Class 16 Gerund, Participal
Class 16 Gerund, Participal
Class 16 Gerund, Participal
Gerund/ Participle:-
The word “smoking” is formed from the verb smoke by adding –ing.
You can see that here in this sentence, the word “smoking” does the function of a
subject (Noun). So, it is a Verb-Noun.
On many occasions the “continuous form of the verb” can be used as a noun.
A gerund is that form of the verb which ends in –ing and has the force of a noun
and a verb.
Class #16
You can easily see that the subjects in all these sentences are in gerund forms.
3. Object of a preposition.
Class #16
4. Complement of a verb.
Confess, imagine, finish, practice, hinder, excuse, forgive, drop, stop, prevent,
mind etc…
Class #16
7. Few verbs of sensation take the gerund-forms if the action of the verb is in
In the first sentence, the word preceding the gerund “being” is “his”. This is in the
possessive case.
While, in the second sentence, the word preceding the gerund “being” is “him”.
This is in the objective case.
So, we can use either possessive case or objective case before gerunds.
Class #16
As both the gerund and infinitive have the force of noun and a verb, they have the
same uses.
Thus, in many sentences either of them may be used without any special difference
in meaning.
Teach me to swim. (Infinitive)
Teach me swimming. (Gerund)
Both these sentences convey the same meaning.
i. He is interested in becoming a politician.
Class #16
After V- ing
Exercise:(15 + 15-m.)
01. Zvi Kv‡Q hvIqvi c~‡e© Avgv‡K e‡j (inform) †hI|
02. Avgvi evmvq Avmvi c~‡e© GKUv wis (phone) w`‡q G‡mv|
03. KvRwU †kl Kivi ci Avgv‡K WvK‡e|
04. Spadework PPv© Kiv Qvov Avcwb Kg mg‡q Fluency Avb‡Z cvi‡eb bv|
05. wPwV cvIqvi ci Avwg UvKv cvVve|
06. cÖ¯—vewU we‡ePbvi (considering) ci, Avwg wm×vš— †be|
07. we‡`k †_‡K Avmvi ci †`‡k cÖwZwóZ (establish) nIqvi †Póv Kie|
08. Avgvi Rb¨ A‡c¶v bv K‡i Zviv P‡j †Mj|
09. MíwU bv e‡j Zzwg †h‡Z cvi‡e bv|
10. PvKzix †Q‡o †`qvi ci †m GLb †eKvi|
mvavibZt evsjvq AmgvwcKv wµqvi ‡¶‡Î Verb-ing nq|
†hgbt LvBqv, hvBqv, cwoqv, Kwiqv, Avwmqv, ewmqv, awiqv, Kwiqv,
01. cwiw¯’wZ kvš— ivwLqv- (keeping the situation calm.) hv Lywk Ki|
02. cix¶vq mvd‡j¨i mv‡_ cvm Kwiqv - (passing the exam. successfully.) PvKzixi K_v fvweI|
03. Avqbvi mvg‡b `uvovBqv- (standing before the mirror) wK †`wL‡Z‡Qv?
04. fvZ LvBqv / fvZ LvIqvi ci (having my meal) Avwg AvmwQ|
evsjvq wØi“w³ i‡q‡Q Ggb wµqvi Bs‡iRx V- ing hy³ nq|
†hgb: ej‡Z ej‡Z = saying, nvm‡Z nvm‡Z = laughing, Kuv`‡Z-Kuv`‡Z = crying.
01. wkïwU †`uŠov‡Z †`uŠov‡Z Zvi gvi Kv‡Q G‡jv|
02. †g‡qwU Kuv`‡Z Kuv`‡Z Zvi Awf‡hvM RvbvBj|
ev‡K¨ cvkvcvwk `ywU principal verb _vK‡j †k‡li verb-wUi mv‡_ mvaviYZ: ing / to hy³ nq|
†hgb: I heard him saying this. I saw them sitting on the roof.
I saw him coming through this way.