Defamation, Civil Conspiracy, Being Filed in DC
Defamation, Civil Conspiracy, Being Filed in DC
Defamation, Civil Conspiracy, Being Filed in DC
Washington, DC 20004
US Secret Service
Washington, DC 20223
1 Hacker Way
30 Rockefeller Plaza
Megyn Kelly
30 Rockefeller Plaza
Joe Rogan
American Atheists
Ryan Gallagher, Pro Se, hereby files this Complaint and makes these allegations based on
information and belief which are likely to have evidentiary support after a reasonable opportunity
for further investigation and discovery—against Defendants. I ask that the court consider the
fact that I am not a lawyer, but am alleging violations of various rights, which after discovery will
be blatantly clear Cruz v. Beto 405 U.S. 319 (1972). This filing will meet the standard of Prima
Facie evidence, if not more.
This is a Case that started because of what FBI Director James Comey called “The Ferguson
The Court may want to Consolidate this together with the FBI and NSA FOIA Cases at
Please bring all defendants from those Cases into this Case if that is done.
I. Introduction
Clark v. Pearson, 248 F. Supp. 188 (DDC 1965)- Common Law Right to Reputation
I was caught up in an NSA, or CIA Dragnet, and then a COINTELPRO was launched against me by the
Media, Politicians and Law Enforcement.
Hein v. Freedom From Religion Foundation, Inc., 551 U.S. 587 (2007)
This is the overall issue, as laid out in the Human Rights Case filed in October 2017 with the IACHR
Petition #P-2098-17, and it has gotten worse since starting, and I previously did not have the legal
knowledge to present this Claim, but have now figured out exactly how to form this argument for the
Court in a way that is completely Cognizable. And that can then be brought to the Human Rights Court
with Judicial Review having had been completely applied for the Human Rights Court.
The Oath that is taken by Public Officials states. “I shall protect America from all enemies, Foreign, AND
Domestic” and they believe that this bestows some kind of “New Rights” on them. But Naturalized US
Citizens also make that Oath when the become Citizens, it does not grant you any New Rights.
They now feel as if because they are “above” regular Citizens, that now that are not just out to Stop
Crime, but to decide who gets to get a Platform to Speak in America.
I would ask that this Court first Mittimus all Records from all my Filed Federal Case, listed in the Federal
Docket with this Following Case Numbers:
Having this entire record, everything filed, will make this Case completely Clear.
And important to this Case, I have asked for Mittimus from the Eastern District of Texas in Case Gallagher
v. Paxton, et al 4:2018cv00575, and I would ask that this Court please ask the Court in the Eastern
District of Texas to retrieve my entire Juvenile record, of Running Away on Probation, and discussions
with my Probation officers, I will be Subpoenaing Shannon McGuire, my Childhood Probation Officer
who always wanted to be the person on my Case, and would always be my Probation Officer by his
request so he could like talk to my Mom, and shit talk me and call me “David Koresh”; and I always would
Run Away from home, but not to get away from my Parents, but to get away from the County
Government. All the Religious Record from my Childhood, as well as all the County Jail Records, and
Court records from 2010-2015, which was 1 long Case in the County Court, and we need the entire
Record of that Case, including Police Reports and everything from the Original 4/20/2010 event that
started that 5 year Case in Collin County
I will describe the History of this Litigation here, to explain what exactly is happening. Everything will
start with the Records in Gallagher v. Paxton, et al 4:2018cv00575, which goes back to when I was 14
years old, when I converted to Hinduism. Judicial Complaint # ….............. establishes that Class that is
being discriminated against to Constitute a Conspiracy against Rights (18 USC § 241; 18 USC § 246; 18
USC § 247; Hobson v. Wilson, 556 F. Supp. 1157 (D.D.C. 1982)), and there will be future cases based on
this Case brought by similar defendants, all involved in Religious Marijuana Activity, and Black Identity
Extremism. When I was 14, I converted to Hinduism after not really feeling like Christianity was my
Religion for a while, my Mom used/uses Ouija boards, and does Dowsing, and goes to Psychics and stuf
like that, but she is generally Christian, kind of like a Christian Spiritualist. I am from Mckinney Texas, she
is from Arlington Texas, and our family is from East Texas. This is an Article about my Great Grandma, her
Grandma. Her name is Ona Henry and this is from the Tyler News.
I was arrested at age 14, when I wasn't sure what my Religion was, but I knew that Marijuana was God,
and a tool for Divination, similar to how Salvia Divinorum is used by the Mazatec people, who call it “Ska
Pastora” which means “the Shepherdess”, and it is a Divination and Healing God. Marijuana is the God
Shiva, the Flesh of a God. It is called “Bhang”, and Hashish is called “Charas” in Sanskrit, a 4,500 year old
language. “Ganja” comes the Ganges River, and the changeability of the “g” and “j” in Indian-English
dialect. Kush Strains originally come from the Kush Mountains, between India and Afghanistan. This is all
further explained in Gallagher v. DEA, 1:2018cv01674.
In 2010, the Police entered my Home Illegally, with no Warrant, after knocking on the front door. They
then proceeded to enter the backyard through a Closed fence, and I went inside the house. But when it'
comes to the Fourth Amendment, the home is first among equals. At the Amendment’s “very core”
stands “the right of a man to retreat into his own home and there be free from unreasonable
governmental in- trusion.” Silverman v. United States, 365 U. S. 505, 511 (1961)'
They put my friend in handcufs in the backyard, and found various pieces of Paraphernalia that had
been left in our yard, in a place that is not visible from outside the Yard, they then proceeded to go
inside the house yelling my name, when I came downstairs they put me in handcufs. They then drove us
back and forth and back and forth in and out of the neighborhood, then brought us back to the house
and took me out of the Cop car, and asked me to say that they could go inside the house on the dashcam
footage retroactively, and I said that they “already went inside the house, why do they need me to say
they can” and they would not let my mom back inside her own house. Inside they found Piracetam,
which they told her I was cutting with Cocaine, and in the backyard they found 1 Gram of Marijuana, as
well as some Datura, and Wild Lettuce leaves from plants that me and the friend that they arrested had
collected. This was when I was 18 years old, and on 4/20/2010.
They never gave a reason for why they came to the house.
They put me in jail and gave me a Misdemeanor for the Possession of 1 Gram, and a Felony “Tampering
with Evidence” saying that I Flushed Marijuana down a toilet. It did not pass an Examining Trial and was
dismissed. But for 5 years, this Charge remained on my Record, as a Felony, that showed up on every
single Background Check I ever had, as a Felony saying not “Guilty” or “Innocent”, but “Released from
Jail”, and causing me to not be able to Rent Housing, or get Jobs. During this time I had gone to California
as a Refugee, and worked at an Avocado Factory with 2 friends from Highschool. I then went to
Colorado, then Mexico (Hermosillo, Old Kino), New Mexico, Florida, then Colorado.
This is around when my Brother died, which is the Subject of this Case, as he could have been saved if
the Laws were enforced diferently Gallagher v. DEA, et al 3:2017cv00734
Then the events proceeded as laid out in Gallagher v. DNC, et al 1:2018cv02029, starting with my
YouTube channel getting larger, and then the 4/20 Rally where 3 people got shot, and I invited many of
the people who were there. The event was canceled for 4 years because of “the Trash” that was left
behind when everyone ran for their lives from the gunshots; and I assume a State investigation was
opened by the Colorado Bureau of Investigations or whoever. I was heavily involved in this event, but do
not know anything about the shooting, so I assume at this time they began to at the very least watch
some of my YouTube videos or something. And if we could get my YouTube videos released from
YouTube as requested in Gallagher v. YouTube, et al 1:2018cv01694, that would help with this Case.
During that time, as laid out in Gallagher v. DNC, et al 1:2018cv02029, I was involved with the rise of
Bitcoin, when there was a good number of people, but we had to do email campaigns to get companies
to start accepting it, etc, it was not widely accepted at the time. This was done primarily on, as laid out in the case Gallagher v., …..........
During this time, the people in the Media became familiar with me, and something happened where the
FBI told them I was dangerous, or a Lone Wolf in waiting or something, I am not exactly sure what
happened, but there was a very noticeable change in the way I was treated. YouTube took down my
YouTube channel, I was banned from, I was emailing Congress people and media people,
and things were just diferent with everything. And slowly it began to seem if I had been somehow
blacklisted. I was fairly famous, and then it seemed like everyone that was famous, or on the news, etc,
had somehow gotten word from someone that I had a gun and might come shoot them, and I have
never threatened anyone, so I have no idea why they act that way.
At this time I went back to Texas, on the charge from 2010, and it was 2015, I had studied the Law for a
few years on my own, and I decided to go back and win my Case. And the State Dropped themselves of
the Case, and the Case was Dismissed Gallagher v. Paxton, et al 4:2018cv00575. I then moved to Austin
Texas to start a Temple, and a whole new Case started, Gallagher v. Austin PD1:2016cv00527 (citing
Iqbal), see Kerr v. New Orleans Police Department, 2:2013cv00525, and that Case was a whole series of
events that started another Case that is outlined in the 5 th Circuit Writ Request Gallagher v. Austin PD,
5th Cir request for Writ 18-50652, I also filed the first Case against the DEA, after which I filed an
Administrative Claim with the DEA because the Court said I did not have Standing Gallagher v. DEA,
1:2016cv01117 (citing Twombly) and I began the 180 Day wait for the Administrative Claim.
During this time in Austin, I began requesting NSA records, just after the Edward Snowden Movie came
out, to see if something weird was going on with the Media Gallagher v. NSA, 1:2018cv01525, it took 3
years to get everything finished with them to the point where I could bring it to Court, and they never
released any records. I also then asked for FBI records Gallagher v. FBI, 1:2018cv01697, and they simply
do not respond. Recently, I have been able to talk to them through email, and they are very friendly, and
pretend they are sending me things, but nothing ever comes in the mail, so I have no idea why they are
sitting there being friendly in emails, because they aren't actually sending me anyhting, and I don't know
what that is all about. Why are they being nice and not sending me the documents they claim they are
sending me? This is after years of not sending documents. And something is going on. FOIAs are
supposed to take like 30 to 60 days, not 2 years, this is evidence of some kind of Problem, and possibly a
full blown Conspiracy to deny me documents, which is denying me access to the Courts.
But during this 2-3 year period where I have waited for Records, I started a few other Cases. After 180
Days I filed against the DEA again in Dallas, this time with Standing because I filed an Administrative
Claim Gallagher v. DEA, et al 3:2017cv00734 this Case was “under review” for 1 whole year, and when I
asked the Court to show Cause, they dismissed it and said “you can't sue the DEA” citing Bivens. But that
is not true, you can sue the DEA, and I also have the Attorney General named in the Case, see
Washington et al v. Sessions et al, 1:2017cv05625. This Case is awaiting 5th Circuit Review, Gallagher v.
DEA, et al 5th Cir request for Writ 18-10407. During this time in Texas I was made Homeless.
This is also when the Original Lawsuit was filed against Collin County, which caused the Sanctions which
were signed by Ken Paxton, and involve the County, and an Attorney they hired from Dallas to fight me,
Gallagher v. Paxton, et al 4:2018cv00575. After the Sanctions I decided I needed to come to Colorado
because I was also having trouble finding a programmer who could create a Cryptocurrency, and we had
been forced to not create a Temple after the Case that started with a Seizure of Religious Materials in
Austin, then the Sanctions and the wait for Documents and everything, so I went to Colorado and went
to College to see if I could find anyone who could create a Cryptocurreny. I lived in Aurora Colorado for
about 6 months, and Created 8 Marijuana Strains. I took Pollen from Male Malawi Gold Plants, and
crossed it onto the Flowers of 8 Female Plants, each of a diferent Strain. This takes a step into creating a
Hemp Strain, which has THCv instead of THC, which suppresses Appetite instead of causing Munchies,
and can be used for Religious Fasting. This is a form of the Lord God Shiva. So I created 8 diferent Strains
that can then be crossed with each other, and crossed with other THCv strains, to create even more
Strains. During this time I also filed the Petition with the Human Rights Commission, Petition #P-2098-17.
I then spent 3 weeks basically banging my head on a wall, and learned how to Create Cryptocurrencies
myself. I fist learned how to create Cryptonotes, the Scrypt Coins, then Ethereum Blockchains. Ethereum
Blockchains being both the most useful/advanced and the easiest to create. Bitcoin is a SHA coin, so
these are “Similar” to Bitcoin, while maybe not “Substantially Similar” to it. Scrypt Coins were created
after SHA Coins, in order to counter act the fact that Application Specific Integrated Circuits, hereafter
“ASICs”, were made which meant that you could no longer use a Laptop to mine Bitcoin. So Litecoin and
Feathercoin were made, and around this time Doge Coin was made, all 3 of these are Scrypt Coins, and I
was in the Community while those 3 were released. Cryptonotes were meant to fight ASICs further, using
the “CryptoNight” (Kryptonite is what weakens Superman) algorithm, which allows ASICs to be used, but
Dramatically weakens them compared to CPU Mining (Laptops and Computers). Then the Ethereum
Blockchain, created a diferent use for Blockchain; instead of just being a random “Alternative Banking”
method, where your Coins are on the Blockchain, and you can sending them around the World quickly
and easily, and no one can ever cheat the System, and there is Consesus between every single Mining
Machine in the World, so if one person Mining with an ASIC Farm wanted to hack the system, they would
have to hack every Laptop and Mining Pool that was Pooling together their “Hashing Power” to Mine
Bitcoin. So it is safer than Banks, etc, where there is just maybe a room of Servers somewhere in
California that can be hacked. Ethereum took that Blockchain, with all those Computers using all that
Hashing Power, and allowed people to create Applications on it. So if you create an Ethereum Blockchain,
you have created something like a “Cloud”. During this time I met with the Colroado Department of
Revenue, Gallagher v. CO DoR, et al 1:2018cv01699
I then moved to Castle Rock, and then Fountain. In Fountain the DEA finally said that they received my
Petition, they gave me people to contact, and slowly those people began to respond and now they are
just causing Massive Delays in the Process. All outlined in Gallagher v. DEA, 1:2018cv01674; the FBI
continued to not release information, and the NSA released all the emails that we had back and forth
between each other with me requesting information, and referenced the Department of Defense, as if to
say “We don't have that information, they do”, which is a lot more helpful than they had been previously,
and now the NSA case is moving forward. I expect that the FBI Case may move forward also. Gallagher v.
NSA, 1:2018cv01525; Gallagher v. FBI, 1:2018cv01697.
During my time in Aurora I had emailed the Governor through the Colorado Governor request system
and asked for a Governor's Welcome letter for our Religion, and I had been a little mean in it because the
Colorado Department of Revenue had set up a Meeting and acted the way they did as outline in the Case
against them, Gallagher v. CO DoR, et al 1:2018cv01699. And then during this time, I called to ask them
about it and they reminded me of a request I had sent in previously to the Governor asking for a letter of
support to Join the Military, and I also sent one to the Congress People/Senators from Colorado and
Texas, and to the Texas State Governor. So there is probably a record of this in all of their Systems, and all
of them did not respond, and I would like to Subpoena a Response from them, Gallagher v. CO DoR, et al
1:2018cv01699. I sent in a 2nd request for a Welcome letter to the State, after that day talking to a Staf
Member at the Governors Office, and again I have received no Welcome letter, the 2 nd request was not
angry or mean in any way.
I also contacted the FDA about an exemption, and referenced the DEA RFRA exemption process, and
they sent me a letter saying they don't do RFRA stuf, which seems illegal to me, Gallagher v. FDA,
And because I do not have the records that I have FOIA'd from the NSA, the FBI, and now the DEA, I can
not move forward with my Cases, the Judge in Denver acts as if I have not described enough, but I need
all the FOIA records so that I can prove that there is a “their side” and it's not just some crazy person
sending it a bunch of Lawsuits. They are denying me access to the Courts, and this may be evidence of a
Conspiracy to deny me rights, which is resulting in the Real Damages of Denial of Access to the Courts,
see Wahad v. FBI, 813 F. Supp. 224 (SDNY 1993).
The Judge in Denver is now engaged in fighting me through Orders, and I believe it is because of who I
am suing, because of all the Defendants listed, and who they are, he feels like if he Joins in against me,
then he is being a “Good Guy” because I must be a “Bad Guy” because of all the people I am up against.
But that is not True, if anything I am the “Good Guy”, fighting for my Religion against all of these people.
It has gotten to a point where it almost seems as if the Governor of this State, and the Judge and the
people from the Media, due to Gallagher v. DNC, et al 1:2018cv02029, and my relationship with the
Media and the Universal Life Church. It almost seems like Ken Paxton is talking to people at Fox News,
and the FBI is talking to everyone, and maybe Comey and Brennan and others that are “in the circles”
but are no longer in the positions, with the Department of Defense and the Colorado Governor, and now
this Judge, to Deny me Access to the Courts, and various other Rights Hobson v. Wilson, 556 F. Supp.
1157 (D.D.C. 1982).
It is possible that due to my attempts to contact every single Judicial Chamber in the Colorado District
asking Judge Gallagher to recuse himself, that it has now spread further in the District and possibly the
Circuit, and not at my will, but because of my inability to comply with Rule 8, due to Rule 83(a)(2), and
this Judge's rejection of that Concept.
United States of America, Plaintiff-appellee, v. John M. Murphy, Defendant-appellant, 768 F.2d 1518
(7th Cir. 1985)
United States of America, Plaintiff-appellee, v. Stephen Goot, Defendant-appellant, 894 F.2d 231 (7th
Cir. 1990)
Part 2
On Sept 1st, 2016, I was in Austin Texas, Taco Truck Capital of America, and happened to be watching Joy
Ried on “All in with Chris Hayes” when Trump's Latino Outreach person stated “My Culture is a dominant
Culture … you will have Taco Trucks, every corner”. I heard the broken English “threat” and turned it into
a Hashtag and a funny Promise #TacoTrucksOnEveryCorner
I started on Facebook, and it spread so quickly because I did not make it Partisan. I simply posted the
Hashtag #TacoTrucksOnEveryCorner in about 100 Facebook Groups with no other words to explain, and
it exploded. I then went to Twitter and began Retweeting anyone that saw me using it on Facebook and
had started using it on Twitter.
Within Minutes (45-ish mins) it was a National Phenomenon. By the 2 nd Day there was merchandise all
over the internet including hats and bags, and the Democratic National Convention (DNC) began using it
as a Voter Registration call-to-arms. They even made it about Hillary Clinton, though she never actually
got behind it herself.
Some people claimed it was Racist, and I told people I was ¼ Mexican, so I even put my reputation on
the line to defend it, and it worked, it became massive overnight, and continues to be used to this day on
Social Media, and by the DNC.
A series of News Articles following, and the DNC using it for Fundraising, all without giving me any
“Bay Area Man Behind #TacoTrucksOnEveryCorner meme says Trump's Wall won't work”, Beth
Spotswood, SF Gate, 10/11/2016
“Latino Trump Supporter Marco Gutierrez warns of Dark future with 'Taco Trucks on Every Corner'”, Ed
Mazza, Huffington Post, 9/01/2016
“Latinos for Trump Founder: 'Defend your Country' from Hispanics”, Brian Latimer, 9/02/2016
Soon after this, Atheists who I used to be the Token religious person on a YouTube show for, or the DNC
and MSNBC, I am not sure who, teamed up to take down my Facebook Account, and it was taken down
because I had 2 accounts. They have since then changed their Policy so that your 2 nd Account becomes a
page, and they claim “Anything posted by you on Facebook is owned by you”. But they refuse to respond
to any appeals to get my account back.
Part 2 Claim 1
MSNBC and the DNC did financially benefit from my intellectual property, and may have then
participated in a campaign to cover up that I was the creator along with members of “Atheist Americans”.
Part 2 Claim 2
Facebook is refusing to even respond to claims that my account was taken down erroneously, and did
take it down, and is violating my Property Rights and Free Speech Rights. It is my Property according to
them and the Law.
I have been a Minister since 2009 when I was 17, Ordained by the Universal Life Church, and created a
YouTube channel to spread my faith, showing people how to grow various plants and make various
Religious Brews such as the Xhosa UBULAWU (I was, and still am by many, known for teaching people
how to dream and finding Dreaming Substances, within many Circles). I can prove more about my
Reputation upon Discovery, and am currently doing so in the YouTube case with the TBS and NBC
Subpoenas. In 2011-2012 the Plaintif became a well known member of the Colorado Marijuana
community via a YouTube channel, blog and Social Media, and working for a Marijuana Dispensary as a
Social Media Manager. This was amplified during the 2012 Marijuana rally when the Plaintif advertised
the Rally to thousands of Texans, who showed up to the rally in droves. At the 2012 rally many people
knew who the Plaintif was, and people even wanted to take pictures with the Plaintif (3 people got
shot, and I believe that this is the time when Hickenlooper and NSA/CSS CO Crypto became involved). In
late 2012 and into 2013 the Plaintif became a well known member of the Bitcoin community. This was
when Bitcoin raised from $5 each to over $1000 each. During this time websites like Vocativ even began
to write Articles about the Plaintif.
This Article even states “[Plaintiff] is at the vanguard of the bitcoin movement.”
Bud Lite then created a Town, called “Whatever USA”, copying me kind of, and used a
Character that looks kind of like me. Whoever was involved in the creation of that Town
may be witness to these events.
During this time the Plaintif’s YouTube channel teaching Hinduism, History, Botany, Religious Chemistry
and Ethnobotany, began to get more and more popular and eventually reached over 1,000,000 views,
which at the time had become easier and easier as the flow of views got heavier and heavier, and would
have many millions of views by now, which comes would have come with contractual ofers if the
Defendants had not begun their ofensive against him.
In 2014 the Plaintif engaged in discussions with the New Black Panther Party, the Moorish Science
Temple and the Nu-Covenant Group. Within 8 months after these discussions began, the events in
Ferguson (known as the Ferguson Unrest) occurred, and these groups were considered to be “Outside
Agitators”. It is believed that during this time the Defendants began to investigate the Plaintif in a way
reminiscent of Defendant 2’s well documented COINTELPRO operations. During this time the Plaintif
would regularly send emails to Congress members and Media outlets (I have a list of 3,000+ Politicians
and Journalists), at which time it is believed the investigation began to become more of an ofensive
operation than an investigation, in way of Character Assassination, again reminiscent of Defendant 2’s
well documented COINTELPRO operations.
The Plaintif then began watching TYT, and Fox News, using the TYT Chat Box to get new people to come
to his blog, YouTube channel, and other pages. The plaintif then started the War on Christmas, the
“Waging a Real War on Christmas” threads which can be found on various websites, document a lot of
this Case.
I also began telling people to about how Journalists use Twitter, and that you can make Journalists say
things by Tweeting at them. An example would be Eric Bolling, one time I Tweeted at him while he was
on “The Five” on Fox News, and told him to call Chicago, “Chiraq”, and not 5 minutes later he did it.
And I said Kirsten Powder should be President, and the Media paid much more attention to her, after my
post and after my spreading of the idea that she should be president
And I joined the Joe Rogan forum around this time, and began watching his podcast live and commenting
on it live on YouTube, and it was very obvious that he was reading my posts on his forum and live
comments. And his group began to Troll me, and attack me online. He has since taken the forum down,
after 18 years of existence, to cover up what they did to me.
Around this time, 2014, I was also on a YouTube show called “Atheist Analysis”, with Steve Tillman (he
was one of the hosts, but not the main host, but I don't remember the main Host's name now since so
much has happened). Steve Tillman lives in Indiana and is in a wheelchair, and I was on a show he was
on. The show was connected to America Atheist, and David Silverman (President of American Atheist)
was a guest on that show and other shows around it, such as “Meeting of the Minds” with Christopher
Maute, and New Covenant Group with an older group of Atheists that was friends with these ones. On
Atheist Analysis I was the Token Religious Person, a Hindu Shaivte, and I would talk about Ancient
Egyptian Religion. I believe that Atheist Analysis, and American Atheist, are part of the COINTELPRO.
They seemed to have gotten very angry after I left the show because I did not like the direction it was
going with a new member called “The Neo-Atheist”). One of the American Atheist associates may have
even “SWATed” me initiating this whole problem if it was not some kind of Dragnet.
Here is an example of the reach of my words on that show, this theory Presented by WIRED Magazine is
my Theory, and they twisted it and made it an “Accident” of the Egyptians. But you will not find anyone
else on the internet or elsewhere espousing this theory, it is my personal theory and WIRED used it and
twisted it after watching me on Atheist Analysis.
Megyn Kelly then said “Fuck” on TV, and I created a video and the #Fuckabee on my Twitter account
@Rudraaaaaaaaa. My YouTube channel has since been taken down, possibly at the suggestion of Law
Enforcement, but there is a video on my YouTube channel that I can prove to the Court once Gallagher v
Youtube, 1:18cv01694 is complete. #Fuckabee became a massive hashtag, and 4-5 years later it is still
used at least once a day on Twitter, if not more.
This image was created by TBS, and the American Dad Writer Seth McFarlan, based on my Hashtag.
Here is an example of
part of my Email list of
Journos and Politicians, this is my Steemit Account (this was posted later, but I can prove I used the list
earlier, and I can show the emails I sent to Congress people)
As an example of the efectiveness and reach of my email list, here is an article Reuters wrote and CNBC
copied after my emails went out, and CNBC has since taken down. These were literally written just after
that article I posted on Steemit
(Loss of Reputation)
After the events in Ferguson the Plaintif’s YouTube account was shut down, as well as Social Media
accounts. It was 6 months or longer that some of them were shut down and the YouTube account was
never reactivated. During this time the Plaintif began to suspect something was strange, and began to
suspect that the previously stated operations were occurring. It seemed that during this time the
Defendants also began to spread rumors throughout the Bitcoin community, as the Plaintif began to be
trolled and was eventually pushed out of the Bitcoin community.
(Screen Shots of perceived NSA Trolls Posts will be provided to the Court if needed but can be found in
the following link)
Here is the Website, my account is “FinShaggy” and after the COINTELPRO attack, I was banned from the
Website, and was never given a reason by the Site's Owner.
right, they just wanted to hire a bunch of nerds)
This article explains how the Defendants do this, the information was released in the Snowden
The Centcom contract stipulates that each fake online persona must have a
convincing background, history and supporting details, and that up to 50 US-
based controllers should be able to operate false identities from their
workstations "without fear of being discovered by sophisticated adversaries".”
It is believed that at this time, the Defendants were sharing information about their COINTELPRO like
attack with the media, but in a way that made the Plaintif seem like a criminal or even a possible “lone
wolf” that could snap at any moment. It is also believed that during this time they began to use his
electronic devices to spy on him, as outlined in the Snowden revelations and WikiLeaks Vault 7
revelations. This operation reached so far as to even make it impossible for the Plaintif to get a job, and
in 2016 the Plaintif was forced to resort to moving into a Homeless shelter.
In September 2016 the Plaintif decided, after the Edward Snowden movie was released, to submit a
FOIA/ECPA request to the NSA, which was rejected in December. And according to the NSA the request
was rejected due to investigatory reasons, and the Plaintif was given the option to appeal. On March
10th 2017 the Plaintif initiated appeal, and contacted the Inspector General. During the course of this
investigation alluded to by the Defendant no Agents from either Defendant Agencies attempted to
personally contact the Plaintif for questioning, and did not attempt to raid the Plaintif, showing that it is
purely malicious in nature.
During the Trump/Hillary Election, Plaintif was watching TV when on AM Joy a guest stated “My culture
is a Dominant Culture, if you allow them to come in, you will have Taco Trucks, every Corner”. I changed
that to #TacoTrucksOnEveryCorner, and began spreading it on Facebook and Google+, then Twitter, and I
began retweeting everyone who said it on Twitter and it became a huge part of the 2016 Election Cycle
and is still popular today. I am the creator of #TacoTrucksOnEveryCorner, but AM Joy and the Guest she
had have taken credit for it.
In Spring of 2018, Akon stole the Idea to Create Cryptocurrency Towns after I was financially ruined by
the Intelligence Community and Media.
I believe that the Intelligence Community also has Media members comparing me to the Annapolis
Shooter, and I believe that Megyn Kelly's words about me over the years has a lot to do with that, and
are having them spread that to anyone who asks about me. I tweet at the Media every day to let them
know about the Case I am building against them for what they have done to me, and they are using my
openness and bluntness to pretend I am a violent individual.
Evidece of this is that the Media Completely ignores me now, I can show where they used to respond to
me every once in a while, but now they have obviously told each other to stop replying to me. Twitter
has also been Shadow Banning me, possibly at the suggestion of Media Members, Politicians, Law
Enforcement, or all 3.
My Fans tell me sometimes that they literally have to look for my posts, they do not show up in their
feeds. The loss of Reputation has damaged my Fandom, but I still have a very loyal following.
Aug, 7 2018. Governor Hickenlooper did report me on Twitter, Causing a 24hr Ban. Then started telling
people that I was “a Dog” he also may be central to the whole spying situation and could be trying to
efect the outcome of my Court Cases. 2X he has failed to respond for Requests for Welcome letters to
the State.
-28 USC S1343- Federal Court Jurisdiction over Conspiracy to interfere with rights under S1985
Struth v. FBI, 673 F. Supp. 949 (ED Wis. 1987); Wahad v. FBI, 813 F. Supp. 224 (SDNY 1993); 28 USC
Chapter 158- Orders of Federal Agencies; Review; Hobson v. Wilson, 556 F. Supp. 1157 (D.D.C. 1982)
-Title 28 USC S2201/2202- Declaratory Relief for "Cases and Controversies"
-Title 28 USC S1361- District Court Mandamus Officers and Employees of US, see Carter v. Seamans, 411
F2d 767 (5th Cir 1969), cert. denied, 397 US 941 (1970) Olsen v. DEA, 878 F2d 1458 (DC Cir 1989)
-28 USC S1337- Commerce and Anti-Trust Regulations; Amount in Controversy, Costs
-28 USC S1341- Taxes by States (Fed Courts don't interfere without speedy State remedy)
-28 USC S1355- Jurisdiction for Fine, Penalty or Forfeiture under an Act of Congress
-28 USC S1356- Jurisdiction over Non- Admiralty and Maritime Seizures under Act of Congress
-28 USC S1357- Injury from Act of Congress 28 USC S1365- Actions in Court by Senate (Federal Court
-28 USC S1367- Supplemental Jurisdiction for Actions brought by Similar Plaintifs
There is no immunity for investigative activities Buckley v. Fitzsimmons 509 U.S. 259 (1993)
Government Agencies may not reveal private information during investigations Watkins v. United States,
354 U.S. 178 (1957)
Defendant and Defendant 2 both have the capability to turn cell phones and other devices into spying
devices Riley v. California 573 U.S. ___ (2014); United States v. United States Dist. Ct. 407 U.S. 297 (1972)
Defendant and Defendant 2 both have the capability to spy through walls using FLIR technology Kyllo v. United
States, 533 U.S. 27 (2001)
Warrants can be retrieved and acted on illegally (Overbroad warrants, Malicious Warrants, etc), and
those acting on them are liable for doing so Messerschmidt, et al. v. Millender, et al. 565 U.S. ___ (2012)
Defendant and Defendant 2 are both known to abuse their capabilities and retrieve illegal warrants to do so
Government Agents must be held to a higher standard than other citizens due to the fact that they are acting
under Color of Law Bivens v. Six Unknown Named Agents, 403 U.S. 388 (1971)
Color of Law
The act of a state officer, regardless of whether or not the act is within the limits of his or her
authority, is considered an act under color of law if the officer purports to be conducting
himself or herself in the course of official duties. Under the civil rights act of 1871 (42 U.S.C.A.
Section 1983), color of law is synonymous with State Action, which is conduct by an officer
that bears a sufficiently close nexus to a state so that the action is treated as though it is by
the state.
Types of Police misconduct include false confession, false arrest, false evidence, false imprisonment,
intimidation, police brutality, police corruption, racial profiling, surveillance abuse, witness tampering, and off-
duty misconduct.
Others include:
1. Noble Cause corruption, where an officer believes that a good outcome justifies his bad behavior.
2. Selective Enforcement, allowing friends, family and other officers to break the law.
3. Abuse of Power, using the badge to get in to places you would otherwise not be invited or allowed,
discounts, etc.
4. Police Perjury, blatant lying under oath and/or to other authorities to cover wrongdoing.
5. Violation by Officers of police procedural policy.
Laws intended to protect against abuse of authority include the 4th Amendment to the Constitution, which
prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures; the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, which includes due
process and equal protection clauses; the Civil Rights Act of 1871; and the Federal Tort Claims Act.
Flast V Cohen
Individuals who violate ECPA face up to five years in prison and fines up to $250,000. Victims are also entitled
to bring civil suits and recover actual damages, in addition to punitive damages and attorney's fees, for
The Government is not allowed to engage in these kinds of actions United States v. Guest 383 U.S. 745
The accuser must be named. He/she may be an officer or a third party, but some positively identifiable person
(human being) must accuse; some certain person must take responsibility for the making of the accusation, not
an agency or an institution. This is the only valid means by which a citizen may begin to face his accuser. Also,
the injured party (corpus delicti) must make the accusation. Hearsay evidence may not be provided. Anyone
else testifying that they heard that another party was injured does not qualify as direct evidence.
The accusation must be made under penalty of perjury. If perjury cannot reach the accuser, there is no
accusation. Otherwise, anyone may accuse another falsely without risk.
False accusation may also arise in part from the conduct of the accused, particularly where
the accused engages in behaviors consistent with having committed the suspected
wrongdoing, either unconsciously or for purposes of appearing guilty. Additionally, once a false
accusation has been made -- particularly an emotionally laden one -- normal human emotional
responses to being falsely accused (such as fear, anger, or denial of the accusation) may be
interpreted as evidence of guilt.
No. 05-14-01175-CR
THE STATE OF TEXAS, Appellee On Appeal from the Criminal District Court No. 3 Dallas County, Texas
Trial Court Cause No. F13-58588-J
Recently, the Texas Supreme Court clarified that an intentional infliction of emotional distress claim is
considered a "gap-filler" claim and cannot be used "'to circumvent the limitations placed on the
recovery of mental anguish damages under more established tort doctrines.'" Creditwatch, Inc. v.
Jackson, 157 S.W.3d 814, 816, 818 (Tex. 2005) (quoting Hoffmann-La Roche Inc. v. Zeltwanger, 144
S.W.3d 438, 447 (Tex. 2004)). The tort's purpose is "'to supplement existing forms of recovery by
providing a cause of action for egregious conduct' that might otherwise go unremedied." Zeltwanger,
144 S.W.3d at 447 (quoting Standard Fruit & Vegetable Co. v. Johnson, 985 S.W.2d 62, 68 (Tex.
1998)). In Zeltwanger, the Court stated: "Where the gravamen of a plaintiff's complaint is
really another tort, intentional infliction of emotional distress should not be available." Id. Among the
cases cited as authority for this statement, the Texas Supreme Court referenced a Washington
Supreme Court assault case that held damages for emotional distress could be awarded as part of
the assault damages. Zeltwanger, 144 S.W.3d at 448 (citing Rice v. Janovich, 742 P.2d 1230, 1238
(Wash. 1987)).
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, G.A. res. 217A (III), U.N. Doc
A/810 at 71 (1948).
Article 12
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, G.A. res. 2200A (XXI),
21 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 16) at 52, U.N. Doc. A/6316 (1966), 999 U.N.T.S. 171,
entered into force Mar. 23, 1976.
Article 17
VI. Claim
Loss of Reputation, Intellectual Property loss, and Mental Anguish.
Mental Anguish
S. Tex. Freightliner, Inc. v. Muniz, 288 S.W.3d 123 (Tex. App.–Corpus Christi 2009)
So. Exp. Co. v. Byers, 240 U. S. 612; McCarthy v. Boston El. R. 112 N. E. 235; Rowan v.
Western U. Tel. Co. 149 Fed. 550. Relle' v. Western Union Telegraph Co., 55 Tex. 308,
40 Am. Rep. 805. So. Pac. v. Hetzer, 1359 -Fed. 272; Stafford v. Tel. Co. 73 Fed. 273;
W. U. Tel. Co. v. Wood, 57 Fed. 471. W. U. Tel. Co. v. Bryant, 46 N, E. 358; W. U. Tel.
Co. v. Kibble, 115 S. W. 643; W. U. Tel. Co. v. Henly, 54 N. E. 77; Lee v. W. U. Tel. Co.,
113 S. W. 55; W. U. Tel. Co. v. Steinbergen, 54 S. W. 829. Green v. Shoemaker Co., 73
Atl. 688.
Give Declaratory Relief and an Injunction, as well as award Civil Rights Damages, Actual Damages, and
Emotional Distress, Punative and other Damages
Wells v. Shelter General Ins. Co., 217 F. Supp. 2d 744 (S.D. Miss. 2002)
Cause Facebook to Identify who made the reports to take down my Account, and who has reviewed my
appeals. Cause Facebook to return all Data belonging to me, and reinstate Account. Have Defendants
reveal how much they earned from #TacoTrucksOnEveryCorner donation ads in all branches throughout
America. As well as have Facebook, the DNC and MSNBC Pay Punitive, Actual, and Reputational Damages
in the amount of $15,000,000.00 combined.
Ryan Gallagher
Castle Rock, CO 80817
E-mail:[email protected]