Subject: Machine Design Be Sem Vii Mechanical Tutorial:02 (Helical Gear)
Subject: Machine Design Be Sem Vii Mechanical Tutorial:02 (Helical Gear)
Subject: Machine Design Be Sem Vii Mechanical Tutorial:02 (Helical Gear)
A pair of parallel helical gears consist of an 18 teeth pinion measing with a 45 teeth
Gear7.5KW power at 2000 rpm is supplied to the pinion through its shaft. The normal module is 6mm .
While the normal pressure angle is 20° .The helix angle is 23° Determine the tangential radial and axial
component of the resultant tooth face between the measing teeth.
A pair of helical gear with zp= 20 speed ratio 2.6 is to be designed . Following data is given.
Power to be transmit=8KW
Factor of safety= 2
A pair of helical gear with zp =20, zg= 60 helix angle 25° normal pressure angle 20° transmit 7.5KW
When pinion rotates 800rpm. If pitch circle diameter of pinion 80 mm Determine 3 component of tooth
A helical cast steel gear with 30° helix angle has to transmit 35KW at 2000 rpm. If the gear has
25 teeth . Find the necessary module, pitch diameter and face width for 20° full depth involute
teeth. The static stress for cast steel may be taken as 100 MPA . The face width may be taken as
3 times the normal pitch .The tooth form factor is given by expression.