6th Grade Syllabus

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Patrick School- Wadsworth 

6​th​ Grade Math Syllabus 
Mrs. Miller 
Class Benchmarks:   
By the end of the year, students will be able to: 

● Understand ratio concepts and use ratio reasoning to solve problems 

● Apply and extend previous understanding of multiplication and division to divide fractions by 
● Compute fluently with multi-digit numbers and find common factors and multiples 
● Apply and extend previous understanding of numbers to the system of rational numbers 
● Apply and extend previous understanding of arithmetic to algebraic expressions 
● Reason about and solve one-variable equations and inequalities 
● Represent and analyze quantitative relationships between dependent and independent variables 
● Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving area, surface area, and volume 
● Develop understanding of statistical variability 
● Summarize and describe distributions 

Classroom Conduct: 
1. Students are expected to come on time, prepared, and ready to learn math. 
2. Students are expected to give their best effort and focus in class discussions, activities, 
assignments, and while learning new material. Students working on non-math 
items/assignments during class will have those items taken until the end of the day. 
3. Students are to respect God, themselves, teachers, and fellow classmates. This includes: 
a. Raising a hand to speak and listening when others are speaking 
b. Keeping the discussion on-topic and courteous 
c. Respecting the property of other students, themselves, and the school 
d. Keeping a reverent posture and tone during prayer and participating as students feel 
*Students will receive a warning, a logical consequence, then a demerit for each offense. 
4. Students are to respect the classroom environment. This includes: 
a. No food, gum, candy, or drinks except for bottled water with a cap/lid. Students will 
receive an automatic demerit for having these items in the classroom. 
b. Keep all four legs of the chairs on the floor at all times. Students who do not sit in the 
chair appropriately will have their chair taken away. 
c. No peeling paint, writing on tables, leaving trash on the floor or throwing objects. Students 
will receive a logical consequence such as cleaning up all trash from the floor. 
Classroom Policies: 
Required Materials: S ​ tudents will be required to bring the following materials to class each day: Math 
workbook; Five-subject notebook; Pencils (All math work should be completed in pencil or erasable pen. 
If students turn in work in pen, they will be asked to redo the assignment, quiz, or test.); Calculator; 
Chromebooks: ​Students are expected to care for their Chromebooks in the classroom as outlined in their 
Chromebook acceptable use policy. Students may begin using their Chromebooks for simple solutions 
at the start of class. During instruction, Chromebooks will remain closed unless students are using the 
online textbook or other site instructed by the teacher. ​Using the Chromebook for material not pertinent 
to the class is prohibited (i.e. games and websites not related to class material) 
Leaving Class: ​When students leave class, they miss essential math instruction. For this reason, 
students are expected to remain in class from the bell at the start of class to when the teacher dismisses 
them. If a student needs to leave the classroom, he/she should do so during non-instructional times 
(bellwork or independent practice time) and will be expected to sign out and bring the appropriate pass. 
Parents should notify the teachers if their child has a medical diagnosis that requires him/her to use the 
bathroom more frequently than others.   

When Work is Finished: ​Students are expected to use their math class period for math activities to 
reinforce their mathematics knowledge. When students have finished their required math assignment, 
they can access several math enrichment activities including: “Math Challenges” google classroom, 
IXL.com, Khan academy, classzone.com, desmos.com, and math games at the back of the classroom. 

Classroom Grading: 
Homework​: Students will receive homework Monday-Thursday to enforce key math concepts. 
Homework is usually due the next day, unless otherwise specified by the teacher. All odd textbook 
homework problems are in the back of the book and students are expected to check these answers after 
completing each problem, in order to ensure they are doing the homework correctly. Students are 
expected to ​TRY​ every homework problem, D
​ O NOT​ leave a problem blank because of lack of 
understanding. Please send me an email the night before the assignment is due if you are unable to 
complete the assignment. Students who do not complete the homework by the due date will fill out the 
homework accountability​ google form and will have the opportunity to complete the homework 
assignment by the following Monday for 50% off the assignment. 

*While numerous resources are available for assistance in solving math problems, I expect every 
student to show his or her work on homework assignments. Remember you should use these resources 
to help reinforce your learning, not to simply copy the answer. 

Classwork:​ Participation in class activities and class assignments are important to informally assess 
student learning and understanding. All students are expected to participate in class. Participating in 
note-taking is a part of the class experience and students are expected to take notes in their math 
workbook or notebook. Students are responsible for any work missed during the instructional hour. 

*Simple Solutions is a weekly classwork assignment, which reviews and reinforces grade-level 
skills. Students will be given 5-10 minutes at the beginning of class to work on the weekly lesson and the 
lesson will be due every T ​ hursday​. One section of the five-subject notebook should be designated for 
simple solutions. 
Projects:​ Students will be given projects periodically throughout the year. Students will receive 
information on these projects as the date arises. Students will be given ample time to complete projects, 
in some cases extra class time. Students will be graded on a rubric, which will communicate the 
expectations of the project and assess specific criteria of the assignment. 

Quizzes:​ ​ Quizzes will be given as needed in preparation for the chapter test.   

Tests:​ A test will be given at the conclusion of every chapter. Students will have an in-class review the 
day before the test, which will include sample test questions. Tests should be completed independently. 
Using notes without teacher permission, talking, or cheating during a test is NOT allowed. Tests will be 
announced a week in advance. ​Students should not wait until the night before the test to study or 
complete the chapter review. The following is a list of recommended studying tips to help you be 
successful on math tests: 

● Complete the assigned practice test thoroughly and check the answers with the answers given in 
class (a practice test will be given a couple days before each test) 
● Use the online companion website “connectED.mcgraw-hill.com” for practice tests, review 
problems, and tutorials (You can never practice too much to prepare for a math test) 
● Use “khanacademy.com” for additional tutorials if you need help understanding a topic. 
● ASK FOR HELP!​ I can not stress this one enough...if you did not understand a topic learned in 
class, schedule a time to meet with me before school, during study hall, lunch, or recess 

Units of Study:   
Trimester 1   Trimester 2   Trimester 3  
● Chapter 1: Ratios and  ● Chapter 5: Integers and  ● Chapter 9: Area 
Rates  Coordinate Plane  ● Chapter 10: Volume 
● Chapter 2: Fractions,  ● Chapter 6: Expressions  and Surface Area  
Decimals, and Percents  ● Chapter 7: Equations  ● Chapter 11: Statistical 
● Chapter 3: Compute with  ● Chapter 8: Functions and  Measures 
Multi-Digit Numbers  Inequalities  ● Chapter 12: Statistical 
● Chapter 4: Multiply and  Displays 
Divide Fractions 

Please sign and return the bottom portion of this document. 
Student Name: ____________________________________________________ Date: ________________________ 
I have read the sixth grade math syllabus for the 2018-2019 school year. I agree to adhere to the class 
expectations and I understand the consequences should I fail to comply. 
Student Signature: _________________________________________________________________ 
Parent Signature: __________________________________________________________________ 

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