The Lamplighter: A Taste of Heaven!
The Lamplighter: A Taste of Heaven!
The Lamplighter: A Taste of Heaven!
V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 8 A U G U S T 2 0 1 0
A Taste of Heaven!
For I received from the Lord what I Christ and with one another. (A covenant that is between me and
From Pastor 2 also delivered to you, that the Lord Faith to Confess, Chapter 30:1) you and every living creature of all
Brian’s Desk Jesus on the night when he was flesh. And the waters shall never
betrayed took bread, [24] and What a glorious reality! Every again become a flood to destroy all
Quizzing 3 when he had given thanks, he broke time we partake of the Lord’s flesh. Genesis 9:13-15 (ESV)
Update it, and said, "This is my body which Table, God is confirming to His
is for you. Do this in remembrance people all of the incredible bene- In other words, God not only
Wednesday 3 of me." [25] In the same way gave us His oath, but every
Prayer Meeting also he took the cup, after sup- time we see a rainbow in the
per, saying, "This cup is the new sky, we are reminded of God’s
Awana 4 covenant in my blood. Do this, covenant faithfulness to His
Returns! as often as you drink it, in re- creation. Therefore, the sign is
membrance of me." [26] For as for MY benefit, not God’s!
From the Church 4 often as you eat this bread and
Library drink the cup, you proclaim the The same is true of the Lord’s
Lord's death until he comes. Supper. The entire Meal
Blueberries for 5 1 Cor. 11:23-26 (ESV) (Bread and Cup) is given to us
Bolivia as a sign of God’s covenant
On the first Sunday of each faithfulness as He communi-
Birthdays/ 5 month, we are privileged as a cates to us all of the glorious
Anniversaries church to experience a “taste benefits of Christ’s “Cross-
of heaven”. That is, we par- work”!
Church Lockup 5 take of Lord’s Table together
Schedule in what is commonly referred How many times have you
to by many as Communion. been impressed with a beauti-
ful rainbow? I know I have on
The Egypt File What exactly is Communion? many occasions. The rainbow
The 1689 Confession of Faith is a beautiful sign of God’s
Bulletin Board 7
states it beautifully with these covenant oath and faithfulness.
words: Yet, when it comes to actual
benefits, the sign of the Lord’s
AWM 2010-2011 8 THE Lord's Supper was insti- Table far outweighs a rainbow
National Project tuted by the Lord on the same night fits that are theirs due to the in both significance and beauty!
in which He was betrayed. It is to sacrificial work of Christ on their
be observed in His churches to the behalf. After the flood recorded The next time you come to the
world's end, for a perpetual remem- in Genesis destroyed most of Lord’s Table, maybe you can read
brance of Him and to show forth human and terrestrial animal life, again the paragraph I included
the sacrifice of Himself in His God swore an oath that He from the 1689 Confession of Faith.
death. It was instituted also to would never destroy the world Remind yourself that in this Sa-
confirm saints in the belief that all again with water. He not only cred Meal you are about to re-
the benefits stemming from Christ's gave His oath, but a covenantal ceive, God Himself is conveying
sacrifice belong to them. Further- sign as well: to you the infinite benefits of
more, it is meant to promote their Redemption that have been pur-
spiritual nourishment and growth in I have set my bow in the cloud, chased through the work of His
Christ, and to strengthen the ties and it shall be a sign of the cove- Son—Signed! Sealed! And
that bind them to all the duties they nant between me and the earth. Delivered TO YOU!
owe to Him. The Lord's Supper is [14] When I bring clouds over the
also a bond and pledge of the fel- earth and the bow is seen in the Pastor Rob
lowship which believers have with clouds, [15] I will remember my
Quizzing Update
The team is home from Internationals in
Calgary, Canada. They had a great trip and
all came home determined to make the team
again next year. Although the team finished
only in 16th place they were all very positive
about the experience they received over the
4 days of quizzing. Two were quizzing rook-
ies and three were new to Internationals, yet
they all got jumps and answers correctly and
contributed to the team.
Georgia Phipps
Awana Returns!
series and the number of each tered yet. The goal is to use the
book so that you can read the printout in two ways: for you to
series titles in order. Several new know what we have and to
With the start of every school year, novels have been added, including make bookcards for ease of
our children get the opportunity to a one-volume Beverly Lewis se- checking books out.
embark on a new and exciting chal- ries and Joel Rosenberg's The
lenge. Starting in the fall, the Lord Last Jihad. The novels are in
saw fit to bless me with the same alphabetical order by author. Good reading!
The deadline for opportunity. During the summer Jean Palmer
the September months, I accepted the position of
Awana Commander. So, starting Books by Ravi Zacharias, Philip
issue of the Wednesday, September 22nd, La- Yancy, Chuck Colson (in this
Fayette Alliance Church will be case, a novel), and Joni Eareckson
Lamplighter is hosting another fun-filled year of Tada whose book When God
Awana. Awana is an incredible pro- Weeps: Why Our Sufferings
Sunday, August Matter to the Almighty [call num-
gram with endless possibilities in-
cluding community outreach. It ber 248.2 Tad] is now on the
15th. Please
allows a safe environment for our shelf to take home.
submit your children to come and play and in-
teract, but more importantly, a
articles to the
place where they will learn about
church office. God and arm themselves with His
Word. Children are our most pre-
cious commodity. Awana focuses
on scripture memorization mixed
with goal setting and community
events. The children get a chance to
work together and encourage each
other. From ages 3 to 6th grade
our children are led by dedicated
leaders who love and accept each
and every child. Each leader has a
passion for the Lord and has chosen
to joyfully accept His calling. So I
extend an invitation to all the fami-
lies to please join us on Wednesday
nights from 6:30—8:00 pm.
With your support and prayers I
know this will be a great year.
Remember: with God all things
are possible
In Him,
Beth Ortlieb
The goal of The Egypt File was to demonstrate to each child that they are specially designed by God for His pur-
pose. As I watched all those involved throughout the night I saw how this theme was woven through all they did.
It was wonderful to see God working in this way.
Children’s Church
Parents, please note there will be
no Children’s Church for the sum-
mer months of July and August.
Children’s Church will resume af-
ter Labor Day.
Many thanks go out to everyone who donated
items to our Alliance Women Ministries Yard
Sale. We were able to raise over $450 to
help out with our International Worker Outfit
and other ministries here at LaFayette Alliance
Our mission is to know Jesus Christ; exalt Him as Savior, Sanctifier, Healer, Coming King,
and complete His Great Commission.
Alliance Women Ministries 2010-2011 National Project God has been On the Move to establish His Kingdom even before we
see the first chapter of Genesis open with the story of creation. In
Genesis 1:2 we read "the Holy Spirit moved over the waters." This began
the story of the creation of the earth. From that time, God moved in
many ways to bring people back to Himself. Early on he moved Abra-
ham to be in the place where God could establish the nation of Israel.
God moved in Rahab's life to include the Gentile peoples in His eternal
plan. Throughout the writings of scripture we see a God On the Move.
In our world today, there are still many evidences that God is On the
Move to bring His Kingdom to pass. It is for us to join in this effort and
become followers of a God who is On the Move.
Goal: $350,000
Key Verse: "I am teaching you the way of wisdom; I am guiding you on
straight paths. When you walk, your steps will not be hindered; when you
run, you will not stumble. Hold on to instruction, don't let go. Guard it, for it
is your life." Proverbs 4:11-13 (Holman Christian Standard Bible)