What Is Art ?
What Is Art ?
What Is Art ?
3. Space
Top right,
Richard Serra,
Bottom right,
Claes Oldenburg,
Knife Ship I
Realistic: depicts object as they are in actual, visible reality
Naturalistic: physical appearance of rendered image in nature is
the primary inspiration; simplified object here resembles with less
Idealized: attempt for perfection grounded in prevailing values of a
Expressionistic: appeals to subjective responses of beholder,
often through exaggeration of form or expression
Abstract: is a stylistic opposition of above 3; forms do not depict
observable objects; Images represented often with intent of extracting
essence of object or idea
Conceptual : Concept, sensation, impact etc
Phil, chuck close Manet, Portrait d'Emile Zola
Manet, Le Bar aux Folies-Bergère Modigliani, Jeane Hebuterne Seated in Profile
Buddha, Ajanta
Nibuman hunting
Lucio Fontana, Spatial Concept
Joseph Kosuth,
Art as Idea, as idea [Water]
Christo, Wrapped Tree
Jackson Pollok,
Action Painting
What is Art ?
A work of art
Medium may be described in basic, non-philosophical
and Material from which object is made;
terms as having two primary components -
1. Form
Broad distinctions include 2-D, 3-D, mixed media, ephemeral arts
2. Content
2-D: painting, drawing, etc.
arts: performing art
3. Period