RA 10175 Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 PDF
RA 10175 Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 PDF
RA 10175 Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 PDF
Preliminary Provisions
SECTION 1. Title. — This Act shall be known as the "Cybercrime Prevention
Act of 2012". HaTAEc
(p) Traf c data or non-content data refers to any computer data other than
the content of the communication including, but not limited to, the
communication's origin, destination, route, time, date, size, duration, or
type of underlying service.
Punishable Acts
SECTION 4. Cybercrime Offenses. — The following acts constitute the
offense of cybercrime punishable under this Act:
(a) Offenses against the con dentiality, integrity and availability of computer
data and systems:
(1) Illegal Access. — The access to the whole or any part of a computer
system without right.
(2) Illegal Interception. — The interception made by technical means without
right of any non-public transmission of computer data to, from, or within a
computer system including electromagnetic emissions from a computer
system carrying such computer data.
(3) Data Interference. — The intentional or reckless alteration, damaging,
deletion or deterioration of computer data, electronic document, or
electronic data message, without right, including the introduction or
transmission of viruses.
(4) System Interference. — The intentional alteration or reckless hindering or
interference with the functioning of a computer or computer network by
inputting, transmitting, damaging, deleting, deteriorating, altering or
suppressing computer data or program, electronic document, or
electronic data message, without right or authority, including the
introduction or transmission of viruses. aSTECA
Any person found guilty of any of the punishable acts enumerated in Section 4 (c)
(1) of this Act shall be punished with imprisonment of prision mayor or a ne of at least
Two hundred thousand pesos (PhP200,000.00) but not exceeding One million pesos
(PhP1,000,000.00) or both.
Any person found guilty of any of the punishable acts enumerated in Section 4 (c)
(2) of this Act shall be punished with the penalties as enumerated in Republic Act No.
9775 or the "Anti-Child Pornography Act of 2009": Provided,That the penalty to be
imposed shall be one (1) degree higher than that provided for in Republic Act No. 9775,
if committed through a computer system.
Any person found guilty of any of the punishable acts enumerated in Section 4 (c)
(3) shall be punished with imprisonment of arresto mayor or a ne of at least Fifty
thousand pesos (PhP50,000.00) but not exceeding Two hundred fty thousand pesos
(PhP250,000.00) or both.
Any person found guilty of any of the punishable acts enumerated in Section 5
shall be punished with imprisonment one (1) degree lower than that of the prescribed
penalty for the offense or a ne of at least One hundred thousand pesos
(PhP100,000.00) but not exceeding Five hundred thousand pesos (PhP500,000.00) or
SECTION 9. Corporate Liability. — When any of the punishable acts herein
de ned are knowingly committed on behalf of or for the bene t of a juridical person, by
a natural person acting either individually or as part of an organ of the juridical person,
who has a leading position within, based on: (a) a power of representation of the
juridical person provided the act committed falls within the scope of such authority; (b)
an authority to take decisions on behalf of the juridical person: Provided, That the act
committed falls within the scope of such authority; or (c) an authority to exercise
control within the juridical person, the juridical person shall be held liable for a ne
equivalent to at least double the nes imposable in Section 7 up to a maximum of Ten
million pesos (PhP10,000,000.00).
If the commission of any of the punishable acts herein de ned was made
possible due to the lack of supervision or control by a natural person referred to and
described in the preceding paragraph, for the bene t of that juridical person by a
natural person acting under its authority, the juridical person shall be held liable for a
ne equivalent to at least double the nes imposable in Section 7 up to a maximum of
Five million pesos (PhP5,000,000.00). TcIAHS
The liability imposed on the juridical person shall be without prejudice to the
criminal liability of the natural person who has committed the offense.
Enforcement and Implementation
SECTION 10. Law Enforcement Authorities. — The National Bureau of
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Investigation (NBI) and the Philippine National Police (PNP) shall be responsible for the
ef cient and effective law enforcement of the provisions of this Act. The NBI and the
PNP shall organize a cybercrime unit or center manned by special investigators to
exclusively handle cases involving violations of this Act.
SECTION 11. Duties of Law Enforcement Authorities. — To ensure that the
technical nature of cybercrime and its prevention is given focus and considering the
procedures involved for international cooperation, law enforcement authorities
speci cally the computer or technology crime divisions or units responsible for the
investigation of cybercrimes are required to submit timely and regular reports including
pre-operation, post-operation and investigation results and such other documents as
may be required to the Department of Justice (DOJ) for review and monitoring.
SECTION 12. Real-Time Collection of Traf c Data. — Law enforcement
authorities, with due cause, shall be authorized to collect or record by technical or
electronic means traf c data in real-time associated with speci ed communications
transmitted by means of a computer system.
Traf c data refer only to the communication's origin, destination, route, time,
date, size, duration, or type of underlying service, but not content, nor identities.
All other data to be collected or seized or disclosed will require a court warrant.
Service providers are required to cooperate and assist law enforcement
authorities in the collection or recording of the above-stated information. EHTISC
The court warrant required under this section shall only be issued or granted
upon written application and the examination under oath or af rmation of the applicant
and the witnesses he may produce and the showing: (1) that there are reasonable
grounds to believe that any of the crimes enumerated hereinabove has been
committed, or is being committed, or is about to be committed; (2) that there are
reasonable grounds to believe that evidence that will be obtained is essential to the
conviction of any person for, or to the solution of, or to the prevention of, any such
crimes; and (3) that there are no other means readily available for obtaining such
SECTION 13. Preservation of Computer Data. — The integrity of traf c data
and subscriber information relating to communication services provided by a service
provider shall be preserved for a minimum period of six (6) months from the date of the
transaction. Content data shall be similarly preserved for six (6) months from the date
of receipt of the order from law enforcement authorities requiring its preservation.
Law enforcement authorities may order a one-time extension for another six (6)
months: Provided, That once computer data preserved, transmitted or stored by a
service provider is used as evidence in a case, the mere furnishing to such service
provider of the transmittal document to the Of ce of the Prosecutor shall be deemed a
notification to preserve the computer data until the termination of the case.
The service provider ordered to preserve computer data shall keep con dential
the order and its compliance.
SECTION 14. Disclosure of Computer Data. — Law enforcement authorities,
upon securing a court warrant, shall issue an order requiring any person or service
provider to disclose or submit subscriber's information, traf c data or relevant data in
his/its possession or control within seventy-two (72) hours from receipt of the order in
relation to a valid complaint of cially docketed and assigned for investigation and the
disclosure is necessary and relevant for the purpose of investigation.
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SECTION 15. Search, Seizure and Examination of Computer Data. — Where a
search and seizure warrant is properly issued, the law enforcement authorities shall
likewise have the following powers and duties.
Within the time period speci ed in the warrant, to conduct interception, as
defined in this Act, and:
(a) To secure a computer system or a computer data storage medium; cASEDC
SECTION 31. Effectivity. — This Act shall take effect fteen (15) days after
the completion of its publication in the Of cial Gazette or in at least two (2)
newspapers of general circulation.
Approved: September 12, 2012.
Published in The Philippine Star on September 18, 2012.