Brpreintprogresstest 13 JP
Brpreintprogresstest 13 JP
Brpreintprogresstest 13 JP
Student A Student B
You and Student B both work for a small company in You and Student A both work for a small company in
Brussels which provides translation services to the EU. Brussels which provides translation services to the EU.
You have about 30 employees. You have heard a You have about 30 employees. You have heard a
rumour that the CEO is planning to reduce the number rumour that the CEO is planning to reduce the number
of employees to save money, and relocate to another of employees to save money, and relocate to another
European city. You think the rumours are untrue European city. You think the rumours are true because:
because: there are many companies offering the same
translation services are always needed service
relocating would be a bad idea – Brussels is relocating would be a good idea – Brussels is
the perfect place for such a company an expensive place for a company and a lot of
the company made a lot of money last year. translation is done online anyway
the company’s order book for next year is not
Ask the other person what they think will happen to too healthy.
your company in the future. Say what you think may
or will happen and what your hopes are. Ask the other person what they think will happen to
your company in the future. Say what you think may
or will happen and what your hopes are.
Student A Student B
Can the student … Didn’t do this Yes, but with Yes, did this Can the student … Didn’t do this Yes, but with Yes, did this
(0 points) some mistakes very well (0 points) some mistakes very well
(1 point) (2 points) (1 point) (2 points)