He Tone Ews: A Special Tree
He Tone Ews: A Special Tree
He Tone Ews: A Special Tree
A Special Tree
by Bob James
Church Library Adds More Good Books, Asks for Help with DVD Transfer
We hope you’ll come soon to visit Song of Night Letter to My Daugh-
our library! It’s accessible on Sundays by Katherine ter by Maya Angelou
after Worship through the back door of Nakamura & (Women 818.54
Lincoln House. Usually, you may stay a Linnea Riley Ang)
good, long time, but on days with New (1st Bks Nak)
Member Classes, we’ll need to get out
of their way by 11 am.
Browsing through both rooms of
our collection, you’ll find wonderful
books for all ages, and even videos of Zacchaeus Meets When the Emperor
many special choir presentations and Jesus by Diane Stortz Was Divine by Julie
visiting lecturers. (J 225 Sto) Otsuka (F Ots)
By the way, might you be the person
who could help us by transferring these The Measure
historical videos to DVDs? We’d be glad of a Man: A Spiri-
to furnish the blank DVDs. All About Famous tual Autobiography by
- Sue Williams, Library Coordinator Scientific Expeditions Sidney Poitier (Biog
by Raymond Holden POITIER)
New for our younger members: (YA 508 Hol) Living in God’s Time:
A Parent’s Guide to
Maria Tallchief: Nurturing Children
American Ballerina
by Adele de Leeuw In our adult throughout the Christian
(YA Biog TALLCHIEF) special sections: Year by Margaret Persky
Girl Mary by Petru (Fam-Rel 248 Per), given
Popescu (F Pop), given by Rebecca Kuiken
How to Make The Missing Link:
a Rainbow: Great Building Quality Time The Dance of Decep-
Things to Make and with Teens by Ste- tion: Pretending and
Do for 7 Year Olds phen Shechtman and Truth-Telling in Women’s
by Deborah Manley Mark Singer (Fam-Teen Lives by Harriet Lerner
(J 745.5 Man) 646.7 She) (Women 155 Ler)
StoneWorks Sponsors Blanket Drive, Helps with
Hazardous Waste Disposal, Reports on Consecration Sunday
Sacred Heart Contributions Coming October 17
StoneWorks continues to provide For more information, go to: Get ready for Consecration
many opportunities for us to help others Sunday on Oct. 17, when we
here and throughout the world. again pledge to Stone Church a
This webpage will answer your ques- portion of the abundant riches
Sacred Heart Blanket Drive Project tions or will direct you to a page that that God has given to us.
– On Your Mark, Get Set, GO! will. You can also make an appointment The theme chosen by the
here. The whole process is fast, easy Stewardship Committee for
StoneWorks asks you to bring clean, and pleasant. this year’s Consecration Sunday
gently used and new blankets to Stone If you have any questions, please contact is “Come and See What God
Church for the very important Sacred Maureen Ryan, StoneWorks Chair. is Doing.”
Heart Blanket Drive Project. In the weeks prior to Conse-
Many people will thank you for the Second Harvest/Valley Medical cration Sunday, the entertain-
warmth and comfort these blankets will Clinic Produce Mobile ing, original, and insightful
bring on cold winter nights. At September’s Second Harvest/ “chancel dramas” produced by
Valley Medical Clinic Produce Mobile our own Jody Meacham and
give-away, volunteers distributed 10,332 Rev. Ken Henry will humor-
pounds of fruits and vegetables to 250 ously depict the many ways that
families. your pledges facilitate God’s
Volunteers (which included 11 from work through Stone Church,
Stone) are headed by Dr. Delgado of by rhetorically asking the ques-
Valley Medical Clinic and Pat Plant tion: “What would happen if
from our Presbytery and work this event Stone Church weren’t around,
the second Saturday of every month, just for one day?”
from 9:30 to 11 am. Will Stone Church really
disappear? Will “July” and her
September Communion Sunday red dress return? Will all the
Food Donations for Sacred Heart parking spots disappear?
Blankets will be collected on Sun- Sue Evans reports that she took 119 You won’t want to miss a
days, Oct. 24 and 31, during Coffee pounds of food to Sacred Heart on single installment, especially
Fellowship. Communion Sunday in September. the exciting finale, which will
If you have any questions, please be followed by a delicious cele-
contact Blanket Drive Chairperson Additional Sacred Heart Donations bratory luncheon for the whole
Gail Chaid. for August and September congregation.
Karen Scott reports that donations to Everyone is welcome on
What Do I Do with This? How to Sacred Heart in August and September Consecration Sunday!
Dispose of Hazardous Waste included the following: - Guy Lohman
Hazardous Waste Recycling and Disposal
for Santa Clara County provides a col- August:
lection schedule that rotates among nine 30 bags of clothes
locations throughout the county. 12 bags of toiletries
This free drop-off disposal service, paid egg crates
for by your tax dollars, is for residential 5 bags of paper bags
household hazardous waste, and the fol- 3 overnight travel bags
lowing things will be accepted: heavy large men’s down coat
paint, paint thinner, varnish, stain; several sets of sheets and pillowcases
garden, swimming pool, hobby
chemicals; September:
household cleaning products, aero- 1 large bag of clothes
sol spray cans; 1 woman’s wool sweater Stone’s talented Handbell Choir recently had
fluorescent tubes & CFL bulbs, 4 bags of grocery bags a “Maintenance Party” to keep the bells in
propane tanks, automotive prod- 1 bag of egg cartons tip-top shape! All handbell choir members
enjoyed their time together, which included
ucts (gas); a great potluck meal. We appreciate their
thermometers and other mercury Thank you again for your unending hard work, both behind the scenes and
wastes. generosity. during their beautiful performances.
The Men’s Ministry of Stone Church Books and other media to be contrib-
includes a mission work team, a book
group, and a flying
uted to the sale may be placed in the
large box in the Social Hall during the
Men’s group. weeks prior to the sale. Presbyterian
Ministry mation For more infor-
This is a good time to clean out
bookshelves and prepare for winter Women “Thank
any of these activities, contact Parish reading!
Associate David McCreath. Offering”
Fall Book Sale, Oct. 24, Benefits
Mission Team Worktrip, Nov. 5-7
The Men’s Mission Team is planning
Heifer, Other Mission Projects a worktrip, Nov. 5-7, to Westminster Coming Nov. 20
The Fall Book Sale, sponsored by Woods. There is always plenty of room,
the Men’s Book Group, will be held and all men are welcome to come.
Oct. 24 in the Social To sign up, or for more information, The annual Presbyterian
Hall, following contact Leland Wong. Women Thank Offering
morning Worship. Luncheon will be held Sat-
At the sale, there “The Circus” Comes to the Men’s urday, Nov. 20, at noon, in
will be a Children’s Book Group, Oct. 18 the Social Hall.
Table, at which The Men’s Book Group will read and Come to eat and to be
each book will cost discuss Water for Elephants, Sara Gru- inspired!
twenty-five cents, en’s story of life in a traveling circus, For more informa-
to be placed in the Heifer International Oct. 18, beginning at 7:30 pm. tion, please contact
Quarter Tower. Rod Thorn is the host. PW Mission Moderator,
This sale will also provide for resale All men, whether performers or not, Rosaleen Zisch.
of CDs and DVDs. are welcome to attend.