Camd 3331906 PDF
Camd 3331906 PDF
Camd 3331906 PDF
Course Curriculum
The students of mechanical engineering programme are mainly involved in drafting,
manufacturing, inspection and planning activities (such as preparing process plans,
preparing bill of materials, etc.) in industries. For all such activities, reference document
is the drawing of component/assembly to be manufactured. In this context, it is of utmost
importance to prepare, read and interpret these drawings correctly for production of
components and assemblies accurately and precisely. The industrial practices of drafting
are also important for the students to make them aware of drafting practices, symbols,
codes, norms and standards generally used in industries.
Legends: L - Lecture; T - Tutorial/Teacher Guided Student Activity; P - Practical; C - Credit; ESE - End
Semester Examination; PA - Progressive Assessment
Major Learning Topics and Sub-topics
Outcomes (Course
Unit Outcomes in Cognitive
Domain according to
NBA terminology)
Unit – I 1.a Interpret drafting, 1.1 Basic knowhow of computer hardware, software
Introduction tolerance and and peripherals.
geometrical symbols 1.2 Concept and need of machine drawings.
in given production 1.3 Drafting, tolerance and geometrical symbols used
drawings. in machine drawing.
1.b Appreciate 1.4 AutoCAD (Mechanical) screen, library, symbols,
AutoCAD templates in context of machine drawing.
(Mechanical) 1.5 Drawing standards.(IS-696 /SP 46) (Drawing/
environment in printing/ storage)
context to
production drawings.
2.a Prepare and plot 2D 2.1 Simple 2D production drawings of 6-7
Unit – II production machine Mechanical components made up of minimum 5-
2D drawings using 6 manufacturing operations using Auto CAD
production AutoCAD (Mechanical).
drawings (Mechanical).
2.2 2D assembly productions drawing of any one
simple mechanical assembly having minimum 5-
6 components each made up of 5-10
manufacturing operations using AutoCAD
Note: Here only course outcomes in psychomotor domain are listed as practical/exercises.
However, if these practical/exercises are completed appropriately, they would also lead to
development of programme outcomes/course outcomes in affective domain as given in a
common list at the beginning of curriculum document for this programme. Faculty should
refer to that common list and should ensure that students also acquire those programme
outcomes/course outcomes related to affective domain.
a. Production drawing include surface roughness values, tolerances, limits,
geometrical tolerances/ symbols, heat treatment/ surface treatment notes, etc.
b. It is compulsory to perform students’ activities given in table number 7.
c. Submission includes objects, parts/assembly, print outs of drawings prepared,
reports and student activities performed. (Term work must not include any
photocopy/ies, printed manual/pages (except printouts of drawn