UEFA Coaching Directives 2010
UEFA Coaching Directives 2010
UEFA Coaching Directives 2010
Preamble 8 Article 17
Article 1 UEFA CEP content 22
Definition of terms and abbreviations 9 Article 18
Article 2 UEFA CEP pyramid 22
UEFA Coaching Convention 10 Article 19
Article 3 Qualified coach educators 23
Scope of application 10 Article 20
Article 4 UEFA coaching diplomas 24
Competent UEFA and member Article 21
association bodies 11
Further UEFA CEP courses 24
Article 5
Article 22
Convention party technical and
administrative staff 11 Reality-based learning 25
Article 23
Specialist coaching diplomas 26
II. Article 24
UEFA minimum organisational requirements 27
UEFA Coaching Convention 12
Article 25
Article 6 Minimum duration of UEFA coaching
diploma courses 27
Convention membership status 14
Article 26
Article 7
Further education for coach educators
Limited convention membership status 14
by UEFA 29
Article 8
Article 27
Full convention membership status 14
Further education for UEFA coaching
Article 9 diploma holders 30
Partnership status 15 Article 28
Article 10
Long-serving professional players 31
Rights and duties in an approved partnership 16
Article 29
Article 11
Rights and duties of UEFA coaching
Changes in convention membership status 17
diploma holders 31
Article 12
Article 30
Regaining previous convention membership 18
UEFA coaching licence 32
Article 31
Article 13
Further UEFA coaching licence conditions 32
Non-compliant coaching courses 18
Article 32
Article 14
UEFA coaching licence for club and
Communication of convention membership status 19
national team coaches 33
Article 15
Article 33
Bilateral agreements 19
Honorary diplomas 34
Article 16
Article 34
Convention membership status as at
Cross-border education 35
31 December 2008 19
Article 35
Recognition of non-UEFA coaching
qualifications 35
UEFA Directives governing the UEFA Coaching Convention 02 03
and the UEFA Coach Education Programme
UEFA coaching diploma
course admissions 44
Article 36 Article 50
Certificate of attendance 35 Admission process 46
Article 37 Article 51
Course fee 35 Admission criteria 46
Article 52
Application form 47
IV. Article 53
National Coach Education Admission fee 48
Programme (NCEP) 36 Article 54
Practical football experience 48
Article 38 Article 55
General provisions 38 Aptitude test 49
Article 39
UEFA Pro diploma courses 38
Article 40 VII.
Further education for coach educators UEFA coaching diploma
by convention parties 38 course assessment 50
Article 41
Further education for UEFA coaching Article 56
diploma holders within the NCEP 39 Assessment criteria 52
Article 42 Article 57
International courses 39 Attendance 52
Article 43 Article 58
NCEP re-evaluation 39 Assessment and examination 53
Article 59
Internship 54
V. Article 60
Convention membership Marking system 54
applications 40 Article 61
Course completion and decisions 54
Article 44 Article 62
Sequence of requests 42 Examination board 55
Article 45 Article 63
Formulation of requests 42 Active coaching 55
Article 46
Submission to Jira Panel and evaluator 42
Article 47
Jira Panel evaluation 43
Article 48
DTA Committee evaluation and decision 43
Article 49
Approvals and refusals 43
UEFA coaching diploma course Convention party
eligibility and content 56 issuing duties 68
Article 64 Article 70
UEFA B diploma 58 UEFA coaching diplomas and licences 71
Article 65 Article 71
UEFA A diploma 58 Convention party input 72
Article 66 Article 72
UEFA Pro diploma 59 Information flow 72
Article 67 Article 73
UEFA Elite Youth A diploma 59 Coach database and statistics 73
National coaching diploma Final provisions 74
compliance with UEFA diplomas 60
Article 74
Article 68
Disciplinary provisions 76
Upgrading courses for existing national Article 75
coaching qualifications 63 Annexes 76
Article 76
Implementation 76
X. Article 77
Amending criteria for Matters outside these Directives 76
Article 78
UEFA coaching diplomas 64
Authoritative version 76
Article 69 Article 79
Updating UEFA coaching Adoption, entry into force, abrogation
diploma requirements 67 and modification 77
Article 80
Transitional provisions 77
UEFA Directives governing the UEFA Coaching Convention 04 05
and the UEFA Coach Education Programme
Annex 1
Status of UEFA Coaching Convention membership
as at 31 August 2010
Annex A
UEFA Coach Education Programme pyramid
Annex B
UEFA Coach Education Programme structure
Annex C
UEFA Elite Youth A diploma obtainment routes
Annex D
UEFA Cross-border education form
Annex E
Instructions on the use of UEFA coaching
diploma (award) and licence (ID card) templates
Annex F
Terms and conditions of UEFA Coaching
Convention logo use
Annex G
Certificate of attendance
Annex H
Re-evaluation form for evaluators
Annex I
UEFA B diploma requirements
Annex J
UEFA A diploma requirements
Annex K
UEFA Pro diploma requirements
Annex L
UEFA Elite Youth A diploma requirements
Annex M
Futsal B diploma requirements
Annex N
UEFA declaration of recognition of limited
UEFA Coaching Convention membership status
(at B and A level)
Annex O
UEFA declaration of recognition of full UEFA
Coaching Convention membership status
Annex P
UEFA declaration of recognition of
partnership status
Annex Q
A brief history of the UEFA Coaching Convention
General provisions
Preamble 8
Article 1
Definition of terms and abbreviations 9
Article 2
UEFA Coaching Convention 10
Article 3
Scope of application 10
Article 4
Competent UEFA and member association bodies 11
Article 5
Convention party technical and administrative staff 11
Section I
General Provisions
UEFA Directives governing the UEFA Coaching Convention 08 09
and the UEFA Coach Education Programme
Article 1
Definition of terms and abbreviations
For the purpose of these Directives, the FES Unit: the UEFA administration’s
following definitions and abbreviations apply: Football Education Services Unit,
responsible for ensuring the proper
Applicant: a UEFA member association
implementation and application of the
that wishes to sign the UEFA Coaching
UEFA Coaching Convention and these
Convention or change its status under the
k) Initial convention party: a UEFA member
Candidate: an individual who sends a
association that issues a coach his first
request to a convention party to attend a
UEFA coaching diploma (B diploma).
coaching course within the framework of
the UEFA Coach Education Programme Jira Panel: UEFA expert panel dedicated
and the UEFA Coaching Convention. to coach education.
c) Convention contract: UEFA Coaching Licence: permit to coach at a certain level
Convention Contract, 2009 edition. for a limited period of time.
Convention party: a UEFA member
d) n) NCEP: a national coach education
association that has signed the Convention programme established and adopted by a
Contract (2009 edition). UEFA member association.
e) Diploma: award issued to an individual Qualified
o) coach educator: an
by a convention party confirming that the experienced coach with the appropriate
individual has successfully completed coach education/coaching licence to
a UEFA coaching diploma course and educate UEFA coaching diploma and
passed all the required examinations. A further education course participants
different award is issued at each UEFA as monitored by the Jira Panel.
coaching level.
p) UEFA CEP: UEFA Coach Education
Directives: UEFA Directives governing
f) Programme.
the UEFA Coaching Convention and the
Recognised football organisation: any
UEFA Coach Education Programme, 2010
legal entity which is duly recognised by
UEFA and/or a convention party and
DTA Committee: UEFA Development
g) which deals with the organisation of
and Technical Assistance Committee, football matches or competitions.
responsible for the UEFA Coaching
Convention. 2 In these Directives, the use of the masculine
Evaluator: a member of the UEFA Jira
h) form refers equally to the feminine.
Panel appointed to evaluate a UEFA
member association’s national coaching
programme against UEFA’s minimum
requirements and to provide support,
experience and expertise.
i) UEFA director: appointed director from
the UEFA administration responsible for
education and technical football matters.
Article 2 Article 3
UEFA Coaching Convention Scope of application
The Convention Contract was approved by
the UEFA Executive Committee at its meeting
of 12 December 2008 and came into force on
1 January 2009.
Section I
General Provisions
UEFA Directives governing the UEFA Coaching Convention 10 11
and the UEFA Coach Education Programme
Article 4 Article 5
Competent UEFA and member Convention party technical and
association bodies administrative staff
Convention membership status is confirmed
in writing to the UEFA member association
concerned by means of a declaration signed
by UEFA (see Annexes N, O and P). Any
change in membership status is published on
the UEFA website so that it is acknowledged
and applicable on the territory of all UEFA
convention parties.
Section II
UEFA Coaching Convention
UEFA Directives governing the UEFA Coaching Convention 14 15
and the UEFA Coach Education Programme
Article 9
Partnership status
A partnership provides the UEFA member
association without full convention
membership status with access to coaching
courses organised by the convention party
with full membership status as detailed in
the partnership agreement.
Unless stipulated otherwise within the
partnership agreement, a candidate with
residency on the territory of the UEFA
member association without full convention
membership status has the same rights and
duties as a candidate with residency on the
territory of the convention party with full
membership status.
UEFA coaching diplomas issued by the
convention party with full membership status
are recognised on the territory of all UEFA
convention parties.
Section II
UEFA Coaching Convention
UEFA Directives governing the UEFA Coaching Convention 16 17
and the UEFA Coach Education Programme
Article 11
Changes in convention membership status
A convention party’s membership status is 6 Based on the results of the Jira Panel’s report
changed by UEFA if a review of its current and its own evaluation, the DTA Committee
coaching courses establishes non-compliance has full discretion to:
with UEFA’s current minimum requirements or
a) confirm a convention party’s membership
a violation of these Directives.
revoke UEFA coaching diplomas and/or 9 Suspensions last no more than one year, unless
licences; extended by the Jira Panel. After a maximum
require a participant to partially or of two years’ suspension, a convention party
fully repeat a course; must either regain its previous convention
membership status or be excluded from the
take other appropriate measures to convention.
comply with these Directives.
10 The introduction or withdrawal of the UEFA Elite
Youth A diploma in an association’s NCEP has
no effect either on limited or full membership
Article 12 Article 13
Regaining previous convention Non-compliant coaching
membership status courses
3 The Jira Panel appoints another evaluator to 3 A coach whose UEFA diploma is revoked may
re-evaluate the UEFA member association’s not attend a UEFA coaching course organised
convention membership status. by a convention party other than his own without
the prior approval of the Jira Panel.
The evaluator submits a report to the Jira
Panel, which forwards a recommendation
to the DTA Committee for decision. The DTA
Committee has full decision-making power.
Section II
UEFA Coaching Convention
UEFA Directives governing the UEFA Coaching Convention 18 19
and the UEFA Coach Education Programme
Article 14
Communication of Article 15
convention membership status Bilateral agreements
The FES Unit archives the original, signed 1
Once a UEFA member association has signed
UEFA Coaching Convention documents and the Convention Contract and any new edition of
provides the DTA Committee with annual the UEFA Coaching Convention, UEFA considers
status reports on: any previous bilateral agreements with regard to
mutual recognition as null and void.
a) the number and name of convention parties;
b) each convention party’s membership status; 2
Convention parties are therefore requested
c) any changes in the last football season. to annul any previous bilateral agreements
in accordance with the corresponding
termination provisions and update the
2 This report is forwarded to the UEFA Executive
Jira Panel accordingly.
Committee for acknowledgment and is published
on the UEFA website.
Convention membership statuses as at 31
December 2008 apply under the 2009 UEFA
Coaching Convention.
UEFA coaching diplomas issued before 31
December 2008 remain valid under the 2009
UEFA Coaching Convention and any revised
UEFA Coaching Convention adopted by the
UEFA Executive Committee and duly signed
by the UEFA member associations that issued
the diplomas.
UEFA Coach Education Programme (CEP)
Article 17
UEFA CEP content 22
Article 18
UEFA CEP pyramid 22
Article 19
Qualified coach educators 23
Article 20
UEFA coaching diplomas 24
Article 21
Further UEFA CEP courses 24
Article 22
Reality-based learning 25
Article 23
Specialist coaching diplomas 25
Article 24
UEFA minimum organisational requirements 26
Article 25
Minimum duration of UEFA coaching diploma courses 26
Article 26
Further education for coach educators by UEFA 27
Article 27
Further education for UEFA coaching diploma holders 28
Article 28
Long-serving professional players 29
Article 29
Rights and duties of UEFA coaching diploma holders 30
Article 30
UEFA coaching licence 31
Article 31
Further UEFA coaching licence conditions 31
Article 32
UEFA coaching licence for club and national team coaches 32
Article 33
Honorary diplomas 32
Article 34
Cross-border education 33
Article 35
Recognition of non-UEFA coaching qualifications 34
Article 36
Certificate of attendance 35
Article 37
Course fee 35
Article 17 Article 18
UEFA CEP content UEFA CEP pyramid
1 The UEFA Executive Committee approved the 1 The UEFA CEP is a two-tier pyramid (see Annex
UEFA CEP as containing the following: A): the top tier deals with further education
and the second with UEFA coach education
a) aims of promoting and fostering football
diploma courses.
coach education throughout its territory;
b) the categories of football covered by the 2 The top tier covers further education for coach
UEFA CEP; educators, technical directors and coach
c) the coaching diplomas that form an integral education directors and practical courses for
part of the UEFA CEP and, therefore, the UEFA coaching diploma holders. Courses
UEFA Coaching Convention; may be organised by UEFA or the convention
other specific coaching courses (coach
educator courses, further education
The UEFA director and the FES Unit are
courses, upgrading courses, etc.);
responsible for courses and technical events
minimum requirements for each UEFA organised by UEFA. The FES Unit is supported
coaching diploma issued by convention by the Jira Panel, the DTA Committee and the
parties under the UEFA Coaching convention parties.
f) measures to be taken by UEFA member 4 As defined by the convention party, either its
associations and clubs to comply with the technical director or coach education director is
UEFA Club Licensing and Financial Fair responsible for national courses and technical
Play Regulations and UEFA competition events for coach educators, technical staff of
regulations, which require the appointment clubs and UEFA coaching diploma holders.
of UEFA coaching diploma holders;
The second tier of the UEFA CEP pyramid
g) coach educator seminars; covers the UEFA coaching diplomas and
support for practising UEFA coaching associated minimum requirements. The DTA
diploma holders (workshops, conferences, Committee, supported by the Jira Panel, is
forums, etc.); responsible for establishing the requirements
and the convention parties are responsible for
i) cooperation with coach associations;
their proper implementation and application on
j) general support in coach education matters. their territory.
Upon proposal of the DTA Committee, the 6
The UEFA CEP focuses on the following
UEFA CEP may be adapted from time to time categories of football:
by the UEFA Executive Committee.
a) professional;
b) amateur;
c) women’s;
d) youth;
e) futsal.
Section III
UEFA Coach Education Programme (CEP)
UEFA Directives governing the UEFA Coaching Convention 22 23
and the UEFA Coach Education Programme
7 The UEFA CEP may in future also include the 5 The convention party must submit the CVs of
following specialist diplomas which already the instructors proposed as coach educators
exist in different UEFA member associations: for its first coaching course, for approval by
the Jira Panel.
a) goalkeeper;
b) fitness; 6
UEFA may allow the convention party to
c) futsal. also issue the corresponding UEFA coaching
diploma and licence to approved coach
educators who taught on this first diploma
course and completed the rest of the course
Article 19 as participants.
Qualified coach educators
With the prior approval of the Jira Panel, a
technical director or coach education director,
1 Any course falling under the UEFA CEP or the
as defined by the convention party concerned,
NCEP must use instructors who are qualified
may, upon well-founded and written request,
coach educators.
grant exceptions to individuals with specific
coaching qualifications, expertise and
They must have at least the same UEFA experience allowing them to become qualified
coaching diploma level as offered by the coach educators for any course under the
coaching diploma course on which they teach NCEP without being holders of the highest
(e.g. a UEFA Pro diploma is required to teach available UEFA coaching diploma from the
at UEFA Pro level). convention party concerned.
For the five categories of football listed in 1
Besides the courses for the aforementioned
Article 18 (6), the following four UEFA coaching UEFA coaching diplomas, the following
diplomas have been established and approved additional courses are part of the UEFA CEP:
by the UEFA Executive Committee as part of
a) further education for coach educators;
further education for practising UEFA
a) UEFA Pro diploma (Professional level);
coaching diploma holders;
b) UEFA A diploma (Advanced level);
specific courses for long-serving
c) UEFA B diploma (Basic level); professional players;
UEFA Elite Youth A diploma (Advanced d) upgrading courses for holders of a national
level). diploma to achieve a UEFA coaching
2 The Jira Panel is responsible for proposing any
new UEFA coaching diploma and its minimum 2 The Jira Panel is responsible for proposing the
requirements, including the minimum number following minimum requirements for all UEFA-
of course hours. approved courses:
a) minimum duration;
3 A proposal by the Jira Panel is evaluated by
the DTA Committee, which may then submit it b)
minimum requirements for qualified
to the UEFA Executive Committee for approval coach educators who are used as course
and integration into the UEFA CEP. instructors;
c) admission criteria;
minimum requirements for successful
course completion and diploma issuing.
The DTA Committee evaluates the Jira
Panel’s minimum requirement proposals in
collaboration with the UEFA director and the
FES Unit and forwards its recommendation to
the UEFA Executive Committee for approval.
Section III
UEFA Coach Education Programme (CEP)
UEFA Directives governing the UEFA Coaching Convention 24 25
and the UEFA Coach Education Programme
Article 22 Article 23
Reality-based learning Specialist coaching diplomas
UEFA CEP courses consist in interactive, 1 UEFA envisages the creation of special fitness,
reality-based training and education. goalkeeper and futsal coaching diplomas.
This involves learning mainly in the club 2
None of these specialist coaching diplomas
context, using knowledge, skills and attitude are currently UEFA-endorsed diplomas and
to solve realistic situations and problems will become part of the UEFA CEP only if so
in football. decided by the UEFA Executive Committee.
new concepts (distance learning and
5 The member associations are responsible for
learning in the workplace).
futsal coaching diploma courses and may only
issue national diplomas or licences, which may
4 Reality-based learning requires an assessment not contain any reference to UEFA as such or
of each candidate’s body of knowledge any UEFA logo.
during education and training by a qualified
coach educator.
There is no UEFA admission requirement
for candidates for a national futsal coaching
diploma course. The convention party may
define all admission requirements.
Article 24
UEFA minimum organisational requirements
When organising a course, a convention m) define requirements for course completion
party must: and diploma issuing;
a) evaluate the need for the course and the n)
provide instructions for post-course
demand from coaches or candidates follow-up.
with permanent residency on its territory,
as well as from affiliated clubs; 2 An evaluator reviews the final content of each
b) schedule the course on the basis of the individual course and submits a report to the
annual national coaching course calendar; Jira Panel, which may forward it to the DTA
Committee for approval.
c) set measurable course objectives;
define the main coaching topics to be
choose a suitable venue with the
Article 25
necessary football infrastructure; Minimum duration of UEFA coaching
f) draw up a detailed course programme and diploma courses
timetable (dates and times) which cover
physical, technical, tactical coaching and 1 For each UEFA coaching diploma course the
other relevant areas of football; following has to be defined:
define a suitable marking system in a) minimum hours of education in total;
accordance with these Directives;
b) percentage of theory;
set a maximum number of participants
per course and a maximum number of c) percentage of practical teaching;
places for candidates residing on the d) percentage of work experience;
territory of another UEFA convention party
in accordance with Article 38 of these e)
minimum hours of assessment/
Directives; examination.
set requirements for qualified coach
educators and course speakers;
set an admission deadline and
requirements (e.g. aptitude test);
l) fix reasonable admission fee, course fee,
licence fee, etc.;
Section III
UEFA Coach Education Programme (CEP)
UEFA Directives governing the UEFA Coaching Convention 26 27
and the UEFA Coach Education Programme
diploma diploma Youth A diploma diploma
Minimum hours of
120 120 140 240
education in total
Work experience
required as part of 20% or at
0 0 0
the diploma course least 48 hours
Minimum hours of
assessment/examination 3 3 3 6
(practical and theory)
Article 26
Further education for coach educators by UEFA
1 With the convention parties, UEFA organises 3 UEFA further education courses are open to
further education courses for coach educators, selected convention party technical directors,
technical directors and coach education coach education directors and/or coach
directors, which comprise at least 15 hours educators and neither an aptitude test nor an
of training. As a rule, UEFA organises such examination is required.
courses every two years.
4 Coach educators, coach education directors
2 The aim of UEFA further education courses is or technical directors who have completed a
to prepare and train the convention parties’ UEFA further education course get a certificate
technical directors, coach education directors of attendance (Annex G), which is recognised
and coach educators so that they themselves as evidence of mandatory further education
can organise further education courses for and is valid for licence renewal at national level
coach educators, UEFA coaching diploma (see Article 30).
courses and any other NCEP courses.
The UEFA courses also provide a platform
for exchange of best practice and trends
in football.
Article 27
Further education for UEFA coaching diploma holders
Section III
UEFA Coach Education Programme (CEP)
UEFA Directives governing the UEFA Coaching Convention 28 29
and the UEFA Coach Education Programme
Article 28
Long-serving professional players
1 Under the leadership of its technical director a) 40% of the course must contain theory
or coach education director, as decided by units off the pitch;
the convention party, and in collaboration with
b) 60% of the course must contain practical
its qualified coach educators, a convention
units on the pitch;
party may organise a special combined UEFA
A diploma course within its NCEP for long- c)
the participant must pass the UEFA
serving professional players. A diploma assessment/examinations
totalling a minimum of three hours;
The technical director or coach education d)
the participant’s follow-up must be
director, as decided by the convention party, defined.
must submit requests to organise such courses
to the Jira Panel. 8 A UEFA A diploma may only be awarded to the
successful participant on the UEFA-approved
The Jira Panel appoints an evaluator to combined course with the prior approval of the
monitor such courses. He drafts a report for Jira Panel.
the Jira Panel based on his observations of the
theory and practical units and the assessment/ 9
A long-serving professional player who
examinations. In his report the evaluator also has played for at least five full years as a
gives an opinion on whether the admission professional player in a top division of a FIFA
criteria for candidates and all UEFA minimum member association and at least 20 times for
requirements were fulfilled. the national A team may upon written request
to the Jira Panel:
The Jira Panel recommends courses to the
DTA committee for approval. a)
be exempted from the requirement of
acquiring one year’s coaching experience
as a UEFA A diploma holder before being
5 A combined UEFA A diploma course integrates
admitted to the UEFA Pro diploma course;
the content of the UEFA B diploma course with
that of the UEFA A diploma course, to form a
single course that must comprise at least 150 b) be allowed to have individual educational
hours of education. arrangements in order to achieve the next
level of UEFA diploma.
A convention party may organise one
combined UEFA A diploma course each year if 10 The Jira Panel may appoint an evaluator to
it has applications from at least seven football interview the player in question. The evaluation
players who have played for at least five full may cover the player’s education, his football
years as professional players in a top division experience, his know-how in coaching matters
of a FIFA member association. The convention and any other criteria deemed necessary. The
party may impose additional eligibility Jira Panel receives the evaluation report and
requirements. has full discretion to approve or refuse the
7 Articles 24 and 25 above apply by analogy to
combined UEFA A diploma courses, as do the
following additional requirements:
Article 29
Rights and duties of UEFA coaching diploma holders
Section III
UEFA Coach Education Programme (CEP)
UEFA Directives governing the UEFA Coaching Convention 30 31
and the UEFA Coach Education Programme
Article 30 Article 31
UEFA coaching licence Further UEFA coaching licence conditions
The UEFA coaching licence is valid from 1 The validity of a UEFA coaching licence may
the date the corresponding UEFA coaching be subject to further conditions defined by the
diploma is issued by the convention party until convention party. For example:
31 December three calendar years later (e.g.
a) (yearly) registration by the licence holder
if the UEFA coaching diploma is issued on
with the UEFA member association
25 August 2010, the licence is valid from 25
concerned, acknowledging the legal
August 2010 to 31 December 2013).
authority of the UEFA member association
and recognising its statutes, regulations,
2 While his licence is valid, a licence holder may directives and decisions;
be mandated/employed as a coach of:
b) active coaching.
a) a specific team of a football club (e.g. first
2 Active coaching means being under contract/
b) a representative team of a UEFA member mandated as a coach with a football club,
association (e.g. Under-19); or UEFA member association or other recognised
football organisation. The DTA Committee may
c) a team of any other recognised football
provide an opinion as well.
3 A licence holder may coach at different levels
depending on his coaching qualifications and
the requirements set by the issuing convention
party (e.g. UEFA Pro diploma required to coach
top division teams).
4 A licence is renewed for a further three years if
the licence holder has completed:
a) a further education course organised by
a convention party; or
b) a UEFA coaching diploma course at the
next level up (e.g. UEFA A licence holder
attends UEFA Pro diploma course).
A new, more advanced UEFA coaching
diploma and licence supersedes any previous
UEFA coaching licence.
Based on the UEFA Coaching Convention, 1 UEFA member associations are free to issue
a convention party may stipulate in its honorary diplomas at national level to honour
competition, club licensing or other regulations coaches without the required qualifications
that the head coach of all teams participating who have given outstanding service to the
in domestic competitions must have a specific game.
UEFA coaching licence.
2 However, honorary diplomas are not recognised
A convention party may also require the under the UEFA Coaching Convention or
technical staff on teams in domestic UEFA Club Licensing and Financial Fair Play
competitions to hold specific UEFA coaching Regulations and therefore cannot replace any
licences. UEFA coaching diplomas.
Section III
UEFA Coach Education Programme (CEP)
UEFA Directives governing the UEFA Coaching Convention 32 33
and the UEFA Coach Education Programme
Article 34
Cross-border education
b) fulfil the admission requirements defined 4 UEFA provides a specific form to be used for
by the convention party organising the such cross-border education requests (see
course; Annex D).
speak the official language of the 5
The convention party organising the course
convention party organising the course must formally accept or reject the candidate,
(sufficient written and oral skills); taking into account the recommendation of the
initial convention party.
provide evidence of his permanent
residency; 6 If rejected, the candidate has ten working days
to lodge a written appeal to UEFA in one of
not have been refused entry to an UEFA’s official languages. The Jira Panel takes
equivalent UEFA coaching diploma course a final decision on admission.
by another convention party within the last
three years for having failed the aptitude
have good grounds for attending a
coaching diploma course organised by
another convention party (e.g. intends to
move for professional reasons and take up
residency on the territory of the organising
convention party or is a member of a club
affiliated to the organising convention
party and has been hired to train one of its
Section III
UEFA Coach Education Programme (CEP)
UEFA Directives governing the UEFA Coaching Convention 34 35
and the UEFA Coach Education Programme
Article 36 Article 37
Certificate of attendance Course fee
The organiser of a further education course 1 Convention parties may charge a reasonable
(UEFA or convention party) issues a certificate course fee for UEFA coaching diploma
of attendance for participants who have courses, but must submit amounts to the
completed the course. Jira Panel for approval before announcing the
year’s courses.
The certificate must contain at least the
following (see Annex G): 2 The course fee covers the cost of:
name of the further education course a) food and beverage;
and the organiser;
b) accommodation;
b) place and date of issue;
c) local transport;
c) participant’s first name, family name and
d) materials provided, etc.
date and place of birth (alternative: place
of origin);
number of hours of further education
Based on the courses defined by the UEFA CEP, b)
All convention parties must submit to
each convention party defines its NCEP and fixes the FES Unit an annual list of candidates
the number of coaching courses offered on a applying for the UEFA Pro diploma. Based
yearly basis according to its own needs and the on the data received, the DTA Committee
demands of its clubs and candidates. may restrict the number of courses and/
or cancel courses already announced in
Quality, not quantity, is the key principle and national coaching course calendars.
basic philosophy behind NCEPs. This should
be reflected in the national coaching course 2 Information on those who obtain a UEFA Pro
calendar. diploma must be sent to UEFA for inclusion in
the UEFA database as soon as the course has
Convention parties must refrain from coach been completed.
education tourism. Therefore, the number of
places offered to candidates with residency 3 The DTA Committee may grant exceptions to
on the territory of another convention party are the limitation of paragraph 1 above.
limited to:
a) 20% of the total number of participants
for further education courses;
Article 40
b) 10% of the total number of participants
for UEFA coaching diploma courses. Further education for coach educators
by convention parties
These quotas do not include candidates from
a UEFA member association that has signed a 1 Under the leadership of its technical director
partnership agreement with the convention party or coach education director, as decided by the
organising the course. convention party, the latter organises within its
NCEP mandatory further education courses
4 The Jira Panel may grant exceptions to those for qualified coach educators.
limits upon well-founded request.
2 They are open to at least all qualified coach
educators registered with the convention party
and to qualified coach educators from other
Article 39 convention parties within the limits set by
UEFA Pro diploma courses Article 38 above.
Such national further education courses
1 UEFA requests that convention parties comply comprise at least 15 hours of training over
with the following criteria with regard to UEFA three years. They may be broken down into a
Pro diploma courses: maximum of five modules on different days.
Convention parties with less than 20
affiliated professional clubs may not 4 Neither an aptitude test nor an examination is
organise a UEFA Pro diploma course more required.
than once every two years;
Section IV
National Coach Education Programme (NCEP)
UEFA Directives governing the UEFA Coaching Convention 38 39
and the UEFA Coach Education Programme
The participants who have completed the 3 Technical directors, coach education directors,
minimum hours as fixed by the convention party qualified coach educators or UEFA coaching
get a certificate of attendance, which renews diploma holders are not entitled to run
their status as qualified coach educators for UEFA-endorsed coaching courses outside
another three years. the UEFA CEP or their NCEP.
Article 42 3
Re-evaluations are based on up-to-date
documentation and at least one visit by an
International courses evaluator.
1 C
oaching diploma or further education courses 4
Quality control questionnaires have been
organised by a convention party or third party developed to aid the Jira Panel (see Annex H
on the territory of another convention party or for a UEFA Pro diploma course example).
outside the territory of UEFA for non-resident
candidates are not recognised by UEFA. 5
Irrespective of re-evaluations, any key NCEP
The same applies to any UEFA coaching changes must be communicated immediately
diploma and/or licence issued to participants of to the Jira Panel, which may forward the
such courses. information to the DTA Committee for approval
if necessary.
2 No convention party may host UEFA coaching
diploma courses for any other convention party 6 Additional visits by Jira Panel members may be
or a third party without the prior approval of the carried out, as appropriate.
Jira Panel.
Convention membership applications
Article 44
Sequence of requests 42
Article 45
Formulation of requests 42
Article 46
Submission to Jira Panel and evaluator 42
Article 47
Jira Panel evaluation 43
Article 48
DTA Committee evaluation and decision 43
Article 49
Approvals and refusals 43
Article 44
Sequence of requests
A UEFA member association that wishes to 2
The FES Unit verifies and confirms the
run a UEFA coaching diploma course on its completeness of the documentation with the
own territory may at any time submit a request applicant. It also provides information about
to the FES Unit for the relevant convention the evaluation process and a provisional
membership status. schedule.
The evaluator further provides advice and
Article 45 support and may propose modifications
and improvements and discuss details
Formulation of requests with the applicant’s technical director,
coach education director or qualified
Applicant associations must submit written coach educators.
requests in any of UEFA’s official languages
with the following documents: 4
The evaluator produces a draft report
detailing the work he has executed and his
a) description of current NCEP;
evaluation of the coaching diploma course
detailed syllabus for the new diploma, in question.
in accordance with UEFA’s minimum
requirements; 5
The evaluator sends his draft report to the
technical department organisational applicant for final comments, which must
chart and names, functions, tasks and be provided within 30 working days.
qualifications of all involved;
6 The evaluator finalises his report and includes
d) current annual coaching course calendar
the applicant’s final comments before
and, in particular, a schedule for the
submitting it to the Jira Panel for review and
course to be ratified.
Article 47 Article 49
Jira Panel evaluation Approvals and refusals
1 The Jira Panel has 120 working days to discuss 1 The FES Unit forwards the DTA Committee’s
the evaluator’s course report, including the decision and confirmation of convention
applicant’s comments. membership status to the applicant.
The Jira Panel is free to appoint a different
evaluator and deputy for re-evaluations.
UEFA coaching diploma course admissions
Article 50
Admission process 46
Article 51
Admission criteria 46
Article 52
Application form 46
Article 53
Admission fee 47
Article 54
Practical football experience 48
Article 55
Aptitude test 48
Article 50 Article 51
Admission process Admission criteria
Convention parties must set up an efficient 1 In order to be admitted to any UEFA coaching
admission process for any UEFA coaching diploma course, candidates must:
diploma courses they organise and designate a
a) submit an application form;
body that is competent to take final decisions.
b) pay the admission fee;
Convention parties must provide qualified c)
confirm practical experience at current
personnel to evaluate candidates on the basis coaching level.
of the different admission criteria and ensure
the necessary football infrastructure is available
2 The convention party may further require from
for aptitude test days.
a candidate to pass a mandatory aptitude test.
Only candidates who fulfil requirements a) to c)
Only candidates who submit complete are invited to sit such aptitude test, which takes
applications on time may be admitted to a place at a venue with the necessary football
course. The competent body has the discretion infrastructure.
to grant short deadline extensions.
For UEFA Pro diploma courses, candidates
4 The FES Unit may provide templates and forms further undergo a competence assessment,
for different admission criteria. which relates to knowledge, skills, attitude and
personal qualities.
A final decision must be forwarded to
the candidate. 4 Such competence assessment may be carried
out by qualified coach educators holding the
6 A candidate who fails twice the aptitude test UEFA Pro diploma and duly appointed by the
to get a place on a course for the same UEFA technical director or coach education director,
coaching diploma must wait at least three as decided by the convention party.
years before applying for an equivalent course
organised by any convention party. 5 If a coach’s licence and/or diploma is revoked
by the competent body of the convention party
concerned, this coach is barred for at least three
years from applying to attend a new coaching
diploma course to re-obtain the diploma/
Section VI
UEFA coaching diploma course admissions
UEFA Directives governing the UEFA Coaching Convention 46 47
and the UEFA Coach Education Programme
Article 52
Application form
Application forms must be drafted in the
convention party’s official language(s) and
published on its website.
Candidates must complete and submit an
application form by the given deadline.
Completed application forms must be
addressed to the headquarters of the convention
party where the candidate has permanent
residency (for UEFA B diploma course) or to the
convention party organising the course (for any
further UEFA coaching diploma course).
Section VI
UEFA coaching diploma course admissions
UEFA Directives governing the UEFA Coaching Convention 48 49
and the UEFA Coach Education Programme
Article 55
Aptitude test
1 To be admitted to a UEFA coaching diploma 5 Candidates who cannot complete the physical
course, candidates may be asked to sit an and/or practical test due to health problems
aptitude test prepared by the convention or serious injury may repeat the test within the
party organising the course. The full test may next six months. The convention party may
comprise a maximum of three parts: also ask for a doctor’s certificate.
a) physical test;
Candidates who fail the aptitude test
practical football test (technical and before the course starts are not admitted
teaching demonstration); to the course.
c) theory test.
Failed aptitude tests can be repeated in
2 All aptitude tests must be approved by the Jira accordance with the terms (e.g. frequency
Panel in advance. and waiting period) defined by the convention
party in its NCEP.
3 In order to pass each part of the aptitude test,
candidates must achieve at least 50% of the
maximum available points.
A convention party organising a course
holds aptitude tests on specific days during
the season, as announced in their national
coaching course calendar. Where coaching
course modules last more than ten days,
the first day may be scheduled as the aptitude
test day.
UEFA coaching diploma course assessment
Article 56
Assessment criteria 52
Article 57
Attendance 52
Article 58
Assessment and examination 53
Article 59
Internship 54
Article 60
Marking system 54
Article 61
Course completion and decisions 54
Article 62
Examination board 55
Article 63
Active coaching 55
Article 56 Article 57
Assessment criteria Attendance
To receive a UEFA coaching diploma, 1
Candidates must attend all units in the
candidates must: course programme.
achieve the required course attendance
record and 2
Qualified coach educators evaluate each
candidate during the course.
b) achieve the necessary marks in all required
assessments/examinations. 3 Absence at short notice may only be authorised
by the qualified coach educators in serious
The convention party gives details of all cases (health problems, family reasons, etc.).
the specific attendance and assessment/
examination requirements. 4 If a participant’s authorised absence exceeds
10% of the course, he must retake the whole
Upon written and well-founded request, the
convention party may allow a candidate to
make up missed units on one of its next
courses at the same level. However, all missed
units must be made up within two years and
cannot be split across more than one additional
Section VII
UEFA coaching diploma course assessment
UEFA Directives governing the UEFA Coaching Convention 52 53
and the UEFA Coach Education Programme
Article 58
Assessment and examination
A convention party may give candidates 7 Match/training analysis is a practical exercise
assessments or examinations on the following where the candidate observes a training
topics: session or match and produces a report.
a) practical coaching assignment;
A thesis/special study on child/player
b) theory of coaching/management; development is a substantial work on a
c) Laws of the Game; coaching topic (e.g. tactics) submitted within
the deadline fixed by the convention party,
d) match/training analysis; which may not exceed one year after the end
thesis/special study about child/player of the course. A participant may propose a
development; topic during the course, for approval by the
qualified coach educators.
f) background report during internship;
g) logbook of coaching activities. 9 A background report is a document containing
a participant’s conclusions and observations
The convention party may add other on the work of a team and coaches he has
assessments or examinations to its coaching monitored during his internship.
diploma courses (e.g. psychological,
physiological, medical tests), but must inform 10 A logbook of coaching activities is a diary of
the evaluator. the experiences gathered by a participant
during the course.
The convention party decides which of the
aforementioned assessments/examinations 11
Failed assessments/examinations can be
are mandatory for each of its UEFA coaching repeated no more than twice. The convention
diploma courses in accordance with these party defines in its NCEP the requirements
Directives. and deadline for partial or full reassessment/
re-examination. Such deadline may not be more
4 A practical coaching assignment is a training than two years after the failed assessment/
session prepared and run by a course examination. If a candidate fails an assessment/
participant with available players. examination three times, he must retake the
whole coaching diploma course after the
5 Theory of coaching/management is tested in defined waiting period has elapsed.
a written examination with questions prepared
by the qualified coach educators.
Participants of a UEFA Pro diploma course 1
Qualified coach educators complete an
must complete an internship, the length of evaluation form for each participant, with the
which is determined by the convention party results of the aptitude test and assessments/
organising the course with a minimum of 48 examinations, an attendance record and the
internship hours. total number of points achieved compared
with the maximum available.
The internship is where the participant
observes the first squad of one or more 2
Within 30 working days of the end of the
professional clubs or representative teams of a course (including completion of the internship
UEFA member association during their training or submission of the thesis, if applicable),
and/or matches. the convention party’s technical department
gives each participant his results, a copy of
3 The qualified coach educator for the course the marks given and his internship evaluation
assesses the background report. (if applicable), as well as a diploma certificate
and a licence if successful.
Whatever the marking system, participants
must achieve at least 50% of the maximum
points available to pass an aptitude test or
Section VII
UEFA coaching diploma course assessment
UEFA Directives governing the UEFA Coaching Convention 54 55
and the UEFA Coach Education Programme
Article 62 Article 63
Examination board Active coaching
The technical director or coach education 1 A UEFA coaching licence holder undertakes to
director, as decided by the convention party coach a football team affiliated to a convention
organising the UEFA coaching diploma course, party (club, UEFA member association or
sets up an examination board comprising other football organisation recognised by the
an appropriate number of experts with the convention party).
necessary coaching qualifications. UEFA
recommends that at least five experts be 2
One year’s active coaching is the minimum
appointed. requirement for admission to a UEFA coaching
diploma course at the next level up. In special
At least one examination board member circumstances the convention party may ask
must be present at the aptitude test and the Jira Panel to reduce this required minimum
assessments/examinations. His role is to period of one year, in particular when reality-
monitor and write a report on the execution of based learning programmes are used by
the tests. He may not at the same time evaluate the convention party and where their course
course participants. candidates are based at clubs for a specific
period of time.
The examination board also deals with any
appeals by participants who fail an aptitude 3
Candidates are responsible for proving
test or an assessment/examination. One practical work experience by means of an
or three members (number defined by the employment contract or other appropriate
convention party) who were not monitors of documentation.
the course in question form an appeals body
that decides on the merits of the appeal.
The technical director or coach education
director, as decided by the convention party,
appoints examination board members to the
ad hoc appeals body on a case by case basis.
1 To be admitted to a UEFA B diploma course 1 To be admitted to a UEFA A diploma course
candidates must have: candidates must have:
a) a preliminary coaching licence if required a)
a valid UEFA B licence or equivalent
by the convention party organising the coaching diploma approved by UEFA;
course (e.g. national C licence issued
b) at least one year’s coaching experience as
under the UEFA Grassroots Charter or
a UEFA B licence holder (see Article 63);
equivalent educational coaching diploma
issued by the convention party); c)
passed the aptitude test set by the
convention party (if applicable; see
b) at least one year’s experience as coach or
Article 55).
at least five years’ experience as player;
passed the aptitude test set by the 2 The detailed minimum course content defined
convention party (if applicable; see in Annex J applies.
Article 55).
Section VIII
UEFA coaching diploma course eligibility and content
UEFA Directives governing the UEFA Coaching Convention 58 59
and the UEFA Coach Education Programme
Article 66 Article 67
UEFA Pro diploma UEFA Elite Youth A diploma
1 To be admitted to a UEFA Pro diploma course 1 To be admitted to a UEFA Elite Youth A diploma
candidates must have: course candidates must have:
a valid UEFA A licence or equivalent a) a valid UEFA B licence, UEFA A licence
coaching diploma approved by UEFA; or equivalent coaching diploma approved
by UEFA;
b) at least one year’s coaching experience as
a UEFA A licence holder (see Article 63); b) at least one year’s coaching experience
as a UEFA B or A licence holder (see
passed the aptitude test set by the
Article 63);
convention party (if applicable; see
Article 55); c)
passed the aptitude test set by the
convention party (see Article 55).
d) passed the competence assessment set
by the convention party (see Article 51 (3)).
2 The detailed minimum course content defined
in Annex L applies.
2 The detailed minimum course content defined
in Annex K applies.
National coaching diploma compliance
with UEFA diplomas
Article 68
Upgrading courses for existing national coaching qualifications 63
Section IX
National coaching diploma compliance with UEFA diplomas
UEFA Directives governing the UEFA Coaching Convention 62 63
and the UEFA Coach Education Programme
Article 68
Upgrading courses for existing national coaching qualifications
1 H
olders of national coaching diplomas that do f)
licensed coaches must make up the
not comply with UEFA’s minimum requirements content during a further education course
may attend upgrading courses to achieve the or other similar means;
corresponding UEFA coaching diploma.
g) module timetables must be defined;
For diploma upgrades, the following applies 5 Convention parties may issue the corresponding
and must be taken into account: UEFA coaching diploma to participants of
upgrading courses approved by the Jira Panel.
upgrading on the basis of coaching
experience alone is not allowed;
UEFA may provide upgrading course
models to assist convention parties;
c) convention parties may organise their own
courses but the proposed methodology
must be submitted to the Jira Panel for
prior approval;
d) technical units which did not exist under
the previous system must be identified;
e) modules must be drawn up accordingly;
Amending criteria for
UEFA coaching diplomas
Article 69
Updating UEFA coaching diploma requirements 67
Section X
Amending criteria for UEFA coaching diplomas
UEFA Directives governing the UEFA Coaching Convention 66 67
and the UEFA Coach Education Programme
Article 69
Updating UEFA coaching diploma requirements
Article 70
UEFA coaching diplomas and licences
Convention parties may at any time submit 1
The FES Unit and the convention parties
proposals for improvements to the UEFA ensure information flows between them.
Coaching Convention.
The FES Unit regularly updates the
All proposals must be made in writing convention parties about coaching news and
and submitted to the FES Unit with a short developments.
Available documents are distributed through
3 The FES Unit submits requests to the competent UEFA circular letters or other means.
body, i.e. the Jira Panel, DTA Committee and/
or UEFA Executive Committee, if appropriate. 4
Convention parties must ensure a regular
exchange of information between themselves
and reply promptly to requests submitted by
other convention parties and/or UEFA.
Convention parties must also inform potential
candidates about the coaching diploma system.
Section XI
Convention party issuing duties
UEFA Directives governing the UEFA Coaching Convention 72 73
and the UEFA Coach Education Programme
Article 73
Coach database and statistics
Each convention party must set up and d) number of UEFA coaching diploma course
regularly update an NCEP database that participants from another convention
provides the following information on each of party;
its registered UEFA coaching diploma holders
number of coaches on their territory
as well as the qualified coach educators:
with non-UEFA diplomas that have not
personal data of diploma holder (first received UEFA recognition;
name, family name, date and place of birth
number of candidates on their territory
(alternative: place of origin), permanent
who have not completed or passed a
residency, nationality and languages);
coaching course during a specific period;
b) diploma(s) achieved (date(s) of issue);
g) number of qualified coach educators on
c) licence held (date of issue and expiry); their territory;
d) evaluation form from each course attended; h) other data requested by the FES Unit.
activities executed as a UEFA-licensed
coach (club(s)/team(s) and duration of 4 As a rule, a coach is included in the statistics
mandate(s)); of his initial convention party.
date and place of further education
5 Each coach may appear in the statistics of only
courses attended.
one convention party.
Upon written request by FIFA, UEFA,
6 If a coach attends a course on the territory of
a convention party, a football club affiliated
a convention party other than his initial one,
to a convention party or the UEFA coaching
he is counted in the yearly statistics of the
diploma holder himself, the initial convention
convention party that organised the course.
party must promptly provide a copy of the
requested information.
7 Coaches are always categorised according to
the highest UEFA diploma they have achieved
3 Convention parties must also submit statistics
(e.g. a coach who obtains a UEFA A diploma
to the FES Unit, upon request and by the given
appears in the A diploma statistics of his initial
deadline, such as:
convention party and must be deleted from the
number and kind of coaching courses B diploma section).
organised during a specific period;
number of UEFA coaching diplomas 8 A coach only appears in the statistics of the
issued at the different levels during a convention party that issued his highest
specific period (UEFA B diploma, UEFA A UEFA coaching diploma. The latter informs
diploma, UEFA Elite Youth A diploma and the convention party that issued the coach’s
UEFA Pro diploma); previous diploma about his new diploma
status. Consequently, this coach will no longer
c) total number of UEFA coaching diplomas appear in the statistics of the convention party
issued, as at a fixed date (UEFA B diploma, where he obtained his previous diploma.
UEFA A diploma, UEFA Elite Youth A
diploma and UEFA Pro diploma); 9
Further instructions in this respect may be
issued by the FES Unit at any time.
Final provisions
Article 74
Disciplinary provisions 76
Article 75
Annexes 76
Article 76
Implementation 76
Article 77
Matters outside these Directives 76
Article 78
Authoritative version 76
Article 79
Adoption, entry into force, abrogation and modification 77
Article 80
Transitional provisions 77
Article 74 Article 76
Disciplinary provisions Implementation
Any breach of these Directives is penalised by The FES Unit is entitled to take appropriate
UEFA in accordance with the UEFA Disciplinary decisions to implement these Directives if the
Regulations, unless otherwise regulated. competence is not attributed to another UEFA
Article 75
Annexes Article 77
Matters outside these Directives
All annexes to these Directives form an integral
part thereof. Any matter not covered by these Directives is
dealt with by the UEFA General Secretary after
consultation with the DTA Committee.
Article 78
Authoritative version
Section XII
Final Provisions *Translations into Russian and Spanish, as non-official UEFA languages, are provided.
UEFA Directives governing the UEFA Coaching Convention 76 77
and the UEFA Coach Education Programme
Article 79
Adoption, entry into force, abrogation Article 80
and modification Transitional provisions
Gianni Infantino
UEFA General Secretary
Annex 1:
Status of UEFA Coaching Convention membership as at 31 August 2010
Annex A:
UEFA Coach Education Programme pyramid
Annex B:
UEFA Coach Education Programme structure
Annex C:
UEFA Elite Youth A diploma obtainment routes
Annex D:
UEFA cross-border education form
Annex E:
Instructions on the use of UEFA coaching diploma (award)
and licence (ID card) templates
Annex F:
Terms and conditions of UEFA Coaching Convention logo use
Annex G:
Certificate of attendance
Annex H:
Re-evaluation form for evaluators
Annex I:
UEFA B diploma requirements
Annex J:
UEFA A diploma requirements
Annex K:
UEFA Pro diploma requirements
Annex L:
UEFA Elite Youth A diploma requirements
Annex M:
Futsal B diploma requirements
Annex N:
UEFA declaration of recognition of limited UEFA Coaching Convention
membership status (at B and A level)
Annex O:
UEFA declaration of recognition of full UEFA Coaching Convention
membership status
Annex P:
UEFA declaration of recognition of partnership status
Annex Q:
A brief history of the UEFA Coaching Convention
Annex 1:
Status of UEFA Coaching Convention membership as at 31 August 2010
UEFA Directives governing the UEFA Coaching Convention 80 81
and the UEFA Coach Education Programme
Coach /A
UEFA A diploma
UEFA B diploma
UEFA Directives governing the UEFA Coaching Convention 82 83
and the UEFA Coach Education Programme
Annex B:
UEFA Coach Education Programme structure
There are two options available to get the UEFA Elite Youth A diploma:
Option 1: Option 2:
Starting point is the UEFA A diploma: with Starting point is the UEFA B diploma: with a full
additional and specific modules the UEFA Elite Elite Youth A diploma course the diploma can
Youth A diploma can be achieved. be achieved.
Option 1:
UEFA Directives governing the UEFA Coaching Convention 84 85
and the UEFA Coach Education Programme
Annex D
UEFA cross-border education form
This form must be used by any candidate applying to participate in an education course
organised by a convention party other than his initial one. The organising and initial
convention parties must complete and exchange this form.
First name:...........................................................................................................................
Date and place of birth (alternative: place of origin):...........................................................
Permanent place of residence:............................................................................................
Coach education/qualification:............................................................................................
Coaching experience/relationship to course-organising convention party:........................
1 Each convention party has the right to use the 5 The convention party must archive the UEFA
official coaching diploma (awards) and licence storage device provided carefully and safely
(ID card) templates produced by UEFA. (i.e. in a safe) and only a clearly defined number
of people may be given permission to access
The UEFA administration provides the and use it.
convention party with a CD-Rom or other
appropriate storage device containing 6
Upon request of the UEFA administration,
templates and detailed instructions with the convention party must communicate the
regard to the inclusion of the UEFA Coaching names of the people with access to the device
Convention logo as well as the issuing of the as well as the name of the local supplier/
UEFA diplomas and licences. printing company.
UEFA Directives governing the UEFA Coaching Convention 86 87
and the UEFA Coach Education Programme
Instructions for preparing UEFA diplomas
recipientʼs name [First Name, Family Name]
Insert recipientʼs date
Born on [dd/mm/yyyy] [in place of birth, Country/Origin]
and place of birth
(alternative: place of origin)
Replace text with
has successfully completed the
local translation
Cannot be
changed UEFA Pro Diploma
actual signatures
Insert First Name [First Name, Family Name] [First Name, Family Name] [First Name, Family Name]
and Family Name
Place Place
association association
logo logo
within this within this
area area
[President] [General Secretary] [Technical Director/Coach Education Director] [President] [General Secretary] [Technical Director/Coach Education Director]
[First Name, Family Name] [First Name, Family Name] [First Name, Family Name] [First Name, Family Name] [First Name, Family Name] [First Name, Family Name]
Place Place
association association
logo logo
within this within this
area area
[President] [General Secretary] [Technical Director/Coach Education Director] [President] [General Secretary] [Technical Director/Coach Education Director]
[First Name, Family Name] [First Name, Family Name] [First Name, Family Name] [First Name, Family Name] [First Name, Family Name] [First Name, Family Name]
UEFA Directives governing the UEFA Coaching Convention 88 89
and the UEFA Coach Education Programme
Instructions for preparing UEFA licenses
FA PRO Coaching Award
Cannot be changed Example: The FA
UEFA Pro Licence The Football
The holder of this UEFA Pro licence is authorised to coach, in accordance with the
UEFA Coaching Convention, on the territory of The Football Association, as well as
within all other associations which have signed the UEFA Coaching Convention.
This licence may not be transferred to a third party.
Insert First Name and Family Name [First Name, Family Name] [First Name, Family Name] [First Name, Family Name]
The holder of this UEFA B licence is authorised to coach, in accordance with the
Place UEFA Coaching Convention, on the territory of The Football Association, as well as
Name of Associationʼs Aw
Na A ar
d association
within all other associations which have signed the UEFA Coaching Convention.
UEFA B Licence within this This licence may not be transferred to a third party.
Firstt name:
nam [First name]
(Local translat
(Loc nslation
Date of birth:
h: [dd/mm/yyyy] Place photo
ocal translatio
within this area [President] [General Secretary] [Technical Director]
Place of birth: [Place of Birth]
(Local translation)
Valid until:
V [dd/mm/yyyy] [First Name, Family Name] [First Name, Family Name] [First Name, Family Name]
al translat
io )
The holder of this UEFA A licence is authorised to coach, in accordance with the
Place UEFA Coaching Convention, on the territory of The Football Association, as well as
Name of Associationʼs Aw
Na A ar
d association
within all other associations which have signed the UEFA Coaching Convention.
UEFA A Licence within this This licence may not be transferred to a third party.
Firstt name:
nam [First name]
(Local translat
(Loc nslation
Date of birth:
h: [dd/mm/yyyy] Place photo
ocal translatio
within this area [President] [General Secretary] [Technical Director]
Place of birth: [Place of Birth]
(Local translation)
Valid until:
V [dd/mm/yyyy] [First Name, Family Name] [First Name, Family Name] [First Name, Family Name]
al translat
io )
The holder of this UEFA Elite Youth A licence is authorised to coach, in accordance with the
Place UEFA Coaching Convention, on the territory of The Football Association, as well as
Name of Associationʼs Aw
A ar
d association
within all other associations which have signed the UEFA Coaching Convention.
UEFA Elite Youth A Licence within this This licence may not be transferred to a third party.
Firstt name:
nam [First name]
(Local translat
(Loc nslation
Date of birth:
h: [dd/mm/yyyy] Place photo
ocal translatio
within this area [President] [General Secretary] [Technical Director]
Place of birth: [Place of Birth]
(Local translation)
Valid until:
V [dd/mm/yyyy] [First Name, Family Name] [First Name, Family Name] [First Name, Family Name]
al translat
io )
The holder of this UEFA Pro licence is authorised to coach, in accordance with the
Place UEFA Coaching Convention, on the territory of The Football Association, as well as
Name of Associationʼs Aw
Na A ar
d association
within all other associations which have signed the UEFA Coaching Convention.
UEFA Pro Licence within this This licence may not be transferred to a third party.
Firstt name:
nam [First name]
(Firstt name)
(Firs e)
Date of birth:
h: [dd/mm/yyyy] Place photo
ate of birth)
within this area [President] [General Secretary] [Technical Director]
Place of birth: [Place of Birth]
(Place of birth)
Valid until:
V [dd/mm/yyyy] [First Name, Family Name] [First Name, Family Name] [First Name, Family Name]
V d until
UEFA Directives governing the UEFA Coaching Convention 90 91
and the UEFA Coach Education Programme
Annex F:
Terms and conditions of UEFA Coaching Convention logo use
Each convention party may use the UEFA 3 The convention party may print its own logo
Coaching Convention logo for their own on its communication material using the same
convention-related communication and layout as the UEFA Coaching Convention logo.
promotional purposes, subject to the prior However, the convention party cannot build
written approval of the UEFA administration. a composite logo with its own logo and the
UEFA Coaching Convention logo in one box or
2 The four different UEFA Coaching Convention otherwise linked to each other.
logos are the sole property of UEFA and
are made available to convention parties 4 Any commercial usage is prohibited. No UEFA
as follows: Coaching Convention logo may be used by
any third party, which includes convention
a) Two logos in colour: party sponsors.
No derivatives of the UEFA Coaching
Convention logos may be produced.
Only the UEFA Coaching Convention logos
as presented above may be used. Neither
the UEFA roundel, nor the UEFA arch nor the
wording “Coaching Convention” may be used
separately or be linked to any other logo or
third party.
For the internet, the UEFA Coaching
Convention logos must be used in a purely
editorial manner, away from any third party
advertising and in a clearly delineated area
linked to www.uefa.com.
The Football
[City, Country]
[First Name, Family Name] [First Name, Family Name] [First Name, Family Name]
[Place] [dd/mm/yyyy]
UEFA Directives governing the UEFA Coaching Convention 92 93
and the UEFA Coach Education Programme
own national
association logo
within this
Insert First Name [First Name, Family Name] [First Name, Family Name] [First Name, Family Name]
and Family Name
If yes, what measures (sanctions) are taken
against clubs or coaches who do not respect
this rule?
UEFA Directives governing the UEFA Coaching Convention 94 95
and the UEFA Coach Education Programme
Each UEFA B diploma course must have the following minimum content:
UEFA Directives governing the UEFA Coaching Convention 96 97
and the UEFA Coach Education Programme
Each UEFA A diploma course must have the following minimum content:
UEFA Directives governing the UEFA Coaching Convention 98 99
and the UEFA Coach Education Programme
Each UEFA Pro diploma course must have the following minimum content:
UEFA Directives governing the UEFA Coaching Convention 100 101
and the UEFA Coach Education Programme
Each UEFA Elite Youth A diploma course must have the following minimum content:
UEFA Directives governing the UEFA Coaching Convention 102 103
and the UEFA Coach Education Programme
TOTAL HRS minimum 123 hrs
UEFA Directives governing the UEFA Coaching Convention 104 105
and the UEFA Coach Education Programme
Annex N:
UEFA declaration of recognition of limited UEFA Coaching
Convention membership status (at B and A level)
UEFA confirms herewith that its competent bodies have properly evaluated and
decided to approve the UEFA ... [B or A diploma] course of the ... [name of UEFA
member association].
With the signatures of the UEFA President and General Secretary, UEFA therefore
declares that on ... [dd/mm/yyyy] the ... [name of UEFA member association] was
granted limited … [B or A-level] membership status under the UEFA Coaching
This declaration accords the ... [name of UEFA member association] the right to
organise UEFA ... [B and/or A diploma] courses and to issue the corresponding UEFA
diplomas and licences under the UEFA Coaching Convention.
……………………… ………………………
[Place] [dd/mm/yyyy]
……………………… …………………………
Michel Platini Gianni Infantino
NB. The convention party may choose to countersign this declaration to confirm
its acknowledgment of its new membership status (=Protocol).
……………………… ………………………
UEFA Directives governing the UEFA Coaching Convention 106 107
and the UEFA Coach Education Programme
Annex O:
UEFA declaration of recognition of full UEFA Coaching Convention
membership status
UEFA confirms herewith that its competent bodies have properly evaluated and
decided to approve the UEFA Pro diploma course of the ... [name of UEFA member
With the signatures of the UEFA President and General Secretary, UEFA therefore
declares that on ... [dd/mm/yyyy] the ... [name of UEFA member association] was
granted full membership status under the UEFA Coaching Convention.
This declaration accords the ... [name of UEFA member association] the right to
organise UEFA B, A and Pro diploma courses and to issue the corresponding UEFA
diplomas and licences under the UEFA Coaching Convention.
……………………… ………………………
[Place] [dd/mm/yyyy]
……………………… …………………………
Michel Platini Gianni Infantino
NB. The convention party may choose to countersign this declaration to confirm
its acknowledgment of its new membership status (=Protocol).
……………………… ………………………
UEFA confirms herewith that on ... [dd/mm/yyyy] the ... and the ... [names of both
UEFA member associations] submitted a partnership agreement for evaluation
and approval by UEFA’s competent bodies.
With the signatures of the UEFA President and General Secretary, UEFA declares
that on ... [dd/mm/yyyy] the ... [name of UEFA member association without full
convention membership status] was granted partnership status under the UEFA
Coaching Convention.
This signed declaration accords the ... [name of UEFA member association without
full convention membership status] the right to send candidates with permanent
residency on its territory to participate in UEFA ... [B, A, Elite Youth A and/or
Pro diploma] courses organised by the ... [name of UEFA member association
with full convention membership status] according to the partnership agreement
concluded. The UEFA member association with full convention membership status
is entrusted with the education and administration of the coaches sent by its
partner association and may issue the corresponding UEFA diplomas and licences
under the UEFA Coaching Convention.
……………………… ………………………
[Place] [dd/mm/yyyy]
……………………… …………………………
Michel Platini Gianni Infantino
UEFA Directives governing the UEFA Coaching Convention 108 109
and the UEFA Coach Education Programme
……………………… ………………………
[Place] [dd/mm/yyyy]
……………………… ………………………
……………………… ………………………
[Place] [dd/mm/yyyy]
……………………… ………………………
The story of the UEFA Coaching Convention dates back to December 1991
when the UEFA Executive Committee approved a proposal from the Technical
Committee to introduce a coaching licence which would be recognised
throughout Europe. The aims were to keep UEFA and its member associations
in control of coach education (rather than outside agencies), to raise standards,
to facilitate cross-border movement, to encourage greater technical exchange,
and to establish football coaching as a recognised, regulated profession. As a
member of the Technical Committee at the time, I was invited to join a working
group, chaired, until his untimely death, by the Czech coach Dr Václav Jira
(a former UEFA Technical Committee chairman) and thereafter by Switzerland’s
René Hussy. We proceeded to explore the coaching licence concept under the
watchful eye of our chairman and Executive Committee member Angel María
Villar Llona of Spain. The group, which included top technicians such as Rinus
Michels of the Netherlands, met for the last time in February 1993, having
drawn up some general guidelines and having made a recommendation for
the employment of a full-time technical coordinator to develop and implement
the project.
UEFA Directives governing the UEFA Coaching Convention 110 111
and the UEFA Coach Education Programme