LP Bi Tuesday 4 Sep
LP Bi Tuesday 4 Sep
LP Bi Tuesday 4 Sep
29/8/2018 60 minutes
MAIN SKILL 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital texs by using
appropriate reading strategies .
COMPLEMENTARY SKILL 4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and style for a range of purposes in
print and digital media .
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S) By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:-
a) Complete 6 out of 9 the worksheet of bubble map
b) write at least 4 out of 6 simple sentence in neat legible print
Teacher : Hello and good afternoon class. How are you today ? do you still
remember the rules during my class ? and pupils who answer the question wull
be given star. Okay, today I will show you a video about weather. Please
watch the video attentively because I will ask question later.
Pupils : watch the video
Teacher : Now everybody stand up and we will sing the song together
Teacher : So, From the video, what are the weather that exist ? who want to
answer please raise up your hand.
Teacher : so now, look outside the window, what is the weather now ? is it
snowing ?
Teacher : okay now, look at the power point presentation here. let’s read this.
Please repeat after me. Do you understand ?
Teacher : okay now, I want to see between boys or girls, who will read better.
So please read the sentence carefully. Now, let start with the boys. Which
team read louder and clearly will get the star.
3. Teacher distributes worksheet to pupils.
4. The worksheet is about weather they had learn just now. The worksheet is in the
form of i-Think map (bubble map)
5. Pupils need to fill in the blanks with the correct answer.
Teacher : okay now, I will distribute this worksheet to you. Please complete the
worksheet with the correct answer.
5. Next, pupils will play puzzle wheel game. Teacher will pick pupils randomly and
they need to come in front of the class turn the puzzle wheel. If the arrow of the
wheel stop at “cloudy”, the pupil need to read the sentence about the cloudy.
They read the sentence from power point slide.
Teacher : okay now, we will play the game called puzzle wheel. I will pick pupil
randomly and the name that I called please come to front and turn the wheel.
After that, read the sentence based on the word of weather that the arrow
stop. Let me show to you first how to play it.
Teacher : okay now, I will distribute this worksheet to you. Please complete the
worksheet with the correct answer.
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