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Brpreintprogresstest 13 JP

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13 | Progress test

Working with words

Answer the questions using the words.
Complete the sentences with words from the list.
Change the form of the word if necessary. 17 What will happen? I think / may / a lot of
issue deteriorate forecast supply run improve ___________________________________
demand growth shortage estimate renewable 18 What do you think of the oil crisis? I’m
development relaxed about it.
I / sure / will / enough oil / many years.
1 Most experts _________ that oil will become ___________________________________
more expensive in the future. 19 Is there a meeting on Friday? We don’t know
2 Population _________ will mean that by the yet. The HR manager is ill, so / might not / be
year 2020, there will be 30% more people in a meeting.
the world. ___________________________________
3 In desert areas, there is often a water 20 What’s your forecast for the share price? I’m
_________. very confident about it. It / not / fall.
4 I don’t think we will ever _________ out of ____________________________________
5 The situation has _________ badly since last
year – we are much worse off.
Business communication
6 We need to find some sources of _________
energy before it is too late. Choose the correct answer from the words in italics.
7 World _________ of minerals like copper is
starting to dry up. 21 Is your company likely / hopeful to do well
8 Everybody needs oil, so _________ for it is next year?
likely to go up. 22 Do you think / Are you thinking the climate
9 Our sales department has _________ that sales situation will get better or worse?
will rise 10% next year. 23 Many people is / are likely to lose their jobs.
10 If the market doesn’t _________ soon, we’ll 24 Hopefully / Likely, this scheme will save us
have big problems. money.
11 Economic _________ in India means that 25 Governments are unlikely to make / making a
more people want to buy cars. decision soon.
12 The search for water has become a global 26 Prices won’t probably / probably won’t go up
_________. much.
27 The new members of staff may / will definitely
be unhappy about this.
Language at work 28 Teleworking is unlikely / definite to change my
Re-write the sentences using the verb in brackets. 29 Companies like Apple are likely to / will likely
do well in the current climate.
13 I am sure people are going to work more. 30 We will definite / definitely need to be greener.
People ___________________________ Result _________ / 30 marks
14 Some people say our desks will look different
in ten years’ time. (might)
Our desks_________________________
15 It is possible that oil will not run out. (may)
Oil _______________________________
16 People are sure to want to work even in the
future. (will)
People _____________________________

Business Result Pre-intermediate Progress Test 13 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press

Speaking test
Role cards
Copy this page and cut out the role cards for the students. Then use the Speaking test results forms to evaluate
each student’s performance. You can then cut out the results and give them to the students.

Student A Student B

You and Student B both work for a small company in You and Student A both work for a small company in
Brussels which provides translation services to the EU. Brussels which provides translation services to the EU.
You have about 30 employees. You have heard a You have about 30 employees. You have heard a
rumour that the CEO is planning to reduce the number rumour that the CEO is planning to reduce the number
of employees to save money, and relocate to another of employees to save money, and relocate to another
European city. You think the rumours are untrue European city. You think the rumours are true because:
because:  there are many companies offering the same
 translation services are always needed service
 relocating would be a bad idea – Brussels is  relocating would be a good idea – Brussels is
the perfect place for such a company an expensive place for a company and a lot of
 the company made a lot of money last year. translation is done online anyway
 the company’s order book for next year is not
Ask the other person what they think will happen to too healthy.
your company in the future. Say what you think may
or will happen and what your hopes are. Ask the other person what they think will happen to
your company in the future. Say what you think may
or will happen and what your hopes are.

Speaking test results

Use these forms to evaluate the students.

Student A Student B

Can the student … Didn’t do this Yes, but with Yes, did this Can the student … Didn’t do this Yes, but with Yes, did this
(0 points) some mistakes very well (0 points) some mistakes very well
(1 point) (2 points) (1 point) (2 points)

ask for a prediction? ask for a prediction?

talk about what may talk about what may

happen? happen?

express certainty express certainty

about what will about what will
happen? happen?

express their hopes? express their hopes?

respond to the other respond to the other

person’s forecasts person’s forecasts
and hopes? and hopes?

Result _________ / 10 marks Result _________ / 10 marks

Business Result Pre-intermediate Progress Test 13 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press

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