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Applications of nanotechnology in water and

wastewater treatment

Xiaolei Qu, Pedro J.J. Alvarez, Qilin Li*

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Rice University, Houston, TX 77005, USA

article info abstract

Article history: Providing clean and affordable water to meet human needs is a grand challenge of the 21st
Received 13 July 2012 century. Worldwide, water supply struggles to keep up with the fast growing demand,
Received in revised form which is exacerbated by population growth, global climate change, and water quality
8 September 2012 deterioration. The need for technological innovation to enable integrated water manage-
Accepted 11 September 2012 ment cannot be overstated. Nanotechnology holds great potential in advancing water and
Available online 26 March 2013 wastewater treatment to improve treatment efficiency as well as to augment water supply
through safe use of unconventional water sources. Here we review recent development in
Keywords: nanotechnology for water and wastewater treatment. The discussion covers candidate
Nanotechnology nanomaterials, properties and mechanisms that enable the applications, advantages and
Nanomaterials limitations as compared to existing processes, and barriers and research needs for
Water and wastewater treatment commercialization. By tracing these technological advances to the physicochemical
Water reuse properties of nanomaterials, the present review outlines the opportunities and limitations
Sorption to further capitalize on these unique properties for sustainable water management.
Membrane processes ª 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Microbial control

1. Introduction wastewater infrastructure are often non-existent. In both

developing and industrialized countries, human activities
Water is the most essential substance for all life on earth and a play an ever-greater role in exacerbating water scarcity by
precious resource for human civilization. Reliable access to contaminating natural water sources. The increasingly strin-
clean and affordable water is considered one of the most basic gent water quality standards, compounded by emerging con-
humanitarian goals, and remains a major global challenge for taminants, have brought new scrutiny to the existing water
the 21st century. treatment and distribution systems widely established in
Our current water supply faces enormous challenges, both developed countries. The rapidly growing global population
old and new. Worldwide, some 780 million people still lack and the improvement of living standard continuously drive up
access to improved drinking water sources (WHO, 2012). It is the demand. Moreover, global climate change accentuates the
urgent to implement basic water treatment in the affected already uneven distribution of fresh water, destabilizing the
areas (mainly in developing countries) where water and supply. Growing pressure on water supplies makes using

* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ1 713 348 2046; fax: þ1 713 348 5268.
E-mail address: [email protected] (Q. Li).
0043-1354/$ e see front matter ª 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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unconventional water sources (e.g., stormwater, contami- significant improvement with their extremely high specific
nated fresh water, brackish water, wastewater and seawater) surface area and associated sorption sites, short intraparticle
a new norm, especially in historically water-stressed regions. diffusion distance, and tunable pore size and surface chemistry.
Furthermore, current water and wastewater treatment tech-
nologies and infrastructure are reaching their limit for 2.1.1. Carbon based nano-adsorbents
providing adequate water quality to meet human and envi- Organic removal. CNTs have shown higher efficiency
ronmental needs. than activated carbon on adsorption of various organic chem-
Recent advances in nanotechnology offer leapfrogging icals (Pan and Xing, 2008). Its high adsorption capacity mainly
opportunities to develop next-generation water supply sys- stems from the large specific surface area and the diverse
tems. Our current water treatment, distribution, and contaminanteCNT interactions. The available surface area for
discharge practices, which heavily rely on conveyance and adsorption on individual CNTs is their external surfaces (Yang
centralized systems, are no longer sustainable. The highly and Xing, 2010). In the aqueous phase, CNTs form loose bun-
efficient, modular, and multifunctional processes enabled dles/aggregates due to the hydrophobicity of their graphitic
by nanotechnology are envisaged to provide high perfor- surface, reducing the effective surface area. On the other hand,
mance, affordable water and wastewater treatment solutions CNT aggregates contain interstitial spaces and grooves, which
that less rely on large infrastructures (Qu et al., 2013). are high adsorption energy sites for organic molecules (Pan
Nanotechnology-enabled water and wastewater treatment et al., 2008). Although activated carbon possesses comparable
promises to not only overcome major challenges faced by measured specific surface area as CNT bundles, it contains a
existing treatment technologies, but also to provide new significant number of micropores inaccessible to bulky organic
treatment capabilities that could allow economic utilization of molecules such as many antibiotics and pharmaceuticals (Ji
unconventional water sources to expand the water supply. et al., 2009). Thus CNTs have much higher adsorption capac-
Here, we provide an overview of recent advances in ity for some bulky organic molecules because of their larger
nanotechnologies for water and wastewater treatment. The pores in bundles and more accessible sorption sites.
major applications of nanomaterials are critically reviewed A major drawback of activated carbon is its low adsorption
based on their functions in unit operation processes. The affinity for low molecular weight polar organic compounds.
barriers for their full-scale application and the research needs CNTs strongly adsorb many of these polar organic compounds
for overcoming these barriers are also discussed. The poten- due to the diverse contaminanteCNT interactions including
tial impact of nanomaterials on human health and ecosystem hydrophobic effect, pep interactions, hydrogen bonding, co-
as well as any potential interference with treatment processes valent bonding, and electrostatic interactions (Yang and Xing,
are beyond the scope of this review and thus will not be 2010). The p electron rich CNT surface allows pep interactions
detailed addressed here. with organic molecules with C]C bonds or benzene rings,
such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polar
aromatic compounds (Chen et al., 2007; Lin and Xing, 2008).
2. Current and potential applications for Organic compounds which have eCOOH, eOH, eNH2 func-
water and wastewater treatment tional groups could also form hydrogen bond with the
graphitic CNT surface which donates electrons (Yang et al.,
Nanomaterials are typically defined as materials smaller than 2008). Electrostatic attraction facilitates the adsorption of
100 nm in at least one dimension. At this scale, materials often positively charged organic chemicals such as some antibiotics
possess novel size-dependent properties different from their at suitable pH (Ji et al., 2009).
large counterparts, many of which have been explored for ap-
plications in water and wastewater treatment. Some of these Heavy metal removal. Oxidized CNTs have high
applications utilize the smoothly scalable size-dependent adsorption capacity for metal ions with fast kinetics. The
properties of nanomaterials which relate to the high specific surface functional groups (e.g., carboxyl, hydroxyl, and
surface area, such as fast dissolution, high reactivity, and phenol) of CNTs are the major adsorption sites for metal ions,
strong sorption. Others take advantage of their discontinuous mainly through electrostatic attraction and chemical bonding
properties, such as superparamagnetism, localized surface (Rao et al., 2007). As a result, surface oxidation can signifi-
plasmon resonance, and quantum confinement effect. These cantly enhance the adsorption capacity of CNTs. Several
applications are discussed below based on nanomaterial studies show that CNTs are better adsorbents than activated
functions in unit operation processes (Table 1). Most applica- carbon for heavy metals (e.g., Cu2þ, Pb2þ, Cd2þ, and Zn2þ) (Li
tions discussed below are still in the stage of laboratory et al., 2003; Lu et al., 2006) and the adsorption kinetics is fast
research. The pilot-tested or field-tested exceptions will be on CNTs due to the highly accessible adsorption sites and the
noted in the text. short intraparticle diffusion distance.
Overall, CNTs may not be a good alternative for activated
2.1. Adsorption carbon as wide-spectrum adsorbents. Rather, as their surface
chemistry can be tuned to target specific contaminants, they
Adsorption is commonly employed as a polishing step to may have unique applications in polishing steps to remove
remove organic and inorganic contaminants in water and recalcitrant compounds or in pre-concentration of trace
wastewater treatment. Efficiency of conventional adsorbents is organic contaminants for analytical purposes. These appli-
usually limited by the surface area or active sites, the lack of cations require small quantity of materials and hence are less
selectivity, and the adsorption kinetics. Nano-adsorbents offer sensitive to the material cost.
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Table 1 e Current and potential applications of nanotechnology in water and wastewater treatment.
Applications Representative Desirable nanomaterial Enabled technologies
nanomaterials properties

Adsorption Carbon nanotubes High specific surface area, highly assessable Contaminant preconcentration/detection,
adsorption sites, diverse contaminant-CNT adsorption of recalcitrant contaminants
interactions, tunable surface chemistry,
easy reuse
Nanoscale metal High specific surface area, short intraparticle Adsorptive media filters, slurry reactors
oxide diffusion distance, more adsorption sites,
compressible without significant surface area
reduction, easy reuse, some are
Nanofibers with coree Tailored shell surface chemistry for selective Reactive nano-adsorbents
shell structure adsorption, reactive core for degradation,
short internal diffusion distance
Membranes and Nano-zeolites Molecular sieve, hydrophilicity High permeability thin film nanocomposite
membrane membranes
processes Nano-Ag Strong and wide-spectrum antimicrobial Anti-biofouling membranes
activity, low toxicity to humans
Carbon nanotubes Antimicrobial activity (unaligned carbon Anti-biofouling membranes
Small diameter, atomic smoothness of inner Aligned carbon nanotube membranes
surface, tunable opening
chemistry, high mechanical and chemical
Aquaporin High permeability and selectivity Aquaporin membranes
Nano-TiO2 Photocatalytic activity, hydrophilicity, high Reactive membranes, high performance
chemical stability thin film nanocomposite membranes
Nano-magnetite Tunable surface chemistry, superparamagnetic Forward osmosis
Photocatalysis Nano-TiO2 Photocatalytic activity in UV and possibly Photocatalytic reactors, solar disinfection
visible light range, low human toxicity, high systems
stability, low cost
Fullerene derivatives Photocatalytic activity in solar spectrum, high Photocatalytic reactors, solar disinfection
selectivity systems
Disinfection and Nano-Ag Strong and wide-spectrum antimicrobial POU water disinfection, anti-biofouling
microbial control activity, low toxicity to humans, ease of use surface
Carbon nanotubes Antimicrobial activity, fiber shape, POU water disinfection, anti-biofouling
conductivity surface
Nano-TiO2 Photocatalytic ROS generation, high chemical POU to full scale disinfection and
stability, low human toxicity and cost decontamination
Sensing and Quantum dots Broad absorption spectrum, narrow, bright Optical detection
monitoring and stable emission which scales with the
particle size and chemical component
Noble metal Enhanced localized surface plasmon Optical and electrochemical detection
nanoparticles resonances, high conductivity
Dye-doped silica High sensitivity and stability, rich silica Optical detection
nanoparticles chemistry for easy conjugation
Carbon nanotubes Large surface area, high mechanical strength Electrochemical detection, sample
and chemical stability, preconcentration
excellent electronic properties
Magnetic nanoparticles Tunable surface chemistry, Sample preconcentration and purification

Produced by exfoliating graphite with strong acids and reducing the solution pH. The metal recovery rate is usually
oxidizers, graphite oxide is a potentially low-cost adsorbent. It above 90% and often close to 100% at pH < 2 (Li et al., 2005; Lu
was recently reported that sand granules coated with graphite et al., 2006). Moreover, the adsorption capacity remains rela-
oxide was efficient in removing Hg2þ and a bulky dye molecule tively stable after regeneration. Lu et al. reported that Zn2þ
(Rhodamine B); its performance was comparable to commer- adsorption capacity of SWNT and MWNT decreased less than
cial activated carbon (Gao et al., 2011). 25% after 10 regeneration and reuse cycles, while, that of
activated carbon was reduced by more than 50% after one Regeneration and reuse. Regeneration is an important regeneration (Lu et al., 2006). A statistical analysis based on
factor that determines the cost-effectiveness of adsorbents. the best-fit regression of Zn2þ adsorption capacity and the
Adsorption of metal ions on CNTs can be easily reversed by number of regeneration and reuse cycles suggested that CNT
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nano-adsorbents can be regenerated and reused up to several external magnetic field, which allows easy separation and
hundred times for Zn2þ removal while maintaining reason- recovery by a low-gradient magnetic field. These magnetic
able adsorption capacity (Lu et al., 2007). nanoparticles can be either used directly as adsorbents or as
the core material in a coreeshell nanoparticle structure where
2.1.2. Metal based nano-adsorbents the shell provides the desired function while the magnetic
Metal oxides such as iron oxide, titanium dioxide and alumina core realizes magnetic separation (Fig. 1).
are effective, low cost adsorbents for heavy metals and ra- Metal oxide nanocrystals can be compressed into porous
dionuclides. The sorption is mainly controlled by complexa- pellets without significantly compromising their surface area
tion between dissolved metals and the oxygen in metal oxides when moderate pressure is applied (Lucas et al., 2001). The
(Koeppenkastrop and Decarlo, 1993). It is a two-step process: pore volume and pore size can be controlled by adjusting the
fast adsorption of metal ions on the external surface, followed consolidation pressure. Thus, they can be applied in forms of
by the rate-limiting intraparticle diffusion along the micro- both fine powders and porous pellets, which are the likely
pore walls (Trivedi and Axe, 2000). Their nanoscale counter- forms to be used in industry.
parts have higher adsorption capacity and faster kinetics Metal based nanomaterials have been explored to remove
because of the higher specific surface area, shorter intra- a variety of heavy metals such as arsenic, lead, mercury,
particle diffusion distance and larger number of surface re- copper, cadmium, chromium, nickel, and have shown great
action sites (i.e., corners, edges, vacancies). For instance, as potential to outcompete activated carbon (Sharma et al., 2009).
the particle size of nano-magnetite decreased from 300 to Among them, the application for arsenic removal has attrac-
11 nm, its arsenic adsorption capacity increased more than ted much attention. Although a good adsorbent for many
100 times (Yean et al., 2005). Much of this observed increase in organic and inorganic contaminants, activated carbon has
adsorption was attributed to the increase in specific surface limited capacity for arsenic, especially for As(V) (Daus et al.,
area as the 300-nm and 20-nm magnetite particles have 2004). Several metal oxide nanomaterials including nano-
similar surface area normalized arsenic adsorption capacity sized magnetite and TiO2 have shown arsenic adsorption
(w6 mmol m2 or 3.6 atoms nm2) (Auffan et al., 2009, 2008). performance superior to activated carbon (Deliyanni et al.,
However, when particle size was reduced to below 20 nm, the 2003; Mayo et al., 2007). Metal (hydr)oxide nanoparticles also
specific surface area normalized adsorption capacity can be impregnated onto the skeleton of activated carbon or
increased, with 11-nm magnetite nanoparticles absorbing other porous materials to achieve simultaneously removal of
three times more arsenic (w18 mmol m2 or 11 atoms nm2), arsenic and organic co-contaminants, which favors point-of-
suggesting a “nanoscale effect”. This “nanoscale effect” was use (POU) applications (Hristovski et al., 2009a, 2009b).
attributed to the change of magnetite surface structure which
creates new adsorption sites (vacancies) (Auffan et al., 2009). Regeneration and reuse. Metal oxide nano-adsorbents
In addition to high adsorption capacity, some iron oxide can be easily regenerated by changing solution pH (Sharma
nanoparticles, e.g., nano-maghemite and nano-magnetite, et al., 2009). In many cases, the adsorption capacity of metal
can be superparamagnetic. Magnetism is highly volume- oxide nano-adsorbents is well maintained after several
dependent as it stems from the collective interaction of regeneration and reuse cycles (Hu et al., 2006). However,
atomic magnetic dipoles. If the size of a ferro- or ferri-magnet reduced adsorption capacity after regeneration has also been
decreases to the critical value (w40 nm), the magnet changes reported (Deliyanni et al., 2003).
from multiple domains to single domain with higher magnetic Above all, metal based nano-adsorbents can be produced
susceptibility (Yavuz et al., 2006). As the size further de- at relatively low cost. The high adsorption capacity, low cost,
creases, magnetic particles become superparamagnetic, easy separation and regeneration make metal based nano-
losing permanent magnetic moments while responding to an adsorbents technologically and economically advantageous.

Fig. 1 e Multifunctional magnetic nanoparticles. Magnetic nanoparticles are used as the core material in a coreeshell
nanoparticle structure where the shell provides the desired function while the magnetic core realizes magnetic separation.
Silica coating helps functionalization due to the rich silica chemistry.
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2.1.3. Polymeric nano-adsorbents and the complexity of the process design and operation.
Dendrimers are tailored adsorbents that are capable of Furthermore, it reduces the lifetime of membranes and
removing both organics and heavy metals. Their interior membrane modules.
shells can be hydrophobic for sorption of organic compounds The performance of membrane systems is largely decided
while the exterior branches can be tailored (e.g., hydroxyl- or by the membrane material. Incorporation of functional
amine-terminated) for adsorption of heavy metals. The sorp- nanomaterials into membranes offers a great opportunity to
tion can be based on complexation, electrostatic interactions, improve the membrane permeability, fouling resistance, me-
hydrophobic effect, and hydrogen bonding (Crooks et al., chanical and thermal stability, as well as to render new
2001). A dendrimer-ultrafiltration system was designed to functions for contaminant degradation and self-cleaning.
recover metal ions from aqueous solutions (Diallo et al., 2005).
The system achieved almost complete removal of Cu2þ ions 2.2.1. Nanofiber membranes
with initial concentration of 10 ppm and Cu2þ to PAMAM Electrospinning is a simple, efficient and inexpensive way to
dendrimer-NH2 ratio of 0.2. After adsorption, the metal ion make ultra fine fibers using various materials (e.g., polymers,
laden dendrimers were recovered by ultrafiltration and re- ceramics, or even metals) (Cloete et al., 2010; Li and Xia, 2004).
generated by decreasing pH to 4. The resulting nanofibers have high specific surface area and
porosity and form nanofiber mats with complex pore struc-
2.1.4. Potential application in water treatment tures. The diameter, morphology, composition, secondary
Nano-adsorbents can be readily integrated into existing structure, and spatial alignment of electrospun nanofibers can
treatment processes in slurry reactors or adsorbers. Applied in be easily manipulated for specific applications (Li and Xia,
the powder form, nano-adsorbents in slurry reactors can be 2004). Although nanofiber membranes have been commer-
highly efficient since all surfaces of the adsorbents are utilized cially employed for air filtration applications, their potential in
and the mixing greatly facilitates the mass transfer. However, water treatment is still largely unexploited. Nanofiber mem-
an additional separation unit is required to recover the branes can remove micron-sized particles from aqueous
nanoparticles. Nano-adsorbents can also be used in fixed or phase at a high rejection rate without significant fouling
fluidized adsorbers in the form of pellets/beads or porous (Ramakrishna et al., 2006). Thus they have been proposed to
granules loaded with nano-adsorbents. Fixed-bed reactors are be used as pretreatment prior to ultrafiltration or reverse
usually associated with mass transfer limitations and head osmosis (RO). Functional nanomaterials can be easily doped
loss; but it doesn’t need future separation process. Applica- into the spinning solutions to fabricate nanoparticle impreg-
tions of nano-adsorbents for arsenic removal have been nated nanofibers or formed in situ (Li and Xia, 2004). The
commercialized, and their performance and cost have been outstanding features and tunable properties make electro-
compared to other commercial adsorbents in pilot tests spun nanofibers an ideal platform for constructing multi-
(Aragon et al., 2007). ArsenXnp is a commercial hybrid ion ex- functional media/membrane filters by either directly using
change medium comprising of iron oxide nanoparticles and intrinsically multifunctional materials such as TiO2 or by
polymers. ADSORBSIA is a nanocrystalline titanium dioxide introducing functional materials on the nanofibers. For
medium in the form of beads from 0.25 to 1.2 mm in diameter. example, by incorporating ceramic nanomaterials or specific
Both nano-adsorbents were highly efficient in removing capture agents on the nanofiber scaffold, affinity nanofiber
arsenic and ArsenXnp required little backwash (Aragon et al., membranes can be designed to remove heavy metals and
2007; Sylvester et al., 2007). The estimated treatment cost for organic pollutants during filtration.
ArsenXnp is $0.25w$0.35/1000 gal if the medium is regener-
ated, similar to $0.37/1000 gal of Bayoxide E33, a high- 2.2.2. Nanocomposite membranes
performance granular iron oxide adsorbent (Aragon et al., A significant number of studies on membrane nanotech-
2007; Westerhoff et al., 2006). ArsenXnp and ADSORBSIA nology have focused on creating synergism or multifunction
have been employed in small to medium scale drinking water by adding nanomaterials into polymeric or inorganic mem-
treatment systems and were proven to be cost-competitive. branes. Nanomaterials used for such applications include
hydrophilic metal oxide nanoparticles (e.g., Al2O3, TiO2, and
zeolite), antimicrobial nanoparticles (e.g., nano-Ag and CNTs),
2.2. Membranes and membrane processes and (photo)catalytic nanomaterials (e.g., bi-metallic nano-
particles, TiO2).
The basic goal of water treatment is to remove undesired The main goal of adding hydrophilic metal oxide nano-
constituents from water. Membranes provide a physical bar- particles is to reduce fouling by increasing the hydrophilicity
rier for such constituents based on their size, allowing use of of the membrane. The addition of metal oxide nanoparticles
unconventional water sources. As the key component of including alumina (Maximous et al., 2010), silica (Bottino et al.,
water treatment and reuse, they provide high level of auto- 2001), zeolite (Pendergast et al., 2010) and TiO2 (Bae and Tak,
mation, require less land and chemical use, and the modular 2005) to polymeric ultrafiltration membranes has been
configuration allows flexible design (Qu et al., 2013). shown to increase membrane surface hydrophilicity, water
A major challenge of the membrane technology is the permeability, or fouling resistance. These inorganic nano-
inherent tradeoff between membrane selectivity and perme- particles also help enhance the mechanical and thermal sta-
ability. The high energy consumption is an important barrier bility of polymeric membranes, reducing the negative impact
to the wide application of pressure driven membrane pro- of compaction and heat on membrane permeability (Ebert
cesses. Membrane fouling adds to the energy consumption et al., 2004; Pendergast et al., 2010).
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Antimicrobial nanomaterials such as nano-Ag and CNTs membrane (Lind et al., 2009b). The zeolite TFN technology has
can reduce membrane biofouling. Nano-Ag has been doped or reached the early stage of commercialization. QuantumFlux, a
surface grafted on polymeric membranes to inhibit bacterial seawater TFN RO membrane, is now commercially available
attachment and biofilm formation (Mauter et al., 2011; Zodrow (
et al., 2009) on the membrane surface as well as inactivate Incorporation of nano-TiO2 (up to 5 wt%) into the TFC
viruses (De Gusseme et al., 2011). However, its long-term ef- active layer slightly increased the membrane rejection while
ficacy against membrane biofouling has not been reported. maintaining the permeability (Lee et al., 2008). When the
Appropriate replenishment of nano-Ag needs to be addressed concentration of nano-TiO2 exceeded 5 wt%, the water flux
for practical application of this technology. CNTs inactivate increased in the cost of reducing rejection, suggesting defect
bacteria upon direct contact (Brady-Estevez et al., 2008). High formation in the active layer. Upon UV irradiation, TiO2 can
bacterial inactivation (>90%) has been achieved using degrade organic contaminants and inactivate microorgan-
polyvinyl-N-carbazole-SWNT nanocomposite at 3 wt% of isms. This helps reduce organic and biological fouling as well
SWNT (Ahmed et al., 2012). As CNTs are insoluble in water and as remove contaminants that are not retained by the mem-
not consumed, there is no need for replenishment. However, brane. However, the close adjacency between the photo-
as direct contact is required for inactivation, long term filtra- catalyst and the membrane may also lead to detrimental
tion experiments are needed to determine the impact of effects on polymeric membrane materials, which needs to be
fouling on the antimicrobial activity of CNTs. Addition of addressed for long-term efficacy (Chin et al., 2006).
oxidized MWNT at low weight percentage (up to 1.5 wt%) also CNTs (unaligned) also found their application in TFN
increases the hydrophilicity and permeability of polysulfone membranes due to their antimicrobial activities. Tiraferri et al.
membranes (Choi et al., 2006b). covalently bonded SWNTs to a TFC membrane surface
(Photo)catalytic nanoparticle incorporated membranes (Tiraferri et al., 2011). This approach is advantageous as it uses
(a.k.a. reactive membranes) combine their physical separation relatively small amount of the nanomaterial and minimizes
function and the reactivity of a catalyst toward contaminant perturbation of the active layer. The resulting TFN membrane
degradation. Much effort has been devoted to develop pho- exhibited moderate anti-bacterial properties (60% inactivation
tocatalytic inorganic membranes consisting of nano- of bacteria attached on the membrane surface in 1 h contact
photocatalysts (normally nano-TiO2 or modified nano-TiO2) time), potentially reducing or delaying membrane biofouling.
(Choi et al., 2006a). Metallic/bi-metallic catalyst nanoparticles
such as nano zero-valent iron (nZVI) and noble metals sup- 2.2.4. Biologically inspired membranes
ported on nZVI have been incorporated into polymeric Many biological membranes are highly selective and perme-
membranes for reductive degradation of contaminants, able. Aquaporins are protein channels that regulate water flux
particularly chlorinated compounds (Wu et al., 2005; Wu and across cell membranes. Their high selectivity and water
Ritchie, 2008). nZVI serves as the electron donor and the permeability makes their use in polymeric membranes an
noble metals catalyze the reaction. attractive approach to improve membrane performance.
Aquaporin-Z from Escherichia coli has been incorporated into
2.2.3. Thin film nanocomposite (TFN) membranes amphiphilic triblock-polymer vesicles (Kumar et al., 2007),
Development of TFN membranes mainly focuses on incorpo- which exhibit water permeability at least an order of magni-
rating nanomaterials into the active layer of thin film com- tude over the original vesicles with full rejection to glucose,
posite (TFC) membranes via doping in the casting solutions or glycerol, salt, and urea. One potential design is to coat aqua-
surface modification. Nanomaterials that have been porin incorporated lipid bilayers on commercial nanofiltration
researched for such applications include nano-zeolites, nano- membranes. On this front, limited success was achieved
Ag, nano-TiO2, and CNTs. The impact of nanoparticles on (Kaufman et al., 2010).
membrane permeability and selectivity depends on the type, Aligned CNTs have been shown both experimentally and
size and amount of nanoparticles added. theoretically to provide water permeation much faster than
Nano-zeolites are the most frequently used dopants in TFN what the HagenePoiseuille equation predicts, owing to the
and have shown potential in enhancing membrane perme- atomic smoothness of the nano-sized channel, and the one
ability. The addition of nano-zeolites leads to more perme- dimensional single-file ordering of water molecules while
able, negatively charged, and thicker polyamide active layer passing through the nanotubes (Holt et al., 2006; Hummer
(Lind et al., 2009a). One study reported water permeability et al., 2001). It was predicted that a membrane containing
increased up to 80% over the TFC membrane, with the salt only 0.03% surface area of aligned CNTs will have flux
rejection largely maintained (93.9  0.3%) (Jeong et al., 2007). exceeding current commercial seawater RO membranes
TFN membranes doped with 250 nm nano-zeolites at 0.2 wt% (Pendergast and Hoek, 2011). However, high rejection for salt
achieved moderately higher permeability and better salt and small molecules is challenging for aligned CNT mem-
rejection (>99.4%) than commercial RO membranes (Lind branes due to the lack of CNTs with uniformly sub-nanometer
et al., 2010). It was hypothesized that the small, hydrophilic diameter. Functional group gating at the nanotube opening
pores of nano-zeolites create preferential paths for water. has been proposed to enhance the selectivity of aligned CNT
However, water permeability increased even with pore-filled membranes (Mauter and Elimelech, 2008). By grafting carboxyl
zeolites, although less than the pore-open ones, which could functional groups on sub-2-nm CNT openings, 98% rejection
be attributed to defects at the zeoliteepolymer interface. of FeðCN6 Þ3 was achieved at low ionic strength by Donnan
Nano-zeolites were also used as carriers for antimicrobial exclusion (Fornasiero et al., 2008). However, KCl rejection was
agents such as Agþ, which imparts anti-fouling property to the only 50% at 0.3 mM, and decreased to almost zero at 10 mM.
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Grafting bulky functional groups at the tube opening could bicarbonate. Therefore, RO or thermal treatment, both energy
physically exclude salts. However, steric exclusion will intensive, is required to recover water from the draw solution.
significantly reduce membrane permeability (Nednoor et al., Magnetic nanoparticles were recently explored as a new type
2005). Thus at the current stage, aligned CNT membranes of draw solute for its easy separation and reuse. Hydrophilic
are not capable of desalination. To achieve reliable salt coating was employed to aid dissolution and increase osmotic
rejection, the CNT diameter must be uniformly smaller than pressure. An FO permeate flux higher than 10 L m2 h1 was
0.8 nm (Hinds, 2012). achieved using 0.065 M poly(ethylene glycol) diacid-coated
A key barrier for both aquaporin and aligned CNT mem- magnetic nanoparticles when deionized water was used as
branes is the scale-up of the nanomaterial production and the feed solution (Ge et al., 2011). Magnetic nanoparticles were
membrane fabrication. Large-scale production and purifica- also applied to recover draw solutes. In a recent study, mag-
tion of aquaporins are very challenging. To date, chemical netic nanoparticles (Fe3O4@SiO2) were used to recover
vapor deposition (CVD) is the most common way to make Al2(SO4)3 (the draw solute) through flocculation (Liu et al.,
aligned nanotubes. A continuous high-yield CVD prototype 2011c).
has been designed for producing vertically aligned CNT,
paving the way for large-scale production (de Villoria et al., 2.3. (Photo)catalysis
2011). A post-manufacturing alignment method using mag-
netic field was also developed (Mauter et al., 2010). Photocatalytic oxidation is an advanced oxidation process for
Nanocomposite and TFN membranes have good scalability removal of trace contaminants and microbial pathogens. It is
as they can be fabricated using current industrial a useful pretreatment for hazardous and non-biodegradable
manufacturing processes. The high water permeability can contaminants to enhance their biodegradability. Photo-
reduce the applied pressure or required membrane area and catalysis can also be used as a polishing step to treat recalci-
consequently cut cost. This strategy may greatly improve the trant organic compounds. The major barrier for its wide
energy efficiency for treatment of waters with low osmosis application is the slow kinetics due to limited light fluence and
pressure, but it may have limited advantage in seawater RO, photocatalytic activity. Current research focuses on
whose energy consumption is already close to the thermo- increasing photocatalytic reaction kinetics and photoactivity
dynamic limit (Elimelech and Phillip, 2011). A recent review range (Table 2).
ranked current membrane nanotechnologies based on their
potential performance enhancement and state of commercial 2.3.1. Nano-photocatalyst optimization
readiness (Pendergast and Hoek, 2011). TiO2 is the most widely used semiconductor photocatalyst in
water/wastewater treatment owing to its low toxicity, chem-
2.2.5. Forward osmosis ical stability, low cost, and abundance as raw material. It
Forward osmosis (FO) utilizes the osmotic gradient to draw generates an electron/hole (e/hþ) pair upon absorbing a UV
water from a low osmotic pressure solution to a high osmotic photon, which later either migrate to the surface and form
pressure one (i.e., the draw solution). The diluted draw solu- reactive oxygen species (ROS) or undergo undesired recom-
tion is then treated by reverse osmosis or thermal processes to bination. The photoactivity of nano-TiO2 can be improved by
generate pure water. FO has two major advantages over the optimizing particle size and shape, reducing e/hþ recombi-
pressure-driven reverse osmosis: it does not require high nation by noble metal doping, maximizing reactive facets, and
pressure, and the membrane is less prone to fouling. surface treatment to enhance contaminant adsorption.
The key to FO is to have a draw solute with high osmolality The size of TiO2 plays an important role in its solid-phase
and easily separable from water. Chemicals currently transformation, sorption, and e/hþ dynamics. Among the
employed for draw solutions include NaCl and ammonia crystalline structures of TiO2, rutile is the most stable for

Table 2 e TiO2 photocatalyst optimization.

Optimization Optimization Optimization mechanisms Water treatment
objectives approaches applications

Enhance Size More surface reactive sites, higher reactant adsorption, High performance UV
photocatalytic lower electron-hole recombination activated photocatalytic
reaction kinetics Nanotube morphology Shorter carrier-diffusion paths in the tube walls, reactors
higher reactant mass transfer rate toward tube
Noble metal doping Better electron-hole separation, lower electron-hole
Reactive crystallographic Higher reactant sorption, better electron-hole
facets separation, lower electron-hole recombination
Expand photoactivity Metal impurity doping Impurity energy levels Low energy cost solar/
range Anion doping Band gap narrowing visible light activated
Dye sensitizer doping Electron injection photocatalytic reactors
Narrow band-gap Electron injection
semiconductors doping
3938 w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 7 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 3 9 3 1 e3 9 4 6

particles larger than 35 nm, while anatase, which is more light irradiation (<550 nm) (Lof et al., 1995) and has been
efficient in producing ROS, is the most stable for particles studied to degrade pharmaceutical compounds and inactivate
smaller than 11 nm (Fujishima et al., 2008; Zhang and Banfield, viruses (Lee et al., 2010). Fullerol and C60 encapsulated with
2000). A major cause for the slow reaction kinetics of TiO2 poly(N-vinylpyrrolidone) can produce 1O2 and superoxide
photocatalysis is the fast recombination of e and hþ. under UVA light (Brunet et al., 2009). Aminofullerenes are more
Decreasing TiO2 particle size lowers volume recombination of amenable to immobilization than fullerol and are more effec-
e/hþ, and enhances interfacial charge carrier transfer (Zhang tive for disinfection purposes due to their positive charge. 1O2
et al., 1998). However, when particle size is reduced to several has lower oxidation potential than hydroxyl radicals produced
nanometers, surface recombination dominates, decreasing by TiO2, while it is a more selective ROS and consequently less
photocatalytic activity. Therefore, the photocatalytic activity susceptible to quenching by non-target background organic
of TiO2 has a maximum due to the interplay of the afore- matter. Fullerenes are currently much more expensive and not
mentioned mechanisms, which lies in the nanometer range. as readily available as TiO2.
TiO2 nanotubes were found to be more efficient than TiO2
nanoparticles in decomposition of organic compounds (Macak 2.3.2. Potential applications in water treatment
et al., 2007). The higher photocatalytic activity was attributed The overall efficiency of a photocatalytic water treatment
to the shorter carrier-diffusion paths in the tube walls and process strongly depends on the configuration and operation
faster mass transfer of reactants toward the nanotube surface. parameters of the photo-reactor. Two configurations are
Noble metal doping can reduce the e/hþ recombination commonly used: slurry reactors and reactors using immobi-
because the photo-excited electrons tend to migrate to the lized TiO2. Various dispersion/recovery or catalyst immobili-
noble metals with lower Fermi levels while the holes stay in zation techniques are being pursued to maximize its
TiO2 (Ni et al., 2007). The photocatalytic activity of TiO2 can efficiency. Extensive investigation on operating parameters
also be promoted by creating highly reactive crystallographic has been carried out with these lab or pilot scale systems. A
facets. Because high-energy {001} facets diminish quickly recent critical review outlines the effects of water quality and
during crystal growth, anatase TiO2 is usually dominated by a wide range of operating parameters including TiO2 loading,
the low-energy {101} facets. Using specific capping agent pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, contaminant type and
(usually fluoride), the percentage of {001} facets can be concentration, light wavelength and intensity (Chong et al.,
increased from less than 10% to up to 89% (Han et al., 2009), 2010). Readers are referred to this review for details
substantially enhancing hydroxyl radical production and regarding process optimization. A commercial product,
organic compound decomposition (Han et al., 2009; Murakami Purifics Photo-Cat system, has treatment capacity as high as
et al., 2009). The enhanced activity stems from the strong 2 million gallon per day with a small footprint of 678 ft2. Pilot
adsorption of reactants on high-energy facets (Liu et al., 2011b) tests showed that the Photo-Cat system is highly efficient for
and the spatial separation of electrons and holes on specific removing organics without producing waste streams and it
crystal facets (Murakami et al., 2009). The optimal percentage operates with relatively low specific power consumption of
of {001} facets for photocatalysis is still debated (Liu et al., about 4 kWh/m3 (Al-Bastaki, 2004; Benotti et al., 2009;
2011b). Improving contaminant adsorption by modifying Westerhoff et al., 2009). Nano-TiO2 facilitated solar disinfec-
photocatalyst surface is another way to enhance photo- tion (SODIS) has been extensively tested and appears to be a
catalytic activity due to the short life time of ROS. However, feasible option to produce safe drinking water in remote areas
little has been done in this area. of developing countries. The SODIS system can be small scale
Another actively pursued research area is to extend the for one person or scaled up to medium size solar compound
excitation spectrum of TiO2 to include visible light. The gen- parabolic collectors.
eral strategy is doping metal impurities, dye sensitizers, nar- Photocatalysis has shown great potential as a low-cost,
row band-gap semiconductors, or anions into nano-TiO2 to environmental friendly and sustainable water treatment
form hybrid nanoparticles or nanocomposites (Fujishima technology. However, there are several technical challenges
et al., 2008; Ni et al., 2007). Metals and anions create impu- for its large scale application, including 1) catalyst optimiza-
rity energy levels or narrow the band gap; upon visible light tion to improve quantum yield or to utilize visible light; 2)
excitation, dye sensitizers and narrow band-gap semi- efficient photocatalytic reactor design and catalyst recovery/
conductors inject electrons into TiO2 to initiate the catalytic immobilization techniques; 3) better reaction selectivity.
reactions. Among these methods, anions (especially nitrogen) Metal oxide nanomaterials such as TiO2 and CeO2 as well
doping, was considered most cost-effective and feasible for as carbon nanotubes have been studied as catalysts in het-
industrial applications (Fujishima et al., 2008), although their erogeneous catalytic ozonation processes that provide fast
stability and long-term efficacy has not been tested. and comparatively complete degradation of organic pollut-
Decreased nitrogen concentration during photocatalysis has ants. Both radical-mediated and non-radical-mediated reac-
been reported (Kitano et al., 2006). tion pathways have been proposed (Nawrocki and Kasprzyk-
Other than TiO2, WO3 and some fullerene derivatives also Hordern, 2010). The adsorption of ozone and/or pollutants
have the potential to be used in photocatalytic water treat- on the catalyst surface plays a critical role in both mecha-
ment. WO3 has a narrower band gap than TiO2, allowing it to be nisms. Nanomaterials have large specific surface area and an
activated by visible light (<450 nm) (Kominami et al., 2001). Pt easily accessible surface, leading to high catalytic activity.
doping further enhances WO3 reactivity by facilitating multi- Some nanomaterials were also reported to promote decom-
electron reduction of O2 and improving e/hþ separation position of ozone into hydroxyl radicals, facilitating degrada-
(Kim et al., 2010). Aminofullerenes generate 1O2 under visible tion process through radical-mediated routes (Orge et al.,
w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 7 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 3 9 3 1 e3 9 4 6 3939

2011). For future industrial scale applications, a better un- 2000). Thus, the release rate and bioavailability of silver ions is
derstanding of the mechanism of nanomaterial enabled cat- crucial for the toxicity of nano-Ag. Studies have suggested
alytic ozonation is in critical need. that physicochemical properties of nano-Ag play an impor-
tant role in its antimicrobial activity. However, the influence
2.4. Disinfection and microbial control of the size, shape, coating, and crystallographic facet appears
to be mainly related to different release kinetics of silver ions.
The dilemma between effective disinfection and formation of The presence of common ligands reduces the bioavailability of
toxic disinfection by-products (DBPs) poses a great challenge silver ions and mitigates its toxicity (Xiu et al., 2011). A recent
for the water industry. It is now well recognized that con- study found that low concentration (sublethal) of silver ions or
ventional disinfectants, such as chlorine disinfectants and nano-Ag enhances E. coli growth, suggesting a hormetic
ozone can form toxic DBPs (e.g., halogenated disinfection response that could be counterproductive to its antimicrobial
byproducts, carcinogenic nitrosamines, bromate, etc.). UV applications (Xiu et al., 2012).
disinfection emerged as an alternative for oxidative disinfec- CNTs kill bacteria by causing physical perturbation of the
tion as it produces minimal DBPs, while it requires high cell membrane, oxidative stress, or disruption of a specific
dosage for certain viruses (e.g., adenoviruses). These limita- microbial process via disturbing/oxidizing a vital cellular
tions urge the development of alternative methods that can structure/component (Vecitis et al., 2010) upon direct contact
enhance the robustness of disinfection while avoiding DBP with bacterial cells. Graphene and graphite materials exhibit
formation. antimicrobial properties through similar mechanisms (Liu
Our previous review on antimicrobial nanomaterials et al., 2011a). The cytotoxicity of CNTs strongly depends on
highlighted the potential of nanotechnology in disinfection their physicochemical properties. Short, dispersed, and
and microbial control (Li et al., 2008). Many nanomaterials, metallic CNTs with small diameters are more toxic (Kang
including nano-Ag, nano-ZnO, nano-TiO2, nano-Ce2O4, CNTs, et al., 2008a, 2008b; Vecitis et al., 2010).
and fullerenes, exhibit antimicrobial properties without
strong oxidation, and hence have lower tendency to form 2.4.2. Potential applications in water treatment
DBPs (Table 3). The antimicrobial mechanisms of these Antimicrobial nanomaterials are envisaged to find their ap-
nanomaterials, their merits, limitations, and applicability for plications in three critical challenges in water/wastewater
water treatment, and the critical research needs are thor- systems: disinfection, membrane biofouling control, and bio-
oughly discussed in that review paper (Li et al., 2008). Thus film control on other relevant surfaces.
only a brief update mainly regarding nano-Ag and carbon Nano-Ag has good potential for application in POU treat-
based nanomaterials will be provided here. ment. It can improve water quality for high-end use, or pro-
vide another barrier against waterborne pathogens for
2.4.1. Antimicrobial mechanisms vulnerable population. Commercial devices utilizing nano-Ag
Nano-Ag is currently the most widely used antimicrobial are already available, e.g., MARATHON and Aquapure sys-
nanomaterial. Its strong antimicrobial activity, broad antimi- tems. Nano-Ag has also been incorporated into ceramic
crobial spectrum, low human toxicity, and ease of use make it microfilters as a barrier for pathogens, which can be employed
a promising choice for water disinfection and microbial con- in remote areas in developing countries (Peter-Varbanets
trol. It is now well accepted that the antimicrobial activity of et al., 2009).
nano-silver largely stems from the release of silver ions (Xiu The antimicrobial properties, fibrous shape, and high
et al., 2011, 2012). Silver ions can bind to thiol groups in vital conductivity of CNTs enable novel CNT filters for both bacteria
proteins, resulting in enzyme damage (Liau et al., 1997). It also and virus removal: The thin layer of CNTs effectively remove
has been reported that silver ions can prevent DNA replication bacteria by size exclusion and viruses by depth filtration
and induce structural changes in the cell envelope (Feng et al., (Brady-Estevez et al., 2010); the retained bacteria are largely
inactivated by CNTs within hours. With a small intermittent
voltage (2e3 V), MWNTs can directly oxidize attached bacteria
and viruses and lead to inactivation in seconds (Rahaman
Table 3 e Nanomaterial antimicrobial mechanisms.
et al., 2012; Vecitis et al., 2011). The applied electric potential
Nanomaterials Antimicrobial mechanisms also enhances viral transport to the anodic CNTs (Rahaman
Nano-Ag Release of silver ions, protein damage, et al., 2012). Such CNT filters can be used as high perfor-
suppression of DNA replication, mance POU devices for water disinfection with minimal to no
membrane damage power requirement.
Nano-TiO2 Production of ROS The application of nanomaterials in membrane biofouling
Nano-ZnO Release of zinc ions, production of H2O2,
control is detailed in Section 2.2. They can also be used in
membrane damage
Nano-MgO Membrane damage
other water treatment related surfaces such as storage tanks
Nano-Ce2O4 Membrane damage and distribution pipes to control pathogen contamination,
nC60 ROS-independent oxidation biofilm formation, and microbial influenced corrosion.
Fullerol and Production of ROS Affordable coating techniques that can economize nano-
aminofullerene material use and maximize its efficacy while allowing for
Carbon nanotubes Membrane damage, oxidative stress
regeneration are in critical need. An alternative approach is to
Graphene-based Membrane damage, oxidative stress
employ nanoscale biofouling resistant surface structures, a
strategy used by marine organisms (dolphins and sharks) and
3940 w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 7 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 3 9 3 1 e3 9 4 6

plants (lotus leafs). A common disadvantage of many nano- outbreaks associated with drinking water. Additionally,
material enabled disinfection approaches is the lack of pathogen detection is the key component of diagnosis-based
disinfection residue, which is crucial for controlling microbial water disinfection approach, in which disinfection is trig-
growth during water storage and distribution. Nevertheless, gered by the detection of target microorganisms.
nanotechnology enabled disinfection can reduce DBP forma- Active research is going on developing nanomaterial
tion as chlorine or other chemical disinfectants are only enabled pathogen sensors. These sensors usually consist of
needed as secondary disinfectants. Long term efficacy is three major components: recognition agents, nanomaterials,
another major uncertainty for all the aforementioned tech- and a signal transduction mechanism (Vikesland and
nologies. Antimicrobial nanomaterials that rely on release of Wigginton, 2010). Recognition agents that specifically
biocidal ions will be eventually depleted. Controlled release interact with antigens or other epitopes on the pathogen
and the replenish strategies are thus needed. A potential “on- surface provide the selectivity. Sensitivity and fast response
demand” release strategy is to encapsulate antimicrobial are achieved by the nanomaterial related signal transduction
agents into a matrix gated by materials responsive to the upon the recognition event. A wide range of recognition
presence of microorganisms or biofilms. This “on-demand” agents have been utilized, including antibodies, aptamers,
mechanism can be further coupled with recognition mecha- carbohydrates, and antimicrobial peptides (Vikesland and
nisms for targeted release (Fig. 2). For nanomaterials relying Wigginton, 2010). Nanomaterials improve the sensitivity and
on direct contact, fouling may largely suppress or even elim- speed of detection and achieve multiplex target detection
inate their antimicrobial activity. owing to their unique physicochemical properties, especially
electrochemical, optical, and magnetic properties. These
2.5. Sensing and monitoring sensors can be employed to detect whole cells (Vikesland and
Wigginton, 2010) as well as biomolecules (Theron et al., 2010).
A major challenge for water/wastewater treatment is water The most commonly used nanomaterials in pathogen
quality monitoring due to the extremely low concentration of detection are magnetic nanoparticles, Quantum dots (QDs),
certain contaminants, the lack of fast pathogen detection, as noble metals, dye-doped nanoparticles and CNTs. Magnetic
well as the high complexity of the water/wastewater matrices. nanoparticles and CNTs have been extensively studied for
Innovative sensors with high sensitivity and selectivity, and sample concentration and purification. A commercial mag-
fast response are in great need. netic nanocomposite, Dynabead, is available for developing
various pathogen detection kits.
2.5.1. Pathogen detection QDs are fluorescent nanocrystals of semiconducting ma-
Pathogen detection is of critical importance as it’s directly terials (e.g., CdSe) whose electronic characteristics depend on
related to public health. Conventional indicator systems such the size and shape of the individual crystals. QD particles with
as coliform bacteria is slow and fail to monitor the presence of smaller sizes have wider band gaps and thus need more en-
some important or emerging pathogens including viruses ergy to excite and emit light with shorter wavelength. QDs
(hepatitis A and E, coxsackieviruses, echoviruses, adenovi- have broad absorption spectra but narrow and stable fluo-
ruses, and Norwalk viruses), bacteria (Legionella and Heli- rescent emission spectra. Thus QDs are especially suitable for
cobacter), and protozoan (Cryptosporidium and Giardia) (Theron multiplex detection using one excitation light source. The
et al., 2010). Many of these pathogens are etiologic agents in emission spectrum of QDs is w10e20 times brighter than an

Fig. 2 e Schematic mechanism for “on-demand” microbial control. “On-demand” microbial control can be achieved by using
recognition agents that target specific microorganism. The responsive gating material is designed to release the
antimicrobial agent after the recognition event.
w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 7 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 3 9 3 1 e3 9 4 6 3941

organic fluorophore (Yan et al., 2007) and up to thousands of extensively studied but still far from perfect. The production
times more stable than conventional dyes (Sukhanova et al., and purification processes of CNTs often introduce impurities,
2004). contaminants, and even degradation of the CNT structure.
Noble metal nanomaterials have been widely used in Therefore, better synthesis, purification and separation are
sensors mainly due to their enhanced localized surface plas- required to produce more homogeneous CNTs.
mon resonance (LSPR), which depends on the size, shape, Although most of these nanosensors possess excellent
composition, and separation distance of nanoparticles, as well photostability and sensitivity, nonspecific binding is still a
as the dielectric environment of the surrounding medium major challenge for their application in water and waste-
(Petryayeva and Krull, 2011). The high conductivity of noble water. Strategies to reduce nonspecific binding and prevent
metal nanoparticles also promotes the electron transfer be- undesired nanoparticle aggregation are in critical need.
tween electrode surface and the analyst (Lei and Ju, 2012). The
presence of enhanced LSPR leads to high molar extinction 2.5.2. Trace contaminant detection
coefficient and Rayleigh scattering, as well as enhanced local In trace organic or inorganic contaminant detection, nano-
electromagnetic fields near the nanoparticle surface. Based materials can be used in both concentration and detection.
on theoretical calculation, nano-Au spheres of w40 nm in CNTs have great potential for environmental analysis of trace
diameter have an absorption cross-section 5 orders of metal or organic pollutants as they offer high adsorption ca-
magnitude higher than conventional dyes, while 80-nm nano- pacity and recovery rate as well as fast kinetics as discussed in
Au spheres scatter light 5 orders of magnitude more than Section 2.1.1. The pre-concentration factors for metal ions
fluorescence dyes (Jain et al., 2006). Nobel metals were used were found to be between 20 and 300 with fast adsorption
mainly in colorimetric and surface-enhanced Raman spec- kinetics (Duran et al., 2009). CNTs have also been extensively
troscopy (SERS) sensing. Colorimetric assays are fast and studied for preconcentrating a variety of organic compounds,
simple. The signal transduction relies on the color change of many of which were done in real water samples (Cai et al.,
the nanoparticle suspension due to different interparticle 2003). Adsorption of charged species to CNTs results in
distance or aggregation state (Kelly et al., 2003). It has been changes of conductance, providing the basis for the correla-
studied for detection of DNA, diagnosis of pathogen infection tion between analyte concentration and current fluctuation
and pathogen monitoring in water samples. However, the (Mauter and Elimelech, 2008).
aggregation state of nanoparticles is sensitive to the solution Other nanomaterials such as nano-Au and QDs have also
chemistry and difficult to control. The coexisting water/ been used. Nano-Au was used to detect pesticides at ppb
wastewater constitutes will greatly affect results, reducing levels in a colorimetric assay (Lisha et al., 2009); modified
reproducibility. The SERS phenomenon is attributed to both nano-Au was shown to detect Hg2þ and CH3Hgþ rapidly with
electromagnetic effect and chemical mechanisms related to high sensitivity and selectivity (Lin and Tseng, 2010). QD
the charge transfer between the noble metals and the target modified TiO2 nanotubes lowered the detection limits of PAHs
molecules (Moskovits, 2005). As a result, the efficiency of to the level of pica-mole per liter based on fluorescence
Raman scattering can be enhanced more than 1014 fold, which resonance energy transfer (Yang et al., 2010a). A nanosensor
is even capable of detecting a single molecule (Nie and Emery, based on CoTe QDs immobilized on a glassy carbon electrode
1997). surface was reported to detect Bisphenol A in water at con-
Silica nanoparticles doped with either organic or inorganic centrations as low as w10 nM within 5 s (Yin et al., 2010).
luminescent dyes have been developed for ultra-sensitive
sensors. The large number of dye molecules confined in a 2.6. Multifunctional devices
single silica particle guarantees huge improvement in sensi-
tivity. Moreover, the silica matrix protects the dye molecules The advance in functional nanomaterials and their conver-
from the external environment, largely suppressing photo- gence with conventional technologies bring opportunities in
bleaching and photodegradation. The outstanding photo- designing a new family of nanotechnology enabled multi-
stability makes dye-doped silica nanoparticles especially functional water treatment devices which are capable of
advantageous for applications that require high intensity or performing multiple tasks in one device. Such multifunc-
prolonged excitations (Yan et al., 2007). The rich silica chem- tional systems can enhance the overall performance and
istry (e.g., silane chemistry) also helps future surface modifi- avoid excessive redundancy, miniaturizing the footprint.
cation and conjugation. Therefore, the multifunctional concept is especially advan-
The high conductivity along the length makes CNTs tageous in decentralized and small-scale applications.
outstanding electrode materials. As a result, CNTs can greatly Different functional nanomaterials can be integrated onto a
facilitate electrochemical detection by promoting electron common platform based on treatment requirement. Beside
transfer (McCreery, 2008) and electrodeeanalysts interactions. magnetic nanoparticles, membranes are a good and exten-
They have been incorporated into electrodes via random or sively studied platform to construct multifunctional devices.
aligned coating, or used as a single CNT electrode (Yang et al., Notably, electrospun nanofibers have drawn much attention
2010b). Semiconducting CNTs can be used in nano-scale field- as an excellent nanomaterial carrier. Owing to the high per-
effect transistor (Heller et al., 2008). Besides their excellent formance, small footprint, and modular design of nanotech-
electronic properties, the high adsorption capacity of CNTs nology enabled devices, it is envisaged that different
increases detection sensitivity (Collins et al., 2000). The major functionalities can be assembled in layers of a cartridges or as
challenge for CNT based sensors is the heterogeneity of CNTs. modules arranged in series, allowing optimization/regenera-
Separation of metallic and semiconducting SWNT has been tion of each functionality separately (Qu et al., 2013). The
3942 w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 7 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 3 9 3 1 e3 9 4 6

capacity and functionality of such nanotechnology enabled cost-effectiveness, and potential environmental and human
system can be easily manipulated by plugging in or pulling risk.
out modules. There are two major research needs for full-scale applica-
tions of nanotechnology in water/wastewater treatment. First,
the performance of various nanotechnologies in treating real
3. Retention and reuse of nanomaterials natural and waste waters needs to be tested. Future studies
need to be done under more realistic conditions to assess the
The retention and reuse of nanomaterials is a key aspect of applicability and efficiency of different nanotechnologies as
nanotechnology enabled device design due to both cost and well as to validate nanomaterial enabled sensing technolo-
public health concerns. It can be usually achieved by applying gies. Secondly, the long-term efficacy of these nanotechnol-
a separation device or immobilizing nanomaterials in the ogies is largely unknown as most lab studies were conducted
treatment system. A promising separation process is mem- for relatively short period of time. Research addressing the
brane filtration which allows continuous operation with small long-term performance of water and wastewater treatment
footprint and chemical use. Ceramic membranes are more nanotechnologies is in great need. As a result, side-by-side
advantageous than polymeric membranes in photocatalytic or comparison of nanotechnology enabled systems and exist-
catalytic ozonation applications as they are more resistant to ing technologies is challenging.
UV (Chin et al., 2006) and chemical oxidants. The suspended Despite the superior performance, the adoption of inno-
particles in the receiving water are detrimental to reactor- vative technologies strongly depends on the cost-
membrane hybrid systems as they can be retained by the effectiveness and the potential risk involved. The current
membrane and significantly reduce the reaction efficiency. cost of nanomaterials is prohibitively high with few excep-
Thus raw water pretreatment is usually required to reduce the tions such as nano-TiO2, nanoscale ion oxide, and polymeric
turbidity. Nanomaterials also can be immobilized on various nanofibers. There are currently two approaches to address the
platforms such as resins and membranes to avoid further cost issue. One proposed approach is to use low purity nano-
separation. However, current immobilization techniques usu- materials without significantly compromising efficiency as
ally result in significant loss of treatment efficiency. Research much of the production cost is related to separation and pu-
is needed to develop simple, low-cost methods to immobilize rification (Qu et al., 2013). Alternatively, the cost-effectiveness
nanomaterials without significantly impacting its perfor- can be improved by retaining and reusing nanomaterials.
mance. For magnetic nanoparticles/nanocomposites, low-field Nanomaterials possess unique challenges for risk assessment
magnetic separation is a possible energy-efficient option. and management as they are small particles instead of mol-
Little is known about the release of nanomaterials from ecules or ions for which risk assessment framework and
nanotechnology enabled devices. However, the potential protocols are already in place. Better understanding and
release is expected to be largely dependent on the immobili- mitigating potential hazards associated with the use of
zation technique and the separation process employed. If no nanomaterials in water and wastewater treatment will lead to
downstream separation is applied, nanomaterials coated on broader public acceptance, which is crucial for new technol-
treatment system surfaces are more likely to be released in a ogy adoption.
relatively fast and complete manner, while nanomaterials The compatibility between aforementioned nanotechnol-
embedded in a solid matrix will have minimum release until ogies and current water and wastewater treatment processes
they are disposed of. For nanomaterials that release metal and infrastructure also needs to be addressed. Most treatment
ions, their dissolution needs to be carefully controlled (e.g., by plants and distribution systems in developed countries are
coating or optimizing size and shape). The detection of expected to remain in place for decades to come. As a result, it
nanomaterial release is a major technical hurdle for risk is important to be able to implement nanotechnology with
assessment and remains challenging. Details regarding minimal changes to existing infrastructure in the near term.
detection techniques are beyond the scope of this paper, and In the meantime, nanotechnology enabled treatment pro-
readers are referred to several recent reviews on this topic (da cesses can be employed in places where water treatment
Silva et al., 2011; Tiede et al., 2008). Few techniques can detect infrastructure does not exist or in POU devices.
nanomaterials in complex aqueous matrices and they are
usually sophisticated, expensive and with many limitations.
Fast, sensitive and selective nanomaterial analytical tech- 5. Concluding remarks
niques are in great need.
Nanotechnology for water and wastewater treatment is
gaining momentum globally. The unique properties of nano-
4. Barriers and research needs materials and their convergence with current treatment
technologies present great opportunities to revolutionize
Although nanotechnology enabled water/wastewater treat- water and wastewater treatment. Although many nanotech-
ment processes have shown great promise in laboratory nologies highlighted in this review are still in the laboratory
studies, their readiness for commercialization varies widely. research stage, some have made their way to pilot testing
Some are already on the market, while others require sig- or even commercialization. Among them, three categories
nificant research before they can be considered for full scale show most promise in full scale application in the near future
applications. Their future development and commercializa- based on their stages in research and development, com-
tion face a variety of challenges including technical hurdles, mercial availability and cost of nanomaterials involved, and
w a t e r r e s e a r c h 4 7 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 3 9 3 1 e3 9 4 6 3943

compatibility with the existing infrastructure: nano- Brady-Estevez, A.S., Schnoor, M.H., Kang, S., Elimelech, M., 2010.
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photocatalysts. All three categories have commercial prod- bacterial inactivation. Langmuir 26 (24), 19153e19158.
Brunet, L., Lyon, D.Y., Hotze, E.M., Alvarez, P.J.J., Wiesner, M.R.,
ucts, although they have not been applied in large scale water
2009. Comparative photoactivity and antibacterial properties
or wastewater treatment. Several other water treatment of C-60 fullerenes and titanium dioxide nanoparticles.
nanotechnologies have found their niche applications in POU Environmental Science and Technology 43 (12), 4355e4360.
systems. Cai, Y.Q., Jiang, G.B., Liu, J.F., Zhou, Q.X., 2003. Multiwalled carbon
The challenges faced by water/wastewater treatment nanotubes as a solid-phase extraction adsorbent for the
nanotechnologies are important, but many of these chal- determination of bisphenol a, 4-n-nonylphenol, and 4-tert-
octylphenol. Analytical Chemistry 75 (10), 2517e2521.
lenges are perhaps only temporary, including technical hur-
Chen, W., Duan, L., Zhu, D.Q., 2007. Adsorption of polar and
dles, high cost, and potential environmental and human risk.
nonpolar organic chemicals to carbon nanotubes.
To overcome these barriers, collaboration between research Environmental Science and Technology 41 (24), 8295e8300.
institutions, industry, government, and other stakeholders is Chin, S.S., Chiang, K., Fane, A.G., 2006. The stability of polymeric
essential. It is our belief that advancing nanotechnology by membranes in a TiO2 photocatalysis process. Journal of
carefully steering its direction while avoiding unintended Membrane Science 275 (1e2), 202e211.
consequences can continuously provide robust solutions to Choi, H., Stathatos, E., Dionysiou, D.D., 2006a. Sol-gel preparation
of mesoporous photocatalytic TiO2 films and TiO2/Al2O3
our water/wastewater treatment challenges, both incremen-
composite membranes for environmental applications.
tal and revolutionary.
Applied Catalysis B-Environmental 63 (1e2), 60e67.
Choi, J.H., Jegal, J., Kim, W.N., 2006b. Fabrication and
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