How Do We Estimate Magma Viscosity?
How Do We Estimate Magma Viscosity?
How Do We Estimate Magma Viscosity?
© Chuck Connor. All rights reserved. 2007 Edited by Judy Harden 10/24/07 1
Slides 12-14 analyze the problem and prompt you to design a plan to
solve it. The problem breaks down into parts: estimating the viscosity
of a rhyolite melt using a statistical model, and estimating the change
in viscosity as crystals are added to the magma.
What is viscosity?
th Figure from Mader, 2006, Volcanic processes as a source
dx2 of statistical data, In: Mader et al., (eds) Statistics in
Volcanology, Geological Society of London, 1-14.
the units of viscosity are Pascal Please check for yourself that the
seconds (Pa s). units of viscosity must be Pa s, given
the equation and diagram.
Make sure you can sketch the stress-strain relationship for a Bingham fluid on the graph.
Photo by B. Hill
Photo C. Connor
Magma viscosity varies, with temperature, A platinum sphere (density ~21 g cm-3,
water content, and composition, between melting point about 1768 °C) sinking in
NaAlSi3O8 melt at high pressure and high
about 102 Pa s and about 1011 Pa s. That is
temperature (4.2 GPa and 1700°C). From:
nine orders of magnitude! Magma viscosities K. Funakoshi, A. Suzuki and H. Terasaki,
are often determined experimentally, or Journal of Physics :Condensed Matter 14,
measured in the field. 11343-11347 (2002). 7
Designing a Plan, Part 1
hmagma hmelt 1
2 Calculate the Viscosity of a Rhyolite Magma using the VFT Model
4 Coefficients of the VFT Model A cell containing a
5 a1 -3.54
number that is given
6 a2 0.83 information
7 b1 9601
8 b2 -2366
9 c1 196 A cell containing a number
10 c2 32 that is a constant for this
11 problem
12 Max. packing
13 fraction (Ø o ) 0.6
15 Given Conditions
A cell containing a
16 Temperature (K) 1173
17 Water Content (wt %) 2
18 Vol. fraction of crystals 0.03
20 Calculated results
21 log (melt viscosity)(Pa s) 5.37303
22 melt viscosity (Pa s) 236064.1
23 magma viscosity (Pa s) 268361.9
The viscosity of silicate melts is fundamental to the nature of magma transport. Viscosity controls the form
of lava flows and strongly contributes to the nature of volcanic eruptions. In fact, viscosity is a powerful
constraint on the nature of many geological phenomena, such as convective flow in the mantle, the
deformation of the ductile lower crust, and particle transport in the atmosphere and in rivers.
You have discovered that it is possible to estimate the viscosity of magmas using highly nonlinear models
that account for the affects of temperature, water content, and volume fraction of crystals.
Although based in physical principles, these models are statistical in nature. That is, the coefficients of the
VFT model were estimated from experimental data using a sophisticated regression technique. It is likely,
therefore, that these models will improve with additional experiments. In addition, it is clear that it is
inappropriate to use such models outside of the range of experimental data from which they are derived.
Shaw, H.R., 1972, Viscosities of magmatic silicate liquids: An empirical method of prediction. American
Journal of Science, 272, 870-889. (Shaw was one of the first people to discuss the relationships between
thermodynamic properties of silicates and physical properties of magmas).
Hess, K-U., and D.B. Dingwell, 1996, Viscosities of hydrous leucogranitic melts: A non-Arrhenian model,
American Mineralogist, 81, 1297-1300. (the VFT method used in this module)
Spera, F., 2000, Physical properties of magma, In: Sigurdsson et al., eds., Encyclopedia of Volcanoes,
Academic Press, 171-190. (an accessible discussion)
End of Module Assignments
More about the Arrhenian Model
where k is the rate coefficient that describes how much faster the reaction will
proceed, A is the Arrhenius coefficient, which varies with the specific chemical
reaction, E is the activation energy, R is the gas constant, and T is temperature.
Note that this is the exact form of the Arrhenian viscosity model, with A replaced
by the viscosity of the fluid at some standard temperature condition.
Arrhenian models are also common in statistics and used to predict the higher
rate of failure of just about anything at higher temperatures. For more about
the statistical application of the model, see:
Return to Slide 8
E stands for activation energy, literally the energy “hump” or barrier, which must be
overcome for a reaction to proceed. In viscosity, the energy that must be applied to
get it all flowing. The unit of activation energy is the joule mol-1, that is, the energy
required to get one mole of substance to react, or flow.
R stands for the universal gas constant and is equal to Boltzmann’s constant x
Avagadro’s number. R relates energy to temperature, T. The units of Boltzmann’s
constant, found experimentally are joule per K, k = 1.380 x 10−23 J K-1, so the
universal gas constant is R=8.314 J mol-1 K-1.
Prove to yourself that E/RT is dimensionless. What happens to E/RT as
T increases but the activation energy remains constant? What happens
to the value of exp[-E/RT] as T increases?
So in the Arrhenian model, the energy required to make the fluid react (in this
case react by flowing) under standard conditions is constant. The viscosity
decreases with temperature because the ratio –E/RT decreases with
increasing temperature. Remember, this is only a model, because in reality
what is happening is that the number and length of silica polymer chains is
decreasing with increasing temperature. The model is a symbolic, in this
case mathematical, representation of reality.
Return to Slide 8
The Nature of Regression