Design and Analysis of Composite Rotor Blades For ActivePassive Vibration Reduction

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Design and Analysis of Composite Rotor Blades for

Active/Passive Vibration Reduction


Devesh Kumar

A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment

of the requirements for the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy
(Aerospace Engineering)
in The University of Michigan

Doctoral Committee:

Professor Carlos E. S. Cesnik, Chair

Professor Peretz P. Friedmann
Associate Professor Joaquim R. R. A. Martins
Professor Kon-Well Wang
 Devesh Kumar, 2013
All Rights Reserved
To my parents, sister and brother


I would like to extend my sincere thanks to my family, teachers, friends and

colleagues who helped me immensely during my days in the graduate school.

First of all, I would like to thank my family for providing unyielding support and

encouragement over the years. They not only provided me with the best opportunities but

also created a protected environment around to help me to succeed. The values instilled

in me by my family have been a constant guiding force for me. I hope the completion of

my thesis gives them some happiness and relief which they truly deserve.

Next, I would like to thank Prof. Cesnik for being my advisor and mentor during the

course of my long and uneventful (fortunately!) doctoral research. I appreciate the

encouragement and opportunities that he has provided me at different times during the

graduate school to help me learn better, to grow as a researcher and to build my

confidence. I am also very grateful for the patience and effort that he has put in

improving my writing and presentation skills to reach the high standards that he has set.

His enthusiasm for research and the ability to pay attention to finer details has been very

inspiring. Besides these, his passion for sports, flying, food and johnnies has always been

very contagious.

I deeply appreciate the time and effort and useful feedback from my thesis committee

members, Prof. Friedmann, Prof. Martins and Prof. Wang. I would specially like to

acknowledge encouragement and guidance provided by Prof. Friedmann during my

research and graduate courses. I would also like to thank my collaborators at Advatech

Pacific Inc, Dr. Peter Röhl and Mark Sutton, for their help in the implementation of

ModelCenter solution. I am very grateful to Dr. Bryan Glaz for his help in the

implementation of the basic surrogate-based optimization technique. I also benefitted

greatly from technical discussions with Dr. Li Liu, Dr. Rafael Palacios, and Dr. Ashwani


My research group, A2SRL, has always been very supportive and I have had the

opportunity to learn something new from each of my group members. I wish to thank Dr.

Weihua Su, Dr. Jiwon Mok, Dr. Satish Chimakurthi, Dr. Ken Salas, Dr. Torsten Skujins,

Dr. Nate Falkiewicz, Kalyan Nadella, Smith Thepvongs, Ben Hallisy, Matt Dillsaver,

Matt Obenchain, Jessica Jones, and members of X-HALE team (Blake Davis, Elizabeth

Prentice, etc.) for making the research in a windowless office and basement lab a very

enjoyable experience. I would specially like to thank Dr. Jiwon Mok and Smith

Thepvongs for help with their numerical codes, and Dr. Ken Salas for help in the

experimental laboratory.

The experimental study presented in my thesis would not have been possible without

the help of the technical staff in the Department of Aerospace Engineering. I am very

grateful to Terry “it will never work” Larrow for being patient with me and for

fabricating all my crazy and tiny parts multiple times. I would like to thank Eric Kirk,

Chris Chartier, and Thomas Griffin for being readily available whenever required and for

providing useful suggestions. I would also like to thank Amit Salvi for his help with

tensile testing of fabricated blade sections.

My long stay in Ann Arbor was made wonderful by friends around me. I would like to

thank my friend Dr. Pavana Prabhakar for her joyous company, for being part of

innumerable happy memories and for smoothing out the difficult part of my PhD. I would

like to thank my friend Dr. Gayathri Seenumani for trusting in me and for giving me lot

of confidence when it was needed the most. I also wish to thank Kalyan Nadella, Dr.

Rajeev Verma and Pritam Sukumar for their friendship and belief in me. I will also

cherish the time spent with my friends: Dr. Christian Heinrich, Dr. Saumil Ambani,

Nicholas Lamorte, Dr. Daniel Zaide, Dr. Qing Zhu, Nhung Nguyen, Karthik

Ananthraman, Dipankar Dua, Dr. Amit Kaushik and my lunch group.

And finally, I would like to acknowledge the financial support provided by Georgia

Tech/University of Michigan/Washington University Vertical Lift Rotorcraft Center of

Excellence (VLRCOE), funded by the U.S. Army, with Dr. Michael Rutkowski as the

technical monitor. This work was also supported by U.S. Army Research, Development

and Engineering Command (AMRDEC), Aviation Applied Technology Directorate

(AATD) through SBIR Phase II contract W911W6-10-C-0030.


DEDICATION................................................................................................................... ii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................................ iii

LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................................... x

LIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................................... xviii

LIST OF APPENDICES .............................................................................................. xxii

ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................. xxiv

CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................. 1

1.1 Introduction to Vibration in Helicopters ................................................................ 1

1.2 Methods for Vibration Reduction ........................................................................... 5

1.2.1 Passive Approaches ............................................................................................ 6
1.2.2 Active Approaches .............................................................................................. 7
1.2.3 Active Vibration Control in Fuselage ................................................................. 8
1.2.4 Vibration Control with Blade Pitch Actuation.................................................... 9
1.2.5 Vibration Control with on-Blade Actuators ...................................................... 10 Discrete Actuators ..................................................................................... 12 Continuous/Embedded Actuators ............................................................. 13

1.3 Literature Review Relevant to the Thesis ............................................................. 14

1.3.1 Active Twist Rotors .......................................................................................... 15 Modeling of Active Twist ......................................................................... 15 Design and Parametric Studies ................................................................. 17 Active Twist Optimization ........................................................................ 18 Hybrid Active/Passive Optimization ........................................................ 19
1.3.2 Passive Optimization ........................................................................................ 20
1.3.3 Active Flaps ...................................................................................................... 21 Cross-sectional Design for Composite Blade with Active Flaps .............. 22 Dual/Multiple Trailing Edge Active Flaps ............................................... 22 Piezoelectric Actuator for Active Flaps .................................................... 23
1.3.1 Optimization for Composite Structures ............................................................ 25
1.3.2 Camber Actuation ............................................................................................. 26

1.4 Objectives of the Dissertation ................................................................................ 27

1.5 Outline of the Thesis ............................................................................................... 30


PASSIVE COMPOSITE ROTOR BLADES ............................................................... 34

2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 34

2.2 Design Approach ..................................................................................................... 37

2.2.1 Blade Modeling Tool IXGEN ........................................................................... 39
2.2.2 UM/VABS ........................................................................................................ 41
2.2.3 RCAS ................................................................................................................ 42
2.2.4 ModelCenter Integration ................................................................................... 43

2.3 Application Example: Vibratory Hub Load Minimization ................................ 44

2.3.1 Description of the Baseline Rotor Blade .......................................................... 45
2.3.2 Definition of the Rotor Blade Optimization Problem ....................................... 49
2.3.3 Preliminary Parametric Study ........................................................................... 51

2.4 Optimization Studies for Vibration Reduction .................................................... 52

2.4.1 Minimizing Vertical Component of the 4/rev Vibratory Hub Load (min FZ4) . 53
2.4.2 Minimizing Combined Vibratory Hub Load (min FH4) .................................... 61

2.5 Concluding Remarks .............................................................................................. 64


ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF ACTIVE TWIST ROTORS ..................................... 66

3.1 Optimization Framework ....................................................................................... 67

3.1.1 High-Fidelity Analysis Framework .................................................................. 68
3.1.2 Surrogate-based Optimization .......................................................................... 69
3.1.3 EGO Algorithm ................................................................................................. 70

3.2 Numerical Studies ................................................................................................... 71

3.3 Optimization Results .............................................................................................. 75

3.3.1 Construction and Verification of the Surrogate Models ................................... 76
3.3.2 Optimization Cases ........................................................................................... 77 Static Twist Optimization (Max θstat)........................................................ 77 Dynamic Twist Optimization (Max θdyn,4/rev)............................................ 78
3.3.3 Analysis of Optimized Results.......................................................................... 81 Relation between blade twist and induced FZ4.......................................... 81 Effect of Frequency of Actuation ............................................................. 83 Effect on Vibratory Loads in Forward Flight Conditions for Zero Twist
Actuation …………………………………………………………………………...84 Circle Plot for the Optimized Results ....................................................... 85 Effect of Aeromechanic Analysis on Optimized Results ......................... 87
3.3.4 Trend Analysis .................................................................................................. 92

3.4 Optimization at 3/rev Actuation Frequency (Max θ3/rev) .................................... 94

3.5 Optimization at 5/rev Actuation Frequency (Max θ5/rev) .................................... 95

3.6 Optimization at a Range of Actuation Frequencies (Max θ345/rev) ...................... 97

3.7 Effect of Advance Ratio ........................................................................................ 101

3.8 Concluding Remarks ............................................................................................ 103


ACTIVE TWIST ROTOR BLADES .......................................................................... 106

4.1 Architecture for New Mixed-variable Optimization Framework .................... 107

4.2 Optimization with Normalized Ply Thickness .................................................... 114

4.2.1 Optimization with Continuous Design Variables ........................................... 117
4.2.2 Optimization with Mixed Design Variables ................................................... 122 Maximizing θstat ...................................................................................... 123 Maximizing θ3/rev..................................................................................... 124 Maximizing θ4/rev..................................................................................... 126 Maximizing θ5/rev..................................................................................... 127 Maximizing θ345/rev .................................................................................. 129

4.3 Optimization Study with 8 Design Variables ..................................................... 130

4.3.1 Optimization Results with Continuous Design Variables .............................. 132
4.3.2 Optimization Results with Mixed Design Variables ...................................... 135

4.4 Optimization Studies with Ply Angles and Ply Thicknesses ............................. 137
4.4.1 Optimization Results with Continuous Design Variables .............................. 138
4.4.2 Optimization with Mixed Design Variables ................................................... 140

4.5 Post Processing of Optimization Results............................................................. 142

4.5.1 Effect on Baseline Vibration ........................................................................... 143
4.5.2 Effect of Advance Ratio.................................................................................. 144
4.5.3 Circle Plot for Optimized Cases ..................................................................... 146

4.6 Concluding Remarks ............................................................................................ 148


BLADE WITH ACTIVE FLAPS ................................................................................ 152

5.1 Aeroelastic Analysis with Active Flaps ............................................................... 152

5.2 Baseline Rotor Blade............................................................................................. 153

5.3 Preliminary Analysis ............................................................................................ 156

5.4 Optimization Problem Definition ........................................................................ 160

5.5 Optimization Results ............................................................................................ 163

5.6 Concluding Remarks ............................................................................................ 171


DEFORMATION .......................................................................................................... 174

6.1 Optimization Framework ..................................................................................... 175

6.1.1 Surrogate-based Optimization (SBO) ............................................................. 176
6.1.2 Gradient-based Optimization .......................................................................... 177
6.1.3 Aeroelastic Framework (UM/NLABS-A) ...................................................... 177

6.2 Camber Deformation Shape ................................................................................ 182

6.3 Preliminary Numerical Results ........................................................................... 184

6.3.1 Effect of Camber Actuation on MZ0 ............................................................... 186
6.3.2 Circle Plot for Different Actuation Frequencies ............................................. 187
6.3.3 Effect of Amplitude of Actuation ................................................................... 189

6.4 Optimization Problem Definition ........................................................................ 190

6.4.1 Optimization Results....................................................................................... 191
6.4.2 Advantage of Two-step Optimization Process ............................................... 193
6.4.3 Effect of Optimization on other Hub Load Components ................................ 196
6.4.4 Analysis of Optimized Cases .......................................................................... 198
6.4.5 Pareto Optimization ........................................................................................ 201

6.5 Concluding Remarks ............................................................................................ 202

CHAPTER 7. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK ...................................... 204

7.1 Summary ................................................................................................................ 204

7.2 Main Results .......................................................................................................... 206

7.3 Key Contribution .................................................................................................. 210

7.4 Future Work .......................................................................................................... 211

APPENDICES ............................................................................................................... 214

REFERENCES .............................................................................................................. 359


Figure 1-1: Trends for Helicopter Vibration Levels [3] ..................................................... 2

Figure 1-2: Vibration Amplitude Spectrum for BO 105 in Level Cruise Flight [4] ........... 3
Figure 1-3: Unsteady Aerodynamics on the Main Rotor Disk ........................................... 4
Figure 1-4: Vertical Cabin Vibration in BO 105 as a function of Airspeed [6] ................. 5
Figure 1-5: Methods used for Vibration Reduction in Rotor Blades .................................. 6
Figure 1-6: Area of Focus for the Thesis .......................................................................... 28
Figure 2-1: Different Stages of Product Design [100] ...................................................... 36
Figure 2-2: 2D - 1D Design Approach.[148] .................................................................... 38
Figure 2-3: Multidisciplinary Optimization Process for Design of Passive Blade. .......... 39
Figure 2-4: Representative Cross Sections Developed using IXGEN [148] .................... 40
Figure 2-5: Basic Process of UM/VABS [71] .................................................................. 42
Figure 2-6: ModelCenter-Based Blade Optimization Process. ......................................... 43
Figure 2-7: Top View of the UH-60 Rotor Blade [157] ................................................... 45
Figure 2-8: Cross Section of the UH-60 Rotor Blade ....................................................... 46
Figure 2-9: Cross Section Layup ...................................................................................... 47
Figure 2-10: Contribution of each Ply Thickness to Overall Variation in the Response . 53
Figure 2-11: Variation of Objective Function (FZ4) with Generation Number................. 56
Figure 2-12: Variation of Ply Thickness and Ply Angle with Generation Number .......... 58
Figure 2-13: Variation of Ballast Mass and Auxiliary Spar Web with Generation Number
........................................................................................................................................... 59
Figure 2-14: Variation of Constraints with Generation Number ...................................... 60
Figure 2-15: Percentage Change in Amplitude of 4/rev Vibratory Hub Load Components
for the Optimized Case (min FZ4) with respect to the Baseline Case ............................... 60
Figure 2-16: Variation of FH4 with Generation Number ................................................... 62
Figure 2-17: Percentage Change in Vibratory 4/rev Hub Loads for the Optimized Cases64
Figure 3-1: Optimization Framework for Designing Active Twist Rotor Blades ............ 67
Figure 3-2: Analysis Framework for Active Twist Rotors ............................................... 68
Figure 3-3: Planform View of the ATR Rotor Blade (Dimensions in Meters) [62] ......... 72
Figure 3-4: Cross-Sectional Shape of the Rotor Blade (NACA 0012 Airfoil) ................. 73
Figure 3-5: Baseline and the Optimized Cross Sections ................................................... 80

Figure 3-6: Objective Function Results in Order of Increasing Static Twist ................... 82
Figure 3-7: Objective Function Results in Order of Increasing Dynamic Twist .............. 82
Figure 3-8: Effect of Frequency on Dynamic Twist ......................................................... 83
Figure 3-9: Effect of Frequency on Amplitude of Vertical Tip Displacement ................. 84
Figure 3-10: Percentage Increase in 4/rev Vibratory Loads at the Rotor Hub with no
Actuation at μ = 0.24 ........................................................................................................ 85
Figure 3-11: Vibratory Hub Vertical Shear Force (μ = 0.24) ........................................... 86
Figure 3-12: Vibratory Hub Lateral Cyclic Moment (μ = 0.24) ....................................... 86
Figure 3-13: Variation of Mean Value and Amplitude of Tip Twist for twist actuation at
μ=0.0 ................................................................................................................................. 88
Figure 3-14: Variation of Amplitude with Torsional Stiffness and 1st Torsion Frequency
(sorted with respect to amplitude obtained from low density analysis)............................ 93
Figure 3-15: Variation with Iteration Number for Other Parameters (sorted with respect to
amplitude obtained from low density analysis) ................................................................ 93
Figure 3-16: Variation of Dynamic Twist Amplitude with Torsion Frequency ............. 101
Figure 3-17: Effect of Advance ratio on Dynamic Twist Amplitude ............................. 103
Figure 4-1: Augmented Optimization Framework for Continuous/Discrete Design
Variables ......................................................................................................................... 108
Figure 4-2: Variation of objective function with Iteration number for optimization with
Continuous Design Variables ......................................................................................... 120
Figure 4-3: Variation of Constraints for Max θ4/rev Optimization .................................. 121
Figure 4-4: Variation of Design Variables for Max θ4/rev Optimization ......................... 121
Figure 4-5: Modified Baseline Case (Baseline 2) ........................................................... 131
Figure 4-6: Cross Section for the Optimized Cases obtained with Mixed Design Variables
......................................................................................................................................... 142
Figure 4-7: Percentage Increase in Vibratory Loads ...................................................... 144
Figure 4-8: Effect of advance ratio at 3/rev actuation frequency ................................... 145
Figure 4-9: Effect of Advance Ratio at 4/rev Actuation Frequency ............................... 145
Figure 4-10: Effect of Advance Ratio at 5/rev Actuation Frequency ............................. 146
Figure 4-11: Circle Plot for 3/rev Actuation Frequency ................................................. 147
Figure 4-12: Circle Plot for 4/rev Actuation Frequency ................................................. 147
Figure 4-13: Circle Plot for 5/rev Actuation Frequency ................................................. 148
Figure 5-1: University of Michigan Spin Test Stand ...................................................... 153
Figure 5-2: Cross-Sectional Layup for the Baseline Rotor Blade .................................. 154
Figure 5-3: Active Flap Mechanism ............................................................................... 155

Figure 5-4: Variation of Tip Twist with Actuation Frequency ....................................... 157
Figure 5-5: Variation of Amplitude of Tip Twist with Advance Ratio .......................... 158
Figure 5-6: Variation of Trim Variables with Advance Ratio ........................................ 158
Figure 5-7: Circle Plot for 4/rev Actuation Frequency ................................................... 160
Figure 5-8: Spanwise Location for Active Flaps ............................................................ 161
Figure 5-9: Circle Plot at rf = 0.78R ............................................................................... 166
Figure 5-10: Circle Plot at 0.7R ...................................................................................... 168
Figure 5-11: Circle Plot for Optimized Result at rf = 0.85R........................................... 170
Figure 5-12: Optimized Results for different Spanwise Locations ................................ 170
Figure 5-13: Optimized Cross Sections .......................................................................... 171
Figure 6-1: Two-step Optimization Process ................................................................... 176
Figure 6-2: UM/NLABS-A Framework [145] ................................................................ 178
Figure 6-3: Schematic of Unified Airloads Model ......................................................... 179
Figure 6-4: Camber Deformation Shape Function.......................................................... 183
Figure 6-5: Airfoil Cross Section with 5% Camber Deformation .................................. 183
Figure 6-6: Aerodynamic Properties of Cambered and Baseline Airfoil Section .......... 185
Figure 6-7: Variation of Camber Deformation along the Blade Span ............................ 186
Figure 6-8: Effect of Camber Actuation on MZ0 at µ = 0.33 .......................................... 187
Figure 6-9: Circle Plot for FZ4......................................................................................... 188
Figure 6-10: Circle Plot for MX4 ..................................................................................... 188
Figure 6-11: Effect of Amplitude on Circle Plot for FZ4 ................................................ 189
Figure 6-12: Effect of Amplitude of Actuation on MZ0 .................................................. 190
Figure 6-13: Amplitude of Actuation for Optimized Cases............................................ 192
Figure 6-14: Phase of Actuation for Optimized Cases ................................................... 193
Figure 6-15: Variation of Objective Function with Iteration Number for SBO ............. 194
Figure 6-16: Variation of Design Variables with Iteration Number for SBO for Min MZ0
case for analysis with Ψcubic ............................................................................................ 194
Figure 6-17: Percentage Reduction in FZ4 using Two-Step Optimization Process ......... 195
Figure 6-18: Variation of Angle of Attack for the Baseline Case (Units: Deg) ............. 198
Figure 6-19: Difference in Angle of Attack for the Optimized Cases (Unit: Deg) ........ 199
Figure 6-20: Variation of Angle of Attack at r = 0.74R ................................................. 200
Figure 6-21: Variation of Camber Deformation for the Optimized Cases (Unit: %c) ... 200
Figure 6-22: Camber Deformation at the Blade Tip ....................................................... 201

Figure 6-23: Pareto Front for Vibration Reduction and Performance Enhancement ..... 202
Figure A-1: Correlation Functions .................................................................................. 217
Figure B-1: Unified Airloads Model............................................................................... 223
Figure B-2: General Airfoil Coordinate System ............................................................. 224
Figure B-3: Static Stall Residual..................................................................................... 231
Figure B-4: Direction of Aerodynamic Forces ............................................................... 232
Figure C-1: Schematic of Quasi-Static Test ................................................................... 237
Figure C-2: Experimental Setup for Quasi-Static Tests ................................................. 237
Figure C-3: Cage Region for holding the Actuator ........................................................ 238
Figure C-4: Characterization of X-frame Actuators ....................................................... 240
Figure C-5: Location of Flaps and Actuators ................................................................. 241
Figure C-6: VR7 airfoil with a Plain Flap ...................................................................... 243
Figure C-7: Grids for the Airfoil with Flap .................................................................... 243
Figure C-8: Pressure Contour for α=4° and M=0.538 .................................................... 243
Figure C-9: Hinge Moment Curve Slope (CHδ) .............................................................. 244
Figure C-10: Variation of Lift Coefficient due to Flap Deflection ................................. 245
Figure C-11: Variation of CLδ with Hinge Location ....................................................... 245
Figure C-12: Schematic of the Dual Flap Section of Rotor Blade ................................. 246
Figure C-13: Detailed View of the Flap Supports .......................................................... 247
Figure C-14: Ideal operating point obtained using impedance matching ....................... 253
Figure C-15: Effect of Moment Arm Modification on Operating Point ......................... 254
Figure C-16: CAD Model of the Flap Parts .................................................................... 255
Figure C-17: Actual Fabricated Parts for Flap Hinge Mechanism ................................. 256
Figure C-18: Setup for Bench Test of Active Flap ......................................................... 256
Figure C-19: Hysteresis in Flap Actuation ..................................................................... 257
Figure D-1: Blade plan-form View [58] ......................................................................... 260
Figure D-2: Blade Cross Section .................................................................................... 261
Figure D-3: Blade Twist Distribution ............................................................................. 261
Figure D-4: Cross Section of the Rotor Blade ................................................................ 262
Figure D-5: CH47D Rotor Blade with Dual Active Flaps .............................................. 262
Figure D-6: Finite Element Mesh for Root Section ........................................................ 264
Figure D-7: Finite Element Mesh for Main Blade Sections ........................................... 265
Figure D-8: Location of Hinges in Spin Test Stand ....................................................... 265
Figure D-9: Steps used in Blade Design ......................................................................... 266
Figure D-10: CAD Model of the Metal insert used for Pull Tests.................................. 275
Figure D-11: Set up for pull test of blade root section ................................................... 276
Figure D-12: Location of Strain Gages used for the Pull Test of Root Section ............. 276
Figure D-13: Damaged Section after the Pull Test for Root Section ............................. 277
Figure D-14: Blade Loading Profile used for the Pull Test of Root Section .................. 278
Figure D-15: Strain Recorded by different Strain Gages during the Blade Loading...... 278
Figure D-16: Test Section Fabricated for Pull Test of Cutout Section ........................... 279
Figure D-17: Setup used for the Pull Test for the Cutout Region .................................. 279
Figure D-18: Location of Strain Gages used for the Pull Test of Cutout region ............ 280
Figure D-19: Loading Cycle used for Pull Test of Cutout Region ................................. 281
Figure D-20: Strain Gage Output .................................................................................... 281
Figure D-21: Instrumentation used in the Active Blade ................................................. 283
Figure E-1: Exploded View of the Airfoil Cross Section ............................................... 285
Figure E-2: Assembled View of the Airfoil Cross Section............................................. 286
Figure E-3: Shape of the Foam Core for Spar and Fairing Section ................................ 287
Figure E-4: Joined pieces of Foam Core......................................................................... 288
Figure E-5: Cutout made in the Spar Region for Actuators............................................ 288
Figure E-6: Instrumented Spar Section ........................................................................... 289
Figure E-7: Trough made in the Blade Spar for Instrumentation Wires......................... 290
Figure E-8: Wiring Diagram for Full Bridge Flap wise Bending Strain Gage ............... 290
Figure E-9: Wiring diagram for Full Bridge Torsion Strain Gage ................................. 290
Figure E-10: High Voltage Wires in the Cutout Region................................................. 291
Figure E-11: Accelerometers mounted on the Blade Tip in the Spar Region ................ 291
Figure E-12: Different Configurations used for Calibration of Accelerometer .............. 292
Figure E-13: Spar Mandrel Parts .................................................................................... 293
Figure E-14: CAD Model Developed for the Parts of Spar Mandrel ............................. 293
Figure E-15: Cutout made in Spar ply 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6. .................................................. 297
Figure E-16: Cut Prepreg Plies prior to Layup ............................................................... 297
Figure E-17: Adhesive Film wrapped around Foam Core .............................................. 298
Figure E-18: Additional Plies in the Cutout Region ....................................................... 298
Figure E-19: Cutout Region with Ribs ........................................................................... 298
Figure E-20: Leading Edge Ballast Mass ....................................................................... 300
Figure E-21: Wrapping Root plies around the Root Pin ................................................. 300
Figure E-22: All Root Plies wrapped around the Root Pin ............................................. 300
Figure E-23: Leading Edge Weights and Spar web plies ............................................... 301
Figure E-24: Cutout Region with Spar Mandrel and Additional Leading Edge Weights
......................................................................................................................................... 301
Figure E-25: First main Spar ply Wrapped Around Spar in the Cutout Region ............. 302
Figure E-26: First Main Spar Ply near the Root Region ................................................. 302
Figure E-27: 4th Spar Ply in the Cutout Region ............................................................. 302
Figure E-28: Unidirectional Plies moved around the Cutout Region ............................. 303
Figure E-29: Cutout Region with All Spar Plies ............................................................ 303
Figure E-30: cutout region with spacer and peel plies .................................................... 304
Figure E-31: Bottom part of the cutout region................................................................ 304
Figure E-32: Root region before spar cure ..................................................................... 305
Figure E-33: Instrumentation wires exiting the mold ..................................................... 305
Figure E-34: Blade Molds Closed with Heavy Duty Steel Clamps ................................ 306
Figure E-35: Active Blade Spar after Cure ..................................................................... 306
Figure E-36: Cutout Region after Cure ........................................................................... 307
Figure E-37: Spar Region after removing Spar Mandrel ................................................ 307
Figure E-38: Holes machined in the bottom mold for alignment of flaps during the cure
......................................................................................................................................... 308
Figure E-39: CAD model of the flap mandrel used during fairing cure ......................... 308
Figure E-40: Location of Flap Supports mounted in the Flap Region during Fairing Cure
......................................................................................................................................... 309
Figure E-41: Root Region with Fairing Foam Core ....................................................... 310
Figure E-42: Instrumented Flap Region for Fairing Cure with Flap Mandrel ................ 311
Figure E-43: Flap Region with Additional Plies for holding Flap Supports .................. 311
Figure E-44: Flap Region with Fairing Plies .................................................................. 312
Figure E-45: Bottom Part of the Fairing Region ............................................................ 312
Figure E-46: Fairing region before Final Cure ............................................................... 313
Figure E-47: Root part of the Blade before Fairing Cure ............................................... 313
Figure E-48: Flap part of the Blade after Cure ............................................................... 314
Figure E-49: Cured Active Blade ................................................................................... 314
Figure E-50: Cured Passive Blade .................................................................................. 315

Figure E-51: Ballast mass added in passive blade instead of actuator ........................... 316
Figure E-52: Cross-sectional Shape of the Flap ............................................................. 316
Figure E-53: CAD Model of the Active Flap ................................................................. 317
Figure E-54: Flap section before cure ............................................................................. 318
Figure E-55: Flap inside the Mold before Cure .............................................................. 318
Figure E-56: Flap inside the Autoclave for Cure ............................................................ 318
Figure E-57: Cured Flap Sections ................................................................................... 319
Figure E-58: CAD model for the Metal Insert ................................................................ 320
Figure E-59: Metal Insert Attached to the Foam Core ................................................... 320
Figure E-60: Fabricated Section for Pull Test ................................................................ 321
Figure F-1: Spin-test Stand ............................................................................................. 323
Figure F-2: Axes Convention for the Load Cell ............................................................. 324
Figure F-3: Setup for Data Acqisition and Power Supply .............................................. 327
Figure F-4: Aluminum Fixture for Static Balancing....................................................... 328
Figure F-5: Static Balancing of Blades ........................................................................... 328
Figure F-6: Schematic of Blade Tracking ....................................................................... 330
Figure F-7: Time Averaging of Data .............................................................................. 332
Figure F-8: Effect of Averaging on FFT......................................................................... 333
Figure F-9: FFT of the Flap Deflection .......................................................................... 336
Figure F-10: Variation of Mean Loads for Base1 ........................................................... 336
Figure F-11: Variation of Mean Loads for Different Cases ........................................... 337
Figure F-12: FFT of Fz for the Baseline Cases ............................................................... 338
Figure F-13: FFT of Mz for the Baseline Cases .............................................................. 339
Figure F-14: Difference in FFT for Fz Component......................................................... 340
Figure F-15: Difference in FFT for Mz component ........................................................ 340
Figure F-16: Comparison for Mean Loads ..................................................................... 341
Figure F-17: Comparison for Fz component for Case 1.................................................. 343
Figure F-18: Comparison for Fz component for Case 5.................................................. 343
Figure F-19: Comparison for Mz component for Case 1 ................................................ 344
Figure F-20: Comparison for Mz component for Case 5 ................................................ 344
Figure F-21: Flap Deflection to Input Voltage Transfer Function for Flap 1 ................. 346
Figure F-22: Flap Deflection to Input Voltage Transfer Function for Flap 2 ................. 346
Figure F-23: Hub Thrust (Fz) to Input Voltage Transfer Function ................................. 347
Figure F-24: Hub Torque (Mz) to Input Voltage Transfer Function............................... 347
Figure F-25: Variation of CT for Baseline Conditions [177] .......................................... 350


Table 1-1: Active Flaps Implemented on Full Scale Blades............................................. 23

Table 1-2: Active Controlled Flaps Tested on a Model Scale Rotor in Whirl Tower or
Wind Tunnel ..................................................................................................................... 24
Table 1-3: Conceptual Designs for Active Flaps .............................................................. 24
Table 2-1: Characteristics of UH-60 Rotor ....................................................................... 45
Table 2-2: Material Properties .......................................................................................... 47
Table 2-3: Thickness of Plies used in the Layup .............................................................. 48
Table 2-4: Structural Frequencies of the Blade at 100% RPM ......................................... 49
Table 2-5: Mean Value and Amplitude of 4/rev Vibratory Loads at the Rotor Hub for µ =
0.24.................................................................................................................................... 49
Table 2-6: Variation in Blade Parameters Observed During the Parametric Study with Ply
Thickness .......................................................................................................................... 51
Table 2-7: Design Variables used in the Optimization Study for Min FZ4 ....................... 54
Table 2-8: Constraints used in the Optimization Problem for Min FZ4 ............................ 55
Table 2-9: Parameters used for NSGA II Algorithm ........................................................ 56
Table 2-10: Design Variables and Constraints for the Optimized Case ........................... 57
Table 2-11: Ratio of Cross-Sectional Properties for the Optimized Case ........................ 58
Table 2-12: Blade Structural Frequencies for the Optimized Case .................................. 58
Table 2-13: Design Variables and Constraints for Min FH4 ............................................. 63
Table 2-14: Cross-sectional Properties for the Optimized Case (min FH4)....................... 63
Table 2-15: Structural Frequencies for the Optimized Case ............................................. 64
Table 3-1: Baseline ATR Cross Section Ply Angles ........................................................ 73
Table 3-2: Material Properties .......................................................................................... 74
Table 3-3: Characteristics of the Baseline ATR ............................................................... 74
Table 3-4: Hub Loads for the Baseline ATR Case (μ = 0.24) .......................................... 75
Table 3-5: Design Variable Used for Optimization Study................................................ 76
Table 3-6: Constraints used in Optimization .................................................................... 76
Table 3-7: Error Obtained in the Prediction of Design Variable and Constraints for
Surrogate models .............................................................................................................. 77
Table 3-8: Static Twist Optimization Result .................................................................... 78

Table 3-9: Dynamic Optimization Results ....................................................................... 80
Table 3-10: Optimized Results ......................................................................................... 89
Table 3-11: Optimization Constraints and Other Parameters ........................................... 90
Table 3-12: Design Variables for the Optimized Cases.................................................... 91
Table 3-13: Optimized Results for 3/rev Actuation Frequency ........................................ 94
Table 3-14: Optimization Results for 5/rev Actuation Frequency.................................... 96
Table 3-15: Results obtained from all the Optimization Cases ........................................ 99
Table 3-16: Optimization Results for 3, 4 and 5/rev Actuation Frequencies ................. 100
Table 4-1: Modified Bounds for Constrained Mixed-variable Genetic Optimization.... 112
Table 4-2: Modified Set of Design Variables for Sequential Gradient-Based Optimization
......................................................................................................................................... 113
Table 4-3: Parameters used in GA Optimization ............................................................ 114
Table 4-4: Optimization Parameters for GBO ................................................................ 114
Table 4-5: Design Variables and their Bounds ............................................................... 115
Table 4-6: Constraints for Optimization Problem .......................................................... 115
Table 4-7: Final Result obtained from Optimization Studies ......................................... 116
Table 4-8: Percentage Difference between the Objective Function for Continuous
Variable Optimization and Mixed-variable Optimization .............................................. 117
Table 4-9: Constraints and Design Variables for Optimization with Continuous Design
Variables ......................................................................................................................... 118
Table 4-10: Performance of Optimized Cases at other Actuation Frequencies .............. 122
Table 4-11: Optimization Results for Maximizing θstat .................................................. 124
Table 4-12: Optimization Results for Maximizing θ3/rev ................................................ 125
Table 4-13: Optimization Results for Maximizing θ4/rev ................................................ 126
Table 4-14 Optimization Results for Maximizing θ5/rev.................................................. 128
Table 4-15: Optimization Results for Maximizing θ345/rev .............................................. 129
Table 4-16: Design Variable and their Bounds............................................................... 131
Table 4-17: Results obtained for Optimization with 8 Design Variables ....................... 132
Table 4-18: Results Obtained with Continuous Design Variables ................................. 133
Table 4-19: Optimization Results with Mixed Design Variables ................................... 136
Table 4-20: Design Variables for Optimization with Ply Thicknesses and Ply Angles . 138
Table 4-21: Results for Optimization with Continuous Design Variables ..................... 139
Table 4-22: Results Obtained for Optimization with Mixed Design Variables.............. 141

Table 5-1: Rotor Properties ............................................................................................. 154
Table 5-2: Flap and Actuator Dimensions ...................................................................... 155
Table 5-3: Structural Frequencies of the Rotor Blade .................................................... 156
Table 5-4: Design Variable used for Optimization Study .............................................. 162
Table 5-5: Constraints used in the Optimization ............................................................ 162
Table 5-6: Results for Flap centered at rf = 0.78R .......................................................... 164
Table 5-7: Results at rf = 0.7R ........................................................................................ 167
Table 5-8: Results for Flap at 0.85R ............................................................................... 169
Table 6-1: Baseline Blade Properties .............................................................................. 185
Table 6-2: Range for Design Variable used in the Optimization Study ......................... 191
Table 6-3: Optimization Results ..................................................................................... 192
Table 6-4: Optimum Design Variables for min FZ4 Case ............................................... 196
Table 6-5: Variation in Hub Loads for the Optimized Cases ......................................... 196
Table C-1: Comparison between X-frame Actuator and APA Actuators....................... 236
Table C-2: Variation of Load stiffness with the Length of Wire .................................... 239
Table C-3: Actuator Stiffness obtained from Quasi-Static Tests (Units: lbf/in) ............ 240
Table C-4: Difference between Ideal and Actual Operating Condition ......................... 254
Table C-5: Experimental Results for Bench Tests .......................................................... 257
Table D-1: Blade Properties............................................................................................ 260
Table D-2: Spanwise Regions for Cross-sectional Analysis .......................................... 263
Table D-3: Initial and Final Blade Design ...................................................................... 269
Table D-4: Cross-sectional properties for Section 1F and Section 2F............................ 270
Table D-5: Dynamic Blade Frequencies ......................................................................... 270
Table D-6: Maximum Strains for the Baseline Case (Units: με) .................................... 271
Table D-7: Maximum Blade Strain for the Final Design (Units: με) ............................. 272
Table D-8: Percentage Variation in Cross-Sectional Strains .......................................... 272
Table D-9: Alternating Strains for the Baseline Case (Units: με) .................................. 273
Table D-10: Alternating Strains for the Final Design (Units: με) .................................. 273
Table D-11: Percentage Difference for the Alternating Strains...................................... 274
Table D-12: Details of the Sensors used on the Active Blade ........................................ 282
Table E-1: Instrumentation used in the Spar Section...................................................... 289
Table E-2: Measured Voltage from Accelerometers ...................................................... 292
Table E-3: Dimension of the Plies cut prior to Blade Fabrication .................................. 294
Table E-4: Ballast Mass used in each Cross Section ...................................................... 299
Table F-1: Spin-test Stand Characteristics ...................................................................... 323
Table F-2: Maximum loads ............................................................................................. 324
Table F-3: Preliminary Accuracy and Resolution of Various Load Components .......... 325
Table F-4: List of working Sensors ................................................................................ 325
Table F-5: Test Matrix for Analysis at Different Frequency .......................................... 331
Table F-6: Mean value of Flap Deflection ...................................................................... 335


APPENDIX A. SURROGATE BASED OPTIMIZATION ..................................... 215

A.1 Construction of Surrogate ................................................................................ 215

A.2 EGO Algorithm ................................................................................................. 220

APPENDIX B. UM/NLABS-A AERODYNAMICS MODEL ................................ 223

B.1 Peters Flexible Airfoil Theory.......................................................................... 223

B.2 Dynamic Inflow Model ..................................................................................... 227

B.3 Dynamic Stall Model......................................................................................... 228

APPENDIX C. DESIGN OF ACTIVE FLAP........................................................... 233

C.1 Quasi-static Tests .............................................................................................. 237

C.2 Dual-flap Design ................................................................................................ 240

C.2.1 Aerodynamic Hinge Moment ......................................................................... 242
C.2.2 Sizing of the Parts for Flap Hinge Mechanism ............................................... 245
C.2.3 Calculation of Compliance in the System ....................................................... 249
C.2.4 Stiffness of the Load Path ............................................................................... 251
C.2.5 Impedance Matching ....................................................................................... 252

C.3 Bench Test for Active Flaps ............................................................................. 254

C.4 Conclusion ......................................................................................................... 258

APPENDIX D. ACTIVE BLADE DESIGN .............................................................. 259

D.1 Geometry of the Baseline Blade ....................................................................... 259

D.2 Blade-Layup Design Process ............................................................................ 262

D.3 Failure Analysis ................................................................................................. 270

D.4 Strength Test ..................................................................................................... 274

D.5 Blade Instrumentation ...................................................................................... 282

D.6 Passive Blade design ......................................................................................... 283

APPENDIX E. BLADE MANUFACTURING ......................................................... 285

E.1 Fabrication of Foam Core .................................................................................... 286

E.2 Instrumentation..................................................................................................... 288

E.3 Spar mandrel Design ............................................................................................ 292

E.4 Spar Manufacture ................................................................................................. 294

E.5 Fairing Manufacture ............................................................................................ 307

E.6 Fabrication of Active Flap.................................................................................... 316

E.7 Blade Section for Pull Test ................................................................................... 319


F.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 322

F.2 Testing Process ...................................................................................................... 330

F.3 Sample Results ...................................................................................................... 334

F.4 Comparison with RCAS ....................................................................................... 341

F.5 Conclusion ............................................................................................................. 347


The problem of vibration has limited the use of helicopters in both civil and military

applications. In this research, further analysis has been performed for the various on-

blade approaches available for vibration reduction using a unique optimization


For passive optimization, an aeroelastic environment with several well-established

analysis codes from different sources was developed that can be used to analyze and

design composite rotor blades for minimum vibration or maximum performance. This

design environment enables conceptual/early preliminary multidisciplinary rotor blade

design with realistic structural properties for modern composite rotor blades.

For the design of a rotor blade with active twist, a new design strategy was introduced

where the amplitude of dynamic twist is maximized. The optimization framework

included the aeroelastic design environment described earlier along with surrogate based

optimization technique. The surrogate based optimization is performed in combination

with Efficient Global Optimization algorithm. Results showed that the amplitude of

dynamic twist is a true indicator of control authority of active twist rotor for vibration

reduction. Furthermore, the optimization framework was extended to include discrete

design variables in the optimization and the solution for mixed-variable design problem

was obtained using three different techniques.

After modifying the aeroelastic analysis to account for the presence of active flaps, a

Mach-scaled composite rotor blade was designed using the same mixed design variable

optimization framework to enhance the vibration reduction capabilities of the active flap.

In this case also, the amplitude of dynamic twist was used as the objective function and

the analysis was carried out at three different spanwise flap locations. This thesis also

includes work related to the design and fabrication of a composite rotor blade with dual

flaps which can be tested in a Mach-scaled spin test stand.

Finally, the use of camber actuation with quadratic and cubic camber deformation

shapes for vibration reduction and performance enhancement in dynamic stall region was

studied. The aeroelastic analysis was augmented with a modified version of the ONERA

dynamic stall model that accounts for morphing airfoil section.

Chapter 1. Introduction

A helicopter can take off and land, fly forward or backward, climb and descend and

move in almost any direction. These combinations of maneuvers, which are not possible

with a fixed-wing aircraft, have made the helicopter an ideal vehicle for a number of

challenging tasks in both civil and military operations. Modern civilian roles of the

helicopter include sea and land rescue mission, police surveillance, oil rig servicing,

homeland security etc. However, the issues of high vibration and noise have limited the

helicopter`s community acceptance and reduced its mission effectiveness.

The current chapter provides an introduction to the problem of vibration reduction in

helicopters. It highlights the main sources of vibration in helicopter and various

techniques currently being used to obtain vibration reduction. Different methods

available for vibration reduction are classified depending upon their nature

(active/passive) and implementation (components of the helicopter that it influences).

Based on the literature review, key areas where further improvement can be made in the

vibration reduction techniques are identified and that forms the motivation for the

research presented in this thesis. Finally, an outline of the thesis is presented.

1.1 Introduction to Vibration in Helicopters

Vibration in a helicopter leads to passenger/pilot discomfort and fatigue and it affects

the reliability and fatigue life of the airframe and its components. Other effects of

vibration are reduced weapon effectiveness, difficulty in reading instruments, etc. A

study done by Sikorsky Aircraft in 1973 [1] showed that reduction in vibration can

significantly improve the reliability and reduce the costs associated with maintenance and

life cycle. The current overall level of vibration in helicopters (approximately 0.05g to

0.1g) [2] remains significantly higher than those for a fixed-wing aircraft (0.01g). Even

though a significant reduction in helicopter vibration has been obtained over the last few

decades due to improved designs, the modern helicopters still do not meet the ultimate

goal of a jet smooth ride, as highlighted in Figure 1-1.

The main sources of vibration in a helicopter are the main rotor, tail rotor, engine,

gearbox and fuselage. However, the most dominant source of vibration is the main rotor

(more than 90% for a UH-60 Helicopter). The vibratory loads are produced by the main

rotor in the rotating frame. However, when the loads are transferred to the hub or the

fuselage in the fixed system, only the loads corresponding to the Nb/rev frequency are

observed, where Nb is the number of rotor blades. Thus, the rotor acts as a filter for the

vibratory loads. Figure 1-2 shows a typical vibration amplitude spectrum of a BO 105

helicopter in cruise condition.

Figure 1-1: Trends for Helicopter Vibration Levels [3]

Figure 1-2: Vibration Amplitude Spectrum for BO 105 in Level Cruise Flight [4]

The main rotor blade in a helicopter experiences highly unsteady aerodynamic loads

[5] as shown in the Figure 1-3, in addition to the time varying pitch angles. For a rotor in

forward flight, the advancing side of the blade experiences different aerodynamic

conditions as compared to the retreating side. On the advancing side, highly unsteady

aerodynamic loads are produced due to the blade-vortex interactions. This occurs when

the rotating blades encounter tip vortices shed by the preceding blades. The effects of

blade-vortex interaction are more pronounced at low forward flight speeds (μ = 0.15). At

higher advance ratios (μ = 0.35), very high mach numbers are observed at the blade tip on

the advancing side, and the flow reaches transonic conditions (supercritical flow). On the

retreating side, the dynamic stall condition is observed which is characterized by flow

separation. Also, near the root section on the retreating side, reverse flow occurs in the

region where the rotational speed at a radial location is smaller than the forward flight

speed. In this region, the flow over the airfoil section is from the trailing edge to the

leading edge. In addition to these, the finite length of the rotor blade results in tip

vortices, as in a fixed wing aircraft. Thus, the combination of unsteady aerodynamics and

large structural deformations in flap, torsion and lag due to blade flexibility and

slenderness leads to the generation of large oscillatory loads by the main rotor blades.

Figure 1-3: Unsteady Aerodynamics on the Main Rotor Disk

The variation in the vibratory loads at the cabin in a BO 105 helicopter with forward

flight speed is shown in Figure 1-4. As discussed above, large vibration is observed at

low flight speeds due to the blade-vortex interaction and then at high forward flight

speeds due to the dynamic stall and high speed flow effects. The vibrations due to the

blade-vortex interactions are increased by the maneuvers that retain the wake near the

plane of the disk, such as decelerating or descending flight (flare condition as shown in

Figure 1-4).

Figure 1-4: Vertical Cabin Vibration in BO 105 as a function of Airspeed [6]

The noise generated by helicopters has constrained the rotorcraft operation near cities

and have resulted in restrictions on the frequency of operation, time of day of specific

operation and types of rotorcraft that can be used. In a helicopter, main sources of noise

are the main rotor, the tail rotor and the engine. Among these, the most important one is

the main rotor. The low frequency noise that the main rotor generates is made up of basic

loading noise and broadband turbulence noise, each a function of lift and rotor speed. In

addition to these, BVI noise and High Speed Impulsive (HSI) noise become dominant in

descents and forward flight airspeeds, respectively. Further details related to the physical

mechanism of noise generation and acoustic modeling can be found in [7-9]. In the

research presented in this thesis, the main focus will be on vibration reduction.

1.2 Methods for Vibration Reduction

From the earliest days of rotorcraft development, the problem of airframe vibration

has been a serious concern. In a very early study [10], researchers identified three

different approaches to obtain vibration reduction, namely: a) by minimizing the source

of vibration, b) by reducing the response of the structure to the vibration, and c) by

isolating the structure from the source of vibration. Based on these approaches, the

problem of vibration reduction can be solved by both passive and active techniques.

Different methods for vibration reduction that have been discussed in the literature are

graphically summarized in Figure 1-5.

Vibration Reduction in Rotor

Passive Approach Active Approach

Dampers and Aeroelastic Vibration Control Vibration Control with Vibration Control with
Isolators Tailoring in Fuselage Blade Pitch Actuation on-Blade actuators


HHC (Using IBC Using

Swashplate) 1. Pitch Links
2. Multi-Swashplates

Discrete Actuators
ded Actuation

Active Flaps Active twist

Leading Edge Slats Active Camber
Microflaps/Tabs Active Trailing Edge

Figure 1-5: Methods used for Vibration Reduction in Rotor Blades

1.2.1 Passive Approaches

The earliest approach for vibration reduction involved the usage of passive and semi-

passive devices like pendulum absorbers and isolators to reduce vibration. It is usually a

single DOF system with a small mass and a spring. Good reviews of passive vibration

reduction methods are given by Reichert [3] and Loewy [11]. Although the aerodynamic

vibratory loads persist, the transmission of these loads to the rest of the helicopter is

reduced. The passive devices have been used in many operational helicopters by tuning

their characteristics to filter out specific frequencies [12]. A brief description of the

passive systems like SARIB (Vibration reduction system using integral bar absorption)

and ARIS (Anti-Resonance Isolation Systems) implemented in the pylon assembly of

various Eurocopter helicopters to filter the dynamic loads transmitted to the airframe is

provided in [13]. However, these devices introduce weight penalties and are designed to

be effective over a narrow range of operating conditions only. Some of the studies have

considered the use of passive devices on the rotor blade themselves like the bifilar

pendulum implemented on the S-76 helicopters [14].

The second passive approach involves the tailoring of the structural and the

aerodynamic properties of a rotor blade using optimization techniques [15-17]. The

increased use of composite material in the blade allows easier fabrication of advanced

geometry blades and provides the potential of aeroelastic tuning. In this approach, the

vibration reduction problem is formulated as a mathematical optimization function with

appropriate objective function and constraints. For a composite rotor blade, the ply

angles, the ply thicknesses or any other cross-sectional parameters can be used as design

variables. For the aerodynamic shape, sweep, anhedral, droop, etc., at the blade tip are

considered as the design variables. In many cases, both structural and aerodynamic shape

optimization design variables are used simultaneously. Further discussion on

multidisciplinary optimization frameworks is provided in Section 1.3.2.

1.2.2 Active Approaches

An active control approach for the rotor has the potential to be a more effective

solution for vibration reduction since it can directly influence the source of vibratory

loads which are the main rotor blades [18]. This is fundamentally different from the

passive devices which attempt to reduce vibratory loads in the hub or the fuselage, which

are far away from the source. Also, the optimization technique has limited capability for

vibration reduction (20-40%) and in most of the cases, the final design is optimum at one

flight condition only. Most recent review of the active control methods for vibration

reduction is given by Kessler [19, 20]. A summary of all the methods shown in Figure

1-5 is given next.

1.2.3 Active Vibration Control in Fuselage

The ACSR (Active Control of Structural Response) scheme is based on the fact that in

a linear system it is possible to superimpose two independent responses such that the total

response is minimized [21]. In practice, the principle consists of connecting a number of

(hydraulic) actuators among strategic points on the fuselage and applying control forces

to the structure so to destruct the vibration signal [22, 23]. It has the advantage that it is

easy to maintain and the potential for vibration reduction is high since the actuator can

always produce the right amount of load at the right amplitude and phase to counteract

the primary vibration. In most of these cases, the vibration reduction is localized e.g.,

pilot seat, instrumentation panel, passenger cabin, etc. The ACSR technology has been

implemented for vibration reduction in the EH101 helicopter produced in Europe. An

AVCS (active anti-vibration control system) based on electromagnetic actuation was

implemented on the EC225 helicopter, while a piezo-based AVCS was successfully

tested on the EC135 [13]. The drawbacks of this system are that it requires a detailed

model for the rotor-fuselage dynamics in order to determine the optimum placement of

the actuator for maximum vibration reduction and it does not address the noise and

performance issues of the rotor.

In the early studies of vibration reduction, it was observed that the built-in twist of the

blade has a strong influence on blade vibratory loads. For vibration reduction, a

decreased negative twist is desired on the advancing side and a simultaneous increased

negative twist is required on the retreating side [24, 25]. This effect can either be

obtained by changing the pitch of the entire rotor blade, as described in Section 1.2.4, or

by using the twisting moment generated by the on-blade actuators to twist the rotor blade,

as described in Section 1.2.5.

1.2.4 Vibration Control with Blade Pitch Actuation

In the case of HHC (Higher Harmonic Control) and conventional IBC (Individual

Blade Control) methods, the aeroelastic behavior of a rotor blade is influenced by using

the actuators either mounted on the swashplate or by the use of pitch links to induce rigid

body actuation of the blade in pitch, respectively. The pitching motion consists of a high

frequency actuation signal on top of the primary collective and cyclic commands. This

method has potential for influencing the vibratory loads as they reduce the loads at the

source in rotating system.

In the HHC technique, the blade pitch actuation is introduced in the non-rotating

swashplate by superimposing the appropriate time dependent pitch commands [26]. The

HHC approach is the most mature active control approach for vibration reduction. Here,

all the blades experience the same input. The vibration levels in the fuselage or at the hub

are modified at their source before they propagate into the airframe. Numerical

simulations demonstrating the effectiveness of HHC technique for vibration reduction are

presented in [27, 28], while various experimental tests on model scale and full scale

rotors in wind tunnel are discussed in [29-32]. Some of the limitations of the HHC

approach are: 1) the considerable cost of implementing the HHC on a production

helicopter, 2) the power required for actuating the blades at the root and 3) limitations on

the objective that can be achieved with an HHC implemented through a conventional

swashplate as the actuation frequencies available are limited.

In the conventional IBC approach, each blade is actuated independently in the rotating

frame [33, 34] at any desired frequency, thus overcoming some of the limitations of the

HHC technique. The IBC approach involves independent feedback control of each blade

in the rotating frame. As compared to HHC, which provides a maximum of three DOF,

the IBC approach provides more freedom for vibration control. IBC can be obtained by

using active pitch link for each of the blades or by using multiple swashplates [20].

Experimental tests demonstrating the feasibility of the IBC for vibration reduction,

performance enhancement and noise reduction have been done in both the U.S. [35, 36]

and Europe [37]. Implementing the IBC approach brings significant challenges since

supplying hydraulic power to the rotating system is only possible by means of hydraulic

slip rings which are heavy and complex.

1.2.5 Vibration Control with on-Blade Actuators

In another approach, the actuation was moved onto the rotor blade. Unlike the HHC

and the conventional IBC, failure of the on-blade actuation system would not

catastrophically affect the flight safety. The actuation with the on-blade actuators requires

significantly less power as compared to HHC and conventional IBC [18] and it is

relatively less complex to implement them in the rotor blades. Vibration control with the

on-blade actuators can be considered as a subset of the IBC approach since the controller

has the freedom to control the actuator on each blade individually. (Hence, the IBC

approach described in the previous section is referred as “Conventional IBC.”)

The possibility of using an on-blade actuator to reduce vibration and noise was also

supported by the advent of smart materials. These are light weight, compact and have

small power requirements. A summary for the applications of smart material based

actuations for aeroelastic and vibration control is provided in the following references.

Giurgiutiu and co-workers [38-41] demonstrated the use of induced strain actuation

principles and capabilities for a smart rotor blade application like inducing twist, active

blade tip and active flaps. The application of these technologies for a fixed wing aircraft

was also discussed for active flutter control, buffet suppression, gust load alleviation and

sonic fatigue reduction. Straub [42, 43] stressed on the use of smart materials for “on the

blade” actuation to overcome the size, weight and complexity issues associated with the

hydraulic and electrical on-rotor actuation. Preliminary results showed the servoflap

control to be more effective as compared to the embedded actuators concepts like pitch

twist and camber control. Chopra [44] highlighted that the use of smart materials

methodology is equally applicable to other helicopter problems like aeromechanical

stability augmentation, handling qualities enhancement, stall alleviation, reduction of

interior/exterior acoustic signatures, minimization of the blade dynamic stresses and rotor

head health monitoring. Friedmann [45] obtained the scaling laws for the rotary-wing

aeroelastic and aeroservoelastic problem to be used for the scale model tests intended to

demonstrate the active control of vibration using an adaptive materials based actuation.

The on-blade actuation system mechanism can be further classified into discrete

actuation system and embedded actuation system.

11 Discrete Actuators

This approach includes an actuator installed inside the rotor blade and it is connected

to a movable device usually mounted on the trailing edge of the blade. The actuator

mainly consists of active materials capable of operating at large actuation frequencies and

an amplification mechanism to amplify the displacement produced by the active material.

Examples of discrete actuators are active flaps, active microflaps/tabs, leading edge slats,

etc. Discrete actuators modify the sectional aerodynamic properties of the region where

they are installed. The aerodynamic parameters that may be influenced by a discrete

actuator are cLα, cL,max, cMα, or cL/cD for the cross section. The control of the aerodynamic

loads acting on the blade is obtained either through changes in lift (lift effect) or by

elastically twisting the blade using the pitching moment generated by the movable

surface (servo-effect).

Actively controlled flaps (ACF) are usually installed between 0.6R to 0.9R along the

span of a rotor blade. The ACF can be implemented in a single, dual or multiple flap

configurations. ACF influences the blade vibrations by the combination of the servoeffect

and the direct lift effect [46]. Thus, like the HHC and conventional IBC, it reduces

vibration at the source which is the main rotor, but the power it consumes is an order of

magnitude less than IBC [18]. Substantial amount of work has been done to model the

effect of active flaps and use them for vibration reduction, performance enhancement and

noise reduction. Most of this work has been summarized in [47-49]. In these studies, it

was concluded that a flap deflection of ±4 deg at full RPM is sufficient to obtain

substantial benefit without incurring penalties on the stability or performance of the


As an active control device, microflaps have the potential for a high bandwidth control

with low actuation power requirement and minimal loss in the stiffness due to their small

size and low inertia. Microflaps are small, usually less than 5% of chord in height and are

mounted normal to the pressure surface and produce an increase in sectional c L,max by

approximately 25%. Since microflaps work within the boundary of the airfoil, they

produce a very small profile drag and are expected to have even smaller performance

penalty as compared to the active flaps. Microflaps were first proposed for fixed wing

aircraft [50, 51] to solve the problem of flutter. Many numerical studies with microflaps

for vibration reduction in helicopters [52-55] have been conducted in the last few years;

however, the experimental tests with microflaps mounted on a rotor blade in rotating

condition have yet to be performed. This is due to the difficulty in identifying an actuator

suitable for actuating [56] microflaps and the size constraints on the airfoil thickness.

Besides active flaps and microflaps, another on-blade discrete actuator called Active

Tab was developed by the research cooperation between JAXA and Kawada Industries

Ltd [57]. The low-speed wind tunnel test was conducted to prove the capability of BVI

noise reduction for a helicopter using the active tab control. Continuous/Embedded Actuators

In this approach, the active material is usually embedded in the cross section or

bonded on the surface of the rotor blade. In most of the cases, the deformation is obtained

by the use of piezoceramic layers inducing shear strains. As compared to discrete

actuators, it does not have any external moving parts like hinges or bearing and, hence,

they have less profile drag. A possible disadvantage is that the maintenance of the

actuator is difficult since they are integrated inside the blade.

Active twist in the rotor blade is obtained by the active torsional moment generated by

embedded active piezoelectric fibers at ±45 deg orientation. The advantages of active

twist lies in the simplicity of the mechanism and no increase in the profile drag. Review

for the recent advances made in active twist technology is provided in [38, 58-62].

Numerical results have shown that a tip twist of ±2 deg obtained due to active twist

actuation is sufficient for vibration and noise reductions.

Active camber approach is relatively new as compared to the active twist and active

flap methods proposed in the earlier sections. Camber deformation is considered to be a

more efficient way of modifying blade sectional loads to influence vibratory loads at the

hub in fixed system. A good review of the active camber methodology is provided in [63]

and it discusses the use of camber deformation for vibration reduction. Active trailing

edge [64] is a new concept being developed as part of the Friendcopter program in

Europe and it consists of a trimorph bender integrated into the blade cross section. Like

active flaps, it moves the blade trailing edge upwards and downwards to generate servo

effects, but unlike the active flaps, there are neither moving parts nor discrete hinges.

1.3 Literature Review Relevant to the Thesis

This thesis focuses on the methods of vibration reduction where the vibration is

reduced at the source, that is, the main rotor. These include:

a) Active Twist Rotors

b) Rotor Blade with Active Flaps

c) Rotor Blade with Morphing Airfoil Section

d) Aeroelastically tailored Blades

1.3.1 Active Twist Rotors

Active twist is obtained in the rotor blades by including active MFC (macro fiber

composite) or AFC (active fiber composite) plies in the cross-sectional layup of the rotor

blade. Modeling and design of a rotor blade with active fiber plies present many

challenges since the actuator itself is part of the rotor blade and it is a load-bearing

member. Modeling of Active Twist

The structural modeling of a cross section with embedded piezoelectric fibers must

take into account not only the contribution to mass and stiffness of the integral actuators,

but also the induced strain effects. Some of the works related to capturing these effects is

presented here.

Cesnik and Shin (2001) [65, 66] developed an asymptotic analysis that takes into

account the electromechanical three-dimensional nature of the problem and reduces it

into a linear analysis over the cross section and a nonlinear analysis of the resulting beam

reference line. The analysis results showed very good correlation with experimental data

obtained at MIT for active model blades. In [67], they analyzed the active cross section of

a rotor blade with multiple cell and showed that an increase in torsional stiffness does not

necessarily reduce the twist actuation. This approach was used in the design of the

NASA/ARMY/MIT Active Twist rotor [68]. The closed loop vibration control tests were

carried out with this rotor blade in NASA Langley’s Transonic Dynamic Tunnel in

forward flight conditions [69]. The experimental test results showed 40db reduction in

vertical shear vibratory loads and some reduction in other hub force and moment

components. This analytical work was further extended by Palacios and Cesnik to include

a modal solution procedure that allows arbitrary definition of the one dimensional elastic,

thermal and electric variables [70]. This methodology has been implemented in a

software code called UM/VABS [71] providing cross-sectional parameters for the active

beam model of the blades. For the nonlinear beam analysis of active rotor blades, an in-

house analysis code called UM/NLABS (University of Michigan, Nonlinear Active Beam

Solver) was developed [72]. It includes the mixed form of beam dynamic equations and

is expanded to account for the deformation of cross section through a set of finite section

modes. This resulting beam formulation explicitly captures both large elastic beam

deformation of the beam reference line and small local deformations at the cross section

for active/passive beams.

In the European Friendcopter Project, an FEA based procedure was used to determine

the stiffness and piezoelectric properties of an active twist rotor blade [73]. The cross-

sectional properties obtained were used in a multibody analysis of the active twist rotor to

obtain vibration suppression by open and closed loop controls [74]. Glukhikh et al. [75]

modeled the piezoelectric effect by the means of temperature analogy and thus converting

the electro-elastic problem to a thermo-elastic problem, which was solved using FEA in

ANSYS. Hoffman et al. [76] presented two simulation models for active twist by

prescribing active twist and twist moment based on modal shape function and validated

results from whirl tower test data. Brockmann and Lammering [77] derived a three

dimensional beam finite element model with regard to all the gyroscopic terms and the

actuation capabilities in a shear-flexible formulation with out-of-plane torsional warping.

Results obtained were compared with analytical solution for the static case and results

from the finite element shell model. The model showed good agreement with the finite

element shell model except in the cases where deformation in the cross-sectional plane

was observed since the beam formulation assumed undeformable shape. Design and Parametric Studies

Cesnik et al. [78] performed numerical parametric studies with UM/VABS for wing

sections with double and triple cells to determine a cost effective way to add active

material to the cross section. Sekula and Wilbur conducted a series of parametric design

studies with structural and aerodynamic parameters to understand the twist actuation in

rotor blades [79-81]. In the parametric study with structural variables [80], the effect on

blade active twist, rotor power required, blade loads and vibratory hub loads were studied

due to the variation in blade torsional, flap-wise and lead-lag stiffnesses, sectional mass

and torsional inertia, and center of gravity and elastic axis locations. The analysis was

done using CAMARAD II [82] and the effect of actuators was represented by two torsion

moments producing equal but opposing loads at the blade ends. In a similar study, the

effect of aerodynamic parameters like linear blade twist, blade tip sweep, droop and taper

on active twist performance was studied [79, 81]. Based on the analysis, a candidate

design of AATR (Advance Active Twist Rotor) with −10 deg linear twist, 30 deg sweep,

10 deg droop and 2.5:1 taper ratio was proposed. In these studies, the external active

twisting moment applied was assumed to be independent of the variation in blade

structural and aerodynamic properties. Thornburgh et al. [83] performed parametric

studies on model-scale blades in order to determine the variables critical for active twist

response and to determine the effect of twist rate on cross-sectional constraints like mass

per unit length, chordwise location of shear center and CG and natural frequencies of

blade and material stresses. They also looked at the effect of scaling changes on optimal

structural design. Active Twist Optimization

Active twist obtained from the active blade is dependent on the cross-sectional

properties of the rotor blade. Due to the large number of variables involved, the principle

of mathematical optimization provides a reliable way to explore the design space.

Cesnik and co-workers [84-86] developed an optimization framework to design an

active blade that maximizes the static twist actuation while satisfying constraints on

various blade requirements. The framework included UM/VABS for active cross section

analysis, DYMORE for one dimensional geometrically exact beam analysis, a MATLAB

based cross-sectional parametric mesh generator and MATLAB’s gradient based

optimizer. Results showed that the ATR (Active Twist Rotor) blade [68] could exhibit

30% higher twist actuation than the tested one. The same framework was used to design

the ATR-A blade for tests in NASA’s Transonic Dynamics Tunnel. The ATR-A was

based on a scaled model of AH-60D blade [84] that has a more complex geometry and

the final design obtained included manufacturing constraints. In the Friendcopter

program [87], the objective was to maximize the twist per unit span of a uniform beam

section under given constraints on airfoil shape, chordwise location of CG (center of

gravity) and SC (shear center), torsional frequency and beam stiffness. The design

variables used were chordwise location, length and thicknesses of piezoelectric layers,

ballast mass and four parameters that define the front C spar. Similar framework was

used with response surface technique for optimization in [88, 89]. Here approximations

of the original functions for constraints and objective function were obtained using a low

order polynomial. Hybrid Active/Passive Optimization

In a hybrid active/passive optimization process, an optimal control law is combined

with the nonlinear optimization programming. The optimal controller tries to minimize an

objective function usually consisting of vibratory hub loads and flap control inputs while

the passive structural optimization aims to enhance the effectiveness of controller. Due to

the fact that the performance of active control strategies like active flaps or active twist

rotors is heavily dependent on the blade dynamics properties, it is useful to perform an

active/passive hybrid optimization to take advantage of the structural optimization to

enhance the effects of active control. Hybrid optimization technique has been used for

active flaps where a trailing edge flap controller design is combined with blade structural

optimization [90, 91]. Results obtained in [91] showed that an active-passive hybrid

method can outperform an optimal passive blade or an active flap retrofitted to a baseline

blade by achieving more vibration reduction with less control effort. This occurs due to

the tuning of blade flapwise bending frequencies and first torsional frequency close to

actuation frequency of the trailing edge flap. A multi-objective function optimization

approach was used in [90] to obtain simultaneous vibration and power reduction. The

results obtained highlighted strong tradeoff between performance enhancement and

vibration reduction, and both combined and sequential active/passive approaches led to

useful designs.

1.3.2 Passive Optimization

For the purpose of passive optimization, it is very important to perform the analysis of

rotor blades using a high fidelity aeroelastic framework. The current state of art with

respect to the analysis of rotor blades is discussed in [92] and [93] and the future needs

are described in [94]. The most recent reviews of different optimization methods used for

helicopter vibration reduction are provided in [15, 95]. Here, the literature review related

to recent work done in multidisciplinary optimization is presented.

In [96], Glaz used the efficient global optimization (EGO) algorithm with surrogate

models for rotor blade design optimization and a modified version of EGO based on

weighted expected improvement function (WEIF) for multi-objective function

optimization. The multi-objective optimization problems considered in the study were: 1)

vibration reduction through entire flight envelope, 2) noise and vibration reduction at low

advance ratio, and 3) vibration reduction and performance enhancement at high advance

ratios. The aeroelastic analysis in these studies was performed using high fidelity yet

computationally efficient aeroelastic code called AVINOR [97] developed at UCLA and

at University of Michigan. Jieun Ku [98] developed a rotor blade multilevel optimization

framework by including computationally efficient yet realistic and sufficiently accurate

tools like VABS and DYMORE. At the global level, optimization seeks structural

configuration that satisfies global constraints and focuses on rotorcraft dynamics. The

goal of the local level optimization is to find specific cross-sectional layout that satisfies

constraints obtained from the global level. Li et al. [99] developed a design tool which

incorporated manufacturing constraints, fatigue analysis and manufacturing uncertainty.

The design tool included VABS for cross section analysis and a parametric geometry

generator. A hybrid optimization procedure was developed that could handle a mixed

variable (discrete and continuous) problem. Khalid [100] incorporated the effects of

vehicle engineering, stability and control, aerodynamics, propulsion, transmission, weight

and balance, noise and cost calculations in the rotorcraft design environment using low

fidelity techniques. Collins [101] developed an automated high fidelity CFD based

simulation framework capable of predicting acoustic noise. A novel method using

combination of low fidelity and high fidelity results with statistical analysis was

developed and was used for optimization studies. Mustafa [95] used ModelCenter to

combine various software tools like: CATIA as the CAD tool, ANSYS as the FEA tool,

VABS for obtaining cross-sectional structural properties and DYMORE for frequency

and dynamic analysis of the rotor and MATLAB codes for generating input files and

reading output files.

1.3.3 Active Flaps

In the case of active flaps, the analysis performed in this thesis focuses on the design

of cross section for a composite rotor blade in order to maximize the control authority for

vibration reduction. In the next step, design and testing of a flap-actuation mechanism

using the X-frame actuator is presented which can be used for actuating flaps on a Mach-

scaled rotor blade.

21 Cross-sectional Design for Composite Blade with Active Flaps

There have been very few studies that have focused on the design of a composite rotor

blade with active flaps. For the design of a rotor blade with active flap, hybrid active-

passive techniques [90, 91] have been proposed. In [91], the optimal cross-sectional

stiffness values were determined using an integrated active-passive approach to reduce

vibration while minimizing control effort. In [90], simultaneous vibration reduction and

performance enhancement were obtained using active/passive optimization for a

simplified blade cross section. Ganguli and co-workers [102, 103] have performed

optimization using response surface and neural networks metamodels to determine the

optimal flap locations and the blade stiffness (torsional) for a rotor blade with multiple

trailing edge flaps to achieve minimum hub vibration level. In most of these studies,

either the cross-sectional stiffnesses are used as design variables or a simplified cross

section is used. Thus, there is a need for an optimization framework which can analyze a

“realistic” composite rotor blade with all the cross-sectional details such that the final

design obtained at the end of optimization is suitable for fabrication. Dual/Multiple Trailing Edge Active Flaps

Patt et al. [104] used a single 12% long flap and dual 6% flaps for vibration reduction

and showed that the dual flap configuration is more effective. The increase in noise level

as an adverse effect of vibration reduction is smaller in the case of dual flaps. It was also

shown that dual flaps work better than a single flap for BVI noise reduction [105] and for

simultaneous vibration reduction and performance enhancement in dynamic stall

conditions [106]. Kim [107] used dual flaps to reduce both vibratory hub loads and

bending moments without significant change of control settings. Visvamurthy and

Ganguli [108] and Dalli [109] used multiple trailing edge flaps with differential

weighting to modify the contribution of second flapwise bending mode at a much lower

control power as compared to single and dual flaps. Some of the recent studies have

explored the experimental analysis of dual active flaps for BVI noise neduction [110] and

vibration reduction [111]. Thus, earlier work has demonstrated the advantages of multiple

flaps; however there have been no experimental studies to demonstrate their

effectiveness. Piezoelectric Actuator for Active Flaps

Over the last two decades, a variety of actuators have been developed for rotor

blades with active flaps. A summary of these actuators is provided in [38] and [112].

More recently, trailing edge flap actuation system using Pneumatic Artificial Muscles

(PAM) [113] were tested which can produce required levels of blocked force and free

strain without the need for an amplification mechanism. Different types of actuators for

oscillating flaps that have been used in the past are given in Table 1-1, Table 1-2 and

Table 1-3.

Table 1-1: Active Flaps Implemented on Full Scale Blades

Num Baseline Program Actuator Details Blade Dim Flap Dimension
1 BK 117 ONERA/Eurocopter/ CEDRAT 5.5m radius 0.109 R and 0.156 c
Helicopter DLR [46] Actuator 0.325m chord centered at
0.75, 0.8, 0.85

2 Modified MD900 Boeing Double X-frame 5.15 m radius 0.18R, 0.35c,

[114, 115] Actuator 0.25m chord centered at 0.82R

3 Blade with AK120g JAXA [110] Two piezo stacks 5.8 m radius 0.1c, 0.1R
and AK100g airfoil with an amplifying 0.4 m chord centered at 0.75R
sections mechanism
4 Modified S-434 Sikorsky, UTRC, Electromechanical 4.45m radius 0.24c, 0.12R
rotor blades AATD [116] Actuator 0.2 m chord centered at 0.72R

Table 1-2: Active Controlled Flaps Tested on a Model Scale Rotor in Whirl Tower
or Wind Tunnel

Num Blade Program Actuator Details Blade Dimension Flap Dimension

1 2.1 m radius ONERA/Eurocopter/ CEDRAT Actuator 2.1 m R, 0.14m c 0.1R and 0.15c,
Adv Tech DLR/Eurocopter centered at
Rotor [117] Deutschland [118] 0.75R, 0.8R, 0.85R

2 1/6th scaled MIT [119] X-frame Actuator 1.54m span 0.12R and 0.2c
CH 47D , 0.137m chord centered at 0.78R
rotor blade

3 Blade with Univ of Maryland Piezo bender 0.914m, 0.0762 c 0.05R and 0.2c
NACA 0012 [120, 121] with mech level

4 Blade with Univ of Maryland Cam Follower 1.848m, 0.1334m 0.25c , 0.18R
NACA 0015 Boeing [122, 123] Assembly centered at 0.88R

5 Blade with AFDD [124] PZT bimorph bender 1.143m,0.0864m 0.1c, 0.12R
uniform beam with elevon centered at 0.75R
NACA 0012 lever arm mechanism

Table 1-3: Conceptual Designs for Active Flaps

Num Program Actuator Description Results

1 Penn State Induced shear 2.8 deg at 0 RPM
University [125] Piezoelectric actuator 1.4 deg at 400RPM

2 Univ of Michigan [126] Piezoceramic C Blocks 20 deg flap deflection in

wind tunnel tests

3 MIT [127] Piezoelectric bender flap deflection of 11.5

with flexure mechanism in no load at 100Hz

4 Boeing [128] Biaxial piezostack column Tested in 814g steady

and 29g vibratory

5 Univ of Maryland Double-lever (L-L) Amplification of 20

[129] Actuator upto 8/rev frequency

1.3.1 Optimization for Composite Structures

Different optimization techniques have been proposed for determining the minimum

number of layers in a composite laminate and the best fiber orientation and thickness for

each layer. In review papers [130, 131], the main optimization methods are described and

their characteristic features are contrasted for constant stiffness design and variable

stiffness design. In [132], composite laminate optimization with discrete variables is

discussed and issues associated with design of composite laminates are highlighted. In,

[133, 134] a novel laminate parameterization technique based on discrete material

optimization is used which is well suited for gradient based design optimization to handle

problems where ply angles and ply thicknesses are treated as discrete. Most of these

studies focus on the design of a simplified composite laminate.

For optimizing complex composite structures where time consuming finite element

analysis is required, surrogate modeling and response surface methods are proposed that

efficiently explore the design space and limit the number of FEA runs. Surrogate based

optimization technique have been used earlier for the design of composite rotor blade [97,

135]. However in these studies, only continuous design variables were considered. Guido

et al. [136] presented a mixed continuous-discrete variable optimization for design of

composite panel using surrogate modeling. Here, first a solution with continuous design

variables is determined and the solution with mixed design variable is obtained by

branching into sub-problems.

1.3.2 Camber Actuation

Airfoil camber deformation can potentially be achieved by embedded smart actuators

such as piezoelectric materials in the wing structure [137], or through compliant

substructures such as airfoils with deformable leading edge [138, 139]. Continuously

deformable airfoils have already been considered for performance and handling-quality

improvement of fixed-wing aircraft. Kota and co-workers [138, 140], demonstrated the

use of compliant mechanism for design of morphing aircraft structures. They suggested

the use of passive compliant structures with a generic force actuator to produce static

shape control of an airfoil camber. Gandhi and Anusonti-Inthra [141] looked at desirable

attributes of a flexible skin on a morphing wing. Parametric study was conducted to

determine the required in-plane and out-of-plane stiffness by considering the requirement

for actuation force, local and global deformation under aerodynamic loading and local

buckling of skin. Santer and Pellegrino [139] introduced network analysis technique to

determine an optimized compliant structure that deforms in conjunction with the wing

skin in response to a single displacement actuation. Rediniotis et al. [142] demonstrated

the use of shape memory alloys as artificial muscles to actuate a biomimetic hydrofoil.

Kudva and co-workers [137, 143], as a part of the Defense Advanced Research Projects

Agency (DARPA) sponsored Smart Wing program, developed deformable airfoil

surfaces using ultrasonic piezoelectric motors and eccentuator to ensure effective

transmission of motor torque to deflect control surface and demonstrated that the airfoil

could achieve trailing-edge deflections of up to 20 deg at deflection rate of over 80 deg/s.

The use of conformable airfoils in rotorcraft blades has been limited. Anusonti-Inthra

et al. [56] conducted research on conformable rotor airfoils using an optimized ground

structure of piezoelectric elements. The predicted trailing-edge deflections were 4 deg,

but the structure required a large number of piezoelectric elements. Later, Gandhi et al.

[144] proposed a conformable rotor airfoil design consisting of a passive compliant

structure coupled with a limited number of piezoelectric actuators to reduce the

complexity of the design. In this research, a detailed numerical analysis is performed with

different camber deformation shape function to explore the possibility of vibration

reduction and performance enhancement in the dynamic stall condition using camber


In order to analyze morphing-type rotors, an analysis code called UM/NLABS-A

(University of Michigan Non-linear Active Beam Solver with Aerodynamics) was

developed by Thepvongs et al. [145] where the structural formulation captures plate-like

deformation in a geometrically-nonlinear beam-like framework. The aerodynamic model

was based on the 2D flexible airfoil theory and it includes 3D dynamic inflow model.

This code was also coupled with unstructured Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes (RANS)

computational fluids dynamics (CFD) solver to obtain high fidelity aeroelastic solution

[146]. The comparison of aeroelastic loads predicted by the low order model and CFD

showed agreement in trimmed control setting, and some aspects of tip deflections and

fixed-frame hub loads.

1.4 Objectives of the Dissertation

In this study, further analysis has been done on the various on-blade approaches

available for vibration reduction with the aim of gaining further insight into the problem.

The specific areas of vibration reduction methodologies that this research focuses on are

highlighted in Figure 1-6.

Figure 1-6: Area of Focus for the Thesis

For the case of aeroelastic tailoring, there is a need to develop a high fidelity

multidisciplinary analysis framework which can model the structural properties of

realistic composite rotor blades. This framework can be used for design and analysis of

new rotor blade configuration with isotropic and orthotropic materials in their cross

section, which can be either active or passive. The design environment should combine a)

computational efficiency and speed of nonlinear 1D beam analysis with unsteady

aerodynamics, b) high-fidelity cross sectional analysis, and c) the ability to model

complicated topological details of a “realistic” composite rotor blade cross section.

With the use of composite material it is possible to design a rotor blade such that the

blade-twist due to active material in the blade is maximized. For the active twist rotor

blades, a tip twist of the order of ±2 deg at the actuation frequency is required to obtain

vibration reduction. In the preliminary analysis that was performed, it was observed that

the amplitude of dynamic twist is more directly related to the vibration reduction ability

of the active twist rotor blade, as compared to the static twist. Thus, the optimization

analysis should use dynamic twist as its objective function for optimum active rotor blade

design, which has not been done earlier. Also, the optimization framework must be

capable of working with both continuous and discrete design variables. This research

presents a new optimization strategy and framework for the design of a rotor blade with

active twist mechanism to enhance its capability for vibration reduction.

In most of the experimental and numerical studies that have been done till now to

analyze active flaps, the rotor blades are designed with low torsional stiffness such that

the effect of active flaps is enhanced. However, low torsional stiffness of the blade may

lead to detrimental effects like higher baseline vibrations (vibration in the absence of

active flap motion) and higher stresses in the blade root. In order to avoid these issues, it

is essential to design a blade with sufficient stiffness without compromising on the

effectiveness of active flaps for vibration reduction. This can be achieved by dynamically

tuning the blade frequencies near the expected actuation frequency. Thus, in the analysis

performed here, the amplitude of tip twist obtained due to the flap motion is used as the

objective function which is maximized.

The literature review in the previous section has highlighted that very few numerical

studies have been performed to explore the full potential of camber actuation for

vibration reduction and performance enhancement. Preliminary analysis done with lower

order model showed potential for vibration reduction and performance enhancement by

varying the amplitude and the phase of camber deformation along the blade span for a

scaled Bo105 rotor used in the HART II experiments. This research presents a detailed

study to explore the possibility of vibration reduction and performance enhancement

using camber actuation in forward flight conditions.

1.5 Outline of the Thesis

The main objective of this dissertation is to develop design strategies to enhance the

capabilities of active/passive rotor blades for vibration reduction. This objective is

achieved through the development of a high-fidelity aeromechanic analysis framework

and the use of appropriate optimization techniques. The achievements of this thesis and

the organization of chapters are given below:

1) Development of an aeromechanic analysis and design framework

Chapter 2 presents the development of an aeromechanic analysis environment for the

design of a composite rotor blade such that vibration reduction and performance

enhancement at the rotor hub is achieved using aeroelastic tailoring. This analysis

environment includes an advanced mesh generator for capturing the topological details of

a composite rotor blade cross section and for generating the 2D finite element mesh,

UM/VABS for the active cross-sectional analysis and comprehensive rotorcraft analysis

code for the aeroelastic analysis of rotor blade. The design environment was successfully

used to perform detailed parametric and optimization studies on the full scale model of a

UH-60 composite rotor blade [147] and on the passive version of ATR blade [148].

2) Optimization strategy for the design of active twist rotor

Chapter 3 introduces an optimization framework for the design and analysis of a

composite active twist rotor blade. The aeromechanic analysis environment described in

Chapter 2 was enhanced to include the effects of active plies in the cross section and it

was augmented with surrogate-based optimization technique to form an optimization

framework. In this study, the amplitude of dynamic twist has been proposed as the new

objective function for optimization studies for the design of active composite blade cross

section. It has been demonstrated using post-processing analysis that the dynamic twist is

a true indicator for vibration reduction capabilities of an active twist rotor. In this

framework, surrogate based optimization is included to explore the large design space

efficiently and to avoid the issues associated aeroelastic problems. (In these problems, the

runtime for each iteration is high (10-20 min) and some of the cases do not complete due

to failed convergence within the analysis). The optimum result obtained by maximizing

the dynamic twist amplitude is compared with optimum result obtained my maximizing

the static twist (the objective function used in all the studies discussed in literature

review) and advantages of the new strategy are highlighted [149]. Appendix A provides

mathematical expressions related to the development of surrogate models and Efficient

Global Optimization (EGO) algorithm used in the thesis.

3) Optimization at a range of actuation frequencies

Vibration reduction studies with the on-board active control devices have shown

that actuation frequency of (Nb-1)/rev, Nb/rev and (Nb+1)/rev are required for vibration

reduction in a rotor with Nb blades. Hence, the dynamic twist optimization performed in

Chapter 3 is carried out at a range of actuation frequencies and the active composite cross

section which is effective at a range of actuation frequencies simultaneously is


4) Active twist optimization with mixed design variables

In Chapter 4, the framework that was developed in Chapter 3 was extended to include

discrete design variables in the optimization study. The mixed-variable (with discrete and

continuous design variables) optimization described here is useful to obtain a realistic

optimum design and it highlights the effect of variable discretization on different

objective functions considered here. In the optimization studies performed in this chapter,

the ply thicknesses and ply angles are treated as discrete design variables. The modified

optimization framework includes both a genetic based optimizer and a gradient based

optimizer. The solution with mixed design variables is obtained using three different

techniques for comparison [150].

5) Design of a composite rotor blade with active flaps

The literature review highlighted that very few studies have been conducted to design

a composite rotor blade with active flaps that can be readily manufactured. Chapter 5

presents design studies for a composite rotor blade with active flaps such that the

authority of active flaps for vibration reduction is enhanced. In this study, a Mach-scaled

rotor blade which can be tested in the University of Michigan spin test stand is used as

the baseline rotor blade. In this study also, the mixed-variable surrogate-based

optimization framework described in Chapter 4 is used [151]. The aeromechanic analysis

was modified to account for the presence of active flaps on the rotor blade. Appendices C

to F present details about the design, fabrication and testing of a composite rotor blade

with dual flaps in a hover test stand.

6) Vibration reduction and performance enhancement in dynamics stall condition

using camber actuation

In Chapter 6, numerical studies are performed using UM/NLABS-A to study the

effect of camber actuation on vibratory loads at the hub and on rotor performance. The

rest of the surrogate based optimization framework is the same as in earlier chapters. In

the first study, the analysis is performed at an advance ratio of 0.24 where the quadratic

camber deformation shape function was used to obtain reduction in vibration and small

improvement in performance [63]. In the next step, a modified version of the ONERA

dynamic stall model was included in UM/NLABS-A for performing aeroelastic analysis

at high forward airspeeds. The vibration reduction and performance enhancement studies

in this section are carried out using both quadratic and cubic camber deformation shape

function [152] for μ = 0.33. Results obtained at the end show that the cubic camber

deformation shape function is more effective at reducing vibration and improving

performance of the rotor blade. Appendix B provides detailed description of the unified

aerodynamic model used in UM/NLABS-A.

Finally, Chapter 7 summarizes the work done in this thesis and presents

recommendations for the future work.

Chapter 2. A Multidisciplinary Design Environment for
Passive Composite Rotor Blades

The work presented in this chapter introduces a new design environment that

combines the computational efficiency and speed of 1D beam analysis with high-fidelity

accuracy approaching that of a 3D FE model for analyzing a composite rotor blade. The

environment contains a graphical modeling tool to rapidly define the cross-sectional

layup of a rotor blade or wing and a cross section mesh generator, both part of the

IXGEN pre-processing tool. It uses a cross-sectional beam analysis code (UM/VABS) to

determine the cross-sectional mass and stiffness properties, which it then feeds into a

comprehensive rotorcraft analysis code (RCAS). Using Phoenix Integration’s

ModelCenter as the optimization software, a full multidisciplinary design and

optimization environment for the preliminary design of composite rotor blades and wings

has been developed. As a test case, structural optimization case studies are presented

where the cross-sectional layup of the blade is determined that results in significant

vibration reduction at the rotor hub in forward flight condition for a model UH60 rotor


The implementation of the design environment was done in collaboration with

Advatech Pacific, Inc (San Bernardino, CA) as part of a SBIR project.

2.1 Introduction

The design of a composite rotor blade in a helicopter is inherently a multidisciplinary

problem involving aerodynamics, static and dynamic loads, aeroelasticity, materials,

fatigue life, manufacturing aspects, etc. Different stages of a product design and the

variation of estimated cost committed, design freedom and knowledge about the design is

shown in Figure 2-1 [100]. It also highlights the current design process and future trend

in product design. As indicate in the figure (by dark lines), during the preliminary design

stage, the knowledge about the design and the cost committed is the least while the

design freedom is the highest. As further progress is made in the design, there is an

increase in the cost and knowledge about the design and there is a decrease in the design

freedom. At the completion point, we have a complete product. The future trend

(indicated by gray lines) would be to shift the “knowledge about the design” curve

towards conceptual and preliminary design stage such that there is more design freedom

at less cost in the early stages. This strategy will help the designers to make better

exploration of the design variables in the early stages without significant cost. In order to

achieve this target, it is desired to obtain “mature” designs in the preliminary design stage

by making use of high-fidelity numerical tools for analysis. Thus, during the conceptual

design stage, there is a need to balance the fidelity of different models used in the

analysis with computational time requirements. Since making design changes in later

stages is far more expensive, it is essential to explore the complete design space in the

preliminary design stage itself.

Figure 2-1: Different Stages of Product Design [100]

For the detailed structural analysis of a rotor blade, a 3D Finite Element (FE) analysis

is required in order to capture all the topological details. However, the time-consuming

FE analysis is not suitable for conceptual design since a large design space needs to be

explored. Instead, due to the geometry of rotor blades, a “dimensional reduction” can be

performed that takes the original 3-D body and represents it as a 1D beam along a

predefined reference line. This can be done because one dimension (along the length) of a

rotor blade is much larger than the other two, and the structure is mostly uniform along

the span. For accurate dimensional reduction, following features are required:

a) Detailed modeling of the rotor blade cross section which includes isotropic and

orthotropic material properties and cross section topology.

b) Accurate representation of 3D blade properties along a reference line.

c) Non-linear aeroelastic analysis of the 1D blade.

The design environment presented here includes these features for rotor blade design

through the coupling of the following high-fidelity analysis tools in a design


a) IXGEN, the Intelligent Cross Section generator developed by Advatech Pacific,

Inc [153],

b) UM/VABS, the University of Michigan /Variational-Asymptotic Beam Sectional

analysis [70], and

c) RCAS, the Rotorcraft Comprehensive Analysis System [154].

2.2 Design Approach

The basic approach to the rotor blade design problem, which is adopted in this thesis,

is shown in Figure 2-2. It is based on the approach used for the design of a rotor blade

with active twist in [84, 86], however, that framework did not include the aeromechanic

analysis. In [84, 86], the failure analysis was done using the worst case loading obtained

a priori.

In this approach, important sections along the blade span are identified, where

geometrical or material properties do not change significantly. For each of these sections,

structural topology, layout of composite plies, materials and ply thicknesses are obtained

either through a user input or from the optimizer. This information is passed as input for

generating cross-sectional mesh and a UM/VABS input file using IXGEN. In the analysis

performed in this thesis, IXGEN is used as a mesh generator, though it has more

capabilities which are discussed in [153]. The cross-sectional analysis performed using

UM/VABS provides the mass and stiffness matrices which are used as input for 1D

nonlinear beam analysis. These matrices can also be used to determine the chordwise

location of shear center and center of gravity which act as constraints in the optimization

studies. The nonlinear beam finite element analysis of the composite beam is performed

in RCAS. It also includes aerodynamic models of different fidelities and various models

for determining inflow velocity and for capturing the dynamic stall effects. In a post-

processing step, the element loads resulting from the dynamic or aeromechanical analysis

are converted to equivalent stress and strain distributions in the individual cross sections.

Figure 2-2: 2D - 1D Design Approach.[148]

Figure 2-3 shows the Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO) process that

implements the design approach described earlier for the design of a passive composite

rotor blade. The main pieces of software/codes used in this analysis are IXGEN, RCAS


User GUI

Design Variables Integration Framework
- ply thicknesses Optimizer
- ply drops no
- spar location Termination
- ballast weight criteria met?
Section - etc.
Mesh Sample Objectives
Generator and Constraints
End - Blade life
- Blade weight
2D Cross - Vibration levels
Stiffness Aeromechanic
Sectional - Noise levels
and Inertia Analysis
Analysis - CG location
Matrices (RCAS)
(UM/VABS) - EA location
- Aeroelastic stability
- Blade frequencies
3D - Local 3D stresses
Internal Loads
Influence and strains

Figure 2-3: Multidisciplinary Optimization Process for Design of Passive Blade.

2.2.1 Blade Modeling Tool IXGEN

IXGEN [147, 148, 153] is a rotor blade and slender wing modeling environment that

lets the user quickly and easily define a rotor blade as a sequence of cross sections

stacked in the spanwise direction along a user-defined stacking axis. IXGEN has two

modes of operation – a GUI-driven mode for the designer to set up the blade, and a batch

mode for use in an automated design framework, where an optimizer or other type of

programmatic design driver modifies the defining parameters and regenerates the blade.

IXGEN contains a finite element mesh and UM/VABS model generator, and it has the

ability to execute UM/VABS directly from the UI. IXGEN has the capability to abstract

the definition of a rotor blade and its cross sections to a higher, feature based level. These

defining features, such as spar webs, spar caps, wrap layers, etc. are then parameterized,

and these parameters, in turn, can then be driven by an optimizer or a similar design

driver. IXGEN currently supports box, D and multi-cell spar concepts with spar webs

either perpendicular to the defining airfoil chord or at a slant angle off perpendicular.

Figure 2-4 shows several representative blade sections that have been modeled with

IXGEN. While the tool was developed for helicopter rotor blade design, it has also been

used to model typical wind turbine blade geometries.

Box Spar

Multi-Cell Spar

Slanted Spar Webs D Spar

Blade Root Section Typical Wind Turbine Cross Section

Figure 2-4: Representative Cross Sections Developed using IXGEN [148]

2.2.2 UM/VABS

UM/VABS [71] is a FORTRAN90 code developed at the University of Michigan

which solves the coupled equations of electro-thermo-elasticity in the cross section using

an asymptotic solution [155]. It includes cross-sectional analysis using different beam

theories: Euler-Bernoulli beam theory, Timoshenko beam theory, Vlasov beam theory,

and the original extended beam theory with finite section deformation modes. All these

models support the actuation effects in case active material is embedded in the cross-

sectional layup. As a post processing step, UM/VABS provides strain/stress influence

coefficients (SIC) which can be used to recover cross-sectional stress/strain and

displacements. The basic process of UM/VABS is shown in Figure 2-5.

In the UM/VABS analysis performed in this thesis, Timoshenko beam theory is used.

The analysis performed in Chapter 3 includes the effect of active plies used in the cross

section. As a result, the output produced by UM/VABS includes actuation forces and

strains in addition to the traditional mass and stiffness matrices. In Chapter 6, finite

section modes are used to model the effects of camber deformation and to determine the

corresponding higher-order mass and stiffness matrices.

Figure 2-5: Basic Process of UM/VABS [71]

2.2.3 RCAS

The Rotorcraft Comprehensive Analysis System (RCAS) is a software code developed

by U.S. Army Aeroflightdynamics Directorate (AFDD) and Advanced Rotorcraft

Technology (ART) to provide state-of-the-art rotorcraft modeling and analysis

technology for Government, Industry and Academia [156]. The current capabilities of

RCAS (RCAS v12.08) include large rigid-body motion, a nonlinear beam element valid

for large blade deformation, easier procedures for building complex finite-element

rotorcraft models, and various options for modeling unsteady aerodynamics, rotor inflow

and dynamic stall effects. RCAS is capable of modeling a complete range of complex

aircraft configurations operating in hover, forward flight, and maneuvering flight

conditions. RCAS is designed to perform a wide variety of rotorcraft engineering

analyses like vehicle performance, aerodynamics, aeroelastic stability, flight dynamics,

etc. It uses hierarchical finite-element modeling for the structure and airloads in order to

model complex rotorcraft configurations. In [154], a number of examples are presented to

demonstrate the unique and advanced modeling and analysis capabilities from RCAS.

2.2.4 ModelCenter Integration

ModelCenter is used for integrating all the numerical tools described above and for

performing parametric and optimization studies in this chapter. Any response parameter

produced by either UM/VABS or RCAS which is exposed by the MDO environment is

available to the optimizer as either a constraint or objective value. Figure 2-6 shows the

ModelCenter components implementing the rotor blade design. Detailed information

about each of the modules shown in Figure 2-6 is provided in [148].

Figure 2-6: ModelCenter-Based Blade Optimization Process.

This implementation of the rotor blade design process in ModelCenter facilitates a

wide variety of trade study and optimization scenarios. Design drivers can be wrapped

around either the entire process, or individual components, such as IXGEN-UM/VABS-

VABS Post-Processing, to optimize the structural properties of an individual cross

section without running the aeromechanical analysis, as demonstrated in [153].

ModelCenter’s parameter linking functionality can be used to link IXGEN parameters to

reduce the number of design variables and enforce continuity or manufacturing


The development of IXGEN software and the integration of various analysis codes

into the ModelCenter were carried out by Advatech Pacific. Detailed analysis for the

verification and validation of the design environment and all the design studies presented

in this chapter were performed at the University of Michigan.

2.3 Application Example: Vibratory Hub Load Minimization

The MDO environment described in this chapter can be used to solve a variety of

optimization and design problems involving metallic and composite rotor blades. Any

parameter exposed in ModelCenter can be used as a design variable, part of a response,

constraint, or objective function. In order to demonstrate the capability of the design

environment described in the previous sections, a full-scale UH-60 rotor model given in

the RCAS examples is used as the baseline case for parametric and optimization studies.

2.3.1 Description of the Baseline Rotor Blade

The characteristics of the UH-60 rotor are listed in Table 2-1, and the top view of the

rotor blade is shown in Figure 2-7. For the purpose of analysis, the blade was subdivided

into three spanwise regions, as shown in Figure 2-7. These regions match with the airfoil

breaks existing in the actual UH-60 blade. The rotor blade consists of a SC1095 airfoil in

Section 1 and Section 3, while Section 2 has a SC1094R8 airfoil.

Table 2-1: Characteristics of UH-60 Rotor

Rotor Type Fully Articulated

Number of blades 4
Blade radius (R ) 26.83ft (8.18m)
Blade Chord (c ) 1.73 ft* (0.527m)
Solidity 0.0826
Airfoil Section SC1095/SC1094R8
Blade Pretwist -12 deg
Hinge Offset 1.25ft (0.381m)
Rotor Speed 258 RPM
CT 0.008
CQ 0.000354
Air density 0.00237 slugs/ft3 (1.225 kg/m3)
Advance ratio (µ) 0.24
Blade tip sweep 20 deg
* Average chord

Region 1 Region 2 Region 3

Figure 2-7: Top View of the UH-60 Rotor Blade [157]

The UH-60 rotor blade cross section as modeled in IXGEN is shown in Figure 2-8. It

consists of a boxed spar with overwrap plies wrapping around the whole airfoil. It also

includes an erosion strip, leading edge wrap, trailing edge tab and trailing edge fill that

are commonly observed in a typical rotor blade cross section. Finer details about the

cross section and material used in different regions of the airfoil are shown in Figure 2-9.

Among the plies used, E-Glass is bidirectional while S-Glass and IM7 plies are

unidirectional. The specific material properties for different materials used in the cross

section can be found in Table 2-2.

Figure 2-8: Cross Section of the UH-60 Rotor Blade

(A) Front Spar

(B) Middle Main Spar Region

(C) Trailing Edge Region

Figure 2-9: Cross Section Layup

Table 2-2: Material Properties

E-Glass IM7 Steel S-Glass Plascore

ρ (slugs/ft ) 3.34 3.01 15.13 3.61 0.09
E11 (ksi) 3002 23933 29736 6295 1.00
E22 (ksi) 3002 1276 29736 1740 20.02
E33(ksi) 3002 1276 29736 1740 1.00
G12 (ksi) 594 710 11169 522 3.48
G13 (ksi) 594 710 11169 522 1.00
G23 (ksi) 594 710 11169 522 5.80
ν12 0.15 0.34 0.3 0.28 0.01
ν13 0.15 0.34 0.3 0.28 0.3
ν23 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.01

The thickness of the plies used in the different regions is given in Table 2-3. These

thicknesses are the same as those obtained in [153] based on matching the cross-sectional

properties of an existing rotor blade. In [153], different sets of ply thicknesses were

obtained for Region 1, Region 2 and Region 3. However, for the optimization and

parametric studies shown in this chapter, it has been assumed that the cross-sectional

layup is the same in all the three regions to reduce the number of design variables,

thereby reducing the runtime required for optimization studies. The design environment

itself is capable of handling any number of design variables.

Table 2-3: Thickness of Plies used in the Layup

Ply Thickness Thickness (mil)

Spar Cap Ply 1 4.10
Spar Cap Ply 2 3.72
Spar Cap Ply 3 3.72
Spar Cap Ply 4 1.00
Overwrap Ply 1 0.50
Overwrap Ply 2 0.50
Overwrap Ply 3 0.50
Overwrap Ply 4 0.50
Erosion Strip 1.64
LE Fill 7.71

The structural frequencies of the blade at 100% RPM are listed in Table 2-4 and were

obtained using RCAS. The frequencies are slightly different (within ±6%) from those

obtained in [153] because of the assumption that cross-sectional layup is the same in all

the three regions of the blade. For the rotor aeroelastic analysis, the trim option (wind

tunnel trim) is used in the RCAS solution. The trim targets used in the analysis are: C T =

0.008, no longitudinal and lateral flapping angle for tip path plane (β1s = 0 and β1c = 0 for

the tip path plane), and the blade pitch settings are used as the trim variables. The mean

value of the hub loads and the amplitude of the 4/rev component for the baseline blade

are given in Table 2-5, where Fx, Fy, and Fz represent components of the hub force in the

non-rotating frame, while Mx, My, and Mz represent components of the moments at the

hub. In all the results shown in this chapter, an advance ratio of 0.24 is used in RCAS.

Table 2-4: Structural Frequencies of the Blade at 100% RPM

Mode Shape Frequencies

(/rev) (rad/s)
1st chordwise bending 0.27 7.26
1st flapwise bending 1.04 28
2nd flapwise bending 2.68 72.4
1st torsion 4.57 123.5
2nd chordwise bending 4.98 134.4
3rd flapwise bending 5.48 148

Table 2-5: Mean Value and Amplitude of 4/rev Vibratory Loads at the Rotor Hub
for µ = 0.24

Mean Values 4/rev Amplitude

Fx (lbf) 107.8 23.03
Fy (lbf) 559.9 18.74
Fz (lbf) 22586 212.1
Mx (ft-lbf) 3397 6696
My (ft-lbf) 1368 5458
Mz (ft-lbf) 26745 377.5

2.3.2 Definition of the Rotor Blade Optimization Problem

A different set of objective functions can be defined depending upon the problem

being solved. In principle, any output provided by RCAS or by UM/VABS can be

selected as the objective function. For this chapter, the following objective functions are


a) Minimization of 4/rev vertical vibratory load at the hub (min FZ4)

b) Minimization of combined vibratory load (from all the hub load components)

Similarly, any combination of outputs from RCAS and UM/VABS can be used to

form constraints. For the optimization studies presented herein, the following parameters

are constrained:

a) Chordwise location of blade cross-sectional center of gravity

b) Chordwise location of cross-sectional shear center

c) Blade fundamental rotating frequencies

d) Maximum allowable blade strain in the cross section

e) Mass per unit length for each section of the blade

The optimization problem can also include constraints on aeroelastic stability and

autorotation, however, these were not considered directly in the problems studied in this

thesis. The optimization problem can be solved using gradient based optimizer or non-

gradient based methods such as genetic algorithm and surrogate optimization. Finally, the

selected design variables for this study are:

 The thickness and lamination angle of spar cap plies in the cross section layup.

However, the material properties used in each ply are kept constant.

 The chordwise location of the vertical auxiliary spar web.

 Discrete ballast mass and its chordwise location in each of the sections

From the above discussion it can be seen that a large number of variables could be

used as design variables. However, since each run for a complete rotor analysis takes

between 15 to 30 minutes on a Windows machine (Intel Core2 QUAD CPU @ 2.39GHz

and 1.96GB of RAM), and the number of runs required for optimization increases

exponentially with the number of design variables, it is desirable to reduce the number of

design variables to the most influential ones. The variables which are most critical for the

design can be identified through parametric studies. Thus, as a first step, a parametric

study is performed with respect to different design variables.

2.3.3 Preliminary Parametric Study

In the first parametric study, the thickness of the plies used in the spar cap and the

fairing were considered independent variables. The thickness of each ply was varied

between ±25% of the baseline value, and the variation in blade properties was observed.

A total of 300 test cases were set up using the Latin Hypercube Method which spans the

whole design space. This example also helped to show the robustness of IXGEN in

generating the cross-sectional mesh for different kinds of layups. Table 2-6 shows the

variation observed for some of the critical responses during the parametric study with ply

thicknesses, where S11 is the axial stiffness, S44 is the torsional stiffness, S55 is the

flapwise bending stiffness, SC is the shear center, FZ4 is the amplitude of the 4/rev

vertical force, and MX4 is the amplitude of 4/rev rolling moment at the hub measured in

fixed system. Results obtained here show that the cross-sectional stiffness and 4/rev

vibratory moments at the hub are very sensitive to variation in ply thickness.

Table 2-6: Variation in Blade Parameters Observed During the Parametric Study
with Ply Thickness

Response Variation
S11 -11.30% to 10.72%
S44 -12.34% to 11.63
S55 -14.76% to 13.88%
SC -2.73% to 3.26%
1st Tor Freq -2.53% to 2.53%
FZ4 -11.78% to 9.77%
MX4 -61.17% to 83.97%

Further information about the influence of each design variable can be obtained by

observing the contribution of each design variable to the overall variation in the observed

response, as shown in Figure 2-10. In these plots, the Y-axis represents the percentage

contribution of each design variable while the X-axis lists each of the design variables

considered. (OW1 refers to thickness of Overwrap Ply 1, SC1 refers to thickness of Spar

Cap Ply 1, and so on.) The axial stiffness (S11) of the cross section is mainly influenced

by the thickness of Ply 1 in the spar cap since it is the unidirectional IM7 ply at 0 deg

angle. S55 follows the same trend as S11, and the effect of the thickness of the SC1 ply is

more apparent here. However, S44 is more influenced by the thickness of the SC2 and

SC3 plies since they are oriented at +450 and -450 angles, respectively. All plies in the

spar cap region and all plies in the overwrap region contribute equally to the variation in

mass per unit length, as expected. However, the contribution of the overwrap plies is

larger than the contribution of the spar cap plies since overwrap plies occupy a larger

fraction of the airfoil contour. The contribution of different ply thickness to the variation

in the first torsional frequency and FZ4 is less intuitive to predict, and in these cases, the

parametric studies are very useful in the overall understanding of the problem.

Similar parametric studies can also be done with respect to other design variables like

ballast mass and their chordwise locations, ply angle, and chordwise location of the main

and auxiliary spar web.

2.4 Optimization Studies for Vibration Reduction

In this section, results are presented for two optimization studies which were

performed to obtain a design with low vibration level using the design environment

described in the earlier section. The vertical component of 4/rev vibratory load (FZ4) is

used as the objective function for the first optimization study while in the second

optimization study, the combined vibratory load, which includes contribution from all the

three force and moment components, is reduced.

S11 M11
60 20
Contribution (%)

Contribution (%)

0 0

S55 S44
100 40
Contribution (%)

Contribution (%)
50 20

0 0

-50 -20

Tor Freq FZ4

20 30
Contribution (%)

Contribution (%)


-40 -10

Figure 2-10: Contribution of each Ply Thickness to Overall Variation in the


2.4.1 Minimizing Vertical Component of the 4/rev Vibratory Hub Load (min FZ4)

In the first optimization study, the amplitude of the 4/rev vertical hub force (FZ4) is

used as the objective function to be minimized. The design variables used for this study

are ply angles and ply thicknesses for the spar cap plies, chordwise location of the

auxiliary spar web and mass, and location of the ballast mass used in Section 1 and

Section 2. (Since Section 1 and Section 3 have same airfoil section and layup, the ballast

mass used in Section 1 and Section 3 were assumed to be the same.) Upper and lower

limits for these design variables are listed in Table 2-7. The lower limit used for the ply

thickness corresponds to 1/4th of the baseline ply thickness while the upper limit for the

ply thickness corresponds to two times the baseline value. The upper and the lower limit

used for the ply angles depend upon the nature of the material, whether it is unidirectional

or bidirectional. The ballast mass is allowed to vary between 0.05 slugs/ft and 0.15

slugs/ft while their chordwise location is allowed to vary between the leading edge and

the quarter chord of the airfoil section. Constraints used during the optimization are listed

in Table 2-8. The shear center (SC) and center of gravity (CG) of the cross section are

constrained to lie near the quarter chord of the airfoil to indirectly enforce stability

criteria. Mass per unit length of the cross section is allowed to vary between ±15% of the

baseline value. Maximum allowable axial strain along the material direction is limited to

6000 microstrain. The 1st torsion frequency is constrained between 3/rev and 6/rev.

Table 2-7: Design Variables used in the Optimization Study for Min FZ4

Design variables Baseline Min Max

Thickness SC Ply 1 (mil) 4.10 0.03 8.20
Thickness SC Ply 2 (mil) 3.72 0.93 7.40
Thickness SC Ply 3 (mil) 3.72 0.93 7.4
Thickness SC Ply 4 (mil) 1.0 0.25 2.0
Angle SC Ply 1 (deg) 0.0 -90.0 90.0
Angle SC Ply 2 (deg) 45.0 -90.0 90.0
Angle SC Ply 3 (deg) -45.0 -90.0 90.0
Angle SC Ply 4 (deg) 90.0 -90.0 90.0
Aux Web Loc (%c) 6.60 2.5 15.0
Ballast mass 1 (slugs/ft) 0.10 0.05 0.15
Ballast mass 1 Loc (%c) 15.0 0.0 25.0
Ballast mass 2 (slugs/ft) 0.11 0.05 0.15
Ballast mass 2 Loc (%c) 16.0 0.0 25.0

Table 2-8: Constraints used in the Optimization Problem for Min FZ4

Constraints Baseline Min Max

CG Sec 1 (%c) 25.0 20.0 30.0
CG Sec 2 (%c) 25.0 20.0 30.0
M11 Sec 1 (slugs/ft) 0.212 0.180 0.244
M11 Sec 2 (slugs/ft) 0.223 0.256 0.189
SC Sec 1 (%c) 36.5 25.0 37.0
SC Sec 2 (%c) 35.9 25.0 37.0
Tor Freq (/rev) 4.53 3.0 6.0
Max Strain ε11 (µε) 2175.7 0.0 6000.0

For this optimization, the complete rotor blade analysis process is executed at each

run, which involves running IXGEN, UM/VABS and RCAS. During the parametric

studies, it was observed that some of the cases in RCAS did not reach a converged

solution for trim analysis, and hence, there were a few failed cases involved. For the

gradient-based optimization, it is required that none of the cases fail during the run. As a

result, the gradient-based algorithm was not used for this optimization. Among the

various options available in the ModelCenter Release 10 optimization tool package,

“Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II” (NSGA) [158] was used since it allows

for failed runs in the optimization process. Parameters used for NSGA optimization are

listed in Table 2-9. The optimization process ran for approximately 48 hours and stopped

after exceeding the limit on maximum number of generations allowed. During this time, a

total of 236 complete iterations were performed. Although not the global optimum, the

result obtained at the end shows 52% reduction in FZ4 while satisfying all the constraints.

Details for the optimized case are listed in Table 2-10. The variation of the objective

function, design variables and constraints with generation are shown in Figure 2-11 to

Figure 2-14.

Table 2-9: Parameters used for NSGA II Algorithm

Population 24
Optimization Parameters for Binary Variables
Binary Crossover Probability 0.7
Binary Mutation Probability 0.5
Optimization Parameters for Real Variables
Crossover Probability 0.7
ηC (Index for crosssover) 15
ηM (Index for mutation) 20
Mutation Probability 0.167
Stopping Criteria
Convergence Generations 5
Convergence Threshold 0.001
Max Evaluations 1000
Max Generations 12

Objective Function FZ4 (lbf)






1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Generation Number
Figure 2-11: Variation of Objective Function (FZ4) with Generation Number

Among the ply thicknesses, Ply 1 which is oriented at 0 deg shows the maximum

increase of 34% in ply thickness. As compared to the baseline case, the most significant

variation is shown by all the ply angle variables. In the optimized case, all the plies are

oriented at approximately 76 deg. This is a direct result of the objective function being

purely the minimization of FZ4 (more in the next subsection). As a result of this, there is a

48% reduction in the axial stiffness (S11) and more than 60% reduction in torsional (S44)

and flapwise bending (S55) stiffness of the blade cross section, as shown in Table 2-11.

(The values listed in Table 2-11 are nondimensionalized with respect to the baseline case,

that is, ). The reduction in chordwise stiffness is relatively

small (11%). As shown in Figure 2-13, the variation in ballast masses and their chordwise

location is small, too. Also, the auxiliary spar web has moved back by 0.04c, resulting in

a further decrease in cross-sectional stiffness.

Table 2-10: Design Variables and Constraints for the Optimized Case

Design variables Baseline Min FZ4

Thickness SC Ply 1 (mil) 4.10 5.49
Thickness SC Ply 2 (mil) 3.72 3.49
Thickness SC Ply 3 (mil) 3.72 4.38
Thickness SC Ply 4 (mil) 1.00 0.89
Angle SC Ply 1 (deg) 0.00 77.37
Angle SC Ply 2 (deg) 45.00 78.76
Angle SC Ply 3 (deg) -45.00 73.24
Angle SC Ply 4 (deg) 90.00 76.12
Aux Web Loc (%c) 6.60 10.27
Ballast mass 1 (lb/ft) 0.10 0.114
Ballast mass 1 Loc (%c) 15.00 18.50
Ballast mass 2 (lb/ft) 0.11 0.079
Ballast mass 2 Loc (%c) 16.00 0.226

Constraints Baseline Min FZ4

CG Sec 1 (%c) 24.14 25.52
CG Sec 2 (%c) 24.1 28.38
M11 Sec 1 (lb/ft) 0.207 0.2323
M11 Sec 2 (lb/ft) 0.223 0.197
SC Sec 1 (%c) 36.5 34.62
SC Sec 2 (%c) 35.9 34.07
Tor Freq (/rev) 4.53 3.71
Max Strain (µε) 2175.7 4901.0

The overall effect of these variations can be seen in the dynamic frequencies for the

optimized case, which are shown in Table 2-12, where the first torsion frequency, second

chordwise bending frequency, and third flapwise bending frequency have moved further

away from each other. Thus, the optimization study indicates that reducing the coupling

between these modes has resulted in lower vibration amplitude for FZ4.

Table 2-11: Ratio of Cross-Sectional Properties for the Optimized Case

Ratio Min FZ4 Ratio Sec 1 Sec 2

0.523 1.096 0.882
0.377 0.947 0.913
0.379 1.056 1.059
0.889 0.945 0.91

Table 2-12: Blade Structural Frequencies for the Optimized Case

Mode Shape Frequencies (/rev)

Baseline Optimized
1st chordwise bending 0.269 0.269
1st flapwise bending 1.0356 1.0356
2nd flapwise bending 2.679 2.59
1st torsion 4.57 3.72
2nd chordwise bending 4.979 5.019
3rd flapwise bending 5.48 4.44
Ply Thickness (mil)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Generation Number
Ply Angle (deg)


1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Generation Number

Figure 2-12: Variation of Ply Thickness and Ply Angle with Generation Number


Bal Loc(c)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Section 1

Section 2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Aux Loc(c) 0.1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Generation Number
Figure 2-13: Variation of Ballast Mass and Auxiliary Spar Web with Generation

All the constraints used in the optimization problem are shown in Figure 2-14. The

constraints are non-dimensionalized using their maximum and minimum values such that

“0” represents the minimum value of the constraint while “1” represents the maximum

value of the constraints. The limits for the constraints are represented by solid red lines in

the plot. The results obtained indicate that only the constraint on mass per unit length for

Section 2 (M11-Sec 2) is closer to its lower limit while the rest of the constraints are well

within the boundaries. Besides this, an increase is observed in the maximum strain for the

cross section. This also indicates that the optimized solution obtained here may not be the

optimum solution, and there is a possibility of finding a better solution by increasing the

maximum number of generations allowed in the stopping criteria listed in Table 2-9.

Since, the aim of this study was to demonstrate the robustness of the aeroelastic design

environment for passive optimization studies, further iterations were not carried out.


Non-dimensional Constraints
0.8 Max 11
0.4 Tor Freq


1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Generation Number
Figure 2-14: Variation of Constraints with Generation Number

In the first optimization study, only the vertical component of the 4/rev vibratory force

at the rotor hub was minimized. As shown in Figure 2-15, vibration reduction in FZ4 is

accompanied by an increase in amplitude for FX4, FY4, MX4 and MZ4. In order to reduce

the vibratory loads for all the hub load components simultaneously, a different objective

function was selected in the second optimization study.

Change in Vibration (%)

Fx4 FY4 FZ4 MX4 MY4 MZ4
Load Component

Figure 2-15: Percentage Change in Amplitude of 4/rev Vibratory Hub Load

Components for the Optimized Case (min FZ4) with respect to the Baseline Case

2.4.2 Minimizing Combined Vibratory Hub Load (min FH4)

In this case, the contributions from all the load components at the hub are included in

the objective function (FH4). The new objective function is defined as:

where, R is the radius of the rotor blade.

The optimization problem is solved using the design variables, constraints, and

optimization parameters described in Table 2-7, Table 2-8 and Table 2-9, respectively. In

this case, as before, the optimization process stopped after exceeding the limit on the

maximum number of generations allowed. The final results show a 27% reduction in FH4,

as indicated in Figure 2-16. Table 2-13 shows the final optimized design for this case

along with the results obtained from the “min FZ4” case.

Among all the design variables, the most significant variation occurs in the thickness

of Ply 2, which has almost doubled. The effect of this can be seen in the cross-sectional

properties listed in Table 2-14 where the torsional stiffness of the cross section has

increased by almost 24%. In spite of the increase in ply thickness, the bending and axial

stiffness of the blade section has decreased due to a 15 deg change in ply angle for Ply 1.

Also, there is an approximately 15% increase in the flapwise-bending inertia.



Objective Function FH4 (lbf)







0 2 4 6 8 10
Generation Number
Figure 2-16: Variation of FH4 with Generation Number
Unlike the variation observed in the “min FZ4” case for the blade structural

frequencies, the dynamic frequencies for “min FH4” are very close to the baseline case.

As shown in Table 2-14 and Table 2-15 the increase in cross-sectional torsional stiffness

is accompanied by an increase in torsional inertia, due to which the resultant increase in

torsional frequency for the blade is very small. Thus, from the second optimization study,

it appears that a decrease in combined vibratory load at the rotor hub can be obtained by

increasing the torsional stiffness of the blade section without making any significant

changes in blade dynamic properties.

The percentage reduction in 4/rev vibratory loads at the rotor hub for the “min FZ4”

case and “min FH4” case are shown in Figure 2-17. For the “min FH4” case, lower

vibrations are observed for four of the six hub load components. The baseline vibration

shown in Table 2-4 clearly indicates that FZ4, MX4 and MY4 have the largest contribution

to the overall vibratory loads at the hub, and thus in order to reduce combined vibratory

loads, it is important to reduce vibration in these components.

Table 2-13: Design Variables and Constraints for Min FH4

Design variables Baseline Min FH4 Min FZ4

Thickness SC Ply 1 (mil) 4.10 4.32 5.49
Thickness SC Ply 2 (mil) 3.72 7.14 3.49
Thickness SC Ply 3 (mil) 3.72 3.89 4.38
Thickness SC Ply 4 (mil) 1.00 1.00 0.89
Angle SC Ply 1 (deg) 0.00 15.86 77.37
Angle SC Ply 2 (deg) 45.00 50.57 78.76
Angle SC Ply 3 (deg) -45.00 -45.00 73.24
Angle SC Ply 4 (deg) 90.00 90.00 76.12
Aux Web Loc (%c) 6.60 6.60 10.27
Bal Mass 1 (slugs/ft) 0.10 0.11 0.11
Bal Mass 1 Loc (%c) 15.00 12.30 18.50
Bal Mass 2 (kg/m) 0.11 0.10 0.08
Bal Mass 2 Loc (%c) 16.00 16.03 0.23

Constraints Baseline Min FH4 Min FZ4

CG Sec 1 (%c) 24.14 22.39 25.52
CG Sec 2 (%c) 24.1 24.42 28.38
M11 Sec 1 (lb/ft) 0.207 0.236 0.232
M11 Sec 2 (lb/ft) 0.223 0.226 0.197
SC Sec 1 (%c) 36.5 36.23 34.62
SC Sec 2 (%c) 35.9 35.72 34.07
Tor Freq (/rev) 4.53 4.58 3.71
Max Strain (µε) 2175.7 2471.0 4901

Table 2-14: Cross-sectional Properties for the Optimized Case (min FH4)

Sec 1 Sec 2 Sec 1

1.138 1.034 0.934
1.103 1.015 1.247
1.147 1.150 0.88
1.102 1.012 0.974

Table 2-15: Structural Frequencies for the Optimized Case

Mode Shape Frequencies (/rev)

Baseline Min FH4 Min FZ4
1st Chordwise bending 0.269 0.269 0.269
1st Flapwise bending 1.0356 1.036 1.0356
2nd Flapwise bending 2.679 2.650 2.59
1st Torsion 4.57 4.584 3.72
2nd Chordwise bending 4.979 4.866 5.019
3rd Flapwise bending 5.48 5.352 4.44

Min FH4
250.0 Min FZ4
Change in Vibration (%)





Vibratory Load Component
Figure 2-17: Percentage Change in Vibratory 4/rev Hub Loads for the Optimized

2.5 Concluding Remarks

A powerful, easy-to-use design environment has been developed to support conceptual

and preliminary rotor blade design. It integrates several well-established analysis codes

from different sources: UM/VABS for cross sectional analysis, RCAS for rotorcraft

simulation and ModelCenter for optimization. This design environment enables

conceptual/early preliminary multidisciplinary rotor blade design, allowing rapid design

trade studies early in the design process with realistic structural properties for modern

composite rotor blades. The tool supports multiple design scenarios. It can be used in a

cross-section-focused structural design problem in which one might want to find a

feasible structural concept and layup resulting in particular blade stiffness and mass

properties or location of the elastic axis. It can also be used in a more comprehensive

multidisciplinary environment including a full rotorcraft aeromechanical analysis, where

the entire rotor system can be optimized with respect to objectives such as rotor

performance, vibratory loads, etc. subject to aeroelastic and dynamic stability and other

design constraints.

The design environment was successfully used to perform detailed parametric and

optimization studies on the full scale model of a UH-60 composite rotor blade. The cross-

sectional design variables which can be easily modified during the composite rotor blade

manufacturing process were identified and a parametric study was conducted with each

of them. This study was useful in determining the influence of each design variable on

different objective functions and blade dynamic properties. Based on these studies, two

different optimization cases were set up to reduce 4/rev vibratory loads at the rotor hub in

the forward flight condition (µ = 0.24). These optimization problems required complete

cross-sectional and aeromechanic analysis of the rotor blade. The results obtained from

these studies showed:

a) 52% vibration reduction in FZ4 (Objective function: min FZ4)

b) 28% vibration reduction in FH4 (Objective function: min FH4)

where, FZ4 is the amplitude of the 4/rev vibratory vertical force at the hub and FH4 is the

amplitude of the combined 4/rev vibratory load at the hub.

Chapter 3. Optimization Framework for the Dynamic
Analysis and Design of Active Twist Rotors

This chapter presents the development of an optimization strategy/framework for the

aeroelastic analysis and design of active twist rotors. The active twist is generated by

piezoelectric material in the form of Active Fiber Composite (AFC) or Macro Fiber

Composite (MFC) embedded in the blade cross section. Proper tailoring of the blade

properties can lead to the maximization of the active twist authority under operating

conditions. Thus, using mathematical optimization, the cross-sectional layout is designed

for an active composite rotor blade to maximize the dynamic active twist while satisfying

a series of constraints on blade cross section parameters, stiffness and strength. The

dynamic twist is defined as the amplitude of twist obtained at the blade tip when the

active plies are actuated in rotating conditions. The optimization problem is solved using

a surrogate-based approach in which the “true” objective function and constraints are

replaced with computationally efficient functional relationships. Since approximation

errors can lead to sub-optimal solutions, the Efficient Global Optimization (EGO)

algorithm, which accounts for uncertainty in surrogate predictions, is employed.

The objectives of the work presented here are:

1) Develop the optimization strategy and framework for the dynamic analysis and

design of active twist rotor blades;

2) Demonstrate the impact of the new design strategy using existing results available in

literature for maximizing static twist per unit length;

3) Exemplify the optimization framework by maximizing the amplitude of tip twist for

4/rev actuation in hover conditions; and

4) Perform optimization at a range of actuation frequencies.

3.1 Optimization Framework

The basic flow diagram of the new optimization framework that implements the

strategy described above is shown in Figure 3-1. It consists of two main parts: a) the

ModelCenter-based structural/aeromechanical analysis of active twist rotors, and b) the

surrogate-based optimization with the Efficient Global Optimization (EGO) algorithm

[159]. By replacing the high-fidelity analyses with surrogates, a significant increase in the

robustness of the process is achieved. A description of each of these two main parts is

presented below.

Initial Test Points

Iterative Loop (from LHS)

ModelCenter Analysis
(Complete Aeroelastic Analysis)

Stopping Criteria Final Result

Surrogate Model
(Kriging Interpolation)

Global Optimization with

EGO Algorithm

Infill Samples

Figure 3-1: Optimization Framework for Designing Active Twist Rotor Blades

3.1.1 High-Fidelity Analysis Framework

The aeromechanic analysis approach described in Figure 3-2 is a modified version of

the work presented Chapter 2 (in Figure 2-3), but now accounting for the presence of

active materials embedded in the blades. In the current analysis, UM/VABS also provides

actuation forces/moments produced by embedded active material to be used in blade

(beam) analysis. The magnitude of the active twisting moment determined using

UM/VABS is used as the amplitude of the external twisting moment applied to nodes of

the blade in the RCAS beam model. Although the active plies generate all the

components of forces and moments [70], it was observed during the preliminary analysis

that only twisting moment is the critical one. The frequency and phase of the twisting

moment are provided by the user or the optimizer. In turn, RCAS evaluates the blade

dynamic twist response for the prescribed frequency range, which will be used as the

objective function.

Figure 3-2: Analysis Framework for Active Twist Rotors

3.1.2 Surrogate-based Optimization

The goal of using surrogate method [160, 161] is to replace the true objective function

and constraints with smooth functional relationships of acceptable fidelity that can be

evaluated quickly. To form the surrogate, the objective function must first be evaluated

over an initial set of design points. The surrogate is then generated by interpolating the

initial design points. Although function evaluations coming from the expensive

aeroelastic simulation are needed to form the approximation, this initial investment of

computer time is significantly less than that needed in a global search using non-

surrogate based optimization methods. Once the surrogates have been created, they can

be used to replace the more expensive “true” objective function in the search process for

the global optimum. Moreover, experience shows that for some parameter combinations

of design variables, RCAS analysis does not converge. Therefore, few missing points in

the construction of the surrogates due to failed RCAS runs do not significantly impact

accuracy of the surrogates and the ability of the surrogate-based optimization process to

determine the optimum solution. The increased robustness of the process has a direct

impact on the ability to completely explore the entire design space. In this study, the

objective function and constraints used in the optimization are replaced by surrogates.

Detailed description of the surrogate based modeling technique used in this thesis is

provided in Appendix A.

The MATLAB’s Latin hypercube sampling function “lhsdesign” was used to generate

the space-filling design of experiments used in this study. The points in the Latin

hypercube represent design points at which complete aeroelastic helicopter simulations

are to be conducted. Once an initial set of fitting points has been produced, kriging

interpolation [162] is used to create the surrogate for the objective function and

constraints. Kriging interpolation is well suited to approximating nonlinear functions, and

does not require a priori assumptions on the form of the function that is to be

approximated. In kriging, the unknown function of interest, y(x), is assumed to be a

random variable of the form:

where g(x) is an assumed function (usually a low-order polynomial) and Z(x) is a

stochastic (random) process. The kriging surrogates were created with an available

MATLAB toolbox [163].

Once the surrogate objective function is created using kriging, a potential method for

finding the optimum is to optimize the surrogate directly, that is, the “one-shot”

approach. However, if the surrogate is not accurate everywhere in the design space, the

optimization may lead to local optima. Therefore, it is desirable to account for the

uncertainty in the surrogate model since promising designs could lie in regions where the

surrogate is inaccurate. After the first few iterations (2 to 4 iterations) during the

optimization process, it was observed that the EGO algorithm was not able to provide

further improvement to the objective function, and hence, the objective function

predicted by the surrogate model was maximized directly for the next two iterations.

3.1.3 EGO Algorithm

The Efficient Global Optimization (EGO) algorithm [159] is an alternative to the

“one-shot” approach which accounts for uncertainty in the surrogate and is more

efficient. The effectiveness of the EGO algorithm for passive design of helicopter rotors

for vibration reduction was demonstrated in [164]. In EGO, a small number of initial

design points are used to fit a kriging approximation. Based on the stochastic nature of

kriging, an expected improvement function (EIF) is created in order to facilitate the

selection of additional sample points (infill samples) where expensive computer

simulations are to be conducted. These sample points are chosen where there is a high

probability of producing a superior design over the current best design and/or where the

predictions of the surrogate are unreliable due to a high amount of uncertainty. These

infill samples represent a balance between the local consideration of finding an optimal

design based on the information in the surrogate, and the global consideration of

sampling in the design space where there is much uncertainty in the surrogate’s

predictions. Therefore, the EGO algorithm is able to adapt to potential errors in the

approximate objective function by sampling at points at which there is much uncertainty

in the surrogate’s predictions. The kriging model is revised after the additional sample

data is added to the initial data set, and the process of choosing additional sample points

is repeated until a user defined criterion is satisfied. In summary, the advantages of such a

method over the “one-shot” approach are: (1) a global search is conducted by sampling in

regions with high uncertainty in the surrogate, and (2) fewer expensive function

evaluations are required since a smaller initial sample set is used and additional sample

points are selected in a more “intelligent” manner, as opposed to starting with a larger

initial data set.

3.2 Numerical Studies

In the following sections, numerical studies of the new design strategy and framework

are presented. They are exercised using the original NASA/Army/MIT Active Twist

Rotor blade as the baseline case as described next.

The NASA/Army/MIT Active Twist Rotor (ATR) [65, 165] was originally designed

to study the effects of twist actuation on vibration and noise reduction and performance

improvement in helicopter rotors. The 9-ft-diameter, four-bladed rotor was tested at

NASA LaRC’s Transonic Dynamics Tunnel and was the first-of-a-kind system to

demonstrate vibration reduction using embedded AFC in open and closed loop forward

flight conditions [69]. This particular rotor blade was chosen for this study due to its

known properties and available experimental and computational results [68]. Figure 3-3

shows the planform view of the blade and its corresponding dimensions. The airfoil for

this blade is the NACA 0012 and it is uniform along the blade radius. The reference

cross-sectional layup is shown in Figure 3-4, while Table 3-1 lists the ply angles for all

the plies used in the cross section of the rotor blade. Among the plies used, E-Glass is

bidirectional while, S-Glass and AFC plies are unidirectional. The specific material

properties can be found in Table 3-2.

Figure 3-3: Planform View of the ATR Rotor Blade (Dimensions in Meters) [62]

The characteristic properties of the baseline ATR blade and its structural frequencies

at 100% RPM are listed in Table 3-3. Blade structural frequencies in vacuum were

obtained using RCAS. For the rotor dynamic analysis, the trim option (wind tunnel trim)

is included in the RCAS model. The trim targets used in the analysis are: C T = 0.0066, no

cyclic moments (Mx = 0 and My = 0), and the blade pitch settings are used as the trim

variables. (Note that the value of CT used in the numerical analyses performed here is the

same as that obtained in the experimental analysis presented in [69].) The mean value of

the hub loads and the amplitude of the 4/rev component of the hub loads in the fixed

system for the baseline blade (with no twist actuation) at an advance ratio of 0.24 are

given in Table 3-4 where Fx, Fy, and Fz represent the components of the hub force in the

non-rotating frame, while Mx, My, and Mz represent the components of the moments at

the hub.
Web Plies Ply 1: E-Glass
Ply 6: E-Glass Quarter Ply 2: AFC
Ply 7: E-Glass Chord Ply 3: E-Glass
Ply 4: AFC
Fairing Ply Spar web Ply 5: E-Glass
Ply 1: E-Glass Mass_2 Mass_1

Nose Plies
Ply 1: E-Glass
Ballast mass Location Ply 2a: S Glass
Spar End Location Ply 3: E-Glass
Ply 5: E-Glass
Figure 3-4: Cross-Sectional Shape of the Rotor Blade (NACA 0012 Airfoil)
Table 3-1: Baseline ATR Cross Section Ply Angles

Ply # Angle Ply # Angle

Ply 1 0/90 Ply 6 0/90
Ply 2 45 Ply 7 0/90
Ply 2a 0
Ply 3 ±45
Ply 4 -45
Ply 5 0/90

Table 3-2: Material Properties

E-Glass S-Glass AFC

Thickness (μm) 114.3 230 200
Density (kg/m3) 1720 1860 4060
E11 (GPa) 20.7 43.4 30.2
E22 (GPa) 20.7 12 14.9
E33 (GPa) 20.7 12 14.9
G12 (GPa) 4.1 3.6 5.13
G13 (GPa) 4.1 3.6 5.13
G23 (GPa) 4.1 3.6 5.13
ν12 0.13 0.28 0.454
ν13 0.13 0.28 0.454
ν23 0.3 0.3 0.3

Table 3-3: Characteristics of the Baseline ATR

Rotor Type Fully Articulated

Number of blades 4
Blade radius (R ) 1.397 m
Blade Chord (c ) 0.1077 m
Airfoil Section NACA 0012
Blade Pretwist -10 deg
Hinge Offset 0.0762 m
Rotor Speed 687.5 RPM
CT 0.0066
Air density 2.42 kg/m3

Mode Shape Frequency (/rev)

1 Chordwise bending 0.29
1st Flapwise bending 1.04
2nd Flapwise bending 2.78
3rd Flapwise bending 5.34
2nd Chordwise bending 5.76
1st Torsion 6.51

Table 3-4: Hub Loads for the Baseline ATR Case (μ = 0.24)

Mean Values 4/rev Amp

Fx (N) 8.85 1.38
Fy (N) 13.39 2.04
Fz (N) 990.7 23.56
Mx (Nm) 0.44 40.52
My (Nm) 1.19 36.24
Mz (Nm) 47.41 1.06

3.3 Optimization Results

Optimization studies were conducted to maximize the static twist per unit length (twist

rate obtained when a constant DC voltage is given to active plies) and to maximize the

dynamic tip twist amplitude (amplitude of tip twist obtained when a sinusoidal input

voltage is given to active plies at a fixed actuation frequency) in hover conditions (μ =

0.0) with wind tunnel trim. The cases considered in this chapter are similar to the static

twist optimization cases presented in [86]. This was done to verify the results obtained

for static case using the current framework. For all the active twist optimization studies

presented in this thesis, the amplitude of actuation voltage was fixed at 1000V.

For the results presented in this chapter, only six design variables were used, namely,

the chordwise location of the main spar web, the chordwise ending location of the

spar/AFC plies, and the magnitude (m1,m2) and location (x1,x2) of the ballast masses. The

design variables used in the current study and their upper and lower bounds are listed in

Table 3-5, while the constraints used are given in Table 3-6. For all the variables, the

initial value and the bounds used were the same as in [86], whenever they were available.

For the remaining cases, reasonable values were used for bounds such that the

optimization process was not affected.

Table 3-5: Design Variable Used for Optimization Study

Design variables Baseline Min Max

Main Spar Loc (c) 0.443 0.2 0.85
Spar End (c) 0.443 0.2 0.85
Ballast Mass 1 (m1) (kg/m) 0.222 0 0.5
Ballast Mass 1 Loc (x1) (c) 0.443 0 0.8
Ballast Mass 2 (m2) (kg/m) 0.23 0 0.5
Ballast Mass 2 Loc (x2) (c) 0.02 0 0.8

Table 3-6: Constraints used in Optimization

Constraints Baseline Max Min

SC (%c) 20.95 25 17
CG (%c) 24.3 28 20
M11 (kg/m) 0.677 0.65 0.72
1st Tor Freq (/rev) 6.51 4.5 8
Max |ε11| (με) 2747 6000 0
Max |ε12| (με) 3807 6000 0

3.3.1 Construction and Verification of the Surrogate Models

For each of the constraints and objective function considered, a surrogate model was

developed using MATLAB’s kriging toolbox described above. To test the surrogate

model, a sample of 30 test points (different from those used to construct the surrogate)

was generated. The complete aeroelastic simulation was performed for those 30 cases and

the results obtained were compared with those obtained from the surrogate model. The

values of average error, maximum error and standard deviation of the error obtained from

this analysis are shown in Table 3-7. Results show that the surrogate model prediction for

static twist, CG location, and mass per unit length are very accurate. For other cases, the

mean value of the error is less than 12%. However, for all the cases, it was observed that

the surrogate model was able to capture well the qualitative trends of the problem.

Table 3-7: Error Obtained in the Prediction of Design Variable and Constraints for
Surrogate models

Percentage Error (%)

Variable Mean Max Std Dev
θdyn,4/rev 11.77 43.06 9.34
θstat 0.93 2.01 0.55
CG 0.39 0.81 0.22
SC 8.65 46.78 10.67
1st Tor Freq 9.54 19.35 5.47
ε11 6.83 26.72 5.82
M11 0.01 0.05 0.03
ε12 10.17 34.78 9.41

3.3.2 Optimization Cases Static Twist Optimization (Max θstat)

To verify the framework, one of the cases presented in [86] is studied first. In this

case, the static twist per unit length (θstat) obtained from the cross-sectional analysis was

defined as the objective function. Final results are compared with those in [86] and are

summarized in Table 3-8. It should be noted that the constraints shown in Table 3-8 are

non-dimensionalized such that a value of “0” represents their lower bound while a value

of “1” represents their upper bound.

The final result obtained for the “Max θstat” case is very close to that obtained in [86].

It can be seen that in both the cases, there is an increase in mass per unit length due to the

increase in length of the active plies used in the cross section. This is also accompanied

by a simultaneous increase in torsional stiffness of the cross section. However, the

increase in torsional stiffness is less when compared to the increase in torsional inertia

that occurs due to addition of the plies and the relocation of the ballast masses further

away from the reference axis (quarter chord). Thus, the optimized results in both cases

show an overall decrease in torsional frequency. The vertical spar web in both results is

located very close to the half chord. The only dissimilarity between the two sets of results

lies in the location of ballast masses and the chordwise location of the CG.

Table 3-8: Static Twist Optimization Result

Max θstat Ref. [86] Baseline

θstat (deg/m) 1.59 NA 1.34
% Increase 18.6 19.0 -
Non-Dimensional Constraints
1 Tor Freq 0.349 0.353 0.738
M11 0.965 0.714 0.486
SC 0.32 0.25 0.21
Max ε11 0.516 NA 0.458
Max ε12 0.690 NA 0.635
CG 0.655 0.475 0.493
Design Variables
m1 (kg/m) 0.001 NA 0.222
x1 (c) 0.793 0.418 0.443
m2 (kg/m) 0.311 NA 0.23
x2 (c) 0.006 0.045 0.02
Spar Web (c) 0.521 0.49 0.443
Spar End (c) 0.838 0.85 0.443
NA: Not Available Dynamic Twist Optimization (Max θdyn,4/rev)

In this case, the amplitude of dynamic twist at the blade tip (θdyn,4/rev) was maximized

for a 4/rev actuation frequency. In the preliminary analysis that was carried out with the

baseline case, it was observed that the amplitude of dynamic twist does not vary

significantly with advance ratio. Thus to avoid unnecessary calculations, the flow was set

for hover conditions (μ = 0.0). In order to make sure that this is indeed the cases for the

optimized cases, aeroelastic analysis was performed in forward flight condition in Section

3.7. In the results shown in Table 3-9, it can be seen that the case with maximum static

twist does not coincide with the case with maximum dynamic twist. The case with

maximum static twist shows an increase of 57% in dynamic twist, while the case

optimized for maximum dynamic twist shows an increase of 63%. Also, the amount of

active material used in “Max θdyn,4/rev” case is 20% less than that used in “Max θstat” case.

In the “Max θdyn,4/rev” case, the spar plies (which includes AFC plies) end at 0.68c while

in case of “Max θstat”, spar plies extend to 0.85c. In both “Max θstat” and “Max θdyn,4/rev”

cases, there is a decrease in torsional frequency; however, the decrease is more

pronounced in “Max θdyn,4/rev” case. The shear center for “Max θdyn,4/rev” case is very close

to its lower limit, implying that it is a critical constraint for dynamic twist optimization.

The total ballast mass used in “Max θdyn,4/rev” case is more than that used in “Max θstat”

case and it is distributed further away from the reference axis, resulting in higher

torsional inertia.

Thus, in the “Max θdyn,4/rev” case, higher dynamic tip twist is obtained when compared

to the baseline ATR design due to increase in active ply coverage used in the cross

section and dynamic tuning of the blade properties. The shape of the blade cross section

for the baseline case and the optimized cases are shown in Figure 3-5. The ballast masses

used in the cross section are represented by “blue” and “red” circles.

Table 3-9: Dynamic Optimization Results

Max θstat Max θdyn,4/rev Baseline

θstat (deg/m) 1.59 1.46 1.34
% Increase 18.6 8.94 -
θdyn,4/rev (deg) 3.45 3.58 2.19
% increase 57.6 63.6 -
Non-Dimensional Constraints
1 Tor Freq 0.349 0.253 0.738
M11 0.965 0.513 0.486
SC 0.320 0.127 0.214
Max ε11 0.516 0.485 0.458
Max ε12 0.690 0.657 0.635
CG 0.655 0.976 0.493
Design Variables
m1 (kg/m) 0.001 0.066 0.222
x1 (c) 0.793 0.764 0.443
m2 (kg/m) 0.311 0.282 0.23
x2 (c) 0.006 0.005 0.02
Spar Web (c) 0.520 0.488 0.443
Spar End (c) 0.838 0.682 0.443

Figure 3-5: Baseline and the Optimized Cross Sections

3.3.3 Analysis of Optimized Results Relation between blade twist and induced FZ4

To determine the relation between static tip twist, dynamic tip twist, and 4/rev vertical

hub shear (FZ4) induced by the twist actuation in hover condition, results obtained for all

the iterations (during the optimization process) that satisfy all the constraints were plotted

in order of increasing static twist in Figure 3-6, and in order of increasing dynamic twist

in Figure 3-7. Note that for the hover condition, “Induced FZ4” is a measure of control

authority of the active twist actuation. Hence, in order to maximize the control authority,

it is desired to maximize induced FZ4. The dashed black lines in both the figures

correspond to the baseline results. Here, it can be clearly seen that an increase in static tip

twist may not always result in an increase in dynamic tip twist and induced FZ4. However,

an increase in dynamic tip twist amplitude results in a proportional increase in F Z4

amplitude. Thus, the FZ4 induced at the rotor hub by actuation of the embedded active

material inside the blade cross section is proportional to the dynamic tip twist amplitude

of the blade.


stat (deg/m)

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

dyn,4/rev (deg) 4

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Induced FZ4(N)



0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Sorted Iteration Cases
Figure 3-6: Objective Function Results in Order of Increasing Static Twist

stat (deg/m)


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

dyn,4/rev (deg)

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Induced FZ4(N)



0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Sorted Iteration Cases
Figure 3-7: Objective Function Results in Order of Increasing Dynamic Twist

82 Effect of Frequency of Actuation

In the next step, frequency of actuation was varied for all three cases, namely, baseline

case, maximum static twist case (Max θstat), and maximum dynamic twist case (Max

θdyn,4/rev) at μ = 0.0. Results described in Figure 3-8 show that the “Max θdyn,4/rev” case

consistently provides maximum dynamic tip twist as compared to the other two cases,

except at the 5/rev actuation case. This is due to the fact that “Max θdyn,4/rev” case is

optimized for 4/rev twist actuation frequency. Figure 3-9 shows effect of frequency of

actuation on amplitude of vertical displacement at the blade tip, which shows similar

behavior as was observed for tip twist. The only difference is that all the cases here show

a peak close to 3/rev frequency that coincides with the blade second flapwise bending


Tip Twist Amplitude (deg)

Max stat
4 Max 

2 3 4 5
Frequency of actuation (/rev)
Figure 3-8: Effect of Frequency on Dynamic Twist


Vertical Tip Amplitude (mm)

Max stat
Max 

2 3 4 5
Frequency of actuation (/rev)
Figure 3-9: Effect of Frequency on Amplitude of Vertical Tip Displacement Effect on Vibratory Loads in Forward Flight Conditions for Zero Twist

The blade designs obtained from the surrogate optimization for “Max θdyn,4/rev” and

“Max θstat” cases have different dynamic properties as compared to the baseline one.

Even though the optimized cases have higher twist actuation and, therefore, higher

control authority for vibration reduction using active twist actuation, it is desired to know

the vibratory characteristics of each design in the absence of any twist actuation. Thus, in

order to determine the baseline vibratory loads in forward flight conditions, all three

cases were run at an advance ratio of 0.24 with wind tunnel trim, and 4/rev vibratory

loads at the hub were determined. The percentage increase in vibratory loads for “Max

θdyn,4/rev” and “Max θstat” cases is shown in Figure 3-10. (Since the RCAS model used in

this analysis did not include the free wake mode for capturing BVI effects and a dynamic

stall model to account for the dynamic stall effects, an advance ratio of 0.24 was used to

minimize contribution from BVI and dynamic stall effects).

Results show a 10% increase in FZ4 and a 15% increase in MY4 for “Max θdyn,4/rev” case

and a 7-8% increase in FZ4 and MY4 for “Max θstat” case. Although the FY4 component

shows a higher percentage increase, results presented in Table 3-4 show that the

amplitude of vibration for the FY4 component is very small. The increase in vibration for

the optimized cases can be attributed to the decrease in torsional frequency.

Max stat
Max dyn

4/rev Vibratory loads (%)




Fx Fy Fz Mx My Mz

Figure 3-10: Percentage Increase in 4/rev Vibratory Loads at the Rotor Hub with no
Actuation at μ = 0.24 Circle Plot for the Optimized Results

The circle plots for 4/rev vibratory loads at the rotor hub at µ=0.24 were obtained for

all the hub load components. In this analysis, the phase angle of actuation was varied,

while the frequency of actuation was kept constant at 4/rev. Figure 3-11 and Figure 3-12

show circle plots obtained for FZ4 and MY4 (4/rev component of the shear force and

lateral cyclic moment at the rotor hub, respectively). In these figures, non-actuated

vibratory loads (loads in the absence of twist actuation) for each of the cases are

represented by “x” while the origin is represented by “*”. The straight line drawn in these

plots joins the non-actuated vibratory load to vibratory load corresponding to 0-deg phase

actuation for each of the cases.

As it is shown in Figure 3-10, baseline vibratory loads for each of the cases considered

are very close to each other. From the obtained circle plots, it can be concluded that the

“Max θdyn,4/rev” case provides maximum control authority for vibration reduction. Since

the current analysis is done for µ =0.24, the baseline FZ4 load is small and very small

twist actuation is required to reduce FZ4 to zero. However, in case of the MY4 component,

larger twist actuation is required to minimize the vibratory loads. Similar analysis can be

conducted at different advance ratios.

400 Max dyn

200 Max stat





-1000 -500 0 500 1000
Figure 3-11: Vibratory Hub Vertical Shear Force (μ = 0.24)

Max dyn,4/rev
100 Max stat
M Y4,sin(Nm)


-150 -100 -50 0 50
M Y4,cos(Nm)

Figure 3-12: Vibratory Hub Lateral Cyclic Moment (μ = 0.24)

86 Effect of Aeromechanic Analysis on Optimized Results

The analysis performed until now for dynamic twist optimization included trim option

(wind tunnel trim) for aeroelastic analysis. This was done so that the blade experiences

accurate aerodynamic loads. However, the trim analysis is very time consuming and each

run in RCAS takes 15-20 min for a complete aeroelastic analysis. As a result, following

two simplifications were considered to the analysis:

Case 1: Periodic Analysis: In this case, the pitch settings are kept constant and a periodic

solution is obtained. The rest of the analysis variables are kept the same. Thus, the blade

experiences similar aerodynamic stiffness (aerodynamic forces per unit blade twist) as in

the trim cases but the magnitude of aerodynamic loads is small since the initial pitch

settings used are very close to zero. The computation time (on an Intel Core 2 Quad

[email protected] GHz) required for a “Periodic Analysis” (~ 1 min) is an order of magnitude

less than the computational time required for the “Trim Analysis” (~15 min). The

“Periodic Analysis” can only be used to approximate the amplitude of blade deformation

due to actuation of on-blade active devices. The amplitude and mean value of tip twist for

active twist actuation at 3, 4 and 5/rev actuation frequencies for the baseline ATR blade

at μ = 0.0 are shown in Figure 3-13. As show in Figure 3-13, the amplitude of tip twist

predicted by “Trim Analysis” and “Periodic Analysis” are very close to each other,

however there is a significant difference in the mean value of tip twist predicted by the

two analyses.

Tip Twist Amp(deg)


2 Trim
3 3.5 4 4.5 5

Mean Tip Twist (deg)


3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Actuation Frequency (/rev)

Figure 3-13: Variation of Mean Value and Amplitude of Tip Twist for twist
actuation at μ=0.0

Case 2: Low density analysis: In this case, a periodic solution is obtained, as in Case 1,

but the density of the medium is reduced significantly (from 2.42kg/m3 to 0.3kg/m3).

Thus, the aerodynamic stiffness is much smaller (almost an order of magnitude

reduction) in this case. This analysis was done to check if the optimization study can be

done in vacuum (without aerodynamic loads).

The design variables and the constraints used in the optimization are the same as in the

earlier study. In both these cases, the blade does not experience complete aerodynamic

loads as it would experience in a trim analysis. As a result, the constraints on the cross-

sectional strains were removed. As expected, the strains observed during these studies

were well below their upper bound for all the cases.

The values of dynamic twist obtained for each of the cases are shown in Table 3-10.

At the end of optimization process, it was observed that the optimized case obtained from

trim analysis and the optimized case obtained from periodic analysis is the same and is

referred as “Max θdyn,4/rev,T/P” case. The optimized result obtained from analysis at low

density medium is referred as “Max θdyn,4/rev,low ρ ” case, while the case corresponding to

maximum static twist per unit length is denoted “Max θstat ” as before. Results also show

how each case performs in different analysis conditions. (Note that the optimized solution

obtained for “Max θdyn,4/rev,T/P” and “Max θstat” cases in the current analysis are slightly

better than the optimized solution obtained for the Max θstat and Max θdyn,4/rev case in

Section and Section, respectively.)

Table 3-10: Optimized Results

Static Twist Dynamic Twist

Trim Periodic Low ρ
Analysis Analysis Analysis
(deg) (deg) (deg) (deg)
Baseline Case 1.34 2.19 2.17 2.37
Max θdyn,4/rev,T/P Case 1.42 4.16 4.00 5.90
Percentage Increase (%) 5.82 90.20 84.42 148.97
Max θdyn,4/rev,low ρ Case 1.40 3.99 3.89 6.98
Percentage Increase (%) 4.89 82.55 79.33 194.74
Max θstat Case 1.61 3.91 3.80 4.18
Percentage Increase (%) 20.02 78.99 75.51 76.43

The maximum increase obtained in static twist per unit length is 20%. For this case,

the increase in dynamic twist is significant but less than the optimal. The “Max

θdyn,4rev,T/P” case shows a maximum increase of 90% in dynamic twist in aerodynamic

conditions with trim. Although the trim analysis and periodic analysis have the same

optimized result, the dynamic twist corresponding to these analyses are slightly different

(~4%). During the optimization, it was observed that the dynamic twist obtained from

trim analysis was consistently higher than that obtained from periodic analysis, but the

difference between them is small. The “Max θdyn,4rev, low ρ” case shows an increase of

194% in tip twist amplitude in low density analysis, which corresponds to approximately

80% increase in twist amplitude in trim and periodic analysis. Also, it should be noted

that the dynamically optimized cases have only 5-6% higher static twist per unit length as

compared to the baseline case. Thus, the increase in dynamic twist is due to tailoring of

the dynamic properties of the rotor blade.

Table 3-11: Optimization Constraints and Other Parameters

Baseline Max θdyn,4rev,T/P Max θdyn,4rev,low ρ Max θstat

Constraints Case Case Case Case
1 Tor Freq (/rev) 6.34 4.60 4.51 5.199
M11 (kg/m) 0.68 0.70 0.712 0.710
SC (%c) 18.71 20.75 17.49 17.01
CG (%c) 23.95 27.47 25.06 27.06
Other parameters
S44 (Nm2) 37.71 44.32 41.46 50.47
Act Mom Mx (Nm) 0.91 1.12 1.07 1.48
2nd Flap Freq (/rev) 2.76 2.79 2.79 2.82

The values of the constraints for the optimized cases are shown in Table 3-11. All the

cases show a decrease in the torsional frequency in spite of an increase in the cross-

sectional torsional stiffness. This occurs due to the redistribution of ballast masses such

that there is a net increase in the torsional inertia for the blade cross section. Also, for the

dynamically optimized cases, the first torsional frequency is very close to the lower

bound of the 1st torsion frequency and the actuation frequency of 4/rev. For the Max

θdyn,4/rev,lowρ case, the torsion frequency is exactly at the lower bound, implying that the

optimization at low density is driven mainly by the constraint on the 1st torsion frequency

and the optimizer tries to get the torsion frequency as close as possible to the actuation

frequency of 4/rev. All the cases show an increase in mass per unit length, which happens

due to the increase in the active plies used in the cross section. The chordwise location of

SC and CG for the optimized sections is close to its lower bound and upper bound,


The optimized cases have higher cross-sectional torsional stiffness and they also

produce higher active twisting moment as compared to the baseline case. This occurs due

to the increase in the coverage of plies used in the cross section. The torsional stiffness

and active moment is highest for the Max θstat case, as expected, since it has the

maximum amount of active ply in the cross section.

Table 3-12: Design Variables for the Optimized Cases

Baseline Max θdyn,4rev,T/P Max θdyn,4rev,low ρ Max θstat

Case Case Case Case
Spar End ( c) 0.443 0.556 0.590 0.850
Spar Web Loc ( c) 0.443 0.501 0.460 0.481
Mass (m1) (kg/m) 0.23 0.109 0.095 0.075
Mass 1 Loc (x1) ( c) 0.02 0.831 0.830 0.002
Mass 2 (m2) (kg/m) 0.222 0.313 0.321 0.224
Mass 2 Loc (x2) ( c) 0.443 0.000 0.001 0.001

The design variables for the optimized cases are listed in Table 3-12. The chordwise

ending location of active plies is at its upper limit for the Max θstat case. As a result of

this, both the ballast masses for the Max θstat case are close to the leading edge. In the

case of dynamically optimized cases, the ballast masses are located on either side of the

quarter chord which results in an increase in torsional inertia. The optimum result

obtained from trim analysis and low density analyses are close to each other. The

difference lies in the fact that in the case of low density analysis, the torsional frequency

is the only driving factor whereas in the case of periodic/trim analysis, active moment

generated by active plies and aerodynamic stiffness also influence the results.

3.3.4 Trend Analysis

In order to observe the trends in the variation of the objective function and other

response variables, a set of 40 design points was created using the results obtained from

all the optimization studies. For these 40 points, all three of the analyses, namely: the trim

analysis, the periodic analysis, and the low density analysis was carried out. Figure 3-14

shows the variation of tip twist amplitude, torsional stiffness, and first torsion frequency

with iteration number when the data is sorted in order of increasing dynamic twist

obtained from low density analysis. Results show that the amplitude of dynamic twist

obtained from the low density analysis is directly related to the torsional frequency of the

blade. The amplitude of tip twist increase as the torsion frequency approaches actuation

frequency. The dynamic twist obtained from the trim analysis and periodic analysis does

increase with decrease in torsion frequency, however, the variation is not uniform and

thus, the torsion frequency is not the only critical parameter. Other variables shown in

Figure 3-15 do not show any consistent trend. It should be noted that the amplitude of

vertical displacement at the blade tip is highest for trim analysis for all the cases

considered since the trim analysis case experiences higher aerodynamic loads.

The results presented in this section can be used to conclude that it is sufficient to

carry out “periodic analysis” instead of the more time consuming “trim analysis” for

active twist optimization studies. However, a purely structural dynamic solution is not

sufficient and would not lead to an optimal solution as observed in the “Low ρ Analysis”.


dyn (deg)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40




0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Periodic Analysis
7 Trim Analysis
1st Tor Freq(/rev)

Low  Analysis

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Sorted Iterations
Figure 3-14: Variation of Amplitude with Torsional Stiffness and 1st Torsion
Frequency (sorted with respect to amplitude obtained from low density analysis)
x 10
8 1.6
Act Mom(Nm)

6 1.4

4 1.2
Periodic Analysis
2 Trim Analysis 1
Low  Analysis
0 0.8
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40

28 25



24 20


20 15
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40

1 0.7
Spar Web(c)
Spar End(c)

0.8 0.6

0.6 0.5

0.4 0.4
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
Sorted Iterations Sorted Iterations

Figure 3-15: Variation with Iteration Number for Other Parameters (sorted with
respect to amplitude obtained from low density analysis)

3.4 Optimization at 3/rev Actuation Frequency (Max θ3/rev)

After completion of the optimization at 4/rev actuation frequency, optimization was

done at 3/rev actuation frequency. The constraints and design variables used were kept

the same as in the earlier optimization problems. The final results obtained are shown in

Table 3-13 and compared with results obtained with Max θstat and Max θdyn,4/rev (now

referred as θ4/rev) cases (optimized result corresponding to 4/rev actuation frequency).

Based on the observation made in the previous section, the “Periodic Analysis” is used


Table 3-13: Optimized Results for 3/rev Actuation Frequency

Cases Max θstat Max θ3/rev Max θ4/rev Baseline

θstat (deg/m) 1.61 1.40 1.42 1.34
% Increase 20.02 4.75 5.82 -
θ3/rev (deg) 2.81 2.96 2.72 1.94
% Increase 44.97 52.59 40.18 -
1st Tor Freq (/rev) 5.20 4.51 4.60 6.34
M11 (kg/m) 0.710 0.711 0.703 0.684
SC (%c) 17.00 17.03 20.75 18.71
CG (%c) 27.05 27.97 27.47 23.94
Design Variables
Spar End (c) 0.850 0.593 0.556 0.443
Spar Web Loc (c) 0.481 0.455 0.501 0.443
Mass m1 (kg/m) 0.224 0.098 0.109 0.222
Mass 1 Loc (x1) (c) 0.001 0.826 0.831 0.443
Mass m2 (kg/m) 0.075 0.315 0.313 0.230
Mass 2 Loc (x2) (c) 0.002 0.010 0.000 0.020
Other parameters
S44 (Nm2) 50.47 41.16 44.32 37.71
Active Moment (Nm) 1.48 1.07 1.12 0.91
2nd Flap Freq (/rev) 2.82 2.80 2.79 2.76

The optimized result shows a 52% increase in the dynamic twist at 3/rev actuation

frequency. The Max θstat and the Max θ4/rev cases show a 44% and 40% increase in

dynamic twist, respectively. As observed earlier for optimization at 4/rev frequency, the

increase in static twist for Max θ3/rev is only 4.75%. The Max θ3/rev and Max θ4/rev cases

show similar behavior for ballast masses and CG location. There are small variation in

location of SC, torsional stiffness, length of active plies, and location of vertical spar

web. As a result of this, the torsional frequency of the optimized blade is at its lower

bound of 4.5/rev. The trend observed for Spar End (chordwise location where the

spar/active plies end) shows that a higher twist amplitude can be obtained either through

an increase in the amount of active material in the cross section or by dynamic tuning of

the blade stiffness properties with significantly less active material. The vertical spar web

is located near the mid chord in the optimum cases. Between the ballast masses used,

ballast mass m2 is higher in magnitude and is located very close to the leading edge of the

blade cross section to get the CG close to the quarter chord. The ballast mass m1 is much

lower in magnitude and its location varies. For the dynamically optimized case, where the

higher dynamic twist is obtained by dynamic tuning, the ballast mass m1 is located aft of

mid chord.

3.5 Optimization at 5/rev Actuation Frequency (Max θ5/rev)

In the next step, the optimization was done at 5/rev actuation frequency. The design

variables and constraints used in the optimization were kept the same as in earlier studies.

Final results obtained are shown Table 3-14. The table also includes optimized results

corresponding to 3/rev and 4/rev actuation frequency and the dynamic twist obtained for

these cases at 5/rev actuation frequency.

Table 3-14: Optimization Results for 5/rev Actuation Frequency

Cases Max θ5/rev Max θ4/rev Max θ3/rev Max θstat Base
θstat (deg/m) 1.6 1.42 1.4 1.61 1.34
% Increase 19.48 5.82 4.75 20.02 -
θ5/rev (deg) 5.17 2.57 2.35 4.85 2.56
% Increase 101.83 0.24 -8.22 89.44 -
Design Variables
Spar End (c) 0.848 0.556 0.593 0.85 0.443
Spar Web Loc (c) 0.561 0.501 0.455 0.481 0.443
Mass 1 (m1) (kg/m) 0.01 0.109 0.098 0.075 0.222
Mass 1 Loc (x1) (c) 0.447 0.831 0.826 0.002 0.443
Mass 2 (m2) (kg/m) 0.299 0.313 0.315 0.224 0.23
Mass 2 Loc (x2) (c) 0.002 0 0.01 0.001 0.02
1st Tor Freq (/rev) 5.47 4.6 4.51 5.2 6.34
M11 (kg/m) 0.718 0.703 0.711 0.71 0.684
SC (%c) 22.5 20.75 17.03 17 18.71
CG (%c) 27.9 27.47 27.97 27.05 23.94
Other parameters
S44 (Nm2) 55.43 44.32 41.16 50.47 37.71
Active Moment (Nm) 1.57 1.12 1.07 1.48 0.91
2nd Flap Freq(/rev) 2.82 2.79 2.8 2.82 2.76

The final optimized result shows a 101% increase in amplitude of dynamic tip twist

for 5/rev actuation frequency. Also, it is interesting to note that Max θ4/rev and Max θ3/rev

cases have poor twist amplitude at 5/rev actuation frequency, whereas Max θstat case

performs well even at 5/rev actuation frequency. This is due to the placement of 1st

torsion frequency for the Max θstat case. For the Max θ5/rev case, higher twist amplitude is

obtained due to the combination of both: higher amplitude of active twisting moment and

dynamic tuning. In the 3/rev and 4/rev actuation cases, the 1st torsion frequency of the

blade could not get very close to the twist actuation frequency due to the constraint on the

minimum value for the first torsion frequency. However, for 5/rev actuation case, the

actuation frequency is in the range of allowable torsional frequencies. As a result, the

percentage increase in dynamic twist amplitude for 5/rev actuation frequency is larger

than that obtained for 3/rev and 4/rev actuation cases. Another important observation

from the analysis is that the torsion frequency for the optimized cases is not exactly at

5/rev frequency. This can be attributed to aerodynamic forces which act against the

motion of the rotor blades.

Among the design variables, the value of 0.848c for design variable “Spar End”

implies that the coverage of the active region is close to the maximum allowable value,

indicating that the optimizer is trying to maximize the active twisting moment. It should

be noted that in Max θ5/rev case, both active twisting moment and torsional stiffness are

higher than that for Max θstat case even though the amount of active material used in the

cross section is the same in both cases. This is due to the difference in the location of the

vertical spar web for these cases. The increase in active twisting moment for the Max

θ5/rev case is offset by an even larger increase in torsional stiffness of the blade. As a

result, the static twist for Max θ5/rev case is smaller than that obtained for Max θstat case.

For optimization at 5/rev frequency, the mass per unit length and the chordwise location

of the CG are critical constraints and they both are closer to their upper limit.

3.6 Optimization at a Range of Actuation Frequencies (Max θ345/rev)

In this case, the objective is to maximize the amplitude of tip twist at a range of

actuation frequencies, which maybe required for vibration and noise reductions. In this

particular case, the objective function includes amplitude of dynamic twist at 3/rev, 4/rev

and 5/rev actuation frequencies since this a four-bladed rotor. During the optimization

studies at these actuation frequencies, it was observed that the amplitude of tip twist for

the optimized design for each of the cases was different. Thus, in order to remove the bias

towards a particular frequency, the amplitude corresponding to each frequency was non-

dimensionalized by the maximum amplitude obtained when the optimization was done at

that particular frequency. The objective function used is given by:

where, θ3/rev,max is the maximum amplitude of tip twist obtained from optimization at

3/rev actuation frequency, θ4/rev,max is the maximum amplitude of tip twist obtained from

optimization at 4/rev actuation frequency, and θ5/rev,max is the maximum amplitude of tip

twist obtained from optimization at 5/rev actuation frequency. The design variables and

constraints used in the optimization were kept the same as in the earlier studies.

The final result obtained from all the cases considered are shown in Table 3-15. The

columns in Table 3-15 show the value of non-dimensionalized tip twist amplitude for

different frequencies and the value of for all the optimum cases. As expected,

the Max θ345/rev case shows high twist amplitude at all the actuation frequencies. Max

θ3/rev and Max θ4/rev cases show high amplitude of twist for 3/rev and 4/rev actuation

frequencies, respectively, however their performance deteriorates at 5/rev actuation

frequency since the 1st torsional frequency for both these cases lies close to 4.5/rev (lower

bound for allowable torsion frequency). Also, results shown in Table 3-15 indicate that

Max θ345/rev case and Max θstat case are very close to each other and maximizing static

twist would have been sufficient to maximize the twist amplitude over a range of

actuation frequencies. However, this is only partially true, since the increase in dynamic

twist amplitude occurs due to both dynamic tuning and higher active twisting moment.

For the particular case being analyzed, the first torsion frequency for the Max θ stat case

lies very close to the first torsion frequency obtained for Max θ345/rev case as seen in the

results shown in Table 3-16.

Table 3-15: Results obtained from all the Optimization Cases

Cases  3/rev  4/rev  5/rev 345/rev

Max θ345/rev 0.95 0.94 0.97 0.96
Max θ5/rev 0.86 0.84 1.00 0.90
Max θ4/rev 0.92 1.00 0.50 0.80
Max θ3/rev 1.00 1.02 0.45 0.83
Max θstat 0.95 0.95 0.94 0.95
Baseline 0.65 0.54 0.50 0.56

3/ rev  4/ rev 5/ rev

where  3/ rev  ,  4/ rev  , and  5/ rev  .
3/ rev ,max  4/ rev ,max 5/ rev ,max

The final values of the objective function, constraints, and design variables for the

optimized case are shown in Table 3-16. As observed earlier, the Max θstat and Max

θ345/rev cases are very close to each other. Among the dynamically optimized cases, Max

θ5/rev case is the closest to optimum due to the location of the first torsional frequency.

The critical parameters for the optimization conducted at 3, 4 and 5/rev actuation

frequencies are mass per unit length and chordwise location of CG. Both these constraints

are close to their upper limit. The first torsion frequency of the blade approaches a value

between 5/rev and 5.5/rev. Also, the chordwise location of SC tends to be closer to its

lower limit.

Table 3-16: Optimization Results for 3, 4 and 5/rev Actuation Frequencies

Max Max Max Max Max

Cases θ345/rev θ5/rev θ4/rev θ3/rev θstat Base
θstat (deg/m) 1.6 1.6 1.42 1.4 1.61 1.34
% Increase 19.96 19.48 5.82 4.75 20.02 -
θ345/rev 0.956 0.901 0.804 0.826 0.946 0.564
% Increase 69.49 59.82 42.65 46.45 67.78 -
Design variables
Spar End (c) 0.849 0.848 0.556 0.593 0.85 0.443
Spar Web Loc (c) 0.482 0.561 0.501 0.455 0.481 0.443
Mass 1 (m1) (kg/m) 0.165 0.01 0.109 0.098 0.075 0.222
Mass 1 Loc (x1) (c) 0.017 0.447 0.831 0.826 0.002 0.443
Mass 2 (m2) (kg/m) 0.136 0.299 0.313 0.315 0.224 0.23
Mass 2 Loc (x2) (c) 0.001 0.002 0 0.01 0.001 0.02
1 Tor Freq (/rev) 5.25 5.47 4.6 4.51 5.2 6.34
M11 (kg/m) 0.71 0.718 0.703 0.711 0.71 0.684
SC (%c) 17.07 22.5 20.75 17.03 17 18.71
CG (%c) 27.96 27.9 27.47 27.97 27.05 23.94
Other parameters
S44 (Nm2) 50.51 55.43 44.32 41.16 50.47 37.71
Active Moment (Nm) 1.48 1.57 1.12 1.07 1.48 0.91
2nd Flap Freq(/rev) 2.82 2.82 2.79 2.8 2.82 2.76

During the optimization studies, it was observed that the 1st torsion frequency is the

main driving parameter for optimization in dynamic conditions. In order to understand it

further, the amplitude of dynamic twist for different actuation frequencies is plotted as a

function of the first torsion frequency (see Figure 3-16). Results shown in Figure 3-16 are

non-dimensionalized as described in Table 3-15. The amplitude of tip twist for 3/rev and

4/rev actuations is high near the torsion frequency of 5.2/rev (due to large active twisting

moment) and near 4.5/rev frequency (due to the location of the first torsion frequency

near the actuation frequency). In the case of 5/rev actuation frequency, torsion

frequencies ranging from 5.2/rev to 5.6/rev provide high dynamic twist. In all the cases,

the amplitude of tip twist decreases significantly as the first torsion frequency moves

away from the actuation frequency. Since dynamically optimized cases are very sensitive

to the first torsion frequency, the optimum case at one frequency may not be optimum at

a different actuation frequency.



4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9



4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9


4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9


4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9
1st Torsion Freq (/rev)
Figure 3-16: Variation of Dynamic Twist Amplitude with Torsion Frequency

3.7 Effect of Advance Ratio

The optimization studies for determining the optimum active cross section at different

actuation frequencies was performed in hover condition to simplify the analysis. Also,

preliminary analysis performed showed that the amplitude of dynamic twist does not vary

significantly with forward airspeed. In order to verify this for the optimized cases, the

aeroelastic analysis of the active twist blade was performed in forward flight condition at

different actuation frequencies and the variation in the amplitude of dynamic twist was

determined. Note that for the results presented in this section, the “Trim Analysis” option

was selected and hence the dynamic twist obtained for μ=0 in this section might not be

the same as that obtained in the earlier sections, however, their values are close to each

other. For each of the actuation frequencies, the result obtained for the dynamically

optimized case are compared with the result obtained by maximizing the static twist and

the result obtained for the baseline case.

4/rev comp

Max 4/rev Case
4/rev (deg)

3.5 Max stat Case



0 0.1 0.2 0.3
Advance ratio ()
a) Results obtained for 4/rev actuation frequency

3/rev comp


3/rev (deg)

Max 3/rev Case

2.4 Max stat Case

0 0.1 0.2 0.3
Advance ratio ()
b) Results obtained for 3/rev actuation frequency

5/rev comp


4 Max 5/rev Case

5/rev (deg)
3.5 Max stat Case


0 0.1 0.2 0.3
Advance Ratio ()
c) Result obtained for 5/rev actuation frequency

Figure 3-17: Effect of Advance ratio on Dynamic Twist Amplitude

The results obtained for the variation of dynamic twist amplitude with advance ratio

are shown in Figure 3-17. It can be seen that, although there is a small variation in the

twist amplitude with advance ratio, the dynamically optimized cases consistently

provides higher dynamic twist than the Max θstat case and the baseline case. Also, all the

three cases follow similar trend in the variation with advance ratio. Thus, these results

justify the original assumption that the optimization studies for maximizing the amplitude

of dynamic twist can be performed in hover condition.

3.8 Concluding Remarks

This chapter presented a new strategy and the corresponding framework for the

optimum design of active twist rotor blades. The design framework integrates different

codes: IXGEN for meshing composite rotor blade cross section, UM/VABS for the

analysis of active cross sections, RCAS for rotorcraft simulation, and ModelCenter for

integration. The optimization problem in the framework is solved using a surrogate-based

approach in which the “true” objective function and constraints are replaced with

computationally efficient functional relationships. The surrogate-based optimization

problem is solved in combination with the Efficient Global Optimization (EGO)

algorithm, which accounts for uncertainty in surrogate predictions. To demonstrate the

capability of the framework, three different optimization problems have been considered,

namely, a) maximizing static active twist per unit length, b) maximizing amplitude of

dynamic active twist at the blade tip at a fixed actuation frequency, and c) maximizing

dynamic twist at a range of actuation frequencies. In this chapter, 3, 4 and 5/rev actuation

frequencies were considered for optimization studies since these are most effective for

reduction of 4/rev vibratory loads at the hub in fixed frame. All the studies were

conducted using the same set of design variables and constraints. The design variables

considered in this study were: the chordwise location of the main spar web, the chordwise

ending location of the spar/AFC plies, and ballast masses and their chordwise location.

Departing from the NASA/Army/MIT Active Twist Rotor design, it was found that:

1) The optimized results for the blade cross section showed:

- 18.5% increase in static twist per unit length

- 63.6% increase in tip twist amplitude for 4/rev twist actuation.

- 52.6% increase in tip twist amplitude for 3/rev twist actuation

- 101% increase in tip twist amplitude for 5/rev twist actuation

- 71% increase in twist amplitude for actuation at a range of frequencies (3, 4 and


2) The optimum design corresponding to maximum dynamic active twist and the one

corresponding to the maximum static active twist are different from each other. Also,

the dynamic active twist amplitude is a direct measure of control authority associated

with twist actuation mechanism, while the same may not hold for the static active


3) When no twist actuation is used, the dynamically optimized case may result in a small

increase in vibratory loads in forward flight conditions as compared to the baseline


4) The circle plots show that the optimized design for maximum dynamic active twist

provides higher control authority for reducing vibrations in all the hub load

components when compared to the other designs.

5) Optimization studies for design of cross section with maximum dynamic twist can be

performed in hover condition using periodic analysis to reduce the computational

time and to improve efficiency.

6) The optimum design obtained by maximizing dynamic twist at a range of frequencies

is better for vibration reduction as compared to designs obtained by maximizing static

twist or dynamic twist a fixed actuation frequency.

7) Based on the optimization studies conducted, important factors that can be identified

for maximizing dynamic twist are: a) first torsional frequency of the rotor blade, b)

active moment generated by active material, and c) aerodynamic loads acting on the

rotor blade.

Chapter 4. Mixed-Variable Optimization for Design of Active
Twist Rotor Blades

In the previous chapter, preliminary optimization for maximizing the dynamic twist

amplitude was performed with a limited number of (six) design variables and it was

demonstrated that the dynamic twist obtained from twist actuation is the true measure of

control authority for vibration reduction. Optimization approaches suitable to deal with a

larger number and different types of design variables are needed to fully explore the

active blade design space and to obtain realistic designs. In addition to the design

variables used in the previous study, the thickness and ply angle of different plies used in

the cross section also need to be considered as design variables. The plies used in the

fabrication of composite rotor blades are made up of discrete layers, each with a

prescribed thickness (pre-preg composites). Therefore, the mixed-variable optimization

needs to be performed in order to design a manufacturable rotor blade.

In the case of optimization with (m + n) mixed design variables, some (m) of the

variables are continuous while the (n) remaining ones can take discrete values only. A

typical vector of (m+n) design variables is shown below:

XDV = [xc,1 xc,2 ….. xc,n xd,1 xd,2 …… xd,m]

where xc,i (1 ≤ i ≤ n) are n continuous design variables and xd,j (1 ≤ j ≤ m) are m discrete

design variables. In the optimization problem considered here, the ply thicknesses and ply

angles are treated as discrete design variables while the ballast masses, the chordwise

location of vertical spar web, and the chordwise location where the active plies end are

treated as continuous design variables. The ply thickness used in this chapter is the

multiple of the nominal prepreg ply thickness and it is referred to as “normalized ply

thickness” in rest of the thesis. The basic mixed-variable optimization problem in this

chapter is solved using the genetic algorithm in MATLAB 2012’s Global Optimization

Toolbox. It is based on special creation, crossover, and mutation functions which enforce

the variables to be integers, as described in [166]. In this chapter, the genetic optimization

process is combined with the gradient based optimization to obtain an optimum design

with continuous design variables and an optimum design with mixed design variables in

an efficient manner.

4.1 Architecture for New Mixed-variable Optimization Framework

The architecture of the framework used to obtain solution for a mixed-variable

optimization problem is shown in Figure 4-1. It is a modified version of the framework

described in the earlier chapter which efficiently accounts for:

a) Discrete design variables; and

b) Increased number of design variables in the optimization problem.

All the steps involved in the new mixed-variable optimization framework are

described below.

ModelCenter Analysis: In this part, the complete aeroelastic analysis of the active twist

rotor is performed as described in Section 3.1.1. In order to reduce the computational

time for the aeroelastic analyses required for optimization studies, the “Periodic

Analysis” is performed instead of using the “Trim Analysis”. All the cases are run in

hover condition, as explained earlier.

Initial Test Points

(from LHS)
Iterative Loop

1. ModelCenter Analysis
(Complete Aeroelastic Analysis)

Stopping Criteria Preliminary Optimization


2. Surrogate Model Mixed Continuous

(Kriging Interpolation) Solution 1 Optimum

Optimization 4a. Constrained 4b. Sequential/ Constrained
3a. Genetic
with EGO Mixed variable Gradient Based Optimization
Optimization with
Mixed Design Variable Genetic
3b. Gradient Based
Optimization Optimization

Mixed Variable
Infill Points 1. Model- 1. Model-
Center Analysis
Center Analysis
3b. Gradient Based
Optimization with
Continuous Design Variable Mixed Mixed
Solution 2 Solution 3

Continuous Infill

3c. Remove Repeated Points

Infill Samples

Figure 4-1: Augmented Optimization Framework for Continuous/Discrete Design

Stopping Criteria: The stopping criteria can either be based on the maximum number of

iterations allowed or on the difference between the optimal value of the objective

function obtained from successive iterations. In the analysis performed here, the

optimization process was stopped after 4-6 iterations. It was observed during the

optimization process that the difference between the successive optimal point reduced

and the accuracy of the surrogate models improved with each iteration.

Surrogate Modeling: The surrogate modeling was performed using the DACE toolbox in

MATLAB as described in Section 3.1.2. Different correlation functions available in the

toolbox were used for different variables in order to reduce the error. The error was

calculated based on the process described in Section 3.3.1.

Global Optimization with EGO Algorithm: Global Optimization with EGO algorithm

was performed in multiple steps to account for: the mixed design variables and to reduce

the computational time.

In the first step, genetic optimization is performed with mixed design variables where

some of the design variables are continuous while the remaining ones are discrete. It was

observed that the genetic algorithm works faster when some of the variables are treated as

discrete instead of the case when all the design variables are continuous. Hence, the

genetic optimization process was used to obtain optimum results with mixed design

variables only. The results obtained from this analysis are referred to as “Mixed-variable

Infill Points.” It should be noted that multiple points (a set of best 5-10 points) are

selected at the end of each optimization and not just the one optimum point. These

multiple points represent different local minima in the design space and form a part of the

Infill Samples for the next round of iteration. These “Mixed-variable Infill Points” are

also used as the starting points for the gradient based optimization performed on the

surrogate models. The gradient based optimizer provides a set of continuous optimum

points. The gradient based optimization is performed using the “fmincon” function in

MATLAB. The set of points obtained at the end of the continuous optimization are

referred as “Continuous Infill Points.”

The set of best points obtained from genetic optimization and gradient based

optimization are used as Infill Samples. Before transferring these points to the next stage,

repeated points are removed from the analysis by checking the absolute distance between

the design points.

Iterative Loop: The complete aeroelastic analysis is performed again at the Infill Sample

points using the ModelCenter environment. The results obtained from new points are

used to update the surrogate models for all the constraints and the objective function. The

process of global optimization with genetic algorithm and gradient based optimization is

performed again. The iterative loop is repeated multiple times depending upon the

stopping criteria and each iteration is referred to as “SBO Iteration.”

Preliminary results: At the end of the iterative loop, the set of points which satisfy all the

constraints are sorted in the order of increasing objective function. The best point

obtained is referred as “Continuous Optimum” and it represents the best design point

with continuous design variables. Next, the points where the ply thicknesses (or ply

angles) have discrete values are sorted out of the group. The point with the best objective

function in this group is referred to as “Mixed Solution 1.” This point is the most

optimum solution obtained at the end of the iterative loop when the discrete design

variables have integer values only.

The mixed-variable solution can also be obtained in two other different ways using the

“Continuous Optimum” point obtained earlier. In the first method, the genetic

optimization for mixed design variable is used, while the second method involves the

usage of a gradient based method. These two methods are described in detail here.

a) Constrained Mixed-variable Genetic Optimization

This optimization is similar to what was performed in “Optimization with EGO

algorithm”, except that the bounds for discrete design variables are modified such

that a discrete solution is determined near the “Continuous Optimum” point. For

example, if the “Continuous Optimum” point gives a value of 1.36 for the

normalized ply thickness, then a lower bound of “1” and an upper bound of “2”

are used for this normalized ply thickness in the genetic optimization. The bounds

for a continuous design variable are kept unchanged during this process. A sample

case is shown in Table 4-1 where the optimization is performed with 12 design

variables. Of these 12 design variables, four are continuous while the remaining

eight can take discrete values only. The initial upper and lower bound for these

design variables (as used in “Optimization with EGO algorithm”) are shown by

the rows corresponding to Xupper and Xlower , respectively. The “Continuous

Optimum” solution obtained at the end of Preliminary Optimization is shown by

Xopt. Based on the optimum result obtained, the upper and lower bounds on the

design variables are modified to X’upper and X’lower, respectively. Note that in this

step, only the bounds for discrete design variables are modified while the bounds

on continuous design variables remain unchanged. The mixed-variable solution

obtained at the end of this optimization process is referred as “Mixed Solution 2.”

Table 4-1: Modified Bounds for Constrained Mixed-variable Genetic Optimization

xc1 xc2 xc3 xc4 xd1 xd2 xd3 xd4 xd5 xd6 xd7 xd8
Bounds for Original Mixed-variable Genetic Optimization
Xupper 0.85 0.85 0.5 0.5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
X lower 0.2 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Solution Obtained from Continuous Gradient-Based Optimization
X opt 0.85 0.84 0.29 0.012 0.10 4.93 1.16 0.10 1.31 0.10 0.54 0.64
Modified Bounds for Constrained Mixed-variable Optimization
X’upper 0.85 0.85 0.5 0.5 1 5 2 1 2 1 1 1
X’ lower 0.2 0.2 0 0 0 4 1 0 1 0 0 0

b) Sequential Constrained Gradient-based optimization

Another approach for obtaining a mixed-variable solution using the “Continuous

Optimum” design is the classical sequential optimization approach which can be

performed using a gradient based optimizer. In this approach, if any of the

discrete design variables in X opt has a value close to an integer, then the value for

that particular design variable is fixed to that integer value and it is not considered

a design variable anymore. For example, in the results shown in Table 4-1, the

value corresponding to xd2 is 4.93 in X opt. Since this value is very close “5”, the

value for this design variable is fixed to “5” and it is not considered a design

variable. Similarly, the value of design variables xd1, xd4 and xd6 is fixed to “0”.

The modified vector of design variables and their upper and lower bounds for the

next gradient-based optimization study are shown in Table 4-2. In the next step,

the value of one more discrete design variable is fixed to an integer value and the

process repeated till all the discrete design variables have been assigned an integer

value. In this particular case, the gradient based optimization had to be performed

four more times in order to get the final mixed-variable solution. The solution

obtained at the end of this method is referred as “Mixed Solution 3.”

Table 4-2: Modified Set of Design Variables for Sequential Gradient-Based


xc1 xc2 xc3 xc4 xd3 xd5 xd7 xd8

Xupper 0.85 0.85 0.5 0.5 5 5 5 5
Xlower 0.2 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0

This optimization technique has the advantage that it provides a mixed-variable

solution using a gradient-based optimizer. However, the optimization needs to be

performed multiples times depending upon the number of discrete design variable

in the problem. Every time, the time to convergence decreases as the size of the

problem decreases and the starting condition are very close to the optimum.

Hence, the Sequential Gradient Based Optimization approach may be time-


Optimization Parameters: The optimization parameters used for the GA optimization

performed in steps 3a and 4a using the MATLAB’s Global Optimization Toolbox are

listed in Table 4-3. In most of the optimizations performed using GA, it was observed

that the process stopped after exceeding the limit on the maximum number of generations

allowed. Similarly, the optimization parameters used for GBO performed using the

fmincon function in MATLAB in steps 3b and 4b are listed in Table 4-4. It should be

noted that in the framework presented here (used in Chapter 4 and Chapter 5), both GA

and GBO optimizations are performed on the surrogate models for objective function and

constraints and thus, it is possible to perform a large number of iterations.

Table 4-3: Parameters used in GA Optimization

Parameter Value
Function Tolerance (def) 1.0e-06
Population Size 400
EliteCount 20
Generations 150
Crossover Fraction 0.6

Table 4-4: Optimization Parameters for GBO

Parameter Value
Tolerance (def) 1.0e-08
Maximum Fun Eval 10000
Maximum Iterations 500

4.2 Optimization with Normalized Ply Thickness

The baseline rotor blade used for the optimization studies in this chapter is the same

NASA/Army/MIT Active Twist Rotor (ATR), as described in Chapter 3. The cross

section shape and composite layup, planform of the rotor blade and rotor characteristics

are all described in Chapter 3. In the first study, the normalized ply thicknesses of

different plies used in the cross section are considered as design variables, along with the

variables described in Chapter 3. In order to make the rotor blade design more realistic,

the location of first ballast mass is fixed near the leading edge at x = 0.02c while the

second ballast mass is located just in front of the vertical spar web. (This is done to

ensure that the ballast mass is added in the region where passive plies can be used to

support it and thus prevent the ballast mass from flying out during the operation). Due to

these changes, there were small changes in the dynamic properties of the baseline case.

The set of design variables and their upper and lower bounds are given in Table 4-5. In

order to prevent the mesh generator from crashing, the lower bound on normalized ply

thickness is fixed at 0.1 instead of zero. A value of 0.1 for normalized ply thickness in an

optimum design implies that that particular ply is not required in the cross section and

should be removed in the next optimization. The constraints used in the optimization are

the same as those used in Chapter 3, except the lower bound on first torsional frequency.

As listed in Table 4-6, the lower bound for first torsional frequency was lowered to 3/rev

instead of 4.5/rev used earlier.

Table 4-5: Design Variables and their Bounds

Design variables Baseline Lower Upper Ply Type

1 Spar Web Loc (c) 0.443 0.2 0.85
2 Spar End (c) 0.443 0.2 0.85
3 Ballast Mass 1 (m1) (kg/m) 0.23 0 0.5
4 Ballast Mass 2 (m2) (kg/m) 0.22 0 0.5
5 Nor Thickness of Ply 1 1 0.1 5 E-Glass
6 Nor Thickness of Ply 2a 1 0.1 5 S-Glass
7 Nor Thickness of Ply 2 1 0.1 5 AFC
8 Nor Thickness of Ply 3 1 0.1 5 E-Glass
9 Nor Thickness of Ply 4 1 0.1 5 AFC
10 Nor Thickness of Ply 5 1 0.1 5 E-Glass
11 Nor Thickness of Ply 6 1 0.1 5 E-Glass
12 Nor Thickness of Ply 7 1 0.1 5 E-Glass

Table 4-6: Constraints for Optimization Problem

Constraints Min Max

SC (%c) 17 25
CG (%c) 20 28
M11 (kg/m) 0.65 0.72
1 Tor Freq (/rev) 3.0 7

Objective functions which are considered for optimization studies are listed below:

1) Maximize static twist per unit length (Max θstat)

2) Maximize amplitude of twist for 3/rev actuation (Max θ3/rev)

3) Maximize amplitude of twist for 4/rev actuation (Max θ4/rev)

4) Maximize amplitude of twist for 5/rev actuation (Max θ5/rev )

5) Maximize amplitude of twist at 3,4 and 5/rev actuation simultaneously (Max


. For all the active twist optimization studies presented in this chapter, the amplitude

of actuation voltage was fixed at 1000V. Final results obtained for the objective functions

at the end of optimization are shown in Table 4-7. The results show the optimum value of

objective function when all the design variables are treated as continuous and when the

normalized ply thicknesses are treated as discrete (obtained from all the three mixed-

variable optimization techniques described in Figure 4-1).

Table 4-7: Final Result obtained from Optimization Studies

Max θstat Max θ3/rev Max θ4/rev Max θ5/rev Max θ345/rev
(deg/m) (deg) (deg) (deg)
Continuous Optimum 2.59 5.69 6.56 7.97 0.89
Mixed Solution 1 2.56 4.24 5.88 7.79 0.87
Mixed Solution 2 2.55 4.19 6.01 7.93 0.89
Mixed Solution 3 2.55 4.18 5.85 7.98 0.89
Baseline 1.34 1.85 2.06 2.34 0.31

The results show that the value of objective function corresponding to optimization

with continuous design variables is always better than those obtained for the cases with

mixed design variables. In general, the results obtained from the three mixed-variable

optimization techniques are close to each other. The most interesting aspect of these

results is the difference between the value of the objective function when all the variables

are treated as continuous and when the variables are of mixed type. The percentage

difference between the value of objective function for the continuous variable case and

the average value of objective function for the mixed-variable cases is shown in Table

4-8. The percentage difference is less than 1.5% for Max θstat, Max θ5/rev and Max θ345/rev

cases, while it is highest for the Max θ3/rev case.

Table 4-8: Percentage Difference between the Objective Function for Continuous
Variable Optimization and Mixed-variable Optimization

Max θstat Max θ3/rev Max θ4/rev Max θ5/rev Max θ345/rev
Difference (%) 1.42 26.13 9.86 0.88 1.20

4.2.1 Optimization with Continuous Design Variables

The value of design variables and constraints for the optimization cases with

continuous design variables and for the baseline case is shown in Table 4-9. As observed

earlier, the most critical parameter for maximizing the dynamic twist is the first torsion

frequency of the blade. The optimizer tries to bring the first torsion frequency of the

blade closer to the actuation frequency. The chordwise location of CG for all the cases is

closer to the aft constraint limit on CG location. This can be attributed to the increase in

the value of design variable “Spar End” which is at its upper limit. By increasing the

chordwise coverage of the spar/active plies, higher active twisting moment can be

obtained, which would also result in an increase in the dynamic twist. The chordwise

location of the vertical spar web is very close to the “Spar End” value for all the

optimized cases. This results in a box-type spar for all the optimized cases. The increase

in the chordwise coverage of plies in the cross section leads to an increase in the torsional

stiffness. For all the optimized cases (except the Max θ3/rev case), the torsional stiffness of

the optimum blade is higher than that for the baseline case, even though the first torsion

frequency is lower. The placement of the first torsion frequency for the optimized cases is

controlled by manipulating the values of two ballast masses. The amount of ballast mass

used in the cross section is highest for the Max θ3/rev case and it is least for the Max θstat

case. Thus, the two ballast masses play an important role in varying the first torsional

frequency of the blade.

Table 4-9: Constraints and Design Variables for Optimization with Continuous
Design Variables
Baseline Max θstat Max θ3/rev Max θ4/rev Max θ5/rev Max θ345/rev
1st Tor Freq (/rev) 6.53 5.9 3.71 4.86 5.6 5.09
M11 (kg/m) 0.682 0.701 0.7 0.719 0.717 0.719
SC (%c) 18.71 23.5 17.07 19.12 24.82 18.98
CG (%c) 21.64 27.22 26.46 27.92 27.41 27.8
Continuous Variables
Spar End (c ) 0.443 0.85 0.818 0.85 0.842 0.85
Spar Web (c ) 0.443 0.84 0.813 0.85 0.834 0.85
m1 (kg/m) 0.23 0.299 0.397 0.346 0.32 0.334
m2 (kg/m) 0.22 0.012 0.123 0.06 0.034 0.047
Discrete Variables (Normalized Ply Thickness)
Ply 1 1 0.1 0.16 0.1 0.11 0.1
Ply 2a 1 4.93 2.40 5 4.84 5
Ply 2 (AFC) 1 1.16 0.41 0.84 1.03 0.98
Ply 3 1 0.1 0.10 0.1 0.10 0.1
Ply 4 (AFC) 1 1.31 0.68 1.09 1.27 1.12
Ply 5 1 0.1 0.17 0.1 0.1 0.1
Ply 6 1 0.59 0.26 0.43 0.54 0.59
Ply 7 1 0.64 0.10 0.25 0.82 0.1
Other Parameters
S44 (Nm2) 37.7 62.4 28.8 49.2 60.1 52.3
Act Mom (Nm) 0.91 2.83 1.16 2.21 2.70 2.37
2 Flap Freq (/rev) 2.76 2.75 2.67 2.72 2.74 2.73
3 Flap Freq (/rev) 5.26 5.33 4.80 5.14 5.26 5.19

Among the ply thickness design variables, the normalized ply thickness of all passive

plies (Ply 1, Ply 3 and Ply 5) in the spar region have been reduced to their minimum

allowable value. This was expected since they do not contribute to the active twist.

However, the nose ply (Ply 2a) is very important for obtaining higher active twisting

moment and hence all the optimized cases show an increase in the normalized thickness

of nose ply. The plies in the vertical spar web (Ply 6 and Ply 7) need to have sufficient

thickness in order to control the chordwise location of the shear center. Hence, even

though these are passive plies, the normalized ply thickness for the spar web plies is not

close to zero.

An increase in the normalized thickness of active plies is also accompanied by a

corresponding increase in the torsional stiffness for the cross section. Hence, the

optimized cases have different values for the normalized thickness of active plies (Ply 2

and Ply 4), depending upon the actuation frequency. The thickness of active plies is

highest for the Max θstat case while it is the least for the Max θ3/rev case. The results

obtained for normalized ply thickness also demonstrate that, for the fixed amount of

active material available, it is preferable to increase the chordwise coverage of active

material as compared to increasing the thickness of active plies in order to get a higher

dynamic twist amplitude. Another important trend observed is the direct correlation

between torsional stiffness (GJ) of the cross section and the active twisting moment

generated by the embedded active plies. For all the optimized cases, the normalized

thickness of the inner active ply (Ply 4) is higher than that of the outer active ply (Ply 2).

The convergence of the optimum results obtained with continuous design variables is

shown in Figure 4-2. The X-axis in the plot represents the number of Surrogate Based

Optimization (SBO) iterations, as described in Section 4.1. Results show that for some of

the cases, the optimized result is obtained in the first 1-2 iterations. The variation of

constraints and design variables for the Max θ4/rev case with SBO iterations is shown in

Figure 4-3 and Figure 4-4, respectively. Results presented here show that a local

optimum results is obtained in the 1st iteration where the first torsion frequency of the

blade is very close to the actuation frequency of 4/rev. For this case, the chordwise

location of vertical spar web and spar end are close to each other and near the maximum

value allowed for these two design variables. Also, the normalized thickness of both the

active plies is less than “1”. Thus, the optimizer is trying to tune the first torsion

frequency to obtain higher amplitude. However, the best result obtained in Iteration 5

shows an increase in the thickness of active plies and a corresponding increase in

torsional frequency. Thus, the best case tries to maximize the active twisting moment

generated at the cost of higher torsional frequency. The increase in cross-sectional mass

due to the increase in thickness of active plies is balanced by reducing the ballast masses

used. This also shifts the CG of the cross section closer to its upper bound.

3 6
stat (deg/m)

3/rev (deg)


1 0
0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6
SBO Iteration SBO Iteration
8 8
4/rev (deg)

5/rev (deg)

6 6

4 4

2 2
0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6
SBO Iteration SBO Iteration

Figure 4-2: Variation of objective function with Iteration number for optimization
with Continuous Design Variables

1st Tor Freq (/rev)
7 0.75

M11 (kg/m)
4 0.65
0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6
SBO Iteration SBO Iteration

CG (%c)
SC (%c)

0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6
SBO Iteration SBO Iteration

Figure 4-3: Variation of Constraints for Max θ4/rev Optimization

1 1

Spar Web(c)
Spar End(c)

0.5 0.5

0 0
0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6
SBO Iteration SBO Iteration
1 1


0.5 0.5

0 0
0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6
SBO Iteration SBO Iteration

Design Variables (A)

Ply 1
Ply 2a
4 Ply 2
Normalized Thickness (#)

Ply 3
Ply 4
3 Ply 5
Ply 6
Ply 7

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
SBO Iteration
Design Variables (B)

Figure 4-4: Variation of Design Variables for Max θ4/rev Optimization

The performance of the optimized cases at different actuation frequencies is shown in

Table 4-10. Each column represents one of the optimized cases as listed in Table 4-9. The

tip-twist values listed in Table 4-10 are non-dimensionalized by the maximum value

obtained for that objective function during the optimization study (except for 345/rev ). The

results show that the value of static twist is very close to the maximum value that can be

obtained for Max θ4/rev, Max θ5/rev and Max θ345/rev cases. This table also highlights that

the optimum solution obtained at one actuation frequency may not be optimum at a

different actuation frequency, and hence the optimization needs to be performed at a

range of actuation frequencies. The solution obtained by maximizing 345/rev shows high

values of dynamic twist for all the actuation frequencies considered.

Table 4-10: Performance of Optimized Cases at other Actuation Frequencies

Cases Baseline Max θstat Max θ3/rev Max θ4/rev Max θ5/rev Max θ345/rev
 stat 0.52 1 0.87 0.98 0.99 0.99
 3/rev 0.33 0.68 1 0.81 0.69 0.77
 4/rev 0.31 0.73 0.55 1 0.78 0.93
 5/rev 0.29 0.91 0.16 0.81 1 0.97
345/rev 0.31 0.77 0.57 0.87 0.82 0.89

 stat 3/ rev  4/ rev 5/ rev

where,  stat  ,  3/ rev  ,  4/ rev  and  5/ rev  ;
 stat ,max 3/ rev ,max  4/ rev ,max 5/ rev ,max
and θstat,max = 2.59, θ3/rev,max = 5.69, θ4/rev,max = 6.56, and θ5/rev,max = 7.97

4.2.2 Optimization with Mixed Design Variables

In this section, the results obtained from the optimization with continuous design

variables are compared with those obtained using mixed-variable for each of the

objective function described above. As discussed earlier, in the case of mixed design

variable optimization, four of the twelve design variables are as continuous while the

remaining eight are discrete and can take integer values only. In this case also, the lower

bound on the normalized ply thickness was fixed at 0.1 instead of zero to prevent the

mesh generator from crashing. Maximizing θstat

The final results obtained from maximizing θstat using the optimization process

described in Section 4.1 are shown in Table 4-11. For this objective function, the

difference in the value of objective function between the optimization with continuous

design variables and the optimization with mixed design variables is less than 1.5%.

Although, the final values of the objective function for the optimized cases are close,

there is a noticeable difference between the optimum designs. Also, the difference

between the results obtained from the three different techniques used for optimization

with mixed design variables is small.

The biggest difference between the continuous variable and mixed-variable

optimization lies in the value of first torsion frequency for the optimized cases. In the

continuous variable case, the active plies, Ply 2 and Ply 4, have thickness 16% and 30%

higher than those for the mixed-variable case, respectively. Due to this, the optimum

design with mixed design variables has less torsional stiffness and the embedded active

plies generate less active twisting moment. This also highlights that multiples local

minima exist in the design space being considered. The mixed-variable cases also show

an increase in the magnitude of leading edge ballast mass and a corresponding increase in

the mass per unit length for the cross section.

Table 4-11: Optimization Results for Maximizing θstat

Objective Function Continuous Mixed Mixed Mixed

Optimum Solution 1 Solution 2 Solution 3
θstat (deg/m) 2.59 2.56 2.57 2.57
Tor Freq (/rev) 5.90 5.14 5.33 5.11
M11 (kg/m) 0.701 0.712 0.720 0.719
SC (%c) 23.50 24.52 23.43 23.43
CG (%c) 27.22 27.28 20.55 27.72
Continuous Variables
Spar End (c ) 0.850 0.847 0.850 0.850
Spar Web (c ) 0.840 0.844 0.850 0.850
m1 (kg/m) 0.299 0.342 0.361 0.342
m2 (kg/m) 0.012 0.052 0.035 0.054
Discrete Variables (Normalized Ply Thickness)
Ply 1 0.10 0.1 0.1 0.1
Ply 2a 4.93 4 5 5
Ply 2 (AFC) 1.16 1 1 1
Ply 3 0.10 0.1 0.1 0.1
Ply 4 (AFC) 1.31 1 1 1
Ply 5 0.10 0.1 0.1 0.1
Ply 6 0.54 0.1 1 0.1
Ply 7 0.64 1 0.1 1 Maximizing θ3/rev

The results obtained by maximizing θ3/rev using continuous and mixed design variables

are shown in Table 4-12. For this case, while the three results obtained with mixed

design variables are close to each other, there is a 26% difference between the optimum

values of objective function as compared to the continuous variable case. The main

reason for this is the discretization of normalized thickness for the active plies. In order to

reduce the torsional frequency (and torsional stiffness) of the blade, the normalized

thickness of active plies in the cross section is well below “one” for the continuous

design variable case. But when the normalized thickness of active plies is rounded to

“one” for the mixed-variable cases, there is a significant increase in the torsional stiffness

of the cross section which could not be completely offset by adding more ballast masses.

As a result, all the cases with mixed design variables show a higher torsional frequency

and thus lower amplitude for the dynamic twist.

Table 4-12: Optimization Results for Maximizing θ3/rev

Objective Function Continuous Mixed Mixed Mixed

Optimum Solution 1 Solution 2 Solution 3
θ3/rev (deg) 5.69 4.24 4.19 4.18
1 Tor Freq (/rev) 3.71 5.15 4.81 5.11
M11 (kg/m) 0.700 0.694 0.683 0.718
SC (%c) 17.07 19.91 17.27 23.74
CG (%c) 26.46 26.93 27.35 27.61
Continuous Variables
Spar End (c ) 0.818 0.845 0.828 0.816
Spar Web (c ) 0.813 0.846 0.599 0.816
m1 (kg/m) 0.397 0.326 0.309 0.343
m2 (kg/m) 0.123 0.046 0.072 0.068
Discrete Variables (Normalized Ply Thickness)
Ply 1 0.16 0.1 0.1 0.1
Ply 2a 2.40 5 2 4
Ply 2 (AFC) 0.41 1 1 1
Ply 3 0.10 0.1 0.1 0.1
Ply 4 (AFC) 0.68 1 1 1
Ply 5 0.17 0.1 0.1 0.1
Ply 6 0.26 1 0.1 0.1
Ply 7 0.10 0.1 1 1

Small differences can be observed among the three results obtained with mixed design

variables. In the “Mixed Solution 1”, five plies are used in the nose region which gives

higher active twisting moment. Thus, the “Mixed Solution 1” provides the maximum

dynamic twist amplitude inspite of having the highest torsional frequency. In the case of

“Mixed Solution 2”, the vertical spar web is located near mid chord and the first torsional

frequency is closer to the actuation frequency of 3/rev. Thus, the optimizer is trying to

increase the amplitude of dynamic twist by reducing the first torsion frequency. Maximizing θ4/rev

The optimization results obtained by maximizing θ4/rev with continuous and mixed

design variables are shown in Table 4-13.

Table 4-13: Optimization Results for Maximizing θ4/rev

Objective Function Continuous Mixed Mixed Mixed

Optimum Solution 1 Solution 2 Solution 3
θ4/rev (deg) 6.56 5.88 6.01 5.85
1 Tor Freq (/rev) 4.86 5.13 5.11 5.10
M11 (kg/m) 0.719 0.714 0.719 0.719
SC (%c) 19.12 24.50 23.43 23.80
CG (%c) 27.92 27.54 27.79 27.81
Continuous Variables
Spar End (c ) 0.850 0.849 0.850 0.819
Main web (c ) 0.850 0.842 0.850 0.819
m1 (kg/m) 0.346 0.342 0.341 0.343
m2 (kg/m) 0.060 0.053 0.054 0.068
Discrete Variables (Normalized Ply Thickness)
Ply 1 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
Ply 2a 5.00 4 5 4
Ply 2 (AFC) 0.84 1 1 1
Ply 3 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
Ply 4 (AFC) 1.09 1 1 1
Ply 5 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
Ply 6 0.43 1 1 0.10
Ply 7 0.25 0.10 0.10 1

In this case, the difference between the optimum value of the objective function

obtained using continuous design variables and mixed design variables is 9.9%. Here, the

normalized thickness of active plies is closer to their discrete value, than they were in the

case of “Maximizing θ3/rev.” Besides the thickness of active plies and vertical spar web

plies, there is very small difference in the optimum design obtained with continuous

design variables and mixed design variables. Among the different results with mixed

design variables, the “Mixed Solution 2” gives the best result since it has more plies in

the nose region that result in a higher active twisting moment. Maximizing θ5/rev

The results obtained for maximizing the amplitude of dynamic twist at 5/rev actuation

frequency with continuous and mixed design variables are shown in Table 4-14. Unlike

the results obtained for “Maximizing θ3/rev” and “Maximizing θ4/rev” cases, the difference

between the optimum value of the objective function obtained using continuous design

variables and mixed design variables is very small. In the optimization with continuous

design variable, the normalized thickness of active plies is more than 1 in order to obtain

higher active twisting moment. However, in the case of mixed design variables, the

dynamic twist is maximized by placing the first torsion frequency closer to the actuation

frequency. Also, the results with mixed design variables show slightly heavier ballast

mass in the spar region to increase the torsional inertia for the cross section and to further

reduce the torsion frequency as compared to the continuous design variable case.

Table 4-14 Optimization Results for Maximizing θ5/rev

Objective Function Continuous Mixed Mixed Mixed

Optimum Solution 1 Solution 2 Solution 3
θ5/rev (deg) 7.97 7.79 7.93 7.98
1 Tor Freq (/rev) 5.60 5.20 5.10 5.22
M11 (kg/m) 0.717 0.704 0.720 0.698
SC (%c) 24.8 23.2 23.5 23.4
CG (%c) 27.4 27.4 28.0 27.9
Continuous Variables
Spar End (c ) 0.842 0.850 0.850 0.848
Spar Web (c ) 0.834 0.833 0.850 0.841
m1 (kg/m) 0.320 0.331 0.342 0.326
m2 (kg/m) 0.034 0.050 0.055 0.050
Discrete Variables (Normalized Ply Thickness)
Ply 1 0.11 0.1 0.1 0.1
Ply 2a 4.84 5 5 5
Ply 2 (AFC) 1.03 1 1 1
Ply 3 0.10 0.1 0.1 0.1
Ply 4 (AFC) 1.27 1 1 1
Ply 5 0.10 0.1 0.1 0.1
Ply 6 0.54 0.1 0.1 0.1
Ply 7 0.82 1 1 1

For this particular optimization study, the optimum design shown in “Mixed Solution

3” is slightly better than that obtained for Continuous Optimum, which contrary to the

expected trend. This implies that the result obtained with continuous design variables is

not optimum solution and it should be possible to find a better solution. However, the

difference between optimum values predicted by “Continuous Optimum” and “Mixed

Solution 3” is very small and is within the error in the prediction of θ5/rev by the surrogate


128 Maximizing θ345/rev

Table 4-15: Optimization Results for Maximizing θ345/rev

Objective Function Continuous Mixed Mixed Mixed

Optimum Solution 1 Solution 2 Solution 3
θ345/rev 0.89 0.87 0.88 0.89
1 Tor Freq (/rev) 5.09 5.13 5.08 5.11
M11 (kg/m) 0.719 0.714 0.719 0.719
SC (%c) 18.98 24.50 24.51 23.43
CG (%c) 27.80 27.54 27.99 27.82
Continuous Variables
Spar End (c ) 0.850 0.849 0.848 0.850
Spar Web (c ) 0.850 0.842 0.848 0.850
m1 (kg/m) 0.334 0.342 0.346 0.341
m2 (kg/m) 0.047 0.053 0.056 0.054
Discrete Variables (Normalized Ply Thickness)
Ply 1 0.10 0.1 0.1 0.1
Ply 2a 5.00 4 4 5
Ply 2 (AFC) 0.98 1 1 1
Ply 3 0.10 0.1 0.1 0.1
Ply 4 (AFC) 1.12 1 1 1
Ply 5 0.10 0.1 0.1 0.1
Ply 6 0.59 1 0.1 0.1
Ply 7 0.10 0.1 1 1

Finally, the result obtained for maximizing θ345/rev using continuous and mixed design

variables are shown in Table 4-15. In this case also, the optimum result obtained from

optimization with mixed design variables is very close to that obtained using continuous

design variables.

In this section, the optimization studies were conducted with twelve design variables,

where four of the design variables were continuous while the remaining eight were

discrete. Here, the optimum solution was obtained using continuous design variables and

mixed design variables in order to compare the two results and obtain a feasible design,

which can be readily manufactured. The results showed that in some cases it is possible

to get results with mixed design variables very close to those obtained with continuous

design variables, depending upon the objective function.

4.3 Optimization Study with 8 Design Variables

In order to prevent the mesh generator from crashing, the minimum allowable

normalized ply thickness was fixed to “0.1” instead of using “0” for the optimization

studies performed in Section 4.2. The optimization results obtained showed that the

optimizer tried to reduce the normalized thickness of all passive plies in the spar region

(Ply 1, Ply 3 and Ply 5) to 0.1 indicating that these plies do not contribute to the dynamic

twist amplitude and hence, these plies should be removed from the cross section.

Therefore, in the optimization study presented in this section, Ply 3 and Ply 5 are

removed from the analysis. Since Ply 1 is the outermost ply, it cannot be removed from

the cross section. Thus, the normalized thickness of Ply 1 is fixed to minimum possible

thickness, which is “one”, for all the studies presented in this section. Also, in order to

reduce the number of design variables, both the plies in the vertical spar web region (Ply

6 and Ply 7) are grouped and it is treated as one equivalent ply (Ply 6) whose thickness is

a design variable. The modified cross section which is used as the baseline case is shown

in Figure 4-5 and is referred to as “Baseline 2” in rest of the thesis. The final set of design

variables used in this study and their upper and lower bounds are listed in Table 4-16.

The constraints used in this study are the same as those listed in Table 4-6.

Figure 4-5: Modified Baseline Case (Baseline 2)

Table 4-16: Design Variable and their Bounds

Design variables Baseline Lower Upper Ply Type

1 Main Spar Web Loc (c) 0.443 0.2 0.85
2 Spar End (c) 0.443 0.2 0.85
3 Ballast Mass 1 (m1) (kg/m) 0.23 0 0.5
4 Ballast Mass 2 (m2) (kg/m) 0.22 0 0.5
Normalized Ply Thickness
5 Ply 2a Thickness 1 1 5 S-Glass
6 Ply 2 Thickness 1 1 5 AFC
7 Ply 4 Thickness 1 1 5 AFC
8 Spar Web Ply 6 Thickness 1 1 10 E-Glass

The summary of the results obtained for objective function at the end of optimization

with continuous design variables and mixed design variables is shown in Table 4-17.

Comparing the results obtained for the optimized cases with those obtained earlier in

Table 4-7 and Table 4-9, it can be seen that the final value of objective function is smaller

in this optimization study, for all the objective functions considered. The main reason for

this is the fact that the normalized thickness of the outermost passive ply (Ply 1) in the

cross section is fixed to “1” whereas, in the previous case, the optimizer had the freedom

to reduce the normalized thickness of this passive ply to the minimum allowable value

which was fixed at “0.1.” Also, the percentage difference in the optimum result obtained

with continuous design variables and optimum results obtained with mixed design

variables is different in this optimization (as compared to the percentage differences

observed in Table 4-8).

Table 4-17: Results obtained for Optimization with 8 Design Variables

Max θstat Max θ3/rev Max θ4/rev Max θ5/rev Max θ345/rev
(deg/m) (deg) (deg) (deg)
Continuous Optimum 2.49 4.9 5.94 7.77 0.894
Best Mixed Solution 2.41 4.6 5.41 7.63 0.889
% Difference 3.21 6.12 8.92 1.80 0.56

4.3.1 Optimization Results with Continuous Design Variables

The results obtained for all the cases with continuous design variables using the

framework described in Section 4.1 are shown in Table 4-18. For the Max θstat case, three

of the constraints namely, mass per unit length and chordwise location of CG and SC are

close to their upper bound. This occurs, because there is an increase in the thickness of all

the plies used in the cross section and the chordwise coverage of active plies is at the

maximum allowable value. Here, only the leading-edge ballast mass is used to get the

chordwise location of CG within the bounds required. Among the ply thicknesses, the

thickness of the nose ply is very close to the maximum allowable value since it results in

a higher active twisting moment. There is an increase of 23% in the normalized thickness

of active plies, namely, Ply 2 and Ply 4. Among all the optimized cases, the Max θ stat case

has the highest cross-sectional stiffness.

Table 4-18: Results Obtained with Continuous Design Variables

Max Max Max Max Max

Cases θstat θ3/rev θ4/rev θ5/rev θ345/rev Baseline 2
Objective Function
θstat (deg/m) 2.49 2.25 2.24 2.42 2.41 1.67
θ3/rev (deg) 3.67 4.9 4.66 3.86 3.91 2.4
θ4/rev (deg) 4.48 5.92 5.94 5.21 5.34 2.54
θ5/rev (deg) 6.81 3.6 4.31 7.77 7.67 2.38
θ345/rev 0.794 0.82 0.835 0.888 0.894 0.408
1st Tor Freq (/rev) 6.01 4.53 4.69 5.37 5.29 5.48
M11 (kg/m) 0.72 0.719 0.719 0.72 0.72 0.642
SC (%c) 24.8 17.17 17.14 24.95 23.93 19.01
CG (%c) 27.75 27.79 27.75 28 28 21.87
Design Variables
Spar End (c) 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.443
Spar Web (c) 0.85 0.309 0.319 0.85 0.85 0.443
m1 (kg/m) 0.299 0.309 0.307 0.328 0.33 0.23
m2 (kg/m) 0 0 0 0.033 0.036 0.22
Normalized Ply Thickness
Ply 2a (E-Glass) 4.88 1 1.54 4.75 4.85 1
Ply 2 (AFC) 1.23 1.37 1 1.04 1 1
Ply 4 (AFC) 1.24 1 1.36 1 1 1
Ply 6 (E-Glass) 1.2 10 10 1.15 1 1
Other Parameters
S44 (Nm2) 66.2 35 37.9 57.9 56.4 25.1
Act Mom (Nm) 2.87 1.5 1.61 2.45 2.38 0.76
2 Flap Freq(/rev) 2.79 2.79 2.79 2.76 2.76 2.72
3rd Flap Freq (/rev) 5.51 5.49 5.51 9.42 5.37 5.07
Max ε11 (µε) 2478 3872 3547 2658 2646 3935
Max ε12 (µε) 4347 5482 4968 4288 4816 5591

In the Max θ3/rev case, the presence of the outermost passive ply does not permit

significant reduction in the first torsional frequency, as it was possible in the previous

optimization study presented in Section 4.2. Thus, the first torsion frequency and cross-

sectional torsional stiffness obtained for the Max θ3/rev case in Table 4-18 is higher than

that obtained for the Max θ3/rev case in Table 4-9. As a consequence of this, the value of

objective function for the optimized case in Table 4-18 is significantly lower than that

obtained in Table 4-9. The vertical spar web is located near the quarter chord due to

which the chordwise location of shear center is closer to its lower limit. Unlike the Max

θstat case, the normalized thickness of the nose ply, Ply 2a, is at its minimum value while

the normalized thickness of vertical spar web ply, Ply 6, is at the maximum allowable

value. Thus, in the Max θ3/rev case, the optimizer is trying to lower the torsional stiffness

as much as possible in order to get the first torsion frequency closer to the actuation


The results obtained for Max θ4/rev and Max θ3/rev cases are very close to each other.

This is specific to this problem and it can be attributed to the bounds used for constraints

and design variables in the optimization problem definition. The only noticeable

difference between the Max θ4/rev case and Max θ3/rev case is in the thickness of active


As observed in Section 4.2, the result for Max θ5/rev case is similar to the result

obtained for Max θstat case since their first torsion frequencies are close to each other. In

this case, the second ballast mass is also used to tune the first torsion frequency of the

blade. The total ballast mass used in the Max θ5/rev case is higher than that used in the

cases discussed above. Thus, for the Max θ5/rev case, the optimizer takes advantage of

both, the higher active twisting moment and dynamic tuning, to obtain large amplitude of

oscillation at the blade tip. The result obtained for the Max θ345/rev case is close to the

result for Max θ5/rev case, but with a slightly lower first torsion frequency to improve the

amplitude of twist oscillation for all the actuation frequencies.

In the optimization studies presented in this section, the cross-sectional strains are not

included as part of the constraints. The results obtained here show that the maximum

value of ε11 and ε12 in the cross section for all the optimized cases is approximately equal

to or less than that obtained for the baseline case. Thus, the blade designs obtained from

these optimization studies have sufficient strength to withstand the large centrifugal


4.3.2 Optimization Results with Mixed Design Variables

For the results presented in this section, the normalized ply thicknesses are treated as

discrete design variables. In the previous section, it was shown that the optimization with

mixed design variables can be performed in three different ways. The mixed solutions,

“Mixed Solution 1” and “Mixed Solution 2”, are obtained using the genetic mixed-

variable optimization while the “Mixed Solution 3” is obtained using a gradient based

optimizer only. The results obtained in Section 4.2 showed that the final results obtained

for the objective function with different mixed design variables optimization techniques

are close to each other. Also, it was observed that obtaining the “Mixed Solution 3”

required significant computational time since the optimization is performed in a recursive

manner. Hence, in this section, the mixed-variable optimization is performed to obtain

“Mixed Solution 1” and “Mixed Solution 2” only. The final results presented here in

Table 4-19 show only the best result obtained with mixed design variables.

Table 4-19: Optimization Results with Mixed Design Variables

Max Max Max Max Max

Cases θstat θ3/rev θ4/rev θ5/rev θ345/rev Baseline 2
Objective Function
θstat (deg/m) 2.41 2.22 2.21 2.41 2.39 1.67
θ3/rev (deg) 3.36 4.6 4.34 3.89 3.88 2.4
θ4/rev (deg) 4.3 5.28 5.41 5.3 5.31 2.54
θ5/rev (deg) 5.73 3.86 4.81 7.63 7.62 2.38
θ345/rev 0.716 0.775 0.806 0.889 0.889 0.408
1st Tor Freq (/rev) 5.71 4.71 4.93 5.31 5.28 5.48
M11 (kg/m) 0.694 0.688 0.697 0.718 0.72 0.642
SC (%c) 23.81 17.05 17.19 23.81 24.77 19.01
CG (%c) 20.33 27.92 27.79 27.9 28 21.87
Design Variables
Spar End (c) 0.85 0.849 0.85 0.849 0.846 0.443
Spar Web (c) 0.85 0.303 0.318 0.849 0.843 0.443
m1 (kg/m) 0.332 0.271 0.273 0.328 0.334 0.23
m2 (kg/m) 0.009 0.063 0.06 0.036 0.038 0.22
Normalized Ply Thickness
Ply 2a (S-Glass) 5 1 2 5 4 1
Ply 2 (AFC) 1 1 1 1 1 1
Ply 4 (AFC) 1 1 1 1 1 1
Ply 6-7 (E-Glass) 1 9 10 1 1 1
Other Parameters
S44 (Nm2) 56.5 32.9 37 56.5 55.8 25.1
Act Mom (Nm) 2.38 1.37 1.54 2.38 2.33 0.76
2 Flap Freq (/rev) 2.77 2.77 2.78 2.76 2.76 2.72
3rd Flap Freq (/rev) 5.4 5.42 5.44 5.38 5.36 5.07
Max ε11 2489 3994 3364 2601 2896 3935
Max ε12 4220 5600 4748 4798 4711 5591

The results obtained with mixed designs variables show the similar trend as it was

observed in the results with continuous design variables. The optimum value of the

objective function for the optimized cases obtained using mixed design variables is

always lower than that obtained with continuous design variables, however the difference

between the results depends on the objective function.

4.4 Optimization Studies with Ply Angles and Ply Thicknesses

In the results presented in this section, the ply angles are also included as the design

variables. The “Baseline 2” case, shown in Figure 4-5 and described in Section 4.3, is

used as the baseline case. The bounds for design variables and their baseline values are

listed in Table 4-20. The bounds for normalized ply thicknesses are the same as that

shown in Table 4-16. The bounds used for ply angle depends on the nature of the prepreg.

For the unidirectional plies, the ply angle varies from -90 to +90 degrees, whereas for the

bidirectional plies, the ply angle varies from 0 to 90 degrees. Even though the ply angle

can be treated as a continuous design variable, it is difficult to accurately manufacture a

composite structure where the ply angle has a real value. Hence, in the mixed-variable

optimization performed here, the ply angles are treated as discrete design variables for the

ease of manufacturing. In some of the earlier work [99], ply angles are discretized in

multiples of 5 or 10 degree. The framework presented here is also capable of working

with this discretization, however for the analysis presented in this section; the ply angle is

allowed to take any integer value within the bounds specified. The constraints used in the

analysis are the same as those described in Table 4-6.

Table 4-20: Design Variables for Optimization with Ply Thicknesses and Ply Angles

Design variables Baseline2 Lower Upper Ply Type

1 Main Spar Web Loc (c) 0.443 0.2 0.85
2 Spar End (c) 0.443 0.2 0.85
3 Ballast Mass 1 (m1) (kg/m) 0.23 0 0.5
4 Ballast Mass 2 (m2) (kg/m) 0.22 0 0.5
Normalized Ply Thickness
5 Ply 2a Thickness 1 1 5 S-Glass
6 Ply 2 Thickness 1 1 5 AFC
7 Ply 4 Thickness 1 1 5 AFC
8 Spar Web Ply 6 Thickness 1 1 10 E-Glass
Ply Angles
9 Ply 1 Angle 0 0 90 E-Glass
10 Ply 2a Angle 0 -90 90 S-Glass
11 Ply 2 Angle 45 -90 90 AFC
12 Ply 4 Angle -45 0 90 AFC
13 Spar Web Ply 6 Angle 0 0 90 E-Glass

4.4.1 Optimization Results with Continuous Design Variables

The results obtained, when all the design variables listed in Table 4-20 are treated as

continuous design variables, are shown in Table 4-21. The optimization study performed

in Section 4.3 is a subset of the analysis performed in this section. For some of the

objective functions, it was observed that the results obtained in Section 4.3 are the

optimal results and it is not possible to obtain further improvement in the optimum value

of the objective function by including ply angles as the additional design variables. This

is true for the Max θstat and Max θ4/rev cases shown in Table 4-21 and Table 4-18.

Table 4-21: Results for Optimization with Continuous Design Variables

Max Max Max Max Max

Cases θstat θ3/rev θ4/rev θ5/rev θ345/rev Baseline 2
Objective Function
θstat (deg/m) 2.49 -2.22 -2.24 2.4 2.4 1.67
θ3/rev (deg) 3.67 4.91 4.66 3.9 3.9 2.4
θ4/rev (deg) 4.48 5.89 5.94 5.29 5.29 2.54
θ5/rev (deg) 6.81 3.53 4.31 8.02 8.02 2.38
θ345/rev 0.784 0.811 0.828 0.895 0.895 0.408
1 Tor Freq(/rev) 6.01 4.51 4.69 5.32 5.32 5.48
M11 (kg/m) 0.72 0.719 0.719 0.72 0.72 0.642
SC (%c) 24.8 17.29 17.14 22.16 22.16 19.01
CG (%c) 27.75 27.79 27.75 27.99 27.99 21.87
Design Variables
Spar End (c) 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.443
Spar Web (c) 0.85 0.309 0.319 0.85 0.85 0.443
m1 (kg/m) 0.299 0.309 0.307 0.33 0.33 0.23
m2 (kg/m) 0 0 0 0.036 0.036 0.22
Normalized Ply Thicknesses
Ply 2a (S-Glass) 4.88 1 1.54 4.91 4.91 1
Ply 2 (AFC) 1.23 1.37 1 1 1 1
Ply 4 (AFC) 1.24 1 1.36 1 1 1
Ply 6-7 (E-Glass) 1.2 10 10 1 1 1
Ply Angles
Ply 1 (E-Glass) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ply 2a (S-Glass) 0 1.9 0 62.2 62.2 0
Ply 2 (AFC) 45 43.5 45 -42 -42 45
Ply 4 (AFC) -45 -54.9 -45 47.1 47.1 -45
Ply 6-7 (E-Glass) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other Parameters
S44 (Nm ) 66.2 34.8 37.9 57.4 57.4 25.1
Act Mom (Nm) 2.87 1.48 1.61 2.42 2.42 0.76
2 Flap Freq (/rev) 2.79 2.78 2.79 2.76 2.76 2.72
3 Flap Freq (/rev) 5.51 5.47 5.51 9.31 9.31 5.07
Max ε11 (με) 2478 3906 3547 4508 4508 3935
Max ε12 (με) 4347 5263 4968 6201 6201 5591

The results for Max θ3/rev case show a very small improvement with ply angles, as

compared to the results shown in Table 4-18. The improvement is obtained by changing

the ply angle for active plies away from ±45 degrees. Although the active twisting

moment generated is reduced due to the ply angle changes, the lowering of the torsional

frequency results in a higher dynamic twist at the blade tip. In the Max θ5/rev case also,

small changes are observed in the ply angle for active ply. But the most noticeable

change occurs in the ply angle for nose ply, which changes to 62.2 degrees. Similar to the

Max θ3/rev case, the changes in ply angle result in lower active twisting and also lower

torsional stiffness and first torsion frequency. The result obtained for Max θ345/rev case is

the same as that obtained for Max θ5/rev case.

4.4.2 Optimization with Mixed Design Variables

The results obtained, when the normalized ply thicknesses and ply angles listed in

Table 4-20 are treated as discrete design variables, are shown in Table 4-22. As observed

in the results with continuous optimization, for some of the objective functions

considered, it was not possible to find a better solution by including ply angles as the

design variables. For the mixed-variable optimization performed here, the results

obtained for Max θstat, Max θ3/rev, Max θ4/rev, Max θ345/rev could not be improved further.

For the Max θ5/rev case, the changes in ply angle for the nose ply (Ply 2a) and the

outermost ply (Ply 1) result in higher twisting moment, and thus larger dynamic twist as

compared to the optimum design shown in Table 4-19.

Table 4-22: Results Obtained for Optimization with Mixed Design Variables

Max Max Max Max Max

Cases θstat θ3/rev θ4/rev θ5/rev θ345/rev Baseline 2
Objective Function
θstat (deg/m) 2.41 -2.22 -2.21 2.39 -2.39 1.67
θ3/rev (deg) 3.36 4.6 4.34 3.81 3.88 2.4
θ4/rev (deg) 4.3 5.28 5.41 5.01 5.31 2.54
θ5/rev (deg) 5.73 3.86 4.81 7.87 7.62 2.38
θ345/rev 0.708 0.769 0.798 0.867 0.878 0.408
1 Tor Freq (/rev) 5.71 4.71 4.93 5.48 5.28 5.48
M11 (kg/m) 0.694 0.688 0.697 0.697 0.72 0.642
SC (%c) 23.81 17.05 17.19 21.51 24.77 19.01
CG (%c) 20.33 27.92 27.79 27.95 28 21.87
Design Variables
Spar End (c) 0.85 0.849 0.85 0.839 0.846 0.443
Spar Web (c) 0.85 0.303 0.318 0.839 0.843 0.443
m1 (kg/m) 0.332 0.271 0.273 0.313 0.334 0.23
m2 (kg/m) 0.009 0.063 0.06 0.034 0.038 0.22
Normalized Ply Thicknesses
Ply 2a (E-Glass) 5 1 2 5 4 1
Ply 2 (AFC) 1 1 1 1 1 1
Ply 4 (AFC) 1 1 1 1 1 1
Ply 6-7 (E-Glass) 1 9 10 1 1 1
Ply Angles
Ply 1 (E-Glass) 0 0 0 87 0 0
Ply 2a (S-Glass) 0 0 0 -28 0 0
Ply 2 (AFC) 45 45 45 -45 45 45
Ply 4 (AFC) -45 -45 -45 45 -45 -45
Ply 6-7 (E-Glass) 0 0 0 1 0 0
Other Parameters
S44 (Nm ) 56.5 32.9 37 58.1 55.8 25.1
Act Mom (Nm) 2.38 1.37 1.54 2.44 2.33 0.76
2 Flap Freq (/rev) 2.77 2.77 2.78 2.76 2.76 2.72
3 Flap Freq (/rev) 5.4 5.42 5.44 5.35 5.36 5.07
Max ε11 (με) 2489 3994 3364 1340 2896 3935
Max ε12 (με) 4220 5600 4748 6765 4711 5591

The shape of the cross section for the optimized cases is shown in Figure 4-6. In these

section, the leading edge ballast mass is presented by a red circle while the ballast mass

used near the vertical spar web is represented by a blue circle.

Figure 4-6: Cross Section for the Optimized Cases obtained with Mixed Design

4.5 Post Processing of Optimization Results

The final results obtained at the end of optimization process with mixed design

variables, as shown in Table 4-22, are analyzed further in order to check their validity.

Here three different kinds of analyses are performed. In the first check, the variation of

vibratory loads in forward flight condition is analyzed when no flap actuation is applied

in order to make sure that the optimized designs do not lead to higher baseline vibration

(vibration level in the absence of twist actuation). In the second analysis, variation of the

amplitude of dynamic twist with advance ratio is determined for different actuation

frequencies. And finally, circle plots are generated for each of the optimized cases in

forward flight condition at different actuation frequencies in order make sure that the

optimized results do provide higher authority for vibration reduction at the hub.

4.5.1 Effect on Baseline Vibration

In this case, the aeroelastic analysis for each of the optimized cases and baseline case is

performed at µ = 0.24 using the “Trim Analysis” (wind tunnel trim). When the trim

condition is reached, the amplitude of 4/rev vibratory load at the hub in fixed system is

recorded. The percentage difference in the vibratory loads for Fz, Mx and My components

with respect to the baseline case is shown in Figure 4-7. The results obtained show that

the increase in baseline vibration is less than 13% for all the optimized cases. Among all

the cases, the “Max θ5/rev” case shows maximum vibration.


FZ4 (%)


MX4 (%) 10

MY4 (%)

Max Stat Max 3/rev Max 4/rev Max 5/rev
Figure 4-7: Percentage Increase in Vibratory Loads

4.5.2 Effect of Advance Ratio

In this section, aeroelastic studies with “Trim Analysis” were performed for each of

the optimized cases at different forward flight speeds. This study was performed to verify

the original assumption that there is no significant change in the amplitude of tip twist

with forward flight speed. The results obtained for actuation frequencies of 3, 4 and 5/rev

are shown in Figure 4-8, Figure 4-9 and Figure 4-10, respectively. The results obtained

show that the variation in the amplitude of dynamic tip twist with advance ratio is small.

Since the results presented here include “Trim Analysis”, they do not match exactly the

results shown in Table 4-22 where “Periodic Analysis” is used. For each of the actuation

frequency, the corresponding case provides maximum dynamic twist at all the advance

ratios considered.

3/rev comp

Amplitude of Tip Twist (deg)



Max 3/rev Case

Max 4/rev Case
Max 5/rev Case
Max stat Case
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35
Advance Ratio ()
Figure 4-8: Effect of advance ratio at 3/rev actuation frequency

4/rev comp

Amplitude of Tip Twist (deg)


4 Max 3/rev Case

Max 4/rev Case
Max 5/rev Case

3 Max stat Case

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35
Advance Ratio ()
Figure 4-9: Effect of Advance Ratio at 4/rev Actuation Frequency

4/rev comp

Amplitude of Tip Twist (deg)

Max 3/rev Case

6 Max 4/rev Case

Max 5/rev Case
5 Max stat Case

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35
Advance Ratio ()
Figure 4-10: Effect of Advance Ratio at 5/rev Actuation Frequency

4.5.3 Circle Plot for Optimized Cases

In order to generate the circle plot for each of the optimized cases and the baseline

case, the twist actuation is provided at a fixed frequency and the phase of actuation is

varied from 0 to 360 degree in the intervals of 30 degree. Once the response for each of

the hub loads in the fixed system is obtained, FFT is used to determine the sine and

cosine component of the response corresponding to 4/rev frequency. The circle plots

generated for 3/rev, 4/rev and 5/rev actuation frequencies for vertical component of the

force at the hub (Fz) are shown in Figure 4-11, Figure 4-12 and Figure 4-13, respectively.

Max 4/rev Case
200 Max 3/rev Case
Max 5/rev Case
100 Max stat Case
Baseline Case




-300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400

Figure 4-11: Circle Plot for 3/rev Actuation Frequency

Since the optimum result obtained for the “Max θ3/rev” and “Max θ4/rev” cases are close

to each other, the circle plots corresponding to these cases for 3/rev and 4/rev actuation

frequencies are close to each other. As shown in Figure 4-11 and Figure 4-12, the circle

plot corresponding to “Max θ5/rev” case has larger size than that corresponding to “Max

θstat” case. Thus, each of the dynamically optimized cases performs better that statically

optimized case for 3/rev and 4/rev actuation frequency.

800 Max 4/rev Case

Max 3/rev Case
Max 5/rev Case
Max stat Case
200 Baseline Case





-1000 -500 0 500 1000


Figure 4-12: Circle Plot for 4/rev Actuation Frequency

Max 4/rev Case
Max 3/rev Case
300 Max 5/rev Case
200 Max stat Case
Baseline Case





-400 -200 0 200 400 600

Figure 4-13: Circle Plot for 5/rev Actuation Frequency

In case of the circle plot obtained at 5/rev actuation frequency, the “Max θ5/rev” case is

the most effective for vibration reduction as shown in Figure 4-13. Since, the optimum

design for “Max θstat” case is close to that for “Max θ5/rev” case, the “Max θstat” case

outperforms the “Max θ3/rev” and “Max θ4/rev” cases for vibration reduction at 5/rev

actuation frequency.

The results presented in this section highlight the original assumption that authority of

an active twist rotor to reduce vibratory loads at the hub can be increased by maximizing

the amplitude of dynamic twist obtained from twist actuation.

4.6 Concluding Remarks

The use of prepreg material for manufacturing composite aerospace structures leads to

discrete design variables in the design and optimization studies. In order to obtain a

realistic and manufacturable design at the end of optimization, the ply thicknesses and ply

angles should be treated as discrete design variables. This chapter presented the

architecture of a design framework which can be used to perform optimization studies

with mixed design variables for designing a composite active twist rotor blade. In the

proposed framework, the optimum solution with mixed design variables is obtained using

three different methods, in addition to the optimum design when all the variables are

treated as continuous. This facilitates the designer to estimate the loss due to

“discretization” and make necessary changes to improve the design.

The mixed design variable optimization framework was successfully used to design

the cross section of a composite rotor blade with embedded active material. In the first

case, ply thicknesses were considered as discrete design variables, in addition to the

continuous design variables like the chordwise location of vertical spar web, ballast

masses and chordwise location where the active plies end. In this case, the minimum

allowable normalized thickness of prepreg plies was fixed at “0.1” instead of “0” to

prevent the mesh generator from crashing. The results obtained from these studies

showed that some of the plies had normalized ply thickness as “0.1” in the optimum

results, indicating that these plies should be removed from the analysis. In the next step,

these passive plies were not considered as design variable and the minimum allowable

normalized thickness was fixed to “1”. And the third case considered included the ply

angles as discrete design variables in addition to the ply thicknesses.

The final results obtained showed that:

1) The difference between the results obtained from continuous and mixed-variable

optimization depends on the objective function being considered.

2) The mixed design variable results obtained using three methods are close to each

other. And it is sufficient to obtain only the “Mixed Solution 1” and “Mixed

Solution 2” to predict the optimum solution with mixed design variables since the

“Mixed Solution 3” is very time consuming.

3) While maximizing the static and dynamic twist, the optimum design obtained

always led to a stiffer cross section and thus most of the optimum designs had

lower cross sectional strains.

4) A thick prepreg layer is required near the leading edge (Ply 2a) to obtain higher

active twisting moment, but it may increase the torsional stiffness which may

cause the dynamic twist performance to deteriorate.

5) Increasing the chordwise coverage of active plies is better than increasing the

thickness of active plies, in order to get higher static and dynamic twist. Also,

boxed-shaped spar design, in which the chordwise location where the spar plies

end and the chordwise location of vertical spar web are close to each other, is

suitable for maximizing the dynamic twist amplitude.

6) There is a significant difference in the optimum design obtained for different

actuation frequencies.

7) For the results obtained for this particular case, the optimum design obtained by

maximizing amplitude of dynamic twist at 3, 4 and 5/rev actuation frequencies

tends to be closer to result obtained for maximizing amplitude for 5/rev actuation

frequency. This can be attributed to the higher cross-sectional stiffness in Max

θ5/rev case which in turn results in higher active twisting moment.

Chapter 5. New Strategy for Design of Composite Rotor
Blade with Active Flaps

The optimization framework and strategy developed for the design of rotor blades

with active twist is extended for the design of composite rotor blade with active flaps in

this chapter. The optimum blade design must aim to maximize the flap authority for

vibration reduction while satisfying the constraints on the chordwise location of cross-

sectional center of gravity (CG) and shear center (SC), blade mass per unit length,

torsional frequency, etc. Since the vibration reduction in rotors with active flaps is

obtained through the servo-flap effect, the amplitude of tip twist obtained from flap

actuation is a good metric for estimating the flap authority. Thus, in the analysis

performed here, the amplitude of tip twist obtained due to the flap motion is used as the

objective function which is maximized. The objectives of this chapter are:

a) To demonstrate the use of new optimization strategy with high fidelity analysis

tools for designing a rotor blade with active flaps

b) To design a realistic composite rotor blade to enhance the effect of active flaps for

vibration reduction.

5.1 Aeroelastic Analysis with Active Flaps

The aeroelastic analysis performed for analyzing a rotor blade with active flaps is

similar to that described in Chapter 3 for analyzing an active twist rotor blade. The

aeroelastic analysis performed using RCAS has been modified to account for the

presence of active flaps. The aerodynamic analysis for active flaps is performed in RCAS

using the flexible airfoil theory [167] and 3-D dynamic inflow [168] model. The table

lookup required for analyzing a rotor blade with active flaps in RCAS is generated using


5.2 Baseline Rotor Blade

A composite rotor blade that can be tested in the University of Michigan spin test

stand (see Figure 5-1) is used as the baseline rotor blade. This test stand was used earlier

for testing a 1/6th Mach-scaled CH-47D rotor blade with active twist [58] and active flap

[112]. The properties of the test stand and baseline rotor blade are given in Table 5-1. The

rotor has a 10 ft diameter and it has articulated configuration with a root offset of 0.15R.

The nominal operating RPM is 1336 which corresponds to Mach number of 0.6 at the

blade tip in hover condition.

Figure 5-1: University of Michigan Spin Test Stand

The composite rotor blade is made up of E-Glass and IM7 graphite plies as shown in

Figure 5-2. The baseline blade has leading edge ballast mass to bring the CG of the cross

section close to the quarter chord. The D-shaped cross section consists of 2 layers of E-

Glass plies oriented at ±45 deg as the overwrap plies. The main spar consists of 2 layers

of IM7 at 0 deg and 2 layers of E-Glass at ±45 degrees. The vertical spar web located at

0.38c has 3 layers of E-Glass at 0/90 degree.

Table 5-1: Rotor Properties

Configuration Articulated
Radius 1.54m
Chord 0.136m
Num of Blades 4
Air Density 1.225 kg/m3
CT 0.0066
RPM 1336
Hinge Location 0.15R
CG (%c) 25.32
SC (%c) 22.8
Airfoil VR7

Figure 5-2: Cross-Sectional Layup for the Baseline Rotor Blade

For testing the rotor blade with active flaps, a piezoelectric actuator is mounted in the

spar region of blade as shown in Figure 5-3. In order to mount the actuator and install the

flap, cutouts are made in the spar region of blade and near the trailing edge. The loss in

stiffness due to these cutouts is balanced by including additional plies in the cutout

region. However, the presence of actuator and flap supports leads to additional mass in

the blade which adds to the inertia of the blade. In the aeroelastic analysis performed in

this chapter, the effect of actuator and flap support inertia is included. The reference

actuator used in this study is the X-frame actuator developed at MIT [119] and it is small

enough to fit inside the spar of rotor blade cross section as shown in Figure 5-3. The

details of the first single flap configuration considered in this study are presented in Table

5-2. The structural frequencies of the baseline rotor blade (with the actuator and flap

support inertia) are listed in Table 5-3.

Figure 5-3: Active Flap Mechanism

Table 5-2: Flap and Actuator Dimensions

Flap Dimensions
Flap Length 0.12R
Flap Chord (cf) 0.25c
Flap Center (rf) 0.78R
Actuator Details
Size 3.6" x 0.9" x 0.5"
Actuator Location 0.25c and 0.78R
Actuator+Support Mass 96 gm

Table 5-3: Structural Frequencies of the Rotor Blade

Mode Shape Frequency (/rev)

1st Chordwise 0.51
1st Flapwise 1.12
2nd Flapwise 3.57
1st Torsion 4.21
3rd Flapwise 6.86
2nd Chordwise 7.49

5.3 Preliminary Analysis

A “Periodic Analysis” was performed for analyzing the rotor blade with active twist

instead of “Trim Analysis” in the optimization studies performed in the earlier chapter to

reduce the computational time. The trim targets used in the “Trim Analysis” are: C T =

0.0066, no cyclic moments (Mx = 0 and My = 0), and the blade pitch settings are used as

the trim targets (wind tunnel trim). In the case of “Periodic Analysis”, the blade pitch

settings are kept constant and the equations of motion are solved in time domain till the

system response is periodic. It was demonstrated using the results obtained from

optimization in Chapter 3 that a “Periodic Analysis” is sufficient to obtain a design which

maximizes the dynamic twist. Hence, in the case of active flap studies, both “Periodic

Analysis” and “Trim Analysis” are performed in the preliminary analysis to verify if

“Periodic Analysis” is sufficient to capture the amplitude of dynamic twist accurately.

In the first study, the frequency of actuation is varied from 3/rev to 5/rev in hover

conditions for flap deflection of ±4 degrees and the mean value and amplitude of twist at

the blade tip are obtained. The results obtained with “Periodic Analysis” and “Trim

Analysis” is shown in Figure 5-4. The results show that although there is a significant

difference in the mean value of twist at the blade tip, the amplitude of dynamic twist for

both the analyses are very close to each other. A higher mean value for the tip twist

implies that the blade is experiencing higher aerodynamic loads in the trim analysis.

Next, the advance ratio was varied from 0.0 to 0.3 and the amplitude of dynamic twist

was determined using “Trim Analysis” and “Periodic Analysis” for 4/rev actuation

frequency. The variation of amplitude of tip twist with advance ratio is shown in Figure

5-5. For low advance ratios, the difference between the amplitude of tip twist predicted

by both the analyses is small; however, it increases with an increase in the forward flight

speed. The blade pitch settings obtained from the “Trim Analysis” (for analysis with and

without the flap motion) and pitch settings used in the “Periodic Analysis” are shown in

Figure 5-6. The results obtained with “Trim Analysis” show that for small values of µ,

only the collective pitch angle is used for obtaining trim while the contribution from

cyclic pitch angles is small. For these cases, the amplitude of dynamic twist obtained

from “Periodic Analysis” and “Trim Analysis” match very well. As the advance ratio

increases, there is a decrease in collective pitch angle and increase in cyclic pitch angles,

which leads to a noticeable in the amplitude of dynamic twist obtained from these two

Amplitude of Tip Twist (deg)

1 6
Mean Tip Twist (deg)

0.8 4 Trim

0.6 2

0.4 0
2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 6
Frequency (/rev) Frequency (/rev)

Figure 5-4: Variation of Tip Twist with Actuation Frequency


Amplitude of Tip Twist (deg)


0.6 Periodic



0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Advance Ratio ()

Figure 5-5: Variation of Amplitude of Tip Twist with Advance Ratio

0 (deg)

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3

1c (deg)

-1 Trim (with Flap)
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
Trim (without0.3

Periodic Case
1s (deg)

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3

Figure 5-6: Variation of Trim Variables with Advance Ratio

In order to determine the optimum range of flap deflection required to obtain vibration

reduction, the circle plot technique was used. To obtain a circle plot, the flap was

actuated with 4 degree amplitude at 4/rev frequency and the phase of actuation was

varied from 0 to 360 degrees in intervals of 30 degree. For each of the responses, the

cosine component of the 4/rev load was plotted against the sine component of 4/rev load,

as shown in Figure 5-7. The line drawn from the baseline vibration point joins the point

on the circle plot which corresponds to a phase angle of 0 degree for flap actuation. For

each of the vibratory hub load component, the origin (which corresponds to zero

vibration) is enclosed by the circle plot. This implies that the flap deflection of ±4

degrees at 4/rev actuation frequency is sufficient to reduce the 4/rev component of the

vibratory load at hub.

Based on the results obtained in the preliminary analysis, it can be concluded that:

a) The amplitude of dynamic twist obtained from the “Periodic Analysis” is very

close to that obtained from the “Trim Analysis” for different flap actuation

frequencies at small values of µ.

b) The “Trim Analysis” shows that there is approximately 15% variation in the

amplitude of dynamic twist for higher advance ratios. Thus, the amplitude of

dynamic twist obtained in hover condition is representative of the amplitude of

dynamic twist which will be obtained in forward flight conditions.

c) Hence, the amplitude of dynamic twist obtained in hover condition using

“Periodic Analysis” can be used as the objective function for the optimization


50 1000






-100 -1000
-100 -50 0 50 -500 0 500 1000
FY4,cos (N)
cos FZ4,coscos
1000 1000


500 500

MMX4 sin

0 0

-500 -500
-500 0 500 1000 -1000 -500 0 500
M cos(Nm)
X4,cos MY4,cos

Figure 5-7: Circle Plot for 4/rev Actuation Frequency

(* = Vibration for the Baseline Case, * = Vibration for Flap Actuated Case, □ = Origin)

5.4 Optimization Problem Definition

In this section, optimization studies are presented in which the cross-sectional layup is

determined for a composite rotor blade with active flap. The aim of the optimization

study is to enhance the effectiveness of active flaps for vibration reduction. In order to

achieve this target, optimization study is performed with the amplitude of dynamic twist

in hover condition as the objective function. The objective function considered in this

study is: Maximize the amplitude of tip twist for 4/rev flap actuation (Max θ4/rev). The

optimization studies are performed for active flap located at three different spanwise

locations, as shown in Figure 5-8.

Center of Rotation
Actuator 0.12R
Case 1 Active Flap

rf = 0.78R
Case 2

rf = 0.70R

Case 3

rf = 0.85R

Figure 5-8: Spanwise Location for Active Flaps

The cross section for the baseline blade is shown in Figure 5-2. The design variables

used in the optimization are listed in Table 5-4. The design variables used are: the

chordwise location where the spar plies end, chordwise location of the vertical spar web,

the two ballast masses, and the normalized ply thicknesses and ply angles for all the

composite plies used in the cross section. Even though the baseline blade includes only

one leading edge ballast mass, additional ballast mass is used as the design variable since

it is useful in tuning the dynamic properties of rotor blade, as observed in the results

presented in Chapter 3 and 4. In order to make the rotor blade design more realistic, the

location of first ballast mass is fixed near the leading edge at x = 0.02c while the second

ballast mass is located just in front of the vertical spar web. (This is done to ensure that

the ballast mass is added in the region where passive plies can be used to support it and

thus prevent the ballast mass for flying out during the operation). In order to prevent the

mesh generator from crashing, the lower bound on ply thickness is fixed at 0.1 instead of

zero. A value of 0.1 for normalized ply thickness in an optimum design implies that that

particular ply is not required in the cross section and should be removed in the next

optimization. In this study, the lower bound for the normalized thickness of Ply 1 is “1,”

since the outermost ply cannot be removed from the cross section. The bounds used for

ply angles depend upon the nature of the prepreg. For the unidirectional plies, the ply

angle varies from -90 to +90 degrees, whereas for the bidirectional plies, the ply angle

varies from 0 to 90 degrees.

Table 5-4: Design Variable used for Optimization Study

Design variables Baseline Lower Upper Ply Type

1 Spar End (c) 0.4 0.2 0.85
2 Main Spar Web Loc (c) 0.4 0.2 0.85
3 Ballast Mass 1 (m1) (kg/m) 0.1 0 0.25
4 Ballast Mass 2 (m2) (kg/m) 0 0 0.25
Normalized Ply Thickness
5 Ply 1 Thickness 2 1 4 E-Glass
6 Ply 2 Thickness 2 0.1 4 IM7
7 Ply 3 Thickness 2 0.1 4 E-Glass
8 Ply 4 Thickness 3 0.1 10 E-Glass
Ply Angle
9 Ply 1 Angle 45 0 90 E-Glass
10 Ply 2 Angle 0 -90 90 IM7
11 Ply 3 Angle 45 0 90 E-Glass
12 Ply 4 Angle 0 0 90 E-Glass

Table 5-5: Constraints used in the Optimization

Constraints Baseline Min Max

SC (%c) 22.8 17 25
CG (%c) 25.3 20 28
M11 (kg/m) 0.309 0.26 0.36
Tor Freq (/rev) 4.22 3 6
Max ε11 (µε) 2605 0 3500
Max ε12 (µε) 4042 0 5000

The constraints used in the optimization are shown in Table 5-5. The mass per unit

length for the cross section is constrained to lie within ±15% of the baseline value. In the

optimization studies performed earlier for active twist rotor, the maximum value of

strains in the cross section was not considered as a constraint. The optimum results

obtained for active twist rotor were always stiffer as compared to the baseline cross

section and in general, they had lower cross-sectional strains. However, in the case of

optimization studies with active flap, the tendency of the optimizer is to design a rotor

blades cross section with lower cross-sectional stiffness. Hence, most of the designs

obtained without the constraint on strains had very high cross sectional strains. It should

be noted that the maximum value for allowable strains used in the constraints listed in

Table 5-5 is well below the maximum strain limit for the material. Since a “Periodic

Analysis” is performed here in hover condition, the blade does not experience worst-case

aerodynamic loads. Hence, the strains observed in the cross section are mainly due to the

large centrifugal force acting on the blade.

5.5 Optimization Results

The optimization problem is solved using the Mixed-Variable Optimization

Framework described in Chapter 4. As observed in Chapter 4, the framework is capable

of determining solution with both continuous design variables and with mixed design

variables. In case of optimization with mixed design variables, the ply angles and ply

thicknesses are treated as discrete. In this section, only the best result obtained with

mixed design variables is presented and compared with the results obtained using

continuous design variable. The final results obtained for objective function is shown in

Table 5-6.

Table 5-6: Results for Flap centered at rf = 0.78R

Cases Max θ4/rev Max θ4/rev Baseline

Objective Function Cont Mixed
θ4/rev (deg) 1.02 1.01 0.89
Tor Freq (/rev) 4.13 3.91 4.21
M11 (kg/m) 0.27 0.28 0.31
SC (%c) 22.53 20.30 22.81
CG (%c) 27.79 24.01 25.32
Max ε11 (με) 1266 1216 2606
Max ε12 (με) 3558 3715 4041
Design Variables
Spar End (c) 0.446 0.456 0.4
Spar Web Loc (c) 0.307 0.289 0.4
m1 (kg/m) 0.050 0.051 0.1
m2 (kg/m) 0.001 0.015 0
Normalized Ply Thicknesses
Ply 1 (E-Glass) 1.27 1 2
Ply 2 (IM7) 3.72 4 2
Ply 3 (E_Glass) 1.04 1 2
Ply 4 (E-Glass) 7.51 8 3
Ply Angles
Ply 1 (E-Glass) 61.2 64 45
Ply 2 (IM7) 8.2 8 0
Ply 3 (E-Glass) 55 53 45
Ply 4 (E-Glass) 56 57 0
Other Parameters
S44 (Nm2) 97.5 90.0 119.8
S55 (Nm ) 532.3 573.4 332.9
2 Flap Freq (/rev) 3.91 3.98 3.57
3 Flap Freq (/rev) 7.89 8.51 6.86
Induced FZ4 (N) 319.08 318.92 272.22

The results obtained show 14% increase in the twist amplitude corresponding to 4/rev

actuation frequency. The percentage increase in the amplitude of twist at the blade tip is

small since the baseline case is close to the optimum design obtained by maximizing the

twist amplitude at 4/rev actuation frequency. The most important parameter while

maximizing the dynamic twist amplitude is the first torsion frequency. The optimizer

tries to get the first torsion frequency in the neighborhood of the flap actuation frequency.

Besides this, the mass per unit length for each of the optimized cases is near its lower

bound. The chordwise location of shear center stays close to the value obtained for the

baseline case. The amount of ballast mass used in the cross section has reduced although

there is a redistribution of ballast masses indicating that the optimizer is using the ballast

masses to increase the torsional inertia in order to reduce the torsion frequency. The

torsional stiffness for the cross section is mainly controlled by varying the thickness of

Ply 3 which is the E-Glass ply. For the optimized case, the thickness of unidirectional

IM7 ply (Ply 2) is at the maximum allowable value and its orientation is very close to 0

degree. Thus, the IM7 plies are mainly used to withstand the large centrifugal loads

acting on the rotor blade cross section and thereby reduce the cross-sectional strains. The

effect of increase in the thickness of unidirectional plies can also be seen in the value of

cross-sectional bending stiffness (S55) and second and third flapwise bending frequencies.

The thickness of Ply 1 is at the minimum allowable value. The thickness of Ply 4 is

important to keep the chordwise location of shear center within the bounds specified in


Max  Case
Baseline Case

FZ4,sin(N) 0


-1000 -500 0 500 1000 1500
F (N)

Figure 5-9: Circle Plot at rf = 0.78R

The circle plot obtained for the optimized case is shown in Figure 5-9. It clearly shows

the increase in control authority for vibration reduction in vertical component of the force

at 4/rev frequency (FZ4) at the hub.

In the next optimization study, the spanwise location of the flap (rf) was fixed at 0.7R.

The design variables and constraints used in the optimization are the same as those listed

in Table 5-4 and Table 5-5, respectively. The final optimized result is shown in Table

5-7, for both the continuous and mixed design variable cases. The trend observed for

design variables is the same as it was observed in previous results. The results show

9.32% increase in the amplitude of dynamic twist. The corresponding circle plot is shown

in Figure 5-10. Here, the results show that when the flap is not actuated, the optimized

case produces higher vibration but the increase in control authority for the optimized case

over compensates for this.

Table 5-7: Results at rf = 0.7R

Cases Max θ4/rev Max θ4/rev Baseline

Objective Function Cont Mixed
θ4/rev (deg) 0.645 0.628 0.590
Tor Freq (/rev) 4.30 4.46 4.39
M11 (kg/m) 0.265 0.265 0.308
SC (%c) 24.9 21.9 22.5
CG (%c) 28.0 25.6 24.2
Max ε11 (με) 976 1552 2556
Max ε12 (με) 2143 4052 4042
Design Variables
Spar End (c) 0.55 0.41 0.4
Spar Web Loc (c) 0.46 0.32 0.4
m1 (kg/m) 0.06 0.04 0.1
m2 (kg/m) 0.00 0.03 0
Normalized Ply Thicknesses
Ply 1 (E-Glass) 1.01 1 2
Ply 2 (IM7) 4.00 4 2
Ply 3 (E-Glass) 0.28 1 2
Ply 4 (E-Glass) 2.58 6 3
Ply Angles
Ply 1 (E-Glass) 64.30 49 45
Ply 2 (IM7) 4.50 5 0
Ply 3 (E-Glass) 7.90 61 45
Ply 4 (E-Glass) 86.10 15 0
Other Parameters
S44 (Nm2) 88.64 85.77 118.92
S55 (Nm2) 785.27 556.76 332.83
2nd Flap Freq (/rev) 4.03 3.74 3.34
3rd Flap Freq (/rev) 8.85 8.18 6.71
Induced FZ4 (N) 233.12 219.99 204.98

Max 4/rev Case
400 Baseline Case

FZ4,sin(N) 0




-500 0 500 1000

Figure 5-10: Circle Plot at 0.7R

Finally, the optimization was performed at rf = 0.85R. The results obtained for this

case is shown in Table 5-8. For this case, the final result obtained with continuous design

variables and mixed design variables and the baseline case are very close to each other.

The increase in the amplitude of dynamic twist for this case is only 4.58%. The circle plot

for the optimized case and the baseline case for flap located at rf = 0.85R is shown in

Figure 5-11. The final results obtained for the three cases considered here are shown in

Figure 5-12. The results show the expected trend where a higher flap deflection is

obtained as the flaps are moved outboard. Also, the percentage increase in the amplitude

of tip twist is different for each of the case. It is highest for the flaps located at 0.78R. It

should be noted that, although the layup for the baseline cases is same in all the cases, the

blade frequencies are different for the three baseline cases due to the inertia effects of

flaps and actuator.

Table 5-8: Results for Flap at 0.85R

Cases Max θ4/rev Max θ4/rev Baseline

Objective Function Cont Mixed
θ4/rev (deg) 1.14 1.14 1.09
1 Tor Freq (/rev) 4.26 4.26 4.16
M11 (kg/m) 0.266 0.272 0.308
SC (%c) 23.48 24.38 22.5
CG (%c) 27.39 26.84 24.23
Max ε11 (με) 2010 2004 2658
Max ε12 (με) 3961 3896 4143
Design Variables
Spar End (c) 0.385 0.388 0.4
Spar Web Loc (c) 0.379 0.387 0.4
m1 (kg/m) 0.026 0.03 0.1
m2 (kg/m) 0.016 0.017 0
Normalized Ply Thicknesses
Ply 1 (E-Glass) 1 1 2
Ply 2 (IM7) 3.04 3 2
Ply 3 (E-Glass) 3.98 4 2
Ply 4 (E-Glass) 6.06 6 3
Ply Angles
Ply 1 (E-Glass) 68 68 45
Ply 2 (IM7) -3 -3 0
Ply 3 (E-Glass) 75 75 45
Ply 4 (E-Glass) 0.9 7 0
Other Parameters
S44 (Nm2) 84.6 86.4 118.9
S55 (Nm2) 473.7 467.4 332.8
2 Flap Freq (/rev) 3.89 3.86 3.62
3 Flap Freq (/rev) 8.4 8.31 6.98
Induced FZ4 (N) 361.8 360.4 350.3

Max 4/rev Case
500 Baseline Case



-1000 -500 0 500 1000
Figure 5-11: Circle Plot for Optimized Result at rf = 0.85R

Continuous Optimum
1.2 Mixed Design Variable

4/rev (deg)





0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9
Flap Location rf (R)
Figure 5-12: Optimized Results for different Spanwise Locations

The shape of the cross section for the baseline case and the optimized cases is shown

in Figure 5-13. The results show that the spars get thicker as the spanwise location of flap

moves outboard. This is expected since the centrifugal force acting on the blade is highest

when the actuator and flap mass is located near the tip region.

Figure 5-13: Optimized Cross Sections

5.6 Concluding Remarks

This chapter presented the modified version of the mixed design variable optimization

framework for the design of a composite rotor blade with active flaps. The optimization

framework was used to design composite rotor blade for a Mach-scaled rotor blade which

can be tested in the University of Michigan spin test stand. In this chapter, optimization

study was performed for the flaps located at three different spanwise locations. Here, the

analysis includes the inertia effects of flap and actuator. The stiffness properties are

assumed to be uniform over the complete rotor blade (except the root region). The

optimization studies were performed with ply thicknesses, ply angles, chordwise location

of vertical spar web, and ballast masses as the design variables. The constraints are

imposed on the chordwise location of CG and SC, first torsional frequency, mass per unit

length and cross-sectional strains. In all the optimization studies, the amplitude of

dynamic twist at 4/rev actuation frequency is used as the objective function which is


The optimization results showed:

a) 14% increase in dynamic twist for rf = 0.78R

b) 9.32% increase in dynamic twist at rf = 0.7R

c) 4.58% increase in dynamic twist at rf = 0.85R

For each of the optimized cases, circle plots were obtained which show higher control

authority for vibration reduction as compared to the baseline case. In all the optimized

cases, there is a decrease in torsional stiffness and an increase in flapwise bending

stiffness. Higher axial stiffness is helpful in reducing strains in the cross section due to

the large centrifugal force. As observed in the case of active twist optimization studies,

the optimizer tries to get the first torsion frequency of the blade closer to the actuation

frequency. The dynamic tuning of the blade was performed by varying the ply angles for

plies in the cross section and by varying the ballast masses used in the cross section. The

optimization results are obtained using both continuous design variables and mixed

design variables. In the case of the mixed variable optimization, ply angles and ply

thicknesses were treated as discrete design variables. For all the optimized results

obtained, the results obtained with mixed design variables are close to those obtained

with continuous design variables.

The framework developed here can be extended to analyze and design more

complicated active flap configurations like blade with dual flaps or microflaps. The

framework also allows for including more sections along the span which will result in an

increase in the number of design variables.

Chapter 6. Performance Enhancement and Vibration
Reduction in Dynamic Stall Condition using Active Camber

Deformable airfoils present a unique way to contribute to vibration reduction and

performance enhancement in rotating wings. Camber deformation of the airfoil section is

seen as an aerodynamically efficient alternative for controlling aerodynamic loads in

order to obtain vibration reduction and performance enhancement. This chapter presents

detailed analysis with cubic and quadratic camber deformation shape function to obtain

these objectives.

In this study, the analysis is performed at µ = 0.33, where the dynamic stall effects

lead to high vibratory loads and poor performance. The aerodynamic analysis performed

in this chapter includes a unified airloads model that allows arbitrary airfoil morphing

with dynamic stall model, as described in [169]. In the next step, a global search over the

parameter space – i.e., camber deformation amplitude, phase, and frequency of actuation

– is conducted to identify the optimum points for the vibration and performance

characteristics of the rotor blades with deformable airfoils. The optimization problem is

solved using a surrogate-based approach as described in Chapter 3. Then starting from

these optimum points of surrogated-based approach as initial points, gradient-based

optimization is conducted using fmincon in MATLAB, to obtain the best results possible.

The objectives of this chapter are:

1) To demonstrate the implementation of unified airloads model for modeling the

dynamic stall effects for arbitrary airfoil morphing.

2) To explore the possibility of performance enhancement and vibration reduction in

dynamic stall condition using active camber deformation.

3) To compare the two different modes of camber deformation: camber deformation

with a quadratic shape function and camber deformation with a cubic shape


6.1 Optimization Framework

The mathematical optimization problem can be stated as:

min f(x)

subject to: xl  x  xu

where f is the objective function, which can be the vibratory vertical hub load at 4/rev

frequency (FZ4) or the performance related moment (MZ0), x is the set of design variables

that are bounded between a lower (xl) and an upper (xu) limits. The design variables used

in this optimization problem are the amplitudes and phases of the camber deformation at

different actuation frequencies.

The optimization process involves two different steps as shown in Figure 6-1. In the

first step, initial range of design variables is given as input to create a surrogate model.

Optimum results obtained from the surrogate based optimization (SBO) after multiple

iterations are used as the initial values for the gradient based optimization (GBO)

performed using MATLAB’s fmincon. This process allows the gradient-based

optimization to start from different initial feasible points and perform local search for


Figure 6-1: Two-step Optimization Process

6.1.1 Surrogate-based Optimization (SBO)

The SBO performed in this chapter is similar to that described in the earlier chapters.

In order to form the surrogate, the objective function must first be evaluated over an

initial set of design points. The surrogate is then generated by interpolating the initial

design points. The MATLAB Latin hypercube function lhsdesign was used to generate

the space-filling design of experiments used in this study. The points in the Latin

hypercube represent design points at which aeroelastic simulations are to be conducted.

Each simulation can be run independently of simulations at other design points; therefore

the initial set of sample points is generated using distributed computers.

Once an initial set of fitting points have been produced, kriging interpolation [162,

170] is used to create the surrogate for the vibration and performance objective functions.

After the surrogate objective function is created using kriging, the Efficient Global

Optimization (EGO) algorithm [159] is used to determine optimum points. EGO

algorithm accounts for uncertainty in the surrogate and is more efficient.

6.1.2 Gradient-based Optimization

The GBO is performed within MATLAB, using fmincon function from its

optimization toolbox. The fmincon function minimizes a constrained nonlinear

multivariable problem. In each of the iteration, the function solves a quadratic

programming subproblem. Since the objective function is highly nonlinear, and since the

design hyperspace is very complex, it is possible for fmincon to fall into a local extrema,

leading to a sub-optimal solution. Therefore, it is necessary to run the optimization to

completion, starting from different initial points. These initial points are determined from

the optimization performed using the surrogate approach. At the end of the cycle, the

gradient-based optimization provides a better optimum than if only the surrogated was


6.1.3 Aeroelastic Framework (UM/NLABS-A)

In order to analyze morphing-type rotors, one must consider several effects normally

assumed to be unimportant in rotor problems. A quasi-3D geometrically nonlinear model

for the aeroelastic analysis of an airfoil with camber deformation was developed in

UM/NLABS-A (Non-linear Anisotropic Beam Solver - Aeroelastic) [145, 146].

Schematic of the various components in the aeroelastic framework is shown in Figure 6-2

and the details are described next.

Figure 6-2: UM/NLABS-A Framework [145]

Structural model

The computational structural dynamics formulation used in the current study has been

presented in [72, 171]. It follows the variational-asymptotic method for the analysis of

composite beams [70]; that is, the equations of motion for a slender anisotropic elastic

three-dimensional solid are approximated by the recursive solution of a linear two-

dimensional problem at each cross section and a one-dimensional geometrically-

nonlinear problem along the reference line. This procedure allows the asymptotic

approximation of the three-dimensional warping field in the beam cross sections, which

are used with the one-dimensional beam solution to recover the three-dimensional

displacement field. The present implementation adds an arbitrary expansion of the

displacement field through a set of functions approximating the sectional deformation

field to capture “non-classical” camber deformations, which are referred to as finite-

section modes.

Aerodynamic Model

The aerodynamic analysis requires a unified model that allows for arbitrary airfoil

motion, unsteady freestream, morphing airfoil shape and dynamic stall. The three key

elements of the unified model are: the Peters flexible airfoil theory, the 3D dynamic

inflow model, and the modified ONERA dynamic stall model. The schematic of the

unified airloads model is shown in Figure 6-3.

Figure 6-3: Schematic of Unified Airloads Model

The low-order aerodynamic model uses the two-dimensional finite-state formulation

for deformable airfoils presented in [167]. It is based on a Glauert expansion of the

potential flow equations for a deformable airfoil of infinitesimal thickness. The camber-

wise airfoil deformation is written using the Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind,

which defines the generalized camber-wise displacement amplitudes. The wake-induced

velocity is solved using the dynamic inflow theory. It assumes that the velocity normal to

the rotor disk can be expressed in terms of radial and azimuthal expansion functions. The

dynamic inflow model is sufficient to capture effects of Nb/rev vibrations and it can be

used in the design of controllers, however, it cannot be used for modeling blade-vortex

interactions or acoustical phenomena [168]. Also, at μ = 0.33, the effect of blade vortex

interactions are expected to be less dominant as compared to the dynamic stall effects.

Drag and Dynamic Stall

A potential benefit of camber actuation is the ability to alter profile drag and stall

characteristics, which have implications in power and vibration. To include these effects

in the low-order aerodynamic model, the potential flow airload expressions are

augmented with a quasi-static profile drag term as well as a dynamic-stall correction that

is based on the ONERA model. The ONERA model assumes that the dynamic stall states

are governed by a second-order differential equation, and requires static loading

coefficients near and beyond stall. These are determined using the two-dimensional

boundary layer analysis code XFOIL (which is valid to slightly post stall conditions),

along with a simple, empirically derived approximation for deep-stall. The coefficients

are obtained under varying Reynolds number, angle-of-attack and camber deformation. A

detailed account of the method used for determining the coefficients is available in

Thepvongs et al. [145]. The dynamic stall formulation was appended with a first order

model to capture the delay in angle of attack. The steps involved in determining the effect

of dynamic stall on aerodynamic loads are described in Appendix B.3.

Coupling with Finite-State Aerodynamics

The finite-state aerodynamics formulation uses Chebyshev polynomials to form a

basis for the camber deformations and associated airloads, while the choice of basis

functions for the finite-section modes are arbitrary. The motion and force variables of the

aerodynamics formulation are related to those of the structural formulation by a simple

linear expression, as derived in Thepvongs et al. [145]. This straightforward connection

between the aerodynamic and structural states allows the same space and time integration

methods to be used for both formulations as well as a simultaneous solution. The

governing structural dynamics equations, aerodynamic load expressions, dynamic stall

equations and wake equations together define the time-domain problem. An explicit

method is used with iterative refinement to achieve the desired convergence. A simple

three-point backwards Euler time-integration scheme is used in accordance with the first-

order form of the structural and potential flow governing equations. A four-point scheme

is used to integrate the second-order dynamic stall equations.

Trim Analysis

The enforcement of vehicle equilibrium adds more variables and constraints to the

aeroelastic problem. The present work assumes a wind-tunnel setup, where the variables

are taken to be the collective, sine and cosine components of the cyclic pitch, and

equilibrium is represented by specifying values for the time-averaged thrust, pitch and

roll moments. These are provided by an autopilot that makes incremental changes to the

control settings at every time step. The “trimmability matrix” can be approximated by

numerically computed Jacobian, determined by stepping the controls and examining the

response at an instant one revolution later.

6.2 Camber Deformation Shape

The non-dimensionalized cubic (Ψcubic) and quadratic (Ψquad) camber deformation

shape functions used in this analysis are shown in Figure 6-4. The expressions for these

camber deformation are given by:

 quad ( )   2 

5 3 
 cubic ( )    3   
4 5 

where  is the airfoil chordwise coordinate non-dimensionalized by its half chord such

that 1    1.

Camber deformation in the current analysis is simulated by assigning an arbitrarily

high cross-sectional stiffness associated with the camber degree of freedom and applying

a conjugate finite-section force in the structural simulation. This method allows the user

to control airfoil deformation without defining the particular actuation mechanism. The

amplitude of camber deformation is obtained by taking the difference between the

maximum camber deformation and the minimum camber deformation along the airfoil

chord. In all the results presented in this study, the camber deformation is shown as a

percentage of the airfoil chord. Airfoil cross section with a 5% camber deformation for

both cubic shape function and quadratic shape function are shown in Figure 6-5.



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Airfoil Chord


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Airfoil Chord
Figure 6-4: Camber Deformation Shape Function

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Blade Chord

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Blade Chord
Figure 6-5: Airfoil Cross Section with 5% Camber Deformation
(Dotted red line: Undeformed NACA 0012 Airfoil, solid black line: Deformed Airfoil)

Note that a 5% camber deformation is shown in Figure 6-5 only for visualization

purpose. Based on the preliminary analysis performed, it was observed that

approximately 0.5%c camber deformation is sufficient for vibration reduction and

performance enhancement.

The NACA 0012 airfoil is used as the baseline airfoil cross section in these studies.

The aerodynamic properties of the airfoil cross section with and without the prescribed

camber deformation are obtained using XFOIL analysis for a range of Mach numbers and

Reynolds numbers. These are used to generate the table lookup for calculating the static

stall residual for the ONERA dynamic stall model and for including the profile drag

correction in the aerodynamic forces. Variation of aerodynamic coefficients with the

angle of attack for M = 0.5 and Re = 1.41x106 is shown in Figure 6-6 for 1% camber

deformation. The lift (cl) and the drag (cd) coefficient obtained with cubic and quadratic

camber deformation shape function are close to each other below the stall condition while

the same is not true for coefficient of moment (cm). The difference between their

aerodynamic properties is more apparent in the post-stall regime and hence, they are

expected to provide different results in the dynamic stall condition.

The optimum camber deformation required for performance enhancement and

vibration reduction is obtained using a two-step optimization process that combines

surrogate-based optimization (SBO) with gradient based optimization (GBO) in order to

obtain a more stable optimization process and to reduce the computational time.

Preliminary analysis performed using the aeroelastic analysis code UM/NLABS-A

using both the camber deformation shape functions in dynamic stall condition are

described next.

6.3 Preliminary Numerical Results

The baseline model is a scaled BO105 rotor with four blades, as used in the HART II

experiments. Properties of the baseline rotor are summarized in Table 6-1 and more

detailed information can be found in [145]. All the cases considered here are at an

advance ratio of 0.33 and at a rotor thrust level of 6584 N (CT = 0.008).

0.1 1.5

1 +Quad
0.05 -Cubic
0.5 +Cubic

0 0

+Quad -0.5
-0.05 -Cubic
+Cubic -1

-0.1 -1.5
-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15
 (deg)  (deg)

0.15 -Cubic



-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15
 (deg)
Figure 6-6: Aerodynamic Properties of Cambered and Baseline Airfoil Section
(Reference Airfoil: NACA 0012)

Table 6-1: Baseline Blade Properties

Property Value
Type Hingeless
Number of blades 4
Radius 2m
Root offset 0.44m
Chord 0.121m
Airfoil Section NACA 0012
Operating RPM 109 rad/s
Advance Ratio 0.33
Shaft angle -5 deg

In order to observe the effect of camber actuation on rotor performance in dynamic

stall condition, a uniform camber actuation force was applied along the blade span at

different actuation frequencies and for different phase of actuation. The resulting

distribution of camber deformation along the blade radius for both the camber

deformation shape function is shown in Figure 6-7 which indicates a maximum camber

deformation of 0.07%c at the blade tip. Since, in the current analysis, the same stiffness is

assumed for both the camber deformation modes, the resulting camber distribution along

the blade span is identical. Note that the camber actuation force is only applied from 0.23

< r/R < 1.00.

Camber Deformation (%c)




0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Blade Radius (R)
Figure 6-7: Variation of Camber Deformation along the Blade Span

6.3.1 Effect of Camber Actuation on MZ0

The effect of camber actuation on the mean value of the torque (M Z0) for cubic and

quadratic camber deformation for different actuation frequencies is shown in Figure 6-8.

Results show that the 2/rev actuation frequency is the most effective while the 5/rev

actuation frequency is the least effective frequency for influencing performance of the

rotor blade, for both the camber deformation shape functions considered here.

Preliminary observation show that it is possible to obtain atleast 2% improvement in M Z0

by quadratic camber actuation at 2/rev frequency and phase difference of 240 degree or

by cubic camber actuation at 2/rev frequency and phase difference of 60 degree. Even

though the minimum value of MZ0 that can be obtained from camber actuation is similar

for the both the camber deformation shape functions, the adverse effect of camber

actuation in increasing MZ0 is higher for the quadratic camber deformation.

980 980
970 4/rev 970
960 2/rev 960
Mz (Nm)

Mz (Nm)
950 950

940 940

930 930

920 920
0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300
Phase of Actuation (deg) Phase of Actuation (Deg)

(a) With Ψquad (b) With Ψcubic

Figure 6-8: Effect of Camber Actuation on MZ0 at µ = 0.33

6.3.2 Circle Plot for Different Actuation Frequencies

As described in the earlier chapters, circle plots are used to determine if the active

vibration control method has sufficient authority for vibration reduction. In this case,

camber actuation is provided at different actuation frequencies and the phase of actuation

at each frequency is varied from 0 degree to 360 degree in intervals of 30 degree.

The circle plots obtained for the fixed system hub load at 4/rev frequency for Fz and

Mx component are shown in Figure 6-9 and Figure 6-10, respectively. For each of the

camber actuation cases, the camber deformation along the blade span is as shown in

Figure 6-8. Circle plot results show that both 3/rev and 4/rev actuation frequencies are the

most effective for reducing 4/rev vibration in the vertical component of the hub force

(Fz4) for both the camber deformation shape functions. Similarly, 3/rev actuation

frequency is the most effective for reducing MX4 for both the camber deformation shape

functions. These results show that the frequency of actuation that is most effective for

reducing 4/rev vibratory hub loads depends upon the hub load component. Hence, in the

analysis performed in this chapter, the actuation signal consists of 2/rev to 5/rev actuation


150 150
100 2/rev 100


50 50

0 0

-50 -50
-200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 -200 -150 -100 -50 0 50
F (N) F (N)
Z4,cos Z4,cos

(a) With Ψquad (b) With Ψcubic

Figure 6-9: Circle Plot for FZ4

90 90
80 4/rev 80
70 2/rev 70


60 60

50 50

40 40

30 30
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60
M (Nm) M (Nm)
X4,cos X4,cos

(a) With Ψquad (b) With Ψcubic

Figure 6-10: Circle Plot for MX4

6.3.3 Effect of Amplitude of Actuation

In order to see the effect of amplitude of actuation, the amplitude of actuation for both

the camber deformation shape function was doubled and the analysis was performed for

3/rev actuation frequency. The effect of amplitude on circle plot for F Z4 is shown in

Figure 6-11. The results show an increase in size of the circle plots for both the camber

deformation cases with increase in the amplitude of actuation indicating an increase in

the authority for vibration reduction. However, the results shown in Figure 6-12 for MZ0

show that the effect of camber actuation on performance reduces with an increase in the

amplitude of actuation for 3/rev actuation frequency.

300 300
Amp=A Amp=A
Amp=2A Amp=2A
200 Baseline 200 Baseline
Origin Origin



0 0

-100 -100

-200 -200
-300 -200 -100 0 100 -300 -200 -100 0 100
FZ4,cos(N) FZ4,cos(N)

(a) With Ψquad (b) With Ψcubic

Figure 6-11: Effect of Amplitude on Circle Plot for FZ4

990 990
Amp=A Amp=A
980 Amp=2A 980 Amp=2A
970 Baseline 970 Baseline

960 960
M z (Nm)

M z (Nm)
950 950
940 940
930 930
920 920
910 910
0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300
Phase of Actuation (deg) Phase of Actuation (deg)

(a) With Ψquad (b) With Ψcubic

Figure 6-12: Effect of Amplitude of Actuation on MZ0

6.4 Optimization Problem Definition

The problem of vibration reduction and performance enhancement has been converted

to an optimization problem in this study. The design variables used in the study are the

amplitude and phase of actuation corresponding to actuation frequencies of 2/rev to 5/rev.

Hence, this problem has eight design variables. The objective functions considered in this

study are:

a) Minimize FZ4 (minimize vibration in vertical component of hub force)

b) Minimize FH4 (minimize vibration in all the hub load components)

where, FH 4  FX 4 2  FY 4 2  FZ 4 2  M X 42  M Y 42  M Z 42

c) Minimize MZ0 (improve performance)

The camber deformation force is assumed to be constant along the blade span

which results in the camber deformation profile as described in Figure 6-7. Without loss

of generality, the uniform actuation force required to obtain a camber deformation of

0.07% chord at the blade tip is referred to as 1A. The initial range for camber amplitude

was chosen between no actuation and 2A for each actuation frequency, whereas the phase

of camber actuation varies from 0 to 2π for each actuation frequency, as shown in Table

6-2. Same range was used for the optimization conducted with Ψquad and Ψcubic shape


Table 6-2: Range for Design Variable used in the Optimization Study

Amplitude (A) Phase (radians)

2/rev 3/rev 4/rev 5/rev 2/rev 3/rev 4/rev 5/rev
A2 A3 A4 A5 Φ2 Φ3 Φ4 Φ5
Lower Bound 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Upper Bound 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2π 2π 2π 2π

Thus, a generic camber deformation signal provided to the rotor blade can be

expressed as:

2   
 Blade1  A2 sin(20t  )  A3 sin(30t  3 )  A4 sin(40t  4 )  A5 sin(50t  5 )
2 3 4 5
where, ω0 is the 1/rev frequency in radians.

6.4.1 Optimization Results

The optimization results obtained at the end of two-step optimization process using

Ψquad and Ψcubic shape functions are listed in Table 6-3. Results obtained show a 99.6%

reduction in FZ4 vibratory load with Ψcubic shape function, while 97.6% vibration

reduction can be obtained using Ψquad shape function. Similarly, the percentage

improvement in combined vibratory load (FH4) and performance (MZ0) is higher in the

case of analysis with Ψcubic shape function.

Table 6-3: Optimization Results

Objective Percentage Reduction

Function With Ψcubic With Ψquad
FZ4 (%) 99.60 97.60
MZ0 (%) 3.70 3.30
FH4 (%) 51.6 45.20

2.00 2.00
1.75 min FZ4 1.75
min MZ0
1.50 1.50
min FH4
Amplitude (a)

Amplitude (a)
1.25 1.25
1.00 1.00
0.75 0.75
0.50 0.50
0.25 0.25
0.00 0.00
2/rev 3/rev 4/rev 5/rev 2/rev 3/rev 4/rev 5/rev
Actuation Frequency Actuation Frequency

(a) With Ψquad (b) With Ψcubic

Figure 6-13: Amplitude of Actuation for Optimized Cases

The value of design variables for these optimized cases is shown in Figure 6-13. The

trend observed for the amplitude of camber deformation corresponding to different

actuation frequencies for the optimized cases is similar for the case with Ψ quad and Ψcubic

shape functions. In both the cases, the amplitude corresponding to 2/rev actuation

frequency is highest for the “min MZ0 case”. This is consistent with the trend observed in

Figure 6-8 where 2/rev actuation frequency showed maximum influence on MZ0. The

contribution from higher actuation frequencies for minimizing MZ0 is smaller for both the

camber deformation shape functions. For the vibration reduction cases, 2/rev actuation

frequency is the least effective while 3/rev and 4/rev are the most effective frequencies.

In general, the amplitude of camber deformation corresponding to the optimized cases

with Ψcubic shape function is higher than that required for the optimized cases with Ψquad

shape function.

2.00 2.00
1.75 1.75 min FZ4
Phase of Actuation ( π rad)

Phase of A ctuation ( π rad)

1.50 1.50 min MZ0
1.25 1.25 min FH4
1.00 1.00
0.75 0.75
0.50 0.50
0.25 0.25
0.00 0.00
2/rev 3/rev 4/rev 5/rev 2/rev 3/rev 4/rev 5/rev
Actuation Frequency Actuation Frequency

(a) With Ψquad (b) With Ψcubic

Figure 6-14: Phase of Actuation for Optimized Cases

The variation for phase of actuation corresponding to different actuation frequencies

for the optimized cases is shown Figure 6-14 .

6.4.2 Advantage of Two-step Optimization Process

The two-step optimization process used in this paper provides robust solution and is

very well suited for exploring a large design space where multiple solutions exist. As

discussed in the earlier section, initially the non-gradient optimization is performed using

surrogate method and the results obtained from the surrogate based optimization (SBO)

are used as the starting point for gradient based optimization (GBO).

The variation of objective function with iteration number for the optimizations

performed using SBO is show in Figure 6-15. Note that an additional iteration was

performed for the Ψcubic case in order to obtain the pareto front described in Section 6.4.5.

Results indicate that design points very close to the optimum value are obtained in first 2-

3 iterations.

% Reduction in M Z0
% Reduction in F Z4

100 4

Cubic 3
80 2.5
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
SBO Iteration SBO Iteration

Figure 6-15: Variation of Objective Function with Iteration Number for SBO

Amplitude (A)

0 4/rev7
1 2 3 4 5 6
SBO Iteration 5/rev
 (deg)


1 2 3 4 5 6 7
SBO Iteration

Figure 6-16: Variation of Design Variables with Iteration Number for SBO for Min
MZ0 case for analysis with Ψcubic

The variation of design variables with SBO iteration for Min Mz0 case for analysis

performed using Ψcubic is shown in Figure 6-16. The trend observed highlight that 2 and

3/rev actuation frequencies are the most effective for performance enhancement. For

these frequencies, the variation in amplitude and phase of actuation is small. These

results also show that the 5/rev actuation frequency is least effective for improving the

performance of rotor blade, as observed earlier in the parametric studies.

For each of the objective functions considered, three best points obtained from the

surrogate optimization are selected as the starting points for gradient based optimization

as shown in Figure 6-17. Here, only the results for the “min FZ4” case corresponding to

Ψcubic shape function are shown; but a similar trend is observed for all the objective

functions considered. In Figure 6-17, the bottom part of the column (in blue) represents

the vibration reduction obtained just from the SBO, while the top part (in red) represents

the additional improvement in the objective function due to the GBO. Results presented

here show that, although the initial starting points obtained from SBO provide different

level of vibration reduction, the final vibration reduction obtained at the end of GBO

process for each of the three cases considered here are close to each other.

Surrogate Result fmincon Result

% Vibration Reduction in FZ4





Sol 1 Sol 2 Sol 3
Optimized Solution

Figure 6-17: Percentage Reduction in FZ4 using Two-Step Optimization Process

The variation of design variables for these three cases is shown in Table 6-4. For each

of the cases, the final solution obtained at the end of GBO is close to the corresponding

starting point obtained from SBO. Also, the final value of design variables obtained for

the three cases are very far from each other, even though the value of objective function

for these cases are close to each other. This highlights the fact that multiple local minima

exist in the design space which can provide a similar level of vibration reduction.

Table 6-4: Optimum Design Variables for min FZ4 Case

Amplitude (A) Phase (rad) FZ4

2/rev 3/rev 4/rev 5/rev 2/rev 3/rev 4/rev 5/rev % Change
SBO Sol 1 0.11 1.76 0.90 0.82 2.93 1.56 3.64 4.62 -96.5
GBO Sol 0.15 1.76 0.88 0.84 3.00 1.53 3.58 4.63 -99.6
SBO Sol 2 1.34 0.16 0.59 1.14 1.60 5.11 0.07 6.23 -93.0
GBO Sol 1.36 0.17 0.61 1.11 1.57 5.14 0.07 6.17 -99.4
SBO Sol 3 1.30 1.35 0.12 0.00 1.74 1.80 2.86 3.90 -89.6
GBO Sol 1.32 1.31 0.12 0.06 1.74 1.74 2.96 3.90 -98.4

6.4.3 Effect of Optimization on other Hub Load Components

In this section, the effect of vibration reduction and performance enhancement on the

other hub loads is examined. The mean value of torque and the dynamic amplitude of

various forces at the hub in fixed frame corresponding to 4/rev frequency and 8/rev

frequency for the baseline case are shown in Table 6-5(a).

Table 6-5: Variation in Hub Loads for the Optimized Cases

(a) Absolute Value of the Hub Loads for the Baseline Case

(Nm) (N) (N) (N) (Nm) (Nm) (Nm) (N) (N) (N)
Baseline -939.9 312.8 160.7 91.7 58.4 34.2 6.8 51.7 397.4 62.8

(b) Percentage Changes in Hub Loads with Ψcubic Shape Function

% Changes MZ0 FX4 FY4 FZ4 MX4 MY4 MZ4 FZ8 FH4 FH8
min FZ4 Case 1.1 -13.0 -50.4 -99.6 -30.7 92.7 -71.5 -7.6 -18.9 -7.4
min MZ0 Case -3.7 1.6 51.9 34.9 18.2 -34.7 34.0 -75.5 14.7 -58.6
min FH4 Case 0.2 -57.5 -39.2 -62.7 -78.3 33.8 -42.6 1.7 -51.6 -5.8

(c) Percentage Changes in Hub Loads with Ψquad Shape Function

% Changes MZ0 FX4 FY4 FZ4 MX4 MY4 MZ4 FZ8 FH4 FH8
min FZ4 2.2 -19.7 -49.1 -97.6 -22.7 83.5 -76.4 6.5 -23.8 2.4
min MZ0 -3.3 7.6 57.3 -3.8 14.4 -37.3 11.7 -84.8 17.1 -66.8
min FH4 1.0 -32.3 -77.0 -38.7 -64.3 105.7 -55.4 -27.4 -45.2 -26.2

The percentage changes in different component of hub loads for the optimized cases

obtained with Ψquad and Ψcubic shape function is shown in Table 6-5(b) and Table 6-5(c),

respectively. The result obtained for the “min FZ4” case in Table 6-5(b) shows that the

vibration reduction in FZ4 is accompanied by a 1.1% increase in torque. This case also

results in 18.9% reduction for FH4, however it is smaller than the optimum reduction that

can be obtained when FH4 is minimized. For the “min FZ4” case, minimizing the

amplitude at 4/rev frequency also results in small decrease in vibratory loads at 8/rev

frequency. Similarly, the 3.7% improvement in performance for the “min MZ0” case is

accompanied by a 34.9% increase in FZ4 and 14.7% increase in FH4. Surprisingly,

minimizing MZ0 also results in significant vibration reduction for 8/rev frequency loads.

In the “min FH4” case, the optimizer tries to reduce the amplitude of vibration at 4/rev

frequency for all the hub load components. Even though a small increase in vibration is

observed for MY4, the absolute values listed in Table 6-5(a) shows that the magnitude for

this component is small as compared to other hub load components. A similar trend is

observed in the results obtained with Ψquad camber deformation shape function, as shown

in Table 6-5(c).

6.4.4 Analysis of Optimized Cases

In this section, the optimization results are analyzed further in order to understand the

mechanism through which vibration reduction and improvement in performance is

obtained using camber deformation. Here, only the optimized results obtained from Ψcubic

shape function are shown.

Figure 6-18: Variation of Angle of Attack for the Baseline Case (Units: Deg)

The variation of angle of attack over the rotor disk for the baseline case (µ = 0.33, C T

= 0.008, no camber actuation) is shown in Figure 6-18. The distribution of angle of attack

shown here highlights small angle of attack observed on the advancing side (almost

negative near the tip) and large angle of attack on the retreating side which result in

dynamic stall. (Note that on the retreating side, near the root region, there is a region of

reverse flow and a region with very large negative angle of attack. The angle of attack in

these two region is well below -5deg, however, the lower limit for the “colorbar” used in

this figure has been set to -5 to focus more on the region with large positive angle of


min FZ4 min MZ0 min FH4
1 1 1
0.5 0.5 0.5

0 0 0 0

-0.5 -0.5 -0.5
-1 -1 -1
-0.5 0 0.5 -0.5 0 0.5 -0.5 0 0.5

Figure 6-19: Difference in Angle of Attack for the Optimized Cases (Unit: Deg)

The angle of attack variation obtained for the optimized cases is subtracted from that

observed for the baseline case and the results obtained are shown in Figure 6-19. Note

that the reverse flow region and region with large negative angle of attack is removed

from the figure to highlight the dynamic stall region. The highest variation in angle of

attack from the baseline case is observed for the “min MZ0” case, where the optimizer is

trying to reduce large angle of attack encountered on the retreating side (shown by dark

blue region). For the “min FZ4” and “min FH4” cases, the decrease in vibration is obtained

by manipulating the phase of the additional loads obtained from camber deformation.

Thus, in these cases, the variation in angle of attack from the baseline case is not

significant as it was observed in the “min MZ0” case. The same trend can also be seen in

Figure 6-20 which shows the angle of attack variation with azimuth angle at r = 0.74R.

At r = 0.74R
min FZ4
min MZ0
min FH4

Angle of Attack (deg)

10 Baseline

0 100 200 300
Azimuth Angle (Deg)
Figure 6-20: Variation of Angle of Attack at r = 0.74R

The camber deformation profile for the optimized cases over the rotor disk is shown in

Figure 6-21 while Figure 6-22 shows the camber deformation at the blade tip. Results

show that the camber deformation required is highest for the “min FH4” case. For all the

cases, a maximum camber deformation of 0.35%c is sufficient to obtain the objective

function listed in Table 6-3.

min FZ4 min MZ0 min FH4

1 0.3 1 1

0.5 0.2 0.5 0.5

0 0 0
-0.5 -0.5 -0.5
-1 -0.2 -1 -1
-0.5 0 0.5 -0.5 0 0.5 -0.5 0 0.5

Figure 6-21: Variation of Camber Deformation for the Optimized Cases (Unit: %c)

Camber Deformation at Blade Tip
min F
0.3 min MZ0
min FH4

Camber Deformation (%c)





0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Azimuth Angle (Deg)
Figure 6-22: Camber Deformation at the Blade Tip

6.4.5 Pareto Optimization

In this study, a multi-objective optimization was conducted using the Ψcubic shape

function where vibration reduction (min FH4) and performance enhancement (min MZ0)

were considered as the objective functions. Optimization was performed using the

GODLIKE toolbox developed for unconstrained optimization in MATLAB. The Pareto

front obtained for these two objective functions is shown in Figure 6-23. The results

presented here show that it is possible to obtain simultaneous reduction in vibration and

improvement in performance with camber deformation.

Pareto Points
min FH4 case
0 min MZ0 case

% Change in MZ0



-60 -40 -20 0 20 40
% Change in FH4
Figure 6-23: Pareto Front for Vibration Reduction and Performance Enhancement

6.5 Concluding Remarks

In this chapter, the use of quadratic and cubic camber deformation shape functions for

vibration reduction and performance enhancement in dynamic stall condition was

studied. A modified version of the ONERA dynamic stall model which can account for

morphing airfoil section was included in the aeroelastic analysis performed using

UM/NLABS-A. Preliminary parametric studies at different actuation frequencies showed

the capability of camber deformation in influencing both vibratory loads and performance

of the rotor blade.

In the next step, a novel two-step optimization process was used to obtain reduction in

vibratory loads and hub torque (as a metric of rotor performance). In the first step of the

process, a global search is performed using surrogate modeling to provide a good feasible

initial design for the second step in the process: gradient-based optimization. The use of

gradient-based optimization allows the objective function to converge to a minimum,

from the initial designs provided by the surrogate approach. Thus, a more stable

optimization process is achieved, thereby reducing the overall required computational


In the optimization studies, the amplitude and phase of camber actuation at 2/rev,

3/rev, 4/rev and 5/rev actuation frequencies were used as the design variables and the

analysis was performed with both cubic and quadratic camber deformation shape

function. The optimization results showed:

a) 99.6% reduction in vertical component of 4/rev vibratory load at the hub (FZ4)

b) 3.7% improvement in performance (MZ0)

c) 51.6% reduction in combined 4/rev vibratory load the hub (FH4)

with cubic camber deformation shape function. The results obtained for these objective

functions with quadratic shape function were slightly less as compared to those obtained

with the cubic shape function. Post-processing of the optimized results obtained showed

that the performance improvement is obtained by reducing the angle of attack in the

dynamic stall region while vibration reduction is obtained by adjusting the phase of

camber actuation in such a way that the vibratory loads at 4/rev frequency at the hub are

minimized. Finally, a multi-objective optimization study was performed where vibration

reduction and performance enhancement was obtained simultaneously and a Pareto front

was determined for these objective functions.

Chapter 7. Conclusions and Future Work

This chapter provides a summary of the work presented in this thesis and outlines the

key results and contribution made. And finally, few recommendations are made for the

future work.

7.1 Summary

The aim of the work presented in this thesis was to develop a multidisciplinary

analysis and design framework and exercise it to explore various approaches available for

vibration reduction.

As a first step, an aeroelastic analysis/design environment was developed which can

be used to design composite rotor blades with vibration reduction or performance

enhancement as the objective function. The design environment included several well-

established analysis codes from different sources: IXGEN for mesh generation,

UM/VABS for cross sectional analysis, RCAS for rotorcraft simulation and ModelCenter

for optimization and parametric studies. This design environment enables

conceptual/early preliminary multidisciplinary rotor blade design, allowing rapid design

trade studies early in the design process with realistic structural properties for modern

composite rotor blades. The design environment was successfully used to perform

detailed parametric and optimization studies on a full scale model of a UH-60 composite

rotor blade.

For design of rotor blade with active twist, a new design strategy and framework was

developed where dynamic twist was maximized instead of maximizing the static twist.

The optimization framework included the aeroelastic design environment described

earlier along with surrogate based optimization technique. The surrogate based

optimization is performed in combination with Efficient Global Optimization algorithm

which is better suited for aeroelastic problems where the runtime for each iteration is very

high and there are significant amount of failed cases due to convergence issues within the

analysis cycle. Results showed that the amplitude of dynamic twist is a true indicator of

control authority of active twist rotor for vibration reduction. Optimization was

performed at different actuation frequencies to maximize the control authority for

vibration reduction at a range of frequencies. For the optimization studies presented here,

the NASA/Army/MIT active twist rotor, which had been tested in TDT, was selected as

the baseline rotor blade.

In the next step, the optimization framework was extended to include discrete design

variables in the optimization and the solution for mixed design variable problems was

obtained using different techniques. In this extended framework, the genetic optimization

algorithm was combined with the gradient based optimization to obtain an optimum

design with continuous design variables and an optimum design with mixed design

variables in an efficient manner. The results obtained highlighted the effect of

discretizing design variables and helped in obtaining a realistic composite rotor blade


Although active flaps have been around for last two decades, very few studies in the

literature have focused on the detailed design of a composite rotor blade with active flaps.

In this research, composite cross sections along the blade span for a Mach-scaled rotor

blade were designed using the mixed-design variable optimization framework described


This thesis also includes (in Appendix) work related to design and fabrication of a

composite rotor blade with dual active flaps which can be tested in a Mach-scaled spin

test stand. The work done highlights the steps involved in the design process and

discusses difficulties and issues encountered during the testing phase. At the end, possible

corrections for the issues are presented and modifications which can be made for future

tests are listed.

Finally, within the same framework introduced here but with a different analysis tool,

the use of quadratic and cubic camber deformation shape function for vibration reduction

and performance enhancement in dynamic stall region was studied. A modified version

of the ONERA dynamic stall model which can account for morphing airfoil section was

included in the aeroelastic analysis performed using UM/NLABS-A. Optimization results

obtained shows 50% reduction in 4/rev vibratory loads at the hub and more than 3.5%

improvement in the performance using camber actuation at advance ratio of 0.33.

7.2 Main Results

This section summarizes the main results obtained in the thesis. These conclusions

support the contributions made in this thesis which are listed in Section 7.3.

The new rotor blade design environment was used to design a composite cross section

for a full scale model of a UH-60 rotor blade. The optimization results showed:

c) 52% vibration reduction in FZ4 (Objective function: min FZ4);

d) 28% vibration reduction in FH4 (Objective function: min FH4);

where FZ4 is the amplitude of the 4/rev vibratory vertical force at the hub and FH4 is the

amplitude of the combined 4/rev vibratory load at the hub. The results obtained indicated

that the reduction is FZ4 is obtained by reducing the coupling between the structural

modes while a decrease in FH4 can be obtained by increasing the torsional stiffness of the

cross section.

With an optimization framework/strategy developed for the design of active composite

rotor blades, the new framework was set to use the amplitude of dynamic twist as the

objective function. Using the NASA/Army/MIT Active Twist Rotor design as the

baseline rotor blade, the optimized designs showed:

a) 18.5% increase in static twist per unit length;

b) 63.6% increase in tip twist amplitude for 4/rev twist actuation;

c) 52.6% increase in tip twist amplitude for 3/rev twist actuation;

d) 101% increase in tip twist amplitude for 5/rev twist actuation;

e) 71% increase in twist amplitude for actuation at a range of frequencies (3, 4 and


without varying ply thicknesses and ply angles.

Further it was shown that the blade designs obtained by maximizing the amplitude of

dynamic twist have higher authority for vibration reduction as compared to the blade

design obtained by maximizing the static twist amplitude. Based on the optimization

studies conducted, important factors identified for maximizing the dynamic twist are: a)

first torsional frequency of the rotor blade, b) active moment generated by active

material, and c) aerodynamic loads acting on the rotor blade.

An augmented version of this optimization framework was used to design active twist

rotor blades with both continuous and discrete design variables. In this analysis, ply

thicknesses and ply angles were treated as discrete design variables. The optimization

studies with ply thicknesses showed:

a) A thick prepreg layer is required near the leading edge (Ply 2a) to obtain higher

active twisting moment;

b) Increasing the chordwise coverage of active plies is better than increasing the

thickness of active plies, in order to get higher static and dynamic twist;

c) A boxed-shaped spar design, in which the chordwise location where the spar plies

end and the chordwise location of vertical spar web are close to each other, is

suitable for maximizing the dynamic twist amplitude;

d) The two ballast masses are very useful for tuning the dynamic properties of the

rotor blade, which eventually results in an increase in the dynamic twist


Besides this, the framework was useful for quantifying the effects of discretizing

design variables for different objective functions considered.

The same analysis framework was also used to design composite blade with active

flaps after modifying the aeroelastic analysis performed by RCAS. In this analysis,

optimum rotor blade cross sections along the blade span were determined for different

spanwise locations of the flap. The analysis included the effect of actuator and flap

inertia. For these studies, the amplitude of dynamic twist at 4/rev flap actuation frequency

was used as the objective function. A 5-ft radius Mach-scaled composite rotor blade that

can be tested in the University of Michigan spin test stand was selected as the baseline

rotor blade. The optimization results showed:

d) 14% increase in dynamic twist for a 12% flap located at 0.78R;

e) 9.32% increase in dynamic twist for a 12% flap located at 0.7R;

f) 4.58% increase in dynamic twist for a 12% flap located at 0.85R.

All the optimized blade designs showed a decrease in the torsional stiffness and an

increase in the axial stiffness.

The optimization studies conducted showed that a torsionally stiff blade is desired in

order to obtain higher active twist whereas a torsionally soft blade is desired in order to

obtain higher control authority from flap actuation.

For the analysis of a rotor blade with camber actuation in forward flight condition, a

modified version of the ONERA dynamic stall model was included in UM/NLABS-A. In

the optimization studies with camber actuation, the amplitude and phase of camber

actuation at 2/rev, 3/rev, 4/rev and 5/rev actuation frequencies were used as the design

variables and the analysis was performed with both cubic and quadratic camber

deformation shape function. The optimization results showed:

d) 99.6% reduction in vertical component of 4/rev vibratory load at the hub (FZ4);

e) 3.7% improvement in performance (MZ0);

f) 51.6% reduction in combined 4/rev vibratory load the hub (FH4);

with cubic camber deformation shape function. Post-processing of the optimized results

obtained showed that the performance improvement is obtained by reducing the angle of

attack in the dynamic stall region while vibration reduction is obtaining by adjusting the

phase of camber actuation in such a way that the vibratory loads at 4/rev frequency at the

hub are minimized.

7.3 Key Contribution

The key contributions made in the thesis are:

 Created a new framework for the design and analysis of composite rotor blades

with and without on-blade devices for vibration reduction. This new framework

enables the designer to optimally size (at the ply level) realistic composite rotor

blades. Among the active ones, this dissertation studied: active twist rotors, active

camber scheduling, and multiple flaps for lower vibration, higher performance


 Introduced dynamic twist as the objective function to be used when designing

active twist rotor blades. Through examples, it was shown that the dynamic twist

is a true indicator of control authority for vibration reduction and not the static

twist as done in the past.

a. Extended the dynamic twist beyond a single actuation frequency and

introduced an objective function to capture a range of frequencies when

designing a composite rotor blade.

b. Established that the optimization studies can be performed in hover

condition (instead of multiple advance ratios) using periodic analysis

(instead of full trim analysis) within a design cycle in order to reduce the

computation time.

 Developed an optimization strategy for the design of composite rotor blade with

mixed design variables. The framework provides three different techniques to

ensure that a global optimum solution is obtained.

 Extended the optimization strategy and framework to also include the design of

composite rotor blades with multiple flaps.

 Modified the aeromechanics solution of the new framework so to use

UM/NLABS-A for the analysis of composite rotor blades with active camber


a. Introduced the ONERA dynamic stall model in UM/NLABS-A so to

capture the performance and vibration effects associated with dynamic


b. Showed effectiveness of camber deformation as a mean to improve

performance and reduce vibration. The numerical studies conducted in

dynamic stall conditions at μ=0.33 showed that the cubic camber

deformation is more effective than the quadratic one.

 Designed, fabricated and tested the first composite rotor blade with dual flaps. It

was a 1/6th Mach-scaled CH-47D blade for testing in the UM spin stand.

7.4 Future Work

Based on the research conducted in this thesis, the following areas have been

identified for further studies:

a) Failure Analysis: The blade failure approach used in this research was based on

the loads observed in hover condition (and hence lower values were used for

maximum allowable strain in the optimization studies to correct for that). This

could be modified by directly including the worst-case loadings determined for a

given design and different advance ratios within an optimization loop. The

framework can also be extended to include fatigue analysis based on the dynamic

loads acting on the blade.

b) Improvement in Surrogate Modeling: The surrogate modeling techniques used

needs to be improved further, especially when a large number of design variables

are involved to reduce the error in the prediction. Improved accuracy in the

prediction of the response function will also reduce the number of iterations

required to obtain the optimum solution.

c) Including Closed Loop Controller: In this thesis, the design of composite cross

section to enhance the vibration reduction capabilities of active rotor blade at

different operating conditions was performed. For a direct evaluation of vibration

performance under actuation, a control strategy needs to be introduced. The

framework is, in principle, capable of evaluating a given controller. But the

design of such may require further reduced order modeling coming from the

current approach. This is a rich area of research that should be pursued in the


d) Effect of Advance Ratio: All the optimization studies for the design of composite

rotor blade were performed in hover condition. Although it was shown that the

optimum design obtained in hover condition is close to the optimum in forward

flight, this should be formally demonstrated and its limitations established. Also,

propulsive trim needs to be considered instead of the wind tunnel trim used in this

thesis for forward flight conditions.

e) Effect of Actuator-flap Dynamics: In the optimization studies performed in this

thesis, only the inertia effect of actuator and flap was included in the aeroelastic

analysis. However, the dynamics of the combined flap-actuation mechanism also

should be modeled to completely capture its effects when assessing the

effectiveness of the flap system for vibration reduction. The dynamic properties of

the flap actuation mechanism can be determined by performing experimental

analysis on the bench as described in Appendix C.

f) Non-Harmonic Camber Actuation: To obtain performance enhancement, it was

observed that camber actuation is required only in the retreating side of the blade.

Thus, non-harmonic periodic actuation (instead of harmonic) should be

investigated for performance enhancement in dynamic stall conditions.


Appendix A. Surrogate Based Optimization

This section provides mathematical expressions related to the development of

surrogate models and Efficient Global Optimization (EGO) algorithm used in the thesis.

Further details about these concepts can be found in [96, 172].

A.1 Construction of Surrogate

The purpose of creating a surrogate model is to map a function y=y(x) to a black-box

function which can be evaluated very quickly. The generic solution method is to collect

output values y(1), y(2), …., y(n) that result from a set of inputs x(1), x(2), ….. x(n) and find a

best guess yˆ ( x) for the mapping, based on these known observations. The set of points x

are selected from the chosen range of design variables using Latin Hypercube Sampling

(LHS) technique. In this method, the points are selected in such a way that the distance

between these points in the design space is maximized.

Kriging is based on the fundamental assumption that the errors involved in the

prediction yˆ ( x) are correlated. This implies that error obtained at two close points

together will be close. In kriging method, the unknown function yˆ ( x) is assumed to be of

the form:

yˆ ( x) = f(x) + Z(x)

where, f(x) is an assumed function (usually a polynomial) and Z(x) is a realization of a

stochastic process. The function f(x) can be thought of as a global approximation of y(x),

while Z(x) accounts for local deviation which ensures that the kriging model interpolates

the data points exactly. The function Z(x) is assumed to follow a distribution (Gaussian or

normal distribution) with zero mean value and variance of σ2var . The covariance matrix

of Z(x), which is a measure of how strongly correlated two points are, is given by:

Cov  Z  x (i)  , Z  x ( j)    2 var R krg

where each element of the correlation matrix Rkrg is given by:

R  krg ij  R krg  x (i) , x ( j) 

and R krg  x (i) , x ( j)  is a correlation function which accounts for the effect of each

interpolation point on every other interpolation point.

Correlation Models

The DACE Toolbox [163] used for developing the surrogate models in this thesis

provides following options for correlation function:

1) Gaussian Function

R krg  x (i) , x ( j) ,   exp( | x (i) - x ( j) |2 )

2) Exponential Function

R krg  x (i) , x ( j) ,   exp( | x (i) - x ( j) |)

3) Spline Function

1  15 2  30 3 for 0    0.2

R krg  x (i) , x ( j) ,    1.25(1   )3 for 0.2    0.1

 0 for   1

where,    | x (i) - x ( j) | .

4) Linear Function

R krg  x (i) , x ( j) ,   max(0,1   | x (i) - x ( j) |)

The variation of correlation function for different values of parameter θ is given in Figure


Exp Gauss
1 1

0.5 0.5

0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
(i) (j) (i) (j)
|x -x | |x -x |
Lin Spline
1 1
 = 0.25

0.5 0.5

0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
(i) (j) (i) (j)
|x -x | |x -x |

Figure A-1: Correlation Functions

The fitting parameter θ is an unknown correlation parameter which needs to be

determined. The value of θ in turn depends on the form of f(x) chosen for the surrogate


Regression Models

In order to predict the value of f(x), a regression model is used which is a linear

combination of p chosen functions fi . Thus, f(x) can be written as:

f  x   1 f1  x   2 f 2  x ..   p f p  x  = Fβ

where, F=[ f1(x(1)) f2(x(1)) …… fp(x(1)) ]n x p.

The coefficients β are called regression parameters. The toolbox provides regression

models with polynomials of the order 0, 1 and 2. The value of fi (x) for each of these

cases is given by:

a) Order 0, p = 1:

f1 ( x)  1

b) Order 1, p = n+1:

f1 ( x)  1, f 2 ( x)  x1 , ......., f n1 ( x)  xn

c) Order 2, p  (n  1)(n  2)

f1 ( x)  1

f 2 ( x)  x1 , f3 ( x)  x2 , ......., f n1 ( x)  xn

f n2 ( x)  x12 , f n3 ( x)  x1x2 , ......., f n1 ( x)  x1xn

………………………………… f p ( x)  xn xn

For each response, the correlation function and the regression model which gave the

minimum error in the prediction of response function was selected for developing the

surrogate model.

Estimating Kriging Parameter θ

The value of kriging parameter θ is determined by using the likelihood (L) estimates.

The likelihood function is a measure of probability of the sample data being drawn from

a probability density function associated with a Gaussian process. The maximum

likelihood estimate of θ represents the “best guess” for fitting parameter. Although, any

value of parameter θ would result in a surrogate that interpolates the sample point

exactly, the “best” kriging surrogate is obtained by maximizing the likelihood function.

The log of likelihood function (also known as concentrated ln-likelihood function in

literature) is given by:

 n ln(ˆ 2var )  ln | Rkrg |

ln( L)  

where , ̂ 2var is the generalized least square estimate of  2 var and is given by :

( y  F ˆ )T ( Rkrg ) 1 ( y  F ˆ )
ˆ 2var 

and ˆ is given by:

ˆ  ( F T ( Rkrg )1 F )1 F T ( Rkrg )1 y

The auxiliary optimization process of determining optimum θ can result in significant

fitting time depending upon the size of the system. During this optimization process,

scaling of the design space from 0 to 1 is very useful to ensure that the value of θ does

not vary significantly for different design variables. Hence, kriging is only appropriate

when the time needed to generate the interpolation points is much larger than the time to

interpolate the data, which is true for all the aeroelastic analyses performed in this thesis.

This auxiliary optimization for determining the parameter θ is performed using the

MATLAB function “UMDIRECT” described in [173].

When all the parameters are known, the kriging approximation to a function y(x), for

any order regression function, can be written as:

yˆ krg  F ˆ  rkrg ( x)T ( Rkrg )1 ( y  F ˆ )


rkrg  [ Rkrg ( x, x(1) ), Rkrg ( x, x(2) ),........., Rkrg ( x, x( n ) )]T

The column vector rkrg of length n is the correlation vector between an arbitrary point x

and the interpolation points, x(1), ……, x(n) .

Error Estimate

The mean square error (MSE), at any point in the design space, of the kriging

predictor can be written as:

 1
(1  1T Rkrg rkrg )2 
s ( x)  ˆ
2 2
1  rkrg Rkrg rkrg 
1 
 1T Rkrg 1 

The error described above is a measure of uncertainty in the prediction.

A.2 EGO Algorithm

After the surrogate models are obtained for objective function and constraints,

optimization analysis can be performed directly on these surrogate models using gradient

based or non-gradient based techniques like genetic algorithm. In this case, the result

obtained at the end depends on the accuracy of the surrogate models and the final result

may be a poor design. In order to obtain accurate surrogate over the complete design

space, large number of function evaluations are required which can be very time

consuming. The alternative to this “one-shot” approach is to account for the uncertainty

in the surrogate model. This can be achieved using the Efficient Global Optimization

(EGO) algorithm which accounts for uncertainty in the surrogate and is more efficient.

The optimization performed using EGO algorithm is iterative in nature, as

described in Chapter 3. In EGO, a small number of initial design points are used to fit a

kriging approximation in the first iteration, instead of starting with a large number of

fitting points to obtain an accurate surrogate model. In the next step, the objective

function to be minimized or maximized is replaced by the Expected Improvement

Function (EIF) which is maximized during the optimization process. The optimized set of

points obtained by maximizing EIF are referred to as “Infill Samples” and are chosen to

be in the region where there is a high probability of producing a superior design over the

current best design and/or where the predictions of the surrogate are unreliable due to the

high amount of uncertainty. Thus, these infill samples represent a balance between the

local consideration of finding an optimal design based on the information in the

surrogate, and the global consideration of sampling in the design space where there is

much uncertainty in the surrogate’s predictions. The objective function and constraints

are determined again at these “Infill Sample” points and the surrogate models are updated

using the old and new set of fitting points. This process is repeated multiple times till the

stopping criterion is satisfied.

Therefore, the EGO algorithm is able to adapt to potential errors in the

approximate objective function by sampling at points at which there is much uncertainty

in the surrogate’s predictions.

Expected Improvement Function

The expected improvement function can be written as:

EIF ( x)  1   2 if s > 0

=0 if s = 0


 ymin  yˆ krg 
1  ( ymin  yˆ krg ) dist  
 s 


 ymin  yˆ krg 
 2  sden  .
 s 

The functions  dist (*) and den (*) represent the standard normal distribution function and

the standard normal density function respectively. The first term in the EIF, 1 , is the

difference between the current best objective function value and the response at an

arbitrary design, x, multiplied by the probability that y(x) is better than ymin. This term is

large when yˆ krg is likely to be better than ymin. The second term,  2 , is large when the

error metric s(x) is large which signifies significant uncertainty in the surrogate’s

prediction. The design point with the highest EIF value represents the balance between

finding a better point and finding regions of high uncertainty. In MATLAB, EIF(x) can

be evaluated using the following expression:

1 1  ymin  yˆ krg  1  ( ymin  yˆ krg )2 

EIF ( x)  ( ymin  yˆ krg )   erf    s exp  
2  2s 2
2 2  s 2   

where, erf(*) is the error function defined in MATLAB.

Appendix B. UM/NLABS-A Aerodynamics Model

This section provides detailed description of the unified aerodynamic model used in

UM/NLABS-A. The unified airloads model includes three key elements: Peters flexible

airloads theory, the 3D dynamic inflow model and the modified ONERA stall model. The

schematic of the unified airloads model is shown in Figure B-1. The unified airloads

model accounts for arbitrary airfoil motion, morphing airfoil shape, and the dynamic stall

effects. The description provided in this section is based on the detailed analysis given in

[145, 168, 169].

Figure B-1: Unified Airloads Model

B.1 Peters Flexible Airfoil Theory

The 2D aerodynamic analysis is based on 2-D finite state formulation for a flexible

airfoil, as originally presented in [167]. Consider a thin airfoil of arbitrary shape moving

through the thin air as shown in Figure B-2. As shown in the figure, the co-ordinate

system is centered at the mid-chord and b is the semichord. With respect to the frame, the

fluid moves with horizontal velocity u0, vertical velocity v0 and rotation v1. The

deformation of the airfoil is given by the distribution h(y,t), which is defined positive

down. It is assumed that the deformation within the reference frame is small, such that,

, and . Trailing edge vorticity is assumed to be emitted in

the direction of +Y axis.

Figure B-2: General Airfoil Coordinate System

For this airfoil configuration, the non-penetration boundary condition can be written


h h y
w  v    u0   v0  v1
y t b

where, w is the total induced flow, λ is induced flow from the trailed circulation and v is

the induced flow from bound circulation. Expressing v in terms of bound circulation per

unit length  b :

1  b ( , t )
2 b y  
v d

The vorticity equation gives the loading due to circulation as:

 b

P   u0 b    d where, (b  y  b)


The spatial gradient of the induced flow due to shed wake is related to the temporal

gradient of the induced flow:

  1 d
 u0 
t y 2 (b  y)dt

Above equations define the flexible airfoil theory, which must be expressed in terms

of frame motion, and blade deformation. To carry out this transformation, all the

variables are expressed with respect to the Glauert variable, φ. The change of variables is

given by:

y  b cos 

where, b  y  b, and 0     .

After the substitution, the expansions are as follows:

   cos   
b  2  s  0    n sin(n ) 
 sin  sin  n 1 
   cos   
P  2   s  0   n sin(n ) 
 sin  sin  n 1 
Similarly, the blade deformation, velocity and induced flow may be expressed as

expansions in the Glauert variable:

h   hn cos(n )
n 0

w   wn cos(n )
n 0

   n cos(n )
n 0

The cos(n ) terms in the equation above correspond to the Chebyshev polynomial of the

first kind along the nondimensional chordwise direction. Thus, there is a physical

meaning for each term in the expansion. The first three terms correspond to plunge, pitch

and camber respectively.

The airloads can be expressed in terms of the airfoil motion wn and the uniform

component of the induced flow, λ0, by use of the vorticity equation:

u0 (w0  0 )   0

b( w0  w2 )  u0 w1  1

( wn1  wn1 )  u0 wn   n , for n > 2

The generalized loads are determined by substitution into the pressure distribution and

integrating over the airfoil, that is:

b 
Ln    P cos(n )dx    bP cos(n )sin d
b 0

The final results for the generalized loads are:

L0  2bfu0 ( w0  0 )   bu0 w1   b2 ( w0  w2 )

1 1
L1  bu0 (w0  0 )  bu0 w2  b 2 (w1  w3 )
2 8

1 1 1 1
L2  bu0 ( w1  w3 )  b2 (w0  w2 )  b 2 (w2  w4 )
2 2 2 12

1 1 1 1
Ln   bu0 ( wn1  wn3 )  b2 ( wn2  wn )  b2 ( wn  wn2 )
2 4(n  1) 2 4(n  1)

The first two generalized loads, which correspond to lift and moment about the

midchord, are completely defined by the first few terms of the velocity expansion. The

lift and pitching moment are completely defined by the plunge, pitch and camber of the

airfoil. The load L0 is uniform force acting in the negative Z direction, that is, the

negative of the conventional definition of lift. The load L1 is a linear force distribution, so

the quantity is the conventional nose up pitching moment about the midchord.

Writing the velocities in terms of the frame motion and blade deformation:

w0  v0  h0  u0 
n 1,3,5 b

w1  v1  h1  2u0 
n  2,4,6 b

wm  hm  2u0 
n  m 1, m  3 b
, m≥2

Using these expressions, the final load equation can be written in matrix form.

The total circulation is found to be:

1 1
  2 bf ( w0  0 )  w1  1
2 2

The chordwise loading includes the induced drag and the leading edge suction force. It

can be written as:

D   b(P) sin  d  2bf ( w0  0 ) 2

B.2 Dynamic Inflow Model

The dynamic inflow theory proposes the following solution to the velocity normal to

the rotor disk in terms of radial and azimuthal expansion function:

 
w( s, , t )     jr ( s)  rj (t ) cos(r )   jr (t )sin(r ) 
r  0 j  r 1, r  3

where, s and t are the non-dimensionalized radius and time and ψ is the azimuth angle.

The inflow states,  rj and  rj correspond to coefficients of the coupled terms containing

the azimuthal harmonics and radial expansion functions,  . Using the circulatory part of

the lift obtained from flexible airfoil theory, wake skew angle, and the freestream

velocity, the coefficients corresponding to the inflow states can be determined. Detailed

description is provided in [168]. The zero-order inflow coefficient needed for the airloads

expression is obtained from:

 
 rb 
0    J 0    jr ( s)  rj (t ) cos(r q )   jr (t )sin(r q ) 
r 0 j  r 1, r 3  s 

The expression contains the Bessel function of the first kind, J 0, which can be

approximated by taking first few terms of the Taylor series expansion, under the

assumption that b/s is small for blades of typical aspect ratio, at sufficient distance from

the rotor center.

B.3 Dynamic Stall Model

Dynamic stall occurs when some of the sections along the blade span oscillate in and

out of the stall regime, as the blade rotates around the azimuth, resulting in hysteresis

behavior for lift, moment and drag coefficeints. The static loss of lift acts as the forcing

function to drive the ONERA differential equation for dynamic stall. When dynamic stall

occurs, airloads display a time delay and an overshoot due to the passing of shed

vorticity. In order to allow for this phenomenon, a second order transfer function is


Different steps involved in determining the loads generated due to dynamic stall

effects are as follows:

a) Calculate 2D Aerodynamic Loads

As described in earlier section, Peters flexible airfoil theory is used to determine

the aerodynamic forces. At the end of the analysis, load vector Ln and induced

drag force component D are obtained.

b) Calculate the Angle of attack

It should be noted that in the Peters flexible airfoil theory, the angle of attack is

not calculated explicitly. However, the angle of attack needs to be determined in

order to calculate the static stall residuals and the coefficient of drag for profile

drag correction term. In the current analysis, the angle of attack is defined as:

 vt 
  tan 1  
 u0 

where, u0 is the incoming freestream velocity and vt is defined as:

vt  hn (0)  vn (0)  0 (0)

c) Determine Critical Angle of attack

In the current analysis, critical angle of attack (in degree) is defined as

cr  13(1  M 2 )

where, M is the local mach number at the airfoil cross sections.

d) Calculate Delayed Angle of Attack

The time delay equation for determining the delayed angle of attack is given by:

 d  d d  d

where,  d is the delayed angle of attack and  d  U
 d b . In the current analysis,

τd = 12, however, its correct value needs to be determined using experimental


e) Calculate Static Stall Residual

As described in the earlier section, static stall residuals are the forcing

parameters for the second order differential equation. Static stall residual

represent the difference between the thin airfoil values for the airloads with

appropriate static correction – and the experimental observation. In the current

analysis, the experimental observations are substituted by the results from X-

FOIL analysis. Static stall residual for lift and drag coefficient are shown in

Figure B-3. For this particular case, Δcl is positive while Δcd is negative. Static

stall residuals for different aerodynamic coefficient are defined below:

For lift coefficient:

CL  CL sin( )  CL,Table for  d   cr

CL  0 for  d   cr

For moment coefficient:

CM  CM  sin( ) cos( )  CD ,Table sin( )  CM ,Table for  d   cr
CM  0 for  d   cr

For Drag coefficient:

CD  CD 0  CD,Table for  d   cr

CL  0 for  d   cr

Figure B-3: Static Stall Residual

f) Calculating Loads due to Dynamic Stall Effect

The loads generated due to the dynamic stall effects, for each of the

generalized coordinate, are computed using the following differential equation:

b2 b  d Cn b 
 n  ˆ  n  ˆ 2 n  buT ˆ 2  Cn  eˆ 
uT uT  dt uT 

The parameters , and are assumed to be of the functional form:

ˆ  0  2  CL 

ˆ  0  2  CL 

eˆ  e0  e2  CL 

where, the parameters e0 ,e2, ω0, ω2, η1 and η2 are determined by parameter


g) Profile Drag

The effect of profile drag is included here in the quasi-steady sense using the

table-lookup generated using XFOIL.

h) Combining all the loads

Since the stall model is based on flow-based reference system, it is assumed

that the stall corrections to lift and drag are perpendicular to and parallel to the

local freestream velocity, as shown in Figure B-4. The total life and drag forces in

the large angle reference frame obtained by including the effect of dynamic stall

loads and profile drag effects are given by:

LT 0  L0  u00  bcd uT vL

DT  D  vL0  bcd uT u0

Figure B-4: Direction of Aerodynamic Forces

Appendix C. Design of Active Flap

Active flaps have proven to be very effective in reducing vibratory loads at the hub,

minimizing noise and in some cases improving performance. Among active flaps, dual

flaps have shown promising results in reducing vibrations and improving performance on

a rotor as compared to a single flap. A number of experiments have been conducted to

show the potential of active flaps in influencing hub loads. However, the performance

penalty associated with oscillating flaps is yet to be quantified using experimental data.

This performance penalty is critical for the implementation of active flaps on a rotor. The

data obtained would be useful for validating the results obtained from CFD based

simulations and ROM (reduced order models) based on CFD. Thus, the aim of the

experimental analysis is to:

1) Test the effectiveness of dual flaps in influencing vibratory loads at the hub on a

rotor in hover conditions.

2) Experimentally determine the performance penalty associated with oscillating

dual flaps on a rotor blade in hover conditions.

For this purpose, an active 5ft long Mach-scaled composite rotor blade with dual flaps

was designed and fabricated which could be tested in a hover spin test stand.

In this chapter, the design and fabrication of a flap-actuation mechanism is

presented, which can be installed on a Mach-scaled rotor blade for testing the effects of

dual flaps. The analysis performed includes detailed characterization of the two X-frame

piezoelectric actuators for determining their stiffnesses. In the next step, different

components in the flap-actuation mechanism were sized to ensure sufficient flap

deflection and strength of different components. The sizing was performed by

determining the stiffness of the actuation system and the load path and using the

impedance matching criteria to ensure maximum energy transfer. Finally, the flap

supports were fabricated and tested on a bench set up and the amplitude of flap deflection

and the output force obtained were measured.

The active flaps mounted on a rotor blade require high frequency of actuation for

vibration reduction which is difficult to obtain using a servo-valve/hydraulic actuator

[38]. The typical requirement for actuation frequency ranges from 2/rev to 5/rev

frequency, depending upon the number of rotor blades in the helicopter. This corresponds

to a frequency range of 20Hz to 50Hz for a rotor blade rotating at 600RPM. Besides the

high bandwidth of actuation, piezoelectric actuators offer the advantages of: direct

conversion of electrical energy into linear motion, less number of parts like pipes which

are required for the hydraulic actuators, and smaller weight penalty. Piezoelectric

material are capable of providing a large force, however the stroke provided by the piezos

is very small and is limited by the inherent 0.1% cap on the free induced strain. Thus, for

the practical implementation of piezoelectric material for active flap application, some

form of amplification mechanism is required.

The requirements for an actuator [119, 128], which can be used for actuating flaps on

a rotor blade, are based on the fact that they provide sufficient mechanical output of force

and displacement without incurring any penalty on the structural and aerodynamic

properties of the blade. The actuator must provide sufficient force to act against the

aerodynamic hinge moment and the stiffness of the flap-hinge mechanism and

demonstrate flap deflection of ±4 deg at nominal RPM in different dynamic operating

conditions. The actuator should be light in weight and the increase in mass of the blade

due to the actuation system should be less than 20%. The installation of the actuator near

the leading edge of the airfoil is beneficial from the aeroelastic stability point of view.

The actuator must be capable of oscillating flaps at high frequencies (for an N bladed

rotor, the actuator should provide sufficient amplitude of flap deflection up to (N+2)/rev

frequency of actuation). To avoid any undesirable aerodynamic effects due to the

actuation system, the actuator must be small enough such that it can fit in the blade spar.

Actuators which extend over the large chordwise span create an issue of mass imbalance

and are difficult to incorporate in the rotor blade. The actuator designed should have

sufficient fatigue life and it should be able to perform in the presence of large vibration,

unsteady aerodynamic loads and thermal environment. In most of the piezoelectric

actuators, piezoelectric material is in the form of piezostacks which are connected in

parallel to maximize the output displacement. In order to maintain the integrity of

piezostacks and prevent them from discharging, a constant prestress is required. Thus, the

actuator/actuation mechanism should be capable of providing prestress to the piezostacks.

The control system operating the active flap should provide resolution and position

sensing accuracy of 3% or less of the full range.

Among the current programs testing active flap, the SMART rotor program at

Boeing [115] is using a double X-frame actuator developed by Hall et al. [174], while at

the Eurocopter’s ADASYS (Adaptive dynamic systems) rotor system [46], an amplified

piezoelectric actuator developed by Cedrat Technologies in France [175] is being used.

More recently, the on-blade electro-mechanical actuator (EMA) developed by Hamilton

Sundstrand Claverham and UTRC [116] was used by Sikorsky in their whirl and wind

tunnel testing. Since the design of an actuator was not the main aim of this thesis, an off-

the shelf actuator had to be obtained. Based on the literature survey conducted for

different kinds of actuators available, the X-frame actuator manufactured by Axis

Engineering Technologies, Boston and the Amplified Piezoelectric Actuator (APA)

manufactured by Cedrat Technologies, France were short listed.

Table C-1: Comparison between X-frame Actuator and APA Actuators

Features X-frame APA 200M APA 400 M APA 900 M

Length (mm) 80.9 55 48.4 49
Width (mm) 18.99 17 13 11.5
Height (mm) 10.72 9 11.5 10
Mass (gm) 40 15.7 19 19
Displacement(μm) 1404 230 400 900
Blocked Force (N) 95 73 38 16
Stiffness (N/μm) 0.06 0.32 0.1 0.02
Resonance Freq NA 900 495 248
Max Voltage (V) 1000 150 150 150
Capacitance (μF) 0.113 3.2 3.15 3.15
Lever Arm (s) (mm) 2.88 1.03 1.85 4.13
Flap deflection(δ) (deg) 19.42 8.63 8.38 8.44

Physical size of the actuator and the mechanical displacement and force provided

by the actuator were the main driving factor for selection of the actuator. The actuators

shown above were shortlisted based on their size and the size of supports required to hold

them inside the blade. Among all the actuators listed in Table C-1, the X-frame actuator

provides the maximum mechanical displacement and blocked force. During earlier

experiments with active flaps [112], it was observed that the friction in rotating condition

due to high RPM can lead to a reduction in the amplitude of flap oscillations. Hence, it is

desired that the actuator with maximum energy output is selected to ensure sufficient flap

deflection at nominal RPM.

C.1 Quasi-static Tests

Quasi-static test of the actuator is performed to study the performance of the

actuator and to determine its stiffness. The actuator performance is monitored by

observing the actuator deflection as a function of input voltage and externally applied

elastic load.

Figure C-1: Schematic of Quasi-Static Test

Figure C-2: Experimental Setup for Quasi-Static Tests

Figure C-3: Cage Region for holding the Actuator

The schematic of the experimental setup which was used for the quasi-static tests

is shown in Figure C-1. The actual components of the setup are shown in Figure C-2 and

Figure C-3. As shown in Figure C-2, the initial setup was done on a normal table but the

initial tests results showed large unexpected vibrations. As a result, the experimental

setup had to be transferred to an optical table for final testing. The setup consists of a

steel cage in between which the actuator is held as shown in Figure C-3. The output end

of the X-frame actuator is attached to a steel wire which runs across the table. At the

other end of the steel wire, a constant mass of 19lb is attached through a pulley to provide

a constant pre-stress to the actuator. The stiffness of the elastic load acting on the actuator

is varied by changing the length of the wire (Lv) between the actuator and the table vise.

This is obtained by clamping the wire at different locations along the length of the table

during the tests. The length Lv was varied between 16” to 61” during the quasi-static

tests. The actuator pre-stress was measured using a single axis load cell mounted behind

the X-frame actuator. The displacement produced by the actuator was measured using a

laser extensometer. The laser extensometer used for the tests has an accuracy of 0.1 mils

(The expected value of displacement for these tests was around 20 mils). Both the load

cell and the laser extensometer were calibrated prior to the tests. The diameter of the

metal wire was selected in such a way that the load stiffness due to the wire is in the

range of expected aerodynamic hinge moment stiffness. Table C-2 shows the value of

load stiffness provided by the metal wire for different lengths. Based on the approximate

aerodynamic hinge moment loads calculated, a steel wire with diameter of 0.018 inch

was used for these tests.

Table C-2: Variation of Load stiffness with the Length of Wire

Sr. No Lv Stiffness
(in) (lbf/in)
1 16 481.0
2 20 384.8
3 25 307.8
4 45 171.0
5 61 126.2

The tests were performed at peak-to-peak voltages of 500V, 600V, 700V and 800V at

1Hz frequency to simulate the quasi-static conditions. In all these cases, the DC offset for

the input voltage was adjusted such that the minimum value of the voltage applied was

0V. This is required to ensure that no negative voltage is applied to the actuator, which is

detrimental to the health of piezo-stacks used in the actuator. FFT analysis was performed

on the data obtained from the load cell and laser extensometer using MATLAB and the

amplitude corresponding to 1Hz frequency was obtained.

Figure C-4 shows the results obtained from the quasi-static tests on both the X-frame

actuators for characterization. The results obtained are compared to results obtained in

[112] for 800Vp-p actuation. It can be seen that the value of displacements and loads

obtained for both the actuators are close to those obtained for the reference case. The

reference case corresponds to the data obtained for an X-frame actuator of similar size

tested at MIT [112]. The actuator stiffnesses obtained from Figure C-4 are listed in Table

C-3. It can be seen that the stiffness obtained from the current set of experiments is

higher than that obtained in [112]. This was expected, since a small modification was

made in the new X-frame design to improve the performance of X-frame actuator.

9 X2
8 800V
Load (peak-to-peak) (lbf)


6 600V

5 10 15 20 25 30
Displacement(peak-to-peak) (mil)
Figure C-4: Characterization of X-frame Actuators

Table C-3: Actuator Stiffness obtained from Quasi-Static Tests (Units: lbf/in)

Voltage X1 X2 X (Ref)[112]
500V 592.5 396.0 397.0
600V 527 465.2 393.2
700V 617.3 424.7 357.1
800V 541.2 446.3 399.0
Average 569.5 433.0 386.6

C.2 Dual-flap Design

Based on the requirements for the tests, following parameters were fixed for the dual-

flap design as shown in Figure C-5:

1) Chord length of the flap was fixed to 0.25c and the span-wise length of each flap

was fixed to 0.06R

2) The first flap of the dual flaps extends from 0.72R to 0.78R while the second flap

extends from 0.79R to 0.85R. Flaps could not be moved further towards the tip

since there is a decrease in the thickness of the airfoil cross section beyond 0.85R.

Both the flaps were kept close to each other so that when both the flaps operate

with zero degree phase difference in the actuation voltage supply, it is

approximately equivalent to a single 12% flap.

3) The actuators were mounted in the blade spar such that they are centered at 0.25c.

As a result of this, the maximum thickness is available in the airfoil cross-section

to mount the actuator and no additional ballast mass is required to balance the

actuator weight.

Figure C-5: Location of Flaps and Actuators

C.2.1 Aerodynamic Hinge Moment

The aerodynamic hinge moment had to be determined prior to designing the

components for flap hinge mechanism. In order to minimize the aerodynamic hinge

moment against which the active flaps needs to operate, an optimum position for the flap

axis needs to be determined. For the purpose of these tests, a flap chord of 0.25c was used

as discussed above.

The geometry of the VR7 airfoil with a 25% plain flap is defined in Figure C-6. A

hinge gap of 1%c is present between the airfoil and the flap, as illustrated in Figure C-6.

In order to determine the optimal flap hinge location so as to minimize the flap actuation

power requirement, simulations using the CFD++ code were conducted for this two-

dimensional airfoil/flap configuration. The CFD++ code is a compressible Reynolds-

averaged Navier-Stokes flow solver which uses a finite volume formulation. Airfoil and

flap grids were generated using ICEM-CFD, and an overset mesh approach is employed

where a separate body-fitted mesh for the flap is generated in addition to the airfoil mesh,

as illustrated in Figure C-7.

The simulations are conducted for the flow condition of M=0.538 and Re=1.79x106,

which corresponds to the flow at the 0.85R spanwise location of the Mach-scaled model

rotor. The Spalart-Allmaras (S-A) turbulence model is used and a fully turbulent

boundary layer is assumed.

Figure C-6: VR7 airfoil with a Plain Flap

Figure C-7: Grids for the Airfoil with Flap

Figure C-8: Pressure Contour for α=4° and M=0.538

A sample result of pressure contour from the CFD simulation is shown in Figure C-8,

for the case of =4°. To determine the optimal flap hinge location, hinge moment curve

slope CHδ is calculated as a function of various hinge locations, defined by the distance ch

from the leading edge of the flap, as illustrated in Figure C-9. The hinge location ch is

given as a percentage of flap chord cf. Figure C-9 shows the variation of CHδ versus ch, at

various airfoil angles of attack. A negative hinge moment curve slope implies an unstable

configuration. From this figure, a flap location of 0.365cf appears to be a good tradeoff

between low flap actuation power and stability, for this flap configuration. The value of

hinge moment coefficients for flap-hinge located at 0.365cf are: CHδ = 0.948x10-4 and

CH0f = -0.0016.

Figure C-9: Hinge Moment Curve Slope (CHδ)

In order to make sure that the flap effectiveness was not affected by moving back the

hinge axis location, the lift generated by flap deflection was determined for different

hinge axis location at angle of attack of 0 deg and 8 deg, as shown in Figure C-10. The

results obtained from CFD show a very small difference in the lift coefficient curves

corresponding to different flap axis locations. Very small decrease in the CLδ is observed

due to flap hinge location as shown in Figure C-11. Thus the flap effectiveness was not

compromised by moving back the flap hinge location.

Figure C-10: Variation of Lift Coefficient due to Flap Deflection

Figure C-11: Variation of CLδ with Hinge Location

C.2.2 Sizing of the Parts for Flap Hinge Mechanism

Different components of the flap-hinge mechanism had to be sized properly and

analyzed to ensure:

1) sufficient flap deflection,

2) sufficient strength and fatigue life,

3) small size of the parts so that they can be installed inside the blade easily,

4) small mass so that there is no mass penalty, and

5) low friction during operation at full RPM

Based on the above criteria and design used in [112], an approximate design for the

flap hinge mechanism was developed. Many improvements were made in the new design

to reduce friction and compliance in the system. As shown in Figure C-12, the airfoil

cross section includes a cutout in the spar to hold the actuator. The supports required for

holding the actuator and the flaps are integrated inside the blade during the fabrication

process. Figure C-13 shows the detailed view for one of the flaps. The flap hinge-

mechanism used for the both the flaps was identical.

Figure C-12: Schematic of the Dual Flap Section of Rotor Blade

Figure C-13: Detailed View of the Flap Supports

Important components involved in the flap actuation system are:

1. Control rod: It is used to transfer actuation from the actuator to flaps (to clevis

which is linked to flap horn on the active flap) as shown in Figure C-12. Its

dimension was fixed by the size of the 0-80 threading used in the actuator and

clevis pin. The minimum diameter corresponding to 0-80 threading is 0.056”

(1.42 mm). It is expected to carry the load due to the prestress (~ 19lb) and

actuation (max of 12lb). This corresponds to maximum load of 31lb on the control

rod. For this load, the axial stress obtained in control rod is 85MPa.

2. Prestress (PS) wire (Flap axis): It acts as the rotational axis for the flap rotation.

It has a torsional pre-twist which helps to keep the control rod in tension and thus,

the piezo-stacks in compression. In this design, a steel rod with diameter of dps =

0.0465” (~1.18mm) was used as the prestress wire. This corresponds to a

torsional stiffness of 1.5862 in-lbf/rad for a 6% flap. The reasons of using this

particular diameter are :

a) its torsional stiffness is of the order of expected aerodynamic stiffness,

b) it is easily available,

c) it matches the inner diameter of the ball bearing that was used at outboard

end, and

d) twisting this steel rod by 60deg was sufficient to obtain required prestress

without yielding the material.

3. Inboard end of prestress wire: The inboard end of the pre-stress wire is welded to

a wire flange which in turn goes inside the reaction rib. The inboard end of the

prestress wire should have very small compliance and the welded region should

be able to carry the shear force due to pretwist and actuation. The diameter of the

inboard end of the prestress wire used was 0.086”.

4. Wire flange: It is welded to the inboard end of the prestress wire inside the flap. It

includes two 0-80 threaded holes, which are used for holding the flaps during the

operation. The wire flange is welded at an angle of 60 degree to the horizontal to

provide prestress to the actuator.

5. Flap Horn: It is used to convert the linear motion of the actuator in to rotational

motion for the flaps. Flap horn includes two holes, one for the prestress wire

inside the flap and the other for clevis. The vertical distance between these two

holes is the moment arm for converting the linear motion to rotational motion.

The flap horn is fixed inside the inboard end of the flap during the fabrication of

composite flap.

6. Clevis: Clevis is the link between the control rod and the flap horn. It includes a

0-80 threaded hole at one end which holds the control rod. At the other end, it is

shaped like a fork and holds the flap horn in between using a steel pin.

C.2.3 Calculation of Compliance in the System

The effective stiffness of the actuator reduces mainly due to the compliance of

following components in the flap actuation system: the axial strain in control rod, the

bending of servo-flap horn, the torsion of flap skin and the bending of inboard end of the

prestress wire. The effective compliance of the actuator is obtained by adding the

compliance for all the components in the actuation load path. The compliance of different

components in the actuation path is described below:

a) Compliance of actuator: The actuator 1 has a stiffness of 569.5 lb/in while the

actuator 2 has stiffness of 433.01 lb/in (as shown in Table C-3). This corresponds

to a compliance of Cact1 = 0.0018 in/lb for actuator 1 and a compliance of Cact2 =

0.0023 in/lb for actuator 2.

b) Compliance of control rod: The control rod has a diameter of 0.056” at its ends so

that it can be fixed to moving frame of the actuator at one end and clevis at other

end. In the middle, it has diameter of 0.125” to avoid bending of the control rod.

This corresponds to a stiffness of 5942 lbf/in or compliance of Ccr = 1.682x10-5


c) Torsion of flap skin: The flap skin consisted of 2 layers of E-glass 120 oriented at

±45 deg and a layer of unidirectional IM7 ply added to front 55% of the flap. A

finite element mesh for the cross section of the flap was developed in order to

determine its torsional stiffness. From the UM/VABS output, the torsional

stiffness (GJ) of the cross section was obtained and it was equal to 2.02 Nm 2. The

torsional stiffness for the flap was obtained by using the expression TFS

=(GJ/L)flap (= 21.99 Nm/rad). Assuming a moment arm of 0.12”, this is equivalent

to stiffness of 2.36x106 N/m. Thus, the compliance due to torsion of flap is CFS =

7.395x10-5 in/lbf (=4.223x 10-7 m/N).

d) Inboard end of the pre-stress wire: The flexing of the inboard end of the pre-stress

wire adds compliance to the system. The diameter of this wire is dips = 0.086” and

its length is Lips = 0.2”. The compliance of this section is approximately given by

Cips = Lips3/3EI, where I =πdips4/64. Substituting these values, the compliance due

to the inboard end of the pre-stress wire was obtained and it was equal to Cips =

3.26x10-5 in/lbf (= 1.862x10-7 m/N)

e) Bending/Shearing of flap horn: The bending stiffness of flap horn was

approximated using Timoshenko beam analysis and it was equal to 1.343x106

lbf/in. This corresponds to a compliance of Cfh = 7.44x10-7 in/lbf.

Net compliance of actuation path is given by:

Ca = Cact + Ccr + CFS + Cips + CFH

Final stiffness of the actuation system is given by:

Ka = 1/Ca

The final stiffness obtained for the actuation path after all the calculation was equal to

527.3 lbf/in for actuator 1 and 408.2 lbf/in for actuator 2.

C.2.4 Stiffness of the Load Path

The load stiffness consists of torsional stiffness due to the aerodynamic hinge-

moment, torsional load due to stiffness of the pre-stress wire and stiffness of cross-

flexures of the centrifugal flexure in the X-frame actuator. An approximate analysis to

predict each of these components is given below.

a) Aerodynamic stiffness: The aerodynamic torsional stiffness for a flap mounted on

a rotor blade with inboard end at Ri and outboard end located at Ro is given by :

K aero  2cs 2 ( Ro3  Ri 3 )CH 

where CHδ is the flap hinge moment obtained from aerodynamic analysis and cs is

the chord of the airfoil section. Substituting values of the different variables (ρ =

1.226 kg/m3, Ω = 140rad/sec (1336 RPM), cs = 5.388 in, Ro = 0.78R and Ri =

0.72R for inner flap and Ro = 0.85R and Ri = 0.79R for outer flap and CHδ=

0.948x10-4 /deg) in the above expression, aerodynamic stiffness values for two flaps

are obtained and they are given by :

Kaero,1 = 1.331 in-lb/rad and Kaero,2 = 1.590 in-lb/rad

(Note: Subscript ‘1’ corresponds to inboard flap while subscript ‘2’ corresponds to

outboard flap)

b) Torsional stiffness of prestress-wire: The prestress wire helps in providing

prestress for the X-frame actuator and it acts as the hinge for the flap rotation.

Torsional stiffness of prestress wire is given by :


The torsional stiffness of prestress wire obtained after substituting all the values

is: 1.586 in-lb/rad.

c) Stiffness of flexure: Stiffness of the flexure used in Ref [112] was 0.152 in-lb/rad.

Assuming 10% increase in the stiffness (as mentioned by manufacturer), stiffness

of flexure in our case can be approximately given by Kf = 0.167 in-lb/rad.

Thus, the total load stiffness is given by:

KL = Kaero + Kps + Kf

Summing up all the stiffness, load stiffness obtained for the two flaps are:

KL1 = 3.084 in-lbf/rad and KL2 = 3.344 in-lbf/rad

C.2.5 Impedance Matching

Moment arm required to obtain the impedance match condition is:


This gives, moment arm of s1 = 0.074 inch for the inboard flap and moment arm of s2 =

0.088 inch for the outboard flap.

Flap 1
10 Flap 2

Force (lbf)

0 5 10 15 20 25
Deflection (mil)

Figure C-14: Ideal operating point obtained using impedance matching

Combining flap 1 with actuator 1 (set1) and flap 2 with actuator 2 (set 2), we get peak-

to-peak displacements of 33.6 mil and 30.74 mil for set 1 and set 2 respectively, and

peak-to-peak forces of 13.94lbf and 16.64 lbf for set 1 and set 2 respectively.

Due to manufacturing constraints, it was difficult to fabricate parts with very small

moment arms. Hence, the moment arm used for both the flaps was fixed to 0.12 in. As a

result, there were small changes in the results obtained earlier as shown in Table C-4 and

Figure C-15. The results obtained with modified moment arm show higher flap deflection

but reduced forces. Based on above analysis, different parts were designed and fabricated

as shown in Figure C-18.

Flap1 (Ideal)
Flap2 (Ideal)
Flap1 (Act)
Flap2 (Act)
Force (lbf)

0 5 10 15 20 25
Deflection (mil)
Figure C-15: Effect of Moment Arm Modification on Operating Point

Table C-4: Difference between Ideal and Actual Operating Condition

Ideal Case Actual Case

Set1 Set2 Set1 Set2
Mom Arm (mil) 75.6 89.8 120 120
Actuator Disp (mil) 33.6 30.74 44.9 42.27
Actuator Force (lbf) 13.94 16.6 10.44 9.05
Flap Deflection (deg) 12.85 9.91 10.59 9.98
Prestress (lb) 22.56 18.89 13.84 13.84

C.3 Bench Test for Active Flaps

Bench test was performed to validate the flap hinge mechanism designed for

oscillating the flaps on a rotor blade. The parts which were designed for the bench test

were such that they can be easily incorporated on the active blade with very minor

changes. The bench test conducted with flap proved to be very useful in improving the

flap-hinge mechanism design to get maximum flap deflection output from the actuator.

For example, the initial design used for clevis was a curved one as shown in Figure C-12

and Figure C-17. This design was chosen so that a shorter moment arm, as required by

the impedance matching condition, can be obtained. However, during the early bench

tests, it was noticed that a curved clevis lead to bending of the control rod during its

motion which increased the compliance of the actuation mechanism. As a result, very

small flap deflections were obtained when the flap was actuated. This was corrected by

using a flat clevis as shown in Figure C-16. Small modifications were also made in the

inboard flap support in order to reduce the compliance. The CAD models for final parts

used in the flap hinge mechanism are shown in Figure C-16. Since these parts had to be

installed inside the rotor blade, they follow the airfoil contour, wherever possible. As a

result of this complicated profile, some of the parts had to be cut using water-jet cutting

technique in order to obtain an accurate profile. The final machined parts obtained are

shown in Figure C-17. All these components, along with active the flap, were installed on

a base plate for bench tests as shown in Figure C-18.

Figure C-16: CAD Model of the Flap Parts

Figure C-17: Actual Fabricated Parts for Flap Hinge Mechanism

Figure C-18: Setup for Bench Test of Active Flap

Experimental results obtained for flap deflection and peak-to-peak force at different

actuation frequencies are shown in Table C-5. Results show that the variation in

amplitude of flap deflection and output force is small at low actuation frequencies. At

high actuation frequencies, increase in flap deflection was observed at the cost of small

decrease in the prestress force. In all the cases, the actuation voltage was kept constant at

approximately 760Vp-p with an offset of 400V. The hysteretic behavior observed in the

flap-actuation mechanism is shown in Figure C-19. The presence of hysteresis is

common in piezoelectric material and several attempts have been made to capture this

effect in vibration reduction studies using active flaps [176].

Table C-5: Experimental Results for Bench Tests

Test Freq Peak-to-peak Offset Pre-Stress (lbf) Mean load Deflection (deg)
(Hz) (V) (V) (peak-to-peak) (lbf) (peak-to-peak)
5 1 563.52 293.33 10.61 19.31 4.86
6 1 751.24 392.77 12.54 20.67 6.74
7 10 732.92 393.14 10.92 20.65 6.41
8 22 748 393.1 11.86 20.72 7.83
9 44 748 393.1 11.18 20.4 7.24
10 66 756.68 392.94 8.68 20.14 9.56
11 88 757.04 392.86 11.55 18.56 9.49
12 110 765.28 392.99 14.1 17.69 10.45

3 20Hz
2 50Hz
Flap delfection (deg)




0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Applied Voltage (V)
Figure C-19: Hysteresis in Flap Actuation

C.4 Conclusion

This chapter presented the design and experimental analysis of a flap-actuation

mechanism that can be installed in a Mach-scaled rotor blade for testing the effect of dual

active flaps. The analysis performed in this chapter is based on the X-frame actuator

which was developed at MIT in 2000. As a first step, quasi-static tests were performed on

the X-frame actuator to determine its stiffness and load-deflection relationship. This

property was used in the design of supports for active flap using the impedance matching

criteria. All the parts required for flap-actuation mechanism were designed and fabricated

in order to maximize the dynamic flap deflection amplitude while ensuring sufficient

output force to act against the prestress in flap and the aerodynamic loads. The final flap

actuation mechanism was bench-tested and sufficient flap deflection and output force was

observed. The experimental results showed flap deflection amplitude of more than 6deg

at high frequencies of actuation (till 5/rev actuation frequency which corresponds to 110

Hz, for nominal operating condition at 1336 RPM).

The flap actuation mechanism designed in this chapter was installed on a 10 ft

diameter Mach-scaled rotor blade and tested in the spin-test stand at the University of

Michigan. Further details related to the design and fabrication of rotor blade and

experimental tests are provided in following appendices.

Appendix D. Active Blade Design

The composite rotor blade to be used for testing the dual active flaps had to be

designed to meet the requirements for strength and sufficient fatigue life. Besides this, the

active blade includes cut-out in the spar to make space for mounting the X-frame actuator

and cut in the fairing to hold the flaps. Before fabricating the final blade, sample sections

of the blade were fabricated and tested in a tensile testing machine to check the blade

strength. The active blade also includes instrumentation like strain gages, accelerometers

to measure the blade deformation and hall effect sensors to measure flap deflection

angles during the tests. The shape of the blade was fixed by the mold being used for the

fabrication of rotor blade. In the current study, a 1/6th scaled version of the CH-47D blade

was used which has a radius of 5ft and chord of 5.38 in. Although, the outer mold line of

the blade (and hence the geometry) was already fixed, the composite layup required to

meet the design requirements had to be determined.

D.1 Geometry of the Baseline Blade

A 1/6th mach-scaled Chinook CH-47D blade is used as the baseline for integral blade

design. The spin test stand used for this test was designed with this particular blade in

view. The fact that the same blade was used in earlier tests on a similar test stand was

useful for obtaining preliminary data for design and validation purpose [58, 112]. Basic

dimensions of the blade are given in Table D-1 and the planform view of the passive

blade (without the active flaps) is shown in Figure D-1. The spin test stand hub is

articulated with the flap hinge axis located at 0.028R and the lead-lag hinge located at

0.15R. Blade pitch is fixed at a particular angle depending upon the required collective


Table D-1: Blade Properties

Property Value
Geometric Scaling 1/6th
Radius 60.619 in (1.539 m)
Chord 5.388 in (0.1368 m)
Number of blades 2
Rotor Type Articulated
Flap Hinge Location 0.028R
Lag Hinge Location 0.15R
Rotor Speed 1336 RPM

Figure D-1: Blade plan-form View [58]

The rotor blade has a non-uniform chord and thickness variation near the root region.

From 0.27R to 0.85R, rotor blade has a uniform cross section of VR7 airfoil. The blade

tapers from VR7 airfoil at 0.85R to VR8 airfoil at the tip. Both the airfoil sections are

shown in Figure D-2. The VR7 airfoil is a 12% thick airfoil while the VR8 airfoil is 8%

thick. Linear interpolation is used to obtain cross section shape for 0.85 R < r < 1.0R. The

built-in twist for the rotor blade is shown in Figure D-3.


Thickness (in)

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Airfoil Chord (in)

Figure D-2: Blade Cross Section

Figure D-3: Blade Twist Distribution

Cross-sectional details for the composite rotor blade are shown in Figure D-4. It

consists of prepreg plies wrapped around the foam core. In the first cure, the front D spar

of the blade is cured, while the fairing is attached to the front spar in second cure. Nose

weights are added near the leading edge while fabricating the spar to get the CG of the

cross section closer to the quarter chord. The number of plies for spar, web region and

fairing and their ply angles had to be determined prior to fabrication.

Figure D-4: Cross Section of the Rotor Blade

D.2 Blade-Layup Design Process

This section provides details about the blade structural analysis and the design process

used for obtaining the final composite blade design. The spanwise view of the rotor blade

with dual active flaps is shown in Figure D-5.

Figure D-5: CH47D Rotor Blade with Dual Active Flaps

Blade Analysis

The complete 3D analysis of the rotor blade is broken down into two steps, as

discussed in Section 2.2. In the first step, a linear cross-sectional analysis of the

composite rotor blade is performed to determine the cross-sectional properties of the

blade at different spanwise locations. And in the second step, aeroelastic analysis of the

rotor blade is performed on the 1D beam model. This breakdown of the analysis is valid

for slender structures like aircraft wing and rotor blades. For the cross-sectional analysis,

the blade shape and the layup information is required. Depending upon the complexity in

rotor blade geometry and variation in the layup, the blade is divided into several spanwise

sections. Blade properties are assumed to be constant in each section. In the current

analysis, the blade is divided into ten spanwise sections as described Table D-2. Since the

blade’s geometry and layup, both vary significantly in the root region, the number of

sections is more in the root region.

Table D-2: Spanwise Regions for Cross-sectional Analysis

Sections Span
Section 1F 0.33R to 0.728R
Section 2F 0.728R to 0.781R
Section 3F 0.781R to 0.844R
Section 4F 0.844R to 1.0R
Section 1R 0.33R to 0.246R
Section 2R 0.246R to 0.223R
Section 3R 0.223R to 0.2R
Section 4R 0.2R to 0.173R
Section 5R 0.173R to 0.151R
Section 6R 0.151R to Root

Cross-sectional shape of different sections was determined based on the description

provided for the mold geometry by the mold manufacturer. The layup used for the root

section of the blade (from 0.15R to 0.33R) was same similar to that used in [58]. Once

the layup information and the cross section profile was available, a MATLAB based

mesh generator was used to generate the finite element mesh for UM/VABS. The finite

element mesh generated for different root sections is shown in Figure D-6. Reference axis

for the full airfoil region (Section 1R to Section 4F) is at the quarter chord, while for the

root region (section 6R and 5R); it is located at the mid chord. For sections 2R to 4R, the

reference line varies between the midchord and quarter chord. The reference point for

each section was determined such that the reference points for all the sections are

collinear points, as in the actual blade. Figure D-7 shows the finite element mesh

generated for the main blade (without the foam). In order to obtain the baseline values for

strains and aeroelastic loads, the blade with a single flap manufactured in [112] was also

modeled. The cross-sectional analysis was done using UM/VABS to obtain the inertia

and stiffness properties for 1-D aeroelastic analysis and strain influence coefficients for

the failure analysis.

Figure D-6: Finite Element Mesh for Root Section

Figure D-7: Finite Element Mesh for Main Blade Sections

The 1-D beam model for the whole blade was developed in both AVINOR and RCAS

for aeroelastic analysis. The model designed takes into account the position of hinges as

described in Figure D-8.

Figure D-8: Location of Hinges in Spin Test Stand

Design Process

Figure D-9 shows the steps followed in the design process used for the design of

active blade. Different components of the design process are described below.

Initial starting point: The initial starting point for the layup is similar to that used in

[112]. For the purpose of analysis, blade is divided into 10 span-wise sections as

discussed in the previous section.

Stiffness and Inertia Properties: The cross-sectional layup and geometry is assumed to be

constant within each span-wise section. Cross-sectional inertia and stiffness matrix for

each of the cross section are obtained using UM/VABS [70]. These properties are used as

input for the aeroelastic analysis of the rotor blade using the AVINOR code [97].

Worst Case Loading: In the analysis performed using AVINOR, the flaps are actuated at

different frequencies from 2/rev to 5/rev and the blade loading is extracted for each of the

cases. From these cases, maximum value of the load for each of the six components is

determined at each station. Also, the maximum amplitude of oscillatory component of the

load is determined for the fatigue analysis at each section.

Figure D-9: Steps used in Blade Design

Failure Analysis: Worst case loading obtained from the AVINOR analysis is used as the

input for the Failure Analysis. Strain influence coefficients obtained from UM/VABS

analysis are used for determining all the six strain components for each element of the

cross-sectional mesh. The maximum strain criterion is used to determine the failure point

for the blade. Maximum allowable value of the strain for each of the six components is

determined from a similar analysis of the baseline blade (blade with a single flap

described in [112]). Similarly, the maximum dynamic strain for each of the component is

determined using the amplitude of the oscillatory loads determined using AVINOR in the

previous step.

Design constraints: Design constraints used in the analysis include upper and lower

bounds on the location of the shear center, cross-sectional center of gravity and blade

dynamic frequencies.

Flap control authority: Flap control authority depends upon the dynamic properties of the

blade. It is a measure of oscillatory load generated by per unit deflection of the flap. In

the current set of experiments, measurement of the unsteady aerodynamic drag was the

main aim of the experiment. Thus, it was desirable that the blade torsional stiffness be

very high to ensure that the contribution of aeroelastic loads to the hub loads is minimal.

Blade Analysis Tools

Detailed description of UM/VABS and RCAS is given in earlier chapters. This section

provides details about the aeroelastic code AVINOR and the MATLAB based mesh



The AVINOR (Active Vibration and Noise reduction) code [97] has been developed

over the years at UCLA and University of Michigan. It performs aeroelastic rotorcraft

analysis with emphasis on computational efficiency while retaining sufficient fidelity.

The AVINOR aerodynamic model consists of four main components – (1) an attached

2D time domain unsteady aerodynamic model that accounts for compressibility and time-

varying free stream Mach numbers, (2) a semi-empirical dynamic stall model for

separated flow regime at high advance ratios, (3) a free-wake model which calculated

non-uniform inflow distribution, and (4) a reverse flow model. The structural model is

based on 1D finite element method that accounts for moderately large deflections. The

structural dynamic model used in the code can use cross-sectional properties provided by

UM/VABS for modeling composite rotor blade. The simulation code has been primarily

used to investigate active and passive approaches to improve rotor blade design. For

active control, code allows for single or multiple actively controlled flaps along the blade

span. The optimal flap deflections for various combinations of vibration reduction, noise

reduction and performance enhancement are determined by a variant of the higher

harmonic control.

Mesh Generator

The finite element mesh required for 2D cross-sectional analysis was generated using

a MATLAB-based mesh generator specially developed for UM/VABS. To create a

general airfoil wetted surface, pairs of co-ordinate points defining the contour of the

airfoil must be supplied. From the wetted surface, layers of given material are defined in

order to create the stacking sequence needed for internal structural configuration.

Material properties for each material are defined using table lookup. The inertial effects

associated with the ballast masses are added directly to the inertia matrix generated by


Final Blade Design

The initial layup used for the blade cross section was based on tests conducted at MIT

in 2000 [112]. As shown in Table D-3, the front spar consisted of 4 layers of fiberglass

and 1 layer of IM7 graphite, vertical web consisted of 3 layers of E-Glass while the blade

fairing consisted of one layer of E-Glass fiber.

Table D-3: Initial and Final Blade Design

Spar Fairing Web
1. E-Glass 0 deg 1. E-Glass ±45 deg 1. E-Glass ±45 deg
2. IM7 0 deg 2. E-Glass ±45 deg
3. S Glass +45 deg 3. E-Glass ±45 deg
4. S Glass -45 deg
5. S Glass 0 deg
Final Blade Design
Spar Fairing Web
1. E-Glass 0 deg 1. IM7 + 45 deg 1. IM7 + 45 deg
2. IM7 0 deg 2. IM7 - 45 deg 2. IM7 - 45 deg
3. IM7 + 45 deg 3. E-Glass ± 45 deg
4. IM7 - 45 deg 4. E-Glass ± 45 deg
5. IM7 0 deg 5. E-Glass ± 45 deg
6. E-Glass 0 deg

During the design process, various ply configurations were tried. Final composite

layup configuration obtained which satisfied failure and design criteria are shown Table

D-3. Since the blade with dual active flaps includes two actuators, it experiences higher

centrifugal force. Hence, the number of plies in the blade cross section had to be

increased. Also, one of the design criteria was to obtain high torsional stiffness such that

the contribution to hub loads from aeroelastic effects is minimized. Thus, IM7 graphite

plies oriented at ±45 deg were used in the fairing and the blade web.

Table D-4: Cross-sectional properties for Section 1F and Section 2F

Section 1F Baseline Final Section 2F Baseline Final

E11(x106) (N) 4.97 11.9 E11(x106) (N) 4.58 9.54
E44(x102) (N/m2) 1.23 4.27 E44(x102) (N/m2) 0.50 2.25
E55(x102) (N/m2) 2.03 3.40 E55(x102) (N/m2) 1.76 2.25
m (x10-1) kg/m 3.02 3.62 m (x10-1) kg/m 2.41 3.76
SC(%c) 29.8 32.3 SC(%c) 39.85 40.66

Table D-4 shows the cross-sectional properties of Section 1F and Section 2F for the

baseline case and for the final design obtained. Table D-5 shows the structural dynamic

frequencies of the baseline blade and the final design in vacuum at 1336 RPM (100%

RPM). All the frequencies for the final design are higher than that for the baseline blade.

The torsional frequency of the final design is 33% higher than that of the baseline blade.

Table D-5: Dynamic Blade Frequencies

Type Baseline Final

1 Flap Freq (/rev) 1.02 1.019
2nd Flap Freq (/rev) 3.05 3.43
3rd Flap Freq (/rev) 5.38 5.84

1st Lag Freq (/rev) 0.51 0.502

2nd Lag Freq (/rev) 5.84 9.18

1st Torsion Freq (/rev) 4.4 5.88

D.3 Failure Analysis

Failure analysis performed for the composite rotor blade is based on the maximum

strain criteria. All the six components of strain for each element of the cross section at

different stations along the blade span were determined. The maximum value of strain for

each component was compared to the corresponding value for the baseline case. Table

D-6 shows the maximum strain for each of the 10 stations in compression and tension in

both longitudinal and transverse direction. Results indicate that the blade section 5, 6 and

7 experience the maximum strains. These sections correspond to the transition region

between the blade root and rest of the blade. Since the blade root has additional plies and

thus higher stiffness, strains in the root region are smaller even though it experiences

larger internal force. Table D-7 shows the maximum strain for the final design while

Table D-8 shows the percentage difference in the maximum strains experienced by the

baseline case and the final design case. As observed in the baseline case, the new blade

designed also experiences maximum strains in the transition region. The percentage

difference obtained for the maximum strains indicate that the new blade design has

smaller strains as compared to the baseline case.

Table D-6: Maximum Strains for the Baseline Case (Units: με)

Section ε11 ε22 ε11 ε22 Section ε12 ε13

1 1563 1643 -1077 -1053 1 3557 3630
2 1175 1199 -751 -704 2 2472 1465
3 2614 3695 -2455 -1402 3 5153 5640
4 2907 3810 -2602 -1597 4 6588 5971
5 3549 3599 -2371 -2278 5 6699 5491
6 3684 3510 -2494 -2722 6 4689 5669
7 3553 4829 -3681 -2579 7 4654 7591
8 2497 2936 -2252 -1797 8 3193 4422
9 1345 2034 -1617 -864 9 2168 3118
10 1065 1497 -1253 -786 10 1547 2471
max 3684 4829 -3681 -2722 max 6699 7591

Table D-7: Maximum Blade Strain for the Final Design (Units: με)

Section ε11 ε22 ε11 ε22 Section ε12 ε13

1 901 958 -662 -662 1 4372 3022
2 955 962 -694 -692 2 2118 942
3 1904 2458 -1500 -1268 3 4463 6517
4 1912 2588 -1647 -1289 4 5280 7361
5 1990 2908 -1495 -1360 5 5550 7119
6 1758 2331 -1688 -1241 6 3330 6729
7 2950 4133 -1482 -2185 7 5417 4307
8 2315 1660 -743 -1639 8 5525 4824
9 1339 1641 -601 -975 9 2425 1726
10 763 1320 -567 -612 10 1389 1379
max 2950 4133 -1688 -2185 max 5550 7361

Table D-8: Percentage Variation in Cross-Sectional Strains

Section ε11 ε22 ε11 ε22 Section ε12 ε13

1 -42.4 -41.7 -38.5 -37.1 1 22.9 -16.7
2 -18.7 -19.7 -7.6 -1.7 2 -14.3 -35.7
3 -27.2 -33.5 -38.9 -9.6 3 -13.4 15.6
4 -34.2 -32.1 -36.7 -19.3 4 -19.9 23.3
5 -43.9 -19.2 -37.0 -40.3 5 -17.2 29.7
6 -52.3 -33.6 -32.3 -54.4 6 -29.0 18.7
7 -17.0 -14.4 -59.7 -15.3 7 16.4 -43.3
8 -7.3 -43.5 -67.0 -8.8 8 73.0 9.1
9 -0.5 -19.4 -62.8 12.8 9 11.9 -44.6
10 -28.3 -11.8 -54.7 -22.2 10 -10.2 -44.2
max -19.9 -14.4 -54.2 -19.7 max -17.2 -3.0

Similar analysis was also carried out for the dynamic strains. The maximum amplitude

of dynamic strain for each component of the strain was obtained and compared with the

corresponding strain for the baseline case. The final result obtained is shown in Table

D-9, Table D-10 and Table D-11.

Table D-9: Alternating Strains for the Baseline Case (Units: με)

section ε11 ε22 ε12 ε13

1 271.1 279.5 813.8 624.9
2 226.3 229.2 511.5 324.9
3 434.2 425.4 518.5 876.2
4 447.2 448.1 615.7 950.6
5 406.4 415.6 593.4 857.7
6 382.4 394.9 586.4 798.8
7 402.1 406.6 490.3 766
8 638.1 593.3 432 814.4
9 283.4 299.6 248.4 537.8
10 267.6 274 189.8 511.5
Max 638.1 593.3 813.8 950.6

Table D-10: Alternating Strains for the Final Design (Units: με)

Section ε11 ε22 ε12 ε13

1 128.7 133.1 468.1 324.5
2 98.3 100.9 236.9 149.5
3 135.8 257.4 209.5 457.8
4 140.3 261.4 239.9 489.7
5 121.1 265.5 212.6 440.5
6 117.4 236.8 217.1 401
7 83.1 263.5 232.3 267.8
8 164.9 183.4 195.5 681.1
9 92.2 115.7 169.7 107.4
10 73.3 84 137.1 87
Max 164.9 265.5 468.1 681.1

Table D-11: Percentage Difference for the Alternating Strains

Section ε11 ε22 ε12 ε13

1 -52.5 -52.4 -42.5 -48.1
2 -56.6 -56.0 -53.7 -54.0
3 -68.7 -39.5 -59.6 -47.8
4 -68.6 -41.7 -61.0 -48.5
5 -70.2 -36.1 -64.2 -48.6
6 -69.3 -40.0 -63.0 -49.8
7 -79.3 -35.2 -52.6 -65.0
8 -74.2 -69.1 -54.8 -16.4
9 -67.5 -61.4 -31.7 -80.0
10 -72.6 -69.3 -27.8 -83.0
Max -74.2 -55.3 -42.5 -28.4

D.4 Strength Test

Pull (tensile) test was conducted on sample section to test the strength for the layup

designed in the previous section. Sample sections were fabricated specifically for the pull

test with metal inserts (see Figure D-10) at the end such that it can be easily held in the

MTS testing machine. During the test, a pure tensile load was applied to simulate the

centrifugal force which is the most dominant force. Based on the computational analysis,

two critical areas were identified for structural testing, namely, the root section and the

cutout section for holding the actuators. Since, most of the structural strength of the blade

is due to the front spar, only spar part of the airfoil cross section was used for testing.

Only a small addition to strength and stiffness is expected by including fairing to the

airfoil section. However, its main purpose is to provide a smooth aerodynamic surface.

Figure D-10: CAD Model of the Metal insert used for Pull Tests

Pull Test for Root Section

For testing the root section, a 0.5R long blade section was fabricated with blade root at

one end and the metal insert at the other end. Metal insert was fixed inside the blade

section during the fabrication process to ensure that the joint has sufficient strength.

Sample section was then mounted on the tensile testing machine as shown in the Figure

D-11. In order to monitor blade strains during the tension test, 2 pairs of strain gages

were mounted on the top and bottom surface of the blade at 0.2R and 0.34R. As shown in

Figure D-12, this corresponds to section 4R and 1F in the blade design.

The tension test was performed in a quasi-static manner. The displacement at the

moving end was increased at the rate of 0.001 inch per sec. The load was allowed to

increase till the failure point. At tensile load of 4800 lbf, damage was observed in the

region where the metal insert was attached to the blade as shown in Figure D-13. (It

should be noted that, in this case, the hole used for attaching the metal insert to testing

machine was drilled in the metal insert after the blade was fabricated. As a result of

drilling this hole, some of the joint-strength between the rotor blade section and metal

insert was lost. And hence the damage occurred at the joint. This issue was avoided in the

next pull test by drilling the hole in the metal insert prior to fabrication.) During the test,

no damage was observed in rest of the blade. Thus the root section of the blade was able

to withstand tensile load of atleast 4800 lbf without any damage which is 20% higher

than the maximum load expected at the root at 100% RPM (13336 RPM) determined

from numerical analysis.

Figure D-11: Set up for pull test of blade root section

Figure D-12: Location of Strain Gages used for the Pull Test of Root Section

Figure D-13: Damaged Section after the Pull Test for Root Section

The variation of tensile load and blade strains with time is shown in Figure D-14 and

Figure D-15 respectively. The output produced by strain gage on top surface of section

4R shows some unexpected variation from the general trend which may be due to loose

electrical wiring. The strain observed for section 4R is consistently less than that

observed for section 1F as expected, since the root section has more plies. Also, for

section 1F, the strain gage on the top surface indicates higher strain as compared to the

strain gage on the bottom surface. This may be due to some asymmetry in the applied

load which can arise from the cambered profile of airfoil section. It should be noted that

the blade cross section consists of VR7 airfoil which is not a symmetric airfoil. In

general, all the strain components vary linearly with the applied load indicating that no

damage occurred to the blade section during the tension test. Thus, the blade root section

was able to withstand loads more than 20% of the maximum expected load without any


Load variation with time



Load (lbf)


0 50 100 150
Time (sec)

Figure D-14: Blade Loading Profile used for the Pull Test of Root Section
Experimental Strain
Sec4R Top
3500 Sec4R Bot
Sec1F Top
3000 Sec1F Bot
Strain (  )





0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Load (lbf)

Figure D-15: Strain Recorded by different Strain Gages during the Blade Loading

Pull Test for Cut-out Section

A sample section was fabricated for pull test of cutout region with metal inserts at both

ends of the specimen as shown in Figure D-16. The sample section mounted on the

tensile testing machine is shown in Figure D-17. In this case, the metal inserts used had

drilled holes to avoid drilling holes after the blade fabrication. In order to monitor the

blade strain at critical locations, strain gages were mounted on the blade as shown in

Figure D-18.

Figure D-16: Test Section Fabricated for Pull Test of Cutout Section

Figure D-17: Setup used for the Pull Test for the Cutout Region

Figure D-18: Location of Strain Gages used for the Pull Test of Cutout region

In this test, the loading cycle was modified to observe the hysteresis effect in the

stress-strain curve. The applied axial load was increased to 1000lbf and then decreased by

500lbf and then increased by 1000lbf again till the maximum expected load of 3500lbf

was reached. After that, the blade load was allowed to increase steadily till 6500 lbf as

shown in Figure D-19. The blade strain given by strain gages is shown in Figure D-20.

All the strains observed show a linear relationship with the applied load and the effect of

alternating the load cycle is minimal. This indicates that no significant damage occurred

to the blade during the tensile test. As expected, higher strains are recorded by strain

gages 8, 3 and 4 which are mounted in the web region of actuator bay. In this region,

additional plies were included to reduce the effect of cutout in the cross section. The

maximum strain observed in this region is well below the maximum allowable strain

limit for the fiberglass material. The strain value observed by strain gages 7, 1 and 2 are

of similar magnitude. Also, as observed in the earlier pull test, there is some difference in

the strains recorded by the top and bottom strain gages at the same spanwise location.

Load variation with time




Load (lbf)



0 200 400 600 800 1000
Time (sec)

Figure D-19: Loading Cycle used for Pull Test of Cutout Region
Axial Strain in Section 2F Axial Strain (5 & 6) in Section 2F in front region
9000 4000
Gage 7 Top(IN)
8000 Gage 8 3500 Bot(IN)
7000 3000
Strain (  )

Strain (  )

2000 1000

1000 500

0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Load (lbf) Load (N)

Axial Strain (1 & 2)in Section 1F Axial Strain(3 & 4)in Section 2F in web region
5000 8000
Top(IN) Top (IN)
Bot(IN) 7000 Bot (IN)

Strain (  )

Strain (  )

2000 3000


0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Load (lbf) Load (lbf)

Figure D-20: Strain Gage Output

D.5 Blade Instrumentation

The active blade was instrumented with a variety of sensors to monitor the blade

response in real time. Instrumentation used in the active blade included strain gages to

determine blade strains, hall effects sensors to measure flap deflections and

accelerometers at the blade spanwise tip to measure tip twist and acceleration. For all the

sensors used in this blade, a 36AWG wire was used for making the wiring connections.

The wires were run along the blade spar and pulled out near the root. Detailed description

of all the sensors used on the active blade is given Table D-12 and Figure D-21.

Table D-12: Details of the Sensors used on the Active Blade

Strain Gages in the spar

Sensor Sensor Description Type Location (%R)
1 Chordwise Bending Strain Half 0.18
2 Flapwise Bending Strain Half 0.19
3 Torsional Strain Full 0.2
4 Flapwise Bending Strain Full 0.39
5 Flapwise Bending Strain Full 0.59
6 Chordwise Bending Strain Full 0.52
7 Torsional Strain Full 0.35
8 Torsional Strain Full 0.55
9 Torsional Strain Full 0.69
10 Torsional Strain Full 0.89
11 Axial Strain in Actuator bay 1 Quarter 0.75
12 Axial Strain in Actuator bay 2 Quarter 0.82
Gage No Sensor Description Location (%c)
1 Near Leading edge 6%
2 At quarter chord 25%
3 Near Leading edge 44%
Hall Effect Sensor
No Sensor Description Location
(at 0.75c) (%R)
1 For actuator 1 72%
2 For actuator 2 79%

Active Blade Instrumentation (Part A)

Active Blade Instrumentation (Part B)

Figure D-21: Instrumentation used in the Active Blade
Besides the instrumentation wires, high voltage wires were also run along the blade

spar which were used to power the piezoelectric actuators. The high voltage wires were

shielded by aluminum foil.

D.6 Passive Blade design

The passive blade used in spin test was designed to have similar dynamic properties as

the active blade. Thus the passive blade also included the cutout region and similar

composite layup. In place of the actuator and flaps, ballast masses were used in the

passive blade to obtain similar inertia properties. As compared to the active blade profile,

only difference for the passive blade was in the flap region where it did not include any


Detailed description of the fabrication process used for manufacturing active and

passive blade is provided in the Appendix E.

Appendix E. Blade Manufacturing

The manufacturing steps involved in the fabrication of the composite rotor blade are

similar to that highlighted in [58, 112]. In order to account for the presence of dual flaps,

some modifications were made, which will be discussed in detail in the following


The basic cross section of the rotor blade is shown in Figure E-1 and Figure E-2. It

consists of prepreg layers wrapped around the foam core with tungsten ballast mass at the

leading edge. The blade cross section is cured in two stages: namely, the spar cure and

the fairing cure. In the spar cure, the front spar of the blade is cured which also includes

the root section. In order to create space for mounting the actuators, spar includes cutouts

near the actuator location. Most of the instrumentation for active blade is included in the

spar region, thus it also houses the wires for transferring the sensor output to hub.

Similarly, the fairing includes cutouts for mounting flaps.

Figure E-1: Exploded View of the Airfoil Cross Section

Figure E-2: Assembled View of the Airfoil Cross Section

E.1 Fabrication of Foam Core

Foam core is required in the fabrication process to provide sufficient back pressure for

prepreg plies during the curing process inside the mold. The presence of foam core has

very little effect on the stiffness properties for the cross section; however, its effect is

more apparent on the inertial properties. In the cross-sectional analysis performed in this

chapter for the active-flap blade design, the effect of foam is included for all the blade

cross sections along the span. The shape of the foam section is determined using the

shape of outer mold line (OML), the number of prepreg layers used in the cross section

and the backpressure required for curing. To ensure sufficient backpressure, the foam

core used in spar section (71IG) was oversized by 5 mils while the foam core used in the

fairing section (31 IG) was oversized by 20 mils. These values were determined by

fabricating sample sections and observing the quality of cured parts.

Figure E-3: Shape of the Foam Core for Spar and Fairing Section

Initially, the CNC method was explored to fabricate the foam core sections. However,

it did not work well due to the cutting time required for getting a smooth finish and the

flexibility of foam section. As a result, a different method was used. Here, plexiglass

profiles were fabricated using a laser cutting machine. Laser cutting method provides

very high accuracy which is required for the foam core fabrication. These profiles are

attached on the either ends of a 6” long foam section and the foam was sanded using a

sanding machine and hand files. The root section of the blade has a non-uniform profile

which varies along the span. In order to accurately capture the non-uniformity, four

different sections were selected along the root part of the blade and the cross-sectional

shape was determined using the mold geometry. A tolerance of 5 mils in the thickness

was used for the fabrication of foam core. All the 6” foam pieces were joined together by

5min epoxy. The joined pieces of foam core in the root region are shown in Figure E-4.

Before joining the foam pieces, it was verified that the five-minute epoxy does not lead to

gassing of the foam section when heated inside autoclave at 250 deg F.

Figure E-4: Joined pieces of Foam Core

The foam core used for the spar section included cutouts as shown in the Figure E-5.

Similarly the foam core used for the fairing section included cutout in the flap region.

These cutouts were made with a sharp knife after joining all the foam pieces together.

Figure E-5: Cutout made in the Spar Region for Actuators

E.2 Instrumentation

The active blade included strain gages, HET sensors and accelerometers as the sensors

for measuring the blade deformation and flap deflection. Details and specifications of the

sensors and wires used in the blade are given in Table E-1. Wires for these sensors were

run along the trough made in the blade spar (shown in Figure E-7) and they exit near the

root as shown in Figure E-6. For installing the strain gages, precured E-Glass tabs were

used and strain gages were glued on them. These tabs with strain gages were glued upside

down on the foam core such that the strain gage records strain for the innermost layer of

the prepreg. Wiring diagram for the flap-wise bending strain gages and the torsional

strain gages are shown in Figure E-8 and Figure E-9, respectively. The front spar also

included two accelerometers near the blade tip as shown in Figure E-11. Wires running

along the blade spar also included high voltage wires for providing power supply to the

actuators in the cutout region as shown in Figure E-10.

Figure E-6: Instrumented Spar Section

Table E-1: Instrumentation used in the Spar Section

Manufacturer Part Number

Strain gages
Flapwise Vishay Micro measurements
Chordwise Vishay Micro measurements
Torsion Vishay Micro measurements
Accelerometer Analog Devices ADXL 193
HET Micronas Hal 815
Wires Vishay Micro measurement 36 gage

Figure E-7: Trough made in the Blade Spar for Instrumentation Wires

Figure E-8: Wiring Diagram for Full Bridge Flap wise Bending Strain Gage

Figure E-9: Wiring diagram for Full Bridge Torsion Strain Gage

Figure E-10: High Voltage Wires in the Cutout Region

Figure E-11: Accelerometers mounted on the Blade Tip in the Spar Region

Calibration for the accelerometer was verified using the guidelines provided in the

datasheet. Figure E-12 shows different configuration which can be used to calibrate the

accelerometer. According to the datasheet, ADXL193 has a sensitivity of 8mV/g. Table

E-2 gives the output voltage measured for 2 accelerometers. The obtained results are

close to the sensitivity given in the datasheet. The Hall Effect transducer was calibrated

after the fabrication of the rotor blade.

Figure E-12: Different Configurations used for Calibration of Accelerometer

Table E-2: Measured Voltage from Accelerometers

Acc 1 Diff Acc 2 Diff

(V) (mV) (V) (mV)
Config 1 2.4977 -8.4 2.4979 -8.1
Config 2 2.5143 8.2 2.514 8
Config 3 2.5061 0 2.506 0

E.3 Spar mandrel Design

The blade includes two cutouts in the spar region for mounting actuators after the

blade fabrication. In order to create space for the actuators, two spar mandrels are used.

During the manufacturing process, inboard actuator support and outboard actuator

support are installed in the blade spar. Actual fabricated parts used during the blade

manufacturing are shown in Figure E-13. In order to fabricate these parts, detailed CAD

models for each of the component were prepared as shown in Figure E-14. Final parts

were fabricated in the Machine Shop (by Terry Larrow) in Department of Aerospace

Engineering. In order to ease the process of removing spar mandrel from the cured blade,

two ¼” x 20 threaded holes were made in the middle spar mandrel and one in the inboard

spacer as shown in Figure E-13.

Figure E-13: Spar Mandrel Parts

Figure E-14: CAD Model Developed for the Parts of Spar Mandrel

E.4 Spar Manufacture

Once the instrumented foam core was ready and the two spar mandrels were

fabricated, the layup process for the blade spar was started. Based on the cross-sectional

design finalized in Appendix D, all the plies were cut to the desired shape and size. The

root section of the blade included additional plies to withstand the large centrifugal force.

The root plies used in the cross section consisted of 0.52” wide IM7 ply strips which

wrap around the root pin. For each layer (which consisted of 4 strips), two of these layers

wrap around the root pin and cover the top surface of spar, while the other two layers

wrap around the root pin and cover the bottom surface of blade spar. Unlike the root

plies, the mail spar plies wrap (except Spar Ply 2) around the leading edge of airfoil

section. Dimensions of all the plies used in the layup are shown in Table E-3. The main

plies used in the cross section had to be cut on the top surface in actuator region. The

cutout made in the plies is shown in Figure E-15. Ply 2 in the spar plies is a 0 deg IM7

ply to provide additional axial stiffness against the centrifugal loads. Similar to the

process followed for the root plies, Spar 2 plies are split into 4 strips of 0.52” width and

they wrap around the root region. In the cutout region, a diversion is made in these plies,

which will be shown later. Based on the sizes given in Table E-3, all the plies are cut to

the exact size as shown in Figure E-16.

Table E-3: Dimension of the Plies cut prior to Blade Fabrication

Root Plies
Sr. No Name Ply Length Width Angle
1 SPD 10b 1 IM7 2.4 0.52 0
2 SPD 10b 2 IM7 2.4 0.52 0
3 SPD 10b 3 IM7 2.4 0.52 0
4 SPD 10b 4 IM7 2.4 0.52 0

5 SPD 10a 1 IM7 2.4 0.52 0
6 SPD 10a 2 IM7 2.4 0.52 0
7 SPD 10a 3 IM7 2.4 0.52 0
8 SPD 10a 4 IM7 2.4 0.52 0

9 SPD 9a 1 IM7 3 0.52 0

10 SPD 9a 2 IM7 3 0.52 0
11 SPD 9a 3 IM7 3 0.52 0
12 SPD 9a 4 IM7 3 0.52 0

13 SPD 9b 1 IM7 3 0.52 0

14 SPD 9b 2 IM7 3 0.52 0
15 SPD 9b 3 IM7 3 0.52 0
16 SPD 9b 4 IM7 3 0.52 0

17 SPD 8 1 IM7 3.5 0.52 0

18 SPD 8 2 IM7 3.5 0.52 0
19 SPD 8 3 IM7 3.5 0.52 0
20 SPD 8 4 IM7 3.5 0.52 0

21 SPD7 1 IM7 4.1 0.52 0

22 SPD7 2 IM7 4.1 0.52 0
23 SPD7 3 IM7 4.1 0.52 0
24 SPD7 4 IM7 4.1 0.52 0

25 SPD6 1 IM7 4.6 0.52 0

26 SPD6 2 IM7 4.6 0.52 0
27 SPD6 3 IM7 4.6 0.52 0
28 SPD6 4 IM7 4.6 0.52 0

29 SPD5 1 IM7 5.2 0.52 0

30 SPD5 2 IM7 5.2 0.52 0
31 SPD5 3 IM7 5.2 0.52 0
32 SPD5 4 IM7 5.2 0.52 0

33 SPD4 1 IM7 7.9 0.52 0

34 SPD4 2 IM7 7.9 0.52 0
35 SPD4 3 IM7 7.9 0.52 0
36 SPD4 4 IM7 7.9 0.52 0

37 SPD3 1 IM7 10.7 0.52 0

38 SPD3 2 IM7 10.7 0.52 0
39 SPD3 3 IM7 10.7 0.52 0
40 SPD3 4 IM7 10.7 0.52 0

41 SPD2 1 IM7 13.5 0.52 0

42 SPD2 2 IM7 13.5 0.52 0
43 SPD2 3 IM7 13.5 0.52 0
44 SPD2 4 IM7 13.5 0.52 0

45 SPD1 1 IM7 24.5 0.52 0

46 SPD1 2 IM7 24.5 0.52 0
47 SPD1 3 IM7 24.5 0.52 0
48 SPD1 4 IM7 24.5 0.52 0
SPD: Spar Double Ply

Web Plies
Sr. No Name Ply Length Width Angle
49 Web 1 IM7 51.5 1.51 -45
50 Web 2 IM7 51.5 1.52 45
51 Web 3 E120 51.5 1.53 45
52 Web 4 E120 51.5 1.54 45
53 Web 5 E120 51.5 1.55 45
54 Web D1 E120 8 1.5 45
55 Web D2 E120 8 1.5 45

Main Plies
Sr. No Name Ply Length Width Angle
56 Spar Ply 1 E120 51.5 4.3 0
57 Spar Ply 2_1 IM7 105.5 0.52 0
58 Spar Ply 2_2 IM7 105.5 0.52 0
59 Spar Ply 2_3 IM7 105.5 0.52 0
60 Spar Ply 2_4 IM7 105.5 0.52 0
61 Spar Ply 3 IM7 51.5 4.3 45
62 Spar Ply 4 IM7 51.5 4.3 -45
63 Spar Ply 5 IM7 51.5 4.3 0
64 Spar Ply 6 E120 51.5 4.3 0

Root Pin
Sr. No Name Ply Length Width Angle
65 Root pin IM7 50 0.85 0


34.25 38.2 42.4



Figure E-15: Cutout made in Spar ply 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Figure E-16: Cut Prepreg Plies prior to Layup

Prior to the layup process, the foam core is heated in an oven for 30 min at 150F

temperature to remove all the moisture. In the next step, the adhesive film (pink colored

AF163-2U) is wrapped around the foam core. Adhesive film facilitates the bonding of

prepreg to the foam core. It has a thickness of 3 mils and has the same curing temperature

(250F) as the prepreg used in the cross section. Adhesive film wrapped around the root

region and the cutout region is shown in Figure E-17 and Figure E-19. The cutout region

also includes additional chordwise and spanwise plies to provide strength in the cutout

region. These plies are added to the foam core prior to complete layup as shown in Figure

E-18 and Figure E-19.

Figure E-17: Adhesive Film wrapped around Foam Core

Figure E-18: Additional Plies in the Cutout Region

Figure E-19: Cutout Region with Ribs

In the next step, leading edge weight is added to the spar layup. This weight is added

near the leading edge of the cross section such that the cross-sectional center of gravity

lies near the quarter chord of airfoil section. The amount of ballast mass required is

determined from the cross-sectional analysis performed using UM/VABS. The ballast

mass used in this research consists of tungsten rods with cross-sectional diameter of 0.04

inch and 0.125 inch. The leading edge weight (LEW) required and the number of

tungsten rods needed to obtain that weight is shown in Table E-4. These tungsten rods are

cut into 1 inch pieces (so that they do not result in additional cross-sectional stiffness)

and rolled inside the IM7 ply as shown in Figure E-20. Since the flap region (section 2F)

includes flap supports and flaps in the trailing edge region, higher leading weights are

required in this region. Leading edge weights are attached to the spar section after the

root layup is completed as shown in Figure E-23 and Figure E-24.

Table E-4: Ballast Mass used in each Cross Section

Section LEW Reqd 0.04 Dia 0.125 Dia LEW calc

(gm/m) (#) (#) (gm/m)
3R 0.014 5 0.111
2R 0.09 4 0.096
1R 0.143 7 0.148
1F 0.125 6 0.126
2F 0.35 2 2 0.355
3F 0.11 5 0.111
4F 0.108 5 0.111

In the next step, a root pin (required for alignment and for creating a 0.5” diameter

hole for mounting the blade in the spin test stand) is added to the spar foam with adhesive

film on it. The unidirectional IM7 ply is wrapped around the root pin such that the

mounting hole has sufficient stiffness and strength. Root pin with wrapped IM7 plies and

root plies added near the root section are shown in Figure E-21. As discussed earlier, root

plies consist of 0.52” wide strips and they wrap around the root pin. Figure E-22 shows

the root section when all the root plies are added to the root section.

Figure E-20: Leading Edge Ballast Mass

Figure E-21: Wrapping Root plies around the Root Pin

Figure E-22: All Root Plies wrapped around the Root Pin

After the root plies, leading edge weight and web plies are added to the spar as shown

in Figure E-23. The cutout section of the blade includes larger ballast mass (Figure E-24)

to account for the additional mass due to flap and flap supports in the trailing edge


Figure E-23: Leading Edge Weights and Spar web plies

Figure E-24: Cutout Region with Spar Mandrel and Additional Leading Edge

Next, the main spar plies are added. As discussed earlier, the main spar plies include a

cut in the top part to account for the cutout. Figure E-25 and Figure E-26 show the first

main spar ply (E-Glass at 0 deg) in the cutout region and the root region, respectively. A

small modification had to be made in the main spar plies near the root region so that they

conform better to the tapered and non-uniform root section. Figure E-27 shows the fourth

main spar ply (IM7 ply at 45 deg) on the spar section. The unidirectional IM7 ply is

wrapped around the root pin like root plies. On the top surface, these plies are steadily

moved around the cutout region as shown in Figure E-28.

Figure E-25: First main Spar ply Wrapped Around Spar in the Cutout Region

Figure E-26: First Main Spar Ply near the Root Region

Figure E-27: 4th Spar Ply in the Cutout Region

Figure E-28: Unidirectional Plies moved around the Cutout Region

The cutout section of blade with all the main spar plies is shown in Figure E-29. It also

shows the spar mandrel in the cutout region. In order to ease the process of spar mandrel

removal from the cured spar, it is coated with the releasing agent (Frekote 700NC) and

then taped with Teflon. This also prevents the residual epoxy from the prepreg from

pouring into the threaded holes which are required for the removal of spar mandrel. The

lower surface of the inboard and outboard actuator support are cleaned and covered with

adhesive film to facilitate the attachment of supports to the lower surface of the cutout

region in blade spar. In the next step, peel ply is added on the top and bottom surface of

spar near the web region to create space for the overlapping fairing plies as shown in

Figure E-29. Similarly, a spacer is used on the top of cutout region to create space for the

spar cover which covers the actuators on blade. The bottom surface of the spar is shown

in Figure E-31. Besides the peel ply, it also includes holes to allow the alignment pins

from spar mandrel to pass through.

Figure E-29: Cutout Region with All Spar Plies

Figure E-30: cutout region with spacer and peel plies

Figure E-31: Bottom part of the cutout region

All the instrumentation wires coming out from the root region are passed through a

shrink tube as shown in Figure E-32. This prevents the prepreg epoxy from getting in

contact with the wires which can make them brittle. Wires are also covered with the flash

tape to prevent any kind of damage from rubbing which might happen while closing the

molds. The instrumentation wires exit from the mold as shown in Figure E-33 through

the cavity machined earlier in the mold.

Figure E-32: Root region before spar cure

Figure E-33: Instrumentation wires exiting the mold

The bottom and the top molds are closed with the heavy duty steel clamps as shown in

Figure E-34. The steel clamps are tightened such that the space between the molds is less

than 8 mils along the entire perimeter. The blade section inside the closed mold is cured

in a 6ft long autoclave at 250F for 90 min. In this research, an autoclave was used instead

of the traditional mold heater to provide a more uniform heating over the entire blade

span and achieve a better control over the temperature profile. A very small pressure of

10 psi was used during the cure such that it is sufficient to ensure uniform heat transfer

inside the autoclave without affecting the foam core in the blade cross section.

Figure E-34: Blade Molds Closed with Heavy Duty Steel Clamps

The cured blade spar is shown in Figure E-35 and Figure E-36. The peel ply and the

spacers after the cure are shown in Figure E-36. It also shows the Teflon-taped spar

mandrel in the cutout region which had to be removed. The spar mandrel was removed

using the threaded hole in the middle spar as shown in Figure E-37. During the removal

of spar mandrel, care is taken to make sure that the inboard and outboard actuators

supports are not affected and they remain fixed in the blade spar. And finally, the high

voltage wires in the cutout region are soldered to the solder taps on the wall of the cutout


Figure E-35: Active Blade Spar after Cure

Figure E-36: Cutout Region after Cure

Figure E-37: Spar Region after removing Spar Mandrel

E.5 Fairing Manufacture

The process used in the faring cure is similar to that followed during the spar cure. In

this case, the cure is complicated by the fact that the accurately aligned flap supports need

to be installed in the flap region for holding the flaps. In order to help in the alignment,

holes and notches are machined in the lower blade mold as shown in the Figure E-38.

The position of these holes was fixed relative to the location of alignment holes used for

the spar mandrel. Before the fairing cure, the flap mandrel had to be designed and

fabricated which is used to create space for actual flaps. The CAD model of the flap

mandrel is shown in Figure E-39. It also includes extensions at the ends to hold the flap

supports during the fairing cure.

Figure E-38: Holes machined in the bottom mold for alignment of flaps during the

Figure E-39: CAD model of the flap mandrel used during fairing cure

The flap mandrel was machined out of aluminum. The CAD model of the inboard and

outboard flap support that had to be installed on the blade during the fairing cure is

shown in Figure E-40. The flap supports were fabricated using water jet cutting to get the

precise shape. As in the case of spar foam, the fairing foam was also fabricated in 6 inch

long pieces and then joined together using the five-minute epoxy. The fairing foam had to

be tapered near the root region to follow the mold profile as shown in Figure E-41. The

fairing section includes wires from HET that are used to measure the flap deflection. Hall

Effect transducers (HETs) are mounted after the fairing cure to protect them from high

temperature during the curing process.

Figure E-40: Location of Flap Supports mounted in the Flap Region during Fairing

Figure E-41: Root Region with Fairing Foam Core

In order to attach the flap supports to blade section, super plies and ribs are used.

Figure E-42 shows superplies wrapped around the inboard and outboard flap supports.

This figure also shows the flap mandrel, the cut made in fairing foam core for the

mandrel and the wires for connecting HET to the flap support. The ribs that are used to

transfer the loads generated by flap supports to the blade spar are shown in Figure E-43.

This figure also shows the TE stiffener (0.3 inch wide unidirectional IM7 ply) which runs

along the blade span to provide longitudinal stiffness in the fairing region.

Figure E-42: Instrumented Flap Region for Fairing Cure with Flap Mandrel

Figure E-43: Flap Region with Additional Plies for holding Flap Supports

Fairing plies (IM7 plies at +45 deg and -45 deg) were added on the top as shown in

Figure E-44. As it can be seen in the figure, they overlap the cured spar region over a

width of 0.3 inch. Similar rib plies and trailing edge stiffener were added on the bottom

surface of the fairing foam core as shown in Figure E-45.

Figure E-44: Flap Region with Fairing Plies

Figure E-45: Bottom Part of the Fairing Region

Before closing the mold for final cure, a spacer was used to create space for the spar

cover in the cutout region and critical areas were covered with the flash tape to prevent

extra epoxy from seeping into the parts as shown in Figure E-46. Final fairing layup near

the root section is shown in Figure E-47. As in the case of spar cure, the instrumentation

wires were run along the machined cuts in the mold to prevent them from damage during

the curing process.

Figure E-46: Fairing region before Final Cure

Figure E-47: Root part of the Blade before Fairing Cure

The final cured blade obtained after the fairing cure is shown in Figure E-48. It shows

the flap supports attached to the fairing of blade and the flap mandrel which was used as

spacer. The flap mandrels were carefully removed so as not to damage the HET wires and

fixed flap supports as shown in Figure E-49.

Figure E-48: Flap part of the Blade after Cure

Figure E-49: Cured Active Blade

The second blade used for testing on the spin test stand did not include active flaps

and is referred as “passive blade”. The passive blade used for testing was designed to

have similar dynamic properties as the active blade to avoid undesirable loads due to the

blade dissimilarities. Thus, the passive blade had cutout as in the case of active blade and

it included ballast masses in the spar region and in the flap region to account for the

actuators and flaps, respectively. The passive blade also included one flapwise bending

strain gage, one torsional strain gage and one chordwise strain gage near the root region.

The final passive blade that was fabricated is shown in Figure E-50. The ballast masses

used in the spar region in place of the actuator are shown in Figure E-51.

Figure E-50: Cured Passive Blade

Figure E-51: Ballast mass added in passive blade instead of actuator

E.6 Fabrication of Active Flap

The fabrication process used for manufacturing the active flaps is similar to that used

for fabricating the active blade. It consisted of prepreg plies wrapped around the foam

core. It also included supports at the end to help in installation of the flaps on the active

blade. The cross-sectional shape of the active flap is shown in Figure E-52. The final

fabricated flap had a chord of 1.34 inch (~ 0.25c) and a span of 3.85 inch (~0.06R). As

discussed in Section C.2.1, in order to minimize the hinge moment generated by

aerodynamic forces, the active flap was designed to have an overhang. Based on the CFD

analysis carried out for the airfoil-flap, the location of flap hinge axis was fixed at


Figure E-52: Cross-sectional Shape of the Flap

During the CAD assembly of the flap and flap hinge mechanism, it was noticed that

some part of the flap was interfering with the control rod which is used to transfer the

actuation from X-frame actuator to active flap. Thus, a small notch was made near the

leading edge of the flap as shown in Figure E-53 to avoid the interference.

Figure E-53: CAD Model of the Active Flap

The foam core for active flaps was prepared in a similar manner as the foam core in

blade spar and fairing were fabricated. Plexiglass template was designed and laser cut

based on the number of plies and oversizing required to get sufficient back pressure for

the mold cure. The flap section before the cure is shown in Figure E-54. The spacer used

to create space near the leading edge of the flap and flap horn used in the flap can be seen

in the picture. For curing the flaps, a new aluminum mold was designed and machined. It

included small cutouts on the sides to help in the alignment of flap supports during the

fabrication process as shown in Figure E-55. The active flap was also cured in the

autoclave as shown in Figure E-56. The final fabricated flaps are shown in Figure E-57.

Figure E-54: Flap section before cure

Figure E-55: Flap inside the Mold before Cure

Figure E-56: Flap inside the Autoclave for Cure

Figure E-57: Cured Flap Sections

E.7 Blade Section for Pull Test

For pull test, sample sections of the blade were fabricated with metal insert at the end.

The CAD model of the metal insert used in the pull test is shown in Figure E-58. As

shown in the figure, half of the metal insert resembles the shape of blade spar such that it

can be easily attached to the blade, while the other half is a flat rectangular extension,

where a hole is drilled, such that it can be easily attached to the tensile testing machine.

The drilling of the hole or any other machining required for the metal insert should be

performed prior to attaching the metal insert to the blade spar. In the next step, the metal

insert is attached to the end of foam core as shown in Figure E-59. Thus, the metal insert

becomes a part of the blade during the layup process.

Figure E-58: CAD model for the Metal Insert

Figure E-59: Metal Insert Attached to the Foam Core

The final parts fabricated for pull test included strain gages to measure strains during

testing. To allow the wires to pass through, a small grove was made in the metal insert

along the spar thickness. Sample section for tensile testing with metal inserts attached at

either ends is shown in Figure E-60.

Figure E-60: Fabricated Section for Pull Test

Appendix F. Results from the Dual Flap Experiments

This appendix provides a summary of the experimental results obtained from the tests

conducted on spin-test stand with dual active flaps. The results obtained are compared

with numerical analysis performed using RCAS code.

F.1 Introduction

The main aim of the experimental analysis was to measure the unsteady drag produced

by active flaps in rotating conditions. With this objective in mind, a composite rotor blade

with dual active flaps was designed and fabricated as described in Appendix C, Appendix

D and Appendix E. The active flaps on the rotor blade were actuated by a couple of X-

frame actuators developed at MIT. The characterization of the X-frame actuator and the

development and testing of flap-actuation mechanism is described in Appendix C of the

thesis. Once the blade was fabricated, it was tested on the spin test stand. Besides

determining the unsteady drag produced by active flaps, other objectives of the

experiment are to: a) test the effectiveness of dual active flaps in influencing vibratory

loads at the rotor hub and b) generate experimental database for comparison with

numerical analysis.

Summary of the Spin Test Stand

The UM/MIT spin stand facility was developed for testing a Mach–scaled two-bladed

rotor with a diameter of 10ft. As shown in Figure F-1, the test stand consists of a steel

frame in a pyramid configuration which houses an electric motor with a direct coupled

shaft which passes through a slip ring assembly. The base of the stand is isolated on

rubber cushions to attenuate transmissions of floor vibration. The main characteristics of

the spin-test stand are given in Table F-1.

Table F-1: Spin-test Stand Characteristics

Property Value
Hover speed (for Mach scaling) 1336 RPM
Max rotor power 150 hp
Lowest stand elastic mode > 150Hz
Flap articulation 0.0286R
Lag articulation 0.15R
Feathering degree of freedom clamped at 0.0673R
Number of slipring channel for sensor signal 138
Number of slipring channel for high voltage signal 28
Number of blades 2
Radius 60.619 in (5ft)
Blade Chord 5.388 in

Figure F-1: Spin-test Stand

The primary sensor used for the measurement of unsteady aerodynamic loads due to

flap oscillation is a six-axis JR3 load cell. It measures all the three forces and three

moments at the rotor hub in the rotating frame. The maximum load carrying capacity for

various load components of the load cell is given in Table F-2. Axes orientation for the

load cell is shown in Figure F-2.

Table F-2: Maximum loads

Load Component Max Load

Fx ± 300 lbf
Fy ± 300 lbf
Fz 2000 /-500 lbf
Mx ± 250 ft-lbf
My ±250 ft-lbf
Mz 200 / -800 ft-lbf

Note: 1. Data for Table F-2 is provided by the manufacturer

2. Except Fz and Mz, all other loads generated by the blades subtract at the hub

Figure F-2: Axes Convention for the Load Cell

During previous experiments conducted with the spin-test stand at the old MIT

location [112], basic accuracy and resolution of the load cell under rotating conditions

were characterized. Results are reproduced in Table F-3. Ideally, these calibration tests

need to be conducted again for the new facility at the University of Michigan. However,

it is expected that due to the improved flow conditions in the new facility, the flow

fluctuations will be smaller than that detected earlier and the results shown in Table F-3

are expected to improve.

Table F-3: Preliminary Accuracy and Resolution of Various Load Components

Load Component Accuracy Resolution

Fx 1.5 lbf 0.08 lbf
Fy 1.5 lbf 0.08 lbf
Fz 6.2 lbf 0.25 lbf
Mx 1.2 ft-lbf 0.06 ft-lbf
My 1.2 ft-lbf 0.06 ft-lbf
Mz 2.5 ft-lbf 0.05 ft-lbf

List of working Sensors

During the process of active blade fabrication and instrumentation, some of the

sensors were damaged. The list of all working sensors is given in Table F-4.

Table F-4: List of working Sensors

Strain gages in blade spar
Sensor Sensor Description Type Location (R) Status
1 Chordwise Bending Strain Half 0.18 Quarter bridge working
2 Flapwise Bending Strain Half 0.19 Working
3 Torsional Strain Full 0.2 Working
4 Flapwise Bending Strain Full 0.39 Half Bridge working
5 Flapwise Bending Strain Full 0.59 Working
6 Chordwise Bending Strain Full 0.52 Quarter bridge working
7 Torsional Strain Full 0.35 Working
8 Torsional Strain Full 0.55 Working
9 Torsional Strain Full 0.69 Working
10 Torsional Strain Full 0.89 Working
11 Axial Strain in Act Bay 1 Quar 0.75 Failed
12 Axial Strain in Act Bay 2 Quar 0.82 Failed
Note: Chordwise strain gages to measure axial strain in actuator bay were mounted again
during fabrication of blade fairing

Accelerometers (at blade tip) in spar

Sensor Sensor Description Location Status
13 Near Leading edge 0.06 Failed
14 At quarter chord 0.25 Yes

Strain gages (in fairing)
Gage No Sensor Description Type Location (R) Status
15 Chordwise Bending Strain Quarter 0.76 Working
16 Chordwise Bending Strain Quarter 0.82 Working
17 Chordwise Bending Strain Quarter 0.52 Working

Accelerometer (in spar)

Gage No Sensor Description Location (c) Status
18 Near Leading edge 0.44 Yes

Note: HET sensors mounted in the sample blade can get damaged due to the high
temperature and lack of sufficient space. Hence, HET wires were installed for HET
which come out near flap`s outboard support. Actual HET are soldered near the flap
supports after the blade is manufactured.

Data Acquisition and Flap Actuation

The data acquisition setup used for acquiring the data from spin test and power supply

setup used to power the two X-frame actuators is shown in Figure F-3. The data collected

from all the sensors on active and passive blades and the data from the load cell in

rotating frame are transferred to the fixed frame through slip-rings in the spin test-stand

hub. Data from the fixed frame on the spin-test stand is transferred through long

intertwined wires to the National Instruments Data Acquisition Box in control room, as

shown in the Figure F-3. The data acquisition, visualization and elementary post-

processing analysis were performed using the LABVIEW software. It allows the user to

observe the data in real time and store the acquired data at a desired sampling frequency

in a text file. The output obtained in the text file can be used for further post processing

using MATLAB. The LABVIEW was also programmed to include a warning system in

case the output from any of the sensors exceeds a limiting value. For example, if the

value of strain from one of the strain gages exceeds a critical value, the LABVIEW

software issues a warning.

Figure F-3: Setup for Data Acqisition and Power Supply

The spin test stand room included four cameras at various locations in the room which

can be used to record videos during the operation. Since the cameras had poor resolution,

they could not be used for image processing or further analysis. One of the cameras was

used for tracking purpose. Further details related to tracking and balancing is provided in

the following section. The videos from all the four cameras can be seen by the user in

real-time and it can also be recorded. One wireless camera was installed on the blade hub

and it was made to point towards the tip of active blade from the hub. This helped in

capturing the blade tip motion.

The two X-frame actuators used on the active blade were powered independently so

that the motion of both the flaps can be controlled independently. The power supply to

each actuator was provided by a set of function generator and amplifier. The function

generator used for both the actuators can be synced, in case their phase difference or

frequency needs to be controlled simultaneously. The 5V DC signal for the HET is

provided through a separate power supply as shown in the Figure F-3.

Static Balancing and Tracking

Static balancing is performed in order to make sure that the total mass on the two

blades used in the spin test stand are balanced. An aluminum fixture, where both the

active and the passive blades used in the testing can be mounted, was designed and

fabricated. The size of the fixture was the same as that of the spin-test stand hub. The

setup used for static balancing is shown in Figure F-4 and Figure F-5.

Additional Mass
Spirit Level
(Collar Sleeve)

Passive Blade Active Blade

Aluminum Fixture

Figure F-4: Aluminum Fixture for Static Balancing

Figure F-5: Static Balancing of Blades

The active blade used for static balancing includes both the flaps and spar cap, as

shown in Figure F-5. The additional ballast mass in the form of collar sleeve is used to

balance both the blades. The size of the collar sleeve is such that it can be easily fitted on

the pitch shaft assembly. The advantage of using a collar sleeve is that it allows balancing

of the two blades without adding any mass to the blade itself.

After the completion of static balancing, the collar sleeve was added to the pitch shaft.

In the next step, blade tracking (or dynamic balancing) needs to be performed in order to

make sure that the two blades are producing the same amount of lift. If the blades are not

tracked, the pitch angle for one of the blades is adjusted till the balancing criterion is met.

The procedure used for tracking is the same as that described in [112], where a

combination of laser and camera were used. The schematic of the blade tracking process

used in the current experiments is shown in Figure F-6. In this case, a high intensity laser

was used to point on the blades. Whenever one of the blades hit the laser, a dot is

produced at the point of contact and it is recorded by the camera. In case the blades are

not balanced (as in the case of blades shown in Figure F-6), there is a shift in the point of

contact, which can be easily seen on the camera output. If this occurs, then the blade

pitch angle for one of the blades is adjusted till the dots almost coincide.

Figure F-6: Schematic of Blade Tracking
F.2 Testing Process

As discussed above, the main aim of the tests was to determine the unsteady

aerodynamic loads produced by the rotor blades. In order to determine the vibratory

loads, following steps were followed:

Step 1: Obtain Baseline Data

In this case, the rotor was spun at 900RPM while the flap position was fixed at zero

degree. (For Mach scaling, the required rotor speed is 1336RPM. However, it was

observed that at very high speeds, it was not possible to obtain sufficient flap deflections.

Hence, the operating speed was reduced to 900 RPM). For this operating condition, the

hub loads generated were recorded. For all the tests conducted in this thesis, a sampling

frequency of 1000 samples per second was used. The data from hub load cell and other

sensors was recorded once the steady state was obtained. In the steady state condition, the

data was recorded for a period of 10 seconds that corresponds to 150 revolutions at 900

RPM. It should be noted that the default position of flaps (when flaps are installed on the

blade) is not zero (usually it is close to +3 to +4 degree depending on the amount of

prestress). Thus in order to bring this non-zero flap deflection to zero, a DC voltage

supply was given to the actuators through the waveform generator and amplifier. Thus,

the flaps were being controlled during the baseline tests. For the results presented in this

section, the blades had a collective pitch setting of 6.5 degree which resulted in C T =

0.0033 (CT/σ = 0.0584).

Step 2: Obtain data with flap oscillations

In this step, the flaps on active blade were actuated at a desired frequency and phase

difference. A sample test matrix for analysis at different actuation frequencies and phase

angles of actuation is shown in Table F-5. In the sample results shown later in this

Appendix, the data collected for Case 1 and Case 5 is used. As in the baseline case, the

rotor was spun to the nominal speed of 900RPM and the data was collected in steady

state condition for a period of 10 seconds.

Table F-5: Test Matrix for Analysis at Different Frequency

Freq\Phase 00 900 1800 2700

2/rev 1 2 3 4
3/rev 5 6 7 8
4/rev 9 10 11 12
5/rev 13 14 15 16

Step 3: Extraction of Vibratory Loads due to Flap

The data obtained from the spin test stand hub load cell was very noisy, as shown in

Figure F-7 (a) for the Fz component. The spin test stand also included a RPM counter in

the hub and the output from the counter was also recorded. This was used to plot the data

as a function of number of revolutions, as compared to plotting the data as a function of

time. For the analysis of periodic systems, it was observed that this technique is more

meaningful and eases the process of filtering noise. Next, the data collected for 150

revolutions was split into 10 sets where each set had the data for 15 revolutions. The data

observed for all the 10 sets is shown in Figure F-7 (b). And finally, the data obtained for

all the ten sets was averaged to get a single signal for 15 revolutions as shown in Figure

F-7 (c). The results show that this process helped in getting a cleaner signal which was

used for obtaining the mean value of the signal and frequency content using the FFT

option in MATLAB, as shown in Figure F-8. In this figure, top part (in red) shows FFT

of the raw data (shown in Figure F-7(a)), while the bottom part (in blue) shows FFT of

the time averaged data (shown in Figure F-7 (c)).

Figure F-7: Time Averaging of Data


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Freq (/rev)


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Freq (/rev)
Figure F-8: Effect of Averaging on FFT

Step 4: System Identification

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Freq (/rev)
In step 3 of the analysis, the relation between an input variable and output response

was obtained only at specific points in the design space. In order to obtain a transfer

function between the input variable and the response which can be used later for controls

related studies, a frequency sweep analysis is required. The process of obtaining an

empirical transfer function estimate (ETFE) using the frequency sweep analysis is

described below.

An empirical transfer function is the ratio of the FFT of the output signal to the FFT of

input signal. As observed earlier, the response obtained from the test stand includes large

noise and hence the ratio was also dominated by noise and thus, not very accurate. In a

typical frequency sweep test, the frequency of the actuation voltage provided to the

actuator was varied from 20Hz (1.33/rev) to 105Hz (7/rev) in a period of 10 seconds (one

chirp) at constant voltage amplitude (800Vp-p with an offset of 400V). After a gap of 2

seconds, the sine sweep signal was repeated again and 3 sets of data were obtained.

(Ideally, 10 sets of data would be more suitable to get a cleaner response, however in the

current tests it was observed that the flap deflection was starting to reduce after the third

repetition.) The collection of chirps was averaged in the frequency domain using the

cross and auto spectrum to eliminate some of the noise.

If the Fourier transform of the output and input signal are given by and ,

respectively, then the averaged cross spectrum is given by:

1 N
ˆyu   Yi ( f )Ui* ( f )
N i 1

where, is the complex conjugate of the control signal, and N is the total number of

chirps (N= 3 in this case). Similarly, the auto spectrum of the input is given by:

1 N
ˆuu  Ui ( f )Ui* ( f )
N i 1

Using these two spectrums, the average transfer function can be written as:

G1 ( f )  .

F.3 Sample Results

Here some sample results obtained from the spin test are shown for the purpose of

demonstration. After the blades were installed on the spin test stand, a number of tests

were carried out during the course of one year in trying to remove the noise in the signal,

improve the flap deflection at higher RPM, to obtain repetitive data, etc. The results

presented here highlight the issues faced during the testing of blade with dual active

flaps. In this section, the results are presented for the baseline case (Base-1 and Base-2

conducted at two different times) and Case 1 and Case 5 listed in Table F-5. As described

earlier, in Case 1, both the flaps were actuated at 2/rev frequency while in Case 5, flaps

were actuated at 3/rev frequency. In both the cases, the phase difference is zero degree. It

should be noted that all these tests were conducted on the same day.

Table F-6: Mean value of Flap Deflection

δ2,mean (deg)
Base-1 -0.72
Base-2 -0.67
Case 1 0.95
Case 5 1.09

The mean values of flap deflection for the baseline cases and for the cases with flap

oscillation are shown in Table F-6. For the baseline cases, the mean value of flap

deflection was set to 0 deg (approximately) at 100RPM by varying the DC voltage given

to the actuator and observing the realtime output shown by the data acquisition system.

Next the RPM was slowly increased to 900 and the flap deflection was recorded in the

steady state condition. For the cases with flap oscillation, a fixed input voltage of 800Vp-

p with an offset of 400V was provided to maximize the amplitude of flap deflection. As a

result of this, there is a difference in the mean value of flap deflection for the baseline

cases and the cases with flap oscillation. The FFT of the flap deflection response for both

the flaps for Case 1 and Case 5 is shown in Figure F-9. For each of the cases, the FFT

shows peak at the actuation frequency, as expected. The amplitude of flap deflection is

higher for Flap 2 for the results shown here. In general, this trend is not consistent and it

depends on the actuation frequency and the initial prestress in the flaps during the


Case 1 Case 5
3 3

 (deg)

2 2
1 1 1
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
Freq(/rev) Freq(/rev)
3 3

 (deg)

2 2
1 1

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
Freq(/rev) Freq(/rev)

Figure F-9: FFT of the Flap Deflection

For the purpose of smoothing the data and to remove noise from the signal, the data

collected for 150 revolutions was split into 10 sets and averaged. Figure F-10 shows the

variation of mean value of the loads for each of these 10 sets for the baseline case. For all

the components, the results show noticeable variation in the mean value, which is

unexpected. The periodic variation in the result indicates the presence of some lower

order harmonics in the system.

-6 -13.5


-8 -14

-10 -14.5
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Data Set Data Set
145 40

140 30

135 20
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Data Set Data Set
0 -750


-10 -760

-20 -770
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Data Set Data Set
Figure F-10: Variation of Mean Loads for Base1
The variation in the mean value of the loads for the two baseline cases and the cases

with flap oscillation is shown in Figure F-11. The error bars for these results were

obtained by using the data shown in Figure F-10. For the results shown here, no trend can

be seen between the mean loads obtained for the baseline cases and the cases with flap

oscillations. For some of the components, the variation between the baseline cases is

higher than that between the baseline and flap actuated cases.

-6 -13



-12 -15
Base-1 Base-2 Case1 Case5 Base-1 Base-2 Case1 Case5
150 50

145 40

140 30

135 20
Base-1 Base-2 Case1 Case5 Base-1 Base-2 Case1 Case5
10 -720

0 -740

-10 -760

-20 -780
Base-1 Base-2 Case1 Case5 Base-1 Base-2 Case1 Case5
Figure F-11: Variation of Mean Loads for Different Cases

Next FFT is performed on the steady state response obtained for the baseline cases.

Since the tests were performed in hover condition for similar rotor blades (although, only

one of the blades has flaps, they are designed to be structurally and aerodynamically

similar when the flaps are not oscillating), ideally there should not be any vibratory loads

in Fz and Mz component. However, due to closed boundaries around the spin test stand

and ground effects, baseline cases show significant vibration. Thus, these vibratory loads

observed for the baseline cases represent noise in the system. (If the numerical

simulations include the effect of walls and boundaries around the spin test stand, it is

possible to capture these vibratory loads, as it was demonstrated by the research

performed at Georgia Tech). Vibratory loads at different frequency observed for the Fz

and Mz components for both the baseline cases are shown
Time Average in Figure F-12 and Figure

F-13, respectively.

Base 1

Time Average Data

0 2 4 6 8 10
Freq (/rev)
Base 2

0 2 4 6 8 10
Freq (/rev)
Figure F-12: FFT of Fz for the Baseline Cases

Results for Fz show most dominant amplitude at 4/rev frequency. In case of “Base 1”

results, the contribution to vibratory loads from other harmonics is also significant. For

these two cases, the average amplitude of vibratory loads is approximately 3.2% of the

mean loads. Also, the hub loads show very small contribution from 1/rev frequency,

which implies that the blades are dynamically balanced.

The results obtained for Mz component shows large vibratory loads at 1/rev frequency,

which are unexpected since the blades are balanced. Besides the dominant 1/rev

component, there are small contributions from 2/rev and 6/rev component for both the

baseline cases. The amplitude of vibratory load for Mz component is approximately 4.1%

of the mean Mz load.

Time Average Data

Base 1

20 Time Average Data

0 2 4 6 8 10
Freq 2

0 2 4 6 8 10
Freq (/rev)
Figure F-13: FFT of Mz for the Baseline Cases

In order to capture the effects of flap actuation, the amplitude of vibratory loads

obtained for the flap actuated cases is subtracted from the amplitude of vibratory loads

obtained for the baseline cases. For the results presented here, the difference is taken with

both the baseline cases shown in previous results. The difference in amplitude obtained

for the Fz component is shown in Figure F-14. The results obtained vary depending upon

the baseline case which was subtracted. When the result obtained for the Base 1 case was

subtracted, the results showed increase in vibration for 3/rev frequency loads and

decrease in vibration for 4/rev frequency loads, for both Case 1 and Case 5. Similarly,

when the amplitude corresponding to Base 2 case was subtracted, results showed large

increase in vibration at 3/rev frequency, for both Case 1 and case 5. Thus, the results

show that the trend observed for the difference of amplitude from the FFT analysis is

independent of the actuation frequency and the amplitude of vibration observed is within

the noise level obtained for the system.

4 FFT Case1-FFT Base1 4 FFT Case5-FFT Base1
2 2


0 0
-2 -2

0 5 10 0 5 10
Freq(/rev) Freq(/rev)

4 FFT Case1-FFT Base2 4 FFT Case5-FFT Base2

2 2

0 0
-2 -2

0 5 10 0 5 10
Freq(/rev) Freq(/rev)

Figure F-14: Difference in FFT for Fz Component

Figure F-15 shows the difference in vibration level between the baseline cases and the

flap actuated cases for Mz component. In all the cases, there is an increase in the

amplitude of Mz loads at 1/rev frequency. Other than that, small increase is observed for

2/rev frequency and 3/rev frequency loads. However, the difference in amplitudes for

these frequencies is much smaller than that observed for the 1/rev frequency. Thus, the

experimental results show that flap actuation leads to an increase in Mz loads at 1/rev

frequency independent of the actuation frequency.

30 30
FFT Case1-FFT Base1 FFT Case5-FFT Base1
20 20


10 10
0 0
-10 -10
0 5 10 0 5 10
Freq(/rev) Freq(/rev)
30 30
FFT Case1-FFT Base2 FFT Case5-FFT Base2
20 20


10 10
0 0
-10 -10
0 5 10 0 5 10
Freq(/rev) Freq(/rev)

Figure F-15: Difference in FFT for Mz component

F.4 Comparison with RCAS

For numerical analysis, a model of the blade with dual active flaps was implemented

in RCAS. As in the experimental setup, RCAS model included active flaps on only one

of the two blades. The structural analysis was performed using the non-linear beam

model while the aerodynamic analysis was performed using the Peters flexible airfoil

theory. The analysis also included dynamic inflow model. For RCAS analysis, trim

option was used where Fz force at the hub was trimmed to the average thrust obtained in

the experiments. The aerodynamic analysis also required table-lookup for aerodynamic

coefficients at different flap deflections. This table was generated using X-FOIL results.

The table obtained was also updated with the results obtained using CFD analysis for the

purpose of comparison.

The variation of mean Fz and Mz for all the cases is shown in Figure F-16, and the

results obtained are compared with the RCAS results. Since trim analysis is performed,

the thrust predicted by RCAS is same for all the cases. The torque predicted by RCAS is

less than the experimentally obtained torque by atleast 25%.



140 Exp
Set 1 Set 2 2/rev 3/rev

-600 RCAS

Set 1 Set 2 2/rev 3/rev

Figure F-16: Comparison for Mean Loads

The results for Case 1 (2/rev actuation frequency) for Fz component are shown in

Figure F-17. The RCAS results show vibratory loads at the actuation frequency only, that

is, at the 2/rev frequency. The amplitude of vibratory loads predicted by RCAS is of the

same order as the loads observed in experiments. However, the experimental results show

vibratory loads at 3/rev frequency. A similar trend is observed for Case 5 (3/rev actuation

frequency) (Figure F-18) where the RCAS results show vibratory loads at the actuation

frequency only, while the experimental results show increase in vibration for loads at

3/rev and 6/rev frequency and decrease in vibratory loads at 4/rev frequency. The amount

of increase and decrease in the amplitude depends upon the baseline case selected for the


Similarly, in case of Mz component, the RCAS results in Figure F-19 and Figure F-20

show vibratory loads at the actuation frequency only and the amplitude of vibratory loads

predicted by RCAS is of the same order of magnitude as the 1/rev loads observed in


Experimental Result RCAS Prediction
4 4
4 FFT Case1-FFT Base1 4 FFT Case5 -FFT Base1

2 3.5 2 3.5

0 0
3 3
-2 -2
2.5 2.5

Fz Force(lb)

Fz Force(lb)
0 5 10 0 5 10
Freq(/rev) 2 Freq(/rev) 2

4 4
1.5 1.5
2 2

1 1
0 0
0.5 -2
-2 FFT Case1-FFT Base2 FFT Case5-FFT Base20.5
0 5 10 0 0 5 0 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3
Freq(/rev) Freq(/rev)
Oscillation Frequency (/rev) Oscillation
Figure F-17: Comparison for Fz component for Case 1

Experimental Result RCAS Prediction

4 4
-FFT Base1 4 FFT Case5-FFT Base1f=2/rev f=3/rev
2 3.5 3.5

0 3 3
2.5 2.5
Fz Force(lb)

Fz Force(lb)

5 10 0 5 10
eq(/rev) 2 Freq(/rev) 2

4 1.5 1.5

1 1
-2 0.5 0.5
-FFT Base2 FFT Case5-FFT Base2
5 10 0 0 5 10 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
eq(/rev) Freq(/rev)
Oscillation Frequency (/rev) Oscillation Frequency (/rev)

Figure F-18: Comparison for Fz component for Case 5

Experimental Result RCAS Prediction
30 22 30 22
FFT Case1-FFT Base1 FFT Case5-FFT Base1
20 20 20 20

18 18
10 10
16 16
0 0
14 14
-10 -10
0 5 10 0 5 1

Mz (in-lbf)

Mz (in-lbf)
12 12
Freq(/rev) Freq(/rev)
10 10
30 30
FFT Case1-FFT Base2 8 FFT Case5-FFT Base2
20 20

6 6
10 10
4 4
0 0
2 2
-10 -10
0 5 10 0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6
5 0
1 2
Freq(/rev) Freq(/rev)
Oscillation Frequency (/rev) Oscilla
Figure F-19: Comparison for Mz component for Case 1

Experimental Result RCAS Prediction

30 22 22
FFT Base1 FFT Case5-FFT Base1
20 20 20

f=2/rev f=3/rev

10 18 18

16 16
14 14
10 0 5 10
Mz (in-lbf)

Mz (in-lbf)

12 12
ev) Freq(/rev)
10 10
FFT Base2 8 FFT Case5-FFT Base2 8

6 6
4 4
2 2
10 0 0 5
1 2 3 4 5 6
10 0
1 2 3 4 5 6
ev) Freq(/rev)
Oscillation Frequency (/rev) Oscillation Frequency (/rev)

Figure F-20: Comparison for Mz component for Case 5

As described earlier, a frequency sweep analysis was performed to determine the

transfer function between the actuation voltage and different responses. For these tests,

the frequency of flap actuation was varied from 20 to 105 Hz in an interval of 10 seconds

while the amplitude of input voltage was held constant and three sets of data were

collected. Here four different cases were considered, namely, a) both flaps oscillating in

phase, b) both flaps oscillating out of phase, c) only flap 1 was actuated and d) only flap 2

was actuated.

The transfer function obtained between the input voltage and the flap deflection for

Flap 1 and Flap 2 is shown in Figure F-21 and Figure F-22, respectively. In both the

cases, the results show the trend observed earlier where the amplitude of flap oscillation

increased with an increase in the actuation frequency. The results obtained for Flap 2 are

more consistent while the results for Flap 1 vary significantly depending upon the case.

Also, there is very good coherence throughout the range of actuation frequency indicating

good signal quality from the flap sensors. The variation of phase is similar for Flap 1 and

Flap 2 for all the cases and the mean value of phase angle is close to 90 deg.

The transfer function obtained for the hub loads Fz and Mz is shown in Figure F-23

and Figure F-24, respectively. Unlike the results obtained from the flap deflection sensor,

the results obtained from the load cell show significant amount of noise in the system due

to which the coherence for both these transfer functions is very poor. The Fz component

shows high amplitude at 3/rev frequency only, as it was observed in the experimental

results obtained earlier.

Flap 1(deg/V)
Both Flaps (In Phase)
Both Flaps (Out of Phase)
Flap 1 Only
1 2 3 4 5 6 7


1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Phase (deg)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Figure F-21: Flap Deflection to Input Voltage Transfer Function for Flap 1
Flap 2(deg/V)

Both Flaps (In Phase)
Both Flaps (Out of Phase)
Flap 2 Only
1 2 3 4 5 6 7


1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Phase (deg)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Figure F-22: Flap Deflection to Input Voltage Transfer Function for Flap 2



1 2 3 4 (In Phase) 5
Both Flaps 6 7
1 Both Flaps (Out of Phase)
Flap 1 Only
0.5 Flap 2 Only

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Phase (deg)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Figure F-23: Hub Thrust (Fz) to Input Voltage Transfer Function

Both Flaps (In Phase)


Both Flaps (Out of Phase)

Flap 1 Only
Flap 2 Only

1 2 3 4 5 6 7


1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Phase (deg)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Figure F-24: Hub Torque (Mz) to Input Voltage Transfer Function

F.5 Conclusion

Finally, a summary of different issues experienced in the experimental analysis of dual

active flaps is provided along with possible corrections that can be made for future

experiments. The issues are listed in the order of their importance.

Issue 1: Baseline vibration in hub loads measurement

Since the tests were done in hover condition, it was expected that the vibratory loads

in the absence of any flap motion (baseline vibratory loads) would be very small.

However, during the experiments, it was noticed that the baseline vibratory loads were of

the same order of magnitude as the expected response loads due to flap motion (for a

torsionally stiff blade fabricated for these experiments).

Possible Causes

a) Ground Effect: The tests described in this thesis were conducted in the spin test

stand located in Aerospace Department at the University of Michigan. The rotor

blades have a diameter of 10ft and the blades are located at a height of 7.5ft above

the ground. The standard recommended distance between the blades in spin test

stand and ground plane in order to avoid ground effect is around 1.5D (15ft in the

current setup). As a result of close proximity of the blades to the ground, the

blades experience large unsteady motion of air. Even though the setup includes a

bell mouth around the spin test stand and a wire mesh above it in order to

smoothen the flow coming on to the rotor blade, hub loads still showed sufficient

vibratory amplitude.

b) Proximity to walls around the room: As mentioned earlier, the spin test stand is

enclosed in a closed room. Hence, there is a significant amount of reflection of the

vortices generated by blade motion from the four walls enclosing the room.

Preliminary analysis performed at GT using CFD (see Figure F-25) showed that

the 4/rev vibratory loads are generated due to walls around the spin test stand. The

amplitude of vibratory load corresponding to 4/rev frequency shown in Figure

F-25 (ΔCT ~ 0.075x10-3 , that is, ΔFZ ~ 7.1 lbf) is very close to the value obtained

experimentally at 1336 RPM (ΔFZ ~ 6.0 lbf).


1) Increasing the height of the spin test stand above the ground can result in some

improvement in the baseline vibratory loads. The increase in vibratory loads at the

hub due to proximity to the ground plane can be investigated in more details using


2) The four walls around the room lead to the recirculation of air inside the room. It

is difficult to quantify the effect of these four walls using aeroelastic codes like

RCAS and AVINOR. However, the effect of walls can be determined using CFD

as demonstrated in the results shown in Figure F-25. Thus, in order to minimize

these effects, it is important to perform these experiments in open conditions or in

a wide wind tunnel. However, before performing any experiment, it is always

useful to quantify the baseline vibration using CFD and experimental analysis.

3) One way to reduce the recirculation of air in the test stand room is to keep both

the doors open in spin test stand room. (provided it is safe to do it)

Cost Analysis

The main sources of vibration are the four walls enclosing the spin test stand and

proximity to ground. Hence moving the spin test stand to a new facility would be useful.

However, before finalizing the facility, detailed analysis need to be conducted to

determine baseline vibration in the test facility and expected vibratory loads from the flap

motion. In the current setup, the only possible way to minimize baseline vibration is to

perform the experiment with open doors. Increasing the height of the spin test stand

would also be useful in minimizing the baseline vibration. For increasing the height,

using a long shaft between motor and blade would be more useful than raising the height

of the entire test stand.

Figure F-25: Variation of CT for Baseline Conditions [177]

Issue 2: Poor performance of flaps (flap deflection) at high RPM

It was observed during the experiments that the flap deflections decrease significantly

(amplitude less than 0.5 deg) when the RPM is above 1000.

Possible causes:

a) Gaps between the airfoil and flap

The flap was designed to have a certain gap between the main blade and the

leading edge of the flap in the chordwise direction. However during the

manufacturing process, there was small variation in size of these gaps. Also, the

analysis performed in CFD to determine the flap-hinge location did not account

for gaps along the spanwise direction. Since the flap supports are installed at the

ends of the flap, there is some gap between the main blade and the flap in the

spanwise direction. Even though an attempt was made to cover up these gaps

using E-Glass tabs, it was not exactly flush with the flap. As a result of this, there

was a reduction in the flap effectiveness and an increase in the additional

aerodynamic forces acting on the flaps which increase with RPM. This can result

in a decrease in flap deflection obtained.

b) Large friction at high RPM

During the design process, special care was taken to reduce friction from the flap

actuation mechanism. All the supporting parts were fabricated with steel to ensure

that there is very little compliance in the system; and flap and its supports can

sustain high centrifugal force. However, the reduction in flap deflection indicates

that there is a large increase in friction with the increase in RPM (besides the

increase in aerodynamic forces against which the flap needs to move).


a) In the current setup, it would be difficult to cover up the gaps along the spanwise

direction. However, for future flap installation, it would be more suitable to have

the flap supported in the middle so that gaps at the end can be minimized.

b) Also, it is important to account for the effect of gaps (in both spanwise and

chordwise directions) on the unsteady loads acting on flaps and on reduction in

the flap effectiveness. This requires detailed CFD analysis of the flap region in

rotating conditions.

c) The use of bearing in the clevis region would be useful for reducing some of the

friction effects. However, it was not possible to include the bearing in the current

design due to limited space available and size constraint imposed by maximum

length of moment arm.

Cost Analysis:

In the short term (1-2 weeks), a better way to cover the gaps in both spanwise and

chordwise direction can be designed without getting in contact with flaps. However,

before going ahead with that, detailed aerodynamic analysis needs to be performed in

order to determine effect of gap size on flap effectiveness. For future active flap

experiments, the flap hinge mechanism needs to be redesigned to reduce gaps and include

ball bearings in the clevis. In the current flap-actuation mechanism designed, many

constraints were imposed due to the requirement of prestress for piezoelectric actuator

that was generated using the prestress wire in active flap. However, other actuator

available (like Cedrat) can generate required prestress from the actuator frame and hence

do not require any external mechanism to generate prestress.

Issue 3: Very small effect of flap motion on vibratory loads at the hub

Flap oscillations at different actuation frequencies led to very small increase in the

vibratory loads at the hub at that frequency.

Possible Cause

a) Large torsion stiffness of the blade

The main aim of the experimental analysis was to determine the unsteady

aerodynamic drag associated with the flap motion. In order to minimize the

contribution from blade elasticity to loads generated at the hub (aeroelastic loads),

the active blade was designed to be stiff in torsion. The blade designed had a

torsional stiffness of 5.88/rev at 1336 RPM. Due to the reduction in flap motion at

high RPM (Issue 1), the operating RPM was changed to 900 in order to ensure

sufficient flap deflection. However, decreasing the RPM caused the blade torsion

frequency to become 8.88/rev. Thus, due to the large torsional stiffness of the

blade, the twisting moment generated by the active flaps was not sufficient to

twist the blade and thereby generate aerodynamic loads.

b) Gap between the airfoil and flap in the spanwise direction.

As discussed previously, the 3D air flow over the gaps can result in reduction in

the flap effectiveness. The current 2D codes can only account for gaps in the

chordwise directions.

c) Walls enclosing the spin test stand

The spin test stand used for experiments is enclosed inside a room and as a result,

there is recirculation of air after reflection from the walls. In the CFD study at

GT[177], it was shown that there is approximately 22% reduction in CT because

of the shroud and walls around the spin test stand. The effect of walls on the

vibratory loads generated at the hub due to flap oscillations is yet to be quantified.


a) Reducing blade torsional stiffness at the root: This can be achieved by using a

torsional spring/coupling between the blade root and root attachment on the test

stand. This might result in a small increase in radius of the blade. However, the

increase in loads using this technique will be due to aeroelastic effects and might

be detrimental to original goal of the experiments.

Cost Analysis:

In short term, a torsional spring can be used to reduce torsional stiffness of the blade

locally at root. However, for future active flap experiments, blades need to be designed


Issue 4: Large variability in results (for similar flap deflection and operating RPM)

Vibratory hub loads generated at the rotor hub showed significant variation in the

mean value and amplitude of vibration, even during a single run. During the tests, the

data was collected for 150 revolutions in steady state condition at a sampling rate of 1000

samples/sec. In order to analyze the data, this data was split in to 10 sets of 15 revolutions

each. The mean value and per rev harmonic loads for each of these intervals were

obtained to determine the fluctuations in the test stand hub loads. Results obtained for the

mean value of loads indicated the presence of lower order harmonics (less than 1 Hz

frequency) in the hub loads.

Possible Causes:

1) This can be attributed to the presence of ground and walls around the spin test

stand. It may be possible to capture some of these effects with CFD analysis;

however, the analysis needs to be runs for atleast 200 or more revolutions to

capture these effects.


1) This can also be fixed by using a wide wind tunnel or by performing the tests in

open conditions.

Issue 5: Uncontrollable flap deflections

During the experimental runs for the baseline case, the flap position was adjusted to 0

deg at 100RPM and then the RPM was increased to operating RPM (900 RPM). While

increasing the RPM, there was small variation in the flap position (between ±1 deg). For

the cases where flap was actuated, the input voltage was fixed to 800 Vp-p with an offset

of 400V in order to maximize the amplitude of flap oscillation. However, due to this

input voltage, it was difficult to control the mean value of flap oscillation.

Possible Causes:

a) Due to increase in dynamic pressure with increase in RPM, the aerodynamic

forces acting on the flap hinge change. As a result of this, the mean value of the

flap position changes with an increase in RPM for the baseline cases.

b) A significant amount of static friction was observed in the flap hinge mechanism.

With the same amount of prestress applied (by adjusting the clevis), different flap

deflections were obtained (variation of 1-2 deg). Also, the waveform generator

used for generating the input signal for active flaps produced small spikes. These

spikes also resulted in shift in the mean position of the flap.

c) The range for voltage supply that can be given to the X-frame actuator was fixed

by the manufacturer (from 0V to 800V). Thus, in order to maximize the amplitude

of flap deflection, complete range of voltage supply had to be utilized. If offset

voltage was varied to adjust the mean position of flap oscillation, it would have

resulted in reduction in the amplitude of flap oscillation.


1) Feedback control for controlling flap deflection: In order to accurately control the

flap deflection during the tests, a feedback loop is required. In the recent tests

with active flaps (at Boeing and Sikorsky), a controller based on HHC algorithm

is used to control the flap position.

2) There is a need to minimize static friction in the flap hinge mechanism by

appropriate lubrication.

3) There is a need to redesign the flap-actuation mechanism such that higher flap

deflection could be obtained. This would allow the controller to control both the

mean value and amplitude of flap deflection.

Cost Analysis:

Developing a feedback controller with basic PID approach would be useful in

controlling the flap deflection when the flaps are not oscillating. Also, an advanced

controller based on HHC would be required to control the flap deflection in rotating


Issue 6: Decrease in flap deflection with time

Flap deflection was observed to reduce with time during the experimental runs. At full

RPM, sufficient flap deflection could only be obtained for less than 2 minutes. After each

run, rotor had to be stopped and lubrication had to be applied. In some cases, flap had to

be removed from the blade and installed again.

Possible Cause:

a) Loss of lubrication: The increase in friction force can also occur due to the loss of

lubrication which occurs because of large centrifugal force.

b) Small deformation of flap supports: The large centrifugal force acting on the flap,

can lead to small deformation of the flaps and its support over a period of time.

This might cause some components of the flap and its support to get in contact

with non-moving parts and rub against each other. This can result in significant

increase in friction and reduce the flap deflection.


1) Lubrication: During the tests, it was observed that using lubrication after every

run helped in reducing the friction effects.

2) Reinstallation of the flaps on active blade: The flap lubrication was effective only

for 3-4 runs and after that; even lubrication did not produce any improvement in

the flap deflection. In this case, flaps had to be removed from the setup and

reinstalled again. This helped in recovering the flap deflection.

3) The need for lubrication needs to be minimized in future tests to ensure longer test

time by reducing the number of moving parts and by use of elastic hinges.

Issue 7: Unexpected large 1/rev component in Mz

The experimental results obtained show significant 1/rev component in M z. Also, this

component increased when flaps were oscillated. The amplitude of 1/rev component was

larger when the tests were conducted at 2 deg collective setting as compared to tests

conducted at 6.5 deg collective.

Issue 8: Decrease in hub load response with increase in flap actuation frequency

Computational results obtained from RCAS and AVINOR showed an increase in

vibratory loads with increase in the actuation frequency till it approaches the first torsion

frequency. However, the experimental results obtained showed that flaps are effective in

generating vibratory loads at the hub only when the actuation frequency is between 2/rev

to 4/rev even though a higher amplitude of flap deflection is obtained at higher flap

actuation frequencies.


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