Eurobitume TF Data Collection Position Paper On Test Methods Used During The Data Collection
Eurobitume TF Data Collection Position Paper On Test Methods Used During The Data Collection
Eurobitume TF Data Collection Position Paper On Test Methods Used During The Data Collection
May 2009
ISBN 2-930160-11-X
© May 2009
Published by the European Bitumen Association
Boulevard du Souverain 165
B – 1160 Brussels, Belgium
Tel.: +32/(0)2 566 91 40 * Fax: +32/0)2 566 91 49
[email protected]
Position Paper on Test Methods
used during the Data Collection
Considerable effort has been made to assure the accuracy and reliability of the information
contained in this publication. However, Eurobitume cannot accept liability for any loss, damage
or injury whatsoever resulting from the use of this information.
Eurobitume is grateful to the members of the Task Force Data Collection for producing this
Anja Soerensen – ARBIT (Project Leader)
Jeroen Besamusca – Kuwait
Alice Bomers – Total
Theodor Hagemann – BP
Laurence Lapalu – Total
Claire Laurens – Shell
Stéphane Le Clerc – Shell
Bernard Lombardi – GPB
Alberto Madella – API
Sophie Nigen-Chaidron – Shell
Antonio Paez Dueñas – Repsol
Ignacio Perez – CEPSA
Chris Rayner – ExxonMobil
Mike Southern – Eurobitume
Chris Southwell – RBA
Markus Spiegl – OMV
André Stawiarski – Total
Wim Teugels – Nynas
Maria Rita Valentinetti - Eni
Table of Contents
Executive Summary ......................................................................................... 1
Background ...................................................................................................... 2
Caveat ............................................................................................................... 3
Glossary ............................................................................................................ 4
Part 7: Cohesion............................................................................................. 26
7.1. Deformation Energy with Force Ductility Method [EN 13589 and EN 13703] .................. 26
7.2. Deformation Energy with Tensile Test Method [EN 13587 and EN 13703] ..................... 27
7.3. Vialit Pendulum [EN 13588].............................................................................................. 28
TF Data Collection was established in response to a request from CEN to collect data on
bituminous binders for the purpose of development of new performance related specifications.
This report does not provide any statements on how performance related specifications should
be structured, but is addressing binder tests only.
The European Standards EN 12591, EN 13924 and EN 14023 are based on various national
standards which were in existence when the process of harmonisation started, i.e. in 1990.
These standards are based on so-called “empirical” specifications and are, by common consent,
reasonably successful and adequate for use in Europe for most binders. The relationship of
many of the test methods to performance is fairly well understood, but they cannot be said to be
directly performance related.
The next step in the process of European Standardisation is to progress to the development of
new specifications which are more-directly performance-related. It will require agreement to be
reached on the properties to be specified and the test methods to measure them. It will also
require agreement to be reached on how best to differentiate the specifications to allow for
differing climate and traffic.
During the analysis of the database a number of good correlations were identified between
properties that are not fundamentally related, e.g. for paving grade bitumen a strong correlation
was identified between Needle Penetration and Softening Point. The binders tested during this
project constitute a reasonable subset of commercially available products, but certain classes,
e.g. paving grade bitumen can be assumed to comply with existing European Specifications.
Consequently, for the population in the database, the fact that certain properties are required to
comply with specification limits means that the samples were not random. Therefore
correlations can be anticipated that are artifacts of the sample population, rather than genuine
correlations between test methods. In this paper we have commented under each test method
whether we believe a correlation to be a consequence of the specification, or a genuine
relationship between a given property and another property.
European Test Methods are subject to revision on a regular basis. During the period of this
project a number of the test methods are known to have undergone revision, some of which will
make comparison of test results that use different versions of a test invalid. The list of test
methods used and the version of the standard are listed in Annex 2. Developments on test
methods or on new tests in Europe, or in other areas, were not assessed during this project.
The Eurobitume project only considered binder test methods, therefore the database should
only be used to evaluate properties of binders and cannot, at this time, provide information on
mixture or pavement properties.
Statistical analysis
In order to provide the statements on test methods used during the data collection, practical
experience with test methods was collected in a systemic approach. Additionally, correlation
checks were undertaken for all available test methods. The results are listed in tables in the
respective chapters. In order to avoid duplication, correlations are only stated for one of the two
test methods reviewed.
The statistics were carried out based on 90% reliability and only where at least ten data points
were available to be checked. Correlation between test results was checked for each of the four
different types of binder and for groups of them. However, only those results are given where
most of the binders are included: e.g. if a correlation was determined for all binders but also for
paving grade bitumen only, only the correlation result for all binders is given.
TF Data Collection considered that a correlation existed if R² ≥ 0.9 for the regression graph
The correlation recorded between Penetration and R&B softening point is most probably forced
by the fact that the binders studied comply with existing specifications.
Observation / remarks: BiTVal stated that no formal correlation has been found in the papers
reviewed between the softening point test and other bitumen tests. However, the Data
Collection results proved clearly that the softening point ring and ball is at least for some groups
of binders correlating very well with other tests.
Suitability for production / quality control: Yes, useful for production and quality control,
because the method is well known, relatively quick, and correlated to other properties.
Suitability for future specification: Yes, suitable for specification purposes for paving grade
and hard paving grade binders, but not necessarily for PMB.
Observation / remarks: The statements from BiTVal can be confirmed only in some respects.
It cannot be seen from the Data Collection that very good correlations exist with softening point
ring and ball whatever the binder type: this is true only for the group of paving grades, hard
paving grades and special binders but not for PMBs. For this group, a good correlation exists
before and after short term ageing. The good correlation between viscosity at 60°C and G*
(60°C, 10 rad/s) is confirmed only for paving grade and hard paving grades, while the
correlation with Temp @ G*/sin (δ) =1.0 kPa (fresh) is good whatever the binder type. It can be
seen that correlations also exist with LSV - EVT1 (fresh), LSV - EVT2 (fresh), ZSV (STA) and
with the Temp @ G*/sin (δ) = 2.2 kPa (aged) for certain groups of binders.
Suitability for production / quality control: Yes, useful for production and quality control,
because the method is well known, relatively quick, and correlated to other properties.
Suitability for future specification: No. Due to the limitations on applicability (only Newtonian
liquids), this test cannot be recommended for inclusion in a general specification. However,
dynamic viscosity is a useful indicator for soft binders and could be part of specifications for
binders that show Newtonian behaviour.
Observation / remarks: There are no comments in the BiTVal report. The Data Collection
shows that there are some very good correlations between LSV - EVT1 and the Temp @ G*/sin
(δ) = 1kPa on short term aged paving grade and hard paving grade binders.
Suitability for production / quality control: Yes, useful for production and quality control.
Suitability for future specification: No. Kinematic viscosity is needed for information on
handling only and is not related to the performance of the binder.
3.3. Change in Softening Point Ring and Ball [EN 12607-1 in combination with EN
General Comments: This parameter is also based on calculation. As the softening point ring
and ball of some PMB may decrease after RTFOT, the wording should be “change” in softening
point ring and ball instead of “increase”, which is currently used in EN 14023. In addition, see
the general comments given in 2.1.
The change of the binder property due to the impact of heat and air is observed which may be
relevant to evaluate the binder quality.
Precision: The precision depends on the precision of the softening point test.
Timing: Between 1.5 and 4 hours for RTFOT and 45 minutes for softening point testing.
Suitability for future specification: For conventional binders the test appears to be useful.
However, the issues mentioned above concerning PMB may limit the usefulness of the
parameter for future specifications.
4.1. Complex Modulus in DSR [EN 14770]: temperature sweep between 40 and
80°C (at given frequencies) and frequency sweep between 0.1 and 10 Hz (at given
General Comments: The test can be applied on most binders, including highly modified PMB.
Frequency sweep interval may need to be extended to lower frequencies for further use of data
for EVT1 calculations.
The test is performed within the linear visco-elastic range, while permanent deformation in
pavements can be linked to non-linearity at high stresses.
The test enables discrimination between elastomer modified binders and paving grade binders
by analysis of the phase angle curve.
The results can be dependent on the apparatus used. The standard is imprecise, allowing
different interpretations of the data. Consequently, analysis is difficult and experience is needed
for meaningful interpretation.
The test evaluates visco-elastic properties of binder, but it is necessary to solve practical
aspects related to the definition of a final numerical result (curve, reference values).
Maybe more repetitions are necessary for good accuracy. Care should be taken with sample
preparation and thermal history.
Precision: The repeatability can be quite high, up to 20-30% on G* [Ref. “Complex Modulus of
Bituminous Binders: Results of the Round Robin Test of the GE1 working group (France)” - B.
Eckmann et al, Eurasphalt & Eurobitume 2008 Congress, Copenhagen 21-23 May 2008].
In general, the standard sets a rather wide precision range; this needs to be assessed.
Timing: Full testing may take some time (temperatures and frequencies), but can be fully
automatic with modern DSR equipment. Testing over a full sweep is not considered as a quality
control test. Temperature sweep at a specific frequency could be a faster option and in general
faster than e.g. R&B or penetration test.
The test takes 2 hours to one day per sample, depending on the sample preparation and testing
conditions. To obtain results this test is faster than LSV and ZSV.
Comments from BiTVal: Penetration has been correlated with DSR measurements. It is
generally considered that, for paving grade bitumen, the R&B softening point is equivalent to a
penetration of 800 x 0.1 mm. From the relationship between log(G*) and log(pen), it is possible
to calculate the value of G* which equates to 800 pen (G*800 pen). Measurement of G* at more
than one temperature enables a relationship between G* and temperature to be established and
it is then possible to determine the temperature which corresponds to G*800 pen, nominally the
R&B softening point. It has been found that the stiffness of the binder can be predicted from the
penetration index and R&B softening point for paving grade bitumen. At very low testing
frequency, the ratio G*/sin δ is related to the oscillation ZSV. Hence, there is also a relation with
creep ZSV.
Observation/remarks: No correlation was found between DSR results at high temperature and
penetration. A good correlation is confirmed between G* and R&B temperature but only if PMB
are not taken into account.
A mathematical correlation is found between shear modulus and FD results on long term aged
binder, but no physical reason is seen for that correlation.
Suitability for future specification: Temperature and frequency susceptibilities are
fundamental properties of binders and, as such, may be useful for future specifications.
However the standard, as such, provides too much data to be used in specifications. Suitable
parameters and limits would need to be determined from mixture properties and field
A combination with ageing procedures could be considered.
4.2. Low Shear Viscosity in DSR – LSV [WI 336067, later prTS 15324]: EVT1 and
General Comments: The procedure can be used for all binders, but the protocol could be
¾ No need is seen to carry out the temperature sweep at each temperature degree in order
to generate acceptable EVT1 data.
¾ Indication of a starting temperature (lowest temperature) or range of temperatures would
be useful for the temperature sweep (only a viscosity range is recommended).
¾ The calculation of EVT2 is not straight-forward, which can easily lead to mistakes. The
extrapolation supposes that there is a plateau at low frequencies, which may not be the
case for all binders, especially PMB.
Note that data for EVT1 calculations might also be obtained by frequency sweep in DSR, if the
frequency interval is extended to include lower frequency values (see 4.1). Doing this would
avoid performing several tests on the same binder and thus save time.
Precision: According to the precision data given in the project standard (Round Robin test
performed in 2003), it is estimated that R (paving grade bitumen) = 2.0 to 2.8°C and R (PMB) =
4.3 to 5.3°C. This is comparable or worse than Reproducibility indicated for R&B softening point
(resp. 2.0°C for paving grade bitumen and 3.5°C for PMB).
Note that this Round Robin test was performed on an earlier version of the protocol.
Timing: Between half a day and a full working day. The testing is shorter than that of ZSV, but
can be longer than a frequency sweep at high temperature (complex modulus see 4.1). EVT2
results need long testing time because of low frequency.
Comments from BiTVal: Probably there is an acceptable link with rutting for EVT1, but in case
of EVT2, the frequency may be too low to be linked with rutting.
Observation / remarks: EVT1 is well correlated with dynamic viscosity at 60°C and is
measurable on more datasets than dynamic viscosity at 60°C: EVT1 was measured on 131
binders (and no ‘non measurable’ values were recorded) while dynamic viscosity at 60°C was
measured only on 97 binders and was non measurable for 26 binders (23 PMB and 3 hard
grades). EVT1 could possibly be proposed instead of dynamic viscosity at 60°C.
A mathematical correlation is seen between EVT1 (fresh binder) and FD at 20°C (long term
aged binder), but no physical reason is seen for that correlation. The same remark applies for
the correlation seen between EVT2 and BBR results.
Suitability for future specification: This test may be useful for future specifications, especially
for PMB. EVT1 is more preferred than EVT2 as there is a very good correlation between EVT1
and EVT2. In addition, it is less time consuming to measure only EVT1 and this parameter could
also be deduced from a frequency sweep which would avoid performing several tests on the
same binder and thus save time.
Suitability for future specification: The shortcomings of this test make it unsuitable for
inclusion in a future specification. Ring and ball softening point is simpler to test and gives
similar interpretation for conventional binder. Complex modulus and phase angle or EVT1 are
preferred, especially for PMB (better precision). The determination of ZSV takes too much time
for specification purposes.
5.1. Complex Modulus G* and phase angle in DSR [EN 14770]: temperature
sweep between 10 and 40°C (at given frequencies) and frequency sweep between
0.1 and 10 Hz (at given temperatures)
General Comments: Problems occurred in some cases when measuring hard paving grade
bitumen (penetration ≤ 20 0.1 mm) at T=10ºC, due to the limitations of the DSR equipment.
Some older rheometers may have torque limitations in case of testing hard paving grades at low
temperatures. However, the procedure seems to be satisfactory for most binders when suitable
DSRs are used.
Measurement system compliance may be an issue when testing hard paving grade binders at
low temperatures.
Maybe more repetitions are necessary for good accuracy. Care should be taken with sample
preparation and thermal history.
Precision: The repeatability can be quite high, up to 20-30% on G* [Ref. “Complex Modulus of
Bituminous Binders: Results of the Round Robin Test of the GE1 working group (France)” B.
Eckmann et al, Eurasphalt & Eurobitume 2008 Congress, Copenhagen 21-23 May 2008].
In general, the standard sets a rather wide precision range, this needs to be assessed.
Timing: Full testing may take some time (temperatures and frequencies), but normally fully
automatic with recent DSRs. Testing over a full sweep is not considered as a quality control
test. A temperature sweep at a specific frequency could be a faster option and in general faster
than e.g. R&B or penetration test.
The test takes 2 hours to one day per sample, depending on the sample preparation and testing
Comments from BiTVal: see item 4.1.
Correlation with:
Observation / remarks: BiTVal stated that correlation has been found in the papers between
penetration and DSR measurements at 25°C. TF Data Collection performed tests at 20°C and
30°C and no such correlation was found at any frequency between 0.1 and 10 Hz. TF DC
believes that R2 values of 0.8 do not show a correlation while literature sometimes regards this
value as a proof for correlation.
Suitability for future specification: Temperature and frequency susceptibilities are
fundamental properties of binders and, as such, may be useful for future specifications.
However the standard, as such, provides too much data to be used in specifications. Suitable
parameters and limits would need to be determined from mixture properties and field
A combination with ageing procedures could be considered.
6.1. Bending Beam Rheometer BBR [EN 14771]: Determination of Stiffness and
m-value at -16°C as well as determination of temperature at which stiffness S =
300 MPa and m-value = 0.3 respectively
General Comments: Stiffness is a fundamental property of a binder, whereas m-value is not.
Low service temperature properties of binder are generally important in a pavement and low
temperature failure typically occurs late in service life. Therefore it is sensible to address the low
temperature behaviour of long term aged binders. However, because very good correlation was
found between some BBR properties on fresh and on long term aged binder it is under
discussion if there is a need to carry out the long term ageing step.
To determine the temperature at which S = 300 MPa or m = 0.3 respectively, the testing is
carried out at two different temperatures. However, for the most commonly used paving grade
bitumens in Europe (50/70 and 70/100) stiffness is approximately 300 MPa at -16°C, so for
these binders no additional information is gained when carrying out this test protocol at different
For modified binders, some trends can be observed but there is an issue that the low
temperature performance of PMB may be underestimated due to the m-value being the limiting
factor. Evidence from field performance suggests that PMBs resist fracture propagation better
than unmodified bitumen but this phenomenon could not be determined by this study. Some
field experience suggests better low temperature behaviour of PMB compared to unmodified
binders, but this is not always evident from BBR results. Nevertheless, BBR is probably less
prone to problems than Fraass breaking point, but the test method as currently written still has
Sample preparation is important and de-moulding of the specimen is critical, as such problems
occur when working with very hard and soft binders. Alternative moulds should be allowed in the
standard, provided that the beam conforms to the size and tolerances specified in the standard.
Precision: Results confirm a good repeatability, but it depends on the specimen preparation
and the final geometry (of the prepared specimen). The precision is considered to be better than
that of Fraass breaking point.
Timing: The test takes 2 to 4 hours per sample and can be carried out faster if it is only
performed at one temperature, but that will also lead to some loss of information (temperature
susceptibility ...).
Correlation with:
7.1. Deformation Energy with Force Ductility Method [EN 13589 and EN 13703]
General Comments: When carried out according to the present specification for PMB, the
application is limited as not all products reach elongations between 20-40 cm (as required) at
the currently specified temperatures.
The force ductility curve gives some information on the polymer modification, which may be
interesting for the producer and the user of the binder. Focusing on pure numeric figures and
not interpreting the full curve of testing means that useful information may be lost.
Sample preparation is crucial, problems may occur when working with very hard binders. The
de-moulding of the specimen is critical, because they may break or be damaged easily.
As the equipment and the sample preparation is similar or identical to that used for testing
elastic recovery and, in some countries ductility, both the equipment and the experience gained
with it are widely spread over Europe.
The procedure described in the standard allows the use of too many temperatures.
The standard requires the measurement to be started at 5°C and the temperature increased by
5°C steps (up to 25°C), but for example, measurements are not possible on hard paving grades
or PMB at 5 or 10°C. Furthermore, after PAV the test cannot always be carried out due to the
hardness of the aged binder. Therefore the temperature should be indicated for each type of
binder according to type (conventional/PMB) and penetration range. Other options are to start at
25°C and decrease temperature or do the testing only at a given temperature (e.g. 20°C) to be
able to compare all bitumen under similar conditions.
Precision: The precision data of the method were evaluated in an European round robin test
and are given in the standard. They are deemed to be satisfactory, especially if the test is
performed on 3 samples, taking 2 of the results into account.
Timing: The time needed to prepare and perform the test is acceptable, with 2 to 4 hours
needed per sample and temperature.
Comments from BiTVal: Correlation between the maximum energy of the force ductility curve
and penetration has been found. The force ductility curve gives qualitative information on the
cohesive and elastic properties of polymer modified bitumen. These properties are determined
by the polymers in terms of their type, distribution, concentration and network. The force ductility
device can also be used for the determination of the elastic recovery, EN 13398.
Correlation with:
Suitability for production / quality control: Yes, under clearly specified testing conditions, i.e.
temperature. The data curves give useful information on the binder properties and the testing
procedure is easy to perform. Additionally the testing equipment is already widely used.
Suitability for future specification: The test may be suitable for future specification, but it is
recommended that the test temperature should be clearly specified for each binder type, or a
temperature relating to the binder properties should be chosen. The test is not recommended
for specification purposes after long term ageing, because either not all binders can be tested
when long term aged or a good correlation exists between deformation energy on fresh and on
long term aged binders. Furthermore, as the procedure is limited to one specific speed it is
therefore also limited in performance prediction.
The results allow a differentiation between polymer modified and unmodified binders.
7.2. Deformation Energy with Tensile Test Method [EN 13587 and EN 13703]
General Comments: The equipment to perform the tensile test is not widely spread throughout
laboratories. Within this data collection, only 3 datasets contained results from testing the fresh
and the short term aged binder with tensile test and the test was carried out at 5°C only. The
limited use of this test must be taken into account whenever discussing future specification
For the data collection project the test was limited to a temperature range between 5 and 25°C.
The test does not add new information compared to the Force Ductility Test. If performed at
lower temperatures and with low speed, additional information on the low temperature
properties of a binder might be obtained.
Precision: The repeatability of the test is deemed to be fair. When working at low temperatures,
the sample preparation is difficult.
Timing: Approximately half a working day is needed to carry out the test.
Comments from BiTVal: The tensile test has several common features with the direct tensile
test (DTT) despite the procedures being intended for different purposes. In the DTT, a ductile-
brittle transition temperature is sought whereas, in the tensile test to EN 13587, a sample is
rejected if a brittle break occurs. The tensile test is similar to the force-ductility test where the
elastic/rubbery properties are tested with the elongation in these tests normally being >100 %.
DTT is a low temperature test and the result is a temperature whereas the tensile test is an
elongation test and the result is an elongation and force. Nevertheless, the specification for the
main components of the equipment for both tests, except the attachment devices, are
compatible, making it possible to use the same basic equipment with most of the test machines
and temperature chambers available on the market for both tests with the necessary
modifications. A single stretching speed of 1 mm/min is required for both tests and the test
temperature range is common to both procedures.
Similarly defined, but not equivalent, tensile properties can be measured through the force
ductility test to EN 13589. Although readily available and less costly than the tensile test
equipment (providing the ductilometer has not also to be purchased), the force ductility
apparatus has the drawback of a narrower test temperature range of 5ºC to 25ºC.
EN 13703 for deformation energy states two calculation procedures for the conventional energy,
depending on the method followed. Different specification limits have to be fixed for each test
Suitability for production / quality control: Limited to binders for surface dressing purposes.
Suitability for future specification: It must be kept in mind that this test is not appropriate for
all binders in general but for a limited application (surface dressings) only.
EN 12591 Paving Grades - prEN 13924 Hard Grades - EN 14023 Polymer Modified Bitumens
Binder condition
Tensile test @ 5 °C EN 13589 -13703 J/cm
Tensile test @ 10 °C EN 13589 -13703 J/cm
Tensile test @ 15 °C EN 13589 -13703 J/cm
Tensile test @ 20 °C EN 13589 -13703 J/cm
Tensile test @ 25 °C EN 13589 -13703 J/cm
Vialit pendulum: maximum EN 13588 J/cm
In order to assure that the Eurobitume Data Collection project, which is a contribution to the
CEN Data Collection project, will be carried out according to similar editions of published test
methods, this document provides an overview of the standards which may be of relevance for
this project.
EN 12591 Bitumen and bituminous binders – Specifications for paving November 1999
grade bitumen
prEN 13924 Bitumen and bituminous binders – Specifications for hard December 2005
paving grade bitumens
prEN 15323 Bitumen and bituminous binders – Accelerated long-term August 2005
ageing conditioning by the rotating cylinder method (RCAT)
prEN 15325 Bitumen and bituminous binders – Determination of Zero August 2005
Shear Viscosity (ZSV) using a Dynamic Shear Rheometer in
creep mode
EN ISO 2592 Petroleum products – Determination of flash and fire points – August 2001
Cleveland open cup method
EN ISO 3838 Crude petroleum and liquid or solid products, Determination May 2004
of density or relative density – Capillary-stoppered
pyknometer and graduated bicapillary pyknometer methods