United States Patent: (10) Patent No.: (45) Date of Patent

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,690,562 B2

Fowler et al. (45) Date of Patent: Feb. 10, 2004


(76) Inventors: William J. Fowler, 2162 Gulf Terminal
Dr., Houston, TX (US) 77023; 1,138,186 A 5/1915 Brach ............................ 174/6
Benjamin P. Fowler, 2162 Gulf 3,380,004 A 4/1968 Hansen ....................... 333/184
Terminal Dr., Houston, TX (US) 77023 3,824,431 A 7/1974 Schlicke ..................... 361/126
5,167,537 A 12/1992 Johnescu et al. ........... 439/620
Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 5,844,766 A 12/1998 Miglioli...................... 361/119
patent is extended or adjusted under 35
U.S.C. 154(b) by 219 days. * cited by examiner
(21) Appl. No.: 09/882,686
Primary Examiner Ronald W. Leja
(22) Filed: Jun. 18, 2001 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Harrison & Egbert
(65) Prior Publication Data (57) ABSTRACT
US 2002/0171991 A1 Nov. 21, 2002 A lightning Suppression System including an instrument, a
Related U.S. Application Data first cable electrically connected to the instrument, an enclo
Sure having an interior Volume, a first coil positioned within
(63) Continuation-in-part of application No. 09/855,355, filed on the enclosure and electrically interconnected to a first wire
May 15, 2001. of the first cable, a Second coil positioned within the
(51) Int. Cl................................................... HO2H 1100 enclosure and electrically interconnected to a Second wire of
(52) U.S. Cl. ..................... 361/117; 174/2; 174/DIG. 17 the first cable, and an electronic device electrically inter
(58) Field of Search ......................... 361/117-119, 212, connected by a Second cable to the first and Second coils. A
361/216, 217, 220; 336/61, 70, 90,96, conductive grit fills a portion of the enclosure around the
186; 379/493, 451; 333/12, 81 R; 174/1-3, first and Second coils. A grounding rod is electrically con
6, 7, 17 R, 175 F, 25 R, 27, 32, 35 CE, nected by a conductive line to the enclosure.
38, 50.52, 51, 92.1, 52.2, 98, 99 R, 130,
DIG. 14, DIG. 17 17 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets
U.S. Patent Feb. 10, 2004 Sheet 1 of 4 US 6,690,562 B2



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FIG. 3



FIG. 4
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US 6,690,562 B2
1 2
LIGHTING SUPPRESSION SYSTEM FOR equipment associated with the processing associated with
CONTROL OR INSTRUMENTATION CABLE Such towers. The elevated Structures in Such facilities
include Suitable electronic devices which Serve to transmit
CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED or receive information. Since lightning follows the path of
APPLICATIONS least resistance on its way to the earth, these elevated
The present application is a continuation-in-part of U.S. facilities are very attractive to lightning. It is well known
that lightning is particularly attracted to areas of positive
patent application Ser. No. 09/855,355, filed on May 15, ions and is repelled by areas of negative ions. Since the
2001, and entitled “LIGHTNING SUPPRESSION electronic devices at the tops of these elevated facilities
ATTENUATOR AND SYSTEM EMPLOYING SAME", often operate on AC power, an attractive Source of positive
presently pending. ions is generated at the top of the tower. The lightning
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION wavefront will travel along the instrumentation or control
cable associated with Such elevated Structures So as to cause
1. Field of the Invention damage downstream of the cable to the monitoring and
The present invention relates to lightning Suppression 15 control instrumentation located within the facility.
attenuators. More particularly, the present invention relates Whenever lightning actually Strikes Such an elevated
to lightning Suppression Systems for reducing the magnitude Structure, an enormous amount of damage is created.
of current of the lightning current wavefront as it moves Typically, the electronic device at the top of the elevated
along an electrical line following a lightning Strike. More Structure is completely destroyed by the lightning.
particularly, the present invention relates to lightning Sup Additionally, those controls and monitoring equipment that
pression Systems for protecting the instrumentation and are connected to Such instruments will also be destroyed by
control Systems associated with control or instrumentation Virtue of the lightning wavefront traveling along the instru
cable. mentation and control cable. The replacement and repair of
2. Description of Related Art Such electronic devices either on the elevated Structure or in
Lightning conceivably may have provided humankind
25 the facility is very expensive and time consuming. In certain
with a first Source of fire, but lightning has otherwise been circumstances, the destruction of Such equipment will neces
a destructive force throughout human history. Strategies and sitate a complete dumping of the chemicals in process within
apparatus for reducing the likelihood of damage by lightning the refinery or chemical processing plant. AS Such, it is very
are fairly old, including, for instance, lightning rods that important to develop a device which minimizes damage cost
have been use for approximately 200 years. While the use of by lightning Strikes to Such elevated Structures or traveling
Such rods and other precautionary StepS and Safety devices along the instrumentation and control cable associated with
Such instruments.
reduce the damage and injury that would otherwise result
from lightning today, it remains an enormously dangerous In the past, various patents have issued relating to devices
natural phenomenon that claims hundreds of lives world 35
for preventing or Suppressing the affects of Such lightning
wide every year and destroys a Substantial amount of strikes. For example, U.S. Pat. No. 5,694,286, issued on
property. Somewhat paradoxically, advances in other areas Dec. 2, 1997 to the present inventors, describes a lightning
of technology have increased, rather than diminished, the protection device. This device has a tower which is
damaged caused by lightning. This is because relatively low grounded to the earth, an electronic device mounted onto an
Voltage and current levels can damage integrated circuits 40
area adjacent to the top of the tower, and a negative ion
and other modem electronic components, with the result that production device electrically connected to the area of the
many electronic devices are more Susceptible to lightning top of the tower. The negative ion production device Serves
damage today than ever before. Many devices to which to produce Solely negative ions around and over the elec
microprocessors technology has been added are more SuS tronic device. An auger rod engages the earth So as to be
ceptible to lightning damage as a result of Such improve 45
conductively connected to the earth. An electrically line
ments. Additionally, lightning is capable of inducing Sub Serves to connect the auger rod to the tower. A shield
Stantial currents not only in electrical circuits directly struck member is connected to the tower and extends over the
by it but also in circuits located within the magnetic field electronic device.
induced by a nearby lightning Strikes, giving each Strike U.S. Pat. No. 5,844,766, issued on Dec. 1, 1998 to L.
enormous destructive potential. 50
Miglioli, describes a lightning Suppression System for tower
Whenever lightning Strikes a tower, an enormous amount mounted antenna Systems. This System includes a direc
of damage is created. Typically, the electronic device at the tional coupler, a quarter-wavelength Stub, a first cylindrical
top of the tower is completely destroyed by the lightning. capacitor, a Second cylindrical capacitor and a lightning
Furthermore, the Structure of the tower and other associated Suppression circuit. The lightning Suppression circuit Sup
electronics at the top of the tower can become damaged. 55
presses high Voltage direct current and low frequency Sig
Repair efforts on the tower are often time consuming and nals Such as those produced by near lightning Strikes.
expensive. Typically, complete replacement of the electronic It is an object of the present invention to provide a
device at the top of the tower is required. AS Such, it is very lightning Suppression attenuator that effectively prevents
important to develop a device which resists or prevents lightning Strikes from damaging equipment connected to
lightning Strikes. 60 instrumentation and control cables.
One of the most common areas of lightning Strikes are It is another object of the present invention to provide a
outdoor facilities, Such as chemical processing plants and lightning Suppression attenuator that minimizes the magni
refineries. These facilities often have large water towers, tude of a lightning current as it moves along the instrumen
chemical towers and cracking towers extending a large tation and control cable.
distance above the earth. Other towers are often employed in 65 It is a further object of the present invention to provide a
Such facilities. Conventionally, these facilities includes Vari lightning Suppression attenuator that minimizes the damag
ous control instruments, Such as actuators and monitoring ing effects of lightning.
US 6,690,562 B2
3 4
It is still a further object of the present invention to connected to the lightning Suppression attenuator 16 at the
provide a lightning Suppression attenuator which is easy to opposite end from the first cable 14, and an electronic device
install, relatively inexpensive and easy to manufacture. 20. The first cable 14 has a first wire 22 and a second wire
These and other objects and advantages of the present 24 therein. Similarly, the second cable 18 has a first wire 26
invention will be come apparent from a reading of the and a second wire 28 therein. The first wire 26 of the first
attached specification and appended claims. cable 14 is electrically interconnected to a first coil 30
positioned within the interior of the enclosure 32 of the
BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION lightning Suppression attenuator 16. The Second wire 24 of
the first cable 14 is electrically interconnected to a Second
The present invention is a lightning Suppression System coil 34 located within the enclosure 32 of the lightning
comprising an instrument, a first cable having a first wire Suppression attenuator 16. The opposite end of the first coil
and a Second wire connected to the instrument, an enclosure 30 is connected to the first wire 26 of the second cable 18.
having an interior Volume, a first coil positioned within the The second coil 34 is electrically interconnected to the
enclosure and electrically interconnected to the first wire, a second wire 28 of the second cable 18. A grounding rod 36
Second coil positioned within the enclosure and electrically 15 is connected by a conductive line 38 to the enclosure 32 of
interconnected to the Second wire, and an electronic device the lightning Suppression attenuator 16.
electrically interconnected by a Second cable to the first and In the present invention, the instrument 12 can be any type
Second coils.
of instrument that is located at the top of an elevated
A conductive grit fills a portion of the enclosure around Structure, Such as a tower, a cracking tower, piping of a
the first and second coils. In the preferred embodiment of the chemical processing plant or refinery, and chemical or water
present invention, this conductive grit is Steel shot. A rigid towers. The instrument 12 can be either a monitoring device
foam material can be affixed within the enclosure around the (Such as transducer) or an actuator (Such as a remotely
conductive grit and around the first and Second coils. Each actuated valve). The electronic device 20 is electrically
of the first and second coils has a central void with turns of interactive with the instrument 12 So as to Send control
wire extending around the central Void. Each of the first and 25 signals through the cables 14 and 18 to the instrument 12.
Second coils has between 100 and 300 turns inclusive of wire The electronic device 20 can be either a controller or a
extending around the central Void. display.
A grounding rod is electrically connected by a conductive The cables 14 and 18 are generally of similar structure.
line to the enclosure. The grounding rod includes a central For example, the cable 14 can be shielded or non-shielded.
shaft, and a plurality of Vanes extending radially outwardly The wires 22 and 24 of cable 14 can be a straight or twisted
from the central shaft. The central shaft and the plurality of pair of wires.
Vanes are formed of a conductive material. The conductive The lightning Suppression attenuator 16 has its first coil
line connecting the grounding rod to the enclosure is a 30 connected by a lead 40 connected to the first wire 22 and
copper wire. a lead 42 connected to the first wire 26. Similarly, the second
In one form of the present invention, the instrument can coil 38 has a lead 44 connected to the second wire 24 and a
be a monitoring device and the electronic device is a display. lead 46 connected to the second wire 28. AS will be
In another form of the present invention, the instrument can described hereinafter, a conductive grit fills the interior of
be an actuator and the electronic device can be a controller. the enclosure 32 around the respective coils 30 and 34.
The first and Second cables are generally of an identical 40 The enclosure 32 is grounded by the connection of the
Structure. The Second cable has a first wire interconnected to conductive line 38 to the grounding rod 36. The conductive
the first coil. The Second cable having a Second wire line 38 is #10 copper wire. Grounding rod 36 has a particular
electrically interconnected to the Second coil. configuration, as illustrated in FIG. 5.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE SEVERAL The use of the coils 30 and 34 within the lightning
VIEWS OF THE DRAWINGS 45 Suppression attenuator 16 creates a counter EMF force in the
respective coils 30 and 34. This counter EMF force will
FIG. 1 is a diagrammatic illustration of the lightning dissipate any current from the lightning wavefront passing in
Suppression System of the present invention. the form of heat. This heat is dissipated into the steel
FIG. 2 is a plan view of the interior structure of the conductive grit on the interior of the enclosure 32. Any other
lightning Suppression attenuator of the present invention. 50 charges associated with the lightning wavefront are dumped
FIG. 3 is a Side elevational view of the lightning Suppres to ground along conductive line 38 and grounding rod 36.
Sion attenuator of the present invention. The present invention acts as a lightning "shock absorber'.
FIG. 4 is a cross-sectional view as taken acroSS lines 4-4
AS Such, the lightning Suppression attenuator 16 will cush
of FIG. 1 showing the interior of the lightning Suppression ion in the effects of the lightning wavefront from adversely
55 affecting or damaging the electronic device 20.
attenuator of the present invention. FIG. 2 shows the interior of the lightning Suppression
FIG. 5 is a side elevational view showing the grounding attenuator 16. AS can be seen in FIG. 2, coils 30 and 32 are
rod as used in the present invention. positioned within the conductive grit 50 contained within the
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE enclosure 32. The conductive grit 50, in the preferred form
INVENTION 60 of the present invention, is Steel shot which is placed around
the coils 30 and 32.
Referring to FIG. 1, there is shown the lightning Suppres The first coil 30 has a central void 52 around which turns
Sion System 10 in accordance with the teachings of the of wire 54 are arranged. In the preferred embodiment of the
present invention. The lightning Suppression System 10 present invention, the wire 54 is Superflex 600 volt insulated
includes an instrument 12, a first cable 14 connected to the 65 copper wire. Each of the first coil 30 and the second coil 34
instrument 12, a lightning Suppression attenuator 16 con have between 100 and 300 turns, inclusive, around the
nected to an opposite end of the cable 14, a second cable 18 central voids 52 and 56, respectively. Cinch straps 58 serve
US 6,690,562 B2
S 6
to secure the coil 30 together around the central void 52. The "digging” action of the grounding rod 72. By rotating the
coil 30 is dipped in glyptal and dried for 24 hours. Similarly, grounding rod 72, the Vanes 136 will engage the earth So as
cinch straps 60 serve to secure the coil 34 together around to draw the grounding rod 72 into the earth. The connection
the central void 56. point 134 can be connected to a Suitable rotational mecha
The first coil 30 has first lead 40 connected to a terminal nism. After removal from the rotational mechanism, the
62. The second coil 34 has a first lead 44 connected to a connection point 134 can be used as the contact point for the
terminal 64. Terminals 62 and 64 are arranged on wall 66 of electrical lines 104 or 106. As can be seen, the great surface
enclosure 32. Within the concept of the present invention, area along each of the vanes 136 and along the shaft 130
the terminals 62 and 64 can emerge outwardly of walls 66 establishes Strong electrical connections between the
or can be placed interior of the wall 66. It is possible, within grounding rod 72 and the earth. A carbon electrolyte can be
the concept of the present invention, that the cable 14 can placed over the Surfaces of the grounding rod 72 So as to
extend into the interior of the enclosure 32 so as to be further establish a strong electrical connection.
connected to the coils 30 and 32. The second lead 42 of coil The foregoing disclosure and description of the invention
30 is connected to a terminal 68. The second lead 46 of the is illustrative and explanatory thereof. Various changes in
coil 34 is connected to a terminal 70. Terminals 68 and 70 15 the details of the illustrated configuration may be made
are affixed to the wall 72 of the enclosure 32. within the Scope of the appended claims without departing
The enclosure 32 is a box formed of a polyvinyl chloride from the true spirit of the invention. The present invention
(PVC) material. In the preferred embodiment of the present should only be limited by the following claims and their
invention, the enclosure 32 is eight inches wide by eight legal equivalents.
inches long and by four inches deep. AS will be described We claim:
hereinafter, a cover is positioned over the top Surface of the 1. A lightning Suppression System comprising:
enclosure 32. The conductive grit material 50 (shown in an instrument
greater detail in FIG. 4) resides on the bottom of the a first cable having a first wire and a Second wire, Said
enclosure 32. The coils 30 and 34 are located within the cable being electrically connected to Said instrument;
enclosure 32 upon the grit 50. an enclosure having an interior Volume;
After the coils 30 and 34 are installed upon the layer of a first coil positioned within Said enclosure and electri
conductive grit, the remainder of the enclosure 32 is filled cally interconnected to Said first wire;
with another course steel grit to within one-half inch of the a Second coil positioned within Said enclosure and elec
top of the enclosure 32. As can be seen in FIG. 2, holes 74, trically interconnected to Said Second wire;
76, 78 and 80 are formed in each of the walls of the
enclosure 32. These holes 74, 76, 78 and 80 allow an an electronic device electrically interconnected by a Sec
expandable foam, Such as polyurethane, to be injected into ond cable to Said first and Second coils, and
the interior of the enclosure 32 so as to extend around the a conductive grit filling a portion of said enclosure around
conductive grit 50 and over and around the coils 30 and 34. 35
Said first and Second coils, Said conductive grit being
FIG. 3 shows an exterior view of the enclosure 32 at side Steel shot.
66. AS can be seen, a lid 82 is affixed onto the top opening 2. The System of claim 1, each of Said first and Second
84 of the enclosure 32. In particular, the lid 82 can be coils having a central Void with turns of wire extending
around Said central Void.
screwed onto the top 84 of the enclosure 32 so as to securely 3. The system of claim 1, said wire being Superflex 600
Seal the interior volume of the enclosure. The hole 78 allows 40
the expandable foam to be injected into the interior of the Volt insulated copper wire, each of Said first and Second coils
enclosure 32. It can be seen that the terminals 62 and 64 are having between 100 and 300 turns inclusive of wire around
Said central Void.
provided on the wall 66 so as to allow the first cable 14 to 4. The System of claim 1, further comprising:
have its wires 22 and 24 connected to the respective coils 30
and 34. Suitable watertight connectors can be provided 45
a grounding rod electrically connected by a conductive
along with the terminals 62 and 64 So as to prevent liquid line to Said enclosure.
intrusion into the interior of the enclosure 32. 5. The System of claim 4, Said grounding rod comprising:
Referring to FIG. 4, the interior configuration of the a central Shaft; and
lightning Suppression attenuator 16 is particularly illus a plurality of Vanes extending radially outwardly from
trated. The enclosure 32 has lid 82 affixed thereover. The 50 Said central shaft, Said central shaft and Said plurality of
interior volume 86 includes a first layer 88 of coarse steel Vanes being of a conductive material.
grit residing on the bottom 90 of the enclosure 32. The coils 6. The system of claim 4, said conductive line being #10
30 and 34 are placed upon the top of the layer 88. Another copper wire.
layer 92 of coarse Steel grit is then placed upon the first layer 7. The system of claim 1, first and second cables being of
88 and over and around the coils 30 and 34. The expandable 55 an identical Structure.
foam material 94 will extend around the grit 92 and around 8. The System of claim 1, Said instrument being a moni
the coils 30 and 34 so as to fully seal the coils 30 and 34 toring device, Said electronic device being a display.
within the interior volume 86 of the enclosure 32. 9. The system of claim 1, said instrument being an
In FIG. 4, it can be seen that the coils 30 and 34 have actuator, Said electronic device being a controller.
central voids 52 and 56 filled with the conductive grit 92. 60 10. The system of claim 1, said second cable having a first
FIG. 5 illustrates, in detail, the particular configuration of wire electrically interconnected to Said first coil, Said Second
grounding rod 72 as used in the present invention. It can be cable having a Second wire electrically interconnected to
seen that the grounding rod 72 has a central shaft 130 that Said Second coil.
extends from the pointed base 132 to the connection point 11. A lightning Suppression System comprising:
134. A plurality of spiral-shaped vanes 136 are positioned in 65 an instrument,
Spaced relationship longitudinally along the length of the a first cable having a first wire and a Second wire, Said
shaft 130. Each of the spiral-shaped vanes 136 creates the cable being electrically connected to Said instrument;
US 6,690,562 B2
7 8
an enclosure having an interior Volume; 14. The attenuator of claim 13, grounding rod comprising:
a first coil positioned within Said enclosure and electri a central Shaft; and
cally interconnected to Said first wire; a plurality of Vanes extending radially outwardly from
a Second coil positioned within Said enclosure and elec Said central shaft, Said central shaft and Said plurality of
trically interconnected to Said Second wire; Vanes being of a conductive material.
an electronic device electrically interconnected by a Sec 15. The attenuator of claim 12, further comprising:
ond cable to Said first and Second coils,
a conductive grit filling a portion of Said enclosure around a first cable having a first wire connected to one of Said
Said first and Second coils, and terminals of Said first coil and a Second wire connected
a rigid foam material affixed within Said enclosure around to one of Said terminals of Said Second coil, and
Said conductive grit and around Said first and Second a Second cable having a first wire connected to the other
coils. of Said terminals of Said first coil and a Second wire
12. A lightning Suppression attenuator comprising: connected to the other of Said terminals of Said Second
an enclosure having an interior Volume; 15 coil.
a first coil having terminals at opposite ends thereof 16. The attenuator of claim 12, each of Said first and
a Second coil having terminals at opposite ends thereof Second coils having a central Void with turns of wire
and extending around Said central Void.
a conductive grit filling a portion of Said enclosure around 17. The attenuator of claim 12, said wire being insulated
Said first and Second coils, Said conductive grit being copper wire, each of Said first and Second coils having
Steel shot. between 100 and 300 turns inclusive of wire around said
13. The attenuator of claim 12, further comprising: central Void.
a grounding rod electrically connected by a conductive
line to Said enclosure.

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