Resources/Teaching Aids: Pictures of Satellite & Asteroid Belt, Word Cards, Reading Scripts, Worksheets, Fact Cards, Mah-Jong Papers
Resources/Teaching Aids: Pictures of Satellite & Asteroid Belt, Word Cards, Reading Scripts, Worksheets, Fact Cards, Mah-Jong Papers
Resources/Teaching Aids: Pictures of Satellite & Asteroid Belt, Word Cards, Reading Scripts, Worksheets, Fact Cards, Mah-Jong Papers
Year: 4 Dinamik
Date : 10/08/2018
Day : Friday
Previous Knowledge: Pupils know the names and order of the planets in the solar
Content standards: 2.2 By the end of 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to
demonstrate understanding of variety of linear and non-linear
texts in the form of print and non-print materials using a range of
strategies to construct meaning.
Learning Standards:
2.2.4 Able to apply dictionary skills:
a) locate words
b) meaning of base words
Behavioural objectives:
1. Pupils participate in the questioning session by answering at least 3 of the questions
2. All groups are able to answer all questions correctly.
3. Every group are able to answer at least 5/9 questions correctly.
Language Content:
Assessment for
learning objective 1