20th Century PDF
20th Century PDF
20th Century PDF
Modernism in landscape architecture refers to the o Applied the International Style to residential
rejection of traditional styles and approaches and design
the embrace of functionalism. o House -> “machine for living”
The new aesthetic overcame the eclectic mix of o Villa Savoye: raised up on pilotis (columns)
historical styles that was prevalent at the turn of the and disconnected from the landscape
century. Nature functioned as a romantic
Modern designers articulated in their work values backdrop for architecture
that were democratic, accessible, and reflective of a
Early influences on modernist gardens
new more casual lifestyle.
1925 Exposition Internationale des Arts Decoratifs
Landscape designs were antiaxial and
et Industriels Modernes (Paris)
omnidirectional, and incorporated nontraditional
o Art Deco
materials, abstract shapes, and sculpture.
o The temp. “viewing” gardens had an
o Designers employed plants and sculptures
enormous influence on early 20th century
purely for aesthetic impact, not their
landscape design.
associative meanings.
Gabriel Guevrekian
The international style o Garden of Water and Light
Designers were optimistic about the role of machine- o Modern Persian Garden
age technology and saw its potential to encourage o Based on the use of triangular forms and
healthy and leisurely lifestyles. reflective surfaces, as well as on optical
Architectural theorists promoted an International color theories that created the illusion of a
Style that expressed industrial materials and 3-D painting
processes and that was free of any trace of o The plan formed a large triangle, broken up
authority, hierarchy, social class, or vernacular by triangular planting beds and triangular
flavor. pools of water. The surrounding “fence” was
o Objects and spaces expressed utilitarian compose of tinted glass triangles. A rotating
functions. spherical sculpture was made of faceted
o Ornamentation was unnecessary; design reflective glass.
elements had to be purposeful. o conceptual artistic statement: plants
“FORM FOLLOWS FUNCTION” functioned as abstract masses of color
o The Bauhaus (Dessau, Germany) Villa Noalles: “cubist garden” ->
stressed the unity of art, industry, created the illusion of representing
and nature multiple points of view all at once
Students explored the use of Fletcher Steele
industrial materials and o His work can be seen as a link between
technologies (less expensive -> more Beaux-Arts formality and modernism
egalitarian aesthetic) o His purity of line, fluid geometric forms, and
Walter Gropius: founder and use of color typify the Art Deco style.
director (1925-1933) of the o Naumkeag (Stockbridge, Massachusetts)
Bauhaus. He became the head of the Illustrated a new conception of the
Graduate School of Design at landscape as a setting for outdoor
Harvard (1933) and brought the living
International Style to America. 30 years
German Pavilion Rose Garden, Afternoon Garden,
o Ludwig Miles van der Rohe Blue Stdeps
o Barcelona Exposition (1929) Christopher Tunnard
o The archetype of modern spatial o Wrote a book entitled Gardens in the
composition Modern Landscape: the garden as a social
Its open floor plan and modular concept; functional requirements dictated
system of support created a new form
sense of space (interpenetrating o Advocated asymmetrical balance and a
vertical and horizontal planes) harmony of indoor and outdoor spaces
Midcentury modernists in America Dan Kiley
Thomas Church o Demonstrated a concern with form and
o Beaux-Arts trained landscape architect spatial hierarchy
whose practice primarily focused on o Used strong geometries to order the
residential design landscape and was able to achieve a sense of
o Gardens are for People (book, 1955) directionality
Consider foremost the needs of the o Developed a style characterized by the use
client in designing landscape spaces of overlapping planes and repeated
Provided practical advice to modules to create a dynamic
homeowners about how to exploit interpenetration of landscape space
unique aspects of a site o Miller Garden (Columbus, Indiana; 1955)
o He employed line, texture, and form in Offset axes, long allees, and
asymmetrical compositions that were both rectilinear forms
pragmatic and artistic settings for family life
and casual entertaining Modern maverick
o Hallmark: patterning of the ground plane, Lawrence Halprin
w/ emphasis on the structure of space rather o His work serves as bridge between the
than the planting modernist and environmental design
He often juxtaposed curvilinear and movements
blomorphic forms against o RSVP Cycles: Creative Processes in the
orthogonal shaped Human Environment (book, 1969)
o Donnell Garden (Sonoma, Californina) Outlined his ideas about the
Garrett Eckbo relationship between humans and
o Dedicated to providing affordable, nature
functional and dynamic landscapes for A holistic site analysis was integral to
middle-class families the development of a successful
o Landscape for Living & The Art of Home design
Landscaping (books, 1950 & 1956) o Developed an original technique for
Provided guidance appropriate for “scoring” the landscape that maps natural,
the design of small-scale spaces social, and cultural patterns
o Organization & Composition of Space: focus o One of the first advocates for citizen
of the garden participation in the design process
o Developed plans based on user needs and o Sea Ranch (Gualala, California)
functional spatial relationships An excellent example of his
o One of the first landscape architects to rebel commitment to working
against the Beaux-Arts formalism collaboratively w/ other
o Inspired by contemporary cultural trends professionals and w/ the forces of
(jazz, fashion, film, art) nature
o Concerned with progressive causes and Clustered the houses and tucked
socially conscious design them into slopes to preserve open
o Farm Security Administration space, maintain view corridors and
Designed migrant-worker housing provide shelter from the wind
and community centers o Valued urban life and promoted the
o Alcoa Forecast Garden (1959) revitalization and greening of cities.
Laurel Canyon, California o Public Plaza in San Francisco
Financed by the Aluminum Company Old Ghirardell Chocolate Factory
of California One of the first examples of
Demonstrate how the new material successful adaptive reuse
could be used in residential o Ira Keller Fountain (Portland, Oregon)
applications o Freeway Park (Seattle, Washington)
o Used his own backyard to showcase his o Levi Strauss Plaza (San Francisco, California)
innovative design solutions (aluminum o FDR Memorial (Washington, DC)
screens, trellises, and fountain)
Environmental art Fernando Caruncho (Mas de les Voltes, Spain)
o Wheat Parterres: reinterpreted the
Nature as medium
ferme ornee
LArchs became more focused on corporate culture
o Structures the landscape with agrarian
geometry, combining plants, water, and
Environmental artists work w/ the earth as their
mineral elements
Earthworks: large-scale landscape interventions that
required heavy machinery to realize; often in remote
locations, distance and solitude became part of the
Robert Smithson
o Spiral Jetty (Great Salt Lake, Utah)
Andy Goldsworthy
o Works w/ nature and time to construct
temporary sculptures
o Uses natural materials (ice, leaves, stones,
wood) found on a particular site to create
patterns and forms in the landscape
Env. Art & Land Art: gave visual expression to
ecological processes and brought the idea of the
landscape as an expressive medium
Artistic trends in lands. Design
A focus on form-giving through the manipulation of
color, texture and line
Burle Marx
o A Brazilian landscape designer whose work
reflected his interests in botany and
o Treated the ground plane as a canvas on w/c
he painted abstract compositions w/ colorful
masses of typical native plants
o Monteiro/Fernandes Garden (1948)
Treats the space as a purely visual
o Banco Safra Plaza (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
o Mexican architect known for his colorful,
minimalist, spatial compositions
o Used walls to subdivide landscape
space in a way that recalled the
courtyards of the Alhambra (Spain)
o Horse Farm (San Cristobal)
Kathryn Gustafson
o Folds and pleats the ground plane like
Patricia Johanson (Dallas, Texas)
o Translates organic forms into built
o Leaonhardt Lagoon: translated the form
of an aquatic plant into a path system at
Fair Park