if b is positive the structure retains some ability to support increased loads once
bifurcation has taken place. Throughout this derivation 8 is consistently identified
with the amplitude of the buckling modal displacement by normalization of the
maximum value of W(l) to be unity. Thus, in Eq. (89) 8/t is the ratio of the buckling
amplitude to the skin thickness and not the effective thickness of the stiffener com-
bination. The formula for b is derived by Fitch [348] to be
b ___ F(2) * (W(l), W(l)) + 2F(l) * (W(l), W(2»)
- Pc [tg * (W O), WO») + 2F(I) * (wg, W(l)]
in which the following shorthand notation has been used

and the integration is over the entire middle surface of the shell.

Initial post-bifurcation load-deflection curve: The initial slope of the generalized

load-deflection curve just following bifurcation yields further information concerning
the extent to which buckling can be expected to be gradual or sudden under the two
limiting conditions of loading: pr~scribed load and prescribed generalized displacement.
The generalized displacement is the average end displacement. For cylindrical shells
this average end displacement can be written as

.a. =f s(Ux-qWxx)dS
' . =f s (€x-!W~-qWxx)dS
. .

where U is the axial displacement and q is the loading eccentricity, that is the distance
from the radius of axial load application to the skin middle surface, positive for loads
outside the middle surface. A Taylor expansion of .a., with use of Eqs. (89-91) yields

.a.c = (~- 1) + ...
1 + a Pc (101)

in which a is a fairly lengthy expression in terms of W(J), F(l), etc. which will not be
given here. A similar calculation yields an expression for a for the barreled cylinders .
.a.c denotes the average end displacement at the critical bifurcation load Pc.

Imperfection sensitivity: Finally, a measure of the imperfection sensitivity of the

structure is most easily obtained by consideration of the effect of an initial deviation
of the shell middle surface from the perfect configuration in the shape of the buckling
mode. Thus with an initial imperfection W= W(J), the maximum support load Ps is
related to the classical buckling load Pc and the imperfection amplitude 8 by the
asymptotic formula [See Eq. (75)] of the form
Ps/Pc = 1 - 3(2f2/3(- b)1I318/tI 2 / 3 + ... == 1 -1.89(- b)I/3 8/ti 2/ 3 • (102)

The imperfection amplitude has been normalized with respect to the skin thickness t.
When the prebuckling state is a purely membrane one, E= b, but in the present case in
which prebuckling deformations are not ignored [348] ,
E= b{~~ * (W O ), W(l») + pO) * (W?' W(l)W
{Pg [Fg * (W O), W(l)) + 2P(l) * (wg, WW)]}2'
Numerical methods used to solve the various boundary-value problems and evaluate b,
E, and 0:: Hutchinson and Frauenthal [346] describe how they solved the boundary
value problems (92,93), (94), and (96) and evaluated b in Eq. (98), 0: in Eq. (101),
and Ein Eq. (103):
"In nondimensional form the several boundary value problems and associated boundary condi-
tions are specified by the following nondimensional quantities: EIs/Dds, As/dst, es/t, q /t, R/R x ,
Z, nL/R and v. The ordinary differential equations for w;), w;), W(I), wa ' w!3' etc., are reduced
to finite difference form and solved by use of a well-known Gaussian elimination scheme due to
Potters [350]. The eigenvalue problem for the classical buckling load and mode can be solved in
the usual way in which the lowest eigenvalue associated with integer values of n is found, and
then the lowest of them all is identified with the classical load. Results were obtained by
treating nL/R as a continuous variable and thus it was not necessary to specify the length-radius
ratio of the shelL This procedure is consistent with the fact that the critical value of nL/R turns
out to be a fairly large number and for an L/R of order unity or less n itself will be fairly large.
Therefore, the results can be regarded as exact for any value of L/R such that the associated
value of n is integer and approximate for other values of L/R with an error in the buckling load
of order lin 2 and an error in b, b and a of order lin. In any case, application of the Donnell-
Mustari-Vlasov strain measures is restricted to shells for which n> 5, say. In every sample
presented (by Hutchinson and Frauenthal [346]) a single buckling mode is associated with the
critical eigenvalue and the expansions (89-91) were made in anticipation of this fact."
"The expressions for b, b and a can easily be reduced to ordinary integrations over the x
coordinate and these integrations were performed with a standard numerical integration scheme.
As a check on accuracy, some examples from reference [345], in which the prebuckling defor-
mation was identically zero and for which closed form series solutions were available, were run
as special cases of the present procedure. With sixty integration stations over the half length of
the shell, accuracy to within about one tenth of one percent could be obtained for the quan-
tities b, band a. Slightly less accuracy should be expected for the cases in which prebuckling
deformations are important. All results are for a Poisson's ratio of 0.3" [346].

Governing equations for the nonlinear approach

In contrast to the method described in the previous section, this is not an asymptotic
approach. The restriction imposed in Koiter's general asymptotic theory that results
are valid only in the neighborhood of the bifurcation point of the perfect structure is
not present. The nonlinear approach is still based on the Karman-Donnell equations,
but in this case a stress-free imperfection shape Wu and series expansion are assumed
for the normal displacement increment w from that corresponding to the perfect shell
in the prebuckling membrane state (W = Wmembrane + w). These expressions are
substituted into the compatibility equation, which is solved exactly for the stress
function P in terms of wmembrane and the assumed increment w. The equilibrium
equation is then converted by means of the Galerkin procedure into a set of simul-
taneous nonlinear algebraic equations in terms of the load parameter /..., the imper-
fection amplitude [, and the undetermined coefficients ~i of the series expansion
assumed for the increment w.

Hutchinson's formulation [340]: The equilibrium equation (81) and compatibility

equation (82) for the initially imperfect cylindrical shell become
LD [W] + LQ [F] = F,xx(W,yy + WO,yy) + F,yy(W,xx + Wo,xx)
- 2F,xy(W,XY + WO,Xy)
LH[F] - LQ [W] = W,Xy(W,Xy + 2Wo,xy) - w,xx WO,yy
- W,yy(W,xx + Wo,xx).
Any radial imperfection pattern Wo can be represented as a double Fourier series in
the axial and circumferential coordinates x and y. For an isotropic shell, Hutchinson
[340] considered a two-term series
Wo = - Lt cos(qox/R) + f2 t cos(!qox/R) cos(!qoy/R) (106)
in which
The first term in Eq. (106) represents an imperfection in the form of the axisymmetric
buckling mode, which Koiter [343] found to be most degrading. The second term
represents a nonsymmetric buckling mode with square buckles, which Koiter [343]
determined corresponds to the critical bifurcation mode of a perfect cylindrical shell
or a cylindrical shell with a small axisymmetric imperfection given by the first term in
Eq. (106). The quantities fl and f2 are the ratios of the amplitudes of the imperfec-
tion components to the shell thickness. [Identify f with 8/t in Eq. (102) and pWimp in
Eq. (75)] .
The total radial displacement W is represented in [340] by
W = Wmembrane +W (108)
in which
W = ~lt cos(qox/R) + ~2t cos (!qo x/R) cos(!qoy/R)
+ ~3t sin(!qox/R) cosC!qoy/R)
with ~l' ~2' b indicating the ratios of the amplitudes of the radial deflection incre-
ment in the axisymmetric and nonsymmetric modes to the shell thickness.
Equation (108) with Eq. (109) is inserted into the compatibility equation (105),
which is then solved exactly for F in terms of W = wmembrane plus the assumed
increment w. The equilibrium equation (104) is then solved approximately by substi-
tution therein of F thus found and the assumed W, with subsequent application of the
Galerkin procedure. Hutchinson [340] thereby obtains the following nonlinear
algebraic equations for the undetermined coefficients ~l' b, and ~3 in terms of the
normalized load parameter A and the imperfection amplitudes fl and f2 for an axially
compressed isotropic cylindrical shell with uniform internal pressure:

A) + 32 C(~2 + 8C~2~2 + A~l
2 2 1 - -
~l (1- - b)

13 2- - - l3c 2 - 2
+ 200 C (~2 + ~2)[~2 ~l + (~l - ~d~2] + 200 (~l - ~db o

_ 3 - - _ -
~2 (1 + p - A) +"2 c~ 1~2 - C~2 ~ 1 + C~l ~2 + (p - A)b

25 C
2 - - -
+ (~1 - ~l )[~l ~2 + ~2(~1 - ~d] (110)


- 3 - 13 2 - 2 1 2 3
~3(1 +P-A)-"2C~lb +C~3~1 + 2S C (~l-~d ~3 + T6 C ~3 a
where c = [3(1 - v2 )] 112 and p == (pR2 jEt 2)[3(1 - v2)] 112.

The normalized axial load parameter A is the ratio of the axial load to the classical
buckling load N CL of an internally pressurized cylinder
Arbocz and Babcock's formulation [341 J: This approach was used by Arbocz and
Babcock [341] ; Singer, Arbocz, and Babcock [351]; Arbocz [339]; and Arbocz and
Sechler [342], who generalized it for application to isotropic and stiffened cylinders
with measured imperfections that do not necessarily resemble buckling modes of the
perfect shell. For example, for axially compressed isotropic cylindrical shells, Arbocz
and Babcock [341] assume that the initial imperfection has the form
- 21TX - 21TX Y - 21TX Y
Wo = ~ltcosiL+~JcoskLcosIR+~3tsinkLcosIR (112)

and the incremental radial deflection w is approximated as

21TX 21TX Y 21TX Y
w = ~ltcosi-+~2tcosk-cosl-+~3tsink-cosl-. (113)
They obtain much more complicated nonlinear equations than (110) for ~l' ~2' and
b in terms of the normalized load parameter A, which simplify to the following if
terms of order [I? , t and ~3 are neglected
~l(el - A) + e 2 [~2[2 - b[3 + hg - ~§)]

+ e 3 [(~2 + [2)~2 - (~3 + [3)~3]

b(e4-A)+8e3[2(~1 +[1)~2 +[2~1]
(I 14)
+ 8e2(~2 + [2)~1 = A[2
~3(e4 - A) - 8e3 [2(~1 + [d~ + L~d
- 8e2(~3 + [3)~1 = A[3
with the coefficients e l , e2 , e3 , and e4 given by

C1 = ~ ( a1 + a~)
c {32
16 a 2

in which

{32 2 Rt
1 -- (1)2 (116)
2c R

Behavior of perfect cylinders: If prebuckling axisymmetric bending due to localized
edge effects is ignored, the post-buckling behavior of perfect axially compressed
isotropic cylindrical shells, as predicted by Eq. (114), is illustrated in Fig. 259. If
C 1 > C4 there is no incremental radial deformation w [Eq. (113)] until the load
parameter A equals C4 • At C4 bifurcation into the b or b mode occurs and the load
A falls along the unstable parabolic post-bifurcation branch with deformation occurring
in both the ~l and ~2 (or ~3) modes. Since the axisymmetric imperfection amplitude
~l = 0, ~l can be either positive or negative. If C 1 < C4 , there is no deformation until
A = C 1 ; then deformation w in the axisymmetric mode ~l occurs at a constant value
of A, since the load-deflection curve corresponding to axisymmetric post-bifurcation
behavior is of the type shown in Fig. 8(a). When ~l attains the value (C4 - Cd/
8(C2 + 2C3 ), bifurcation into the ~2 (or ~3) mode occurs and A falls with deformation
in the ~l and b (or ~3) modes as before. Since ~l = 0, ~l can be either positive or

Figure 259. Postbuckling equilibrium paths for perfect monocoque cylindrical shells under axial
compression. ~, is the axisymmetric and ~2' ~3 are the nonsymmetric components of deformation
(from Arbocz and Babcock [341 J).

As , c;;

.... _... '


Figure 260. Equilibrium path for an imperfect shell (from Arbocz and Sechler [342]).

Behavior of imperfect cylinders: The shell with a general imperfection shape (~l 0 *"
*" *"
and either ~2 0 or both ~2 and ~3 0) behaves as shown in Fig. 260: the bifurcation
point at either C1 or C4 , depending on the geometrical parameters 0:1, 0: 2 , {32 [Eq.
116] , is converted into a limit point As at which snap-through occurs to a nonadjacent
equilibrium state. The behavior for a pure axisymmetric and a two-mode nonsym-
metric imperfection is shown in Fig. 261 for the case C1 > C4 • If the imperfection is
purely axisymmetric (~l 0, ~2 == ~3 == 0), then the prebuckling deformation is
purely axisymmetric until bifurcation of the solution into one of the nonsymmetric
modes occurs. If ~l is negative, then the pre buckling deformation ~l is negative and
bifurcation occurs into the ~2 mode at A== Abif' If ~l is positive, then the prebuckling
deformation ~l is positive and bifurcation occurs into the ~3 mode at the same load
A== Abif' Following bifurcation, the value of A falls along the unstable parabolic
post-bifurcation branch with deformation occurring in the ~2 (or ~3) as well as the
axisymmetric mode ~l' The behavior of a shell with both axisymmetric and one
*" *" *"
asymmetric imperfection Crl 0, ~2 0, ~3 == 0 or ~l 0, ~2 == 0, ~3 0) is shown *"
by the general solution curve in Fig. 261. Here the deformation occurs in both the ~l
and ~2 (or b) modes for any nonzero values of A.
Arbocz and Babcock [341] obtained the maximum value of A(As) by tracing the
curve corresponding to the general solu tion for fixed 0:1, 0: 2 , and {32 in the (A, b)-
plane or the (A, ~3)-plane. The equation of the trace was programmed on the IBM
7094 computer and used in a search for the pair of critical modal components defined

___ C'---,_ _---:

E, ----.......,Jtf-+--.:~--



Figure 261. Post-buckling eqUilibrium paths for imperfect monocoque cylindrical shells under
axial compression (from Arbocz and Babcock [341]).
as that combination of one axisymmetric and one asymmetric imperfection component
that yields the lowest value for As. In their analysis, Arbocz and Babcock [341] chose
k = i/2. Then in the minimization of the buckling load A = C4 corresponding to non-
symmetric deformation, the circumferential wave number I is computed from
ot? + ~2 - a =0 (118)
which is the restriction on the buckling modes imposed by the classical linearized
theory (see Koiter [298]).

Axially compressed monocoque cylindrical shells: numerical results

Cylinders with sinusoidal axisymmetric imperfections: The most significant results

for this problem were obtained by Koiter in 1945 [15,338] and 1963 [343]. They
are given in Fig. 262. The curve labeled "General Theory" corresponds to the asymp-
totic post-buckling analysis [15] which Koiter originally claimed was valid only for
imperfection amplitudes up to about 30% of the shell wall thickness. The two curves
labeled "Special Theory" correspond to an analysis of the type described in the
discussion associated with Eqs. (104-109), which is valid for larger imperfection
amplitudes. In this analysis the cylindrical shell is assumed to have an axisymmetric
imperfection of the form
Wo = - pt cos(2px/R). (119)
The "Special Theory" curves in Fig. 262 correspond to bifurcation loads, as indicated
by the callout "ABIF" in Fig. 261, at which the axisymmetrically deformed prebuckled

z "
z "

~=> ~!f


Figure 262. Critical stress for buckling in an axisymmetric periodic mode for a shell with imper-
fections in the shape of the axisymmetric buckling mode of a perfect cylindrical shell. !J. is ampli-
tude of imperfection as a fraction of shell thickness. A., is critical stress as a function of classical
buckling stress. r2 is a circumfeiential wave parameter, r2 =n 2 (t/R) X 0/[30-/)2)]"2) (from
Koiter [343 J).

shell bifurcates into a nonsymmetric mode. Koiter selected an imperfection shape in

the form of the axisymmetric buckling mode of a perfect shell, for which an axial
wavelength parameter p is given by
The two curves labeled "Special Theory" in Fig. 262 were generated with the assump-
tion that the buckling mode has the form
w(x,y) = tCcos(px/R)cos(ny/R). (121)
It is reasonable to assume that the buckling pattern has twice the axial wavelength of
the imperfection because this choice permits nodes of the buckling modal displace-
ment at locations along the cylinder axis where the induced pre buckling circumferen-
tial tension is maximum and maximum buckling modal radial displacements at loca-
tions where the induced circumferential compression is maximum.
In Fig. 262 T2 is a circumferential wave parameter given by
For normalized imperfection amplitudes J1less than about 0.3 the lowest bifurcation
load i\1 corresponds to T2 = 1/2 (square buckles). Larger imperfections cause buckling
with smaller values of T2 (buckles elongated in the circumferential direction); the
lowest curve in Fig. 262 is the predicted envelope of critical bifurcation buckling
with various T2. This curve represents an upper bound because Koiter's analysis
is based on use of a kinematically admissible approximate buckling modal displace-
ment pattern [Eq. (121)], exact satisfaction of the compatibility equation (l05),
and approximate satisfaction of the equilibrium equation (104) via Galerkin's
For a constant value of T2 = 1/2 and J1 > 0.579 there is no bifurcation buckling
because the stabilizing influence of the increasing meridional curvature as the axial
load is applied to the axisymmetrically wavy shell is more significant than the destabi-
lizing influence of the compressive stress resultants. Similar curves exist for T2 < 1/2
with the envelope of the minima of these curves plotted in Fig. 262.
Although the results of Fig. 262 qualitatively confirm Koiter's general asymptotic
theory, they do not support it conclusively: The curve labeled "General Theory" in
Fig. 262 corresponds to a limit load i\s, such as shown in Figs. 249(b) and 260, whereas
the Special Theory envelope corresponds to bifurcation buckling i\BIF, such as indi-
cated in Fig. 261. It remains to investigate the post-bifurcational behavior of the
axisymmetrically imperfect cylindrical shell. This was done by Budiansky and
Hutchinson [352] and Pederson [353,354]. Results are shown in Fig. 263. Budiansky
and Hutchinson [352] found a transition from unstable to stable post-buckling
behavior as the bifurcation load drops below about 30 per cent of the classical value
(Fig. 263 for ~ = ~C). However, for imperfection wavelengths larger than that of the
classical bifurcation mode, Pederson [353] found that this transition may take place
at bifurcation loads below 15 per cent of the classical value (Fig. 263). In a subsequent
paper Pederson [354] used a Galerkin solution to demonstrate that loads can be
carried above the lowest bifurcation load, even though the initial post-bifurcation
behavior is unstable. All of these results are supported by experimental evidence,

\ \
.8" "
--- unstable postbif. Ib<OI
_ stable postbif. Ib>OJ

~ II, \ •

.6 \~\ \~k=O ' w=1hsrnl,Bx)

\>;;'<~\'lf..fJ=.4I3c .B=Bc for classical axisym. bif. mode
~"~"'~-""''''' k is axial wave parameter for
k=.8 ... ~~~ asym. bit. mode

. ~ I • ~ • I ~ 2
.[hi! [.[hi fJ-l
Figure 263. Bifurcation loads based on nonlinear prebuckling analysis for axially compressed
cylinder with sinusoidal axisymmetric imperfections. Results for (3 = 0.4 (3e are from Ref. [353];
results for (3 = (3e are from Ref. [352] (from Tvergaard [7]).

in that very few test results exist for which the critical axial load is less than about
25% of the classical load.

Cylinders with localized imperfections: Amazigo and Budiansky [347] assumed an

imperfection in the form
Wo = - fte- QX (123)
and developed an asymptotic formula for the buckling load As
(1- As/Ae)3!2 = [3c/23!2] I~I (As/Ae) (124)
in which c == [3(1 - v2 )] 112 and


The length Ie is the half-wavelength of the classical axisymmetric buckling mode.
Hutchinson, Tennyson, and Muggeridge [355] performed a numerical analysis with
use of a "cosine dimple"

= 0
They obtained results for various values of lx/Ie, t'aking into account end effects and
nonlinear pre buckling deformations. They also performed tests on spin-cast epoxy-
plastic cylindrical shells with axisymmetric dimples of the form (127) machined into
them. Figure 264 shows the results of the test and theory of Ref. [355] compared
with the asymptotic solution (124) of Amazigo and Budiansky [347] and the Special
Theory of Koiter [343]. The sensitivity to a dimple of critical length Ie is severe, but
less so than that corresponding to imperfections extending the entire length of the
cylinder in the shape of the axisymmetric bifurcation mode. Similar asymptotic results

oH experiments ~

~ .6
numerical Ilinite length shell),



(""'--: - -
axisymmetric sinusoidal

O. .2 .4 .6 .8 ~ 1.0

Figure 264. Comparison of buckling loads for axially compressed cylinder with axisymmetric
dimple imperfection. Experimental and numerical results are from Ref. [355]; asymptotic results
are from Eq. (124); dashed line corresponds to Koiter's special theory [343] (from Tvergaard [7 J).

have been obtained by Amazigo and Fraser [356] for a circumferentially dimple-
shaped imperfection in a pressurized cylinder. Buckling of axially compressed cylinders
with another type of local imperfection (a cutout) is discussed in the chapter on non-
linear collapse, with results from various tests and analyses appearing in Figs. 47-56.

Cylinders with random imperfections (axial compression or external pressure):

Tvergaard [7] provides a survey:
"While most of the investigations mentioned previously consider deterministic imperfections in
the shape of the critical buckling mode, some research has been directed towards the realistic
situation where imperfections are known as stochastic rather than deterministic properties. One
approach is that taken by Amazigo, Budiansky and others, who consider the initial imperfection
to be a sample function from an ensemble of ergodic, zero-mean, stationary Gaussian random
functions with known autocorrelation. The analyses based on methods of stochastic differential
equations lead to asymptotic estimates of the buckling load corresponding to a given imper-
fection magnitude, and due to the ergodicity hypothesis, this buckling load is given with
probability one. Shell buckling results have been obtained by this method for axially com-
pressed cylinders with random axisymmetric imperfections [347, 357] and for externally
pressurized cylinders with imperfections that vary randomly in the circumferential direction
"Another approach takes an imperfection of given shape with a random amplitude, or the
sum of a finite number of given imperfection shapes with random amplitudes. The applied load
can also be taken as a random parameter. Then, using the deterministic relations between
imperfection parameters and buckling load, the probability that failure occurs can be calculated
provided the joint probability density function of these random parameters is known. Recent
treatment of stochastic stability problems from this point of view, for an axially compressed
cylinder and for other structures, have been given by Roorda and Hansen [359,360], Augusti
and Baratta [361] and Johns [362]. Amazigo [363] has discussed the two different approaches
and used the latter on an externally pressurized cylindrical shell." [7]
Amazigo and Budiansky [347] provide a unified analysis in which they derive asymp-
totic formulas for the maximum load-carrying capability As of axially compressed
cylinders with axisymmetric imperfections of either the modal or random or local
fonn. The fonnulas are written in very similar ways in terms of an appropriate measure
1/ of the imperfection. These formulas are:

For a modal imperfection [of the type in Eq. (119)] :

[2(1 - As/Ac)] 2 = 2(3/12 (A s/A c)1/ (128)
For a random imperfection (over the entire cylinder length):
1/ = ~(l - I} )/(21)1/2 . (131)
For a local imperfection [of the type in Eq. (123)] :
[2(1- As/A c)P/2 = 2(3)3/2(As/Ac)1/ (132)
1/ = ~(l - v2 )1/2 /2 (133)
In Eqs. (128-133)

~ == If~wo(X)eixdX I (134)

with qo given by Eq. (107). Fig. 265 shows how the buckling load As/Ac varies with 1/
in each of the three cases.

Cylinders with internal pressure: Hutchinson [340] calculated the maximum load·
carrying capability of isotropic axially compressed cylindrical shells with various
amounts of internal pressure. His numerical results, some of which are shown in
Figs. 266 and 267, are based on Eqs. (110) with terms of order ~~2, P t and ~3
neglected. The buckling load AM = NCR/NcL , with NCL given by Eq. (111), corre-
sponds either to collapse as shown in Fig. 260 or to bifurcation as shown in Fig. 261,
depending on whether or not the nonsymmetric imperfection component ~2 is present.
In Fig. 266(a) the combinations of ~1 and ~2 are such that the unpressurized
cylinder buckles at AM = 0.7, and in Figs. 266(b,c) the unpressurized cylinder buckles
at AM = 0.5 and AM = 0.3 repsectively. It is clear from the results that the asymmetric
imperfections are smoothed out by the pressure, whereas the axisymmetric ones are
not. If ~1 /~2 is small, AM almost attains the classical value when p is near unity. If,
however, the initial imperfection is purely axisymmetric, the buckling load is much
less influenced by internal pressure, as indicated by the curves for ~1 /r2 = 00.
~ "-
H .-<

~ II



T26 ~
fl-v 2

7). 0~
Figure 265. Dependence of buckling load on imperfection magnitude. Note that 1== qoL/R,
where qo is given by qo = [12(1 - v')] It'(R/f)'12 (from Amazigo and Budiansky [347]).

Figure 267 shows comparisons between the theory of Hutchinson [340] and tests on
Mylar cylinders by Weingarten, Morgan, and Seide [364]. Because Mylar can undergo
fairly large strains before deforming plastically, Weingarten et al. were able to perform
a series of buckling tests on each specimen with increasing internal pressure. Hutchinson
comments on the comparison between test and theory [340] :
"Figure 267 presents two typical test series and three theoretical curves chosen from Fig. 266
which best fit the experimental data. Weingarten et' al. did not report any information with
respect to either the form or magnitude of the imperfection which would permit us to assign
values to ~, and ~,. Certainly the imperfection representation (106) assumed in the analysis
could represent the true imperfection only in an average sense; and especially for p < 1, a
more exact description would require additional asymmetric terms. Nevertheless, the trends
of the present theory are very much like the experimental trends, and the experimental results
can be reproduced by an appropriate a posteriori choice of f, and ~,."
"The radius-thickness ratio of the previously mentioned tests ranged from 200 to 2000,
with the maximum load of the unpressurized shells ranging from about 0.6 of the classical
value at R/t = 200 to 0.3 at R/t == 2000. This R/t dependence is most readily interpreted in
light of the present analysis by associating larger imperfections (relative to the shell thickness)
with larger values of R/t. Indeed, it seems reasonable that such would be the case."
"Judging from the results presented, the relative amount of the axisymmetric imperfection
is small as compared to the asymmetric imperfections in the Weingarten et al. test specimens.
This is particularly the case for specimen 100.2, and the buckling load is only slightly below
the classical value for p > 1, Included in Fig. 267 are data from a series of tests on axially
loaded, pressurized aluminium cylinders performed at the Distance Velocity Laboratory (DVL)

a) ~ 0, ~2 ~ 0.06
b) ~l ~ 0.012, <2 ~ 0.04
c) ~l ~ 0.04, ~2 ~ 0
...J 0.6 (a)
G 0.5
-< 1.0
z 0.8 a) ~l ~ 0, ~2 ~ 0.2
u 0.7 b)
~ 0.017,
~ 0.167
0.047, ~2 ~ 0.095
0.6 d) ~l ~ 0.12, ~2 ~ 0

« 0.5
...J 1.0
0 0.8
0.6 tl co, (2~0.45

(1 ~ 0.037, (2 ~ 0.375
c) ~l ~ 0.145, (2 ~ 0.145
d) ~l ~ 0.25, ~2 ~ 0
0 1 2 3 4
INTERNAL PRESSURE,p ~ (pR 2/Et 2)[3([ _112)1 112

Figure 266. Effects of axisymmetric (L) and nonaxisymmetric (~2) imperfections for axially
compressed monocoque cylindrical shells with internal pressure (from Hutchinson [340]).



x Specimen 100.21 Weingarten et al.
• Specimen 20.3
o Specimen D.V .L.

o~----~----~~-- __ ____
~ ~
o I 2 3 4
INTERNAL PRESSURE, ji~ (pR 2/ElH3([ _112))1/2

Figure 267. Axially compressed monocoque cylindrical shells with internal pressure: comparison
of theoretical results from Figs. 266(b) and (c) with experimental data of Weingarten et al. [364]
and Thielmann [365] (from Hutchinson [340]).
and reported by Thielemann [365]. In this series of tests, new specimens had to be used for
each test; and although the radius and thickness were unchanged, there was undoubtedly some
variation in initial imperfection from specimen to specimen, as indicated by the data scatter.
The important feature of these tests is that the buckling load remains well below the classical
value for values of the pressure parameter well above unity. Axisymmetric initial imperfections
are strongly suspected" [340].

Axially compressed cylindrical panels: Koiter [366] performed an asymptotic post-

buckling analysis of narrow, long cylindrical panels simply supported on the longi-
tudinal edges. If the panel is sufficiently narrow the bifurcation stress is given by
E112 h2 _
a = (1+8 4 ) (136)
c 3(1_Z;2)b 2

in which the important panel "depth" parameter, e, is

e= [12(1-v 2 )]1!4b/[211(Rh)1/2]. (137)
The geometrical parameters in Eqs. (136) and (137) are shown in Fig. 268(a), with
simple support conditions presumed to exist along adjacent stringers. Figure 268(b)

p,U 1t----------.~


(a) (b)

(e) (d)

Figure 268. Post-buckling behavior of axially compressed cylindrical panels of width Jj: (a) panel
nomenclature. Panel is considered to be long and simply supported along straight edges where
stringers exist. (b) Equilibrium paths for initially perfect panels. (c,d) Equilibrium paths for panels
with imperfection amplitude equal to 10% of the shell wall thickness (from Brush and Almroth [4]).
displays load-end-shortening curves for panels with various depths. The post-bifurcation
slope for 8 = 0 corresponds to that of a flat plate (see Fig. 223), and as 8 increases this
slope decreases. Critical loads on panels with 8> 0.64 are sensitive to imperfections,
with this sensitivity increasing toward the value for a complete cylindrical shell as 8
increases, as shown in Fig. 268(c) and (d). These plots (c,d) correspond to panels
with initial imperfections in the form of the classical buckling mode with amplitude
10% of the panel thickness.
Stephens [367] extended Koiter's analysis to include internal pressure and finite
torsional stiffness of the stringers at the panel longitudinal edges. Figs. 269 and 270
exhibit results from Stephens' treatment, which agrees with Koiter's [366] for internal
pressure p = 0 and stiffener torsional rigidity parameter 'Y = O. The dimensionless
critical axial stress is normalized with respect to the classical buckling stress of a
complete cylindrical shell with the same R/t as the panel. The maximum load-carrying
capability As of imperfect panels can be calculated by insertion of the imperfection
sensitivity parameter b into Eq. (75). As expected, both internal pressure and stringer
torsional rigidity reduce the sensitivity of the axial buckling load to initial geometric
imperfections in the form of the classical bifurcation mode.
il = 0.6
:: 2.0 0.7
>< 0.8


~ 0.5

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2

e~ 0.6

- 1. 2 ~_"--_'--_'--_'--_"---..J
o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2

Figure 269. Axially compressed monocoque cylindrical panel: critical stress ucr and initial
imperfection sensitivity b vs. internal pressure p for various values of (j at 'Y = O. (Note the stringer
torsional rigidity parameter
'Y == qo GJ/(DR) with q 0 = [12(1 -1'2))"4(R/t)'!2 and D = Et 3/[12(1 -I' 2)))
(from Stephens [367)).

o "


o'---......L.---L-_--'-_ _...l...._....J
o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0


y = 100

y = qo GJ/OR

-1.0 ......_...J..._ _.l...-_--'-_ _-L-_.....J

o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Figure 270. Axially compressed monocoque cylindrical panel: typical curves for Ocr and b at
e=,O.9 as a function of internal pressure and for various values of torsional rigidity 'Y (from
Stephens [367]).

Axially compressed oval cylinders: In the chapter on nonlinear collapse is given an

example of buckling of an oval cylinder subjected to uniform axial compression.
Load:deflection curves for perfect and imperfect oval cylinders are exhibited in
Fig. 57. These results were obtained by "brute force" from a two-dimensionally
discretized model analyzed with the STAGS computer program [48]. This problem
poses a special difficulty for the analyst because the maximum load-carrying capability
occurs at an equilibrium state that is not in the neighborhood of the initial bifurcation
point, and the deformations at this far post-buckled state do not at all resemble the
classical bifurcation mode. Figure 271 shows schematically load-end-shortening
behavior for three values of eccentricity B/A: Fig. 271(a) corresponds to B/A == 1.0
or near 1.0, Fig. 271(b) corresponds to B/A < 1.0, and Fig. 271(c) corresponds to
B/A ~ 1.0. Kempner and Chen [368] studied the far post-buckling range in 1964;
Hutchinson [249] performed an asymptotic Koiter-type post-bifurcation analysis in
1968; and Kempner and Chen [248] used a perturbation method to obtain load-
deflection curves in the near post-buckling region while retaining the capability to
predict equilibrium states in the far post-buckling regime in 1968.
Figures 272 and 273 show some of Hutchinson's results from the asymptotic
treatment. In Fig. 272, Mode I indicates buckling which is symmetrical about the
end of the minor axis; Mode II indicates anti-symmetry about this point. Figure 207
displays typical bifurcation modes of Types I and II predicted from an analysis with
BOSOR4 [14] in which an oval cylinder is modeled as a torus. Figure 273 shows
Type I modes predicted by Hutchinson [249] for various B/A. The quantity Ro is the

pI pI



B/A =1 B/A < 1

a) Circular cylinder b) Eccentric oval cylinder


B/A « 1

c) Eccentric oval cylinder (imper-


Figure 2 71. Schematic load-deflection curves for axially compressed oval cylindrical shells
(adapted from Hutchinson [249]).

radius of an "equivalent cylinder", that is, a cylinder with perimeter equal to the
perimeter of the oval cylinder. RB is the radius of curvature at the end of the minor
axis B. Figure 272 shows that flatter oval cross sections are less imperfection sensitive
than are circular-cylinder-like geometries, a result which follows intuitively from the
post-buckling behavior of axially compressed cylindrical panels exhibited in Fig. 268:
the flat oval cylinder resembles two cylindrical panels placed opposite one another.

Axially compressed stiffened and composite cylindrical shells: numerical results

Asymptotic post-buckling analysis of axially stiffened cylinders: The results shown in

this section were derived by Budiansky and Hutchinson [305] and their coworkers
., \\
13 \

0.2 0.4 06 0.8 10


Figure 272. Classical buckling and imperfection sensitivity parameter b of elliptical cylindrical
shells under axial compression. Ro is the radius of the equivalent circular cylinder (same perimeter)
(from Hutchinson [249)).


';'21'-:.'1 ~,n~=
r-I 0.8



til 01

~ .010
0.1 04 0.6 DB 1.0
2 qo"


Figure 273. Circumferential variation of buckling mode amplitude (Mode 1) for axially com·
pressed oval cylinder [qo == [12(1-V 2)JII4(R o /t)II2) (from Hutchinson [249)).

[345, 346] from specialization of Koiter's asymptotic theory [IS, 298, 303, 304].
The theory is summarized in the discussion associated with Eqs. (81 )-(1 03). Budiansky
and Hutchinson [305], in reporting on the work of Hutchinson and Amazigo [345] ,
wrote in 1966:
"There has been much interest recently in the exciting rediscovery of van der Neut's early
theoretical observation [369], now well confirmed by tests, that outside stringers can be much
more effective than inside stringers in stiffening a circular cylinder against buckling under axial
compression. It has been suggested occasionally that classical theories of buckling should be
reliable for the quantitative prediction of the buckling loads of stiffened cylinders, regardless of
whether the stiffeners are inside or outside. Recent calculations [345], however, have shown
this not to be so, and an example is given in Fig. 274 for a simply supported cylinder. If tor-
sional stiffness of the stringers is neglected, three parameters are needed to characterize the
stiffening. These are the area ratio As/dt; the bending stiffness ratio EIs/Dt; and the eccentricity
ratio (1 -v')lt, (s/t) where s, the distance from the skin center line to the centroid of the
stringer, is considered to be positive for outside stiffening. The values chosen for these non-
dimensional parameters in the present example correspond to only moderately heavy stiffening
and are shown in Fig. 274. The curves at the top of Fig. 274 give, as a function of Z, the buck-
ling load per unit circumference of the stiffened cylinder divided by the corresponding quantity
for the unstiffened cylinder, and were calculated on the basis of "smeared-out" stiffener pro-
perties. These results imply the superiority of outside over inside stringers. This conclusion,
however, clearly must be tempered by the results for the post-buckling coefficient b which
show that the cylinder with outside stiffening generally is much more imperfection-sensitive
than the one with inside stiffening. It should be emphasized that the coefficient b in this figure
still is defined with respect to buckling displacements normalized by the skin thickness and not
by any larger effective thickness of the shell-stringer combination. Consequently, over a sub-
stantial range of Z in the vicinity of 100, it appears that the effects of initial imperfections in
reducing the strength of cylinders with outside stringers below the theoretically predicted
classical buckling loads would be by no means negligible. On the other hand, it is interesting
to note that in the range of high Z above 1000 both inside and outside stiffeners induce quite
comparable imperfection sensitivity, and so the benefits of outside stiffening would appear to be

10 '\

~~s = 100

~ t=±5.77

10 100 1000 IO,OCX)

Figure 274. Classical buckling and imperfection sensitivity of simply supported stiffened cylinders
under axial compression (from Budiansky and Hutchinson [305]).
quite dependable in this range. In any event, the most important conclusion to be drawn is that,
without supporting evidence, either experimental or theoretical, it would be incorrect to assume
that classical buckling theory is adequate for the prediction of the buckling strength of
stiffened cylinders under axial compression, especially if the stiffening is on the outside." [305]

Table 27. Bifurcation and imperfection sensitivity of axially compressed, axially stiffened barreled
cylindrical shells (from Hutchinson and Frauenthal [346]).
» »
"~ Po
.~ .~
» ... ... ~
:-8"',!:J '.0
•• N~
'0 .,
E to ~
:5 -5to ;§'"

....\:)., .....I » ~
§ s:: ... .lo: to
Ec: .1::
3.... '" ~ ~ Po
.....o 0/) u

U .j:l
~ 3 c: § S 0/)

o ...
g.~ ....
.g 0
't ~;§

~.t: u ~ ... I-< ',;:1 ~... Po-:;j

to ~2 ~~~ .9 u ..... u
..c:::" u
.,... S ., ~t)~
.,... § u '" ,!:J~ o ...

., U
'" '" ~
... § ,!:J~ .... .,~
.S '"....l
., ~
.~ ~ 0,'
S. '8
§ II ...
.1:: 0, ... ., Po~.g o,!:J
I-< to
0 ~ .~
up., ~ S to ...
..§ (g
....IN OIl U .... 0, 0, Po .... 0, OIl to

es qs ZR (PC)stiff. nL
Z b Jj et e'bt
Rx (Pc )unstiff. R
500 6 0 10.44 10.45 - 0.056 -0.064 -135 45
1000 6 0 6.07 17.0 -0.046 -0.040 -135 45
* -135
2000 6 * 0 4.48 22.0 -0.036 - 0.032 45
3000 6 0 3.96 24.3 -0.024 -0.024 -135 45
* 27.2 - 0.016 -135
5000 6 * 0 3.50 - 0.016 45
500 -6 0 4.33 11.3 - 0.0065 -0.0077 -125 45
1000 -6
* 0 2.64 14.7 -0.0094 -0.0098 -130 45
2000 -6
* 0 1.96 18.8 -0.013 -0.013 -133 45
* 21.8 -0.013 -133 45
3000 * 0 1.79 -0.013
5000 -6 0 1.71 26.3 -0.012 -0.012 -134 45
1000 6 10 7.44 15.7 -0.046 - 0.033 -135 45
* 20 8.64 -0.044 -135 45
1000 6 15.0 -0.026
* 14.5 -135
1000 6 30 9.58 -0.040 -0.020 45
1000 6 * 50 10.89 13.9 - 0.033 -0.013 -135 45
1000 6 * 70 11.79 13.4 -0.026 - 0.0088 -135 44
1000 6 * 90 12.46 12.8 -0.022 - 0.0058 -135 44
1000 -6 10 3.28 14.2 - 0.016 - 0.017 -133 45
* 20 4.15 - 0.021 -134
1000 * 13.7 -0.022 45
1000 -6 30 5.20 13.3 - 0.023 - 0.023 -135 45
1000 -6 * 40 6.18 13.4 - 0.020 -0.020 -134 45
1000 -6 50 6.85 14.6 -0.012 - 0.012 -133 45
1000 * 60 7.31 15.2 - 0.0086 - 0.0083 -131 45
300 6 0 0 8.79 6.5 -0.012 -0.0042 -142 36
500 6 0 0 5.04 10.6 -0.029 -0.013 -136 43
750 6 0 0 3.75 13.1 -0.034 - 0.021 -135 44
1000 6 0 0 3.25 14.3 -0.030 - 0.023 -135 45
300 -6 0 0 1.18 9.9 0.011 0.011 20 45
500 -6 0 0 1.04 11.1 - 0.0024 - 0.0025 -17 45
750 -6 0 0 0.996 12.5 - 0.0059 -0.0062 -90 45
1000 -6 0 0 0.978 13.5 -0.0094 - 0.099 -109 45
300 -6 -6 0 4.08 7.0 -0.020 -0.027 -134 44
500 -6 -6 0 2.35 9.4 - 0.015 -0.015 -132 45
750 -6 -6 0 1.72 11.2 -0.014 - 0.014 -131 45
1000 -6 -6 0 1.48 12.6 -0.014 - 0.014 -131 45
*Clamped boundary conditions.
t Given to closest degree.
The results of Hutchinson and Amazigo [345] are based on use of the membrane
prebuckling state. Hutchinson and Frauenthal [346] extended the treatment of [345]
to account for nonlinear prebuckling behavior and barreling of the cylinder generator
[Rx =1= 0 in Eq. (86)]. Some of their results are given in Table 27 and Figs. 275-278.
Figure 275 shows the buckling load, the imperfection-sensitivity parameter b
[Eq. (103)] and the initial slope e of the load-end shortening curve [Eq. (101)] as
functions of the length parameter Z for a cylinder which is both simply supported
and loaded at the skin middle surface. The same parameters are displayed in Fig. 276
for a completely clamped cylinder. Numerical data from which these figures were
plotted are given in Table 27 along with data for other quantities such as b, nL/R, and
e~, the slope of the prebuckling load-end shortening curve at the critical load. The
stringer parameters are EIs/Dds = 100, As/dst = 1, and es/t = ± 6. To emphasize the
role of stiffening, Hutchinson and Frauenthal normalized the buckling load of the
stiffened shell (Pdstili. by the "classical" buckling load of a long unstiffened cylinder
with the same radiusR and skin thickness t.
Inclusion of nonlinear pre buckling effects does not alter the conclusions demon-
strated in Fig. 274 that location of the stringers on the outer surface of the shell
enhances the resistance to buckling but simultaneously increases the sensitivity to
initial geometric imperfections, at least over some of the range of Z. The shell con-
sidered in Fig. 275 is identical to one of the examples analyzed in Ref. [345]. A
comparison of the two sets of results demonstrates that pre buckling deformations must
be correctly accounted for if accurate quantitative values are to be obtained. However,
the trends indicated by the simpler analysis of Ref. [345] are unchanged.
For clamped shells, Fig. 276 indicates that the imperfection sensitivity of externally
stiffened shells as measured by b diminishes steadily as Z becomes large. In contrast,
however, the initial slope e of the post-buckling load-end shortening curve is very
negative, which suggests that buckling of a nearly perfect shell will not be gradual
even under prescribed end displacement though the sensitivity to imperfections is
very low. This example reveals that band e must in general be regarded as measures of
two different characteristics of a structure. The parameters characterizing the shell in
Fig. 276 correspond quite closely to some of the test specimens discussed by Card and
Jones [370]. The values of Z associated with these specimens were well above 1000,
and the buckling behavior of the stiffened cylinders seems to be consistent with the
theoretical prediction of catastrophic buckling under prescribed end displacement
coupled with relatively low imperfection sensitivity.
The simply supported cylinders discussed in connection with Fig. 275 were assumed
to be supported at the skin middle surface with the axial load acting through the skin
middle surface as well. Therefore, the axial load induces an end moment about the
effective centroid of the skin-stiffener combination. In the case of the internally
stiffened shells this moment induces a compressive hoop stress which tends to lower
the buckling load. If the inside-stiffened cylinders were supported at the centroid of
the stringers, then the prebuckling moment would have the opposite effect. Examples
of this effect are given in Figs. 128-132.
In Fig. 277 is presented an example which illustrates the extent to which the load
eccentricity influences the initial post-buckling behavior. The int~rnally stiffened shell
marked "loaded at skin centroid" is the same as that considered in Fig. 275. The

A, E Is
10 d;I'" Dds '100

cf'clsn ..
H ('!t-",3
::0 2.

1-1.89 (-b)' 'T'
P, - ~ "8 ....
.01 T"

"'" b
~ (


-03 7
4 (IN~'f:~FENING


0 -2
7r "
-3f :.-------
300 500 700 900 Hoo

Figure 275, The effect of stringer eccentricity on the buckling and post-buckling behavior of
axially stiffened cylindrical shells which are simply sup_ported at the skin middle surface and
loaded in axial compression (from Hutchinson and Frauenthal [346]),

curves labeled "loaded at stringer centroid" are for the same shell but, as discussed
above, simply supported at the centroid of the stringers. Loading eccentricity is
clearly a very important factor in determining the buckling load particularly in the
lower range of Z. At the same time, the imperfection sensitivity and the tendency
for catastrophic buckling go up sharply along with the buckling load. This is a common
trend in shell buckling: design changes which raise the bifurcation buckling load of
the perfect shell without increasing the amount of material tend also to increase the
sensitivity of the critical load to initial geometric imperfections. We have seen this
phenomenon in the case of optimization (Figs. 235-244) and will see it again in a
following section on buckling of aXially compressed cylindrical shells made of lami-
nated composite material.
Figure 278 shows the effect on bifurcation buckling and early post-buckling
behavior of a small barreling of the cylinder. The usual quantities are plotted versus
the shell rise parameter 8 [1 - V 2 ]lJ2 Hit. Even slight barreling, corresponding to a
rise at the equator of only several skin thicknesses, has a pronounced effect on the
buckling load.
The externally stiffened shell is a good deal more imperfection-sensitive than the
internally stiffened one in this example when neither is barreled, Any amount of

c;;t:I, I.!1."

C 8
°",., ('l:)n., •.
-(I!-)- 4
r',.,: C UNSTI'FF. 3



'''""" ii



uo. -125°
V> _130°


500 1000 2000 5000


Figure 276. The effect of stringer eccentricity on the buckling and post-buckling behavior of
clamped, axially stiffened cylindrical shells which are loaded in axial compression (from Hutchinson
and Frauenthal [346]).

barreling seems to diminish the sensitivity of the externally stiffened cylinder, while it
increases the sensitivity of the internally stiffened one over the range in which its buck-
ling load rises rapidly with increasing barreling. However, once the barreling is suffi-
ciently large to cause little further increase in the classical load, then even greater
barreling seems to have as its main effect a decrease in the imperfection sensitivity.
This is an example which is counter to the trend just discussed, that design changes
which tend to raise the bifurcation buckling load also increase the imperfection
As a conclusion to their study, Hutchinson and Frauenthal wrote [346] :
"In general, stiffening lowers imperfection sensitivity. Some tests on carefully prepared cylin-
ders with moderately heavy stiffening suggest that loads close to those predicted for the perfect
structures can be obtained, although it is not entirely clear what boundary conditions actually
have been enforced in a number of these tests [153], [371]. More lightly stiffened cylinders
show much greater discrepancies between predictions for the perfect shells and tests [153].
Recently the assertion has been made to the effect that the classical buckling analysis should
adequately predict the actual buckling loads of cylindrical shell structures with practical levels
of stiffening [372], [373]. The present results suggest that perhaps such a blanket assertion
may be incautious until further studies and tests to determine optimal configurations of stiffen-


~=\ ~=100 ~=-6

dsl 'Ods 't








Z 0. Pc
H /
iOlfil IT SKIN
up.. -4 6
IUl -2

Figure 277. The effect of load eccentricity on the buckling and post-buckling behavior of axially
stiffened cylindrical shells which are sirn ply supported at either the centroid of the skin or the
centroid of the stringers and subject to axial compression (from Hutchinson and Frauenthal [346] ).

ing, barreling, etc., have been carried out. This note of caution seems to be further justified
since catastrophic buckling has been observed in a number of the tests reported in the recent
literature." [346]

Laminated cylindrical shells made of composite material: When composite materials as

opposed to metals are used in plate and shell structures, the following questions arise:
(1) Metal plates, stiffened shells, and shallow cylindrical panels with supported edges
can sometimes carry loads considerably in excess of the lowest bifurcation buckling
load. The skin may buckle locally, transferring its load to adjacent structural
elements. Examples include axially compressed oval cylinders (Fig. 57), the
pear-shaped cylinder (Fig. 58), and stiffened panels with oversized stringers
(Fig. 243). In view of the brittleness of composite materials, will designs which
permit local buckling remain feasible?
(2) Are cylinders of composite material (with anisotropy and membrane-bending
coupling) more or less imperfection sensitive than isotropic cylinders?
(3) Will the actual size of typical geometric imperfections in practical applications be
more or less severe than they are in metal cylinders?
(4) Do other types of imperfections such as voids and deraminations affect the
buckling load for structures made of composite material?



As Efs
~=I'DdS ::\00
Z:: fi"='V2 (L2 /Rt)= 1000

o 20 40 60 80 100
rt=Vi £ = 8/hi t
Figure 278. The effect of barreling on the buckling and post-buckling behavior of clamped,
axially stiffened cylindrical shells subject to axial compression (from Hutchinson and Frauenthal
[346 J).

A number of publications attempt to answer the question of whether cylindrical

shells of composite material are more or less sensitive to small geometric imperfections
than are isotropic cylinders. Use of a nonlinear analysis [374] , Koiter's general theory
[375], and Koiter's special theory [376] indicate that in comparison to isotropic
cylinders, composite cylinders may be somewhat less sensitive to geometric imper-
fections. Also, in keeping with the trend mentioned above, it is clear that cylinders
with close to optimum fiber orientation are most sensitive. This is illustrated by
Figs. 279 and 280. Other results for buckling of composite cylinders are shown in
Figs. 144-146.
The possibility remains that composite cylinders, while less sensitive to imper-
fections, as manufactured display more severe imperfections and therefore possibly
more severe knockdown factors. Additional observations of experiments and measure-
ments on practical structures are required before this question can be satisfactorily
answered. The possibility must be faced that the composite material plates and shells
contain flaws of other types than those that affect isotropic cylinders. It does not
seem likely that delaminations will pass undetected through any reasonable inspection
if they are large enough to cause the type of separate buckling that is discussed in
[377]. However, smaller delaminations will still reduce the stiffness of the shell.



_ 800


:3 600

~ Boron-Epoxy

§;5 400
Three layers (8, - 8, 0)


10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90


Figure 279. Effect of initial imperfection amplitude (w o ) on the buckling load of composite
cylinder (results obtained by Khot [374]).

Although the results of the bulk of test data seem to be reassuring, the fear that
repeated loading can cause a growth of such flaws is not completely dispelled.
A final evaluation of the state of the art must, of course, be based on results from
laboratory tests and from the experience acquired by use of composite material in
structural applications in the past. Many experimental results on the buckling of
composite material plates and shells have been pres~nted over the last few years. In
general, they tend to indicate that the theory for composites is approximately on a
par with the theory for metal shells with respect to its reliability. It is prudent to
assume, however, that quality control may be better for laboratory test specimens
than for mass-produced structural components. The literature scanned during a recent
evaluation of the state-of-the-art [378] contains little information about the per-
formance of actual hardware.
In Ref. [34] a procedure is presented for calculation of a lower bound to the
buckling load. This procedure, to be described in more detail later, is based on Koiter's
special theory [343] and the assumption that cylinders with the same effective radius-
to-thickness ratio, (R/t)e' have identical dimensionless amplitudes of axisymmetric
imperfections when these imperfections are expressed as a percentage of the wall
thickness of an equivalent isotropic shell with the same wall radius of gyration as that
of the composite cylinder. Predictions with use of this method were compared in
1970 to the test results on composite cylinders available at that time. All the test



V> 800


~ 600

'"u 400

Boron Epoxy
Three Layers (8,-8,0)

O~~--~--~~---L __L-~__~__~~
o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Figure 280. Effect of initial imperfection amplitude Wo on the buckling load of composite
cylinder. (Predictions are from Koiter's general theory, obtained by Khot and Venkayya [375]).

specimens failed above the prediction by this lower-bound method. However, a com-
parison shows that the procedure is only slightly less conservative than direct appli-
cation of the knockdown factor for the equivalent isotropic cylinder with the same
(R/t)e. A similar evaluation of results obtained in later experimental investigations
would be of value. As of this writing there is little reason to recommend different
knockdown factors for cylinders of composite materials under axial compression
than those chosen from charts such as Fig. 258 for the equivalent isotropic cylinder.
For cylinders in torsion or external pressure, a knockdown factor of about 0.8 seems
to be appropriate (see [172)). For fairly wide cylindrical panels (or local buckling
between stiffeners of complete cylinders) the results in Ref. [379] indicate that
knockdown factors similar to those for complete cylindrical shells must be used.
Of course, for narrower panels the situation is more favorable, as has just been shown
for isotropic panels (Figs. 268, 269): Sufficiently narrow panels of isotropic material
are able to carry loads above the critical load. Due to brittleness, such use must be
further tested before it can be recommended for the design of panels made of compo-
site materials.
It must be noted that in a few experiments extremely low buckling loads were
obtained and were discarded as not being representative. It is possible that similar test
results went unreported in other cases. While test results generally support the use of
composite materials in stability-critical structural components, some doubts remain
and additional research is advisable. This is particularly true if composite materials are
to be used at elevated hygrothermal conditions. The effects of the viscoelastic nature
of the matrix in these applications appears to be essentially unexplored. Such special
problems as nonlinear stress-strain curves for shear or different moduli in tension and
compression seem to have little effect on the critical load. However, more research
should be devoted to the effects of transverse shear and certainly additional experi-
mental results are most welcome. Finally, the development of methods for non-
destructive testing, possibly based on the Southwell plot (see [379], for example),
may eventually allow the designer of composite shells to sleep well at night.

Calculation of load-carrying capability based on measurements of imperfections

In the applications described so far the imperfection has been assumed either to be
proportional to the buckling mode or to be a known localized disturbance, usually
an axisymmetric dimple of deterministic form. Arbocz, Babcock, Sechler, and their
coworkers at the California Institute of Technology [339] have developed techniques
for measuring cylindrical shells and generating double Fourier series representations

T 1


SliELL All_I .loT p/p.,.on





Figure 281. Initial imperfections (a) and nonnal displacement increment (b) at axial loads n'ear
collapse of stiffened and monocoque cylindrical shells (from Arbocz (339).

of the imperfections. Figure 281(a) shows typical imperfection fields measured for a
stringer-stiffened shell, a ring-stiffened shell, and a monocoque shell. Figure 281(b)
shows the surface condition at axial loads about ten percent below the failure loads.
Using a nonlinear analysis based on the Karman-Donnell equations (104) and (105)
with imperfections and incremental normal displacement of the forms given by Eqs.
(112) and (113), respectively, Arbocz et al. [339] calculated maximum loads As which
generally explain approximately 60% to 80% of the difference between the classical
buckling load and the test load. Particularly interesting is the unexpected growth of
nonsymmetric deflection patterns with long axial wavelengths in the cases of the
ring-stiffened and isotropic shells. It is very likely that extension of the series expan-
sions (112) and (113) would bring test and theory into better agreement.
Arbocz and Williams [380] carefully measured a lO-ft. diameter stiffened cylinder
photographed in Fig. 282(a). The measured imperfection field is shown in Fig. 282(b).
Calculating collapse loads from the theory given in Eqs. (104) and (105) with Eqs.
(112-118), they concluded that the lowest predicted buckling load compares favor-
ably with values usually recommended for the design of similar shell structures.
Unfortunately, no test results are available for the lO-ft-diameter shell.

Design method for axially compressed cylinders

Almroth, Burns, and Pittner [34] suggest the following semi-empirical method for
evaluating designs of practical cylindrical shells which may be pressurized, stabilized
by an elastic core (such as a solid propellant rocket motor), stiffened, of laminated
composite wall construction, and etc. An effective radius-to-thickness ratio (R/t)e is
first calculated from the formula
(R/t)e = R[S.46(C44 +CSS)C22/(CllC22 -Ci2)r l12 (138)
C44 _ Ci4
C ll
CS5 C 55 --.
The Cij in Eq. (138) are the coefficients of the integrated constitutive law for the
complex shell wall which relate the stress and moment resultants to the reference
surface strains, changes in curvature, and twist:

Nl C ll Cl2 0 C l4 CIS 0 el

N2 C l2 C22 0 C24 C2S 0 e2

N12 0 0 C 33 0 0 C36 el2 (140)

MI C l4 C 24 0 C44 C4S 0 KI
M2 CIS C25 0 C4S CS5 0 K2

Ml2 0 0 C36 0 0 C66 2Kl2


.1- INCH
f I TO,225INCH
4,5 INCH ---1

~1 r0351NCH







Figure 282, (a) Internally stiffened aluminum cylinder, (b) measured initial shape of the fO-ft-
diameter integrally stiffened shell (from Arbocz and Williams [380]),

The Cij are given in Ref. [430] by Eqs. (85) for the general case and by Eqs. (205)-
(208) for laminated composite shell walls.
Corresponding to the effective radius-to-thickness ratio (R/t)e calculated from
Eq. (138), a knockdown factor ¢ is read from one of the three empirically derived
curves in Fig. 258 corresponding to isotropic cylindrical shells. (Almroth et al. recom-
mend the 99% probability curve.)
Buckling loads for the trial complex design in question are then calculated in two
(1) from a wide-column formula which includes a stabilizing contribution due to the
curvature and
(2) from a computer program based on an extended version of Koiter's Special
Theory [343] which is based on the assumption that the imperfection is axisym-
metric and which accounts for stiffeners, orthotropic laminated skin, elastic core,
and internal pressure.

Critical load from wide-column theory: The critical axial load/length of circumference
calculated from the modified wide-column formula is
NCR = N wc + ¢(NCL -Nwc) (141)
in which the wide·column buckling load N wc is given by
N wc = C44 (TT/L)2 (142)
for shells without elastic cores and
N wc = 1.l9(C44 )1I3 [Ec/(1 - vb)] 2/3 (143)
for shells with an elastic core of modulus Ec and Poisson's ratio vc. In Eq. (141) the
second term on the right-hand side represents the contribution due to the curvature
NCL is the classical buckling load calculated from a theory such as that given in
Eqs. (81), (82), and (94) with use of Table 26, but extended to include internal
pressure and an elastic core. A formula for NCL is given in the appendix of Almroth,
Burns, and Pittner's paper [34]. The quantity ¢ in Eq. (141) is the knockdown factor
read from the appropriate curve in Fig. 258 corresponding to the (R/t)e calculated for
the trial design from Eq. (138). This knockdown factor is applied to the difference
N CL - N wc because only that part of the axial load is sensitive to initial imperfections,
the wide-column post-buckling behavior being characterized by the curves shown in

Critical load from extended version of Koiter's special theory: The critical axial
load/length of circumference computed from the extended version of Koiter's special
theory (axisymmetric imperfection) is the lowest real root of the equation
N8R + OiN't:R + {3NCR + 'Y = 0 (144)
in which Q, (3, and 'Yare complicated formulas that depend on the geometric and ma-
terial properties of the shell wall and stiffeners, the core modulus, the internal pressure,
the assumed buckling pattern wave numbers in the axial and circumferential directions,
and the amplitude /-l and axial wavelength Ann p of the axisymmetric imperfection.

The amplitude J1 of the axisymmetric imperfection is determined a priori in the

following way: A knockdown factor cp corresponding to (Rlt)e is read from the
appropriate curve in Fig. 258. Corresponding to this value of cp the results of Koiter's
Special Theory for isotropic shells are used to obtain J1. Thus, the dimensionless imper-
fection amplitude J1 is read from the lowest curve in Fig. 262 for Al = NCR/NcL =
cpo The actual imperfection amplitude to be used for the Koiter-theory analysis of
the trial design is then given by the product J1te' where te is the effective thickness
obtained from Eq. (138).
It is assumed in the analysis that the axial wavelength of the buckling pattern is
twice the wavelength of the initial imperfection pattern. It is assumed also that the
normalized imperfection amplitude J1 for the equivalent monocoque cylinder is appli-
cable to any sinusoidal pattern of imperfections whose wavelength Aimp is equal to or
larger than the critical wavelength Ac for axisymmetric buckling of the perfect shell.
The computer program in which the extended Koiter-type analysis is implemented
first computes Ac. (In the presence of an elastic core iteration is required.) The critical
load NCR is then determined from Eq. (144) for a series of imperfection wavelengths
AimP until a minimum is found. The half-wavelength of the buckling pattern, which is
twice that of the imperfection, is not allowed to exceed the shell length. In addition,
the critical load NCR is, of course, minimized with respect to the number of circum-
ferential waves. Formulas for the coefficients a, (3, 'Y in Eq. (144) are given in the
appendix of Ref. [34] .

Design philosophy: The design philosophy in Ref. [34] is based on the assumption
that both the wide-column method and the Koiter theory method are conservative.
Consequently, in a particular case the higher of the predictions from the two methods
is used as the design critical load. The computer program which generated the results
to be described next is listed in Ref. [381].

Numerical results: In Fig. 283 comparisons between test and theory are shown for
more than 250 cylinders of different types. The reference numbers correspond to the
references given in the paper by Almroth et al. [34]. In Fig. 283(a), the test results
are compared with the critical load N CL according to classical theory. Although all the
theoretical results are for cylinders with simply supported edges, the test conditions
are probably more likely to correspond to clamped edges. For most cases, it is believed
that the influence of the edge conditions is inSignificant, but there may be instances,
especially for stringer-stiffened shells, in which the test results would have been
considerably lower if the conditions of simply supported edges could have been
realized. This is illustrated in the tables of Ref. [153] for some stringer-stiffened and
some filament·wound cylinders, and it explains why three of the test results are above
the classical load.
In Fig. 283(b), 283( c), and 283( d), the test results are compared with the higher of
the two predictions from the modified wide-column formula, Eq. (141), or the Koiter-
type theory, Eq. (144). Figure 283(b) corresponds to the use of the 50 percent proba-
bility curve in Fig. 258, while the results in Fig. 283(c) and (d) are based on use of the
curves in Fig. 258 corresponding to 90 percent probability and 99 percent probability,
respectively. It appears from Fig. 283(c) that the results based on 90 percent

.. ..
" I~ ~c


. l .
~ o >-
"00 c ~
~ il ~. ~
~~ " ,~ ,;r
~ i: >. "c o~ '~

Ref. a
~ ~ U
2 3 "2 9
a 2
a H


3 .5 (d)
!I i
. '

',' • : ,eo •

~I g: 2.5
a.: CI-
• '"0 1. . .
• '\
• ° 0 ,

, :
20 ' 0../>.·· \ ° 1 :,",


~~ :.',.l,.
.::I:t r~: ~ ::.\f.j , . ' .!

•••• I :
"') -'Y', : J :.

Figure 283, Axially compressed cylindrical shells: correlations between test results and (a)
classicaJ. theory and the maximum of the wide-column load [Eq. (141)] or the prediction from the
extended version of Koiter's special theory ·[Eq. (144)] for (b) 50% probability predictions, (c)
90% probability predictions, and (d) 99% probability predictions (from Almroth, Burns, and
Pittner [34 J).

probability would not be entirely "safe" and that the 99-percent probability curve
therefore should be recommended for design.
For pressurized cylinders, a series of test results at different values of the internal
pressure was often obtained from the same test specimen, As the format of Fig. 283
is not suitable for such cases, comparisons between tests of this type and the theory
summarized here are presented in Fig. 284. Additional results for internally pressurized
cylinders appear in Ref. [34],

Conclusions: It is evident that the classical buckling load is not a suitable design limit
for any of these classes of axially compressed cylinders. Although it has sometimes
been stated in the literature that for one type of cylindrical shell or another the
classical theory would be applicable, the designer is generally more prudent and
applies conservative methods. As an example, for stringer-stiffened shells the wide-
column load, Eq. (142), is sometimes used as a design limit and in other cases a part
of the "curvature effect" is added, as recommended in Ref. [382] and given by
Eq. (141). The present method is less conservative because the corresponding design

50 'I.
90 'I.

99 'I.

0 20.2

20.4, 20.5 and 20.6

'" 20.3
Fall In
The Same Band

50 "
90 "
99 ...


o· 301
0 30.6

30.2 thru 30.5 and 30.7
1n The Same Band


Cfl "
H ~
H ,,'
o 503
o 507

~ ," 6. 50.8
50.1, 50 2. and 50.4 thru 50.6
U Fall Tn The Same B;;ind
H (c) R!\ .800
H 0.& ClaSSical Theory
~ @~ ~~&"0&~ ~
\ 50"10
90 'I.
99 'I.

BUCKLING, O'Pl' 6000 ps,

o 79.1
o 79.3_2
6 79.5
792,79.3-1,79.4,79.6 81d 79.7
(d) Rft_500 Fall In The Same Band

99 %

100,1,1002,100.3-2,100.5 and 100,6
(e) Rlt·40Q Fall In The Same Band
OL-_ _ _- L_ _ _ _ ~ ___ ~ ___ ~

o 2
P, [P' (P/F.)(RIt)2]

Figure 284. Axially compressed cylindrical shells: compaIison between the pressurized cylinder
data of [364 J and predictions with use of the extended version of Koiter's special theory for three
probability levels: (a) Rlt =: 2000; (b) Rlt =: 1333; (c) Rlt = 800; (d) Rlt = 500; (e) Rlt = 400
(from Almroth, Burns and Pittner [34 J).
critical load is either equal to or higher than that ofEq. (141). For other cases, it is a
common procedure simply to apply to the classical load NCL the same reduction
factor cp as 'for the infinite monocoque shell with the same effective radius· to· thickness
ratio. In Fig. 285 the predictions of this simple alternative method (NCR = cp- N cL )
are compared with those of the method recommended here (NCR obtained from the
higher of the predictions from Eq. (141) or Eq. (144)). It is seen that the latter method
gives the same or higher values in all cases and that sometimes the difference is
It is clear, therefore, that the design principles recommended by Almroth, Burns,
and Pittner [34] and summarized here will lead to more economic designs than the
methods that are generally in use. At the same time, they should be entirely safe, since
out of more than 250 test specimens of many different types everyone failed at a
value above the design load NCR calculated from the higher of Eqs. (141) or (144).
It seems that improvements may be possible through minor modifications of the
method. The choice of the curves in Fig. 258 and the definition of an effective radius·
to·thickness ratio may, for instance, be questioned. Although it is felt that the method
recommended in [34] represents a clear advantage over present design practices, it is
still an interim solution that is acceptable only because totally satisfactory methods
are not available.

Figure 285. Axially compressed cylindrical shells: Comparison of 99% probability predictions,
NCR (99%), obtained with the design method of Almroth, Burns, and Pittner [34), with predictions
based on classical theory N CL times q, for a monocoque shell with the same effective R/t ratio
(from Almroth, Bums, and Pittner [34)).
Imperfection sensitivity of cylinders under unifonn hydrostatic pressure
and torsion

Uniform hydrostatic pressure

Monocoque cylinders: Cylinders under uniform external hydrostatic pressure are not
nearly as sensitive to initial imperfections as are cylinders under uniform axial com-
pression. Evidence of this is contained in Fig. 25, which should be compared with
Figs. 18 and 19. An asymptotic imperfection sensitivity analysis has been carried out
by Budiansky and Amazigo [383]. Results from their analysis are reproduced in
Fig. 286. In the upper half of the figure the classical buckling pressure Pc in non-
dimensional form is plotted as a function of the length parameter Z appropriate for
either a simply supported cylinder of length L or a segment of length L of an infinite
cylinder reinforced by rings which permit no lateral deflection but allow rotation. As
in the case of the axially compressed cylinder, the initial post-buckling behavior is
symmetric with respect to the buckling amplitude 8, and therefore the pressure-
deflection relation takes the form

:a 1+b (!f +... (145)

~} Exporimenls
VI ... R~
n:: 710 -Theory
...J 10


...... N
I-- ;>
...... I
I.LJ .......
VI .0
Z n
a 0::
...... I.LJ
I-- I--
I.LJ ::E
I..L.. c(
n:: 0::
I.LJ c(
c.. c..

-1.5 1
10 100

Z• ( ~: ) .JI-7

Figure 286. Comparison between test and classical theory and initial postbuckling predictions for
externally pressurized cylinders (from Hutchinson and Koiter [6 J).
where b is plotted in the lower half of Fig. 286. In this case, the asymptotic relation-
ship between the buckling pressure and the imperfection is

ll - PS]3/2 ==
30 (_ b)1/21!/ Ps
2 t Pc

where "8 is the amplitude of the component of the imperfection in the shape of the
classical buckling mode. A wide range of test data, collected by Dow [384], is also
included in the figure. Measurements of initial deflections were not made in any of
these tests, so it is not possible to make a direct comparison oftest and theory. On the
other hand, the coincidence of the large discrepancy between test and classical predic-
tions within the Z-range in which b is most negative bears out the imperfection-
sensitivity predicted.
Hutchinson and Amazigo [345] investigated stiffened cylinders under uniform
hydrostatic pressure. Figures 287 and 288 show the normalized classical buckling
pressure and post-buckling coefficient b of stiffened and unstiffened cylindrical
shells. The classical buckling pressure of the unstiffened cylinder is calculated by
Batdorf [169]. (A different buckling parameter is used in Figs. 287 and 288, however.)
The associated post-buckling coefficient of the unstiffened shell is given in Fig. 286.

Axially stiffened cylinders: Hutchinson and Amazigo [345] conclude that for axially
stiffened cylinders under hydrostatic pressure,
"The major effect of axial stiffening is to eliminate imperfection sensitivity in the lower range
of Z. Even very light stiffening significantly diminishes the post-buckling coefficient in the range

° 8
p.,Z -.3
Z Z iit./ij:;ii

Figure 287. Classical buckling and imperfection sensitivity of simply supported, axially stiffened
cylinders under hydrostatic pressure (from Hutchinson and Amazigo [345)).

10 10') • I(XX) '0,000

Z .(~,)(,:";I

Figure 288. Classical buckling and imperfection sensitivity of simply supported, ring stiffened
cylinders under hydrostatic pressure (from Hutchinson and Amazigo [345]).

of Z in which the unstiffened cylinders are most sensitive. When the post-buckling coefficient is
positive, in all likelihood buckling will not be accompanied by catastrophic collapse and the
cylinder may be able to sustain pressures above the classical buckling pressure. The inside-
outside effect of stiffening is less prominent in buckling under hydrostatic pressure than under
axial compression. Over some of the range of Z, however, there is a definite advantage in
outside stiffening. At the same time, the post-buckling coefficient b provides a hint, but little
more, that an outside-stiffened cylinder may be more sensitive to imperfections than its inside-
stiffened counterpart. Out of all this, the most important result is that the classical buckling
load should be a reliable index of buckling strength in the lower range of Z." (345)

Ring-stiffened cylinders: The classical buckling pressure and post-buckling coefficient

of a lightly stiffened cylinder are compared with the corresponding quantities for an
unstiffened cylinder in Fig. 288. In the lower range of Z the classical buckling load is
higher if the rings are attached to the outside whereas the opposite occurs for larger
values of Z. Judging from the post-buckling coefficient it would appear that the inside-
stiffened cylinder is slightly less imperfection-sensitive in the lower range of Z than an
outside-stiffened cylinder, although this effect is not sufficiently pronounced to
warrant any general conclusions.
The lightly stiffened cylinder buckles into a mode that has only one half-wavelength
over its length. If the amount of stiffening is increased the number of axial half-
wavelengths in the classical buckle pattern may exceed one and, in fact, may be very
large depending on the stiffening and the value of Z. Classical buckling loads and
imperfection sensitivity are shown for other degrees of ring stiffening in Ref. [345].
For ring-stiffened cylinders Hutchinson and Amazigo conclude in [345] that,

"The results presented (in [345]) fall short of providing anywhere near a complete picture of
the initial post-buckling behavior of ring-stiffened cylinders in the Z-independent range. On the
other hand, it does seem reasonable to conclude that imperfections may result in fairly drastic
buckling load reductions."

General conclusions: As a general conclusion based on their analytical results,

Hutchinson and Amazigo emphasize that,

"Under certain circumstances, axial stiffening may be a more efficient means of strengthening
against buckling under hydrostatic pressure than ring stiffening. Comparing the results (for
axially stiffened shells with those for ring-stiffened shells), one notes that an axially stiffened
cylinder can have a higher classical buckling pressure than a cylinder with an equivalent amount
of ring stiffening. If, in addition, one takes into account the predicted insensitivity of the
axially stiffened cylinder in the lower range of Z and the sensitivity of the ring-stiffened speci-
mens, then the advantage of axial stiffening is even more pronounced. Probably an optimum
choice would lead to a combination of axial and ring stiffening." [345]

Cylinders under torsion

As seen from Fig. 27 buckling loads for cylinders under torsion are even less sensitive
to initial imperfections than are cylinders under hydrostatic pressure. Budiansky
[385] used Koiter's asymptotic theory to calculate initial post-buckling behavior for
various boundary constraints and values of the Batdorf parameter Z. Some imper-
fection sensitivity is found for a range of Z below 1000. The negative post-buckling
coefficient b approaches zero for larger values of Z. Comparisons between the theory
of Ref. [385] and tests by Yamaki [386] are given in Fig. 289.

Imperfection sensitivity of spherical shells


We have already seen many examples of buckling of spherical shells. Figure 28 shows
the post-buckled state of a complete spherical shell under uniform pressure with an
interior mandrel that limits the growth of the buckles. Figure 29 shows schematically
the transition from plate to shallow cap to deep cap behavior. Load-deflection curves
are plotted which imply that the deeper the cap the more sensitive is the buckling
pressure to initial geometric imperfections. Figure 30 exhibits a comparison of test
versus theory for externally pressurized caps of increasing depth parameter A =
2 [3(1- V 2)]1!4(H/h)1!2, where H is the rise of the cap above its base and h is the
thickness. This comparison reinforces the tentative conclusion that the deeper (more
like a complete spherical shell) the cap, the greater its imperfection sensitivity. Figure

lITe r-Z-.~0-;--/~2-0~-~-----,
, as)'l1l>lotie
, .... _ _ _ ---100
.8 ~ experiment
1000- - - - -1000

Figure 289. Torque T versus twisting angle", for clamped circular cylinder. Asymptotic results
from Ref. (385) ; experimental results from Ref. (386) (from Tvergaard [7]).

37 gives comparisons between test and theory for more carefully fabricated specimens.
The trend established by the theory is supported by the test results.
Figures 37 and 63-68 display behavior of externally pressurized shallow and deep
spherical caps with edge rings of various cross-section areas and eccentricity. In parti-
cular, Figs. 64 and 65 lead to the implication that the buckling pressure is sensitive to
edge ring eccentricity.
Figures 83-85 show buckling of spherical shell segments under axial tension, and
Figs. 86 and 87 give a practical example of such instability-buckling of a large spherical
tank for transporting liquid natural gas. Figures 88 and 89 show experimental and
theoretical buckling modal displacements of a spherical shell with an outward-directed
concentrated load.
Bifurcation buckling loads of complete spherical shells under uniform external
pressure were first calculated by Zoelly [387], who assumed axisymmetric defor-
mations throughout his analysis, and van der Neut [388] , who included nonsymmetric
modes. Both analyses lead to a formula for the critical pressure
PeR = 2Eh2 j(eR 2) (147)
with the parameter e given by
e == [3(1-v 2 )] 112. (148)
Experimental critical pressures, such as those shown in Fig. 30, revealed at an early
date that imperfections drastically affect the maximum load-carrying capability. As
in the case of early work on the cylindrical shell under axial compression, attempts
were made to derive practical formulas for design based on the "minimum post-
buckling load" [389, 320]. Low post-buckling loads calculated for axially com-
pressed cylindrical shells such as plotted in Fig. 20(b) have discouraged further
attempts in this direction.
Most papers on spherical shell buckling are applied to clamped shallow spherical
caps. Although the pre buckling problem is more difficult for this configuration than
for the complete spherical shell, the calculation of bifurcation pressure and nonlinear
collapse is easier because the lowest bifurcation load is unique and isolated from
higher critical loads, and a reasonable approximation to the nonlinear behavior of
imperfect shells can be obtained with fewer, simpler functions than is the case for
the complete shell. Kaplan [37] gives a thorough review which will not be repeated
here. Surveys are also presented by Fung and Sechler [389], Koiter [390] , Hutchinson
and Koiter [6], and Tvergaard [7]. The work done on initial post-buckling behavior
based on Koiter's general theory [15,298] is summarized briefly in [6] and [7].
As pointed out in the section on axially compressed cylindrical shells, the ultimate
aim of all imperfection sensitivity analyses is to determine the maximum load-carrying
capability (As in Figs. 7 and 249; Ps in Fig. 250(a)). In the case of spherical shells the
search for As or Ps has been accomplished in the following ways:
(1) Koiter's general theory [15, 298] has been specialized for the analysis of a
complete spherical shell, a shallow spherical cap with a well-defined boundary con-
dition on a parallel circle, and a shallow portion of a complete shell with a rectangular
plan form but with unspecified boundary conditions, and a shell of revolution. These
approaches have been taken, for example, by Koiter [390], who performed both first-

and second-order asymptotic post-buckling analyses of complete spherical shells;

Fitch [348] and Fitch and Budiansky [391], who used Marguerre's equations [392]
in polar coordinates to obtain the factor b in Eqs. (73) and (75) for clamped spherical
caps with axisymmetric loads distributed uniformly over a portion of the surface;
Hutchinson [393], who used shallow shell equations in Cartesian coordinates to
obtain As in a case for which multiple buckling modes exist at the critical load Ac;
and Tong and Pian [394], who used a mixed finite-element method for the post-
buckling analysis of shells of revolution.
(2) An axisymmetric imperfection shape has been assumed and As identified as the
lowest load at which either axisymmetric collapse or nonsymmetric bifurcation occurs
from the axisymmetrically deformed prebuckled state. This is analogous to the
approach taken by Koiter for the axially compressed cylindrical shell [343]. It was
used by Hutchinson [393], Tong and Pian [394], and Bushnell [395], who included
nonsymmetric bifurcation buckling in their nonlinear analysis of the axisymmetrically
imperfect shells, and by Bushnell [396], Koga and Hoff [397], and Kalnins and
Biricikoglu [398] , who did not. .
(3) A general imperfection shape has been assumed and collapse loads calculated
from a "brute force" numerical analysis based on two-dimensional discretization of
the structure. This is the approach used by Kao and Perrone [399] .

Governing equations for the asymptotic post-buckling analysis

The purpose in this section is to show how general equations governing the asymptotic
behavior of an imperfect structure with simultaneous bifurcation buckling modes are
developed. The imperfection is expressed as a series expansion of the buckling modes.
Here the derivation of Hutchinson [393] is closely followed. It is based on Koiter's
general theory for multimode buckling [15, 298] . The notation used here was intro-
duced by Budiansky and Hutchinson [303] and is used in the papers [304] and
Briefly, the aim of the derivation is to generate a set of simultaneous nonlinear
algebraic equations, such as those for the cylindrical shell, Eqs. (110), in which the
magnitude of the externally applied load A is related to the undetermined amplitudes
~I' i = 1, 2, ... N of the N simultaneous buckling modal displacements and the known
amplitudes [i' i = 1,2 .. . N of the N components of the initial imperfection. These
equations are asymptotically exact at the bifurcation point of the perfect shell and
are reasonably accurate in the early post-buckling regime. The derivation represents
an application of the principle of stationary potential energy in which equilibrium
of the imperfect structure is determined by setting equal to zero the first variation of
the potential energy with respect to each of the independent unknown coefficients, ~i·
In the following, a, €, and u denote stress, strain and displacement fields, respect-
ively. For example, for a shell of revolution a might represent the vector [N 1 , N 2 , N 12 ,
Mb M 2 , M 12 ] in which N 1 , N 2 , ••• etc. are the stress and moment resultants; € might
represent the vector [e1' e2, el2, 1<1, 1<2, 1<12] in which e1, e2, ... etc. are the reference
surface strains, changes in curvature, and twist; and u might represent the vector

[U, v, w], in which u, v, and ware the displacement components tangential and
normal to the reference surface of the shell. The magnitude of the applied load is A,
and all loads on the structure are assumed to vary proportionally.
Hutchinson [393] writes the potential energy in the compact form
The {a, e} represents the internal virtual work of the stress field a acting through a
strain field e, and ABI (u) is the work done on the structure by the applied force
field of magnitude A acting through a displacement field u. Examples of the expressions
of the type (149) specific to shells of revolution are given by Eqs. (79), (87), (98), and
(99) in Ref. [430] .
Hutchinson [393] considers structures the behavior of which can be adequately
described by nonlinear strain-displacement relations of the form
in which L I and L z are homogeneous operators that are linear and quadratic, respect-
ively, in u. An example for shells of revolution is given by Eqs. (90) with (91) of
Ref. [430] and below.
The stress-strain relations are assumed to be linear and may be written symbolically as
Equation (140) provides an example of such a relationship.
Let the initial imperfection be denoted U. If there are no residual stresses associated
with the initial displacement field U, the strain consistent with the relationship (151)
may be expressed in the form
e = e(u + u)-e(u) = LI(u) + ~Lz(u)+Ll1(U,U) (152)

where L11 (u, U) = Ll1 (u, u) is a bilinear operator of u and u which appears in the

For example, Ll1 can easily be derived for a shell of revolution with an imperfection
having only a normal displacement component w. Replacing ~ and 1j; on the right-hand
side of Eqs. (90) of Ref. [430] by ~ + (I and 1j; + J;, we obtain
e(u+u) LI(u) +!Lz(u) +Ll1(u,u)+e(u)

el u' + w/rl ~z
. ----
+ ')'z ~(I
>/i z + ')'z
ez vir + ur'/r + w/R z >/i>/i ez
el2 u/r + r( vir)' 2~>/i ~J; + (I>/i elZ

+! + + -
1<1 ~' 0 0 1<1

I<z ~/r + r'~/r 0 0 I<z

21< l2 2(-t/r + r'>/ilr + v'IR z) 0 0 2K12

in which
(3= w'-u/R!; l/I = wlr-vlR z
'Y = ! (ulr - v' - r'vlr)
13= w',
lf = wlr; r = O. (156)
The last term on the right-hand side of Eq. (154) is to be dropped because it is assumed
that the imperfection is associated with zero residual stress.
Returning to Hutchinson's derivation [393], we assume that the displacement of
the structure can be expressed in the form
U = Auo + L ~nu~n) + U (157)
in which Auo is the pre buckling displacement of the perfect structure at the load A;
u~l), U~2), •.. U~N) are the N linearly independent buckling modes associated with the
lowest critical eigenvalue Ac; and u is an additional displacement of the form

U= r L ~n~munm + higher order terms


n=! m=!

in which u is orthogonal to the buckling modes u~l), u ~2), •.. u~). The orthogonality
condition, in the notation given in Eq. (149), is
{ 00, Lll(u c(i) ,uc(j) )} -- 0 z' --I-
-r- " (159)
Imperfections are taken in the form of the N critical bifurcation buckling modes
ii =L fnu~n) (161)

With use of Eqs. (151), (152), (157) and (161) and the orthogonality condition (159),
the potential energy expression (149) can be written in the form
PE = (constant)+~(A-Ac)~~f{ao,Lz(u~'»)}

+ !{ (i) (i) - (i) }

2 ~ ~iSc ,L2(~ tu c )}+ ~ ~i~iA{ao, Lz(u c )

+ terms of order ~4 , ~p , ... (162)

in which it is assumed that the summations span the N simultaneous critical buckling
modes and
The additional displacement u [Eq. (158)] does not appear explicitly in Eq. (162)
because it contributes to quartic but not cubic terms in the ~i' The potential energy in
the truncated form (162) leads to accurate prediction of the behavior of the structure
provided that the amplitudes of the buckling modal displacements ~i and of the initial
imperfections fi are sufficiently small as to ensure that the terms neglected are small
compared to those retained.
Equilibrium equations relating the t to the load parameter A follow from the
requirement that
i=I,2, ... N. (164)
These eqUilibrium equations are obtained from Eq. (162) and are given by
~i(1- A/Ac) + [{~ ~ns~n),Lll(~ ~nu~n), u~i»)}
+ Hs~i), L2(~ ~nu~n»)}] /(- Ac{ao, L2(U~))}) = (A/Ac)~i
i = 1,2, .. . N. (165)
Finally Hutchinson gives an expression for the generalized load-deflection relation for
a perfect structure which has multiple critical bifurcation buckling modes:

Bl(U) = ~_! L ~2 Ac{ao,L2(U~n»)} (166)

B1(f"cUo) Ac 2 n n A~{ao,Ll(uO)}
where, from Eq. (149), Bl(U) represents the generalized displacement through which
the external loading system acts. For example, for a cylinder under axial compression
Bl(U) would be the end shortening and for a clamped spherical cap Bl(U) would be
the volume displaced between the undeformed and the deformed cap. In Hutchinson's
shallow shell analysis [393] the generalized displacement B 1 (u) is taken as the average
normal deflection wave.

Application to a shallow spherical segment

Classical buckling analysis: Hutchinson [393] uses shallow shell equations of the type
(81) and (82), simplified for application to isotropic monocoque shell wall construc-
tion, to obtain the buckling modes u~), i = 1, 2, ... N. With the assumption of mem-
brane pre buckling behavior, the shallow shell equations in Cartesian coordinates
(x, y) yield a critical pressure

2E (h)2 (167)
Pc = [3(1- v2 )] 112 R

associated with any combination of wave numbers kx, ky which satisfy the equation
k~ + k~ = q~ == [12(1- v2 )] 112 (R/h). (168)
This critical pressure, obtained from shallow shell theory, is the same as that for a
complete sphere calculated by Zoelly [387] and van der Neut [388]. It is associated
with the modal normal displacement field w(x, y) and stress function f(x, y) given by

w(x,y) = cos (kx ;)cos (ky ~)


Post-buckling equilibrium paths: Hutchinson [393] investigates the two types of

modal interaction that occur in this case. If one of the modes is prismatic (varies in
only one coordinate direction) only two modes interact: the prismatic mode and a
single two-dimensionally varying mode. Otherwise sets of three two-dimensionally
varying modes interact. The two-mode interaction leads to the greatest degree of
imperfection sensitivity. Only this type will be described here. The reader is referred
to Hutchinson's paper [393] for a description of three-mode interaction.
The general equations (165) can be specialized for application to shallow spherical
caps modeled in the Karman-Donnell or Marguerre W-F notation. For the two-mode
case the first generalized buckling modal vector field u~l) is identified with the pris-
matic mode
w~J) = h cos (qo x/R) (170a)
with the associated stress function
Of all the modes that satisfy Eq. (168), Hutchinson [393] shows that only the mode
with kx = qo/2, and therefore ky = 0 qo/2, will interact with w~J),f~J). Therefore,
the second generalized buckling modal vector field U~2) in Eq. (165) is identified with
the set W~2) ,f~2) given by
W~2) = h sin(qox/2R) sin ( 0qoy!2R)
f~2) = - (ERh 2/q5) sin(qo x/2R) sin(0qoy/2R).
Hutchinson shows that use of Eqs. (170) and (171) in Eq. (165) leads to two equili-
brium equations for ~ 1 and ~2 in terms of the external pressure p of the form

(1- P/Pc)~l - :2 [3(1- v2)] 112 ~~ = (P!PC)~l

(1- P/Pc)~2 - ~ [3(1- v2)] 112 ~1 ~2 = (P/Pc)~2
in which the ~i and ~i in Eq. (172) are dimensionless modal and imperfection ampli-
tudes normalized by the shell wall thickness h.
From Eqs. (172) it is easily seen that the early post-bifurcation state of a perfect
shell (~1 = f2 = 0) is governed by

~1 =~ (l-~)
9c Pc

~2 = ±~
in which c == [3(1 - v2 )] 112. This behavior, sketched in Fig. 290, is characteristic of a
"quadratic-type" structure and has been discussed by Koiter [15,298] for the general
case. As with the axially compressed cylindrical shell, the equilibrium load in the
post-buckling regime is greatly reduced even where the buckling deflections are only a

\ I ,.

\ I /

(£! .. O)

~ + ~ +
1 2

Figure 290. Pressure-modal deflection behavior, ~ 1 = ~ 2 = amplitude of mode that varies in both
x and y coordinates (from Hutchinson [393 J).
small fraction of the shell thickness; i.e., ~I and ~2 a small fraction of unity. The
curves for the perfect spherical shell are analogous to those in Fig. 259(a) for the
perfect cylindrical shell under uniform axial compression.
The generalized load-deflection relation valid in the initial post-buckling region is
calculated with use of Eq. (166). The generalized displacement B I (u) in this case
corresponds to the average normal displacement, wavg , of the shallow section. Equation
(166) becomes
.Wavg = .J!..... + 16 (1 _ L )
W~ Pc 27(1- v) Pc

in which


is the prebuckling normal displacement at the bifurcation pressure, Pc.

An imperfect shell deflects in the buckling modes with the first application of
external pressure. The behavior for the prismatically imperfect shell (~2 = 0, ~I > 0) is
also exhibited in Fig. 290. Prior to buckling, the load increases with deflection in the
prismatic ~I-mode with

~1 = riP/pc (176)
1- p/Pc
until the coefficient of ~2 in Eq. (172b) vanishes. At this point, bifurcation occurs.
Following bifurcation, the equilibrium pressure falls with deflections occurring in both
modes; thus the maximum (buckling) pressure, denoted by p*, is the bifurcation
pressure which satisfies


Equation (176) represents behavior for an imperfect structure the perfect version of
which is neutrally stable in the early post-bifurcation regime. (See Fig. 8a). It is this
behavior upon which the construction of Southwell plots is based, more about which

will be written later. The curves displayed in Fig. 290 for the prismatically imperfect
shallow region are analogous to that for the axially compressed cylinder shown in
Fig. 261 and labeled ~l < 0, ~2 = ~3 = O. As depicted in Fig. 291, small imperfections
(relative to the shell thickness) result in large reductions of the buckling pressure.
If ~l = 0 but ~2 =1= 0, the maximum value of p does not correspond to bifurcation
but is a limit load of the type shown in Fig. 260. The limit load p* is obtained by
substitution for ~1 in terms of ~2 from Eq. (I 72a) into Eq. (I 72b) and determination
of the value of p such that dP/d~2 = O. One finds

p*)2 27-../3 _ p*
(1 - - = - - c 1~21 - . (178)
Pc 32 Pc

This formula is also plotted in Fig. 291, from which it is seen that an imperfection in
the form of the b -mode causes a slightly greater reduction in the load-carrying capa-
city than an equal imperfection in the ~l-mode. Also plotted in Fig. 291 is the imper-
fection sensitivity curve for the case in which these modes interact. This curve is a
plot of the equation

(I - p*jPc)2 = ~~ ~3 (p*jpc) (179)

which is derived in [393]. Load-generalized-displacement curves for the two types

of modal interaction are exhibited in Fig. 292.

Special theory VS. general theory: Figure 293 displays imperfection sensitivity curves
for the shallow spherical region analogous to the curves in Fig. 262 for the axially
compressed cylindrical shell. The curve labeled "General Theory" is plotted from
Eq. (177); that labeled "Upper Bound Calculation" is derived from an analysis com-
pletely analogous to that described in connection with Eqs. (104-109) and Eqs.
(119-122). The results represent an upper bound because the assumed displacement


~ 2 MODE CASE, ~1 'f 0, ~2 =0

til - ~
2 MODE CASE, 1;:1 = 0, ~2 'I 0

U 0.'
lI: 0.2

00 02 0.' 06 O. 1.0 12


Figure 291. Buckling pressure of imperfect spherical shells (II = 1/3). f, and f2 are amplitudes
of imperfections in the prismatic (x) and (x, y) modes, respectively (from Hutchinson [393]).

III '"
III ~,

~ '" 2 MODE CASE


~ OA

Eo! o.z
X LI'~

0.' I.'

Figure 292. Generalized load-deflection curves for shallow section of perfect sphere. wg is the
uniform normal deflection at the bifurcation pressure of the perfect shell (from Hutchinson (393)).

function is kinematically admissible, the compatibility equation is solved exactly, and

the resulting expressions for the normal displacement wand the stress function fare
used in the equilibrium equation, which is solved approximately by the Galerkin
procedure. Hutchinson gives some details in Ref. [393].

Difficulties encountered in the asymptotic analysis of complete spherical shells

Although the pre buckling behavior of a complete spherical shell is simpler than that of
a spherical cap, a practical asymptotic post-buckling analysis according to Koiter's
general theory [15, 298] is rendered extraordinarily difficult by the fact that a cluster
of buckling modes exists at a critical pressure very slightly above the lowest critical
mode. These higher modes interact with the lowest in the early post-buckling regime,
leading to a requirement for a higher-order asymptotic approximation than that
needed for other types of shells. Figure 294 shows load-generalized-displacement

III ,11,\
~ 0

G 0.'

00 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.' O~ 0.' 0.7

Figure 293. Buckling of externally pressurized spherical shells: ·comparison between general
theory and an independent upper-bound calculation (v = 1/3) analogous to Koiter's special theory
for axially compressed shells (from Hutchinson [393]).





Second oppr
symm. mode
alL voLues of %

0.2 + - - - - - + - - - - - - + _ ' - - - - 1 ' - - ' - " - - - - - - - 4

two-mode solutIon,
ignoring anaLytic
continuation, all
vaLues of % [ 393J

0.2 0.4 0.6 OB 10


Figure 294. Equilibrium paths for spherical shells under external pressure compared with that for
the cylinder under axial compression (from Koiter [390]).

curves predicted by Koiter [390] from various asymptotic analyses. The curves
labeled "first approximation" are valid only for post-buckling displacements wit of
order lin, where n is the order of the Legendre polynomial corresponding to the
critical buckling mode (usually a high number; n = 16 for Rlh = 82). The first-
approximation behavior corresponding to axisymmetric post-buckling deformations
was computed also by Thompson [400]. Koiter [390] found that a second-order
asymptotic approximation with the assumption of an axisymmetric imperfection and
axisymmetric post-buckling deformations leads to a load-deflection curve very similar
to Hutchinson's two-mode case (Figs. 292, 294), but the sensitivity of the maximum
pressure p* is somewhat less, as shown in Fig. 295.

Nonlinear numerical studies

Figure 295 displays, in addition to imperfection-sensitivity curves predicted from

asymptotic analyses (Koiter, Hutchinson), several curves generated by nonlinear
numerical studies in which spherical shells and caps are assumed to contain axisym-
metric imperfections of various geometries. The critical limit loads p* are calculated

...J 0.8
c( --J
cr:: 0-

UJ .......
.... 0- D.•
...J cr::
c( :::>
Win 0.'
...... In
.... W
...... cr:: ""---_____
cr:: 0... 0.2

0.2 0.' D•• 0.8 , 1.0


Figure 295. Analytical predictions for imperfection sensitivity of complete spherical shells
(from Kaplan [37]).

by incremental analysis in which the deformations of the shell in a shallow region

are expanded in suitable series or calculated from finite-difference or finite-element
discretization. Kaplan [37] discusses these results in more detail. Figure 296 shows
the same kind of data, except that Koga and Hoffs result [397] is compared with
a curve from a finite-element elastic analysis by Tong and Pian [394] and an asymp-
totic elastic-plastic analysis by Hutchinson [313].
Figures 297, 298, and 299 show a load-generalized-deflection curve and pre- and
post-bifurcation axisymmetric deformations computed by a Ritz method for a shallow
cap by Bushnell [401]. The geometry of this cap (;x.,2 = 200) is such that further
increases in the cap depth parameter ;x., would not change the post-buckling behavior
much. As seen from Fig. 299, an axisymmetric dimple at the pole grows as the pressure
falls on the post-buckling unstable branch. This result was later confirmed by Koiter's
second approximation asymptotic analysis [390], results from which are displayed in
Fig. 294.

In .4
c( .2
cr:: O.
O. .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0


Figure 296. Imperfection sensitivity of complete spherical shells under external pressure (from
Tvergaard [7]).
'c. U B



E) 0.1

...'" ...
I 0.'


gj 0.' ~ 2 ~ [12 (1_,,2) ]1/2 ,,2


." ...
Figure 297. Load-generalized deflection curve for externally pressurized spherical clamped cap
with geometric depth parameter A2 = 200 (from Bushnell [401]).

Other asymptotic imperfection sensitivity analyses for doubly curved

shells of revolu tion

Spherical caps with axisymmetric loading over part of the surface

Results of Fitch and Budiansky [391J: A sketch of the configuration is shown in

Fig. 300. Fitch and Budiansky [391], basing their analysis on the nonlinear shallow
shell theory of Marguerre [392], used an asymptotic post-buckling analysis analogous
to that developed for the axially compressed, barreled cylindrical shell in Eqs. (81-
103) for which the critical buckling mode is unique. Inclusion of nonlinear and non-
uniform axisymmetric prebuckling deformation, as set forth by Fitch [348], Cohen
[349], and Hutchinson and Frauenthal [346] [see Eqs. (102) and (103)], is essential
for accurate prediction of the initial post-buckling behavior of the perfect shell and
hence for accurate prediction of its asymptotic sensitivity to initial imperfections.
Fitch and Budiansky [391] calculate post-buckling factors b [Eq. (73)] and slopes a
(Fig. 301) of the post-bifurcation load-generalized-deflection path at the bifurcation
point of the perfect cap, but they do not give the load-carrying capacity Ps as a func-
tion of imperfection amplitude 8/t. Figures 302-304 show some of their results.
Spherical caps with concentrated loads have stable bifurcation behavior, as indicated
by positive b in Fig. 302. For a distributed load corresponding to ~ (Fig. 303) less
than 2 the post-bifurcation behavior is stable. For 2 < ~::;. 4.8 there is no bifurcation;
the critical load corresponds to axisymmetric snap-through. For ~> 4.8 bifurcation
... ,---------------------,
0." '" p .... CmCLED POINT ON UNSTABLE BRA;-fCH, FIG. 297


'.2 p " P/PCL


alb AND (J.


0.95'" P

0.' 0 •• 1.2 1•• 2.0 2.' a•• 3.2



Figure 298. Dimensionless normal displacement for A2 = 200; prebuckled and early post-buckled
states (from Bushnell [401 J) .

•. 2,---------------------,
.c a,8

I ...


• 150,

.. .. 1.2 1.' ... I.' 1.1


Figure 299. Dimensionless radial displacement for A2 = 200, showing formation of dimple after
buckling (from Bushnell [401 J).

Figure 300.
Geometry of a clamped spherical cap with axisymmetric loading over part of surface
(from Fitch and Budiansky [391]).

buckling occurs before axisymmetric collapse, but the coefficient b is negative, indi-
cating sensitivity of the load-carrying capacity to initial imperfections according to
Eq. (102), which Fitch [348] gives in the form


In Eq. (180), {SI, el } denotes the same operation as the term in brackets in Eq. (149),
subscript c indicates "evaluated at the bifurcation point", and
SI == HI (el + Ll1 (17, ud)
el == LI (UI)
B 2(uI) == {O~,L2(ud}+ {201,Lll(U~, ud}

01 == HI (el + L 11 (ue , ud),

The HI, Lj, L 2, and Lll appear in Eqs. (150-154). The terms with subscript one
(except for the functionals L I, L 11, HI) denote bifurcation buckling modal quantities;
the terms with bars oe, e indicate prebuckling quantities evaluated at the critical load
Pc; and ( )' signifies the derivative of( ) with respect to the load parameter p. Unfor-
tunately, Eq. (180) is not plotted for any of the examples in Ref. [391] . The critical
pressures Pc plotted in Fig. 303 (ordinate for?;: > 2) and Fig. 304 are normalized
by the buckling pressure of a complete spherical shell, Eq. (147).

0. = 1


_ " " ~ ARC TAN (so~)

wit=' T2 fr w rdr
r t 0


Figure 301. Interpretation of post-buckling slope parameter a, defined in terms of instantaneous

axisymmetric stiffness So and post-buckling stiffness S (from Fitch and Budiansky [391]),




o ---------------------- _______ _


Figure 302. Buckling and post-buckling of clamped spherical cap under concentrated load
P. [Qc == (6/71") (1 - v 2 )PR/Et'] (from Fitch and Budiansky [391]).

In Fig. 303 the asymptotic limit as X -+ 00 corresponds to X/A = 0, whereas in

Fig. 304 the limit as X-+ 00 corresponds to X/A = 1.0.

Questions raised by the results shown in Fig. 304: The asymptotic results shown in
Fig. 304 raise some significant questions. Superficially it appears from the asymptotic
value b = - 1.19 and the similarity of the formula (180) to that valid for a membrane
prebuckling state [Eq. (146)] and the curves sketched in Fig. 250, that the critical
n.. _pc=I.4
CRITICAL °c l1 II '.10
LOAD '.55

02 :=============~O.40

-, .
" 4 I I I' 12 Ii . .
~ - (12 (1_v 2 ) 1t (r/t) (t/R)

Figure 303. Buckling and post-buckling behavior of a spherical c!Cp under distributed load in the
limit as X..... 00.Pc is the pressure normalized by the classical buckling pressure PCL of a complete
spherical shell with the same (R/t) (from Fitch and Budiansky [391]).
, ,

5 6 1 I
LOAD .ro 0"

'6 5
06 0



.I \"-"--'--'-'- ASYNPTOr~.1.

··oJ I
A- [12(1-v 2)]i(r It) (t/R)i

Figure 304. Buckling and post-buckling behavior of a clamped spherical cap under uniform
pressure (from Fitch and Budiansky [391 J).

external pressure of a spherical cap is just as sensitive to imperfections in the form

of an edge buckle (see Fig. 68) as is the complete spherical shell to imperfections in
the form of an axisymmetric dimple or zonal harmonic (Hutchinson [393], Bushnell
[395, 396], Koiter [390], Koga and Hoff [397], Kalnins and Biricikoglu [398],
Tong and Pian [394], and Figs. 295,296). This may be so for extremely small imper-
fection amplitudes but is probably not the case for actual spherical caps with average
Figure 305 is offered as an aid to explain why. The load-deflection curve for
perfect complete spherical shells and rather deep caps (large ~ have been established
theoretically by Bushnell [401], Koiter [390], and Hutchinson [393]. Such a curve,
other examples of which are displayed in Figs. 292, 294, and 297, is indicated by the
heavy dashed line in Fig. 305. The post-buckling portion of this curve corresponds in
the analyses of Bushnell [401] and Koiter [390] to growth of an axisymmetric dimple
as shown in Figs. 298 and 299, and in the analysis of Hutchinson [393] to growth of
deformations in two interacting modes given by Eqs. (170a) and (171a). Also shown in
Fig. 305 is a postulated post-buckling load-deflection curve of a perfect cap corre-
sponding to growth of the critical non symmetric edge buckling mode.
The collapse pressure Ps of imperfect spherical caps thus depend on the shapes of
the imperfections. If an imperfection resembles a flat spot or a local dimple which
commonly occurs in spherical shells [402], then the value of Ps will be governed by
the curve labeled "Imperfect Cap with Initial Local Dimple" in Fig. 305. Even though
the bifurcation pressure Pc (cap) corresponding to edge buckling of the perfect cap is
about 20% lower than the value Pc (sphere) corresponding to buckling of the perfect
cap in the classical Legendre mode (Fig. 68), the collapse pressure Ps of the imperfect
cap will be determined by growth of the dimple, that is, by growth of a deformation
field proportional to bifurcation modes higher than the fundamental edge mode.
If the imperfection is proportional to the nonsymmetric edge zone buckling mode,
then the value of Ps will be governed by the curve labeled "Cap with Initial Non-
symmetric Edge Zone Imperfection", which displays a much smaller drop from Pc

PCI~"')'I. ~o1
1.0 \

r'\[":'JL.'L('r \(


PC(Ca p ,:' ),. 12(1-v}J :- ~

!'i! "",g'r!m~",,,--, '",kI\:::k

Edge Zone Nonsymmetric

~ ".;m,l "'~~.!. r:I

r Buckling Remote from Edge:
Perfect Cap [Bushnell -~
(1%5), Hutchinson (1967),
Koiter (1%9))


'I ,~~

Z~"-;m~:r~: Cap with

InitialLDcal Dimple

Figure 305. Post-buckling behavior of a clamped spherical cap with large depth parameter A.

( cap) because of the postulated high minimum post-buckling pressure of the perfect
cap "forced" to deform in this edge mode. A general imperfection will contain har-
monics of both the dimple and the edge mode type, but it is the dimple component
that essentially determines the maximum load-carrying capability Ps'
It may be that for very small imperfections the imperfection sensitivity as calculated
from Eq. (I80) is as great as that shown by the dashed lines in Fig. 250(b) and by the
numerical and asymptotic results displayed in Figs. 295 and 296. Thus, an analyst may
calculate maximum pressures Ps .from the asymptotic theory of [391] which agree
with tests on specimens with large depth parameters A. However, it is felt that because
of the post-buckling behavior hypothesized in Fig. 305, such agreements between test
and theory would be fortuitous.
The argument just presented and Fig. 305 might be applied equally well to axially
compressed cylindrical shells. With boundary conditions ignored, the asymptotic
post-buckling theory leads to a prediction of extreme sensitivity to initial imperfections
because of the interaction of the multiple critical modes in the post-buckling regime.
However, when boundary effects are included in the model, the lowest eigenvalue
becomes unique, and the asymptotic imperfection sensitivity analysis is thus based on
the b-factor method, with early post-buckling deformations being proportional to an
edge zone buckling mode similar to that shown in Fig. 62. It is reasonable to expect
that even if the post-bifurcation behavior in the immediate neighborhood of the
bifurcation point should indicate extreme imperfection sensitivity corresponding to
edge zonal buckling, very early in the post-buckling regime other modes corresponding





Figure 306. Critical load ?I.e and post-buckling coefficient b versus liquid filling ratio V for spher-
ical cargo tanks [112] (from Tvergaard [7]).

to classical buckling (which are associated with bifurcation points some 8% to 15%
higher than the fundamental edge mode) would interact in a nonlinear way with other
imperfection components, leading to a substantial reduction in the maximum load-
carrying capacity, Ps.

Nonsymmetrically loaded spherical shell

Figures 86 and 87 show large spherical tanks used for marine transport of liquid
natural gas and pre buckling and bifurcation buckling behavior of such a tank partially
filled with LNG. Buckling is caused by hoop compression that develops as the doubly-
curved surface is subjected to axial tension (see Figs. 83-85). If the ship is rolling at
sea, the tension loading due to the weight of the LNG will no longer be axisymmetric,
as indicated in Fig. 87, but will be tilted at some angle with respect to the support, as
shown in Fig. 306. For this problem Pedersen and Jensen [112] determined for
several loading conditions the axisymmetric, nonlinear pre buckling deformations, an
approximate bifurcation mode, and the corresponding initial post-buckling behavior.
Good correlation with small-scale tests of such partially filled tanks was obtained by
Pedersen and Jensen [403] .

Figure 307. Configuration of toroidal segments (from Hutchinson [404]).

rylr.", .. ~:~5

K' ~
• D (a)
...:l< 10
0. ':0.25
U 10 100 1000
z~~ tZ/r~h

E-< .8
H ry/rx-<O
I'Ll >"I b
rt.lE-< hi
>"I 0
Z::!! -.25 (b)
HO:: -.2
E-« 0
uo. -4

(y/rx =.90
~ (y/r.,>O


1 10 100
z,,/t7 (2;ryh

K = +co
Z / /..... __ 1
H //
....:10:: >"/Ac II~:----O
UE-< I
P>"I /
-2 i '-.5
a:I::!! -I
I <
rt.l< Wove/Woc
0. 0
>"I (c)
E-<rt.l Wave = 1. + ~ (1. _I )

I 10 100 1000
z"v{7 t 2lry h

Figure 308. Bifurcation and asymptotic post-bifurcation behavior of toroidal segments under
external lateral pressure: (a) classical buckling of toroidal segments under lateral pressure; (b) initial
post-buckling coefficient for lateral pressure case; (c) initial post-buckling pressure-lateral deflection
relation (from Hutchinson [404 J).




10 100 1000

(a) Classical buckling of toroidal segments under
external hydrostatic pressure.

H b
e -.75

Cf.l 17 0
Zf.l:: -I
0<': -2
P<-. -3

10 1000

(b) Initial post-buckling coefficient for external pressure
Figure 309. Bifurcation and asymptotic post-bifurcation behavior of toroidal segments under
external hydrostatic pressure (from Hutchinson [404]).

Initial post-buckling behavior of toroidal segments

Hutchinson [404] applied Koiter's general theory to shells of the geometries shown
in Fig. 307 loaded by lateral pressure, hydrostatic pressure, and axial tension. Con-
sideration is restricted to segments which are shallow with respect to the axial coordi-
nate, that is l/rx < 1. The analysis is based on shallow shell equations of the type

(81-83) for isotropic shells, and the prebuckling state is assumed to be characterized
by a linear membrane state N xo , N'Y o which is uniform over the entire shell. Classical
buckling loads, factors b [Eq. (73)], and initial slopes of post-buckling load-generalized-
deflection paths of perfect shells are plotted for various ratios r'Ylrx (Fig. 307) as
functions of the shell length parameter Z = (1- v 2 y!2[2/(r'Yh). Given the imperfection
sensitivity parameter b, the load-carrying capacity As or Ps is calculated from Eq. (146),
except for the case r'Y Irx = 1 and uniform hydrostatic pressure (externally pressurized
spherical shell), for which the lowest bifurcation mode is no longer unique. Hutchin-
son's results are shown in Figs. 308-310.

Limitations of asymptotic imperfection sensitivity theory

The analyst should be aware of the following limitations of the theory of imperfection
sensitivity just described:
1. It applies only if the imperfections are of small amplitude (less than the shell
wall thickness) and only in the immediate neighborhood of the bifurcation point
on the load-deflection curve of the perfect shell.
2. The assumption is made that the growth of the post-buckling displacement distri-
bution is proportional to the lowest buckling mode of the perfect shell, if this
mode is unique.
The effects of these limitations have already been illustrated by some examples. In
the immediate neighborhood of the bifurcation point the post-buckling behavior of
an axially compressed perfect cylinder of elliptic cross section may exhibit the same
type of imperfection sensitivity as a circular cylinder. (See Figs. 57, 271, for example.)
Hence, the use of the imperfection sensitivity factor b with Eqs. (75) or (146) would
lead to a prediction of failure of an imperfect shell well below the bifurcation point A
in Fig. 57. In its post-buckled state, however, this shell can carry more load than the

...~ '00
ry'/r x =-0.25

3,., K.l'll!

~ ,0

...'" 00




Figure 310(0). Classical buckling of bowed-out toroidal segments under axial tension (from
Hutchinson (404).


1-112 r YIr x • t



Z.~ 12/ryh
(b) Initial postbuckling coefficient for buckling under
axial tension.


e €oc
10 ~ 2 IOC 1=
z. vl-~ ! Iryh
(c) Load-elongation relation in initial post-buckling of
toroidal segments subject to axial tension [v = 1/3].
Figure 310(b,c). Asymptotic post-bifurcation behavior of bowed-out toroidal segments under
axial tension (from Hutchinson [404]).

bifurcation load. Therefore, a design based on conventional imperfection sensitivity

theory, that is, use of the factor b from Fig. 272 in Eq. (146), might be overly
We have already emphasized a difficulty associated with stability of structures
which have a unique critical bifurcation mode and other modes at somewhat higher

loads that are more sensitive to imperfections with components proportional to these
higher modes (Fig. 305). It seems likely that imperfection components proportional to
the lowest buckling mode shape are irrelevant in these cases for determination of the
true load-carrying capability of the imperfect structures. Clamped, externally pres-
surized deep spherical caps (large geometric parameter A) and axially compressed
monocoque cylindrical shells provide common examples of structures for which this
problem arises. Imagine the difficulty of judging the relevance of the lowest buckling
loads and modes in a complex practical shell structure! One might have to calculate
many buckling modes and associated imperfection sensitivity factors to determine
which leads to the maximum peak load of an imperfect shell. More computer time
could be involved than in a complete two-dimensional nonlinear analysis.

Bifurcation buckling with stable post-buckling behavior

Figure 271(b,c) illustrates two types of bifurcation buckling with stable post-buckling
behavior. In one (b) the initial post-bifurcation behavior is unstable, but equilibrium
states at higher loads exist in the far-post-buckling regime. In the other (c) the initial
post-bifurcation behavior is stable. We have already seen many examples of stable
post-buckling behavior, including axially compressed columns (Fig. 9), plates (Fig. 15),
and noncircular cylindrical shells (57, 58). Internally pressurized torispherical and
ellipsoidal vessel heads are also stable in the far post-bifurcation regime, as described in
the discussion associated with Fig~. 90, 96, and 103. Additional examples are intro-
duced in this section.

Spherical shell with an inward-directed point load

Figures 302 and 303, which are based on nonlinear prebuckling theory and a Koiter-
type asymptotic imperfection sensitivity analYSis, demonstrate that spherical caps
subjected to inward-directed concentrated loads exhibit stable initial post-bifurcation
equilibrium paths. This result is confirmed by tests [405,406]. Figure 311(c) shows
load-deflection curves from test [405] and theory [Ill] for a spherical cap with an
inward-directed point load. There are points on the theoretical primary load-deflection
curve labeled "Bifurcation into 4 Waves" and "Bifurcation into 5 Waves". On the test
curve loads are identified for which nonsymmetry of the deflection pattern was first
observed. It is easy to perform a table-top experiment to confirm qualitatively the
results shown in Fig. 311: puncture a ping-pong ball to allow air to enter and leave
freely. Then gently push the tip of a rather blunt pencil perpendicularly against some
other point. You will notice that for small loads the dimple is axisymmetric but that
as you continue to increase the load the growing dimple gradually assumes a triangular
pattern. The bifurcation point corresponds to the load for which a nonsymmetric
pattern begins to superpose itself on the axisymmetric dimple. By the time you
notice the nonsymmetry, the shell is in its postbuckled state. Figure 311( a) illustrates
such a state.
Subject to a concentrated load, the spherical shell is stable in the post-buckling

(a) Buckling of a thin-walled spherical shell by a concentrated load normal to its surface (from
Horton et al. (38)).

~ P

(b) 16

, 12
..J •
> <
1 2 4 5

~ ffi 0.4
a EXPERIMENT (d) Normalized prebuckling vertical (axial)
9 displacements and buckling mode as
functions of normalized arc length.
B-41 (A = 12.5)
o 10 15 20 25 30


Figure 311. (a,b) Spherical shell with point load; (c) nonlinear load-deflection curve with bifurca-
cation points, (d) prebuckling axisymmetric dimple and nonsymmetric bifurcation made with
n = 3 circumferential waves (b-d from Bushnell [111)).
regime, just as the axially compressed pear-shaped cylinder shown in Fig. 58 is stable
for loads above the lowest bifurcation load. There is no sudden release of stored-up
membrane energy because much of the pre bifurcation strain energy has been stored in
a bending mode. The gradual growth of the nonsymmetrical pattern in -the point-loaded
spherical cap is due to the gradual building up of the circumferential compressive
stresses in a small sector fairly near the load. Predicted axisymmetric prebuckling
deformations and the critical bifurcation mode for a very thin spherical shell are
displayed in Fig. 311(d).

Stable post-buckling shearing deformations

Wagner beam: Figure 312 shows part of a beam consisting of a thin shear web capped
by T-shaped flanges and reinforced by vertical angle stiffeners. The beam is supported
by blocks at its ends and subjected to vertical loads that cause it to bend, stressing the
thin web in shear and causing the formation of diagonal buckles as displayed in Fig.
312(b). The bifurcation buckling stress of the panels between vertical stiffeners is
given by
Tc = KE(t/Ei (182)
in which the value of K is dependent upon the panel dimensions and the conditions of
edge support, t is the thickness of the web, and b is its minor dimension. Curvature
causes an increase of the critical stress levels. The formula for such cases can be written
in the form of Eq. (182), with the value K now depending on the ratio of"jj2 /Rt where
R is the radius of curvature, as well as on the other parameters.
In the design of aircraft structures, in which the requirement of low weight leads
to beams with very thin shear webs, the bifurcation stress Tc given by Eq. (182)
corresponds to loads far below that at which the structure fails. Therefore, it is necess-
ary to ascertain the stiffness and strength of the beam with the web in its post-buckled
state. In this state the shearing forces at the flanges are reacted in the wrinkled web by
diagonal tensile stresses acting parallel to the buckles. This diagonal tension field tends
to pull the flanges together. The main purpose of the vertical angle stiffeners is to hold
the flanges apart, thus maintaining the moment of inertia required to carry the bending

(a) (b)

Figure 312. Development of diagonal tension field in a thin-web beam in bending (from Horton
et at. [38]). (a) Beam before web buckling. (b) Beam after web buckling.

moment in the beam. The beam with the deeply post-buckled web is called a Wagner
beam, after the man who first analyzed such a structure. He modeled the web as if it
were replaced by a diagonal tension field [407] .

Computerized analysis of a complex stiffened curved panel under shear: The effective
stiffness of buckled shear panels has traditionally been estimated semi-empirically
[408]. With advanced computer programs it is now possible to calculate the post-
buckling behavior of such panels rigorously. Figure 313 shows a curved, stiffened
panel which was analyzed with the STAGS computer program [409]. The panel was
subjected to imposed displacements at the corners A and B. As the imposed displace-
ments are increased, the six subpanels buckle but continue to carry load. Contour
plots of normal displacement are shown in Fig. 313, with solid lines indicating outward
and dashed lines inward buckles. The modified Newton method was used, with 198
displacement increments and 35 refactorings of the stiffness matrix being required to
reach a displacement slightly in excess of the ultimate imposed displacement, which
was provided as a given value. According to this numerical analysis, the effective shear
moduli of the buckled subpanels ranges from 36 to 48 percent of that of the unbuckled
sheet. The discrete model contained 21 rows and 58 columns, corresponding to a total
of 4230 degrees of freedom and a stiffness matrix bandwidth of 478. The computer
time required on the CDC 6600 was 3.73 hours.

Wrinkling of an antenna membrane: This problem resembles the Wagner beam model
in that a diagonal tension field develops in the post-buckled (wrinkled) membrane.
During the final stages of deployment of an unfurlable parabolic antenna, such as
depicted in Fig. 314, the antenna mesh stretches and causes loads to be applied to the
ribs. It is of interest to determine if the loads in the mesh might cause the mesh to
tear, or if the reactions where the mesh is attached to the ribs are sufficient to buckle
the ribs, preventing the antenna from reaching its fully deployed state. An adequate

Figure 313. Complex stiffened shear panel and post-buckling behavior predicted with the STAGS
computer program. Displacements are imposed at points A and B which generate primarily in-plane
shearing of the six subpanels for which contour plots of normal displacement are displayed (from
Skogh and Stern [409]).


Figure 314. Plan view of a parabolic antenna with a pre-tensioned mesh to be unfurled in space.
During the last phase of deployment from the tangency point (b) to the fully deployed state
(a) the slack in the mesh is taken up in a way which causes loads to be applied to the ribs in a
complicated sequence which depends on various patterns of wrinkles that develop in the mesh
(from Bushnell [410]).

analysis of this problem requires accounting for the forces applied by the mesh to the
ribs when the mesh is partially wrinkled.
Figure 314 shows a schematic of a ribbed antenna. In the fully deployed state (a)
the ribs are perpendicular to the hub. The study described in Ref. [410] treats the
case of static deployment from the tangency point (b) to the fully deployed state (a).
The problem is solved "backwards" ... that is, the fully deployed state is the initial
condition, and mesh loads are calculated as the ribs rotate about fictitious attachment
points on the hub through an angle of 90 deg. Because all of the ribs are assumed to
rotate by the same angle {3, the analysis of the entire antenna can be effected by the
treatment of a single gore bounded by two ribs, denoted "Rib 1" and "Rib 2".
In the fully deployed state, the mesh is prestrained biaxially. Part of the problem
involves calculation of the nonuniform prestrain field, given the details about how the
mesh is prestressed and cut to fit over the ribs of the fully deployed antenna. A
uniform prestress before cutting to fit the deployed antenna ribs becomes nonuniform
after cutting and attaching to the ribs because of the relaxation of the mesh along the
free circumferences near the hub and at the extreme radius. These "boundary layer"
nonuniformities in prestrain can be calculated by application of the Ritz method and
linear theory. After the nonuniformly prestrained initial state has been determined,
the rib rotation angle, called {3, is increased in constant increments to some maximum
value. For each increment in {3 the state of strain and stress in the mesh is determined
as follows: A reasonable displacement field is assumed in the mesh, given the displace-
ments at the rigid ribs. Strains are calculated from this displacement field and added to
the now known nonuniform prestrains. From this total strain state, stresses are cal-
culated. The principal stresses are determined. At a given radial coordinate on Rib 2,
if the smallest principal stress component becomes less than zero, a wrinkle is assumed
to form. This wrinkle on forming on Rib 2 is assumed immediately to propagate across
the mesh to Rib 1, thereafter acting as an elastic string joining the two adjacent ribs
at an angle determined by the principal stress calculation. In the wrinkled regions, the
mesh cannot transmit shear stresses nor stresses normal to the axis of the wrinkles.
Once a wrinkle forms, it persists for all subsequent increments in {3. Furthermore, it is

assumed that the wrinkle continues to join the same two points on the adjacent ribs.
Thus the uniaxial strain along the wrinkle axis can easily be computed. Given the
elastic properties of the equivalent string, the force applied by this wrinkle to the two
adjacent ribs can be calculated.
If the smallest principal stress exceeds zero, then no wrinkle forms, and the normal
and shear stresses in the mesh at the ribs can be computed. The rib moments, radial
forces, and shear forces at any radius can then be computed by integration of the
wrinkle forces where wrinkles exist and by integration of the normal stress resultants
and shear resultants where the mesh remains smooth. Certain assumptions can be
made regarding the load-carrying capability of the mesh near the interfaces of smooth
and wrinkled regions. Figure 315, plotted by the computer, shows an example of the
predicted growth of wrinkled regions as {3 is increased. This behavior is exhibited by
the model photographed in Fig. 316.

The Southwell method for determination of buckling loads from non-

destructive tests

Definition of the method

Previously in this chapter, measured or postulated imperfections have been used in

connection with asymptotic or nonlinear analysis to calculate collapse loads As which
are often considerable less than the critical loads Ac calculated from "classical" theory

{3= RI~
2.3' 0 0~9.2'

======== 0 ~10.3'

3.4' 0
- -
5.7'0=*\ -O'~
- - - - ~12.6'

6.9' 0 =-======:s 0 ~ 13.8'

8.0' O~ 0 ~~\~


Figure 315. For the solution of this "post-buckling" problem the deployment sequence is ana-
lyzed as if the antenna is being furled instead of unfurled. This figure exhibits the predicted devel-
opment as the rib root rotation angle (3 is increased from 0 to 16° (from Bushnell [4101).

(a) (b)

(e) (d)

Figure 316. Development of wrinkles in a crude experimental model that stimulates the furling
of an antenna with rigid ribs. The dark lines drawn from Rib 1 to Rib 2 remain fairly straight in the
smooth regions, as required in the analysis (from Bushnell [410]). (a) Prestress. (b) {3 2' 30°.
(e) {3 2' 45°. (d) {3 2' 85°.

for perfect shells. The Southwell semi-empirical method is a sort of reverse process:
measurements of increasing deflections of actual imperfect shells under increasing load
are used to obtain "classical" buckling loads of the perfect idealization of the real test
Southwell [411] originally proposed this clever method for extracting the theor-
etical buckling load PCR of a perfect column from experiments on real columns with
small initial imperfections. Southwell's argument is as follows: Suppose that an elastic
column is not quite straight initially. Let the initial deflection of the neutral axis be
denoted by w. The the condition for equilibrium of the bent configuration, based on
small deflection theory, is given by
d2 w P-
-+ -(w+w) = 0 (183)
2 £1
in which w is the additional deflection, P the axial force, and £1 the flexural rigidity of
the column.

Both wand W can be represented by Fourier sine series with coefficients wn

Wn, respectively. Substitution of these series into the equilibrium equation (183)
yields, after rearrangement of terms,


in which Pn is the nth critical load for the perfect column, only the smallest of which
(PCR) is of practical importance. When P approaches its critical value, the first coef-
ficient WI becomes the predominant component of the Fourier series expansion of
w, and the deflection 0 of the column at its midlength is approximated by


This is the equation of a rectangular hyperbola whose asymptotes are the axis of P
and the horizontal line P = P CR' Such a hyperbola is shown as the dashed line in
Fig. 8(a). In terms of new variables 0 and olP, Eq. (185) defines the straight line
8 _
PCRp = 0 +WI' (186)

Thus, by measuring 0 and P during a column test, and plotting 0 versus olP, one can
determine the "classical" critical load P CR from the slope of the best straight line
fitted to the test points.
It must be emphasized that the Southwell method is based on small-deflection
theory: the total deflection W is obtained by superposition of terms in the series


The use of small-deflection theory, which results from the linearizing assumption that
the square of the slope, (dw/dx)2, is negligible in comparison with unity, is justified
provided the deflections are small compared with the overall dimensions of the struc-
ture. Therefore, the measured deflection, 8, must be small enough so that small-
deflection theory remains applicable yet be large enough so that WI predominates.
The Southwell procedure works very well if the post-buckling characteristic of the
perfect structure represents a neutral equilibrium path, as in Fig. 8(a), and if the
buckling loads Pg>R for the different modes are well separated, as they are for the
column and in many cases for flat plates. The only way to obtain disagreement between
the classical buckling load for a column and the experimental load determined by the
Southwell method is to misjudge boundary conditions or column stiffness EI. It seems
that the Southwell plot may be useful to establish actual boundary conditions, for
Ariaratnam [412] used the Southwell method for predicting in-plane and out-of-
plane buckling of planar frameworks, and Timoshenko and Gere [26] suggest its use
in plate buckling experiments, since expressions analogous to Eq. [185] can be
6,10- 4 240

5,10- 4 200

z 4,10- 4 160


w co
f-- --'
'"~ 3,10- 4 120 z

w --'
2,10- 4 80

'" ""


292 lbs/in from theory

284 Ibs/in from Southwell plot

0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08


Figure 317. Load-deflection diagram and Southwell plot for axially compressed, simply supported
composite plate with an unbalanced laminate (0°,90°,0°,90°) (from Ref. [420), Test 203b).

obtained. Horton and Cundari [413], Horton and Craig [414], and Horton, Nassar,
and Singhal [415] applied the Southwell procedure to a number of shell buckling
problems, including cylindrical shells under various types of loading, spherical caps,
and complete spherical shells. A more extensive list of references is contained in
[413]. Donnell [416] formulated the harmonic analysis outlined in Eqs. (184)-(186)
for application to cylindrical shells.

Examples of application of the Southwell method

Figures 317-322 and Tables 28-30 give results of application of the Southwell


20 -:
1S ~
10 f--
T SLOPE 106.3 Ib-in.
~_~ _ _- L_ _ ~ __ L-_~O

50 100 150 200 250


Figure 318. Torsion versus inward wall motion and corresponding Southwell plot for orthotropic
cylinder (from Banks [425]).

R It = 159
10 16

§ GRAPHICAL Wer = 3.96
~ THEORETICAL Wer = 3.82
< RATIO = 1.038
A (in. x 10- 8)

Figure 319. Circular cylindrical shell under external pressure (data from Figure 16, Ref. 422).

method to plate and shell structures. Figures 317-320 and Tables 28 and 29 apply
to structures for which the post-buckling behavior is neutrally stable (imperfection-
insensitive) and for which the classical bifurcation buckling modes are well separated.
Therefore, the Southwell procedure is ideally suited for prediction of the lowest
critical load of the idealized structure. Figures 321 and 322 and Table 30 apply to
aXially compressed cylinders, for which the post-buckling behavior is symmetrically
unstable (imperfection-sensitive, Fig. 8( d» and for which the classical bifurcation
buckling modes are not well separated. In this case, the applicability of the Southwell
method is limited to fairly small loads below the classical load, and extremely careful
measurements of the deflection at many points on the shell surface are required in
order to obtain a good estimate of the coefficient of the harmonic displacement wn
field which corresponds to the critical component of the imperfection. Table 30
demonstrates that if the variation of axial load around the circumference of the
cylinders (shown in Fig. 322( d» is accounted for, better agreement between test
and theory results.

Limitations of the Southwell method

It is seen from comparison of the Southwell plots of the neutrally stable cases (Figs.
317-320) with those from the unstable case (Figs. 322(a-c» that the former yield
more reliable estimates of the classical bifurcation buckling loads than the latter.
Roorda [417] explains why:

, Rlt E 1q3
x 6


oo 0 GRAPHICAL W cr = 11.90
~ 2 THEORETICAL W er ~ Q.70
< RATIO ~ 1.0Ql

0 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
RADIAL DEFLECTION, A (in. x 10- 2 )

Figure 320. Circular cylindrical shell under external pressure (data from Figure 18, Ref. 422).




'":;z 06

u 05


u'"in 03

~ A A = B
0 01
13,1 m,n m,n






u 03

8 13 ,1 Cg, i

g 0.7
'":Jz 06


..J 04
in 0.3

B14, t CH, -i
0 0 2 4
lel SHELL A 12

Figure 321. Imperfect monocoque cylindrical shells under axial compression: growth of selected
Fourier coefficients of the dimensionless radial displacement, W, which is given by
N N Y 2mrx
W(X,y) =L LAmn cosm - cos--
m=O n=O R L
N N Y 2mrx
+L LBmn sinm - cos--
m=!n=o R L
N N y 2n1TX
+2:: LCmn cosm- sin--
m=O n=! R
N N Y 2n1TX
+ L LDmn sinm- sin--
m=!n=! R L

(from Arbocz and Babcock [341]).


Shcz-I! A7



1.0 2.0 0-'


(a) Southwell plots for data of Shell A7. (b) Southwell plots for data of Shell AB.

Sh~1I A9

'.0 2.0
Circumferential Posihon

(c) Southwell plots for data of Shell A9. (d) Line load distributions for cylinders
just prior to buckling.

Figure 322. Imperfect monocoque cylindrical shells under axial compression: (a-c) Southwell
plots of growth of normal displacement harmonics for three specimens of Arbocz and Babcock
[341] ; (d) variation of axial line load around the circumference (from Horton and Craig [414 J).

Table 28. Buckling of a ring-stiffened cylindrical shell under hydrostatic pressure: comparison of
multiple observations on a single specimen (test data from [423] , theory of [424 J).

Station no. Southwell load Station no. Southwel1load

1 172 12 171
2 171 13 172
3 173 14 174
4 171 15 173
5 173 16 169
6 169 17 168
7 171 18 174
8 178 19 174
9 174 20 168
10 173 21 174
11 174
Mean value of load 172.2
Theoretical value (Kendrick) 173

Ratio of mean value

= 0.995
theoretical value

Table 29. Buckling of ring-stiffened cylindrical shells under hydrostatic pressure: comparison of
single observations on a range of specimens (test data from [423], theory of [424]).
Specimen Southwell load
Theoretical load

2 1.022
3 0.861
4 1.076
5 0.882
Average 0.970

"In essence, Southwell's method is based on the neutral characteristic. In the nonlinear theory
of elastic stability the post-buckling behavior is generally not of the neutral type but takes one
of three forms, depending on the nature of the nonlinearities of the system. The possible
load-deflection curves are depicted in Figs. 323(b), (c), and (d), and may be described as the
asymmetric, stable-symmetric, and unstable-symmetric characteristics, respectively. The corre-
sponding load-deflection curves for an imperfect system are also indicated on the diagram.
These are now not rectangular hyperbolas but have the perfect equilibrium curves as
" ... Typical Southwell lines corresponding to the four buckling types, namely neutral,
asymmetric, stable symmetric, and unstable symmetric, are drawn in Figs. 324(a), (b), (c),
and (d), respectively. The initial slope in each case is 1IPeR . For the neutral case, this slope is
maintained for all values of 8. For the asymmetric case, the slope decreases as 8 increases in
the positive direction and increases as 8 increases in the negative direction. For the stable
symmetric and unstable symmetric cases, the slope decreases and increases, respectively, as
[8 [ increases."
"On the basis of these diagrams, it is now possible to draw certain conclusions regarding
the validity of the Southwell procedure as the measured deflections become large."
"For the neutral buckling characteristics there is no problem. The asymmetric buckling
characteristic is the most interesting. If in an experimental structure the imperfections are
such that they generate a load-deflection curve with monotonically increasing load [positive
deflections in Fig. 323(b)], then the best straight line fitted to the experimental points in a
Southwell plot will have a slope which is less than the true slope at zero deflection. Hence,
the Southwell procedure would overestimate the critical load. If, on the other hand, the imper-
fections generate a load-deflection curve in which the load reaches a local maximum [i.e.,
negative deflections in Fig. 3 23(b)] , then the Southwell procedure underestimates the critical
load ... A steep ideal post-buckling curve may give rise to a considerable discrepancy."
"Similarly, in the case of symmetric buckling characteristics (Fig. 323(c,d» the following
conclusion is drawn. The Southwell procedure overestimates the critical load for a stable

Table 30. a Buckling loads of perfect monocoque cylindrical shells obtained from Southwell
plots of data of Arbocz and Babcock [341].
Max. load P (Sou thwell) P
Cylinder a= a -
mean load Pel Pel

A7 1.16 0.87 1.009

AS 1.12 0.90 1.008
A9 1.06 0.91 0.964

aFrom Horton and Craig [414].



--- ... /

(0) (b)

,, ,
.- /


(~ )

Figure 323. Types of post-buckling behavior (from Roorda [417]).

symmetric characteristic and underestimates it for an unstable symmetric characteristic, regard-

less of the sense of the initial imperfections ... The sharper the initial curvature in the ideal
post-buckling path, the greater the difference betweenPCR and its estimated value." [417]

From Figs. 321 and 322(a-d) it is seen that application of the Southwell procedure
to different harmonic components of the displacement fields of the axially compressed
cylindrical shells yield different estimates of the critical load. While in this case it is
easy to choose the Sou thwellline with the highest slope (lowest PCR) as corresponding
to the critical load, remember that the curves in Fig. 321 were generated from a
rather elaborate test setup involving fairly small, easily managed laboratory specimens.
To extract and reduce a similar amount of data for actual shell structures to be used in
the field would appear to be impractical. It would be easier to obtain the critical
bifurcation load theoretically from one of the many computer programs now available.
In some cases, such as that corresponding to Fig. 322(c), the Southwell plot has a very

alP 6/P


(0) ( b)
6/P 6/P

,/ ,/

,/ ,/
/. "

(c) ( d)

Figure 324. Southwell plots corresponding to the four types of post-buckling behavior shown in
Figure 323 (from Roorda [417]).

limited linear region. The slope depends on which points the analyst decides to include
when he draws the straight line.
An important question in a discussion of the Southwell method is, of what signi-
ficance is the classical bifurcation load? Figure 325 shows schematically load-deflection
curves for perfect and imperfect axially compressed rectangular plates. A very reliable
Southwell plot can easily be obtained from a plate with a large imperfection because
the hyperbolic growth of the lateral deflection is easily measured, as seen from Fig.
317, for example. However, the bifurcation load NCR is of little significance because
the plate fails due to maximum strain at some axial load not at all related to NCR' The
plate with the small imperfection represented in Fig. 325 may fail at a load many
times the bifurcation load. For example, Tennyson et al. [419] report that shear
panels with b/h of about 300 carried loads of at least 8 times the classical buckling
loads. Some panels were cycled to five times the bifurcation load 100 times. Test
results reported by Booton [420] on buckling of shear plates with b/h of 100 show
ultimate loads between two and three times the classical buckling load. A nonlinear
analysis combined with Tsai's fracture criterion [421] predicts reasonably well the
ultimate load of these panels; the classical bifurcation load has no significance. Conse-
quently, the design of flat plates, especially those designed as shear webs, is not
properly based on the bifurcation buckling analysis, but rather on a nonlinear post-
buckling analysis.
In the case of curved shells, the Southwell procedure is most easily applied to
configurations for which the load-carrying capability is not sensitive to initial imper-
fections. However, it often develops that for just these cases the bifurcation load is
of little significance because of post-buckling strength, as with the axially compressed
pear-shaped cylinder (Fig. 58), which collapses at a load more than twenty times the
lowest bifurcation load. The Southwell procedure applied to imperfection-sensitive
structures is difficult and probably expensive because of the closely spaced eigen-
modes, all of which grow at different rates, necessitating the use of many control
points in tests and associated automated data reduction. It appears to be more practical
Bifurcation Primary
Point Path


Figure 325. Load-strain behavior ofaxialJy compressed plate with small and large imperfections.

nowadays to use a computer program to calculate PeR. As mentioned previously,

however, it may be beneficial to use the Southwell method in conjunction with
computer programs to ascertain certain unknown or doubtful physical characteristics
of a complicated structure, such as effective stiffness or boundary conditions. These
characteristics would be changed in repeated runs of the computer program until the
critical bifurcation load predicted by the program agrees with that from the Southwell

Buckling oj hybrid bodies oj revolution


By "hybrid bodies of revolution" is meant configurations such as shown in Figs. 41

and 42 of Ref. [430], in which some parts of an axisymmetric structure are modeled
with use of thin-shell theory and other parts with use of isoparametric solid elements
of revolution. Bushnell [426] has written a computer program called BOSOR6 for
the stress, buckling, and vibration analysis of these configurations. Such a computer
program is useful for the analysis of axisymmetric structures with local axisymmetric
stress concentrations or the analysis of foam-supported shells.
The stresses and strains for neighborhoods within about one wall thickness of the
junction shown in Fig. 41 of Ref. [430] cannot adequately be predicted with thin-
shell theory. Therefore, a small region is defined in which the domain is discretized
in two dimensions. Figure 42 of Ref. [430] shows other examples in which such a
hybrid model might be used for accurate prediction of local stresses and strains.
Equations governing the stress, stability, and modal vibration of hybrid bodies
of revolution are given in Ref. [430] [Eqs. (209)-(329)] . The analysis is applicable
to bodies of revolution composed of thin shell segments, thick segments, and discrete
rings. The thin shell segments are discretized by the finite difference energy method as
shown in Figs. 20 and 21 of Ref. [430], and the thick or solid segments are treated as
assemblages of 8-node isoparametric quadrilateral finite elements of revolution, an
example of which is illustrated in Fig. 46 of Ref. [430]. Suitable compatibility
conditions are formulated through which these dissimilar segments are joined without
introduction of large spurious discontinuity stresses, as described in the discussion
associated with Fig. 49 of Ref. [430]. In the formulation on which the BOSOR6
computer program is based plasticity and primary or secondary creep are included.
Axisymmetric prebuckling displacements may be moderately large. The nonlinear
axisymmetric pre buckling problem is solved in two nested iteration loops at each load
level or time step. In the inner loop the simultaneous nonlinear equations corresponding
to a given tangent stiffness are solved by the Newton-Raphson method. In the outer
loop the plastic and creep strains and tangent stiffness are calculated by a sub-
incremental procedure. The linear response to nonaxisymmetric loading is obtained by
superposition of Fourier harmonics (Eqs. (219) of Ref. [430]).



The purpose of this chapter is to show some examples in which the hybrid model is
used for accurate prediction of critical loads corresponding to axisymmetric collapse
or bifurcation buckling. The chapter opens with a study of ring-stiffened cylindrical
shells under uniform hydrostatic pressure in which each ring and small regions on
either side are modeled with use of 8-node quadrilaterals of revolution. Results from a
hybrid model are compared to predictions such as shown in Fig. 165 in which the rings
are treated as discrete line structures attached at specific nodes of the discretized shell
wall reference surface. Next, results are reported for buckling of a spherical shell
embedded in an elastic foam. The case represents a model of a flotation material
proposed for deep submersible vehicles.
The remainder of the chapter is devoted to a detailed study of an axially com-
pressed frangible joint in a cylindrical shell and in a rocket interstage consisting of a
cylindrical shell joined to a small end of a conical frustrum. These frangible joints are
used for the separation of booster stages during launch of a payload into space. The
stages when consumed are separated from the remainder of the vehicle at joints
designed to fracture under forces generated by the explosion of a primacord contained
within a cavity extending around the circumference at the plane of separation. Proper
design of these joints is difficult because they must be strong enough to carry the
launch loads but weak enough to fracture under the primacord explosion forces. If
the separating joint is to fracture reliably, it must contain a circumferential notch or
notches at the roots of which fracture initiates. These notches naturally act as stress
raisers under launch loads as well. The behavior of the structure in the immediate
neighborhoods of the notches cannot be predicted with use of shell theory, and the
hybrid model is therefore required to obtain accurate results. Two configurations are
investigated, one in which test and theory are compared for frangible joints embedded
in a short cylindrical shell and the other in which a frangible joint is embedded in a
cylindrical shell a short distance between this shell and a conical frustrum. The effect
of a modification of the joint design on the critical axial load is demonstrated in the
second case, which represents a realistic rocket interstage.
The problems described in these sections of the chapter are complicated indeed,
involving bifurcation buckling, nonlinear geometric effects, elastic-plastic material
behavior, and changing points of contact between parts of a specimen. These sections
are written in a spirit of a tutorial - a guide-by-example for the modeling and solution
of other complex nonlinear problems with similar ingredients. To be effective, such a
guide must contain many details and illustrations. The intent here is to demonstrate
the applicability of a rather complex but computationally efficient model to a real
design problem. Particular attention is given to proper formulation of boundary
conditions and contact conditions in both the nonlinear prebuckling and bifurcation
phases of the problem.

Ring-stiffened cylindrical shells under uniform hydrostatic pressure

In 1965 Boichot and Reynolds [212] tested to failure many ring-stiffened aluminum
cylinders of the geometry illustrated in Fig. 326. The bottom part of Fig. 326 shows

L f =0.394
h =0.0511
d -0.110
b -0.037

1(7) HY~RID
'[ Clamped

Figure 326. Aluminum ring-stiffened cylinder tested under external pressure by Boichot and
Reynolds at the Naval Ship Research and Development Center, Maryland, and four possible analyti-
cal models for treatment with BOSOR6.

four analytical models of such a cylirider that can be treated with the hybrid program,
BOSOR6 [426]. All of the Boichot and Reynolds cyliriders failed after some of the
material had yielded. Some of them collapsed axisymmetrically and others buckled
nonsymmetrically. Comparisons between Boichot and Reynolds' tests and predictions
obtairied with BOSOR5 [47] are shown in Figs. 163-167.
One of the specimens, denoted "20-52", buckled nonsymmetrically in a general
instability mode with three or four circumferential waves. The dimensions of this
specimen are given in Fig. 326. Buckling pressures corresponding to each of the four
analytical models shown in Fig. 326 were obtained with BOSOR6. In every case the
predicted buckling pressure is very close to 5200 psi with a buckling mode of 3 or 4
circumferential waves. The hybrid model and prebuckling and buckling modal de-
formations are shown in Fig. 327. In the test the cylinder failed at 4595 psi. Here the
relatively expensive hybrid model is not needed. In fact, a "smeared" ring analysis
is sufficient. The discrepancy between test and theory is caused by some other factor,
perhaps a nonsymmetric geometric imperfection.
Another of the specimens, denoted "25 -88", had very thick rings, as shown in
Fig. 328(a). In the test this specimen collapsed axisymmetrically at a pressure of 9450
psi. At this pressure most of the material was stressed well beyond the proportional limit.
Figure 328(b) and (c) shows the results of two analyses performed with BOSOR5
[47]. In Modell the three rings are treated as discrete and attached at single node
points. This model yields a predicted axisymmetric collapse pressure of 8819 psi,
underestimating the test pressure by about 7%. Actually the shell wall is not as free to
bend axially in the neighborhoods of these ring attachment points as Modell allows.
In the Model 2 analysis the meridional rotations at the top and bottom faces of each
ring are constrained to be equal. The resulting prediction overestimates the test
pressure by about 5%. The predicted axisymmetric failure modes for Models 1 and 2
are shown iri Fig. 328.
Segment CO------!
Segment ®-tL ;

Segment ®--~ ,
Segment ®~-b
". :' !
Segment @i,

Segment ®-f~ ;;
Segment CD --~

Figure 327. Ring-stiffened cylindrical shell specimen 20-52 modeled as hybrid body of revolution;
prebuckling deflected shape and general nonsymmetric instability mode.


I __ Nodal
IN POints
___ Nodo)


TEST, '94S0PSI , • 8819PSI P 'I0040P'l1

cr cr cr

Figure 328. Predicted axisymmetric collapse modes of ring-stiffened cylindrical shell specimen
25-88 analyzed as a shell with discrete rings: (a) specimen geometry; (b) neglecting ring thickness
effect; (c) including ring thickness effect.

A better approximation of the actual behavior in the neighborhoods of the ring-

shell junctures can be obtained with a hybrid model such as shown in Fig. 329. The
clamped edge area and the rings with neighboring portions of cylinder are modeled as
assemblages of two-dimensional isoparamatric 8-node finite elements. These are joined
by means of appropriate juncture conditions to the one-dimensional shell segments.
With use of this model the predicted collapse pressure is 9520 psi, less than 1% above
the test value of 9450 psi. The axisymmetrically deformed shape just before collapse
is shown with exaggerated amplitude in Fig. 329.

:-.f - -- -- -- -'
----',---- J

2 p.,.tTII ....y) ••aao,..

I '.,CTMUa t4~,.1

Figure 329., Specimen 25-88 modeled as a hybrid structure and axisymmetric collapse mode
predicted by BOSOR6.

Spherical shells embedded in structural foam

Since the 8-node isoparametric element permits the prediction of thin-shell behavior,
as revealed in Fig. 43 of Ref. [430], problems of the type shown in Fig. 330 can be
handled with BOSOR6. Figure 330(a) shows buckling of a spherical shell embedded in
foam subjected to uniform pressure. Such systems are being considered for high
strength, low density buoyancy materials for deep submersible vehicles.
Tests have been performed [427] for failure under external pressure of con-
figurations such as shown in Fig. 330(b). The most likely failure modes are nonaxi-
symmetric buckling at the equators of the spherical shells (Symmetry Plane AA in
Fig. 330(b)) and fracture due to stress concentrations in the neighborhoods where
adjacent spherical shells almost touch (Symmetry Plane BB in Fig. 330(b )). Figure
330(c) shows the prebuckling deformations and Fig. 330(d) shows the buckling mode
for the section of structure denoted "AA" in Fig. 330(b).
The quality of the models and results are better than they appear to be in Fig.
330 because the element shapes and displacements actually vary quadratically within
each 8-node element, not bilinearly as plotted.
Let Per be the buckling pressure of the embedded shell and Pel the classical
buckling pressure of the shell without the foam. In a test [427] pcr/Pel was 1.135,
very close to the prediction from BOSOR6 of Per/Pcl = l.130. The failure occurred
at the equator of one of the embedded spherical shells.

E -3 xl05 psi

Symmetry Plane
In Section BB

(a) Buckling of spherical shell embedded in foam (b) Finite element model of spheres embedded in
subjected to uniform external pressure. under external pressure.

d ~,

j Ii
n = 8 Circumferential Woves

Per/PCL = 1.130

C::::x;;;:::.\..0:____ .'.. ______________________ 0__________ J

(c) Prebuckling deformations of portion of (d) Buckling mode for portion of structure denoted
structure denoted "Section Mil in (a). "Section AA" in (a).

Figure 330. Buckling of foam-supported spherical shells.

Elastic-plastic instability of axially compressed shells of revolution with

axisymmetric frangible join ts

Rockets for launching from earth to space are staged. The stages when consumed are
separated from the remainder of the vehicle at joints designed to fracture under forces
generated by the explosion of a primacord contained within a cavity extending around
the circumference at the plane of separation. Proper design of these joints is difficult

because they must be strong enough to carry the launch loads but weak enough to
fracture under the primacord explosion forces. If the separating joint is to fracture
reliably, it must contain a circumferential notch or notches at the roots of which
fracture initiates. These notches act as stress raisers under the launch loads, of course.
Instability of the shell with the notched joint embedded in it may result from a
complicated interaction of load-path eccentricity and local plastic flow which cannot
be predicted accurately unless the regions in the immediate neighborhoods of the
notches are modeled with the use of solid elements of revolution. The growth of the
regions in which plastic flow occurs as the axial load is increased cannot be accurately
determined from shell theory. This local plastification exacerbates the load path
eccentricity caused by the notches. The increased load path eccentricity gives rise to
increased local meridional rotations that precipitate axisymmetric collapse similar to
that shown in Figs. 59-61 or nonsymmetric bifurcation buckling similar to that
shown in Figs. 81 and 82.
In this section two configurations are examined in some detail, one in which test
results are available for comparison and the other which represents a real design
problem in aerospace technology. The main purpose for inclusion of this detailed
discussion of a rather esoteric application is to demonstrate modeling techniques for
structural stability problems that involve a complicated interaction of structural parts,
plasticity, load-path eccentricity, and configurations in which shell theory alone

SoH Aluminum 10.125 in.!

Axial Strain Gages

7075-17351 Aluminum

Doubler n
L! --
Outside Doubler
Steel Primacord Tube
Bending Control Gages

Soft Epoxy Potting

Figure 331. General configuration of cylindrical panel with frangible joint tested under uniform
end shortening (from Bushnell et al. [428]).

cannot lead to an accurate prediction of failure. Full details are presented in Refs.
[428] and [429].

Comparison of test and theory for a frangible joint embedded in a simple cylindrical

Test configuration and BOSOR6 model: Figure 331 shows an experimental arrange-
ment and joint configuration. The test panels had a nominal radius of curvature of
45 inches and were supported in such a way as to simulate a complete (360 0 )cylinder.
Loading was applied through hydraulic rams, visible at the bottom of Fig. 331. The
right- and left-hand set of rams were controlled such that axial strain gages on the
inside and outside of the specimen located 2.0 inches from the lower end of the
specimen (z = 2.0) recorded the same strain. This procedure minimizes the bending
that can be quite substantial in tests of axially compressed curved panels if such
control is not used. Each curved panel was mounted on soft aluminum end plates so
that the axial load was reasonably uniformly distributed along its circumference.
Three tests were performed in which the frangible joint specimens were loaded in


1,----- b



(b) V

Figure 332. (a) A specimen after failure, and (b) the BOSOR6 model showing the undeformed
and deformed configurations (from Bushnel1 et al. [428]).

(a) (b)

Figure 333. (a) Expanded view of the failed specimen, and (b) BOSOR6 model (from Bushnell
et at. [428]).

compression to failure. In one of the tests the steel primacord tube shown in Fig. 331
was omitted; in the other two tests it was present. The three specimens were all
nominally symmetric about a horizontal plane passing through the roots of the two
Figures 332 and 333 show one of the failed specimens and a BOSOR6 axisymmetric
hybrid model of the undeformed and deformed specimen. In this particular model, the
specimen is assumed to be loaded by different meridional moments, Ma and Mb , at
the ends "a" and "b" as well as by axial compression Vat the end "b" (Fig. 332). The
magnitudes of the end moments are established so as to simulate as well as possible
test conditions as measured by inner and outer fiber strain gages at points c and d
and the radial deflection at the inside notch as measured by a radial deflectometer.
More details on this are given in Ref. [428].
Shell theory can be used to predict the overall deformation of the structure, but
not to predict the stresses and strains at and near the roots of the notches. The long
solid lines in Figs. 332(b) and 333(b) represent the reference surfaces of axisymmetric
shell segments. The models are chosen so that shell theory leads to accurate prediction
of the behavior at the four interfaces of the thin shell and solid regions shown in Fig.
333(b). We know from principles set forth by S1. Venant that these interfaces need
be only an order of a shell thickness away from the roots of the notches.

Discretization: The BOSOR6 discretized model shown in Figs. 334 and 335 consists
of Segments 1 through 6 and 9 through 18, which are treated as thin shell segments
~nd Sel!:ments 7 and 8. which are treated as solids of revolution with use of eil!:ht-node.

J~ Pad .015

-Se<jment@ ~




I lJ
~ 5. 0 ~ 6. 0 , 5 46.0

lal Ibl lei

Figure 334. Discretized BOSOR6 model of specimen with primacord tube showing reference
surfaces of shell segments, nodal points, and notch regions modeled with solid eight-node iso-
parametric finite elements of revolu tion (from Bushnell et al. [428]) .

• - Physical contact point

• " Nodal points involved in contact
constraint conditions

Ij No tube or soft pads,
W'@" w'@i W'@" ~
Stiff pads, No contact

Soft pads, No contact

[ Stiff pads, W@" W'@

Soft pads, No contact

Stiff pads,
lal Prebifu rcation, W'@" w'@
Ibl ~, No contact

'L~-++I+-+l-+---_ j Soft pads or stiff pads,

lal pr.bi.fur.cation, W'(j/ W'@jW@"W'@
Ibl llliurgtliotF No contact

l..H++~~~--I-1,.\-l---\-I+-1 Soft pads, No contact
Stiff pads, w@. w'@
Soft pads, No contact
Stiff pads,
lal Prebifurcation, wlil-
Ibl Bifurcation, No contact
(UO,V",w o ®: (u·,vo.wo~

I'-..-~'"-.\!~=cb-b-J~- f No tube or soft pads,

Inlid, Ou'tsid. WCD" WQj' "'C]). w@
Doubler Doubler Stiff pads, No contact

Figure 335. Detail of region near notches with pre buckling and bifurcation contact conditions.
Encircled numbers indicate segments (from Bushnell et al. [428]).

isoparametric finite elements. At the junctures between the thin shell segments and
solid segments, the nodal point displacements are constrained to be related to each
other such that the normal to the shell surface remains straight and normal as
deformation occurs. An alternative model would be one in which the entire structure
is treated with use of solids of revolution and degenerate solids of revolution (Ahmad
elements, Ref. [430]). However, use of such a model would result in very high com-
putational costs compared to those associated with the hybrid model shown here,
thereby precluding extensive parameter studies.

Pads: The purpose of the very short Segments 4 and 11, shown in Figs. 334( c) and
335, is to provide elastic pads which connect the steel primacord tube crowns, Seg-
ments 15 and 18, to the main aluminum cylinders, Segments 1 and 14. By changing
the elastic modulus Ep of these pads, one can simulate a loose fit (small Ep) or a
snug fit (large Ep). For example, if Ep is very small, very little axial load will pass
through the tube. Application of axial compression vat the end "b" (Fig. 332) will
cause the frangible doublers to pinch together because of the inward load path
eccentricity created by the notches, flattening the tube somewhat. On the other hand,
if Ep is set equal to the modulus of Segment 1 (aluminum), more axial load will pass
through the tube. In this case, whether the tube is flattened or bulges opposite the
doubler notches depends on the relative importance of four forces. Those imposed at
the tube crowns by the main cylinders, Segments 1 and 14, tend to cause bulging,
and those imposed at the plane of symmetry of the tube [z = 4.44 in Fig. 334(c)] by
the notched doublers tend to cause flattening.

Material properties: The discretized model is assumed to be composed of three

different materials, aluminum, steel, and a fictitious pad material, the modulus of
which is adjusted for the purpose just described. The aluminum is elastic-plastic with
the proportional limit at Oy = 56650 psi and the stress-strain curve given in Fig. 347.
The material of the steel primacord tube is assumed to be elastic and have Significant
stiffness only in the meridional direction (E I tube = 30 X 10 6 psi, lJtube = 0). Small
values for the circumferential modulus (E2tube = 10 6 psi) and the shear modulus
(Gtube = 3.8 x lOS psi) are specified in order to prevent local spurious "zero energy"
tube buckling modes. The characterization of the tube material as being orthotropic
rather than isotropic is advisable in this case because the test specimens were rather
short in the circumferential direction (about 5 to 11 inches) compared to the cylinder
radius (about 45 inches). The prima cord tube, therefore, does not develop circum-
ferential stresses that vary around its meridian due to distortion of its cross section,
which would be the case if the tube formed a complete torus. The same argument
cannot be set forth for the aluminum frangible doublers because the area of particular
interest in this study includes the notches, the cross-sectional dimensions of which
are very small compared to the circumferential dimensions of the test specimens.

Junction and contact conditions between the primacard tube and the cavity provided
for it: The prima cord tube absorbs some of the axial load and, more important,
counteracts the tendency of the frangible doublers to pinch together as axial com-
pression is increased. While a conservative joint design from the point of view of load-

,, ,,


(a) (b) !c)


Figure 336. Deformations of an axially compressed frangible joint with: (a) snugly fitting
tube, (b) loosely fitting tube, and (c) no tube (from Bushnell et al. [428]).

carrying capability would result from an analysis in which the tube is neglected,
such a procedure would lead to a notch configuration requiring more energy for
separation, with associated higher shock loads due to primacord ignition. For this
reason, and for good correlation with test results, it is essential to include the
primacord tube in the model.
In the actual frangible joint the steel primacord tube is not fastened to the
surrounding structure but is simply inserted into the rectangular cavity provided for
it. The snugness of the fit depends on the tolerances on the parts. In the BOSOR6
model the snugness of the axial fit is adjusted as just described. The width of the
cross section of the tube is assumed to match that of the cavity, as shown in Fig. 335.
Since the tube is not fastened to the rest of the structure, it is important to formulate
proper contact conditions for stress and bifurcation buckling.
Proper contact conditions for nonlinear stress analysis are formulated in the
following way: A BOSOR6 model is first set up in which it is assumed that the
frangible doublers contact the thicker cylindrical Segments 1 and 14 only at the bolt
center lines shown in Fig. 334(b), where they are clamped. The crowns of the tube,
Segments 15 and 18, are assumed to contact the pads, Segments 4 and 11, as shown in
Fig. 335. A small axial compression combined with moments Ma and Mb is applied,
and the relative radial displacements w* of the tube, cylinders, and doublers at points
of potential contact are observed. If one segment is observed to move through another,
contact is assumed to occur at the point of maximum relative w*. A new run is made
with new contacts incorporated, and any further contact points are identified as
before. Such runs are repeated until there are no further changes in the model.
Table 31. Comparison of failure loads from tests and BOSOR6 models.
Critical axial load Vcr from
BOSOR6 Obi in.)
Specimen Primacord Critical test
number tube axial load Nonlinear Bifurcation b
present? Vcr (lb/in.) collapsea
1 No 4708 4800 6841
2 Yes 5788 5650 5339
3 Yes 5513 5650 5339

aCorrespond to stiff pads. Specimens 2 and 3 were nominally identical.

bCalculated from linear analysis with Ma = Mb = O. The lowest bifurcation buckling load corre-
ponds to n = O.

Figure 335 shows the results of such a procedure. The positions of contact points
depend on the snugness of the axial fit. With stiff pads (Ep = 10 7 psi), the tube bulges
out at the equators of the toroidal tube crowns (z = 4.16 in. and z = 4.72 in., Fig. 334
(c», contacting the frangible doublers there and preventing these doublers from con-
tacting the end of Segment 1 and the beginning of Segment 14. With soft pads
(Ep = 105 psi), more axial load passes through the frangible doublers, which pinch the
tube opposite the notches so that contact occurs at the end of Segment 1 and the
beginning of Segment 14 instead of at the equators of the toroidal tube crowns. Figure
336 shows deformation patterns for three cases in which constant end moments
Ma and Mb are included.
Bifurcation buckling is a possible mode of failure. If Ma = Mb = 0, the prebuckling
deformation is symmetrical about a plane through the notch roots, and the critical
bifurcation buckling mode corresponds to an axisymmetric deformation (n = 0) or
nonaxisymmetric deformation (n > 0) in a pattern which is antisymmetric about this
plane of symmetry. If Ma -=l=Mb , the pre buckling deformation contains a component
of the antisymmetric n = 0 bifurcation mode which grows until failure occurs; there
is no axisymmetric bifurcation buckling. However, bifurcation buckling for n > 0
is still a possibility. The contact conditions given in Fig. 335 for bifurcation buckling
are derived from inspection of the post-buckled test specimen shown in Fig. 333(a).
In order to predict bifurcation buckling failure, it 'is necessary in this case to impose
different contact conditions for the nonlinear pre buckling (equilibrium) problem
and the bifurcation buckling (eigenvalue) problem. It is clear from Fig. 333(a) that
after buckling the primacord rube remains in contact with the rest of the structure
only at four points, two diametrically opposed points on each side of the structural
plane of symmetry.
A detailed discussion of the boundary conditions at points (a) and (b) [see Fig.
332(b)] for the prebuckling and bifurcation phases of the analysis is given in Ref.
[428] and will not be repeated here.

Numerical results: Table 31 lists the critical axial loads per circumferential arc length
for the three specimens tested and numerical results corresponding to nonlinear
collapse (limit load behavior) and bifurcation buckling. Load-axial strain curves are
shown in Figs. 337 and 338 for the specimens without and with the primacord tube.


-.-.. BOSOR6 linear Bifurcation .--
&'. .~
" " IMa = Mb = 0) ___ ...... ---

a; 5000
--- --------_._-
BOSOR6 Failure
~ /~....-

z Catastrophic / ,,// G E
52 4000 Failure in Test ~. "" A
Vl Gage
Vl ISpecimen Ill) ./ "'"
lS:! ./ "",' Pair#3
0. ./ / '
:E 3000
No Tube ,K~'
---. ,"'" /,"'"
::s / ' / ' --- Model with Notch
~ 2000
"" /
/. '
Model without Notch
'/ "",'./
'/ /""", & Outside Doubler
'/ ,,/
BOSOR6 { • H
'/ ,,,,,,,,,,,'
~ Inside Doubler
'/ ,-:'i'"
."/" Test Results, 4 Load Cycles
0 -OJ -0.2

Figure 337, Axial strain including and neglecting the notches for the specimen without the
primacord tube (from Bushnell et aL [428]).

"",Catastrophic Failure
6000 ~ ~Te~Specimen ~ :::z::::BOSOR6 ~I~ Prediction
.oIr- ___
a- ___ .......
,;;;F -::::-£
\:OTest Specimen _-----tr-::;.::--'
~ \ #3 Failure ~IS"-- ~ ___ ,-t.r
, ""
"" ....- / ' ---'
I I ,- "" "" K "'"
Z 4000 t /
&' ",Ii!"
d , I
/ '" '"
z $!
:2 3000 / '/
Vl I /
Vl I /
With Tube & Stiff Pads 0.22
0. 2000 Ji."
f,f. "" Model with Notch
-r fl
:E I
0 /
U '/ Model without Notch
,- " '/

1000 if d' • Outside Doubler
~ Inside Doubler Tube
-{),Q4 -0.08 -{).12 -{),16 -{),20 -{).24 -0.28 -OAO -0044

Figure 338, Axial strain including and neglecting the notches for the specimens with the primacord
tube (from Bushnell et aL [428]),

:"X".O·s0 j'
:" j

:~'::':'::..::: I

· .....
•• '
·· .... ' .'.. , .

: ~ ..... . .' .. 1
· ..
· .. .


. ' ..
v = 3000 Ib/in V· 2000 Ib/in

. "..... .'2J'::'::':~'
.: .:
' . . . '" "
.. . ... .. ..
.. . '

v • 4000 Ib/in v • 3000 Ib/in

.. :"1 · .. t
II. •

f' .·
• ••

. .
·... '.'~ . .
: :"'1
..' II
'. '..•'.' .
·· ..... ·· ..

.. , ..

' • II ••

,-- ..
v • 4000 Ib/in

v • 5000 Iblin

". . ..
v • 5600 Ib/in v • 4800 Ib/in


Figure 339. Development of plastic regions at the roots of the notches predicted from the
BOSOR6 "half' models (stiff pads assumed) (from Bushnell et al. [428)).

Also plotted are curves for models in which the notches are omitted. With the notches
present, the specimen without the tube is predicted to collapse at 4800 lb/in. and that
with the tube is predicted to collapse at 5650Ib/in. Both of these results are within
about 2% of the test failure loads.
Omission of the notches clearly changes the problem significantly for the case
without primacord tube. However, a very good estimate of the collapse load is
obtained for the case with the tube. The notch plays a less important role in nonlinear
collapse when the tube is present because the tube resists the tendency of the frangible
doublers to pinch together. Computer runs in which the notches are omitted cost
much less than do those with the notches included because the entire model then con·
sists of thin shell segments. Local and global matrices for thin shell segments contain

many fewer degrees of freedom and integration points than do those for the eight-
node isoparametric solid elements of revolution, and the assembled matrices are more
narrowly banded. Therefore, in preliminary design analyses of similar frangible joints
the tube should be included in and the notches omitted from the computerized
Figure 339 shows the predicted growth of plastic regions in the notches with
increasing axial compression for the case in which the end moments Ma = Mb = 0 [see
Fig. 332(b)]. The maximum effective strains ee at the notch roots are much less
for the specimen with the tube, primarily because the tube resists the pinching motion
evident in Fig. 336( c) and secondarily because the tube carries approximately 19% of
the axial load (with the assumption of "stiff pads").
The linear bifurcation loads listed in Table 31 are calculated for models in which
the end moments Ma and Mb = O. For the specimen without the tube, contact is
assumed to exist at the four points E, F, G, and H (shown in Fig. 337) in the pre-
buckling phase. As before, the critical bifurcation buckling mode is axisymmetric
(n = 0) and antisymmetric with respect to the structural plane of symmetry through
the notch roots. At Vcr = 6840lbjin., the critical axial bifurcation load predicted
from linear theory with zero Ma and M b is much higher than the predicted axi-
symmetric collapse (limit) load of 4800 lbjin. with nonzero Ma and M b'
For the specimen with the tube, the bifurcation buckling contact conditions are
given in Fig. 335. These conditions lead to a prediction of Vcr = 5339lbjin., some-
what lower than the nonlinear axisymmetric collapse load of 5650lbjin. The latter
prediction is associated with the existence of more contact points between the tube
and the doublers, which undoubtedly causes a significant part of the difference.
The model with the tube gives a lower bifurcation buckling load than that without
because the effective free lengths of the doublers, which act as wide columns in axial
compression, are apparently greater if the doublers contact the tube crown equators
[z = 4.16 and 4.72 in Fig. 334(c)] than if they contact the ends of either Segment 1
or Segment 14. This result appears at first to be anomalous. However, remember
that the tube is only hinged to Segments 1 and 14. Without the doublers, the two
cylindrical segments and the tube, linked as implied in Figure 335, constitute a
mechanism. Therefore, the contacts between the tube crown equators at z = 4.16
and 4.72 in Figs. 334(c) and 335 represent effective loads on the doublers rather
than effective supports, and the free axial lengths of the doublers are thereby increased
approximately by the distance from the ends of Segments 1 or 14 at z = 4.0 and
z = 4.88, respectively, to the bolt lines indicated in Fig. 334(b), depending on the
contact conditions specified for the bifurcation problem in Fig. 335.

Frangible joint embedded in a complex shell structure

The purpose of this section is to demonstrate the applicability of the nonlinear hybrid
shell-solid model to a practical aerospace design, and to show how a proposed design
modification affects the ultimate axial load-carrying capability of the joint and
surrounding structure. Also demonstrated here are the technique and appropriateness
of use of an equivalent axisymmetric axial load to represent a combination of axial
compression, shear, and bending loads.


I Frangible Doublers



I Simple Support ~ ,

k' ~}
- R 45.7--_1 I

Ib) I
la) Ib) Ie)


Figure 340. Rocket inter stage configuration with frangible joint (dimensions in inches).

Structural configuration and segmented model: Figure 340 shows the rocket inter-
stage with a frangible joint similar to that displayed in Fig. 337. The manner in which
the structure is segmented for analysis with the BOSOR6 program [426] is illustrated
in Fig. 341. Segment 1 is an eccentrically stiffened conical frustrum, treated in the
BOSOR6 model as a layered shell with layer properties derived as described in Fig.
39 of Ref. [430]. The joint region and contact conditions between the frangible
doublers and Segments 5 and 16 are modeled in a manner similar to that shown in
Fig. 335, except that the primacord tube is absent. The web of the large ring at the
junction between the conical frustrum and the cylindrical shell (z = 231.6) is treated
as a flexible shell branch, with its flange included as a discrete ring with dimensions
indicated in Fig. 341(b). Axial load path eccentricities exist in the upper part of the
cylindrical shell, as shown in Fig. 341(a). Segment 20 is made of graphite-epoxy, and
the rest of the structure is made of aluminum.
Certain geometrical constraints and the location of electrical equipment imposed
limitations on the location of the frangible joint. The best compromise resulted in
its location within the bending region in the neighborhood of the cylinder-cone
junction, as demonstrated in Fig. 342. This behavior necessitates the use of the

-ll'H-=!-"-'FRH ®..':'! ®

1 1~4;)';1'2S2'501-~
i ~i.m~:~~r.; rr/".
246 .--!f:.Id--±---l±1H ®.b~~®

~! \.., '"
IIi--- '
--1 c.,
Material ')!le's; 244
14S.67,245.69J E·6.68xl~.G·I.04xJrP
@ I
145.645,244.001-1- !4'.61,244.00)·(r,zI
.:_~ 243
145..... '<l.l7I-j IA) Ie)
'40 li Contact
~i Ws'W6
14.5.46, Zl7.2W _~ __ r' 45.83 , 240
~;:.~.12 - [ z. m.88} ~~e;s <3>and@
2lS !4S.46,Z34.a»- -- ('45.83
€I, 145.645,234.80)
I4S 645 2l1601_\~.!i~e~Q)---t= Discrete ~if1qCentrojd238
•• ·SIl9'@\'-I46.0l.231.60l 149,755,231.(10)

'" Ir,II·I46.553,129.6OI
/ \
\ SeI]ment®

s.,;;;;;;;mo"""'"'M"'".""ria"'IP=",.""rtl"'es \. \ \~
'" h ..

ModuliKl1f ~\0
l.ayerThick- E E *\~.
~..!!!!!... J!i!! eire \'\
I 0.15 10.3 10.3 ~\
0,102.2470, ,.\
\ 231

4 :'.~: ~:,~: :: ~, Discrete

RIng D.2Hfoo-
r~~ \ ~ ,: C-<JCc--::'Il!O.78
'IS \\ R\u,,---.L!===*o~., --L

45 50

"0 SECTIONAA \, Clamped

Ir,z)' t~7 .125, 209,101 ~y,;;

RA!lIALCOOR!lINATE. r!inct!es'

Figure 341. Structural details corresponding to the BOSOR6 model of the rocket interstage
(dimensions in inches).

extensive model shown in Fig. 341. It is not sufficient to study only the immediate
region of the joint or of the notches in the frangible doublers in order to determine
accurately the critical axial load. There are nonlinear interaction effects between the
overall rotation, bending, and shearing of the joint region and the local bending of the
frangible doublers due to the load path eccentricities caused by the notches. The
hybrid shell-solid model is ideally suited for this analysis because extensive regions in
which shell theory holds can be included in the model with relatively minor increases
in computer run costs.

Substitution of uniform axial compression for the actual loads: The actual loading on
the rocket interstage consists of axial, shear, and bending components, as illustrated
in Fig. 340. Figure 343 shows total load components S, M, P applied at an end of a
cylindrical shell and how these loads can be converted into trigonometric harmonics
of applied axial and shear stress resultants for use as input into BOSOR6. The most

Simple u·

W" = 0
u*,~ free
v; 240

N 235
~ 220



25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75
Figure 342. Deformation of rocket interstage under uniform axial compression. The frangible
joint lies within the bending region of the cylinder-cone junction.

critical meridian is that at (J = 0, where the compressive axial load is maximum.

The local stresses in the notch areas are predicted very accurately by an axisymmetric
analysis in which the axisymmetric compressive axial stress resultant Va is set equal
Va = P/2nr + (M + Sl)/nr2 (188)
where I is the distance from the axial station at which S is applied to the axial station
at the notch. Figure 344 shows a comparison of the effective (von Mises) stress
distributions through the doubler thicknesses at the roots of the notches predicted
from nonlinear axisymmetric and linear nonaxisymmetric analyses with Va = 1000
lb/in., a rather small load compared to the ultimate load. Clearly an axisymmetric
loading model suffices. The advantages of the axisymmetric model are:
1. Nonlinear material and geometric effects are included in this analysis branch of
2. Far fewer degrees of freedom and hence much less computer time are required
for axisymmetric nonlinear analysis than for nonsymmetric nonlinear analysis.

Axisymmetric collapse a/the rocket interstage: Figures 345 and 346 show exaggerated
views of the axisymmetric deformation as the axial compression is increased to the
predicted collapse load of 4400 lb/in. Failure is due to an interaction of overall large
rotation of the joint region and local collapse of the outboard doubler brought about
• s
v0 -


j 1 1 !1


r---~v 1 • -"-
rrr2 cos e


Figure 343. How the total load components S, M, and P on a shell can be transformed into
applied loads/length.

by plastic flow which at this load has spread through the entire doubler thickness
near the notch root. The predicted effective strain at the notch root in this doubler
is plotted for various axial loads in Fig. 347.

Effect of a minor design change: Figure 348 shows the difference between an original
joint design and the final configuration displayed in Fig. 341. With the original design
(a) the axially loaded joint deforms in such a way that approximately 56% of the total
load passes through the inboard frangible doubler and 44% through the outboard
frangible doubler, causing the stresses at the root of the inboard notch to be higher
than those at the root of the outboard notch. The changes in Segments 4 and 17
shown in Fig. 348 shift more axial load to the outboard member such that the
maximum stresses in the outboard member are slightly higher than those of the
inboard member. The original design (a) leads to a predicted collapse load of 4000
lb/in. and the redesigned joint (b) leads to a predicted collapse load of 4400Ib/in.
The 0.03-inch outboard shift of Segments 4 and 17 is a bit too much. A 0.025 shift
would probably be better. The deformations in the doublers at the collapse loads of
the two configurations are illustrated in Fig. 349, and the growth of the plastified
regions is exhibited in Figs. 350(a) and (b).

40 ~ 40
~~ 30



d Doubler) (Outboar d Doubler)
(lnboar . Axisynm<'t"ic Case

, ~h"~" . ~ .
£> LInear Non
-axISyrrTTPtnc . d nonlinear aXls~
. mmetnc
Figure 44 . f resu Its li . urn aXIa
3 . Companson
a t a load level sue
h that from n ear nona xisymmetnc
the maxIm an.IS V
. 1 compressl.on - I 000 lb/m.

,, ,,
,, ,,
, ,
,, ,,
, ,
," '"


Figure 345.


.." ~ D


44.0 46.5

v= 3500 Ib/in Vcr = 4400 Ib/in (Collapse)

Figure 346. Enlarged view of frangible joint region .

.:.. .:..
Of I
# f
2000 = V
o Input points for Strpss-Strain
(;lIrve Llspd in [OSDRR
1500 = V
50 X Strt'!...;s and strain at thp pncirC'lf'd
rxlint \'s. axial Ioadflpngth, V



~ :In

'" 20



Figure 347. Stress-strain curve for the aluminum used in the frangible doublers and the effective
stresses and strains vs. axial load V up to collapse of the rocket interstage shown in Figs. 345
and 346.







Figure 348. Frangible joint detail, showing (a) an original design and (b) the final design to
which the model shown in Fig. 341 corresponds. This minor change raises the compressive load-
carrying capability of the rocket interstage by 10%.



~ 236.5
'"" 236.0
'"g 235.5
<C 235.0


234.0 +---~---,-f--1--~--;----r-
44.0 44.5 46.5
(a) Original Design: Vcr· 4000 Iblin. (Collapse) (b) Final Design: Vcr' 4400 Iblin. (Collapsel

Figure 349. Comparison of deformation of the original and the final design at the collapse, load
of each.

SegnEnt @ .Se@ment @ Se_nt@ Segment @

v = 3000 lb!in Vcr = 4000 lbjin (collapse)


Segment @ Segrrent @ Segment@ Segment @

v ~ 3000 lb!in v = 4000 Ib!in

(10% below collapse)

Figure 350. (a) Growth of plastified regions near notch roots in the original design. (b). Growth
of plastified regions near notch roots in the final design.


$: Vcr = 5400 Ib/in compression

l -----------------




Figure 351. Axisymmetric deformation at collapse load Vcr == 5400 lb/in. axial compression of
the rocket interstage with the steel primacord tube included in the BOSOR6 model.

Effect of a steel primacord tube: Figure 351 shows results from a model in which a
0.035-inch-thick steel primacord tube is added to the model displayed in Fig. 341.
The steel tube contacts Segments 5 and 16 in such a way that only axial displacement
continuity is enforced (sliding contact). It is represented as a toroidal shell with four
segments, as plotted in Fig. 335. The predicted axisymmetric collapse load with the
tube present is 1000 Ib/in. higher than with the tube absent. This result is corroborated
by experiments, as demonstrated by comparison of Figs. 337 and 338.

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91. Bushnell, D., "Buckling and vibration of ring-stiffened segmented shells of revolution-
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Part 1: Design and Analysis, pp 255 -268 (1969).
92. Bushnell, D., "Buckling of spherical shells ring-supported at the edges", AIAA J., Vol. 5, No.
11, pp 2041-2046 (1967).
93. Wang, R. L., "Effects of edge restraint on the stability of spherical caps", AIAA J., 4, pp
718-719 (1966).
94. Weinitschke, H., "On asymmetric buckling of shallow spherical sheUs", J. Math. Phys., 44, pp
141-163 (1965).
95. Huang, N.C., "Unsymmetrical buckling of thin shallow spherical shells", J. Appl. Mech., 31,
pp 447-457 (1964).
96. Cohen, G.A., "Buckling of axially compressed cylindrical shells with ring-stiffened edges",
AIAA J., 4,1859-1862 (1966).
97. Bushnell, D., "Nonsymmetric buckling of cylinders with axisymmetric thermal dis-
continuities",AIAA J. Vol. 11, No.9, pp 1292-1295 (1973).
98. Hoff, N.J., "Buckling of the Thin Cylindrical Shell Under Hoop Stresses Varying in the Axial
Direction", Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 24, pp. 405-412 (1957).
99. Johns, D.J., "Local Circumferential Buckling of Thin Circular Cylindrical Shells", Collected
Papers on Instability of Shell Structures, TN-D-1510, NASA, pp 267-276 (1962).
100. Anderson, M.S., "Thermal Buckling of Cylinders", Collected Papers on Instability of Shell
Structures, TN D-1510, NASA, pp 255-265 (1962).
101. Chang, L.K. and Card, M.F., "Thermal Buckling in Stiffened Cylindrical Shells", Proceedings
of the AIAA/ASME 11th Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, pp
260-272 (April 1970).
102. Bushnell, D., "Analysis of Ring-Stiffened Shells of Revolution under Combined Thermal and
Mechanical Loading",AIAA J., Vol. 9, No.3, pp 401-410 (March 1971).
103. Bushnell, D., "Effect of Ring Out-of-Plane Bending Stiffness on Thermal Buckling Prediction
for Ring-Stiffened Cylinders", AIAA J., Vol. 9, No.8, pp 1653-1654 (Aug. 1971).
104. Ross, B., Hoff, N.J. and Horton, W.H., "The Buckling Behavior of Uniformly Heated Thin
Circular Cylindrical Shells", AFOSR 65-0982, SUDAER No. 225, Stanford Univ., Stanford,
CA (April 1965); also Experimental Mechanics, Vol. 6, pp 529-537 (1966).
105. Hill, D.W., "Buckling of a Thin Circular Cylindrical Shell Heated Along an Axial Strip",
SUDAER 88, Stanford Univ., Stanford, CA (Dec. 1959).
106. Ross, B., Mayers, J. and Jaworski, A., "Buckling of Thin Cylindrical Shells Heated Along an
Axial Strip", Experimental Mechanics, Vol. 5, No.8, pp 247-256 (Aug. 1965).
107. Fliigge, W., Stresses in Shells, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Chap. 5, pp 275-276 (1960).
108. Johns, D.J., Houghton, D.S. and Webber, J., "Buckling Due to Thermal Stress of Cylindrical
Shells Subjected to Axial Temperature Distribution", Rept. 147, College of Aeronautics,
Cranfield, England (May 1961).
109. Webber, J.P.H., private communication, Univ. of Bristol, Dept. of Aeronautical Engineering,
Bristol, England (Nov. 2, 1972).
110. Yao, J.C., "Buckling of a truncated hemisphere under axial tension", AIAA J., Vol. 1, pp
2316-2319 (1963).
111. Bushnell, D., "Bifurcation phenomena in spherical shells under concentrated and ring loads",
AIAA J., Vol. 5, pp 2034-2040 (1967).
112. Pedersen, P.T. and Jensen, J.J., "Buckling of spherical cargo tanks for liquid natural gas", The
Royal Institution of Naval Architects, Vol. 5, (1975).
113. Galletly, G.D., "Stress failure of large pressure vessels - recommendations resulting from
studies of the collapse of a 68 ft. high X 45 ft. dia. pressure vessel", Tech. Rept. No. 45 -57,
Shell Development Corp., EmeryviIle, CA (Mar. 1957).
114. Drucker, D.C. and Shield, R.J., "Limit analysis of symmetrically loaded thin sheIls of
revolution", Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 26, No.1, pp 61-68 (Mar. 1959).
115. Shield, R. J. and Drucker, D.C., "Design of thin-walled torispherical and toriconical head
pressure vessels", Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 28, No.2, pp 292-297 (1961).
116. Gerdeen, lC. and Hutula, D.N., "Plastic limit analysis of hemispherical and toriconical head
pressure vessels", Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 28, No.2, pp 292-297 (1961).
117. Crisp, R.J. and Townley, C.H.A., "The application of elastic and elastic-plastic analysis to the
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Delft, pp 345-354 (1969).
118. Simonen, F.A. and Hunter, D.T., "Elastic-plastic deformations in pressure vessel heads",
Welding Research Council Bulletin No. 163 (1971).
119. Calladine, C.R., "Lower-bound analysis of symmetrically loaded shells of revolution", First
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121. Use of Computer in Pressure Vessel Analysis, ASME, Papers and Discussion from ASME
Computer Seminar,-Dallas, Texas (Sept. 25, 1968) (1969).
122. Gerdeen, J.C., "Use of the computer in the plastic limit analysis of pressure vessels", ibid,
123. Mescall, J.F., "Large deflections and stability of shells of revolution", ibid, pp 1-25.
124. Marcal, P.V., "Elastic-plastic analysis of pressure vessel components", ibid, pp 71-81.
125. Esztergar, E., "Development of design rules for dished pressure vessel heads", Welding
Research Council Bulletin, 215 (April 1976).
126. Fino, A. and Schneider, R.W., "Wrinkling of a large, thin code head under internal pressure",
Welding Research Council Bulletin, No. 69 (June 1961).
127. Mescall, J., "Stability of thin torispherical shells under uniform internal pressure", NASA TN
D-1510, Collected Papers on Instability of Shell Structures, pp 671-692 (Dec. 1962).
128. Adachi, J. and Benicek, M., "Buckling of torispherical shells under internal pressure", Experi-
mental Mechanics, Vol. 4, No.8, pp 217-222 (Aug. 1964).
129. Thurston, G. and Holston, A.A., Jr., "Buckling of cylindrical shell end closures by internal
pressure", NASA CR-540 (July 1966).
130. Brown, K.W. and Kraus, H., "Stability of internally pressurized vessels with ellipsoidal heads",
presented at 2nd National Congress on Pressure Vessels and Piping Technology, San Francisco
(June 23-27, 1975).
131. Bushnell, D. and Galletly, G.D., "Comparisons of test and theory for nonsymmetric elastic-
plastic buckling of shells of revolution", Int. J. Solids Struct., Vol. 10, pp 1271-1286 (1974).
132. Bushnell, D. and Galletly, G.D., "Stress and buckling of internally pressurized elastic-plastic
torispherical vessel heads - comparisons of test and theory", ASME J. Pressure Vessel Tech-
nology, Vol. 99, pp 39-53 (Feb. 1977).
133. Lagae, G. and Bushnell, D., "Elastic-plastic buckling of internally pressurized torispherical
vessel heads", Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 48, pp 405-414 (1978).
134. Galletly, G.D., "Internal pressure buckling of very thin torispherical shells - a comparison of
experiment and theory", 3rd SMiRT Conf., London, Paper G2/3 (1975).
135. Galleltly, G.D., "Elastic and elastic-plastic buckling of internally pressurized 2:1 ellipsoidal
shells", AS ME Paper 78-PVP-47 (June 1978).
136. Kirk, A. and Gill, S.S., "The failure of torispherical ends of pressure vessels due to instability
and plastic deformation - an experimental investigation", Int. J. Mech. Sci., Vol. 17, pp 525-
544 (1975).
137. Patel, P.R. and Gill, S.S., "Experiments on the buckling under internal pressure of thin
torispherical ends of cylindrical pressure vessels", Int. J. Mech. Sci., Vol. 20, pp 159-175
138. Bushnell, D., "Nonsymmetric buckling of internally pressurized ellipsoidal and torispherical
elastic-plastic pressure vessel heads", ASME J. of Pressure Vessel Technology, Vol. 99, pp 54-
63 (Feb. 1977).
139. Galletly, G.D., "Buckling and collapse of thin internally pressurized dished ends", Proc. Inst.
Civil Engrs., Part 2, Vol. 67, pp 606-626,1979.
140. Vandepitte, D., "Model Investigation of the Collapse of a Steel Water Tower", Proc. of
Conference on Stability of Steel Structures, Liege, Belgium, pp 599-607 (April 1977).
141. Other Vandcpitte/Lagae work in Belgium from which Fig. 105(a) and (c) come. Letter dated
8 Aug., 1978 from Guy Laeae, Laboratorium voor Modelonderzek Rijksuniversiteit-Gent,
Belgium, to D. Bushnell.
142. Bushnell, D., "Effect of Cold Bending and Welding on Buckling of Ring-Stiffened Cylinders",
Computers & Structures, Vol. 12, pp. 291-307 (1980).
143. Faulkner, D., "Effects of Residual Stresses on the Ductile Strength of Plane-Welded Grillages
and Ring-Stiffened Cylinders", J. Strain Anal. & Eng. Design, Vol. 12, pp. 130-139 (April
144. von Mises, R., "Der kritische Aussendruck flir allseits belastete zylindrische Rohre (Fest Zurn
70 Beburstag von Prof. A. Stodola, pp 418-430, Zurich) (1929).
145. Nash, W.A., "Buckling of thin cylindrical shells subject to hydrostatic pressure", J. Aeronaut.
Sci., 21, pp 354-355 (1954).
146. Galletly, G.D. and Bart, R., "Effects of boundary conditions and initial out-of-roundness on
the strength of thin-walled cylinders subject to external hydrostatic pressure", J. Appl. Mech.,
23, pp 351-358 (1956).
147. Singer, J., "The effect of axial constraint on the instability of thin cylindrical shells under
external pressure", J. Appl. Mech., pp 737 -739 (1960).
148. Sobel, L.H., "Effects of boundary conditions on the stability of cylinders subject to lateral
and axial pressures", AIAA J. 2, 1437-1440 (1964).
149. Nachbar, W. and Hoff, N.J., "The buckling of a free edge of an axially compressed circular
cylindrical shell", Quart. Appl. Math., 20, pp 267 -277 (1962).
150. Stein, M., "The effect OIi the buckling of perfect cylinders of prebuckling deformations and
stresses induced by edge support", Collected papers on Instability of Shell Structures - 1962,
NASA TN D-1510, pp 217-228 (1962).
151. Fischer, G., "Uber den Einfluss der gelenkigen Lagerung aug die Stabilitat dUnnwandiger
Kreiszylinderschalen unter Axiallast und Innendruck", A. Flugwissenschaften. 11, 111-119
152. Almroth, B.D., "Influence of edge conditions on the stability of axially compresssed
cylindrical shells",AIAA J., 4, pp 134-140 (1966).
153. Almroth, B.D. and Bushnell, D., "Computer Analysis of Various Shells of Revolution", AIAA
J. 6, pp 1848-1855 (Oct. 1968).
154. Galletly, G.D., Aylward, R.W. and Bushnell, D., "An Experimental and Theoretical Investi-
gation of Elastic and Elastic/Plastic Axisymmetric Buckling of Cylinder Cone Combinations
Su bjected to Uniform External Pressure" ,Ingenieur-Archiv. Vol. 43, pp 345 -358 (1974).
155. Aylward, R.W., Galletly, G.D. and Moffat, D.G., "Buckling Under External Pressure of
Cylinders with Toriconical or Pierced Torispherical Ends: A Comparison of Experiment with
Theory", J. Mech. Eng. Sci., VoL 17, 11-18 (1975).
156. Weller, T., Singer, J. and Batterman, S.C., "Influence of Eccentricity of Loading on Buckling
of Stringer-Stiffened Cylindrical Shells", Thin-Shell Structure, Theory, Experiment and
Design, Y.C. Fung and E.E. Sechler (eds.), Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., pp 305-324
157. Singer, J. and Rosen, A., "Influence of Boundary Conditions on the Buckling of Stiffened
Cylindrical Shells", Buckling of Structures, Proceedings of IUTAM Symposium, Harvard
University, Cambridge, Mass., June 1974; Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp 227-250 (1976).
158. Singer, J. and Abramovich, H., "Vibration techniques for definition of practical boundary
conditions in stiffened shells",AIAA J. 17, No.7, pp 762-769 (July 1979).
159. Block, D.L., Influence of discrete ring stiffeners and prebuckling deformations on the buckling
of eccentrically stiffened orthotropic cylinders, NASA TN D-4283 (1968).
160. Baruch, M. and Singer, J., "Effect of Eccentricity of Stiffeners on the General Instability of
Stiffened Cylindrical Shells under Hydrostatic Pressure", Journal of Mechanical Engineering
Science, 5, No.1, pp 23-27 (March 1963).
161. Stuhlman, C.E., DeLuzio, A. and Almroth, B., "Influence of Stiffener Eccentricity and End
Moment on Stability of Cylinders in Compression", AIAA J. 4, pp 872-877 (May 1966).
162. Budiansky, B. and Hutchinson, J.W., "A Survey of Some Buckling Problems", AIAA J. 4, No.
9, pp 1505-1510 (Sept. 1966).
163. Lo, H., Crate, H. and Schwartz, RB., Buckling of Thin-Walled Cylinder Under Axial Com-
pression and Internal Pressure, NACA TN 2021 (January 1950).
164. Harris, LA., Suer, H.S., Skene, W.T. and Benjamin, R.J., "The Stability of Thin-Walled Un-
stiffened Circular Cylinders Under Axial Compression Including the Effects of Internal
Pressure", J. of Aeronautical Sciences, 24, No.8, pp 587-596 (Aug 1957).
165. Suer, IlS., Harris, L.A., Skene, W.T. and Benjamin, R.J., "The bending stability of thin-
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25, No.5, pp 281-287 (May 1958).
166. Fliigge, W., Die Stabilitat der Kreiszlinderschale, Ing-Archiv, Bd III, Heft 5, pp 463-506
(Dec. 1932).
167. Crate, H., Batdorf, S.B. and Baab, G.W., "The Effect of Internal Pressure on the Buckling
Stress of Thin-Walled Circular Cylinders Under Torsion", NACA L4E27 (May 1944).
168. Hopkins, H.C. and Brown, E.H., "The effect of internal pressure on the initial buckling of
thin-walled circular cylinders under torsion", British Aeronautical Research Council, R & M
No. 2423 (Jan. 1950).
169. Batdorf, S.B., "A simplified method of elastic-stability analysis for thin cylindrical shells",
NACA Report 874 (1947).
170. Tennyson, R.C., "The effect of shape imperfections and stiffening on the buckling of circular
cylinders", in Buckling of Structures, B. Budiansky (ed.), Springer-Verlag, New York, pp
251-273 (1976).
171. Bushnell, D., "Buckling of elastic-plastic shells of revolution with discrete elastic-plastic ring
stiffeners", Int. J. Solids Structures, Vol. 12, pp 51-66, (1976).
172. Tennyson, R.C., "Buckling of laminated composite cylinders: a review", Composites, (U.K.)
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173. March, H.W. et a!., "Buckling of thin-walled plywood cylinders in torison", Forest Products
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175. Cheng, S. and Ho, B.P.C., "Stability of heterogeneous aeolotropic cylindrical shells under
combined 10ading",AIAA Journal, 1, No.7, pp 892-898 (April 1963).
176. Ho, B.P.C. and Cheng, S., "Some problems in stability of heterogeneous aeolotropic
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177. Tasi, J., "Effect of heterogeneity on the stability of composite cylindrical shells under axial
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178. Holston, A., Jr., "Buckling of inhomogeneous anisotropic cylindrical shells by bending",
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179. Holston, A., Jr., "Buckling of filament-wound cylinders by axial compression",AIAA Journal,
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184. Card, M.F., "Experiments to determine the strength of filament-wound cylinders loaded in
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187. Khot, N.S., Venkayya, V.B. and Berke, L., "Buckling and post-buckling behavior of initially
imperfect orthotropic cylindrical shells under axial compression and internal pressure",
presented at IUTAM Conference "Instability of continuous systcms" (HcIIcnalb, West
Germany, Sept. 1969).
188. Khot, N.S., "Buckling and postbuckling behavior of composite cylindrical shells under axial
compression", AIAA Journal, Vol. 8, pp 229-235 (Feb. 1970).
189. Card, M.F., "The sensitivity of buckling of axially compressed fiber-reinforced cylindrical
shells to small geometric imperfections", NASA TMX-61914 (June 1969).
190. Tennyson, R.C. and Muggeridge, D.B., "Buckling of laminated anisotropic imperfect circular
cylinders under axial compression", Journal of Spacecraft· and Rockets, Vol. 10, pp 143-
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191. Jones, R.M. and Hennemann, J.C.F., "Effect of prebuckling deformations on buckling of
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Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, Bethesda, Md., (April 1978), AIAA J., Vol.
18, pp 110-115 (1980).
192. Booton, M. and Tennyson, R.C., "Buckling of imperfect anisotropic circular cylinders under
combined loading", AIAA J., Vol. 17, No.3, pp 278-287 (March 1979). .
193. Tennyson, R.C., Booton, M. and Chan, K.H., "Buckling of short cylinders under combined
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194. Stricklin, J.A., Haisler, W.E., Von Reisemann, W.A., Leick, R.D., Hunsaker, B. and Saczalski,
K.J., "Large deflection elastic-plastic dynamic response of stiffened shells of revolution",
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ferential temperature gradients", Journal of the Aeronautical Sciences, Vol. 26, pp 803-808
204. Anderson, M.S. and Card, M.F., "Buckling of ring-stiffened cylinders under a pure bending
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206. Holmes, A., "An experimental investigation of cylinder buckling under axial load and thermal
stress due to asymmetrical heating", LMSC/YI-69-66-2, Lockheeed Missiles & Space Co., Palo
Alto, CA (Dec. 1966).
207. Lu, S.Y. and Chang, L.K., "Thermal buckling of conical shells", AIAA Journal, Vol. 5, No.
10, pp 1877-1882 (Oct. 1967).
208. Chang, L.K. and Lu, S.Y., "Nonlinear thermal elastic buckling of conical shells", Nuclear
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SUDAAR 258, Stanford Univ., Stanford, CA (Feb. 1966).
210. Smith, S., "An experimental investigation of the thermal buckling of conical shells", thesis,
Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronauts, Stanford Univ., CA (May 1964).
211. Blumenberg, W.F., "The effect of intermediate heavy frames on the elastic general instability
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Basin Report 1844, (Feb. 1965).
212. Boichot, 1. and Reynolds, T.E., "Inelastic buckling tests of ring-stiffened cylinders under
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215. Reynolds, T.E., private communication (June 1974).
216. Lee, L.H.N., "Inelastic asymmetric buckling of ring-stiffened cylindrical shells under external
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217. Gerard, G. "Plastic theory of stiffened cylinders under hydrostatic pressure", J. Ship Res., 6,
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232. Hibbitt, H.D. and Marcal, P.V., "A numerical thermomechanical model for the welding and
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Author Index

Abir, D. 169 Brush, D.O. 7, 14-21, 25, 26, 52-59, 304

Abramovich, H. 24, 124, 146 Budiansky, B. 150, 273, 280, 286, 298,
Adachi, J. 93, 99,101 299-302,307,309,326,329,331,
Aksel'rad, E.L. 39 341-345
Almen, J.O.I92 Burns, A.B. 319-325
Almroth, B.O. 7, 14-21, 24-26,51-59,127, Bushnell, D. 30, 34-37,41,65-70,73,75-
130,132,146,156-160,222,229,232, 81,84-88,92-100,132-141,146,158,
283,285,286,304,319-325 167-176,190-192,194-197,211,
Amazigo, J.C. 286, 287, 299-302, 309-311, 215-217,221,224-241,331,340-342,
326-329 345,353,356,357,374,383
Anderson, M.S. 74, 169, 170, 172, 177, 178, Byskov, E. 249, 265-268
Arbocz,J. 284,286, 294-297,318-320,362, Calladine, C.R. 41, 93
363 Card, M.F. 74, 169, 170-172, 177, 178, 183,
Ariaratnam, S.T. 359 237,311
Chang, L.K. 169, 170
Babcock,C.D.284,286,294-297,318,362, Chen, W.F. 193
363 Chen, Y.N. 222,232,306
Ball, R.E. 166 Cohen,G.A. 71, 131, 170,283,287,341
Baltus, R. 4 Craig, J.1. 360, 363
Banks, M.H. 360 Crawford, R.F. 248, 249, 260, 261
Bart, R. 127 Crisp, RJ. 93
Batdorf, S.B. 154, 329 Cundari, F.L. 360
Batterman, S.C. 30, 32, 145
Baruch, M. 143, 160,183,242,287 Davis, G.W. 222
Becker, E. 237 DeAngeles, R.J. 192, 202, 204
Bendavid, D. 170 Donnell, L.H. 22, 154, 283,286,287,319,
Benicek, M. 93, 99 335,360
Bergan, P. 50, 51 Dow, D.A. 327
Bijlaard, P.P. 246 Drucker, D. 93
Biricikoglu, V. 331, 345
Black, P .H. 192 Egle, D.M. 222
Block, D. 143, 237 Ezsterger, E. 93
Blumenberg, W.F.183-187
Boichot, 1.188,189,369,370 Faulkner, D. 116, 194, 205
Booton, M. 163-166, 366 Findlay, G. 41
Brazier, L.G. 38, 39, 51 Fino, A. 93
Brogan,F.A.40,51,222,232 Fischer, G. 127

Fisher, G.P. 246 Koiter, W.T. 12,22,23,246,248,249,254,
Fitch, J.R. 287, 291, 331, 341-345 256,258,260-262,272-277,279,285,
Flugge, W. 75,152 292,297-300,304-306,309,315,316,
Frauenthal, J.e. 286-292, 310, 311-315, 341 321,322,326,329-335,338,339,345,
Friedman, E. 193 349
Fung, Y.C. 330 Kraus, H. 93
Krenzke, M. 188, 196, 197
Galletly, G.D. 92, 93, 94-103, 109, 127,
133-138 Lagae, G. 94, 105-107, 110, ill
Gellin, S. 33 Le~L.H.N.30,31,189
Gerard, G. 30, 189 Leonard, R.W. 218
Gerdeen, I.C. 93 Lewis, G.M. 248,249,251,259
Gere, J. 359 Liaw, B.D. 222
Gill, S.S. 94,99,102,105-108 Lo, H. 152
Graves-Smith, T.R. 248 Lorenz, R. 23
Greenstreet, W.L. 40 Lu, S.Y. 170
Griffin, D. 41 Lunchick, M.E. 189, 192

Maquoi, R. 248
Harris, L.A. 25, 26, 152-154, 156, 161,284
Marcal, P. 93, 193
Hedgepeth, J.M. 248, 249, 260
Marguerre, K. 331, 335, 341
Hennemann, J.C.F. 161
Marlowe, M.B. 222, 232
Hibbitt, H.D. 193
Marulic, W.J. 222
Hill, D.W. 169, 170, 173, 177, 178
Massonnet, C. 4, 248
Hill, R. 277
Masubuchi, K. 193
Hoff, N.J. 20, 22, 23, 74, 75, 80, 127, 131,
Masur, E.F. 273
Mayers, J. 170, 175
Holmes, A.M.C. 53, 170
McDonold, D. 222
Holston, A. 93, 99
Mescal, I.F. 93
Hopkins, H.C. 154
Mikulas, M. 237
Horton, W.H. 20, 33, 65,80,86,91,353,354,
Mindlin, R.D. 270
Moses, F. 237
Huffington, N.J. 166
Muggeridge, D. 286
Hutchinson, J.W. 33, 150,222,232,249,
Nachbar, W. 127
Nardo, S.Y. 169
Nash, W.A.127, 131
Hubka, W.E. 166
Nassar, E.M. 360
Needleman, A. 49, 256, 277, 280
Jenkins, W.C. 229, 232 Newman, S.Z. 8, 30,40,41,45
Jensen, J.J. 347 Nickel, R.E. 193
Johns, D.J. 74, 78-81, 169
Jones, R.M.161, 237,311 Okubo, S.51,52

Kalnins, A. 170,331,345 Patel, P.R. 94, 99, 102, 105-108

Kao, R. 331 Pedersen, P.T. 89, 90, 298, 347
Kaplan, A. 27,29,330,340 Perrone, N. 331
Kempner, J. 222, 232, 306 Pian, T.H.H. 331, 340, 345
Ketter, R.L. 192 Pignataro, M. 249, 256
Khot, N.S. 316, 317 Pittner, E. 319-325
Kiernan, T. 188 Plank, P.P. 222
Kirk,A.94,99,102,109 Popov, E.P. 41
Kirstein, A.F.199 Potters, M.L. 292
Klein, S. 166
Koga, T. 331, 340 Queener, C.A. 192, 202, 204
Rao, A.K. 268, 269 Sturm, R.G. 222
Reissner, E. 39, 40, 269 Suer, H.S. 152, 155
Reynolds, T.E. 188, 189,369,370 SValbonas, V. 170
Richie, C.c. 222
Riks, E. 285 Tacey, R.K. 193
Roche, R. 40, 41 Tennyson, R.C.157, 162-166,183,286,366
Roorda,J.11,300,361,363-365 Thielemann, W.F. 304
Ro~,B.78-80,170,175,222 Thompson, I.M.T. 248,249,251,256-260,
Ross, D.A. 193 339
Thurston, G. 93, 99
Sakata, I.F. 222 Tong,P.331,340,345
Samuelson, L.A. 33 Townley, C.H.A. 93
Save, M. 93 Tsai, S. 237
Schneider, R.w. 93 Tsien, H.S. 283
Sechler, E. 286, 296, 318, 330 Tu1k, J.D. 249, 256
Sclde,P.38,47,273,302 Tvergaard, V. 246-249, 255-264, 273, 275,
Sewell, J.1. 30, 222 277,280,281,286,299,300,329,330,
Shama, M.A. 193 340,347
Shang, J.C. 222
Shanley, F.R. 285 Underwood, P. 166
Sharifi, P. 269
Shennan, 40,43 Vanderplaats, G.N. 237
Shield, R.J. 93 van der Neut, A. 246-256, 261, 309, 332, 334
Singer, J. 24, 123, 124, 127, 142, 143, Vandepitte, D. 110, 115
145-147,160,170,183,242,287,294 Venkayya, V.B. 317
Singhal, M.K. 360 Viswanathan, A.V. 237
Skaloud, M. 246, 259 von Karman 20, 283, 286, 319, 334
Skogh,J.40,355 von Mises, R. 127
Slankard, R.C. 199, 203 Vrillon, B. 40
Sobe~L.H. 8,30,40,41,45,127,130
Walker, A.C. 249, 256
Soong, T.C. 283, 284 Wan, C.C. 22, 286
Southwell, 6, 273,318, 336, 357-367 Wang, R.L. 68
Spence,J.41 Weingarten, V.I. 38, 47, 302, 303
Srinivas, S. 268, 269 Weller, T. 145
Stanley, P. 99 Williams, F.W. 237
Starnes, J.H. 56 Williams, J.G. 319, 320
Stein, M. 127 Wittrick, W.H. 237
Stephens, W.B. 39,46-48,305,306
Stern, P. 355 Yao, J.C. 86, 88, 89, 229, 232
Stricklin, J.A. 166 Yamaki, N. 329
Stroud, W.J. 237
Stuhlman, C.E.147 Zoelly, R. 330, 334
Subject Index

Anneal temperature 193, 195 "Boundary layer" 66,67,125,126,138,146,

Asymptotic theory 12,272-292,331-337 219,229
Axisymmetric imperfections 33, 286, 300 Buckling mode 6,10,12,13,37,65,68,70,
Axisymmetric shells 2,13,64-122 73,77,79,83,85-92,96-99,134,
Axisymmetric collapse 2, 6,17,31-34,73, 137,148,186-188,197,206
191,380-381 orthogonality to prebuckled state 50
near the bifurcation point 109, 110, Buckling under internal pressure 92-109, 347
113 Built-up structure 60-63, 115,134-138,141,
Bauschinger effect 208 modal interaction of 245 -269
Bending energy 2, 7, 105
Bifurcation buckling 1,7-10,69,125,380 Circumferential waves 66, 68-73, 77-83, 86,
effect of material nonlinearity 93, 99-100, 89,94,131,132,172
103,104,134-138 188-208 Classical buckling 1,20-27,71-73,127-130
effect of pre buckling membrane stress state Collapse 1,7-10,30-63,198,232,380-381
64,82-84,96-98,101,107,125 effect of transverse shear deformation
effect of prebuckling shape change 64, 65, 269-270
67,69,74-80,93,96-98,102,105, near bifurcation point 46
107,108,125,207,212,214 with creep 34, 37
influence of stiffness matrix K 1 and load- Column buckling 13-18,246-256
geometric matrix K2 on 125 lattice construction 259-261
relationship to prediction of nonlinear col- two-bar truss 1, 13-18
lapse 51, 53, 54 two-flanged 246-256
with linear prebuckling theory 16, 38, 39, bifurcation buckling 247, 250, 251
51,53,126,143,147,153 imperfect 251-256
with nonlinear prebuckling theory 16, 39, initial post-buckling behavior 253-254
49,50,64-122,134-138,147, mode interaction 246-256
153,378-392 optimization of 259-261
Bifurcation point 7-10,12,18 Composite material 4, 63,159-166,269-271,
near the axisymmetric collapse load 109- 314-318,360
110,113 effect of transverse shear deformation
Boundary condition 2, 4,123-146,166,173, 269-271
174,187 Computer programs 12
contact points 377 -378 BOSOR4 66,67,77,83,85,133,138,139,
different for prebuckling and buckling 142,170-181,210,223-245,272
phases of problem 134-138 BOSOR5 30-33,41,94,96,99-107,112,
importance of axial restraint 143, 187, 188 114-122,135,188,195-198,207,
review of literature 127 286
BOSOR6 368, 370, 372, 376, 379, 384- decreased imperfection sensitivity
386 282
ELBOW 40 stiffened cutouts 54, 55
EPACA 40 stress redistribution away from cut-
PANDA 212 out 54, 57,282
PASCO 237 effect of length 130, 138, 139, 143, 145
MARC 40, 41 effect of nonuniform prebuckling state
STAGS 30, 54, 55, 59, 62,166,228,229, 24,60-63,65,84,85,130,143-
234,272,286 150,283
TRICO 40 free edges 131, 132
VIPASA 237 imperfection sensitivity 33, 276, 282,
Computer time 220, 222 285-295,297-304,316,317
Conical shell buckling local imperfection 299-300
ring-stiffened, external pressure 218-219 measured imperfections 318-320
thermal buckling 5, 170, 174-177 modal imperfection 301-302
cone-cylinder combination 134-135 random imperfection 300-302
comparison of test and theory 134-135 sinusoidal imperfection 297 -299
water tank 110-122 inextensional buckling 126, 131, 132
comparison of linear and nonlinear pre- load eccentricity 126, 147-150
buckling theory 114 mode interaction 265-269
comparison of test and theory 111-113 non-circular cylinder (see Prismatic
fabrication effects structure buckling)
cold bending 119-121 non-uniform axial compression 167-
mismatch 117, 119 181
welding 115 -118 plastic buckling 30-37, 67
imperfections sensitivity 113 post-buckling behavior 283, 285-297
nonlinear geometric effect 113, 114 review of literature 30
Creep law 34 short cylinders 130, 131
Cross section deformation 209, 241, 246 stiffened
Crippling (also see wrinkling) 140, 142, 144, effect of axial constaint 143
215,222 imperfections sensitivity 24, 25,
Cylindrical panal buckling 49-51, 280, 281, 309-315
304-306 rings 6, 138-141, 167, 168, 170-
axial compression 235, 280, 281, 304-306 172, 180, 181
imperfection sensitivity 281, 304- 306 stringers 24, 126, 138-150,309-
initial post-buckling behavior 281,304 315
effect of torsional rigidity of stringers with eccentric load 147-150
305 with internal pressure 6, 24,151-156
plasticity 280-281 comparison of test and theory 303,
with normal concentrated load 50-52 323-325
Cylindrical shell buckling 2, 20-26, 30-37 diminished imperfection sensitivity
axial compression 2, 11,20-24, 30-34, 24,152,301-304
130-132,309-315 review of literature 151
composite material 314-318 stabilizing influence 152,155,301-
corrugated wall 84, 140, 139-145 304
creep 33, 34 with nonsymmetric load 167, 168, 170-
design formulas 284 172,180,181
design method for 319-325 composite material 63, 159-166,314-318
design rules 284 combined loads 52,151-166
discrepancy between test and theory 20, bending plus nonuniform heating 170-
21,24,31,282 173
effect of boundary conditions 31,67, effect of boundary conditions 156-160
129-131,138-140,283 with composite material 159-166
effect of cutouts 53-57 with stiffeners 157-159, 162, 163
comparison of test theory 54-56 load interaction curves 4,6,52,153-166
with normal concentrated load 52 one dimensional 43, 49,65,66,79,94,97,
external pressure 2, 25,34-37,156-166 115,134,136,167,195,222,226
discrepancy between test and theory two dimensional 49, 56, 59, 222, 233
326-327 modeling strategy 5Q, 66, 85,115,142,167
effect of boundary conditions 6, 126- Doubly-curved surface 74
128, 184, 188
important effect of axial restraint Earthquake loads 180-181
130, 188 Eccentric load application 125, 126, 147 -150
imperfection sensitivity 326-329 Edge buckling 8, 31, 34, 64-67,71,73, Ill,
stiffened 34-37, 162, 163, 182-217, 112,345,346
327-329 imperfection sensitivity of 67, 346
comparisons with tests 162, 163, 184, Edge effects 2,31,34,40,66,153
188-190,204,205,215,219 Edge moment 66,140,148-150
local vs. general instability 188,208, Edge ring 66-73, 131, 132, 187
214 Eigenvalue 10,226,232,233
plastic buckling 188-208 Elastic-plastic 1,2,41-47,99-109,133-138,
with creep included 6, 34-37 188,208
fabrication effects diminished imperfection sensitivity of 278
cold bending 6, 198-203 Elastic end support 146
analytical model 198-203 Elbow, bending of (see Pipe-elbows)
comparison with tests 197, 198,204, Ellipsoidal shell
205 elastic buckling 229, 234
review of literature 192-194 external pressure 6,194-197,229-234
welding 6,196-198 fabrication effects 194-197
long cylinder 38, 65 (also see Pipe) internal pressure 74, 93
post-buckling 11,20,22,23,276,280-315 buckling process 94, 95
optimization 212,265 comparison with torispherical shell 95
ring-stiffened 208-214 nonlinear prebuckling effects 96
composite material 316-318 review of literature 93
thermal buckling 168 -17 4 plastic buckling 93, 194-197
monocoque 5, 73 "torus" model of 229-234
comparison of test and theory 74, Equilibrium path (see Load-deflection curve)
78-80 Euler load 13,247-251,259 (also see Column
effect of axial thermal gradient near and Wide column)
edge 74, 78-81
review of literature 74,168-170 Fabrication effects 65,114-121,192-208
with thermal discontinuity 74-78 in analysis of ring-stiffened shells of revolu-
non-uniform temperature distribution 5, tion cold bending
168-177 analytical model 198-204
ring-stiffened 169-172 comparison with tests 194-197,204
torsion 4, 26,151,154,156,161,329 review of literature 192-194
combined with internal pressure 154, welding 194-198
156, 161 in analysis of steel water tank 114-121
comparison of test and theory 156, 165 cold bending 119-121
von Karman-Donnell theory for 287 mismatch 117, 119
welding 115-118
Degrees of freedom 222, 229 Fasteners
Developable surface 74 bonding 240-245
Diagonal tension 354 rivets 11, 142,240-245
Discontinuities 69 Fillets 189, 190
Discrete rings 116 (also see Ring-stiffened) Finite element 40, 280, 378 (also see Discre-
Discrete stringers 221, 222, 226 tization)
Discretization 12, 13,40, 167 Fourier series 167,170,171,173,223,226,
combined on and two dimensional (hybrid) 229,232,235
368-392 Fracture 190
Frames 11,184-186,219 external pressure 326-329
Free edges 131, 132, 187 torsion 329
Fundamental path (also see load-deflection elastic-plastic material 276-281
curve) 13,50 elastic unloading 277,279,280
hyopelastic model of 280-281
Galerkin method 229, 248, 259, 298 less sensitivity to imperfections 278
General instability 6, 24, 52, 183, 186,208- flat panels under axial compression 256-265
214,218,219,245 imperfection shape
Girth welds 116-118, 194, 197 axisymmetric 286, 295-297,300
local 280, 300
Hinge 134-138,209 measured 318-322
Hoop compression 2, 64, 67 (also see Localized modal 300-302
circumferential ... ) random 300-302
Hybrid models (shells and solids of revolution) sinusoidal 297 -299
6,368-392 trigonometric series (truncated) 294-297
initial post-buckling behavior (see asymtotic
Imperfection 6,10,12,163,165,177 theory)
Imperfection-sensitivity 10, 177,272-352 load-deflection curves 275-281,286,291,
asymptotic theory 296, 304, 307, 329, 336, 338, 339,
Koiter's general theory 285, 287 341,343,346
imperfection sensitivity parameter b load-imperfection-amplitude curves 276,
274-277,286,289-292,305-315, 279,281,297,299,300,302,337,
326-329,343-345,347-349,351 338, 340
limitations of asymtotic theory 350- modal interaction 245 -269,276,295-297,
352 337,338
maximum load as function of imper- nonlinear solution method 286, 292-297
fection sensitivity parameter and nonlinear pre buckling effects 287 -292,310
imperfection amplitude 275, 276, qualitative guidelines 280-282
286,291 review of literature 246-249, 256, 273,
multiple bifurcation buckling modes 283-284
276,331-338 spherical shells 329-347
post-buckling load in terms of buckling concentrated loads 341, 343-345, 352-
modal amplitude 274, 276, 277,289 354
purposes of 273,286 uniform external pressure 278-279,
single bifurcation buckling mode 274- 329-342,345-347
277 statistical approach 282, 284
summary 273-282 stiffened shells 287 -292 (also see Imper-
cylindrical panels under axial compression fection sensitivity-cylindrical)
280,281,304-306 stable post-buckling behavior 352-358
cylindrical shells summary 272-273
axial compression 282-304, 306-325 toroidal shell segments 347-351
barreled cylinders 286,287,315 Imperfection trigger 12,47,48,50,52,66
boundary conditions 283-284 Inextensional buckling 126, 131-133
composite material 314-317 Interaction curve 52,153-166
design method for 319-325 Interaction of local and general instability
empirical design formulas 284 209-210,218,219,245-269
knockdown factors 282 Isotropic strain hardening 208
monocoque 282, 284
oval cylinders 306-308 Joint 1,5,60-63,84
review of literature 282, 283, 286 Junction 135
statistical approach 282, 284
stiffened 284, 285,307,309-314 Knockdown factor 6, 177, 178, 281; 282
wide column load as lower bound (also see imperfection sensitivity)
284-285,319-325 Koiter theory 6, 12,22 (also see Asymptotic
with internal pressure 323-325 theory)
Lagrange multiplier method 126 hybrid body of revolution (one and two
Laminated 4,159-166,269-271,314-318, dimensional discretization) 368-372
360 nonsymmetric loading 166-167,220
Large deflection 1, 7, 12 panel analysis 235, 236.
Load-deflection curve 6-10,13,37,40,44,45, ranges of circumferential wave numbers for
48,50-53,57-59,62,251,253, local and general instability 186
255,269,278-281,304,307,329, ring thickness effect 191-192, 369-372
338,339,341,343,346,353,360, ring webs modeled as flexible shell branches
366,381 209-219
Load-geometric matrix K2 125 segmentation of axisymmetric shells
Load increments 50,51 built-up structures 60-63, 85,134,136,
Loading schedule 35,119,204 238-240,374-392
Load path eccentricity 30, 60-63,69,84,85 cylindrical shell 65 ,234-236
Local buckling 1,4,5,64,67,68,84,85,111, panels 238-240, 242
142,173,174,183,209,222,245 shell of revolution 115
reduced imperfection sensitivity of 69, 113, simulation of cold bending 198-204
177-179 simulation of contact with use of stiff or
Local deformation 242, 246, 282 soft pads 378
Localized axial compression 173-176 simulation of pipe bending with use of ther-
Local plasticity 126, 133-138 mal model 41-43
Localized circumferential (hoop) compression simulation of plastic hinge 134-138
65-69,73-75,83,86,94,107,126, simulation of welding shrinkage 194-198
141 stiffeness established from detailed local
models 239-245
Margin (see Safety margin) "torus" model of prismatic structures 42,
Material nonlinearity (see nonlinear material) 168,173-175,220-223
Matrix bandwidth 222 convergence study 224-226
Measured imperfection 6, 318-320 "worst" meridian for buckling under non-
Membrane energy 7,131 symmetric load 166-168, 171, 174,
Membrane theory 126, 127, 130, 143, 167, 176
Meridional Rotation 66,127-130,191
Neutral surface 146
Meridional slope discontinuity 134-138
Nodal point density 49
Meridional tension 2, 65
Nonlinear bifurcation 49, 64-122,188-208
Modal interaction 209-210, 218, 219, 245-
Nonlinear collapse (see Collapse)
Nonlinear material 1, 9,12,40-47,65,69,
comparison of test and theory 257 -259
elastic-plastic panels 249, 256
Nonlinear numerical strategy 49, 51, 59,62,
imperfection sensitivity resulting from 246-
248, 252-256
Nonsymmetric bifurcation buckling 6, 64, 64-
optimization in the presence of 259-267
122, 187 -219
review of literature 246-249
Nonsymmetric loading 152, 166-181
stiffened cylindrical shells under axial com-
Notches 373-392
pression 265-269
Numerical analysis 222
stiffened flat panels under axial compression
stiffness of post-locally buckled stiffened Oval cylinder 221, 222
panel 248, 264 axial compression 232-235, 306-308
two-flanged column 246-256 external pressure 228-234
two types of 245-246 imperfection sensitivity of 306-308
Mode (see buckling mode) review of literature 222
Modeling strategy Ovalization (see Pipe-Brazier flattening)
axisymmetric model of nonaxisymmetric
load 167, 385 Panel (also see Cylindrical panel)
boundary conditions 123, 187-188 buckling under axial compression (see also
for crippling of panel parts 236, 237, Cylindrical panel)
239 beaded configuration 238-241
bonded 237,240-245 Prebuckling 8-10
comparison of test and theory 241, 242 deformations 31, 34, 36, 37, 44, 62, 65, 67,
corrugated 236-245 70,77,79,83-85,88,90,92,94-
crippling 235, 241-243 96,101,108,114,118,127,198,
effect of fastening types 240-245 206, 386
general instability 235 linear 16, 38, 39, 51, 53,126,131,147,
local buckling 235 226,229
local cross section distortion 236, 237, nonlinear 16,39,49,50,64-122,147,
241-245 188-208,343-345,378-392
modal interaction 236, 248-249, 256- plasticity 93, 99-109,134-138,188-208,
259,261-269 378-392
riveted 237,240-245 stress redistribution 52, 54, 57, 100, 101,
torsional stiffness of stiffeners that en- 282
close area 237 Prismatic structure buckling 6, 220-271
Pipe, bending of 38-49 modal interaction 245-267
analysis types 40 noncircular cylinder 6, 221, 228-236,
Brazier flattening 38,41-48,51 306-308
comparison of test and theory, 44, 45 axial compression 57,58,232-236,
curved 2, 40-43 306-308
elbows 40-45, 47 imperfection sensitivity 57,58,234,
comparison with test 45 306-308
plastic buckling of 39 -47 stress redistribution in 59,233
review of literature 39-40 external pressure 6, 228-234
straight 2, 40, 43-49 comparison of test and theory 230-
axial wrinkling 40, 48 234
external pressure 43, 44, 49 nonuniform external pressure 167, 168,
internal pressure 40, 49 227-230
thermal analog of bending 42-45 panels under axial compression (also see
Plane of symmetry 171, 185, 196, 211, 212, cylindrical panel buckling)
214,216,236,238,240 beaded 238-239
Plasticity 1, 12,30-37,40-47,67,134, corrugated 142,236
188-208,276-281,378-392 crippling 142,236-244
deformation theory results 30, 31, 102, effect of fasteners 240-245
105, 108,278-279 local cross-section distortions 6, 241-
diminished sensitivity to initial imper- 245
fections 278 stiffened
flow theory results 30, 31,102,105,108, modal interaction 6, 245-269
278-279 post-buckling behavior 304
simulation with hinge in stability phase of post-buckling stiffness 264, 265
problem 134-138 "torus" models of 220-223,235-242
Plate buckling 11, 18-20 convergence study 224-226
effective width 19, 20 Proportional limit 31
post-buckling behavior 11
Post bifurcation (see post-buckling) Quasi-static loading 180-181
Post-buckling 8-10,17-20
imperfection sensitivity parameter b 274- Random imperfections 31
277,286,289-292,305-315, Redristirbution of stress (see Stress redistri-
326-329,343-345,347-349,351 bution)
neutral 11 Residual deformation 196-198
stable 6, 11, 17 -20,58,59,95,233,352- Residual stresses 6, 192-208 (see also Fabri-
357 cation effects)
symmetric 11, 19,275-277 Ring-stiffened 6,182-219,245,369-372
theory 273-297 review of previous examples 182, 183
unstable 11, 17,275-277
un symmetric 11,275,277 Safety margin 1,248, 161
Sandwich wall 139, 269-271 Stability determinant 76-78
Segment (see Modeling strategy - segmenta- Stiffened shells 182-219, 307,309-315
tion) smeared stiffeners 184,242, 245,265
Sensitivity studies 142 Stiffness 7,99-101,105,264
Separation of variables 222, 237 Stiffness matrix K 1 125
Shallow Strategy (see nonlinear numerical strategy)
shell 36, 66, 69 Stress concentration 382
truss 1, 13-18 Stress redistribution 52, 54, 57, 59, 100, 101,
Shells of revolution 2, 4, 134-138 282
combined loads 151
nonsymmetric loading 152, 166-181 Thermal buckling 168-178
ring-stiffened 182-219 review of literature 168-170
Smeared stiffeners (see Stiffened) Thick shell 8, 31-33,282
Snap-through (also see collapse) 7, 9,16,36, Torispherical shell buckling 2
47,51,52 external pressure 137, 138
Sidesway of ring web 219 comparison of test and theory 138
Southwell plot 6, 357 -367 internal pressure 2, 93
definition of Southwell method 357-359 buckling process 94, 95,105,107
examples of 360-364 comparison with ellipsoidal shell 95
limitations of 361-367 comparisons with tests 93, 98, 99,
review of literature 359-360 102-109
Spherical shell buckling 27 elastic buckling 2, 98
axial tension 86-92 comparison of small with large
bifurcation 86 deflection theory 101, 102, 105
linear vs. nonlinear vs. mem brane pre- plastic buckling 2, 65,99-110
buckling theory 87 -89 deformation vs. flow theory results
imperfection sensitivity 102, 105, 108
axial compression effect of strain hardening 99, 100
concentrated load 343-345, 353 imperfection sensitivity 107
bifurcation 90, 91, 343-345, 353 non-proportional material loading
imperfection sensitivity 343-345 104, 108, 109
embedded in elastic solid 372-373 stiffness after yield 99-101
external pressure 11,27,66,131,132 stress-strain curves 103
discrepancy between test and theory 29, prebuckling behavior
38 nonlinear geometric effect 96-99,
complete spherical shell 27, 276, 330 101, 105
deep spherical cap 28, 71-73,131,132, nonlinear material effect 99-109
346 review of literature 93
imperfection sensitivity 276, 340 varying thickness 101, 10 3, 105
inextensional buckling 71, 73,126,131, discrepancies between test and theory
132 109
post-buckling 11,276,329-342 Toroidal shells 347-351
review of literature 330-331 Torsional rigidity 210, 265
shallow spherical cap 28, 36, 66-70, effect of local cross section distortion on
343-345 241-242
shallowness parameter lambda 27.29, "Torus" model of prismatic structures 42,168,
71,344,345 173-175,220-223
supported by ring at edge 66-73, 131, Transverse shear deformation effect 6, 268-
132 270
comparison of test and theory 66, 71 Tube (see Pipe)
ring eccentricity 67, 68
with edge moment 66 Various examples of buckling
transition from flat plate to deep cap 27, Antenna mesh wrinkling
28 Cone-cylinder combinations 134-135
internal pressure 90, 347 Garbage can 2
Foam-supported spherical shell 7,272-273 Torispherical head with nozzle, external
Ellipsoidal rocket motor dome under inter- pressure 136-138
nal pressure 82-84 Viking payload shroud 218
Large fluid coker 1,3,93 Water tank 1,4,110-122
Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) spherical tank Zip joint for multi-staged rockets 373-392
Nuclear reactor containment shellS Webs6,208-210,213-218,384
Rocket inter-stage with axial load path Weld shrinkage 6, 193-198
eccentricity 60 -6 3 Wide column buckling 209, 215, 218, 239, 241,
Rocket payload shroud 1,4,5,84-86,164, 256,258,262,284,285,321
167,168 Wrinkling (also see crippling) 39,40,48,92,
99, 108, 111

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