Lesson Plan Year 5 Language Arts Week 35

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The lesson plan is for an English language class about a story called 'Lost and Found'. It involves reactivating prior knowledge, explaining chapters of the story, answering questions, and creating an original ending.

The lesson plan is about teaching a chapter from the story 'Lost and Found' to 5th grade students.

In the development stage, the pupils are divided into groups and asked to answer questions and fill out summary cards about chapters 1-4 of the story.


Subject : English language

Year/Level : 5 Bestari (Mixed abilities)

Enrolment : 27 pupils

Date/day :30th of August 2018

Time : 10:45 AM’ – 11:45 AM (1 hour)

Theme : World of Knowledge

Topic : Unit 13: Lost and Found (Language Arts)

Previous knowledge : Pupils are familiar with the content of the topic
Content standard : 4.3 By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will be
able to plan, organise and produce creative works for

Learning standard : 4.3.1 Able to plan, produce and display creative works based
on literary texts using a variety of media with guidance:
Synopsis: And Something Weird Happened...

Learning objectives : By the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to:

1) Answer questions in the summary card

2) Create their own ending after chapter 4 in their own groups

Vocabulary : Recognize, acknowledge, inventor

Educational Emphases : Creative and Innovation

Moral Values : Collaboration

Thinking skills : Creative

Multiple intelligences : Verbal-linguistics, inter-personal

Resources/Teachings Aids : Worksheet, templates

Stages/Time Content Activities Notes

Induction To reactivate the 1. Teacher draws

set pupil’s schemata three simple
drawings of ice
(5 minutes)
cream, pizza and
2. Teacher then asks
for a volunteer from
the pupils to tell the
summary of chapter
3 and 4
Presentation Synopsis of chapter 1-4 1. Teacher distributes Development
the printed synopsis stage
(10 min)
of chapter 3 and 4 - Synopsis
2. Teacher explains of chapter
and highlights on 3 -4
certain parts
3. Teacher goes
through chapter by
chapter again with
the pupils by
referring to the
summary of the
4. Teacher asks
questions and
repeats some points
as they scheme and
scan through the
Practice Answer questions 1. Teacher divides the Action phase

(10 min) pupils into 7 groups

Sample Group work
2. Each group is given
four summary cards
objective (1)
of chapter 1-4 and a
set of pictures
What is the title of the 3. Pupils work in their
first/second/third/fourth groups and past
chapter pictures correctly in
the summary cards
Who is the main
as well as writing
down the details of
What was Joel asked to each chapter as
do? needed
5. Pupils compile the
summary cards
Production Create your own 1. Still in the same Group work
(25 min) ending group, pupils are Learning
free to guess what objective (2)
happens next after
chapter 4
2. Each group is given
an A3 drawing
3. Each group must
first discuss
together what
ending they could
imagine before
laying out the idea
on the drawing
paper by drawing on
4. Once the time has
finished up, pupils
present their work to
the whole class
Closure (5 Feedback and 1. Teacher
min) comments encourages the
pupils to give
feedback on the

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