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Resources/Teaching Aids: Pictures of Satellite & Asteroid Belt, Word Cards, Reading Scripts, Worksheets, Fact Cards, Mah-Jong Papers

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Subject: English

Year: 4 Dinamik

No. of pupils: __/36

Date : 10/08/2018

Day : Friday

Time : 11:00am – 12:00am

Theme: World of Knowledge

Topic : Unit 9: Our Solar System

Focused Skill: Reading

Proficiency level: Intermediate

Previous Knowledge: Pupils know the names and order of the planets in the solar

Content standards: 2.2 By the end of 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to
demonstrate understanding of variety of linear and non-linear
texts in the form of print and non-print materials using a range of
strategies to construct meaning.

Learning Standards:
2.2.4 Able to apply dictionary skills:
a) locate words
b) meaning of base words

Behavioural objectives:
1. Pupils participate in the questioning session by answering at least 3 of the questions
2. All groups are able to answer all questions correctly.
3. Every group are able to answer at least 5/9 questions correctly.

Language Content:

Resources/Teaching aids: Pictures of satellite & asteroid belt, word cards,

reading scripts, worksheets, fact cards, mah-jong papers.
Cross Curriculum Emphases

1. Thinking skills: Creative thinking skills

2. Multiple Intelligences: Kinaesthetic intelligence
3. Moral Value(s): pupils able to engage in healthy competition with each other
without fighting

Stage/Time Content Teaching-Learning Remarks

1. Teacher plays Preparation Phase
Set Instruction: ‘Poisonous Pen’ by (Setting the tone of
Induction passing around a pen. lesson)
- Teacher plays 2. When the music stops,
(5 minutes)
a song and the group with the pen Rationale:
asks pupils to will stand up to answer  To refresh what
pass the pen one question about they have learnt
solar system. in the previous
around, group
by group.  To introduce
- Teacher stops pupils to today’s
the music. lesson.
- The group with
the pen will
stand up to
answer a
question about
the solar
Presentatio Activity: Imagination Phase
n Learning time! 1. Teacher distributes (Exploring,
(15 scripts to each pupils. generating, probing
2. Teacher will read the and synthesising
script by sentences. ideas)
3. Pupils are going to
imitate the teacher. Rationale:
4. Teacher asks pupils to - To explain
circle the words that they words that pupils
don’t understand. do not
5. At the end of the reading understand.
session, the teacher is - To test reading
going to explain the comprehension.
Teaching aids:
-Reading script

Assessment for
learning objective 1

Practice Activity: - Teacher organises Development Phase

(10 pupils into groups. (Guided practice)
‘Reading Station’ - Teacher appoints
Instruction: each group with a - To provide
- Each group is number.
opportunity for
appointed with - Teacher picks a
a number. number by random. pupils to practise
- The group will - Pupils will read the
more on what
read a script script.
given by the - Teacher asks the they have learnt.
teacher. group a question.
- The teacher - Pupils will then pick
Teaching aids:
will ask a another number.
- Reading scripts
- After Assessment for
answering the learning objective 2
question, the
group will
choose one
number and
the group with
the number will
read the script.
Production Activity: 1. Teacher scatter fact Action Phase
(25 cards all around the (Independent practice)
minutes) “Planet Scavenger classroom.
2. Each group is given a
Instruction: worksheet. Teaching aids:
- Teacher scatters 3. They work together to -Worksheets
all the fact cards in find the fact card -Fact cards
different spots according to the questions.
around the room. 4. The group will read Assessment for
- Teacher through the fact card and learning objective 3
distributes the
answer the questions
worksheets to
each group. 5. Teacher will then
- The group will be discuss answers with
instructed to find pupils.
the fact card
according to
- The fastest
group to
complete their
worksheet will
be awarded
Closure Conclusion of lesson 1. Teacher asks pupils to Closure phase
(5 minutes) write what they think of the (Summary and
lesson. reinforcement)
2. Teacher asks pupils to
stick to parking lot. To revise what had been
taught and reinforce
pupils’ learning.

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