Solar Refrigerator

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International Journal of Research Publications in Engineering and Technology [IJRPET]

ISSN: 2454-7875
VOLUME 2, ISSUE 9, September -2016

M.E Student. Electronics and Telecommunication Department, Deogiri Institute of Engineering and
Management Studies, Aurangabad (MS), India


Professor, Electronics and Telecommunication department, Deogiri Institute of Engineering and Management
Studies, Aurangabad (MS), India

ABSTRACT: Refrigerators which contain ozone depleting and global

In this paper we are mainly focusing on a warming substances such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), in
solution to control this problem we have focused on their insulation foam or their refrigerant cycle, are the most
refrigerators which releases CFC’s. Here we are harmful. After CFCs were banned in the 1980s, they were
designing a mini solar based refrigerator which is replaced with substances such as
cheaper as well as eco-friendly. Here we are using hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), which are ozone-
Micro controller (AT89S52) allows dynamic and faster depleting substances and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). Both
control. Liquid crystal display (LCD) makes the system are environmentally destructive as potential global
user-friendly. In this paper we are using solar panels warming chemicals. If a conventional refrigerator is
for charging a Lead Acid Battery (12V, 1.2 Amp hrs), a inefficient or used inefficiently, it will also contribute more
pelteir thermoelectric device when connected to to global warming than a highly efficient refrigerator. The
battery generates cool effect and hot effects depending use of solar energy to power refrigeration strives to
on the mode required by the user. Since we are using minimize the negative impacts refrigerators have on the
this for fridge we need only cool mode. A peltier environment.
thermoelectric device is connected to the battery to
generate cooling effect..We need to display the voltage II. RELATED WORK:
for that we are using ADC0808 which is given to the Yasmina Boukhchanna represented a general dynamic
controller. For this ADC we are giving a clock pulses model for the study and optimization of reversed cycle
through 555 timer to perform its operation. thermal machines with three heat reservoirs is presented.
This paper uses regulated 5V; 500mA power supply. A The model is based on the First and Second Laws of
7805 three terminal voltage regulator is used for Thermodynamics, heat transfer equations at finite thermal
voltage regulation. Bridge type full wave rectifier is source and sink capacities, and entropy generation terms in
used to rectify the ac output of secondary of 230/12V order to consider the internal and external irreversibilities
step down transformer. of the cycle. The proposed model is applied to an
KEYWORDS: Solar energy, peilter effect, thermoelectric irreversible absorption machines for which several
cooling and heating, etc constraints are imposed. Some results generated by the
model when applied to refrigeration machines are
I. INTRODUCTION: presented. They point out interesting results regarding the
A solar-powered refrigerator is a refrigerator which limits of the variation range for the model variables under
runs on energy directly provided by sun, and may include different operating conditions and also for different
photovoltaic or solar thermal energy. Solar-powered variation laws for the internal entropy generation term. As
refrigerators are able to keep perishable goods such as a result, the model is expected to be a useful tool for
meat and dairy cool in hot climates, and are used to keep simulation, design, and optimization of solar collector
much needed vaccines at their appropriate temperature to based energy systems.
avoid spoilage. Solar-powered refrigerators may be most D.C Martins,A.J.Andrale has given the analysis of a PV
commonly used in the developing world to help mitigate solar energy electronics processing system, operating at the
poverty and change There is environmental concern maximum power point (MPP) for commercial refrigerator
regarding conventional refrigeration technologies including supply applications is presented in this paper. The
contribution to ozone layer depletion and global warming. refrigerator is fed from a battery bench using two

10 | P a g e
International Journal of Research Publications in Engineering and Technology [IJRPET]
ISSN: 2454-7875
VOLUME 2, ISSUE 9, September -2016
electronics processing stages. The first one is a step-up versa) and efficiency (i.e., coefficient of performance) are
push-pull converter that is responsible for the dynamic of relatively low, it is important to realize them. It is shown
the refrigerator and the DC bus voltage control, and the that the cross-sectional area of the semiconductor pellets in
second stage is a full-bridge voltage source inverter with a thermoelectric module (TEM) operating in refrigeration
three levels PWM modulation. A closed-loop voltage is used mode does not affect its performance or efficiency, but may
to control the step-up stage, and a closed-loop current to be sized to tune its operating current and voltage. Then, a
control the compressor starting current. The main features procedure is provided to determine the height of the pellets
of this system are: simple control strategy, robustness, low which maximizes performance. Next, it is shown that a
harmonic distortion of the load voltage, and natural range of pellet heights accommodates a specified
isolation. The principle of operation, design procedure and performance below the maximum one and a procedure is
experimental results are presented provided to compute that corresponding to maximum
Shumgan Chaen,Dan Xie presented a solar energy efficiency. A thermal resistance boundary condition is
semiconductor cooling box is presented in the paper. The applied between the interface in a TEM where Peltier
cooling box is compact and easy to carry, can be made a cooling occurs and the control point where it maintains the
special refrigeration unit which is smaller according to user temperature of a component or medium below ambient
needs. The characteristics of the cooling box are its simple temperature. Thermal resistance boundary conditions are
use and maintenance, safe performance, decentralized also applied between the control point and its local ambient
power supply, convenient energy storage, no and the interface in a TEM where Peltier heating occurs and
environmental pollution, and so on. In addition, compared its local ambient. The analysis is generalized by using flux-
with the normal mechanical refrigeration, the based quantities where applicable and it accounts for the
semiconductor refrigeration system which makes use of electrical contact resistance at the interconnects in a TEM.
Peltier effect does not require pumps, compressors and Implementations of the optimization procedures are
other moving parts, and so there is no wear and noise. It illustrated and the ramifications of the results are
does not require refrigerant so it will not produce discussed.
environmental pollution, and it also eliminates the complex
transmission pipeline. The concrete realization form of III. SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT:
power are “heat - electric - cold”, “light - electric - cold”,
“light - heat - electric - cold”. In order to achieve the
purpose of cooling, solar cells generate electricity to drive
the semiconductor cooling devices. The working principle is
mainly photovoltaic effect and the Peltier effect.
C.Del Pero gave the performance of a 4×4 cm2 Bismuth
Telluride based thermoelectric generator with 126
thermocouples connected in series is analyzed
experimentally under different environmental conditions.
The hot junction of the thermoelectric generator is exposed
to solar and candle heat and the cold side is exposed to
atmosphere. With the hot junction temperature of 53°C and
cold junction temperature of 32°C, the output voltage,
current and power are measured as 0.35V, 0.042A and
0.014W respectively. The hot junction of the thermoelectric
generator is then exposed to solar concentrator heat and
the cold side is exposed to ice. With the hot junction
temperature of 100.2°C and cold junction temperature of
2.9°C, the output voltage, and power are measured as
2.96V, 0.1083A and 0.319W respectively. The power output
is increased by 30.5%. The power density is 2.11μ Wcm -2
Carlos Ugalde has show that Thermoelectric
refrigeration offers advantages (e.g., no moving parts) over
other refrigeration technologies. However, because
maximum performance (i.e., heat load for a specified
temperature drop below ambient temperature or vice Fig 1: Block diagram

11 | P a g e
International Journal of Research Publications in Engineering and Technology [IJRPET]
ISSN: 2454-7875
VOLUME 2, ISSUE 9, September -2016
For normal functioning of human beings sufficient, density at a particular wavelength. The units of spectral
protein, carbohydrate, vitamin and salts are requires which irradiance are in Wm-2µm-1. The Wm-2 term is the power
accomplish by balance diet or pills. The people with normal density at the wavelength λ(µm). Therefore, the m-2 refers
health and their peculiar habits prefer tasteful diet to fulfill to the surface area of the light emitter and the µm-1 refers to
the normal functioning of body organs requirement. the wavelength of interest.
Another necessity of refrigeration is in the developing of In the analysis of solar cells, the photon flux is often needed
certain scientific equipment and their operation under as well as the spectral irradiance. The spectral irradiance
controlled environment to get reliable results. Many can be determined from the photon flux by converting the
industries like chemical, milk dairy, oil refinery, etc. require photon flux at a given wavelength to W/m2 as shown in the
low temperature to carry various processes section on Photon Flux. The result is then divided by the
given wavelength, as shown in the equation below.[10]
F(λ)=ΦE1Δλ in SI units (1)
 ENERGY OF PHOTON: F(λ) is the spectral irradiance in Wm-2μm-1;
A photon is characterized by either a wavelength, Φ is the photon flux in # photons m-2sec-1;
denoted by λ or equivalently an energy, denoted by E. There E and λ are the energy and wavelength of the photon in
is an inverse relationship between the energy of a photon joules and meters respectively
(E) and the wavelength of the light (λ) given by the
E=hcλ (1) The total power density emitted from a light source can be
where h is Planck's constant and c is the speed of light. The calculated by integrating the spectral irradiance over all
value of these and other commonly used constants is given wavelengths or energies[10]
in the constants page.
h = 6.626 × 10 -34 joules (2) H=∫∞0F(λ)dλ (2)
c = 2.998 × 108 m/s (3) Where:
By multiplying to get a single expression, H is the total power density emitted from the light source
hc = 1.99 × 10-25 joules-m (4) in W m-2;
The above inverse relationship means that light F(λ) is the spectral irradiance in units of Wm-2μm-1; and
consisting of high energy photons (such as "blue" light) has dλ is the wavelength.
a short wavelength. Light consisting of low energy photons Design consideration for thermoelectric refrigerator (VOX
(such as "red" light) has a long wavelength. mini fridge)
When dealing with "particles" such as photons or electrons,  Volume of Freezer section
a commonly used unit of energy is the electron-volt (eV)  Volume of Ref-section
rather than the joule (J). An electron volt is the energy  Condensor tube inner diameter
required to raise an electron through 1 volt, thus a photon  Capillar tube inner
with an energy of 1 eV = 1.602 × 10-19 J.  Refrigerant used
Therefore, we can rewrite the above constant for hc in  Temp required in F-section
terms of eV:
 Temp required in R-section
hc = 1.24 × 10-6 eV-m (5)
Further, we need to have the units be in µm (the units for
The passive heat load for the unit was first
hc = 1.24 eV-µm (6)
calculated based upon a 25cm x 25cm x 25cm interior
By expressing the equation for photon energy in terms of
volume. Two inches of polystyrene insulated was assumed
eV and µm we arrive at a commonly used expression which
(k=0.027w/mK). Also included were a rubber seal on the
relates the energy and wavelength of a photon, as shown in
door which was 50 cm2 in area.
the following equation:
Where: qtot is the heat transfer in watts, kins is the
E(eV)=1.24λ(μm) (7)
resistance to heat transfer, and krubber is 0.014w/mK
The exact value of 1 × 106(hc/q) is 1.2398 but the
ΔT is assumed to be 20 °C and Δx is 0.50m.
approximation 1.24 is sufficient for most purposes.
This gives a qtot of 10 W.
The spectral irradiance as a function of photon
wavelength (or energy), denoted by F, is the most common
The active heat load is the equivalent of the cooling
way of characterizing a light source. It gives the power
power that the unit will need to provide when the sample at
12 | P a g e
International Journal of Research Publications in Engineering and Technology [IJRPET]
ISSN: 2454-7875
VOLUME 2, ISSUE 9, September -2016
room temperature is placed in the container. It was decided RESULT:
that one litter of water at room temperature would be the
test sample for which all calibration and calculations would
be made. The time to cool this load from 25 °C to 5 °C was
determined to be 1 hour, or 3600 seconds.
If the Cp of water is 4.14 KJ/kg*K, then Q = 82800J and
dividing by 3600s to get power (W), Qdot
= 23 W for the active heat load. Therefore, the total load is
23 + 11 W = 34 W of power required. This assumes that
there is no thermal resistance between the sample and the
air in the unit. This may be an incorrect assumption but it
does overestimate the cooling load

1: Understand the load: You must determine how much
work the thermoelectric system must do to achieve the Fig 2: Result
2: Select your thermoelectric device: Choose a V. CONCLUSION
thermoelectric device that can do the work you have Thus the paper concludes that solar energy
determined while operating in the worst case scenario. systems must be implemented to overcome increasing
Choose the module that can do this while operating in the electricity crisis. In this work, a portable solar operated
“sweet spot” of 70-80% of Imax. system unit was fabricated and tested for the cooling and
3: Select the level of corrosion, and dielectric protection: heating purpose. The system was designed based on the
Choose the level of protection needed for your operating principle of a thermoelectric module to create a hot side
conditions. and cold side. The cold side of the thermoelectric module
4: Select your heat sink: Determine what heat sink was utilized for cooling purposes whereas the rejected heat
performance is needed to achieve the goal, and source the from the hot side of the module was eliminated using heat
proper device. sinks and fans. And hot side of the thermo electrical module
5: Assemble your system: A properly designed and was utilized for heating purpose. In order to utilize
assembled system will provide even clamping force, good renewable energy, solar energy was integrated to power
thermal interface, proper sized thermoelectric module, the thermoelectric module in order to drive the system.
adequate heat sinking, proper corrosion resistance Furthermore, the solar thermoelectric cooling and heating
system avoids any unnecessary electrical hazards and
Table 1: Comparison between AC operated fridge & solar proves to be environment friendly.
fridge The paper is based on solar energy, thus solar
energy is very necessary for the working of our project. But
PARAMETRS AC OPERATED SOLAR in rainy season it cannot be possible to charge battery from
FRIDGE FRIDGE solar .This is the limitation of our project but this problem
Cost Costly Low cost can be solved by giving direct current supply

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