Aug 29 2010 Spirit of Hope Newsletter, Hope Evangelical Lutheran Church

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August 29, 2010

For an electronic copy of the Spirit,

please log on to our website at:

The Spirit of

Groundbreaking Ceremony
Join Hope in Israel!!
Sunday, September 12 at 10 a.m.
Registration is now open!
It has been several years in the A limited number of
making…Phase I of the Building reservations are now being
Expansion is ready to begin!! Join accepted for Hope‘s visit to Israel in March 2011.
us Sunday, September 12, 2010, at 10 a.m. to
celebrate Hope‘s Groundbreaking Ceremony. We will be traveling with AAA Member Choice
Travel/Collette Vacations for a 10-day journey to the
Holy Land, with an optional Jordan add-on. Dates are
March 23 - April 1, 2011. For those choosing the
Hope Swings into Action Jordan tour extension, we will arrive back April 6,
Beginning with Rally Day 2011.
on September 12, 2010
Land only per person rates include: Double
$1,949; Single $2,699; or Triple $1919. A $50 -
Get ready for a full slate of activities this fall as AAA member benefit discount applies. A deposit of
members of Hope begin the new church year with Rally $250 holds your reservation with the balance due 60
Day on Sunday, September 12, 2010, when all the kids days prior to departure. Cancellation insurance is
head back to Sunday school and the annual church available. Airfare is currently being estimated at
picnic takes place in Cranberry. Details will follow from $1,200 with Continental Airlines.
the picnic committee, so stay tuned!
Interested persons will secure their OWN reservation
Fall also brings a few updates to our weekly schedule of directly with AAA Travel (Route 19 in Cranberry) but
church services at Hope. should sign up under ‗event registration‘ at
An 8 a.m. service, which will last about 45 minutes,, working with our
will begin on Sunday, September 12, and will be a trip contact, Brandi Rowe-Miskevich, Senior Travel
―Traditional Liturgical Service.‖ Agent.
The 9 a.m. service will be a ―Blended /
Contemporary Liturgical Service‖ meaning that Highlights of this inspirational trip include Tel Aviv,
members will see a mix of newer music in the Jaffa, Caesarea, Tiberias, Sea of Galilee, Nazareth,
family-oriented service, while maintaining the Jericho, Dead Sea, Masada, Qumran, Jerusalem,
children‘s sermon and traditional gospel.
Wailing Wall, Bethlehem, Church of the Nativity,
The 5 p.m. Saturday service and 11 a.m. service will Mount of Olives, Mt. Zion and more!
continue as they have in the past with the Saturday
service being a ―Soft, Reflective, and Traditional
Please see Pastor Rich Leseganich for additional
Liturgical Service‖ and the 11 a.m. will cotinue as
the ―(High) Traditional Liturgical Service.‖ information. Plan to journey to the Holy Land with
fellow members of your church family in 2011. An
We look forward to seeing everyone back from information packet is located at the Welcome Table!
vacations and into the routine again!
Hope Lutheran Church

Our summer missionaries to Charleston, WV and

Onancock, VA invite you to view two short video
THE CHURCH PICNIC NEEDS YOUR HELP! clips of our experiences. Produced by two of
our student missionaries, Sarah Heney (Charleston,
Do you have any gently used toys from happy WV) and Cody Colpo (Onancock, VA), they are
meals or stuffed animals you are willing to part now posted on our website for your viewing
with? We need some of these "like new/gently pleasure.
used" items to use as prizes for the children's
games at the picnic. Log on to under
o If so, please place them in the box under ‗Youth Events‘ and experience some of the power
the coat rack marked ―PRIZES FOR these mission trips invoke. God was glorified as
PICNIC” anytime before September 5, our missionaries served, played, and prayed in the
2010. name of Jesus!
Do you have a grill that you would be willing to As always, we thank the congregation for your
bring to the picnic? If so, please email Amy ongoing support of mission. Each summer we see
Wolfe at [email protected]. communities impacted and students‘ spiritual lives
deepened because you are willing to invest in them.
If you are interested in helping with the picnic in Thank you!
anyway, please contact Amy Wolfe at
[email protected].
Kidz Klub is Almost Here!
HOPE'S HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH We have an exciting year ahead for
MINISTRY & RETREATS Kidz Klub! Imagine a year of
monthly birthdays!

Your child will find out what it was

CHAOS like to be Jesus as a kid…with lots of surprises
along the way. Games, food, service and fun with
(Christ Has All Our Solutions) friends…of course, the Kidz Klub way!
Hope's 6th – 8th grade Youth Group will
be meeting TONIGHT for an evening If your child will be in grades 1-5, s/he will not
of fun from 6 to 8 p.m.! want to miss these monthly events! Here‘s our
schedule through the end of this year:
We will be welcoming all of our new 6th graders and
saying goodbye to all of our 9th graders as they move up Sunday, Sept. 26 4-6 p.m. KICKOFF!
to the Senior High Youth Group Sunday, Oct. 17 4-6 p.m.
in September. Sunday, Nov. 7 4-6 p.m.
Sunday, Dec. 5 4-6 p.m.
Please RSVP to Karen Johanknecht at
[email protected] or 724.452.5665 if you plan to If you are interested in helping out this year or have
attend. Friends are always welcome!
any questions, please contact Diana Munn at
724.272.1459 or [email protected]. See you in
Upcoming CHAOS dates:
September and enjoy the rest of the summer!
Sunday, September 26 from 6 to 8 p.m.
Sunday, October 10 from 6 to 8 p.m.
Hope’s Quilting Bee will
be meeting every Tuesday and
Thursday at Hope!! AND CAFFEINE DATES!
Come when you can. No “Christ and Caffeine” has your
experience necessary. If you summer reading planned for you!
have any questions, please see Diane Nielsen. We‘ll start up again Monday
Times: Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to noon evenings October 4 - November
Thursdays from 7 to 9 p.m. 8, 2010!

Join us at 7:30 p.m. (to order up

Hope’s Dinner Group your favorite caffeine creation) and the study will
begin at 7:45 p.m. at Steamer‘s Coffee Shop,
will be dining at Narcisi’s located on Route 19 in The Streets of Cranberry.
Winery on September 11, Our text this time around will be “Jesus Wants To
2010, at 6:30 p.m. Save Christians” by Rob Bell.
(The winery is on Route
910, approximately 3.1 Pick up a copy of the text at your favorite
miles on right east of bookstore, read it over the summer, and we‘ll
Route 8.) dissect it together in the fall. Sign up is NOW
For reservations or online!!
information call Paul or
Janet at 724.775.1977.
Men’s Ministry
Our Women's Bible
Fall 2010 Study will begin on Thursday, September 9 and
Friday, September 10 so plan to join us! Beth
For Men ONLY: Moore's DVD study 'Esther: It's Tough Being a
“The Best is YET to Come!” Woman' will be our focus of study for 11 weeks.
We take an in-depth and very personal examination
Every Thursday from 7 to 8:30 p.m. of this great story of threat and deliverance. Beth
October 7 – November 18 peels back the layers of history and shows how very
contemporary and applicable the story of Esther is
Topics include: to our lives. If you've ever felt inadequate,
Man in the Middle, He-Man of the Universe, Son, threatened, or pushed into situations that seemed
Husband, Provider, Father, & Face Forward overpowering, this is the study for you. Just as it
was tough being a woman in Esther's day, it is
tough today. This portion of God's Word contains
_______________________________ treasures to aid us in our hurried, harried, and
pressured lives.
Attendance and Offering: Childcare will be available on Friday mornings
August 22, 2010 only. Please contact Karen Johanknecht at
724.452.5665 or [email protected] if you
5 p.m. – 43 Operating Fund: $ 5,864.15 are interested in attending. The workbooks have
9 a.m. – 92 Expansion Fund: $ 2,345.00 already been ordered, but Karen will give you the
11 a.m. – 93 information you need to purchase a workbook, so
please plan to join us. We look forward to having
Total: 228 Total: $ 8,209.15 you be a part of this learning experience!
…begins on Sunday,
The Church Council minutes September 12, 2010. (During
are now available for member Sunday school.) If you would
interest. If you would like to like to sign up for 7th or 8th grade
receive a copy of the minutes, Confirmation Classes, please call
please call the church office the church office 724.776.3141
(724.776.3141) or email the or sign up online at
church to place your name on the distribution list.
under ―Event Registrations.‖

** Don’t forget that this morning

at 10 a.m. is the Parent/Student Acolyte Meeting.
** Confirmation will be celebrated on Reformation
Sunday, October 31 at 11 a.m. with a luncheon to
for Gleaners Food Pantry __________________________________________
2010 Collection Dates:
September 12 The following is a list of the
October 17
Baptismal Festivals/Dates
November 7 - Thanksgiving
December 5 - Christmas for the coming church year
2010 – 2011. If you would
Christians Care and Share like your child baptized at
Please bring a canned good every Sunday for Jesus. Hope, please contact Pastor Ron or
You may drop them off in the baskets
Pastor Rich at 724.776.3141.
provided in the Narthex.
October 31 – Reformation Day **
Please contact November 7 – All Saints **
Emily Kroll for
more information November 21 – Christ the King
724.452.8706 or [email protected].
The new Usher list is posted online at
January 9 – Baptism of Our Lord under the FOR
OUR MEMBERS tab / ―Usher Schedule‖ or you March 6 – Transfiguration of Our Lord
may find it in the Usher binder located on the
April 23 – Easter Vigil
Welcome Table.
June 12 – Day of Pentecost
June 19 – The Holy Trinity
July 3
August 7
Saturday, October 9 at 10 a.m. and October 30 – Reformation Day **
Saturday, October 23 at 10 a.m.
November 6 – All Saints
If you would like to find out more about Hope
Lutheran Church, please plan to attend the New November 20 – Christ the King
Member Class. (The class is divided into two sessions.)
All baptisms will be scheduled for the 11 a.m.
You may sign up online at Sunday Worship Service. If there is a conflict (**) under then the baptism will take place at the 5 p.m.
―Event Registrations‖ or in the sign-up book Saturday Night Worship Service.
located at the Welcome Table.
COMMITTEE would like to
thank everyone for your
support of this event. We had
a great day out on the links
with cooperative weather and
fun-loving people, all for a great
remember Rege and to raise money for the
This is one scary night you
American Cancer Society! won’t want to miss!
Although the final totals are not yet in, we raised
over $4000.00 which will help to benefit cancer Who: All youth, 6th – 12th grade
patients locally and throughout Pennsylvania. We
want to congratulate our basket raffle winners:
When: Saturday, October 16th
The Steighner Family, Sheila Mack, Paul Time: approx. 5:15 p.m. – 10 p.m.
Wunderlin, Bob Meier and Brianna Gelb!
God Bless everyone for your support and
participation! What: this service project is your chance to
dress scary, act scary and be scary, all to
Sunday School Needs: benefit people with disabilities!

Where: Meet at Hope, put on your scariest

look, and then go to the Woodlands for some
seriously spooky fun!
With Rally Day just around the corner, our
classrooms are in need of some supplies.

We are looking for donations of basic school items: About The Woodlands, Wexford, PA
Washable markers, pencils, crayons
Construction paper, colored cardstock, index The Woodlands is committed to enriching the lives
cards of children and adults with disabilities and chronic
Glue sticks, scissors illnesses in Western Pennsylvania by providing
Any craft supplies (foam stickers, pipe programs that support and strengthen their
cleaners, etc.) development of socialization skills, creative
expression, environmental awareness, recreation
Plastic Ziploc bags
and spirituality.
Kleenex, hand sanitizers, and wipes
Paper products (plates, cups, napkins) This 32 acre facility is a great location to host the
Haunted Trail, open to anyone, but specifically
We are also looking for monetary donations toward designed for individuals with disabilities and
a table top dry erase board and easel. chronic illnesses and their families.
Donations may be placed in the box labeled under
the coat rack in the Sunday school hallway.
Monetary donations can be placed in the offering
plate marked “Sunday School Needs.”

Anything is greatly appreciated!

Prayer List HOPE(FUL) LIST
THANK YOU!! Your donations to the Hopeful List
for have been greatly appreciated! Did you know that nearly
$10,000 in monetary gifts has allowed the church to
address numerous non-budgeted items? Now it is time to
update our list. You can make a direct gift or perhaps
We have a new prayer list for 2010. Please notify the church honor or memorialize an individual.
office if prayer is desired. Prayers will be listed for one month.
Again, since these are specific requests, we ask that you
Matt Detar - ocular myasthenia gravis (mg); friend of Alan not purchase the item directly but rather donate the cost.
Krohe In addition, this allows the donor the proper tax
Barbara Porter - bone cancer & surgery complications; friend of deduction. You do not have to donate the full amount for
Yvonne Thickey a gift; any amount will be appreciated.
Luke Schultheis - insulin pump
Rentz Family - adoption of their son Please review the list to determine how you can best
Phil Grabowski - surgery & recovery help. Donor cards are in the Narthex.
Beverly Hobaugh - biopsy & health concerns
Beverly Petrosky - surgery
Lonnie Keener - needs a heart & kidney transplant Christian Education:
Jan Toumey - cancer treatment & recent widow 27‖ TV--1 @approx. $300
Norma Norris‘ mom – cancer DVD player--1 @ approx. $150
Carol‘s mom - cancer
Lisa Martin - stem cell transplant Whiteboard/easel sets, size 4‘x3‘--@approx. $175
Tana Tossmyier - mental illness per set
Celine Haynes - cancer; friend of Nadyne Nicolas Children‘s tables and chairs
Mason O‘Donnell – leukemia (3 yrs. old); friend on Judy Aikens
Patrick Follet - critically ill (Senior in High School); friend of
Michele West Evangelism and Outreach:
Mario Urlini - health issues; friend of Peggy Mays Hope coffee mugs to give to new church visitors--
Jim - non-hodgkin‘s lymphoma 144 mugs for $450
Teresa - stomach cancer Bibles to give to potential new visitors/members--48
Bruce - health problems
Ethan - surgery & recovery bibles for $127.46 (includes shipping)
Susan - hand/arm pain Entry fee for Hope‘s softball team--$330
Suzanne - panic attacks Donations to establish ―Hope‘s Softball Team Fund‖
Jake - lymphoma
to help pay for uniforms, umpires fees, equipment,
Edith - lymphoma; friend of Barb Miller
Joe - heart attack etc.
Kris - ms advancing
Nancy - medical problems; needs answers Property:
Shellee Smith - cancer A walk-behind lawn mower--1 @ $400-500
Helen Still - health
Diane Haag - cancer Storage shed (more capacity is required)--1 @
Marie Teets - cancer $1500-2000
Brooks - cancer
Tom - genetic disease Staff:
Rebecca Sayre - celiac disease
Linda Porter TV with VHS and DVD player
Roxane Crosby Digital camera
Marion Drollinger Office credenza for file storage--1 @ $225
GriefShare books (for families upon the loss of a
loved one)--15 @ $10 each
Please pray for the family and friends of
Mike Wickline who recently joined the Stewardship:
Church Triumphant. He was the High Donations/program money (for mailings: stamps,
School Guidance Counselor at Riverside. envelopes, etc.)

Worship and Music:

Handbells--$7000 for a beginning set with cases
Antiphonal addition to the organ
Adjustable organ bench
The Church Office is open
Lavabo bowl (a basin) for communion--@$100
Monday – Friday, Choir robes--25 @ $100 each
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
―Worship and Praise‖ hymnals--100 @ approx.
$10.50 each
Give your marriage a great start
before you say I do…Becoming One
Couples Seminar & Workshop
(Formerly Pre Cana of Western PA)
ATTENTION MARRIED COUPLES: Couples who are contemplating marriage or engaged
Could your relationship use a tune up? The final
(even those married 1 year or less) are invited to share
Pennsylvania Lutheran Marriage Encounter Weekend for
this special day together. It is a quiet day designed to
2010 is set for October 22-24 at the Radisson Hotel
give couples a chance to concentrate on one another, to
Sharon in Sharon, PA, an hour north of Pittsburgh.
explore strengths and weaknesses, ambitions and goals
Weekends are for ALL marriages, and offer a time to and to improve communication.
escape daily pressures and responsibilities to search out
This one day workshop has been strengthening
and discover a warmer, closer, more joyful relationship
relationships by teaching communication skills to
with each other. Weekends run from Friday night at 8
engaged couples for 22 years and is recommended by
p.m. to Sunday at 5 p.m.
pastors of many Christian denominations as part of their
All costs for (2) nights lodging, meals and supplies are pre-marriage preparations. A $45/couple registration fee
covered by a $45.00 per couple registration fee plus a covers 3 meals and workshop materials. Next date is
confidential contribution of whatever amount you Saturday October 2 at Community United Methodist
choose to make toward the end of the weekend. The Church, Irwin (Harrison City).
Radisson in Sharon is a very popular location as the
To register, please visit or contact
hotel boasts a lovely tropical atrium, and each room has
Jason and Nicole Dalnoky at 724.255.3937 or email
a king bed and an in-room hot tub; so don‘t delay, sign
[email protected].
up today to avoid ending up on a waiting list.
To register, simply go to the website: and sign up; or for
questions or if you would like a brochure with ** Pre Cana/Becoming One Alumni
registration form mailed to you, contact Pennsylvania we need your help!!
Directors of Lutheran Marriage Encounter, Fred & Julie
Please consider volunteering 2 weekends/year so other
Schamber at 724.325.3166 or email:
couples can have the great experience you did. Thanks!
[email protected].
If you have any questions contact Rodger and Candy
Holsing at [email protected].
VOICe News
The VOICe donation box under the coat rack is available for
you to place your new donation items for VOICe. For
donations of larger items or furniture, please contact Karen
Johanknecht at 724.452.5665 or [email protected].
VOICe would like to thank Hope Lutheran Church for the
continued support over the past year. Your donations, prayers,
and commitment to VOICe is greatly appreciated!! Friends In Christ…
Current VOICe Wish List: All Back to School Items Sign up now for the Dinner-
backpacks, notebooks, binders, paper Theater bus trip to see ―THE
pencils, pens, erasers, scissors, crayons TABLECLOTH‖ at The
kleenex Riverside Inn at Cambridge
hand sanitizers Springs on Saturday,
AA batteries December 11, 2010 at 5:30
dryer sheets p.m.
liquid laundry soap
bleach Deadline: October 21, 2010
phone cards Cost: $60.00 per person
gift cards for any store
Contact Pastor Saylor at 724.799.3743 for more
cleaning supplies, brooms, mops, buckets
light bulbs
The Rege Harbison, Sr. BUSINESSES…
Golf Tournament that supported our Golf Tournament for
the American Cancer Society!!
A special thank you to our Skill and Raffle Prizes
Aladdin‘s Eatery - $20 gift card
Beverage Cart Sponsors Andrea's Country Shop - $20 gift certificate
Burger King, Cranberry Twp. – (4) free value meal
$250 Level … certificates
Carnegie Museums – (4) free passes
Chick-Fil-A – (4) free meal combos
Chipotle – (3) certificates for (4) burrito dinners each
Grady & Kastner Orthodontics CiCi's Pizza – (50) Buy-One, Get-One free coupons and
free drink cards
Dr. King, DMD Comtra Theater – (3) free passes
Cranberry Cinemas – (2) free tickets
Dairy Queen, Cranberry Twp. - Free ice cream cake
Dick's Sporting Goods – (1) $50 gift certificate, (4) $10 off

and Hole Sponsors a $25 purchase and coupons for all golfer bags
Domino‘s Pizza – (3) certificates for a free Large 2 topping

$100 Level…
Dr. Michael Clopp, DMD, Cranberry Twp – Teeth
whitening treatment valued at $399
Duffy's Dog House – (2) $5 gift certificates
Brandt Paving Five Guys – (2) $5 gift cards
Forgotten Taste – (1 dozen) free perogies
Devlin Funeral Home of Fun Fore All - $20 gift card
Hampton Inn – (2) free one night stays with breakfast
Cranberry Harmony Inn - $20 gift card
Hong Kong Chinese Restaurant - $30 gift certificate
Friends at Hope Lutheran Church Jersey Mike's – 100 coupons for the golfer bags
Gumpher Electric Jimmy Wan‘s—$25 gift certificate
Krispy Kreme – (8 free) dozen glazed donuts coupons
Hartman‘s Firestone Log Cabin - $25 gift card
Lucky Paws Pet Resort - Gift basket worth $100
JV Electronics McIlvried Maddalon Jeweler's - $25 off a purchase gift certificate
Max & Erma‘s - $10 gift card, (2 free) 1/2 dozen cookie
DiDiano & Mox, LLC gift cards
Lagamba Electric McDonald's, Rt. 228 - 100 coupons for the golfer bags
Mudpie – (2) $15 certificates
M&B Builders No Excuses Fitness by Kelly – (2 free) one month fitness
Media Post Inc. Philly Pretzel Factory – (100) Buy-One, Get-One free
pretzel coupons
RAM Electric, Inc. ($200) Siba Cucina – (4) $25 gift cards
Station Square Sheraton – One night stay and $75 dinner
Richard E. Sipe, General certificate
Contractor Strawberry Ridge Golf Course – (4) Rounds of golf with
SAICH Plumbing Company Tony Dilulio's Exxon - Free oil change
Wing Kings of Cranberry – gift certificates
Soergel Orchards, Wexford YMCA of Cranberry - Basket including (3 months) free
family membership, guest passes, t-shirts, and a towel
Steinberger Floors, Inc.
The Harbison Family ** All prizes were donated by local businesses and
individuals, so please say thank you to them when
you use your prize. We greatly appreciated their
support of this event to benefit the American Cancer

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