Unit 4 Chapter 14
Unit 4 Chapter 14
Unit 4 Chapter 14
Medieval Japan
Kinkaku Temple in Kyoto, Japan
Early Japan
Japan’s islands and mountains have shaped its
history. The Japanese developed their own unique
culture but looked to China as a model.
Step 1 Mark the midpoint of the Step 2 Turn the Reading and Writing
side edge of a sheet of paper. paper and fold in Jap an As you read the chapter,
each outside edge organize your notes
to touch at the by writing the main
midpoint. Label ideas with supporting
as shown. details under the
appropriate tab.
Draw a mark
at the midpoint
and Effect
Identifying Cause and Effect
Learning to identify causes (reasons) and effects (results) will help you
understand how and why things happen in history. Read the following
passage and think about the result (effect) of Japan having mountains.
Then see how the information can be pulled out and placed into a
graphic organizer.
d i f f e r e nt ways as
Find tion
g a n i z e infor ma aphic Effect:
or e gr
d. Creat our
land could not be farmed
you rea
z e r s t h at suit y Japan’s
organi i ng style
to mountains Effect:
le a r n of
own a k e sense
armies fought for farmland
o u m
help y are read
a t y o u Effect:
wh Japanese fished for a living
Using Graphic Read to Write
After reading Section 2,
Organizers write a paragraph
that summarizes the
Read the following paragraph and either use the graphic reasons why the power
organizer below or create your own to show the effects of of Japan’s emperor
Yoritomo’s ruthless rule. declined during the
A.D. 800s.
Early Japan
What’s the Connection? Shikoku (shih • KOH • koo)
During the Middle Ages, another Kyushu (kee • OO • shoo)
civilization developed in East Asia. It
arose on the islands of Japan off the Meeting People
coast of the Korean Peninsula. Jomon (JOH • mohn)
Yayoi (YAH • yoy)
Focusing on the Jimmu (jeem • mu)
• Japan’s mountains and islands isolated
Shotoku (shoh • TOH • koo)
Japan and shaped its society. (page 485)
• Japan was settled by people who Building Your Vocabulary
came from northeast Asia. They were clan (KLAN)
organized into clans and ruled by constitution
warriors. (page 486) (KAHN • stuh • TOO • shuhn)
• Prince Shotoku created Japan’s first animism (A • nuh • MIH • zuhm)
constitution and borrowed many shrine (SHRYN)
ideas from China. (page 488)
• The Japanese religion called Shinto Reading Strategy
was based on nature spirits. (page 490) Organizing Information Create
a diagram to show the basics of the
Locating Places Shinto religion.
Japan (juh • PAN)
Hokkaido (hah • KY • doh) Shinto Religion
Honshu (HAHN • shoo)
lic figure
Think of a recent leader or other pub
as if
whose death caused people to mourn
it? Why do
they knew that person well. Who is
t person?
you think people identified with tha
ely with
Why did the Japanese identify so clos
The Horyuji temple, Shotoku?
built by Prince Shotoku
(t)Art Resource, NY, (b)mediacolor’s/Alamy Images
What Is Shinto? Shinto
The Japanese religion, called Shinto, was
based on nature spirits.
Reading Focus Today we know the importance of
protecting the environment. Why is nature important
to us? Read to learn why the early Japanese thought
nature was important.
Like many ancient peoples, the early gods for a good harvest, a wife or a child, or
Japanese believed that all natural things are some other favor.
alive, even the winds, the mountains, and These early Japanese beliefs developed
the rivers. They believed that all of these into the religion of Shinto. The word Shinto
things have their own spirits. This idea is means “way of the spirits,” and many
called animism (A • nuh • MIH • zuhm). When Japanese still follow Shinto today. Followers
people needed help, they asked the nature believe the kami will help only if a person is
spirits, whom they called kami, to help them. pure. Many things, such as illness, cause
To honor the kami, the Japanese wor- spiritual stains that must be cleansed by
shiped at shrines (SHRYNZ), or holy places. bathing and other rituals before praying.
There, priests, musicians, and dancers per- Explain How did the
formed rituals for people who asked the Japanese honor the kami?
Locating Places
Heian (HAY • ahn) Samurai
Kamakura (kah • MAH • kuh • RAH)
As the shogun’s power weakened, Japan
broke into warring kingdoms run by rulers known as
Samurai The path to becoming a
Reading Focus Have you ever been promised some-
samurai was difficult and dangerous. thing and then been upset when the promise was broken?
Mothers in samurai families began Read to learn how Japan’s shogun lost power because
teaching their sons Bushido at a young the samurai felt he had broken his promises.
age. They taught their sons to place
bravery, honor, and loyalty above all The Kamakura shogunate ruled Japan
else. Each young warrior knew and until 1333. By that time, many samurai had
could recite from memory the brave become resentful. Over the years, as samu-
feats of his samurai ancestors. rai divided their lands among their sons,
For centuries, young samurai lived the piece of land each samurai owned
apart from their families in the castle became smaller and smaller. By the 1300s,
of their lord or in the barracks of their many samurai felt they no longer owed the
shogun loyalty because he had not given
lord’s town. Beginning in the 1800s,
them enough land.
samurai schools were built, and boys
In 1331 the emperor rebelled, and many
lived there to continue the educations
samurai came to his aid. The revolt suc-
their mothers had started. From the age ceeded, but the emperor was not able to
of 10, they trained gain control of Japan because he too refused
in the martial arts to give more land to the samurai. Instead, a
and studied other general named Ashikaga Takauji (ah • shee •
subjects, such kah • gah tah • kow • jee) turned against the
as math and emperor and made himself shogun in 1333.
astronomy. By the A new government known as the Ashikaga
age of 16, many shogunate began.
were warriors. The Ashikaga shoguns proved to be
weak rulers, and revolts broke out across
Japan. The country soon divided into a
number of small territories. These areas
were headed by powerful military lords
known as daimyo (DY • mee • OH).
The daimyo pledged loyalty to the
Painting of a emperor and the shogun. However, they
samurai hero ruled their lands as if they were independ-
ent kingdoms. To protect their lands, the
daimyo created their own local armies
Connecting to the Past made up of samurai warriors, just as other
1. What lessons was the mother of a
samurai responsible for teaching nobles had done in the past.
her young son? Many samurai became vassals (VA • suhlz)
2. Do you think soldiers today have a code of a daimyo. That is, a samurai gave an oath
of conduct similar to Bushido? Explain.
of loyalty to his daimyo and promised to
serve him in times of war. In return, each
daimyo gave land to his samurai warriors—
more land than they had been given by the
shogun. This bond of loyalty between a lord
and a vassal is known as feudalism (FYOO •
duhl • IH • zuhm). In the next chapter, you will
learn about a similar form of feudalism that
The Takamatsu castle was built in 1590. It sits
arose in Europe during the Middle Ages. on the edge of a sea and was once surrounded
With the breakdown of central govern- by moats, gates, and towers for protection.
ment, Japan’s warriors fought each other.
From 1467 to 1477, the country suffered control. Fighting spread throughout the
through the disastrous Onin War. During country. The violence finally brought down
this conflict, the city of Kyoto (Heian) was the Ashikaga shogunate in 1567. By that
almost completely destroyed. Armies time, only a handful of powerful daimyo
passed back and forth through the city, remained. Each of these daimyo was eager
burning temples and palaces. to defeat his rivals and rule all of Japan.
For 100 years after the Onin War, a series Analyze Why were shoguns
of weak shoguns tried to reunite Japan. unable to regain control of Japan after the Onin
Powerful daimyo, however, resisted their War?
Pure Land Buddhism As you have already people could find inner peace through self-
learned, Mahayana Buddhism began in control and a simple way of life.
India and spread to China and Korea. By Followers of Zen learned to control their
the time Buddhism reached Japan, it had bodies through martial arts (MAHR • shuhl),
developed into many different sects or sports that involved combat and self-
(SEHKTS), or smaller religious groups. defense. This appealed to the samurai, who
One of the most important sects in trained to fight bravely and fearlessly.
Japan was Pure Land Buddhism. Pure Followers of Zen Buddhism also prac-
Land Buddhism was a type of Mahayana ticed meditation (MEH • duh • TAY • shuhn). In
Buddhism. It won many followers in Japan meditation, a person sat cross-legged and
because of its message about a happy life motionless for hours, with the mind cleared
after death. Pure Land Buddhists looked to of all thoughts and desires. Meditation
Lord Amida, a buddha of love and mercy. helped people to relax and find inner peace.
They believed Amida had founded a para-
dise above the clouds. To get there, all they Art and Architecture During the Middle
had to do was have faith in Amida and Ages, the Japanese borrowed artistic ideas
chant his name. from China and Korea. Then, they went on
to develop their own styles. The arts of
What Is Zen Buddhism? Another impor- Japan revealed the Japanese love of beauty
tant Buddhist sect in Japan was Zen. and simplicity.
Buddhist monks brought Zen to Japan from During the Middle Ages, artisans in
China during the 1100s. Zen taught that Japan made wooden statues, furniture, and
Figurine of Bodhidharma
household items. On many of their works, the Japanese style near a sacred rock, tree,
they used a shiny black and red coating or other natural feature that they consid-
called lacquer. From the Chinese, Japanese ered beautiful. Usually a shrine was a
artists learned to do landscape painting. wooden building, with a single room and a
Using ink or watercolors, they painted roof made of rice straw. People entered the
scenes of nature or battles on paper scrolls shrine through a sacred gate called a torii.
or on silk. Japanese nobles at the emperor’s Unlike Shinto shrines, Buddhist temples
court learned to fold paper to make decora- were built in the Chinese style. They had
tive objects. This art of folding paper is massive tiled roofs held up by thick,
called origami. They also arranged flowers. wooden pillars. The temples were richly
Buddhist monks and the samurai turned decorated. They had many statues, paint-
tea drinking into a beautiful ceremony. ings, and altars.
Builders in Japan used Chinese or Around their buildings, the Japanese
Japanese styles. Shinto shrines were built in created gardens designed to imitate nature
On autumn nights
the dew is
colder than ever—
in every clump of grasses
the insects weep
—author unknown,
tanka from the Kokinshũ
Noh masks like these were often carved from a
single piece of wood and were lightweight, so an
Women living in Heian wrote Japan’s actor could wear it for several hours. Why were
first great stories around 1000. One woman, Noh plays performed?
Scene from
The Tale of Genji Do you keep a diary? What might you
t would
your classmates record in a diary tha
from now?
be useful to people a few centuries
Economy and Society send more food to the markets that were
developing in the towns.
Some Japanese nobles, merchants, and At the same time, the Japanese were pro-
artisans grew wealthy during the shogun period, but ducing more goods. Artisans on the daimyo
the lives of women remained restricted in many estates began making weapons, armor,
areas of life. and tools. Merchants sold these items in
Reading Focus What determines whether a person is town markets throughout Japan. New
wealthy or poor? Read to find what contributed to the roads made travel and trade much easier.
growing wealth of Japan. As trade increased, each region focused on
making goods that it could best produce.
Under the shoguns, Japan not only devel-
These goods included pottery, paper, tex-
oped its arts but also produced more goods
tiles, and lacquered ware. All of these new
and grew richer. However, only a small num-
products helped Japan’s economy grow.
ber of Japanese benefited from this wealth.
As the capital, Kyoto (kee • OH • toh)
This group included the emperor, the nobles
became a major center of production and
at his court, and leading military officials. A
trade. Many artisans and merchants settled
small but growing class of merchants and
there. They formed groups called guilds
traders also began to prosper. Most Japanese,
(GIHLDZ) (or za in Japanese) to protect and
however, were farmers who remained poor.
increase their profits. The members of these
Farmers and Artisans Much of Japan’s guilds relied on a wealthy daimyo to pro-
wealth came from the hard work of its tect them from rival artisans. They sold the
farmers. Japanese farmers grew rice, wheat, daimyo goods that he could not get from
millet, and barley. Some had their own his country estates.
land, but most lived and worked on the Japan’s wealth also came from increased
daimyo estates. Despite hardships, life did trade with Korea, China, and Southeast
improve for Japan’s farmers during the Asia. Japanese merchants exchanged lac-
1100s. They used better irrigation and quered goods, sword blades, and copper for
planted more crops. As a result, they could silk, dyes, pepper, books, and porcelain.
Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY
The Role of Women During the Middle and ran their homes. The wives of merchants
Ages, a Japanese family included grand- were perhaps the best off.
parents, parents, and children in the same Despite the lack of freedom, some
household. A man headed the family and women managed to contribute to Japan’s
had total control over family members. A culture. These talented women gained fame
woman was expected to obey her father, as artists, writers, and even warriors. In The
husband, and son. In wealthy families, par- Tale of the Heike, one female samurai named
ents arranged the marriages of their chil- Tomoe is described this way:
dren to increase the family’s wealth.
Tomoe was indescribably beautiful;
In early Japan, about the time of Prince
the fairness of her face and the
Shotoku, wealthy women enjoyed a high
richness of her hair were startling to
position in society. There were several
behold. Even so, she was a fearless
women rulers, and women could own
rider and a woman skilled with the
property. When Japan became a warrior
bow. Once her sword was drawn,
society with samurai and daimyo, upper-
even the gods . . . feared to fight
class women lost these freedoms.
against her. Indeed, she was a
In farming families, women had a greater
match for a thousand.
say in whom they married. However, they
worked long hours in the fields planting or —Heike Monogatori,
harvesting rice. In addition, they cooked, The Tale of the Heike
spun and wove cloth, and cared for their chil-
dren. In the towns, the wives of artisans and Identify Which groups in
merchants helped with family businesses Japan benefited from the country’s wealth?
Murasaki Shikibu
Mt. Fuji
Osaka Edo Seami, a great actor in Noh plays,
(Tokyo) explained how acting is mastered.
Shikoku “As long as an actor is trying to imitate
Kyushu his teacher, he is still without mastery. . . .
30°N An actor may be said to be a master
when, by means of his artistic powers,
he quickly perfects the skills he has
Read to Write won through study and practice, and
thus becomes one with the art itself.”
21. Creative Writing Review this chapter and
conduct research to gather information –
—Seami Juokubush u– Hyoshaku,
about the Mongols’ attack on the Kamakura “The Book of the Way of the
Highest Flower (Shikad o-Sho)”
shogunate. Work with a group to write a
script for a short play about the events
before, during, and after the invasion.
Use historical figures as well as fictional
characters. Create a mask for each charac-
25. What is the first step in learning
ter, similar to the style of early Japanese
masks. Present your play to the class.
26. How does an actor “become one
22. Using Your Write a poem, series with the art itself”?
of journal entries, or short story using the
main ideas and supporting details from
your completed foldable.