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ESpirulina UtilizandoBaggasoCana

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Biotechnology Reports 5 (2015) 70–76

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Biotechnology Reports
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Protein production by Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis in solid state

cultivation using sugarcane bagasse as support
Lúcia Helena Pelizer a,* , João Carlos Monteiro de Carvalho b ,1,
Iracema de Oliveira Moraes c , 2
Technology Innovation Professional Science Master (PMPIT), Department of Food Engineering (DEA), Institute of Technological and Exact Sciences (ICTE),
Federal University of Triângulo Mineiro (UFTM), Av. Doutor Randolfo Borges Júnior, 1250, CEP 38064-200 Uberaba, MG, Brazil
Department of Biochemical and Pharmaceutical Technology, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of São Paulo (USP), Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 580,
B-16, CEP 05508-900 São Paulo, Brazil
Probiom Tecnologia, R. Latino Coelho, 1301, CEP 13087010 Campinas, SP, Brazil


Article history: The genus Arthrospira comprises a group of filamentous multicellular cyanobacteria and can be used for
Received 25 August 2014 animal feed and human food. Solid state fermentation or cultivation (SSF) involves the use of a culture
Received in revised form 4 December 2014
medium composed of solid material with given moisture content. No studies have been published about
Accepted 15 December 2014
the cultivation of microalgae or cyanobacteria on solid medium. Furthermore, although sugar-cane
Available online 18 December 2014
bagasse is used as source of energy in alcohol distilleries in Brazil, the excess could be a support to
photosynthetic microorganism growth. The experimental design methodology was used to evaluate the
protein production by Arthrospira platensis under SSF using sugarcane bagasse as support, taking into
Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis
Solid state cultivation
account the moisture content of the medium, light intensity and inoculum concentration. Moisture was
Sugarcane bagasse found to have a strong influence on the performance of the process. The best conditions were: moisture of
Experimental design 98.8%; inoculum concentration of 0.15 g biomasskg wet culture medium 1 and light intensity of 6.0 klx.
Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://

1. Introduction Recently, there has been a resurgence of interest in SSF

techniques due to the fact that SSF offers several advantages over
The genus Arthrospira (Spirulina) comprises a group of SmF, such as lower energy requirements, smaller reactors, and the
filamentous multicellular cyanobacteria (blue-green microalgae) fact that the product is obtained in concentrated form. One of the
[9]. Analyses of the chemical composition of Arthrospira platensis greatest advantages of SSF methods is that they use little water,
and Arthrospira maxima biomass indicate high protein content of which drastically reduces the energy consumed in the recovery of
about 70% (dry weight). So it can be used as protein source for both products, in addition to producing low volumes of effluents
human food and animal feed [4] . [29,18,23,24,28,26,6].
Microalgae can be cultivated in open and closed systems with Agroindustrial wastes used as raw materials for the
natural or artificial lighting [21,9]. The microorganism culturing generation of products of interest or energy are important
techniques include submerged fermentation or cultivation (SmF) objects of study for sustainable economic development
and solid state fermentation or cultivation (SSF). In SSF, the culture [20,8,23,28,15]. In the 2012/2013 harvest, Brazil milled 588
medium is composed of solid material with given moisture million tons of sugarcane, with production of 23 billion liters of
content. The necessary moisture exists in the absorbed or ethanol [25] . Although the bagasse can be used for obtaining
complexed form in the solid matrix. In this case, the nutrients energy in sugar-cane mills in Brazil, part of this raw material
are distributed heterogeneously [24]. could be used as support to photosynthetic microorganism
No study has been published about the variables involved in
cultivation of photosynthetic microorganism on solid medium. The
present study therefore examines the variables involved in the
* Corresponding author. Tel.: + 55 34 3318 5600.
production of A. platensis on sugarcane bagasse as support, taking
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (L.H. Pelizer), [email protected]
(J.C.M. de Carvalho), [email protected] (I. de Oliveira Moraes).
as independent variables the moisture of the culture medium (M),
Tel.: +55 11 30913886. light intensity (I) and inoculum concentration (C). Since there are
Tel.: +55 19 32 427 022. no studies in the literature about this type of process, the limits

2215-017X/Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/).
L.H. Pelizer et al. / Biotechnology Reports 5 (2015) 70–76 71

applied to the variables were based on solid state cultivation The culture medium was prepared by taking a given quantity of
processes for other microorganisms and on a conventional A. sugarcane bagasse ground in a Wiley mill with 0.5 mm mesh,
platensis cultivation process. according to each assay, which was transferred to the 200 mL
Erlenmeyer fl asks. Then, nutrient agar (8 gL1) was added to
2. Materials and methods 500 mL of standard mineral culture medium [17] contained in a 1-L
Erlenmeyer fl ask, which was placed in a microwave oven and left
2.1. Microorganism and inoculum there for 3 min. The hot culture medium was distributed in the
Erlenmeyer flasks containing sugarcane bagasse. Upon cooling, the
The microorganism used was A. platensis. The inoculum was medium gelled and then was homogenized for inoculation.
obtained by standard cultivation in liquid mineral medium [17]. There is no need for sterilization since the initial pH of the
The culture was carried out in 500 mL Erlenmeyer flasks with medium is greater than 9.0.
200 mL of culture medium, kept in a shaker agitated at 160 rpm The culture medium was inoculated with 2 mL of cellular
under a light intensity of 6.0 klx, in a room with controlled suspension, whose concentration varied according to the assay.
temperature (30  C). The process time for production of the In these assays, it was made an analysis of the protein content of
inoculum was 7 days, according to Pelizer et al. [19]. the product obtained in 7 days of processing.
To obtain the desired concentration, the culture was filtered and
diluted in standard mineral culture medium. The cell concentra- 2.4. Analytical methods
tion was determined by spectrophotometry at 560 nm.
2.4.1. Determination of protein content
2.2. Experimental design To determine the protein content in each process time, a sample
of the cultured material was removed and homogenized. The
An experimental design was devised with three variables (23), homogenized material was washed with distilled water, filtered
of the star type with orthogonal rotation [2] . The variables studied through a polyester screen and oven-dried at 55  C until constant
were: inoculum concentration (C), light intensity (I) and moisture mass. The dried material was ground and the protein content was
content of culture medium (M). To obtain culture media with determined by the Kjeldahl method [10], using a conversion factor
different moisture contents, the proportion of sugarcane bagasse of 6.25 g proteing1 nitrogen.
and standard mineral liquid culture medium with agar was varied.
So moisture content is related to the % of mineral liquid culture 2.5. Analysis of the results
medium with agar that was added. X1, X2 and X3 are coded values
for the chosen variables, whose combinations generated the 2.5.1. Calculation of protein productivity
experimental design under study (Table 1). Protein productivity was determined in the assays in which cell
Based on the calculations performed to obtain the experi- growth occurred (Eq. (1) ).
mental design, the amount of inoculum concentration deter-
P prod:
mined for X2 = 1.7 would be –0.02 g biomasskg1 wet culture Prprot: ¼ (1)
T P max:
medium; however, this has no physical value for the experi-
ments in question. The value used was therefore 0.02 g where Prprot. = protein productivity (g protein produced100 g1 of
biomasskg1 wet culture medium and the value of X2 was dry culture medium.day1); Pprod. = quantity of protein produced
corrected to 1.3. per 100 g of dry culture mediumday 1 (g protein produced100
g1 of dry culture mediumday1) and T Pmax: = time taken to obtain
2.3. Culture conditions the maximum amount of protein from the culture mediumday1.

The assays were conducted in 250 mL Erlenmeyer flasks with 2.5.2. Calculation of the nitrogen to protein yield (YP/N)
50 g of culture medium, in temperature-controlled room (30  C), The nitrogen (KNO3 ) to protein yield (YP/N) was calculated using
maintained in static condition. Eq. (2) shown below. The amount of KNO3 contained in each assay
Illumination was provided by fluorescent lamps (40 W). The was calculated, since each culture medium was prepared with
desired light intensity was obtained by changing the distance different quantities of liquid culture medium to obtain different
between the lamps and the culture and was measured using a light moisture contents.
meter (Minolta TL-1) and expressed in klx (to be converted to
P prod:
photosynthetic photon flux density – PPFD - the conversion for Y P=N ¼ (2)
white fluorescent light: 12 mmol photonsm2 s1klx 1 can be
used [14]. To keep the lighting uniform, the location where the where YP/N = nitrogen to protein yield (g proteing KNO3 );

cultures were performed was kept closed. Pprod. = quantity of protein produced per 100 g of dry culture

Table 1
Variables, codes and levels of experimental design.

Variables Codified Levels

1.7 1 0 +1 +1.7
(1.3 for C)
I = light intensity X1 2.3 3.8 6.0 8.2 9.7
C = inoculum concentration X2 0.02 0.05 0.15 0.25 0.32
(g biomass.kg 1 wet culture medium)
M = initial moisture of culture medium X3 95.3 96.0 97.0 98.0 98.8
72 L.H. Pelizer et al. / Biotechnology Reports 5 (2015) 70–76
medium.day (g protein produced100 g1 of dry culture medium- 2.50
day1) and N = quantity of KNO3 in each culture medium (g

Pprod. (g.100g–1 dry medium)

KNO3100 g 1 dry culture medium). 2.00

2.6. Statistical analysis of the results 1.50

Multivariable regressions were performed for the results

obtained in terms of protein productivity (Pr prot.) and the nitrogen
to protein yield (YP/N ), using Statgraphics version 5.5.

3. Results and discussion

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
The literature lacks reports about Arthrospira production by Time (dayss)
solid state cultivation. Therefore, the choice of variables was based Assay 05 (I = 3,8, C = 0,05) - PrProt = 0.15 - YP/N = 0.19
on processes that involve the use of other types of microorganisms Assay 06 (I = 8,2, C = 0,05) - PrProt = 0.18 - YP/N = 0.26
and culture media. It is known that the microorganism requires Assay 07 (I = 3,8, C = 0,25) - PrProt = 0.21 - YP/N = 0.31
minimal water content for its development, and that this Assay 08 (I = 8.2, C = 0.25) - PrProt = 0.31 - YP/N = 0.46
requirement is lower in SSF processes. There is a minimum range
of water content for bacteria, fungi and yeasts, but in the case of Fig. 1. Protein production (Pprod.) in assays conducted with same initial moisture
content (98.0%).
algae, nothing is reported in published studies.
One of the reported drawbacks of SSF is the high concentration
of inoculum it requires. However, for Arthrospira, no information
regarding this aspect was found in the literature. Pelizer et al. [19] growth was virtually zero. The results obtained in assays
conducted studies in liquid medium, observing this variable. performed with I = 8.2 klx (02, 04, 06 and 08) were similar to
On the other hand, light intensity can be considered a widely those obtained in the assays performed with I = 3.8 klx (Fig. 1 ).
studied aspect of utmost importance in the production of Assays 09, 10, 13, 14, 15 and 16 were performed with the same
microalgae, as it is known that there is a light saturation point. concentration of inoculum, i.e., 0.15 g biomasskg 1 wet culture
Therefore, these variables, M,I and C were chosen based on the medium. Assay 13, performed with higher initial moisture content
aforementioned considerations. Upon the conclusion of this work, (98.8%), yielded the best results in terms of increased protein
the results obtained in the assays indicated that these three content (110.0%) and protein content of the product (5.18 and
variables affect the process, and that the initial moisture content 5.19%, respectively), once again demonstrating the influence of the
exerts the strongest influence (Table 2). moisture content of the culture medium on the process. Assays
performed with inoculum concentration of 0.25 g biomass kg1
3.1. Moisture content wet culture medium showed virtually no cell growth occurred due
to the low moisture content of the initial culture medium in assays
An analysis of the results of the assays conducted with I = 3.8 klx 03 and 04.
(assays 01, 03, 05 and 07) clearly shows the influence of moisture The results of assays 05, 06, 07 and 08, which were performed
content on the process. Assays 01 and 03, which were performed with an initial moisture content of 98.0%, showed higher increases
with lower initial moisture content (96.0%) than in assays 05 and in protein content than the assays conducted with an initial
07 (98.0%), yielded unsatisfactory results. In assay 01, the moisture content of 97.0%. The smallest increment was obtained in
microorganism showed no development and in assay 03, there assay 01:43.0%, which was performed with lower illuminance
was a negligible increase (1.6%), and it can be considered that cell (3.8 klx) and low inoculum concentration (0.05 g biomasskg1 wet
culture medium). In general, the results obtained in the assays
carried out with the initial moisture content of 97% (09, 10, 11, 12,
15 and 16) did not show good results.
In the analysis of the significance of the initial moisture of the
Table 2
culture medium, this parameter was found to be a constraint of the
Results of the experimental design.
process, which is in agreement with the literature on SSF. Very high
Assay X1 X2 X3 I C M Pr Prot YP/N moisture levels lead to diminished porosity, poor oxygen diffusion,
01 1 1 1 3.8 0.05 96.0 – – a higher risk of contamination, decreased gas volume, and
02 1 1 1 8.2 0.05 96.0 – – reduction in gas exchange. Low moisture levels lead to slower
03 1 1 1 3.8 0.25 96.0 0.01 0.01
optimum growth, a low degree of substrate actually used, and an
04 1 1 1 8.2 0.25 96.0 0.01 0.02
05 1 1 1 3.8 0.05 98.0 0.15 0.19 increase in water surface tension [16,7].
06 1 1 1 8.2 0.05 98.0 0.18 0.26 Castilho et al. [3] studied the influence of the substrate's initial
07 1 1 1 3.8 0.25 98.0 0.21 0.31 moisture content on the production of pectinase by Aspergillus
08 1 1 1 8.2 0.25 98.0 0.31 0.46
niger and noted that there was a limit of moisture for the synthesis
09 1.7 0 0 2.3 0.15 97.0 0.03 0.04
10 1.7 0 0 9.7 0.15 97.0 0.09 0.16
of pectinases. A moisture content exceeding 40% reduced the
11 0 1.3 0 6.0 0.02 97.0 – – production yield, while a moisture content of 25% induced virtually
12 0 1.7 0 6.0 0.32 97.0 – – no cell growth.
13 0 0 1.7 6.0 0.15 95.3 – – dos Santos et al. [7] optimized solid state fermentation of potato
14 0 0 1.7 6.0 0.15 98.8 0.45 0.45
peel for the production of cellulolytic enzymes. It was noted that
15 0 0 0 6.0 0.15 97.0 0.14 0.17
16 0 0 0 6.0 0.15 97.0 0.14 0.18 approximately 50% moisture was ideal for obtaining the enzyme
studied. In other studies the values ranged between 40% and 60%,
X1, X2 and X3 = Codified variables, I = light intensity (klx), C = inoculum concentra-
tion (g biomasskg1 wet culture medium), M = initial moisture of culture medium with a decrease in fungal activity possibly related to inhibition of
(%w/w), Prprot. = protein productivity (g protein produced 100 g of dry culture the fungus, marked by extrapolation of the ideal water level for the
1 1
mediumday ), YP/N = nitrogen to protein yield (g protein g KNO3). development of the line selected in the case of 60%, or low activity
L.H. Pelizer et al. / Biotechnology Reports 5 (2015) 70–76 73

of water needed for the fungus to develop as might have occurred 3.2. Light intensity
in 40%.
Dhillon et al. [6] verified the potential of apple pomace as a solid The results obtained in this work indicated that the optimal
substrate for fungal cellulase and hemicellulase bioproduction condition of illuminance was 6.0 klx. Zhang et al. [27] who studied
through SSF. The apple pomace used in this study was supple- variations in illuminance from 0.5 to 4.0 klx in a mixotrophic culture,
mented with 1% (w/w) rice husk. The moisture of the material was found that the specific growth rate of the culture increased up to
71.28%. In this work, the initial moisture was adjusted to 75% with 2.0 klx, above which the growth rate no longer increased and
distilled water and the cultures were incubated in environmental suggested limit: light saturation which is in the order of 5–10 klx.
chamber at 30  C and 75% relative humidity for 7 days. Rodrigues et al. [22], studying fed-batch cultivation of A. platensis
Abraham et al. [1] studied the potential of the solid-state used minitanks at 13 klx and Matsudo et al. [14] at 9 klx. Jácome et al.
fermentation of soy fiber residues for protease production. The [11] in fed-batch cultivation in a tubular photobioreactor used
water content of soy fiber in dry basis was about 82.5%. Wood chips 10 klx. Leema et al. [12] used light intensity corresponding to 12 klx.
were added to the materials in a 1:1 (w:w) ratio and acted as a Danesi et al. [5] studied a two-step A. platensis cultivation
bulking agent to provide the proper porosity. process to observe the growth of A. platensis and the production of
Mahadik et al. [13] examined the production of acidic lipase by chlorophyll. Although the best growth result was observed at 5 klx,
A. niger in SSF. To check the influence of moisture on lipase activity the biomasses from cultivations at 2 klx presented higher contents
during the process, wheat bran was moistened with different of chlorophyll.
amounts of liquid medium. Maximum enzyme yield was obtained The influence of illuminance on the process can be analyzed
when wheat bran was moistened with liquid medium in a based on the results of assays 09, 10, 15 and 16. Increasing the
1:2.5 ratio. There was a decline in enzyme production above this illuminance from 2.3 klx in assay 09–6.0 klx in assays 15 and 16 was
ratio as the porosity of the medium is decreased. favorable, since the increments in protein content achieved in
Those studies consistently describe a minimum of moisture for these assays were 7.3%, 35.6% and 37.7%, respectively. In assay 10,
growth, and in some cases, a maximum point. In the present study, performed with illuminance of 9.7 klx, the increase in protein
only the beneficial result of increased moisture was observed, i.e., a content was 33.5%, indicating that increasing the illuminance in
maximum point for this variable was not reached. The use of sugar this case is not recommended.
cane bagasse for A. platensis culture could help regarding porosity. The results of assays 07 and 08, performed with the same
The use of nutrient agar to maintain the moisture was of initial moisture content (98.0%) and inoculum concentration
paramount importance, since sugarcane bagasse is not able to (0.25 g biomasskg1 wet culture medium), indicated that increas-
absorb the quantity of liquid medium necessary to reach the ideal ing the illuminance contributed to improve the process, with the
moisture content for cultivation. protein content in assay 07 (3.8 klx) increasing by 64.4% and in

a 1,8 b 1,8

1,2 1,2

0,6 0,055 0,6 0,009

0,16 0,118
0,0 0,264 0,0 0,227


0,369 0,336
-0,6 0,473 -0,6 0,445
0,578 0,555

-1,2 0,682 -1,2 0,664

0,787 0,773
0,891 0,882
-1,8 -1,8
0,996 0,991
-1,8 -1,2 -0,6 0,0 0,6 1,2 1,8 -1,4 -1,0 -0,6 -0,2 0,2 0,6 1,0 1,4 1,8

X1 X2

c d
1,8 1,8

1,4 1,4

1,0 1,0

0,6 0,271 0,6 0,206

0,342 0,262
0,2 0,413 0,2 0,318


0,484 0,374
-0,2 -0,2
0,555 0,429
-0,6 0,625 -0,6 0,485
0,696 0,541
-1,0 0,767 -1,0 0,597
0,838 0,653
-1,4 -1,4
-1,8 -1,2 -0,6 0,0 0,6 1,2 1,8 0,909 -1,8 -1,2 -0,6 0,0 0,6 1,2 1,8 0,709

X1 X1

Fig. 2. Contour curves for protein productivity (Pr prot.^): (a) as a function of X1 and X3, (b) as a function of X2 and X3, (c) as a function of X2 and X1, considering X3 = 0 (center
point), and (d) X2 and X1, considering Vc = 1.7 (minimum point).
74 L.H. Pelizer et al. / Biotechnology Reports 5 (2015) 70–76

assay 08 (8.2 klx) by 95.3%. Assays 05 and 06, performed with an medium) did not contribute to improve the performance of the
inoculum concentration of 0.05 g biomasskg1 wet culture process, since this assay showed no cell growth. On the other
medium, also showed increments in protein content, i.e., assay hand, assays 15 and 16 (C = 015 g biomasskg wet culture

05 (3.8 klx) showed a 43.0% increase and assay 06 (8.2 klx) a 60.5% medium) showed an increase in cell growth of 35.6 and 37.7%,
increase in protein content (Fig. 1). respectively.
Assays 06 and 08, with higher initial moisture content (98.0%),
3.3. Inoculum concentration showed better results, clearly indicating the influence of the
inoculum concentration. In assay 06, performed with C = 0.05 g
Using SSF process to cultivate fungi, some works refer to spores biomasskg1 wet culture medium, the increase in protein content
number in relation to solid medium. For example, [6] , used spore was 60.5% while in assay 08, with C = 0.25 g biomass kg
suspension having 1.0  107 sporesg1 substrate to produce fungal culture medium, the increase was 95.3% (Fig. 1 ).
cellulose; Mahadik et al. [13] inoculated wheat bran with spore Assays 05 and 07 (M = 98.0%) showed the influence of inoculum
suspension of A. niger (1 mL) containing 10 spores from 7 days old concentration. The increase in protein content in assay 05 was
culture grown to obtain lipase and dos Santos [7] added the 43.0% and in assay 07, which was carried out with a higher
quantity of 107 spores of A. niger per gram of dry basis substratum concentration of inoculum (0.25 g biomasskg1 wet culture
to the suspension to produce cellulolytic enzymes. medium), the protein content increased by 64.5% (Fig. 1 ).
However, there are no studies about inoculum concentration to
cultivate microalgae in SSF. Pelizer et al. [19] studied the influence 3.4. Statistical analysis of the results
of inoculum concentration to produce A. platensis in liquid
medium. The inoculum concentrations tested were: 50, 100, The results of protein productivity (Pr prot.) and nitrogen to
150 and 200 mg L1. For liquid medium, the 50 mg L1 inoculum protein yield (YP/N ) were subjected to multivariable regressions,
should be more appropriate to A. platensis cultivation because the with a 10% limit of acceptance (p) of each analysis.
higher inoculum concentrations did not present significant Equations representative of the process were obtained for the
differences to justify their utilization. variables under study. These equations are related with the
In this work, inoculum concentrations of 0.02, 0.05, 0.15, 0.25 encoded variables. To facilitate the discussion of the results, the
and 0.32 g biomass kg1 wet culture medium were evaluated. values obtained in each assay are listed in Table 2.
Assays 12, 15 and 16 (assays 15 and 16 are repetitions) were Based on the equations obtained, graphical analyses were made
performed with the same moisture content (97.0%) and illumi- by means of response surface plots and contour plots (Figs. 2–4, , ).
nance (6.0 klx). It was found that the very high inoculum Because the equation has three independent variables, the
concentration used in assay 12 (0.32 g biomasskg 1 wet culture graphics obtained were constructed always considering two

a b
1,8 1,8

1,2 1,2

0,6 0,009 0,6 -0,073

0,118 0,055
0,0 0,227 0,0 0,182


0,336 0,309
-0,6 0,445 -0,6 0,436
0,555 0,564
-1,2 0,664 -1,2 0,691
0,773 0,818
0,882 0,945
-1,8 -1,8
-1,8 -1,2 -0,6 0,0 0,6 1,2 1,8 0,991 -1,4 -1,0 -0,6 -0,2 0,2 0,6 1,0 1,4 1,8 1,073

X1 X2

c d
1,8 1,8
1,4 1,4
1,0 1,0
0,6 0,458 0,6 0,505
0,516 0,559
0,2 0,574 0,2 0,614


0,632 0,668
-0,2 0,69 -0,2 0,723
-0,6 0,748 -0,6 0,777
0,806 0,832
-1,0 0,864 -1,0 0,886
0,922 0,941
-1,4 -1,4
-1,8 -1,2 -0,6 0,0 0,6 1,2 1,8 0,98 -1,8 -1,2 -0,6 0,0 0,6 1,2 1,8 0,995

X1 X1

Fig. 3. Contour curves of the nitrogen (KNO3 ) to protein yield (YP/N ^): (a) as a function of X1 and X3, (b) as a function of X2 and X3, (c) as a function of X2 and X1, considering
X3 = 0 (center point), and (d) as a function of X2 and X1, considering X3 = 1.7 (minimum point).
L.H. Pelizer et al. / Biotechnology Reports 5 (2015) 70–76 75
a 0.5


Pr prot^




-0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

b 0.6







-0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Fig. 4. (a) Prprot. ^ as a function of Pr prot., considering an error range of 5%. r = 0.9993. Pr prot ^ = 0.00021 + 0.99863. Prprot.; (b)YP/N ^ as a function of YP/N considering an error
range of 5%. r2 = 0.99876. Y P/N ^ = 0.00051 + 0.99752. YP/N .

variables so that, in the end, all the variables were combined with The following equation was obtained by means of regression
one another. analysis:

YP/N ^ = 0.18 + 0.03X1 – 0.03X12 + 0.08X2 + 0.19X3 (4)

3.4.1. Multivariable regression for protein productivity (Prprot. )
The results of multivariate regression to assess the variables Based on Eq. (4) , graphical analyses of the response surface
studied as a function of protein productivity (Prprot.) were: plots and contour plots were performed and depicted in Fig. 3 .
r = 0.8657, F = 15.04 and p = 0.00196. An analysis of the variables X1 and X3 as a function of estimated
Eq. (3) was obtained by means of regression analysis: protein productivity Prprot.^ (Fig. 2a) reveals that augmented
productivity requires a high moisture content and light intensity
Prprot. ^ = 0.14 + 0.05X2 + 0.13X3  0.06X22 + 0.03X3 2  0.03X12 +
close to the center point (6.0 klx). From the contour plots, it can be
0.02X1X (3)
seen that for high productivity, the value of X3 must be close to the
Based on Eq. (3) , graphical analyses of the response surface maximum point and light intensity (X1) close to the center point,
plots and contour plots were performed, which are shown in Fig. 2. as was found for Pprod.^.
An analysis of Fig. 2 b with respect to X2 and X3 as a function of
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76 L.H. Pelizer et al. / Biotechnology Reports 5 (2015) 70–76

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