R12 Model Bank TWS (EE) Deployment Guide
R12 Model Bank TWS (EE) Deployment Guide
R12 Model Bank TWS (EE) Deployment Guide
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, for any purpose,
without the express written permission of TEMENOS HEADQUARTERS SA.
(A) INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................. 3
(B) R12 WEB SERVICES ......................................................................................... 3
(C) DEPLOYING WEB SERVICES ............................................................................. 3
(D) DEMO – WEB SERVICES ................................................................................... 4
(D.1) ENSURE YOU HAVE SET-UP TWS ................................................................................... 5
(D.2) SOAP REQUEST ....................................................................................................... 5
(D.3) SOAP RESPONSE...................................................................................................... 7
(D.4) CHECK OUTPUT IN T24 ............................................................................................... 8
This document lists the R12 Web Services for Model Bank.
1 Retail Issue Cheque Book
2 Issue Debit Card
3 Cancel Debit Card
4 Register Stop Payment
5 Revoke Stop Payment
6 Preclose Term Deposit
7 Partial Withdrawal Term Deposit
8 Disburse Loan
9 Repay Loan
10 Change Loan Principal Interest
11 Payoff Loan
12 Retail Front Office Create Call Report
13 Create Appointment
14 Payments Execute Outward Payment MT103.MT202
15 Execute Outward Payment MT200
16 Execute Account Transfer
17 Execute Nostro Transfer MT202
18 Execute Inward Payment Nostro
19 Execute Inward Payment Vostro
20 Private Banking Create Portfolio
21 Modify Customer Security
22 Capture Corporate Action Instructions
23 Create Security Order
24 Create Mutual Fund Order
25 Create Security Transfer
26 Banking Framework R11 Activate customer service
27 Find the related customers
28 Get customer by Legal Id
29 Corporate Create Unsecured Limit
30 Capture Collateral Details
31 Capture Collateral Link Details
32 Create Corporate Loan
33 Create Discounted Loan
The following below is a sample demonstration of a web service input and response:
Ensure that you have set up TWS and able to see the Web Services as per Section (C) above.