5 Simple Steps To Easily Memorize Korean Words
5 Simple Steps To Easily Memorize Korean Words
5 Simple Steps To Easily Memorize Korean Words
Steps to
CLIPS™ Process by 90 Day Korean
Memorize This technique involves creating mini “movie clips” in
your mind. When you force your brain to create visuals
Korean for the information you’re reading, you create a much
deeper association.
Words It’s like reading a book versus watching a movie. When
you read a book, your mind is forced to create visuals for
the information you’re reading and you create much
deeper associations in your mind.
This is a free sample of the Korean Word Memorization Pack © 90 Day Korean
how everything should look and presents it to you visually. No
imagination is needed.
The process involves 5 steps: 1) Classify, 2) Link, 3) Invent, 4) Picture, and 5) Say.
Step 1: Classify
Step 2: Link
1. Break down the verb root into syllables or pieces (if applicable)
2. Find link words and create associations
Step 3: Invent
1. Create a back story to go with the link words
2. Add personal memories and extra details to the story
Step 4: Picture
1. Imagine the scenario in your head, noting if it’s a 다 verb or a 하다 verb
2. Draw a rough sketch
Step 5: Say
1. Say the back story aloud to help secure the memory
2. Rehearse the link words and the association
The CLIPS™ Process is made more powerful if you create your own stories. One of
the most effective ways of enhancing your associations is by linking them to your per-
sonal life.
This is a free sample of the Korean Word Memorization Pack © 90 Day Korean
The examples we provide in this free guide can be changed or tweaked however you
see fit.
You can change the story, add extra background information to it, and associate it
with a personal memory.
We encourage you to add more colorful details to the story. For example, if there is a
man in the back story, truly visualize the situation add extra details like the color of
the hat he is wearing, or what color his eyes are. The more detail the better!
In using the CLIPS™ Process, you’ll be learning Korean words bidirectionally! This
means that when you go to use the words in conversation, you’ll not only be able to re-
call it yourself but you’ll be able to listen for the word and understand it when the
other person uses it.
So now it’s your turn.
Whenever you come across a new vocabulary word, go through each step of the the
CLIPS™ Process.
First, determine if it’s a verb. If it’s a verb, then classify it is a 다 verb or a 하다 verb.
Create link words in English or your native language that sound similar to the Ko-
rean words, and create the associations in your mind by creating a detailed mental pic-
ture. Create a backstory to tie it all together. Picture it in your head, and draw a sketch
to help solidify the association. Finally, say the link words out loud.
We’ll give you three samples in this guide, and then you can go off and try on your
The first two are nouns, and can be remembered with just link words and an associa-
tion. For verbs or any words that you find difficult to remember, we recommend com-
ing up with your own backstory. You’ll see an example of that in the third association.
Best of luck!
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1. 이름 (i·reum) name
2. 친구 (chin·gu) friend
구 goo
친 chin
A good 친구 (friend) tells you when you have goo on your chin
This is a free sample of the Korean Word Memorization Pack © 90 Day Korean
3. 오다 (o·da) to come
Whenever we went somewhere crowded where there was potential for us to get lost,
he’d choose a landmark where we would meet up in case of emergency.
I recall on our trip to “O World,” a popular amusement park, he choose the “big O”
as the meeting place.
He told us to come to the O at the front of the park in case anything happened.
Note: The picture of dad in the upper right hand corner denotes dad telling a rule,
which reminds us this is a verb and has the -다 (“da/dad”) ending attached in the stan-
dard form.
This is a free sample of the Korean Word Memorization Pack © 90 Day Korean
It’s time to put your new knowledge to use!
You’ve just learned 5 simple steps to easily memorize Korean words using the 90 Day
Korean CLIPS™ Process, and seen a few examples of how to put it into practice.
Now you can brainstorm your own associations and link words for any Korean words
you come across.
Thanks for studying with us, and put your newfound skills to good use!
This is a free sample of the Korean Word Memorization Pack © 90 Day Korean