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Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare 11 (2017) 79–85

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Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare

j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. s r h c j o u r n a l . o r g

Danish women’s experiences of the rebozo technique during labour:

A qualitative explorative study
Mette Langeland Iversen a,*, Julie Midtgaard b,c, Maria Ekelin d, Hanne
Kristine Hegaard a,d,e,f
The Research Unit Women’s and Children’s Health, The Juliane Marie Centre for Women, Children and Reproduction, Copenhagen University Hospital,
Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark
b c
The University Hospitals’ Centre for Health Research (UCSF), Copenhagen University Hospital, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark
Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Department of Health Science, Faculty of Medicine, Lund University, Lund, Sweden
e f
Department of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Department of Obstetrics, Copenhagen University Hospital, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark


Article history: Objective: The study aimed to explore women’s experiences of the rebozo technique during labour. Methods: This was a
Received 13 May 2016 qualitative study based on individual telephone interviews, analysed by means of qualitative content analysis and inspired by
Revised 22 August 2016 interpretive description. 17 participants were recruited from two different-sized Danish hospitals and identified by applying a
Accepted 24 October 2016
purposeful sample strategy.
Results: The main theme expressed the women’s overall experience with the rebozo: “Joined move-ments in a harmless effort
Keywords: towards a natural birth”. The women experienced that the technique created bodily sensations, which reduced their pain, and
furthermore they expressed that it interrelated the labour process and produced mutual involvement and psychological support
from the midwife and the women’s partner. The rebozo technique was in most situations carried out because the midwife
Nonpharmacological suspected a foetus malposition.
Pain management Conclusion: The experiences of the rebozo technique were overall positive and both of a physical and psychological nature.
The results indicate that health professionals should view rebozo as an easy ac-cessible clinical tool with high user acceptance
and possible positive psychological and clinical implications. The study contributes with a deeper and more nuanced
understanding of a topic where only limited knowl-edge exists, however, efficacy studies are warranted.

© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

Introduction A range of positive outcomes are found in existing literature for tra-
ditional, nonpharmacological pain relief methods, including acupuncture,
A wide range of nonpharmacological, easily available and non-invasive sterile water injections, water immersion, mobilisation and relax-ation
methods exist as components in the management of pain during labour. One techniques (comprising yoga, music, massage, hypnosis and visualisation).
such method is the practical technique called “rebozo”, originating from Latin Systematic reviews and meta-analyses have indicated greater overall
America. The rebozo technique is a noninvasive, practical technique carried satisfaction with childbirth in users of such methods com-pared to nonusers
out while the woman either stands, lies down or is on her hands and knees. It [1–3]. Furthermore, nonpharmacological pain relief is found to be associated
involves gently controlled movements of the labouring woman’s hips from with fewer adverse effects. One meta-analysis has shown a significant
side to side by using a special woven scarf, and is carried out either by the increased risk of epidural (OR 1.13, 95% CI: 1.05–1.23), caesarean delivery
midwife or another support person. (OR 1.60, 95% CI: 1.18–2.18), instru-mental delivery (OR 1.21, 95% CI:
1.03–1.44), and the use of oxytocin (OR 1.20, 95% CI: 1.01–1.43) when
comparing pain approaches such as education, attention deviation and support
with usual care [2]. In ad-dition to benefits during labour itself, there is also
Abbreviations: PROM, Primary spontaneous rupture of membranes without contractions. evidence for benefits, such as an increased likelihood of continuing breast
feeding beyond six weeks [4].
* Corresponding author. The Research Unit Women’s and Children’s Health, The Juliane
Marie Centre for Women, Children and Reproduction, Copenhagen University Hospital,
Inconclusive results are, however, found when the e fficacy of such
Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M.L. Iversen). methods in reducing labour pain is investigated. A systematic review
1877-5756/© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
80 M.L. Iversen et al. / Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare 11 (2017) 79–85

including 11 studies (1374 studies) has shown that relaxation – here defined Sampling
as guided imagery, progressive muscle relaxation, breath-ing techniques, yoga
and meditation – was associated with a reduction in pain intensity (mean In accordance with qualitative methodology and with the spe-cific
difference −1.25, 95% CI: −1.97 com-pared to −0.53 and mean difference intention of recruiting information-rich cases, a purposeful criterion-based
−6.12, 95% CI: −11.77 to −0.47) [1]. A meta-analysis including 57 sampling strategy was applied [15]. Only women fulfilling two predetermined
randomised controlled trials found a reduction in the rate of epidural analgesia criteria were invited to participate: (1) they received the rebozo technique
during labour for methods which the authors divided into gate control (water during labour and (2) they had fluent oral Danish skills. Moreover, basic
im-mersion, massage, positions) and diffuse noxious inhibitory control principles of theoretical sampling were applied in order to capture maximal
(acupressure, water injection and electrical stimulation) as reflect-ing reduced variation in the emerging descriptions [14]. The initial sampling occurred
pain [2]. On the other hand, other studies question the significant e fficacy of among the most predictable variations of the use of rebozo [14], that was,
acupuncture [5,6] and sterile water injec-tion [7–9]. Furthermore, a summary parity and primary reason for rebozo (e.g., pain relief or foetus mal-position).
of systematic reviews only found some indications that non-pharmacological The latter was gathered by means of answers from the midwives (please see
methods improved the management of labour pain [2]. the recruitment procedure and description of the questionnaire). Parity was
chosen because it was antici-pated to affect the experience of rebozo and
because it influences the risk of intrapartum interventions [16].
The number of women using exclusively nonpharmacological methods
during labour is poorly described; however, an Austra-lian study documented
rates from 20% to 60%, with higher use in older women with higher In accordance with interpretive description sampling, recruit-ment, and
education and incomes, and greater phys-ical symptoms [4]. Moreover, a initial analysis was a concurrent and ongoing process, where each description
Swedish longitudinal study (n = 936) found that the preference for informed the next step, leading to active sampling of participants with
nonpharmacological labour pain methods in late pregnancy was more presumed varying experiences [14]. Recruitment continued until no additional
common among the nullipa-rous; but regardless of the preferred method, the descriptions reflecting the themes in the interview guide, or new ones,
use of epidural analgesia during labour was associated with a less positive emerged [17].
birth ex-perience [10]. As such, nonpharmacological methods seem to have a
positive impact on the overall birth experience, and women appear motivated Recruitment procedure
towards nonpharmacological methods.
Participants were recruited during a 2-month period (from April to June
Mexican birth culture, in particular, has a long tradition for the 2014) from two different public hospitals. One hospital was the Copenhagen
performance of the rebozo technique before, during, and after birth [11,12]. University Hospital Rigshospitalet, which is the most specialised hospital in
There has not been a European tradition for the use of rebozo so far, but a Denmark, serving around 10% of all births in the country. The hospital serves
noticeable recognition of the technique at Danish birth facility centres during as a birth facility centre for women living in Copenhagen, but also as a
the past couple of years resulted in the reg-istration of rebozo as a part of a tertiary referral centre for women with pregnancy complications. The second
national obstetrics database starting in 2014. While the initial prevalence of hospital was Roskilde/ Koege Hospital, Region Sjaelland, which is a medium-
rebozo seems to be below 2% for women with indented vaginal deliveries, a sized birth facility centre, serving 2266 deliveries in 2012, corresponding to
local Danish as-sessment indicated a rate around 9% for the year 2014. The nearly 4% of the total births in Denmark.
different rates indicate a potentially large geographic variation in usage, and
moreover that a relatively large number of Danish women will come to know During the first couple of hours postpartum the midwives handed out a
the technique during labour. The use of rebozo has pro-duced individual short information sheet outlining the study to potential par-ticipants. The
narratives with positive statements in non-peer-reviewed papers, claiming that women gave written informed consent for the authors to use specific obstetric
the technique to some extent is comparable to nonpharmacological methods information for the purpose of the study and furthermore to be contacted by
with regard to in-creasing contractions and pain-relieving effect [11,12]. Yet telephone. During the recruit-ment period, midwives were continually
there are no scientific studies about the technique, and its current clin-ical encouraged by e-mails and posters to consider all women receiving rebozo as
performance is exclusively based on the midwife’s individual experience. possible partici-pants and to provide them with the written study information.

A total of 30 women agreed to be contacted during the week after giving

birth, of whom 17 were included in the study and con-tacted by phone by the
Linking the clinical use of rebozo with an evidence-based back-bone is first author. They all gave oral and written informed consent to participate,
considered imperative for the future use and implementation of technique, resulting in 17 individual inter-views (6 women from Copenhagen University
both on a national and an international level. In order to gain a deeper Hospital and 11 from Roskilde/Koege Hospital). The remaining 13 women
understanding of rebozo, the first step is to immerse into the experiences of were in-formed by phone that there was already a sufficient number of
the technique, thereby building a deeper un-derstanding of it, and potentially participants.
developing a hypothesis to be tested in the future. Therefore, the aim of this
study was to explore women’s experiences of the rebozo technique during Five short questions were designed in order to collect specific obstetric
labour. information about the individual participants, including details about the use
of rebozo during labour. Answers were given by the midwife responsible for
the specific labour after informed consent was obtained by the woman. The
Methods questions included the maternal age (free text), parity (nulliparous or
multiparous), the primary reason for performing the rebozo technique
Research design (primary spon-taneous rupture of membranes without contractions (PROM),
foetus malposition, lack of foetus descending, pain relief, strengthening the
This study is an explorative, qualitative study based on individ-ual contractions or dystocia), and the duration of the rebozo tech-nique in minutes
interviews and analysed by means of qualitative content analysis, as described (5–15, 15–25, >25). In
the latter case the following time intervals
by Graneheim and Lundman [13]. Inspired by the meth-odological approach
interpretive description [14], this study intended to provide clinical
were chosen based on clinical experience and for prac-tical
knowledge related to the current and future prac-tice of the rebozo technique. reasons in order to make it easy for the midwife to select the
corresponding time interval. Lastly, by asking the women
M.L. Iversen et al. / Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare 11 (2017) 79–85 81

labour and based on the midwife’s own observations, the midwife answered According to Danish law, ethical approval is not required for non-invasive
whether any changes (e.g., pain relief, stronger contrac-tions) were observed studies. The study was approved by the Danish Data Agency (no. 2015-41-
after conducting rebozo (yes, to some extent, or no) (information used in the 3948).
sampling process as described above).

Description of the participants and use of rebozo

Semistructured, individual telephone interviews
The characteristics of the 17 participants are presented in Table 1. The
Data were collected using a semi-structured interview guide. All women
majority of the women were multiparous, and the women’s part-ners were the
were asked the same opening question: “Can you please tell me about your
ones who attended the birth. The most frequent reason for carrying out the
labour?”. The first questions were cursorily related to the chronology of the
rebozo technique was suspicion of a foetus mal-position (as indicated by the
birth and the experience of rebozo, whereas later questions were of a more
midwife). Furthermore, in more than half of the deliveries, the midwife
specific nature. For example, the women were asked about their experience of
answered that a change in the labour was observed after rebozo.
the midwife’s role in relation to carrying out rebozo.

During the entire interview, the women were encouraged to speak freely,
Qualitative analysis
as spontaneous descriptions and new perspectives about the topic were
considered highly valuable. Relevant probes encour-aged the women to
The women’s overall experience was reflected in the main overarching
expand and add detail to their descriptions. In accordance with interpretive
theme: “Joined movements in a harmless effort towards a natural birth”. The
description, ongoing minor changes and adjustments were made to the initial
main theme was based on the three follow-ing categories: “bodily sensations”,
interview guide [14]. Before ending the interview, the participants informed
“interrelating the labour process”, and “mutual involvement and
the interviewer about type of pain relief during labour, whether or not the
psychological support”, which were abstractions from the eight underlying
labour was induced, and whether or not vacuum extraction was used.
subcategories (see Table 2).
The average time from giving birth to conducting the inter-view was 30
days, with a range of 9–58 days. According to the women’s preferences, all Bodily sensations
interviews were conducted by phone and had a length of 28–55 minutes. The Receiving rebozo was described as a harmless mediator for re-ducing pain
interviews were recorded dig-itally and immediately transcribed verbatim by because it alleviated labour pain without medication.
the first author, resulting in a total of 66 normal pages.
Table 1
Maternal characteristics and details of the use of the rebozo technique (n = 17).

Analysis Characteristics Frequency

Maternal age
Data were analysed by means of qualitative content analysis, as described Mean (min–max) 32.4 (25–41)
by Graneheim and Lundman [13]. This analytic method involved a six-step Parity
Nulliparous 7
process, continually switching back and forth between decontextualisation
Multiparous 10
and recontextualisation. First, the in-terview was carefully read through Labour onset
several times to obtain a sense of the whole. The second step involved Spontaneously 13
identifying meaning units, such as words, sentences, and small paragraphs of Medically induced 4
Augmented labour (infusion of oxytocin)
text, that were related to each other and to the aim of the study. Non-relevant
Yes 5
text was excluded. Each meaning unit was abstracted and in the third step No 12
labelled with a code. The fourth step involved comparison (i.e., Epidural analgesia
decontextualisation) of the difference codes based on differences and Yes 5
similarities and sorting into subcategories. In the fifth step, for-mulation of No 12
categories based on the underlying meaning of the subcategories, including Primary reason for rebozo
b 3
identification of sample quotes in the tran-scripts (i.e., recontextualisation), Foetus malposition 7
was conducted. The last step involved the formulation of an overarching Lack of foetal descending 3
theme reflecting the women’s overall experience. In keeping with interpretive Pain relief 1
descrip-tion, experimental, theoretical, and practical knowledge was brought Strengthening the contractions 2
Dystocia 1
together until a shared and developing understanding of the rebozo technique Cervical dilation when performing rebozo (cm)
was reached. The three last steps, in particular, were domi-nated by <4 4
continuous discussions and reflections between the authors [14]. 4–9 10
10 3
Position when performing rebozo
Standing 6
Hands-and-knees 6
Standing and lying down 5
Duration of rebozo (min)
Ethical considerations 5–14 6
15–25 4
Before performing the interview, informed oral and written consent from >25 7
each participant was obtained, and the women were assured anonymity and Changes observed after rebozo
Yes 9
confidentiality. Furthermore, the partici-pants were aware of the possibility of To some extent 6
withdrawing from the study at any given time without further argument and No 2
with no impact on their future health counselling or treatment. a Answered by the midwife in charge of the labour.
b Primary rupture of the membranes without contractions.
82 M.L. Iversen et al. / Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare 11 (2017) 79–85

Table 2
Findings reflected in examples of codes, sub-categories, categories and theme.

Examples of codes Subcategories Categories Theme

Massage, lower back pain, reduced pain, muscles relaxed, less Bodily pleasure and pain relief
medical pain relief, movement produced pleasure, more healthy
and natural Bodily sensations
Unpleasure, specific position, standing position, concrete An unpleasant feeling

movement, specific stage of labour, interruption of rebozo,

short-time discomfort, not wanting to stop the performance.

Frequency of contractions, baby’s head descending in pelvis. Affecting birth

Early need to push, as early as possibly, not having emergency Crucial part of labour history
caesarean, perineal laceration or child’s well-being, believed in Interrelating the
Joined movements in a harmless
labour moving forward, expectations to the midwife, multipara,
labour process effort towards a natural birth
suspicion of a foetus malposition.
Use of synthetic oxytocin infusion, medical interventions, too long Slow progress and interventions
duration of labour, slow progress, tired or stressed body,
sufficient pain relief earlier.
Midwife involved, wanting the best, initiative, active action, cared Midwifery support and care
for, mental peace, proactive, doing something concrete,
motivating, increasing energy, positive thoughts. Mutual involvement and
Trusted person involved, specific task, positive surprise, team- Not going through labour alone psychological support
work, cooperation.
Enjoyable, funny, smiling, laughing, element of entertainment. Informal and casual atmosphere

The women expressed that rebozo contributed to bodily pleasure and drew Interrelating the labour process
parallels to massage: None of the women experienced rebozo as affecting their own or their
child’s security during labour. Yet the majority of the women experienced
When she [the midwife] tried gently to rub my bottom with the towel, it
rebozo as affecting the labour’s progress, referring to the frequency of
was as if she was massaging my back and massaging my belly, that was
contractions or how they felt the baby’s head de-scended in their pelvis:
what I felt. . . (I, 16)
They attributed the pleasure to the movement in their hips and described
. . .the contractions were different in intensity and duration and did not
that it made their muscles relax. The women positively articulated that they
come regularly. Some of them felt almost like labour con-tractions, others
had less need of medical pain relief as a re-sponse to using the rebozo, which
just painless smaller contractions, and some of them sort of hurt. . .and the
was in accordance with the majority’s pre-existing wishes of as little
contractions I had after that [rebozo]. . .it was like I could feel how they
medication as possible. The women expressed a sceptical attitude towards
became regular and they lasted a bit longer, but weren’t so painful, so they
“everything must be done on medication”; on the contrary, rebozo was seen as
changed character from before to after. . . (I, 15)
a healthy and natural alternative. In particular, the women articu-lated pain
relief in relation to lower back pain:
Before receiving rebozo, the women often described a conflict between
their bodily feeling and the actual stage of labour, for example, an early need
. . .it took away the worst, I had pain in the lower part of my back, so it
to push before being fully cervically dilated. Women described that this
actually took away the worst of it, so I thought it was very pleasant. . . (I,
discrepancy disappeared as a result of rebozo. By extension, it was perceived
as positive if the technique was carried out as early as possible during labour,
Some women described unpleasant bodily sensations due to the rebozo and some women experienced the rebozo technique as the reason why they
technique. However, when it was mentioned, it was often related to a specific did not have an emergency caesarean or perineal laceration. For those women
position and not the technique itself. The stand-ing position was described by in particular the technique played a crucial part in their labour history:
some women as uncomfortable for the legs, and some experienced stronger
. . .I think it [rebozo in standing position] made the pains even worse than . . .I think I have avoided interventions with any kind of forceps, prongs or
they already were, and I didn’t think that was pleas-ant. . . (I, 11) suction, or whatever else it might be, and I have also avoided being ripped
apart. And I have also avoided the worst case scenario: caesarean or a
baby with defects of some kind. (I, 6)
Some women expressed an unpleasant bodily sensation in rela-tion to the
concrete movement from rebozo; for example, it made the belly swing from
one side to another. For others it was in relation to a specific stage of labour, By undergoing the rebozo technique, the women believed in labour
for example, reinforcement of the pressure from the descending foetus against moving forward. They expected the midwife to perform the rebozo technique
the anus. For some the unpleasant sen-sations led to interrupting the rebozo regardless of labour pain or medication-related interventions, as they trusted
technique, while others experienced it as a short-term discomfort and did not her clinical skills. In particular, mul-tiparae experienced rebozo as impacting
want to stop. labour progression. This was also the case in situations where the rebozo
technique was per-formed because the midwife suspected malposition of the
(. . .) it was like my tummy sort of rocked back and forth – it was as if it
foetus or a lack of the foetus descending.
was swinging. And I didn’t find it particularly comfort-able. Hmm. . . it
didn’t hurt or anything. . . it just felt weird. The midwife did it [rebozo]
again later, but the other way round, so she stood behind me (. . .) that . . .it was because it [rebozo] adjusted him into the right posi-tion. And it
actually felt really good and it was as if my belly was more fixed. . . (I, 5) worked and I think that’s what it can do and although the other things
[epidural] have made a big difference in terms
M.L. Iversen et al. / Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare 11 (2017) 79–85 83

of pain relief, rebozo has been really important in allowing me to give Discussion
birth naturally. . . (I, 5)
This study explored women’s experiences with the rebozo tech-nique
Other women did not experience rebozo as having contributed to the performed during labour and found that the majority of the women felt bodily
progress of labour or having played any significant role com-pared with other pleasure, leading to enhancement of pain man-agement. Few of the women
events taking place later during labour, such as synthetic oxytocin infusion. If felt unpleasant bodily sensations. Varying levels of importance were ascribed
medical interventions were neces-sary in order to strengthen the contractions, to rebozo; however, the experiences indicated that rebozo potentially could be
some women argued that the rebozo did not influence their labour. Yet they conducive to the progress of labour (mainly in cases of multiparity, foetus
high-lighted other positive experiences produced by the technique, for mal-position and lack of foetus descending). Furthermore, rebozo
example, pain relief. These women reflected to a greater extent on the strengthened interpersonal relations and elicited feelings of not going through
progress and duration of the labour, which they thought had been too long. labour alone, making the midwife appear caring and pro-active when
They described that nonpharmacological interven-tions, including rebozo, had performing the technique. Lastly, rebozo became a tool for cooperation
slowed down the labour progress and had made their bodies too tired or between the woman and the person performing the technique, giving the
stressed. These women de-scribed having preferred sufficient pain relief or partner a specific task during labour.
medical stimulation of the contractions in an earlier stage of labour, over what
actual-ly happened.
Comparisons with existing literature

A notable finding was that the rebozo technique was experi-enced as

. . .when I think back, I should probably just have had the epi-dural earlier reducing labour pain without medication interventions, and the technique
without going through all the rest of it. But my attitude when I came [to became a mediator to fulfil the women’s pre-dominant desire to go through
the hospital] was that I didn’t want the epidural, so that was probably why labour with as little medication as possible. In general, qualitative studies on
I just tried everything else or the other things [including Rebozo] (I, 17) women’s experiences and perspectives on nonpharmacological methods of
labour are lacking. However, recent studies have shown that there is a
tendency for positive attitudes towards the use of alternative methods during
labour, such as massage therapy, yoga, and relaxation [18]. Other studies have
Mutual involvement and psychological support shown that pre-existing expectations of the use and degree of
By performing the rebozo technique, the women considered the midwife pharmacological pain relief vary widely among expect-ing women [19].
as involved in their well-being and wanting the best for them. It was,
however, not necessarily the rebozo technique itself that fostered this
experience, but rather the midwife’s initiative in proposing rebozo. The One interesting finding was that the majority of the women ex-perienced
women described this as a proactive action, and felt positive about doing the rebozo technique as potentially conducive to the birthing progress.
something concrete physically, which led to a feeling of empowerment. Bearing in mind that the rebozo technique can be performed while the woman
Furthermore, it contributed to a feeling of not going through labour alone and is in different positions and induces movements of her hips, the technique is
helped them to find mental peace: indeed in accordance with the recommendations put forward by the World
Health Organisation (WHO) [5]. On the basis of systematic reviews the WHO
has iden-tified four core clinical practices that promote, protect, and support
. . .mentally it made me feel calm, I could feel that it gave me, what can I the normal physiological labour process: the freedom of move-ment in terms
say, presence, sort of the sense that some care was being provided in that of standing, walking, swaying movements, and hand and knee position [5].
situation, and that was enormously com-forting. (I, 15) Several advantages of upright positions have been stated for both the woman
and the child [20,21]. The present study found that some women experienced
the use of rebozo as crucial and fundamental for not having an emergency
When the women’s partners performed the rebozo technique, the women caesarean, reflecting that rebozo may have the same kind of labour benefits as
expressed that it was of great importance because a trusted person was upright positions. However, in clinical practice it is important to remember
involved in the labour. The women had not ex-pected the partner to have a that a minority of the women in the present study found it uncomfortable to
specific task during labour, but they described it as a positive surprise when be in a standing position when the technique was being carried out.
the partner carried out the rebozo technique. The involvement of the partner
contributed to a feeling of not going through labour alone, and the technique
became an instruction or frame for cooperation between the woman and her
partner: Another notable finding was the women’s experience of the rebozo
technique as a mediator of reducing labour pain; this raises the question
whether this was due to the positive psychological ex-periences attached to
I think that, basically, you feel. . .you are lying there all alone with your rebozo rather than the technique itself. Based on the gate control theory of
own pain. And here it is like there is something you can do together, and pain, the stimulus-response signal pathway is mediated by interacting
you can feel that your partner is also involved, I think. . . I believe that can processes, for example, psy-chological support [22]. The women in the
be really really good. (I, 13) present study experienced the rebozo technique as contributing to a feeling of
teamwork, thus strongly indicating psychological support. Other studies
Furthermore, the women experienced their partner and the midwife as support this finding of interacting processes as mediators in the management
taking an active part in the labour; they felt that the man-agement of the of pain. Findings from Whitburn et al. [23] support this explanation, as the
labour was in everybody’s interest, eliciting feelings of teamwork and contextual and social surroundings had an impact on the women’s way of
cooperation. In addition, the women described the rebozo technique as an coping with labour pain. Whether the experience of reduced pain through the
enjoyable and fun part of labour. Rebozo con-tributed to an informal and rebozo technique is due to its psycho-logical benefits can only be
casual atmosphere in the labour room, and they had all smiled or laughed hypothesised; nevertheless, the rebozo technique can be utilised as an easy
while it was being done. Fur-thermore, the women explained that rebozo had and low-practical noninva-sive pain management tool during labour.
an element of entertainment, which they appreciated.
84 M.L. Iversen et al. / Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare 11 (2017) 79–85

Methodological considerations less positive experiences may not have volunteered to the same degree.

Individual interviews were chosen because they are suited to cap-turing

experiences, feelings, and views [24]. Additionally the intention was to Implications for practice and research
develop a deeper understanding in a complex and dynamic research field,
which contributed to the selection of interviews. Initially, it must be emphasised that applying the rebozo tech-nique in
clinical situations where labour progress is slow, the midwife suspects a
Conducting the interviews by telephone relied on the availabil-ity of a malposition of the foetus, or the foetus is not descend-ing in the pelvis, in
more comprehensive recruitment process, because geographical distance, in particular could be conducive to the labour progress. Furthermore, the study
this case, would not be an obstacle to the women’s participation. A face-to- highlights the women’s pre-existing desire to go through labour with as little
face interview could introduce the risk of women not wanting to participate medication as possible and the women’s view of rebozo as a noninvasive,
because of a greater time and transportation demand. Furthermore, telephone natural, and harmless technique with the potential to reduce the need for
interviews might have made the participants inclined to speak more freely, as pharmacological anaesthesia. In order to fulfil a woman’s pre-existing desire
the physical distance would give them a more anonymous posi-tion [25,26]. regarding labour, rebozo can be seen as a highly useful technique, which at
the same time involves the woman’s partner and creates an opportunity for
cooperation. However, it is impor-tant that multifactorial perspectives are
Attention was given to the optimal timing for conducting the in-terview. taken into consideration (e.g., tiredness, duration of labour, and pain) in order
Although studies have shown that women’s recall of giving birth and birth not to prolong the labour or increase stress.
events are stable for up to several years afterwards [27,28], the rationale of
this study required women to be able to recall even small specific details
regarding labour and birth. It was believed that conducting the interviews less Randomised controlled trials are warranted in order to test the clinical,
than two months post-partum would enable the recall of these details. On the hypothetical benefits of the rebozo technique, and ele-ments such as labour
other hand, the women had time to recover and adapt to their new life situa- stage, the woman’s position, and the duration of the performance should be
tion before being interviewed about their experience. In this study, the taken into account.
average time from giving birth until conducting the interview was 30 days,
and although the experience of receiving rebozo did not seem to differ
according to days postpartum, future research is warranted regarding the
optimal time for interviewing women re-garding their labour and birth
This study contributes with a deeper and more nuanced under-standing in
a hitherto unexplored area. Furthermore, it provides experiences of a
noninvasive, nonpharmacological method used during labour. The women’s
The interviewer (M.I.) was working at one of the delivery wards from
experiences of the rebozo technique performed during labour were of both a
which the women were recruited and this contributed to bring-ing the demand
physical and a psycholog-ical nature. The women experienced that the rebozo
for a deeper understanding of a well-used clinical technique to light.
technique enhanced pain management and that it potentially can be condu-
However, it is important to stress that none of the authors took part in the
cive to the labour process as a harmless nonpharmacological method. The
participants’ care during pregnancy, labour, or treatment postpartum. Nor did
rebozo technique can be seen as a tool for cooperation between a woman, the
they have any knowl-edge of or contact with the participants in advance of the
midwife and the woman’s partner.
labour, which minimised the risk of a potential negative influence on the
integrity of the study.

Only one of the authors had clinical experience with the rebozo technique Conflict of interest
before conducting the present study; however, all the authors were aware,
both prior to and during the working process, of their close engagement in the The authors declare that they have no competing interest.
research process. With the aim of capturing the broadest, most diverse
perspectives and views of the rebozo technique as possible, the analytical Acknowledgements
process was domi-nated by continuing and ongoing discussions of the
findings and repeated decontextualisation and recontextualisation until agree- The Danish Association of Midwifery supported financially the process of
ment was reached between the four authors. This, in combination with the writing the article.
authors’ different nationalities (Danish and Swedish) and professional
backgrounds (one being a psychologist and three being midwives),
contributed to the credibility of the data [14,29].

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