OneOS-Data User Guide V4 - 2R5 (Ed.5)
OneOS-Data User Guide V4 - 2R5 (Ed.5)
OneOS-Data User Guide V4 - 2R5 (Ed.5)
2 R 5
( E D I T I O N 5 )
OneAccess Networks
28, rue de la Redoute
92266 Fontenay aux Roses Cedex
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Every care has been taken to ensure the exactitude of information in this manual. If however you discover an error, please contact OneAccess
After Sales Service division.
1 I N T R O D U C T I O N
This edition of the OneOS Book corresponds to the OneOS V4.2 software release.
The OneOS V4.2 software developed for use with the ONE product range offers an extensive range of
features designed to provide a complete & highly powerful range of multi-service access routers:
• Full IP router with NAPT, Security, and Quality of Service management
• Support of voice for analog and ISDN S0/T0 terminals using Voice over IP and Voice over ATM
• Interworking of data protocols (FR, X.25, PAD, XOT, X.31)
• Advanced management tools based on CLI (Command Line Interface), SNMP, FTP/TFTP
The following table is a resource providing edition by edition the released features. The table was done as
of the release V3.5R2E3. For simplification, the indicated software release shows the presence of a
feature in a given software release. It should be noted that most features were available in earlier versions.
2 T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S
1 INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................................... 1-3
1.1 Feature Matrix ................................................................................................................................ 1.1-4
2 TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................ 2-12
3 SYSTEM MANAGEMENT ......................................................................................................................... 3-26
3.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................3.1-26
3.1.1 Preliminary Instructions .....................................................................................................3.1-26
3.1.2 Getting Started ..................................................................................................................3.1-26
3.2 Console Port Settings ...................................................................................................................3.2-28
3.2.1 Default Settings .................................................................................................................3.2-28
3.2.2 Disabling Console Port ......................................................................................................3.2-28
3.2.3 Console Port Inactivity Timeout .........................................................................................3.2-28
3.3 File system ....................................................................................................................................3.3-29
3.3.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................3.3-29
3.3.2 File Systems Layout ..........................................................................................................3.3-29
3.3.3 File System Commands.....................................................................................................3.3-29
3.4 Getting Router Hardware & Software Information .........................................................................3.4-31
3.5 Start-Up ........................................................................................................................................3.5-32
3.6 Configuration of Management Functions ......................................................................................3.6-33
3.6.1 Starting a Telnet Session...................................................................................................3.6-33
3.6.2 Configuration Session........................................................................................................3.6-33
3.6.3 Saving the Configuration on a Permanent Disk .................................................................3.6-34
3.6.4 Editing a Configuration File................................................................................................3.6-34
3.6.5 Scheduled Reboot .............................................................................................................3.6-34
3.6.6 Reboot and Test a New Configuration or Software Image.................................................3.6-34
3.6.7 Reset of Device Configuration ...........................................................................................3.6-35
3.6.8 Restoring Factory Settings ................................................................................................3.6-35
3.7 Software Upgrade of a Router ......................................................................................................3.7-36
3.7.1 Upgrading an OneOS-based router ...................................................................................3.7-36
3.7.2 Upgrading a ONE10 ..........................................................................................................3.7-37
3.8 Password Recovery ......................................................................................................................3.8-38
3.9 Configuration Recovery ................................................................................................................3.9-39
3.9.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................3.9-39
3.9.2 Configuration Commands ..................................................................................................3.9-39
3.9.3 Statistics ............................................................................................................................3.9-40
3.10 SNMP Based Management ........................................................................................................3.10-41
3.10.1 SNMP v1/v2 .....................................................................................................................3.10-41
3.10.2 View-Based SNMP Access Control .................................................................................3.10-41
3.10.3 SNMP v3 .........................................................................................................................3.10-42 Basic Configuration ..............................................................................................3.10-42 SNMP v3 Informs .................................................................................................3.10-43
3.10.4 Miscellaneous ..................................................................................................................3.10-44
3.10.5 Event Managers ..............................................................................................................3.10-44
3.10.6 Adapting SNMP Traps .....................................................................................................3.10-44
3.10.7 Debugging SNMP ............................................................................................................3.10-45
3.10.8 SNMP Statistics ...............................................................................................................3.10-45
3.11 Traces and Events ......................................................................................................................3.11-47
3.11.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................3.11-47
3.11.2 Event Filters .....................................................................................................................3.11-47
3 S Y S T E M M A N A G E M E N T
OneOS offers an embedded file system for software and configuration files. It is possible to save several
software releases and configuration files. When the equipment is started up, the boot software reads the
application software file (via the file system), decompresses this software image and launches the
application software and the configuration file.
The OneOS-based router provides interfaces for device management:
• Console Port: Asynchronous port, used primarily for access to the Command Line Interface (CLI) for
configuration and management, and optionally for using embedded debugging.
• Ethernet Port: Enables connection of a PC for configuration via Telnet or the downloading/uploading
of files with TFTP/FTP. The IP address of the port is configurable with the CLI. It is also possible to
manage configuration or file transfers via the second Ethernet port or remotely via IP over ATM.
The equipment is delivered with OneOS software and a default configuration file. Two methods can be
used to enter into the configuration CLI:
1 - Connect to the FastEthernet 10/100 port (or to Ethernet 10Base-T port of ONE400). For routers with an
embedded switch, use the Fast Ethernet (port 0/0) on the right hand-side (port 0 on left hand-side for
ONE60) and use a Telnet client with the following default factory settings:
• IP address:
• Username = admin Password = admin
Note: unauthorized connection attempts are subject to blacklisting (see 3.27).
While entering CLI mode it is possible to read, modify or create a configuration and access the file system
(see next paragraphs).
The prompt (CLI in the example) can be changed using the following command:
CLI> hostname <newname as string 1..64>
Warning: the prompt may be truncated, depending on the context, when the hostname string gets a
high length.
The console port is enabled and functions with the following parameters: 9600 bit/s, 8 bit-encoding, No
parity check, 1 Stop bit, No flow control.
For security reason, it is sometimes desirable to forbid access to the system console port. From the
management center, we can use 'telnet' or 'FTP' to change the device configuration and disable the
console port with the following command:
CLI> console disable-input
After an inactivity period, the user is prompted to enter its login and password again. By default, the
timeout is 10 minutes. To configure the console timeout, the command in global configuration mode is:
CLI(configure)> console timeout <seconds>
3.3.1 Introduction
The following CLI commands are available for the management of files and directories on the disk file
• devs [flash | ramdisk]: Without parameters, the command displays the drive in use
(flash or ramdisk). With parameters, the user can change the current device.
• pwd: Displays the current working directory (initialized when a CLI
session is started to the root of the current device)
• cd <directory>: Changes the working directory
• mkdir <directory>: Creates a new directory
• ls: Lists files and directories inside the current directory
• cat <filename>: Lists the contents of a text file
• exec –echo <filename>: Executes a CLI script
• rm <filename>: Removes a file
• rm *: Removes all files, directories and sub-directories in current path
• mv <filename1> <filename2>: Renames a filename
• copy <file1> <file2>: Copies a file (source: file1, destination: file2)
CLI> cd /
CLI> pwd
CLI> ls
BSA/ 512
startup-config 0
gshdsl 287
voiceoa 1147
iproute 60
vxWorks.ZZZ 2077607
• Run a TFTP server on a PC (IP address IP = and enter the following command:
CLI> cd BSA/binaries
CLI> copy vxWorks.ZZZ vxWorks.sav
CLI> copy tftp://\temp\vxWorks.ZZZ vxWorks.ZZZ
If you want to display details of the router hardware, please enter the following command:
CLI> show system hardware
To display additional details of the router hardware, please enter the following command:
CLI> show product-info-area
A file, bsaBoot.inf in directory BSA is used on start-up to load and execute the OneOS software and to
run the startup configuration file.
For example, in the bsaBoot.inf file 2 lines are written:
The first line (oaOne400.ZZZ) is the application software image file and the second line (start-
config.cfg) is the configuration file used on start up.
It is possible to change the content of the bsaBoot.inf file by using the following commands.
To change in the bsaBoot.inf file the application software image file name:
CLI> boot software image <full-pathname-OneOS>
If the startup configuration file is not present the device starts up with a default configuration.
Note: the software image file and the configuration file can be uploaded / downloaded to and from a server
using the file system commands depicted in 3.3.
The Command Line Interface enables the user to configure and to fully manage the OneOS-based router
with an easy-to-use interface. Modifications made to the parameters are applied immediately after
checking parameter consistency and validity. The CLI is accessed via a Telnet session (locally or
remotely) or via the Console serial port.
A shell/debug interface is accessible from the console interface by entering the command tshell on the
CLI (after entering the shell interface, the CLI command can be used to return to the CLI). The shell/debug
interface is outside the scope of this document and its usage is only intended for OneAccess support and
development team.
Note: unauthorized connection attempts are subject to blacklisting (see 3.27).
The configuration session is accessible via a Telnet session from a PC (or from a UNIX station) connected
using the command:
CLI> telnet <device_ip_address>
After logging in and entering a CLI session the CLI offers a similar interface as a "UNIX shell" with a
hierarchically defined tree of commands. It offers history and command editing, i.e.:
• CTRL-n[p], upper and lower arrow: get next[previous] command
• CTRL-b, left arrow: move cursor left
• CTRL-f, right arrow: move cursor right
• CTRL-d: delete a character
• ESC-b[f]: move one word back [forward]
For each command there is an associated help string using the “?” character. The “?” character can also
be typed in a command to display command arguments.
For example:
CLI(config-if)> ?
Bandwidth - Set bandwidth informational parameter
Driver - Driver identification for ATM current interface
Exit - Exit intermediate
Gshdsl - Set the DSL interface in G.SHDSL mode
Ip - IP configuration subcommands
No - no
oam-flush - oam-flush
Pvc - pvc
Sdsl - Set the DSL interface in SDSL mode
Service-policy - Service-policy
The configuration commands are available after entering the configuration terminal command that
makes the CLI entering in "global configuration mode". To return to the initial CLI state, either enter exit
when the CLI is in global configuration mode or enter end at any stage of the device configuration.
The user can save the running configuration (volatile storage) into the startup file for boot specified in the
file bsaBoot.inf, or into a specific file when specified with the CLI save command (after leaving CLI
configuration mode):
CLI> save running-config [to <filename>]
This is similar to a power down / power up procedure except that the ramdisk device is not cleared. If no
argument is provided, the device reboots immediately. When using the after argument, a reboot is
scheduled when the number of seconds has elapsed. The at argument schedules a reboot at the provided
date and time.
If you wish to cancel a scheduled reboot, use the following command:
CLI> reboot cancel
You may want to test a new configuration file or test a new software image. For that purpose, a special
reboot command enables you to define a configuration file and a software image that are not the same as
those contained in the /BSA/bsaBoot.inf file (default start parameters). With this command, the router
reboots using the software image and configuration file and will re-use the default software image and
configuration file at the next reboot, thus enabling you to check whether the new files are satisfying or not.
The command line is the following:
CLI> reboot-check [at <hh>:<mm>:<ss>] <sw-image> <config-file>
at argument schedules a reboot at the provided time. If you wish to cancel a scheduled reboot, use the
following command:
CLI> reboot-check cancel
When using a device, it might be tedious to destroy the configuration. The following command simply
erases the current configuration file and reboots immediately the device to take the default configuration
enter in effect:
CLI> erase saved-config
This function enables to reload a router as if it was coming from factory. OneAccess factories can load a
set of custom default files in flash of the router (to be discussed with OneAccess sales).
As a first step, the restore-factory settings checks if flash:/BSA/binaries/OneOs exists and if it is a
valid binary. In case of error, the restore factory settings function fails and an error message is displayed.
If the above mentioned condition is met, the following actions are carried out:
• Remove all files except certain system files
• flash: /BSA/bsaBoot.inf
• flash: /BSA/binaries/OneOs
• flash: /BSA/config/bsaStart.cfg
• flash: /factory-backup/ (and all files found under that directory)
• flash: /ibc (and all files found under that directory)
• flash: /tftpboot (and all files found under that directory)
• Restore certain system files based on specific security policies
• Regenerate password file flash: /password
• Regenerate file flash: /BSA/bsaBoot.inf
• Restore certain content, based on "factory backup" content
• if flash:/factory-backup/default-bsaStart.cfg exists, copy flash:/factory-
backup/default-bsaStart.cfg to current configuration file (bsaStart.cfg)
• if flash:/factory-backup/default-bsaStart.cfg does not exist, erase the start
configuration (as given in flash:/BSA/bsaBoot.inf)
• if flash:/factory-backup/default-web.tar exists, untar the file flash:/factory-
backup/default-web.tar in flash:/webroot/ (use the clean-up options; as the
command: untar <file> <dest> clean-up all-sub-dir)
• if flash:/factory-backup/default.wcfaccounts.ini exists, copy
flash:/factory-backup/default.wcfaccounts.ini in
flash:/.wcfaccounts.ini; otherwise, erase .wcfaccounts.ini
• if flash:/factory-backup/default-password exists, copy flash:/factory-
backup/default-password into flash:/password
The following command restores factory settings and reboots the OneOS-based router:
CLI> restore factory-setting
There are several ways to upgrade a router with a new software release. This manual proposes to follow
the following steps. Prior to making a software upgrade, it is strongly advised that you read information
about the file system (3.3) and configuration management (3.6).
First, you should verify that the file bsaBoot.inf has the following content. The verification is done as
CLI> cd /BSA
CLI> cat bsaBoot.inf
The content of bsaBoot.inf, as listed above, conforms to OneAccess standard factory settings. The new
software that you will load on the router will have to be named OneOs in the directory /BSA/binaries.
The old software must be first saved under a new name (for backup):
CLI> cd /BSA/binaries
Before downloading the new software, please check that the flash disk provides enough space for the new
CLI> show device status flash:
If needed, remove older software with the rm command. Then, the new software must be downloaded via
FTP or TFTP. Here is an example with TFTP:
CLI> copy tftp://\tftp:\OneOs
Optionally, you could have provided a source IP address (like loopback 1) for the TFTP transfer as follows:
CLI> copy tftp://\tftp:\OneOs loopback 1
Be careful that the file system is case sensitive. In other words, if OneOs is mistyped (wrong capital
letters), the boot software will not start any software (e.g.: Oneos is wrong).
Before rebooting, you can check the content of the directory:
CLI> ls
CLI> show soft-file info [<path>/]<filename>
For example:
CLI> verify soft-file
file is OK
Please read carefully the last section. On products were the flash space is limited (like the ONE10), the
RAMDISK is extended so that a new OneOS can be downloaded in the RAMDISK; it is more secure to
copy the new OneOS into the RAMDISK. Example:
CLI> copy tftp://\tftp:\OneOs ramdisk:/
Password recovery is needed when local passwords stored on the router are lost. With the password
recovery procedure, all users/passwords in flash memory are deleted and the ‘admin’/’admin’
login/password become then valid. However, a full restore of factory settings is done, meaning that the
router configuration is also deleted. To learn more about 'Restoring Factory Settings', please consult
Password recovery is done by entering the following key sequence: <ESCAPE>, then <CTRL>+Y and
finally <CTRL>+N.
3.9.1 Introduction
The router boots up with a default startup-configuration that could be loaded at factory and guarantees that
the network can be reached. A new configuration is imported on the router flash and the router is rebooted
with that new configuration. In the event of the new configuration is not satisfactory, the router should
reboot with the configuration specified by the recovery mechanism. The new configuration must have the
‘configuration recovery’ mechanism configured using the CLI detailed in this chapter.
Telling that a configuration is not satisfactory is a generic term. The criteria to define a configuration as
being invalid must be well defined; they are:
• configuration causing the router to crash;
• configuration causing the router not to reach a specific IP address (that should be the network
management IP address; if this IP can be reached, we consider that the NOC (Network Operations
Center) can still fix the configuration remotely in case of incomplete configuration execution);
• SIP gateway registration fails.
When the backup-configuration is set, bsaBoot.inf points to the backup-filename as long as the above
backup criteria are not met. The backup instructions appear at the top of the ‘show running-config’; in
other words, the configuration backup is done potentially before a faulty CLI command is executed.
The backup-filename must fulfill the following conditions:
• <backup-filename> exists, is not empty and has a file size that is less than 100 Kbytes
• The file contains only valid ASCII characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9, \r\n\t, all punctuation marks)
• <backup-filename> contains the string “configure terminal”. That’s just a small check in
order to make sure the backup file looks like a configuration file.
The connection status is verified using ICMP echoes with a default timeout of 3 sec and/or the SIP
registration. At the first successful ping, the ping test stops. After the configured backup-configuration
criteria are all met, “/BSA/bsaBoot.inf” is restored and points again to the running-config.
If no successful ping is realized or no sip-gateway registration is realized or if the router crashes during
configuration loading, the router reboots with backup-configuration. A notification message is generated to
tell the final result of the ‘backup-configuration’ test.
First, the criteria to reboot with backup configuration must be defined within a check list:
CLI(configure)> [no] checklist <name>
Sending a ping to a destination can serve as backup criterion: if the ping fails, the router reboots with
backup configuration. If the ping criterion is used, the next command must be entered
CLI(config-chk-list)> ping target <ip-address>
All the following parameters are optional. The initial delay before sending the first ping is by default
60 seconds. To modify this value, enter:
CLI(config-chk-list)> ping init-delay <seconds>
By default, the source IP of ping packets takes the IP of the output interface. To force this IP:
CLI(config-chk-list)> ping source <interface> <unit>
The timeout to consider a ping test failed is 3 seconds. To remove the ping criterion:
CLI(config-chk-list)> no ping
To use SIP gateway registration status as backup criterion, the command is:
CLI(config-chk-list)> [no] sip-gw-registration
The check list is an object whose status is OK or KO (the overall status is OK only if sip-gateway
registration and ping tests are OK). The check list is then attached to a backup configuration element. If
the checklist is not OK at the backup configuration timeout, the router reboots with the backup filename as
start configuration. The configuration of backup configuration is as follows:
CLI(configure)> backup configuration
configure terminal
! Start by setting the backup configuration
backup configuration
filename /BSA/config/mylastgood.cfg
timeout 240
check-list mylist
! Then set the check-list configuration
check-list mylist
ping target
ping init-delay 30
ping retries-interval 30
ping source bvi 3
! Continue with my nominal equipment configuration
3.9.3 Statistics
The device is manageable via the SNMP protocol, by means of its embedded SNMP agent.
The device can be managed using three security models: SNMP v1, v2C or v3 protocol. The first two
protocols provide a lower level of security, the latter offers the ability to authenticate and encrypt SNMP
To set the SNMP source IP address and trap source IP, use the following commands, in global
configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> snmp source { Loopback <lb-id>
| Ethernet <slot>/<port>[.<vlan-if>]
| FastEthernet <slot>/<port>[.<vlan-if>]
| Atm <intf>.<port>
| Serial <slot>.<port>
| Bri <slot>/<port>
| Any }
The MIB2 IfDescr MIB provides interface names with space between interface and unit (example:
“fastEthernet 0/0”). To remove the space (“fastEthernet0/0”), the next command is available
(default: no snmp mib-ifdescr short):
CLI(configure)> [no] snmp mib-ifdescr short
To restrict access to device management data by using SNMP v1/v2, community names can be defined.
The following command sets the community for read access:
CLI(configure)> snmp set-read-community <r_community> [<acl_name>]
[v2group <group-name>]
<community-encryption> is optional. When set to '0', the password is entered in clear text. When set
to '1', the password is entered using the encryption algorithm #1.
The next command sets the community with the read+write access:
CLI(configure)> snmp set-write-community <rw_community> [<acl_name>]
By default, public community is used for read-only access, while private community is used for read-write
access. To remove SNMP v1 and v2 access, use the following commands from the configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> no snmp set-write-community
CLI(configure)> no snmp set-read-community
SNMP v1 and v2 traps are configurable, provided that event managers are configured. For more
information, go to the next chapter on traces and events.
SNMP views can be configured to allow certain users to read, write or be notified for only certain parts of
the MIB tree. SNMP views are typically configured when a telecom operator wants to access all MIB while
allowing its customers to only see part of the MIB tree (e.g. counters related to the LAN/WLAN interface).
The default views are the following:
• 'v1default': all MIBs except the OID, i.e. the SNMP v3 objects
• 'v3default': all MIBs
To configure an SNMP view, use the following command line:
CLI(configure)> snmp view <view_name> <oid> { included | excluded }
CLI(configure)> no snmp view <view_name> [ <oid> ]
<oid> stands for the root Object ID in the MIB tree (is in the form a.b.c.d…). For example, the 1.3.6 OID
stands for access to the whole Internet MIB. 'included' indicates that the objects part of this sub-tree are
part of the view. 'excluded' means they are not visible. You can combine included and excluded sub-
trees for the same <view_name>. It enables to define sub-trees that are globally visible, except few items
in the sub-tree.
SNMP groups give access-rights and authorization to a group of users. A group tells the minimum security
level to use for users belonging to this group. To configure a SNMP group, use the following command:
CLI(configure)> snmp group <group_name> { v1 | v2c | v3 | v3auth | v3priv
[read <view_name> ] [ write <view_name> ] [ notify <view_name>]
Then, the group is required when configuring SNMP v3 users (see next paragraph).
To apply the SNMP view on a read/write V2C community, use the following command:
CLI(configure)> snmp {set-read-community | set-write-community}
<community> [<acl_name>] v2group <group-name>
3.10.3 SNMP v3
To configure access to device management data by using SNMP v3, user names can be defined. Prior to
configuring users, a unique engine ID must be defined. By default, engineId is based on the MAC
address of FastEthernet interface. To configure a new engineId, use the following command in
configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> snmp engine-id <engineId>
Warning: As user security parameters are associated with local engineId, a change in the engineId
automatically removes all configured users.
To reset the default engineId, use the following command in configuration mode. As key material is
tightly related to the engineId, all users declared prior the change, have a wrong key material. It is
strongly advised to reconfigure password for each user, so that user configurations become valid.
CLI(configure)> default snmp-engine
If nor authenticated nor encrypted accesses are chosen when configuring user, then the lowest security
level is configured for that user. The chosen group security profile must match the user’s one: a group
configured with the attribute v3auth can only be associated with users' v3 authentication (without
encryption. To remove a user, use the following command in configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> no snmp user <user_name> v3
snmp group v3grp v3priv read view_all write view_all
snmp view view_all 1.3 included
snmp user v3user v3grp v3 encrypted auth md5 v3useruser
SNMP v3 traps are configurable, using event managers. However, users need to be declared so that
necessary security level is retrieved inside the agent.
To send SNMP v3 informs, remote users and remote entities need to be known. For further information
about this, read following chapter on SNMP v3 informs.
Inform requests are notifications that have to be acknowledged by the remote SNMPV3 entity (the
manager where informs are sent). When sending an inform request, the manager answers to the device
management with a response PDU. This reply ensures the emitting OneOS-based routers that the
notification reached its intended destination.
SNMP v3 informs are sent with the associated security parameters of the remote manager that is to say,
the remote engineId, and the associated user security parameters.
There are several ways to know the remote engine ID. To retrieve the engineId, and its timing
parameters from a remote IP address, use the following command in global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> snmp discover remote-agent <A.B.C.D>
This command triggers a discovery process that sends SNMP 'get request' packets and waits for SNMP
'get responses' from the remote entity.
It is also possible to manually configure an engineId associated with an IP address with the following
command in configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> snmp engine-id <engineId> remote <A.B.C.D> [ max-msg-size
If the above commands are successful, the retrieved engineId is saved in a local configuration datastore
The LCD can be filled in dynamically when triggering the discovery process by sending an SNMP v3
inform, or by configuring an SNMP v3 user.
To delete a remote engineId from the local configuration datastore, use the following command in
configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> no snmp engine-id <engineId> remote <A.B.C.D>
The command below creates a SNMP v3 user with its remote IP address. A discovery process will retrieve
the remote engineId to get authentication or encryption keying material.
CLI(configure)> snmp user <user_name> <group_name> v3 remote ip-address
<A.B.C.D> [ auth {md5 |sha} <auth_password> | encrypted auth {md5 |sha}
To configure a user without triggering the discovery process, you can associate a user to the remote
engineId by using the following configuration command:
CLI(configure)> snmp user <user_name> <group_name> v3 remote engine-id
<engineId> [ auth {md5 |sha} <auth_password> | encrypted auth {md5 |sha}
To remove a remote user from the local configuration datastore, use the following configuration command:
CLI(configure)> no snmp user <user_name> v3 remote engine-id <engineId>
CLI(configure)> no snmp user <user_name> v3 remote ip-address <A.B.C.D>
3.10.4 Miscellaneous
At any stage of the configuration, information about the SNMP agent can be modified. To configure the
location of the device, use the following command line:
CLI(configure)> snmp location <text>
To configure the person to contact, for managing the device, use the following command line:
CLI(configure)> snmp contact <text>
To configure a string that uniquely identifies the equipment, use the following command line:
CLI(configure)> snmp chassis-id <text>
By default, chassis-id is a MIB variable given by the manufacturer; this identifier is made up of the type of
equipment followed by a serial number.
In order to avoid IP fragmentation, the SNMP v1, v2 and v3 agent provides a command line to limit the
maximum SNMP message packet size. Thus, if forged SNMP messages are greater than the configured
packet size, an SNMP 'too big' message is sent to the manager.
CLI(configure)> snmp max-message-size <size>
SNMP v3 agent uses this maximum value to limit the size of outgoing SNMP packets. In addition, this
maximum message size is sent in SNMP v3 queries, as the remote entity is not allowed to respond with
messages greater than the size requested by initiator.
To restore the default values, use the no form of the following command line:
CLI(configure)> no snmp max-message-size
To add a SNMP manager (up to 10 managers are supported), use the following command in global
configuration mode:
CLI> event manager A.B.C.D [<port>] [v1 | v2 | v3 | v3auth | v3priv ]
Where user is the community string for v1 and v2, and the username for v3, and port is the destination port
for sending traps, v3auth and v3priv determine the security level to use for sending the trap that is to say
that for sending traps in clear text with a digest inside, v3auth is needed.
If neither port, nor version, nor user is chosen, then a manager will be created with the given address, with
the community string public, version 2, and destination port 162.
To remove a SNMP manager, just use the following command:
CLI> event no manager A.B.C.D [<port>] [v1 | v2 | v3 | v3auth | v3priv ]
To display the configured event managers, use the following command line:
CLI> show event managers V2 "public" noAuthNoPriv V3 "admin" authPriv
By default, a SNMP trap is sent for the following events: cold/warm start, link up/down, authentication
failures (bad SNMP communities).
You can use the following command to help you debug configuration issues with SNMP:
CLI> debug snmp [ {packet | info | inform | error} ]
At any stage of the configuration, information about SNMP can be displayed. To display the statistics
related to SNMP, use the following command line:
CLI> show snmp statistics
SNMP statistics:
IN: 120 total
0 bad version, community error: 0 bad name, 0 bad uses
0 ASN parse errors, trap authentication enabled
0 bad types, 0 too big, 0 no such name, 0 bad values
0 read only, 0 gen error, 120 total req, 0 total set
0 get requests, 120 get next, 0 set requests, 0 get responses
0 unknown security models
0 invalid, 0 unknown PDU handler, 0 unavailable context, 0 unknown
0 unsupported sec level, 0 unknown engine Id, 0 wrong digest, 0
decryption error
OUT: 126 total
0 too big, 0 no such name, 0 bad values
0 read only, 0 gen error
0 traps, 120 get responses
Use the following clear command in global configuration mode to reset SNMP counters:
CLI> clear snmp statistics
To display the SNMP v1 and v2 configuration elements, use the following command line:
CLI> show snmp community
no SNMP write community configured
SNMP read community: public
To display the configured SNMP v3 engine ID, use the following command line:
CLI> show snmp engine-id
Local SNMP engineId:
To display the configured SNMP v3 users, use the following command line:
CLI>show snmp users
To display the configured SNMP v3 groups, use the following command line:
CLI>show snmp groups
groupname: public security mode:v3 no auth
read view: all write view: <none>
notify view: all state: active [nonvolatile]
3.11.1 Introduction
The equipment can provide event information about the interfaces and protocols on the CLI, console port,
and in a log file managed by the file system. Some events can also generate SNMP traps.
To read the events, filters must be defined. Each filter defines a family of events, a severity code and the
output device (CLI, Console, file, SNMP trap, syslog).
• CLI: displays the filtered events on the CLI session, from which the filters were created
• File: records the filtered events in a file.
• Console: shell/debug interface on the serial port
• SNMP trap: upon occurrence of the selected events, the information will be sent to the SNMP
manager as an SNMP trap. This mechanism permits the user to select specific events, which shall be
monitored in the SNMP management system.
• Syslog: the event is sent to a syslog server.
Several filters can be simultaneously defined. When an event is matched by one the filters, the event is
To add a filter:
CLI> event filter add <group> <family> <all | subfamilies> [<type>]
[<severity>] <action list>
<group>: sys (for system), adm (management), wan (data interfaces), ip, vox (voice)
<family>: depends on the selected group
<subfamilies>: depends on the selected family & group
<type>: (optional) may be info, warning, error, fatal, event
<severity>: (optional) 1 to 8
<action list>: one or more of the following actions: DROP, LOG, SHOW, MEM, TRAP, SYSLOG
List of possible actions (several actions can be configured simultaneously):
• DROP: Event is suppressed.
• LOG: Event is recorded in a file.
• SHOW: Event is output on the console port (shell).
• MEM: Event is stored in memory to be displayed on the CLI interface.
• TRAP: Generation of SNMP v1 traps towards a SNMP manager that must be configured (see below).
• SYSLOG: Generation of events to a SYSLOG server that must be configured.
CLI> event filter add sys GSHDSL ALL SHOW MEM LOG TRAP
If the SHOW action is selected, the events appear immediately on the console/debug interface.
If the MEM action is selected, the events are recorded in memory and can appear on the CLI interface. This
command must be entered to view the events:
CLI> monitor events
The screen is cleared before the events appear and it is no more possible to enter a CLI command. To
return to CLI mode, enter ESC.
If the LOG action is selected, the events are recorded in the file system (ramdisk device) in two files:
event1.log and event2.log (event1.log is used first and event2.log is used when event1.log
is full, etc.). The files can be uploaded in a TFTP server.
CLI> devs ramdisk:
CLI> ls
Listing the directory /
tmp/ 512
event1.log 3021
running-config 664
event2.log 840
To recover the events recorded in memory (filter defined with MEM action) after a crash and to display them
on the CLI, enter:
CLI> event recover show
To recover from memory and save the events in a file (for example: tr1.log) after a crash, enter:
CLI> event recover file tr1.log
The system logging is based on the same mechanism as the 'events' mechanism explained above. The
following command activates the traces and determines the media where the traces are redirected (under
configuration terminal):
CLI(configure)> [no] logging { buffered | console | file | syslog }
{ alerts | critical | errors | warning | notifications | information |
debug }
• buffered: the traces are stored in device memory. They can be displayed afterwards using the show
logging command. This is the fastest procedure for redirecting traces, thus impacting less the
device performances. When remotely connected using telnet, the monitor trace command allows
viewing the traces on the fly at the same time when they are buffered.
• file: the traces are recorded under ramdisk:/. First, traces are dumped into the file named
trace1.log. When trace1.log is full, trace2.log is used. When trace2.log is full,
trace1.log is erased then re-created and new traces are written in this file.
• syslog: the traces are sent to a syslog server. The syslog client configuration must be done.
To insert a line-feed automatically for every syslog message:
CLI(configure)> [no] logging syslog split-CRLF
The second argument provides the level of details to filter traces, alerts being the least detailed filter and
debug providing the most traces.
To show the current logging options and to display the buffered logs, use the next command:
CLI(configure)> show logging
Example: a user wishes to view on the fly the debug traces for NAT from a telnet session. Here is the list of
instructions to enter.
CLI# configure terminal
CLI(configure)# logging buffered debug
CLI(configure)# exit
CLI# debug ip nat
CLI# monitor trace
The memory buffer size can be increased/decreased if necessary (default size 16364 bytes). Note that the
default value is nevertheless displayed in show running-configuration.
CLI(configure)> logging buffered size <16364..65536 bytes>
The log file size can be increased/decreased if necessary (default size 20000 bytes):
CLI(configure)> trace logging max-filesize <200..20000 bytes>
Every trace can be generated with the device date and time or the device up-time or the current time:
CLI(configure)> [no] logging timestamp { datetime [msec] | time | uptime}
With datetime the optional msec argument adds the milliseconds to the actual date and time.
With time only the actual time is displayed.
With uptime the displayed time is related to the device up-time.
This facility records all passed configuration commands since the router has rebooted. This logging is
activated by default (stored in RAM memory).
The history file size can be increased/decreased if necessary (default size 128 Kbytes):
CLI(configure)> logging config-history max-size <10..256 Kbytes>
Use the following command to de-activate the logging. Note that this command empties the history file.
CLI(configure)> no logging config-history
Use the following command to display the history of configuration commands file:
CLI> show command-config
CLI> ping
The source address is optional. If not provided the source IP address is the primary IP address of the ping
output interface. The option -t enables a periodical ping, which can be stopped by entering Ctrl-C. The
available range for the packet size is from 64 to 1500. The number of packets is restricted between 1 and
15. The timeout can be configured between 1 and 60 seconds.
The xping command may be used to initiate several ping sessions for different targets.
The command measures the minimum, average, round trip jitter and maximum ping response time.
Command for creation of a new xping session:
CLI> xping <session_name>
Then, the xping session (called <session_name>) must be then configured. The following parameters
are available:
CLI(xping)> ?
activate - Activate xping session.
address - Set target ip address.
data-size - Set datagram size for the icmp packet.
deactivate - Deactivate a session.
exit - Exit xping mode.
df-flag - Sets the DF flag on outgoing packets
dsfield - DS field for IPv4
frequency - Set ping frequency (interval in seconds).
probe-count - Set the number of packets sent for each ping.
show - Display xping session configuration.
source - Set source address.
timeout - Set request time out.
The source address is optional but must be a valid IP address if it has been specified. This command must
be entered to view all the declared sessions in real time:
CLI> monitor xping
The screen is cleared and shows real-time statistics for all the configured sessions. To return to the CLI
mode, enter ESC.
The xping sessions are removed with the command:
CLI> no xping <session_name>
CLI> traceroute
The source address is optional. If not provided the source IP address is the primary IP address of the ping
output interface. The option -t enables a periodical ping, which can be stopped by entering Ctrl-C. The
available range for the packet size is from 64 to 1500. The number of packets is restricted between 1 and
15. The timeout can be configured between 1 and 60 seconds.
A source address can be provided via the optional parameter <interface>. The interface parameter
must be a valid declared interface, i.e.:
• ethernet 0/0
• fastethernet <intf>/<port>
• loopback x
• atm 0.x
The telnet server is always on. Its source address is the one of the IP interface where the packets are
routed. For example, if a telnet client connects from the LAN, the IP address used by the telnet server is
the primary address of the Ethernet interface. To connect the Telnet server to a specific IP interface, enter:
CLI> [no] bind telnet <interface> <unit>
<interface> can be any IP interface such as: ethernet 0/0, fastethernet <intf>/<port>,
atm 0.x, loopback.
To un-bind the telnet from any interface, please enter the following command (default settings):
CLI> bind telnet any
After having entered the command, the Telnet server and CLI are only accessible using the IP address of
the selected ATM interface.
It is possible to restrict access to telnet clients by using a list of addresses standing for the list of permitted
If a connected telnet client is inactive during a certain time, it is disconnected. By default, any inactive
telnet client is disconnected after 10 minutes. (Warning: previous OneOS releases used to have a 60-
minute timeout).
To change the telnet timeout:
CLI(configure)> telnet timeout <seconds>
This procedure functions for console, telnet and SSH users. First, you must retrieve the session ID of the
host you want to be logged off. To get the session IDs of all connected users:
CLI> who
Then, enter the following command to disconnect the user (you need to have the admin user level):
CLI> clear vty-session <session-id>
Remote connections to the telnet server can be logged using the following command in global
configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> logging telnet enable
For each connection, the user name (login), the originating IP address, the connection date and time, the
disconnection date and time and the disconnection cause (logout or timeout) are logged.
To stop logging the telnet connections use the following command in global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> no logging telnet
The telnet logging is recorded under ramdisk:/. First, logs are dumped into the file named
telnet1.log. When telnet1.log is full, telnet2.log is used. When telnet2.log is full,
telnet1.log is erased then re-created and new logs are written in this file.
The log file size can be increased/decreased if necessary (default size 8200 bytes):
CLI(configure)> logging telnet max-filesize <82..8200 bytes>
A standard TFTP client is embedded in the OneOS, which enables the downloading and uploading of files
from a remote TFTP server.
No configuration is needed. Refer to the copy command whose examples are described in this guide.
A TFTP server is embedded in the OneOS, only to upload files to another device. Files have to be located
in the /tftpboot directory. The TFTP server can act as a TFTP relay to upload a file that is located on
another TFTP server.
The TFTP server is disabled by default. To enable the TFTP server, use the following command in global
configuration mode. Use the optional parameter to limit the access to a specific interface.
CLI(configure)> [no] tftp-server [address <interface>]
The TFTP relay is disabled by default. To enable the TFTP relay and define the address of the other
server, use the following command in global configuration mode.
CLI(configure)> [no] tftp-relay server { <IP-address> | <hostname> }
A standard FTP client is embedded in the OneOS, which enables the downloading and uploading of files
from a remote FTP server.
CLI> ftp <host> [<source address>]
CLI> ftp
username: admin
CLI(ftp session)>
The source address is optional but must be known by the equipment or the default IP address will be used.
The following commands are available:
• bye - Quit ftp session
• cd - Change remote directory
• ls - List remote directory
• get - Download file
• lcd - Change local directory
• lls - List local directory
• put - Upload file
• pwd - Current directory
3.14.1 Features
Secure shell or SSH is both a computer program and an associated network protocol designed for logging
into and executing commands on a networked computer. SSH design was aimed at replacing the earlier
rlogin, telnet and rsh protocols by a secure protocol providing encrypted communications between two
hosts over an insecure network.
OneOS SSH server is compatible with the version 2.
Strong authentication using public keys protects against several security problems, such as IP spoofing,
fakes routes, and DNS spoofing. Authentication of the SSH peers is realized via public DSA keys. DSA
keys were introduced in SSH version 2. But the user authentication at login time is done like any telnet
session: based on the local password database, or through RADIUS or TACACS+ servers.
Note: unauthorized connection attempts are subject to blacklisting (see 3.27).
The SSH server supports remote "exec telnet" commands. This means that an SSH client opens an SSH
session to the OneOS-based router that relays the data in the SSH session to another device via a local
telnet session between the OneOS-based router and the other device. This is typically used to manage via
a secure SSH connection over the Internet a device behind the access router, e.g. an IP telephone. As the
IP telephone has a private LAN address, it is not directly reachable over the Internet (except when
specifically configured in NAT). SSH remote command is a very useful tool to manage such devices over
the network without needing to change the access router configuration.
3.14.2 Configuration
As SSH daemon requires a public key to authenticate versus remote host, it is mandatory to generate a
public key pair. Use the following command in global configuration mode to create a Digital Signature
Algorithm key (the last argument is the key length in bits):
CLI(configure)> crypto key generate dsa { 256 | 512 | 1024 | 2048 }
SSH is disabled by default. To start the SSH daemon, use the following command in configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> ip ssh enable
To stop the SSH daemon, use the following command in configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> ip ssh disable
If a connected SSH client is inactive during a certain time, it is disconnected. By default, any inactive SSH
client is disconnected after 10 minutes.
To change the SSH timeout in seconds, use the following command:
CLI(configure)> ip ssh timeout <120-4294967295>
If an SSH client is in the authentication phase and it is inactive during a certain time it is disconnected. By
default, any inactive SSH client doing an authentication is disconnected after 2 minutes.
To change the SSH authentication timeout in seconds, use the following command in configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> ip ssh auth-timeout <5-120>
By default, the authentication retries number is 3. To change this value, use the following command in
global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> ip ssh auth-retries <retries>
To attach the SSH server to a specific interface use the following command:
CLI(configure)> bind ssh { loopback <lb-id>
| bri <slot>/<port>[.<vlan-if>]
| fastEthernet <slot>/<port>[.<vlan-if>]
| tunnel <intf>.<port>
| any }
To permit SSH access from any interface, which is the default configuration, use the following command in
global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> bind ssh any
It is possible to restrict access to SSH clients by using a list of addresses standing for the list of permitted
source IP addresses. Use the following command in configuration line:
CLI(configure)> bind ssh acl <acl-name>
3.14.3 Statistics
Use the following show command to display the list of current SSH sessions and related parameters:
CLI> show ssh
Connection Remote port Username Algorithm used 2345 admin dsa-3des
Use the following show command to display the list of current SSH sessions and related parameters:
The following example show the process to create a host dsa public key, followed by the running of SSH
configure terminal
crypto key generate dsa 512
ip ssh enable
ip ssh timeout 600
ip ssh auth-timeout 30
ip ssh auth-retries 2
The following shows how to connect from a UNIX machine to the device with (local) address
behind a router with address
IP Network
SSH Telnet
<Device identification>
SIP Phone> <- telnet prompt
The “capture” command enables the user to observe and to decode incoming and outgoing traffic on
logical devices (a device is a filter applied on one interface).
The process is first to define a filter to determine the protocol to decode, then to attach the filter to an
interface giving a logical device, and lastly, to start the decoding.
To define the filters and the devices, enter in capture mode:
CLI> capture
The filter matches all the options (macaddr1, macaddr2, and frame type) that are presents. If the frame
type (data, control, or management) is not present, all frames are captured.
CLI(capture)> filter dot11 11:22:33:44:55:66 data
CLI(capture)> filter dot11 management exclude 0 8
The exclude option is an optional parameter and could be set to exclude some frames regarding to their
type and sub-type.
When a filter is created, it is identified by a number. To show the list of filter-id, use the command:
CLI(capture)> show filters
When a device is created, it is identified by a number. To show the list of device-id, use the command:
CLI(capture)> show devices
To start and optionally display the traffic capture, use in global mode the command:
CLI(capture)> exit
CLI> monitor capture <device-id> [console | file <filename>] [verbose <0-
The verbosity of the capture decoder can be 0 (normal), 1 (detailed), 2 (hexadecimal normal), and 3
(hexadecimal detailed).
CLI> capture
CLI(capture)> filter arp
CLI(capture)> filter all
CLI(capture)> show filters
1. arp [caplen=68]
2. all [caplen=68]
CLI(capture)> attach 1 fastethernet 0/1
CLI(capture)> attach 2 fastethernet 0/1
CLI(capture)> show devices
1. arp on FastEthernet 0/1 [caplen=68]
2. all on FastEthernet 0/1 [caplen=68]
CLI(capture)> exit
CLI> monitor capture 2 console verbose 1
13:15:03.239326 > . [tcp sum ok]
ack 8912395 win 7597 (DF) (ttl 128, id 47965, len 40)
CLI> capture
CLI(capture)> no attach all
CLI(capture)> show devices
No capture devices defined
CLI(capture)> no filter all
CLI(capture)> show filters
No capture filters defined
CLI(capture)> exit
Use the following command to check the current system load. Current means "during the last second". The
non critical tasks are the non real time tasks like SNMP, Web server, etc.
Use the following command to display the system load history. The CPU load is given for the last minute,
the last hour and the last three days. For the last hour and the last three days, the maximum and average
values are given.
1 25 12 164 1
60 *
50 * *
40 * **
30 * **
20 ** * **
10 * * **** ** *** *
0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5
1 25 12 164 1
60 *
50 * *
40 * **
30 * **
20 ** * **
10 **** ** *** *
0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5
0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5
0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5
0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5
0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5
0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0
0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0
0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0
| Memory status report | Kbytes | |
| Ram size | 65 536 | |
| :..Program | 27 186 | |
| : :..code | 18 476 | |
| : | 8 709 | |
| :..Static buffers | 192 | |
| :..Dynamic total | 34 974 | |
| : : used | 13 909 | 39.7% |
| : : free | 21 065 | 60.2% |
| : :..System total | 19 806 | |
| : : used | 5 610 | 28.3% |
| : : free | 14 196 | 71.6% |
| : :..Data total | 15 167 | |
| : used | 8 299 | 54.7% |
| : free | 6 868 | 45.2% |
| :..Ram disk total | 1 011 | |
| used | 5 | 0.5% |
| free | 1 006 | 99.6% |
| | | |
| Flash size | 2 048 | |
| :..Boot | 1 024 | |
| :..Static areas | 48 | |
| | | |
| Extended Flash size | 32 768 | |
| :..Flash disk total | 32 306 | |
| used | 9 408 | 29.1% |
| free | 22 898 | 70.8% |
To check the reasons why the router did reboot, some reboot commands are available. The following
command provides the last reboot cause (warning: under certain circumstances, the reboot cause may not
be determined):
CLI> show reboot cause
An embedded tool is provided to display global statistics with a refresh period of one second.
The CLI command is:
CLI> monitor ?
global-statistics - Display system global informations
CLI> monitor global-statistics
This command opens a first summary screen. The navigation between the screens is done by typing keys
shown at the bottom of each screen, i.e.:
<Q>: to quit
<R>: to go to the IP routing screen
<W>: to access the PVC screens
<ESC>: to quit or to go back to the previous screen
<1-2..>: access to detailed screen for PVC number 1 or 2
3.17.2 IP Routes
[ESC]-Back [Q]-Quit
IF VCI VPI Type Status Encaps QOS PCR SCR MBS in out
kbps kbps cells kbps kbps
1. 20201 0 33 pppoa up aal5/mux UBR 2300 0 1
[1 - 1] - PVC [ESC]-Back [Q]-Quit
An embedded database is provided to declare the users allowed to access the equipment and to define
their access rights.
Each user has a username, a password and belongs to a group.
The username is a 15-character long string; the password is a 32-character long string. Both contain any
character except "?", "!" and "space".
Note: It is possible to use the above-mentioned characters by placing the character string between
quotation marks (") or between apostrophes (') if the quotation mark is part of the string.
Three groups are pre-defined and map three levels of access rights:
• User (level 0): only access to elementary show functions or diagnostics functions such as ping
(configuration in read-only mode)
• Manager (level 7): access to all show functions, traces and configuration functions
• Administrator (level 15): access to all functions including shell (for system debugging)
The group (access rights level) may be changed for a specific user:
CLI> user change-access ?
<login> - User name
CLI> user change-access pk ?
<group> - Access group { user | manager | administrator }
<0..15> - User level
CLI> user change-access pk manager
The access level can be also dropped to a lower access rights level for the current user during the opened
session with the command:
CLI> user drop ?
<groups> - Access group (user|manager|administrator)
<0..15> - User level
CLI> user drop manager
The purpose of this feature is to allow an administrator to customize the list of commands that can be
accessed by a non-administrator user. By default, three user privilege levels are defined and mapped to
TACACS+ privilege levels: user (TACACS+ privilege level = 0), manager (7) and administrator (15). Each
CLI command has its own privilege level. If the user privilege level is greater than or equal to the command
privilege, the user is allowed to use the command. For example, the ‘ping’ command has the privilege 0. If
this privilege is raised, a user having the privilege level ‘user’ (i.e. privilege level = 0) cannot access the
ping command.
3.19.1 Configuration
Under the configuration terminal, the privilege level of a command is defined as follows:
CLI(configure)> privilege exec level <level> <command string>
<level> is an integer, ranging from 0 to 15 representing the new privilege of the command. <command
string> are the keywords designating a command or the beginning of a command whose privilege level
is modified. The command can be found outside the ‘configure terminal’.
To reset the default privilege level, use the following command:
CLI(configure)> privilege exec reset <command string>
Similarly, the command ‘privilege configure’ applies only on commands listed under ‘configure
terminal’. To configure the privilege level of a ‘configure’ command (respectively to reset its level), use
the next commands:
CLI(configure)> privilege configure <level> <command string>
Lastly, there are configuration-commands that are duplicated under several leafs of the CLI tree. That is
especially the case of interfaces. To configure accessibility of specified commands under an interface type,
use the following command:
CLI(configure)> privilege { if-atm | if-bri | if-pri | if-ethernet | if-
fastethernet | if-loopback | if-pstn | if-tunnel | if-va | if-vt | dhcp |
rtr | router-rip | router-ospf | router-bgp } <level> <command string>
Example: to allow a user of level 0 to change the IP address of the Fast Ethernet ports.
privilege exec level 0 configure terminal
privilege configure level 0 interface fastethernet
privilege if-fast level 0 ip address
exec is for the text displayed in the second case, whereas motd is for the text displayed when attempting
to connect.
The <string> is delimited by stars and contains any character and can be up to 230 characters long.
Carriage return must be entered as ‘\r\n’. For example, the following command line:
‘banner exec *#############################\r\n\r\n OneOs Router\r\n
Will output:
OneOS Router
Instead of maintaining usernames and passwords inside the device, usernames and passwords can be
centrally managed in a database. Whenever a user needs to log in, the database server is queried and
authenticates users’ logins. Either the RADIUS or the TACACS+ protocol can be used to securely send
login/password in access requests and returns authentication.
A user can access to the device configuration interface in two steps:
1. Authentication: The user login/password is checked in the RADIUS/TACACS+ database. The login and
password are provided at the beginning of the telnet/console CLI session. If an access is granted, the user
gets a user privilege (if configured on the server). The privilege can be increased by using the ‘enable’
command. Entering this command will make the router query the AAA server again.
2. Authorization: when a command is entered, the CLI looks up the command privilege. If the configuration
is such that this privilege requires authorization the command is submitted to the AAA server for
authorization. The AAA server returns an access authorization or deny.
The accounting feature is not supported in this release.
Three levels of access rights have been defined:
• User: only access to elementary show functions or diagnostics functions as ping (configuration
in read-only mode). He has the level 0.
• Manager: access to all show functions and configuration functions. He has the level 7.
• Administrator: access to all functions including debug. He has the level 15.
The RADIUS protocol (Remote Access Dial-In User Service) allows transmitting securely user
names/passwords and authenticating the user by means of a RADIUS server, which maintains a users list
with their access rights.
The embedded RADIUS client is configured with CLI commands.
Prior to configuring the RADIUS client, the user must enter the configuration mode:
CLI> configure terminal
The optional arguments <interface> <unit> provide the source address, which can be loopback 32
for example.
CLI(configure)> radius-server ?
The following command enables to view the settings to connect to the RADIUS server:
CLI> show radius-server
List of Radius server -----
The RADIUS server must be configured to define users and access rights (user, manager, administrator).
The example given below shows the configuration files for the FreeRadius Server (
In the file: /usr/local/etc/raddb/dictionary, add the line: $INCLUDE dictionary.oneaccess.
In the directory /usr/local/etc/raddb/
Create the file dictionary.oneaccess, which contains the access right definition:
VENDOR OneAccess 13191
ATTRIBUTE OA-User-Level 1 integer OneAccess
VALUE OA-User-Level user 40
The levels must be respected to properly work with the client.
In the file /usr/local/etc/raddb/users, add the users as follows (here router, test, oneaccess):
test Auth-Type := Local, User-Password == 'test'
Then, configure the passwords required by the enable command. For example, for the administrator level:
$enab15$ Auth-Type := Local, User-Pasword == '*******'
In the file /usr/local/etc/raddb/clients.conf, add the following in order to identify the client (e.g.
an OneOS-based router with as IP address) and the shared secret key:
secret = key23
shortname =
TACACS+ is an authentication protocol based on TCP, which allows a network access server to offload
the user administration to a central server, which maintains a users list with their access rights as for a
Radius server. When a user logs in the device (using telnet), the login/password couple is sent to that
server using the TACACS+ protocol. If the user name and password are found in the TACACS+ server
database, the access is granted to that user. In addition to that authentication service, the TACACS+
server can respond with additional parameters, including access rights.
Three levels of access rights have been defined:
• User: only access to elementary show functions or diagnostics functions as ping (configuration in
read-only mode)
• Manager: access to all show functions and configuration functions
• Administrator: access to all functions including debug
"TACACS" means "Terminal Access Controller Access Control System".
TACACS+ is not compatible with other protocols of the TACACS family such as TACACS or XTACACS.
The embedded TACACS+ client is configured by means of CLI commands.
Prior to configuring the TACACS+ client, the user must enter the configuration mode:
CLI> configure terminal
The optional arguments '<interface> <unit>' provide the source address, which can be
'loopback 32' for example. When the user enters ‘enable’ or ‘enable 15’, an authentication for enable
is sent. This message contains the username and the desired privilege level. The server should prompt for
a password and compare the response with the password configured for the user $enab15$. The
username is by default the username provided at login. But it could be changed so that username is
$enab15$. To force the use of the username:
CLI(configure)> no tacacs use-username
CLI(configure)> tacacs-server ?
<host> - IP address of TACACS+ server
CLI(configure)> tacacs-server ?
<auth-port> - TCP port for TACACS+ authentication server (default is 49)
<key> - Encryption key shared with the server
CLI(configure)> tacacs-server 477 iopme
CLI(configure)> tacacs-server iopmeu
The following command enables to view the settings to connect to the TACACS+ server:
CLI> show tacacs-server
To disable the TACACS+ client, use the 'no' prefix: no tacacs-server <host> [<port>]
CLI> configure terminal
CLI(configure)> no tacacs-server 477
CLI(configure)> no tacacs-server
CLI(configure)> exit
CLI> show tacacs-server
No TACACS+ server declared
The TACACS+ server must be configured to define users and access rights (user, manager, and
On the free TAC_PLUS server, the configuration looks so for a user login:
user = henry {
login = cleartext mypassword
Then, you can configure the passwords for level 0 (user), level 7 (manager), level 15 (administrator).
User = $enab0$ {
login cleartext ********
User = $enab7$ {
login cleartext ********
User = $enab15$ {
login cleartext ********
A major issue with the configuration method presented before is the lack of security and flexibility: the
enable 15 password is shared among all users. It is more desirable that each user gets a unique
password and that a privilege level be associated to that user.
Example 1 with TAC_PLUS:
user = henry {
login = cleartext mypassword
service = exec {
priv-lvl = 7
Example 2:
user = henry {
login = cleartext mypassword
member = admingroup
user = antoine {
login = cleartext otherpasswd
member = admingroup
group = admingroup
service = exec {
priv-lvl = 15
The default AAA behavior is the following (i.e. when no AAA commands were entered):
• If no TACACS+ or RADIUS servers are configured, the local password file is used
• If TACACS+ or RADIUS servers are configured and if at least one of them is reachable,
authentication is done with the AAA server(s) when logging in, no command authorization is done.
• If TACACS+ or RADIUS servers are configured and if none of them is reachable, authentication is
done using the local password file, no command authorization is possible.
To configure user authentication with AAA, use the following command from the global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> [no] aaa authentication login {default | console |
If default is used, all accesses via console or telnet/SSH are controlled using the configured AAA
• If the radius keyword is entered, all the RADIUS servers are used in the order they are configured.
• If the tacacs keyword is entered, all the TACACS+ servers are used in the order they are configured.
• If a <group-name> is entered, the servers from that AAA server group are used. See configuration
To configure the servers for enable authentication (i.e. the servers that are queried when the user enters
the enable command), use the following command:
CLI(configure)> [no] aaa authentication enable {default | console |
network } { <group-name> | radius | tacacs }
To configure an AAA server group, first create the server group as follows:
CLI(configure)> [no] aaa group server { radius | tacacs } <group-name>
<level> represents a command privilege. Once this command is entered, every command having the
same privilege level must be authorized by the AAA server.
The last "A" of AAA stands for accounting. TACACS+ permits the accounting of configuration sessions.
AAA accounting is only supported with TACACS+ servers. To inform a TACACS+ server(s) about users
logging in and out of the router, use the following command in global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> aaa accounting exec default start-stop { tacacs+ | group
<tacacs-server-group> }
The AAA command accounting feature logs any entered command by an user on a TACACS+ server. The
AAA command accounting is activated for commands of a given privilege level:
CLI(configure)> aaa accounting commands <level> default stop-only {
tacacs+ | group <tacacs-server-group> }
In some cases, one wants to enter straightaway in 'exec' mode (i.e. with the highest privilege level) without
entering the 'enable' command. The command is the following:
CLI(configure)> [no] aaa authorization exec {default | console | network}
Time synchronization protocols such as SNTP provide a clock that is referenced on the international
reference (GMT). To adapt the GMT time to the local time, it can be necessary to adjust the time zone and
the seasonal time (summer time).
They are configured as follows, beginning under configuration terminal:
CLI(configure)> clock timezone <name> <-23..+23>
Where <-23 .. 23> is the hour offset you want to apply on the GMT time.
The summer time period is set as follows:
CLI(configure)> clock summer-time recurring <name> { <1-4> | first | last
} <day> <month> <time> { <1-4> | first | last } <day> <month> <time>
• name is an arbitrary string that can ease readability (for example: CET, Paris, GMT …). The first part
designates when the summer time starts. The second part is for winter time. Where the arguments
have the following meaning:
• 1-4 | first | last: designates the week when the summer/winter time starts
• day: is the day of the week when the summer/winter time starts (Sunday for example)
• month: is the month when the summer/winter time starts (March for example)
• time: is the time when the summer/winter time starts (02:00 for example)
The SNTP protocol (Simple Network Time Protocol) enables to synchronize time via a connection to a
NTP server.
The SNTP client is configured with CLI commands either in broadcast mode (to accept NTP packets from
any NTP broadcast server) or via a specific connection to a known server (to request NTP packets from
the known NTP server).
The command show sntp gives the status of the SNTP client.
To configure the SNTP client in broadcast mode to accept NTP packets from any NTP broadcast server,
use the following command:
CLI(configure)> sntp broadcast client
CLI(configure)> exit
When the broadcast mode is not used, to configure the SNTP client to request NTP packets from a
specified NTP server, use the following command:
CLI(configure)> sntp server <server-ip-address> [ <source-if> <unit> ]
CLI(configure)> exit
Use the following command to configure in seconds the duration between two requests sent to the NTP
server when synchronized (default 64 seconds):
CLI(configure)> sntp poll-interval <seconds>
The SNTP service client SNTP is stopped with the next commands:
CLI> configure terminal
CLI(configure)> no sntp broadcast client
CLI> configure terminal
CLI(configure)> no sntp server
The OneOS SNTP server can be enabled to provide date/time synchronization to LAN devices such as IP
The next command configures the SNTP Server to send packets in broadcast or multicast mode where the
following parameters can be set:
• <intfname> <intfindex> - output interface (example: “fastEthernet 0/0”);
• [<maddr>] - destination multicast address (for multicast); if not set, the interface broadcast address
is used;
• [<src-port>](default=123) - output packet source port;
• [<dst-port>](default=123) - output packet destination port;
The following command specifies that the onboard SNTP server shall use the synchronization of the
embedded SNTP client to send broadcast packets. If the command is enabled and the SNTP client is not
synchronized, the SNTP Server does not send any broadcast packet and it responds to SNTP request by
setting the 'stratum' field to '0' and 'Leap Indicator' to '3' (alarm condition - clock not synchronized).
The no form of the command disables the ‘client-reference’ mode.
CLI(configure)> [no] sntp-server client-reference
The "sntp multicast …" command configures the SNTP server so that it responds to multicast
requests. The command parameters are:
• <intfname> <intfindex> - interface where multicast is active (example: “fastEthernet 0/0”);
• <maddr> - listen multicast address;
• [<src-port>](default=123) - listen port;
The multicast response mode can be disabled with the ‘no’ form of the command.
CLI(configure)> [no] sntp-server multicast <intfname> <intfindex> <maddr>
[src-port <src-port>]
The "sntp unicast …" command enables the unicast/broadcast mode of the SNTP server such that it
responds to unicast and broadcast requests. The listen port can be configured as follows:
• [<src-port>](default=123) - listen port;
The unicast response mode can be disabled with the ‘no’ form of the command.
CLI(configure)> [no] sntp-server unicast [src-port <src-port>]
This command shows the current SNTP server configuration and statistics.
CLI> show sntp-server
Configuration Example
configure terminal
sntp-server client-reference
sntp-server unicast
The SYSLOG service allows to send event to several SYSLOG servers (maximum: 2). The SYSLOG
server can store/filter/process incoming messages, so that network administrator can use standard, UNIX-
based tools.
This facility is enabled via CLI commands when configuring 'events', such as for gshdsl:
CLI> event filter add sys gshdsl all syslog
You are able to declare one or more SYSLOG server. The following commands are used:
CLI> configure terminal
CLI(configure)> syslog server { < hostname > | < A.B.C.D > } <0-23>
The first parameter is the server address. The second parameter (facility number, ranging from 0 up to 23)
must be set according to the server configuration.
Note: many manufacturers (such as Cisco) use 23 as default facility number.
You are also able to bind the SERVER client to a defined interface:
CLI(configure)> syslog server { < hostname | A.B.C.D > } <0-23>
<interface-type> <unit>
CLI(configure)> syslog server hostn 2 ?
ethernet - Bind to Ethernet interface
fastethernet - Bind to FastEthernet interface
atm - Bind to ATM interface
serial - Bind to Serial interface
loopback - Bind to Loopback interface
tunnel - Bind to tunnel interface
CLI(configure)> syslog server hostn1 20 atm 0.1
CLI(configure)> syslog server hostn2 21 atm 0.2
A show command may be used to list all the defined SYSLOG servers:
CLI> show syslog servers
The following information provides some hints for a Linux syslog server configuration:
The standard UDP port 514 is used by the SYSLOG client to access the server.
The configuration file "syslog.conf" must contain the name and the path of the text file to log the
messages according to the used facility:
local0.* /var/log/one400_evt
The performance probe agent (PPA) is embedded software that performs active monitoring of the network
performance. Introduction
PPA-PM manages probes sending test packets to a specified destination. The test packets must be
returned by the receiver after inserting additional information in packets. By means of this information, the
sender is able to calculate interesting quality metrics of the IP path from source to destination, including
packet loss, round trip delay and jitter.
PPA-PM requires a sender (emitting test traffic) and responder (looping test traffic back to sender). When
the responder loops a packet, the responder inserts a timestamp. Let us assume T(i,j) as the time
stamp for the i-th packet, at the j-th step.
Sender Responder
The sender and responder do not have the same time; their clocks are most probably not synchronized on
the same source (we assume an offset Toff exists between both clocks). Let us assume that the transit
delay for packet 1 is D.
Toff + T(1,2) = T(1,1) + D
If we assume that the processing delay in responder is negligible, we can simplify the formula with
T(N,2)=T(N,3). The formula is:
RTD = T(N,4) – T(N,1)
The jitter on one-way delay is the time difference between the one-way transit delays of two consecutive
packets. This jitter can be measured from source to destination and vice-versa.
JitterSD = T(N+1,2) + Toff – T(N+1,1) – (T(N,2) + Toff – T(N,1))
Every packet carries a sequence number, so that PPA-PM can identify packet loss ratio.
PPA-PM is configured to forge test packets in three ways:
• ICMP Timestamp Request: the sender emits ICMP packets whose type is 13 (Timestamp request).
The responder must respond with its own timestamp with ICMP packet type 14. This is a standard
requirement of the ICMP protocol. In other words, the responder can be any router type & make. This
allows to measure packet loss, round trip delay and one-way jitter.
• UDP Timestamp: the sender sends UDP packet in an OneAccess proprietary format. The responder
must listen to the appropriate port and respond with a timestamp included in UDP reply packet. This
allows to measure packet loss, round trip delay and one-way jitter.
• UDP Ping: the sender sends UDP packet in an OneAccess proprietary format. The responder must
listen to the appropriate port and respond with an appropriate UDP reply packet. This allows to
measure packet loss and round trip delay.
The PPA-PM responder must be configured on responding routers only if UDP ping or UDP timestamp
probes are needed.
The next command starts or restarts the PPA-PM Responder on a specified port and binds the Responder
on an ip address or on an interface if specified (binding means a received packet is accepted if it is
destined to the specified IP address or if it is received on the requested interface). If the Responder is
restarted, the statistics are reset.
CLI(configure)> ppa-pm responder port <port-number> [address <inet-
address> | interface <if-name> <if-number>]
To disable the PPA-PM responder (default state: disabled), enter the ‘no’ command:
CLI(configure)> no ppa-pm responder
A PPA-PM session must be created. A session is an object containing configuration information and
statistics of a probe. It is identified by a unique ID. To start configuring a PPA-PM session:
CLI(configure)> [no] ppa-pm session <session-id>
The target address must be defined (If the port parameter is not used the target port is the one specified by
the “ppa-pm default udp port”):
CLI(ppa-pm-cfg)> target address <inet-address> [port <port-number>]
We can set a timeout for the operation, the interval between successive executions of the probe, the
DSCP (TOS) value to be set in the IP packets or the size of the payload. Note that the frequency (in
seconds) should be greater than the timeout value (which is set in milliseconds)
The 'frequency' is the time interval between two consecutive measurement campaigns. The 'timeout' is the
time the device shall wait before considering the packet lost.
Note about the TOS: if the user wants to study network packet loss based on packet precedence, the
proper TOS value should be selected. It is important to consider that red packets may be re-colored by
traffic policing. One should activate color-aware packet marking to avoid the precedence field to be
The PPA-PM sends several packets during a measurement campaign. The number of packets within one
test campaign is defined as follows:
CLI(ppa-pm-cfg)> packet count <number>
The timeout for packet reply (enabling detection of packet loss) is set as follows:
CLI(ppa-pm-cfg)> timeout <milliseconds>
By default, the destination port must be specified in ppa-pm session, but the default destination port can
be set (default: 7777):
CLI(configure)> ppa-pm default udp port <port-number>
To schedule a PPA-PM probe (i.e. to program the launch of measurement campaigns), the ‘ppa-pm
schedule’ command must be entered:
CLI(configure)> ppa-pm schedule <session-id> start { now | <HH:MM:SS> }
Sender Side
configure terminal
interface fastEthernet 0/0
ip address
ppa-pm session 1
type jitter-udp-ping-timestamp
target address port 35000
ppa-pm schedule 1 start now Statistics
To show the configuration of a PPA-PM session (if session-number is not specified, all sessions are
CLI> show ppa-pm session [<session-number>] configuration
> session | target | packet | timeout(ms) | data size(B)
status | source | frequency(sec)| interval(ms)| tos
> 39 :7777 10 (UDP) 1000 32
active 1 20 1
To show the statistics of a PPA-PM session (if session-number is not specified, all sessions are shown):
CLI> show ppa-pm session [<session-number>] operational-state
PPA-PM session: 39 (active)
owner: ppa-pm-0
packet: 10 (UDP)
frequency: 1sec
timeout: 1000ms
interval: 20ms
data size: 32bytes
tos: 1
no statistics available
used resources: 235bytes, 0UDP socket(s), 0task(s) running
RTR operates by generating and analyzing traffic to provide a set of performance measurements such as
network delay, packet loss, availability and jitter. The task of measuring a specific metric is called a
"probe". Currently, the supported probes are ICMP Echo, which performs a classic ping operation on a
target, ICMP PathEcho, which performs a series of ping on every hop of the path from the source to the
target, like in a "traceroute" operation and pathJitter, which calculates round trip delays and a jitter
measurement of the round trip delay on the path.
The probes can be scheduled to be executed continuously or for a determined period of time, starting
immediately or after a specific delay, or even triggered by events such as the failure of another probe.
The results of each probe can be analyzed by the PPA agent, filtered and eventually stored. Depending on
the values, the results can trigger events such as the start of another probe or notifications to a network
management system via SNMP traps.
The creation and scheduling of probes and retrieval of results can be done via CLI or SNMP.
Probes are identified with a number in the 1-2147483647 range. In order to facilitate the management of
probes, they can have an "owner" string and a "tag" string attached.
To create the probe, we use the following command, in global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> rtr session <session-id>
The CLI enters the rtr configuration mode, where we can configure the operational parameters of the
probe, such as target address, filtering options and data collection. Note that we can only use the type
command at this point, to define the type of the operation and the target address.
CLI(conf-rtr)> type echo protocol ipIcmpEcho <target-address> [<source-
CLI(conf-rtr)> type echo protocol ipIcmpEcho
This command creates an ICMP echo probe, with the target address We can set also a
source address to use for the probe.
To create an ICMP EchoPath probe, we use:
CLI(conf-rtr)> type pathEcho protocol ipIcmpEcho <target-address>
The number of packet parameter (default: 10) designates the number of packets sent at each
measurement. They are sent every <interval> ms (default: 20 ms). If the keyword targetOnly is
used, the packets are sent directly to the destination address, without probing the path.
Now we can set other parameters for the probe:
CLI(conf-rtr)> owner <string>
CLI(conf-rtr)> tag <string>
We can set a timeout for the operation, the interval between successive executions of the probe, the
DSCP (TOS) value to be set in the IP packets or the size of the payload. Note that the frequency (in
seconds) should be greater than the timeout value (which is set in milliseconds)
CLI(conf-rtr)> frequency <time-in-s>
CLI(conf-rtr)> timeout <time-in-ms>
CLI(conf-rtr)> tos <decimal-value>
CLI(conf-rtr)> request-data-size <data-size-in-bytes>
The frequency is the time interval between two consecutive measurement campaigns. The timeout is
the time the device shall wait before considering the packet lost.
Note about the TOS: if the user wants to study network packet loss based on packet precedence, the
proper TOS value should be selected. It is important to consider that red packets may be re-colored by
traffic policing. One should activate color-aware packet marking to avoid the precedence field to be
upgraded. See section
Another important setting is the threshold value, which can be used for triggering events and filtering the
results with better granularity. For example, we can set the timeout to 300 ms, and a threshold of 100ms
will enable us to be notified of a deterioration of the quality of service before this becomes a problem.
CLI(conf-rtr)> threshold <time-in-ms>
Once the probe was created and all the parameters set, we can schedule the probe for execution via the
'rtr schedule' command:
CLI(configure)> rtr schedule 1 ?
Note that a scheduled probe cannot be modified. The rtr session command will display a warning
message if you attempt to reconfigure an active probe. To suppress session scheduling, use 'no rtr
session <session-id>'.
The 'show rtr' command allows us to inspect the status of the probes, as well as the results:
CLI>show rtr ?
application - RTR Application
collection-statistics - RTR Statistic Collections
configuration - RTR configuration
distributions-statistics - RTR Statistic Distributions
history - RTR History
operational-state - RTR Operational State
reaction-trigger - RTR Reaction Trigger
Except for 'show rtr application', which displays general information on the PPA module, all 'show
rtr' commands accept an optional parameter for displaying just one entry.
Example of output for a pathEcho probe:
CLI>show rtr configuration 999
Complete Configuration Table (includes defaults)
Entry Number: 999
Type of Operation to Perform: pathEcho
Reaction and History Threshold (milliseconds): 5000
Operation Frequency (seconds): 60
Operation Timeout (milliseconds): 5000
Verify Data: FALSE
Status of Entry (SNMP RowStatus): active
Protocol Type: ipIcmpEcho
Target Address:
Source Address:
Target Port: 0
Source Port: 0
Request Size (Request/Response protocol data portion): 1
Response Size (Request/Response protocol data portion): 1
Control Packets: enabled
Loose Source Routing: disabled
LSR Path:
Type of Service Parameters: 0
Life (seconds): 3600
Next Scheduled Start Time: Pending Trigger
Entry Ageout: never
Connection Loss Reaction Enabled: FALSE
Timeout Reaction Enabled: FALSE
The PPA can be configured to analyze, filter and store the results of the probes, and to react to specific
conditions, either via CLI or via SNMP.
Storage of the results is enabled via the history facility, which can be configured to filter the samples
CLI(conf-rtr)> lives-of-history-kept <nb-of-history-kept 0..2>
CLI(conf-rtr)> filter-for-history { all| failures| overthresold| none }
Entry is the RTR session identifier; LifeI is the index of the history kept; BucketI is the index of the
bucket (see below) in the history life; SampleI is the index of the sample in the bucket; SampleT is the
time of the sample (as the number of milliseconds since the last system boot up); CompT is the time within
the operation has bee completed; Sense is the return code of the operation (see next table).
Another feature is the possibility to store results in separate "buckets", according to the result of the probe.
The following commands will parse and store results in the categories:
CLI(conf-rtr)>distributions-of-statistics-kept <number-of-buckets>
CLI(conf-rtr)>statistics-distribution-interval <time-steps-in-ms>
For that example, for the following buckets: 0-4ms, 4-8ms, 8-12 ms, 12-16 ms, >16 ms
CLI(conf-rtr)>distributions-of-statistics-kept 5 ! 5 buckets
CLI(conf-rtr)>statistics-distribution-interval 4 ! 1 bucket=4 ms interval
The following show command will display the cumulated statistics for each of the defined buckets:
CLI>show rtr distributions-statistics 333
Captured Statistics
Multiple Lines per Entry
Line 1
Entry = Entry Number
StartT = Start Time of Entry (hundredths of seconds)
Pth = Path Index
Hop = Hop in Path Index
Dst = Time Distribution Index
Comps = Operations Completed
OvrTh = Operations Completed Over Thresholds
SumCmp = Sum of Completion Times (milliseconds)
Line 2
SumCmp2L = Sum of Completion Times Squared Low 32 Bits (milliseconds)
SumCmp2H = Sum of Completion Times Squared High 32 Bits (milliseconds)
TMax = Completion Time Maximum (milliseconds)
TMin = Completion Time Minimum (milliseconds)
0 66 5 4
333 1088103929 1 1 3 2 0 17
0 145 9 8
333 1088103929 1 1 4 0 0 0
0 0 1 1
333 1088103929 1 1 5 0 0 0
0 0 1 1
Entry is the RTR session identifier; StarT is the start time of the interval (as the number of milliseconds
since the last system boot up); Pth is the path index number (only valid for pathEcho probes otherwise
1); Hop is the hop index number in the path (only valid for pathEcho probes otherwise 1); Dst is the time
distribution index within the interval; Comps is the number of operations that have completed successfully;
OvrTh is the number of operations that have timed out; SumCmp is the sum of completed operation times
for all successful operations in the row (in milliseconds); SumCmp2L is the low-order 32 bits only of the sum
of the square roots of completion times (in milliseconds) for the successfully completed operations;
SumCmp2H is the high-order 32 bits only of the previous sum; TMax is the highest recorded completion
time per interval (in milliseconds); TMin is the lowest recorded completion time per interval (in
The PPA can be configured to react to different conditions with specific actions, for each probe. One
example is starting a pathEcho operation in response to a timeout on an echo operation, in order to
determine the point of failure. Session 2 is recording only probes that go over the threshold of 40 msec.
Once the probes start timing out at 100ms, session 1 is started and all data is recorded.
rtr session 1
type pathEcho protocol ipIcmpEcho
distributions-of-statistics-kept 3
filter-for-history all
lives-of-history-kept 2
statistics-distribution-interval 20
paths-of-statistics-kept 1
hops-of-statistics-kept 1
samples-of-history-kept 1
buckets-of-history-kept 4
rtr schedule 1 start-time pending
rtr session 2
type echo protocol ipIcmpEcho
distributions-of-statistics-kept 3
threshold 40
timeout 100
filter-for-history overThreshold
lives-of-history-kept 2
statistics-distribution-interval 20
paths-of-statistics-kept 1
hops-of-statistics-kept 1
samples-of-history-kept 1
rtr reaction-configuration 2 action-type triggerOnly
rtr reaction-configuration 2 timeout-enable
rtr reaction-trigger 2 1
rtr schedule 2 start-time now
The exact syntax to trigger a session based on events requires the triggered session to be in pending state
(rtr schedule <session-id> start-time pending). Then the trigger must be enabled for the
"calling" session, this command:
CLI(configure)> rtr reaction-configuration <session-id> action-type
If consecutive is selected, the RTR waits that the threshold is crossed as much consecutive times as
configured. If xOFy is selected, the action is triggered if the threshold was crossed x times during the last y
After that the action trigger is set, the session with an attached trigger must be associated with a session
that is called when the trigger is activated:
CLI(configure)> rtr reaction-trigger <calling-session> <called-session>
The embedded Web server can use either HTTP or HTTPS or both protocols. It is called "HTTP Server" in
all the cases in the following.
The HTTP or HTTPS Server relies on the OneOS feature called "Web Configurator Factory" (WCF). WCF
is a framework allowing a user to load on the router self-designed web pages. A separate document
explains the WCF features and the web page implementation.
The present document only deals with HTTP or HTTPS Server activation and configuration.
Web files can be installed one-by-one in flash file system. To make an update easier, one can upload a
TAR file in flash and untar it. The TAR file should contain all HTML files, JS, Gif … The untar operation
overwrites existing files if already present in flash. However, before decompressing the files, the untar
function can remove all files of a directory and its sub-directories.
First download the Tar file. For example, with TFTP:
CLI> copy tftp://myserver/webconfigurator.3.7r10.e3.tar web.tar
For example:
CLI> untar web.tar /webroot clean-up all-sub-dir
The HTTP protocol and the HTTPS protocol are both available by default. To select HTTP only, or HTTPS
only or both protocols, use the next command under configuration terminal:
CLI(configure)> http-server protocol { http-and-https | http-only |
https-only }
Warning: to use HTTPS, a valid certificate must be associated to the OneOS-based router. Refer to
chapter 3.26 Certificates management for more information.
The HTTP server is disabled by default. To enable/disable the HTTP server, use the next command under
configuration terminal:
CLI(configure)> http-server { enable [<path>] | disable }
The <path> is the path of the root of web pages, where the files logon.htm and index.html are
located. By default, the root path is flash://webroot.
Users accessing the web pages must be authenticated. The user login and passwords are checked from
the local password file (flash://password file). Configuration example:
CLI> user add <webuser> <webpassword> <weblevel>
By default users configured in the flash://password file can login on the web Configurator. Those
users could also access the CLI. It may be desired to strictly separate CLI and web users. To operate the
web server in this mode (with web only users), first the http-server must be started with an extra option:
CLI(configure)> http-server enable <path> allow-web-users-only
The username and the password are 64-character strings that contain any character except ":", "!", "?",
"%", "&", "<", ">", "/", "[", "\", "]", "space", "apostrophe", "quotation mark" and "tab".
The access-level is a number ranging from 0 to 15 (0=user, 7=manager, 15=admin). The access-level has
the following functions: A page can be seen by a logged user if the page has got the default access
authorization level or it is lower than or equal to logged-in user level (see 3.25.3). It is also used to check
the executed CLI commands through web interface.
The keyword invite-password-change sets a flag that will be used by the web Configurator to request
a user to change his own password (so the web pages must support this facility, which is fully optional on
the web pages). The already-encrypted keyword tells that the password is encrypted via MD5.
If the command “http-server user add …” is executed for a username that already exists, the
following warning is displayed “User already exists; Taking new attributes into account”. In this case, the
user is internally deleted, then re-created with the new user parameters.
N.B.: it is possible to create web users from IBC. If the user was already created from IBC, ‘http-server
user add <username> …’ will NOT overwrite the user parameters.
To delete a web-only user:
CLI(configure)> http-server user delete <username>
The web configurator generates CLI commands from HTML forms and sends the CLI to the product. By
default, any command that is syntax-wise correct is accepted. However, OneOS can check that either the
entered CLI privilege level is not greater than a required level (command ‘http-server wcf cli-
exec-level <max-command-level>’) or the CLI level is lower than or equal to logged user level
(command 'http-server wcf cli-exec-level http-user'). Syntax:
CLI(configure)> http-server wcf cli-exec-level {<0-15> | http-user}
By default, the http server is reachable by any IP interface (atm, loopback, fastEthernet … IP
addresses). To attach the server to one or more interface, use the ‘http-server bind’ command:
CLI(configure)> http-server bind <interface> <unit>
To unbind the server from an interface, use the ‘no’ form of the command:
CLI(configure)> no http-server bind <interface> <unit>
To unbind the server from any interface (i.e. attach to all interfaces, which is default):
CLI(configure)> http-server bind any
As security measure, it is also recommended to attach an access-list to the server. It prevents access to
the HTTP server from untrusted IP networks. To restrict access to HTTP server for HTTP clients matching
an access-list:
CLI(configure)> http-server acl <acl-name>
The outcome of applying changes on every HTML page is to create a set of CLI commands that is
executed immediately by the system when the HTML form is posted. If the changes must be saved, the
CLI commands must contain the command save running or write terminal.
autoconfiguration could be used. This feature updates the router configuration and software. In other
words, the downloaded configuration by autoconfiguration eliminates changes made by the HTTP
server by overwriting the saved configuration. However, it is still possible to overcome this incompatibility.
The process runs as follows: first, CLI commands executed by the HTTP server are saved in flash (in
flash://webroot/WCFSYSFILES). Then, autoconfiguration downloads a new configuration and reboots
the router. If OneOS reads the command http-server wcf exec-web-cli, all the CLI files in
flash://webroot/WCFSYSFILES are executed again, so that settings from http-server are again active.
To enable/disable this behavior (disabled as default):
CLI(configure)> [no] http-server wcf exec-web-cli
Users are automatically logged out after expiration of an inactivity timeout. By default, it is 1200 seconds.
To set timeout:
CLI(configure)> http-server timeout {default | <10-100000> }
When a LAN device is associated to a gateway, the HTTP proxy is implicitly enabled on the gateway.
During association, the gateway learns the LAN device name. The ‘short device name’ is the device name
where ‘_’ and subsequent parameters are stripped. All HTTP requests whose URL contains a pattern
matching the short device name is forwarded to the LAN device. For more information on association, refer
to 4.17.3.
The http server must be enabled on the LAN device in a special mode, because the HTTP protocol
between LAN device and gateway is authenticated in a special mode. To enable the HTTP server in LAN
device mode:
CLI(configure)> http-server enabled device-mode
Every logged user on the web server is associated with a user level. By default, all pages are accessible. It
is possible though to display only pages for users whose level is greater than or equal to the page level.
Aim of this security issue for WCF is to control the access level of WEB pages using one configuration file
placed in each folder. This can be easily done using some .ini files. These .ini files must be named
".wcfaccess.ini". Access level is read & set at HTTP Server startup or when the following command is
CLI(configure)> http-server wcf access-level reload
In order to implement the Access Level issue for WCF, the following format rules is used for the .ini files:
a section for each file must be created and inside it place a keyword called Access-level, as follows:
Access-level = <Access-Level-Value>
Access-level = 2
Access-level = 2
Access-level = 9
By default, when the HTTP Server is enabled, the logon.htm page always has access level set to 0
(even if a ".wcfaccess.ini" file modifies this level). One must take care that the user does not change
the access level of the logon.htm page. The rest of the files have their access level set to 1. When the
engine is triggered, if a file has a custom access level specified in a ".wcfaccess.ini" file, its access
level is changed to the specified one.
Since the use of ".wcfaccess.ini" files is not mandatory, the user can set the default access level that
will be assigned to the all files managed by the HTTP server. The following CLI allows doing this:
CLI(configure)> http-server wcf access-level default <default-level>
CLI(configure)> http-server wcf access-level default 15
Note: if no default access level is set, the default level will be 1 (like in previous versions).
The following CLI is available to assign a custom access level to a WEB page:
CLI(configure)> http-server wcf access-level assign <absolute-resource-
path> <access-level>
Note: custom access level can be assigned to any WEB Resource (html, css, js, jpg).
Note: when assigning/removing the access level for a resource, all actions are written in the .ini file. In
order to effectively set the new access level to WEB Resources, use “reload” command or re-enable the
HTTP Server!
The following CLI is available in order to remove from “.wcfaccess.ini” file the entry for a specific WEB
CLI(configure)> http-server wcf access-level delete <absolute-resource-
Note: this command can be triggered at any moment (even if the HTTP Server is up or not)!
Note: index.html page is registered twice: as URL “\” and as URL “\index.html”. On command
“show http-server wcf access-level current-access-level” it should appear twice, once for
each URL. On command “show http-server wcf access-level stored-access-level” is
should appear once since we have one single file on flash.
CLI> show http-server wcf access-level <location-path>
In order to display all access levels assigned (in specific .ini file) to all resources from a specific WEB
project, following CLI is available:
CLI> show http-server wcf access-level stored-access-level [<location-
Following format must be used to display information (like "ls" in Linux):
<absolute-resource-path> <access-level>
Path displayed is relative to <location-path>. All pages in the WEB project must be displayed, even if
they have no custom access level defined in the “.wcfaccess.ini”!
For resources defined in the .ini file, developer must display the access level specified in the
.wcfaccess.ini file. For resources that are not defined in the .ini file, developer must display the
default access level.
Parameter <location-path> is optional and can be a folder on the flash or a single file (WEB
Resource). If not provided, it will be the starting location of the HTTP Sever (if up; if HTTP Server is down,
an error message must be displayed). Full path must be provided to the desired folder/resource.
This following command displays the default access level.
CLI> show http-server wcf access-level default-access-level
This show command displays the current access-level status for all WEB Resources. In this case, the
access-level value is retrieved from HTTP Server's structures, not from the .ini files (meaning we display
the access-level which is effectively set on a resource).
This command can be triggered only when HTTP Server is up and displays access-level for all WEB
WCF Simulation mode is intended to be used when testing WEB Pages. It can do the value matching
between HTML fields and a custom file ("flash://webroot/simconf.cfg"), instead of extracting html
field values from “show run”. Also, it never executes the CLI generated - it will only display the list of
commands contained in the WEB page.
CLI(configure)> [no] http-server wcf simulation-mode
Note: the certificates management depicted below is not meant to deploy certificates on a large scale.
Note: a default HTTPS server certificate is always present to assure the functioning of HTTPS .This
default HTTPS will however generate an HTTPS warning. It can be replaced by a customized one
(see below).
To show the content of all available certificates on the device, use the following command in global mode.
CLI> show certificates
To display the content of all available certificates, use the following command lines. The detail optional
parameter adds the subject public key and the signature information to the output.
To display the list of the IPSEC CA certificates, use the following command line:
CLI> show crypto pki ca [detail]
To display the list of the IPSEC certificates, use the following command line:
CLI> show crypto pki certificates [detail]
To display the list of all available device certificates in the Secure Information Area (SIA) and the TR69
root certificate, use the following command line:
CLI> show crypto pki device-certificates [detail]
To display the list of all available HTTPS server certificates, use the following command line:
CLI> show crypto pki https [detail]
To configure the HTTPS server certificate or the IPsec Certificate Signing Request (CSR) that will be
generated (see below), first enter in certificate control mode; then use the configure command.
CLI> certificate
CLI(certificate)> configure
In this mode, a number of attributes can be changed before an HTTPS server certificate or an IPsec CSR
is generated.
The attributes that can be changed are described in the following paragraphs.
The Subject Distinguished Name (DN) attribute is a set of fields describing where the subject is
geographically and its role within an organization.
To set the Subject DN Country field, use the following command line:
CLI(cert-conf)> [no] subject C <name>
To set the Subject DN State field, use the following command line:
CLI(cert-conf)> [no] subject ST <name>
To set the Subject DN Locality field, use the following command line:
CLI(cert-conf)> [no] subject L <name>
To set the Subject DN Organization field, use the following command line:
To set the Subject DN Organization Unit field, use the following command line:
CLI(cert-conf)> [no] subject OU <name>
To set the Subject DN Common Name field, use the following command line:
CLI(cert-conf)> [no] subject CN <name>
To set the Subject DN email address field, use the following command line:
CLI(cert-conf)> [no] subject email-address <name>
Note: for a self signed certificate, these fields will also be put in the Issuer DN field.
The Subject Alternative Name extension allows various literal values to be included in the configuration
file. These include host name, IP address and other Name (user).
It is allowed to combine the 3 types of Subject Alternative Name.
To set the content of the Subject Alternative Name host name field, use the following command line:
CLI(cert-conf)> [no] alt-subject-name hostname <name>
To set the content of the Subject Alternative Name IP address field, use the following command line:
CLI(cert-conf)> [no] alt-subject-name ip-address <ip-address>
To set the content of the Subject Alternative Name user field, use the following command line; (note that
some browsers require that this field matches the host part of the URL of the HTTPS connection).
CLI(cert-conf)> [no] alt-subject-name user <name>
To set the key length and cipher type, use the following command line:
CLI(cert-conf)> [no] key { rsa-1024 | rsa-512 }
To set the extendedKeyUsage field to TLS server authentication, use the following command
line; (note that some browsers require this to be set to use the certificate for HTTPS).
CLI(cert-conf)> [no] key-usage server-authentication
To specify the URL of the TFTP server where the request should be sent and where to obtain the signed
certificate, use the following command:
CLI(cert-conf)> [no] enrollment url tftp://ip_address/filename
The ISAKMP trusted certificates must be located in the /security/certs directory. These certificates
are required to have a subjectAltName extension containing the certificate holder identity; usually ip-
address, hostname (FQDN), or user-fqdn.
The ISAKMP certificates are loaded at boot-time or after entering the command:
CLI(configure)> crypto pki reload
The ISAKMP private keys must be located in the /security/private directory. This directory contains
the private keys matching the public key of our certificate (which should be in the /security/certs
directory, and have an appropriate subjectAltName field). The name of the file must be of the format:
ip-address, hostname or user-fqdn.
The name of the key file must consist out of the value of the self-identity (also called local identity) type
• for self-identity type ip-address the filename could be (the IP address of the egress
• for self-identity type hostname the filename could be (the hostname of the
local router)
• for self-identity type user-fqdn the filename could be [email protected] or user (the email
address or name of a local user)
Note: if no local key file is found that matches the above described types, the file local.key is used as
the local key for the ISAKMP rsa-sig authentication. A certificate with a matching public key must exist
in the /security/certs directory.
A certificate can only be validated if the time and date is set correctly on the router (see time, date and
sntp commands). If the time and date is not correct, the message certificate is not yet valid
will be displayed when the router tries to validate an ISAKMP certificate.
To remove a parameter from the certificate configuration, use the no form of the command line.
To return to the default setting for all fields, use the following command line. It can be preferable to use this
command first, prior configuring the fields, to ensure that the device starts with the known default
CLI(cert-conf)> default
To generate a self-signed HTTPS server certificate, use the following command in certificate control mode.
The certificate will be placed in the /security/https_one.pem file.
CLI(certificate)> enroll self-signed
If a certificate already exists, it will be replaced. If no configuration has been done, a certificate with
CN=device serial number will be generated. The certificate serial number is also based on the device serial
number, but with a trailer to guarantee uniqueness if this action is performed multiple times.
Note: the "generate self-signed" command is deprecated and replaced by the "enroll self-
signed" command.
To generate a certificate signing request (CSR) and send the request to the URL configured in the
enrollment command, use the following command in certificate control mode. If TFTP is chosen to enroll, a
file with the name {base-name}.req will be transferred to the CA (Certificate Authority).
CLI(certificate)> enroll signing-request
To import a CA certificate and place it in the /security directory with name {base-name}.ca (with
{base-name} being the actual file name of the certificate), use the following command:
CLI(certificate)> import ca [purpose isakmp]
The keyword purpose isakmp should be added to the command line if the CA certificate is used for
ISAKMP crypto. In this way the CA certificate will be placed in the /security/ca directory.
To import a signed certificate and place it in the /security directory with name {base-name}.cer, use
the following command:
CLI(certificate)> import certificate [purpose isakmp]
The keyword purpose isakmp should be added to the command line if the certificate is used for
ISAKMP crypto. In this way the certificate will be placed in the /security/cert directory.
To import a signed certificate in the privacy enhanced mail (PEM) format and place it in the /security
directory with name {base-name}.pem, use the following command:
CLI(certificate)> import pem [purpose https]
The keyword purpose https should be added to the command line if the .pem file contains an HTTPS
server certificate. In this case the .pem file should also contain the appropriate private key.
To import a Public Key Cryptography Standards 12 (pkcs12) package and place it in the /security
directory with certificate name {base-name}.cer and private key name {base-name}.key, use the
following command:
CLI(certificate)> import pkcs12 <key> [purpose isakmp]
The key used for decrypting the package should be provided to you by the certificate authority. If the
certificate is used for ISAKMP crypto, then the keyword purpose isakmp should be added to the
command line. In this way the certificate will be placed in the /security/cert directory and the private
key will be placed in the /security/private directory.
A crypto certificate map defines the criteria to which an X509 certificate must comply. To configure a PKI
certificate map entry, and enter in certificate map configuration sub-level, use the following command line:
CLI(configure)> crypto pki certificate map <name> <priority>
name is the name of the certificate map; priority is the priority of the certificate map (0-10000).
When creating a new certificate map a priority is required. This priority will be taken into account when
matching a certificate to a certificate map; maps with the same name but different priorities will all be
checked starting with the map with the highest priority (lowest number).
The version of the command without the priority will delete all maps with the given name. When a priority is
supplied, only the map with the given priority will be deleted.
All criteria can be supplied in 4 different formats: contains (co), not contains (nc), equals (eq) and not
equals (ne). This means a certificate property must contain a certain string, not contain a string, be exactly
the same or different from a given string value, respectively. Several criteria can be applied to the same
property (e.g. co a / nc b / nc c / co d / ne da).
The certificate (map) is valid when all criteria match.
To configure one criterion for the subject name certificate property, use the following command:
CLI(cert-map)> [no] subject-name { co | nc | eq | ne } <string>
To configure one certificate alternate subject name criterion, use the following command:
CLI(cert-map)> [no] alt-subject-name { co | nc | eq | ne } <string>
To configure one certificate issuer name criterion, use the following command:
CLI(cert-map)> [no] issuer-name { co | nc | eq | ne } <string>
To remove a specific criterion for a specific certificate property, use the no form of the command.
To empty the list of criteria of a specific certificate property, use the default command:
CLI(cert-map)> default subject-name
CLI(cert-map)> default alt-subject-name
CLI(cert-map)> default issuer-name
When certificates are used for authentication, a dedicated command allows verifying the contents of the
arbitrary fields of the peers’ certificate. This is accomplished by applying a certificate map to an ISAKMP
profile (see
In order to protect the OneOS-based router as much as possible against brute force attacks, a blacklisting
process is implemented for console, tshell, telnet, SSH, and web connections (login).
For console and tshell connections: a counter in created for each service. If the entered password is
correct, the counter is reset to zero. If the password is incorrect, the message "Unauthorized access!
Check username and password!" is displayed and the counter is incremented. When the counter becomes
greater than or equals 3, the message "Your access to the … is blocked for the moment" and the answer
to password submission is delayed by 60 seconds.
For telnet, SSH, and web connections: at each failed connection attempt, the source IP address of the
request is recorded in a table. After 3 successive failed connection attempts from a given IP address, the
blacklisted flag is set and a timer of 60 seconds is started. Any following connection attempt from a black
listed IP is immediately rejected (without even offering authentication). After timer expiry, the IP address is
flushed from the table. Any successful connection attempt flushes the IP from the table. A black list table is
created for each service (telnet, SSH, web). Each table has the size that corresponds to the maximum
number of sessions for the corresponding service. If the table is full, any extra connection is rejected
immediately without even offering authentication.
The services that have been blacklisted are stored in two circular log files called blacklist1.log &
blacklist2.log; each file is limited to 70 lines.
To display the services that have been blacklisted, use the following command in global mode:
CLI> show blacklist log
Date | Service | IP Address
2009.03.17 09:41:03 | Telnet |
2009.03.17 09:42:37 | Tshell |
2009.03.17 09:52:52 | Tshell |
2009.03.17 10:40:34 | Tshell | n/a
2009.03.17 15:31:51 | Telnet |
To display, for a particular service, the currently blocked connections, use the following command:
CLI> show blacklist { console | tshell | telnet, | ssh | http-server }
IP Address Attempt Count
========================================= 2 3 (blocked)
4 C O N F I G U R A T I O N & S T A T I S T I C S
The OneOS-based routers have several Ethernet ports. Here are the guidelines to understand port
The basic syntax to enter the interface configuration mode is: interface FastEthernet
(*) This interface FastEthernet only supports the 100 Mbps full-duplex operations in auto-sense mode. If
connected in 10 Mbps or half-duplex, this interface will not connect. The problem can appear mostly with
devices forced in such modes or with old Ethernet hubs.
When the FastEthernet interface is in auto-sensing mode, the interface attempts to negotiate the fastest
mode for transmitting over the Ethernet. If the remote equipment connected to the fast Ethernet interface
of an OneOS-based router has enabled negotiation, full-duplex and 100 Mbps are preferred.
You can force the Fast Ethernet interface to use a specified mode as follows:
CLI(configure)> interface fastethernet <module>/<port>
CLI(config-if)> duplex { full | half | auto }
CLI(config-if)> speed { auto | 10 | 100 }
If the remote port does not negotiate, there are two cases to consider:
• With a module without switch: if no mode is forced, the device uses the most conservative mode (half
duplex) and the locally measured speed is chosen (10 or 100). If the duplex mode and speed are
forced, the configured parameters are used.
• With a module with switch: the negotiation must be disabled to make the FastEthernet complete its
configuration. If no mode is forced, the device uses the most conservative mode (half duplex) and the
locally measured speed is chosen (10 or 100).
CLI(config-if)> no negotiation
To re-enable auto-negotiation:
CLI(config-if)> negotiation auto
4.2.1 Introduction
The purpose of this introduction is to give an overview of wireless LAN networks (WLAN) and a tutorial
about associated protocols.
The diagram below represents the different elements of the WLAN protocol:
Link Layer
Radio Layer
The 802.11 WLAN standards are made up of standards for data transmission over a radio medium and
protocols using this medium. Overview of each functional block:
• Radio layer: this layer transports WLAN frames over a wireless medium and converts the bit stream
into an analog signal. Two standards are available in the OneOS-based routers: 802.11b and 802.11g
that support transmit rates up to 54 Mbps.
• Medium Access Control (MAC): the MAC layer determines how packets are formatted and sent over
the air. Because the air interface is a shared medium, the MAC layer uses a transmission technique
that selects which WLAN station can emit so that collisions are avoided.
• Station authentication: to avoid any WLAN station to participate to a WLAN network, they must first
be authenticated.
• Packet encryption/authentication: packets can be encrypted and sent with a digital signature, so
that packets cannot be read by any intruder, modified or emitted by a user spoofing the identity of
another user.
The OneOS-based routers offer a WLAN access point (AP) service (except ONE30/60/200/400 and
ONECell25). In this topology, WLAN clients (laptops, desktops, PDA…) are member of a BSS (Basic
Service Set). A BSS is workgroup, where WLAN clients communicate with each other via an Access Point
(AP). All frames must transit through the AP. The AP sends periodically the beacon frame that contains the
accepted transmit-rates and serves as synchronization frame for WLAN clients.
The BSS is identified by a string called SSID (Service Set Identifier). AP and WLAN clients must use the
same SSID to be able to communicate with each other. We can make the analogy of SSID being a VLAN
in the wireless world: it provides a virtual separation of WLAN networks. An AP supporting multiple SSID
can be viewed as multiple virtual AP. As WLAN clients "see" multiple AP, all protocol elements of an AP
must be replicated (e.g. an AP with multi-SSID sends one beacon frame per SSID). All OneAccess routers
support the multi-SSID capability. An application case for multiple SSID is the following: a company
reserves a SSID for its internal use (access to a Microsoft network and sensitive servers) and another
SSID for guest access (visitors can connect to the Internet while not having access to enterprise data
Company’s private
In order for a WLAN station to attach to the access point, it must go through several steps:
• Detection of the access point: the WLAN client detects the channel on which the access point is
emitting. The client also may detect the SSID of the available AP.
• Association: When a client starts, a probe request is sent out with its SSID. If the SSID corresponds
to the AP’s SSID, the AP sends a response that contains its capabilities (especially supported rates).
Then, the client sends an association request to the selected AP and must authenticate.
• Authentication: the WLAN standards define several authentication types. The client must be
configured in a compatible mode with the AP. The simplest form is the "Open" authentication where
actually no authentication takes place. A more advanced authentication scheme is WPA-PSK
(Wireless Protected Access - Pre-Shared Key), where a pre-shared key enables strong authentication
and is the basis for deriving an encryption key. The last authentication type is 802.1X (or simply called
Once authentication has succeeded, the communication between the AP and the WLAN station can be
encrypted. The encryption depends on the authentication type:
• Open: no encryption or WEP encryption (Wired Equivalent Privacy). WEP uses a static key that is 40
or 128 bits long.
• WPA-PSK: WEP cannot be used, but rather TKIP or AES-CCMP. Both algorithms use a Primary
Master Key (PMK) derived from authentication as a seed to initiate an encrypted communication
channel between the AP and the WLAN client.
• 802.1X: only TKIP or AES-CCMP, where a PMK derived from authentication is used as a seed for
encryption initiation.
TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol) was designed to replace WEP, to provide robust security without
replacing legacy hardware. For this reason, TKIP re-use the same WEP encryption hardware: a key
scheme based on RC4 is used, but unlike WEP, it encrypts every packet with its own unique (WEP)
encryption key: a temporal key is generated for every sent packet that is derived from the previous
temporal keys. The initialization vector (IV) is hashed instead of being sent in clear text, thus addressing
one of the largest WEP security flaws. TKIP provides per-packet key mixing, a message integrity check
(MIC) and a re-keying mechanism, thus addressing other security issues with WEP.
CCMP is built on the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), which provides high encryption security. The
CCMP guaranties packet integrity and authentication. Overall TKIP and AES-CCMP provide equal security
The EAP protocol provides a generic request-response framework. The authentication actually takes place
within a protocol encapsulated in EAP. When EAP starts, the user must provide its identity. Upon the
initiative of the RADIUS server, authentication starts. The RADIUS server sends challenges and expects
responses, which are then translated to the client EAP-requests/responses. Once the authentication was
successful, the RADIUS server forwards the Primary Master Key (PMK) to the AP. From the PMK, the AP
can derive the encryption key to communicate with the client.
The protocol encapsulated within EAP is rather transparent to the AP. When you configure an OneOS-
based router to run in WPA mode, you can configure the WLAN clients with PEAP or EAP-TLS. The only
requirement is that the clients be compatible with the RADIUS server.
A summary diagram is presented below:
RADIUS Access-Accept
(Primary Master Key)
Port is Open
EAP Log-off
Port is Blocked
Wi-Fi QoS prioritizes packets based on DSCP, Precedence, 802.1q/p tag … by assigning a Layer 2 CoS
(Classes of Service) value of 1 to 7. The radio maintains four priority queues, one for each Access
The selection process of AC is made using 3 modes (see dot11 qos-mapping command):
• DSCP-based only, this is default behavior: In this mode DSCP value is mapped to CoS value which in
The DSCP mapping is configurable (see dot11 qos dscp-cos-mapping command). All possible
DSCP values can be mapped to an appropriate CoS value, which in turn is mapped to an AC.
• CoS-based value only: In this mode the current CoS value is mapped to an AC. Previous CoS value
may result from a “match/set” done at the input interface.
• Based on CoS value and (if CoS not set) based on DSCP: In this mode, if the current CoS value is
set, it is mapped to an AC, otherwise the DSCP value is used, mapped to a CoS value (using default
mapping or the defined mapping), which in turn is mapped to an AC.
Enhanced DCF (EDCF) provides differentiate Distributed Coordination Function (DCF) access to the
Access Categories. EDCF have an algorithm to resolve collision among different queues, which select the
packet with the higher priority to transmit.
The collision algorithm uses the Contention Window (CW) and the minimum interframe space (AIFSN)
parameters to prioritize the traffic. These parameters are defined for each AC. A backoff timer is calculated
from a random value ranging from zero to a current CW (CW value is set initially to CWmin). If a collision is
detected, the CW is doubled and a new random value is calculated thus resulting in a new backoff timer.
The CW is doubled until a maximum CW value (the CWmax depends on the AC). After successful
transmission, the CW is set again to CWmin. The highest priority queues have got short backoff times, CW
and AIFSN. When the transmission becomes successful, the backoff timer is reset to the initial value.
Two set of values are used based on WMM Specification 1.1 rules and/or values.
The first set of values is applied by the AP for frames sent by the AP to wireless stations. These
parameters are set using the CLI command “dot11 qos class …”.
CWmin CWmax
I 1 slot 0~3 -> 7
Voice F
S slots
I 0~7 -> 15
Video F 1 slot
S slots
I 3 slots 0~15 -> 63
Best Effort F
S slots
Background I 7 slots 0~15 -> 1023
S slots
AIFSN Backoff
Values for the minimum and the maximum contention window (CW), and the slot time follow the rules
defined by Table 15 of WMM Specification version 1.1. OneOS specifies:
CWmin = 15
CWmax = 1023
So that the equivalent Table 15 for OneOS-based routers is the following:
The second set of values is advertised from AP to wireless stations using the WMM Parameters Element
IE provided in Beacon frames, Probe Response frames and Association Responses frames for QoS-STA.
These parameters are set using the CLI command “dot11 qos class-bss …”.
Values for the minimum and the maximum contention window (CW), and the slot time follow the rules
enacted by WMM Specification version 1.1 -Table 13. OneOS specifies:
CWmin = 15
CWmax = 1023
So that the equivalent Table 13 for OneOS-based routers is the following:
WiFi is ubiquitous in the enterprise since PCs, PDA and smart phones now embed WiFi clients. In some
cases the access router provides the WiFi access point feature (as for example in the OneOS-based router
range), but the location of the access router or the size of the office could not allow covering the full
geographical area. Adding one or more access points to have a full coverage is the solution but the
management of all these access points may rapidly turn in a nightmare.
The Access Point Controller (APC) is the software application included in OneOS that allow configuration
and management in a centralized way of all the access points (AP). APC software and ONEAir1 AP
together build the OneAccess WiFi extent coverage solution.
ONEAir1 are business class 802.11 b/g WiFi access points. Compact and powerful ONEAir1 embeds
enhanced features as Multi SSID (up to 4), VLAN and WMM/QOS management. Thanks to the Access
Point Controller the ONEAir1 are associated to the OneOS-based router building so a secured WiFi
Network. Up to 16 AP can be associated to the OneOS-based router.
uplink ONE Router OneAir1
You must first configure the SSID logical sub-interfaces. Then, you can configure the dot11radio physical
Note that the overall number of associated WLAN clients with OneAccess AP cannot exceed 31 clients.
By default, the access point indicates the SSID name in the beacon frame. WLAN clients scan the air and
thereby get the list of SSID and AP, which they can associate with. This mode is referred to as SSID
broadcasting or guest mode (because guest clients are invited to associate to advertised SSIDs). For
security reasons, it is desirable to disable the guest-mode:
CLI(configure)> interface dot11radio 0/0.<id>
CLI(config-if)> ssid <ssid-name>
CLI(config-ssid)> no guest-mode
Default: guest-mode.
On SSID using WPA or WPA-PSK authentication, the key for broadcast frames has to be refreshed
periodically by performing a key rotation. The broadcast key is rotated every 1800 sec by default. Enter the
following command to change the rotation period (in seconds):
CLI(configure)> interface dot11radio 0/0.<id>
CLI(config-if)> ssid <ssid-name>
CLI(config-ssid)> broadcast-key change <30-100000000>
Intra-SSID filtering: in some cases, it is required to forbid a user attached to the AP to communicate with
another user connected to the same AP. This can be required when you want that all packets first go
through a firewall before being forwarded to another destination. This filtering type is always active (default
is ‘no intraforwarding’) but can be disabled with the intraforwarding command.
CLI(config-ssid)> [no] intraforwarding
The number of associated clients can be controlled in order to preserve throughput performance within a
radio cell. By default, up to 255 associations are allowed; the number of associations can be reduced by
means of the next command:
CLI(config-ssid)> max-associations <1-255>
In this mode, no encryption and no authentication are activated. The configuration is fairly straightforward.
CLI(configure)> interface dot11radio 0/0.<unit>
CLI(config-if)> ssid <ssid-name>
CLI(conf-ssid)> authentication open
CLI(conf-ssid)> encryption none
CLI(conf-ssid)> exit
CLI(config-if)> ip address {<a.b.c.d> <mask> [secondary] | dhcp }
In this mode, encryption is done via WEP key(s). You can define up to 4 keys; so 4 different users have
their personal keys. With open authentication, actually, no authentication is done. The WEP key length can
be 40, 104 or 128 bits long (respectively: 5, 13 or 16 characters long). Every key is registered in a key slot
(ranging from 1 to 4) of the WLAN hardware. Keys are global to the AP, which means they are shared
among the different SSID. That is the reason why only the default WEP keys are defined under each SSID
and WEP keys are configured globally under the dot11radio 0/0 interface (see
CLI(configure)> interface dot11radio 0/0.<unit>
CLI(config-if)> ssid <ssid-name>
CLI(conf-ssid)> authentication open
CLI(conf-ssid)> encryption { wep40 | wep104 | wep128 }
CLI(conf-ssid)> default-key <1-4>
CLI(conf-ssid)> exit
CLI(config-if)> ip address {<a.b.c.d> <mask> [secondary] | dhcp }
With WEP encryption, you can force authentication whereby it is verified that the same shared key is
configured on the AP and WLAN client. However, this mode is not recommended, as it is very easy for a
hacker to derive the WEP key from authentication messages. The shared key authentication is enabled as
CLI(configure)> interface dot11radio 0/0.<unit>
CLI(config-if)> ssid <ssid-name>
CLI(conf-ssid)> authentication shared
Note: one must shutdown the interface when changing any authentication or encryption parameter.
In this mode, encryption is done via TKIP or AES-CCMP. You need to select the encryption mode and the
pre-shared key.
CLI(configure)> interface dot11radio 0/0.<unit>
CLI(config-if)> ssid <ssid-name>
CLI(conf-ssid)> authentication { wpa-psk | wpa2-psk }
CLI(conf-ssid)> encryption { tkip | aes-ccmp }
CLI(conf-ssid)> passphrase <psk-string>
CLI(conf-ssid)> exit
CLI(config-if)> ip address {<a.b.c.d> <mask> [secondary] | dhcp }
Note: one must shutdown the interface when changing any authentication or encryption parameter. 802.1X
802.1X requires that all EAP frames be forwarded to a RADIUS server. Before configuring the 802.1X
authentication mode, you must first configure the RADIUS servers dedicated to 802.1X authentication
within an AAA group. An AAA group is configured as follows: 1) Configure some RADIUS servers. 2)
Attach them inside an AAA group. Please refer to the AAA section for more information (see 3.21.3).
Declaration of a RADIUS server:
CLI(configure)> radius-server <ip-address> <key> [<port>] [ <source-
interface> <source-if-unit> ]
radius-server shared_secret 1812
aaa group server radius eap_radius
If several servers are defined, OneOS will always contact the last RADIUS server in the list.
Then, you can configure the SSID with the required encryption algorithm and associate the RADIUS server
CLI(configure)> interface dot11radio 0/0.<unit>
CLI(config-if)> ssid <ssid-name>
CLI(conf-ssid)> authentication { wpa | wpa2 } <radius-aaa-group>
CLI(conf-ssid)> encryption { tkip | aes-ccmp }
CLI(conf-ssid)> exit
CLI(config-if)> ip address {<a.b.c.d> <mask> [secondary] | dhcp }
Note: one must shutdown the interface when changing any authentication or encryption parameter.
Reminder: The WEP key length can be 40, 104 or 128 bits long (respectively: 5, 13 or 16 characters long).
When you have completed the dot11radio 0/0 configuration, you must enter the 'no shutdown'
command. The ‘no shutdown’ command activates the radio interface, which is ‘shutdown’ by default.
CLI(config-if)> no shutdown
Limiting the transmit-power of the AP is necessary if interferences between neighboring cells must be
reduced. The default transmit-power is set to its legal maximum:
CLI(configure)> interface dot11radio 0/0
CLI(config-if)> default power local
CLI(config-if)> power local { full | min | half | quarter | eighth }
By default, the AP accepts client association running in 802.11b or 802.11g. The client associations can be
filtered by using the command “mode”. This command is used to set the BBS Basic Rate Set and the
Operational Rate Set as specified by the 802.11 standard. A client must support all Basic Rates to be
associated with the AP. The mode is common to all SSID. The command “mode” accepts two arguments,
first one is mandatory and second one is optional.
CLI(configure)> interface dot11radio 0/0
CLI(config-if)> mode { 11b [11-only | 11b-only]
| 11bor11g [11-only | 11b-only | 11b-and-11g | 11g-only]
| 11g [11g-only] }
The different modes are summarized in the following table, rates are in Mbps.
1,2,5.5,11 1,2,5.5,11
1,2,5.5,11 6,9,12 6,9,12
18,24,36,48,54 18,24,36,48,54
STA mode
802.11b 802.11b 802.11b 802.11b
able to 802.11g 802.11g 802.11g
802.11g 802.11g 802.11g 802.11g
Note that some combinations are equivalent.
The transmission rate is selected dynamically using a rate control algorithm. Also the transmission rate can
be forced to a specific value using the command “speed”. Setting a speed value forces the transmission
rate of all frames except control frames (ACK, RTS, CTS, PS-Poll) and Beacon frames. The rate control
algorithm is then disabled so that first frame is always transmitted at this rate, but if this frame is not
acknowledged, it can be retransmitted with a lower rate. Allowed values for this parameter depend on the
mode as described previously. In “mode 11b” only values 1, 2, 5.5 and 11 are available. The argument
“best” enables the rate control algorithm and is the default behavior. When the user changes the mode, the
“speed” parameter is reset to default value, regardless of old “speed” parameter.
CLI(configure)> interface dot11radio 0/0
CLI(config-ssid)> speed {1.2 | 5.5 | 11 | 6 | 9 | 12 | 18 | 24 | 36 | 48
| 54 | best }
The number of associated clients can be controlled in order to preserve throughput performance within a
radio cell. By default, up to 255 associations are allowed; the number of associations can be reduced by
means of the next command:
CLI(configure)> interface dot11radio 0/0
CLI(config-ssid)> max-radio-associations <1-255>
The radio channel is selected within the 2.4 GHz band. The radio channel is selected as the channel
number (ranging from 1 to 13) or as the frequency (from 2,412 to 2,472 MHz). Be aware that not all
channels are authorized by regulation authorities where the product is installed. For your information, all 13
channels are authorized within EMEA except France. To force the regulatory domain, use the command
dot11 location … (see next section). To force the channel:
CLI(configure)> interface dot11radio 0/0
CLI(config-if)> channel { <1..13> | 2412 | 2417 | ... | 2472}
channel 11 is the default behavior. It scans all channels. If the two optional parameters are provided,
the scanning is done between those two channel frequencies. If the channel determined as best is the
currently selected one, the AP switches to the 2nd best channel. This is to force the AP to switch between
channels. If you want to restart channel scanning, enter the command dot11 restart.
You can select the preferred mode when the AP is equipped with 2 antennas. The default mode (antenna
diversity) is recommended, because it dynamically selects the antenna providing highest performance.
CLI(configure)> interface dot11radio 0/0
CLI(config-if)> antenna select { left | right | diversity }
Clear Channel Assessment (CCA) threshold is specified to be -62 dBm to meet IEEE 802.11 specification.
The next command allows increasing this threshold in some noisy environments where channel is
considered busy without any 802.11 valid frames. You should keep the default CCA value unless you
notice that the channel is busy although there is no traffic (idle activity should be less than 4% in show
dot11 channel-activity). Having an idle channel detected as busy can result in bad throughput
performance. However, do not set CCA to a high value as it degrades reach (stations far from the AP send
with a weak signal; the received signal can be weak enough to be under CCA threshold).
CLI(configure)> interface dot11radio 0/0
CLI(config-if)> cca <-62..0>
The beacon period is the time interval between two consecutive beacon frames.
CLI(config-if)> beacon period <20-1000>
The default beacon period is configured in milliseconds. Default is 100 msec. To restore the default
beacon period:
CLI(config-if)> default beacon period
Some optimizations have been brought to the 802.11 protocol in order to maximize autonomy of battery-
powered devices such as WLAN mobile phones. The DTIM field in the beacon frame (Delivery Traffic
Indication Map) indicates whether there are some packets waiting to be sent to a power-saving device.
The DTIM count provides the periodicity after which the power-saving device should wake up, examine the
beacon frame and sleep again if there are no frames addressed to the device. By default, the DTIM count
is 2, i.e. the DTIM field is included in the beacon frame in every 2 beacon frames. To override the default
DTIM count:
CLI(config-if)> beacon dtim <1-100>
The RTS threshold is the quantity of data that must be accumulated for sending within the AP before trying
to request access to medium (i.e. sending a Request-To-Send -RTS- frame). Setting a short RTS
threshold is often beneficial to throughput, as small packets do not have to wait unnecessarily. RTS
threshold = 0 provides the best performance with one WLAN station and AP for TCP-based flows (as TCP
ACK are sent without waiting, TCP flow control increases the emission rate). Setting a high threshold is
recommended when the traffic profile is verbose and bursty (ex: on a bridge AP). To set the RTS threshold
(in bytes, default value 2347 bytes):
CLI(config-if)> default rts threshold
CLI(config-if)> rts threshold <0-2347>
The fragmentation threshold is the maximum frame size emitted on the WLAN medium, resulting of the
fragmentation of a packet. A high fragmentation threshold is recommended if you want the best throughput
whereas a low fragmentation threshold is recommended if you want the best reach (fragmentation
improves robustness towards a high bit error ratio, but adds protocol overhead). To set the fragmentation
threshold (in bytes) and set the default value (2346 bytes):
CLI(config-if)> fragmentation-threshold <256-2346>
CLI(config-if)> default fragmentation-threshold
Source MAC address filtering (Station filtering): it might be desirable to accept frames only from selected
stations (i.e. received frames with certain MAC source addresses). In some other cases, it may be useful
to ban a user (i.e. only drop frames with certain source MAC addresses). By default, this mode is always
For filtering configuration, first enter in SSID configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> interface dot11radio 0/0
For source MAC address filtering, the filtering mode must be selected. If the mode is allow (default), you
will then enter the list of client MAC addresses, which are allowed to connect to AP. If the mode is deny,
you will then enter the list of client MAC addresses, which are NOT allowed to connect to AP. To disable
such filtering please enter the mode none. The MAC addresses are entered by means of the acl-add
command (respectively removed by acl-del). An optional alias name can be associated to the MAC
address to facilitate the understanding of the result of the debug and show commands (see 4.2.4).
CLI(config-if)> acl-mode { allow | deny | none }
CLI(config-if)> acl-add <AA>:<BB>:<CC>:<DD>:<EE>:<FF> [alias <alias>]
CLI(config-if)> acl-del <AA>:<BB>:<CC>:<DD>:<EE>:<FF>
The “QoS WMM” and the "Power-Save mode" functionalities are configured inside “interface
dot11radio” configuration mode.
To enable “QoS WMM” (with or without U-APSD):
Note: to apply this change one must reboot the equipment after having saved the configuration.
To disable U-APSD:
CLI(configure)> interface dot11radio 0/0
CLI(config-if)> no dot11 qos wmm uapsd
The configuration of access categories queues parameters for the AP is done inside “interface
dot11radio” configuration mode. For each AC, an intermediate node is used to configure queues
parameters. To enter in an AC intermediate node:
CLI(configure)> interface dot11radio 0/0
CLI(config-if)> dot11 qos [class | class-bss] [background | best-effort
| video | voice]
The AC selection mode defines if the AC is selected from CoS value, DSCP or both. By default, the AC is
taken from the DSCP value. To configure the AC selection mode:
CLI(config-if)> dot11 qos mapping-mode [dscp|cos|both]
CLI(config-if)> no dot11 qos mapping-mode
The radio working mode is "plug and play". The AP auto-detects free channels and configures the transmit
power (max. 18 dB, bit rate dependent). A country code is used to identify the regulatory domain. Both
regulatory domain and wireless mode (802.11b or 802.11g) are used to build the channel list by scanning
the regulatory domain table and pick up the channels with matching wireless modes. To set the ISO
country code:
CLI(configure)> dot11 location isocc <country-code>
The country-code is ISO encoded country code: fr, us, gb, ch, es, pl, nl, de… You will find the
exact country list by entering the show dot11 country table command.
When TKIP is activated on a SSID, MIC (Message Integrity Check) verifies received packet integrity. If
2 MIC integrity check failures are observed within 60 seconds, the station is de-associated and its key is
dropped. As a counter measure, the corresponding WLAN station is held off for the hold-off period,
which 60 seconds is by default:
CLI(configure)> dot11 tkip-countermeasure <hold-off-in-seconds>
The dot1x client timeout parameter is the amount of time that the AP waits for the client to answer to EAP
messages. Otherwise, the EAP negotiation fails.
CLI(configure)> dot1x client-timeout <seconds>
The dot1x server timeout parameter is the amount of time that the AP waits for the server to answer to
EAP messages. Otherwise, the EAP negotiation fails.
CLI(configure)> dot1x server-timeout <seconds>
The reauthentication period is the time interval in seconds between which a client must re-authenticate to
the server to negotiate a new master key:
CLI(configure)> dot1x reauth-period <30-4294967295>
By default, reauthentication takes place every 60 seconds; to restore the default value:
CLI(configure)> dot1x reauth-period
The aging parameter determines the time period after which an inactive station is disassociated by the AP.
By default, an inactive station is disassociated after 300 seconds. To change this aging period in seconds:
CLI(configure)> dot11 aging-timer <10..3600>
An aging period below 120 seconds must not be used unless it is for test purposes. The accuracy of this
aging timer is 60 seconds: the association table is scanned every minute. Stations whose inactivity period
is greater than the aging timer are disassociated. In other words, in the worst case, the inactive stations is
dissaciated after (aging-timer + 60) seconds.
configure terminal
interface dot11radio 0/0.1
ssid hotspot1
authentication wpa-psk
passphrase OA112233445566
ip address
Open Mode:
configure terminal
interface dot11radio 0/0.1
ssid hotspot2
authentication open
encryption none
ip address
interface dot11radio 0/0
acl-mode allow
acl-add 00:12:17:98:81:9d
no shutdown
configure terminal
radius-server shared_secret 1812
aaa group server radius eap_radius
interface dot11radio 0/0.1
ssid hotspot4
authentication wpa eap_radius
encryption tkip
ip address
interface dot11radio 0/0
acl-mode allow
acl-add 00:12:17:98:81:9d
no shutdown
If you wish a WLAN client to access a Microsoft Network on the wired LAN (to access shared directories or
a printer), the solution is that the WLAN interface and the LAN interface be managed within the same IP
network. Furthermore, MAC frames must be bridged (without IP routing) from WLAN to LAN and vice
In order to activate bridging, you must declare a bridge virtual interface (BVI) and attach it to the LAN and
WLAN sub-interfaces. Full details on BVI are in 4.11.2.
The BVI interface is declared as follows:
CLI(configure)> interface bvi <id>
CLI(config-if)> ip address <ip> <mask>
CLI(config-if)> bridge-group <bridge-id>
CLI(config-if)> exit
Then, attach the same bridge-id under LAN and WLAN sub-interfaces:
CLI(configure)> interface dot11radio 0/0.<id>
CLI(config-if)> bridge-group <bridge-id>
CLI(config-if)> exit
CLI(configure)> interface fastEthernet 0/0
CLI(config-if)> bridge-group <bridge-id>
CLI(config-if)> exit
interface bvi 1
ip address
bridge-group 101
interface fastethernet 0
bridge-group 101
interface dot11radio 0/0.1
ssid hotspot3
authentication open
encryption wep40
default-key 1
bridge-group 101
interface dot11radio 0/0
acl-mode allow
acl-add 00:12:17:98:81:9d
key-value 1 abcde
no shutdown
To bridge the data traffic between the radio interface and a VLAN interface (FastEthernet or ATM or …), it
is necessary to add a native 802.1q header to the packets received on the radio interface, and inversely to
control and remove an 802.1q header from the packets sent to the radio interface.
To set an 802.1q VLAN ID and optionally an 802.1q priority, use the following command in logical interface
CLI(configure)> interface dot11radio 0/0.<id>
CLI(config-if)> native-dot1Q <vlan-id> [default-pri <0-7>]
To remove the native VLAN on the WLAN interface, use the 'no' form of the command:
CLI(configure)> interface dot11radio 0/0.<id>
CLI(config-if)> no native-dot1Q
Note that the APC configuration is only available after having entered, using the sw-right command, the
license key dedicated to your OneOS-based router and corresponding to the software license you bought
(APC-8 or APC-16 license).
To enable the AP controller and enter in APC configuration mode, use the following command in global
configuration mode. Use the no form of the command to disable the AP controller.
CLI(configure)> [no] ap-controller
Warning: disabling the AP controller erases the whole APC configuration including the profile files
that have been created.
To define how the APC will manage the configuration of the AP, use the following command in APC mode:
CLI(config-apc)> provisionning-mode { discover | template | none }
• none: (default value) the same configuration is sent to all the AP. This configuration is taken from the
webroot/bsaStart.cfg file.
• discover: as the AP are discovered the configuration taken from the webroot/bsaStart.cfg.nn
file is sent (nn from 01 to 16).
• template: as the AP are discovered the configuration described in a virtual profile and associated to
the AP is sent.
To define a virtual profile that contains the command lines of the configuration to send, use the following
command in APC configuration mode. Use the no form of the command line to remove the virtual profile.
CLI(config-apc)> [no] virtual-profile <vitual-profile-name>
The command lines can then be directly entered using the set command and /or taken from a file using
the source-file command and / or taken from another profile using the source-profile command.
All entered command lines are gathered in the virtual profile taking into account their sequence-line-
number in ascending order (use the recount command to renumber the various command lines if
needed). Use the no form of the commands to remove a command line, a source file or a source profile
CLI(config-vprofile)> [no] set <sequence-line-number> <command-line>
CLI(config-vprofile)> [no] source-file <filename-path>
CLI(config-vprofile)> [no] source-profile <vitual-profile-name>
CLI(config-vprofile)> exit
To associate a profile with an AP, use the following command in APC configuration mode. Use the no form
of the command to remove the association.
CLI(config-apc)> [no] profile-associate <AP-MAC-addr> <virtual-profile-
To associate a default profile with other AP those have not been explicitly associated use the following
command in APC configuration mode. Use the no form of the command line to remove the default profile.
CLI(config-apc)> [no] profile-default <virtual-profile-name>
The AP controller monitors the presence of the AP using a keepalive method. This keepalive method is
activated by default and sends a keepalive message every 30 seconds (default value). When an AP does
not answer to the keepalive message, the APC tries 3 more times (default value) before de-associate the
AP. The latter will then reboot and re-associate. To modify the default values, use the following commands
in APC configuration mode:
CLI(config-apc)> keepalive frequency <15-1200>
CLI(config-apc)> keepalive retries <2-60>
To apply the default value again, use the following commands in APC configuration mode:
CLI(config-apc)> default keepalive frequency
CLI(config-apc)> default keepalive retries
To deactivate the keepalive process, use the no form of the command. To re-activate the keepalive
process with the default values, use the command without parameter.
CLI(config-apc)> no keepalive
CLI(config-apc)> keepalive
Note: as well as for the APC that needs being shutdown to be configured, the AP need also to be
shutdown to be configured. Think to place the shutdown command in the profile to send to the AP.
An AP updates its software and configuration when it starts, periodically depending on its configuration
and when it re-associates. To force an AP to update (i.e. getting its configuration from the virtual profile
that has been created) use the following command in global mode:
CLI> ap-controller auto-update-start <AP-MAC-addr>
sw-right APC-8 f74a3efcbc3d612064a30f67d7d27f77
no reboot recovery-on-error
logging buffered size 16364
virtual-profile ADMIN
set 10 configure terminal
set 15 hostname oneair
set 30 interface fastethernet 0/0.2
set 40 bridge-group 2
set 50 no ip address
set 60 encapsulation dot1q 3001
set 70 exit
set 80 interface dot11radio 0/0.1
set 90 bridge-group 2
set 100 no ip address
set 110 exit
set 160 interface bvi 2
set 170 bridge-group 2
set 180 exit
set 190 apc-collector disable
set 195 exit
virtual-profile WIFI
source-profile ADMIN
set 90 configure terminal
set 100 interface dot11radio 0/0.1
set 105 shutdown
set 110 ssid apc_apc
set 120 authentication wpa-psk
set 130 encryption tkip
set 140 passphrase **********
set 150 exit
set 175 no shutdown
set 180 exit
set 310 interface dot11radio 0/0
set 315 shutdown
set 330 acl-add 00:01:02:03:04:05
set 340 acl-add 00:02:04:06:08:Oa
set 1400 acl-add ff:ee:dd:cc:bb:aa
set 1410 acl-add ff:dd:bb:99:77:55
set 1420 key-value 1 abcde
set 1430 dot11 qos wmm
set 1440 channel least-congested
set 1450 no shutdown
set 1460 exit
set 1470 exit
virtual-profile ap_1
source-profile WIFI
set 10 configure terminal
set 20 hostname ap_1
set 30 interface dot11radio 0/0
set 40 shutdown
set 50 channel 1
set 60 no shutdown
set 70 exit
set 80 exit
virtual-profile ap_2
source-profile WIFI
set 10 configure terminal
set 20 hostname ap_2
set 30 interface dot11radio 0/0
set 40 shutdown
set 50 channel 6
set 60 no shutdown
set 70 exit
set 80 exit
profile-associate 00:11:22:33:44:55 ap_1
profile-associate 0f:0e:0d:0c:0b:0a ap_2
profile-default WIFI
provisioning-mode template
no shutdown
hostname apc
interface FastEthernet 0/3
ip address
interface Bvi 2
ip proxy-arp
ip address
encapsulation dot1Q 3001
bridge-group 2
interface FastEthernet 0/0.2
encapsulation dot1Q 3001
bridge-group 2
interface FastEthernet 1/0.2
encapsulation dot1Q 3001 native
bridge-group 2
To facilitate the understanding of the result of the following debug and show commands, it is possible to
associate alias names to the MAC addresses so the alias is displayed instead of the MAC address value.
To associate an alias name to a MAC address, use the following command in interface dot11radio
configuration mode (see also the acl-add command).
CLI(config-if)> dot11 alias set AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF <alias>
To display the SSID using either MAC address value or alias name, use the following command in
interface dot11radio configuration mode (default full-mac).
CLI(config-if)> dot11 alias display ssid { full-mac | alias }
To display a station using full MAC address value or MAC address value with OUI name or alias name,
use the following command in interface dot11radio configuration mode (default full-mac).
CLI(config-if)> dot11 alias display station {full-mac | oui-mac | alias}
To debug WLAN client association and radio layer events, use the following debug command:
CLI> debug dot11 [error <level>]
To display information sent in beacon frames (if you choose a debug level, be careful: lots of traces are
CLI> debug dot11 beacon <level>
CLI> no debug dot11 beacon
To display information about probe frames (if you choose a debug level, be careful: lots of traces are
CLI> debug dot11 probe <level>
CLI> no debug dot11 probe
To display information about dot11 initialization (displays what happens during ‘no shutdown’):
CLI> debug dot11 init <level>
CLI> no debug dot11 init
To capture the 802.11 frames and to decode frames in Wireshark, the capture utility can be used (refer
to section 3.15).
To display MAC address cache for MAC authentication and to clear MAC address cache:
CLI> show dot11 mac-cache
CLI> clear dot11 mac-cache
Refer to the show dot11 command for the parameter possible values.
4.3.1 Features
The ATM service enables the transport of voice and data. To initiate the service, protocol stacks are
configured using CLI commands. These commands permit the configuration of the ATM physical interface
and logical sub-interfaces that are associated with Permanent Virtual Connections (PVC).
The PVC configuration requires parameters related to ATM technology (VPI, VCI, QoS, OAM, etc.) and
parameters related to the type of transport protocol (classical IP or IP over PPP).
The steps for configuration are:
• Parameter settings (value control)
• Checking parameter coherence and applying changes (command: execute).
If the execute command is not entered, WAN parameters do not enter in effect.
The ATM interface is referenced by the port number as explained in the previous section.
The port number references the interface that gathers the physical interface (such as DSL) and several
PVC supported by this interface.
Enter the port number to configure the ATM interface (the interface is created if it does not exist):
CLI> configure terminal
CLI(configure)> interface atm <port number>
The following commands set common PVC parameters, such as the chosen VP/VC identifiers.
The parameters are assembled in a profile defined by “driver ident”. Enter the driver ident index
(usually 0):
CLI(config-if)> driver ident <index>
Then specify the maximum number of PVC (VP/VC) that can be provisioned on the interface:
CLI(drv)> max channels <value>
<value>: This parameter indicates the maximum PVC number available under the interface. Default: 8.
Then, enter the maximum VP number and the maximum VC number:
CLI(drv)> max vp <value>
CLI(drv)> max vc <value>
The first command provides the maximum number of Virtual Paths (VP) allowed on this interface. The
number varies between 1 and 8. Default: 1.
The second command provides the maximum number of Virtual Circuits (VC) allowed. The number varies
between 1 and 8. Default: 1.
The range of value for VP and VC identifiers must be set using the following commands:
The above-referenced command specifies the minimal and maximal bounds of the VP Identifier (VPI)
value allowed. This VPI can vary between 0 and 255. Default min: 0, Default max: 1.
CLI(drv)> range vc min <value> max <value>
The above-referenced command specifies the minimal and maximal bounds of the VC Identifier (VCI)
value allowed in configuration. The VCI can vary between 32 and 2048. Default min: 32, Default max: 40.
The Maximum Transmit Unit (MTU) size can be specified. The MTU designates the largest packet size that
is supported by the interface. The MTU settings apply to data traffic using the interface. The command is:
CLI(drv)> mtu <size>
The size ranges between 32 and 9188 (size in bytes). Default: 4470.
interface atm 0
driver ident 0
max vp 1
max vc 3
range vc min 32 max 100
range vp min 0 max 5
max channels 3
mtu size 1496
The G.SHDSL interface corresponds to the most popular form of symmetrical DSL. It is based on the
G.991.2 standard and offers better reach than the SDSL 2B1Q standard.
To start the G.SHDSL configuration, the user must enter into the configuration mode using the command:
CLI> configure terminal
Then the user must enter into the interface configuration mode using the command:
CLI(configure)> interface atm <interface number>
The CLI enters into the G.SHDSL configuration mode (in config-if), when typing the next command:
CLI(config-if)> gshdsl
Some parameters must be chosen before starting the G.SHDSL interface. The related commands and
parameters are:
The annex command specifies the standard that will be used: A, for American standard and B, for
European standard.
CLI(gshdsl)> annex { A | B }
The following command indicates the equipment type. Only the CPE type is offered.
CLI(gshdsl)> equipment CPE
The linerate command enables configuration of the interface bit rate in fixed or adaptive mode. The rate
value is fixed between 192 and 2304 kbps by steps of 64 kbps (2-wire G.SHDSL) or between 384 and
4608 kbps by steps of 128 kbps (4-wire G.SHDSL).
The linerate adaptive command sets the range of bit rates that the G.SHDSL chipset can use in
adaptive mode. The device and DSLAM provide the highest line rate possible within the range defined
here according to line features (length, attenuation) and tolerable Bit Error Ratio. Two parameters define
the minimum rate and the maximum rate (in kbps).
CLI(gshdsl)> linerate adaptative <value1> <value2>
To use the default linerate setting (from 192 to 2304 kbps – 2-wires – and from 384 and 4608 kbps – 4-
wires –):
CLI(gshdsl)> default linerate
A G.SHDSL interface can use two or four wires; doubling the number of wire doubles the interface speed.
The ‘mode’ command forces a four-wire interface to either apply the two-wire mode or to specify the four-
wire operation mode. Only the four-wire interface with byte interleaving is supported (bit interleaving is not
supported). When using the interface in four-wire mode, three connection modes are possible: standard,
enhanced or enhanced_sim. The enhanced mode synchronizes one copper pair then the other. The
enhanced_sim and the standard mode start the synchronization of both pairs simultaneously. These
two modes enable then a faster synchronization time. The standard mode is compliant with the ITU-T
standard. Therefore, the standard mode is the default value. In case of connection problems, it is
recommended to try all of them.
CLI(gshdsl)> mode {2_wire | 4_wire_byte_interleave [enhanced |
enhanced_sim | standard]}
When the G.SHDSL interface has four wires, you can configure the autoconfig mode. In that mode, the
router detects the DSLAM configuration and then sets the appropriate G.SHDSL parameters (unless some
parameters are forced in the CLI configuration). The argument after ‘mode autoconfig’ is the
connection mode used for the handshake. The handshake can be done in two or four-wire mode, then the
CPE retrieves the line parameters from the DSLAM (line rate, number of wires, enhanced or standard, first
pair to synchronize) and initializes the G.SHDSL line according to the retrieved parameters. If you
previously forced a parameter like the number of wires (command: mode 2_wire) or line rate (command:
linerate), the retrieved corresponding parameter from the DSLAM is ignored.
CLI(gshdsl)> mode autoconfig {2-wire | 4-wire-enhanced | 4-wire-standard}
A mode autoconfig synchro-GSPN command has been added for inter vendor compatibility. For
detailed information about this command, contact OneAccess Support.
To disable autoconfig:
CLI(gshdsl)> no mode autoconfig
The mode autosense has the same effect as ‘mode autoconfig’ but it is a deprecated command.
CLI(gshdsl)> mode autosense
The mode-dslam command is actually a workaround to allow a fast adaptive connection with DSLAM
using a Metallink chipset (default setting: default).
CLI(gshdsl)> mode-dslam {default | METALLINK}
execute: This command closes the physical interface configuration putting into place the parameters that
have been set.
CLI(gshdsl)> execute
interface atm 0
The max-tx-ring command specifies the maximum size of the transmission buffer ring. The minimum
configurable size is 4 and the maximum is 128. The default size is 128.
CLI(gshdsl)> max-tx-ring <value>
The action-sync-lock command is a workaround command and specifies the action to do in case of
deadlock during synchronization: none, reboot or resync for beginning a new synchronization can be
set as parameter.
CLI(gshdsl)> action-sync-lock {none | reboot | resync}
The sync-pair command forces the first pair that will be started at beginning of synchronization. No pair
is forced while setting auto, first pair with normal and second pair with crossed. Default value is auto.
CLI(gshdsl)> sync-pair {auto | normal | crossed}
The synchro command specifies the activation of retrain on loss of framing (if framing is lost, by default,
the SHDSL line should restart training). Retrain is enabled if setting synchro is set as check otherwise it
is disabled.
CLI(gshdsl)> synchro {check | default | no}
By default, the number of CRC errors is monitored. By default, the lines are resynchronized if the SHDSL
modem detects more than 3 CRC errors per second. Entering "crc check <n>" changes the number of
acceptable consecutive CRC errors during one second. Its value varies from 1 to 30. "crc check" sets
the default CRC error value. "crc no" disables the control of CRC errors (resynchronization is started due
to other criteria such as loss of signal).
CLI(gshdsl)> crc { check [<n>] | no }
interface atm 0
driver ident 0
range vp min 0 max 100
range vc min 32 max 100
crc check 30
Admin.Status UP Oper.Status UP UP
EOC Statistics
EOC is enabled: expecting discovery
EOC is enabled: expecting discovery Stable state is: “EOC is enabled:
EOC statistics (power-on lastread) running”
commands 0x00000000 0x00000000
To start the G.SHDSL.bis configuration, the user must enter into the configuration mode using the
CLI> configure terminal
After the SHDSL controller has been set up, the next step is to set up a DSL group within the SHDSL
The dsl-group command enters the configuration mode of the DSL group:
CLI(conf-ctrl)> dsl-group <dsl_group_number>
Now, the DSL group can be configured. Refer to Configuration command overview of the DSL
group for a detailed explanation of the DSL group commands.
The dsl-group command assigns the configured DSL group to the ATM interface:
CLI(config-if)> dsl-group 0
Note: As of V4.2 software release, only one EFM interface, the EFM interface 0, can be activated.
The dsl-group command assigns the configured DSL group to the EFM interface:
CLI(conf-if)> dsl-group 0
Use the following command to specify the SHDSL standard that will be used.
CLI(dsl-group)> annex { A-F | B-G | auto } [tc-pam { 16 | 32 | auto }]
• 32: with tc-pam 32, the line rate ranges from 768 kbps to 5696 kbps.
• auto: when using this value, the modulation will be determined automatically.
Note: For CPE devices, only auto is possible.
Use the following command to set which type of capability lists can be exchanged, default: auto.
During the SHDSL initial handshake phase, the two peers of the link exchange information on their
capabilities. This includes whether or not they support G.SHDSL.bis. Some older DSLAM SHDSL cards
refuse to proceed with the SHDSL handshake if they receive a capabilities list as defined in the newer
G.SHDSL.bis standard. Therefore this command can be used to make the router interoperable with these
older SHDSL implementations.
CLI(dsl-group)> caplist { oldstyle | newstyle | auto }
Use the following command to set the current condition startup margin, in function of which a line speed
has to be selected during the ITU-T G.994.1 auto speed negotiation, default: disabled.
This command takes into account the current condition the device is operating under, during which the
connection has to remain up. The higher the cctargetmargin will be, the lower the selected line speed
will be, but the more stable the line will be.
If the cctargetmargin is disabled, the target margin is not considered during the ITU-T G.994.1 auto
speed negotiation, i.e. all speeds are available (the target margin is the amount of received signal power in
excess of that required to achieve the DSL target bit error rate of 10-7).
CLI(dsl-group)> cctargetmargin { disabled | -10db .. +10db }
The cctargetmargin range can be set between –10 dB and +10 dB, or can be disabled.
For example, when setting cctargetmargin to 8 dB, there must be an 8 dB difference between signal
and noise level under the current conditions, for the line to remain up.
If both ccTargetMargin and wcTargetMargin are disabled, no line probing will be done.
Use the following command to set the CRC error checking, default: crc check 10.
CLI(dsl-group)> crc { no | check [<crc_time_check>] }
crc_time_check is being any value in seconds between 1 and 30. It is expressed in consecutive errored
seconds. This means, when crc_time_check is set to 10, that after 10 consecutive errored seconds, the
device will retrain.
In order to stop the CRC check, use the ‘no’ command:
CLI(dsl-group)> crc no check
Use the following command to set the equipment type, default: CPE.
CLI(dsl-group)> equipment { CO | CPE }
Use the following command to set the data transfer rate. It enables configuration of the interface bit rate in
fixed or adaptive mode, default: adaptive 192 5696.
To use the fixed mode, proceed as follows:
CLI(dsl-group)> linerate fixed <value>
The rate value is fixed between 192 and 5696 kbps in steps of 64 kbps (per line pair G.SHDSL.bis).
To use the adaptive mode, proceed as follows:
CLI(dsl-group)> linerate adaptative <value1> <value2>
The linerate adaptive command sets the range of bit rates that the G.SHDSL.bis chipset can use in
adaptive mode. The device and DSLAM provide the highest line rate possible within the range defined
here according to line features (length, attenuation) and tolerable Bit Error Ratio. value1 and value2
define the minimum rate and the maximum rate (in kbps).
To use the default linerate setting (from 192 to 5696 kbps per line pair), proceed as follows:
CLI(dsl-group)> default linerate
The linerate set with the two above commands, is the line rate for one pair. So, for instance, if 4 pairs
are used, the total rate is linerate multiplied by 4.
Use the following command to set the number of lines that will be used, default: 1-4.
CLI(dsl-group)> lines <value>
Use the following command to set the minimum signal quality thresholds the line signal has to comply with.
When not complying with these conditions, the device will retrain, default: check 20 2dB.
CLI(dsl-group)> meansq {no | check [<sq_time_check> [<sq_threshold>]]}
sq_time_check is used to set the signal quality time period (expressed in seconds), during which the
signal quality is measured. Its range can be set between 1 and 30 seconds.
sq_threshold is used to set the minimum signal quality threshold. Its range can be set between –2 dB
and 10 dB.
If the sq_threshold value is exceeded during the sq_time_check, the device retrains.
Use the following command to set the worst condition startup margin, in function of which a line speed has
to be selected during the ITU-T G.994.1 auto speed negotiation.
This command is similar to the cctargetmargin command (explained above), except that this command
takes into account the worst possible condition that can occur on the line, during which the line still has to
remain up.
CLI(dsl-group)> wctargetmargin {disabled | -10db .. +10db}
The wctargetmargin range can be set between –10 dB and +10 dB, or can be disabled.
For example, when setting wctargetmargin to 5 dB, there must be a 5 dB difference between signal
and noise level for the line to remain up.
If both ccTargetMargin and wcTargetMargin are disabled, no line probing will be done.
When autoconfig is enabled the router detects the DSLAM configuration when setting up a connection
and then sets the appropriate parameters (unless some parameters are forced in the CLI configuration). It
concerns the number of line pairs in use and possibly some more parameters depending on the DSLAM
chipset. The autoconfig parameter is applicable only for ATM connections. It has no impact on EFM
connections. The argument after autoconfig is the connection mode used for the handshake. The
handshake can be done in one or multi-pair mode. Then the CPE retrieves the connection parameters
from the DSLAM and initializes the line pairs according to the retrieved parameters.
CLI(dsl-group)> autoconfig { multi-pair | single-pair }
Note 1: The autoconfig mode will always try to synchronize on the first pair when configured in
single-pair. If this line pair is not answering (e.g. it is not connected), the synchronization on the other
line pairs will never be started.
Note 2: The autoconfig mode does not involve an automatic fallback mechanism to a smaller number of
line pairs if one line pair disconnects for some reason. Unlike EFM or IMA it is inherent to the ATM
encapsulation over SHDSL links that the complete link is broken if one line pair is no more operational.
To disable autoconfig:
CLI(dsl-group)> no autoconfig
The following parameter is only relevant for ATM operation in interoperability with Conexant (GlobeSpan)
chipsets. Use the following command to set the operational mode of the lines, default: auto.
CLI(dsl-group)> 4-wire-mode { standard | enhanced | auto }
Note: when actually using less than 4 wires, this command can be ignored.
Use standard to have the handshake status exchanged in ATM 4-wire mode according to the SHDSL
standard (exchange on the master wire pair only).
Use enhanced to have the handshake status exchanged in ATM 4-wire mode according to Conexant
"enhanced" mode (exchange on all wire pairs). This was the only supported mode on Conexant chipsets
with older software version (below 2.5 on Orion). Newer software versions support both standard and
enhanced modes (configurable).
Use auto to have ATM 4-wire mode decided automatically based on the readout of the peer's chipset and
software version. If the chipset is Conexant with an older software version, the enhanced mode is used.
Otherwise the standard mode is used.
Use disabled only for 1-pair operation; in this case the additional EFM aggregation layer is not present.
This slightly optimizes the bandwidth use on a single pair.
Use static to have the number of lines used for EFM aggregation being exactly the number of line pairs
configured. There is no negotiation with the peer SHDSL on which line pairs to bond. Use this option if the
DSLAM does not support EFM negotiation of line pairs (e.g. Hatteras).
Use negotiated (default) to have, before the SHDSL handshake, the two SHDSL peers negotiate which
line pairs will be used and bonded, based on configuration on both sides of the line pairs.
Use auto only when configured as central (CO) device. The central device decides which pairs to take
into account for the bonding based on the peer's reaction. It can distinguish between different remote
devices e.g. if a line pair would be wrongly connected.
The following command is important for compatibility between two devices of which one is equipped with a
GlobeSpan chip set, more specifically with regards to the line probing process (PMMS stands for Power
Measurement Modulation Session): when two such devices are interconnected, there is a compatibility
issue with regard to the line probing timeout used by the chip sets.
Therefore, when the remote device is equipped with a GlobeSpan chip set, the pmmsmode must be set to
Note that this applies to GlobeSpan software versions 2.5.x and 3.0.x.
CLI(dsl-group)> pmmsmode { normal | globespan }
The following parameter is relevant for EFM operation and indicates whether the DSLAM supports only
G.SHDSL.bis capabilities or also EFM capabilities.
CLI(dsl-group)> tclayermode { single | all }
Use single (default) when the DSLAM supports the EFM capabilities.
Use all if the DSLAM does not support the EFM capabilities, but still supports EFM. This may occur with
DSLAMs that use an older SHDSL chipset version that supports EFM but not yet the EFM capabilities
(pre-standard) (e.g. Hatteras).
Note: This parameter is related to the caplist parameter, although it is different. caplist oldstyle
means the DSLAM only supports the SHDSL standard. caplist newstyle means the DSLAM supports
the G.SHDSL.bis standard.
The following parameter is only relevant for ATM operation versus a DSLAM based on the Conexant
Octane chipset with the software versions 5.4 or 5.6 (below version 5.7). When using the autoconfig
command, the router reads the chipset and software version of the DSLAM and adapts itself the
vendorspecoctets. The purpose of this parameter is only for unknown DSLAMs or chipsets/versions to
make it interoperable without needing to change the firmware.
CLI(dsl-group)> vendorspecoctets <octet1> <octet2>
Use the default command to restore the default settings of the following commands:
For example, the following command sets the CRC error checking back to the default value:
CLI(dsl-group)> default crc
Current Status:
Retrain criteria :
SQ | Enabled | Average value on 0 s | retrain on |
| | is 0.00 | Value under threshold 0.00 |
CRC | Enabled | nb errored sec 0 | retrain on 0 errored secs |
Remote configuration:
Operational Mode:
Pair 0
Data Rate : No Value
Attenuation : No Value
NoiseMargin : No Value
TransmitPwr : No Value
| Nb retrains since power-on | Nb retrains since last read |
| SQ | CRC | FSync | FSync&SQ | SQ | CRC | FSync | FSync&SQ|
LINE | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
DOWN | | | | | | | | |
PAIR | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
0 | | | | | | | | |
Defense counters:
power-on lastread
Cell Delineation ON 0 0
HEC ON 0 0
Utopia statistics :
(power-on lastread)
RxCells NA NA
RxDrops NA NA
TxCells NA NA
(power-on lastread) SOC
ES 0 0
SES 0 0
UAS 0 0
Current Status:
Remote configuration:
Operational Mode:
Utopia statistics :
(power-on lastread)
RxCells NA NA
RxDrops NA NA
TxCells NA NA
(power-on lastread) SOC
ES 0 0
SES 0 0
UAS 0 0
Current Status:
Remote configuration:
Operational Mode:
Utopia statistics :
(power-on lastread)
RxCells NA NA
RxDrops NA NA
TxCells NA NA
(power-on lastread) SOC
ES 0 0
SES 0 0
UAS 0 0
Current Status:
Remote configuration:
Operational Mode:
Utopia statistics :
(power-on lastread)
RxCells NA NA
RxDrops NA NA
TxCells NA NA
(power-on lastread) SOC
ES 0 0
SES 0 0
UAS 0 0
Current Status
Admin status : UP
Oper status : UP
Global Up/Down Counter : 1
Up time duration : 0d 3h 17m 22s
User Speed : 5696kbps
Used Lines : 2
User Configuration
lines : 2
encapsulation : efm
equipment : cpe (annex B-G TC-PAM auto)
linerate : adaptive / 192 kbps to 5696 kbps
caplist : newstyle
ccTargetMargin : 2dB
wcTargetMargin : disabled
4-wire-mode : auto
pmmsMode : globespan
autoconfig : enabled (multi-pair)
active link nr : 1
active user speed: 0
efmAggregation : negotiated
tcLayerMode : single
vendorSpecOctets : 0000
retrain criteria :
crc check : retrain on 10 consecutive errored sec
meansq check : retrain when noiseMargin lower than 2dB during 10 seconds
Operational Mode :
Retrain criteria:
| SQ | CRC |
Pair 2 | average value in 10s is 18.98 dB | 0 consecutive errored sec |
Retrain counters:
| Nb retrains since power-on | Nb retrains since last read |
| SQ | CRC | HEC | Cell-D| Spont| User | SQ | CRC | HEC | Cell-D| Spont| User |
Total | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Pair 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Line Statistics:
| Nb since power-on | Nb since last read |
| LL | CV | ES | SES | LOSWS | UAS | LL | CV | ES | SES | LOSWS | UAS |
Pair 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
configure terminal
no reboot recovery-on-error
logging buffered size 16364
controller shdsl 0
dsl-group 0
caplist oldstyle
4-wire-mode standard
pmmsmode globespan
telnet timeout 4294967295
console timeout 4294967295
set multiple-conf-sessions enable
hostname vxTarget
interface FastEthernet 1/0
ip address
interface atm 0
driver ident 0
dsl-group 0
interface atm 0.1
pvc ipoa vpi 0 vci 32
ip address
inarp client
qos vbr pcr 4608000 scr 64000 mbs 65535
ip route
no snmp set-write-community private
no snmp set-read-community public
SDSL 2B1Q should not be mixed up with the SHDSL standard (G.991.2).
To start the SDSL interface configuration, enter the following command from the global configuration
CLI(configure)> interface atm 0
CLI(config-if)> sdsl
Then, you can select the line rate, where the interface speed can be negotiated between a minimum and
maximum value or is fixed. The configuration syntax is:
CLI(sdsl)> linerate { fixed <speed> |
adaptive <min-speed> <max-speed> |
single <min-speed> <max-speed> |
fast <min-speed> <max-speed> }
The allowed speed values are provided in kilobit per second and must be provided as: 144+N*64 kbps
with N ranging from 0 to 34 (minimum: 144 kbps, maximum: 2320 kbps).
Details about non-fixed modes:
• linerate adaptive: (auto baud) negotiation between min rate and max rate
• linerate single: (single baud) startup is made at the lowest rate and using EOC, both sides
negotiate a new rate
• linerate fast: same as adaptive, except that fewer startups are used on activation
Then, enter 'execute' to validate the parameters and then 'exit' two times.
To activate traces, use the following command:
CLI> trace filter add sys sdsl all Configuration Example with Recommended Values for the Lucent Stinger DSLAM
interface atm 0
equipment cpe
framing CLRCH
connect-mode FMODE
linerate fixed 2320
The E1 uplink interface of the ONE60/200 routers supports ATM cell transport. The implementation is fully
compatible with the ATM forum specifications, where the E1 can be fully used at 1920 kbps (30 timeslots)
or partially. 'Partial E1' is referred to as Nx64 mode and means that a number of time slots can form a time
slot bundle, which can be used for transport of ATM cells. However, the partial E1 does not support
several time slot bundles (NxPx64). For details about the specifications, the user should refer to the ATM
Forum specifications:
• Full E1: AF-PHY-0064, available under:
• Partial E1: AF-PHY-0130, available under:
• T1: AF-PHY-0016, available under:
The configuration commands are the following to create the E1/T1 ATM interface:
CLI> configure terminal
CLI(configure)> interface atm <atm-if>
CLI(config-if)> { e1 | t1 }
<atm-if> is an arbitrary identifier (number starting from 0) identifying a physical interface where ATM
cells are supported. The E1 interface can be 'master' (the device provides its internal clock) or slave (clock
CLI(config-if-e1)> equipment { master | slave }
Then the time slots of the bundle must be entered. Note that the time slots do not need to be contiguous.
The configuration commands are:
CLI(config-if-e1)> ts <first-ts-1>[-<last-ts-1>]
CLI(config-if-e1)> ts <first-ts-2>[-<last-ts-2>]
Note that the use of time slot #0 and #16 are forbidden by the ATM specification for E1. For T1, useable
time slots range from 1 to 24. Example for Time Slots:
CLI(config-if-e1)> ts 1-15
CLI(config-if-e1)> ts 17
CLI(config-if-e1)> ts 19-23
The created ATM interface can be used with conventional ATM commands, which are common to other
ATM-based interfaces such as G.SHDSL and ADSL.
This example creates an E1 ATM interface with full line speed. An ATM PVC is created at the maximum
line rate and supports a simple PPPoA connection:
configure terminal
interface atm 0
ts 1-15
ts 17-31
equipment slave
interface atm 0.1
pvc pppoa vpi 0 vci 32
ip address
ipcp static
authentication no
qos cbr pcr 1920000
exit ADSL Configuration
To start the ADSL configuration, the user must enter into the configuration mode using the command:
CLI> configure terminal
First of all, the ADSL physical interface (the modem) must be configured.
The CLI enters into the physical ADSL configuration mode (config-if), when typing the next command
(<interface number> must be set to 0):
CLI(configure)> interface adsl <interface number>
The AUTO value is used to try to connect first using GDMT mode then using ANSI_T1413 (POTS) or
ETSI_DTS/TM_06006 (ADSL over ISDN).
CLI(config-if)> modem mode { AUTO | GDMT | GDMT_B | GDMT_B_DT |
ANSI_T1413 | ETSI_DTS/TM_06006 | GLITE }
The value for country is an integer value described in ITU-T T.35 recommendation (procedure for
allocation of ITU-defined codes for non-standard facilities). For instance: France is 61, Germany is 6, UK is
180, USA is 181, and Belgium is 15.
CLI(config-if)> country <country-id>
In same cases a different ADSL firmware has to be used. Refer to the Software Release Note to know
which ADSL firmware releases are available.
CLI(config-if)> firmware-alternate <0-1>
The l3-power-mode command is specific to ONE20/100 routers. It is only for debug purpose; it should
not be used in products installed in live networks. l3-power-mode enabled forces the modem to stay in
level-3 power mode (the power-save mode will not therefore be used). The default is "l3-power-mode
disabled" (which means the modem can go to power mode level 0).
CLI(config-if)> l3-power-mode { disabled | enabled }
The execute command closes the physical interface configuration putting into place the parameters that
have been set.
CLI(config-if)> execute
interface adsl 0
modem mode AUTO
country 61
The second step is to configure the ATM physical interface to use an ADSL logical channel.
The adsl command configures the physical interface for the ATM interface in ADSL mode; first, enter the
ATM interface configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> interface atm <interface number>
Some parameters must be chosen before starting the ADSL interface. The related commands and
parameters are:
CLI> channel type <type>
This command specifies kind of ADSL channel we want to use with that ATM interface. The values could
be default, fast or interleaved. However, the only available value today is default (fast or interleaved value
are for future use).
CLI> execute
The command closes the physical interface configuration putting into place the parameters that have been
interface atm 0
channel type default
exit Statistics
Modem is IDLE
- Waiting for an open command.
- Listening state (only for Listen Round Robin (ATU-C)) not used
Modem trying to connect
- Open command received and waiting for response
- G.hs of ITU-T ACTIVATING phase
Modem connected
- ACT/ACK phase passed (ANSI) or handshaking phase terminated (ITU)
Modem in Showtime
- ACTIVATING phase passed
Modem in unknown state
IMA is a technique enabling to split and reassemble an ATM cell stream over multiple physical links. It was
defined by the ATM Forum recommendation AF-PHY-0086.0001. For more details, please refer to:
This technique is highly efficient to increase incrementally the capacity of transmission links. The ONE400
can be equipped with an IMA module supporting 4 or 8 E1/T1. Such module fills the bandwidth gap
between a single, 2 Mbps E1 link and the E3 (34 Mbps) for a fraction of the E3 bandwidth cost.
An IMA interface forms an IMA group. An IMA group is actually made up of several physical links. The role
of IMA is to split the incoming cell traffic over the different physical interfaces. The IMA group must
respectively reassemble the cell stream at the remote end. The IMA algorithm ensures the cell stream is
reassembled in the proper order and compensates for possible inter-link delays. An embedded OAM
ensures links can be dynamically added / removed in the group.
The data transiting over the E1/T1 links are made up of:
• ATM cells (the cells are sent over each link on a cell-by-cell basis) Configuration
To provision the IMA interface, first enter in ATM interface configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> interface atm <interface-number>
CLI(config-if)> [no] ima
<interface-number> is usually 0.
The CLI has entered into the IMA configuration mode. You can set the IMA frame length M, when typing
the following command:
CLI(config-ima)> frame-length { 32 | 64 | 128 | 256 }
The frame length must be the same at each end of the IMA link (default: 32 cells per frame). The following
command sets the number of active links required to consider the interface as up and running (default: 1
CLI(config-ima)> active-link-number <1..7>
Inter-link differential delays are the difference between transit delays of each link. The IMA group must
compensate such differential delays till a maximum configured as follows:
CLI(config-ima)> max-delay <milliseconds>
The following command sets the clock property for links of the IMA group:
CLI(config-ima)> clock-mode {dependent | independent}
If dependent is selected, it means that all links are synchronized on the same clock source;
independent indicates that links may have different sources. Usually, all links are always synchronized
on the same source; the default value is then dependent.
Then you must configure each E1/T1 link. Note that E1 and T1 cannot be simultaneously supported. The
following command makes the CLI enter in PRI interface configuration mode:
CLI(config-ima)> [no] pri-link 2/<0..7>
The PRI port number actually ranges from 0 to 3 or 0 to 7 depending on the number of links physically
available on the IMA card you are using.
The following command configures the AIS mode (ITU-T G.775 or ETSI 300 233):
CLI(config-pri)> ais-mode { itu | etsi }
Default: itu.
The following command sets the clock mode (synchronized on the network = slave):
CLI(config-pri)> equipment { master | slave }
Default: master. When two devices function back-to-back, one must be master, the other is slave. The
following command sets the E1/T1 interface in short or long haul (enabling higher reach):
CLI(config-pri)> haul { short | long } Statistics Example
IMA is a technique enabling to split and reassemble an ATM cell stream over multiple physical links. It was
defined by the ATM Forum recommendation AF-PHY-0086.0001. For more details, please refer to:
This technique is highly efficient to increase incrementally the capacity of transmission links. The
ONE300/400 can be equipped with an IMA interface supporting four G.SHDSL links which allows a
symmetric data rate up to 9139 Kbps.
An IMA interface forms an IMA group. An IMA group is actually made up of several physical links. The role
of IMA is to split the incoming cell traffic over the different physical interfaces. The IMA group must
respectively reassemble the cell stream at the remote end. The IMA algorithm ensures the cell stream is
reassembled in the proper order and compensates for possible inter-link delays. An embedded OAM
ensures links can be dynamically added / removed in the group.
The data transiting over the DSL links are made up of:
• ATM cells (the cells are sent over each link on a cell-by-cell basis)
• ICP (IMA Control Protocol) cells
• Filler cells (when no ATM cell have to be sent)
The IMA group manages the cell stream over the N links. Over each link, the IMA group controls the cell
stream by using an IMA frame of length M. An IMA frame contains one ICP cell, some ATM cells and/or
filler cells. The IMA frame is the unit of control of IMA. Configuration
To provision the IMA interface, first enter in ATM interface configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> interface atm <interface-number>
CLI(config-if)> [no] ima
<interface-number> is 0.
The CLI has entered into the IMA configuration mode. You can set the IMA frame length M, when typing
the following command:
CLI(ima)> frame-length { 32 | 64 | 128 | 256 }
The frame length must be the same at each end of the IMA link (default: 32 cells per frame). The following
command sets the number of active links required to consider the interface as up and running:
CLI(ima)> active-link-number <1..4/8>
Default: ‘1’. Maximum value depends on the hardware configuration (one300 <4>, one400 <4/8>)
Inter-link differential delays are the difference between transit delays of each link. The IMA group must
compensate such differential delays till a maximum configured as follows:
CLI(ima)> max-delay <milliseconds>
If dependent is selected, it means that all links are synchronized on the same clock source.
independent indicates that links may have different source. Usually, all links are always synchronized on
the same source; the default value is then dependent.
Then you have to set the common physical layer parameters (G.SHDSL). The following command makes
the CLI enter in the common G.SHDSL configuration node:
CLI(ima)> gshdsl
The following command enables configuration of the interface bit rate in fixed mode or dynamic mode. The
rate value is fixed between 192 and 2304 kbps by steps of 64 kbps or dynamic (get from remote DSLAM
line rate).
CLI(shdsl)> linerate {<value> | dynamic }
Maximum value depends on the hardware configuration (one300 <0..3>, one400 <0..3/7>).
The following command specifies the activation of retrain on loss of framing (if framing is lost, by default,
the SHDSL line should restart training). Retrain is enabled if setting synchro is set as check otherwise it
is disabled.
CLI(shdsl-link)> synchro {check | no}
Then enter 'exit' to finish the link configuration and configure the following links. Then, enter 'execute'.
Other commands: only for experts
The max-tx-ring command specifies the maximum size of the transmission buffer ring. The minimum
configurable size is 4 and the maximum is 128. The default size is 128.
CLI(ima)> max-tx-ring <value> Statistics
IMA statistics are obtained using the following command (explanations about the meaning of counters is
provided hereafter):
CLI> show ima
| UP Time duration: 0d 0h 8m 44s Current time: 0d 1h 48m 28s |
| Upstream: 4315472 b/s (10178 cell/s) Downstream: 4315472 b/s (10178 cell/s) |
| Group 1 UP Ne State: Operational Fe State: Operational |
| Up/Down counter: 4 4/4 links active to transmit 4/4 links active to receive |
| Link 0 UP Tx Id : 0 Rx Id : 2 |
|*(RefClock TX) NeTxState Active NeRxState Active |
|*(RefClock RX) FeRxState Active FeTxState Active |
| Link 1 UP Tx Id : 1 Rx Id : 1 |
| NeTxState Active NeRxState Active |
| FeRxState Active FeTxState Active |
| Link 2 UP Tx Id : 2 Rx Id : 0 |
| NeTxState Active NeRxState Active |
| FeRxState Active FeTxState Active |
| Link 3 UP Tx Id : 3 Rx Id : 3 |
| NeTxState Active NeRxState Active |
The first block gives the following IMA group connection information:
• Up time duration: Elapsed time since IMA group goes UP.
• Current time: Elapsed time since last reboot.
• Up/Downstream: IMA Rx/Tx data rate in bps and IMA data cell rate in cell/s.
The second block gives the following IMA group status information:
• Group <grpID>: IMA group main state { UP | DOWN }.
• Ne/Fe State: Near-end/far-end IMA group state machine { Start-up | Start-up
Ack | Config aborted | Blocked | Insufficient Links | Operational }.
• Up/Down counter: IMA group up/down counter since group creation.
• Rw/Tx link active: Quantity of links active to transmit or receive.
The next blocks give the following IMA links status information:
• Link <lnkID>: IMA link main state (G.SHDSL link state) { UP | DOWN }.
• Top star ‘*’: The physical clock source for the Transmit IMA group.
• Bottom star ‘*’: The physical clock source for the Receive IMA group.
• RefClock Tx: The line ID of the link to be used as the transmit timing reference.
• RefClock Rx: The Line ID of the link being used as the receive IMA group timing reference.
• Tx/Rx Id: Rx ID (FE link ID) / Tx ID (NE link ID).
• Ne/FeTxState: Near-end / far-end IMA transmit link state machine { Not In Group |
Unusable No Reason | Unusable Fault | Unusable Misconn | Unusable Blocked |
Unusable Failed | Usable | Active }.
• Ne/FeRxState: Near-end / far-end IMA receive link state machine { Not In Group |
Unusable No Reason | Unusable Fault | Unusable Misconn | Unusable Blocked |
Unusable Failed | Usable | Active }. Example
The following example is an IMA interface with 4 G.SHDSL link at 4 x 2048 Kbps:
interface atm 0
linerate 2048
gshdsl-link 0
gshdsl-link 1
gshdsl-link 2
gshdsl-link 3
exit STM-1
The ONE400 can be equipped with an STM-1 interface with optical fiber interface, supporting only ATM. Configuration
To provision the STM-1 interface, first enter in ATM interface configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> interface atm <interface number>
You can define the OAM behavior of the STM-1. You can enable or disable the emission of AIS (F3 OAM,
not ATM), when the STM-1 interface is considered as down:
CLI(stm1)> [no] ais-shut
In case of poor transmission quality, the Bit Error Ratio (BER) is excessive. Two thresholds are defined so
that the OAM considers the interface as having a degraded signal or failing signal. For the threshold
configuration measuring degraded signal, the command is the following:
CLI(stm1)> sd-ber <3..9>
<3 .. 9> is the 10-exponent of the BER. For example, when the value is 8, it means the signal is
considered as degraded when the BER has exceeded 10-8 (default value: 6)
For failure threshold, the command is the following:
CLI(stm1)> sf-ber <3..9>
The alarm names should be interpreted based on the meaning of these acronyms:
• OOF: Out of Frame, error counting a misaligned frame
• LOF: Loss of Framing, a bit rate is received, but the interface cannot achieve frame delineation.
• LOS: Loss of Signal
• AIS: Alarm Indication Signal, signal indicating forward that a node along the STM-1/SDH path is
defect. It may be preceded by the letter 'P' (Path), 'L' (Line), 'S' (Section); see SDH related
information. Statistics
The following example provisions an STM-1 interface with a single ATM VC.
interface atm 0
no report all
interface atm 0.4
pvc ipoa vpi 0 vci 34
ip address
ip remote
inarp no
qos cbr pcr 64000000
priority 2
Some PVC types only support a dedicated service (IPoA, PPPoA …). ATM-AAL5 PVC’s are generic PVC
meant for multiple applications (for example: VLAN over ATM or MLPPPoEoA). This chapter deals with
PVC for generic applications (generic PVC). Refer to for PVC for dedicated services (dedicated
The generic PVC configuration takes place at the ATM sub-interface level and is well defined by the
following parameters: ATM interface, ATM-AAL5 sub-interface upon which the PVC is linked, and VPI and
VCI numbers of the PVC.
A PVC template is intended to configure some common PVC characteristics. To start configuring the PVC
template that contains the ATM related parameters, enter:
CLI(configure)> virtual-template pvc <1..255>
The ATM Quality of Service (QoS) on PVC is configured in this virtual template by defining the Class of
Service (CoS) type and its associated rate parameters.
The pcr rate parameter represents the peak cell rate in bit per second (bps). The pr rate parameter
represents the peak rate (=PCR) in bit per second (bps). The arb rate parameter is the average bit rate of
the stream in bit per second (bps). The scr rate parameter is the sustainable cell rate in bit per second
(bps). The mbs rate parameter represents the maximum burst size in cells (number of cells). The mcr rate
parameter is the minimum (guaranteed) cell rate in bit per second (bps).
Note: If a PCR value is configured above the actual interface speed, this value is automatically reduced to
the actual interface speed.
To set the UBR CoS (for all PVC), use the following command in virtual template configuration mode:
CLI(config-virt-pvc)> qos ubr pcr <32000..line-rate>
To set the CBR CoS (for all PVC), use the following command in virtual template configuration mode:
CLI(config-virt-pvc)> qos cbr pcr <32000..line-rate>
To set the VBR-rt CoS (for all PVC) use the following command in virtual template configuration mode
VBR-rt should be used for voice service.
CLI(config-virt-pvc)> qos vbr-rt pr <32000..line-rate>
arb <>
To set the VBR-nrt CoS (for all PVC) use the following command in virtual template configuration mode:
CLI(config-virt-pvc)> qos vbr pcr <32000..line-rate>
scr <32000..pcr-value> mbs <burst-size>
To set the UBR+ CoS (ONE400 specific) use the following command in virtual template configuration
CLI(config-virt-pvc)> qos ubrplus pcr <32000..line-rate>
mcr <32000..pcr-value>
To reset the default CoS (UBR, 2 Mbps PCR) use the following command in virtual template configuration
CLI(config-virt-pvc)> qos qos-default
To apply a priority to the CoS, use the following command in virtual template configuration mode.
CLI(config-virt-pvc)> priority <1..8>
The priority command is optional and it is not recommended to use it in standard cases. You will find
below a table summarizing ATM CoS for the OneOS-based range of products. The table explains the
meaning of the priority command and its associated priority values. The priority is the order in which
the internal ATM scheduler sends ATM cells. If two PVC's with the same CoS must be differentiated, then
the priority is significant.
The ATM OAM parameters are set under this template. Please refer to for more details. Once all
To enter in ATM sub-interface configuration mode, use the following command in configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> interface atm-aal5 <port 0..4>.<sub-interface 1..255>
The port number is the one assigned to the ATM interface, while the ATM sub-interface number is an
arbitrary value.
To enter into generic PVC configuration mode, use the following command in ATM AAL5 sub-interface
configuration mode (if the PVC does not exist, it is created):
CLI(config-if)> pvc vpi <vpi> vci <vci> [<vc-name>]
The VPI and VCI values define the PVC. The values are chosen from the range defined in the ATM driver
interface configuration mode. <vc-name> is a string of characters identifying the PVC connection. The
command may return an error if the couple (VPI-VCI) exists for another ATM sub-interface.
The generic PVC needs to be configured using a PVC virtual template that gathers all the parameters and
has to be defined before (see To associate the virtual template parameters to the generic PVC
being configured, use the following command in AAL5 PVC configuration mode:
CLI(aal5)> profile-pvc <virtual-template-id>
The dedicated PVC configuration takes place at the ATM sub-interface level and is well defined by the
following parameters: ATM interface, ATM sub-interface upon which the PVC is linked, VPI and VCI
numbers of the PVC, and type of PVC.
Other parameters are optional or mandatory, according to the type of PVC created.
To enter in ATM sub-interface configuration mode, use the following command in configuration mode (if
the PVC does not exist, it is created):
CLI(configure)> interface atm <port-number 0-4>.<sub-interface 1-255>
The port number is the one assigned to the ATM interface, while the ATM sub-interface number is an
arbitrary value.
To enter into dedicated PVC configuration mode, use the following command in ATM sub-interface
configuration mode:
• For a PVC used by IP:
CLI(config-if)> pvc {ipoa | pppoa | pppoeoa } vpi <vpi> vci <vci> [<vc-
ipoa indicates that the PVC is used for IP traffic directly encapsulated in AAL-5 (no PPP); whereas pppoa
indicates that the PVC supports PPP for IP traffic. To remove the ATM sub-interface configuration, use the
The VPI and VCI values define the PVC. The values are chosen from the range defined in the ATM driver
interface configuration mode. <vc-name> is a string of characters identifying the PVC connection. The
command may return an error if the couple (VPI-VCI) exists for another ATM sub-interface.
Note: in the following CLI(pvc)> is used for any dedicated PVC (ipoa, pppoa, pppoeoa and voiceoa).
To set PVC encapsulation of IP packets within AAL5 frames, use the following command in PVC
configuration mode:
CLI(pvc)> encapsulation { llc | mux }
Encapsulation is set to llc (LLC/SNAP) by default. The reader should refer to RFC 2684 for details about
IP encapsulation in AAL-5.
The ATM Quality of Service (QoS) on PVC is configured in PVC configuration mode by defining the Class
of Service (CoS) type and its associated rate parameters. Refer to for more information about the
QoS configuration commands.
CLI(pvc)> qos { ubr pcr <pcr-in-bps> |
cbr pcr <pcr-in-bps> |
vbr-rt pr <pr-in-bps> arb <arb-in-bps> |
vbr pcr <pcr-in-bps> scr <scr-in-bps> mbs <mbs-in-cells>|
ubrplus pcr <pcr-in-bps> mcr <mcr-in-bps> }
IPOA service is well identified by a PVC and an IP address, defining the PVC as an IP interface. To enter
in IPOA configuration mode, use the following command in ATM sub-interface configuration mode:
CLI(config-if)> pvc ipoa vpi <vpi> vci <vci>
To set the IP address for an IPOA PVC, use the following command in IPOA configuration mode:
CLI(ipoa)> ip address <ip address> <subnet mask>
The Inverse Address Resolution Protocol (INARP) is used by default for resolution of the IP address of the
remote endpoint of the PVC. If you want to provide the IP address of the remote end point of the PVC, the
INARP must be disabled. The following command disables the ATM Inverse ARP and sets the remote IP
CLI(ipoa)> inarp no
To enable the Inverse ARP for ATM protocol on an IPOA PVC, use the following command in IPOA
configuration mode:
CLI(ipoa)> inarp client
CLI(ipoa)> execute Configuration
To enter in PPPoA configuration mode, use the following command in ATM sub-interface configuration
CLI(config-if)> pvc pppoa vpi <vpi> vci <vci> IP Address
The IP address must be set if the IPCP dynamic is not used. By default, IPCP dynamic is set and the IP
address is set to To enter the IP address, use the following command:
CLI(pppoa)> ip address <ip_address> [<mask>]
Instead of having an IP address, the local PPP interface can be unnumbered. The configuration is the
If dynamic mode is selected, the network mask can also be obtained via PPP/IPCP.
CLI(pppoa)> ipcp mask-request
Note: If mask-request is used, the "ip unnumbered <interface>" command is mandatory for
the IP address and the network mask apply to <interface> otherwise they will apply to PPP.
If you want to retrieve the DNS server address per IPCP use the next command:
CLI(pppoa)> ipcp dns-accept
This command sets the Maximum Receive Unit (MRU) local/remote length and enables selection of
negotiation mode. The MRU designates the maximum size of packets received in a PPP payload.
If negotiation request is enabled (yes in first yes-no argument), the MRU length is negotiated with the
remote PPP peer and is lower or equal to the size value. The negotiation accept (second yes-no
argument) defines whether the MRU proposed by the remote peer should be accepted. If negotiation is not
enabled (no in first or second yes-no argument), the maximum datagram length is equal to <size> value.
At any rate, the length of MRU is lower or equal to 1582 bytes.
In case of PAP authentication, the CPE must send a name and password that is checked against a
matched entry in the local database of the remote router.
In case of CHAP authentication, the CPE sends a “challenge” message to the remote device, which then
encrypts the value with a shared key and returns it to the CPE.
To disable this function: use the ‘authentication no’ command. By default, CHAP is enabled.
The second argument defines the authentication types. They are:
• two-ways: authentication is done by both sides
• one-way-callin (default): authentication material is sent to the remote device, but the remote
device is not locally authenticated
• one-way-called: authentication material is not sent to the remote device (only username is sent),
but the remote device must be authenticated.
Note: for the current release, only bi-directional CHAP and CHAP server are supported. All other
combinations are supported with the attribute one-way-callin.
The username may content a predefined string of the form #mac<i># that will be replaced during
authentication by the corresponding MAC address of the device.
Example: will be replaced by [email protected] where 00:12:EF:44:E2:76 is
the MAC address #1 of the device as listed in the product information area.
The maximum permitted length of username is 64 characters; the maximum permitted length of password
is 30 characters when entered in clear text and 128 characters when entered already encrypted.
CLI(pppoa)> username <username>
CLI(pppoa)> password <password> [<crypto-algorithm>]
If <crypto-algorithm> is not provided, the password is entered and stored in clear text.
If <crypto-algorithm> = 0 is provided, the password is entered in clear text and stored encrypted.
If <crypto-algorithm> = 1 is provided, the password is entered and stored encrypted.
CLI(pppoa)> [no] reconnection
The discriminator is used to identify to which bundle a link must be added. It must be usually configured (it
depends on the remote end of the MLPPP connection). class is an integer ranging from 1 to 5 and
string is a string of 20 characters maximum. If the class value is 3 (IEEE 802.1 Globally Assigned MAC
Address) with string, OneOS uses the string as discriminator to open the MLPPP connection. If the class
value is 3 (IEEE 802.1 Globally Assigned MAC Address) without string, then OneOS uses the MAC
address of FastEthernet 0/0 to open the MLPPP connection. If the class parameter is other than 3, the
string parameter is mandatory.
The maximum fragment size is either determined by the ‘multilink fragment-size <bytes>’
command or, it is calculated from PVC line rate divided by the fragment-delay. If fragment-delay is
configured, the fragment size is re-calculated whenever the DSL line is resynchronized.
The max-rcvunit is the Maximum Remote Receive Unit (MRRU) and is by default 1500 bytes.
The session will be disconnected then restarted every day at a random time between down and mid times.
Use the optional day-of-the-week parameter to have it disconnected then restarted once a week at the
defined day (Monday to Sunday).
Use the optional up-time parameter to have the session restarted at a random time between mid and up
times (i.e. down for a randomly duration of time).
To restore default settings and not use automatic re-initialization of the PPPoA session, use the no form of
the above command:
CLI(pppoa)> no reinit Statistics
In case of PPPoA PVC, a statistics command is available. It permits the display of different information
regarding the steps required for PPP connection.
CLI> show statistics pvc pppoa 0
LCP Statistics:
Local MRU: 1500, Remote MRU: 1500
tx packets: 88, tx bytes: 168
rx packets: 58, rx bytes: 596
packets rx > max size: 0
packets rx < min size: 0
tx packets Config Req: 10, rx packets Config Req: 1
tx packets Config Acq: 1, rx packets Config Acq: 1
tx packets Config Nak: 0, rx packets Config Nak: 1
tx packets Config Rej: 0, rx packets Config Rej: 0
tx packets Termination Req: 2, rx packets Termination Req: 0
tx packets Termination Acq: 0, rx packets Termination Acq: 0
tx packets Code Rej: 0, rx packets Code Rej: 0
tx packets Protocol Rej: 0, rx packets Protocol Rej: 0
tx packets Echo Req: 72, rx packets Echo Req: 3
tx packets Echo Rep: 3, rx packets Echo Rep: 52
tx packets Discard Req: 0, rx packets Discard Req: 0
tx packets Identification: 0, rx packets Identification: 0
tx packets Time remaining: 0, rx packets Time remaining: 0
NCP Statistics:
tx packets: 2, tx bytes: 36
rx packets: 2, rx bytes: 36
Time for last establishing PPP connection 42.00 seconds
Time for last established PPP connection 73.00 seconds
Time since last stopped PPP connection 2024.30 seconds
PPPoEoA is a WAN protocol, which enables the transport of PPPoE frames bridged in LLC/AAL5 PDU.
PPPoEoA is traditionally used over DSL uplinks. Indeed, there used to be DSL modems offering the
customer an Ethernet interface to DSL access. The DSL modem functions as an Ethernet bridge. To allow
authentication of devices sending traffic through the DSL modem, the PPPoE protocol, running on a PC, is
required so that the BAS can grant an access to the IP network after PAP/CHAP authentication.
As the ONE range of products can have an integrated DSL modem, the PPPoE protocol as well as the
bridging function is managed by OneOS to allow compatibility with BAS not supporting this protocol.
PPPoE is actually made up of three sub-components:
• The PPP protocol, which has the same properties and configuration as the PPPoA protocol
• The PPPoE protocol, defined in RFC 2516, which manages the connection between a client (a host)
and a PPPoE service concentrator
• The bridging: PPPoE frames are bridged in AAL-5 PDU using the LLC-SNAP encapsulation
A BAS is referenced as PPPoE service concentrator in the PPPoE terminology. Configuration
To enter in PPPoEoA configuration mode, use the following command in ATM sub-interface configuration
CLI(config-if)> pvc pppoeoa vpi <vpi> vci <vci>
The user must then enter PPPoE specific parameters. The first parameter is the source MAC address,
which is used by the device to generate the PPPoE frames:
CLI(pppoeoa)> ethernet address <AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF>
The PPP parameters can then be entered and are identical to those of PPPoA (see Once
done with the PPP parameters, do not forget to enter the 'execute' command before leaving the pppoeoa
interface configuration mode. Example
The following configuration provides an example for PPPoEoA configuration:
interface virtual-template 2
ip nat inside overload
LCP Statistics:
Local MRU: 1492, Remote MRU: 1492
tx packets: 4, tx bytes: 32
rx packets: 4, rx bytes: 56
packets rx > max size: 0
packets rx < min size: 0
tx packets Config Req: 2, rx packets Config Req: 1
tx packets Config Acq: 1, rx packets Config Acq: 1
tx packets Config Nak: 0, rx packets Config Nak: 1
tx packets Config Rej: 0, rx packets Config Rej: 0
tx packets Termination Req: 0, rx packets Termination Req: 0
tx packets Termination Acq: 0, rx packets Termination Acq: 0
tx packets Code Rej: 0, rx packets Code Rej: 0
tx packets Protocol Rej: 0, rx packets Protocol Rej: 0
tx packets Echo Req: 0, rx packets Echo Req: 1
tx packets Echo Rep: 1, rx packets Echo Rep: 0
tx packets Discard Req: 0, rx packets Discard Req: 0
tx packets Identification: 0, rx packets Identification: 0
tx packets Time remaining: 0, rx packets Time remaining: 0
NCP Statistics:
local address is remote Addr is
tx packets: 3, tx bytes: 72
rx packets: 3, rx bytes: 48
packets rx > max size: 0
packets rx < min size: 0
Time for establishing PPP connection 2.18 seconds
Time since established PPP connection 11.62 seconds
DISCOVERY Statistics:
local address is 1a:2b:3c:4d:5e:70 remote Addr is 00:02:b9:38:19:90
OEOA Statistics:
total tx packets: 7, tx bytes: 144
total rx packets: 13, rx bytes: 1808
To display PPPoEoA interface configuration details as well as its default value, use the 'show
configuration' command:
CLI(configure)> show configuration pvc pppoeoa <atm-if> Configuration
MLPPP over ATM is only supported on the ONE80/180/300 routers in V3.7R15. It makes it possible to
inverse-multiplex an IP stream over multiple SHDSL lines. If the inverse multiplex function of MLPPP is not
required, but only the interleaving (LFI) function of MLPPP, please refer to
MLPPP is configured as follows:
• Virtual ATM template: template of ATM parameter configuration (ATM shaping, OAM, …)
• PVC configuration: the VPI/VCI is configured and attached to a virtual ATM template. It is also
attached to a MLPPP dialer interface
• A MLPPP dialer-interface: this is the logical IP interface running the MLPPP protocol. The IP services
are attached to this interface (access list, QoS …). The dialer interface is attached to a PPP virtual
template containing the PPP/MLPPP specific protocol parameters.
The PPP parameters must be set for authentication and PPP parameters. All PPP parameters are entered
within a PPP virtual template. This PPP virtual template must be set to automatic reconnection. Please
refer to 4.3.5 for more details. Example:
virtual-template ppp 1
ipcp dynamic
authentication chap
ipcp dns-accept
username [email protected]
password ******
reconnection auto
The MLPPP dialer interface is attached to a pool number. The pool number is an identifier shared by the
physical interface and the dialer interface. To configure an MLPPP dialer interface, attach a PPP virtual
template and a pool number (when these two objects are attached, and only after, IP configuration can be
CLI(configure)> [no] interface dialer-mlppp <0-65535>
CLI(config-if)> pool-number <1-255>
CLI(config-if)> profile <0-10>
CLI(config-if)> exit
By default, the protocol is MLPPPoA; extra configuration parameters are required for MLPPPoEoA:
• Mode: PPPoE client (host) or server (concentrator). A CPE router is usually in host mode
• Service name: the service name is a string transmitted during PPPoE establishment; this string is
usually not checked by the network. The default service name is ‘any service’.
• Concentrator name (default: empty)
For an MLPPPoEoA client, the configuration commands are:
CLI(configure)> interface dialer-mlppp <0-65535>
CLI(config-if)> protocol pppoeoa
CLI(config-proto)> {service name <name> | no service name }
CLI(config-proto)> exit
CLI(config-if)> exit
CLI(config-if)> exit
Then, attach the dialer interface to ATM PVC and re-use the same pool-number:
CLI(configure)> interface atm-aal5 <0-3>.<1-255>
CLI(config-if)> mlppp dial-pool <1-255>
CLI(config-if)> pvc vpi <0-255> vci <0-2048>
CLI(config-pvc)> profile-pvc <virtual-template-id>
CLI(config-pvc)> exit
CLI(config-if)> exit Example
interface atm 0
gshdsl 0
interface atm 1
gshdsl 1
interface atm 2
gshdsl 2
interface atm 3
gshdsl 3
virtual-template pvc 1
qos cbr pcr 2304000
virtual-template ppp 1
ipcp dynamic
authentication chap
ipcp dns-accept
username [email protected]
password ******
reconnection automatic
interface dialer-mlppp 0
pool-number 0
profile ppp 1
ip nat inside overload
service-policy output shaping
interface atm-aal5 0.1
mlppp dial-pool 0
pvc vpi 1 vci 32
profile-pvc 1
interface atm-aal5 1.1
mlppp dial-pool 0
pvc vpi 1 vci 32
profile-pvc 1
interface atm-aal5 2.1
mlppp dial-pool 0
pvc vpi 1 vci 32
profile-pvc 1
interface atm-aal5 3.1
mlppp dial-pool 0
pvc vpi 1 vci 32
profile-pvc 1
interface atm 0
gshdsl 0
interface atm 1
gshdsl 1
interface atm 2
gshdsl 2
interface atm 3
gshdsl 3
virtual-template pvc 1
qos cbr pcr 2304000
virtual-template ppp 1
ipcp dynamic
authentication chap
ipcp dns-accept
username [email protected]
password ******
reconnection automatic
interface dialer-mlppp 0
pool-number 0
profile ppp 1
protocol pppoeoa
ip nat inside overload
service-policy output shaping
interface atm-aal5 0.1
mlppp dial-pool 0
pvc vpi 1 vci 32
profile-pvc 1
interface atm-aal5 1.1
mlppp dial-pool 0
pvc vpi 1 vci 32
profile-pvc 1
interface atm-aal5 2.1
mlppp dial-pool 0
pvc vpi 1 vci 32
profile-pvc 1
interface atm-aal5 3.1
mlppp dial-pool 0
pvc vpi 1 vci 32
profile-pvc 1
Use the following command to display statistics regarding the ATM PVC under the sub-interface specified
by its number.
CLI> show interfaces dialer-mlppp <interface-id>
This section describes the main features of the ATM management flow. Features Definitions
header payload
ATM Cell
4 bits 4 bits 45 bytes
3 bits
OAM F5 Cells
F5 segment: 1X0
F5 X F5 F5 end-to-end: 1X1
X: 0 or 1
The PTI field indicates the type of OAM cell associated with the VP Identifier/VC Identifier. The cell
payload depends on the OAM cell type. Alarm Indication Signal (AIS) and Remote Defect Information (RDI)
AIS and RDI are types of cells used respectively for forwarding an alarm for a VC failure, or a sub-layer
default, or acknowledging an AIS alarm or a failure on a VC, or a sub-layer default.
Failures are detected by the OneOS-based router with a LOC alarm or LB alarm at the VC level, or by a
physical failure such as Loss of Frames on the DSL interface. As long as a failure remains, RDI cells are
generated every second, indicating that a failure has been detected by the end-point.
Alarms Cells are similarly generated. When an AIS cell is received by the OneOS-based router on a given
VC, an RDI cell is generated in the reverse direction with the same payload as the AIS cell received. This
indicates to the remote end-point that an AIS alarm was received. The RDI and AIS payload contain a 20-
byte field containing the address of the ATM node that generated the AIS node (that first detected the
Inversely, when an RDI cell is received by the OneOS-based router on a specific VC, cells are not
The OneOS-based router can be configured to manage AIS and RDI cells on each VC. AIS reception
triggers RDI generation. An alarm detected on a VC automatically enables RDI generation.
Provided that a PVC manages ATM OAM cells, to generate a set of loopback cells on a PVC, use the
following command in global configuration mode:
CLI> ping atm port <0-3> vpi <0-255> vci <32-2048> { end-loopback | seg-
loopback } [repeat <1-255>] [timeout <1-255>]
OAM is configurable, on each of the above-referenced functionality sets: CC, LB, AIS, and RDI.
To manage F5 OAM cells and loopback cells on a dedicated PVC, use the following command in
PVC/SVC (=VC) configuration mode.
Note: in the following CLI(pvc)> is used for any dedicated PVC (ipoa, pppoa, pppoeoa and voiceoa).
CLI(pvc)> oam-pvc manage
When OAM cells are not taken into account on the PVC, use the following command:
CLI(pvc)> no oam-pvc manage
To enable F5 OAM end-to-end loopback cell generation and monitoring, use the following commands in
VC configuration mode:
CLI(pvc)> oam end-loopback
up-count is the required number of loopback cells to receive, so that the ATM VC can be considered as
up (default: 3). Similarly, the down-count is the number of lost loopback cells (not looped) required to
consider the interface as down (default: 5). When the ATM VC encounters a state change (going up or
down), loopback cells are sent temporarily much faster than usual. The retry-frequency provides the
interval in seconds between each loopback cell emission during this transient phase (default: 1 sec). The
frequency parameter provides the emission interval of loopback cells for normal working conditions
(default: 10 sec).
To disable F5 OAM loopback end-to-end, use the following command:
CLI(pvc)> no oam end-loopback
To enable F5 OAM segment loopback cell generation and monitoring, use the following commands in VC
configuration mode:
CLI(pvc)> oam seg-loopback
The parameters are the same as those for F5 OAM loopback end-to-end. To disable F5 OAM loopback
segment, use the following command:
CLI(pvc)> no oam seg-loopback
To enable F5 OAM end-to-end continuity-check cells generation and monitoring, use the following
commands in PVC configuration mode:
CLI(pvc)> oam end-cc
CLI(pvc)> oam-pvc manage
To disable the F5 OAM end-to-end continuity check, use the following command:
CLI(pvc)> no oam end-cc
To enable F5 OAM segment continuity check cells generation and monitoring, use the following
commands in PVC configuration mode:
CLI(pvc)> oam seg-cc
CLI(pvc)> oam-pvc manage
To disable the F5 OAM segment continuity check, use the following command:
CLI(pvc)> no oam seg-cc
To enable F5 OAM AIS and RDI generation and monitoring, use the following commands in PVC
configuration mode:
CLI(pvc)> oam ais-rdi
CLI(pvc)> oam-pvc manage
The first parameter provides the number of AIS/RDI to consider the interface down, the second to consider
the interface up.
To take into account OAM alarms for changing the availability of ATM PVC, use the following command in
PVC configuration mode:
CLI(pvc)> oam-pvc [manage] intrusive
The effect is that the upper layer supported by the ATM VC is informed of any state change of the
interface. Application cases:
• The IPoA/PPPoA/PPPoEoA PVC can be informed that the interface is down. Then, the corresponding
IP interfaces are considered then as down. The result: the routes to this interface take an infinite cost,
which makes it possible to re-route rapidly traffic on a backup interface.
• FRF.5: the HDLC interface can be taken down during the unavailability of the ATM PVC. This enables
to signal to the connected Frame Relay equipment that the connection is not available. In this case,
the connected device can send traffic on a backup interface.
• FRF.8: all DLCI supported by this ATM VC are signaled as unavailable. The signaling is achieved
using LMI.
To disable intrusive ATM PVC monitoring, use the following command:
CLI(pvc)> no oam-pvc intrusive
In this example, the VCI 33 is used for connecting a private network to the Internet through IPoA service,
while the VCI 49 is used for a PPP connection between the OneOS-based router and the remote computer
named PC1.
Internet VP 1 VC 49
DSLAM PC 1 Statistics
Use the following commands to display OAM statistics. To display OAM counters, OAM configuration and
alarms on a VC, use the following show command:
CLI> show atm pvc port <atm-port> vpi <VP-identifier> vci <VC-identifier>
For example:
CLI> show atm pvc port 0 vpi 0 vci 33
OAM frequency: 10 second(s), OAM retry frequency: 1 second(s)
OAM up retry count: 3,OAM down retry count: 5
OAM CC Seg status: OK
OAM AisRdi status: enabled
OAM VC state: managed
OAM cells received: 150
F5 InEndLpbk: 0, F5 InSegLpbk: 0
F5 InEndLoop: 0, F5 InSegLoop: 0
F5 InEndAis: 0, F5 InEndRDI: 0
F5 InSegAis: 0, F5 InSegRDI: 0
F5 InEndCC: 0, F5 InSegCC: 150
OAM cells sent: 201
F5 OutEndLpbk: 0, F5 OutSegLpbk: 0
F5 OutEndLoop: 0, F5 OutSegLoop: 0
F5 OutEndAIS: 0, F5 OutEndRDI: 25
F5 OutSegAis: 0, F5 OutSegRDI: 0
F5 OutEndCC: 0, F5 OutSegCC: 176
OAM cell drops: 0
Status: UP, last Change of Status: 2507
OAM AIS down: 3, Up: 3
For displaying the total OAM cells sent and received on the ONE router, use the following show command:
CLI> show atm traffic
Total OAM cells received: 220
What is EFM?
Ethernet in the First Mile or EFM, also known as IEEE 802.3ah, applies Ethernet in the access network.
Access networks migrate gradually from ATM based to Ethernet based: ATM switches and DSLAMs are
replaced by Ethernet switches and IP DSLAMs. EFM has been defined for fiber, SHDSL and VDSL links to
replace ATM also in the First Mile.
The First Mile (some call it the Last Mile) is the name traditionally given to the part of a public
communication network that links the last provider-owned node (the central office or CO, the street cabinet
or pole) with the customer premises equipment (CPE). The First Mile looks into it from the customer's
perspective, the Last Mile from the operator’s perspective.
The Last Mile can be seen as a bottle neck in the communication network, as the bandwidth is less than in
the rest of the network. EFM does not improve or replace the existing Ethernet standard; it is an extension
of Ethernet technology. The EFM terminology when it is applied to SHDSL links is called 2BASE-TL.
Ethernet began as a broadcast local area network technology as a best effort delivery protocol. Occasional
frame disruptions due to collisions or signal noise were expected and tolerated.
These days, Ethernet is omnipresent. It is easy to configure, cost-effective, highly scalable and supports a
wide range of services such as data, voice and video. This makes it well suited to the demands of the First
Mile, bridging the gap between the provider network and the subscriber network, making use of cable or
Digital Subscriber Line (DSL).
However, quality demands in First Mile connection networks using EFM are much higher compared to LAN
networks. High availability and sophisticated tools to manage and troubleshoot the EFM networks are a
must for providing the high level of service customers require. Performance must be monitored, and any
errors in the network must be detected and isolated very quickly.
Therefore, issues required for mass deployment of Ethernet services, such as OAM (Operation,
Administration and Maintenance) and compatibility with existing technologies, have all been dealt with in
the EFM standard.
EFM OAM in accordance with IEEE 802.3ah is a mechanism that provides information, event notification,
variable retrieval, and loopback controls between the CPE and the DSLAM.
The actual use of the OAM functionality is optional. A device is able to determine whether or not a remote
device has the OAM functionality enabled. The OAM Discovery mechanism ascertains the configured
parameters, such as maximum allowable OAM PDU size, and supported functions such as OAM remote
loopback, on a given link.
For more detailed information about the OAM mechanism, refer to section 5 of IEEE Std. 802.3-2005;
more specifically section 57 Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM).
Purpose of OAM
OAM is a mechanism to:
• Monitor the functionality, link operation and health of the EFM network.
• Detect failures and improve fault isolation.
• Propagate these failures to end nodes.
• Monitor the performance of the EFM network.
The OAM mode can be set to active, passive, auto, or can be disabled. The OAM mode is further
discussed below.
OAM discovery
• OAM discovery allows a local device to detect OAM on a remote device.
• Once OAM support is detected, both ends of the link exchange configuration and status information
e.g. mode, PDU size, loopback support.
• If both ends are satisfied with the settings, OAM is enabled on the link.
• Loss of link and non-reception of PDUs for 5 seconds will cause the discovery process to restart. Configuration
Enter the interface number to configure the EFM interface (the interface is created if it does not exist):
CLI> configure terminal
CLI(configure)> interface efm <0-8>/<0-6>[.<1-255>]
This will activate the EFM interface and enter the configuration mode of the interface. The interface
number is a logical number; it does not have a physical meaning.
Note: As of V4.2 software release, only one EFM interface, the EFM interface 0, can be activated.
For example:
CLI> configure terminal
CLI(configure)> interface efm 0
| +---shutdown
| +---virtual
| +---vrrp
Use the following command to set the number of line pairs that have to be up for considering the whole link
as up and running, default: 1. <link-number> range can be set between 1 and 4.
CLI(conf-if)> active-link-number <link-number>
For example:
CLI(conf-if)> active-link-number 2
This requires two line pairs to be up to consider the whole link as up.
Use the following command to set the minimum total speed (sum of the speed of all lines that are up) to
consider the whole link as up. The default value is 0, meaning that the link is always up.
CLI(conf-if)> active-user-speed <user-speed>
Use the following command to set the ageing time of the ARP cache entries.
All the “MAC address - IP address” pairs from ARP requests and replies received on the EFM interface are
kept in the ARP cache. However, if devices on the network are reconfigured then this “MAC address - IP
address” relation may change. Therefore, the ARP cache entries are automatically removed from the
cache after a fixed time-out. This time-out period can be set with this command, and is expressed in
seconds, default: 3600 sec.
CLI(conf-if)> arp timeout <value>
<value> is being the time-out value. Its range can be set between 0 and 2147483 seconds.
Use the following command to set the bandwidth informational parameter, default: 100000. Refer to the
Policy Nesting paragraph of the Quality of Service chapter for more information about the use of the
bandwidth command.
CLI(conf-if)> bandwidth <value>
Use the following command to assign the EFM interface to a bridge group.
CLI(conf-if)> bridge-group <bridge-id>
Use the following command to apply an IPsec map to the EFM interface.
CLI(conf-if)> crypto map <WORD>
Use the following command to fill in a general description for the EFM interface. A maximum of 100
characters are allowed.
CLI(conf-if)> description <description_of_the_interface>
Use the following command to select a DSL group. This command links the DSL group to the interface.
CLI(conf-if)> dsl-group <dsl_group_number>
In order for a VLAN interface to function, a VLAN ID must be set using the following command in interface
configuration mode:
CLI(conf-if)> encapsulation dot1Q <vlan-id> [native]
<vlan-id> is being an integer ranging from 1 to 4095. It has no default value. If the keyword native is
present, this VLAN becomes a native VLAN. On native VLAN, only IEEE 802.3 encapsulation is used (no
VLAN header is included in the frame). They are targeted for use with LAN stations, which are part of a
VLAN but not able to decode IEEE 802.1Q encapsulated frames (use of conventional Ethernet frames).
Only one single native VLAN per port can be declared as no VLAN header is present to discriminate two
To remove dot1Q encapsulation, use the command:
CLI(conf-if)> default encapsulation
Use the following command to configure the IP related parameters of the EFM interface.
CLI(conf-if)> ip ...
Refer to 4.5 IP Addressing and Routing for more information about IP.
In some cases, it is desirable to force the EFM port in status up, although no cable is connected. This
permits the testing of some functions (e.g. routing) before connecting the router to a live customer network.
CLI(conf-if)> keepalive
Use the following command to enable or disable OAM on the EFM interface. For more information about
OAM, refer to OAM – Operations, Administration and Maintenance.
CLI(conf-if)> oam {disable | auto | active | passive}
Use the following command to enable a PPPoE service profile on the EFM interface.
CLI(conf-if)> pppoe enable <profileName>
Use the following command in configure mode to enable a BBA-group – Broadband Access Group – on
the EFM interface.
CLI(configure)> bba-group pppoe <bba-group-name>
Refer to 4.3.6 PPPoE on Ethernet Uplink for more information about BBA-groups.
Use the following command to assign a dial pool number to the interface.
CLI(conf-if)> pppoe-client dial-pool-number <poolNumber>
A PPPoE interface is considered in the configuration as a logical dialer interface. This dialer interface is
attached to one physical interface. The attachment between logical and physical interface is determined by
the dialer pool membership id <poolNumber>.
Refer to 4.3.5 PPP Virtual Template Configuration and 4.3.6 PPPoE on Ethernet Uplink for more
information on the dial pool number.
Use the following commands to apply a policy-map on the interface, in the inbound or in the outbound
CLI(conf-if)> service-policy input <policy-map>
CLI(conf-if)> service-policy output <policy-map>
In order to be able to use the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP), this feature must be enabled
on the interface. To do so, proceed as follows:
CLI(conf-if)> virtual interface-status
A single virtual MAC address can be enabled on the interface. To enable the use of a virtual MAC address,
proceed as follows:
CLI(conf-if)> virtual mac-address
Use this command to set the identification of the virtual router. The vrrp range can be set between 1 and
255. Proceed as follows:
CLI(conf-if)> vrrp <1-255>
Use the following command to shutdown an interface. This means that it will no longer able to receive and
send data packets.
CLI(conf-if)> shutdown
CLI(conf-if)> no shutdown
If an interface is shutdown, the address or addresses assigned to that interface will be unreachable. If one
pings one of the interface addresses, it will not work.
Use the 'no' command to stop another configuration command that is running. For example:
CLI(conf-if)> no keepalive
Use the default command to restore the default settings of certain commands.
For example, the following command sets the bandwidth back to the default value:
CLI(conf-if)> default bandwidth
Use the following command to exit the EFM interface configuration mode.
To display interface statistics of a configured EFM interface, use the show interfaces command.
For example:
CLI(conf-if)> show interfaces efm 0
efm 0 is up, line protocol is up
Flags: (0x8063) BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP, interface index is 5202
Description: EFM0
Encapsulation: Ethernet v2, MTU 1500 bytes
Up-time 4d19h27m, status change count 1
Hardware address is 08:00:51:03:19:91, ARP timeout 0 sec
No auto-negotiation, half-duplex
Line speed unknown
Mean IP input/output rate 0/0 bits/s, 0/0 packets/s (over the last 4
Bridged to group 65535
Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/126
Reliability: 255/255
IN: 201612 packets, 12103580 bytes, 0 queue drops
0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 6 discards
14 unknown protocols
OUT: 201477 packets, 10132769 bytes, 0 queue drops
0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 errors, 0 discards
To display OAM statistics of a configured EFM interface, use the show efm command.
For example:
CLI(conf-if)> show efm 0 oam
OAM Status
discovery : fault
loopback : idle
localInfo remoteInfo
--------- ----------
version : 1 0
revision : 65535 0
muxAction : forwarding forwarding
parserAction : forwarding forwarding
oui : 00 12 EF 00 00 00
vendorInfo : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
varRetrieval : notSupported notSupported
linkEvents : interpreted ignored
loopback : supported notSupported
unidirectional : notSupported notSupported
mode : active passive
maxPduSize : 0 0
OAM Statistics
| | Rx | Tx |
| information | 0 | 0 |
| uniqueEventNotif | 0 | 0 |
| loopbackCtrl | 0 | 0 |
| varReq | 0 | 0 |
| varResp | 0 | 0 |
| orgSpecific | 0 | 0 |
| unsupportedCodes | 0 | 0 |
| pduDiscard | 0 | 0 |
| dataDiscards | 0 | 0 |
Serial interfaces support HDLC-based protocols, which include Frame Relay and PPP.
The commands to enter in serial interface configuration mode and set the protocol are:
CLI(configure)> interface serial 0/0
CLI(config-if)> encapsulation { PPP | frame-relay } V.11/V.35/V.28/V.36
The serial interface is also referred to as the Vxx interface, since the interface supports several serial
protocols (V.11/V.35/V.28/V.36). Serial interfaces in the OneOS-based routers are automatically detected
by the chipset by auto-detecting the connected cable. To start the Vxx Line configuration, the user must
enter into the configuration mode using the command:
CLI> configure terminal
The CLI enters into the Vxx Line configuration mode (config-if), when typing the next command:
CLI(configure)> interface serial <slot number>.<port number>
Currently, <slot number> must be set to 0 and <port number> must be set to 0.
To configure the physical layer the following command is required:
CLI(config-if)> physical-layer
Once the Vxx interface is created, the user can choose the configuration mode:
Either you want the Vxx Interface to be checked during configuration. In that case, the entered CLI
commands will be checked against the detected cable type.
Or you want the interface not to be checked and enter directly in configuration mode. In case no cable is
Some parameters can be chosen before starting the Vxx interface. All the following parameters are
optional. The related commands and parameters for physical layer are:
mtu <integer>: This command specifies the Maximum Transmit Unit (MTU) used on that physical
interface. The integer value should be between 1 and 1600. The default value is 1500.
CLI(ph_layer)> mtu 1500
modulation <type>: This optional command forces a physical modulation type in the case not to use
the default modulation associated with the detected cable. The proposed modulations are v28, v11-rs449,
v11-rs530, v11-rs530a or v35. This parameter must also be provided if the equipment is in DCE
mode and no cable is connected.
CLI(ph_layer)> modulation v11-rs449
no modulation: This command disable forced mode for modulation. The physical modulation used will
be the one associated to the detected cable. It means v28 for a V.24 cable, v11-rs449 for X24 cable or
V36 cable.
CLI(ph_layer)> no modulation
dte: This optional command forces the physical mode to DTE (terminal equipment). In default mode the
physical interface is chosen during cable detection. In default mode the outgoing signals are managed as
described by the chosen modulation and the cable type. In dte mode, the user can choose to force the
state (set, off) of outgoing signals 105 and 108 (see device installation guide). In the same way, in the
default mode, the checked signals that determine the state of the Vxx line are bound to modulation and
cable type. In dte mode, the user can choose the signals to be checked in order to determine the
operational line state. We can check the signals numbered 106, 107 and 109 in DTE mode.
To enter in DTE mode:
CLI(ph_layer)> dte
The same commands are available for 107 and 109 signals.
To exit from DTE mode:
CLI(config-dte)> exit
dce: This optional command forces the physical mode to DCE. In default mode the physical interface is
chosen while detecting the cable type. In default mode the outgoing signals are managed as described by
the chosen modulation and the cable type. In DCE mode the user can force the state (on, off) of outgoing
signals 106, 107 and 109. Similarly, in default mode, the checked signals determining the state of the Vxx
line are bound to modulation and cable. In DCE mode, the user can force the signals to be checked in
order to determine the line operational state. Signals 105 and 108 can be checked in DCE mode. We can
apply the same commands as DTE mode for DCE mode.
no dte: This command is used to restore the default mode (DTE or DCE mode selected from the cable).
CLI(ph_layer)> no dte
no dce: This command is used to restore the default mode (DTE or DCE mode selected from the cable).
CLI(ph_layer)> no dce
sync encoding: Defines physical encoding mode. The value can be `nrz' or `nrzi'.
CLI(ph_layer)> sync encoding { nrz | nrzi }
rate: This command changes the line rate. The default value is 2,000,000 bps. The value of line rate
must be between 1,200 and 8,100,000 bps.
CLI(ph_layer)> rate <linerate>
Once the physical layer is set; the user can configure the link with the upper layer.
The following commands are used:
activity link timer: The command sets the physical interface Link Timer LT. The state of the
interface is checked each LT in 1/10th of second. If the checked signals of the physical interface are down,
the interface is considered as down. The value of LT must be between 0 and 500.
CLI(config_if)> activity link timer <LT=number_of_1/10_of_second>
activity link count: The command sets the physical interface link count LC. The value of LC must
be between 0 and 250.
CLI(config_if)> activity link count <LC=number_of_time> E1/T1
To enter in E1/T1 interface configuration mode, use the following command (beginning in serial interface
configuration mode):
CLI(config-if)> physical-layer
CLI(config-if)> g703-g704-interface
Default: itu.
Use the following command to select the clock source (slave should be used when connected to a public
CLI(ph-layer-e1t1)> clock { master | slave }
Default: slave.
Assuming that the interface is used in structured mode (G.704/G.703), you can select the time slots that
are used. The interface supports a bundle of N time slots of 64 kbps (referred to as Nx64 mode, NxPx64 is
not supported):
CLI(ph-layer-e1t1)> ts <ts1>[-<ts2>]
<ts1> is the selected time slot. If you enter <ts1>-<ts2>, all time slots between <ts1> and <ts2> are
selected. These arguments must be between 1 and 31 for E1 (1 and 24 for T1).
Example for a 1984 kbps E1 line:
ts 1-31
Example for a 1792 kbps E1 line excluding the time slots 5, 6 and 7:
ts 1-4
ts 8-31
The command above makes the CLI enter in e1 or t1 configuration mode. From there, you can select
some additional parameters. For E1, use:
CLI(ph-layer-e1)> framing { nil | ddf | mff-crc4 | mff-crc4-ext }
CLI(ph-layer-e1)> line-code { ami | hdb3 }
If 'encapsulation PPP' was entered in serial interface configuration mode, the next parameters must
be then entered:
profile: identifier of the upper layer profile. The profile is used when defining the PPP virtual template.
The value of the profile number must be between 0 and 32.
CLI(config_if)> profile <profile_number>
execute: The command concludes the physical interface configuration putting into place the parameters
that have been set.
CLI(config_if)> execute
ipcp static
ip address
authentication no
To debug and decode the PPP protocol, use the following command:
CLI> serial-capture vxx0 [ console | file ] [ verbose { 1 | 2 | 3 } ] Features
Where Bc is the committed burst and Tc the integration period during which the scheduler computes the
shaping. The depth of the token bucket is of size Be (Burst exceeded) that designates the number of bytes
emitted beyond the CIR. Frames sent as part of the Be are tagged with DE=1 (Discard Eligibility).
Otherwise DE=0. The Bc, Be and CIR parameters are configurable per PVC. Note that DE can also be
tagged based on the DiffServ classes or routing policies.
OneOS-based routers consider the network is congested when more than 50% of the received frames are
tagged with the Backward Explicit Congestion Notification (BECN). During congestion, the shaping rate is
lowered, until it has reached the CIR min value. Configuration
The following commands are used to create a Frame Relay (FR) PVC. A PVC is a sub-interface of the
serial interface. To create a FR PVC, we must first complete the serial interface configuration as follows:
CLI(configure)> interface serial <slot>/<port>
CLI(config-if)> encapsulation frame-relay
By default, the LMI is activated in NUI mode, using the Q.933 Annex A standard. If you wish to change
these parameters, the following command lines can be used:
CLI(config-if)> frame-relay lmi-mode { uni | nui | nni | none }
CLI(config-if)> frame-relay lmi-norm { q933 | ansi }
When LMI is configured, complete the interface configuration by entering the next commands:
CLI(config-if)> execute
CLI(config-if)> exit
The FR QoS parameters are configured inside a class map. To create a FR class map, enter:
CLI(configure)> map-class frame-relay <map-class-name>
Optional parameters:
CLI(config-map-class)> bc <100..51200000> (Burst committed in bytes)
By default, the Burst Committed Bc is calculated as CIR*Tc, with Tc = 100 msec. Changing Bc results in
changing Tc.
CLI(config-map-class)> be <0..51200000> (Burst exceeded in bytes, default value: 0)
Activates the congestion monitoring (BECN count) thereby enabling to lower the shaping rate till MinCIR
during congestion. By default, it is not activated.
CLI(config-map-class)> fragment <16..1600> (size of fragments in bytes. By default,
fragmentation is disabled)
The virtual QoS group is chosen for prioritization with LFI. In other words, if you want to activate LFI, you
need to configure the IP QoS such that some packets are marked internally with a virtual QoS group. If a
packet is marked with that group and is short enough for not being fragmented, then it can be inserted
between large packet's fragments (interleaving).
Entering the following commands allows a serial sub-interface to be created for the FR PVC:
CLI(configure)> interface serial <slot>/<port>.<sub-interface-id>
'<slot>.<port>' refers to the serial port for which the FR encapsulation was previously set. The
'<sub-interface-id>' is an arbitrary number (ranging from 1 to 255) identifying the sub-interface. It
makes the CLI enter in sub-interface configuration mode. If you use an IP QoS, it must be declared here,
under this sub-interface configuration level.
It is necessary to assign an IP address to the frame relay port:
CLI(config-if)> ip address <ip-address> [<mask>]
Then the user must enter a valid DLCI number for the Frame Relay circuit.
CLI(config-if)> frame-relay interface-dlci <dlci-value>
If you wish to manage Frame Relay QoS on that DLCI, apply the Frame Relay map-class defined
CLI(config-if)> frame-relay class <map-class-name>
To enable this feature, first enter in serial interface configuration mode and enable priority queuing:
CLI(configure)> interface serial <slot>.<port>
CLI(config-if)> frame-relay interface-queue priority [ <1..255> <1..255>
<1..255> <1..255> ]
CLI(config-if)> execute
CLI(config-if)> exit
The 4 figures provided at the end of the 'frame-relay interface-queue priority' command are
optional. They represent the size of queues for the high, medium, normal and low priority queues. The
default values are:
- High: 20
- Medium: 40
- Normal: 60
- Low: 80
Then, you can assign the PVC priority in the corresponding map-class as follows:
CLI(configure)> map-class frame-relay <map-class-name>
CLI(config-map-class)> interface-queue priority { high | medium | normal
| low }
CLI(config-if)> exit
interface serial 0/0.1
frame-relay class shaper1
ip address
frame-relay interface-dlci 20
! Define the QoS policy to mark packets with the virtual QoS group 12
policy-map policy1
class voice
set qos-group 12
! ...
exit Statistics
| 0 packets received |
| No errors |
| Tx statistics |
| 0 packets sent |
| No errors |
When the OneOS-based router must authenticate its PPP peer with CHAP, a control is made on the
username and CHAP challenge handshake. The peer username and password are defined globally and
are valid for all PPP connections. When a remote device is authenticated, OneOS-based router scans the
list of usernames to determine the CHAP challenge. Peers are defined as follows from the configuration
CLI(configure)> peer username <username> password <password>
When <encryption> is ‘0’, the password is entered in clear text. If ‘1’, it indicates the password is
entered using the encryption algorithm #1.
The PPP Virtual template defines a profile used for the PPP over Leased Line configuration.
The virtual template profile is created by the command:
CLI(configure)> virtual-template ppp <profile_number>
The parameter <profile_number> identifies the template profile (range from 0 to 32).
If no mode is entered, this feature is disabled and the IP address must then be configured.
If static mode is selected, the IPCP service functions in static mode. In this case the IP address must be
configured and is checked by the remote equipment (the OneOS-based router and the remote device must
have the same data configured -such as the IP address-).
If dynamic mode is selected, the IP address for the interface is obtained via PPP/IPCP from the next hop
CLI(config-virt-ppp)> ipcp { static | dynamic | no }
If dynamic mode is selected, the network mask can also be obtained via PPP/IPCP.
CLI(config-virt-ppp)> ipcp mask-request
Note: If mask-request is used, the "ip unnumbered <interface>" command is mandatory for
the IP address and the network mask apply to <interface> otherwise they will apply to PPP.
If you want to retrieve the DNS server address per IPCP use the next command:
CLI(config-virt-ppp)> ipcp dns-accept IP Address
The IP address must be set if dynamic IPCP is not used. By default, dynamic IPCP is set and you do not
need to set the IP address. To enter the IP address, use the following command:
CLI(config-virt-ppp)> ip address <ip_address> [<mask>]
Instead of having an IP address, the local PPP interface can be unnumbered, thus saving some IP
addresses. The configuration is the following:
CLI(config-virt-ppp)> ip unnumbered { Loopback <lb-id> |
Ethernet <slot>/<port>[.<vlan-if>] |
FastEthernet <slot>/<port>[.<vlan-if>] |
Atm <intf>.<port> |
Serial <slot>.<port> }
In case of PAP authentication, the CPE must send a name and password that is checked against a
matched entry in the local database of the remote router.
In case of CHAP authentication, the CPE sends a “challenge” message to the remote device, which then
encrypts the value with a shared key and returns it to the CPE.
The authentication no command disables this function. By default, CHAP is enabled.
The second argument defines the authentication types. They are:
• two-ways: authentication is done by both sides.
• one-way-callin (default): authentication material is sent to the remote device, but the remote
device is not locally authenticated.
• one-way-called: authentication material is not sent to the remote device (only username is sent),
but the remote device must be authenticated.
Note: for the current release, only bi-directional CHAP and CHAP server are supported. All other
combinations are supported with the attribute one-way-callin.
This configuration command specifies the username and password (character string) used by the
authentication protocol.
The username may content a predefined string of the form #mac<i># that will be replaced during
authentication by the corresponding MAC address of the device.
Example: will be replaced by [email protected] where 00:12:EF:44:E2:76 is
the MAC address #1 of the device as listed in the product information area.
The maximum permitted length of username is 64 characters; the maximum permitted length of password
is 30 characters when entered in clear text and 128 characters when entered already encrypted.
CLI(config-virt-ppp)>username <username>
CLI(config-virt-ppp)>password <password> [<crypto-algorithm>]
LFI enables to reduce significantly transit delays for priority packets. To understand the under-laying
properties of the IP QoS, please refer to Transit Delay Control. When activating LFI, the priority packets
are encapsulated in PPP and low priority packets are transported in MLPPP. If low priority packets are too
large, they are fragmented. Priority packets are transmitted after the current frame being emitted by the
To enable interleaving, use the following command:
CLI(config-virt-ppp)> multilink interleave
The discriminator is used to identify to which bundle a link must be added. It must be usually
configured (it depends on the remote end of the MLPPP connection). <class> is an integer ranging from
1 to 5 and <string> is a string of 20 characters maximum.
The max-rcvunit is the Maximum Remote Receive Unit (MRRU) and is by default 1500 bytes.
CLI(config-virt-ppp)> exit Examples
The following example illustrates how to configure a PPP connection over a V11 line:
configure terminal
virtual-template ppp 0
ipcp static
ip address
mru local 1500 no
mru remote 1500 no
magic number not-negotiable
authentication no
keepalive 1
retry-time min 3 max 10
interface serial 0/0
encapsulation ppp
profile 0
modulation v11-rs530
The following example illustrates how to activate LFI over a MLPPP E1 link. We want that all PING be
treated as priority (interleaved packets).
! Declare an ACL that matches any ICMP echo
ip access-list extended ping
permit icmp
policy-map ping_lfi
class ping
priority percent 10
virtual-template ppp 1
ipcp static
ip address
authentication no
multilink interleave
multilink fragment-size 250
multilink header long
multilink discriminator 1 Q
multilink max-rcvunit 1524
The PPP configuration in server mode is currently restricted to application cases, where PPP sessions are
tunneled in L2TP by LNS.
If no mode is entered, this feature is disabled and the IP address must then be configured.
If static mode is selected, the IPCP service, functions in static mode. In this case the IP address must
be configured and is checked by the remote equipment (the OneOS-based router and the remote device
must have the same data configured -such as the IP address-).
If dynamic mode is selected, the IP address is provided via PPP/IPCP to the remote PPP endpoint.
CLI(config-virt-ppp)> ipcp { static | dynamic | no } IP Address
If dynamic IPCP is used, the local PPP interface will take an IP address from the defined local pool. Two IP
addresses are thus needed when a new PPP session is established. The following command must be
entered, if dynamic IPCP was chosen:
CLI(config-virt-ppp)> ip address
Instead of having an IP address, the local PPP interface can be unnumbered. The configuration is the
CLI(config-virt-ppp)> ip unnumbered { Loopback <lb-id> |
Ethernet <slot>/<port>[.<vlan-if>] |
FastEthernet <slot>/<port>[.<vlan-if>] |
Atm <intf>.<port> |
Serial <slot>.<port> }
The IP address must be set if dynamic IPCP is not used. To enter the IP address, use the following
CLI(config-virt-ppp)> ip address <ip_address>
If the device is the PPP server, it can set the client IP address by taking an IP address in an address pool.
The address pool is assigned as follows:
CLI(config-virt-ppp)> peer default ip pool <pool-name>
The pool must have been previously defined in global configuration mode, as follows:
CLI(configure)> ip local pool <pool-name> <lowest-ip-address> <highest-
If 'peer default' is enabled, the PPP authentication is realized through a RADIUS server. For
authentication, a RADIUS server must be defined in global configuration mode
CLI(configure)> radius-server <RADIUS-server-ip> [:<RADIUS-UDP-port>]
ip local pool ppp_virt3
radius-server ip2002
virtual-template ppp 4
ipcp dynamic
ip unnumbered loopback 2
mru local 1500 no
authentication pap
keepalive 10
peer default ip pool ppp_virt3
This command sets the Maximum Receive Unit (MRU) local/remote length and enables selection of
negotiation mode. The MRU can have different significations:
- The remote MRU designates the maximum size of packets received sent in a PPP payload. If the remote
MRU is less than the IP packet length, the IP layer performs an IP fragmentation (if DF=0, otherwise the
packet is dropped and an ICMP message indicating the Path MTU is sent back)
- When using MLPPP, the remote MRU sets the MLPPP fragmentation size. The size of fragments cannot
be lower than 200 bytes.
If negotiation request is enabled (yes in first yes-no argument), the MRU length is negotiated with the
remote PPP peer and is lower or equal to the size value. The negotiation accept (second yes-no
argument) defines whether the MRU proposed by the remote peer should be accepted. If negotiation is not
enabled (no in first or second yes-no argument), the maximum datagram length is equal to <size> value.
At any rate, the length of MRU is lower or equal to 1582 bytes.
magic number is used by the LCP protocol to detect looped-back lines and to check the continuity using
“echo” frames.
The magic number may be negotiable: the remote device can choose the number; otherwise (if non-
negotiable) the CPE selects its own number.
CLI(config-virt-ppp)> magic number { negociation | not-negotiable}
If the value of <timer> is different from zero, the keep-alive mechanism is enabled. The keep-alive sends
periodical "echo" frames to prevent disconnection after a long period of PPP inactivity.
CLI(config-virt-ppp)> keepalive <timer> Reconnection
'automatic' forces reconnection after disconnection of the PPP session. 'datagram' forces
reconnection only when a datagram needs to be forwarded on the interface. 'no reconnection'
disables the mechanism. The mechanism is disabled by default.
This timer is used by the LCP protocol during the configuration and negotiation phase for connection and
auto-reconnection. If a BAS is down and up again all routers will attempt to connect to the BAS
simultaneously, thus flooding the BAS with connection requests. A random timer for session re-
establishment can prevent several routers from reconnecting at the same time. The configuration must
provide a minimum and a maximum range for retry timers. The value of the timer is then chosen randomly
between the values min and max.
CLI(config-virt-ppp)> retry-time min <value> max <value>
A PPPoE interface is considered in the configuration as a logical dialer interface. This dialer interface is
attached to one physical or VLAN interface. The attachment between logical and physical or VLAN
interface is determined by the dialer pool membership id. The physical or VLAN interface is attached to a
PPPoE service profile (called bba-group: broadband access group), which in turn is attached to a PPP
virtual template.
Bba-group pppoe
(pppoe service
Virt-template PPP
(PPP parameters)
The dialer interface is the IP interface onto which NAT, ACL … IP services are configured. Configuration
First, select the FastEthernet or VLAN interface where the PPPoE service shall be attached:
CLI> configure terminal
CLI(configure)> interface fastEthernet <slot>/<port>[.<vlan-if>]
CLI(config-if)> no ip address
Then choose an arbitrary bba-group name and an arbitrary dial-pool-number in PPPoE client mode:
CLI(config-if)> pppoe enable <bba-group-name>
CLI(config-if)> pppoe-client dial-pool-number <id>
CLI(config-if)> exit
Then, a PPP virtual template is configured. This template gathers all PPP parameters for the PPPoE
profile. See section 4.3.5 for details. A typical configuration is the following:
CLI(configure)> virtual-template ppp <id>
CLI(config-virt-ppp)> username <ppp-username>
CLI(config-virt-ppp)> password <ppp-password>
CLI(config-virt-ppp)> ipcp dns-accept
CLI(config-virt-ppp)> execute
CLI(config-virt-ppp)> exit
The BBA group must be configured. The same bba-group-name must be used as the one under
interface fastEthernet:
service-name is usually optional. This is an option in the PPPoE protocol that might be controlled by the
BAS. If you do not know the service-name, simply do not enter the command because the parameter is
Finally, the PPPoE dialer interface is configured. The same dial-pool-number previously defined under
interface fastEthernet must be re-used.
CLI(configure)> interface dialer <id>
CLI(config-if)> encapsulation ppp
CLI(config-if)> dialer pool <dial-pool-number>
CLI(config-if)> exit
If you wish to activate NAT, ACL or other IP services, it is done under the 'interface dialer'
configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> interface dialer <id>
CLI(config-if)> ip nat inside overload
CLI(config-if)> ip nat static-napt 21 self 21
CLI(config-if)> ip access-group myacl in
hostname one100
ip name-server
policy-map qos
class class-default
interface FastEthernet 1/0
no ip address
pppoe enable PPPoE_2
pppoe-client dial-pool-number 15
virtual-template ppp 1
ipcp dns-accept
username fti/9tu6kzq
password ck934kw
bba-group pppoe PPPoE_2
virtual-template 1
service-name TEST_PPPOE1
ip route dialer 0
interface dialer 0
encapsulation ppp
dialer pool 15
ip tcp adjust-mss 1452
ip nat inside overload
ip nat static-napt tcp 18080 self 80
ip nat static-napt tcp 21 self 21
To activate PPPoE traces, enter the following command and follow the guidelines:
CLI> [no] debug pppoe
To activate PPP traces, enter the following command and follow the guidelines:
CLI> [no] debug ppp
The OneOS-based routers are optionally equipped with an ISDN interfaces (BRI or PRI). The ISDN
interface supports the LAPD signaling protocol (Q.921/Q.931) to establish the data channel supporting a
PPP session. A single BRI interface has two data channels while a single PRI interface has thirty data
channels. These channels are called B-channels. A PPP session can be established over a B-Channel to
transport IP traffic.
B-channels can be bundled using the Multi-Link Point-to-Point Protocol (MLPPP). The MLPPP protocol
permits the aggregation of several communication channels to operate as a single link; this operation is
defined by RFC 1990. Using MLPPP data packets are "inverse-multiplexed" over the individual links that
form the MLPPP link bundle. Latency is reduced by segmented large packets for transmission over the
MLPPP link bundle.
The number of links can be increased and reduced dynamically to adapt to the required bandwidth and
reduce the cost of ISDN dial-up connections. To add and remove links from an MLPPP bundle, the
following is needed:
• A decision algorithm to accept/refuse link addition/removal
• (Optionally) A control protocol for negotiation of link addition/removal
The control protocol is defined in RFC 2125 and is composed of:
• The Bandwidth Allocation Protocol (BAP) which (RFC statement) "defines packets, parameters and
negotiation procedures to allow two endpoints to negotiate gracefully adding and dropping links from a
multilink bundle".
• The Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol (BACP) which is the control protocol for setting up the BAP
between two hosts communicating with MLPPP.
When using BAP/BACP, the calling router is the BACP client and the called router is the BACP server. The
BACP client requests the addition and removal of links to the remote router. This mode is referred to as
dynamic mode with a dynamic-client and dynamic-server.
If no control protocol is used, the B-Channels are added and removed by the calling router. This mode is
referred to as static-boda (Bandwidth On Demand Application). Be aware that both modes are not
The following behaviors can be configured (both routers must be configured in either static or dynamic
• Calling & called router (Static mode): the number of links in a bundle is defined per configuration. The
device tries to add all links if they are available.
• Calling router (mode: static-boda or dynamic-client): the device can measure traffic and undertake to
change the number of links to adapt to the measured traffic profile. We can define an add threshold
(e.g. 80 % of the measured outgoing traffic) for adding links in a bundle. The measured traffic is a
sliding average. Example: If N is the number of used links (64 kbps), if the emitted traffic exceeds (A%
+ (N-1)) * 64 kbps, the router tries to add a B-channel. For dropping a link, if the emitted traffic is
measured as lower than (D% + (N-1)) * 64 kbps, the link is removed. In static-boda mode, the router
tries to add a link as long as the measured traffic is high enough and the addition is not successful.
The dynamic server can add links as long as:
• The number of links does not exceed the number of available physical links locally and
• The number of used links does not exceed the configured maximum number of links for this
MLPPP bundle.
• The remote end (dynamic client) does not refuse the addition of a link to a bundle. Note: a
dynamic MLPPP client can also refuse to drop links in this mode.
• Called router (mode: static-boda or dynamic-client): if the device receives a request to add/drop a link,
it does not decline the request. Exception: The device can add links if available and up to a maximum
number defined per configuration.
Several operating modes are possible for ISDN interface:
• Backup: when the main link fails (e.g. DSL), data are routed over the ISDN interface. Therefore, the
ISDN interface is not used in normal working conditions. The ISDN interface is set up on demand,
when traffic needs to be sent and no main link is operational.
• Dial-Out Access: the OneOS-based router uses the ISDN port as uplink. The access is then either
permanent or dynamically set up when a datagram must be sent.
• Dial-In Access: the OneOS-based router is accessed by a remote device. The feature is useful for
remote management purposes.
• Bi-directional Access: the interface can call or be called.
• PPPoA Call Back: the OneOS-based router cannot be "waked up" through the DSL uplink. The
OneOS-based router receives a call setup request. Then, the ISDN call-back feature is used to
reactivate the PPPoA session and the ISDN communication is not established (no B-channel is set
The operating modes provided above can be configured concurrently. Each of the operating modes can be
configured several times with different parameters to allow several calling/called numbers. However, the
services are limited by the number of B-channels. For example, one can configure Dial-Out, Dial-In and
Backup accesses on a BRI interface. If the dial-out and the dial-in communication are set up, there is no B-
channel left available for the backup.
For dial-on-demand connection, dialer-groups can be defined. They are a set of filtering rules that allows
only certain applications to open the ISDN connection (e.g. LAN traffic, telnet) while others do not
(example: SNTP, SNMP).
The configuration steps are the following:
1. ISDN Signaling Configuration (LAPD, protocol D)
2. HDLC Configuration of the B-Channels
3. ISDN Service Configuration: Dial in and/or Dial and/or backup and/or PPP call back Configuration
To start the ISDN configuration, the user must enter into the configuration mode using the command:
CLI> configure terminal
The slot-number parameter is the physical slot of the ISDN interface and port-number is the physical
port. See below the detailed numbering of ISDN slots and ports.
Some parameters can be set in the ISDN signaling layer. The ISDN configuration mode is entered by
For data services, data must be used. The default value is data on the S0 interface of the ONE60
(voatm on voice modules of the ONE200).
To define the NT or TE mode in ISDN, the next commands are used:
CLI(isdn)> protocol-emulation { isdn-te | isdn-nt | qsig }
CLI(isdn)> layer1-emulation { nt | te }
CLI(isdn)> layer2-emulation { nt | te }
By default, the TEI selection mode is dynamic (recommended) and the associated command is:
CLI(isdn)> tei-negociation dynamic
Some ISDN counters and timer can be set (for experts), for example:
CLI(isdn)> modulo-window { 8 | 128 }
CLI(isdn)> k-window <1..128>
If a PRI interface is used, it must be enabled by entering the following commands, which allows specifying
several parameters for the physical level.
Commands for enabling an E1 interface:
CLI(configure)> interface pri 5/0
CLI(config-if)> physical-interface E1
CLI(config-if)> linecode hdb3
Main parameters:
CLI(config-if)> physical-interface { E1 | T1 }
Specify the physical line coding to be used ami, hdb3, bz8s (default: hdb3):
CLI(config-if)> linecode { ami | hdb3 | b8zs }
The interface must be shut down if a physical parameter has to be modified. The interface is re-activated
with the command no shutdown.
CLI(config-if)> [no] shutdown
Usually, the next commands are not needed since the default values are generally appropriate. If some
parameters need to be changed though, the user must enter in interface configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> interface { bri | pri } <slot-number>/<port-number>
The HDLC Activity Timer AT is the timer supervising the proper working of the HDLC interface. The HDLC
interface is checked N times (N=HDLC count). If the timer expires N times before no HDLC flag is
received, the interface is considered as faulty. To set the HDLC activity timer, use the next command:
CLI(config-if)> activity hdlc timer <1..500>
The value is provided in 10th of seconds. The default value is 36. To set the HDLC count, use the next
CLI(config-if)> activity hdlc count <1..250>
The default value is 1. The inactivity b-channel timer is a timer supervising B channel inactivity. If
no traffic is used on the B channel, the B channel is disconnected after the defined timer length. The
command is:
CLI(config-if)> inactivity b-channel <0..3600>
The default value is 120. The value is provided in seconds. To apply the changes:
CLI(config-if)> execute
CLI(config-if)> exit
The Dial-Out mode permits the OneOS-based router to call a NAS or a router. If the OneOS-based router
has routes with different metrics, the Dial Out can be used to trigger the interface as an ISDN backup. To
configure an ISDN connection initiated by the OneOS-based device, the user must first select an arbitrary
connection number; the command is:
CLI(configure)> interface isdn-dialer <slot-number>/
connection-id is an identifier, ranging from 0 to 255, which the user can choose freely. The table below
indicates how slots are numbered on the router interfaces:
To disable outgoing calls, use the no outgoing call [<name>] command. name is arbitrary and
optional. It designates the name of the connection such as paris or central-site for easier reading of
the configuration. The called E.164 number must be entered:
CLI(out-call)> address <E.164-number>
Optionally, a callback number can be configured. When the calling number of an incoming call matches the
callback number, the router refuses this call but rather dials the outgoing address number.
CLI(out-call)> callback-address <E.164-number>
If MLPPP is used, the MLPPP bundle must be created and identified by an arbitrary identifier ranging from
0 to 32.
CLI(out-call)> mlppp <mlppp-id>
The CLI enters in MLPPP configuration mode and some parameters can be entered:
CLI(out-call-mlppp)> connection {static | static-boda | dynamic-server |
CLI(out-call-mlppp)> max-link <1..30>
CLI(out-call-mlppp)> header { short | long }
CLI(out-call-mlppp)> max-rcv-unit <40..4000>
CLI(out-call-mlppp)> exit
The connection command indicates if and how the bandwidth on demand feature is activated (see
• static: indicates that the number of links in the MLPPP bundle is fixed. Therefore, the device will try
to set up all links when initiating the MLPPP bundle.
• static-boda: the router measures the traffic and uses the default boda value to add and drop links.
( (80% + N –1)*64 kbps, confirmation window to add: 5 sec, to remove: 1 sec)
• dynamic-client: the device measures bandwidth usage and add/drop links according to the
• dynamic-server: the device does not measure traffic.
The max-link command defines the maximum number of links allowed in the bundle. As the MLPPP is
only allowed on a physical interface, the maximum value is 2 for a S0 port and 30 for a S2 port. Default:
max-link = 1.
The header is an option of MLPPP for MLPPP headers (indicates the length of sequence numbers).
The max-rcv-unit command is the number of bytes of the reassembled MLPPP payload.
Then, the PPP configuration must be selected. This is done by entering the corresponding PPP virtual
template identifier (a number ranging from 0 to 255):
CLI(out-call)> encapsulation ppp
CLI(out-call)> profile <virtual-template-id>
CLI(out-call)> exit
CLI(out-call)> execute
CLI(out-call)> exit
The commands can be repeated several times to allow calling different addresses.
The next paragraph describes the configuration steps required to allow a remote equipment to dial in the
OneOS-based device. To configure the OneOS-based device to accept and establish a call initiated by a
remote host, the user must first select an arbitrary connection number; the command is:
CLI(configure)> interface isdn-dialer <slot-number>/
Connection-id is an identifier, ranging from 0 to 255, which the user can choose freely. The table in indicates how slots are numbered on the router interfaces.
To disable the incoming call, use the no incoming call [<name>] command. name is arbitrary and
optional. The calling E.164 number must be entered:
CLI(in-call)> address <E.164-number>
If MLPPP is used, the MLPPP bundle must be created and identified by an arbitrary identifier ranging from
0 to 32.
CLI(in-call)> mlppp <mlppp-id>
The CLI enters in MLPPP configuration mode and some parameters can be entered:
CLI(in-call-mlppp)> connection { static | static-boda | dynamic-server |
dynamic-client }
CLI(in-call-mlppp)> max-link <1..30>
CLI(in-call-mlppp)> header { short | long }
CLI(in-call-mlppp)> max-rcv-unit <40..4000>
CLI(in-call-mlppp)> exit
The connection command indicates if and how the bandwidth on demand feature is activated (see
• static: indicates that the number of links in the MLPPP bundle is fixed. Therefore, the device will try
to set up all links when initiating the MLPPP bundle.
• static-boda: the router measures the traffic and uses the default boda value to add and drop links.
( (80% + N –1)*64 kbps, confirmation window to add: 5 sec, to remove: 1 sec)
• dynamic-client: the device measures bandwidth usage and add/drop links according to the
• dynamic-server: the device does not measure traffic.
The max-link command defines the maximum number of links allowed in the bundle. As the MLPPP is
only allowed on a physical interface, the maximum value is 2 for an S0 port and 30 for an S2 port. Default:
max-link = 1.
The header is an option of MLPPP for MLPPP headers (indicates the length of sequence numbers).
The max-rcv-unit command is the number of bytes of the reassembled MLPPP payload.
Then, the PPP configuration must be selected. This is done by entering the corresponding PPP virtual
template identifier (a number ranging from 0 to 255):
CLI(in-call)> encapsulation ppp
CLI(in-call)> profile <virtual-template-id>
CLI(in-call)> exit
CLI(in-call)> execute
CLI(in-call)> exit
The commands can be repeated several times to allow several different callers.
To configure the OneOS-based router for an interface enabling incoming and outgoing calls, the user must
first select an arbitrary connection number; the command is:
CLI(configure)> interface isdn-dialer <slot-number>/
connection-id is an identifier, ranging from 0 to 255, which the user can choose freely. The table in indicates how slots are numbered on the router interfaces.
To enable incoming calls, use the next command:
CLI(config-if)> both-way call [<name>]
To disable the incoming call, use the 'no both-way call [<name>]' command. <name> is arbitrary
and optional. The following E.164 numbers must be configured:
• The caller address. The caller is authenticated using this number.
• The called address in case of outgoing call.
Optionally, a callback number can be configured. When the caller number of an incoming call matches the
callback number, the router refuses this call but rather dials the ‘outgoing address’ number.
It is entered so:
CLI(bo-call)> callback-address <E.164-number>
CLI(bo-call)> address incoming <E.164-number> [secondary]
CLI(bo-call)> address outgoing <E.164-number> [secondary]
If the value of <E.164-number> for incoming call is ’*’, the access control is disabled.
The other parameters are the same as those for the preceding section, except for bandwidth on demand
parameters. Thresholds and confirmation windows define how links must be added or removed:
• A link is added if the measured inbound or outbound traffic is beyond the addition threshold. A link is
removed if the measured inbound and outbound traffics are under the removal threshold.
• Thresholds: let us note a threshold T% (percentage). A sliding average of the in/out-bound traffic is
calculated. To allow a link add, the measured traffic must be beyond (T% + (N-1)) x 64 kbps, where N
is the number of currently open B-channels. To allow a link drop, the measured traffic must be under
(T% + (N-2)) x 64 kbps.
• Confirmation Window (noted W): to avoid link flapping, a confirmation window is used. The threshold
condition must be valid for W seconds to trigger the link add/drop.
To configure the number of outgoing call attempts and delay between attempts, use the next command:
CLI(bo-call)> call-retry <retry-number> [<seconds>]
Default values: add/remove threshold = 80 %, add window = 5 sec, remove window = 2 sec.
To monitor the traffic in only one direction use the next command:
CLI(bo-call-mlppp)> bw-on-demand {inbound | outbound} no
All parameters are taken into account after entering the execute command.
Note that the following commands are common to PPP and MLPPP. However, some MLPPP specific
parameters are displayed when the connection uses MLPPP.
To display the BRI interface configuration, use:
You can place a fake ISDN call to verify the ISDN connection. The next command calls the given ISDN
number with an ‘Unrestricted Data’ Bearer Capability (meaning it is a data call not a voice call). If the call is
setup, it means the called party accepts data call and has eventually authenticated the calling number.
After successful call setup, the call is then interrupted.
CLI> isdn test call <e164-nbr>
It is possible to display all the ISDN protocol messages exchanged between the OneOS-based router and
the ISDN terminal. Such traces rely on the generic logging function (cf. 3.11.4).
Enter the following command:
CLI> [no] debug isdn { 5/<0..7> | 2/0 | all } [ layer { 1 | 2 | 3 | 1&2 |
2&3 | 1to3 } ]
The first command argument is the ISDN port(s), whose ISDN messages will be logged. The second
argument is the monitored ISDN layers (1: physical, 2: LAPD, 3: call control and other ISDN applicative
To display PPP/MLPPP traces:
CLI> [no] debug ppp Examples
virtual-template ppp 0
ipcp static
ip address
mru local 1500 no
mru remote 1500 no
magic number not-negotiable
authentication no
virtual-template ppp 5
ipcp static
ip address
mru local 1500 no
mru remote 1500 no
magic number not-negotiable
authentication no
reconnection datagram
interface isdn-dialer 2/0.5
outgoing call
mlppp 0
connection static
descriminator 1 toto
max-link 2
max-rcvunit 4000
header long
address 2022024625
encapsulation ppp
profile 5
configure terminal
interface bri 2/0
no shutdown
virtual-template ppp 1
ipcp static
ip address
mru local 1500 no
mru remote 1500 no
authentication no
Callback example:
configure terminal
interface isdn-dialer 5/0.1
inactivity b-channel 0
both-way call
address-outgoing 2123456789
address-outgoing 1123456789 secondary
callback-address 2123456789
profile 1
call-retry 2
mlppp 0
connection static-boda
discriminator 1 ZWRS
header long
max-link 16
dialer-group idle-timeout 20
service-policy output LFIS
interface bri 5/0
application-interface data
no shutdown
The ONE60/100/200 products can be equipped with an optional analog modem. The modem enables a
dial-up connection for backup of IP services. Configuration
To enable the PSTN modem, enter in PSTN configuration mode from the 'configuration terminal':
CLI(configure)> [no] interface pstn 2/0
You may wish to change some parameters of the physical modem layer. To do so, enter in physical layer
configuration as follows:
CLI(config-if)> physical-layer
The maximum physical-layer transmit unit (MTU) can be set in bytes (default: 1500) as follows:
CLI(physical-layer)> mtu <1..1500>
By default, the modem is disconnected even if there is no traffic. To configure the inactivity period, use the
following command to set the inactivity timer (in seconds) after which the modem is disconnected
(0 means no inactivity timer):
CLI(physical-layer)> channel inactivity timer <0..3600>
It is possible to configure the ringing burst number received before answering an incoming call (default:
1 ring). The parameter is set under physical PSTN interface. It is used by the PSTN incoming call service
as far as it is created (i.e. as far as the modem is set to accept the call).
To modify the value, the incoming call service must be removed and re-created.
CLI(physical-layer)> modem ring-nbr-to-answer <n>
To ease the reading of the configuration, you can enter an interface name as follows:
CLI(out-call)> sub-interface <name>
To apply PPP parameters to this connection, a profile number is attached. The profile corresponds to a
virtual PPP template, which must have been previously defined. To attach the profile number (default: 0),
use the following command:
CLI(out-call)> profile <0..32>
Some modem parameters can be set when entering in modem configuration mode:
CLI(out-call)> modem
Default: V42. The modem fallback can be disabled (default: enabled). The modem fallback permits the use
of more robust modulation in case of poor quality line. The command is:
CLI(out-call-modem)> fallback { enable | disable }
Then enter 2 times 'exit', then the 'execute' command and 'exit' again.
You can place a fake call to verify the connection. The next command calls the given number. If the call is
setup, it means the called party has synchronized the modem. After successful call setup, the call is
immediately interrupted.
CLI> pstn test call <e164-nbr> <slot>/<port>.<sub-interface>
As of V3.7R11 software release the above command is deprecated and is replaced by:
CLI> debug pstn 2
CLI> debug dialup 2 Example
A router makes an outgoing call that backs up a main connection over ADSL. The ADSL connection is
identified by the ATM PVC interface 0.1.
This section applies to the products ONECell25, ONECell35 (working as EDGE/GPRS modem) and
ONE20/100 (equipped with an internal EDGE/GPRS module).
The internal modem requires a SIM card to be present to operate. At first modem installation, the PIN code
must be installed. For security sake, the SIM code is not shown by the show running-config
command. The PIN code is saved in encrypted form in a special file of the router flash file system.
The OneOS-based router gives the PIN code once; if the PIN code is incorrect, the product expects that
the user enters another PIN code. If the user entered a series of (usually 3) wrong PIN codes, the SIM
card is blocked by the GSM network. In that case, the user must contact the GSM provider to get a Pin
code Unblocking Key (PUK).
The following commands are available from the CLI root. First, make sure that the SIM card is properly
installed and detected by the system.
CLI> show edge-modem equipment
Edge Modem Information
Manufacturer identification : Enfora, Inc.
Equipment information : Enabler-II E Modem
Revision identification : S/W v0.2.1
Equipment information (IMEI) : 01065600070006
Firmware Package Version : 44
PIN status : PIN code is not blocked (counter=3)
SIM card status : SIM card is present
GPRS and EGPRS classes : 10,10
Counter=3 indicates the number of remaining attempts to enter a correct PIN code.
PIN code installation of (an unblocked) SIM card is done with the next command:
CLI> edge-modem pin-code install <pin-code> <confirm-pin-code>
If the PIN code was successfully installed once, it can be changed as follows:
CLI> edge-modem pin-code change <old-pin-code> <pin-code> <confirm-pin-
To unblock a SIM card, ask the GSM provider for a temporary PIN code (PUK, usually an 8-digit PIN code)
and specify the new PIN code:
CLI> edge-modem pin-code unblock <puk> <pin-code> <confirm-pin-code>
Foreword: there is no parameter to select EDGE or GPRS modulations. The network forces the modem to
behave in the mode authorized by the network. Upstream and downstream bandwidth may not be steady
as it depends on radio link quality and bandwidth allocation by the network. As the modem type is multi-
class slot 10, the peak download throughput is 236 kbps and peak upload is 118 kbps.
The GSM provider usually gives the following parameters to setup GPRS/EDGE connection: an APN
(Access Point Name), a username and password. This section explains where these parameters are
First, configure a PPP virtual-template (see 4.3.5 for more information). Some parameters MUST have
certain value to operate the EDGE/GPRS connection:
• Authentication: PAP (use the username and password provided by your GPRS network operator).
• Magic number: not-negotiated
CLI(configure)> virtual-template ppp <1-32>
! next command is optional: to learn DNS server from network
CLI(config-virt-ppp)> ipcp dns-accept
Sometimes, the username and password parameters are empty. To enter an empty username / password,
use the command:
CLI(config-virt-ppp)> username “”
CLI(config-virt-ppp)> password “”
If reconnection datagram is selected, the connection is established only if IP packets have been
routed to that interface. In case of link inactivity, the EDGE connection is disconnected. This mode is
managed by the dialer-group function. If reconnection auto is selected, the EDGE interface is
permanently connected (and reconnected automatically in case of loss of connectivity). The EDGE
interface can be forced down as long as another interface or IP route is up. This mode is managed by the
dialer-watch function. To learn more about dialer-group and dialer-watch, consult the section 4.3.13.
The registration is first done at the GSM level then at the GPRS/EDGE level. Two registration failures are
taken into account: lack of registration at start-up (power-up or reset) and lost of the registration (after a
successful registration). For both cases a command line allows to set the time after witch a reset command
(AT$RESET) is sent to the modem. An optional parameter allows choosing one registration or the other or
To reset the modem after some minutes of lack of registration at start-up use the following command. The
default behavior is 'power-on-registration reset after 15 GSM-or-GPRS'. Use 'default
power-on-registration reset' to return to the default behavior.
CLI(out-call-edge)> [no] power-on-registration reset after <minutes>
[GSM-only | GPRS-only | GSM-or-GPRS]
To reset the modem after some minutes of lost of registration use the following command. The default
behavior is 'loss-of-registration reset after 5 GSM-or-GPRS'. Use 'default loss-of-
registration reset' to return to the default behavior.
CLI(out-call-edge)> [no] loss-of-registration reset after <minutes>
[GSM-only | GPRS-only | GSM-or-GPRS]
To avoid a modem lock when there is no traffic at all, it is possible to disconnect the call when there is no
traffic either in both directions or only in the receiving direction. For both cases a command line allows to
set the time after witch the call is disconnected. It will be reconnected depending on the reconnection
parameter of the virtual-template PPP.
To disconnect the call after some minutes without traffic in both directions use the following command. The
default behavior is 'disconnect-timeout on-no-traffic after 240' (4 hours).
CLI(out-call)> [no] disconnect-timeout on-no-traffic after <minutes>
To disconnect the call after some minutes without response traffic use the following command. The default
behavior is 'disconnect-timeout on-no-response after 5'.
CLI(out-call)> [no] disconnect-timeout on-no-response after <minutes>
username orange
password orange
magic number not-negotiable
reconnection auto
interface pstn 2/0.1
address *99***1#
profile 1
ip nat inside overload
dialer watch-group watchpppoe
ip route dialer 0
ip route Pstn 2/0.1 200
The internal modem requires a SIM card to be present to operate. At first modem installation, the PIN code
must be installed. For security sake, the SIM code is not shown by the show running-config
command. The PIN code is saved in encrypted form in a special file of the router flash file system.
The ONECell35 gives the PIN code once; if the PIN code is incorrect, the product expects that the user
enters another PIN code. If the user entered a series of (usually 3) wrong PIN codes, the SIM card is
blocked by the UMTS network. In that case, the user must contact the UMTS provider to get a Pin code
Unblocking Key (PUK).
The following commands are available from the CLI root. First, make sure that the SIM card is properly
installed and detected by the system.
CLI> show cellular-radio equipment
Cellular Radio Modem Information
Manufacturer identification : Sierra Wireless, Inc.
Equipment information : MC8785V
Revision identification : J0_0_4_1AP …
Equipment information (IMEI) : 351532020030976
PIN Information
PIN code status : entered OK
PIN code installation of (an unblocked) SIM card is done with the next command:
CLI> cellular-radio pin-code install <pin-code> <confirm-pin-code>
If the PIN code was successfully installed once, it can be changed as follows:
CLI> cellular-radio pin-code change <old-pin-code> <pin-code> <confirm-
The current PIN code can be uninstalled with the next command:
CLI> cellular-radio pin-code uninstall
To unblock a SIM card, ask the UMTS provider for a temporary PIN code (PUK, usually an 8-digit PIN
code) and specify the new PIN code:
CLI> cellular-radio pin-code unblock <puk> <pin-code> <confirm-pin-code>
Sometimes, the username and password parameters are empty. To enter an empty username / password,
use the command:
CLI(config-virt-ppp)> username “”
CLI(config-virt-ppp)> password “”
If reconnection datagram is selected, the connection is established only if IP packets have been
routed to that interface. In case of link inactivity, the UMTS connection is disconnected. This mode is
managed by the dialer-group function. If reconnection auto is selected, the UMTS interface is
permanently connected (and reconnected automatically in case of loss of connectivity). The UMTS
interface can be forced down as long as another interface or IP route is up. This mode is managed by the
dialer-watch function. To learn more about dialer-group and dialer-watch, consult the section 4.3.13.
The UMTS modem is able to use the 3G and/or the 2G radio access technologies. Use the following
command to select the radio access technology (auto is the default value):
CLI(out-call-cellular)> radio-access-technology {2G-only | 3G-only |auto}
Two registration failures are taken into account: lack of registration at start-up (power-up or reset) and lost
of the registration (after a successful registration). For both cases an attach command (AT!CGATT) is
immediately sent to the modem to register again. Only if the re-register does not succeed, a reset
command (AT!RESET) is sent to the modem. A command line allows setting the time after witch the reset
command is sent.
To reset the modem after some minutes of lack of registration at start-up use the following command. The
default behavior is 'power-on-registration reset after 15'. Use 'default power-on-
registration reset' to return to the default behavior.
CLI(out-call-cellular)> [no] power-on-registration reset after <minutes>
To reset the modem after some minutes of lost of registration use the following command. The default
behavior is 'loss-of-registration reset after 5'. Use 'default loss-of-registration
reset' to return to the default behavior.
CLI(out-call-cellular)> [no] loss-of-registration reset after <minutes>
To avoid a modem lock when there is no traffic at all, it is possible to disconnect the call when there is no
traffic either in both directions or only in the receiving direction. For both cases a command line allows to
set the time after witch the call is disconnected. It will be reconnected depending on the reconnection
parameter of the virtual-template PPP.
To disconnect the call after some minutes without traffic in both directions use the following command. The
default behavior is disconnect-timeout on-no-traffic after 240 (4 hours).
CLI(out-call)> [no] disconnect-timeout on-no-traffic after <minutes>
To disconnect the call after some minutes without response traffic use the following command. The default
behavior is disconnect-timeout on-no-response after 5.
CLI(out-call)> [no] disconnect-timeout on-no-response after <minutes>
no ip address
bridge-group 1
interface fastEthernet 1/0
no ip address
bridge-group 1
dialer watch-
virtual-template ppp 1
ipcp dns-accept
authentication pap
username orange
password orange
magic number not-negotiable
reconnection auto
interface pstn 2/0.1
address *99#
profile 1
ip nat inside overload
ip route Pstn 2/0.1
ip dns-proxy dns-server learn
ip name-server
ip dhcp pool CLIENT_LAN
network range
Statistics :
Successful GSM registrations : 2
Successful GPRS registrations : 1
Loss of GSM registration : 0
Loss of GPRS registration because of loss of GSM : 0
Loss of GPRS registration because of network : 0
Reset on loss of GSM registration : 0
Reset on loss of GPRS registration : 0
Reset on failed initial registration : 0
In same cases a different UMTS module firmware has to be used. Refer to the OneAccess Customer
Support Department to get the files corresponding to an alternate firmware release.
To download a file in the UMTS module, use the following command in CLI root mode:
CLI> cellular-radio firmware-upgrade <file-path>
Note: It may append that the firmware release consists of two files, a boot file and an application file. In
such a case, the boot file must be downloaded first.
Opening PPP over a DSL uplink usually takes place when the access router is authenticated using a PAP
or CHAP-based password authentication. The authentication is done by the router/DSLAM terminating the
PPP session. However, this piece of equipment does not contain the database of users and passwords.
This database is hosted (or simply queried) by a TACACS+ or RADIUS server. The following security
issue is raised in the following case: if the terminating PPP router does not have information about the
copper line, PPP is authenticated only based on the login/password pair. This means that the same router
can be plugged to any DSL line and get network access.
On a PSTN/ISDN connection, PPP is authenticated after login/password authentication AND identification
The configuration is realized in two steps: first, the authentication profile is configured; then, the
authentication template is applied to interfaces that must not be enabled until authentication is successful.
The authentication profile is configured with the next commands:
CLI(configure)> authentication oappp <client-method-name>
CLI(config-auth)> {enable|disable} aux-led
CLI(config-auth)> {enable|disable} hangup-immediate
CLI(config-auth)> client <client-name>
CLI(config-auth-client)> interface {isdn <slot>/<port>.<id> |
pstn <slot>/<port>.<id> }
CLI(config-auth-client)> exit
CLI(config-auth)> execute
CLI(config-auth)> exit
The aux-led parameter allows to the front-panel auxiliary LED to watch the authentication state. The
default value is 'enable aux-led'. The hangup-immediate parameter allows to hang-up the
PSTN/ISDN connection as soon as PPP reached the UP state. The default value is 'enable hangup-
immediate'. <client-method-name> is further referenced in the configuration as the service
authentication profile. <client-name> is an arbitrary string that is provisioned for future use.
The authentication is done on the PSTN/ISDN sub-interface referenced by the 'interface pstn'
command. The PSTN/ISDN interface is a standard outgoing call PPP interface. Syntax example:
interface { pstn | isdn } <slot>/<port>.<id>
{ outgoing call | both-way call }
address <E164>
! WARNING: secondary is not supported on ISDN interface
address <E164> secondary
address <E164> secondary
call-retry <number_of_retry> [<number_of_seconds>]
profile <ppp-virt-template-id>
exit Example
client dialup
interface pstn 2/0.1
interface pstn 2/0.1
outgoing call
address 12345678
call-retry 100
profile 2
interface atm 0.2
pvc pppoa vpi 0 vci 32
service-authentication pstnauthentication
Non-switched interface are interfaces such ATM PVC or FastEthernet which have two states: up and
down. Switched interfaces are interfaces that can be established on-demand (a circuit must be established
first between a caller and a called piece of equipment before data can flow through the interface); therefore
it has three states: down (circuit cannot be established), dormant (the circuit is not established, but ready
for establishment), and up (circuit established). An ISDN outgoing call interface is a switched interface.
An ISDN ‘incoming call’ interface is not a switched interface because only two states are available for this
interface (up –connected–, down –waiting to be called–). An ISDN ‘both-way call’ is a switched interface
when it dials out (same as ‘outgoing call’) and not switched when it is called (same as ‘incoming call’).
On switched interfaces, a supervisor software module is responsible for opening and closing the circuit.
The supervisor receives open/close requests from the dialer-group and from the dialer-watch-list modules.
This supervisor also informs the dialer-group and the dialer-watch-list about the circuit status (down,
opening, open, and closing).
Dialer-group permits to open a switched interface on-demand when packets match some criteria and close
the circuit after a certain time of inactivity. Dialer-watch-list requests a circuit to be permanently established
as long as certain criteria are not fulfilled. Because both software modules are different entities, if dialer-
watch-list has required ISDN to be open, the dialer-group may request to close the ISDN communication. Dialer-Groups
Abort backup
A packet matched the out-ACL Disconnection
timer is elapsed
timer elapsed
(backup is
aborted because
OneOS waited for Delayed Fire connection timer
another packet to Backup? CONNECTING
confirm that
backup needs to Another
Yes Connection
be open) packet
Fire backup delay timer matched successful
the out-
DELAYED BACKUP Connection Timer
elapsed (means
Backup delay timer is elapsed connection is
not OK) No packet matched the in-
Fire abort backup timer and out-ACL during the
Fire disconnection timer inactivity period
If the option down-if-failed is not configured, the interface managed by the dialer-group is always
seen as being UP by the IP layer (as displayed in 'show interfaces isdn-dialer'). Because the IP
interface is seen UP, the IP routes set on this interface are always valid. The reason is the following: the
ISDN or PSTN interface can always serve as backup for the main interface. Even if the dial-out connection
failed, maybe the next connection attempt will be successful. That is the reason why the ISDN or PSTN
interface managed by the dialer-group stays UP for further dial-out attempts. However, it might be
necessary that this ISDN/PSTN interface be backed up by another interface, for example:
• Backup of an ISDN sub-interface by another ISDN sub-interface (two different destinations with
different PPP profiles)
• Backup of an ISDN interface by a PSTN or GPRS interface
If the option down-if-failed is not configured, both above-mentioned backup scenarios cannot be
realized. That is why new states were introduced in the dialer-group state machine. The new states forces
the interface to be DOWN if the connection failed. Subsequently the routes set on this interface disappear
and routes with a lower metric/distance become then valid routes (and can redirect packets to a secondary
backup path). While the interface is DOWN, it constantly tries to reconnect. The IP interface (as shown by
'show interfaces isdn-dialer') goes up again if one of the following conditions is met:
• Successful connection
• The retry-abort interface has gone UP. This interface (e.g.: atm 0.1) is usually the main interface. If
this interface is UP, no backup is needed; therefore, ISDN/PSTN connection is aborted.
To configure an outbound dialer-group on a BRI interface, use the following command line:
CLI(configure)> interface { isdn-dialer | pstn } <slot-number>/
CLI(config-if)> dialer-group ip <acl_out> out
<acl_out> is the defined access-list. It filters the flows that are allowed to open the connection. In
general, such access list is made up of a 'permit any' and deny commands for the protocols that must not
<acl_in> is the defined access-list. When a packet matches this access list, the idle timer is reset. So,
the above command can be important to determine when the ISDN connection can be disconnected.
To remove an outbound dialer-group, use the following command line:
CLI(config-if)> no dialer-group ip out
Note that if no dialer-groups are configured on a BRI interface, all traffic is authorized to connect and to
maintain the ISDN line open.
To configure the inactivity timer on BRI interface, use the following command line in interface command
CLI(config-if)> dialer-group idle-timeout <seconds>
The initialization timer forbids the establishment of PSTN/ISDN while another link is going up (e.g. a DSL
line is synchronizing). Default: 300 seconds. To modify this timer:
CLI(config-if)> dialer-group initialization-timeout <seconds>
To force the interface to be DOWN if the connection failed, use the next command:
CLI(config-if)> dialer-group down-if-failed retry-timeout <seconds>
[retry-abort atm 0.<id>] [max-retry <nbr> ]
Default: disabled. There are several connection attempts every (connection-wait-time + retry-timeout)
seconds (warning: the ISDN sub-interface can be configured such that it dials different ISDN numbers and
retries several times). The retry-timeout must be longer than the maximum time required for an ISDN
interface to dial and fail all connection trials). If the retry-abort interface is UP, the automatic reconnection
is disabled and the interface goes UP again (For example on how to use such option, see the second
example in this section). If the max-retry is not null and after max-retry connection attempts, the automatic
reconnection is disabled and the interface goes UP again. If max-retry is null and retry-abort is not set
(default values), connection attempts are done until connection succeed.
To deactivate the down-if-failed option:
CLI(config-if)> no dialer-group down-if-failed
The following example shows how acl_out and acl_in access-list permit access only from a specific
sub-network to another sub-network.
ip access-list extended acl_out
permit ip
ip access-list extended acl_in
permit ip
The next example activates the backup of an ISDN interface (isdn 2/0.1) by a PSTN interface (pstn
0/0.1), while ISDN is the backup of atm 0.1 (backup priorities: 1) ATM, 2) ISDN and 3) PSTN):
! preferred path is ATM, then ISDN
ip route atm 0.1
ip route isdn 2/0.1 200
ip route pstn 0/0.1 201
interface isdn 2/0.1
dialer-group down-if-failed retry-timeout 60 retry-abort atm 0.1
When using dialer-groups, you are able to control the opening and closing of switched interfaces (such as
PSTN, BRI …) based on link activity for selected flows. The dialer watch-list meets another type of
requirement: when the main path to a destination is no more available, a backup interface must be open
even if there is no traffic. For that purpose, selected routes and/or interfaces are monitored. When one or
more of the monitored routes disappear from the routing table, the backup interface is open and remains
open as long as the missing routes have not appeared on an interface other than the backup interface.
The diagram below shows the state diagram of a dialer watch-list.
Init-timer elapsed
No Still Need
Failed to
Still Need No
First, you must configure a dialer watch-list to configure the monitored routes and interfaces. The following
command is used under configuration terminal:
CLI(configure)> dialer watch-list [{ logical-or | logical-and }] <list-
<list-name> identifies the watch list. The logical-or keyword (default) indicates that the backup can
be activated when any interface or route declared in the watch-list is missing. When using logical-and,
all elements declared in the list must be missing to activate the backup interface.
Then, you can declare the list of routes and interfaces to monitor:
CLI(watch-routes)> ip <address> <mask>
CLI(watch-routes)> interface <type> <unit>
At startup, routes and interfaces are not monitored for a certain time. Therefore, backup is forbidden for
a certain time at startup. This allows time for the DSL interface to synchronize with the DSLAM and
routing protocols to provide routes (especially those that must be monitored). The timer is configured as
CLI(watch-routes)> initial-check-delay <seconds>
Default delay: 120 seconds. Once the list is configured, enter exit.
Then, the dialer watch-list is applied on the backup interface. For example, for a BRI interface:
CLI(configure)> interface bri <slot>/<port>.<intf-id>
CLI(config-if)> dialer watch-group <list-name>
The connect timer permits the backup interface to be open only few seconds after the routes/interfaces in
the watch-list have disappeared. This dampens the transient effect of a route/interface missing few
seconds that should not cause the interface opening (for example, unstable connection or renewal of the
WAN IP address). The default value is 30 seconds. To configure the connect delay, the following
command is used:
CLI(config-if)> dialer watch-timer connect <seconds>
The disconnect timer permits to close the interface few seconds after that the missing routes/interfaces in
the watch-list have reappeared. By default, the interface is closed right after that the missing
routes/interfaces are back. To configure the disconnect delay, the following command is used:
CLI(config-if)> dialer watch-timer disconnect <seconds>
Warning: the dialer-group must be disabled if you do not want the inactivity timer to shut down the
interface periodically (command: dialer-group idle-timeout 0 or no dialer-group idle-
To display the dialer watch-group configuration, use:
CLI> show dialer-watch-group config
On the following diagram, the branch-office router receives the default route on its ADSL interface (atm
0.1). When the router looses the connection to the central site, the default route will disappear. The
default route is monitored to activate the ISDN backup. We assume that the ADSL/ATM interface is
already configured as well as the BRI interface (outgoing call or both-way call).
atm 0.1
bri 2/0.1 site
Let us assume RIP is used to distribute the default route. The WAN interfaces are on the network The following configuration commands must be added to allow the use of the dialer watch-
router rip
passive-interface fastethernet 0/0
This feature offers interworking functions between Frame Relay and ATM networks.
Two types of Frame Relay-ATM interworking are defined by the Frame Relay Forum and implemented in
• FRF.5: transport of Frame Relay frames over ATM
• FRF.8: translation between Frame Relay and ATM Principle
FRF.5 permits Frame Relay (FR) end-users to communicate over an intermediate ATM network. The
gateway between FR and ATM supports FRF.5. As the full FR frame is transported over the ATM network,
this interworking is transparent to the FR payload and functions for any FR multiprotocol extension.
When the OneOS-based router detects a fault on an ATM PVC (the intrusive ATM OAM must be enabled),
its software enters into one of the following states: TP-state, VC-AIS-state, VC-RDI-state, VP-AIS-state,
VP-RDI-state, VC-LOC-state, or failing loopback. When the PVC is in one of the previously mentioned
state, the HDLC interface is placed out of service.
When a defect is detected on the HDLC interface, a VC-AIS is sent, thus signaling the unavailability of the
CPE. The interworking between faults signaled on the HDLC interface and the ATM VC makes it possible
to carry out end-to-end surveillance of the data path.
FRF.5 Interworking FRF.5 Interworking
Step 6: creation of a connection between the Frame Relay DLCI and the ATM PVC:
CLI(configure)> connect network-interworking <connection-name> serial
<port>/<slot> <dlci-number> atm <interface> vpi <vpi-number> vci <vci-
number> [dlci-atm]
'connection-name' is an arbitrary string designating the connection name. 'dlci-atm' is the DLCI
number of the Frame Relay packet once interworked through the FRF.5 function. This parameter is
optional and enables DLCI translation. If not provided, the translated DLCI value is by default the same as
the one on the serial interface.
(Optional) Step 7: configuration of frame-based tagging. The ATM Cell Loss Priority (CLP) field in the ATM
cell header and Discard Eligible (DE) bit mapping are configured for the configuration described in the
FRF.5 standard, which also comprises EFCI to FECN mapping. CLP marking is selected the next
command (Default: 0):
CLI(config-FRF.5)> clp-bit { 0 | 1 | map-de }
DE marking is enabled using the next command (Default: 'no de-bit map-clp'):
CLI(config-FRF.5)> de-bit map-clp
'dlci-serial-link' is the selected DLCI on the serial port. The DLCI can be translated on the ATM
side. 'dlci-fr-SSCS-atm' is the translated value for 'dlci-serial-link'. This last command
argument is optional; if not specified, the default value (1022) is taken.
Step 7: selection of a connection between a Frame Relay DLCI group and an ATM PVC
CLI(configure)> connect vc_group <connection-name> <group-name>
atm <interface> vpi <vpi-number> vci <vci-number>
(Optional) Step 8: configuration of frame-based tagging. The ATM Cell Loss Priority (CLP) field in the ATM
cell header and Discard Eligible (DE) bit mapping are configured for the configuration described in the
FRF.5 standard, which also comprises EFCI to FECN mapping. CLP marking is selected the next
command (Default: 0):
CLI(config-FRF.5)> clp-bit { 0 | 1 | map-de }
DE marking is enabled using the next command (Default: 'no de-bit map-clp'):
CLI(config-FRF.5)> de-bit map-clp
! VC group configuration
vc-group MyGroup
serial 0.0 100 100
serial 0.0 101 101
connect vc-group MyConnexion MyGroup atm 0 vpi 0 vci 35
exit Principle
This service specified by the Frame Relay Forum allows a Frame Relay end-user to communicate with an
ATM end-user.
FRF.8 Interworking
The LMI on the HDLC interface is managed by default, in order to signal unavailability of a single VC to the
corresponding DLCI while other VCs remain operational. The surveillance of the ATM VC state is activated
when the 'intrusive ATM OAM' is activated. The LMI NUI is managed. The LMI version is compliant
with ITU-T Q.933 Annex A.
Because the LMI is configured as a NUI, asynchronous status reports are not sent spontaneously. The
device will reply to full status report requests received (on DLCI #0) and to requests for Link Integrity
Verification (LIV).
Step 5: selection of the ATM PVC supporting the FRF.8 interworking function:
CLI(config-if)> pvc fr-atm-srv vpi <vpi-number> vci <vci-number>
CLI(config-if)> execute
Step 6: creation of a connection between the Frame Relay DLCI and the ATM PVC
CLI(configure)> connect service-interworking <connection-name> serial
FRF.8 actually provides two operating modes. The translation mode removes the FR header and
translates the encapsulation over ATM. The transparent mode keeps part of the Frame Relay header,
which ensures no protocol-specific information is lost after encapsulation over ATM. This mode is useful
for protocols where no standard ATM encapsulation exists (such as VoFR or X.25). By default, the FRF.8
is set in translation mode. If the FRF.8 transparent mode must be implemented, use the following
CLI(configure)> no service translation
DE marking is enabled using the next command (Default: 'no de-bit map-clp'):
CLI(config-FRF.8)> de-bit { 0 | 1 | map-clp }
configure terminal
hostname ONE50
interface FastEthernet 0/0
ip address
interface atm 0
driver ident 0
max channels 3
max vc 3
range vp min 0 max 0
range vc min 32 max 34
interface atm 0.1
pvc fr-atm-srv vpi 0 vci 32
qos cbr pcr 1000000
priority 2
interface atm 0.2
pvc fr-atm-srv vpi 0 vci 34
qos cbr pcr 1000000
priority 2
interface atm 0.3
pvc pppoa vpi 0 vci 33
ip address
ipcp static
authentication no
qos cbr pcr 304000
priority 2
interface serial 0/0
no verify
encapsulation frf
frame-relay interface-dlci 16 switched
frame-relay interface-dlci 17 switched
connect service-interworking FRF.8_1 serial 0/0 16 atm 0 vpi 0 vci 32
connect service-interworking FRF.8_2 serial 0/0 17 atm 0 vpi 0 vci 34
ip route
CLI> show configuration interface serial 0/0
To display statistics regarding the interworking service use the following command:
CLI> show statistics frfiwf
CLI> show statistics frfiwf
Nb current element: 0/256 (0%)
Nb max element: 10/256 (3%)
Nb time fifo was full: 0
Nb loop: 77067
Nb threshold reached: 0
Nb current element: 0/200 (0%)
CLI> show statistics pvc frame-relay 0 vpi 0 vci 35 dlci 100
| Statistics for DLCI 100 on VP/VC 0/35 |
| Line status is UP |
| PVC on network side is UP |
| Connexion state is UP |
| 0 frames received |
| 0 frames bridged |
| No errors |
To display statistics regarding the FR-ATM interworking connections use this command:
CLI> show connection
CLI> show connection
IP networks enable the use of a single infrastructure type enabling the convergence of multiple protocols
and applications. The purpose of XOT (RFC 1613) is to transport X.25 packets over IP networks. The X.25
backbone network is replaced by IP. The XOT standard defines an encapsulation of X.25 packets as TCP
payload. Remote endpoints connected to a XOT gateway still use X.25 natively. OneOS provides an XOT
Gateway function.
Gateway Gateway
IP Network
X.25 Switching
Serial: Serial: IP
V.11/V.35/V.28 V.11/V.35/V.28
X.25 is a connection-oriented protocol, which is similar in some extent to TCP in the IP world. When a X.25
virtual circuit must be established using X.25 signaling, a corresponding TCP session (TCP port: 1998) is
created. X.25 packets are transported in that TCP session. The TCP session is then created when
receiving a X.25 call setup. When the TCP session is open, the X.25 virtual circuit can be established. The
TCP session must remain operational as long as the X.25 circuit is not cleared. There must be a
consistency between TCP and X.25 virtual circuit state:
• A TCP disconnection results in disconnecting the X.25 circuit
• X.25 call clearing results in TCP disconnection
Layer-3 X.25 packets are sent transparently inside the XOT header. However, the OneOS XOT Gateway
service manages locally X.25 layer-2/3 flow control. Indeed, TCP already has its own flow control and
relaying X.25 flow control would result in unnecessary traffic and poor performance.
X.25 circuits are setup dynamically by calling X.121 addresses designating the remote X.25 endpoints.
Therefore, a routing table is required to convert X.121 addresses into remote XOT gateway IP addresses.
If the call setup is not achieved properly, the routing table allows the definition of backup addresses and
route calls to the alternate XOT gateways if the main XOT gateway does not respond.
Instead of using an internal routing table, OneOS is also able to query a DNS server which provides an
X.121 address IP address translation function.
If some parameters must be set for the physical interface, enter then:
CLI(config-if)> physical-layer
Refer to section for details about physical layer configuration. In serial interface configuration
mode, the following command declares the serial port in X.25 mode:
CLI(config-if)> encapsulation x25
The default value is 'dce'. In this configuration mode ('x25 lapb' CLI prompt), several parameters can
be adjusted:
CLI(x25 lapb)> modulo { 8 [K <1..7>] | 128 [K <1..127>] }
Configures the numbering size: it can be numbered modulo 8 (default). The window K can be adjusted
(should be set high for long transit delays). When the numbering is modulo 8, K is by default 7, otherwise it
is 30.
CLI(x25 lapb)> N2 <1..255>
Provides the maximum number of retries for a frame unacknowledged by the remote side; Default: 10
CLI(x25 lapb)> T1 <1..640>
Provides in tenths of seconds the retransmission timer indicating the maximum delay after which the LAPB
protocol will retransmit an unacknowledged frame. Default: 30 sec.
CLI(x25 lapb)> T2 <1..160>
Provides in tenths of second (default is 7) the maximum delay after which the LAPB will acknowledge a
received frame. T2 is usually T1/4 frame acknowledge timer.
When parameters are set, enter the exit command.
To enter in X.25 packet configuration mode, enter the following command, beginning in X.25 interface
configuration mode:
CLI(x25)> packet { dte | dce }
CLI(x25 packet)>
The default behavior is the 'dce' mode. Then, in this configuration mode you can enter some additional
layer-3 parameters:
CLI(x25 packet)> lic <0..4095>
• (Default is 0)
• We can define the range of values for the identifier designating the X.25 logical channel. The
above command sets the lowest incoming circuit number.
The maximum number of Virtual Circuit is checked when executing the CLI command 'execute'. When
entering the 'execute' command, some memory space is reserved to guaranty X.25 call establishment. If
the maximum is reached (50 VC) the configuration is refused with an error message.
CLI(x25 packet)> [no]cug <00..99>
• Selects a Closed User Group (CUG) to which the X25 subscriber will be part of.
• A subscriber may belong to up to 30 CUG.
The second parameter <string> is optional and is the replacement string. If not specified, the command
permits to selectively suppress the whole called address. This parameter is a string with digits from 0 to 9,
and/or with '#' character(s) and/or with one '*' character. If present, the '*' character must be placed at the
The following rules are applied for conversion:
• the x121 address to convert is explored digit by digit
• a '*' character must be seen as all remaining characters are '*'
• at the same rank in <match-mask> and in <string>, the different combinations of characters give
the conversion to apply on this digit:
Called Nbr <match-mask> <string> Conversion
--------- ------------- ----------- ----------------
tgt_digit tgt_digit / # repl_digit => repl_digit
tgt_digit tgt_digit / # # => tgt_digit
tgt_digit tgt_digit / # * => <<removed>>
tgt_digit tgt_digit / # <none> => <<removed>>
tgt_digit * repl_digit => repl_digit <<added>>
tgt_digit * # => tgt_digit
tgt_digit * * => tgt_digit
tgt_digit * <none> => <<removed>>
<none> * repl_digit => repl_digit <<added>>
<none> * <not digit> => <<none ->end >>
For the X25 packet data flow, each direction input and output may independently specify its own packet
size and window size.
CLI(x25 packet)> ips { 16 | 32 | 64 | 128 | 256 | 512 | 1024 }
• Maximum input packet size in bytes (default is 128).
The logical channel number 0 can be used or not as incoming, outgoing or two-way channel.
CLI(x25 packet)> enable { lcn0-as-incoming | lcn0-as-outgoing
| lcn0-as-two-way }
CLI(x25 packet)> disable { lcn0-as-incoming | lcn0-as-outgoing
| lcn0-as-two-way }
The X.25 routing enables to redirect X.25 calls to an output interface. There are two cases:
• An incoming XOT call is received and its must be routed to a serial interface (the on-board serial 0/0
interface of the ONE60 or on the V.28 daughter board of the ONE60/200, namely serial 2/{1|2})
• An X.25 call is received and must be redirected to XOT
A call packet cannot be redirected on the interface that it is originating from. The configuration commands
follow. To enter in X.25 routing configuration, enter:
CLI(configure)> [no] route x25
The routing table allows up to 50 entries. By default, it is forced to route X.25 packets to serial 0/0
(V.11/V.35/V.28/V.36) and vice-versa.
Then select an X.121 address that you want to attach an output interface afterwards:
CLI(route-x25)> [no] x121 <x121-pattern>
The pattern entered can be a X.121 number (example: 700011) or a number with a wild card (example:
7000* means all numbers starting with 7000). Any call with a X.121 number matching this entry is routed
on the output interface
CLI(route-x25)> [no] { serial <slot>/<port> | xot }
Then enter exit and create the next x121 entry if needed. Once you have finished the X.25 routing
configuration, enter execute.
The routing sorts the entries out from the most discriminating number (longest number without '*') to the
least discriminating number ('*'). The routing is made by matching call packets with the sorted entries.
route x25
x121 8000*
x121 9000*
serial 0/0
x121 90000021
serial 2/1
x121 90000022
serial 2/2
The main goal of the XOT routing table is to define an IP destination for each X.121 address (or group of
addresses, see utilization of the * star character) that the XOT service can process when handling
outgoing X.25 call packets.
The XOT routing table is organized as follows, and contains up to 50 entries.
Each entry specifies:
• X.121 target address
If you do not define the source address of the XOT gateway, the source address is the same as the
outgoing interface address. This can be inconvenient, as the interface address is not always known in
advance (for example, the IP address of a PPP interface can be retrieved dynamically). You can then
choose a fixed IP address as follows:
CLI(route-xot)> ip address <source-ip-addr>
Alternatively, you can select the IP address of another interface (which IP address is usually fixed):
Then for each entry of the table associated with an x121 address (or group of addresses), enter:
CLI(route-xot)> x121 <x121-address>
The Remote Address is in X.121 format. For this called address, we can associate the target IP address
and other destination-specific parameters.
CLI(x121)> ip <ip-address> [ip <ip-address2> [ip <ip-address3> [ip <ip-
Instead of using static IP addresses, we can use domain name resolution: DNS servers are defined
globally for the router (command: 'ip name-server ...') and contains a list of IP addresses for
certain domain names. To enable DNS-based XOT routing, the DNS servers must be configure to return
the IP addresses of XOT gateways based on domain names. Therefore, the domain names are built based
on the called X.121 address. The command is the following:
CLI(x121)> ip dns <string1>#<num-d>#[<string2>]
For the called X.121 address matching this routing entry, a query is sent to the DNS server(s) for the
domain name built with the concatenation of the following strings:
• String1 (optional)
• The first <num-d> digits of the called X.121 address. If <num-d> = 0, the whole X.121 address is
• String2 (optional)
CLI(route-xot)> x121 8000*
CLI(x121)> ip dns
Beware of conflicts with the host name. Example: The host is configured as follows:
As you can see, the local host is queried first, thus creating potentially a conflict.
For the called X.121 address 80003, the '' domain name is queried.
Whether the IP address is returned through DNS servers or manually configured, we can then define the
selection algorithm for XOT gateway IP addresses.
CLI(x121)> gateway-selection { backup | random }
'backup' is the default value. When 'backup' is used, the first configured IP address or the first
address in the list returned by DNS is selected as primary XOT gateway. If no XOT connection can be
done, the second one is taken and so on.
If 'random' is selected, one address among the N possible addresses is randomly selected. If no XOT
connection can be built with the corresponding XOT gateway, this IP address is considered invalid. (N-1)
addresses remain. The same process is repeated with the (N-1) addresses, then N-2 ... until all addresses
are considered invalid.
If no connection is possible with all addresses, the X.25 connection is released.
CLI(x121)> [no] keepalive-period <1..3600>
• Defines in seconds (default 60) the keepalive period of the TCP connection.
• The 'no' option means no keepalive.
When all the X.121 entries are set, the routing table is built by entering the following command:
CLI(route-xot)> execute
Warning: Using the no option, all the data of the specified entry will be lost.
To clear the XOT routing table:
CLI> no route xot
Warning: Using the no option, all the data of the XOT routing table will be lost.
The rules for X121 address specification are the following:
An X.121 address can be specified with:
- 15 digits maximum
Example: 123456789012345
- n digits ended by a star character masking all the subsequent characters:
Example: 1234*
Means all X.121 addresses from 12340 (5 digits) to 123499999999999 (15 digits)
- Single star character:
Example: *
Means all X121 addresses from 0 (1 digit) to 999999999999999 (15 digits)
The list of X.121 address is automatically organized by the CLI; the most discriminating address first, the
least discriminating address being last:
To display all configuration parameters of the serial interface, including default values, use the following
CLI > show configuration interface serial 0/0
Serial interface slot 0 port 0
Physical layer mode: Autodetect
Physical modulation type: Autodetect
105 signal: default
106 signal: default
107 signal: default
108 signal: default
109 signal: default
Rate: 2000000
MTU: 1500
Physical layer sync: Sync
Physical layer sync mode: nrz
Activity link timer: 1
Activity link count: 3
Encapsulation: X25
LAPB DTE modulo 8 windows(k) = 7
n2 = 10 T1 = 1600 ms T2 = 400 ms
PACKET DTE: X121 address =
0000 incoming circuits from 0000 to 0000
0025 two ways circuits from 0001 to 0025
0000 outgoing circuits from 0000 to 0000
default packet length 128 (input) 128 (output)
default packet windows 2 (input) 2 (output)
no CUG to check on incoming call
Interface status: DOWN
Configuration status: Completed
[ SABM(E) ] [ DISC ] [ UA ]
.start .lastread .start .lastread .start .lastread
Tx : 000000004 000000000 000000000 000000000 000000000 000000000
To see the XOT active connections status, a show status command is available.
CLI> show xot
XOT 11 active connections
id=00 LCN=0049 [connected ] remote
initiated by remote using port 1024
id=01 LCN=0050 [connected ] remote
initiated by remote using port 1049
id=02 LCN=0048 [connected ] remote
initiated by remote using port 1025
id=03 LCN=0047 [connected ] remote
initiated by remote using port 1026
id=04 LCN=0046 [connected ] remote
initiated by remote using port 1027
id=05 LCN=0045 [connected ] remote
initiated by remote using port 1028
id=06 LCN=0044 [connected ] remote
initiated by remote using port 1029
id=07 LCN=0043 [connected ] remote
initiated by remote using port 1030
id=08 LCN=0042 [connected ] remote
initiated by remote using port 1031
id=09 LCN=0041 [connected ] remote
initiated by remote using port 1032
id=10 LCN=0001 [connected ] remote
initiated by local using port 1124
The following commands define the X.121 address and the user data (password) that will make the traffic
generator generate data when called at this address with this user data. The default user data used as
password is "00GG". The data generated is a rotating pattern of the alphanumeric characters.
CLI(configure)> x25 traffic-generator [called-address <x121-address>]
CLI(configure)> x25 traffic-generator password <user-data-as-password>
This example provides the configuration of an OneOS-based router, which Ethernet interface (
is connected to an IP network. The device is represented on the left-hand side of the following diagram. On
this network, we find 2 other XOT gateways with the following addresses:
• manages the X.121 address 90000010
• manages the X.121 addresses 90000010 and 90000020 (backup)
Because XOT is based on TCP, the XOT flow slowly reduces its output rate when the WAN port is
congested. This can be the case when the router routes UDP-based traffic from the LAN to the WAN. The
use of CB-WFQ or classification of XOT in a separate CBQ class is strongly recommended. You can use
the source IP of the XOT traffic as filtering criterion.
X.121@ = 90000020
IP Network
X.121@ = 90000010
+ 90000020 (backup)
Current configuration:
hostname CLI
interface FastEthernet 0
ip address
interface serial 0/0
encapsulation X25
lapb DTE
t1 16
n2 4
packet DTE
htc 25
route xot
x121 90000010
keepalive-period 200
keepalive-tries 8
x121 90000020
(ONE60/200 specific, only supported on the daughter-board with V.28 ports) The Packet Assembler
Disassembler (PAD) function permits the communication of character-driven terminals over a packet
network (generally X.25). The PAD function was implemented in OneOS to transport PAD data over X.25
over TCP/IP.
The PAD protocol is divided in three sub-components, as illustrated on the figure below:
- X.3, which defines the set of parameters describing the behavior of the router towards the terminal
- X.28, a protocol between the terminal and the PAD
- X.29, a protocol between the PAD and the remote end point.
IP Network
X.28 X.29
Param. X.3 Introduction
The X.3 standard defines a set of 22 parameters. To facilitate the configuration, standardized parameter
sets are pre-defined and grouped in X.3 profiles. The user can select the profile and modify few
parameters if needed.
A X.3 profile can also be remotely chosen (by the terminal or remote host) using X.28 or X.29.
The parameters and their possible values are the following ('ns' means 'not supported'):
- 1: Escape character 0 none 1 DLE
- 2: Echo 0 no echo 1 echo
- 3: Character for packet sending 0 none 2 carriage return 126 all characters
To ease the configuration of profiles, pre-defined values are collected in standard profiles. Here is the list
of the support profiles:
00 1 1 126 0 1 1 2 0 0
01 0 0 0 20 0 0 2 0 0
02 0 0 0 10 1 0 21 0 0
03 1 0 2 80 0 1 21 0 0
04 1 0 2 40 0 1 21 4 0
05 1 0 2 0 1 1 21 0 0
06 1 1 126 0 1 1 21 0 0
07 1 1 2 0 1 1 0 4 0
08 1 1 2 0 1 1 21 0 0
10 1 0 2 0 0 1 21 0 0
11 0 0 0 3 0 0 21 0 0
12 1 0 126 0 1 1 2 0 0
13 1 0 0 5 1 1 21 0 0
15 1 0 0 5 0 1 21 0 0
22 1 0 0 5 1 1 21 0 1 Configuration
Step 1)
The X.3 parameters are collected in a virtual template. The template is based on a standard profile as
shown above that you can customize. To configure the virtual template, first enter in template configuration
from the global configuration terminal and select the standard profile to use:
Once all parameters whose change is required are set, enter 'exit'.
Step 3)
To complete the configuration of the template, enter 'execute' and then 'exit'. Example
configure terminal
virtual-template x3-pad 50
init-from 3
04-send-timeout 50
05-pad-flow-control YES
07-break INTERRUPT
12-terminal-flow-control YES
First select the interface to configure (from the global configuration mode):
CLI(configure)> interface serial { 2/1 | 2/2 }
CLI(config-if)> physical-layer
CLI(ph_layer)> async
To provide the number of data bits per byte, use the following command:
CLI(async)> data-bit { 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 }
To set the parity check type of characters, use the following command:
CLI(async)> parity { none | even | forced-to-0 | forced-to-1 }
To set the number of characters in the receive buffer, use the following command:
CLI(async)> receive-buffer-size <1..128>
To configure the management of received 'breaks', use the following command; 'none' means the 'break'
signal is ignored, 'incoming' means the received 'breaks' are transferred as NULL characters in the
receive buffer. The OneOS software does not generate any 'break'.
CLI(async)> break { none | incoming }
Enter exit 2 times once the configuration of the asynchronous level is finished:
CLI(async)> exit
CLI(ph_layer)> exit
To allow the serial interface to support the PAD, enter PAD as the argument for 'encapsulation':
CLI(config-if)> encapsulation pad
A X.121 address can be associated with the interface. It will be used as calling address in the XOT packet,
when the call is initiated by the PAD:
CLI(pad)> [no] x121 <x121-address>
When the PAD must set up the XOT connection, an automatic call must be configured. If the call is not
successful, the call is tried again in an infinite loop after a delay. The delay is chosen randomly between 10
and 60 seconds. The call is parameterized with a call string detailed hereafter:
CLI(pad)> [no] automatic-call [[[[ <facility-#1>[[[,<facility-#2>], ...
<user-data> is a string with 0 to 12 characters (without '+', backspace or carriage return). As shown
above, the facility list is provided separated by commas without space. The X.121 address is preceded by
the '-' character without space. The facilities are written as follows:
• N<nui>: indicates the Network User Identifier (1 to 6 characters)
• R: indicates Reverse charging (the called PAD is charged, instead of the caller)
• G<0..99>: indicates the Closed User Group (CUG)
You can then define the mapping between NUI (Network User Identifier) and NUA (Network User
Address). First, enter in NUI list configuration:
CLI(pad)> [no] nui-list
<nui> is a string of 16 characters maximum. Enter 'exit', when all NUI-NUA mappings are configured.
Enter 'exit' again when you have completed the configuration of the PAD encapsulation.
If you need to adjust XOT parameters, use the 'packet dce' command. However, some default values
are usually acceptable and you do not have to change these values. The default values are equivalent to
the following script:
packet dce
lic 0
hic 0
ltc 1
htc 1
loc 0
hoc 0
no subscribe packet size
ips 128
ops 128
no subscribe window-size
win 4
wout 2
exit Statistics
To view the serial interface configuration and default values, use the following command:
CLI> show configuration interface serial <slot>/<port> Example
configure terminal
interface serial 2/1
rate 57600
data-bit 8
parity NONE
stop-bit 1
flow-control BOTH
encapsulation pad
x3-profile 50
x121-address 80000021
no shutdown
The purpose of X.25 over ISDN (ITU-T X.31) is to transport X.25 packets over ISDN networks. OneOS
provides an X.31 Gateway function to allow X.25 communications through an ISDN link. Adding to that,
using XOT (see 4.4.2) the X.25 backbone network is replaced by IP networks enabling the use of a single
infrastructure type enabling the convergence of multiple protocols and applications.
As of V4.2R5 software release, the X.25 communication has to be established using only the D
channel of an ISDN BRI interface configured in VoIP mode and there can be up to 4 PLL.
Gateway Gateway
IP Network
Note that the X31 configuration is only available after having entered, using the sw-right command, the
license key dedicated to your OneOS-based router and corresponding to the software license you bought
(X31 license).
The permanent logical links (PLL) are declared and configured under ISDN in BRI interface mode.
In global configuration mode, enter in BRI configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> interface bri <slot>/<port>
Then enter in ISDN configuration mode to configure the PLL. Each PLL is defined by its static TEI number.
The LAPD parameters are common to all PLL (refer to for more information about LAPD
parameters configuration).
CLI(conf-if)> isdn
CLI(isdn)> permanent-logical-link
CLI(conf-pll)> k-window <1..128> (default = 7 )
CLI(conf-pll)> modulo-window <8|128> (default = 128)
CLI(conf-pll)> n200-counter <1..20> (default = 3 )
CLI(conf-pll)> t200-timer <0..63) (default = 1 )
CLI(conf-pll)> t203-timer <0..63) (default = 10 )
Templates are used to ease the configuration of X.25 layer 3 parameters. They contain a set of common
parameters that can be shared across multiple X.31 interfaces.
To create and configure an X.25 layer-3 template, enter the following command in global configuration
mode (refer to for more information about X.25 layer-3 parameters configuration).
CLI(configure)> virtual-template x25-layer3 <id:1..32>
CLI(x25-layer-3)> packet { dte | dce }
CLI(x25-layer-3)> { disable | enable } lcn0-as-incoming
CLI(x25-layer-3)> { disable | enable } lcn0-as-outgoing
CLI(x25-layer-3)> { disable | enable } lcn0-as-two-way
CLI(x25-layer-3)> lic <0..4095>
CLI(x25-layer-3)> hic <0..4095>
CLI(x25-layer-3)> ltc <0..4095>
CLI(x25-layer-3)> htc <0..4095>
CLI(x25-layer-3)> loc <0..4095>
CLI(x25-layer-3)> hoc <0..4095>
CLI(x25-layer-3)> [no] cug <0..99>
CLI(x25-layer-3)> [no] x25-address <x121-address>
CLI(x25-layer-3)> [no] x25-outgoing convert called-address <match-mask>
CLI(x25-layer-3)> [no] x25-outgoing convert cug <0..99> to <0.99>
CLI(x25-layer-3)> [no] x25-outgoing insert cug <0..99>
CLI(x25-layer-3)> [no] x25-outgoing suppress called-address
CLI(x25-layer-3)> [no] x25-outgoing suppress calling-address
CLI(x25-layer-3)> [no] x25-incoming convert calling-address <match-mask>
CLI(x25-layer-3)> [no] X25-incoming convert cug <0..99> to <0..99>
CLI(x25-layer-3)> [no] X25-incoming insert cug <0..99>
CLI(x25-layer-3)> ips { 16 | 32 | 64 | 128 | 256 | 512 | 1024 }
CLI(x25-layer-3)> ops { 16 | 32 | 64 | 128 | 256 | 512 | 1024 }
CLI(x25-layer-3)> win <1..7>
CLI(x25-layer-3)> wout <1..7>
CLI(x25-layer-3)> [no] subscribe packet-size
CLI(x25-layer-3)> [no] subscribe window-size
CLI(x25-layer-3)> exit
Note: editing an X.25 layer-3 template causes the restart of layer 3 of the X.31 interfaces using it.
To delete an X.25 layer-3 template, enter the following command in global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> no virtual-template x25-layer3 <id:1..32>
Note: the X.25 layer-3 template will not be deleted if it is used by an X.31 interface.
An X.31 interface (X.25 over D channel interface) consists of the association of a BRI sub-interface, of a
PLL (defined under permanent-logical-link) and of an X.25 layer-3 profile (defined under virtual-
template x25-layer3).
To create an X.31 interface, use the following commands:
CLI(configure)> interface x25-dchannel <slot/port.sub-interface>
CLI(conf-if)> permanent-logical-link <pll-number>
slot/port represents the BRI interface the D channel of which will carry X.25 data while sub-
interface is an arbitrary number between 1 and 255 that represents the X.31 interface.
Note: removing the X.31 interface does not remove either the PLL or the layer-3 template.
The X.25 routing enables to redirect X.25 calls to an output interface especially the X.31 interface.
A call packet cannot be redirected on the interface that it is originating from. The configuration commands
follow. To enter in X.25 routing configuration, enter:
CLI(configure)> [no] route x25
Then select an X.121 address that you want to attach an output X.31 interface afterwards:
CLI(route-x25)> [no] x121 <x121-pattern>
The pattern entered can be an X.121 number (example: 700011) or a number with a wild card (example:
7000* means all numbers starting with 7000). Any call with an X.121 number matching this entry is routed
on the output interface
CLI(route-x25)> [no] x25-dchannel <slot/port.sub-interface>
Then enter exit and create the next X.121 entry if needed. Once you have finished the X.25 routing
configuration, enter execute.
The routing sorts the entries out from the most discriminating number (longest number without '*') to the
least discriminating number ('*'). The routing is made by matching call packets with the sorted entries.
Refer to for more information about X.25 routing.
route x25
x121 9000*
x25-dchannel 5/0.1
To display all configuration parameters of the X.31 interface, including default values, use the following
To display the X.25 layer-3 template configuration, use:
CLI> show virtual-template x25-layer3 <id>
CLI> show virtual-template x25-layer3 1
PACKET DCE : X121 address = 600000
no incoming circuits
0008 two ways circuits from 0001 to 0008
no outgoing circuits
default packet length 128 (input) 128 (output)
default packet windows 2 (input) 2 (output)
option [subscribe packet size negociation] is set
CLI> show voice voice-port bri index 0
voice port 5/0
protocol descriptor BRI_TE
config state up
layer 1 status deactivated
layer 2 status TEI , status
To see the X.31 active connections status, use the following command:
CLI> show x25
| XOT (X25 Over Tcp) interface |
| Packet Layer is UP |
| Logical Channels in use 0 |
CLI> show interfaces x25-dchannel 5/0.1
x25-dchannel 5/0.1 is allocated, line protocol is started
Layer 3 template ID 1
Packet Layer is DOWN ( Lower Layer DOWN )
The following example provides the configuration of an OneOS-based router including an X.31 gateway
whose X.121 address is 600000. Its Ethernet interface ( is connected to an IP network. An
X.31 device (X.25 over ISDN) whose X.121 address is 900000 is represented on the left-hand side of the
diagram. On the IP network, we find an XOT gateway those IP address is and that manages
the X.121 address 600010. See as an XOT example.
IP Network
X.25 over
Current configuration:
hostname CLI
interface FastEthernet 0/0
ip address
virtual-template x25-layer3 1
packet DCE
x25-address 600000
interface bri 5/0
application-interface voip
llp 1 tei 32
no shutdown
route xot
x121 600010*
route x25
x121 600010*
x121 9000000*
x25-dchannel 5/0.1
x121 90000
interface x25-dchannel 5/0.1
permanent-logical-link 1
x25-layer3 profile 1
This section describes the main features of the IP stack and its configuration. For advanced features such
as Access Control Lists (ACL), NAT, and QoS, please refer to the appropriate sections for detailed
4.5.1 Features
The IP stack implements the Internet Protocol (IP), Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), Internet
Group Management Protocol (IGMP), Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), Transmission Control Protocol
(TCP), User Datagram Protocol (UDP), and Routing Information Protocol (RIP), as well as a number of
advanced features including Access Control Lists (ACL), Network address Translator (NAT), and
Differentiated Services (DiffServ). The IP stack has been implemented with optimal manageability and
ease of configuration in mind.
The implementation of the IP stack conforms to the standards defined by different standards organizations
such as the IETF. The main features of the IP stack are outlined below.
As defined in RFC 1878, VLSM enables set up of sub-networks by using a mask that differs from the Class
A, B, C network mask. This feature can be useful in corporate networks for a flexible definition of corporate
address space.
CIDR was introduced in mid 1990's to circumvent the problem of IP address exhaustion that was due to
the rapid growth of the Internet. As defined in RFC 1519, when using CIDR, the address space of any
traditional class (class A in particular) can be broken down into smaller address segments. This allows for
more efficient use of the existing larger address spaces such as those found in Class A.
The implication in using CIDR is that the routing infrastructure should allow for the use of an arbitrary (most
often longer) mask instead of that derived from the class.
To achieve high forwarding performance, IP fast-forwarding has been implemented to create a fast path for
the most common IP packets except those, which require fragmentation or with specific options. It makes
use of a route cache to accelerate routing table lookup and contains many other techniques to optimize
fast forwarding processing. As a result, the overall forwarding performance is considerably improved.
Advanced features such as QoS, ACL, and NAT are all implemented in fast path.
Multiple addresses can be assigned to one network interface such that multiple logical networks can be
supported on a single physical network.
Virtual network interfaces are software interfaces that do not require a physical interface to run. Currently,
virtual network interfaces include Loopback and Null interfaces. A Loopback interface loops all output
packets back to IP. It can be used to virtually hold an IP address (not assigned to a physical port). The Null
interface (much like the UNIX /dev/null device) discards all output packets and can be used to easily make
routes unreachable (for example, to drop packets destined to, a user can add a route
through the interface Null0).
Most often in small networks, it is sufficient to use static routes, (i.e., user-configured routes). Static routes
can work together with dynamic routes. They can overwrite or be overwritten by dynamic routes. Static
routes are maintained separately so that they can be installed to or removed from the routing table when
network conditions change.
When several static routes have an equal metric but different destinations (or gateway/interfaces), ECMP
is activated. Two modes are available depending on a global configuration parameter.
Per destination (default mode): a hashing is made on the source/destination address to select the path. At
first sight, the load sharing is loosely “source + destination” based load sharing. The reason for using
‘loosely’ is: the route cache is checked before the ECMP processing. The route cache only contains a
reference to outbound path and destination IP (not source IP). That means two flows with the same
destination IP but different source will take the same path once the path is in route cache.
Per packet: packets are sent over successive equal cost paths without regard to individual destination
hosts or user sessions. That means two flows with the same destination IP might take different paths and
might arrive out of order.
Routing protocols such as RIP (Routing Information Protocol) can be used to exchange routing information
among routers. Currently supported routing protocols are only suitable for use inside one administrative
domain. Refer to the appropriate section for more information.
The following diagram shows the sequence of processing that can be applied to packets routed by
OneOS. This sequence is important, in that NAT or access lists can modify packets such that some
processing becomes either inefficient or no more used.
IP Routing
The parameter values given in the configuration commands are all informal. - Users should replace them
with the appropriate values. IP Address
To assign an IP address to an interface, use the following command in interface configuration mode (router
CLI(configure)> interface <type> <unit>
CLI(config-if)> ip address <ip-address> [<netmask>] [secondary]
The ip-address and netmask should be given in the common dotted format, i.e., or If the netmask is not given, it will be derived from the class of the given addresses. If the
keyword secondary is present, the given address will be appended to the interface address list.
Otherwise the address replaces the first address in the list (if it exists).
To delete an address, use the no form of the above-referenced command. To delete all IP addresses or
mark the interface that should not have any IP address, use the following command:
CLI(config-if)> no ip address
To change the IP broadcast address of an interface, use the following command in interface configuration
CLI(config-if)> ip broadcast-address <ip-address>
The default broadcast address is the network address with host part set to all ones. To return to the default
value, use the following command:
CLI(config-if)> default ip broadcast-address IP MTU
To change the IP MTU value, use the following command in interface configuration mode:
CLI(config-if)> ip mtu <bytes>
To disable IP forwarding, use the no form of the above-referenced command. IP forwarding is enabled by
To add a static route for any destination, use the following command in global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> [no] ip route <destination> <netmask> { <gateway> |
<interface> } [<distance>]
Either gateway or interface (such as 'atm 0.1') must be given in the command. The distance (from
1 to 255) is optional and used in multi-path routes (see below). The administrative distance is the
preference criterion to determine which routing protocol is entitled to install a route in case of conflict.
In addition to the distance parameter, the best route is selected by comparing a metric parameter. The
metric is generally computed by the IGP/EGP routing protocol. Static routes and directly connected routes
have a metric equal to zero. If two routes have the same distance and metric, hash-based load sharing
To add a default route through a gateway, use the following command:
CLI(configure)> ip route <gateway>
Static routes are maintained in a separate database until they are explicitly deleted by the user. Once a
static route becomes usable, it is put into the IP routing table. Similarly when a static route becomes
unusable due to a change in network interfaces, it is automatically removed from the routing table.
To delete a static route, use the `no' form of the above-referenced command.
IP multi-path routes are meant multiple routes to the same destination. In the current implementation, IP
multi-path routes are mainly used to provide backup routes to the primary route when the latter gets down.
A router is required to make appropriate decision on which route should be selected to forward packets
destined to a given destination. To configure multi-path routes, one can enter, for example, the following
commands in global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> ip route 2
CLI(configure)> ip route 10
If the two routes are both eligible (outgoing interface is up), the route with the least metric is chosen, that
is, the first route. If the outgoing interface of the first route goes down for any reason, the second route will
be chosen. In practice, ISDN is commonly used as a backup interface.
If the first route is up again, traffic will be redirected to that route. The link of the backup route could be
shutdown upon idle timeout, for example, the case that the two routes are of the same metric, the first
route in configuration order will be chosen.
To set the load sharing mode, use the following command in global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> ip load-sharing { per-destination | per-packet }
To set a static ARP entry for an IP address, use the following command in global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> arp <ip-address> <hardware-address> arpa
The hardware address is specified in a common format, for example, 08:00:01:02:03:04. A route to the
given IP address must exist in the routing table, or otherwise this command will fail.
To delete an ARP entry, use the no form of the above-referenced command.
To change the ARP timeout value, use the following command in interface configuration mode:
CLI(config-if)> arp timeout <seconds>
The default value is 7200 seconds (120 minutes). To return to the default value, use the command:
CLI(config-if)> default arp timeout
To set the domain name, use the following command in global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> ip domain-name <your-domain>
To set the name server addresses (up to 3), use the following command:
CLI(configure)> ip name-server <dns-address> [dns-address] [dns-address]
To delete the IP domain name or IP name server, use the `no' form of the above-referenced commands.
Use the following command in global configuration mode to create a host name/address binding:
CLI(configure)> ip host <hostname> <ip-address>
To delete a host name/address binding, use the `no' form of the above-referenced command.
To enable IP route cache, use the following command in global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> ip route-cache
By default, IP route cache is enabled. To disable IP route cache, use the 'no' form of the above-referenced
To shutdown an interface (no longer able to receive and send packets), use the following command in
interface configuration mode:
CLI(config-if)> shutdown
To restart the interface, use the `no' form of the above-referenced command.
If an interface is shutdown, the address or addresses assigned to that interface will be unreachable, that
means, if one pings one of the interface addresses, it will not work.
To send ICMP redirect messages, use the following command in global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> ip icmp redirect
The default is to send ICMP redirect messages. To disable it, use the `no' form of the above-referenced
To enable the sending of ICMP unreachable messages, use the following command in interface
configuration mode:
CLI(config-if)> ip unreachables
The default is to send ICMP unreachable messages. To disable it, use the `no' form of the above-
referenced command.
Loopback interfaces can be created or deleted using configuration commands. Loopback0 is automatically
created by the system and cannot be modified by user. To create a new Loopback interface, use the
following command in global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> interface Loopback <unit>
The unit number should be any number greater than 0. This command, if successful, will enter into
interface configuration mode. Then user can use the IP interface configuration commands to set the IP
address or any other parameters. To delete a Loopback interface, use the command:
CLI(configure)> no interface Loopback <unit>
Note that the Null interface is not configurable and is always present in the system.
TCP connections (network connections) are supervised by OneOS at establishment of the connections as
well as all through the connections to detect idle conditions.
At network connection establishment OneOS sends a SYN packet and by default waits the answer for
6 seconds. If no answer is received, OneOS resends a SYN packet and waits the answer for 2 times
6 seconds; and so on by default 3 times doubling the period of time each attempt. This allows a networks
connection to be established by default within 90 seconds (6+12+24+48).
To modify the initial timeout and the number of retries values use the following commands in global
configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> ip tcp syn initial-timeout <2-64 even; default 6 seconds>
All through the network connection when no packet is sent or receive for 75 seconds (default value),
OneOS sends an ACK packet and by default waits the answer for another 75 seconds. If no answer is
received after 8 attempts (default value) the TCP connection is released.
To modify the timeout and the number of retries values use the following commands in global configuration
CLI(configure)> ip tcp keepalive timeout <1-3600; default 75 seconds>
It is common that network interface of any type supports MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) larger than or
equal to 1500 bytes, the MTU value used in LANs. However it is more and more often the case that some
interfaces such as PPPoE and VLAN have a MTU less than 1500 bytes. In general, with IP Path MTU
discovery, end hosts will adapt TCP MSS (Maximum Segment Size) to meet the smallest MTU along the
path. A problem is that the PMTU discovery makes use of ICMP error messages to report the MTU to use
and a lot of organizations have a firewall to filter out such messages. As a result, the source continues to
send 1500 byte packets with the DF bit set (Don't Fragment, used along with PMTU) in the IP header, and
The maximum value allowed is the interface MTU minus the minimum TCP/IP header size, 40 bytes. For
example, for PPPoE interface, one could use the value 1452.
To disable TCP MSS adjustment, use the no form of the above-referenced command.
Helper addresses is a feature that permits to forward broadcast packets received from an interface to a
named server address. For example, DHCP packets received on interface Ethernet are altered so that the
new destination address is the address of the declared server address; then packets are routed to the
server address.
To declare a server address on an interface, so that all received broadcast packets are redirected to that
server, use the following command in interface configuration mode:
CLI(config-if)> ip helper-address <A.B.C.D>
It is possible to configure several server addresses so that packets are redirected to both server
Forwarded packets are only UDP packets and by default only for the following ports:
- 37: Time protocol
- 42: Host Name Server / WINS
- 49: TACACS - Login Host Protocol
- 53: Domain Name Service (DNS)
- 67: BOOTP Server - Bootstrap Protocol Server / DHCP
- 68: BOOTP Client - Bootstrap Protocol Client / DHCP
- 69: TFTP - Trivial File Transfer Protocol
- 137: NETBIOS Name Service
- 138: NETBIOS Datagram Service
To disable a server address, use the no form of the command:
CLI(config-if)> no ip helper-address <A.B.C.D>
To add a specific protocol to be forwarded, use the following command in configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> ip forward-protocol udp <1-65535>
Certain stations are not able to support CIDR subnets, which do not fall in standard class A/B/C network
ranges. In the event, the LAN subnet (e.g. is smaller than the network configured on the
workstation (e.g., the station sends ARP requests on the LAN for IP addresses outside the
subnet. Without ARP proxy, no equipment should respond.
The ARP proxy function catches the ARP request destined to IP addresses outside the subnet and spoofs
the answer as if the router was the actual workstation. Then the workstation sends packets with the router
MAC address as destination.
ARP proxy is disabled by default. To enable the ARP proxy (from interface configuration mode):
CLI(config-if)> ip proxy-arp
The following configuration example of a small network illustrates a connection to the Internet via a DSL
line. Only static routes are used in this example.
Router A
Router B
At Router A, a PVC to the router is set up for an Internet connection. On that connection, IP NAT
is configured to use interface address overloading (address/port translation). One static route
is configured to interconnect another private network. Two static routes are configured to avoid sending
packets destined to private addresses to the Internet (dropped by Null 0). One default route is set up
through, which is generally a router operated by the service provider.
interface Ethernet 0/0
ip address
interface FastEthernet 0/0
ip address
interface Atm 0.1
pvc ipoa vpi 0 vci 32
ip address
ip nat inside overload
ip route
ip route Null 0
ip route Null 0
ip route Null 0
ip route
4.5.4 Statistics
Use the following commands to display the ARP table and statistics:
CLI> show arp
Protocol address Hardware address Age (min) Interface Type 00:80:c8:c9:a6:85 19 FastEthernet 0/0 ARPA
Use the following command to display the interface table (if an interface name is specified only the
parameters of that interface are displayed):
CLI> show interfaces
Ethernet 0/0 is up, line protocol is up
Flags: (0x8063) BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP, interface index is 1
Encapsulation: 802.3
Hardware address is 08:00:51:ef:fa:ce, ARP timeout 1200 sec
Internet address is, broadcast address is
MTU 1500 bytes, line speed 10000 kb/s, bandwidth limit 10000 kb/s
Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/50
IN: 201612 packets, 12103580 bytes
201612 unicast packets, 0 non-unicast packets
18 unknown protocols, 0 errors, 6 discards, 0 queue drops
OUT: 201477 packets, 10132769 bytes
201477 unicast packets, 0 non-unicast packets
0 errors, 0 discards, 0 queue drops
Loopback 0 is up
Flags: (0x80e9) LOOPBACK MULTICAST, interface index is 9902
Internet address is
MTU 32768 bytes, line speed unknown
Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/50
IN: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 non-unicast packets
0 unknown protocols, 0 errors, 0 queue drops
OUT: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 non-unicast packets
0 errors
Null 0 is up
Flags: (0x80e1) MULTICAST, interface index is 9901
MTU 32768 bytes, line speed unknown
Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/50
IN: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 non-unicast packets
0 unknown protocols, 0 errors, 0 queue drops
OUT: 0 packets, 0 bytes, 0 non-unicast packets
0 errors
FastEthernet 0/0 is up, line protocol is up
Flags: (0x8063) BROADCAST MULTICAST ARP, interface index is 101
Hardware address is 08:00:51:fa:ca:de, ARP timeout 1200 sec
Internet address is, broadcast address is
Encapsulation: 802.3
MTU 1500 bytes, line speed 100000 kb/s, bandwidth limit 100000 kb/s
Output queuing strategy: fifo, output queue length/depth 0/50
IN: 117 packets, 7118 bytes
1 unicast packets, 116 non-unicast packets
0 unknown protocols, 0 errors, 0 errors, 0 queue drops
OUT: 3 packets, 98 bytes
2 unicast packets, 1 non-unicast packets
0 errors, 0 queue drops
Atm 0.1 is up, line protocol is up
Flags: (0x8023) BROADCAST MULTICAST, interface index is 20201
Encapsulation: IP-over-Atm
Internet address is
MTU 1500 bytes, line speed 2000 kb/s, bandwidth limit 2000 kb/s
Output queuing strategy: cbq
IN: 200342 packets, 13625966 bytes
200342 unicast packets, 0 non-unicast packets
0 unknown protocols, 0 discards, 0 errors, 0 queue drops
Use the following command to display IP configuration parameters associated with an interface (if an
interface name is given only the parameters of that interface are displayed):
CLI> show ip interfaces
Ethernet 0/0 is up
Internet address is, broadcast address is
MTU is 1500, metric is 0
Inbound access list not set
Outgoing access list not set
ICMP redirects are always sent
ICMP unreachables are always sent
ICMP mask replies are never sent
Network address translation is disabled
Input service policy not set
Output service policy not set
Reverse Path Forwarding disabled
TCP MSS adjust not set
Policy route map not set
Loopback 0 is up
Internet address is
MTU is 32768, metric is 0
Inbound access list not set
Outgoing access list not set
ICMP redirects are always sent
ICMP unreachables are always sent
ICMP mask replies are never sent
Network address translation is disabled
Input service policy not set
Output service policy not set
Reverse Path Forwarding disabled
TCP MSS adjust not set
Policy route map not set
Null 0 is up
MTU is 32768, metric is 0
Inbound access list not set
Outgoing access list not set
ICMP redirects are always sent
ICMP unreachables are always sent
ICMP mask replies are never sent
Network address translation is disabled
Input service policy not set
Output service policy not set
Reverse Path Forwarding disabled
TCP MSS adjust not set
Policy route map not set
FastEthernet 0/0 is up
Internet address is, broadcast address is
MTU is 1500, metric is 0
Inbound access list not set
Outgoing access list not set
ICMP redirects are always sent
ICMP unreachables are always sent
ICMP mask replies are never sent
Network address translation is disabled
Input service policy not set
Output service policy not set
Reverse Path Forwarding disabled
TCP MSS adjust not set
Policy route map not set
Atm 0.1 is up
Internet address is
MTU is 1500, metric is 0
Inbound access list not set
Outgoing access list not set
The text output of this command shows the status of all logical sub-interfaces. ‘STATUS’ is the
administrative status (i.e. shutdown or not shutdown). ‘Protocol’ is the operational status.
Use the following command to display the routing table:
CLI> show ip route
Codes: C connected, S static, R RIP, O OSPF, B BGP, o other
6 control packets
638 data packets (49350 bytes)
0 data packets (0 bytes) retransmitted
539 ack only packets (2 delayed)
0 window probe packets, 0 window update packets
6 connections established (including 2 initiated, 4 accepted)
7 connections closed (including 0 dropped, 0 embryonic dropped)
0 total rxmt timeout, 0 connections dropped in rxmt timeout
0 keepalive timeout, 0 keepalive probe, 0 connections dropped in
To display information about TCP sockets running on the router, use the command:
CLI> show tcp sessions
To display information about UDP sockets running on the router, use the command:
CLI> show udp sessions
The following commands enable detailed traces for debugging IP modules. To enable IP routing
debugging, use the following command in global mode:
CLI> [no] debug ip routing
To enable IP route cache debugging, use the following command in global mode:
CLI> [no] debug ip cache
To enable Address Resolution protocol debugging, use the following command in global mode:
CLI> [no] debug arp
To disable the debugging of a protocol or module, use the no form of the corresponding command. To
display the current debugging modules, use the command:
CLI> show debug
4.6.1 Features
GRE is a technique that enables to encapsulate packets using a GRE encapsulation header. A GRE
header has a variable-length header, depending of the options the header supports.
GRE header
sequence number
C, K and S are optional flags, meaning that respective fields are present on the header: checksum, key
and sequence number fields.
Emitted packets are sent with a GRE header of at least 4-byte, while all flags are managed when receiving
GRE packets.
An IP header is added with the assigned destination and source address required by the tunnel
As defined in RFC 1191, PMTU prevents the fragmentation of IP packets along the path from the source to
the destination. If fragmentation occurs along the path, it can considerably degrade the performance of
TCP, particularly in the case of network congestion.
When using tunnels, destination address of the tunnel can be routed through many routers until reaching
the endpoint. PMTUD was developed to avoid fragmentation in the path between the endpoints. It
determines dynamically the lowest MTU along the path from the packet source to its destination and
applies the MTU to the tunnel interface MTU. IP Unnumbered
This feature helps a tunnel interface to be considered as a routable interface, because it borrows the IP
address of a specified interface. Both interfaces share the same address. There are two advantages in
using unnumbered interfaces:
1. Some IP addresses are saved: if a lot of devices need to be installed on a sub-network with a limited
pool of addresses.
2. Routes learned through the IP unnumbered interface use the interface as next hop instead of the
source address of the routing update. Thus, problems with invalid next hop address are avoided
because the source of the routing update coming from a next hop is not directly connected. That is
why only point-to-point interfaces can be unnumbered interfaces.
Tunnel interfaces can be created or deleted using configuration commands. To create a new tunnel
interface, use the following command in global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> interface tunnel <unit>
The unit number should be any number greater than 0. This command, if successful, will enter into
interface configuration mode. Then user can use the IP interface configuration commands to set the IP
address or any other parameters. To delete a Tunnel interface, use the command:
CLI(configure)> no interface tunnel <unit>
Setting the IP interface determines the source IP address of a packet emitted by the router on a tunnel
To configure tunnel interface as unnumbered and permit IP routing on this interface, use the following
command in tunnel interface configuration mode:
CLI(config-if)> ip unnumbered <type> <unit>
To configure tunnel source and/or destination address, use the following command in tunnel interface
configuration mode:
CLI(config-if)> tunnel source { <A.B.C.D> | <type> <unit> }
When using the passive keyword, it is assumed that the router is a kind of ‘GRE server’ and it does not
know the IP address of the GRE peer in advance. The peer IP address will be learnt when the remote peer
will connect the GRE tunnel for the first time. This feature is useful when a central site router has a static
IP address whereas branch-office (GRE client) routers have dynamic IP addresses, i.e. IP addresses that
are not known a-priori.
To remove the tunnel source and/or destination address from the configuration, use the no form of the
above command.
CLI(config-if)> no tunnel source
To configure tunnel encapsulation mode for all routed packets, use the following command in tunnel
interface configuration mode:
CLI(config-if)> tunnel mode { ipip | gre | mobileip }
To come back to default GRE configuration mode, use the no form of the above command.
CLI(config-if)> no tunnel mode
When enabling GRE, the default behavior is to follow the RFC 2784 standard. This RFC is actually a
simplified version of RFC 1701, where some options have been chosen as no more configurable. In this
paragraph, the following commands enable some features specific to RFC 1701.
To enable the checksum on a GRE interface, use the following command in interface configuration mode:
CLI(config-if)> tunnel checksum
When configured incoming packets must have a checksum inside the header. Otherwise, packets are
To configure a key identifier on a GRE interface, use the following command in interface configuration
CLI(config-if)> tunnel key <0-4294967295>
When the tunnel key is configured, incoming packets that have not a key identifier, or that have a wrong
key identifier are systematically dropped.
To allow datagram sequencing on a GRE interface, use the following command in interface configuration
CLI(config-if)> tunnel sequence-datagrams
Outgoing GRE packets have their sequencing counter incremented. A received packet is not dropped as
long as it falls within the reception window (128 packets). The reception window is set between the highest
sequence number of all currently received packets, noted 'Sh', and (Sh - 128). If a packet is received with
a sequence number greater than 'Sh', then 'Sh' is set to this new value. The router checks that packets
have sequence numbers that conforms to the reception window but the router does not reorder packets.
To configure path MTU discovery, use the following command in tunnel interface configuration mode:
CLI(config-if)> tunnel path-mtu-discovery
When the PMTUD is activated, the router sends every tunnel packets with the DF bit set as '1', so that
packets exceeding the MTU of routers along the tunnel path are dropped. The router dropping a packet
must issue an ICMP error message indicating the MTU. When PMTUD is activated, the originating router
intercepts the ICMP error message and resets its tunnel MTU so that it corresponds to the lowest MTU
along the tunnel path.
Additional parameters for Path MTU Discovery:
• The path MTU will decrease as paths with lower MTU paths are discovered. However, the path MTU
should be increased if such low MTU path disappear, hence an aging timer to increase path MTU
again (default: 10 minutes, infinite disables the aging timer).
• To prevent path MTU to be excessively lowered, a minimum MTU can be set (default: 92 bytes).
CLI(config-if)> tunnel path-mtu-discovery min-mtu <bytes 92-65535>
The keepalive is a feature that monitors a GRE tunnel. Some keepalive packets are sent periodically and
must be looped back by the remote-end. The successful reception of looped keepalive is considered as
the criterion to keep the GRE tunnel interface as up.
By default, the keepalive feature is deactivated and the tunnel is always up if its configuration is complete
and a route to the tunnel destination is known. If keepalive is enabled, the tunnel is down as long as no
answer from the remote is received (i.e. the remote has not looped received keepalive packets). Keepalive
packets are sent periodically (default: 10 seconds). When the tunnel is up, the tunnel interface can go
down after a configurable number of successively unsuccessful keepalive packets (default number of
retries: 3). To activate keepalive, type the following command under tunnel interface configuration mode:
CLI(config-if)> keepalive [ <period-in-seconds> [ <number-of-retries> ] ]
To disable keepalive:
CLI(config-if)> no keepalive
This simple example shows how to configure a GRE tunnel. This example can be used for all platforms.
Router A Router B
ATM 0.1: ATM 0.1:
Tunnel 1: Tunnel 1:
Src: Src: Dst: Dst:
In this example, two devices connect to each other via a wan interface. To connect the two sub-networks
without modifying IP headers, a tunnel interface is created.
IP address on router A permits to connect route to tunnel interface. IP address on router B permits to connect route to tunnel interface. Note that assigned IP
addresses on tunnel interfaces are only used for routing.
The configuration script is as follows for router A:
interface FastEthernet 0/0
ip address
interface Tunnel 1
ip unnumbered fastethernet 0/0
tunnel source atm 0.1
tunnel destination
interface Atm 0
interface Tunnel 1
ip unnumbered fastethernet 0/0
tunnel source atm 0.1
tunnel destination
interface Atm 0
To disable IP tunneling debugging, use the ‘no’ form of the above command.
4.7.1 Introduction
IP security (IPsec) is a suite of IP protocols that permit IP flows to be encrypted and/or authenticated. For
example, if you want to transport information securely from one sub-network A to one other sub-network B
by using a untrusted network (for example, the Internet), IPsec provides some guarantees about several
security levels for delivering packets from A to B and vice-versa. Below is represented an example of an
IPsec application:
The packets exchanged between sub-networks A and B are transported in an IPsec tunnel. IPsec is
actually broken down in two flavors: the tunnel mode and the transport mode.
• The transport mode is usually applied when the IPsec session is terminated directly in the hosts.
Indeed, the IP header is not modified, only the payload changes.
• When using the tunnel mode, a new IP header is added and corresponds to the source and
destination addresses of the IPsec gateways as shown on the figure above. When no authentication
and encryption is applied, an IPsec tunnel is quite similar to a GRE tunnel.
The diagram below illustrates both modes when using an Authentication Header (AH).
IP Header Payload
IP Header AH Payload
IP Header Payload
IP security protocols are based on cryptographic algorithms. The keying material between two hosts
provides several properties:
• Integrity of the packet: if modified, the packet is recognized as such and is then dropped. For example,
a malicious user cannot change the source IP address of the packet so as to speak on behalf of the
real emitter.
• Authenticity: it is guaranteed that the packet comes from the host X, because the packet has not been
altered and the encryption could only be performed by means of a secret keying material.
• Confidentiality: the packet can be fully encrypted; therefore it cannot be read by any third party that
has no prior knowledge of the keying material.
• Security: prevents security against certain attacks such as unauthorized insertion of frames.
IP Header Payload
new IP Header ESP Header IP Header Payload trailer auth.
Optional compression is provided when using authentication and/or encryption. The compression is
applied on outbound packets (IP header + payload), and then it is authenticated and/or encrypted. The
resulting compressed data require less CPU for encryption. Furthermore, it limits the overhead due to the
encapsulation (20 bytes for IPV4 packet) plus IPsec overhead (12 bytes for AH, variable-size for ESP
packet with padding).
The encapsulation type of an IP packet in one of the IPsec modes is called a "transform set".
To enable peer IPsec Gateways to understand each other, both instances of the IPsec protocol contain a
Security Protocol Index (SPI), that is added to the protocol type (AH or ESP) and the IP destination.
SPI and source address uniquely identify a Security Association (SA).
As a tunnel is bi-directional, two SAs are required, one for each direction.
IPsec not only defines how the traffic is secured, but also which traffic should be encrypted. It is managed
by the Security Policy Database (SPD): it is a table made up of several entries. The SPD is a table whose
entries provide a set of selectors and associated actions. A selector is a filtering criterion that determines
the action to apply on a packet. (It can be forwarded, dropped, or processed with specified IPsec SA
parameters). For example, all inbound traffic passes through a crypto map. If packet is not encrypted and if
it matches a SPD entry, then the packet is dropped. If the packet is not encrypted and does not match an
SPD entry, it is forwarded.
IPsec protocols are highly robust but this robustness is as good as the secrecy of the keying material.
Obviously, a poor management of the keying material weakens many robust cryptographic techniques.
Among solutions to increase robustness of the security associations:
• Decrease the lifetime of a security association to renew the keys quite often. Since the keys are
refreshed, the hacker has to compute and break keys much more often. Therefore, it makes it harder
for a pirate to make eavesdropping. For example, 1200 seconds is reasonable for a simple DES
• Using a strong keying material. Indeed, some key generators are weak and keys are thus easier to
• Using advanced transforms. For example, 3DES is stronger than DES, because key length is three
times longer than the DES transform. AES is also stronger than 3DES; this is due to the encryption
• Using proprietary transforms. Unlike DES family or AES, some transforms are not known from the
public. Hence it is harder to break keys without prior knowledge of the technique used.
The set-up of an IP VPN network with digital certificates is based on a public key infrastructure. Each
router needs a private and public key pair and a corresponding digital certificate. The digital certificate
(self-certificate) is stored on the router, typically on the file system. To generate the certificate, the contents
are prepared and sent to the CA in a pre-defined format. The most widely used format for digital
certificates is X.509, which is supported by OneOS. The CA signs it (= add a digital signature of the
certificate contents using the CA private key) and returns the signed certificate to the requester, who then
stores it on the router. The Certificate Authority can be a company specialized in delivering this service
(e.g. VeriSign). Alternatively, the organization that owns the routers can set-up its own Certificate
Authority. The latter is worth considering if it concerns a large network with many routers and according
Each OneOS-based router may have a single certificate for IPsec VPN. In addition the router must also
store the CA root certificate for authenticating the peer’s certificate. Note that each certificate has also a
validity period, which is checked. The validity period of a certificate is typically 20 years.
4.7.2 Configuration
An IPsec Transform defines how an IP packet should be secured; it defines the IPsec encapsulation used:
AH and ESP. It contains information on the algorithm(s) used within the transform.
To create an IPsec transform and to enter in the IPsec transform configuration mode, use the following
command line:
CLI(configure)> crypto ipsec transform-set <name>
Note: If you use ESP, it is strongly advised to use AES with a 256-bit key, as long keys have almost no
impact on performance and guarantees a higher level of security.
To change the mode associated with the transform set, enter the following command line:
CLI(crypto-trans)> mode { transport | tunnel }
A crypto map is a set of IPsec properties applied to an interface. It corresponds to the Security Policy
Database configuration. A crypto map has several entries, each one standing for a security policy entry
and associates the IP traffic to secure, the transform used and the remote tunnel end-point.
There are two types of crypto maps entries: manual and ISAKMP. Manual crypto map entries require to
implicitly configuring the keying material, while ISAKMP crypto map entries need less information, provided
that IKE is configured (see
To configure a manual crypto map entry and enter in crypto map configuration mode, use the following
command line:
CLI(configure)> crypto map ipsec-manual <name> <sequence_number>
The sequence_number indicates the order/priority in which a packet is matched with selectors.
To remove a manual crypto map entry, use the following command:
CLI(configure)> no crypto map <name>
To define the selector (IP filter that needs to be processed using IPsec), attach an access-list to it. Use the
following command line:
CLI(crypto-manual)> match address <acl_name>
To remove the access-list and make all packets being authenticated/encrypted, use the no command line:
CLI(crypto-manual)> no match address
To configure the remote tunnel end-point, use the following command line:
CLI(crypto-manual)> set peer { <A.B.C.D> | <hostname> }
A.B.C.D or hostname designates the address of the remote IPsec endpoint. To remove tunnel endpoint
and deactivate crypto map entry, use the following command line:
CLI(crypto-manual)> no set peer { <A.B.C.D> | <hostname> }
Only one transform set can be applied per manual crypto map entry. To apply the selected IPsec transform
to the crypto map entry, use the following command line:
CLI(crypto-manual)> set transform-set <name>
To detach the IPsec transform from the crypto map entry, use the no form of the above command:
CLI(crypto-manual)> no set transform-set
Configuring keying material manually is permitted on manual entries. Primary, it is compulsory to set two
security parameter indexes (SPI), one for each direction. Secondly, keying material must be provided
according to the chosen transforms.
AH transform: HMAC-SHA1 requires a 20-byte key length, whereas HMAC-MD5 requires a key length of
only 16-bytes.
To configure AH keying material, use the following command lines:
CLI(crypto-manual)> set security-association inbound ah <spi>
ESP transform: DES requires an 8-byte key length, AES_128 requires a 16-byte key length, 3DES and
AES_192 require a 24-byte key length and AES_256 requires a 32-byte key length.
To configure ESP keying material, especially encryption keys, use the following command lines:
CLI(crypto-manual)> set security-association inbound esp <spi>
The first argument is the key for encryption and the second one for authentication. When the encryption is
NULL, the authentication key must be provided.
If IPsec transform requires compression, two compression parameter indexes must be configured, thanks
to the following command line:
CLI(crypto-manual)> set security-association outbound ipcomp <cpi>
You must provide the compression ID (cpi) with the same values at both ends of the IPsec tunnel (cpi
range: 0…65535).
Use the following command line to remove all inbound keying material:
CLI(crypto-manual)> no set security-association inbound
Use the following command line to remove all outbound keying material:
CLI(crypto-manual)> no set security-association outbound
• IPsec clients using IKE, the remote peer is a server (using dynamic ISAKMP crypto maps)
• Symmetric mode: when the concept of client/server is not used, both IPsec peers must use such
standard ISAKMP crypto maps
To configure an ISAKMP crypto map entry, and enter in crypto map configuration sub-level, use the
following command line:
CLI(configure)> crypto map ipsec-isakmp <name> <sequence-number>
The sequence-number indicates the order/priority in which a packet is matched with selectors. To
remove an ISAKMP crypto map entry, use the following command:
CLI(configure)> no crypto map <name>
Within a crypto map entry, to select IP traffic, use the following command line to attach an access-list to it:
Only permit rules with true network or host addresses must be used within the access-list that
must not contain a rule such as permit ip ….
CLI(crypto-isakmp)> match address <acl-name>
To modify IP selectors for next SA negotiation, or to prevent a future SA negotiation, you can detach
access-list from the crypto map entry.
CLI(crypto-isakmp)> no match address
To remove tunnel endpoint and deactivate crypto map entry, use the following command line:
CLI(crypto-isakmp)> no set peer { <A.B.C.D> | <hostname> }
Only one transform set can be applied per ISAKMP crypto map entry. To apply the selected IPsec
transform to the crypto map entry, use the following command line:
CLI(crypto-isakmp)> set transform-set <name>
To detach the IPsec transform from the crypto map entry, use the no form of the above command:
CLI(crypto-isakmp)> no set transform-set
Other security parameters are negotiated with ISAKMP endpoint. The lifetime of the SA is a parameter and
can be either expressed in kilobytes and/or in seconds. For example, an IPsec SA will need to be
refreshed when the total quantity of secured packets reaches 100 megabytes. To configure the SA lifetime,
use the following command line:
CLI(crypto-isakmp)> set security-association lifetime seconds <1-131071>
The default value for SA lifetime is configured to 3600 seconds and less than 100 MB. To reset the lifetime
to default values, use the default command line:
CLI(crypto-isakmp)> default set security-association lifetime { seconds
| kilobytes }
The lifetime in kilobytes and the lifetime in seconds can be configured at the same time. Both are taken
into account (default behavior); the one that triggers first causes the SA pair to be renegotiated. Note that
IPsec service is not interrupted by renegotiation of SA. In addition to the hard limit configured, a soft limit is
derived. This soft limit is reached when a high percentage of the hard limit (such as 90%) is reached and
the SA-refresh then starts to take place.
To disable a lifetime setting (seconds or kilobytes) to be taken into account for the lifetime of the SA, use
the following command line:
CLI(crypto-isakmp)> no set security-association lifetime { seconds
| kilobytes }
Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) is an optional service for exchanging keys. PFS allows the use of keys that
are not derived from the initial IKE negotiation. Indeed, this initial negotiation makes it easier to hackers to
extract the pre-shared secret. When renegotiating SA, if PFS is configured, keys are regenerated, and
exchanged by means of PFS. To configure perfect forward secrecy on a crypto map entry, use the
following command line:
CLI(crypto-isakmp)> set pfs { group1 | group2 | group5 }
To remove perfect forward secrecy, use the no form of the above command line:
CLI(crypto-isakmp)> no set pfs
To return to the (default) dial type, use the no form of the above command line:
CLI(crypto-isakmp)> no set type
To apply an ISAKMP profile to the crypto map, use the following command line:
CLI(crypto-isakmp)> set isakmp-profile <isakmp-profile-name>
To remove the ISAKMP profile from the crypto map, use the no form of the above command line:
CLI(crypto-isakmp)> no set isakmp-profile
Use the next command to enter in the dynamic crypto map configuration template mode:
CLI(configure)> [no] crypto dynamic <template-name>
Under this mode, you can enter the same parameters as in a standard ISAKMP crypto map (see However, the command set peer is not available.
Then exit from this mode and return to the global configuration terminal (CLI(configure)>) and create
the crypto map in the policy database:
CLI(configure)> [no] crypto map dynamic <name> <sequence-number>
Where name is the name of the policy, later used in the configuration to apply it to an interface and
sequence-number is the index of the crypto map in the policy database.
EZVPN simplifies the design of an IPsec network, the central IPsec concentrator learns automatically the
private IP networks when establishing the tunnels, which simplifies configuration of IP routing in IPsec
concentrator. The private IP networks are reached by the remote IPsec via the tunnel. These private
networks are defined as inside interfaces. Authentication with Xauth also helps in simplifying
management as the authentication passwords for IKE establishment are held in a central RADIUS
database. OneOS supports EZVPN in client mode.
The crypto ipsec client ezvpn outside command assigns an easy VPN configuration to an
outside interface, enabling the creation of an EZVPN IPsec connection over that interface to the specified
VPN peer. This also automatically configures an associated access list and transform-set.
An easy VPN group has several entries, each one standing for a security policy entry. This entry
associates the IP traffic to be secured and the remote tunnel end-point. A crypto IPsec client EZVPN
always uses ISAKMP. One SA connection (i.e. a separate tunnel) is established for each inside interface.
Please keep in mind the following principles:
• All inside interfaces, whether they belong to a tunnel, are listed in interface configuration mode as an
inside interface, along with the tunnel name.
• The EZVPN supports only one crypto ipsec client ezvpn outside instance, so the crypto
ipsec client ezvpn command can be assigned to only one interface. If you attempt to assign it to
more than one interface, an error message is displayed. You must use the no form of this command
to remove the configuration from the first interface before assigning it to the second interface.
• There is no default inside interface.
• Remember that only ISAKMP policy group 2 is supported on EZVPN servers.
• IKE aggressive mode is used for the exchange of parameters.
To configure a crypto IPsec client EZVPN entry, and enter in crypto IPsec client EZVPN configuration sub-
level, use the following command line:
CLI(configure)> crypto ipsec client ezvpn <name>
name identifies the easy VPN configuration with a unique and arbitrary name.
By defining which inside interfaces belong to the EZVPN group (see further), all traffic from the subnets on
these interfaces that are routed to the outside interface, are automatically put in the IPsec tunnel. To send
other outgoing IP traffic on this interface also through the tunnel, you can attach an access-list to it. The
access list must not contain a rule such as permit ip any any, the permit rules must always have the
following form:
permit ip <local-network> <destination-network>
To remove tunnel endpoint and deactivate crypto IPsec client EZVPN entry, use the following command
CLI(crypto_ezvpn)> no peer
The IPsec can be established automatically, when easy VPN is configured on the interface, or on-demand.
On-demand is the default behavior, i.e. when an IP packet is routed to the interface and that packet
matches the IPsec policy. Use the next command to set the desired behavior:
CLI(crypto_ezvpn)> connect { auto | manual }
EZVPN requires a group name and pre-shared key to be exchanged. With the group name the server side
can distinguish between different EZVPN groups. Note that this group name may be different from the
name entered when creating the EZVPN client entry. To configure the group name and the key:
CLI(crypto_ezvpn)> [no] group <group-name> key <group-key>
Within an EZVPN group, the IPsec clients must be individually authenticated by Xauth. A username and
password must be provided:
CLI(crypto_ezvpn)> [no] username <user-name> password <user-password>
Because the client device does not have a user interface option to enable or disable PFS negotiation, the
server will notify the client device of the central site policy during ike-mode-cfg. The Diffie-Hellman (D-
H) group that is proposed for PFS will be the same as negotiated in Phase 1 of the IKE negotiation.
To complete the EZVPN group configuration, enter the exit command:
CLI(crypto_ezvpn)> exit
Note: you cannot use the no crypto ipsec client ezvpn command to delete a crypto IPsec client
EZVPN that is assigned to an interface.
You must remove that crypto IPsec client EZVPN configuration from the interface before you can delete
the configuration.
• The outside interface is the interface from which the tunnel is established (only one outside interface is
• An inside interface connects to an IP network that is reached via the tunnel and advertized to the peer
by EZVPN IKE extensions. Multiple inside interfaces are supported.
To assign an easy VPN configuration to an interface, specify whether the interface is outside or inside, and
configure one outside and one or more inside interfaces. Use the crypto ipsec client ezvpn
command in interface configuration mode. To remove the easy VPN configuration from the interface, use
the no form of this command.
CLI(config-if)> crypto ipsec client ezvpn <name> { outside | inside }
• An "inside" reference is only allowed if the interface has a fixed IP address.
• An easy VPN configuration should be created before assigning it to an interface.
To apply the IPsec crypto map on an interface, use the following command line in the interface sub-level:
CLI(config-if)> crypto map <name>
If crypto map entries are properly configured, this command fills in security associations and associated
selectors in the IPsec databases. Use the no form of the above-referenced command to remove entries of
the databases.
CLI(config-if)> no crypto map
IP fragmentation may be prevented due to the DF bit in the IP header. To modify the DF bit in the
encapsulating IP header for a specific interface, use the following command line in interface mode:
CLI(config-if)> crypto ipsec df-bit [ clear | set | copy ]
ISAKMP packets are sent using UDP on port 500. To permit transmission of ISAKMP packets from the
OneOS-based router, use the following command in configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> crypto isakmp enable
ISAKMP entities identify themselves using either the outgoing IP address or the hostname. Use the
following command to define the identity (address is the default value).
CLI(configure)> crypto isakmp identity { address | hostname }
ISAKMP peers share a secret to authenticate each other. This secret is used to encrypt ISAKMP traffic.
Secret is locally stored and associated to a peer. You can enter a secret for a given address or hostname
by using the following command line:
CLI(configure)> crypto isakmp key <key> { address <A.B.C.D> [<mask>]
| hostname <host> }
In case of dynamic server, wild cards can be used (such as because the peer IP
addresses are not known in advance.
You can remove the key by using the no form of the command line:
CLI(configure)> no crypto isakmp key <key> { address <A.B.C.D> [<mask>]
| hostname <host> }
Prior establishing IKE phase 1, both peers agree on the policy used for communicating. They select the
policy by sending a list of proposals that contains a list of ISAKMP policies ordered in preference order.
To enter in ISAKMP policy configuration mode, use the following command line:
CLI(configure)> crypto isakmp policy <identifier>
identifier indicates the preference order. 1 stands for the highest priority, while 10000 stands for the
lowest priority. A policy is made up of encryption and hash algorithm.
To configure the encryption used in an ISAKMP policy, use the following command line:
CLI(config-isakmp)> encryption { des-cbc | 3des-cbc | aes }
Default encryption algorithm is des-cbc and is activated by using the following default command line:
CLI(config-isakmp)> default encryption
The authentication method tells how to authenticate with remote peer. Pre-shared key and RSA signatures
are authorized.
To configure pre-shared authentication, use the following command line:
CLI(config-isakmp)> authentication pre-share
To configure authentication by using RSA signatures, use the following command line:
CLI(config-isakmp)> authentication rsa-sig
Default value for lifetime is 86400 seconds. Volume limit is not configurable.
Key exchange requires the selection of a Diffie-Hellman group (DH). The bigger the DH group is, the more
secured the exchange is. By default, group 1 is provided. Group 2 must be selected for EZVPN
configurations. To configure DH group, use the following command line:
CLI(config-isakmp)> group { 1 | 2 | 5 }
The above commands configure the proposed group list that is sent to the remote ISAKMP peer. The
remote chooses the transform and replies. Once agreed on the transform, both peers forge their keys, and
pass it to the remote peer using the chosen group.
ISAKMP keepalive stands for a facility that enables IPsec gateways to detect dead peers. It is compliant
with RFC3706, which specifies that each device must reply to "DPD" queries from remote IKE peers. The
implementation of dead IKE peer detection is not provided. It is explained hereafter: when sending
keepalive packets, the ISAKMP peer must respond to the received message. If no answer is received, the
ISAKMP peer seems to be dead. To make sure the peer is not alive, two additional keepalive messages
are sent. If no answer is received for both messages, the ISAKMP peer is considered as dead. The
ISAKMP connection is reset locally as well as its IPsec SAs.
Two timers can be configured:
• The trigger timer: it is the inactivity period during which no traffic has been detected coming from the
ISAKMP peer or from the corresponding tunnel. If this timer expires, a keepalive message is sent to
the remote peer to check if it is still alive. The default timer value is 30 seconds.
• The retry timer: it is the timeout for receiving a keepalive response coming from the ISAKMP peer or
from the corresponding tunnel. If no answer is received in the meantime, a new keepalive message is
sent. Default: 10 seconds. If the connection with remote ISAKMP peers is lost, the problem is detected
after two retries, typically within 30+10+2*10=60 seconds.
ISAKMP keepalive is not enabled by default. To enable ISAKMP keepalive, use the following command
line to configure keepalive:
CLI(configure)> crypto isakmp keepalive <5-120> [<2-60>] [periodic]
The first parameter is the trigger timer in seconds; the second one is the retry timer in seconds.
periodic is a keyword meaning that keepalive packets are always sent, even if traffic was detected on
the tunnel: in that case, the trigger timer is just the duration between two keepalive messages sent.
To restore the default values and stop keepalive:
CLI(configure)> no crypto isakmp keepalive
To configure an IKE peer for aggressive mode, use the following command line:
CLI(configure)> crypto isakmp peer { address <ip> | hostname <host> }
Enter the aggressive mode pre-shared key by entering the following command line:
crypto isakmp peer address
set aggressive-mode password presharedkey
To remove the aggressive mode pre-shared key enter the following command line:
CLI(config-isakmp-peer)> no set aggressive-mode
To define the identity that the local IKE will use to identify itself to the remote peer, use the following
command. Note that if no ISAKMP profile is configured, IKE will use the global configured value (see
crypto isakmp identity command).
CLI(crypto_profile)> self-identity { address
| hostname
| user-fqdn <user-fqdn> }
address (default value within ISAKMP profile) is the IP address of the egress interface.
hostname is the host name of the OneOS-Based router.
user-fqdn is a 64-char long string (usually an email address).
To make IKE use again the global configured value, use the following command line:
CLI(crypto_profile)> default self-identity
To define the identity that the local IKE has to check against the peer's identity, use the following
command. Multiple match identity commands can be configured. The peer is mapped to the ISAKMP
profile when its identities (as given in the ID payloads of the IKE) match the identities defined in the profile.
CLI(crypto_profile)> match identity { address <address>
| hostname <name>
| user-fqdn <user-fqdn> }
When certificates are used for authentication, the following command allows verifying the content of the
fields of the peer's certificate. This is accomplished by applying a certificate map (see 3.26.4) to the profile.
CLI(crypto_profile)> match certificate <name>
To disable NAT Traversal on the router, and prevent it from using UDP port 4500, use the following
command in configuration command mode:
CLI(configure)> no crypto isakmp nat-traversal udp-encapsulation
To restore the default configuration, and enable NAT Traversal on the equipment, and use UDP port 4500
when possible, use the active form of the above command:
CLI(configure)> crypto isakmp nat-traversal udp-encapsulation
To configure NAT Traversal on a specific port, use the following command in configuration command
CLI(configure)> crypto isakmp nat-traversal port <1-65535>
To restore the default configuration, use the no form of the above command:
CLI(configure)> no crypto isakmp nat-traversal port
The NAT-Traversal detects NAT devices sitting in the middle of the IPsec tunnel path. NAT devices
maintain a context to keep track of the IPsec session (tunnel). The context is removed after a certain
timeout. In order to maintain the NAT entry in the intermediate NAT device, dummy UDP packets (with no
payload) are periodically sent every 20 seconds. To change emission frequency of UDP keepalive
packets, use the following command in configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> crypto isakmp nat keepalive seconds <5-3600>
To disable the NAT keepalive function, use the no form of the above command:
CLI(configure)> no crypto isakmp nat keepalive
Some IPsec connection setup may fail due to compatibility issues regarding NAT-Traversal payload type,
encapsulation mode and vendor-id hash. Forcing the nat-traversal vendorid to draft-03 may
To restore the default configuration (rfc3947), use the no form of the above command:
CLI(configure)> no crypto isakmp nat-traversal vendorid
In order to send SNMP traps for every IPsec log message, use the following command:
CLI(configure)> [no] snmp traps ipsec
In order to send SNMP traps related to the IKE protocol, use the following command:
CLI(configure)> [no] snmp traps isakmp
At any stage of the configuration, information about IPsec can be displayed. To display configuration
information related to IPsec, use the following command line:
CLI> show crypto config
To display the IPsec SAs currently configured, use the following command line:
CLI> show crypto ipsec sa
To display the list of configured transform-sets, use the following command line:
CLI> show crypto ipsec transform-set
To display the list of configured crypto maps and their configuration or display the configuration of a
specific crypto map or the configuration of a crypto map attached to an interface, use the following
command line:
CLI> show crypto map [name <name> | interface <interface_name>]
To display the statistics on the IPsec related counters, use the following command line:
CLI> show crypto [ah | esp | ipcomp | ipip]
To clear IPsec counters displayed in the above command, use the following command line:
CLI> clear crypto counters
It is possible to clear all IPsec counters of SAs or per interface, by using the following command line:
CLI> clear crypto sa { counters | interface <type> <unit> | spi <spi>
{ah | esp | ipcomp} <A.B.C.D> }
<level> (Optional): Specifies the amount of ISAKMP debug information available. The level can be set
between 10 and 90. The default debug level is 20.
The following example illustrates how to configure an IPsec tunnel with manually configured keys.
Router A Router B
Router A Configuration:
configure terminal
ip access-list extended sub1
permit ip
crypto ipsec transform-set esp-3des-sha
esp-3des esp-sha-hmac
interface ethernet 0
ip address
interface tunnel 1
! Apply the crypto map to the tunnel interface
ip unnumbered atm 0.1
tunnel source atm 0.1
tunnel destination
crypto map client
interface atm 0.1
ip address
ip route tunnel 1
Router B Configuration:
configure terminal
ip access-list extended sub1
permit ip
crypto ipsec transform-set esp-3des-sha
esp-3des esp-sha-hmac
crypto map ipsec-manual client 1
match address sub1
set transform-set esp-3des-sha
set security-association inbound esp 0x195832
set security-association outbound esp 0x195831
interface ethernet 0
ip address
interface tunnel 1
ip unnumbered atm 0.1
tunnel source atm 0.1
tunnel destination
crypto map client
interface atm 0.1
ip address
ip route tunnel 1
Client Server
Client Configuration:
configure terminal
ip access-list extended sub1
permit ip
crypto ipsec transform-set esp-3des-sha
esp-3des esp-sha-hmac
crypto isakmp key secretpassword address
crypto isakmp policy 1
encryption 3des
hash md5
lifetime 20000
group 5
crypto map ipsec-isakmp isakmp_client 1
match address sub1
set peer
set transform-set esp-3des-sha
set pfs group2
set security-association lifetime seconds 5000
interface ethernet 0
ip address
interface atm 0.1
ip address
crypto map isakmp_client
ip route
Server Configuration:
configure terminal
ip access-list standard sub1
! only match what comes from/goes to the LAN
crypto ipsec transform-set esp-3des-sha
esp-3des esp-sha-hmac
crypto isakmp key secretpassword address
crypto isakmp policy 1
encryption 3des-cbc
hash md5
lifetime 20000
group 5
crypto dynamic dyn
! Crypto map template
match address sub1
set transform-set esp-3des-sha
set pfs group2
set security-association lifetime seconds 5000
! Creation of a policy entry
crypto map dynamic isakmp_server 1 dyn
interface ethernet 0
ip address
interface atm 0.1
ip address
crypto map isakmp_server
ip route atm 0.1
interface Loopback 1
ip address
crypto ipsec client ezvpn TEST inside
ip access-list standard pc
4.8.1 Introduction
The Mistral security is the result of Thales e-security technology integration within OneOS. The Mistral
software consists of VPN encryption technology providing enhanced security and manageability through a
seamless integration in Thales management system. The Thales management system provides the
following main features:
• Centralized key management
• Security policy configuration are populated within every managed devices, be it OneAccess routers
with the Mistral module or other Mistral security appliances
• Alarms, security alerts
The Mistral software encrypts and authenticates all the external flows by means of the AES standard
algorithm and 128-bit keys. When enabling Mistral security on an interface, the security policies are
applied for incoming and outgoing flows. At the inbound, the mistral security is applied before ACL; at the
outbound, it is applied before NAT.
IP Routing
Inbound Access
The whoami command indicates which user profile is logged in. The command indicates the user profile
number. The following profiles are pre-defined:
• Profile 127: for network configuration. This profile grants the user an access to any CLI configuration
command of OneOS that is not related to the Thales module.
• Profile 15: for security configuration. Allows a user to activate and to configure the Mistral software
The Mistral security configuration and activation include three main stages:
• Security activation,
• Initialization via Mistral Management Center,
• Acknowledgement of the security policies.
All frames to and from the encrypted interfaces are processed by the Mistral security module. In general,
the encrypted interfaces are the interfaces connected to the WAN. Add the ‘ip ms-encryption’
command on interfaces where you wish to activate Mistral encryption.
CLI(configure)> interface atm 0.1
CLI(config-if)> [no] ip ms-encryption
CLI(config-if)> exit
Important: the security module is now activated: it is provided with its default configuration. Its default IP
address is and MUST be modified.
The source address can be changed by selecting the source address from an interface of the router. This
address is necessary for all secure transmissions (with the Mistral Management Center and the encrypted
user flows). The address of an existing interface, or a “loopback” address created for this purpose, can be
defined. The configuration commands are the following:
CLI(configure)> ms-encryption
CLI(ms-enc)> source atm 0.1
CLI(ms-enc)> execute
CLI(ms-enc)> exit
Important: the Mistral VPN address can be modified at any time with this procedure during use. The
management center is then warned and updates its configuration.
By default, the Mistral module is provided with the following security policies allowing the module to
authorize the RIPv2, OSPF, BGP and PING flows: (0) (24) incoming Plain 89 (OSPF), 17 (UDP) 520 (RIPv2) (0) (24) outgoing Plain 89 (OSPF), 17 (UDP) 520 (RIPv2) (0) (0) incoming Plain 1 (PING), 6 (TCP) 179 (BGP) (0) (0) outgoing Plain 1 (PING), 6 (TCP) 179 (BGP)
Important: On the remote management, these security policies are erased. It is therefore necessary to
provide them in the management center if they are used.
The security module must have been activated as indicated in the previous section. The management VPN
initialization is carried out by means of an initialization file and carrier (PIN) codes. The PIN codes allow
decrypting the initialization file. Please refer to the MMC user manual for information on the generation of
the initialization file and carrier codes.
Initialization requires the following operations:
1. Enter into the security context with the ms-encryption command (available in the terminal menu-
configure terminal command).
2. Enter into the initialization file with the encrypted-data-init command and a copy/paste of the
initialization file content.
3. Enter the PIN code(s) with the pin-code-1 and optionally pin-code-2 commands.
4. Validate the configuration with the execute command. If the configuration is correct, the new
configuration is saved and the equipment takes it into account. Do not worry if Warnings’ appear: they
are due to the Mistral VPN IP address initialization process.
Important: The PIN codes must be entered from console port. Using the “telnet/SSH” protocol is not
• An integrity check is made on every entered PIN code.
• An integrity check is made before decrypting the initialization parameters.
If the configuration is corrupted or incorrect, the router does not take it into account and does not modify its
current configuration.
Configuration commands:
CLI(configure)> ms-encryption
CLI(ms-enc)> encrypted-data-init <init-string>
CLI(ms-enc)> pin-code-1 <pin1>
CLI(ms-enc)> [ pin-code-2 <pin2> ]
CLI(ms-enc)> execute
CLI(ms-enc)> exit
Further to the initialization of the management VPN, the Mistral module is ready to dialog with the MMC. It
automatically sends an auto-remote management request every minute. If the MMC is programmed to
answer (which is recommended), then the Mistral module is remotely managed automatically and it
receives these security tables (security associations, security policies, keys, … see the MISTRAL
equipment user manual for further details on the remotely managed parameters). The traffic VPN are then
The Mistral module can contain up to 50 security policies and 25 security associations (i.e. 25 secure
Note1: This operation is usually carried out automatically (for this purpose, the auto-remote management
option should be activated on the MMC).
Note2: The MMC has to be correctly configured previously. Refer to the MISTRAL Management Center
user manual for further information on the MISTRAL system configuration.
The example shows how to allow the Internet flows for LAN station (if the security policies
issued from the Mistral Management Center authorize them). The other LAN stations use the Mistral VPN
and are not authorized to use Internet. Because NAT is done before packet processing by the Mistral
software, we need to declare a NAT bypass-list for the flows coming from on the LAN.
hostname OneMistral
ip access-list extended acl_out
permit udp 500
permit tcp 80 reflexive
permit udp 53 reflexive
ip access-list extended acl_in
permit udp 500
permit udp 4500
ip access-list standard nat_bypass
permit any
interface FastEthernet 0/0
ip address
interface adsl 0
modem mode AUTO
interface atm 0
driver ident 0
max channels 10
max vp 5
max vc 8
range vp min 0 max 255
range vc min 32 max 100
interface atm 0.1
pvc pppoa vpi 8 vci 35
ipcp dynamic
ipcp dns-accept
username fti/afegstg
password wg6haze
ip access-group acl_in in
ip access-group acl_out out
ip ms-encryption
ip nat inside overload
ip nat inside bypass-list nat_bypass
source Atm 0.1
ip route atm 0.1
ip dhcp pool pool1
ip dns-proxy dns-server learn
4.9.1 Presentation
L2TP is a protocol defined in RFC 2661, which enables subscribers using PPP to be connected to their
home networks over a variety of transport technologies. PPP remote systems (subscribers) use different
access technologies, such as ISDN, analog phone line (POTS) or DSL. A layer-two connection is normally
achieved between the remote system and the Network Access Server (NAS) or the Broadband Access
Server (BAS). Instead of terminating the PPP session in this device, the PPP session is relayed in a L2TP
LAC L2TP Tunnel
(over ADSL,
ISDN, …)
Protocol Layers
The PPP transport in L2TP is transparent to the PPP protocol. Therefore, the remote L2TP end-point is
also the remote PPP endpoint and is called the L2TP Network Server (LNS).
The peer device of the LNS is the L2TP Access Concentrator (LAC), which usually initiates the L2TP
tunnel and encapsulates PPP packets from one or more PPP remote systems.
When the LAC and remote system are combined in one router, the router creates a PPP virtual interface
that directly encapsulates PPP packets in L2TP packets. The virtual interface forms what is called a LAC
client tunnel interface. As a LAC client is a tunnel interface, the newly formed L2TP packets are re-routed
by the router like in a GRE or IPsec tunnel.
Client L2TP Tunnel
Protocol Layers
The advantage of L2TP is to ease integration of PPP using various access technologies and to transport
seamlessly PPP sessions across several providers' networks. Features
The current version of OneOS provides the LNS function, with the following characteristics:
• Configuration based on virtual profiles (PPP and L2TP)
• Authentication of PPP users via RADIUS, support of redundant RADIUS servers
• Configurable flow control and authentication procedures
An L2TP/PPP virtual template is a template describing common characteristics of the PPP interfaces,
which are set-up dynamically when a PPP session is established. The template makes reference to a PPP
profile that describes common configuration parameters of the PPP layer.
The virtual template describes the configuration parameters for the IP interfaces which are dynamically
mounted when the PPP session is running. A user can configure in a virtual template the IP services which
are managed by the routing software; these can be access lists, QoS, NAT ...etc.
The configuration steps first require a PPP profile to be specified, this is done in the global configuration
CLI(configure)> interface virtual-template <l2tp-ppp-template-id>
CLI(configure-virtual-ppp)> ppp-profile <profile-id>
<l2tp-ppp-template-id> is a positive integer identifier, which uniquely references the template. The
<profile-id> points to a PPP profile, which must have been defined as shown in section 4.3.5 (PPP
with IPCP dynamic). Note that the CLI is entered in 'virtual-ppp' interface configuration mode. For
this interface configuration mode, you can define some interface-independent IP services. Here are some
CLI(configure-virtual-ppp)> ip access-group test out
CLI(configure-virtual-ppp)> service-policy output test
CLI(configure-virtual-ppp)> ip nat inside overload
To start the L2TP service, enter the following command from global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> l2tp enable
Note: to disable the L2TP service, use the no l2tp enable command, which is the default status.
If the number of PPP sessions inside L2TP tunnels must be restricted to a specified value, use the
following command:
CLI(configure)> l2tp session-limit <1-300>
<group-name> is a string, uniquely identifying the L2TP group. The last command makes the CLI enter in
L2TP configuration mode.
When the first PPP session supported by the L2TP group is initiated, the L2TP tunnel must be first
established. The LNS must match the LAC request with a L2TP group in order to determine which L2TP
parameters shall be used. To do so, the LAC host name is used. The user must enter the LAC host name
corresponding to the L2TP group:
CLI(l2tp-group)> terminate-from hostname <LAC-hostname>
In this L2TP tunnel, the LNS receives PPP establishment requests. As a PPP server, the LNS must
authenticate and return the IPCP parameters to the PPP caller after authentication. As PPP configuration
parameters share common characteristics per caller, they are described in a L2TP/PPP virtual template
(cf. section The L2TP-group configuration only needs to refer to that configuration template (one
single PPP template is accepted):
CLI(config-l2tp-group)> lns-incoming
CLI(config-lns)> virtual-template <template-id>
CLI(config-lns)> exit
To authorize the L2TP tunnel establishment, an authentication between the L2TP peers can be required,
using a login/password couple. The authentication is enabled using the following command:
CLI(config-l2tp-group)> l2tp tunnel authentication
Use no l2tp tunnel authentication to disable authentication. The authentication parameters are
given as follows, beginning in l2tp-group configuration mode:
CLI(config-l2tp-group)> local name <hostname>
CLI(config-l2tp-group)> l2tp tunnel password <password>
If the login/password must be encrypted for authentication confidentiality, use the next command:
CLI(config-l2tp-group)> l2tp hidden
Use no l2tp sequencing to disable flow control. Several other parameters can be entered:
CLI(config-l2tp-group)> l2tp tunnel hello <interval>
<interval> is the interval between each 'hello' message that keeps the tunnel alive. Default: 60 sec.
<retries> is the number of 'retries' to consider the L2TP tunnel as out-of-service. Default: 5.
CLI(config-l2tp-group)> l2tp tunnel retransmit timeout max <interval>
<number-of-packets> is the number of PPP payload packets that can be sent without
acknowledgement (only relevant if flow control is activated). Default: 4.
CLI(config-l2tp-group)> l2tp tunnel inactivity timeout <interval>
<interval> is the time with no data traffic after which the L2TP must be closed. Default: disabled.
The user can define a virtual template describing some L2TP group characteristics. The L2TP virtual
template is assigned as follows, beginning in l2tp-group configuration mode:
CLI(config-l2tp-group)> source l2tp-template
CLI(config-l2tp-group)> exit
The CLI has entered in L2TP template configuration mode. As PPP configuration parameters share
common characteristics per caller, they are described in a L2TP/PPP virtual template (cf. section
The L2TP-group configuration only needs to refer to that configuration template (one single PPP template
is accepted):
CLI(config-l2tp-template)> lns-incoming
CLI(config-lns)> virtual-template <template-id>
CLI(config-lns)> exit
To authorize the L2TP tunnel establishment, an authentication between the L2TP peers can be required,
using a login/password couple. The authentication is enabled using the following command:
CLI(config-l2tp-template)> l2tp tunnel authentication
Use 'no l2tp tunnel authentication' to disable authentication. The authentication parameters
are given as follows, beginning in l2tp-group configuration mode:
CLI(config-l2tp-template)> local name <hostname>
CLI(config-l2tp-template)> l2tp tunnel password <password>
If the login/password must be encrypted for authentication confidentiality, use the following command:
CLI(config-l2tp-template)> l2tp hidden
Use 'no l2tp sequencing' to disable flow control. Several other parameters can be entered:
CLI(config-l2tp-template)> l2tp tunnel hello <interval>
<interval> is the interval between each 'hello' message that keeps the tunnel alive. Default: 60 sec.
CLI(config-l2tp-template)> l2tp tunnel retransmit retries <retries>
<retries> is the number of 'retries' to consider the L2TP tunnel as out-of-service. Default: 5.
CLI(config-l2tp-template)> l2tp tunnel retransmit timeout max <interval>
<number-of-packets> is the number of PPP payload packets that can be sent without
acknowledgement (only relevant if flow control is activated). Default: 4.
CLI(config-l2tp-template)> l2tp tunnel inactivity timeout <interval>
<interval> is the time with no data traffic after which the L2TP must be closed. Default: disabled.
In this example, the LNS configuration enables the connection of 50 PPP subscribers connected through a
DSL access network.
Network Network
! Define template 11 for an L2TP group, which uses the PPP profile 1
interface virtual-template 11
ppp-profile 1
ip unnumbered loopback 2
mru local 1500 no
authentication pap
keepalive 10
peer default ip pool ppp_virt3
radius-server ip2002
! L2TP settings
l2tp enable
l2tp-group test
terminate-from hostname lac-32
l2tp tunnel authentication
l2tp tunnel password mypwd
virtual-template 11
To show L2TP tunnels, use the following command ('all' provides detailed information):
CLI> show l2tp tunnel [all]
To show L2TP transport statistics at the UDP layer, use the following commands:
CLI> show l2tp tunnel transport
Some debugging commands are also available to display on the console real-time execution of the
L2TP/PPP protocol:
All debug information:
CLI> debug l2tp all
4.9.3 LAC-Client Configuration
As explained at the beginning of this section, a LAC-client interface consists of two layers of protocols:
• L2TP: the L2TP layer parameters are configured within an l2tp_group.
• PPP: the PPP parameters are configured within a virtual-template ppp, similarly to an ISDN
dial-out interface. The configuration parameters found in a PPP virtual-template are not further
explained in this section. For more information on such templates, please refer to section 4.3.5. The
virtual-template is then associated with an L2TP-client tunnel interface (l2tunnel).
To start the L2TP service, enter the following command from global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> l2tp enable
Note: to disable the L2TP service, use the l2tp disable command, which is the default status.
It is then necessary to create an L2TP group that contains all L2TP-layer configuration parameters, which
is established with a single peer. The command is the following:
CLI(configure)> l2tp-group <group-name>
<group-name> is a string, uniquely identifying the L2TP group. The last command makes the CLI enter in
L2TP configuration mode.
When the first PPP session supported by the L2TP group is initiated, the L2TP tunnel must be first
established. The LNS must match the LAC request with an L2TP group in order to determine which L2TP
parameters shall be used. To do so, the LAC host name is used. The LAC-client hostname is configured
as follows (it must correspond to the terminate-from hostname <hostname> on the LNS side):
CLI(l2tp-group)> local name <LAC-hostname>
To authorize the L2TP tunnel establishment, an authentication between the L2TP peers can be required,
using a login/password couple. The authentication is enabled using the following command:
CLI(config-l2tp-group)> l2tp tunnel authentication
Use no l2tp tunnel authentication to disable authentication. The authentication parameters are
given as follows, beginning in l2tp-group configuration mode:
CLI(config-l2tp-group)> l2tp tunnel password <password>
If the login/password must be encrypted for authentication confidentiality, use the next command:
CLI(config-l2tp-group)> l2tp hidden
If you enter static IP addresses, only one main and one backup LNS are supported. OneOS attempts to
contact the backup LNS only if the main LNS is not responding. If the main LNS is responding but the
tunnel setup fails, the backup LNS is not contacted as it is assumed that the configured parameters are
wrong. The backup LNS IP is entered by adding the keyword backup in the command. Instead of static IP,
the IP addresses of the LNS routers can be retrieved via AAA (RADIUS) when the command 'initiate-
to ip authorization' is entered. Both modes (AAA or RADIUS) are mutually exclusive. The
authorization mode becomes effective after that the next command is entered:
CLI(configure)> aaa authorization network {radius | group <radius-aaa-
Please check that a route to the configured LNS is present in the routing table.
Then, you must enter the domain name of the LAC-function. The domain name is understood as follows: in
the PPP parameters, a username is defined for authentication. The username is always under the
following form: <user>@<>. When you will configure the l2tunnel interface (LAC
client), the L2TP domain name must match PPP domain name (if PPP username is “vivaldi@dependable-”, the L2TP domain name must be “”). The domain name is entered as
CLI(l2tp-group)> lac-incoming
CLI(lac-incoming)> domain <domain-name>
CLI(lac-incoming)> exit
lac-incoming refers to the fact the interface is seen as a L2TP access concentrator by the LNS and it
establishes an incoming PPP session into the network accessed via the LNS.
Optional Commands:
L2TP embeds a flow-control mechanism for PPP payload packets (disabled by default), which is activated
using the following command:
CLI(config-l2tp-group)> l2tp sequencing
Use no l2tp sequencing to disable flow control. Several other parameters can be entered:
CLI(config-l2tp-group)> l2tp tunnel hello <interval>
<interval> is the interval between each 'hello' message that keeps the tunnel alive. Default: 60 sec.
CLI(config-l2tp-group)> l2tp tunnel retransmit retries <retries>
<retries> is the number of 'retries' to consider the L2TP tunnel as out-of-service. Default: 5.
CLI(config-l2tp-group)> l2tp tunnel retransmit timeout max <interval>
<number-of-packets> is the number of PPP payload packets that can be sent without
acknowledgement (only relevant if flow control is activated). Default: 4.
CLI(config-l2tp-group)> l2tp tunnel inactivity timeout <interval>
<interval> is the time with no data traffic after which the L2TP must be closed. Default: disabled.
Path MTU Discovery (PMTUD) is a function that forces the Don’t-Fragment (DF) bit of every L2TP packet
to 1. If a packet whose DF=1 is routed on an interface having an MTU smaller than the packet, the packet
is dropped and an ICMP error message is returned to the sender indicating the interface MTU. PMTUD
takes into account this information and lowers automatically the MTU of the interface. To activate PMTUD,
enter the following command:
CLI(l2tp-group)> [no] ip pmtu
The TOS value of the encapsulated IP packet is copied into the L2TP IP header if the following command
is entered (default: not active):
CLI(l2tp-group)> [no] ip tos
To create the LAC-client tunnel interface, select the tunnel ID and enter under L2TP interface configuration
mode from the global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> interface l2tunnel <tunnel-id>
As a logical IP interface, you can configure IP services under the L2TP interface as follows:
CLI(config-if)> ip access-group <acl-name> in
CLI(config-if)> ip tcp adjust-mss <length>
CLI(config-if)> ...
Accounting messages (tunnel ON-OFF) are sent to the RADIUS server of the AAA group. By default, the
vendor-id in the RADIUS request is OneAccess but it can be overridden to match <id> that is a numerical
hotspot>show running-config
Building configuration...
Current configuration:
hostname hotspot
virtual-template ppp 1
ipcp static
ip address
authentication pap
username [email protected]
password toto
reconnection automatic
interface adsl 0
modem mode AUTO
interface atm 0
driver ident 0
max channels 10
max vp 5
max vc 8
range vp min 0 max 255
range vc min 32 max 100
interface atm 0.1
pvc pppoa vpi 8 vci 36
ipcp dynamic
authentication pap
username one100@hotspot
password toto
ip nat inside overload
ip route l2tunnel 1
ip route
l2tp enable
l2tp-group tunnel
local name hotspot
initiate-to ip
interface l2tunnel 1
ppp-profile 1
ip tcp adjust-mss 1400
ip nat inside overload
To show L2TP tunnels, use the following command ('all' provides detailed information):
CLI> show l2tp tunnel [all]
To show L2TP transport statistics at the UDP layer, use the following commands:
CLI> show l2tp tunnel transport
A debugging command displays on the console real-time execution of the L2TP/PPP protocol:
CLI> debug l2tunnel
Virtual LAN (VLAN) is a technique to logically divide a network into small (generally layer-2) segments,
which share the same physical media, but not the traffic. This section describes the main features of
VLAN, VLAN Based Routing and their configuration.
In addition, a LAN switch device is available on the OneOS-based product series. Please check the
release notes of the hardware platform to see if such a switch is present in your product. If a LAN switch is
present, switched VLAN and/or bridge can also be configured.
4.10.1 Features
Depending on hardware platform, one or all of the following functions can be available:
• VLAN based routing, available on all platforms.
• LAN switching/routing without VLAN, available only if multi-port Ethernet module is present on the
• LAN switching/routing with VLAN, available only if multi-port Ethernet module is present on the
The ONE10 does offer neither port-based routing nor port-based VLAN.
VLAN is often viewed as an information broadcast domain in a switched network. It is a way to logically
group end stations, servers, located on different physical LAN segments. Hosts on the same VLAN can
exchange messages regardless of their physical location as if they were on the same LAN segment.
VLAN provides a different method to segment networks rather than using physical separation. For
example, stations from the same project, or the same team, or the same department, or the same
application, can be grouped in a VLAN. Traffic for the same VLAN is generally switched or bridged among
different LAN segments.
There are several methods to define VLAN in an organization. The most commonly used methods include:
• Port based VLAN. VLAN membership is specified by ports. For example, ports 0, 2 and 3 form VLAN
1, ports 1 and 4 form VLAN 2.
• MAC address based VLAN. VLAN membership is specified by a group of MAC addresses. Using this
method, a station can be moved from a port to another without problem.
• Layer 3 defined VLAN. VLAN membership is specified by layer 3 or higher layer information, for
example, by using IP addresses.
A port based VLAN is shown in the following figure. Between ports of the same VLAN, traffic is switched or
bridged, which gives better performance and flexibility. Traffic between different VLANs can be routed by
the IP layer. As such, different VLANs are also separated by different network addresses. For example, in
the following diagram (showing a router with a VLAN-enabled Ethernet switch), traffic between port 2 and
port 3 is switched as they are part of the same VLAN. Traffic between port 1 and port 2 is routed as they
do not belong to the same VLAN.
IP layer
MAC layer
0 1 2 3 4
Group 1
Bridge Hub
Group 2
On an OneOS-based router without LAN switch, it is allowed to create up to 255 VLANs if needed on a
physical LAN port. On an OneOS-based router with a LAN switch, one single VLAN can be configured per
If more than one VLAN sub-interface is configured, layer-two switching is not possible.
Each VLAN should be identified by a VLAN ID, also known as VLAN tag. VLAN frames are encapsulated
in IEEE 802.1Q defined VLAN format, which prescribes a new VLAN header to be inserted after the IEEE
802.3 header. The format of VLAN frames is shown in the following figure:
6 bytes 6 bytes 4 bytes 2 bytes 4 bytes
The standard 802.1d and 802.1p define the three priority bits in VLAN header as indicated the packet
priority. The priority is a value ranging from 0 to 7. The priority is mapped into access categories. Some
Ethernet switches are able to manage queues with strict priority queuing based on the priority value.
Priority queuing means that a queue can transmit if the medium is free and the queues of higher priority
are empty. Switch interfaces on OneAccess products do not support this queuing. The default
categories are:
OneOS-based products are able to tag Ethernet packets with the desired priority as well as classifying
incoming packets based on their VLAN priority. 802.1p marking is available on all interfaces that support
802.1Q encapsulation.
The following interfaces support VLAN configuration:
• Ethernet/FastEthernet sub-interfaces
• ATM AAL5 sub-interfaces
• Dot11radio sub-interfaces
• BVI (over Ethernet/FastEthernet/WiFi/IPoA)
• EFM sub-interfaces
As of V4.2R5 software release, double-tagged (or stacked) VLANs are available according to 802.1ad.
Double-tagging is also known as 802.1Q-in-Q.
The following interfaces support Q-in-Q configuration:
• Ethernet/FastEthernet sub-interfaces
• ATM AAL5 sub-interfaces
A VLAN interface is a virtual sub-interface created on a physical Ethernet interface, namely: FastEthernet,
EFM (over G.SHDSL.bis), ATM-AAL5, Bridge virtual interface (BVI). Multiple VLAN sub-interfaces can be
configured on a single physical interface. To create a VLAN interface, use the following command in global
configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> interface { FastEthernet <module>/<port>.<sub-interface>
| Ethernet <port>.<sub-interface>
| atm-aal5 <slot>/<port>.<sub-interface>
| bvi <id>
| efm 0.<sub-interface> }
Sub-interface number must be specified and must be in the range from 1 to 255. This command, if
successful, enters in interface configuration mode.
To delete a VLAN interface, use the no form of the above command.
In order for a VLAN interface to function, a VLAN ID must be set using the following command in interface
configuration mode:
CLI(config-if)> encapsulation dot1Q <vlan-id> [default-pri <0..7> ]
[ native ]
vlan-id is an integer ranging from 1 to 4095. It has no default value. If the keyword native is present,
this VLAN becomes a native VLAN. On native VLANs, only IEEE 802.3 encapsulation is used (no VLAN
header is included in the frame). They are targeted for use with LAN stations, which are part of a VLAN but
not able to decode IEEE 802.1Q encapsulated frames (use of conventional Ethernet frames). Only one
single native VLAN per port can be declared as no VLAN header is present to discriminate two VLANs.
default-pri <0..7> is the default VLAN priority. To remove default priority, enter the command
encapsulation <id> [native]. native parameter is still available after default-pri keyword;
this can make sense for use with WLAN interface. If policy-based routing or IP QoS have tagged the
priority bits, the default-pri value is overridden.
To create a Q-in-Q VLAN interface, use the following command in global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> interface { FastEthernet <module>/<port>.<sub-interface>
| Ethernet <port>.<sub-interface>
| atm-aal5 <slot>/<port>.<sub-interface> }
Sub-interface number must be specified and must be in the range from 1 to 255. This command, if
successful, enters in interface configuration mode.
In order for a VLAN interface to function in Q-in-Q mode, a provider VLAN ID and a customer VLAN ID
must be set using the following command in interface configuration mode:
CLI(config-if)> encapsulation dot1Q <S-vlan-id> [default-pri <0..7> ]
[second-dot1Q <C-vlan-id>] [ native ]
S-vlan-id and C-vlan-id are integers ranging from 1 to 4095. They have no default value. See the
encapsulation dot1Q <vlan-id> command above for more information.
In order for a VLAN interface to function as a routing interface, an IP address must be set. To do it, use the
following command in interface configuration mode:
CLI(config-if)> ip address <address> [<mask>] [secondary]
You can configure any IP services on such sub-interfaces, such as NAT, ACL, QoS, policy-routing, and …
To delete an IP address, use the no form of the above command.
4.10.3 Statistics
To display statistics about the existing VLAN, use the following command:
CLI> show vlans
802.1Q Virtual LAN: FastEthernet 0/0.1, VLAN ID: 10
IN: 8 packets, 628 bytes
OUT: 6 packets, 524 bytes
802.1Q Virtual LAN: Ethernet 0/0.1, VLAN ID: 20
IN: 11 packets, 1456 bytes
OUT: 10 packets, 1346 bytes
To display information about the existing bridge groups, use the following command:
CLI> show bridge-group
Bridge group 1:
FastEthernet 0/0.10, FastEthernet 0/2.10, FastEthernet 0/3.10
Bridge group 2:
FastEthernet 0/1.20, FastEthernet 0/1.20
To disable IP interface debugging, use the 'no' form of the above command.
An Ethernet switch is a network component that can bridge Ethernet frames between its Ethernet ports.
The Ethernet switch keeps track of MAC addresses associated with ports, so that the switch knows where
to forward an Ethernet frame based on the destination MAC address. When the switch is connected to a
router via a single port, the router ‘sees’ workstations connected to this switch as a LAN network; they are
reachable through a physical Ethernet interface.
When the switch is built in the router, the routing software still ‘sees’ these workstation as a LAN network.
The difference is that they are not reached via a physical interface but rather through a virtual interface,
called Bridge Virtual Interface (BVI).
FastEthernet interfaces (physical Ethernet ports) and sub-interfaces (VLAN sub-interfaces) can be
member of a BVI and thus form an Ethernet switching group. The BVI membership is defined by using the
same bridge-group ID on FastEthernet interfaces/sub-interfaces.
A BVI interface is ‘up’ as long as at least one interface having the same bridge-group ID is ‘up’. A BVI
interface is ‘down’ when all BVI member interfaces are ‘down’.
The following diagram show how a router with a 5 port-switch can be divided into 2 Ethernet switches by
configuring 2 BVI:
Routing Software
BVI #1 BVI #2
Note: in previous OneOS releases, BVI interfaces did not exist. Therefore, switching was configured that
way on an Ethernet switch:
interface fastEthernet 0/0
ip address
bridge-group 2
interface fastEthernet 0/1
bridge-group 2
It is strongly recommended to use BVI interfaces instead. The previous method is supported but
deprecated, as the BVI offers a better state management of the interface.
Multiple MAC Addresses
The standard behavior is that the router has a single MAC address facing the switch. Even if the router has
different BVI groups or routed FastEthernet ports on the switch, the router is addressed by the same MAC
address. This feature is useful with VRRP to avoid that a firewall drops packets with the same IP and
different MAC. Also, the standard behavior is recommended if the router is connected to another switch via
several ports (to avoid loops). However, multiple MAC addresses can be assigned. Integrated Routing and Bridging (IRB) and PVC Multiplexing Layers
The purpose of IRB is to provide a bridging service between LAN/VLAN interfaces and ATM PVCs. The
bridging architecture is represented below:
IP Module
Bridge (BVI)
In the previous example, the BVI interfaces had the following role:
• Create a virtual interface, seen from the IP routing software.
• Activate hardware-based layer-two switching between Ethernet ports (or VLAN sub-interfaces) in the
switching component.
shall be sent. The table is built by inserting new table entries when a frame is received: if the MAC source
address is unknown in the table, the MAC address and the interface where the frame was received is
recorded in the table. An aging parameter enables the removal of MAC entries when the MAC is not used.
The number of entries is limited, which increases bridge performance. The total number of recorded MAC
addresses is a maximum of 1024. In case new MAC addresses must be learnt, the new MAC address
replaces the oldest MAC address stored.
About PVC Multiplexing
To multiplex traditional IP frames (encapsulated in IPoA) and bridged Ethernet frames in the same AAL-5
PVC, a special header (LLC/SNAP) must be added at the beginning of the AAL-5 payload. The LLC/SNAP
header defines the payload type (RFC 2684), which enables to differentiate IPoA encapsulation from
bridged Ethernet frames. When PPPoEoA is multiplexed with other bridged flows, the discrimination
between the flows is done by examining the destination MAC address of incoming Ethernet frames. If the
destination MAC address of such incoming frames matches the PPPoE PVC MAC address, the frame is
forwarded to the PPPoE software module, otherwise it is forwarded to the bridging software module.
Therefore it is mandatory that the LLC/SNAP encapsulation be used when you need IRB.
QoS Management on PVC Multiplexing Interface
Flows are prioritized not according to their origin (IPoA, PPPoE, and Bridge Ethernet) but rather based on
an internal packet tagging. This tag indicates whether a packet is a priority frame or not. The tag is a flag in
a memory context associated to the packet, but the tag is not a field in the packet. If the frame is tagged
and IRB is enabled on that interface, the frame is inserted at the beginning of the emission queue (transmit
ring), so that the frame get absolute priority and low latency.
Tagging is implicit: when a packet is processed through an output QoS policy and if the packet is matched
by a priority class, the packet is tagged.
The first step is to declare the BVI interface and to assign IP parameters:
CLI(configure)> interface bvi <1..255>
CLI(config-if)> ip address { dhcp | <ip-address> <netmask> }
A BVI is just a standard IP interface where you can configure any type of IP services such as ACL, NAT,
QoS, routing, … By default, the BVI interface use the FastEthernet 0/0 MAC address with no VLAN
encapsulation. To assign a VLAN ID to the BVI interface, enter the following command under BVI
configuration mode:
CLI(config-if)> encapsulation dot1Q <1..4095>
Where <1..4095> is the VLAN ID value. To remove dot1Q encapsulation, use the command 'default
encapsulation'. You must then specify a bridge-group. A bridge-group is a unique, arbitrary identifier
designating BVI membership of physical interfaces.
CLI(config-if)> bridge-group <1..255>
CLI(config-if)> exit
You must declare in each bridged interface to which bridge group they belong. The command syntax is:
CLI(configure)> interface { ethernet <port>[.<vlan-if-id>] |
fastEthernet <slot>/<port>[.<vlan-if-id>] |
atm 0.<if-id> |
atm-aal5 <x>.<y>[.<z>] }
If you would like that the VLAN tag be removed on a specified FastEthernet sub-interface, please enter the
following command under FastEthernet sub-interface configuration mode:
CLI(config-if)> encapsulation dot1Q <1..4095> [native]
The keyword native tells the router that the VLAN tag must be removed. In that case, only one sub-
interface is allowed on this port.
A BVI interface must be considered as a virtual FastEthernet interface. It is therefore not possible to do per
interface routing, but routing based on next-hop. The MAC address of next-hop is resolved per ARP and
must be within BVI network. The next–hop IP cannot be the BVI IP.
Invalid example:
interface bvi 1
ip address
bridge-group 10
interface fastEthernet 0/0
bridge-group 10
! Wrong: cannot route on this interface
ip route bvi 1
Valid example:
interface bvi 1
ip address
bridge-group 10
interface fastEthernet 0/0
bridge-group 10
! is part of network
! The static route below is then valid
ip route
It is possible to set some characteristics of every Fast Ethernet ports only when the routers are equipped
with an Ethernet switch. The default mode is automatic crossover. But you can change the interface so
that it is always straight (MDI) or crossed (MDIX):
CLI(configure)> interface fastethernet 0/<0..5>
CLI(config-if)> phy crossover {default | MDI | MDIX | auto }
Warning: this functionality may lead to degraded performance when enabled on ONECell25,
ONE60, ONE100A and ONE200.
To allow OneOS to use many MAC addresses, use the next command (default: disable):
CLI(configure)> multi-mac-address { enable | disable }
If multi-mac-address is enabled:
• FastEthernet ports of the switch interface with an IP address get a different MAC address.
• If VRRP is used, the virtual router can use a virtual MAC address for the VRID and a physical MAC
address for FastEthernet ports simultaneously.
• One can assign MAC addresses to BVI or VLAN interfaces (default MAC remains the Mac address of
FastEthernet 0/0). If the MAC address is changed, OneOS checks that the new MAC is different from
the MAC assigned to another BVI or VLAN.
To set the MAC address on VLAN/BVI:
CLI(configure)> interface { bvi <id> | fastEthernet 0/<0..3>.<y> }
mac5, mac6, mac7 are available MAC addresses as listed in the product information area.
Show command:
CLI> show system statistics multi-mac-address
### Multi MAC Address feature is ACTIVE
nb multi-mac feature enable : 2
nb multi-mac feature disable : 1
nb get physical addr. req. : 6
nb add logical addr. req. : 1
nb del logical addr. req. : 0
nb addr. get from PIA : 6
nb addr. added in filter : 7
nb addr. removed from filter : 0
nb delete all addr. in filter : 2
### CTRL_0 MAC Address Filter
4 MAC Addr. in the filter :
### CTRL_1 MAC Address Filter
0 MAC Addr. in the filter :
4.11.5 Examples
On the next configuration, there is one BVI: it is VLAN-based (VLAN ID = 101). Port #0 is a true VLAN
port, whereas Port #1 is member of this VLAN without the VLAN header.
Warning: such configuration is not possible on the ONE10 as a single VLAN per port is supported.
interface bvi 1
ip address
bridge-group 1
encapsulation dot1Q 101
interface fastethernet 0/0.1
encapsulation dot1Q 101
bridge-group 1
interface fastethernet 0/1.1
encapsulation dot1Q 101 native
bridge-group 1
The following example shows an Ethernet interface that is bridged over an ATM PVC.
interface bvi 1
ip address
bridge-group 10
interface fastethernet 0/0
bridge-group 10
inteface atm 0.1
pvc ipoa vpi 8 vci 35
ip address
qos ubr 2304000
bridge-group 10
The following example is the same as the previous one, except that we want IPoE to have absolute priority
over the PPPoEoA flow.
class-map takeall
match any
policy-map absolute-prio
! Class-default is actually not used, but the configuration
! requires that its bandwidth be not empty
class class-default
bandwidth percent 1
class takeall
priority percent 99
interface bvi 1
ip address
bridge-group 10
service-policy output absolute-prio
interface atm 0.1
pvc pppoeoa vpi 8 vci 35
username ****
password ****
ipcp dynamic
qos ubr 2304000
ip nat inside overload
bridge-group 10
The objective of VLAN mapping is to bridge flows from VLAN ID 101 on PVC #1 and VLAN 202 on
PVC #2.
interface bvi 1
ip address
bridge-group 101
encapsulation dot1Q 101
interface bvi 2
ip address
bridge-group 202
encapsulation dot1Q 202
interface fastethernet 0/0.1
bridge-group 101
interface fastethernet 0/0.2
bridge-group 202
interface atm 0.1
pvc ipoa vpi 8 vci 35
ip address
qos ubr 2304000
bridge-group 101
interface atm 0.2
pvc ipoa vpi 8 vci 36
ip address
qos ubr 2304000
bridge-group 202
The following example creates an ATM PVC (VPI 8, VCI 35) with 3 VLAN (10, 20, and 30) in the PVC.
configure terminal
interface atm 0
driver ident 0
max vp 8
max vc 8
range vp min 0 max 20
range vc min 0 max 500
The following example adds layer 2 QoS over VLAN to the previous example.
configure terminal
class-map cvlan10
match vlan 10
class-map cvlan20
match vlan 20
class-map cvlan30
match vlan 30
policy-map pvlan10
class cvlan10
bandwidth percent 30
policy-map pvlan20
class cvlan20
bandwidth percent 30
policy-map pvlan30
class cvlan30
bandwidth percent 40
policy-map atmpvc
class cvlan10
service-policy pvlan10
class cvlan20
service-policy pvlan20
class cvlan30
service-policy pvlan30
interface atm 0
driver ident 0
max vp 8
max vc 8
range vp min 0 max 20
range vc min 0 max 500
linerate fixed 2304
virtual-template pvc 1
interface atm-aal 0.1
pvc vpi 8 vci 35
profile-pvc 1
service-policy output atmpvc
interface atm-aal5 0.1.10
ip address
encapsulation dot1q 10
interface atm-aal5 0.1.20
ip address
encapsulation dot1q 20
interface atm-aal5 0.1.30
ip address
encapsulation dot1q 30
This section describes the features of IP Access Control Lists (ACL) and their configuration.
4.12.1 Features
IP Access Control Lists, or simply, Access Lists, provide an efficient means to protect corporate networks
against potential outside intruders and to control access rights for inside users. They can be used to
perform simple access control (on source address, for example) or advanced control (on any combination
of IP and transport protocol header fields). Users generally install access lists on the edge router to filter
traffic incoming and outgoing the interface connected to the public network.
Access lists can be considered containers of filters, which in turn define specific criteria for matching IP
packets. Each filter also specifies the action (i.e., permit or deny) to be performed when matching a packet.
Access lists can be applied to any interface in either the inbound or outbound direction.
Standard access lists are the simplest form of access control. They provide traffic filtering only on IP
source addresses.
Extended access lists provide advanced traffic filtering. They can filter packets using any combination of
the following IP and transport protocol header fields: IP source and destination addresses, DSCP code, IP
protocol identifier, TCP/UDP source and destination port numbers, as well as ICMP type and code.
An extended access list can be reflexive. When a flow matches this list and the action is permitted, an
appropriate temporary filter will be automatically set up in the reverse direction to allow subsequent
session messages to pass through the device. Reflexive access lists are very useful for protection against
address spoofing. With reflexive access lists, it becomes very easy to allow sessions to be initiated only
from inside hosts.
A local access list matches only the local traffic (i.e. traffic destined to or generated by the router). Local
access lists are useful, when there is a NAT inside overload configuration, to limit the access to the router
without interfering with other traffics. The local access lists can be either standard or extended access lists.
A malicious user may steal the address of another host and use it as source address to carry out attacks
on the network; for example, DOS (Denial of Service) attacks. In this case, it is very difficult to trace the
source of the intrusion(s). With reverse path forwarding (RPF), the source address of a packet is checked
and used to find a reverse route. The packet is forwarded only if a reverse route to the source is found,
and the packet is received from the output interface of that route.
When a packet is dropped by an access list, an ICMP unreachable message can be sent according to a
configuration parameter.
Access lists can track FTP control sessions so that appropriate actions can be performed for FTP data
transfer sessions (for example, reflexive access lists). In addition, access lists perform session-based
control for protocols such as TCP, UDP and ICMP.
This control mode enables also full TCP packet inspection, namely detection of TCP SYN packets initiating
the connection, RST or FIN packets ending the connection. TCP packet inspection also protects from TCP
sequencing replay.
Such control also limits the configured maximum number of sessions and TCP half-sessions on the router.
(A half session is a session for which only a SYN packet was intercepted and the router waits for a
SYN_ACK packet). When the limits are reached, packets are dropped.
When context based access-control is not enabled, per-host inspection controls the number of sessions
per–source host. Each session initiated by a host is accounted. When the number of sessions for the same
source host reaches a defined threshold, further packets are dropped. Log messages inform the
administrator about a potential attack. Such limitation per host protects the router against some flooding
attacks: without per host inspection, a user may initiate many sessions until the maximum number of
sessions is reached. When the global session limit is reached, the router drops any packet opening a new
session, until some sessions are removed.
When context based access-control is not enabled, per-host inspection also controls the maximum number
of half-sessions per host, thus preventing SYN-flooding attacks. Fragmentation
Fragmented packets can be used to attack a network (known as tiny fragment attacks). To protect the
inside network from this type of attack, the following mechanism is implemented by default. The first initial
fragment, which contains all information necessary for matching access lists, must be received first. This
implies that, in a TCP packet, the entire TCP header must be contained in the first fragment. For
subsequent fragments, access lists carry out context-based control.
For flexibility, it is possible to disable this feature, which allows IP fragments to be forwarded regardless of
the arrival sequence.
OneOS can hold disordered fragments in a list until the first fragment arrives. Once the first fragment
treated, the rest of the fragments list is popped. This feature is activated only when NAT or ACL is
configured on an interface and has no effects on non-fragmented packets.
Access lists provide log information for matching packets, either denied or permitted. Information can be
displayed either on the console, or logged to a file. Upon the first match of a filter, a log message will be
issued. Then upon succeeding matches, a summary log message is periodically issued. The level of
logging detail can be configured.
When context based access-control is enabled, the audit mode logs information for each session.
An access list can be attached to an interface in either inbound or outbound directions. Packets are
permitted without control if an access-list is not attached to the interface in the direction of packet flows.
Otherwise, the permission or denial of a packet is controlled by the attached access list or the reflexive
access list in the other direction.
An ICMP error packet undergoes different processing from other packet types. If the attached access list
explicitly forbids ICMP error packets to pass, then it is dropped. Otherwise, the embedded packet in the
ICMP error packet is extracted and some further checking is performed. The ICMP error packet is
permitted only if the embedded packet was already seen in the other direction.
A local access list can be attached to an interface in either inbound or outbound directions. A global local
access list can also be configured to match all the local traffic when there is no matching interface
An access list is a sequential list of filters. A new filter is always added at the end of the list. Configuration
order in an access list is significant. A packet is matched against each filter from the beginning to the end
of the list. Upon the first matching filter, the specified action of that filter is applied and access control
processing stops. When a packet does not match any filter contained in an access list, the deny action is
applied by default.
To setup access lists, there are two steps:
• Create access lists. An access list is identified by a unique name or number.
• Apply the access lists to an interface.
ACL usually contain a set of permit and deny rules. When a packet is processed by the ACL, it is matched
against the ACL rules from the first one until the packet matches a rule. The order in which rules are
entered is therefore very important. It might be then useful to insert rules at a specific place in ACL rule list.
By default, rules have an implicit sequence number: the first rule gets the sequence number 1, the 2nd rule
gets 2, the 3rd rule gets 3, …
If you configure a permit/deny rule without providing a sequence number, the rule is inserted at the end of
the list. If you configure a rule with “i” as sequence number, the rule is inserted after the rule (i-1). If
there is already a rule at the i-th position, the i-th rule sequence number and the sequence numbers of
the subsequent rules are offset by 1.
To create a standard access list, use the following command in global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> ip access-list standard <acl-name>
The optional log keyword enables log information when a packet matches the filter. To delete a filter from
an access list, use the "no" form of that command:
CLI(ip-acl-std)> no deny any [log]
CLI(ip-acl-std)> no permit any [log]
CLI(ip-acl-std)> no deny <source-address> [<wildcard>] [log]
CLI(ip-acl-std)> no permit <source-address> [<wildcard>] [log]
Comments can be added to the access list, by using the following command:
CLI(ip-acl-std)> remark <description-text>
CLI(ip-acl-std)> exit
The comment can be deleted within an access list by using the following command:
CLI(ip-acl-std)> no remark
To delete the standard access-list, use the following command in global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> no ip access-list standard <acl-name>
To create an extended access-list, use the following command in global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> ip access-list extended <acl-name>
To add a filter for TCP/UDP packets in the access-list, use the commands:
CLI(ip-acl-ext)> permit {tcp|udp} <source-address> <source-wildcard>
[<source-port1> [<source-port2>]] <dest-address> <dest-wildcard> [dest-
port1 [<dest-port2>]] [ dscp <0-63>] [precedence <0-7>] [ log ] [
fragments ] [sequence <1-100000>]
The fragments keyword is obsolete by a more advanced mechanism. Please refer to The
fragments keyword, if present, disables the control on fragmented packets. Any fragmented packet
matching the IP protocol type, the source and destination addresses, and DSCP value will be selected by
the filter.
To add a filter for ICMP packets in the access-list, use the commands:
CLI(ip-acl-ext)> permit icmp <source-address> <source-wildcard> <dest-
address> <dest-wildcard> [icmp-type <0-255> [icmp-code <0-255>]] [dscp
<0-63>] [precedence <0-7>] [log] [fragments] [sequence <1-100000>]
To add a filter for any other protocol packets in the access-list, use the commands:
CLI(ip-acl-ext)> permit ip [<protocol-id>] <source-address> <source-
wildcard> <dest-address> <dest-wildcard> [dscp <0-63>] [precedence <0-7>]
[log] [fragments] [sequence <1-100000>]
To delete a filter from the extended access-list, use the `no' form of the above-referenced commands.
To delete the extended access-list, use the following command in global configuration mode.
CLI(configure)> no ip access-list extended <acl-name>
To create an extended access-list with reflexive filters, add the keyword 'reflexive' at the end of a filter
For example:
CLI(configure)> ip access-list extended <acl-name>
CLI(ip-acl-ext)> exit
To check the reverse path for the source address of received IP packets, use the following command in
interface configuration mode:
CLI(config-if)> ip verify reverse-path IP Fragmentation
ACL and NAT always need at the beginning the first fragment of a packet to perform correctly their
treatments. The feature permit to hold disordered fragments in a list until the first fragment arrives. Once
the first fragment treated, the rest of the fragments list is popped. This feature is activated only when NAT
or ACL is configured on an interface and has no effects on non-fragmented packets.
The IP fragmentation can be tuned by setting the maximum number of packets and fragments as well as a
timeout to flush the list:
CLI(configure)> ip fragment packet-list <1-255>
CLI(configure)> ip fragment frag-list <1-255>
CLI(configure)> ip fragment timeout <1-10 seconds>
CLI(config-if)> ip fragment default
To attach an access list to an interface in either direction, use the following command in interface
configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> interface <type> <unit>
CLI(config-if)> ip access-group <acl-name> {in|out}
Only a single access-list can be attached to an interface and to a direction. The access-list should be
created before attaching it to the interface.
To detach the access-list from the interface, use the following command:
CLI(config-if)> no ip access-group {in|out}
To attach a local access list to an interface in either direction, use the following command in global
configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> ip local access-list <acl-name> {in|out} [<interface>]
Only a single local access-list can be attached to an interface and to a direction. The local access-list
should be created before attaching it to the interface.
The interface parameter is optional. If not configured, the local access list will be global and applied to
The interface parameter is optional. If not configured, the global local access list will be detached from
all the interfaces.
Sequencing permits to assign numbers to filters within an access-list. Each filter owns a sequence number;
filters in an access-list are then ordered by ascending sequence number. ACL re-sequencing enables to
change in which order rules should be applied to an incoming packet.
It also permits to insert a filter in a non-sequenced access-list. As there is no sense to insert sequenced
filter in a non-sequenced access-list, this feature is however kept to facilitate insertions. Sequencing
number is used to insert filter in the position defined by the number of filters in the access-list. Sequencing
number is automatically lost.
To sequence or re-sequence an access-list with a defined interval between each filter of the access-list,
use the following command in configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> ip access-list resequence <acl-name> [<1-100000>]
By default, if no sequencing number is chosen, then each filter is separated by an interval of 1. Use the
following command to set to default sequencing:
CLI(configure)> ip access-list resequence <acl-name>
The logging interval for 'permit' filters is the minimum amount of time between two events from the same
session, whereas the logging interval for 'deny' filters is the minimum amount of time between two events
from the same filter.
CLI(configure)> ip access-list logging <seconds>
The default interval for logging is 5 minutes. To return to the default value, use the following command:
CLI(configure)> default ip access-list logging
By default, up to 5,000 session contexts can be managed in memory. A session context contains
information about the session state and characteristics. If you need to manage more sessions, use the
following command:
CLI(configure)> ip inspect max-sessions <number>
To configure timers to shutdown the existing idle sessions, use the following commands in global
configuration mode.
The default timeout value for FTP sessions is 30 seconds. Use the following commands to set the timeout
value for FTP sessions or to return to the default value:
CLI(configure)> ip inspect ftp <seconds>
CLI(configure)> default ip inspect ftp
The default timeout value for ICMP is 30 seconds. Use the following commands to set the timeout for
ICMP or to return to the default value:
CLI(configure)> ip inspect icmp <seconds>
CLI(configure)> default ip inspect icmp
The default timeout value for UDP sessions is 180 seconds. Use the following commands to set the
timeout value for UDP sessions or to return to the default value:
CLI(configure)> ip inspect udp <seconds>
CLI(configure)> default ip inspect udp
The default timeout value for TCP sessions is 1800 seconds. Use the following commands to set the
timeout value for TCP sessions or to return to the default value:
CLI(configure)> ip inspect tcp idle-time <seconds>
CLI(configure)> default ip inspect tcp idle-time
In some cases, it is desirable to reduce idle-timers for a specified protocol. Indeed, some applications
(such as some peer-to-peer applications for file sharing) create a lot of connections with remote
computers, thereby consuming many resources on the router (because a memory context is required for
each session and this memory space is limited). Reducing idle-timers only for these applications will
reduce the session number kept in router memory by eliminating earlier inactive sessions. (Note that the
same issue exists with NAT, changing timers for NAT is also recommended in this case). To change the
idle-timer for a specified protocol, the command is the following (beginning in global configuration
CLI(configure)> ip inspect port-timeout { tcp | udp } { <protocol-name> |
<port> } <seconds>
You can provide the TCP or UDP port or the name of the protocol in clear text. The list of supported
keywords is provided under 'show {tcp|udp} port-map'. To restore the default idle timer, use the next
CLI(configure)> no ip inspect port-timeout { tcp | udp } { <protocol-
name> | <port> }
By default, stateful inspection is not enabled. Stateful inspection means that the TCP flags are checked to
validate TCP protocol transaction validity. To activate this inspection, use:
CLI(configure)> [no] ip inspect stateful
If you wish to audit sessions, use the following command and you will be able to view logs by sessions
(instead of by ACL) when using the 'show ip inspect sessions' command:
CLI(configure)> [no] ip inspect audit
The default value for TCP SYN-wait timeout is 30 seconds. Use the following commands to set the TCP
SYN-wait timeout or to return to the default value:
CLI(configure)> ip inspect tcp synwait-time <seconds>
CLI(configure)> default ip inspect tcp synwait-time
The default value for TCP FIN/RST timeout is 120 seconds. Use the following commands to set the TCP
FIN/RST timeout or to return to the default value:
CLI(configure)> ip inspect tcp finrst-time <seconds>
CLI(configure)> default ip inspect tcp finrst-time
The default timeout value for any other protocol sessions is 3600 seconds. Use the following commands to
set the timeout for any other protocol sessions or to return to the default value:
CLI(configure)> ip inspect other <seconds>
CLI(configure)> default ip inspect other
By default, the maximum number of sessions supported by access-lists is 5000. However, for scaling
needs, this number is configurable thanks to the following command line:
CLI(configure)> ip inspect max-sessions <100-100000>
To restore the default configuration, use the following configuration command line:
CLI(configure)> default ip inspect max-sessions
By default, the maximum number of half-open sessions supported by access-lists is 1000. However, for
scaling needs, this number is configurable thanks to the following command line:
CLI(configure)> ip inspect half-open <10-10000>
To restore the default configuration, use the following configuration command line:
CLI(configure)> default ip inspect half-open
Generally, alarms are sent before the configured maximum number of sessions. It is possible to configure
a percentage to trigger alarm at this threshold. Use the following configuration in command line:
CLI(configure)> ip inspect max-session threshold <1-100>
In the same way, use the following command line to trigger alarm when reaching the maximum number of
CLI(configure)> ip inspect half-open threshold <1-100>
By default, threshold for both max-session and half-session is fixed to 90%. To restore the default
configuration, use the following command line:
CLI(configure)> default ip inspect half-open threshold
CLI(configure)> default ip inspect max-session threshold
To restore the default configuration, use the no form of the above command:
CLI(configure)> no snmp acl traps
To activate per-host inspection, ensure first that an access-list is attached to an interface. Then, use the
following command in configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> ip inspect per-host
To configure the maximum number of sessions allowed for one host, use the following command line:
CLI(configure)> ip inspect per-host max-sessions [<5-10000>]
Default maximum number of sessions per host is 50. To restore the default value, use the following
configuration command line:
CLI(configure)> ip inspect per-host max-sessions
Used in conjunction with stateful inspection, it is possible to monitor the number of half-session per-host.
To configure the maximum authorized number of half-sessions per host, use the following configuration
command line:
CLI(configure)> ip inspect per-host half-open [<5-100000>]
Default maximum number of half-sessions per host is 20. To restore the default half-session number per
host, use the following configuration command line:
CLI(configure)> default ip inspect per-host half-open
The per-host limit is a global limit applicable to all hosts. However, such threshold may fit well for LAN
workstations, while being not adapted to large servers and proxies creating a large number of legal
sessions. It is possible to specify a list of IP addresses and declare for each address the desired maximum
authorized session or half-session.
To configure the maximum authorized sessions for one specific IP address, use the following command
line in configuration line:
CLI(configure)> ip inspect per-host address <A.B.C.D> max-sessions <5-
To configure the maximum authorized half-sessions for one specific IP address, use the following
command line in configuration line:
CLI(configure)> ip inspect per-host address <A.B.C.D> half-session <5-
To disable per-host address configuration, use the no form of the above command:
CLI(configure)> no ip inspect per-host address [<A.B.C.D>]
In this example, the private network is using the address space On the private network there
are some servers, such as HTTP and FTP servers, which should be accessible from the outside network.
The connection to the Internet is through a DSL interface (atm 0.1). Note that is intentionally
used, which is a private network address. The user must replace the address with public IP address on the
interface atm 0.1.
The objectives of the configuration to be set are:
• To allow inside hosts to connect to any outside hosts.
• To allow outside hosts to connect only to the inside server(s). Other inbound connections must be
HTTP server
remote host
Private atm 0.1
The access control can be configured using the following commands (assuming other interface parameters
are properly configured):
event filter add ip ACL ALL SHOW
configure terminal
interface Ethernet 0
ip address
ip verify reverse-path
4.12.4 Statistics
Use the following command to display the statistics of the existing access-lists:
CLI> show ip access-lists [<acl_name>]
CLI> show ip access-lists
Interface Atm0.1, inbound IP access list in_acl, outbound IP access list
To delete all sessions from a specified interface, use the following command in global mode:
CLI> clear ip inspect session <type> <unit>
For example:
CLI> clear ip inspect session atm 0.1
To clear access list counters, use the following command in global mode:
CLI> clear ip access-list <acl-name>
To clear access list statistics, use the following command in global mode:
CLI> clear ip inspect statistics
For logging ACL messages into a file, use the following command in global mode, in combination with the
log keyword for the configured filters:
CLI> event filter add ip ACL ALL LOG
To cancel logging into a file, use the following command in global mode:
CLI> event filter remove 1
Use the following show command to display the list of current sessions per host.
CLI> show ip inspect per-host
address sessions/failed half-sessions/failed 1/0 0/0 1/0 0/0 1/0 0/0 1/0 0/0 1/0 1/0
To reset the statistics per-host, disable the per-host inspection command and re-enable it.
Use the following command to display ACL global configuration parameters:
CLI> show ip inspect config
tcp synwait-time is 30 sec, tcp finwait-time is 56 sec
tcp idle-time is 1800 sec, udp idle-time is 180 sec
icmp idle-time is 30 sec, other idle-time is 300 sec
log hold time: 10 sec
max half-opened sessions 1000
max opened sessions 5000
per-host maximum half-opened sessions 20
per-host maximum opened sessions 50
Active/closed sessions 303/0
memory allocation failures 0
inbound/outbound packets dropped 0/0
To disable debugging of IP access-lists, use the 'no' form of the above-referenced command.
4.13.1 Features
Accounting permits a user to record easily flows transiting through an interface. Traffic is sorted out by
source and destination addresses in each direction. User can select to account traffic on both directions of
an interface or only outgoing traffic.
Accounting can be restricted to a pool of specific addresses, thus selecting only interesting traffic.
Used in conjunction with an access-list attached to the same interface, the IP accounting function counts
flows denied by the access-list. Accounting violations are automatically available once accounting is
enabled and packets are dropped by the access-list attached to the interface.
Instead of sorting out packets by their IP addresses, the accounting function can record packets per
precedence value. This feature can help in troubleshooting IP QoS configuration.
To avoid memory starvation, an accounting threshold that sets the maximum number of accounted flows is
4.13.2 Configuration
To apply accounting to an interface, use the following command in interface configuration mode:
CLI(config-if)> ip accounting
To apply accounting only to output packets, use the following command in interface configuration mode:
CLI(config-if)> ip accounting output-packets
To restore the configuration mode and disable ip accounting, use the no form of the above command:
CLI(config-if)> no ip accounting
To restrict accounting to a pool of addresses, first configure an access-list and use the following command
in configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> ip accounting-list <acl-name>
To restore the default behavior and account packets independently from their source and/or destination
address, use the following command in interface configuration mode:
CLI(config-if)> no ip accounting-list
To configure accounting threshold (i.e. the maximum of recorder flows), use the following command in
configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> ip accounting-threshold <100-10000>
To restore the default threshold (2000 sessions) use the no form of the above command in configuration
CLI(config-if)> no ip accounting-threshold
4.13.3 Statistics
Use the following show command to display the list of accounting flows.
CLI> show ip accounting fastethernet 0/0
Source Destination Packets Bytes 336 174222
Use the following show command to display the list of accounting flows.
CLI> show ip accounting access-violations
Source Destination Packets Bytes ACL 336 174222 102
To reset all accounted flow, use the following clear command in global mode. This command clears
counters, and associated flows:
CLI> clear ip accounting
4.13.4 Debug
This section describes the main features of the Network Address Translator and its configuration.
4.14.1 Features
This address is the private address, also the real address of an inside host. IETF reserved, and as private address space. However for historical reasons, the address
space of a private network may not fall in the ranges noted above.
This address is the globally routable address that is temporarily or permanently assigned to an inside host.
This address is the real address of an outside host, which is globally routable.
This address is the local address assigned to an outside host in case of address conflict (or overlapping).
Outside local addresses are only routable in the private domain.
NAT translates the IP source address of outbound traffic from an inside local address to an inside global
address, and vice-versa for inbound traffic. The inside global address is picked from the inside global
address pool (which is configured by the user) when the inside host initiates a session to an outside host.
When the session is finished, the inside global address is freed and returned to the inside global
addresses pool. Dynamic NAT is generally unidirectional. However, once dynamic 1-to-1 mapping is
established at the NAT device, sessions initiated from an outside host to the inside host can be accepted
according to a configurable parameter, (for example, under the condition that a session between them
already exists) as it is generally initiated by the inside host.
Static NAT translates the IP source address of outbound traffic from an inside local address to the same
inside global address and vice-versa for inbound traffic whenever static mapping exists in a user
configured address mapping table. The mapped inside global address will be automatically excluded from
the inside global address pool if it is contained in the latter. Static NAT is implicitly bi-directional, meaning
that sessions can be initiated from inside hosts as well as outside hosts.
Dynamic NAPT translates the IP source address and port of outbound traffic from an inside local address
and port pair to an inside global address and port pair, and vice-versa for inbound traffic. One inside global
address is generally sufficient for all dynamic address/port translations. Dynamic NAPT, also known as
address overloading, is always unidirectional (sessions can only be initiated from inside hosts). Dynamic
NAPT is only applicable to TCP/UDP and ICMP traffic.
If both NAT and NAPT are configured, an automatic switch between NAT and NAPT is provided. When
more than one address are available from the inside global address pool, only address translation (NAT) is
applied. This is desirable since address translation is less restrictive, faster, and makes it less difficult to
trace end hosts. However, as the number of global addresses is generally less than the number of inside
hosts, it is very likely that the global address pool will be exhausted. In that case, it is desirable to continue
allowing inside hosts to communicate with the outside world. If NAPT is enabled, the last global address
available is reserved for NAPT. It will become effective only when global addresses are exhausted. At a
later time, if global addresses become available again, the implementation will switch automatically to
Static NAPT translates the IP source address and port of the outbound traffic from an inside local address
and port pair to the same inside global address and port pair. The reverse applies to inbound traffic
whenever static mapping exists in a user-configured address/port mapping table. Static NAPT is implicitly
bi-directional, meaning sessions can be initiated from inside hosts as well as outside hosts. Static NAPT is
only applicable to TCP/UDP traffic. If static address/port mapping uses the same inside global address as
used in a static address mapping, the static address/port mapping will be applied with higher priority.
Similar to static NAT, static NAPT is often used for servers on the private network, which should be
accessible from the outside world.
A single command enables the translation of a range of inside local ports into a new range of inside global
ports. As it is based on static mapping, the translation applies also to inbound traffic. As a consequence,
NAT port range is bidirectional, meaning that sessions can be initiated from inside hosts as well as outside
NAT port range is only applicable to TCP/UDP traffic. If NAT port range uses the same inside global
address as used in a static address mapping, the static address/port mapping will be applied with higher
Similar to static NAT, NAT port range is often used for servers on the private network, which should be
accessible from the outside world.
This mechanism translates the IP destination address of outbound traffic from an outside local address to
an outside global address and vice-versa for inbound traffic. This translation is necessary only if the
outside global addresses overlap with the inside local address space. After all sessions between the
outside host and the inside network are completed, the outside local address will be freed and returned to
the outside local address pool. This mechanism generally works together with DNS ALG.
Inbound TCP/UDP sessions destined to an inside global address and port can be dispatched to a number
of inside hosts (servers). The maximum number of inside servers is limited to 8. In order to ensure that the
traffic from a given outside host is always handled by the same inside server, the selection of the inside
server is based on the outside host address. This is necessary for some applications.
Upon outgoing DNS queries for domain name to address resolution, the device intercepts DNS reply
packets, to check whether the outside global address overlaps with the inside local address space. If the
device finds an overlap, the outside global address is translated to an outside local address by creating a
dynamic mapping.
Upon outgoing DNS queries for address to domain name resolution, the device intercepts DNS request
packets to check whether any outside local address is present. When an outside local address is detected,
the device translates the outside local address to an outside global address, when corresponding dynamic
mapping exists (there is no translation when the mapping does not exist).
Upon incoming DNS queries for domain name to address resolution, the device intercepts DNS reply
packets to check whether any inside local address is present. When this is the case, the device translates
the inside local address to an inside global address, by using either a static mapping or creating a dynamic
Upon incoming DNS queries for address to domain name resolution, the device intercepts DNS request
packets, checking whether the inside global address is mapped to an inside local address. When this is the
case, the device translates the inside global address to an inside global address by using either existing
static or dynamic mapping.
When an address and/or port are translated, the application data (payload) must be translated for
protocols that contain an IP address and/or transport port in their messages. This is known as an
Application-Level Gateway (ALG). At present, the following ALGs are supported: DNS, FTP, ICMP, NBT
(NetBIOS over TCP/IP), ntalk (UNIX talk command), H.323, and SIP (Note: SIP ALG is not activated by
default). For other protocols, TELNET, HTTP, TFTP, SMTP, and NFS (which do not contain an IP address
and transport port in the application payload), no particular ALG is required.
If you activate NAT overload on the WAN interface and an IPsec flow should go through to the router, two
cases must be considered:
• IPsec client on the LAN (private IP), IPsec gateway reached via a public IP address: nothing to
configure, it functions de-facto.
• IPsec client reached via a public IP, IPsec gateway on the LAN (private IP): the client cannot reach
directly the gateway. IPsec must be NATed. In order to let IPsec go through NAT, you must configure
static UDP translation for the port 500 (IKE) and 5000 (IPsec tunnel encapsulated in UDP because of
NAT traversal).
In both cases, the client and the gateway must support NAT-traversal (RFC3947). See the IP Security
section for more details.
Think to use the bypass list to avoid the traffic inside the IPsec tunnel being dropped by NAT. See the
Bypass Inside Addresses section for more details.
If you activate NAT overload on the WAN interface and a reflexive access list is applied to this interface, it
will not work. The temporary filter in the reverse direction is set up before NAT with the inside local
address; the subsequent session message use, because of NAT, the inside global address and therefore
cannot pass through the device.
Depending on the cases, the solution can be to use static NAT for the LAN traffic or to use local access
lists that apply only to the local traffic that is destined to or generated by the router. See the IP Access
Lists section for more details.
If you activate NAT overload on the WAN interface and an EZVPN is applied to this interface, think to use
the bypass list to avoid the traffic inside the EZVPN being dropped by NAT. See the Bypass Inside
Addresses section for more details.
Most NAT configuration parameters are interface-specific, (i.e., the user should configure the parameters
at the public network interface). If required, the user can also apply NAT to multiple interfaces as in the
case of a multi-homed network.
The user can configure all or any combination of the translation modes described above at the same time.
If multiple translation modes are configured, they are applied to the outgoing sessions in the following
1. Static address/port translation
2. Static address translation
3. Dynamic address translation - if the packet matches the user list of an inside address pool
4. Dynamic address/port translation - if the packet matches the user list of an inside address pool
5. Dynamic address/port translation using the interface address - if the packet matches the user
list or if the user list is not specified.
In the case where inside global address is the only interface address, only translation modes 5 and 1 can
be applied. Any outgoing sessions not eligible for the above-referenced translation are rejected once NAT
is configured on an interface.
For inbound sessions, the translation modes are applied in the following order:
1. Static address/port translation
2. Static address translation
3. Dynamic address translation - if the destination address is allocated to an inside host
Any inbound sessions not eligible for the above-referenced translation are rejected once NAT is configured
on an interface.
To configure dynamic inside address translation, an inside global address pool (inside pool) should be
configured. To do so, an access list should be created first to identify the user of the pool, i.e., the packets
matching that access list will be translated using this pool. The access list could be a standard or extended
access list. For example, an access list including all inside hosts can be set as follows:
CLI(configure)> ip access-list standard <acl-name>
CLI(ip-acl-std)> permit any
CLI(ip-acl-std)> exit
The addresses contained in the range of starting and ending addresses are added to the named pool. To
protect against possible configuration errors, the maximum number of addresses, which can be put into a
pool is limited to 65535. If the outgoing interface address and any statically mapped addresses are
contained in the given global address space, they are automatically excluded from the inside pool. The
name of access list to use must be entered after the keyword user-list. The keyword overload, if present,
enables address overloading (NAPT) for this pool.
To remove the inside pool, use the command:
CLI(config-if)> no ip nat inside pool <name>
If the pool is in use, this command will fail. In this case, the user should first clear the NAT session table by
using the command:
CLI> clear ip nat sessions
It is preferable to shutdown the NAT interface if traffic is present. Doing so will prevent erratic packets from
being sent to the local terminals. Assuming that an inside pool is configured; the first time an inside host
sends a packet to the public network, a global address will be taken from the pool and assigned to that
host (if it belongs to the user list). The mapping between the inside local address and the inside global
address is stored and maintained in a table. Whenever dynamic address mapping exists, it is possible for
outside hosts to initiate sessions with the inside host (using the corresponding inside global address). To
allow inbound sessions to dynamically assign global addresses, use the following command:
CLI(config-if)> ip nat two-way [restricted]
By default, inbound sessions to dynamically allocated global addresses are not allowed. If the keyword
restricted is present in the above-referenced command, only the outside hosts already in contact with the
corresponding inside host are allowed to initiate sessions. To deny any inbound sessions to a dynamically
allocated inside global address, use the command:
CLI(config-if)> no ip nat two-way
To overload the interface address, apply address and port translation using the following command:
CLI(configure)> interface <type> <unit>
CLI(config-if)> ip nat inside overload [user-list <acl-name>]
The user access list is optional. If the user access list is present, only the packets matching the access list
are translated. Packets not matching the access list are dropped. If the user-list is not specified, all packets
are translated using the interface address.
To carry out interface address overloading, there is no need to specify the global address that will be used.
It is taken from the interface at the time of translation. This allows NAT to work together with any dynamic
address allocation protocol, such as BOOTP, DHCP or IPCP.
To disable interface address overloading, use the command:
CLI(config-if)> no ip nat inside overload
To carry out static address translation, use the following command to create static address mapping:
CLI(configure)> interface <type> <unit>
CLI(config-if)> ip nat static <inside-local> {<inside-global> | self}
The keyword self means the address of the interface. It is useful when the interface address is assigned
dynamically, using IPCP for example.
To remove an existing static address translation, use the command:
CLI(config-if)> no ip nat static <inside-local> {<inside-global> | self}
To carry out static NAPT, use the following command to create a static address/port mapping:
CLI(configure)> interface <type> <unit>
CLI(config-if)> ip nat static-napt {tcp | udp} <inside-local-address>
<inside-port> <inside-global> {<inside-global> | self} <global-port>
The keyword self means the address of the interface. It is useful when the interface address is assigned
dynamically, using IPCP for example.
To remove an existing static address/port translation, use the command:
CLI(config-if)> no ip nat static-napt {tcp | udp} <inside-local-address>
<inside-port> {<inside-global> | self} <global-port>
To carry out static NAPT, use the following command to create a static address/port mapping:
CLI(configure)> interface <type> <unit>
CLI(config-if)> ip nat static-napt port-range {tcp | udp} <inside-local-
address> <inside-port-min> <inside-port-max> <inside-global> {<inside-
global-address> | self} <global-port-min> <global-port-max>
The keyword self means the address of the interface. It is useful when the interface address is assigned
dynamically, using IPCP for example.
To remove an existing static address/port translation, use the command:
CLI(config-if)> no ip nat static-napt port-range {tcp | udp} <inside-
local-address> <inside-port-min> <inside-port-max> {<inside-global-port>
| self} <global-port-min> <global-port-max>
To carry out static NAT on the IP protocol, use the following command to create a static address/port
CLI(configure)> interface <type> <unit>
CLI(config-if)> [no] ip nat static-ip <protocol> <inside-local-address> {
<inside-global-address> | self}
protocol is the IP protocol or the protocol name (see ‘show ip protocol-map’). The keyword self means
the address of the interface. It is useful when the interface address is assigned dynamically, using IPCP for
example. Example to allow PPTP:
CLI(config-if)> ip nat static-napt tcp 1723 1723
CLI(config-if)> ip nat static-ip 47
If the address space of the private network does not fall into the ranges reserved by IETF (RFC 1918), it is
possible that inside local address will overlap with outside global addresses. If this is the case, outside
address translation is required. To do so, a standard access list should be configured to indicate the
overlapping outside global addresses. For example, the following command can be used:
CLI(configure)> ip access-list standard <acl-name>
CLI(ip-acl-std)> permit <ip-address> <wildcard>
CLI(ip-acl-std)> exit
Then, the following command can be used to configure the outside local address pool (outside pool):
CLI(configure)> interface <type> <unit>
CLI(config-if)> ip nat outside pool <name> <start-address> <end-address>
user-list <acl-name>
It is important to note that for inside hosts, a route entry should be added for routing the given outside local
address/mask to the NAT device. If a default route through the NAT device already exists, a route entry is
not needed.
To remove the outside address pool, use the command:
CLI(config-if)> no ip nat outside pool <name>
If the pool is in use, this command will fail. In this case, the user should first clear the NAT session table by
using the command:
CLI> clear ip nat sessions
NAT provides some kind of access control. Simply speaking, inbound packets are dropped if they are not
destined to statically map global addresses/ports. Outbound packets are dropped if they do not match any
user list of the inside pools and if they do not have a static address and/or port mapping. To prevent NAT
Only one bypass list can be configured. However the bypass list can contain more than one filter.
At the outgoing interface, a packet matching the bypass list is forwarded unchanged (and vice-versa for
packets received from the outside network). Therefore, the bypass list applies to both directions.
To remove the bypass list, use the command:
CLI(config-if)> no ip nat inside bypass-list
A pair of inside global address/port can be mapped to several inside local address/port pairs. By entering
the following command with the same global address and port, the device can dispatch traffic to a set of
local servers.
CLI(configure)> interface <type> <unit>
CLI(config-if)> ip nat static-napt tcp <local-address> <local-port>
<global-address> <global-port>
The following example shows how the traffic routed to one virtual FTP server ( is dispatched to
two inside FTP servers:
CLI(config-if)> ip nat static-napt tcp 21 21
CLI(config-if)> ip nat static-napt tcp 21 21
A number of timers are used by NAT to control the end of sessions and address allocations. The user can
change the default timer values if required. All timers are expressed in seconds. To set the DNS timer, use
the following command in global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> ip nat translation dns-timeout <seconds>
The default value is 90 seconds. This timer is used to hold address mappings created by DNS ALG. For
example, an inside global address could be allocated to an inside host by DNS ALG when translating an
outgoing DNS reply message. The inside global address will be freed if a data session has not been
initiated with that address for this timeout period.
To set the TCP session close wait timer, use the following command in global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> ip nat translation finrst-timeout <seconds>
The default value is 120 seconds. When a TCP packet with FIN or RST bit set is received, the session will
be removed from the session table only after the timer expires. This action is necessary for both sides to
properly close the TCP session.
To set the ICMP idle timer, use the following command in global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> ip nat translation icmp-timeout <seconds>
The default value is 30 seconds. This timer is used to remove an ICMP session when it is idle for the
specified period.
To set the TCP idle timer, use the following command in global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> ip nat translation tcp-timeout <seconds>
The default value is 1800 seconds. This timer is used to remove a TCP session when it is idle for the
specified period.
To set a TCP idle timer for a specific TCP port, use the following command in global configuration mode
To set the UDP idle timer, use the following command in global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> ip nat translation udp-timeout <seconds>
The default value is 120 seconds. This timer is used to remove a UDP session when it is idle for the
specified period.
To set a UDP idle timer for a specific UDP port, use the following command in global configuration mode
CLI(configure)> ip nat translation port-timeout udp <port nb> <seconds>
To set the idle timer for all other protocols, use the following command in global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> ip nat translation others-timeout <seconds>
To set the maximum number of sessions, use the following command in global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> ip nat translation max-sessions <100-100000>
The default value depends on the product (check the command ‘show ip nat timers’). If the number of
current active sessions reaches the maximum number of sessions, new sessions will be rejected. This is
often useful to limit the maximum amount of memory used by NAT.
To return to the default value, use the command:
CLI(configure)> default ip nat translation max-sessions
To activate per-host inspection (session limiting per host), use the following command in configuration
mode (max-sessions must be provided in case another value than default –50- is used):
CLI(configure)> ip nat per-host [max-sessions <5-100000>]
To restore the default number of maximum sessions, use the following configuration command line:
CLI(configure)> default ip nat per-host max-sessions
The per-host limit is a global limit applicable to all hosts. However, such threshold may fit well for LAN
workstations, while being not adapted to large servers and proxies creating a large number of legal
sessions. It is possible to specify a list of IP addresses and declare for each address the desired maximum
authorized sessions. Note that the next command is only active if 'ip nat per-host [max-
sessions <nbr>]' was previously entered.
To configure the maximum authorized sessions for one specific IP address, use the following command
line in configuration line:
CLI(configure)> ip nat per-host address <A.B.C.D> max-sessions <5-100000>
To disable per-host address configuration, use the no form of the above command:
CLI(configure)> no ip nat per-host address <A.B.C.D>
To activate SIP ALG, which is not activated by default, use the following command in configuration mode.
The default port (5060) is used when the port number is not provided.
CLI(configure)> ip nat service sip udp [<port_number>]
In the first example, the private network uses the private address space In the private
network, an HTTP server is running on the host, which should be accessible from the outside
world. The only inside global address ( is the interface address. As such, there is no inside
address pool. NAT overload (NAPT) should be configured. NAT will take the interface address at the time
the first packet is sent to the outside network.
NAT can be configured using the following commands (assuming other interface parameters are properly
HTTP server Internet
Private Network
If you do a static translation on a port used by a router application (such as telnet server), the application
will not be reachable any more: translation on TCP port 50 prevents the use of the embedded telnet
In the second example, the network configuration is almost the same except that a number of inside global
addresses (ranging from to are available. In this case, an inside global address is
statically assigned to the HTTP server. The remaining addresses are put into the inside global address
pool, called 'pi'. NAPT (overload) is enabled on the addresses from this pool. Outside hosts are allowed to
initiate sessions with an inside global address if the corresponding inside local/global address mapping
In the third example, the use of user lists in NAT commands is demonstrated. Here the inside global
addresses are divided into two pools used by two different user groups. Extended access lists are created
to identify each user group. The inside (source) addresses in the range of to, to
the outside (destination) addresses in the range of to, are of group 1 (u1) and will be
translated using pool 1 (pi1). The inside (source) addresses in the range of to to the outside (destination) addresses in the range of to, are of group 2
(u2) and will be translated using pool 2 (pi2). The example above is configured using the following script.
ip access-list extended u1
permit ip
ip access-list extended u2
permit ip
The last example illustrates how to perform outside address translation. It is assumed that the inside local
address space is now, which overlaps with the outside network. First, an access list is created
to identify the conflicting addresses. Then, an outside local address pool is created for use if the outside
global address falls into the range given in the access list. The configuration commands are given below:
interface ethernet 0/0
ip address
A route for destination via the NAT router should be set at end hosts.
4.14.4 Statistics
Note that the inside global port is missing if it is the same as inside local port and the outside local address
will be missing when it is the same as the outside global address. Following address/port information, the
number of outbound and that of inbound packets are given. For each NAT session, the last number of the
text output indicates the number of seconds remaining for the session if it becomes idle. The arrow `->'
indicates that the inside host is the session initiator. Similarly, the arrow `<-' indicates that the outside host
is the session initiator.
Use the following commands to display NAT address mappings:
CLI> show ip nat mappings inside
Atm 0.1
Pool Inside local Inside global Sessions
pi1 1
pi1 3
Use the following show command to display the list of current NAT sessions per host:
CLI> show ip nat per-host
NAT sessions:
address sessions failed max-sessions 17 2194 17 7 0 10
To reset the statistics per-host, disable the per-host inspection command and re-enable it.
To reset the statistic counters, use the command:
CLI> clear ip nat counters
Be aware that in doing so, the current stateful sessions, in particular those of TCP, will be terminated at
end hosts.
To disable IP NAT debugging, use the `no' form of the above-referenced command.
Debugging for the per-host session limiting feature is enabled through the following command line:
CLI> debug ip nat per-host
This section describes the main features of Quality of Service and its configuration.
4.15.1 Features
OneOS QoS implements the Differentiated Services (DiffServ) architecture, as defined by the IETF in RFC
2475. For scalability, DiffServ offers QoS guarantees to traffic aggregates instead of individual flows.
Packets are classified according to special criteria and marked to receive a particular per-hop forwarding
behavior (PHB) on nodes along their path. Packets can generally be classified and marked once, typically
at network boundary routers. Core (backbone) routers need not perform these heavy tasks. As a result
they can handle a much higher volume of traffic. Services
At present, two types of PHB are defined in addition to Default Forwarding (DF) (Best Effort service (BE)):
Assured Forwarding (AF) and Expedited Forwarding (EF). Expedited Forwarding is specified to provide
low loss, low latency, low jitter, assured bandwidth, end-to-end service similar to a virtual Leased Line.
Assured Forwarding is used to offer Differentiated Services to different users or applications. Four classes
of services have been defined in Assured Forwarding (AF1 to AF4). Within each class, an IP packet can
be marked with one of three levels of drop precedence (AFx1 to AFx3). The standard PHBs are shown in
the following table.
In addition to the standard PHBs, users can conveniently define private PHBs:
AF11 001010
AF12 001100 0 Token Bucket
AF13 001110
AF21 010010
AF22 010100 0 Token Bucket
AF23 010110
AF31 011010
AF32 011100 0 Token Bucket
AF33 011110
AF41 100010
AF42 100100 0 Token Bucket
AF43 100110
DF 000000 0 Remainder
(Best Effort)
In order to help understand and configure IP QoS, the main QoS components are briefly described here.
In terms of QoS, the first processing applied to input traffic is generally classification. Multiple methods are
provided for this purpose:
• Access-lists (i.e., multi-field classifiers). Classification based on access lists can use the following
fields in the TCP/IP header: IP source address and mask, IP destination address and mask, IP
protocol field, a range of source port and a range of destination port for TCP/UDP traffic, as well as
DSCP (Differentiated Services Code Point) value.
• Simple traffic classifier using DSCP.
• RTP traffic classifier that performs automatic recognition of RTP flows.
• Interface traffic classifier.
• A class (an aggregation of traffic flow) can be defined using any combination of the above classifiers.
At runtime, packets are compared against the list of classifiers in configuration order. When a packet
matches a classifier, it will receive additional processing associated with the corresponding class.
• 802.1p priority tag, 802.1q VLAN tag.
In order to enforce QoS to ingress/egress traffic on a router, QoS policy needs first to be defined for each
class of traffic. Between a service provider and a customer, QoS guarantees are often specified as part of
SLA (Service Level Agreement) in terms of bandwidth share and burst. In other cases, QoS policy can be
simply defined by system administrator according to end-user's and enterprise wide requirements.
The component, which enforces the QoS policy defined for each class is called the Traffic Conditioning
Block (TCB or traffic policer). Traffic is first passed to a Meter which measures the traffic rate and
determines its conformance level regarding to the traffic specification derived from the SLA or QoS policy.
The conforming traffic, called in-profile, can be marked with a nominal DSCP (Marker) and passed to the
next processing block. Non-conforming traffic, called out-of-profile, are processed according to their
conformance level, for example, dropped (Dropper) or transmitted after remarking (Remarker).
Although there are many different ways to perform traffic conditioning, only several well-known
mechanisms are prescribed by the IETF. Our implementation supports Single Rate Three Color Marker
(srTCM) algorithm (RFC 2697) and Two Rate Three Color Marker (trTCM) algorithm (RFC 2698). These
two algorithms are somewhat similar.
In srTCM, traffic conditioning is specified using three parameters: a Committed Information Rate (CIR), a
Committed Burst Size (CBS), and an Excess Burst Size (EBS). Simply speaking, if traffic flow input to the
Traffic Conditioning Block is under CIR and CBS, it is said conforming or green, and the conform-action
will be applied. If traffic flow is under CIR, beyond CBS and under EBS, it is said exceeding or yellow, and
the exceed-action will be applied. If traffic flow is beyond CIR, CBS and EBS, it is said violating or red, and
the violate-action will be applied.
In trTCM, traffic conditioning is specified by two token buckets: a Committed Information Rate (CIR) and its
associated Committed Burst Size (CBS), a Peak Information Rate (PIR) and its associated Peak Burst
Size (PBS). Simply speaking, if traffic flow input to the Traffic Conditioning Block is under CIR and CBS, it
is said conforming or green, and the conform-action will be applied. If traffic flow is beyond CIR and CBS
and under PIR and PBS, it is said exceeding or yellow, and the exceed-action will be applied. If traffic flow
is beyond PIR and PBS, it is said violating or red, and the violate-action will be applied.
Possible actions for conform-action, exceed-action and violate-action include, for example, to transmit, to
drop, to set a new DSCP value, to set a new IP precedence, to set ATM CLP bit to 1, or any meaningful
combination of the above.
It could be noticed that in trTCM, if the PIR is set to a value equal to CIR, with PBS equivalent to EBS,
trTCM gives the same result as srTCM. From this point of view, srTCM can be considered as a special
case of trTCM.
classifier meter
dropper (re)marker
profile drop AF4
To be more flexible and to facilitate user configuration and deployment, the following methods are provided
to configure the Traffic Conditioning Block:
• Using a single token (CIR, CBS). There are two levels of conformance at the output of a meter:
conforming or exceeding.
• Using two tokens, (CIR, CBS) and (PIR, PBS), where PIR = CIR. Single-Rate Three-Color Marker
(srTCM) algorithm is applied. There are three levels of conformance at the output of a meter:
conforming or exceeding or violating.
• Using two tokens, (CIR, CBS) and (PIR, PBS), where PIR > CIR. Two-Rate Three-Color Marker
(trTCM) algorithm is applied. There are three levels of conformance at the output of a meter:
conforming or exceeding or violating.
As mentioned above, in common sense, conforming traffic is meant as green, exceeding traffic as yellow,
violating traffic as red. For each AF class, a different code (DSCP) is defined for each color. These codes
can be marked in the DSCP field of IP header.
As described in srTCM and trTCM, the Traffic Conditioning Block can work either in color-blind mode or
color-aware mode:
• In color-aware mode, it is assumed that some preceding entity has pre-colored incoming packet
stream (using DSCP) so that each packet is green, yellow or red. Upon an incoming packet, the meter
determines a new color regarding to its traffic conditioning parameters. The packet changes its color
to the resulting new color only if the latter degrades the packet's original color. For example, if the
original color is yellow, the packet remains yellow if the new color is green; it changes to red if the new
color is red.
• In color-blind mode, the original color of incoming packets is ignored. The color decided by the meter
will be considered as the color of the incoming packet.
In a deployment scenario, color-blind mode can be usually used on edge routers, while color-aware mode
can be used on core routers located inside a DiffServ domain.
After flow classification or/and traffic conditioning, packets can be marked in different ways:
• Packets are marked by setting IP precedence or IP DSCP in the IP TOS field. It allows to classify
traffic with an IP precedence or DSCP in the IP header
• Packets are internally marked with a QoS-group. It allows applying QoS actions (later inside a router)
without changing the packet header.
• Set the CLP bit to 1 in the ATM header. It allows to control discarding cells in congested ATM network.
Cells with the CLP bit set to 1 are discarded before normal cells when congestion occurs.
• Set 802.1p tag. In the event, IP QoS is applied on dot11radio interface; the 802.1p value is mapped
into a WMM CoS.
Tail Drop
Tail drop is the simplest form of congestion avoidance. Packets are dropped when FIFO queues have
reached a certain length. It does not take into account the different classes of service and drop all packets
without distinguish them during congestion.
Random Early Detection (RED)
The RED mechanism provides an alternative to avoid global synchronization issues with TCP packets
being dropped by a tail drop algorithm. It takes advantage of TCP traffic, which can control transmission
rate. RED makes a permanent control of the average queue size and avoids congestion by randomly
dropping packets before queue is full. Thus, TCP detects that some packets are dropped and reduces their
traffic transmission rate. The advantage of randomly dropping packets is not to influence the same TCP
session. TCP traffic is thus desynchronized the link is fully utilized. But it should be reminded that the RED
technique is intended to control TCP traffic congestion; it is not designed for UDP traffic, which does not
have flow control. That said TCP constitutes the most heavily used network transport.
Average Queue Size
The average queue size avg is used to select the RED discard probability.
It is based on the previous average and the current queue size:
avg = previous_avg * (1 - 2^(-w)) + current_queue_size * 2^(-w)
• Pmark is the mark probability
• Qmean is the sliding average queue size
• Tmin is the minimum threshold
• Tmax ix the maximum threshold
Discard Test
Based on:
- Average queue size Output
Classifier - IP DSCP or Queuing
- Mark Probability
- Min/Max thresholds
Mark Prob.
WRED has the same advantage as RED in that it avoids global synchronization issues and allows the
transmission line to be fully used by randomly dropping packets before the emission queue is full. The only
difference is that it works with different thresholds associated with colors, which provides preferential traffic
and differentiated services. Queuing/Scheduling
At an output interface, once a packet passes the Traffic Conditioning Block, it will be placed in the queue
corresponding to its class (each class is mapped to a unique queue). Typically the output queues could be
simply FIFO (first in, first out) queues. For a FIFO queue, packets are dropped when the queue is full
(called Tail Drop).
In order to allow better bandwidth use and share among TCP flows, Random Early Detection (RED) and
WRED could be also used instead of FIFO for better congestion avoidance.
After packets are queued, the scheduler is invoked to select the queue from which the next packet will be
transmitted. CBQ (Class Based Queuing) scheduler is available to meet the requirements of DiffServ-like
services. In CBQ, if the guaranteed bandwidth for a class is not fully used, the remaining bandwidth can be
used by other non-priority classes.
If any priority traffic such as EF aggregate is not conforming to the allocated bandwidth, it is simply
If any non-priority traffic such as AF aggregate is not conforming to the allocated bandwidth, there are two
1. If the link bandwidth is fully used, non-conforming traffic will be dropped.
2. If a portion of link bandwidth is left unused, non-conforming and non-priority traffic can be
transmitted and marked (or remarked) with higher drop precedence. CBWFQ
CBWFQ (Class Based Weighted Fair Queuing) is an extended CBQ scheduler, which guarantees
bandwidth share reserved for each class and also provides fair share of bandwidth for flows inside a same
class. In our CBWFQ, flow-based WFQ is provided, which is particularly useful for flow-controlled protocols
such as TCP.
It is known that bandwidth share problems arise often when multiple TCP flows coexist or TCP and UDP
flows coexist at the same time over the same link. In the worst case, the most aggressive flows will get all
the bandwidth, and flow-controlled traffic will get no more bandwidth. This is mainly because a well-
implemented TCP will lower sending rate (by reducing send window size, for example) when congestion is
detected (packet loss). In practice, different TCP implementations generally do not have exactly the same
flow control behavior. So they can get different bandwidth share over a specific link.
With CBQ, all packets of the same class are put in the same queue. CBWFQ can be activated individually
for each class or not. With CBWFQ, each flow inside a class is queued into a different queue. An equal
weight inside the class is assigned to each flow, so that every flow gets a fair bandwidth share. Flows from
different classes have implicitly different weights when the bandwidth assigned to the classes is different. A
flow is distinguished using source and destination IP address, protocol, source and destination ports, TOS
value. Then Weighted Round Robin (WRR) is used to schedule which queue is to be transmitted. With
CBWFQ, bandwidth is fairly shared among all flows. An aggressive flow can no longer get more than an
equal share of bandwidth.
Flow-Based WFQ
Incoming packets
Flows that must be served with a real-time class require that the corresponding packets are classified in an
EF class. However, when the uplink bandwidth is very small, the performance obtained with standard
parameters might not be sufficient. Tuning transit delays is possible using several techniques. But the user
should be aware that changing such default parameters can impact significantly the device routing
To understand how to tune transit delays, a glance at the scheduling algorithm is useful. The IP QoS
scheduler functions as follows:
EF1 1) 5)
N frames (default tx-ring: 32)
The interface driver has a transmit ring. The transmit ring (tx-ring) is a sort of queue where ready-to-
sent packets are leaved. The interface driver picks packets from the tx-ring at the interface speed.
The scheduling steps are the following:
1. The scheduler puts all packets from the EF queues in the tx-ring until the EF queues are
2. The scheduler takes packets from the AF and BE classes according to their configured
respective bandwidth. If one or more AF/BE classes do not use all their configured bandwidth,
the remaining bandwidth is redistributed among all queues with remaining packets
3. If the tx-ring is full, the scheduler stops emitting and does not complete step 2.
4. When the tx-ring is empty or when a short QoS watchdog timer is expired, the scheduler
wakes up again.
5. The scheduler looks first if there are packets in EF queues (before completing the step 2 that
was eventually not finished previously)
6. The scheduler completes the step 2, if not finished previously.
Note: this algorithm is valid for CB-WFQ and CBQ. CB-WFQ only has an influence in the order by which
packets from an AF class go out of the CoS queue(s).
Latency can thus be reduced by setting the number of frames stored in the tx-ring. (See: "tx-ring
max-buffers <num-of-frames>" or "tx-ring max-latency" commands under interface
configuration mode). The maximum latency resulting from queuing for a packet from the high priority class
Latency = ( MTU * tx-ring ) / line-speed
To configure the tx-ring under an ATM PVC, on any product except the ONE20/100, you configure the
maximum number of frames in the tx-ring, which corresponds to the maximum latency:
CLI(configure)> interface atm 0.<id>
CLI(config-if)> pvc {ipoa | pppoa | pppoeoa} vpi <vpi> vci <vci>
CLI(pvc)> tx-ring max-buffers <nb-buffer>
CLI(pvc)> execute
On the ONE20/100, the tx-ring is considered full if a certain quantity of data is stored in the tx-ring.
You only need then to configure the maximum latency:
CLI(configure)> interface atm 0.<id>
CLI(config-if)> pvc {ipoa | pppoa | pppoeoa} vpi <vpi> vci <vci>
CLI(pvc)> tx-ring max-latency <milliseconds>
CLI(pvc)> execute
Reducing this number can make the QoS processing more pre-emptive (i.e. the scheduling algorithm is
often interrupted), thereby resulting in degraded routing performance.
For a casual application case (PPP over leased line, 512 kbps, MTU = 1500 bytes, tx-ring = 6), the
worst-case latency is 140 ms. To further reduce transit delays, the Link Fragmentation and Interleaving
(LFI) is used. The interleaving consists of inserting the priority packets (packets from the EF queues) at the
beginning of tx-ring, namely after the second frame in the tx-ring or after the last priority packet if
there are any in the tx-ring. Therefore the worst-case latency is equivalent to the serialization time of
two large frames, i.e. latency = 2 * frame-size / line-speed. While interleaving has a significant effect on
low-speed links, it has a relative low impact on high-speed accesses.
To improve further performance, the frame-size can be reduced using fragmentation (FRF.12 or MLPPP
If several VLAN are configured on an interface, a QoS policy can be applied under certain conditions. The
QoS policy is applied on the physical interface (efm <x>, atm-aal5 <x>.<y> or fastEthernet
<x>/<y>). As first step of QoS processing, every packet is put in a class of service. The classification
criteria can be:
• 802.1p tag
• Input interface (so it could map to a 802.1q tag)
• DiffServ class: DSCP, precedence
• RTP port range
• Any standard or extended access list
• Virtual QoS group
Then, for each class, one must assign a nested QoS policy to deal with shaping and policing. The nested
QoS policy offers the same services as those offered for layer-3 QoS, namely:
• Marking: 802.1p tag, DSCP, precedence, QoS group
• Policing: single-rate / two-rate traffic conditioning (re-marking / dropping)
• DiffServ-compliant Class-Based Queuing
• Congestion avoidance: RED/WRED, CB-WFQ
The sum of all bandwidths configured within the nested QoS policies must not exceed the line rate.
Unused bandwidth by certain classes can be re-used by other classes (of the same or of other nested
policies according to the remaining bandwidth sharing parameters).
If policy-maps for layer-3 services are nested in classes of a policy-map for layer-2 services, the sum of
bandwidth inside a layer-3 class must be lower than the supporting VLAN CIR. The scheduler will serve
the bandwidth of sub-policies first and will redistribute bandwidth inside each sub-policy up to VLAN CIR. If
there is remaining bandwidth to share, VLAN priority is used. IP queues are served according to their
weights if the VLAN EIR is served.
inbound outbound
routing output
classification classification
policing/marking policing/marking Classification
This command will create the named class if it does not exist already. With this command one can specify
the logical function to be used when multiple matching rules are configured. The default is to apply a
logical "AND" (match-all) on all matching rules of the class. If one needs to apply a logical "OR" for
contained rules instead, use the following command:
CLI(configure)> class-map match-any <name>
The order in which the matching rules are configured does not pertain to the matching result. In the
implementation, the rules are checked in configuration order.
The user can rename an existing class by using the following command:
CLI(config-cmap)> rename <new-name>
CLI(config-cmap)> exit
The user can add rules or classifiers in a class-map by using the match commands (see below). To
remove an existing rule from a class-map, use the 'no match' commands. Do not confuse them with the
'match not' command, which means the rule is negated.
A class-map can be empty. Thus traffic will not be selected by an empty class-map.
If packets are to be classified using the IP header fields, users can use access lists (see the IP Access
Lists configuration guide for more information). To do so, one needs first to create an access-list and then
give the name of the access-list in the class-map. A simple example is given as follows:
CLI(configure)> ip access-list standard qos_acl
CLI(ip-acl-std)> permit
CLI(ip-acl-std)> exit
Then, the corresponding match rule to add to the class c1 would be as follows:
CLI(configure)> class-map c1
CLI(config-cmap)> match access-group qos_acl
CLI(config-cmap)> exit
To create a negative rule, (i.e., a packet matches if it doesn't match the filter), use the following form of the
CLI(config-cmap)> match not access-group qos_acl
To select all packets passing through this class-map, using the following command:
CLI(config-cmap)> match any
To select null traffic (to temporarily disable a class-map for example), one can use the negative match
CLI(config-cmap)> match not any
The user can set a class to include all packets coming from a specific interface:
CLI(config-cmap)> match input-interface <type> <unit>
To select real time traffic such as voice and video, encoded in Real Time Protocol (RTP) format, an
embedded RTP filter in the class-map can be used. Note that RTP runs on top of UDP. Use the following
CLI(config-cmap)> match ip rtp <lower-port> <port-range>
The user can set a class to match packets with some specific DSCP values:
CLI(config-cmap)> match ip dscp <value1> [<value2>] ... [<value8>]
The user can set a class to match packets with specific IP precedence values in the TOS field:
CLI(config-cmap)> match ip precedence <value1> [<value2>] ... [<value4>]
The Virtual QoS Group is used to internally mark a traffic flow, typically using a policy-map at input
interface, (see below to configure a policy-map). At output interface, the user can use QoS Group to select
packets marked at input interface:
CLI(config-cmap)> match ip qos-group <group-value>
If the QoS policy is applied on Ethernet interface input, we can classify packets based on their 802.1p tag
as follows:
CLI(configure)> class-map match-any vlan-prio
CLI(config-cmap)> [no] match [not] cos <cos1> [<cos2> [<cos3> [<cos4>]]]
If the QoS policy is applied on Ethernet interface input, we can classify packets based on their 802.1q tag
as follows:
CLI(configure)> class-map vlan101
CLI(config-cmap)> [no] match [not] vlan <vlan-id1> [<vlan-id2>
[<vlan-id3> [<vlan-id4>]]]
Combining logical "AND" and "OR" is not possible within a class-map. But it is possible by using several
different class-maps and the "match ip class-map" command. This provides a simple method to
create complex classifiers. An example is given below:
CLI(configure)> class-map match-all c2
CLI(config-cmap)> match input-interface Atm 0.1
CLI(config-cmap)> match ip dscp 35
CLI(config-cmap)> exit
CLI(configure)> class-map match-any c3
CLI(config-cmap)> match ip class-map c2
CLI(config-cmap)> match ip rtp 1024 10000
CLI(config-cmap)> exit
The packet, which either meets all conditions of c2, or is an RTP packet whose port is between 1024 and
11024, matches the class c3.
The negative rule is:
CLI(config-cmap)> match not ip class-map <class-name>
Policing, marking and scheduling are configured by using a policy-map. A policy-map contains a set of
classes associated with QoS parameters that are necessary to perform a policy action such as marking or
dropping. To create a policy-map, use the following command:
CLI(configure)> policy-map <policy-name>
The user can rename an existing policy-map by using the following command:
CLI(config-pmap)> rename <new-policy-name>
CLI(config-pmap)> exit
Then, as needed, the user adds to a policy map the classes created by using the class-map command:
CLI(config-pmap)> class <class-name>
This command, if successful, will enter into policy class configuration mode. Then the user can configure
policy parameters for that class. A policy-map is never empty: the default class called 'class-default' is
automatically added to a policy-map. It matches any traffic, which does not match any user-defined class.
The class-default always uses the remaining bandwidth, which must not be zero. As a result, the user can
not configure the bandwidth parameter on the class-default.
For each class in a policy-map, the user can optionally configure traffic policing. Traffic policing is enabled
only if the CIR (Committed Information Rate) is configured to a value other than zero.
To configure the Committed Information Rate (CIR) and optionally the Committed Burst Size (default CBS
value 4500 bytes) for a class, use the following command in policy class configuration mode:
CLI(cfg-pmap-c)> police {cir <cir> | cir-percent <percent>} [<cbs>]
The CIR token (cir, cbs) is specified in Kbits per second (cir) and number of bytes (cbs). If cir is set
to zero, that disables traffic policing on that class.
All other traffic policing parameters are optional. By default, the peak rate and burst are not set; the
conform-action is set to transmit; the exceed-action set to drop; the violate-action set to drop; the color-
aware mode is not enabled.
To configure the Peak Information Rate (PIR) and optionally the Peak Burst Size (default PBS value 12500
bytes) for a class, use the following command in policy class configuration mode:
CLI(cfg-pmap-c)> police pir {<pir> | pir-percent <percent>} [<pbs>]
The PIR token (pir, pbs) is specified in kbps (pir) and number of bytes (pbs). The parameter PIR must
be greater than or equal to CIR. If it is strictly greater than CIR, traffic is conditioned in the same way as
specified by trTCM (RFC 2698). If it is equal to CIR, the burst PBS should be greater than CBS. In this
case, traffic is conditioned in the same way as specified by srTCM (RFC 2697).
To configure the conform-action for a class, use the following command in policy class configuration mode:
CLI(cfg-pmap-c)> police conform-action { transmit | drop |
set-dscp-transmit <dscp-value> | set-prec-transmit <prec-value> |
set-group-transmit <qos-group> | set-clp-transmit |
set-de-transmit | set-cos-transmit <cos> }
To configure the exceed-action for a class, use the following command in policy class configuration mode:
CLI(cfg-pmap-c)> police exceed-action { transmit | drop |
set-dscp-transmit <dscp-value> | set-prec-transmit <prec-value> |
set-group-transmit <qos-group> | set-clp-transmit |
set-de-transmit | set-cos-transmit <cos> }
To configure the violate-action for a class, use the following command in policy class configuration mode:
CLI(cfg-pmap-c)> police violate-action { transmit | drop |
set-dscp-transmit <dscp-value> | set-prec-transmit <prec-value> |
set-group-transmit <qos-group> | set-clp-transmit |
set-de-transmit | set-cos-transmit <cos> }
For the classes AF1 to AF4, only green DSCP is required (yellow and red DSCP can be derived from the
class). For any other class for which no standard codes are defined, all three DSCP values should be
To remove or disable a traffic policing parameter, use the 'no' form of the corresponding command.
Traffic policing can be also applied to the class-default. A policy-map with traffic policing configured can be
applied either to an input interface or an output interface, whichever is appropriate.
If a class is a non-priority class, reserve bandwidth required by the class using the following command:
CLI(cfg-pmap-c)> bandwidth <kbps>
If a class is a priority class, reserve the bandwidth required by the class using the following command. The
burst parameter can optionally be forced in the command. If excess-allowed is used, the priority class will
also take advantage of the remaining bandwidth distribution based on priority described in
CLI(cfg-pmap-c)> priority <kbps> [<burst-in-bytes>] [excess-allowed]
Note: The OneOS implementation requires that 10 kbps are reserved for the default class.
The priority class has fixed maximum guaranteed bandwidth (without excess-allowed). The normal
priority class has minimum guaranteed bandwidth. The remaining bandwidth, after user configuration, is
given to the default class. The unused bandwidth, at run time, is dynamically shared among all normal
priority classes and the default class, and the priority classes with excess-allowed.
The bandwidth for all user-defined classes can be specified in absolute value, or in percent, or using both
(see latter this section for a configuration example). No matter which method is used, the following rules
must be respected:
1. The sum of all absolute bandwidth values must be strictly less than the total bandwidth of the
interface on which the policy-map will be applied.
2. The sum of all bandwidth percentages must be strictly less than 100 percent.
3. If both absolute values and percentages are used, both above-conditions must always be met.
Classes with bandwidth in absolute value will have their bandwidth reserved, whereas the
classes with bandwidth in percent will have their bandwidth computed as follows:
(B–Sum(ABSi))xPk, where B is the interface bandwidth, ABSi is the absolute bandwidth for
class i and Pk is the percentage for class k. The result must be strictly greater than 0.
When the above conditions are not met, attaching the policy-map to an output interface will fail.
The reserved bandwidth per class is the data rate over the underlying data link. The IP QoS scheduler
component estimates bandwidth usage for each class by adding extra bytes to every packet during
shaping calculation. The extra bytes represent all lower layer headers, padding, as well as trailers,
required by a specific network interface protocol.
One could be surprised by the impact of layer-2 headers: a user flow could be sent at a rate much below
the reserved rate, but packets are being lost. This is because of a large difference between the IP packet
size and fixed ATM cell size. For example, an IP packet of 40 bytes (such as TCP ACK or UDP
datagram’s) will be typically concatenated with a 8- byte IPoA header and a 8-byte AAL5 trailer, which
makes 56 bytes overall. It will be sent using two ATM cells (48-bit payload + 5-bit ATM header). As a
result, the IP input rate (assuming all packets are of the same length) will be multiplied by 106/40, i.e. more
than doubled. In that case, even if user sends data at a rate much lower than the reserved rate, the ATM
VC is already saturated and a portion of packets is dropped. Therefore if the data flow within a class is
composed of small sized packets, the bandwidth provisioning should take this effect into account. For large
packets (longer than 1000 bytes), the impact of layer-2 overhead is generally not as much visible.
Usually, all IP classes of service do not fully use their allocated bandwidth simultaneously. There are some
classes receiving less traffic than the reserved bandwidth, thus allowing the other AF and default classes
to get more bandwidth. The next paragraph explains how this remaining bandwidth is shared.
When iterating, the IP QoS scheduler has an overall quantity of data to emit which corresponds to the
interface bandwidth. During this iteration, the scheduler sends a quantity of data for each class in order to
guaranty that each class gets at least their respective configured bandwidth. If the overall quantity of data
to emit has not been fully used, the scheduler can emit additional data from AF and best-effort queues.
The remaining bandwidth distribution is by default based on the weight of the classes (see It
can optionally be based on the excess rate priority of the classes (see This excess rate priority
mechanism can be used, for example, to manage the remaining bandwidth differently for two classes
having the same weight (the same reserved bandwidth).
The quantity of data taken from each queue depends on the weight of the class.
By default, the weight of a class is equal to:
Weight = ( class_bandwidth / ip_interface_bandwidth ) x 100
The sum of all weights is equal to 100. This means a class gets a remaining bandwidth that is proportional
to its bandwidth.
To override the default weight, use the following command under class configuration in a policy-map:
CLI(cfg-pmap-c)> remaining-bw-share <weight>
The remaining bandwidth share is equal to the class weight divided by the sum of weights of
classes having remaining bandwidth to emit.
Let us take an example to make things clear; assume we have 4 classes:
• One EF class, with a guaranty of 15% bandwidth uplink, real usage = 10%
• AF1 class, with 40% of uplink bandwidth, fully used (>40%), weight = 40
• AF2 class, with 30% of uplink bandwidth, real usage = 10%, weight = 30
• Best effort class, (remaining reserved = 100–10–40–30 = 20%), fully used (>20%), weight = 20
In order to serve all classes with their guaranteed bandwidth, 80 % of the interface bandwidth is used
(10+40+10+20). 20% of the interface bandwidth have to be redistributed between the class AF1 and BE.
By applying the formula above, we find the following bandwidth sharing:
Share(AF1) = weight(AF1) / ( weight(AF1) + weight(BE) ) = 66,7%
Share(BE) = weight(BE) / ( weight(AF1) + weight(BE) ) = 33,3%
To restore the default weights for remaining bandwidth sharing, use the following command:
CLI(cfg-pmap-c)> default remaining-bw-share
This mechanism is automatically activated as soon as at least one class or sub-class of the policy is
configured with the following command (0 is the lowest priority, 7 is the highest priority):
CLI(cfg-pmap-c)> excess-rate-priority <0..7>
The default priority is 0 (the lowest) for classes without excess rate priority including the main class level.
At sub-class level (classes defined in a sub-policy referenced in the main policy applied to the interface),
by default the sub-classes inherit the priority of their main class. This inherited priority can be overridden
by configuring a different excess rate priority in the sub-classes.
The excess rate priority mechanism is deactivated, with return to the weight algorithm, as soon as the
following command is entered for all the classes and sub-classes:
CLI(cfg-pmap-c)> no excess-rate-priority
When the excess rate priority mechanism is activated, all classes of the same priority are serviced before
the classes of lower priority. Lower priority classes are serviced only if there remains unused bandwidth
after the higher priority classes have been serviced. So it is a strict priority de-queuing.
The EF (high-priority) classes are only concerned when excess-allowed is used otherwise they are strictly
limited to their guaranteed bandwidth. AF classes (medium-priority) are concerned. As so the class-
default class can also be attributed an excess-rate-priority.
For classes of the same priority, the remaining bandwidth attribution is done using the weight algorithm
For each class, the user can configure flow-based WFQ and optionally, specify the maximum number of
dynamic queues to be reserved. To enable flow-based WFQ, use the following command:
CLI(cfg-pmap-c)> fair-queue [ <number-of-dynamic-queues>
[ <dynamic-queue-length> ] ]
By default, the maximum number of dynamic queues is set to 256. It must be equal to a power of 2 (to use
some arithmetical properties of binary calculation) and ranges from 16 to 4096. The queue length is by
default 10 and can range from 1 to 60. To avoid memory exhaustion, the total number of packets for a fair-
queue class must be less than the queue-limit configured in the next section.
To disable this feature, use the following command:
CLI(cfg-pmap-c)> no fair-queue
For each class, the user can set the queue size, i.e. the maximum number of packets that can be placed in
the queue:
CLI(cfg-pmap-c)> queue-limit <queue-size>
The user can also enable Random Early Detection (RED) and Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) for
each class. To enable RED, use the following command:
CLI(cfg-pmap-c)> random-detect
If RED is enabled, the maximum threshold is the queue size, and the minimum, half the queue size. The
mark probability is internally set to 1/10, and the exponential weighted moving average (EWMA) 1/64.
To enable WRED based on DSCP value (gold/yellow preferred to gold/red preferred to silver/green ...etc.),
use the following command:
CLI(cfg-pmap-c)> random-detect dscp-based
To specify the minimum and maximum threshold, and optionally the mark-probability denominator for each
DSCP value, use the following command:
CLI(cfg-pmap-c)> random-detect dscp <dscp-value> <min> <max> [<mark-pro>]
To set the default minimum and maximum threshold, and optionally the mark-probability denominator for
each DSCP value, use the following command:
CLI(cfg-pmap-c)> no random-detect dscp <dscp-value>
To enable WRED based on precedence value (Gold preferred to Silver, preferred to Bronze... and so on),
use the following command:
CLI(cfg-pmap-c)> random-detect prec-based
To specify the minimum and maximum threshold, and optionally the mark-probability denominator for each
precedence value, use the following command:
CLI(cfg-pmap-c)> random-detect precedence <prec-value> <min> <max>
To set the default minimum and maximum thresholds and, optionally, the mark-probability denominator for
each precedence value, use the following command:
CLI(cfg-pmap-c)> no random-detect precedence <prec-value>
To specify the minimum and maximum thresholds and, optionally, the mark-probability denominator for
each qos-group value, use the following command:
CLI(cfg-pmap-c)> random-detect qos-group <qos-group-value> <min> <max>
To set the default minimum and maximum threshold, and optionally the mark-probability denominator for
each qos-group value, and, use the following command:
CLI(cfg-pmap-c)> no random-detect qos-group <qos-group-value>
To configure the exponential weight factor used to calculate the average queue size, use the following
CLI(cfg-pmap-c)> random-detect exponential-weighting-constant
To set the default exponential weight factor value, use the following command:
CLI(cfg-pmap-c)> no random-detect exponential-weighting-constant
Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) is a special feature of the TCP protocol, enabling to warn the remote
TCP end that congestion is happening. Normally, congestion is controlled through the embedded flow
control of TCP, which reduces the emission rate when a packet is dropped. Setting ECN when queues
have reached a certain length enables to manage flow control before packets are dropped, thus optimizing
the performance of TCP. ECN is made up of two bits. The first one indicates whether or not the ECN
feature is supported. The second bit is permitted to be marked if the first bit is set. The queue length after
which the ECN processing is activated corresponds to the RED/WRED threshold: if packets are queued
when threshold are crossed, they can be marked. ECN takes effect only if RED or WRED is enabled and is
disabled by default. To enable ECN, use the following command:
CLI(cfg-pmap-c)> random-detect explicit-congestion-notification
For each class in a policy-map the user can optionally set the DSCP value in the IP header:
CLI(cfg-pmap-c)> [no] set ip dscp <0-63>
As previously mentioned, it is possible to internally mark a traffic flow. This is useful to perform
classification at input interface and scheduling at output interface. To set a QoS group value to a class, use
the following command:
CLI(cfg-pmap-c)> [no] set qos-group <value>
For each class in a policy-map, user can optionally set ATM CLP bit to 1.
CLI(cfg-pmap-c)> [no] set atm-clp FR DE Marking
Alternatively, if the uplink is Frame Relay based, we can set the DE bit of every packet handled by this
CLI(cfg-pmap-c)> [no] set fr-de
Note that the 'set cos' statement overrides the default priority tagging activated on the interface.
• The 'set cos' statement only makes sense on an interface where dot1Q encapsulation is enabled or
if the interface is dot11radio.
• Policy-map can be applied as input or output service-policy.
• CoS value configured using a policy-map overwrites default CoS value configured under interface.
• Setting 802.1p user priority bits on a non-dot1Q interface will not fail. The behavior depends of
interface type:
• On dot11radio, the VLAN is not present, no tagging is performed. Nevertheless, the information
is used by the driver to prioritize outgoing traffic.
• On all interfaces, the command virtually sets CoS on packets.
A policy can be used inside a class allowing the user to set a rich QoS, mixing classification, policing and
shaping; for example mixing layer-3 classification and layer-2 shaping.
To insert a previously defined policy in a class, use the following command in policy map class
configuration mode:
CLI(cfg-pmap-c)> [no] service-policy <policy-name>
Finally, the QoS parameters that have been defined are applied to an interface either in the input or the
output direction.
First, the user should specify the total bandwidth that is to be used at a given output interface. If this is not
done, the total bandwidth is set by default to the link bandwidth.
CLI(configure)> interface <type> <unit>
CLI(config-if)> bandwidth <kbps>
Important Note: if no output policy is attached to the interface, an implicit bandwidth shaping is
applied to limit the traffic on the interface to the total bandwidth. The applied shaping is a CIR
without EIR (no excess bandwidth allowed) with a single rate token bucket mechanism.
The user can specify a policy-map in the output direction to apply the defined QoS parameters:
CLI(config-if)> service-policy output <policy-map>
On the average, the scheduler will strictly limit the specified bandwidth of the interface and allow fair
sharing of bandwidth among all defined classes.
The user can also specify a policy-map in the input direction if required:
CLI(config-if)> service-policy input <policy-map>
Again, at an input interface, the service policy classify can be used to classify, police, and mark traffic.
There are three classes in this example: the EF class, AF1 class and the Best Effort class. RTP voice
traffic is placed in the EF class, FTP traffic into AF1, and all remaining into the Best Effort class. An access
list is used to classify FTP traffic (the FTP server could be found inside or outside the private network). The
following commands create the required access list and class-maps:
ATM interface
RTP source
Private Network
class-map af1
match access-group ftp-acl
class-map ef
match ip rtp 9000 5000
class af1
set ip dscp 10
bandwidth 300
class class-default
In this example, it is shown how to define a policy-map, which can be applied to multiple interfaces, for
example, a primary interface and a backup interface. The same classes used in the last example will be
used here. As the priority class EF requires fixed bandwidth, its bandwidth is specified in absolute value.
The non-priority class AF1 and the class-default will each get 50% of the remaining bandwidth. The
configuration commands are as follows:
policy-map demo
class ef
priority 80
queue-limit 20
class af1
set ip dscp 10
bandwidth percent 50
class class-default
queue-limit 40
On the interface Atm 0.1, the EF class will get 80 kb/s, the class AF1 and the class-default each get 960
kb/s. On the interface Serial 0.1, the EF class will get 80 kb/s, the class AF1 and the class-default each get
only 24 kb/s.
In this example, traffic conditioning using trTCM (Two Rate Three Color Marker) is illustrated. In the first
policy-map, the class AF1 is still used as an example. The traffic flows within AF1 are guaranteed to send
as much traffic as 500 kbps (committed information rate) with 10 kbps burst. Traffic below this rate is
marked green (AF11). The traffic aggregate within AF1 can be accepted as much as 800 kbps (peak
information rate) with 20 kbps burst. Traffic below this rate is marked yellow (AF12). If the traffic aggregate
within AF1 goes beyond this rate, known as red, it is always dropped (though it can be marked as red and
transmitted). In addition, color-aware mode is enabled, it means that input packets pre-colored as yellow or
red will have higher drop probability than the green ones. This policy-map is attached to the input interface,
FastEthernet 0/0.
The configuration commands are as follows:
policy-map diffserv-tcb
class af1
police cir 500 10000
police pir 800 20000
police conform-action set-dscp-transmit af11
police exceed-action set-dscp-transmit af12
police violate-action drop
police color-aware af11 af12 af13
In this example, a policy-map is defined for input rate limiting and attached to FastEthernet 0/0. All traffic
received on FastEthernet 0/0 should not exceed 1 Mbps (as CIR). Non-conforming traffic is simply
dropped. No actions need to be configured since the default conform-action is to transmit; the default
exceed-action is to drop.
The configuration commands are as follows:
policy-map in-rate-limit
class class-default
police cir 1000 20000
In this example, the line rate is 2 Mbps. Two VLAN, 101 and 102, have a 400 kbps CIR with each two
layer-3 class policies (250+150 kbps). VLAN 101 has excess rate priority 1, VLAN 102 has priority 2.
The scheduler will first serve the layer-3 classes up to their configured bandwidth. Then, inside each
VLAN, the bandwidth up to the CIR will be allocated to the default class, then again to the layer-3 classes
and the best effort class. The remaining bandwidth will first be allocated to VLAN 101 (priority 1) classes
according to their weights then to VLAN 102 (priority 2) when VLAN101 queues are emptied.
The configuration commands are as follows:
class-map vlan101
match vlan 101
class-map vlan102
match vlan 102
class-map internet-vlan101
match access-group internet1
class-map data-vlan101
match access-group data1
class-map internet-vlan102
match access-group internet2
class-map data-vlan102
match access-group data2
policy-map vlan101Shaper
class internet-vlan101
bandwidth 250
class data-vlan101
bandwidth 150
policy-map vlan102Shaper
class internet-vlan102
bandwidth 250
class data-vlan102
bandwidth 150
! Main Shaper
policy-map vlanShaping
class vlan101
bandwidth 400
service-policy vlan101Shaper
excess-rate-priority 1
class vlan102
bandwidth 400
service-policy vlan102Shaper
excess-rate-priority 2
4.15.4 Statistics
At any stage of the configuration, information about the configured QoS settings can be displayed.
To display the matching rules about a class:
CLI> show class-map [<class-name>]
If the class name is missing, all existing classes will be displayed. For example:
CLI> show class-map ef
class-map match-all ef
match ip rtp 9000 5000
queue-limit 55
To display the traffic statistics for a policy on an interface, use the following command:
CLI> show policy-interface Atm 0.1
Atm0.1: output service policy demo
Class 'ef': high priority
bandwidth 80 kb/s, queue length/limit 0/20
mean input rate 74400 bits/s, mean output rate 74400 bits/s
packets output 4831, packets dropped 0 (0%)
bytes output 1806794, bytes dropped 0 (0%)
Class 'af1': medium priority
bandwidth 300 kb/s, queue length/limit 6/60
mean input rate 298104 bits/s, mean output rate 298104 bits/s
packets output 6842, packets dropped 0 (0%)
bytes output 9805313, bytes dropped 0 (0%)
random early detection:
explicit congestion notification
min/max threshold 30/60, EWMA 6 (1/64), mark probability 1/10
mean queue length 7, early drops 0, tail drops 0
Class 'class-default': medium priority
bandwidth 1620 kb/s, queue length/limit 54/55
mean input rate 1887096 bits/s, mean output rate 1598376 bits/s
packets output 23410, packets dropped 3509 (13%)
bytes output 35325224, bytes dropped 5298770 (13%)
Interface total:
bandwidth 2000 kb/s
mean input rate 2259600 bits/s, mean output rate 1972104 bits/s
packets output 35084, packets dropped 3509 (9%)
bytes output 46937705, bytes dropped 5298770 (10%)
To disable debugging IP QoS, use the `no' form of the above-referenced command.
The DiffServ MIB, specified in RFC 3289, is supported, in read-only mode at present.
Policy based routing can be defined as routing packets to outgoing path according to user-defined policy,
which often makes use of criteria different from that used in the routing table. This section describes the
main features of Policy Based Routing (PBR) and its configuration.
4.16.1 Features
By classical IP routing, input packets are forwarded to the outgoing interface with regard to its destination
address contained in the IP header. The routing information is commonly specified in the routing table, on
a network prefix/mask basis. This scheme works fine in most cases, but suffers from poor flexibility. For
example, one may want to route critical traffic via a safer path than that used by other non-critical traffic.
Policy based routing provides greater flexibility to meet a wide range of application requirements. It allows
the selection of input traffic using a rich set of criteria, such as IP source address and destination address,
DSCP or IP precedence value, and TCP/UDP ports. The selected traffic can be marked with a new DSCP
or IP precedence value and can be forwarded to a specific next hop router or interface thereby bypassing
the routing table.
In common use, policy based routing can be used to provide the following services:
• Link based traffic separation.
• Application sensitive routing.
• Protocol sensitive routing.
• Source and/or destination based routing.
• QoS based routing.
For example, RTP voice traffic can be sent through a low delay and low loss link (or connection) whereas
other traffic (such as HTTP, FTP) can be sent through an alternative link; or the traffic generated by a
batch file transfer could be routed to a leased line, and the traffic issued elsewhere will be routed via an
ISP network.
Packets routed by policy based routing are fast forwarded such that the performance is at least as good as
normal forwarding. Policy based routing is applied at the input interface after all inbound processing such
as NAT, QoS, ACL if configured. PBR can also be applied for internally generated flows such as telnet or
Voice over IP. All outbound processing configured at the output interface is also applied before sending
the packet to the underlying data link.
Configuration of policy based routing is done in a very straightforward way. More specifically, similar to
QoS policy-map, policy based routing makes use of class-map to select/classify traffic. Policy-route-map
should be defined to specify the routes to use for each class type. Configuration of policy based routing
can be divided into the following steps:
• Create access lists to catch input traffic - optional.
• Create class-maps to classify traffic into classes - required.
• Create policy-route-map to specify policy routing - required.
• Apply policy-route-map to input interface or to internal traffic - required.
This section will focus on the configuration of policy-route-map. For the details on how to configure IP
access lists and class-map, please refer to the sections regarding "IP Access Lists" and "IP Quality of
This command, if successful, will enter into policy-route-map configuration mode. To delete a policy-route-
map, use the 'no' form of the above command.
A policy-route-map is a container of traffic classes associated with routing policy. User can add classes to
a policy-route-map. A policy-route-map is never empty: the default class called 'class-default' is
automatically added to a policy-route-map after creation. It matches any traffic, which does not match any
user-defined class.
To add a class created by using a class-map to the policy-route-map, use the following command in policy-
route-map configuration mode:
CLI(config-prmap)> class <class-name>
This command, if successful, will enter into policy-route-map class configuration mode. To delete a class
from the policy-route-map, use the 'no' form of the above command.
To specify routing policy for the default class, use 'class-default' as class name.
At run time, input traffic will be matched against each user-defined class in configuration order. Upon the
first matching class, the associated actions (marking and/or routing) are applied. If no user-defined class
matches the traffic, the actions associated with the default class are applied to the traffic. If no actions are
associated with the default class, traffic will be passed to IP routing, that is, routed using the routing table.
One or more actions can be associated with any user-defined class as well as the class class-default.
Routing actions (by setting output interface or next hop) are applied after marking actions.
For each class in a policy-route-map, to set the DSCP value in the IP header, use the following command
in policy-route-map class configuration mode:
CLI(cfg-prmap-c)> set ip dscp <0-63>
To remove such an action, use the 'no' form of the corresponding command.
Note that the 'set cos' statement overrides the default priority tagging activated on the interface.
• The 'set cos ' statement only makes sense on an interface where dot1Q encapsulation is enabled or
if the interface is dot11radio.
• CoS value configured using a policy-route-map overwrites default CoS value configured under
• Setting 802.1p user priority bits on packets transmitted on a non-dot1Q interface or on an interface not
configured to do dot1Q will not fail. The behavior depends on interface type:
• On dot11radio, the VLAN is not present, no tagging is performed. Nevertheless, the information
is used by the driver to prioritize outgoing traffic.
• On all interfaces, the command virtually set CoS on packets.
It is possible to internally mark a traffic class. This is useful to perform other QoS processing such as traffic
policing and scheduling at output interface by using the qos-group as filtering criteria. To set a QoS
group value to a class, use the following command in policy-route-map class configuration mode:
CLI(cfg-prmap-c)> set qos-group <0-99>
To remove such an action, use the 'no' form of the above command.
For each class in a policy-route-map, to set ATM CLP bit to 1 (used when output to ATM interface), use
the following command in policy-route-map class configuration mode:
CLI(cfg-prmap-c)> set atm-clp
To remove such an action, use the 'no' form of the above command. FR DE Marking
Alternatively, the DE bit of every packet matching the policy class map can be marked:
CLI(cfg-prmap-c)> set fr-de
Output path is specified either by output interface or next hop. To set the output interface or next hop
address for a class, use the following commands in policy-route-map class configuration mode:
CLI(cfg-prmap-c)> set interface <type> <unit>
Multiple output interfaces or next hops can be set for each class (by entering the same command multiple
times). If output interface is used, that implies that the destination network is either directly connected or
the interface is a point-to-point interface. In other cases, next hop should be used instead.
At run time, the specified output paths are checked in configuration order. Upon the first path which has its
status UP, traffic matching this class will be sent out through it. If none of the specified output paths is UP,
the traffic will be handed to IP routing, that is, routed using the routing table.
Therefore to provide backup route for the traffic, user can either set multiple output paths or use normal IP
routing. If the traffic is highly critical, user may want it to arrive at its destination through a secure path or
not at all. In that case, to forbid the traffic going out via normal routes (by IP routing) when the preferred
path is down, the following commands can be used for example:
CLI(cfg-prmap-c)> set interface atm 0.1
In this way, when the interface ATM 0.1 goes down, traffic will be dropped.
To remove such an action, use the 'no' form of the corresponding command.
Policy routing is applied to input interfaces. To attach a policy-route-map created earlier to an input
interface, use the following command in interface configuration mode:
CLI(config-if)> ip policy-routing <routemap>
<routemap> is the name of policy-route-map. The same policy-route-map can be attached to multiple
To disable policy routing on an interface: use the 'no' form of the above command.
To apply a policy-route-map to traffic generated by the router, use the following command in global
configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> [no] ip local policy-route-map <routemap>
In the following example, it is intended to route real-time traffic through a serial line, flow-controlled traffic
(TCP) through interface ATM 0.1, and non flow-controlled traffic (UDP, ICMP, etc.) through a different
interface ATM 0.2.
RTP traffic is classified into the class called rtp; all TCP traffic into the class tcp-flows. A policy-route-
map, namely routemap1, is created which includes the class rtp, the class tcp-flows, the class class-
default (non flow-controlled traffic). Here RTP flows are either routed through the serial line or not at all
(dropped if the serial line is down). But for TCP and default flows, if the corresponding output interface
goes down, they will be handed to IP routing.
Here is the configuration script:
ip access-list tcp-acl
permit tcp 0 0
class-map rtp
match ip rtp 10000 2000
class-map tcp-flows
match access-group tcp-acl
policy-route-map routemap1
class rtp
set interface serial 0.1
set interface null 0
class tcp-flows
set interface atm 0.1
class class-default
set interface atm 0.2
This example shows how to mark all packets generated by the router. This can be useful when you classify
packets at the output based on the DSCP value to apply a specific QoS: you only need to mark internal
flows to force the corresponding packets to be queued in a specific CoS.
class-map internal_flows
match any
policy-route-map mark_internal_flows
class internal_flows
set dscp 44
ip local policy-route-map mark_internal_flows
4.16.4 Statistics
To display statistics about the policy routing, use the following command:
CLI> show policy-route-interface
To disable IP interface debugging, use the 'no' form of the above command.
This section describes the main features of the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) client-server,
and relay, and their configuration.
4.17.1 Features
The DHCP protocol is intended to supply configuration parameters to hosts as part of their start-up
procedure. The DHCP protocol provides a mechanism to assign network addresses to hosts. DHCP hosts
are dynamically configured, thus allowing considerable reduction of the work usually done by the
DHCP is built on a client-server model, where the server allocates the network addresses to clients upon
requests. In addition, DHCP is often used to deliver other configuration parameters to clients, such as DNS
server(s) and the default router.
In DHCP, the parameters transferred from a server to clients are called options. The most frequently used
option is IP address.
DHCP provides three methods to assign an IP address to a client:
• Automatic allocation: DHCP assigns a permanent IP address to a client (for an infinite period of
• Dynamic allocation: DHCP allocates an IP address to a given client for a limited period of time.
• Manual allocation: A client's IP address is assigned by the administrator, and DHCP is used
simply to convey the assigned address to that client.
The DHCP protocol is described in RFC 2131. DHCP is an extension of the BOOTP protocol. Being the
case, BOOTP clients are interoperable with DHCP server.
The maximum number of addresses that can be managed by the DHCP server is 1024 (or higher
according to the version).
Additionally, DHCP relay service enables DHCP clients to reach DHCP servers located in other network
segments. DHCP relay forwards client-originated DHCP packets to a DHCP server, and vice-versa. The
DHCP relay service is described in RFC 3046.
The configuration of DHCP can be divided into three steps. Users can complete one or all of the steps
according to their specific requirements:
• Configuring DHCP Client
• Configuring DHCP Server
• Configuring DHCP Relay
The DHCP client is configurable on all interfaces of OneOS-based routers, including WAN interfaces. It
provides the ability to retrieve configuration data of a router.
To obtain an IP address on Ethernet or FastEthernet interface from a DHCP server, use the following
CLI(configure)> interface { Ethernet | FastEthernet } <unit>
CLI(config-if)> ip address dhcp [hostname <hostname>] [client-id <cliid>]
CLI(config-if)> exit
When the optional client-id argument is not present, the DHCP DISCOVER message uses the MAC
address of the interface otherwise if present it uses the client-id string value.
To obtain an IP address (as well as autoconfiguration parameters) on another interface (BVI, ATM, etc.)
from a DHCP server, use the following command in interface configuration mode:
CLI(config-if)> ip address dhcp client-id [fastethernet
<module>/<port>.<sub-interface> | ethernet <port>.<sub-interface>]
The optional argument indicates which MAC address shall be used in the DHCP DISCOVER message.
The DHCP message is an IP datagram unless bridging is enabled (then, the DHCP message is a MAC
To include the option 60 within the DISCOVER messages and to append a proprietary vendor-ID string,
use the following command in global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> ip dhcp vendorid <vendorid>
<vendorid> within DHCP message will be made up of the specified string and the OneOS version name,
separated by the "-" character. In order not to include the option #60, use the no form of the above
referenced configuration command.
When OneOS sends DHCP requests, it might be desirable to define some DHCP options. Option 51
(DHCP lease) is sent by default; the command not to send this option is (under interface configuration
CLI(config-if)> [no] ip dhcp client lease-opt-less
A DHCP client may ignore the default route learnt via DHCP protocol; this function is useful if multiple
interfaces are DHCP clients, but only one interface must be able to get the default route:
CLI(config-if)> [no] ip dhcp client ignore-default-route
To set the Class ID ASCII string (DHCP option 60), the following command must be used in global
configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> ip dhcp vendorid <vendor-id> standard
The vendor ID can be configured with another command syntax, whereby the option 60 concatenates
<vendor-id> and the OneOS version name. Command syntax in global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> ip dhcp vendorid <vendor-id>
The DHCP option 77 (called User-Class) is an ASCII string that is set on the DHCP client. The DHCP
server may match this option to select appropriate option values in the DHCP responses. The option is set
as follows in interface configuration mode:
CLI(config-if)> [no] ip dhcp client user-class-id <user-class-id>
The next command turns on/off the broadcast flag in DHCP Offer/Ack message, so that the server is
made aware if the DHCP packets are unicast or broadcast.
CLI(configure)> [no] ip dhcp client broadcast-flag
A database agent is a host that stores the DHCP binding database of the server. This is useful to restore
the state after reboot. It is possible to configure the interval time between database updates (optional).
To configure a database agent, use the following command in global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> ip dhcp database <url> [<update-interval>]
The DHCP address pool contains IP addresses and other configuration parameters. The pool is used by
the server to provide addresses to the clients. To create a DHCP address pool, use the following
command in global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> ip dhcp pool <pool-name>
By entering this command the user enters the DHCP configuration mode. A number of commands are
available to manipulate the address pool.
To remove the address pool, use the following command:
CLI(configure)> no ip dhcp pool <pool-name>
The address pool can be automatically created using the address and the mask retrieved by IPCP (needs
"ipcp mask-request" and "ip unnumbered <interface>" commands under PPP), use the
following command:
CLI(dhcp-config)> origin ipcp
In order to have this pool used by the DHCP server on <interface>, use the following command in sub-
interface configuration mode to link the <pool-name> to the <interface>:
CLI(configure)> interface <interface>
CLI(config-if)> ip address pool <pool-name>
Once the IP address range is configured, one can configure other DHCP options associated with this pool,
such as DNS Server, default router, etc.
To add addresses to the pool, use the following command in DHCP configuration mode:
CLI(dhcp-config)> network <ip-address> <netmask>
Once the IP address range is configured, one can configure other DHCP options associated with this pool,
such as DNS Server, default router, etc.
The netmask parameter is used to configure the number of addresses in the pool from <ip-
address>. For example, 'network' creates a pool from up to
The network mask provided to DHCP clients is the network mask configured on the interface where the
DHCP server is directly connected. To specify a different network mask, use the netmask command.
To remove addresses from the pool, use the 'no' form of the above-referenced command.
To exclude one or more IP addresses (for example, the interface address or other manually assigned
addresses) to be assigned by the server, using the following command in global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> ip dhcp excluded-address <ip-address> [<ip-address>]
If two addresses are entered with this command, the range of IP addresses is excluded. To remove
several non-consecutive IP addresses, use the 'ip dhcp excluded-address <ip-address>'
command several times. To remove excluded IP addresses, use the 'no' form of the above-referenced
To create a manual binding between IP address and hardware address, use the following command:
CLI(dhcp-config)> host <ip-address>
CLI(dhcp-config)> hardware-address <MAC-address> ethernet
The MAC address is in a format such as: '00:80:DE:AD:BE:EF'. Following the above-referenced
commands, one can also set other DHCP options associated with the host; client name, hostname, etc.
Alternatively, a binding may be declared without using the ‘hardware-address …’ command if the client-
identifier command is used:
CLI(dhcp-config)> host <ip-address>
CLI(dhcp-config)> client-identifier <string>
To remove the manual binding or an option in a manual binding, use the 'no' form of the corresponding
To configure the network mask, use the following command in DHCP configuration mode:
CLI(dhcp-config)> netmask <netmask>
To restore the default network mask, use the following command in DHCP configuration mode:
CLI(dhcp-config)> no netmask
To set a boot file name, use the following command in DHCP configuration mode:
CLI(dhcp-config)> boot-file <filename>
To remove the boot file name, use the 'no' form of the above-referenced command.
To set a client identifier, use the following command in DHCP configuration mode:
CLI(dhcp-config)> client-identifier <>
All values are given in hexadecimal with tp being the client type; for example: 01 for Ethernet type.
To remove the client identifier, use the 'no' form of the above-referenced command.
To set a client name, use the following command in DHCP configuration mode:
To remove the client name, use the 'no' form of the above-referenced command.
To set a default router, use the following command in DHCP configuration mode:
CLI(dhcp-config)> default-router <ip-address> [ip-address] [ip-address]
To remove the default router, use the 'no' form of the above-referenced command.
To set DNS servers, use the following command in DHCP configuration mode:
CLI(dhcp-config)> dns-server <ip-address> [ip-address] [ip-address]
To remove the DNS server, use the 'no' form of the above-referenced command.
To set the domain name, use the following command in DHCP configuration mode:
CLI(dhcp-config)> domain-name <name-string>
To remove the domain name, use the 'no' form of the above-referenced command.
The lease time is the time during which the address allocated to a DHCP client remains valid. After the
lease time, the DHCP client must renew its address. To set the address lease time, use one of the two
following commands in DHCP configuration mode:
CLI(dhcp-config)> lease <days hours minutes>
The default lease time is 24 hours. To return to the default value, use the 'no' form of the above-referenced
To set NetBIOS (WINS) name servers, use the following command in DHCP configuration mode:
CLI(dhcp-config)> netbios-name-server <ip-address> [ip-address]
To remove the name server, use the 'no' form of the above referenced command.
To set the NetBIOS (WINS) node type, use the following command in DHCP configuration mode:
CLI(dhcp-config)> netbios-node-type { b-node | h-node | m-node | p-node }
To remove the node type, use the 'no' form of the above-referenced command.
The following option adds a rule in the DHCP server to match the option 60 (Class ID). A DHCP client
must include the option 60 that matches the value configured under the DHCP pool so that the DHCP
server uses that pool to respond. In case several matching rules are defined, all rules must be matched.
The Class ID is set as follows under DHCP pool configuration:
The following option adds a rule in the DHCP server to match the option 77 (User-Class). A DHCP client
must include the option 77 that matches the value configured under the DHCP pool so that the DHCP
server uses that pool to respond. In case several matching rules are defined, all rules must be matched.
The User-Class is set as follows under DHCP pool configuration:
CLI(dhcp-config)> user-class-id <ascii-string>
It is very likely that some options (such as vendor extensions or standard options to be defined in the
future) are not covered by the above-referenced commands. Additional options can be set using the option
To set a raw option of type ASCII string, use the following command in DHCP configuration mode:
CLI(dhcp-config)> option ascii <code> <ascii-string>
To set a raw option of type IP address, use the following command in DHCP configuration mode:
CLI(dhcp-config)> option ip <code> <ip-address>
To set a raw option of type decimal number, use the following command in DHCP configuration mode:
CLI(dhcp-config)> option decimal <code> <decimal-number>
To set a raw option of type hexadecimal number, use the following command in DHCP configuration mode:
CLI(dhcp-config)> option hex <code> <hexadecimal-number>
To remove one of the options above, use the 'no' form of the corresponding command.
AZR refers to Access Zone Router and designates a router, which manages certain features, especially
required for WLAN applications:
• Secure ARP table: the DHCP server maintains the binding database mapping MAC addresses with
IP addresses. The server initializes the ARP table and deletes ARP entries when the lease time of an
address expired or when the WLAN station is no more detected (see ARP ping). The secure ARP
process prevents IP spoofing. In this mode, the ARP table cannot be updated by any other processes
than the DHCP server (implicit authorized ARP mode).
• DHCP session accounting: permits to send a start/stop signal to a RADIUS server, when a user
gets/releases its IP address. Logging off means that the stations was no more detected or explicitly
released through DHCP its address. This feature can provide basic functions enabling accounting and
billing of a WLAN connection. Be aware that the accounting start message is only sent to the RADIUS
server if the WLAN stations are bound to the DHCP server after that the DHCP session accounting
command are entered. If you wish to restart accounting for all stations, use the 'clear ip dhcp
binding *' command.
• Dead stations detection (a.k.a. ARP ping): this feature scans periodically every station in the DHCP
binding database and cleans the DHCP binding of a WLAN station not responding.
Secure ARP is enabled by activating the 'update arp' command under the DHCP server pool:
CLI(configure)> ip dhcp pool <pool-name>
CLI(dhcp-config)> update arp
If ARP ping is enabled, all the IP addresses in the DHCP binding database are checked every 10 seconds.
This check sends out ARP requests asking ‘Who has this IP?”. If the same MAC address replies to the
ARP request, the corresponding entry can stay in the DHCP binding database. If no station replies or
replies with the wrong MAC address (IP spoofing), the entry is released from the DHCP database (and
from the ARP table if 'update arp' was entered). To activate the ARP ping:
CLI(configure)> ip dhcp pool <pool-name>
CLI(dhcp-config)> arp ping [<number>]
By default, the server sends 10 ARP requests with a timeout of 0.5 seconds. If no valid reply is retrieved
after the timeout of the last requests, the binding is considered no more valid. To disable ARP ping:
CLI(dhcp-config)> no arp ping
To activate DHCP session accounting, you must first configure an AAA group made up of some RADIUS
servers (only). The next 'aaa accounting' command activates the accounting service <acc-service>.
Then the accounting service is referred under the DHCP server pool.
CLI(configure)> radius-server <ip-1> <key>
CLI(configure)> radius-server <ip-2> <key>
CLI(configure)> aaa group server radius <radius-svr-group>
CLI(config-sg-radius)> server <ip-1>
CLI(config-sg-radius)> server <ip-2>
CLI(config-sg-radius)> exit
CLI(configure)> aaa accounting network <acc-service> start-stop group
CLI(configure)> ip dhcp pool <pool-name>
CLI(dhcp-config)> accounting <acc-service>
To delete an automatic address binding from the server database, use the following command:
CLI> clear ip dhcp binding { <ip-address> | * }
If the DHCP Server works together with a DHCP relay, the IP address of the relay is to be specified using
the following command in global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> ip dhcp relay dhcp-relay <ip-address> <netmask>
To disable the interaction with a DHCP relay, use the `no' form of the above-referenced command:
CLI(configure)> no ip dhcp relay dhcp-relay
The 'smart relay' function enables to use the secondary addresses in the 'giaddr' field when the
server does not respond with a DHCPOFFER packet. To activate this feature, use:
CLI(configure)> [no] ip dhcp smart-relay
If the router works as a DHCP relay, the IP address of DHCP server has to be specified using the following
command in global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> ip dhcp relay dhcp-server <ip-address>
To disable DHCP Relay, use the `no' form of the above-referenced command:
CLI(configure)> no ip dhcp relay dhcp-server
The above configuration commands relay incoming DHCP requests from any interface to the server. In
order to relay requests coming only from one interface, the following command must be preferred:
CLI(configure)> interface <type> <unit>
CLI(config-if)> [no] ip helper address <A.B.C.D>
If a helper address is configured, DHCP relay (configured by the 'ip dhcp relay dhcp-server <ip>'
command) is disabled.
To allow the DHCP relay to insert option 82 (disabled by default):
CLI(configure)> [no] ip dhcp relay information option
To allow the DHCP relay to insert the option 82.6 (disabled by default):
CLI(configure)> [no] ip dhcp relay information option subscriber-id
Device association is a set of functions so that the OneOS DHCP server detects LAN devices by means of
certain DHCP options and applies specific processing. The following functions are implemented:
• TR-111 association: the DHCP option 125 (and associated sub-options) is used so that the LAN
device and gateway exchange their identity. The gateway / LAN device identities are then used within
the CWMP (TR-69) protocol.
• Secure association: the DHCP option 43 is used. As specified by RFC 2132, the option 43 is a
“vendor extension” that OneAccess uses to implement a proprietary protocol. This protocol is a 4-way
handshake protocol such that an OneOS DHCP server securely identifies a remote OneAccess device
and exchanges encrypted information. The secure association is notably used for the HTTP proxy.
The HTTP proxy takes incoming HTTP requests and forwards them to the associated LAN device if
To show association statistics and to debug association, use the following commands:
CLI> show association {cwmp | secured-association}
CLI> debug association {cwmp | secured-association | proxy-http}
Suppose that the address of Ethernet interface in the following figure is obtained through DHCP. This can
be done using the following configuration commands:
interface ethernet 0/0
ip address dhcp
The following configuration example of the DHCP server will describe how to configure a DHCP address
pool, a manual binding, and how to exclude IP addresses.
In this example, the private network uses the private address space The hosts need a DNS
server and a default router to reach the public network - the Internet.
A database agent is used to store the binding database. The file transport protocol is TFTP. The TFTP
server IP address is, the database is named "database-binding" and the interval time
between updates is 60 seconds.
The primary DNS server address is, the secondary DNS server address is
The default router address is, which is the interface address of the router.
hostname: alice
DHCP Server
hostname: alice DHCP Relay
Note that at the DHCP relay, the DHCP server could be connected directly or indirectly through an
interface other than Ethernet, such as ATM.
4.17.5 Statistics
Use the following command to display DHCP Server, Client and Relay statistics:
CLI> show ip dhcp statistic
Use the following command to reset DHCP Server and Relay statistics:
CLI> clear ip dhcp statistic
To enable debugging for the DHCP Server, Client and Relay, use the following command in global mode:
CLI> debug ip dhcp
To disable debugging for the DHCP Server, Client and Relay, use the `no' form of the above-referenced
This section describes the main features of the Dynamic Domain Name Server and its configuration.
4.18.1 Features
DynDNS is a set of protocols that enable to submit changes of public IP addresses to a provider of domain
names. A DynDNS client tells the name provider that an IP address provided by an ISP changed for a
given name. The name provider can update the DNS database. This feature is useful when a server/router
must be reached via a fixed identifier: since its IP address is due to change quite often, the router/server is
contacted using its FQDN managed via DynDNS (FQDN: Fully Qualified Domain Name, in the form of
<name>.<domain>.<extension> - like -).
• Web server connected via a standard ISP connection
• Router with IPsec tunnels: the IKE session establishment is done with the IKE peer by
resolving the peer FQDN (N.B.: only possible when using the IKE aggressive mode)
• Router with GRE or IP-IP tunnels
OneOS sends an update to the DynDNS server when an interface with a public IP address goes UP. A
public IP address is an IP address that is NOT in the following ranges:
• -
• -
• -
Typically, when using a PPP over ADSL connection, the service provider assigns a temporary public IP
address to your router (class A or B addresses). This IP address will be advertised by OneOS. If the
OneOS-based router does not have any public IP address, no DynDNS update is sent.
4.18.2 Configuration
To exchange information with the name provider, it is compulsory that the router be authenticated by a
username/password configurable on the command line. Use the following configuration command line to
configure a username/password:
CLI(configure)> ip dyndns username <username> <password>
Provider of domain names can host several domain names. Depending of the capability of the provider, it
is possible to configure up to three different domain names. Use the following configuration command line:
CLI(configure)> ip dyndns hosting <name1> [<name2> [<name3>]]
Use the ‘no’ form of the above command to remove hosting configuration:
CLI(configure)> no ip dyndns hosting
It is possible to enable access to several hosts other than router itself by using wildcard command. For
example, ftp server can be accessible by using host name Use the following configuration
command line:
CLI(configure)> ip dyndns wildcard { on | off }
OneOS supports three DynDNS providers. Those providers are selected by using following command line.
To use DNS support, use the following command line, with optional parameters depending on
kind of use: dynamic is intended for frequent IP address changes (standard cases with ISP), whereas
static and custom modes correspond to more advanced DynDNS service subscription.
CLI(configure)> ip dyndns dyndns [ dynamic | static | custom]
4.18.3 Show
To display statistics about DynDNS configuration, use the following command line:
CLI> show ip dyndns
DynDns service dyndns
User oneaccess, password secret
host used is
updates 0, errors server 0, authentification 0, system 0
4.19.1 Introduction
Start min-interval
Start min-interval
Auto-Update manual
periodic timer start
going UP
interval timer
Yes next == Yes => reboot
Must reboot in case of "reboot"?
at least one update
No No
next == Yes
All Jobs completed?
No (next=continue)
Software Update
Before downloading the OneOS software, the router queries the software version that should be used. This
current OneOS version is compared with running version indicated by the ‘show version’ command. If it is
different from OneOS version in server, the OneOS file is downloaded. After download, software integrity is
checked. If the check is passed, the new OneOS replaces the current OneOS in flash.
Configuration Update
Before downloading the configuration, the router may query the configuration index (a kind of version for
the configuration, optional in the configuration). If the router does not query the configuration index, the
configuration file is downloaded directly and compared with the configuration download during the last
auto-update sequence. If they are different, OneOS continues configuration update.
This current configuration index is saved in router flash. If it is different from configuration version in server,
the configuration file is downloaded.
After configuration download, two behaviors are possible:
• Execute the configuration. If no error in execution is detected, the upgrade is considered successful. If
successful, the running version is saved. If not successful, the router saves the configuration index in
flash and reboots.
• The configuration index is saved in flash. The router replaces the current configuration with the new
one and reboots.
TAR File Update
Before downloading the TAR, the router queries a TAR index (a kind of TAR file version). The current
index is saved in router flash. If it is different from TAR index on server, the TAR file is downloaded and
extracted. The TAR file update is needed when many files needs to be updated.
4.19.2 Configuration
To start configuring auto-update, enter in global configuration terminal and enter the auto-update
configuration data:
CLI> configure terminal
CLI(configure)> [no] auto-update
Then, the auto-update sequence trigger must be defined. It can be a periodic timer or the ‘UP’ event of a
monitored interface. Triggers are not exclusive with each other.
CLI(auto-update)> trigger daily-restart-timer <StartHour> <EndHour>
CLI(auto-update)> trigger monitored-interface <type> <unit> [delayed-
start <seconds>]
The daily restart timer schedules a trigger in <days> days within a random hour between <StartHour>
and <StopHour>. For example, 'trigger daily-restart-timer 01:00:00 02:30:00 2'
schedules a trigger between 1:00 and 2:30 every two days.
One monitored interface can be configured with configurable timer (by default: no delayed-start
timer). Example: 'trigger monitored-interface atm 0.1'.
To remove the triggers:
CLI(auto-update)> no trigger daily-restart-timer
CLI(auto-update)> no trigger monitored-interface <type> <unit>
If a trigger happens too quickly, auto-update ignores it. In other words, as long as a min-interval timer has
not expired, the trigger events do not start the update sequence. By default, the timer is 30 minutes long
and can be set as follows:
CLI(auto-update)> min-interval <minutes>
After completing the update sequence, you may force auto-update to reboot the router or not in the event
one successful update occurred. If at least one update happened at the end of the sequence, the router
reboots by default. By choosing stop, the router will not reboot and just wait for next trigger.
CLI(auto-update)> on any-update { reboot | stop }
Auto-update packets take as source address the IP address of outgoing interface, but it can be forced:
CLI(auto-update)> { source-interface <intf> <unit> | no source-interface}
The HTTP server may return different data (e.g. a different configuration file), when querying the same
URL from different routers. In order to discriminate the GET requests from the different routers, every
router can insert extra GET parameters. For example, it can query the following URL:
=0. In order to insert this parameter list (ppplogin=value&mac=00:A0:FE:12:B8:59...), the next
command is needed:
CLI(auto-update)> [no] http-get-extra-parameters 1
The fault Code parameter in the above mentioned URL can have the following values:
• 0: no error during the last auto-update, or just initial boot
• 1: download of software index has failed
• 2: download of software has failed
• 3: the downloaded software did not pass the integrity check
• 4: not enough space on the flash to terminate the software download
• 10: download of configuration index has failed
• 11: download of configuration has failed
• 12: the downloaded configuration execution has failed
Software Update
To allow software update enter the next command, where <sequence-id> is the step for the auto-update
sequencer. The sequence number is intended to configure if software update must be done before or after
configuration update. To enter the URL for software and software (index) version:
CLI(auto-update)> software-update <sequence-id>
CLI(sw-update)> index-url http://<path>/<software-version> [current-sw-
version <suffix>]
CLI(sw-update)> url http://<path>/<software-version> [current-sw-version
If the current-sw-version parameter is present, the URL is a concatenated string from URL + running
software name (such as ONEOS4-VOIP_SIP-V3.7R11E15) + the <suffix>.
Before replacing the running software image file by the new one, auto-update saves the new OneOS
under a temporary file. If it is valid, the temporary file replaces the running OneOS; and the running
OneOS is saved as a backup image in flash. The back filename is by default:
flash://BSA/binaries/OneOs.old. To use another name:
CLI(sw-update)> backup-software <path/filename>
If the software is successfully updated, by default, the auto-update sequence continues; but the behavior
can be changed as follows:
CLI(sw-update)> on update-success {continue|stop|reboot}
If an error occurs during software update, by default, the auto-update sequence stops and wait for next
trigger; but the behavior can be changed as follows:
CLI(sw-update)> on update-failure {continue|stop|reboot}
If the current-sw-version parameter is present, the URL is a concatenated string from URL, running
software name (such as ONEOS4-VOIP_SIP-V3.7R11E15) and the <suffix>.
You must specify a target directory. With the option ‘clean-up’, the files of this directory is erased. If the
option 'clean-up all-sub-dir' is used, the target directory is erased including all its sub-directories.
CLI(tar-res-update)> target <TargetDir> [clean-up [all-sub-dir]]
The TAR resource update can be used for various purposes. It may require the restart of http server or IBC
shutdown. You can specify with the next command, the actions to operate before/after downloading the
TAR file:
CLI(tar-res-update)> pre-update-action { http-server-disable | ibc-
shutdown} <order-id>
CLI(tar-res-update)> post-update-action { http-server-enable | ibc-
noshutdown} <order-id>
If the TAR is successfully updated, by default, the auto-update sequence continues; but the behavior can
be changed as follows:
CLI(tar-res-update)> on update-success {continue|stop|reboot}
If an error occurs during TAR update, by default, the auto-update sequence stops and wait for next trigger;
but the behavior can be changed as follows:
CLI(tar-res-update)> on update-failure {continue|stop|reboot}
Configuration Update
To allow configuration update, enter the next command. <sequence-id> is the step for the auto-update
sequencer. To enter the URL for configuration and configuration index version:
CLI(auto-update)> config-update <sequence-id>
CLI(cfg-update)> index-url http://<path>/<config-version> [serial-number
CLI(cfg-update)> url http://<path>/<config-file> [serial-number <suffix>]
If the serial-number parameter is present, the URL is a concatenated string from URL + serial number +
the <suffix>.
One can choose between these behaviors:
• The current configuration file is overwritten by the new one (if they are different), then the auto-update
sequence continues (in this case the downloaded configuration replaces the current one) (default).
• The new configuration is added to the current configuration (if the add-in is different from the previous
one). The downloaded configuration add-in is first executed in a temporary file, and if it is successful, it
is saved in another file then a "save running" is done. If not successful the behavior depends on the
auto-update configuration.
CLI(cfg-update)> download-behaviour { overwrite | add-in }
If the configuration is successfully updated, by default, the auto-update sequence continues; but the
behavior can be changed as follows:
CLI(cfg-update)> on update-success { continue | stop | reboot }
If an error occurs during configuration update, by default, the auto-update sequence stops and wait for
next trigger; but the behavior can be changed as follows:
CLI(cfg-update)> on update-failure { continue| stop |reboot }
4.19.3 Example
configure terminal
trigger monitored-interface Atm 0.1
trigger daily-restart-timer 01:00:00 02:00:00 1
source-interface loopback 4
http-get-extra-parameters 1
software-update 1
index-url current-sw-version .idx
url current-sw-version .ZZZ
backup-software /BSA/binaries/myOneOs.old
config-update 2
index-url serial-number .idx
url serial-number .cfg
download-behaviour overwrite
tar-resource-update 4
target /webroot/html clean-up all-sub-dir
index-url current-sw-version .idx
url current-sw-version .tar
pre-update-action http-server-disable 1
post-update-action http-server-enable 1
To stop auto-update manually (i.e. auto-update completes the current update job but does not carry out
next step):
CLI> auto-update stop
OneOS implements the CPE WAN Management Protocol (CWMP) specified by the specification TR-069 of
the DSL forum. This feature is introduced as of V4.2 and allows updating OneOS routers firmware,
configuration file and additional files.
The CWMP is structured in different layers, from IP connectivity to RPC calls encoded in SOAP. It is
required that the OneOS router is pre-configured in such a way that IP/DNS connectivity and ACS URL are
known. (ACS URL or IP cannot be auto-configured as depicted in TR-44 or TR-46).
CWMP requires http/https as transport layers for RPC; the following transport layer characteristics are
implemented in OneOS:
• The destination port is configurable (default: 7547)
• If HTTP is used, authentication via pre-shared key is optional (cf. RFC2617, MD5-hashed digest)
• The ACS can be designated by an IP or a hostname
• HTTPS is optional. HTTPS requires that the product is loaded with appropriately signed certificates
• The source IP address of CWMP packets sent by the router cannot be forced to use a specific IP
address of a router interface.
• If the server sets cookies, the cookie is persistent in further HTTP requests
When the CPE boots or upon specific events, the CPE indicates to the ACS that it is willing to establish a
TR-69 session by sending an INFORM RPC.
The INFORM RPC contains an event to indicate the trigger type of the INFORM RPC. They are:
• “0 BOOTSTRAP”: first product installation.
• “1 BOOT”: theoretically speaking, it means the router has rebooted. In reality, this event is fired when
a monitored interface is going up. Typically, the boot inform is sent when ATM 0.1 interface is going
up. OneOS CWMP module keeps track of past operations using the file /BSA/persist/cwmp.ini.
OneOS takes the decision by reading this file to use the BOOT or BOOTSTRAP event. At first
installation, this file does not exist and BOOTSTRAP is the used event. A delay timer prevents to send
INFORM requests too early at boot time so that SNTP server can be synchronized.
• “2 PERIODIC”: the ACS can configure that the CPE sends periodically an INFORM RPC. Enabling
this mode and periodicity is set by the ACS. The periodic INFORM parameters can be manipulated via
the SetParameterValue and GetParameterValue RPC.
• “4 VALUE CHANGED”: in case the ACS URL is updated in CPE configuration or if the IP address of
the monitored interface has been renewed.
• “9 REQUEST DOWNLOAD”: a CLI command (or Web configurator of the CPE) may issue an
INFORM with that event code. The ACS will look up if there is a new OS / Web / config for the CPE.
The following inform event codes are supported for informs triggered further to an ACS request:
The INFORM contains certain fields, for which a small explanation is given hereafter:
• MaxEnvelopes=1
• Sub-objects of DeviceId:
• Manufacturer: OneAccess_Networks
• OUI: the first three bytes of the product MAC address is taken. Today: 0012EF
• ProductClass: if the product is loaded with a X.509 certificate, the ProductClass is
derived from the common subject name of the certificate (cf. line CN: …). If there is no
certificate, ProductClass is taken from the product info area in read-only system area (see
further ahead the CLI command product-class-specification)
• Sub-objects of ParameterList:
• InternetGatewayDevice.DeviceInfo.HardwareVersion: see show product-info-
area CLI, at line Manufacturing file reference
• InternetGatewayDevice.deviceSummary
• InternetGatewayDevice.DeviceInfo.SpecVersion (dumb value: empty)
• InternetGatewayDevice.DeviceInfo.SoftwareVersion: same string as provided by
show version command
• InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.ConnectionRequestURL
• InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.ParameterKey
• InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.1.WANConnectionDevice.1.WANPPPConnecti
on.1.ExternalIPAddress or
n.1.ExternalIPAddress: public IP address that is used as monitored interface.
• Any customized parameter: a CLI command makes it possible to create custom objects that
are inserted in the INFORM data.
ACS-initiated sessions are needed to perform immediately actions on the CPE (such as software update).
The ACS must send an HTTP GET request to the embedded HTTP server of OneOS, dedicated to TR-69.
(Note that there might two instances of HTTP servers running in OneOS - one for web-based
configuration, one for TR-69 - ).
The TR-69 http server is bound to a configurable port and interface (and optionally an ACL). The GET
request can be authenticated by means of a password. After authentication, OneOS sends an Inform with
“6 CONNECTION REQUEST” as event code.
The ACS can ask the CPE to send an INFORM later at a specified time. In that case, the event code in the
Use case: Scheduled informs are useful for an ACS to schedule firmware updates of many CPE while
limiting the number of simultaneous firmware upgrades.
When invoking the INFORM RPC (sent because of reboot, interface going up, connection request from
ACS …), the ACS is due to answer with an INFORM response containing the action to perform, namely an
RPC call and associated parameters.
The supported downloaded file types are:
• “1 Firmware Upgrade Image”: to update the CPE firmware
• “2 Web Content”: to download and extract a TAR file in the flash://webroot directory
Upload RPC
This RPC enables an ACS to request the CPE to upload a file on a server. The following restrictions apply:
• Only FileType “1 Vendor Configuration File” is supported (i.e. upload of the running configuration)
• Transport layer can be: http or https, with or without username/password authentication
This RPC enables the ACS to retrieve the list of supported RPC.
SetParameterValues / GetParameterValues / GetParameterNames
The above RPC are supported to handle CWMP managed objects.
Problem statement: a LAN device managed by CWMP protocol is addressed with a private IP address.
This raises a security concern in that the LAN device could be installed and running from any LAN. Also for
incoming connection requests, the LAN CPE should indicate a ConnectionRequestURL with a publicly
IP addressable IP.
To solve this technical issue, the DSL forum released the TR-111 standard.
OneOS fully supports TR-111 part 1 (Device-Gateway Association) as gateway and as LAN device (a CLI
parameter defines if the OneOS-based router must behave as gateway or LAN device). If the OneOS-
based router is configured as LAN device, all objects in its data model start from root object Device.*
instead of InternetGatewayDevice.*.
OneOS fully supports TR-111 part 2 (Connection Request via NAT Gateway) that allows an ACS to initiate
a Session with a device that is operating behind a NAT Gateway. This provides the equivalent functionality
of the TR-069 Connection Request, but makes use of a different mechanism to accommodate this
The ProductClass can be configured. It can be taken either from the X.509 certificate (if available) or the
motherboard type or the product name (see CLI commands show product-info-area at line
Motherboard type and show system hardware at line Device - default cert-or-mb-type):
CLI(cwmp)> product-class-specification { cert-or-mb-type |
mb-type |
product-name }
The ACS URL must be configured. The ACS URL can be a designated name or an IP address. The URL
may contain a port number in case a different port than default (7547) is used:
CLI(cwmp)> acs url {http|https}://<ip-or-name>[:<port>]/<path>/<filename>
If HTTP connection of the CPE is authenticated by means of a password, the next command line must be
entered (authentication for HTTP sessions initiated by the CPE). Note that the password can be a static
string or a string made up of a static string concatenated with the serial number (so that every router has a
different password):
CLI(cwmp)> [no] acs auth password <string> [serial-number]
The serial number can be either the true serial number of the device (default) or a particular backup
CLI(cwmp)> serial-number { default | bnumber }
The monitored interface must be configured. It defines the interface that triggers the sending of an
INFORM RPC whose event if BOOT or BOOTSTRAP after a configurable timer (by default: no delayed-
start timer). The monitored interface is also the IP address that is in the INFORM:
• To construct the URL for connection request. It is: http://<monitored-interface-ip>/<random>
• To know if the ExternalIPAddress is a PPP or IP interface for the object
ExternalIPAddress or
The following command can be entered up to 5 times in order to monitor up to 5 interfaces.
CLI(cwmp)> [no] trigger monitored-interface <type> <unit> [delayed-start
If the OneOS-based router is installed as a LAN device (TR-111 client), the TR-111 association must be
configured as a trigger; the BOOT/BOOTSTRAP events will only trigger an INFORM if the TR-111
association is successful (use of DHCP option 125 to learn the gateway identity).
CLI(cwmp)> [no] trigger gateway-association
Note: the command trigger gateway-association does not trigger TR-111 association, but
modifies the trigger monitoring an interface. If the command is entered after that the monitored interface is
up, nothing will happen.
CWMP packets take as source address the IP address of outgoing interface, but it can be forced:
CLI(cwmp)> { source-interface <intf> <unit> | no source-interface }
When software upload is required, the inform response specifies the URL to query to download the
firmware, username and passwords for authentication. Today, the parameters <FileSize> and
<TargetFileName> are ignored.
In the case where the firmware transfer can take another path that the query, it is possible to force the
actual source address for the transfer:
CLI(cwmp)> { transfer-source enable | no transfer-source }
In router configuration, a parameter defines the backup firmware, in case the new firmware is invalid
(default backup-software: /BSA/binaries/OneOs.old). Actually, the appropriate setup is to configure
the router as follows:
• /BSA/bsaBoot.inf specifies the running firmware as /BSA/binaries/
• Backup firmware is /BSA/binaries/OneOs. Implicitly, the OneOS boot loader tries to load
/BSA/binaries/ at boot; if this file is invalid (e.g. power-off during software download),
the boot loader loads the backup software /BSA/ binaries/OneOs.
Before downloading the file, the running software (if it exists) is renamed to overwrite the backup firmware.
The new firmware replaces the running firmware (typically After download, software integrity
is checked. If the check is not passed, the new firmware is renamed and the router reboots. Finally, an
INFORM RPC is sent with event code “7 TRANSFER COMPLETE”.
To use another name for backup software, use the next command:
CLI(cwmp)> [no] backup-software <path/filename>
Configuration download: the configuration file is downloaded in temporary file and compared with the
configuration download during the last TR-069 configuration update operation. If they are different, OneOS
continues configuration update otherwise the operation is considered successful.
After configuration download, two behaviors are possible:
• Execute the configuration (mode=add-in) If no error in execution is detected, the upgrade is
considered successful. If successful, the running version is saved. The downloaded configuration file
is saved. The download operation result is successful if the downloaded file is not empty and the
configuration file is executed without errors. With the mode add-in, if the configuration is not executed
properly, a reboot is done automatically.
• (mode=overwrite) (default) The downloaded configuration file is saved in /BSA/config/bsaStart.tr69.
The router replaces the current configuration with the new one. The download operation is always
considered successful, if the downloaded configuration file is not empty. The router reboots.
The optional arguments after the value define how the object is accessed:
• set: the object can be read by the GetParameterValue RPC
• get: the object can be read by the SetParameterValue RPC
• inform: the object is included in the INFORM
• val-chd: a value change on this object causes an ACS notification
Operations with the data model can be done by means of the following RPC: SetParameterValues,
GetParameterValues and GetParameterNames.
These operations can be simulated by means of CLI commands that query the OneOS CWMP stack and
are expected to return the same result as the corresponding RPC. In the following CLI commands, it is not
necessary to include the managed object root keyword (either “InternetGatewayDevice.” or
“Device.”; “.” is enough).
To simulate GetParameterValues:
CLI> cwmp get-param <managed-object-name>
To simulate SetParameterValues:
CLI> cwmp set-param <managed-object-name> <value> <type>
To simulate GetParameterNames:
CLI> cwmp get-param-names <managed-object-path>
The CWMP data model include some objects that are instantiated: they are present if the corresponding
service is explicitly configured in OneOS configuration. An object instance is identified by its number, for
example: “InternetGatewayDevice.LANDevice.1”. The following table explains how to understand
several instantiation numbers of CWMP managed objects. To simplify notations, the root object
(“InternetGatewayDevice.” or “Device.”) is omitted.
bridge-group <x>
interface fastEthernet 0/{j-1}
bridge-group <x>
no ip address
LANDevice.{i}.LANHostConfigMana IPInterface.1 corresponds to the main IP address; the following
gement.IPInterface.{j} instances are secondary addresses by order of configuration. CLI
configure terminal
interface bvi {i}
! IPInterface.1
ip address
! IPInterface.2
ip address second
LANDevice.{i}.WLANConfiguration The j-th instance corresponds to the interface dot11radio
.{j} 0/{j}. It must be part of BVI {i} bridge-group.
configure terminal
interface bvi {i}
bridge-group <x>
interface dot11radio 0/{j}
bridge-group <x>
no ip address
WANDevice.{i} {i} is the index of the physical interface minus one. Each ATM
physical interface: atm {i-1}.y. {i} is therefore 1 most of the
WANDevice.{i}.WANConnectionDevi {j} is the index of the ATM sub-interface (atm {i-1}.{j}). atm
ce.{j} 0.1 is mapped to WANDevice.1.WANConnectionDevice.1
WANDevice.{i}.WANConnectionDevi {k} starts from 1 to N, where N is the number of static NAPT rules.
pping.{k} configure terminal
interface atm {i-1}.{j}
ip nat static-napt tcp 80 self 80
ip nat static-napt udp 245 self
Services.VoiceService.{i}.Voice {i} and {j} are always 1.
Services.VoiceService.1.VoicePr Administrative state of the SIP or H.323 gateway. State mapping
ofile.1.Enable (TR-69 OneOS):
- Disabled: voice gateway is shutdown
- Enabled: voice gateway is ‘no shutdown’
- Quiescent: not supported
Services.VoiceService.1.VoicePr The {i} instance of line object corresponds to pots-group #i.
TR111 UDP Connection Request module uses a STUN Server to determine if a NAT Binding is in use or
not and retrieve the public address/port in the case that NAT is used.
When CWMP service is up, and STUN client parameter is set to TRUE, TR111 UDP Connection Request
module will try to communicate via UDP with the STUN Server.
To start the STUN client, use the following command in CWMP configuration mode:
CLI(cwmp)> udp-cr stun-client enable true
To stop the STUN client, use the following command in CWMP configuration mode:
CLI(cwmp)> udp-cr stun-client enable false
To configure the STUN Server address, use the following command in CWMP configuration mode. The
default STUN Server port number is 3489.
CLI(cwmp)> udp-cr stun-client server-address <IP-address> [<port>]
If NAT is detected, the parameter NATDetected is set to TRUE and the parameter
UDPConnectionRequestAddress is updated with the public address.
If no NAT is detected, the parameter NATDetected is set to FALSE and the parameter
UDPConnectionRequestAddress is updated with the private address.
To configure the STUN client authentication settings, use the following command in CWMP configuration
CLI(cwmp)> udp-cr stun-client authentication <username> <password>
To configure the STUN client keepalive settings, use the following command in CWMP configuration
CLI(cwmp)> udp-cr stun-client keepalive <min-seconds> <max-seconds>
To restore the STUN client keepalive default settings (0-4294967295 seconds), use the following
command in CWMP configuration mode:
CLI(cwmp)> udp-cr stun-client default keepalive
To configure the STUN client minimum notification interval, use the following command in CWMP
configuration mode:
CLI(cwmp)> udp-cr stun-client min-notification-interval <seconds>
To restore the STUN client default minimum notification interval (0 second), use the following command in
CWMP configuration mode:
CLI(cwmp)> udp-cr stun-client default min-notification-interval
To force CWMP to send a BOOTSTRAP event at next boot, you must clean up a file (that would also be
cleaned up by a factory reset):
CLI> rm /BSA/persist/cwmp.ini
CLI> reboot
The debug mode activates the traces and also saves the CWMP transaction messages in the
/cwmp/temp directory:
CLI> [no] debug cwmp { all | application | session | data}
configuration terminal
acs url
trigger monitored-interface atm 0.1
config-update download-behaviour add-in
This section describes the autoconfiguration features of OneOS and how to activate this function.
Autoconfiguration permits, when starting DHCP client on an interface, to automatically acquire
configuration parameters. This permits also to retrieve new image releases, thus facilitating image update
on a large-scale basis. In order to adapt to varying customer requirements, several autoconfiguration
methods can be defined.
The objective of such function is to optimize deployment and maintenance costs of OneOS-based routers.
Indeed, all routers stored in the warehouse have the same configuration files and software. When they are
deployed in the customer premises, they download their configuration files and software if needed. This
procedure enables the standardization of deployment and maintenance, which, in turn, enables significant
operative savings.
4.21.1 Features
The Autoconfiguration implementation is compliant with DHCP RFC 2131 and RFC2132. Note that some
well defined DHCP fields have been reused, in order to provide a better use for our customers.
Autoconfiguration can download router and software configuration. The following diagram shows the state
machine of autoconfiguration and the controls made to avoid the download of faulty SW/configurations.
The first step (“Execute bsaStart and backup configuration") is detailed in the second diagram.
Overall State Machine
Execute bsaStart.cfg
Backup configuration Yes
Start in case of errors Reboot
(detailed in next diagram)
No - errors in bsaStart.cfg
Download Config.
New config
different from
bsaStart.cfg? No
Is new OS name
Yes different from
Is downloaded
OS integrity
Copy bsaStart.cfg correct?
into bsaStart.old.
Copy new config
into bsaStart.cfg.
Reboot. Reboot
Execute bsaStart.cfg
Is command ‘reboot-recovery-on-
error’ present?
No Yes
To enable autoconfiguration and select the method, use the following command in global configuration
CLI(configure)> autoconfiguration <method>
Actually, only methods ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’ and ‘4’ are available (see below). From there, the user must configure
method-specific parameters.
To deactivate autoconfiguration, use the no form of the following command in global configuration mode.
CLI(configure)> no autoconfiguration <method>
Once the method-specific parameters are entered, enter the ‘execute’ command to complete the service
CLI(oaac-mthd1)> execute
Voice service could also be started using autoconfiguration method #1. To activate this feature, use the
following command under H.323 gateway configuration:
CLI(h323gw)> gw-address autoconfig
In this case, The OneOS-based router waits for a DHCP request and uses the information contained in the
DHCP message (option #14) to start the H.323 gateway. The option #14 is an ASCII string with the
following format:
• The protocol identifier should be set to 2 when H.323 protocol is selected. Others values has been
reserved to maintain future software compatibility.
• ‘<A>.<B>.<C>.<D>’ is the gatekeeper IP address, used to setup a manual or automatic registration to
this gatekeeper. When OneOS receives a broadcast IP address, an automatic process is started
instead of a manual one. When this IP address is set to 0, the H.323 gateway is stopped after
disconnecting all running calls.
• The gateway identifier provides the name of the OneOS-based router to the gatekeeper (concerning
the RAS protocol).
The OneOS-based router can dynamically update those parameters even if the H.323 gateway is already
started. The H.323 gateway behavior depends on theses parameters.
In this case, others parameters into h323-gateway configuration entry are optional except the gw-
interface and no shutdown commands.
To deactivate this feature, use the following command:
CLI(h323gw)> gw-address implicit
‘Method #1’ enables to check that the device has the right software image and to download a new image if
needed. The process is described as follows:
• The router gets the IP address of a TFTP server in the option #17
• If the option #17 provides a valid address, the router downloads an image information file that
indicates the software image name and size and the TFTP server, where the image is stored.
• If the image currently in use is different from the one retrieved in the image information file, the new
image is downloaded and the device reboots with the new image.
The option #17 is an ASCII string containing the IP address of the TFTP server under the format:
The image information file is a text file with the following fields:
[one300] -- also available for one180
• <string> is actually any string (not significant today, for future use).
• <software-image-file> is the name of the image file of the TFTP server.
• <tftp-ip-addres> is the address of the TFTP server, where the image can be downloaded.
• <length-in-bytes> is the size in bytes of the image (to check if there is enough space in flash
before downloading).
The file can contain information for several device names.
The following example shows a WAN topology in which autoconfiguration and DHCP is configured. In this
example, router A is the DHCP client that needs to be auto-configured. Router B is the DHCP server as
well as the default gateway router for A.
Router B HOSTB
Once A retrieved main DHCP parameters (IP address, net mask, default route and DNS server),
autoconfiguration looks up for options #17 and #14.
Voice parameters contained in option #14 indicate that a gatekeeper named gw-test at IP address is ready. The first number (2) means that h323 module is required. Otherwise, voice
configuration is bypassed.
Option #17 is the IP address of the remote TFTP server to download image information file
oneaccess.general. Once the IP address is extracted from option #17, the file is retrieved and
To configure the interface onto which DHCP requests must be issued, enter the following command:
CLI(oaac-mthd2)> add-interface <interface> <unit>
If the software image is allowed to be upgraded, the following command must be entered (default:
CLI(oaac-mthd2)> os-update {enabled|disabled}
The autoconfiguration can be enabled only after synchronization with a NTP server:
CLI(oaac-mthd2)> add-ntp-server <ip>
When the configuration is completed, always enter the ‘execute’ command to activate the changes:
CLI(oaac-mthd3)> execute
The next parameter enables to reboot automatically with the old configuration in case the new
configuration downloaded is detected as invalid (errors while executing the start configuration; by default:
CLI(oaac-mthd3)> exit
CLI(configure)> [no] reboot-recovery-on-error
This method is similar to method 2 but no image and configuration file are downloaded. In this method, the
process is:
• The router sends a DHCP discover with option #60 (vendor-id) under the form voipt0t2-
oneaccess-<software-release> and gets the IP address of a TFTP server in the option #17.
• The router retrieves the voice parameters and proceeds with test calls.
The autoconfiguration is retried until successful. Traps are emitted to the configured event managers, if no
test call is successful. If no successful call after 3 attempts is observed, the Voice LED remains red.
To enable autoconfiguration method 3, use the following command in global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> autoconfiguration 3
To configure the interface onto which DHCP requests must be issued, enter the following command:
CLI(oaac-mthd3)> add-interface <interface> <unit>
The autoconfiguration can be enabled only after synchronization with a NTP server:
CLI(oaac-mthd3)> add-ntp-server <ip>
When the configuration is completed, always enter the ‘execute’ command to activate the changes:
CLI(oaac-mthd3)> execute
Autoconfiguration method 4 is configured with the same parameters as autoconfiguration method 2 and
the file formats on FTP/TFTP servers are the same, as well as DHCP options.
The main differences between method 2 and 4 are exclusively related to OneOS behavior: the way to
download files, to reboot and to recover from errors is different. To further detail the behavior of method-4
autoconfiguration, the next diagram depicts the autoconfiguration steps:
Delay Timer
Start must_reboot:=no
get gen_client
KO File
downloaded file
passes integrity
No check?
downloaded file is
different from running
software? No
is it a new
Config file? No
To display statistics about the existing autoconfiguration, use the following command line:
CLI> show autoconfiguration
autoconfig method1
config: tftp tries 0 (0 successfull, 0 bad params)
software version: tftp tries 0 (0 errors, 0 checksum errors)
system: errors fs 0, other
To display help information on how to use autoconfiguration, simply type the ‘autoconfiguration’ command:
CLI(configure)> autoconfiguration
method1: voice configuration and image version download manager
dhcp: option 14{A|B|C}, A=2 for H323, B gatekeeper ip@, B gateway
option 17{D}, tftp server to download config file
oneaccess.general format:
This section describes the main features of the DNS Relay/Proxy and its configuration.
4.22.1 Features
DNS (Domain Name Service) is widely used to resolve IP address from host name. The DNS relay/proxy
module provides the following features:
• DNS Relay (only). This basic feature is meant to receive client's DNS queries and send them to a
DNS server. Then, receive DNS replies from the DNS server and send them back to the clients.
• DNS proxy cache. The replies from a DNS server can be saved in a local cache such that they can be
used later to directly reply to DNS queries if the requested resource matches.
• Cached entry aging. Cached DNS resources will be invalid after a time equal to the time-to-live value
returned in server reply.
• Relaying both UDP and TCP DNS queries.
• Multiple DNS servers. This feature can provide failover upon the failure of a DNS server.
Use of a DNS relay/proxy offers the following advantages:
• Easy configuration. To access the Internet in a Small Office and Home (SOHO) environment, the DNS
server address is generally dynamically configured, for example, by PPP. Hosts on the inside network
cannot be configured with DNS server address when the Internet connection is not ready. In this case,
the access router can function as DNS relay. On the inside hosts, the DNS server address is set to the
router's address.
• Performance improvement. On low bandwidth links, DNS queries can be sometimes a performance
bottleneck. It often happens that a number of DNS queries try to resolve IP address from the same
host name. This results in duplicated traffic over a congested link. DNS cache allows to save DNS
replies and to process locally DNS queries. This will increase the performance of the Internet link.
• Fault tolerance. It happens that some DNS servers temporarily do not respond to DNS queries. With a
DNS cache, the applications will continue to work.
One of main disadvantages of using DNS proxy cache is that DNS based load balancing will no longer
The configuration of DNS relay/proxy can be divided into the following steps:
• Setting name server addresses - required.
• Configuring cache size - optional.
• Configuring source address to use while relaying DNS queries - optional.
• Configuring the local router to use DNS relay/proxy - optional.
• Configuring client addresses which are allowed to use DNS relay/proxy - optional.
To enable the DNS relay/proxy, the only thing required to do is to set one or more DNS server addresses.
This can be done by using the following command in global configuration mode. At least one IP address
(up to 3) must be specified. By default, the DNS relay/proxy is disabled.
CLI(configure)> ip dns-proxy dns-server <address> [<address> [<address>]]
To disable DNS relay/proxy, use the following command in global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> no ip dns-proxy dns-server
After this command, the DNS relay/proxy will stop to function and all allocated resources (including cache
memory) will be freed.
The DNS relay/proxy can save the responses returned by a DNS server in the memory cache. By default,
DNS cache is enabled and the cache size is set to 32K bytes. To change the cache size used by the DNS
relay/proxy, use the following command in global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> ip dns-proxy cache <bytes>
The cache size is specified in units of bytes. The size of memory necessary for caching a host name and
address binding varies with the length of domain name. For a simple estimation, it can be reasonably
assumed that on the average, a host name and address binding requires about 100 bytes of memory. As a
result, the default cache size allows storing about 320 name/address bindings. The lifetime of a cache
entry is the TTL (Time-To-Live) value returned by the DNS server, typically in order of hours.
To make the DNS relay/proxy function as a simple relay without cache, use the following command in
global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> no ip dns-proxy cache
To set the cache size to its default value, use the following command in global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> default ip dns-proxy cache
This address is used by the relay agent as the source address to relay DNS queries to DNS servers. To
configure the source address to use, use the following command in global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> ip dns-proxy source-address <interface>
The interface is the type and unit of the interface whose address will be taken. By default, the source
address is not set. The address of the outgoing interface is used as the source address in relayed DNS
query packets.
To get back to the default behavior, use the following command:
CLI(configure)> default ip dns-proxy source-address
To enable the local router to use the same DNS relay/proxy, use the following command in global
configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> ip name-server
In some application cases, the DNS server is known via DHCP and/or IPCP (on PPP based connections).
OneOS holds up to 4 learnt DNS server addresses. If one DNS server does not answer, the next one is
queried. The following command in global configuration mode forces the DNS proxy to use the dynamically
learnt DNS servers.
CLI(configure)> ip dns-proxy dns-server learn
To define the priority among the learnt DNS servers, use the following command in global configuration
Another way (exclusive from the previous one) to define the priority among the learnt servers is to use the
following command in global configuration mode. The priority is given by the order of the given interfaces.
CLI(configure)> ip dns-proxy dns-server learn from <interface1>
[ <interface2> [ <interface3 [ <interface4> ]]]
When DNS resolution cannot happen because a DNS server is not yet learnt (for example the PPP
connection to learn the DNS is not open because DNS resolution has not happened) a default DNS server
address has to be provided such the DNS proxy can use this address as the default DNS server as long as
it has not learnt a DNS server.
CLI(configure)> ip dns-proxy dns-server learn default-server <ip-addr>
Note: the default server address can be not valid (e.g. In that case it is used only to open the
connection to learn the DNS. When the default server address in valid, the default server gets the lower
To stop learning the DNS server addresses, use the following command in global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> no ip dns-proxy dns-server learn
To limit the use of the DNS relay/proxy by one specific interface, use the following command in global
configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> ip dns-proxy proxy-address <interface>
The interface is the type and unit of the interface allowed to use the DNS relay/proxy. By default, all the
interfaces are allowed to use the DNS relay/proxy.
To get back to the default behavior, use the following command:
CLI(configure)> ip dns-proxy proxy-address any
4.22.3 Statistics
In this example, hosts on the inside network use the address space They are configured
to use the DNS server, which is the address of the access router (FastEthernet 0/0). Two DNS
servers are provided by the service provider.
DNS server
Private Network
ip name-server
ip domain-name
4.22.5 Statistics
To disable DNS relay/proxy debugging, use the no form of the above command.
This section describes the main features of the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP).
VRRP is a technique that enables a group of routers to form a single virtual router. The LAN clients
configure the virtual router as their default gateway.
Dedicated VRRP multicast packets are emitted periodically by the master of the group, thereby proving
that it owns the virtual address. The other routers of the group are said to be backup routers. If no more
packets are emitted for any reason, one backup router will declare itself as master.
The election of a new master router is transparent to LAN clients that keep on using the same virtual IP
VRRP is available for FastEthernet interfaces and VLANs of the OneOS-based routers.
4.23.1 Features
The VRRP implementation is compliant with RFC 2338. The implementation supports one virtual MAC
address per Ethernet interface. Virtual MAC address setting is optionally configurable: by default the MAC
address toggles between the virtual address when the router is master, and the physical address when the
router is backup. This address toggling can be disabled by configuration. In addition it is automatically
disabled if more than one Virtual Router is configured on an interface.
On OneAccess router switch interfaces, be aware of the following: a single MAC address is supported for
all the physical and VLAN interfaces of the switch. So if a Virtual Router is configured on one of the
interfaces of the switch, the virtual MAC address will apply also on all the other interfaces of the switch
when the Virtual Router becomes master.
An alternate MAC address behavior can be optionally enabled on the switch interface. By default this
behavior is disabled. When enabled, each interface of the switch owns its own MAC address
independently of the others, and the MAC addresses never toggle between virtual and physical ones,
whatever the master/backup state of the Virtual Router(s): the master Virtual Routers are accessed via
their virtual MAC addresses, and simultaneously the real router is accessed via the physical MAC
A Virtual Router is configurable per interface and per virtual router identifier. It is not possible to configure
the same virtual router identifier on several interfaces.
To set the virtual router address to an interface and a virtual router identifier and start running a VRRP
daemon, use the following command in interface configuration mode:
CLI(config-if)> vrrp <vrid> [address <virtual-router-ip-address>
The main virtual address is the first set on the interface, while secondary addresses follow the
configuration order.
It is authorized, but not recommended, to use the same address as a real address and as a virtual
address, thus occasioning duplicated addresses with two boxes alive. The address part of the command
must be provided the first time for virtual router configuration. Then, the CLI enters in VRRP configuration
mode. Only enter 'vrrp <vrid>' when you wish to modify some parameters for the VRRP configuration
referenced by <vrid>.
To delete an IP address, use the 'no' form of the above command.
By default and if supported by the interface (see 4.11.4), a single virtual MAC address is enabled on the
interface. It is required to disable this MAC address if more than VRID is supported. The command is:
CLI(config-if-vrrp)> [no] virtual mac-address
If the multi-MAC-address option is configured, the [no] virtual mac-address command is no more
needed, is not applied, and is not displayed in the running configuration.
To set priority to an interface and a virtual router identifier, use the following command in VRRP
configuration mode:
CLI(config-if-vrrp)> priority <1-255>
The higher the priority, the higher the router is able to be master within a virtual group. Setting to 255 will
force the router to be master.
To reset priority to the default priority (100), use the 'no' form of the above command. Preemption
To prevent a router from being master because it has a higher priority than the other routers of the group,
use the following command in VRRP configuration mode:
CLI(config-if-vrrp)> no preempt
However, if no messages are received on the configured interface, it will become master.
To come back to default preemption mode, or change the default preemption timer, use the following
CLI(config-if-vrrp)> preempt <1-3600>
To configure the advertisement timer to an interface and a virtual router identifier, use the following
command in VRRP configuration mode:
CLI(config-if-vrrp)> timer advertise <1-3600>
To learn the advertisement timer of the current master of the virtual group, use the following command in
VRRP configuration mode:
CLI(config-if-vrrp)> timer learn
Router will then change its advertisement timer to the same as the master one.
To prevent from learning and to reset to the default behavior, use the 'no' form of the above command.
To enable simple text authentication within VRRP packets, use the following command in VRRP
configuration mode:
CLI(config-if-vrrp)> authentication <password>
To disable authentication, and reset to the default behavior, use the 'no' form of the above referenced
The VRRP router can be monitored using a different interface from that where the VRRP router is defined.
The following command defines the interface where messages for virtual router monitoring are exchanged,
beginning in VRRP configuration mode:
CLI(config-if-vrrp)> monitoring-interface {
Ethernet <slot>/<port>[.<vlan-if>] |
FastEthernet <slot>/<port>[.<vlan-if>] |
Serial <slot>.<port> |
Tunnel <tunnel-id> }
Usually, the VRRP routers communicate using LAN interfaces. If the WAN link fails, it makes then sense to
swap router priorities so that the router with an operational WAN link becomes the active router.
The following command defines the interface where status is monitored. When the interface becomes
down, the VRRP router priority decreases by 20. If the interface is up again, the VRRP router recovers its
default priority:
CLI(config-if-vrrp)> tracking-interface {
Loopback <port> |
Atm <port>[.<subif>] |
FastEthernet <slot>/<port>[.<vlan-if>] |
Serial <slot>.<port> |
Tunnel <tunnel-id> }
Alternatively, instead of tracking an interface state, the router priorities can be swapped according to
events monitored by a dialer watch-list. In this list you can define a combination of interfaces and/or routes
whose status has to be monitored. When the watched item(s) is (are) down (loss of route(s) and/or
interface(s) status down) the VRRP router priority decreases by 20, thus permitting the peer VRRP router
to take precedence. When the watched condition is up again, the VRRP router recovers its configured
You can optionally define a delay before the down (respectively up) status of the watched list is confirmed
and signaled. The default values of the up and down delay is 30 seconds.
CLI(config-if-vrrp)> tracking-list <dialer watch-list name> [ <up-delay>
You configure a dialer-watch-list at the global configuration level by the following command (see -
Dialer Watch-List):
CLI(configure)> dialer watch-list [ logical-any | logical-all ] <list
Whenever a VRID has a state change (master/idle), a trap can be issued. To activate trap sending:
CLI(configure)> [no] snmp traps vrrp
The following example shows a simple LAN topology in which VRRP is configured. In this example,
Routers A and B are VRRP routers (routers running VRRP) that form a virtual router. The IP address of the
virtual router is the same as that configured for the FastEthernet interface of Router A (
Router A Router B
LAN clients,
Default gateway:
Router gateway C
4.23.4 Statistics
To display information about the existing VRRP configuration on any interface, use the following
CLI> show vrrp interface fastethernet 0/0
FastEthernet 0/0 - Group 1
State is master
Virtual Mac address is 00:00:5e:00:01:01
Virtual IP address, Netmask (0)
Advertisement interval is 1 sec
Preemption is enabled
Priority 150
Master router is (local), priority is 150
FastEthernet 0/0 - Group 2
State is backup
Virtual IP address, Netmask (1)
Virtual Mac address is 00:00:5e:00:01:02
Advertisement interval is 1 sec
Preemption is enabled
Priority 100
To disable IP interface debugging, use the 'no' form of the above command.
4.24.1 Introduction
This section describes the main features of the ICMP router Discovery Protocol (IRDP).
IRDP is a technique that enables a group of hosts to discover the router that serves as their default
gateway. When a gateway fails, the LAN clients are able to discover a new gateway.
Dedicated IRDP advertisement messages are emitted periodically by routers with advertising interface
enabled, thus telling hosts on the local sub-network that the router is a valid gateway for a defined duration
of time.
Rather than waiting for advertisement messages, LAN clients can send solicitation messages. IRDP
solicitation messages are immediately processed and permit remote hosts to update their routing
information faster than with a standard routing protocol IRDP is available for all interfaces supporting
broadcast and/or multicast.
The IRDP implementation is compliant with RFC 1256.
To enable IRDP on an interface and listening to IRDP messages, use the following command in interface
configuration mode:
CLI(config-if)> ip irdp enable
The IRDP hold time is the number of seconds that the router address can be considered valid. To
configure hold time, use the following command in interface configuration mode:
CLI(config-if)> ip irdp holdtime <0-9000>
To reset hold time to its default value, use the following command in interface configuration mode:
CLI(config-if)> no ip irdp holdtime
To configure the interval between emitted advertisements messages, the RFC recommends randomizing
emission, thereby reducing the probability of synchronization with the advertisements from other routers.
Advertisement interval is chosen between the two below intervals, and is expressed in seconds.
CLI(config-if)> ip irdp minadvertinterval <3-1800>
However, it is possible to strictly configuring a period, by using the same interval for
It is possible to associate the sending router's IP addresses on the interface from which this message is
sent, with a preference level. The higher the preference level, the more preferable the addresses are
elected by the hosts.
To configure preference, use the following command in interface configuration mode:
CLI(config-if)> ip irdp preference <-2147483648 ... 2147483647>
To reset preference to default value (0), use the following command in interface configuration mode:
CLI(config-if)> no ip irdp preference
It is possible to force advertisement message encapsulation within broadcast packets. Use the following
command in interface configuration mode to:
CLI(config-if)> no ip irdp multicast
To reset emission to multicast, use the following command in interface configuration mode:
CLI(config-if)> ip irdp multicast
The following example shows a simple LAN topology in which IRDP is configured. In this example, Routers
A and B send advertisements messages and present their own interface addresses.
Router A Router B
LAN clients,
Default gateway:
While A is present, A is always accepted by LAN clients, as A’s preference is bigger than B’s. However if A
is not present, then, LAN clients choose B as new gateway.
4.24.4 Statistics
To disable IRDP debugging, use the 'no' form of the above command.
The purpose of Server Load Balancing is to distribute the load over several servers when processing a
large number of client requests.
The benefits of Server Load Balancing (SLB) are the following:
- Higher performance and scalability: as the load is shared among multiple servers, a high number of
requests can be processed. The system is scalable; a new server can be installed to manage increased
performance requirements (instead of replacing the server by a larger machine, thus requiring longer
service outage and more investment).
- Higher service availability: if a server is not operational, client requests are forwarded to other operational
servers. Therefore, the service remains available provided that the required load does not exceed the
capacity of remaining servers.
Typical Architecture of SLB:
It is made up of:
• A server farm, which gathers several (real/physical) servers (server 1, 2, 3...).
• A virtual server which will represent the server farm to the outside world.
• The Load Balancer (SLB Router), which implements the virtual server and distributes the
connections to the servers’ member of the server farm.
When the SLB router receives a client request, OneOS-based router uses a scheduling algorithm to decide
which server the client shall establish a dialog with. The router memorizes the session parameters for that
client allowing packets to and from that client to always follow the same path. This guarantees that the
client always dialogs with the same physical server.
4.25.1 Features
SLB automatically detects failed TCP connections to a physical server and counts them. If a failure
threshold is exceeded then the server is declared out of service and is removed temporarily from the list of
active servers.
After a failed server is removed from the list of active servers, no connections are allocated to that server.
After a configurable retry period, if the server is successfully tested, then the server is added back to the
list of active servers. Otherwise, the server will wait for another retry period.
For a virtual server it is possible to restrict access by specifying a list of allowed clients. This can be used
to redirect the requests of a set of clients to a virtual server, and the requests of other clients to another
virtual server.
Because SLB uses NAT, it benefits from this feature: the removal of sessions can be delayed even though
the SYN_CLOSE message was intercepted.
The maximum number of simultaneous connections or clients per physical servers can be configured. If
this number is reached for a specific server and if another server is not available, then the incoming
connections will be dropped. This configuration parameter limits the impact of some malicious attacks.
The implementation of SLB uses a specific NAT mechanism called "server NAT". The destination address
of the incoming packets is rewritten with the address of a physical server. This imposes some restrictions
on network topology: all packets coming from the physical servers must transit through the SLB router as
wells as those addressed to the SLB clients.
A virtual server can be configured to handle the requests only for a specific TCP or UDP port. In this case
the physical servers will also listen to a configured port and the destination port from the incoming packets
will be translated to the real server port (the destination address will be translated to the physical server
address - see Server NAT). The difference with classical SLB is the fact that load-balancing is done for
specific application ports. Packets that are addressed to different ports of the virtual server are not
OneOS SLB supports both port-bound and non-port-bound servers.
Sometimes, a client transaction can require multiple consecutive connections, which means new
connections from the same client IP address or subnet must be assigned to the same real server.
4.25.2 Configuration
Creates a server farm, then, the scheduling algorithm can be selected. By default, the weighted round
robin algorithm is used. If the 'weighted least connections' is used instead, the following command must be
CLI(slb-serverfarm)> predictor leastconns
To return to default value, enter 'no predictor'. A server farm is composed of several real servers.
The following commands add a real server to the server farm and authorize the SLB router to distribute
load to that server:
CLI(slb-serverfarm)> real <ip-address> [<port>]
CLI(slb-real-serv)> inservice
Additionally to the address of the server, a server port can be optionally configured. All connections to the
real server will be redirected to the specified server. This works in tandem with port-bound virtual servers.
To delete a real server, use "no real <address> [<port>]"
Several parameters can be configured in this configuration mode:
weight <1-255> - Relative weight in the server farm. The bigger the weight, the more connections will
be allocated to the real server. Default: 8
maxclients <0-2000> - Maximum number of clients the real server will manage simultaneously. If
additional clients try to connect, the connections fail. The clients are actually the different IP addresses
connected to the SLB router. Please note that the client management functions only when the virtual
server associated with this real server, is configured to have sticky connections. If the sticky option is off,
the clients are not counted. Default: 2000
maxconns <0-2000> - Maximum number of simultaneous connections; additional connections will be
refused. Default: 65,535 (in other words, almost unlimited)
faildetect numconns <1-255> - When the number of consecutive failed connections has reached
this value, the server is declared SERVER_DOWN and no further connections will be redirected for the
retry period. Default: 8
faildetect numclients <1-8> - Similar to the above command, this represents the number of
consecutive failed connections coming from different clients. Default: 2
retry <1-3600> - The retry period in seconds. After a server is declared SERVER_DOWN, clients
request are no longer sent to that server. After "retry" seconds, the server is tested and if successful, it is
declared OPERATIONAL again. Otherwise the server remains SERVER_DOWN for another "retry" period.
Default: 60
inservice - Enables the server. The "no inservice" command disables the server.
"no weight", "no maxclients", "no faildetect numconns" etc., will set the default values for
the respective parameters.
The incoming connections with the protocol, port and IP address of the virtual server will be redirected
using the SLB algorithm.
A server farm name must be provided as follows:
CLI(slb-vserver)> serverfarm <name>
The virtual server will use the actual servers declared in the specified server farm. The server farm must
be previously declared.
This command can be used in tandem with real server port redirection.
To show the list of active connections, which can be filtered by virtual server or client, use the command:
CLI> show ip slb conns [client <ipaddress> | vserver <name>]
To clear all the active SLB connections, use the following command; optionally it can clear only the
connections for a specific virtual server.
CLI> clear ip slb conns [vserver <name>]
To clear all the active sessions, use the following command. The session table is active only in case of
virtual servers with the sticky option enabled. Each session represents a single client (IP address). This
command will also clear the connections for the specified virtual server.
CLI> clear ip slb sessions [vserver <name>]
A basic configuration: two server farms, one with 3 real servers and one with 2.
ip slb serverfarm PUBLIC
predictor leastconns
faildetect numconns 4
retry 30
faildetect numconns 4
retry 30
faildetect numconns 4
retry 30
faildetect numconns 6
retry 60
In this example, the first virtual server (Public HTTP) is accessible to everyone and the second (Restricted
HTTP) is only accessible by clients specified in the address range.
The other types of TCP or UDP connections are not managed by the SLB service but by the normal
services of the router. The remaining traffic being not managed by the SLB service, packets are processed
through NAT, ACL ...and so on. By default NAT is "bypass-all". If we don't want packets to pass through
the router, we can configure an access-list that will deny all other incoming connections, so only the SLB
connections will be accepted; this is achieved as follows:
ip access-list standard denyall
deny all
This section describes the main features of the Routing Information Protocol (RIPv1 and RIPv2) and its
4.26.1 Features
The Routing Information Protocol is a mature but still commonly used Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP)
defined for use in small, homogeneous networks, it is a classical distance-vector routing protocol. RIP
(version 1) was first documented in RFC 1058; version 2 extensions are in RFC 2453.
RIP uses broadcast (version 1) or multicast (version 2) User Datagram Protocol (UDP) data packets to
exchange routing information. By default, RIP sends routing information updates every 30 seconds. This
process is termed advertising. If a router does not receive an update from another router for 180 seconds
or more, it marks the routes served by the non-updating router as being unusable. If the router has not
been updated after 300 seconds, the router removes all routing table entries for the non-updating router.
The metric that RIP uses to rate the value of different routes is a hop count. The hop count is the number
of routers that a packet must traverse to reach the destination using a given route. A directly connected
network has a metric of one; an unreachable network has a metric of 16. This very limited range of metrics
makes RIP unsuitable for large networks.
If the router has a default network path, RIP advertises a route that links the router to the pseudo network The network does not exist; RIP treats as a network to implement the default
routing feature. The default network will be advertised if it was learned by RIP, or if the router has been
configured to generate a default route.
RIP sends routing updates to the interfaces directly connected to the specified networks. No routing
updates will be advertised to, or received from the interfaces that do not belong to the specified networks
in RIP.
The implementation of RIP Version 2 supports plain text and MD5 authentication.
To configure RIP, the user should complete the tasks in the following sections. First enable RIP; the
remaining tasks are optional.
RIP can be enabled or disabled on a network, in other words, interface(s). To do so, one must specify the
network address by using the following commands in global configuration mode:
CLI> configure terminal
CLI(configure)> router rip
CLI(router-rip) network <ip-address>
The first command places the user in router configuration mode. The second command enables the RIP
routing process on the interfaces which belong to the given network address. The parameter IP address
must be the network address of a directly connected network. The network number specified should not
contain any subnet information. There is no limit to the number of network commands that can be entered
on the router.
Once RIP is enabled on a network, RIP routing updates will be sent and received through the interfaces of
that network. Also the interfaces without network addresses will not be advertised by any RIP update. To
remove an entry, use the no form of this command.
The following command in router configuration mode allows user to disable the sending of routing updates
on a specific interface:
CLI(router-rip)> passive-interface <type> <unit>
The default behavior is to send routing updates on an interface on the specified networks. To return to the
default behavior, use the no form of this command.
RIP makes use of several timers to control the frequency of routing updates and the interval to drop
obsolete routes, for example. Users can adjust these timers to tune routing protocol performance to better
suit the needs of their own network environment. The following timers can be adjusted:
• Time interval (in seconds) at which routing updates are sent (default is 30 seconds).
• Time (in seconds) after which a route is declared invalid if no routing updates are received
(default is 180 seconds).
• Time (in seconds) after which an invalid route is removed from the routing table (default is 300
To adjust these timers, the user should run the following command in router configuration mode:
CLI(router-rip)> timer basic <update-timer> <invalid-timer> <flush-
timer> [<hold-down-timer>]
Use the default form of the above-referenced command to restore the default values.
By default, the software receives and sends RIP v2 packets. The user can configure the software to
receive and send only v1 packets. To specify a RIP version to be used globally (for all interfaces) by the
router, the user can run the following command:
CLI> configure terminal
CLI(configure)> router rip
CLI(router-rip)> version <1-2>
The default form of the above-referenced command restores the default value.
The user can override the value configured by specifying another version for a particular interface. To
control the RIP version in which RIP updates are sent to an interface, the user can run the following
commands in interface configuration mode:
CLI> configure terminal
CLI(configure)> interface <type> <unit>
CLI(config-if)> ip rip send version <1-2>
Similarly, to control the RIP version in which RIP updates are received from an interface, the user can run
the following command in interface configuration mode:
CLI> configure terminal
CLI(configure)> interface <type> <unit>
CLI(config-if)> ip rip receive version <1-2>
Use the default form of the above-referenced commands to return to the global version.
RIP v1 does not support authentication. RIP v2 supports authentication of packets sent and received from
an interface.
A single mode of authentication is currently provided on an interface for which RIP authentication is
enabled: plain text authentication.
Before enabling RIP authentication on a specific interface, the user must define a key string in global
configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> key chain <key-chain-name>
CLI(config-keychain)> key <key-id>
CLI(config-keychain-ke)> key-string <key-string>
CLI(config-keychain-ke)> exit
CLI(config-keychain)> exit
CLI(configure)> exit
The first command places user in key chain configuration mode. The second command defines a key
identified by a unique key number and places user in key configuration mode. By entering the key-string
keyword, the user will be able to define the character string associated with this particular key.
Restriction: only one key can be defined in a key-chain.
To configure RIP authentication, the following command must be executed in interface configuration mode
to enable RIP authentication on a specific interface:
CLI(configure)> interface <type> <unit>
CLI(config-if)> ip rip authentication key-chain <key-chain-name>
To generate a default route into RIP, the following commands can be used:
CLI(configure)> router rip
CLI(router-rip)> default-information originate
For RIP to advertise routes learnt via other techniques than RIP, run the following command starting in
router configuration mode:
CLI(router-rip)> redistribute { connected | static | bgp | ospf } [
metric <0..16> ] [ route-map <route-map-name> ]
connected designates routes that are directly connected. static indicates routes configured via static
routing. bgp and ospf indicates that routes, learnt via BGP or OSPF, are redistributed by RIP. The
metric argument provides the metric associated with the injected routes. The default metric is 1.
You can optionally use route maps to advertise only certain routes. Route maps are a global mechanism
for routing protocols that enables the filtering of undesired routes. As route-maps can be used for BGP,
RIP and OSPF, some configuration commands for route maps are only relevant for certain protocols
(mostly BGP), hence the fact that they are detailed in each section for every routing protocols.
To control and filter routes advertised via RIP, OneOS offers route-maps and distribute-lists. As seen in, route-maps are applied on redistributed routes. Route-maps select the injected routes that are
allowed to be advertised by RIP and modify the route attributes. Distribute-lists are used to control which
routes are advertised to interfaces.
Both mechanisms require filtering that is either based on access-lists or prefix-lists.
Such filtering is based on standard access lists. When using access-list for route filtering, access-lists have
a special behavior:
• The default route is written as follows: (e.g. a rule to deny the default route: deny
• All routes (=any route) is entered as follows:
• There must be an exact match for the network; sub-networks are not matched (if you configure
permit, is not matched by this rule).
Example: the following access list only selects and the default route, and denies all other
ip access-list standard rtfilter
Prefix lists can be used as an alternative to access lists in many route filtering commands (e.g. BGP route
filtering). A prefix list must be set up before using it in a command. The entries in the prefix list are
automatically ordered the longest first so the most specific match is chosen. The following sections will
describe the different commands that are available for creating and managing prefix lists. Finally the
section "How the System Filters Traffic by Prefix List" will give on overview on how the filtering
is done when using prefix lists.
To create a prefix list, use the ip prefix-list command, beginning in global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> ip prefix-list <list-name> {deny | permit}
<network>/<len> [ge <ge-value>] [le <le-value>]
It creates a prefix list with the name specified for list-name. The optional keywords ge (= greater or
equal) and le (= less or equal) can be used to specify the range of the prefix length to be matched for
prefixes that are more specific than network/length. An exact match is assumed when neither ge nor le is
specified. The range is assumed to be from ge-value to 32 if only the ge attribute is specified, and from
len to le-value if only the le attribute is specified.
A specified ge-value and/or le-value must satisfy the following condition:
len < ge-value <= le-value <= 32
To create a prefix list you must enter at least one permit or deny clause.
To remove a prefix list and all of its entries, use the 'no ip prefix-list' command, beginning in
global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> no ip prefix-list <list-name> [{deny | permit}
<network>/<len> [ge <ge-value>] [le <le-value>]]
It removes the prefix list with the name specified for <list-name>.
For example, to deny all prefixes matching /24 in, you would use:
CLI(configure)> ip prefix-list foo deny ge 24 le 24
To display information about prefix tables, prefix table entries, the policy associated with a node, or specific
information about an entry, use the following commands, beginning in global mode.
To display information about all prefix lists:
CLI> show ip prefix-list [detail | summary]
To display all entries of a prefix list that are more specific than the given network and length:
CLI> show ip prefix-list <name> [<network>/<len>] longer
To display the entry of a prefix list that matches the given prefix (network and length of prefix):
CLI> show ip prefix-list <name> [<network>/<len>] first-match
To clear the hit count table of prefix list entries, use the next command, beginning in global mode:
CLI> clear ip prefix-list <name> [<network>/<len>]
Filtering by prefix list involves matching the prefixes of routes with those listed in the prefix list. When there
is a match, the route is used. More specifically, whether a prefix is permitted or denied is based upon the
following rules:
• An empty prefix list permits all prefixes.
• An implicit-deny is assumed if a given prefix does not match any entries of a prefix list.
• When multiple entries of a prefix list match a given prefix, the longest, most specific match is chosen.
The router begins the search at the top of the prefix list. Once a match or deny occurs, the router does not
need to go through the rest of the prefix list.
Filtering can be handled on the level of routing information and from different sources. To do that, several
mechanisms are detailed in the following sections. Distribute-Lists
Distribute-list controls the received/sent routes advertised via RIP. First, you must create an access-
list/prefix-list as defined in the previous sections. Then, you can specify the distribute-list that is applied on
all interfaces or on the specified interface.
CLI(configure)> distribute-list <acl-name> {in | out} [ <interface>
To define a route map use the following command, beginning from the global configuration terminal:
CLI(configure)> route-map <map-tag> [permit | deny] [<sequence-number>]
<map-tag> is a string identifying the route map.
<sequence-number> is an integer indicating the relative position compared to other instances
that define the route-map. When RIP applies a route-map instance to routing advertisements, it
applies the lowest instance first. If the set of conditions is not met the next instance is used and so
on until either a condition is met or there is no more condition to apply. We generally use ‘10’ as
<sequence-number> when creating the route map and use increments of ‘10’ for the following
route map sequence, so that you can insert easily other route map instances between already
configured instances.
Conditions are expressed using the match command that is defined as follows:
CLI(configure-route-map)> match ip {address|next-hop} {<access-list-
number> | prefix-list <prefix-list-name>]
When using the address keyword, the match clause applies the access/prefix list to the advertised
network. When using the next-hop keyword, the match clause applies the access/prefix list to the next-
hop of the advertised network.
You can modify the metric of matching advertisements:
CLI(configure-route-map)> set metric <metric>
It sets the route metric. The command set metric [+|-]<metric> is only supported for BGP.
To add a specific offset value to the metrics learnt via a specified interface, use the following command in
interface configuration mode. Refer to the Example in dialer watch chapter.
When there is a change in the route database, it can be desirable to advertise immediately the change to
the network. For example, a router with an ISDN backup can announce in this way, that an ISDN backup
has been setup and remote routers update more rapidly their routing tables.
Triggered RIP enables RIP to send updates only when changes appear in the route database thus
preventing unnecessary advertisements of routing updates on links, which are charged for usage time. The
command is the following:
CLI(configure)> router rip
CLI(router-rip)> trigger-interface { serial <slot>/<port> | bri
<slot>/<port>.<if-id> }
Triggered RIP is available only on serial and BRI interfaces.
The administrative distance defines the preference for routes that are learnt via different routing protocols.
By default, RIP has an administrative distance of 120. To modify this distance, use:
CLI(router-rip)> distance <1..255>
RIP update filtering enables the router to select route prefixes that are advertised globally and/or per
interfaces. The command is the following:
CLI(router-rip)> distribute-list <acl-name> { in | out } [ <interface>
If the optional arguments are not provided, the filtering applies to all (either incoming or outgoing) updates.
The access lists are standard access lists.
For incoming updates, the filtering is applied first per interface, then globally. For outgoing updates, the
global distribute-list is applied first, then per interface.
Example 1: Outgoing Update Filtering
We only want to advertise networks included in on the FastEthernet 0/0 interface.
configure terminal
ip access-list standard out_rip_acl
router rip
distribute-list out_rip_acl out fastethernet 0/0
Routers "mozart" and "bach" both have an interface connected to network To exchange
routing information between the two routers using RIPv2:
mozart bach
4.26.4 Statistics
The following command displays the parameters and current state of the active routing protocol process:
This command does not have parameters or keywords. The information displayed by this command is
useful in debugging routing operations. The following is sample output from the show ip protocols
CLI> show ip protocols
Routing Protocol is RIP
Sending updates every 30 seconds, next due in 13 seconds
Invalid after 180 seconds, flushed after 300
Redistributing: RIP
Default version control: send version 2, receive version 2
Interface Send Recv Key-chain
Ethernet 0/0 2 2
FastEthernet 0/0 2 2
Routing for Networks:
The show ip rip database command displays RIP routing database entries:
CLI> show ip rip database [<destination>] [<netmask>]
Invoked without parameters, the command will display all routing entries in the database. The following is
sample output from the 'show ip rip database' command:
CLI> show ip rip database
[2] via, 00:00:16,
The following command displays the number of RIP messages sent and received on an interface involved
in the RIP routing process:
CLI> show ip rip interface [<type> <unit>]
Invoked without parameters, the command will display statistics for all the interfaces involved in the RIP
routing process. The following is sample output from the 'show ip rip interface' command:
CLI> show ip rip interface ethernet 0/0
IN: 0 packets, 0 discards, 0 bad routes
OUT: 124 packets
CLI> show ip rip interface
Ethernet 0/0
IN: 0 packets, 0 discards, 0 bad routes
OUT: 125 packets
FastEthernet 0/0
IN: 121 packets, 0 discards, 0 bad routes
OUT: 124 packets
The following command displays the total number of messages sent and received on all the interfaces
involved in the RIP routing process:
CLI> show ip rip statistics
This command does not have parameters or keywords. The following is sample output from the command:
CLI> show ip rip statistics
IN: 130 packets, 0 discards, 0 bad routes
OUT: 265 packets, 1 responses to queries
3 route database changes
Use the no form of this command to disable RIP routing transaction logging.
The following command enables logging of RIP routing database changes.
CLI> debug ip rip database
The no form of this command disables logging of RIP routing database changes.
4.27.1 Introduction
The Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is an intelligent IP routing protocol that dynamically learns routing
paths, builds/updates forwarding tables and selects the best path when forwarding packets between
autonomous systems that compose the Internet (an autonomous system is a collection of networks that
are managed by a single administrative authority). It has become the de-facto standard for inter domain
routing protocol and has been deployed to overcome significant scalability limitations and stability issues
experienced with former protocols. Customer networks, such as corporations, governmental agencies,
usually employ an Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) such as RIP or OSPF for the exchange of routing
information within their networks and to connect to the Internet through ISPs. When BGP is used between
autonomous systems (AS), the protocol is referred to as External BGP (eBGP) where the use of BGP to
exchange routes within an AS is referred to as Interior BGP (iBGP; iBGP is also an IGP).
To achieve a high level of robustness and scalability, BGP uses several routing update attributes, to select
the best path(s) and maintain a stable routing environment.
Classless inter domain routing (CIDR) is used by BGP to reduce the size of the Internet routing tables.
Full routing information is exchanged between BGP neighbors only when the TCP connection is first
established between them. When changes to the routing table are detected, the BGP routers send to their
neighbors only those routes that have changed, which makes the BGP routing protocol stable and well
suited for environment when a large number of routes must be managed. Each BGP router advertises
routing updates to their neighbors, which in turn can be filtered to optimize routing information distribution.
a) There are many options for BGP configuration. However, few steps are mandatory. They are:
- BGP routing activation
- BGP neighbor configuration
b) Each routing update contains path information as well as some additional attributes that are used during
BGP route selection process. You may want to force preference of certain paths. To achieve this goal, the
solution is to select and filter routing updates and to modify the attributes of these filtered routing updates
in order to influence the best path selection process.
The powerful design of BGP enables a flexible filtering of inbound and outbound updates using a large
variety of criteria. The rules for filtering are known as routing policies and use several types of filtering:
• By AS path filters (all routing updates contain a string, which is an aggregate of all traversed
AS. AS path filters are filtering rules for the selection of routes traversing certain AS)
• By prefix lists (routes filtered based on the prefix list)
• By access lists
The filtering and specific attribute modification is then handled in route maps. The so-called "distribute-list"
enables the filtering of inbound and outbound updates.
When applying a new routing policy, it becomes possible that some information stored in the BGP router
becomes deprecated. This is because the new routing policy will not allow these routing updates to be
received / emitted. Therefore, it becomes necessary to apply BGP connection resets.
d) As BGP is an Exterior Gateway protocol, it is designed to scale on large networks. BGP routers may
have to process large routing tables. Some BGP optimizations (such as flap dampening and route
aggregation) can help in significantly reducing the amount of resources required by BGP.
The tasks in this section are for basic BGP feature configuration.
To enable BGP routing, use the following commands beginning in global configuration mode:
Step 1
CLI(configure)> router bgp <autonomous-system>
The autonomous-system is an integer value, uniquely designating the AS. The command creates a
BGP routing process. The CLI enters in router configuration mode.
Step 2
CLI(config-router)> network <network>/<len> [ route-map <name>]
The command sets a network as local to this autonomous system. In other words, this network is by de-
facto entered into the BGP database. A route-map is applied when you need to apply some filtering (see for route-maps).
Unlike in some other BGP implementations, a network is advertised even if it is not present in the IP
routing table.
As in any EGP protocol, a BGP router must have its neighbors declared. This task is required.
BGP neighbors are either internal or external. If a neighbor is internal, the router uses the Interior BGP
protocol and the neighbor is in the same AS. Otherwise, the router is external and managed in a different
To configure BGP neighbors, use the following command, beginning in router configuration mode:
Step 1
CLI(config-router)> neighbor <ip-address>
The command selects the neighbor for which the configuration is to be entered. The CLI enters in neighbor
configuration mode.
Step 2
Then, specify the AS of the BGP neighbor.
CLI(config-router-neighbor)> remote-as <number>
This TCP extension described in RF2385 allows protecting BGP sessions against spoofing attacks by
including an MD5 digest acting as a signature in every TCP segment of a session.
To enable this option for a BGP neighbor, use the following command, beginning in neighbor configuration
mode or in peer-group configuration mode:
CLI(config-router-neighbor)> password <password> [ <0-1> ]
Where 'password' is a character string representing the clear text or encrypted password. The optional
parameter specifies if the clear text password should be encrypted (0) or (1) if the password string
represents the encrypted password. If the optional argument is not provided, the password remains stored
in the configuration in clear text.
The show ip bgp neighbors <ip-address> command indicates if this option is enabled for a given
The show tcp statistics command provides information about the number of TCP segments sent
and received with the TCP MD5 signature option set.
CLI> show tcp statistics
TCP statistics:
IN: 4679 total
0 checksum error, 0 bad offset, 0 too short
3147 packets (37045 bytes) in sequence
0 dup packets (0 bytes)
0 partially dup packets (0 bytes)
0 out-of-order packets (0 bytes)
0 packets (0 bytes) with data after window
0 packets after close
0 window probe packets, 2 window update packets
0 dup ack packets, 0 ack packets with unsend data
3164 ack packets (39070 bytes)
194 md5 packets, 0 invalid md5
OUT: 4857 total, 0 urgent packets
3 control packets
3162 data packets (39068 bytes)
0 data packets (0 bytes) retransmitted
1692 ack only packets (915 delayed)
0 window probe packets, 0 window update packets
373 md5 packets
6 connections established (including 3 initiated, 3 accepted)
8 connections closed (including 0 dropped, 0 embryonic dropped)
0 total rxmt timeout, 0 connections dropped in rxmt timeout
291 keepalive timeout, 0 keepalive probe, 0 connections dropped in
When a BGP neighbor connection is lost or goes up, a trap can be sent if an event manager is configured
and if the following command is entered:
A BGP router is usually connected to multiple neighbor routers. In most cases, you may want to apply a
common set of routing policies to these BGP peers. For that purpose, OneOS supports the creation of
peer groups. Peer groups collect routing policies for a set of BGP peers. So, whenever you need to
change a policy for each peers of the BGP router, you only need to do it once, in peer-group configuration.
It is comparable with the concept of PPP virtual template.
The only difference is that you can override parameters defined in peer-group configuration in neighbor
configuration. By default, neighbors member of the peer-group inherit the peer-group parameters unless
re-configured in neighbor configuration.
The configuration of peer groups is achieved in three steps:
1. Peer Group Creation
2. Assignment of routing policy options
3. Definition of neighbors, which are member of the peer group
The same routing attributes and filters are provided in neighbor configuration mode.
To specify a BGP neighbor, use the following command:
CLI(config-router-group)> remote-as <number>
To allow a BGP speaker (the local router) to send the default route to a neighbor for use as a
default route, use the following command:
CLI(config-router-group)> default-originate [route-map <map-name>]
To specify that the COMMUNITIES attribute is to be sent to the neighbor at this IP address:
CLI(config-router-group)> send-community
To allow internal BGP sessions to use any operational interface for TCP connections:
CLI(config-router-group)> update-source <interface> <unit>
To allow BGP sessions, even when the neighbor is not on a directly connected segment:
CLI(config-router-group)> ebgp-multihop
To limit the number of prefixes allowed from a neighbor, use the following command ('warning-only'
permits to exceed this number of prefix but a log message is generated):
CLI(config-router-group)> maximum-prefix <number> [warning-only]
BGP uses the AS path to discover routing loops. In some network topologies, access routers exchange
routing information via iBGP (in the same AS), but communicate through a backbone routing domain with a
different AS number. Routing updates coming from the remote access routers have AS paths formed as
follows: “AS(customer),AS(backbone)”. Such received update is normally dropped, because an update for
an intra-AS route is learnt via another AS. By default, no loop is permitted. The command ‘allowas-in’
permits loops by providing the number of times the router’s own AS number can appear in the AS path of
received updates.
CLI(config-router-group)> allowas-in <nb-of-loops>
Once you have created the peer group and some associated parameters, return to the router configuration
mode, select a neighbor ('neighbor <ip-addr>') and enter the peer group name, which the neighbor
belongs to:
CLI(config-router-neighbor)> peer-group <peer-group-name>
To disable an existing BGP neighbor or a peer group, use the shutdown command, beginning in neighbor
or peer group configuration mode:
CLI(config-router-neighbor)> shutdown
By default, BGP tries to select the best path for a route to a network by using several selection criteria.
They are, in order of priority:
1. Prefer the highest weight
2. Prefer the highest local preference
3. Prefer the shortest AS path
4. Prefer routes whose origin is IGP over EGP. Prefer EGP over Incomplete origin
5. Prefer the lowest MED
6. Routes learnt via BGP are indicated via a next-hop. The metric of the routes to the different
next hop are compared; the lowest metric is preferred.
If at this stage of the path selection algorithm, some routes are considered equal, they can be all installed
in the routing table, only if load sharing is enabled. To activate load sharing with BGP, the maximum
number of equal routes must be entered, default: 1:
CLI(config-router-group)> maximum-path <nb-of-routes>
nb-of-routes designates the maximum number of equal routes that are allowed to be transmitted to the
routing table. Load sharing is managed with BGP routes like static routes (see
A backdoor route is a special network that the BGP router should use for routing, but the router should not
advertise the route. A backdoor route is entered as follows:
CLI(config-router)> network <network>/<len> backdoor
The administrative distance defines the preference for routes that are learnt via different routing protocols.
To modify the distance values, use:
CLI(config-router)> distance bgp <ebgp> <ibgp> <local>
<ebgp> is the administrative distance for routes learnt via EBGP. Default: 20.
<ibgp> is the administrative distance for routes learnt via IBGP. Default: 200.
<local> is the distance for routes advertised using the ‘network’ command. Default: 200.
Use the following command to reset the default distance:
CLI(config-router)> no distance bgp
Route redistribution is an alternative to the 'network' command to advertise networks using BGP. It
consists in injecting connected, static or IGP routes into BGP database. The injected routes are advertised
whenever BGP scans its database (periodical process). To advertise directly connected network routes via
BGP, run the following command starting in router configuration mode:
CLI(config-router)> redistribute connected [metric <metric>] [route-map
To advertise routes learned through an external protocol via BGP, run the command:
CLI(config-router)> redistribute { rip | ospf } [metric <metric>]
[route-map <route-map-name>]
The metric argument is the metric used to advertise the redistributed routes. The route-map-name
permits the filtering of certain routes. See for details on route maps.
RFC 1771 (the IETF document defining BGP) recommends the use of the "tie-breaker" decision algorithm,
which does not include AS-path as part of the decision process. By default, OneOS software considers the
AS-path as a part of the decision algorithm.
This command makes it possible to modify the decision algorithm, so that the router does not consider AS-
path during the decision process, thus making the router compliant with the IETF recommendation. To
prevent the router from considering the AS-path length when selecting a route, use the following
command, beginning in router configuration mode:
CLI(config-router)> bgp bestpath as-path ignore
This command configures the router to ignore AS-path length when selecting a route.
The local preference is an attribute part of the BGP routing decision process. By default, the local
preference is 100. To set a different default local preference, use the following command in router
configuration mode:
CLI(config-router)> bgp default local-preference <value>
The lower the 'value' is, the lower the preference is. You can also use route maps to change the default
local preference for specific paths, beginning in route map configuration mode:
CLI(config-route-map)> set local-preference
Routers can receive routing updates, for which the next-hop router to be used is unknown. This happens
when the network is not fully meshed (FR, ATM networks). The solution is to substitute the next-hop router
address by a router that can be directly reached by the router (an adjacent router). There are two ways to
manage this next-hop processing:
• Provide a specific address to be used instead of the next-hop address (manually configuring each
• Use a route map to specify that the address of the remote peer for matching inbound routes, or the
local router for matching outbound routes (automatic method).
To disable next-hop processing and provide a specific address to be used instead of the next-hop address,
use the neighbor next-hop-self command, beginning in neighbor or peer-group configuration mode:
CLI(config-router-neighbor)> next-hop-self
Disables next-hop processing on BGP updates to a neighbor. Using this command, the router is forced to
advertise updates with its peering address instead of the router address specified in its database. In other
words, routers receiving this route update use the current router as next hop for that received route.
To configure the neighbor peering address to be used for the next hop address, use the 'set ip next-hop'
command, beginning in route map configuration mode:
CLI(config-route-map)> set ip next-hop <ip-address>
Note: for further information about route maps, please refer to
With an inbound route map of a BGP peer, it sets the next hop of the matching routes to be the neighbor
peering address, overriding any third-party next hops and allowing the same route map to be applied to
multiple BGP peers to override third-party next hops.
With an outbound route map of a BGP peer, it sets the next hop of the received address to the peering
address of the local router, disabling the next hop calculation.
The next hop must be an adjacent router.
BGP uses the Multi Exit Discriminator (MED) metric as a criterion to external neighbors about preferred
paths. Use the set metric command, beginning in route map configuration mode:
CLI(config-route-map)> set metric <number>
The command sets the metric to the specified number for matching routes.
To configure the router to consider a path with a missing MED attribute as the worst path, use the 'bgp
The command configures the router to consider a missing MED as having a value of infinity, making the
path without a MED-value the least desirable path. The 'no' form of the command re-enables the default
behavior, i.e. the MED is considered as 0 (best path).
The route selection process compares (among other criteria) the MED of all different paths from the same
AS. If you wish to enable MED comparison of paths received from any AS, use the next command in router
configuration mode:
CLI(config-router)> bgp always-compare-med
The concept of AS confederation is later described in this document in section To configure the
router to consider the MED value when choosing a path in confederations, use the 'bgp bestpath med
confed' command, beginning in router configuration mode:
CLI(config-router)> bgp bestpath med confed
The command configures the router to consider the MED in choosing a path from among those advertised
by different sub-ASs within a confederation.
The comparison between MEDs is only made if there are no external ASs in the path (an external AS is an
AS that is not within the confederation). If there is an external AS in the path, then the external MED is
passed transparently through the confederation, and the comparison is not made.
To configure the router to use the MED to select the best path among paths advertised by a single sub-AS
within a confederation, use the 'bgp deterministic med' command, beginning in router configuration
CLI(config-router)> bgp deterministic med
The command configures the router to compare the MED variable when choosing among routes
advertised by different peers in the same autonomous system.
If bgp always-compare-med is enabled, all paths are fully comparable, including those from other AS's
in the confederation, even if bgp deterministic med is also enabled.
A weight is a number from 0 to 65535 used as a criterion for the route selection process. The path with the
highest weight is preferred. This attribute is local to the router. By default, any path originated by the router
has a weight of 32768 (routes manually configured when entering 'neighbor <ip>'), while others have
a weight worth 0.
If you want to prefer certain routes learned from a neighbor, you can assign weights on a per-neighbor
basis. The first command is the following beginning in neighbor configuration mode:
CLI(config-router-neighbor)> weight <weight>
Alternatively, you can selectively set the weight attribute for updates matching a route map, beginning in
route-map configuration mode:
CLI(config-route-map)> set weight <weight>
If weight is configured for both route maps and neighbors, then the weight set in route map prevails over
the weight defined in neighbor configuration mode.
BGP does not broadcast message to exchange routing information, instead BGP uses a connection-
oriented communication protocol, based on TCP. Keep alive messages are sent on a periodical basis
(keep alive period, default 60 sec) to test neighbor presence. If the peer does not respond after "hold-time"
If you wish to adjust timers only for a specific neighbor/peer group, enter in neighbor/peer group
configuration mode and type in:
CLI(config-router-neighbor)> timers <keepalive> <holdtime>
In BGP, routing policies are implemented by using filters to control the level of routing information that is
exchanged by an autonomous system with its neighbors. Filtering is handled by:
• Route identification based on criteria settings to differentiate routes from each other. Such criteria can
be based on the route IP prefix, the autonomous system from which the route was originated, an AS
path or an attribute value inside a route.
• Permitting or denying routes depends on the filtering rules that have been setup for that juncture. A
permitted route is accepted without change or can be submitted for attributes modification to change
its behavior. A denied route is simply discarded.
• Attribute modification for a permitted route can be done if it is necessary to change the decision
The route filtering process will use the list of all defined criteria and will stop the process when a route
matches filtering criteria. The order in which the criteria in the list are defined becomes very important.
BGP inbound or outbound advertisements filtering can be handled in two ways:
• AS-path filters can be used, by means of the 'ip as-path access-list' command in global
configuration mode and the neighbor 'filter-list' command
• Use access or prefix lists, by means of the 'distribute-list' command in neighbor configuration
In addition to filtering routing updates based on network addresses, you can specify an access list filter on
both incoming and outbound updates based on the BGP AS paths. Each filter is an access list based on
regular expressions.
Regular expressions (‘regexp’) are based on “POSIX 1003.2” and enable you to search and filter strings
within AS paths. To achieve such filtering, the regular expression matches the input string against a
pattern. The pattern is composed of a combination of:
• Characters: they must be matched exactly in the string.
• Symbols (called atoms or pieces): they are not matched themselves. They provide a parameter to
regexp for string search.
• ”.” Matches any character
• ”^“ The match must be done at the beginning of the string
• ”$“ The match must be done at the end of the string
• ”\“ Matches the character following '\' (useful to match characters normally used as atoms or pieces)
• ”_“ Matches a punctuation symbol (“,” “{“ “}”). When applied to AS path filtering, this means
somewhere in the middle, the beginning or the end of the input string. ( ”_100_“ matches a string
where AS 100 is included as a transit AS)
• ”*” Matches any following string, regardless of the preceding character (”^100.*” means the route is
originated by AS 100)
• ”+” Matches string if there is at least one occurrence of the preceding character
• ”?” Matches if the preceding character is present in the string or no character is present at all. (”xy?z”
matches ”xyz” or ”xz”' but not ”xaz”)
To do such filters, define an AS path access list and apply it to updates to and from particular neighbors.
In the context of BGP a community is a group of destinations that share some common attributes. A
community is not restricted to a network neither to an autonomous system. Communities are used to
simplify routing policies by identifying routes based on a logical property instead of an IP prefix or an
autonomous number.
To manage communities BGP uses the COMMUNITIES attribute that can take a numeric value from 1 to
4294967275 (or the same in AA:NN format). A few community values have pre-defined names; they are
described below (pre-defined names are case sensitive):
• internet: advertise this route to Internet community. Reminder: all routers belong to it
• no-export: no route advertising to eBGP peers
• no-advertise: no route advertising to any peer
• local-AS: no route advertising outside the local autonomous system
Communities are a handy way to control how routing information is carried from peer to peer. To use
communities you will need to define community lists using the following command:
CLI(configure)> ip community-list <community-list-number> {permit | deny}
{ <1-4294967275> | <lower-community-number>:<higher-community-number>
| local-AS | internet | no-advertise | no-export }
As we are dealing with network addresses this can be done by using distribute list filters based either on
an access list or a prefix list and apply it to the updates received from a specific neighbor.
To filter BGP routing updates, use the distribute-list command, beginning in neighbor configuration mode:
CLI(config-router-neighbor)> distribute-list <access-list-name> {in |
Filters BGP routing updates to/from neighbors as specified in an access list.
For a peer-group, use the same command beginning in peer group configuration mode:
CLI(config-router-group)> distribute-list <access-list-name> {in | out}
The neighbor prefix-list router configuration command can be used as an alternative to the neighbor
distribute-list router configuration command, but you cannot use both commands to configure the same
BGP peer in any specific direction. These two commands are mutually exclusive, and only one command
(neighbor prefix-list or neighbor distribute-list) can be applied for each inbound or outbound direction.
Prefix-list use is defined in and access-lists us for route filtering in
Filtering routes based on AS path information becomes very handy when filtering is needed for all routes
for the same or multiple AS’s. Defining access lists based on patterns as described in the 'AS Path Filter
Definition' section instead of using a long list of routes defined on a prefix basis is much more efficient.
Path filtering configuration is done by submitting the following commands starting in global configuration
Step 1
CLI(configure)> ip as-path access-list <access-list-name> {permit | deny}
This command defines a BGP-related access list.
Step 2
CLI(configure)> router bgp <autonomous-system>
This command establishes a BGP filter. This command is also available in peer-group configuration mode.
With BGP, route maps are used to control and modify routing information. They can also be used to filter
specific routes and to define criteria by which routes are distributed between domains.
To define a route map use the following command:
CLI(configure)> route-map <map-tag> {permit | deny} [<sequence-number>]
map-tag is a string identifying the route map.
sequence-number is an integer indicating the relative position compared to other instances that define
the route-map.
When BGP applies a route-map instance to routing updates, it applies the lowest instance first. If the set of
conditions is not met the next instance is used and so on until either a condition is met or there are no
more conditions to apply. Conditions are expressed using the match command that is defined as follows:
match as-path <path-access-list-number>
match community <community-list-name> [exact-match]
match ip { address | next-hop } { <access-list-number> | prefix-list
<prefix-list-name> }
match metric <0-4294967295>
Filtering updates as well as modifying attributes can be done on a per-neighbor basis by using route maps.
AS path, network numbers and community matching can be used but in order to be effective, each
requires a corresponding as-path access-list, access-list and community-list command.
Route maps can be applied to both inbound (to accept route) or outbound updates.
Once filtering criteria are defined, you may wish to modify routing attributes.
The following command selects specific community to add or replace in routing updates or suppress the
community attribute.
set community { { add | replace } <1-4294967275>
| <lower-community-number>:<higher-community-number>
| local-AS | internet | no-advertise | no-export } | none}
To filter updates using a pre-defined route map use the following command when in neighbor or in peer-
group configuration mode:
CLI(configure-router-neighbor)> route-map <route-map-name> {in | out}
In this section, we described features, which help a network engineer in simplifying and enhancing device
configuration and performance.
Aggregate routes are supported to reduce the routing table size. If several routes are exchanged for nodes
in the same address range, the set of addresses is aggregated if they are in the same sub-network
(address and mask). The route to the network address is exchanged rather than each route to each node
in order to reduce the number of exchanged routes.
You can configure aggregate routes in BGP either by redistributing an aggregate route into BGP or by
using the conditional aggregation feature described below. An aggregate address will be added to the
BGP table if there is at least one more specific entry in the BGP table.
To allow the creation of address aggregates, use one or more of the following commands, beginning in
router configuration mode.
Use the following command to create an aggregate entry in the BGP routing table. The router will advertise
the prefix, which summarizes a number of more specific routes. The path information is lost and is the
same as if the route was originated from the router AS.
CLI(config-router)> aggregate-address <network>/<len>
Use the following command to avoid loosing the path information. The router will generate the autonomous
system set path information and will advertise the prefix and the more specific routes and include as-set
information in the path information of updates.
CLI(config-router)> aggregate-address <network>/<len> as-set
Use the following command to advertise summary addresses only. The router will advertise only the prefix,
which summarizes a number of more specific routes and will suppress these more specific routes from
CLI(config-router)> aggregate-address <network>/<len> summary-only AS Confederation
Routers in a carrier network can often be managed in a single AS. However, BGP requires that all of the
IBGP speakers (routers inside an AS) be fully meshed. This mesh may cause scalability issues, extra
complexity and unnecessarily large routing tables.
This problem can be circumvented using AS confederations. To reduce the mesh a large autonomous
system (AS) is split in several sub-AS. All sub-AS are grouped into an AS confederation and the AS
confederation is seen as a conventional AS by outside neighbor routers.
Instead of a full mesh in AS confederation, routers inside the sub-AS are only connected with their EBGP
neighbors and with all routers inside the sub-AS. The objective of reducing mesh complexity and routing
table size is thus achieved. Even though routers inside an AS confederation use EBGP, routing information
is exchanged as if they were IBGP neighbors, thus protecting routing attributes such as next-hop, MED
and local preference.
To configure a BGP confederation, you must specify a confederation identifier. External routers to the
confederation interpret the group of autonomous systems as a single autonomous system with the
confederation identifier representing the autonomous system number.
To configure a BGP confederation identifier, use the 'bgp confederation identifier' command,
beginning in router configuration mode:
CLI(config-router)> bgp confederation identifier <autonomous-system>
In order to handle neighbors from other autonomous systems (within the confederation) as EBGP peers
(instead of IBGP neighbors), use the 'bgp confederation peers' command, beginning in router
configuration mode:
CLI(config-router)> bgp confederation peers <autonomous-system>
This command specifies the autonomous systems that belong to the confederation.
Route reflectors are an alternative solution to the use of AS confederations. The objective remains
identical, i.e. a reduction of the IBGP mesh.
A reflector is a BGP router that redistributes between non-meshed routers, routes that should be learned
via IBGP.
The internal peers of the route reflector are divided into two groups: client peers and all the other routers in
the autonomous system (non-client peers). A route reflector reflects routes between these two groups.
The route reflector and its client peers form a cluster. The non-client peers must be fully meshed with each
other, but the client peers need not be fully meshed. The clients in the cluster do not communicate with
IBGP speakers outside their cluster.
When the route reflector receives an advertised route, the route advertisement is as follows:
• A route from an external BGP speaker is advertised to all clients and non-client peers.
• A route from a non-client peer is advertised to all clients.
• A route from a client is advertised to all clients and non-client peers.
To configure a route reflector and its clients, use the following command, after selecting a neighbor
('neighbor <ip-address>') or peer-group:
CLI(config-router-neighbor)> route-reflector-client
This command configures the local router as a BGP route reflector and the specified neighbor as a client.
For failure resilience, several route reflectors can be declared to avoid the reflector being the most
probable point of failure. If there are several route reflectors, they all have the same set of clients. To
distinguish updates coming from several reflectors, a cluster-ID is used. You do not need to set this cluster
ID when there is a single reflector. Otherwise, you must assign a cluster ID for that router as follows
beginning in router configuration mode:
CLI(config-router)> bgp cluster-id <0 - 32000>
When using route reflectors, clients are only required to be connected to the reflector(s). Clients do not
need to be meshed. If they are, clients can exchange routes using IBGP, which are later advertised by the
reflector(s). To avoid this unnecessary behavior, you can disable client-to-client reflection using the
following command:
CLI(config-router)> no bgp client-to-client reflection
When using dynamic routing protocols, it becomes possible to advertise routes availability and
unavailability, which enhances the robustness of routing. However, this also opens the door to undesirable
effects, i.e. flapping routing. Flapping routes are unstable routes, which become up and down at an
unacceptable pace. Therefore, the BGP protocol advertises the presence and disappearance of a route
with poor quality. It yields to:
• Packet loss and unnecessary routing: packets are routed to that path and get either lost or re-routed
to an available path if the route turns out unavailable during packet transit.
• Unnecessary overhead in managing routes: the route ups and downs generate BGP add/withdraw
messages, which require bandwidth.
BGP flap dampening is an optional algorithm within BGP that evaluates the route quality (by accounting
route up and downs) and discards poor quality routes. This makes sure that this route is not further
propagated by BGP.
The route quality is evaluated as follows: a router with the "flap dampening" feature enabled notices that a
route is flapping. The route is recorded in "history state" by the router as having a default penalty of 1,000.
Whenever the route flaps again, a new penalty is added cumulatively. If the penalty reaches a threshold
("suppress limit"), the router stops advertising/redistributing this route.
When not flapping during a "half life" period (15 minutes by default), the penalty decreases by half. The
penalty evaluation process takes place every 5 sec. The route can be re-used when the penalty is under
the "re-use limit". The maximum suppress limit is the maximum time during which a route can be
suppressed (default = 4 times half life).
To enable BGP route dampening, use the 'bgp dampening' command, beginning in router configuration
CLI(config-router)> bgp dampening
To change the default values of various dampening factors, use the ‘bgp dampening’ command,
beginning in router configuration mode:
CLI(config-router)> bgp dampening [<half-life> [ <reuse> <suppress> <max-
The following commands only apply to routes in the history state (i.e. flapping routes). Global flap statistics
are given as follows:
CLI> show ip bgp flap-statistics
BGP flap statistics for routes matching a network and associated sub-networks:
CLI> show ip bgp flap-statistics prefix <network>/<len> longer-prefixes
You can reset BGP route dampening statistics and restore any suppressed routes by using the following
command, beginning in global mode:
CLI> clear ip bgp-dampening [<network>/<len>]
When a new policy takes effect, it is possible that the stored information has been depleted, as the new
policy does allow different attributes and routes. To re-synchronize BGP peers, it becomes necessary to
refresh the BGP routers. To do so, a connection reset forces BGP to retrieve/send all routing updates and
apply the new policy.
One could use hard reset, but this method has the disadvantage of losing all information from neighbors,
therefore, it is recommended to use a soft reset instead. Soft reset may be applied for inbound updates
coming from a neighbor and subsequent route re-advertisements. Soft reset is also applicable to outbound
The route refresh capability must be supported by both peers. A dynamic inbound soft reset makes a soft
reset of the inbound routing table. The command is as follows:
CLI> clear ip bgp {* | <as-number> | <ip-address> | external} soft in
The <ip-address> argument specifies the connection to be reset. The <as-number> argument allows
resetting connections for all the neighbors in a given autonomous system. Use the '*' keyword to specify
that all connections be reset or the keyword external to specify only EBGP connections. The 'external'
keyword designates all external BGP peers.
For a peer-group, use instead:
CLI> clear ip bgp-peer-group <peer-group-name> soft in
Using the keyword 'soft' specifies that a soft reset be performed. To perform an outbound soft reset, use
the 'clear ip bgp' command, beginning in global mode:
CLI> clear ip bgp {* | <as-number> | <ip-address> | external} soft out
The command arguments are the same as those for the Inbound Soft Reset.
If all of the BGP routers in the connection do not support the route refresh capability, use the soft reset
method that generates a new set of inbound routing table updates from previously-stored information. To
initiate storage of inbound routing table updates, you must first pre-configure the router using the neighbor
soft-reconfiguration command. The 'clear ip bgp' command initiates the soft reset, which generates
a new set of inbound routing table updates using the stored information.
Keep in mind that the memory requirements for storing the inbound update information can become quite
large. To configure BGP soft reset using stored routing policy information, use the following commands,
beginning in neighbor configuration mode:
CLI(config-router-neighbor)> soft-reconfiguration inbound
This command resets the BGP session and initiates storage of inbound routing table updates from the
specified neighbor. From now on, a copy of the BGP routing table for the specified neighbor is maintained
on the router.
For a peer-group, use the same command beginning in peer group configuration mode (see peer group
CLI(config-router-group)> soft-reconfiguration inbound
All members of the peer group will inherit the characteristic configured with this command.
Normally, when a link between external neighbors goes down, the BGP session will not be reset
immediately. If you want the EBGP session to be reset as soon as an interface goes down, use the 'bgp
fast-external-failover' command, beginning in router configuration mode:
CLI(config-router)> bgp fast-external-failover Statistics
The following command provides the routes matching the specified prefix:
CLI> show ip bgp prefix <network>/<len>
The following command displays all BGP routes that make use of CIDR routing:
CLI> show ip bgp cidr-only
The following command provides the routes permitted by the specified community. 'exact-match'
means that the route must have this community attribute only (and no other communities).
CLI> show ip bgp community <community-number> [exact-match]
The following command provides the routes permitted by the specified community list. 'exact-match'
means that the route must have exactly the same community list attribute only (and no other communities).
CLI> show ip bgp community-list <community-list-name> [exact-match]
The following command provides the route list matched by an access list:
CLI> show ip bgp filter-list <access-list-name>
The following command provides the route list matched by a regular expression:
CLI> show ip bgp regexp <regexp>
The following command provides information related to neighbors (or to the specified neighbor):
CLI> show ip bgp neighbors [<ip-address>]
The following command provides details for BGP routes exchanged with neighbors:
CLI> show ip bgp neighbors <ip-address> [received-routes | routes |
advertised-routes | dampened-routes]
The following command provides global, summarized information about BGP status.
CLI> show ip bgp summary
Like RIP, OSPF is an Interior Gateway Protocol in that it was specified to permit route exchange in a
private network, typically a corporate network. The main difference with RIP is that routers running OSPF
do not exchange routes but inform the other OSPF routers about the state of their interfaces and each
OSPF router builds a topological database based on the information received from the other OSPF
routers. Information about interface states is called LSA (Link State Advertisements). Using this
information processed by the Dijkstra algorithm, a router will be able to build a shortest path tree to all
destinations in the topological database. Based on this database, the router builds its routing table. When
two neighboring routers have built their database and both databases are synchronized, they are called
adjacent routers.
OSPF was built with a two-level hierarchical design, dividing the whole network into areas. Area Border
Routers are routers which own interfaces to two or more areas (ABR). An area topology is not visible from
routers, which are not part of this area. This reduces the amount of information to send and store, thus
enabling increased scalability compared with RIP. Area 0 is the top-level area and any other area must be
connected to area 0 via at least one border router (ABR). All areas form what is called an Autonomous
System (AS). Border Routers that are connected with networks using other routing protocols (BGP, RIP)
are called Autonomous System Border Router (ASBR). Below is a typical architecture of a network.
Area 1 Area 2
Area 0
'Hello' messages are sent by an OSPF router to signal its availability to other routers. In a reverse way, the
non-reception of 'hello' results in considering the router as unavailable. The 'hello' message is also used to
elect the Designated Router (DR). The DR generates the LSA for the entire area, thus reducing the
number of information to exchange. Also, a Backup DR (BDR) can be elected.
• OSPF is processor-intensive as each router computes its own SPF tree and requires a lot of memory
because multiple copies of the same information are kept in every OSPF router. This complexity
increases exponentially with the size of the areas.
• When a link "flaps" (i.e. it goes up and down every few seconds), the network is flooded by updates
(LSA) to advertise the new state of the flapping link. This is the trade-off with the fast OSPF
convergence that requires any change be quickly advertised to the many area routers. (Note: BGP
embeds a flap-dampening feature that assesses link quality and avoids such unnecessary
4.28.2 Features
The implementation complies with RFC 2328 (OSPF v2), allows the router to behave as Designated
Router (DR) or Backup DR (BDR) on multi-access networks and supports the following options:
• Optional encrypted authentication: when an OSPF router communicates with neighbors, it can
authenticate its message using a pre-defined password (transported in clear text). To enhance
security, a digital signature may be included in the packet transporting the password to guarantee a
keyed message authentication. The MD5 standard is used to generate the signature.
• Virtual Links: the concept of virtual link enables two OSPF routers to traverse an area. There are two
scenarios requiring virtual links:
• When two networks are merged, at least the area 0 must be merged as one. The routers of
area 0 may not be directly connected. A virtual link enables the connection of the two parts of
area 0.
• When an area cannot be directly connected to area 0, a border router of the remote area is
connected to a border router of area 0 through transit OSPF areas.
• Stub area: external routes are normally injected in OSPF areas by the ASBR as LSA type 5. Some
areas can be flagged as a stub, when external routes must not be injected in the area by the area.
This is often the case when an area only has one single point of exit and a default route is sufficient.
This avoids the useless advertisement of routes in and outside the area, because IP packets should
anyway be routed through the exit border router. All routers inside a stub area must be configured with
the 'stub area' option to allow adjacency of the routers.
• Not So Stubby Area (NSSA): stub areas are proven sometimes too restrictive. It is sometimes
required to ignore advertisements from BGP but authorize those from RIP. In NSSA, OSPF routers
filter out LSA of type 5 (in this example: those coming from BGP) but inject external routes as LSA
type 7.
• Route summarization: this feature allows the aggregation of addresses, which is advertised in one
route. This prevents the advertisement of multiple routes for the address aggregate. This feature
should be activated in border routers to reduce the routing table sizes.
• RIP/BGP/Static/Default route redistribution: the routes learned by external mechanisms can be
exported in OSPF advertisements. The cost equivalence is defined when activating such feature.
For basic OSPF configuration, you only need to enable OSPF and declare the networks managed by this
protocol (presented in the following section). Further parameters are all optional.
To enable OSPF process run the following command, starting in global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> router ospf
configuration mode:
CLI(config-router)> network <network>/<length> area <area-id>
Where <network> is a network IP address, <length> is the length in bits of the network mask and
<area-id> is either a decimal value or an IP address.
This will enable the sending of periodic 'hello' messages on all the interfaces of the router connected to the
specified network. It is important that <length> matches exactly the mask length of the interface IP
address. For instance, it should be 32 for a point-to-point interface. For such interface, the network must
match the next-hop address (not the local one).
The purpose of the 'hello' message is to establish and maintain neighbor relationships. It ensures that
communication between neighbors is bi-directional. On broadcast and Non-Broadcast Multi-Access
(NBMA) networks, it is also responsible for the election of the designated router.
interface Ethernet 0/0
ip address
interface atm 0
driver ident 0
max vp 3
max vc 8
range vp min 0 max 5
range vc min 32 max 64
interface atm 0.1
pvc pppoa vpi 1 vci 49
ip address
ipcp static
authentication pap
username user9_0
password oneaccess
priority 7
router ospf
network area 1
network area 1
For non-broadcast networks, you may specify neighbors. This is done using the neighbor command, in
router configuration mode:
CLI(config-router)> neighbor <neighbor-ip-address>
The above method is not recommended as it offers a poor flexibility. Alternatively, you can configure the
type of network under interface configuration mode as follows:
CLI(config-if)> ip ospf network { point-to-point | broadcast | point-to-
multipoint }
For example:
interface serial 0/0.21
! Enter in a FR sub-interface
Networks are often hierarchical and it is recommended to elect as DR the router which stands at the head
of the tree. You can set the OSPF priority to enable a router to become the default DR:
CLI(config-if)> ip ospf priority <0-255>
With a priority of 0, the router is not eligible. 255 is the highest priority, 1 the lowest. Router ID
By default, the OSPF protocol takes the address of the first operational interface as OSPF router IP
address. This might be inconvenient, as you are not able to predict the IP address of the OSPF router.
To force the IP address of the OSPF router, use the following command, beginning in router configuration
CLI(config-router)> router-id <A.B.C.D>
Note: the router ID is also important to elect the DR. When all routers have the same priority and no DR
exists, the biggest router-ID gets elected as DR.
To enter in area configuration mode, please begin from the global configuration mode and enter:
CLI(configure)> router ospf
CLI(config-router)> area <area-id>
Route Summarization
To reduce routing table size, route summarization allows the aggregation of several routes into a reduced
number of routes. This applies at the ABR to inter-area route exchange for routes that are within the area.
You need to define the network and network mask to define how the routes are aggregated. The command
is the following:
CLI(config-area)> range <A.B.C.D>/<length>
<A.B.C.D> is the network and <length> is the number of bits to match on the network. It is therefore
recommended that inter-area route addresses are contiguous for efficient summarization.
Stub Areas
External routes injected in the OSPF AS are transmitted as LSA of type 5. When the 'stub area' option is
activated, all LSA of type 5 are discarded thus preventing external routes to be propagated by OSPF. All
routers of the area must be configured with this attribute to allow router adjacency. To activate the stub
area option, enter the following from the global configuration mode:
CLI(config-area)> [no] stub [no-summary]
When the attribute 'no-summary' is provided, the area is configured as 'totally stubby area'. In such area
type, not only external routes are not injected in the AS, but also summarized routes coming from the other
areas. Only intra-area LSA and default route ( are exchanged.
Not So Stubby Areas (NSSA)
Stub areas are sometimes too restrictive. In NSSA, OSPF routers filter out LSA of type 5 but inject external
routes as LSA type 7. By default, the ABR will translate received LSA of type 7 in LSA type 5 when
sending them to another area. It is configured so, beginning in global configuration mode:
CLI(config-area)> [no] nssa [dont-translate] [no-summary]
The 'dont-translate' optional attribute indicates that an ABR does not translate LSA type 7 to type 5.
The LSA are thus discarded. The 'dont-translate' optional attribute tells the ABR not to inject inter-
area routes into the NSSA.
Virtual Links
Virtual link enable two OSPF routers to traverse an area. A typical case is: when an area cannot be directly
connected to area 0, a border router of the remote area is connected to a border router of area 0 through
transit OSPF areas.
CLI(config-area)> [no] virtual-link <A.B.C.D>
Where <A.B.C.D> is the IP address of the remote ABR. It is presumed that the router knows a route to
reach this IP address.
OSPF messages can be authenticated via a MD5-hashed signature. You can activate this authentication
for a given area. In area configuration mode, the command is the following for activation of MD5:
CLI(config-area)> authentication message-digest
It can be useful to make an OSPF interface silent: it can receive OSPF LSA but cannot send any LSA.
Making such interface silent is called interface passivation. To passivate an interface, use the following
command beginning in global configuration mode
CLI(configure)> router ospf
CLI(config-router)> passive-interface { loopback <lb-id> |
Ethernet <slot>/<port>[.<vlan-if>] |
FastEthernet <slot>/<port>[.<vlan-if>] |
Atm <intf>.<port> |
Serial <slot>.<port> |
Bri <slot>/<port>} Authentication
Several commands exist in interface configuration mode that enables to modify some OSPF specific
parameters for a given interface.
To specify the authentication type for an interface, use the following command:
CLI(config-if)> ip ospf authentication { message-digest | null }
Authentication type configured for an interface overrides type that might be configured for the area to
which it belongs. That is why 'null' authentication type is provided. If no type is specified, simple password
authentication is used.
Before using this command, configure a password with:
CLI(config-if)> ip ospf authentication-key <password>
Where <keyid> is an identifier in the range 1 to 255 and <key> is an alphanumeric password (maximum
length: 16).
To remove authentication type for an interface, use the no form of this command:
CLI(config-if)> no ip ospf authentication
• An interface cost reflects the throughput of a link. The lower the cost, the more the interface is
preferred for routing. The cost is a specific OSPF term.
• A metric defines the overall cost of a route. To reach a destination, the router must take into account
not only the output interface, but the efficiency of the whole path. Therefore, the OSPF algorithm
computes the metric based on the cost of all interfaces, which are traversed along this route. A metric
is not a term specific to OSPF; this is the value installed in the routing table.
The default value of the cost depends on the bandwidth of the interface; it is calculated with the following
Cost = Ref-Val in bps / bandwidth-in-bps
Ref-Val is 108. This will give for instance a default cost of 1 for a FastEthernet (100Mbps) interface, 10
for an Ethernet (10Mbps) interface or 50 for an ATM PVC (2Mbps). Therefore, the higher the cost, the less
the interface is likely to be used.
To specify the cost of sending a packet on an interface, use:
CLI(config-if)> ip ospf cost <cost>
<cost> is an unsigned integer value in the range 1 to 65535. This value will be taken by the link cost in
the Router LSA (Link State Advertisement). To return to the default cost, use the no form of this command:
CLI(config-if)> no ip ospf cost
Instead of 108, you can set another reference value for cost computation. The command is the following,
beginning in router configuration mode:
CLI(config-router)> auto-cost reference-bandwidth <1-4294967>
The reference value is provided in Mbps. (Using 100 sets the default value).
For the same destination, it might be possible that several routes exist in BGP, RIP or OSPF databases.
The router installs the route in its routing table based on the 'administrative distance' value. The distance is
a parameter that you can set for each routing protocols and that reflects the level of confidence in a routing
protocol. For example, you may want to always select the BGP route if it exists. Since the lower the
distance, the higher the confidence, BGP must have the lowest administrative distance.
The OSPF administrative distance is set as follows, beginning in global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> router ospf
CLI(config-router)> distance <1-255>
OSPF update filtering enables the router to select route prefixes that are advertised globally and/or per
interfaces. The command is the following:
CLI(config-router)> distribute-list <acl-name> out [ static | rip | bgp ]
If the optional arguments are not provided, the filtering applies to all redistributed routing updates. The
access lists are standard access lists. See access-lists used for route filtering in
If the keyword 'always' is added, it implies the router sends a default route regardless of the fact that it has
really a default route or not.
You can associate a route metric for this default route (default metric: 20):
CLI(config-router)> default-information originate metric <metric>
You can optionally use route maps to advertise only certain LSA. Route maps are a global mechanism for
routing protocols that enables the filtering of undesired routes. As route-maps can be used for BGP, RIP
and OSPF, some configuration commands for route maps are only relevant for certain protocols (mostly
BGP), hence the fact that they are detailed in each section for every routing protocols.
<map-tag> is a string identifying the route map.
<sequence-number> is an integer indicating the relative position compared to other instances that define
the route-map. When OSPF applies a route-map instance to routing advertisements, it applies the lowest
instance first. If the set of conditions is not met the next instance is used and so on until either a condition
is met or there are no more conditions to apply. We generally use ‘10’ as <sequence-number> when
creating the route map and use increments of ‘10’ for the following route map sequence, so that you can
insert easily other route map instances between already configured instances.
Conditions are expressed using the match command that is defined as follows:
CLI(config-route-map)> match ip {address | next-hop} {<access-list-
number> | prefix-list <prefix-list-name>]
When using the address keyword, the match clause applies the access/prefix list to the advertised
network. When using the next-hop keyword, the match clause applies the access/prefix list to the next-
hop of the advertised network. Prefix-list use is defined in and access-lists use for route filtering
You can filter LSA using tags. An OSPF tag is a special field in LSA, encoded over 32 bits that can be
used as a configuration facility to mark and to filter LSA:
CLI(config-route-map)> match tag <0..4294967295>
This command sets the route metric. The command 'set metric [+|-]<metric>' is only supported
for BGP.
To set the metric type:
CLI(config-route-map)> set metric-type { type-1 | type-2 }
<acl-name> is the name of the standard access list filtering the route. Timers
The following parameters can be defined for an interface or virtual link. For an interface, please enter in
interface configuration mode. For virtual link, enter in area configuration mode and substitute 'ip ospf'
by 'virtual-link <A.B.C.D>'.
To specify the number of seconds before the router will declare its neighbors down, without getting ‘hello’
packets, use the following command:
CLI(config-if)> ip ospf dead-interval <seconds>
To specify the time between ‘hello’ packets that the router sends on this interface, use the following
CLI(config-if)> ip ospf hello-interval <seconds>
To specify the delay length before retranslating a link state advertisement for which no acknowledgement
has been received, use the following command:
CLI(config-if)> ip ospf retransmit-interval <seconds>
Where <seconds> is a positive integer, which must be greater than the estimated round-trip delay
between two neighbors on the network. The default is 5 seconds. To return to the default value of this
interval, use the no form of this command:
CLI(config-if)> no ip ospf retransmit-interval
On low speed interfaces, it might take a long time to transmit a LSA; therefore adjacency between routers
is not achieved properly and that routers are synchronized with a too long time offset. By default, it is
assumed that it takes 1 sec to transmit the LSA. But on low speed interfaces, the OSPF router needs to
"anticipate" coping with the slow speed of the link. The command is the following:
CLI(config-if)> transmit-delay <time-in-s>
By default, OSPF routers dialog with each other if they have exactly the same MTU. However, it may be
possible that the MTU is not equal for both routers. For example, an OSPF router A is connected to an
Ethernet switch using conventional Ethernet. Router A must dialog with router B, connected on the same
switch, but using VLAN. The VLAN header reduces MTU. If you want to disable MTU comparison, use the
following command in interface configuration mode:
CLI(config-if)> [no] ip ospf mtu-ignore
It is also possible that the OneOS-based ABR router must inter-operate with equipment having some old,
non-RFC compliant features. In OSPF router configuration mode, it is configured as follows:
CLI(config-router)> abr-type { cisco | ibm | standard }
By default, 'standard' is selected, which means the behavior complies with RFC 2328.
OSPF is an Interior Gateway Protocol, that is to say, it is designed to manage routing in private networks.
When external routes are advertised in the OSPF AS from an External Gateway Protocol (like BGP), it
becomes possible thousands of routes be injected in OSPF. As OSPF is very processor- and memory-
consuming, this can result in poor router performance. To avoid such situation, you can protect the router
by limiting the number of processed external routes, using the 'overflow' command beginning in router
configuration mode:
CLI(config-router)> overflow external <nb-external-routes> <silent-time>
<silent-time> is the time in seconds, ranging from 0 to 65535, during which the router ignores any
updates for injected external routes. To restore default values, use:
CLI(config-router)> no overflow external
4.28.4 Statistics
Several 'show' routines are available to display OSPF statistics. General statistics are provided with:
CLI> show ip ospf
As the OSPF database contains a fairly high number of information, you can view a part of the OSPF
database using the following command and options
CLI> show ip ospf database [ asbr-summary |
external |
network |
router |
summary |
max-age |
self-originate ]
To solve configuration issues, you might have to activate trace functions. It is based on the 'debug
<...>' command and is deactivated using the 'no' form of the command ('no debug <...>').
To debug ABR-related issue, use the following command:
CLI> debug ospf abr
To debug events in the interface state machine (ISM, i.e. the transitions between the OSPF interface
states), use the following command:
CLI> debug ospf ism
To debug events in the neighbor state machine (NSM, i.e. the transitions between the OSPF neighbor
states), use the following command:
CLI> debug ospf nsm
To debug interface state machine (ISM, i.e. the transitions between the OSPF interface states), use the
following command:
CLI> debug ospf ism
To debug general OSPF protocol state transitions, use the following command:
CLI> debug ospf events
To debug exchange of external routes with OSPF, use the following command:
CLI> debug ospf external
To debug and decode all OSPF protocol packets, use the following command:
CLI> debug ospf packet
The IP protocol defines three types of IP packets: unicast, broadcast and multicast. Unicast packets are
destined from a source to a destination host. Unicast is intended for host-to-host communication.
Broadcast packets are emitted by a single host and destined to all hosts of the same network. The
broadcast mode is thus intended to send information to multiple hosts, which may have interest in
receiving these information pieces. However, the broadcast mode cannot scale in large networks as it
means waste of bandwidth (because all listening hosts do not have interest in receiving that packet) and
possible networking issues such as broadcast storm in case of a routing loop. That is the reason why a
third type of IP packet was introduced: multicast packet.
“Multicast” is an IP packet type designed to send data to a group of selected hosts. In other words,
multicast is intended for point-to-multipoint communication. Example of applications for multicast:
• Routing protocols (RIP, OSPF), where routing information are exchanged between routers via
multicast packets.
• Voice and video broadcasting: multiple end-users register to a server in order to receive a multimedia
IP packets are multicast packets when their IP address belongs to the range to Actually, the range of IP addresses was partitioned by the IANA into sub-categories. to is reserved for routing protocols. Only the range to is
allocated to user address space. A multicast address thus corresponds to a multicast application running
between a multicast source and receiving hosts.
On an Ethernet network, a multicast packet is transported in a special MAC frame. Therefore, a multicast
sender only has to forward a single MAC frame when sending multicast flows to multiple destinations on
the LAN. The last three bytes of the multicast IP address are copied into the MAC destination address as
follows: if the multicast IP address is ???.X.Y.Z, the Mac frame is 01:00:5E:X:Y:Z. Therefore, the first 5 bits
of the multicast IP is not mapped, which can seldom yield to conflicts, which can be avoided with good
network design practices.
Let us look at an example to make things clearer. At one hand, a video streaming server is running and is
connected to a multicast network. On the other hand side, some computers connected to a same multicast
router would like to receive the video stream. The computers join and leave the multicast group to start and
stop receiving the video stream while the server continues to broadcast video.
The computers requests that the multicast flow be sent to them using the IGMP protocol. The IGMP
protocol enables them to announce that they are willing to join and leave a multicast group. The multicast
router receiving the join request will in turn try to find the multicast source. To find that source, a multicast
routing protocol is needed to inform multicast routers that the multicast flow must be forwarded to the
requiring router. The role of the multicast routing protocol is to build a multicast distribution tree. Building a
distribution tree tells where multicast packets must be replicated so that the first single multicast packet is
forwarded to all destinations. The multicast routing topology can be optimized to privilege the shortest path
from source to destination or the overall bandwidth required in the backbone.
A distribution tree can be either a source tree or a shared tree. A source tree forms a tree, which has the
shortest path (Shortest Path Tree: SPT) from the source to all destinations. A shared tree is a tree that is
not optimal in terms of distance from the source to destination but rather tries to share segments of the
tree between multiple destinations. Shared trees enable to replicate less multicast packets. As the shared
trees are less complex (because they have less segments), multicast routers have less neighbor status
information to maintain, which requires less resources than a source tree model.
IGMP Domain
Note: it is possible to traverse networks not supporting multicast routing. To do so, a common solution is
that the multicast routing protocol is encapsulated in a GRE tunnel. Introduction
The PIM-SM (Protocol Independent Multicast Sparse-Mode) is a protocol for routing multicast packets to
multicast groups. OneOS supports PIM-SM version 2. It is designed to create distribution tree along the
reverse path from the receivers towards the sources. PIM is called “independent” because it uses unicast
routing table (populated by other routing protocols such as static, connected, RIP, OSPF … routes) to build
the distribution tree. The unicast routing table is also the routing information base used to perform Reverse
Path Forwarding (RPF) check: RPF check consists of verifying that a received packet was received from
the expected interface that matches the route in the unicast routing table. With unicast packets, RPF helps
in preventing IP spoofing. With PIM-SM routing, the RPF check is intended to determine upstream
neighbors form which multicast traffic would take from the source. A router forwards multicast packets only
if it is received on the upstream interface.
PIM neighbor discovery is performed using Hello messages sent periodically to on all PIM interfaces.
PIM-SM uses Shared Tree as multicast distribution tree. The Shared Tree model needs one or more
Rendezvous Point (RP) placed in the PIM-SM domain, and known by the others PIM-SM routers. The
multicast traffic generated from a source is sent to the RP, and then it is forwarded down the shared tree to
the receivers. A multicast source and receivers can communicate together if their attached routers know
how to reach a common RP router or different RP routers (reachable with each other).
Rendezvous Point can be configured statically or dynamically using Bootstrap (BSR) messages.
When a receiver joins a multicast group, it sends an IGMP report message. The multicast router directly
connected to the receiver, elected as a DR (Designated Router), sends a PIM Join message to the RP for
that multicast group. The Join message is forwarded to the RP and that creates hop-by-hop a distribution
When a source starts sending multicast traffic for that multicast group, the multicast router directly
connected to the source and elected as DR encapsulates the packets as unicast packets and sends them
to the RP with a Register message. The RP de-encapsulates the packets and forwards the data down
through the shared tree to reach the receiver(s) listening to that group.
In the shared tree model, the multicast data flows down through the RP. But a receiver could reach a
source with a shortest path other than the route via the RP. Indeed the route via the RP may involve an
important detour. To optimize use of the bandwidth on the RP path or to reduce latencies, the receiver’s
local DR router may initiate the shortest path tree (SPT) transfer or not, by sending a Join message directly
to the source. After the sender’s local DR has received the Join message, multicast traffic starts flowing
down through the SPT. At this point, data are forwarded to the receiver using two paths, the shared path
tree and the shortest path tree. When the receiver’s local router establishes it has received two copies of
the packets, it drops packets form the RP and sends a Prune message towards the RP. The prune
message tells the RP to stop forwarding the multicast data.
Required steps:
• Enable Multicast Routing
• Enable PIM Sparse Mode on interfaces
• Configure Rendezvous Point (RP):
• Either: Configure router as static RP
• Or (and) Configure router as Candidate RP
• Configure router as Candidate BSR (optional)
Optional steps:
• Configure TTL Threshold on interfaces
• Configure SPT switching threshold
• Configure Register source address
• Configure static multicast routes
Multicast routing enables the router to forward multicast flows. To enable IP multicast forwarding on the
router, use the following commands beginning in global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> ip multicast-routing
To disable Multicast Routing, use the following commands beginning in global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> no ip multicast-routing
To enable PIM Sparse Mode on a router interface, first select the interface and use the following
commands beginning in global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> interface <type> <unit>
CLI(config-if)> ip pim sparse-mode
To disable PIM Sparse Mode, use the following commands beginning in global configuration mode:
CLI(config-if)> no ip pim sparse-mode
To configure a static RP on the router, use the following commands beginning in global configuration
CLI(configure)> ip pim rp-address <ip-address> [group-list <access-list-
name> ] [override]
By default, a static RP has the lowest priority. If the ‘override’ keyword is entered, the static RP is always
preferred over dynamically learnt RP. To remove a static RP, use the following commands beginning in
global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> no ip pim rp-address <ip-address>
To configure the router to advertise itself as Candidate RP, use the following commands beginning in
global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> ip pim rp-candidate <type> <unit> [group-list <access-
list-name> [priority <0-255>]
The interface <type> <unit> is the IP address that is advertised as candidate RP IP address. The
group-list specifies the multicast group prefixes advertised by this router. The router with the lowest
(priority) number has the highest priority. The default priority is 0. To remove the router as Candidate RP,
use the following commands beginning in global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> no ip pim rp-candidate
The BSR is elected according to a priority number. The BSR advertises which RP is in charge of building
the multicast distribution tree for a particular multicast group. In order to select the group prefixes per RP,
the RFC 2362 (PIM-SM) defines a hash function requiring a hash mask length. By default, the mask is 30
bits long. To configure the router as Candidate BSR, use the following commands beginning in global
configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> ip pim bsr-candidate <type> <unit> [hash-mask-len <mask-
len>] [priority <0-255>]
The interface <type> <unit> is the IP address that is advertised as candidate BSR IP address. The
highest priority is preferred. (Default value= 0). To remove the router as Candidate BSR, use the following
commands beginning in global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> no ip pim bsr-candidate
The TTL threshold value controls if a multicast packet can be forwarded on the interface. Packets are
forwarded, only if the TTL value is greater than the TTL configured on the interface. The TTL is
decremented every time a multicast packet is forwarded.
To configure a TTL threshold on an interface, use the following commands beginning in global
configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> interface <type> <unit>
CLI(config-if)> ip multicast ttl-threshold <ttl-value>
To restore the default TTL threshold on an interface, use the following commands beginning in global
configuration mode:
CLI(config-if)> no ip multicast ttl-threshold
The SPT switching threshold enables the router to automatically switch form the shared path tree to the
shortest path tree after multicast traffic rate is greater than the rate configured.
To configure the Source Tree switching threshold, use the following commands beginning in global
configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> ip pim spt-threshold <rate-in-kbps>
To restore the default Source Tree switching threshold, use the following commands beginning in global
configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> no ip pim spt-threshold
To configure a source address for sending the register message, use the following commands beginning in
global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> ip pim register-source <source-address>
To restore the default source address for register message, use the following commands beginning in
global configuration mode:
CLI(configure)> no ip pim register-source
To configure an IP multicast static route, use the following commands beginning in global configuration
CLI(configure)> ip mroute <source-address> <mask> [{<rpf-address> |
<type> <unit>}]
To remove an IP multicast static route, use the following commands beginning in global configuration
CLI(configure)> no ip mroute <source-address> <mask> [{<rpf-address> |
<type> <unit>}]
To limit the number of multicast states that can be added to a multicast routing table use the following
command in global configuration mode. To disable this configuration, use the no form of this command.
CLI(configure)> [no] ip multicast route-limit <limit> [threshold]
limit is the number of multicast routes that can be added. The range is from 1 to 2147483647, the latter
being the default value.
threshold is the number of multicast routes that cause a warning message to occur. The threshold value
must not exceed the limit value.
To configure an administratively scoped boundary, use the following command in interface configuration
mode. To remove the boundary, use the no form of this command.
CLI(configure)> [no] ip multicast boundary <access-list> [ in | out ]
access-list is the number or name identifying an access list that controls the range of group addresses
affected by the boundary. The access list must be a standard access list when no direction is given
(neither in nor out). It can be a standard or extended access list when applied to one direction (in or
out) or to both directions (two commands with in and out).
In the following example, router C is the RP for all possible group addresses, because no restricting
access-list is associated with this router. The receiver in network joins any group G, by
means of an IGMP report message received by router A. Consequently, Router A sends PIM join
messages for group G to the RP, building a branch of the RP tree for group G. As soon as Source on
network begins to send data packets destined to group G, router B sends these packets
encapsulated in register messages to the RP, which forwards them down the RP tree towards the
Receiver. As no command spt-threshold is configured on router A, the default data threshold is
8 kbps. If the data throughput exceeds this value, router A joins directly router B for building the SP tree
towards the source (because it is the shortest path): at this time, data will flow directly from router B to
router A, which causes router A to send PIM prune messages to RP to stop the data flow coming down the
RP tree. In addition, router B will continue to send the data packets in register messages to the RP, which
will respond by register-stop messages to router B because the RP has no more receivers down the RP
Receiver Source
router A router B
router C
Router A configuration:
ip multicast-routing
interface fastethernet 0/0
ip address
ip pim sparse-mode
interface fastethernet 0/1
ip address
ip pim sparse-mode
interface atm 0
driver ident 0
max vp 8
max vc 8
range vp min 0 max 10
linerate adaptive 384 2304
mode 2_wire
interface atm 0.1
pvc pppoa vpi 8 vci 35
ip address
ipcp static
authentication no
ip pim sparse-mode
ip route atm 0.1
ip route
ip pim rp-address
Router B configuration:
ip multicast-routing
interface fastethernet 0/0
ip address
ip pim sparse-mode
interface fastethernet 0/1
ip address
ip pim sparse-mode
interface atm 0
driver ident 0
max vp 8
max vc 8
range vp min 0 max 10
equipment CO
linerate adaptive 384 2304
mode 2_wire
interface atm 0.1
pvc pppoa vpi 8 vci 35
ip address
ipcp static
authentication no
ip pim sparse-mode
ip route atm 0.1
ip pim rp-address
Router C configuration:
ip multicast-routing
interface fastethernet 0/0
ip address
ip pim sparse-mode
interface fastethernet 0/1
ip address
ip pim sparse-mode
ip route
ip pim rp-address Statistics
To enable PIM reverse path forwarding debugging, use the following command:
CLI> [no] debug ip pim rpf
To disable PIM reverse path forwarding debugging, use the 'no' form of the above command.
4.29.3 IGMP Features
Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) is a protocol used by IPv4 systems to report IP multicast
memberships to neighboring multicast routers.
IGMP protocol is based on two kinds of messages: queries and reports. While routers send queries to
inform clients about their presence, clients answer and send report messages to tell which multicast group
Once PIM is enabled on an interface, IGMP is enabled too on the same interface. By default, IGMPv2 is
supported. However, it is possible to force another IGMP version.
CLI(config-if)> ip igmp version <1-2-3>
If IGMPv3 is configured, then IGMPv3 reports are supported. To restore the default configuration, use the
following command line:
CLI(config-if)> ip igmp version 2
Each IGMP query is periodically sent to the defined subnet. Query interval is the interval in seconds
between each query. Use the following command line in interface configuration line:
CLI(config-if)> ip igmp query-interval <1-18000>
To come back to default configuration with a query interval set to 125 seconds, use the following command
CLI(config-if)> ip igmp query-interval
Each IGMP query waits for a potential report, in response to the query, until a maximum response time
authorized. To configure this maximum response time, use the following command line in interface
configuration line:
CLI(config-if)> ip igmp query-max-response-time <1-25>
To come back to default configuration with a query max response time set to 10 seconds, use the following
command line:
CLI(config-if)> ip igmp query-max-response-time
It is possible to filter incoming reports upon group address, and even source address when IGMPv3
records are received. If a standard access-list is chosen, only a group of multicast addresses records are
read and permitted. An extended access-list permits the configuration of a specific source address and
multicast address. To configure an access-list, use the following configuration in interface command line:
CLI(config-if)> ip igmp acces-group <name>
To come back to default configuration no filtering applied to incoming IGMP reports, use the default
command in interface configuration mode:
CLI(config-if)> no ip igmp access-group
The following command in interface configuration mode configures the router to be a statically connected
member of the specified group on the interface. To remove the router as a member of the group, use the
<group-address> is the IP multicast group address of a group to which the router belongs.
<source-address> is the IP address of a system within the group from where multicast data packets
To display information of IGMP configuration, use the following command line in configuration command:
CLI> show igmp interface
The OneAccess Operating System (OneOS) includes source code covered by the GNU General Public
License (GPL) terms and conditions. As a result the OneOS distribution terms allow distribution in source
code form of the software library named hereafter:
• Zebra routing software, Copyright (C) 2000 Kunihiro Ishiguro.
• 4.4BSD software, Copyright (C) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 The
Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
The GPL files can be obtained by connecting to the following URL: OneAccess is committed to provide the sources on request for 3 years after
time of purchase of the product.