Specific Gravity of A Blended Aggregate PDF
Specific Gravity of A Blended Aggregate PDF
Specific Gravity of A Blended Aggregate PDF
The specific gravity of a blended aggregate is not simply the weighted average of the specific
gravities of the individual components. To derive an appropriate equation, let’s assume a blend
of two aggregates (A and B). The weight of the blend is given by
Wblend WA WB
and the volume occupied by the individual particles of the blend is given by
Vblend VA VB
The weight and volume of the aggregate particles are related through specific gravity:
Gs w
Let GA, GB, and Gblend be the specific gravities of materials A and B and the blend. Then the
volume equation above can be rewritten as
Wblend WA WB
Gblend w GA w GB w
Multiplying through by w and dividing through by Wblend leaves
1 WA Wblend WB Wblend
Gblend GA GB
If the aggregate is being blended by weight, then WA/Wblend is the fraction of the blend
contributed by material A (call it fA) and WB/Wblend is the fraction of the blend contributed by
material B (call it fB). The equation above can therefore be written as
1 fA f
Gblend GA GB
So the inverse of the specific gravity of the blend is equal to the weighted average of the
inverses of the specific gravities of the components.
For example, of 25% Material A and 75% Material B has a specific gravity given by
1 0.25 0.75
Gblend GA GB
What would happen if we blend the aggregate by volume instead of weight?