Modal Analysis

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International Journal of Research Publications in Engineering and Technology [IJRPET]

ISSN: 2454-7875
VOLUME 3, ISSUE 7, July-2017
P.G. Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, JCOE, Kuran, Pune, Maharashtra, India1

Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, JCOE, Kuran, Pune, Maharashtra, India2

ABSTRACT: the possibilities for reducing the costs and costs of forging
The connecting rod is an intermediate element forged steel forging. The forged steel fork is subjected to
between the piston and the crankshaft. Its main cyclic loading, including the maximum load of the gas
function is to transmit thrust and ejection from the compression load and dynamic grip at 5700 rpm, which
piston pin onto the crank pin, so as to convert the corresponds to a 360 ° rotation angle. Structural factors
reciprocating motion of the piston into the crank considered for weight loss during the optimization process
rotating motion. This study includes FEA analysis and included fatigue strength, static resistance, buckling
experimental modal analysis of a cane. A parametric resistance, bending stiffness and axial rigidity. Additional
model of the connecting rod is modelled using the constraints imposed during the optimization process
CATIA V5 R19 software, and the finite element analysis included maintaining the hardness and the optimized rod
is performed using the ANSYS software. The finite interchangeability with the existing one. The cost was
element method is used to determine the natural reduced by changing the existing material of the forged
frequency of a cane and comparing the results with the steel forged steel rod (C-70). Separation of the process of
FFT analyser. FFT analysis is performed by hanging the destruction eliminates the need to separately mold the cap
connecting rod at the toeing foot, and the experimental and the stem connecting the body or the need to go to the
results are compared with FEM. saw or to process the connecting rod of the forging into two.
KEYWORDS: Connecting rod, FEA, FFT Analysis. In addition, they eliminated the heat treatment, the
processing of the end surfaces of the crank and the drilling
I. INTRODUCTION: of the bushing.
The connecting rod is the connection between the South Australia Sajjadi, H.R.Esatpour, M TorabiParisi [2]
piston and the shaft with the rotating crankshaft. The small studied "Comparison of microstructures and mechanical
end of the connecting rod is connected to the piston by properties of aluminum alloys A356 / Al2O3 by mixing
means of a fork. The large connecting end of the rod is composite processes and Compo casting." Metal matrix
connected to the crankshaft. The function of the connecting composites (MMCs) are the most promising for obtaining
rod is the conversion of the reciprocating motion of the improved mechanical properties such as hardness, Young's
piston into the rotational motion of the crankshaft. modulus, the resistance of 0.2% and tensile strength due to
The combination of axial stresses and torsion the presence of nano-reinforcing particles and micro-
acting on the rod in function. Axial stresses are produced dimensions in the array. As a rule, with respect to
due to the inertia of pressure in the cylinder and force due mechanical properties, reinforcements cause more
to alternative motions. While the bending stresses are resistance and hardness, often due to some plasticity.
caused by the centrifugal effect. To achieve maximum Aluminum Matrices Composites (AMC), reinforced particles
rigidity with minimum weight, the cross-section of the and whiskers are widely used for high-performance
connecting rod is designed as a section I. The small end of applications such as automotive, military, aerospace and
the rod is a solid substance of the eye or a separate eye; this electrical because of their physical and mechanical
is the end of the piston pin. The big end rests on the properties have improved.
crankpin and is always divided by heavy-duty motors. In Salah Eldin Mohammed MasriBaharom, Abdul Rashid
some connecting rods, it drilled a hole between the two Abdul Aziz [3] studied "Comparative analysis of the two
ends for lubricating oil transporting from the big end to the proposed models of connecting rods to the crankshaft of
end of a small for lubricating the piston and the piston pin. engines with the finite method." Two coils of the author's
Pravardhan S Chenoy and Ali Fatemi [1] studied model have been simulated for the pedal motor in CATIA
"Optimizing the connection panel to reduce weight and V5 and the finite element analysis of the two models using
cost." The authors carried out optimization to reduce the the FEA tool (ANSYS Workbench). The two connecting rods
weight and cost of fabricating the forged connecting rod in were modeled to have the same volume for apple-to-apple
forged steel. The main purpose of this study was to explore comparison. The first model was created for the traditional

22 | P a g e
International Journal of Research Publications in Engineering and Technology [IJRPET]
ISSN: 2454-7875
VOLUME 3, ISSUE 7, July-2017
connecting rod and the second model in the form of a rod Y. structures through the impact hammer test are formed by
In the case of I (compressive load) - the load was applied to successive steps.
the small end of the connecting rods as a compression load 1. Generation of model.
and the large end side was correct. In case II (tensile load) - 2. Model test setting
the load was applied to the small end of the connecting rods 3. Divide the structure deficient number of points with
as a compressive load and the side of the large end was the appropriate special distribution.
corrected. The stress results highlighted the results were 4. Wobble up the structure with impact hammer.
obtained from ANSYS workbench. 5. Taking the measurements
B. Anusha, C.VijayaBaskar Reddy [4] studied 6. Analysis of measured output data.
"Comparison of materials for a double rod with ANSYS." 7. Establishment with the FEM data.
The size of the selected connecting rod can be found using a The test equipment used for the experiment is a fast
caliper and a manometer, shown in the table, and are listed Fourier transform (FFT) with sixteen channels, together
in the table. Depending on the size, the connecting rod with a data acquisition system made from the front of the
model is generated using PRO / E (Creo-parametric). In this SCADA. The structure was excited with a shock hammer
analysis, we use two cast iron and stainless steel materials. (Dytran Make 5800B3) in all predefined locations, as shown
Ramanprith Singh [5] studied "in the orthotropic and in Fig. 1, and the response was collected using a three-axis
isotropic stresses of analysis of the finite element method." accelerometer (PCB T356A02 and 356B21) at a given
It was carried out for the conventional analysis of steel, and transmission point of the transmission point (DPTF). The
the other was performed on an E-glass / epoxy connecting type of EMA is known as the Frequency Response Function
rod, while retaining all the same parameters for analysis. (FRF) method, which simultaneously evaluates the input
excitation and output response. The essence of all the
II. METHOD: frequency response functions (FRF) was solved to extract
The 3D model of the connecting rod was developed in the natural frequencies and modes. Figure 1 shows the
software CAD. The connecting rod was considered while experimental modal analysis created for the connecting rod.
free boundary conditions since it allow the component to
freely vibrate without interference from other parts. This
speeds up even the best visualization of forms associated
with the natural frequency mode. To test the FE model, you
must recognize the dynamic properties, such as the
modulus of elasticity, the density and the Poisson's ratio of
the component. Only linear behaviour is displayed in the
modal analysis, while nonlinear properties are ignored.


Modal analysis FEA stem connection is performed for Fig. 1.Set up of Experimental Modal Analysis of connecting
two different materials. The first modal analysis is rod(a) Carbon steel 16MnCr5(b) Aluminium LM9
performed using a 16MnCr5 stainless steel material, and Figure 1 shows the installation of an experimental modal
then an alternative material in LM9 aluminium. The solid analysis of an aluminium rod connecting the LM9 carbon
model created in CATIA V5R19 is imported into ANSYS 14. steel. For this reason, the sphere connections are
After import, the connection must be done in the ANSYS of interrupted at the end in the vertical perspective. The
the SOLID45 element selection. Then apply the constraint accelerometer is connected to the connector for measuring
and execute the analysis model for carbon steel 16MnCr5 the frequency response when the excitation is given by a
material. shock hammer.
The solid model created in CATIA V5R19 is imported An experimental analysis of the model, also known as
into ANSYS 14. After import, the connection must be done modal analysis or model testing is related to the
in the ANSYS of the SOLID45 element selection. Then apply determination of natural frequencies, attenuation
the constraint and execute the analysis model for the coefficients, and forms through the test mode of vibration.
aluminium material LM9. Two main ideas are involved:
• When the structure, car or any system is energized, its
IV. EXPERIMENTAL MODAL ANALYSIS: reaction has a sharp peak at resonance, when the forcing
The connecting rod was tested through EMA with free frequency is equal to the natural frequency, when the
boundary conditions. An observational approach is to damping is not large.
explore what shape shapes and natural frequencies of

23 | P a g e
International Journal of Research Publications in Engineering and Technology [IJRPET]
ISSN: 2454-7875
VOLUME 3, ISSUE 7, July-2017
• At 180 °, the characteristic of the phase changes when aluminium LM9. Experimental analysis of the modal
the frequency is forced through the natural frequency of the frequencies was determined.
structure or machine and the stage will be at an angle of 90 °
The experimental modal analysis is carried out by Natural frequencies obtained for connecting rod of
suspending the connecting rod at the small end and the carbon steel and aluminium LM9 material by FEA & EMA
experimental results in comparison with stainless steel and are given in table 1.

Table. 1.Natural frequencies for Connecting rod of Carbon steel 16MnCr5 & Aluminium LM9 material by FEA & EMA
Carbon steel (16MnCr5) Aluminium LM9
Natural Natural Natural Natural
frequency frequency Mode shapes frequency frequency Mode shapes
(Hz) (Hz) (Hz) (Hz)

1 127 113 256 279

2 163 147 441 487

3 629 607 2045 2114

4 1363 1311 3384 3411

5 2816 2876 4207 4249

Table 1 show the natural frequencies found from Figure 2 show the graph of comparison of natural
experimental modal analysis and finite element analysis of frequencies found from experimental modal analysis and
Carbon steel &Aluminium LM9 connecting rod. Natural finite element analysis of Carbon steel connecting rod.
frequencies for first five modes are noted by both the Natural frequencies for first five modes are compared by
methods. both the methods and the variation found is within the limit.
The graph of comparison of natural frequencies for
different materials is shown in Fig. 2&3.

Fig. 3.Comparison of natural frequencies (Aluminium LM9)

Figure 3 show the graph of comparison of natural
Fig. 2.Comparison of natural frequencies (Carbon steel frequencies found from experimental modal analysis and
16MnCr5) finite element analysis of Aluminium LM9 connecting rod.
24 | P a g e
International Journal of Research Publications in Engineering and Technology [IJRPET]
ISSN: 2454-7875
VOLUME 3, ISSUE 7, July-2017
Natural frequencies for first five modes are compared by
both the methods and the variation found is within the limit.

This work investigated the most suitable material for
the connecting rod. The modal analysis was performed on
the connecting rod with the FEM simulation tools based on
the computer. The EMA was then conducted using an FFT
analyser to find the natural frequencies of the connecting
rod. The following conclusions can be drawn from this
Some natural frequencies using the FEA method are
practically analogous to certain Eigen frequencies using the
EMA method for the soul of an existing compound in carbon
steel (16MnCr5).
The natural frequencies determined using the FEA
method are almost identical to the natural frequencies
determined using the EMA method for the connecting rod
in LM9 aluminium.
It should be noted that the natural frequency of the LM9
aluminium rod is higher than the existing carbon steel
reference plate (16MnCr5).
It should also be noted that the connecting rod LM9
aluminium is light weight relative to the rod of the existing
stainless steel (16MnCr5).

1) Pravardhan S. Shenoy and Ali Fatemi, “Connecting Rod
Optimization for Weight and Cost Reduction”, SAE
International, 2005.
2) S.A. Sajjadi, H.R. Ezatpour, M. Torabi Parizi,
“Comparison of microstructure and mechanical
properties of A356 aluminum alloy/Al2O3 composites
fabricated by stir and compo-casting processes”,
Materials & Design, Vol.34, pp.106-111, 2011.
3) Salah Eldin Mohammed, Masri Baharom, Abdul Rashid
Abdul Aziz, “Comparative Analysis of Two Proposed
Models of Connecting rods for Crank-rocker Engines
Using Finite Element Method”, MATEC Web of
Conferences 13, 2014.
4) B. Anusha, Dr.C.Vijaya Bhaskar Reddy, “Comparision Of
Materials For Two-Wheeler Connecting Rod Using
Ansys”, International Journal of Engineering Trends
and Technology, Vol.4, pp. 4178-4182, 2013.
5) Ramanpreet Singh, “STRESS ANALYSIS OF
Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics
Research, Vol.2, 2013.

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